1 //! This query borrow-checks the MIR to (further) ensure it is not broken.
3 #![feature(bool_to_option)]
4 #![feature(box_patterns)]
5 #![feature(crate_visibility_modifier)]
6 #![cfg_attr(bootstrap, feature(format_args_capture))]
7 #![feature(in_band_lifetimes)]
8 #![feature(iter_zip)]
9 #![feature(let_else)]
10 #![feature(min_specialization)]
11 #![feature(stmt_expr_attributes)]
12 #![feature(trusted_step)]
13 #![feature(try_blocks)]
14 #![recursion_limit = "256"]
16 #[macro_use]
17 extern crate rustc_middle;
18 #[macro_use]
19 extern crate tracing;
21 use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashMap, FxHashSet};
22 use rustc_data_structures::graph::dominators::Dominators;
23 use rustc_errors::{Applicability, Diagnostic, DiagnosticBuilder, ErrorReported};
24 use rustc_hir as hir;
25 use rustc_hir::def_id::LocalDefId;
26 use rustc_hir::Node;
27 use rustc_index::bit_set::BitSet;
28 use rustc_index::vec::IndexVec;
29 use rustc_infer::infer::{InferCtxt, TyCtxtInferExt};
30 use rustc_middle::mir::{
31     traversal, Body, ClearCrossCrate, Local, Location, Mutability, Operand, Place, PlaceElem,
32     PlaceRef, VarDebugInfoContents,
33 };
34 use rustc_middle::mir::{AggregateKind, BasicBlock, BorrowCheckResult, BorrowKind};
35 use rustc_middle::mir::{Field, ProjectionElem, Promoted, Rvalue, Statement, StatementKind};
36 use rustc_middle::mir::{InlineAsmOperand, Terminator, TerminatorKind};
37 use rustc_middle::ty::query::Providers;
38 use rustc_middle::ty::{self, CapturedPlace, ParamEnv, RegionVid, TyCtxt};
39 use rustc_session::lint::builtin::{MUTABLE_BORROW_RESERVATION_CONFLICT, UNUSED_MUT};
40 use rustc_span::{Span, Symbol, DUMMY_SP};
42 use either::Either;
43 use smallvec::SmallVec;
44 use std::cell::RefCell;
45 use std::collections::BTreeMap;
46 use std::iter;
47 use std::mem;
48 use std::rc::Rc;
50 use rustc_mir_dataflow::impls::{
51     EverInitializedPlaces, MaybeInitializedPlaces, MaybeUninitializedPlaces,
52 };
53 use rustc_mir_dataflow::move_paths::{InitIndex, MoveOutIndex, MovePathIndex};
54 use rustc_mir_dataflow::move_paths::{InitLocation, LookupResult, MoveData, MoveError};
55 use rustc_mir_dataflow::Analysis;
56 use rustc_mir_dataflow::MoveDataParamEnv;
58 use self::diagnostics::{AccessKind, RegionName};
59 use self::location::LocationTable;
60 use self::prefixes::PrefixSet;
61 use self::MutateMode::{JustWrite, WriteAndRead};
62 use facts::AllFacts;
64 use self::path_utils::*;
66 pub mod borrow_set;
67 mod borrowck_errors;
68 mod constraint_generation;
69 mod constraints;
70 mod dataflow;
71 mod def_use;
72 mod diagnostics;
73 mod facts;
74 mod invalidation;
75 mod location;
76 mod member_constraints;
77 mod nll;
78 mod path_utils;
79 mod place_ext;
80 mod places_conflict;
81 mod prefixes;
82 mod region_infer;
83 mod renumber;
84 mod type_check;
85 mod universal_regions;
86 mod used_muts;
88 // A public API provided for the Rust compiler consumers.
