1 // Emacs style mode select   -*- C++ -*-
2 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 //
4 // $Id: m_random.h 1511 2020-04-04 08:50:49Z wesleyjohnson $
5 //
6 // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
7 // Portions Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team.
8 //
9 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
11 // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
12 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13 //
14 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 // GNU General Public License for more details.
18 //
19 //
20 // $Log: m_random.h,v $
21 // Revision 1.4  2001/06/10 21:16:01  bpereira
22 //
23 // Revision 1.3  2001/01/25 22:15:42  bpereira
24 // added heretic support
25 //
26 // Revision 1.2  2000/02/27 00:42:10  hurdler
27 // Revision  2000/02/22 20:32:32  hurdler
28 // Initial import into CVS (v1.29 pr3)
29 //
30 //
32 //    Random
33 //
34 //
35 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 #ifndef M_RANDOM_H
38 #define M_RANDOM_H
40 #include "doomtype.h"
42 //#define DEBUGRANDOM
44 // For debugging, like in PrBoom
45 //#define PP_RANDOM_EXPOSED
48 // P_Random: for gameplay decisions, demo sync.
49 // Returns a number from 0 to 255,
50 // from a lookup table.
53 #define P_Random() P_RandomFL(__FILE__,__LINE__)
54 #define P_SignedRandom() P_SignedRandomFL(__FILE__,__LINE__)
55 byte P_RandomFL (char *fn, int ln);
56 int P_SignedRandomFL (char *fn, int ln);
57 #else
58 // As M_Random, but used only by the play simulation.
59 byte P_Random (void);
60 int P_SignedRandom ();
61 #endif
64 // killough 2/16/98:
65 //
66 // Make every random number generator local to each control-equivalent block.
67 // Critical for demo sync. Changing the order of this list breaks all previous
68 // versions' demos. The random number generators are made local to reduce the
69 // chances of sync problems. In Doom, if a single random number generator call
70 // was off, it would mess up all random number generators. This reduces the
71 // chances of it happening by making each RNG local to a control flow block.
72 //
73 // Notes to developers: if you want to reduce your demo sync hassles, follow
74 // this rule: for each call to P_Random you add, add a new class to the enum
75 // type below for each block of code which calls P_Random. If two calls to
76 // P_Random are not in "control-equivalent blocks", i.e. there are any cases
77 // where one is executed, and the other is not, put them in separate classes.
78 //
79 // Keep all current entries in this list the same, and in the order
80 // indicated by the #'s, because they're critical for preserving demo
81 // sync. Do not remove entries simply because they become unused later.
83 typedef enum {
84   pr_skullfly,                // #1
85   pr_damage,                  // #2
86   pr_crush,                   // #3
87   pr_genlift,                 // #4
88   pr_killtics,                // #5
89   pr_damagemobj,              // #6
90   pr_painchance,              // #7
91   pr_lights,                  // #8
92   pr_explode,                 // #9
93   pr_respawn,                 // #10
94   pr_lastlook,                // #11
95   pr_spawnthing,              // #12
96   pr_spawnpuff,               // #13
97   pr_spawnblood,              // #14
98   pr_missile,                 // #15
99   pr_shadow,                  // #16
100   pr_plats,                   // #17
101   pr_punch,                   // #18
102   pr_punchangle,              // #19
103   pr_saw,                     // #20
104   pr_plasma,                  // #21
105   pr_gunshot,                 // #22
106   pr_misfire,                 // #23
107   pr_shotgun,                 // #24
108   pr_bfg,                     // #25
109   pr_slimehurt,               // #26
110   pr_dmspawn,                 // #27
111   pr_missrange,               // #28
112   pr_trywalk,                 // #29
113   pr_newchase,                // #30
114   pr_newchasedir,             // #31
115   pr_see,                     // #32
116   pr_facetarget,              // #33
117   pr_posattack,               // #34
118   pr_sposattack,              // #35
119   pr_cposattack,              // #36
120   pr_spidrefire,              // #37
121   pr_troopattack,             // #38
122   pr_sargattack,              // #39
123   pr_headattack,              // #40
