1 /*
2  * Motif Tools Library, Version 3.1
3  * $Id: InputFieldP.h,v 1.3 2001/07/20 23:07:49 grmcdorman Exp $
4  *
5  * Written by David Flanagan.
6  * Copyright (c) 1992-2001 by David Flanagan.
7  * All Rights Reserved.  See the file COPYRIGHT for details.
8  * This is open source software.  See the file LICENSE for details.
9  * There is no warranty for this software.  See NO_WARRANTY for details.
10  *
11  * $Log: InputFieldP.h,v $
12  * Revision 1.3  2001/07/20 23:07:49  grmcdorman
13  * This change provides two optional Motif/NuTCracker bug workarounds.
14  * Defines in Xmt.tmpl (normally commented out) turn them on.
15  *
16  * Revision 1.2  2001/04/15 15:29:36  grmcdorman
17  *   * XmtCallCallback has two new arguments types: XmtRCallbackUserData, which
18  *     is the XmNuserData value, and XmtRCallbackImmediate, which is a value
19  *     embedded in the list.
20  *
21  *   * Two new functions, XmtCreateQueryListChildren and XmtCreateQueryListChild,
22  *     are provided. They are like the XmtCreate* functions except that they
23  *     return a list of the widgets created (quark and pointer to the widget).
24  *
25  *   * Major enhancements to XmtInputField:
26  *     - The input field now has a cancel() action. This reverts the field's
27  *       value to that prior to the start of editing (i.e. the last commit).
28  *       No default translation is bound to this action, however.
29  *     - There is a callback for the cancel action (XmtNcancelCallback).
30  *     - The input field can be set to cancel, commit, or do nothing on focus
31  *       out. (Previously, it always did a commit). The default is commit.
32  *       (XmtNfocusOutAction)
33  *
34  *   * XmtLayout:
35  *     - It now has a losingFocusCallback (XmNloosingFocusCallback).
36  *     - It, and the layout widgets (XmtLayoutBox/XmtLayoutString), now
37  *       support background pixmaps.
38  *     - It now supports XmNresizePolicy.
39  *     - Strings in the layout parser are converted to XmStrings by
40  *       XtConvertAndStore, so any custom XmString conversion is used
41  *       (as, for example, the Xmt convert, which supports the @[]
42  *       embedded items)
43  *
44  *   * Other:
45  *     - Pixmaps are convered using XtConvertAndStore, again to allow
46  *       custom converters.
47  *
48  * Bug Fixes: (for Solaris 2.5.1/Motif 1.2/Sparc system)
49  *   * XmtInputField did not work properly if the widget had traversalOn
50  *     false.
51  *   * XmtLayout's child geometry manager was called by Xt when
52  *     a shell child was added to the layout; it did not handle
53  *     this case.
54  *   * XmtLayout had an XmtWarningMsg call with a missing argument (line 2029).
55  *   * Widgets automatically created by XmtLayout parsing have been given
56  *     non-blank names. [You may wish to tweak this by adding, for example,
57  *     a leading underscore.]
58  *   * Under some circumstances, XmtNameToWidget could be called during
59  *     widget creation, with 'w->core.num_popups' uninitialized. The
60  *     workaround applied is to ignore the popup list if the 'num_popups'
61  *     value is more than 50 or negative.
62  *
63  * Revision  2001/02/10 13:44:34  motiftools
64  * Initial import of Xmt310 to CVS
65  *
66  *
67  */
69 #ifndef _XmtInputFieldP_h
70 #define _XmtInputFieldP_h
72 #include <Xmt/XmtP.h>
73 #include <Xm/TextP.h>
74 #include <Xmt/InputField.h>
75 #include <Xmt/Symbols.h>
77 typedef struct _XmtInputFieldClassPart {
78     XtPointer extension;
79     XtActionProc    superclassGrabFocus;
80 } XmtInputFieldClassPart;
82 typedef struct _XmtInputFieldClassRec {
83     CoreClassPart core_class;
84     XmPrimitiveClassPart primitive_class;
85     XmTextClassPart text_class;
86     XmtInputFieldClassPart input_field_class;
87 } XmtInputFieldClassRec;
89 externalref XmtInputFieldClassRec xmtInputFieldClassRec;
91 typedef struct _XmtInputFieldPart {
92     /* resources */
93     String input;               /* The string that goes in the text widget */
94     String pattern;             /* allowed characters for the string */
95     Boolean overstrike;         /* overstrike mode? */
96     String buffer_symbol_name;  /* the symbol name for the text value */
97     String target_symbol_name;  /* the symbol name for the converted value */
98     Boolean auto_insert;        /* auto insert constant chars in pattern? */
99     Boolean auto_delete;        /* auto delete constant chars in pattern? */
100     Boolean match_all;          /* input must match all of pattern? */
101     XtCallbackList cancel_callback; /* called on Cancel action */
102     XtCallbackList input_callback;  /* called on activate or focus out */
103     XtCallbackList verify_callback; /* called before stuffing into buffer */
104     XtCallbackList error_callback;  /* called when new value is bad */
105     Boolean beep_on_error;      /* beep on bad input? */
106     Boolean replace_on_error;   /*erase bad input and replace with old value?*/
107     Boolean highlight_on_error; /* highlight bad input? */
108     String error_string;        /* string to display on bad input */
109     Pixel error_foreground;      /* color for highlighting bad input */
110     Pixel error_background;      /* color for highlighting bad input */
111     int focus_out_action;       /* Commit, cancel, or neither on focus out */
112     /* internal state */
113     Boolean input_changed;  /* whether value has changed since last stored */
114     String error_value;     /* temp. storage for a bad value */
115     short pattern_length;   /* strlen(pattern); */
116     short pattern_skip;     /* state variable for HandlePattern() */
117     Boolean error_state;    /* state variable for HandleError() & UndoError()*/
118     XmtSymbol buffer_symbol;/* bound buffer symbol */
119     XmtSymbol target_symbol;/* bound target symbol */
120     Boolean ignore_symbol_notify;  /* prevent recursive loop */
121     int max_length;         /* used with overstrike mode */
122     Pixel foreground, background;  /* save old color values */
124     Pixel sensitive_background;     /* NuTCracker WINTIF bug work-around */
125 #endif
126     Boolean notTraversable; /* whether XmPrimitive traversalOn is False */
127 } XmtInputFieldPart;
129 typedef struct _XmtInputFieldRec {
130     CorePart core;
131     XmPrimitivePart primitive;
132     XmTextPart text;
133     XmtInputFieldPart input_field;
134 } XmtInputFieldRec;
136 #endif /* _XmtInputFieldP_h */