89 pub mod consumers;
91 use borrow_set::{BorrowData, BorrowSet};
92 use dataflow::{BorrowIndex, BorrowckFlowState as Flows, BorrowckResults, Borrows};
93 use nll::{PoloniusOutput, ToRegionVid};
94 use place_ext::PlaceExt;
95 use places_conflict::{places_conflict, PlaceConflictBias};
96 use region_infer::RegionInferenceContext;
98 // FIXME(eddyb) perhaps move this somewhere more centrally.
99 #[derive(Debug)]
100 struct Upvar<'tcx> {
101     place: CapturedPlace<'tcx>,
103     /// If true, the capture is behind a reference.
104     by_ref: bool,
105 }
107 const DEREF_PROJECTION: &[PlaceElem<'_>; 1] = &[ProjectionElem::Deref];
provide(providers: &mut Providers)109 pub fn provide(providers: &mut Providers) {
110     *providers = Providers {
111         mir_borrowck: |tcx, did| {
112             if let Some(def) = ty::WithOptConstParam::try_lookup(did, tcx) {
113                 tcx.mir_borrowck_const_arg(def)
114             } else {
115                 mir_borrowck(tcx, ty::WithOptConstParam::unknown(did))
116             }
117         },
118         mir_borrowck_const_arg: |tcx, (did, param_did)| {
119             mir_borrowck(tcx, ty::WithOptConstParam { did, const_param_did: Some(param_did) })
120         },
121         ..*providers
122     };
123 }
mir_borrowck<'tcx>( tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, def: ty::WithOptConstParam<LocalDefId>, ) -> &'tcx BorrowCheckResult<'tcx>125 fn mir_borrowck<'tcx>(
126     tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
127     def: ty::WithOptConstParam<LocalDefId>,
128 ) -> &'tcx BorrowCheckResult<'tcx> {
129     let (input_body, promoted) = tcx.mir_promoted(def);
130     debug!("run query mir_borrowck: {}", tcx.def_path_str(def.did.to_def_id()));
132     let opt_closure_req = tcx.infer_ctxt().with_opaque_type_inference(def.did).enter(|infcx| {
133         let input_body: &Body<'_> = &input_body.borrow();
134         let promoted: &IndexVec<_, _> = &promoted.borrow();
135         do_mir_borrowck(&infcx, input_body, promoted, false).0
136     });
137     debug!("mir_borrowck done");
139     tcx.arena.alloc(opt_closure_req)
140 }
142 /// Perform the actual borrow checking.
143 ///
144 /// If `return_body_with_facts` is true, then return the body with non-erased
145 /// region ids on which the borrow checking was performed together with Polonius
146 /// facts.
147 #[instrument(skip(infcx, input_body, input_promoted), level = "debug")]
do_mir_borrowck<'a, 'tcx>( infcx: &InferCtxt<'a, 'tcx>, input_body: &Body<'tcx>, input_promoted: &IndexVec<Promoted, Body<'tcx>>, return_body_with_facts: bool, ) -> (BorrowCheckResult<'tcx>, Option<Box<BodyWithBorrowckFacts<'tcx>>>)148 fn do_mir_borrowck<'a, 'tcx>(
149     infcx: &InferCtxt<'a, 'tcx>,
150     input_body: &Body<'tcx>,
151     input_promoted: &IndexVec<Promoted, Body<'tcx>>,
152     return_body_with_facts: bool,
153 ) -> (BorrowCheckResult<'tcx>, Option<Box<BodyWithBorrowckFacts<'tcx>>>) {
154     let def = input_body.source.with_opt_param().as_local().unwrap();
156     debug!(?def);
158     let tcx = infcx.tcx;
159     let param_env = tcx.param_env(def.did);
160     let id = tcx.hir().local_def_id_to_hir_id(def.did);
162     let mut local_names = IndexVec::from_elem(None, &input_body.local_decls);
163     for var_debug_info in &input_body.var_debug_info {
164         if let VarDebugInfoContents::Place(place) = var_debug_info.value {
165             if let Some(local) = place.as_local() {
166                 if let Some(prev_name) = local_names[local] {
167                     if var_debug_info.name != prev_name {
168                         span_bug!(
169                             var_debug_info.source_info.span,
170                             "local {:?} has many names (`{}` vs `{}`)",
171                             local,
172                             prev_name,
173                             var_debug_info.name
174                         );
175                     }
176                 }
177                 local_names[local] = Some(var_debug_info.name);
178             }
179         }
180     }
182     // Gather the upvars of a closure, if any.