124   pr_bruisattack,             // #41
125   pr_tracer,                  // #42
126   pr_skelfist,                // #43
127   pr_scream,                  // #44
128   pr_brainscream,             // #45
129   pr_cposrefire,              // #46
130   pr_brainexp,                // #47
131   pr_spawnfly,                // #48
132   pr_misc,                    // #49
133   pr_all_in_one,              // #50
134   /* CPhipps - new entries from MBF, mostly unused for now */
135   pr_opendoor,                // #51
136   pr_targetsearch,            // #52  (unused in MBF)
137   pr_friends,                 // #53
138   pr_threshold,               // #54  (unused in MBF)
139   pr_skiptarget,              // #55
140   pr_enemystrafe,             // #56
141   pr_avoidcrush,              // #57
142   pr_stayonlift,              // #58
143   pr_helpfriend,              // #59
144   pr_dropoff,                 // #60
145   pr_randomjump,              // #61
146   pr_defect,                  // #62  // Start new entries -- add new entries below
148   // Legacy use of P_Random, Not in Doom, PrBoom, MBF
149   pL_smoketrail,       // SmokeTrailer, EV_Legacy
150   pL_smokefeet,        // SpawnSmoke, EV_Legacy >= 125
151   pL_splashsound,      // SpawnSplash, EV_Legacy >= 125
152   pL_spawnbloodxy,     // SpawnBlood, EV_Legacy >= 128
153   pL_bloodsplat,       // SpawnBloodSplat, cv_splats
154   pL_bloodtrav,        // SpawnBloodSplat, cv_splats
155   pL_initlastlook,     // LookForPlayers, EV_Legacy >= 129
156   pL_PRnd,             // fragglescript
157   pL_coopthing,        // Legacy 1.48: coop mode, cv_deathmatch= COOP_60, COOP_80
159   // Heretic
160   ph_heretic,
161   ph_spawnmobjfloat,
162   ph_spawnfloatbob,
163   ph_teleglitter1,
164   ph_teleglitter2,
165   ph_blooddrip,
166   ph_floorwater,
167   ph_floorlava,
168   ph_floorsludge,
169   ph_volcanotic,
170   ph_volcanobl,
171   ph_volcanohit,
172   ph_podgoo,
173   ph_podgoomom,
174   ph_podthrust,
175   ph_lookmon,
176   ph_notseen,
177   ph_ripdam,
178   ph_impattack,
179   ph_impball,
180   ph_impdamage,
181   ph_impexpl,
182   ph_clinkdam,
183   ph_knightaxe,
184   ph_beastpuff,
185   ph_headatk,
186   ph_headdam,
187   ph_headwind,
188   ph_whirlwind,
189   ph_wizscream,
190   ph_sormissile,
191   ph_sorsparkmom,
192   ph_sortele1,
193   ph_sortele2,
194   ph_sordam,
195   ph_soratkdam,
196   ph_minocharge,
197   ph_minofire,
198   ph_minoatk3,
199   ph_minoslam,
200   ph_chickenmorph,
201   ph_chickenthink,
202   ph_beakatk1,
203   ph_beakatk2,
204   ph_chickendam,
205   ph_feathers,
206   ph_morphlast,
207   ph_staffready,
208   ph_staffatk1,
209   ph_staffatk2,
210   ph_goldwandatk1,
211   ph_goldwandatk2,
212   ph_blaster1,
213   ph_blasterthink,
214   ph_boltspark,
215   ph_skullrodatk1,
216   ph_skullrodrain,
217   ph_rainimpact,
218   ph_raindam,
219   ph_phoenix2,
220   ph_phoenixdam2,
221   ph_gauntlet,
222   ph_gauntlet2,
223   ph_macepos1,
224   ph_macepos2,
225   ph_maceatk1,
226   ph_bloodyskullmom,
227   ph_dropitem,
228   ph_dropmom,
229   ph_telearti,
231   // End of new entries
232   NUMPRCLASS               // MUST be last item in list
233 } pr_class_t;
235 byte  PP_Random( byte pr );
236 int   PP_SignedRandom( byte pr );
237 #else
239 // MBF, PrBoom
240 // Ignore the pr_class parameter.
241 # define  PP_Random(pr)  P_Random()
242 # define  PP_SignedRandom(pr)  P_SignedRandom()
243 #endif
245 // New Legacy stuffs, unsynced.
246 byte N_Random(void);
247 int  N_SignedRandom(void);
249 // M_Random: music, st_stuff, wi_stuff
250 // Returns a number from 0 to 255.
251 byte M_Random (void);
253 // separate so to not affect demo playback
254 byte A_Random (void);  // ambience
255 byte B_Random (void);  // bots etc..
257 // Fix randoms for demos.
258 void M_ClearRandom (void);
260 byte P_Rand_GetIndex(void);
261 byte B_Rand_GetIndex(void);
263 void P_Rand_SetIndex(byte rindex);
264 void B_Rand_SetIndex(byte rindex);
266 // [WDJ] Extended random, has long repeat period.
267 //  returns unsigned 16 bit
268 int  E_Random(void);
269 //  returns -range, 0, +range
270 int  E_SignedRandom( int range );
272 // True for the percentage of the calls.
273 #define E_RandomPercent( per )   (E_Random() < ((unsigned int)(per * (0.01f * 0xFFFF))))
275 uint32_t  E_Rand_Get( uint32_t * rs );
276 void  E_Rand_Set( uint32_t rn, uint32_t rs );
278 #endif