xref: /original-bsd/games/number/number.c (revision 54083e20)
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1988, 1993, 1994
3  *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * %sccs.include.redist.c%
6  */
8 #ifndef lint
9 static char copyright[] =
10 "@(#) Copyright (c) 1988, 1993, 1994\n\
11 	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.\n";
12 #endif /* not lint */
14 #ifndef lint
15 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)number.c	8.3 (Berkeley) 05/04/95";
16 #endif /* not lint */
18 #include <sys/types.h>
20 #include <ctype.h>
21 #include <err.h>
22 #include <stdio.h>
23 #include <stdlib.h>
24 #include <string.h>
25 #include <unistd.h>
27 #define	MAXNUM		65		/* Biggest number we handle. */
29 static char	*name1[] = {
30 	"",		"one",		"two",		"three",
31 	"four",		"five",		"six",		"seven",
32 	"eight",	"nine",		"ten",		"eleven",
33 	"twelve",	"thirteen",	"fourteen",	"fifteen",
34 	"sixteen",	"seventeen",	"eighteen",	"nineteen",
35 },
36 		*name2[] = {
37 	"",		"ten",		"twenty",	"thirty",
38 	"forty",	"fifty",	"sixty",	"seventy",
39 	"eighty",	"ninety",
40 },
41 		*name3[] = {
42 	"hundred",	"thousand",	"million",	"billion",
43 	"trillion",	"quadrillion",	"quintillion",	"sextillion",
44 	"septillion",	"octillion",	"nonillion",	"decillion",
45 	"undecillion",	"duodecillion",	"tredecillion",	"quattuordecillion",
46 	"quindecillion",		"sexdecillion",
47 	"septendecillion",		"octodecillion",
48 	"novemdecillion",		"vigintillion",
49 };
51 void	convert __P((char *));
52 int	number __P((char *, int));
53 void	pfract __P((int));
54 void	toobig __P((void));
55 int	unit __P((int, char *));
56 void	usage __P((void));
58 int lflag;
60 int
main(argc,argv)61 main(argc, argv)
62 	int argc;
63 	char *argv[];
64 {
65 	int ch, first;
66 	char line[256];
68 	lflag = 0;
69 	while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "l")) != EOF)
70 		switch (ch) {
71 		case 'l':
72 			lflag = 1;
73 			break;
74 		case '?':
75 		default:
76 			usage();
77 		}
78 	argc -= optind;
79 	argv += optind;
81 	if (*argv == NULL)
82 		for (first = 1;
83 		    fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin) != NULL; first = 0) {
84 			if (strchr(line, '\n') == NULL)
85 				errx(1, "line too long.");
86 			if (!first)
87 				(void)printf("...\n");
88 			convert(line);
89 		}
90 	else
91 		for (first = 1; *argv != NULL; first = 0, ++argv) {
92 			if (!first)
93 				(void)printf("...\n");
94 			convert(*argv);
95 		}
96 	exit(0);
97 }
99 void
convert(line)100 convert(line)
101 	char *line;
102 {
103 	register flen, len, rval;
104 	register char *p, *fraction;
106 	fraction = NULL;
107 	for (p = line; *p != '\0' && *p != '\n'; ++p) {
108 		if (isblank(*p)) {
109 			if (p == line) {
110 				++line;
111 				continue;
112 			}
113 			goto badnum;
114 		}
115 		if (isdigit(*p))
116 			continue;
117 		switch (*p) {
118 		case '.':
119 			if (fraction != NULL)
120 				goto badnum;
121 			fraction = p + 1;
122 			*p = '\0';
123 			break;
124 		case '-':
125 			if (p == line)
126 				break;
127 			/* FALLTHROUGH */
128 		default:
129 badnum:			errx(1, "illegal number: %s", line);
130 			break;
131 		}
132 	}
133 	*p = '\0';
135 	if ((len = strlen(line)) > MAXNUM ||
136 	    fraction != NULL && (flen = strlen(fraction)) > MAXNUM)
137 		errx(1, "number too large, max %d digits.", MAXNUM);
139 	if (*line == '-') {
140 		(void)printf("minus%s", lflag ? " " : "\n");
141 		++line;
142 	}
144 	rval = len > 0 ? unit(len, line) : 0;
145 	if (fraction != NULL && flen != 0)
146 		for (p = fraction; *p != '\0'; ++p)
147 			if (*p != '0') {
148 				if (rval)
149 					(void)printf("%sand%s",
150 					    lflag ? " " : "",
151 					    lflag ? " " : "\n");
152 				if (unit(flen, fraction)) {
153 					if (lflag)
154 						(void)printf(" ");
155 					pfract(flen);
156 					rval = 1;
157 				}
158 				break;
159 			}
160 	if (!rval)
161 		(void)printf("zero%s", lflag ? "" : ".\n");
162 	if (lflag)
163 		(void)printf("\n");
164 }
166 int
unit(len,p)167 unit(len, p)
168 	register int len;
169 	register char *p;
170 {
171 	register int off, rval;
173 	rval = 0;
174 	if (len > 3) {
175 		if (len % 3) {
176 			off = len % 3;
177 			len -= off;
178 			if (number(p, off)) {
179 				rval = 1;
180 				(void)printf(" %s%s",
181 				    name3[len / 3], lflag ? " " : ".\n");
182 			}
183 			p += off;
184 		}
185 		for (; len > 3; p += 3) {
186 			len -= 3;
187 			if (number(p, 3)) {
188 				rval = 1;
189 				(void)printf(" %s%s",
190 				    name3[len / 3], lflag ? " " : ".\n");
191 			}
192 		}
193 	}
194 	if (number(p, len)) {
195 		if (!lflag)
196 			(void)printf(".\n");
197 		rval = 1;
198 	}
199 	return (rval);
200 }
202 int
number(p,len)203 number(p, len)
204 	register char *p;
205 	int len;
206 {
207 	register int val, rval;
209 	rval = 0;
210 	switch (len) {
211 	case 3:
212 		if (*p != '0') {
213 			rval = 1;
214 			(void)printf("%s hundred", name1[*p - '0']);
215 		}
216 		++p;
217 		/* FALLTHROUGH */
218 	case 2:
219 		val = (p[1] - '0') + (p[0] - '0') * 10;
220 		if (val) {
221 			if (rval)
222 				(void)printf(" ");
223 			if (val < 20)
224 				(void)printf("%s", name1[val]);
225 			else {
226 				(void)printf("%s", name2[val / 10]);
227 				if (val % 10)
228 					(void)printf("-%s", name1[val % 10]);
229 			}
230 			rval = 1;
231 		}
232 		break;
233 	case 1:
234 		if (*p != '0') {
235 			rval = 1;
236 			(void)printf("%s", name1[*p - '0']);
237 		}
238 	}
239 	return (rval);
240 }
242 void
pfract(len)243 pfract(len)
244 	int len;
245 {
246 	static char *pref[] = { "", "ten-", "hundred-" };
248 	switch(len) {
249 	case 1:
250 		(void)printf("tenths.\n");
251 		break;
252 	case 2:
253 		(void)printf("hundredths.\n");
254 		break;
255 	default:
256 		(void)printf("%s%sths.\n", pref[len % 3], name3[len / 3]);
257 		break;
258 	}
259 }
261 void
usage()262 usage()
263 {
264 	(void)fprintf(stderr, "usage: number [# ...]\n");
265 	exit(1);
266 }