183     let tables = tcx.typeck_opt_const_arg(def);
184     if let Some(ErrorReported) = tables.tainted_by_errors {
185         infcx.set_tainted_by_errors();
186     }
187     let upvars: Vec<_> = tables
188         .closure_min_captures_flattened(def.did.to_def_id())
189         .map(|captured_place| {
190             let capture = captured_place.info.capture_kind;
191             let by_ref = match capture {
192                 ty::UpvarCapture::ByValue(_) => false,
193                 ty::UpvarCapture::ByRef(..) => true,
194             };
195             Upvar { place: captured_place.clone(), by_ref }
196         })
197         .collect();
199     // Replace all regions with fresh inference variables. This
200     // requires first making our own copy of the MIR. This copy will
201     // be modified (in place) to contain non-lexical lifetimes. It
202     // will have a lifetime tied to the inference context.
203     let mut body_owned = input_body.clone();
204     let mut promoted = input_promoted.clone();
205     let free_regions =
206         nll::replace_regions_in_mir(infcx, param_env, &mut body_owned, &mut promoted);
207     let body = &body_owned; // no further changes
209     let location_table_owned = LocationTable::new(body);
210     let location_table = &location_table_owned;
212     let mut errors_buffer = Vec::new();
213     let (move_data, move_errors): (MoveData<'tcx>, Vec<(Place<'tcx>, MoveError<'tcx>)>) =
214         match MoveData::gather_moves(&body, tcx, param_env) {
215             Ok(move_data) => (move_data, Vec::new()),
216             Err((move_data, move_errors)) => (move_data, move_errors),
217         };
218     let promoted_errors = promoted
219         .iter_enumerated()
220         .map(|(idx, body)| (idx, MoveData::gather_moves(&body, tcx, param_env)));
222     let mdpe = MoveDataParamEnv { move_data, param_env };
224     let mut flow_inits = MaybeInitializedPlaces::new(tcx, &body, &mdpe)
225         .into_engine(tcx, &body)
226         .pass_name("borrowck")
227         .iterate_to_fixpoint()
228         .into_results_cursor(&body);
230     let locals_are_invalidated_at_exit = tcx.hir().body_owner_kind(id).is_fn_or_closure();
231     let borrow_set =
232         Rc::new(BorrowSet::build(tcx, body, locals_are_invalidated_at_exit, &mdpe.move_data));
234     let use_polonius = return_body_with_facts || infcx.tcx.sess.opts.debugging_opts.polonius;
236     // Compute non-lexical lifetimes.
237     let nll::NllOutput {
238         regioncx,
239         opaque_type_values,
240         polonius_input,
241         polonius_output,
242         opt_closure_req,
243         nll_errors,
244     } = nll::compute_regions(
245         infcx,
246         free_regions,
247         body,
248         &promoted,
249         location_table,
250         param_env,
251         &mut flow_inits,
252         &mdpe.move_data,
253         &borrow_set,
254         &upvars,
255         use_polonius,
256     );
258     // Dump MIR results into a file, if that is enabled. This let us
259     // write unit-tests, as well as helping with debugging.
260     nll::dump_mir_results(infcx, &body, &regioncx, &opt_closure_req);
262     // We also have a `#[rustc_regions]` annotation that causes us to dump
263     // information.
264     nll::dump_annotation(
265         infcx,
266         &body,
267         &regioncx,
268         &opt_closure_req,
269         &opaque_type_values,
270         &mut errors_buffer,
271     );
273     // The various `flow_*` structures can be large. We drop `flow_inits` here
274     // so it doesn't overlap with the others below. This reduces peak memory
275     // usage significantly on some benchmarks.
276     drop(flow_inits);
278     let regioncx = Rc::new(regioncx);
280     let flow_borrows = Borrows::new(tcx, body, &regioncx, &borrow_set)
281         .into_engine(tcx, body)
282         .pass_name("borrowck")
283         .iterate_to_fixpoint();
284     let flow_uninits = MaybeUninitializedPlaces::new(tcx, body, &mdpe)
285         .into_engine(tcx, body)
286         .pass_name("borrowck")
287         .iterate_to_fixpoint();
288     let flow_ever_inits = EverInitializedPlaces::new(tcx, body, &mdpe)
289         .into_engine(tcx, body)
290         .pass_name("borrowck")
291         .iterate_to_fixpoint();
293     let movable_generator = !matches!(
294         tcx.hir().get(id),
295         Node::Expr(&hir::Expr {
296             kind: hir::ExprKind::Closure(.., Some(hir::Movability::Static)),
297             ..
298         })
299     );
301     for (idx, move_data_results) in promoted_errors {
302         let promoted_body = &promoted[idx];
304         if let Err((move_data, move_errors)) = move_data_results {
305             let mut promoted_mbcx = MirBorrowckCtxt {
306                 infcx,
307                 param_env,
308                 body: promoted_body,
309                 move_data: &move_data,
310                 location_table, // no need to create a real one for the promoted, it is not used
311                 movable_generator,
312                 fn_self_span_reported: Default::default(),
313                 locals_are_invalidated_at_exit,
314                 access_place_error_reported: Default::default(),
315                 reservation_error_reported: Default::default(),
316                 reservation_warnings: Default::default(),
317                 move_error_reported: BTreeMap::new(),
318                 uninitialized_error_reported: Default::default(),
319                 errors_buffer,
320                 regioncx: regioncx.clone(),
321                 used_mut: Default::default(),
322                 used_mut_upvars: SmallVec::new(),
323                 borrow_set: Rc::clone(&borrow_set),
324                 dominators: Dominators::dummy(), // not used
325                 upvars: Vec::new(),
326                 local_names: IndexVec::from_elem(None, &promoted_body.local_decls),
327                 region_names: RefCell::default(),
328                 next_region_name: RefCell::new(1),
329                 polonius_output: None,
330             };
331             promoted_mbcx.report_move_errors(move_errors);
332             errors_buffer = promoted_mbcx.errors_buffer;
333         };
334     }
336     let dominators = body.dominators();
338     let mut mbcx = MirBorrowckCtxt {
339         infcx,
340         param_env,
341         body,
342         move_data: &mdpe.move_data,
343         location_table,
344         movable_generator,
345         locals_are_invalidated_at_exit,
346         fn_self_span_reported: Default::default(),
347         access_place_error_reported: Default::default(),
348         reservation_error_reported: Default::default(),
349         reservation_warnings: Default::default(),
350         move_error_reported: BTreeMap::new(),
351         uninitialized_error_reported: Default::default(),
352         errors_buffer,
353         regioncx: Rc::clone(&regioncx),
354         used_mut: Default::default(),
355         used_mut_upvars: SmallVec::new(),
356         borrow_set: Rc::clone(&borrow_set),
357         dominators,
358         upvars,
359         local_names,
360         region_names: RefCell::default(),
361         next_region_name: RefCell::new(1),
362         polonius_output,
363     };
365     // Compute and report region errors, if any.
366     mbcx.report_region_errors(nll_errors);
368     let results = BorrowckResults {
369         ever_inits: flow_ever_inits,
370         uninits: flow_uninits,
371         borrows: flow_borrows,
372     };
374     mbcx.report_move_errors(move_errors);
376     rustc_mir_dataflow::visit_results(
377         body,
378         traversal::reverse_postorder(body).map(|(bb, _)| bb),
379         &results,
380         &mut mbcx,
381     );
383     // Convert any reservation warnings into lints.
384     let reservation_warnings = mem::take(&mut mbcx.reservation_warnings);
385     for (_, (place, span, location, bk, borrow)) in reservation_warnings {
386         let mut initial_diag = mbcx.report_conflicting_borrow(location, (place, span), bk, &borrow);
388         let scope = mbcx.body.source_info(location).scope;
389         let lint_root = match &mbcx.body.source_scopes[scope].local_data {
390             ClearCrossCrate::Set(data) => data.lint_root,
391             _ => id,
392         };
394         // Span and message don't matter; we overwrite them below anyway
395         mbcx.infcx.tcx.struct_span_lint_hir(
397             lint_root,
398             DUMMY_SP,
399             |lint| {
400                 let mut diag = lint.build("");
402                 diag.message = initial_diag.styled_message().clone();
403                 diag.span = initial_diag.span.clone();
405                 diag.buffer(&mut mbcx.errors_buffer);
406             },
407         );
408         initial_diag.cancel();
409     }
411     // For each non-user used mutable variable, check if it's been assigned from
412     // a user-declared local. If so, then put that local into the used_mut set.
413     // Note that this set is expected to be small - only upvars from closures
414     // would have a chance of erroneously adding non-user-defined mutable vars
415     // to the set.
416     let temporary_used_locals: FxHashSet<Local> = mbcx
417         .used_mut
418         .iter()
419         .filter(|&local| !mbcx.body.local_decls[*local].is_user_variable())
420         .cloned()
421         .collect();
422     // For the remaining unused locals that are marked as mutable, we avoid linting any that
423     // were never initialized. These locals may have been removed as unreachable code; or will be
424     // linted as unused variables.
425     let unused_mut_locals =
426         mbcx.body.mut_vars_iter().filter(|local| !mbcx.used_mut.contains(local)).collect();
427     mbcx.gather_used_muts(temporary_used_locals, unused_mut_locals);
429     debug!("mbcx.used_mut: {:?}", mbcx.used_mut);
430     let used_mut = mbcx.used_mut;
431     for local in mbcx.body.mut_vars_and_args_iter().filter(|local| !used_mut.contains(local)) {
432         let local_decl = &mbcx.body.local_decls[local];
433         let lint_root = match &mbcx.body.source_scopes[local_decl.source_info.scope].local_data {
434             ClearCrossCrate::Set(data) => data.lint_root,
435             _ => continue,
436         };
438         // Skip over locals that begin with an underscore or have no name
439         match mbcx.local_names[local] {
440             Some(name) => {
441                 if name.as_str().starts_with('_') {
442                     continue;
443                 }
444             }
445             None => continue,
446         }
448         let span = local_decl.source_info.span;
449         if span.desugaring_kind().is_some() {
450             // If the `mut` arises as part of a desugaring, we should ignore it.
451             continue;
452         }
454         tcx.struct_span_lint_hir(UNUSED_MUT, lint_root, span, |lint| {
455             let mut_span = tcx.sess.source_map().span_until_non_whitespace(span);
456             lint.build("variable does not need to be mutable")
457                 .span_suggestion_short(
458                     mut_span,
459                     "remove this `mut`",
460                     String::new(),
461                     Applicability::MachineApplicable,
462                 )
463                 .emit();
464         })
465     }
467     // Buffer any move errors that we collected and de-duplicated.
468     for (_, (_, diag)) in mbcx.move_error_reported {
469         diag.buffer(&mut mbcx.errors_buffer);
470     }
472     if !mbcx.errors_buffer.is_empty() {
473         mbcx.errors_buffer.sort_by_key(|diag| diag.sort_span);
475         for diag in mbcx.errors_buffer.drain(..) {
476             mbcx.infcx.tcx.sess.diagnostic().emit_diagnostic(&diag);
477         }
478     }
480     let result = BorrowCheckResult {
481         concrete_opaque_types: opaque_type_values,
482         closure_requirements: opt_closure_req,
483         used_mut_upvars: mbcx.used_mut_upvars,
484     };
486     let body_with_facts = if return_body_with_facts {
487         let output_facts = mbcx.polonius_output.expect("Polonius output was not computed");
488         Some(Box::new(BodyWithBorrowckFacts {
489             body: body_owned,
490             input_facts: *polonius_input.expect("Polonius input facts were not generated"),
491             output_facts,
492             location_table: location_table_owned,
493         }))
494     } else {
495         None
496     };
498     debug!("do_mir_borrowck: result = {:#?}", result);
500     (result, body_with_facts)
501 }
503 /// A `Body` with information computed by the borrow checker. This struct is
504 /// intended to be consumed by compiler consumers.
505 ///
506 /// We need to include the MIR body here because the region identifiers must
507 /// match the ones in the Polonius facts.
508 pub struct BodyWithBorrowckFacts<'tcx> {
509     /// A mir body that contains region identifiers.
510     pub body: Body<'tcx>,
511     /// Polonius input facts.
512     pub input_facts: AllFacts,
513     /// Polonius output facts.
514     pub output_facts: Rc<self::nll::PoloniusOutput>,
515     /// The table that maps Polonius points to locations in the table.
516     pub location_table: LocationTable,
517 }
519 struct MirBorrowckCtxt<'cx, 'tcx> {
520     infcx: &'cx InferCtxt<'cx, 'tcx>,
521     param_env: ParamEnv<'tcx>,
522     body: &'cx Body<'tcx>,
523     move_data: &'cx MoveData<'tcx>,
525     /// Map from MIR `Location` to `LocationIndex`; created
526     /// when MIR borrowck begins.
527     location_table: &'cx LocationTable,
529     movable_generator: bool,
530     /// This keeps track of whether local variables are free-ed when the function
531     /// exits even without a `StorageDead`, which appears to be the case for
532     /// constants.
533     ///
534     /// I'm not sure this is the right approach - @eddyb could you try and
535     /// figure this out?
536     locals_are_invalidated_at_exit: bool,
537     /// This field keeps track of when borrow errors are reported in the access_place function
538     /// so that there is no duplicate reporting. This field cannot also be used for the conflicting
539     /// borrow errors that is handled by the `reservation_error_reported` field as the inclusion
540     /// of the `Span` type (while required to mute some errors) stops the muting of the reservation
541     /// errors.
542     access_place_error_reported: FxHashSet<(Place<'tcx>, Span)>,
543     /// This field keeps track of when borrow conflict errors are reported
544     /// for reservations, so that we don't report seemingly duplicate
545     /// errors for corresponding activations.
546     //
547     // FIXME: ideally this would be a set of `BorrowIndex`, not `Place`s,
548     // but it is currently inconvenient to track down the `BorrowIndex`
549     // at the time we detect and report a reservation error.
550     reservation_error_reported: FxHashSet<Place<'tcx>>,
551     /// This fields keeps track of the `Span`s that we have
552     /// used to report extra information for `FnSelfUse`, to avoid
553     /// unnecessarily verbose errors.
554     fn_self_span_reported: FxHashSet<Span>,
555     /// Migration warnings to be reported for #56254. We delay reporting these
556     /// so that we can suppress the warning if there's a corresponding error
557     /// for the activation of the borrow.
558     reservation_warnings:
559         FxHashMap<BorrowIndex, (Place<'tcx>, Span, Location, BorrowKind, BorrowData<'tcx>)>,
560     /// This field keeps track of move errors that are to be reported for given move indices.
561     ///
562     /// There are situations where many errors can be reported for a single move out (see #53807)
563     /// and we want only the best of those errors.
564     ///
565     /// The `report_use_of_moved_or_uninitialized` function checks this map and replaces the
566     /// diagnostic (if there is one) if the `Place` of the error being reported is a prefix of the
567     /// `Place` of the previous most diagnostic. This happens instead of buffering the error. Once
568     /// all move errors have been reported, any diagnostics in this map are added to the buffer
569     /// to be emitted.
570     ///
571     /// `BTreeMap` is used to preserve the order of insertions when iterating. This is necessary
572     /// when errors in the map are being re-added to the error buffer so that errors with the
573     /// same primary span come out in a consistent order.
574     move_error_reported: BTreeMap<Vec<MoveOutIndex>, (PlaceRef<'tcx>, DiagnosticBuilder<'cx>)>,
575     /// This field keeps track of errors reported in the checking of uninitialized variables,
576     /// so that we don't report seemingly duplicate errors.
577     uninitialized_error_reported: FxHashSet<PlaceRef<'tcx>>,
578     /// Errors to be reported buffer
579     errors_buffer: Vec<Diagnostic>,
580     /// This field keeps track of all the local variables that are declared mut and are mutated.
581     /// Used for the warning issued by an unused mutable local variable.
582     used_mut: FxHashSet<Local>,
583     /// If the function we're checking is a closure, then we'll need to report back the list of
584     /// mutable upvars that have been used. This field keeps track of them.
585     used_mut_upvars: SmallVec<[Field; 8]>,
586     /// Region inference context. This contains the results from region inference and lets us e.g.
587     /// find out which CFG points are contained in each borrow region.
588     regioncx: Rc<RegionInferenceContext<'tcx>>,
590     /// The set of borrows extracted from the MIR
591     borrow_set: Rc<BorrowSet<'tcx>>,
593     /// Dominators for MIR
594     dominators: Dominators<BasicBlock>,
596     /// Information about upvars not necessarily preserved in types or MIR
597     upvars: Vec<Upvar<'tcx>>,
599     /// Names of local (user) variables (extracted from `var_debug_info`).
600     local_names: IndexVec<Local, Option<Symbol>>,
602     /// Record the region names generated for each region in the given
603     /// MIR def so that we can reuse them later in help/error messages.
604     region_names: RefCell<FxHashMap<RegionVid, RegionName>>,
606     /// The counter for generating new region names.
607     next_region_name: RefCell<usize>,
609     /// Results of Polonius analysis.
610     polonius_output: Option<Rc<PoloniusOutput>>,
611 }
613 // Check that:
614 // 1. assignments are always made to mutable locations (FIXME: does that still really go here?)
615 // 2. loans made in overlapping scopes do not conflict
616 // 3. assignments do not affect things loaned out as immutable
617 // 4. moves do not affect things loaned out in any way
618 impl<'cx, 'tcx> rustc_mir_dataflow::ResultsVisitor<'cx, 'tcx> for MirBorrowckCtxt<'cx, 'tcx> {
619     type FlowState = Flows<'cx, 'tcx>;
visit_statement_before_primary_effect( &mut self, flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>, stmt: &'cx Statement<'tcx>, location: Location, )621     fn visit_statement_before_primary_effect(
622         &mut self,
623         flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>,
624         stmt: &'cx Statement<'tcx>,
625         location: Location,
626     ) {
627         debug!("MirBorrowckCtxt::process_statement({:?}, {:?}): {:?}", location, stmt, flow_state);
628         let span = stmt.source_info.span;
630         self.check_activations(location, span, flow_state);
632         match &stmt.kind {
633             StatementKind::Assign(box (lhs, ref rhs)) => {
634                 self.consume_rvalue(location, (rhs, span), flow_state);
636                 self.mutate_place(location, (*lhs, span), Shallow(None), JustWrite, flow_state);
637             }
638             StatementKind::FakeRead(box (_, ref place)) => {
639                 // Read for match doesn't access any memory and is used to
640                 // assert that a place is safe and live. So we don't have to
641                 // do any checks here.
642                 //
643                 // FIXME: Remove check that the place is initialized. This is
644                 // needed for now because matches don't have never patterns yet.
645                 // So this is the only place we prevent
646                 //      let x: !;
647                 //      match x {};
648                 // from compiling.
649                 self.check_if_path_or_subpath_is_moved(
650                     location,
651                     InitializationRequiringAction::Use,
652                     (place.as_ref(), span),
653                     flow_state,
654                 );
655             }
656             StatementKind::SetDiscriminant { place, variant_index: _ } => {
657                 self.mutate_place(location, (**place, span), Shallow(None), JustWrite, flow_state);
658             }
659             StatementKind::LlvmInlineAsm(ref asm) => {
660                 for (o, output) in iter::zip(&asm.asm.outputs, &*asm.outputs) {
661                     if o.is_indirect {
662                         // FIXME(eddyb) indirect inline asm outputs should
663                         // be encoded through MIR place derefs instead.
664                         self.access_place(
665                             location,
666                             (*output, o.span),
667                             (Deep, Read(ReadKind::Copy)),
668                             LocalMutationIsAllowed::No,
669                             flow_state,
670                         );
671                         self.check_if_path_or_subpath_is_moved(
672                             location,
673                             InitializationRequiringAction::Use,
674                             (output.as_ref(), o.span),
675                             flow_state,
676                         );
677                     } else {
678                         self.mutate_place(
679                             location,
680                             (*output, o.span),
681                             if o.is_rw { Deep } else { Shallow(None) },
682                             if o.is_rw { WriteAndRead } else { JustWrite },
683                             flow_state,
684                         );
685                     }
686                 }
687                 for (_, input) in asm.inputs.iter() {
688                     self.consume_operand(location, (input, span), flow_state);
689                 }
690             }
692             StatementKind::CopyNonOverlapping(box rustc_middle::mir::CopyNonOverlapping {
693                 ..
694             }) => {
695                 span_bug!(
696                     span,
697                     "Unexpected CopyNonOverlapping, should only appear after lower_intrinsics",
698                 )
699             }
700             StatementKind::Nop
701             | StatementKind::Coverage(..)
702             | StatementKind::AscribeUserType(..)
703             | StatementKind::Retag { .. }
704             | StatementKind::StorageLive(..) => {
705                 // `Nop`, `AscribeUserType`, `Retag`, and `StorageLive` are irrelevant
706                 // to borrow check.
707             }
708             StatementKind::StorageDead(local) => {
709                 self.access_place(
710                     location,
711                     (Place::from(*local), span),
712                     (Shallow(None), Write(WriteKind::StorageDeadOrDrop)),
713                     LocalMutationIsAllowed::Yes,
714                     flow_state,
715                 );
716             }
717         }
718     }
visit_terminator_before_primary_effect( &mut self, flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>, term: &'cx Terminator<'tcx>, loc: Location, )720     fn visit_terminator_before_primary_effect(
721         &mut self,
722         flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>,
723         term: &'cx Terminator<'tcx>,
724         loc: Location,
725     ) {
726         debug!("MirBorrowckCtxt::process_terminator({:?}, {:?}): {:?}", loc, term, flow_state);
727         let span = term.source_info.span;
729         self.check_activations(loc, span, flow_state);
731         match term.kind {
732             TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { ref discr, switch_ty: _, targets: _ } => {
733                 self.consume_operand(loc, (discr, span), flow_state);
734             }
735             TerminatorKind::Drop { place, target: _, unwind: _ } => {
736                 debug!(
737                     "visit_terminator_drop \
738                      loc: {:?} term: {:?} place: {:?} span: {:?}",
739                     loc, term, place, span
740                 );
742                 self.access_place(
743                     loc,
744                     (place, span),
745                     (AccessDepth::Drop, Write(WriteKind::StorageDeadOrDrop)),
746                     LocalMutationIsAllowed::Yes,
747                     flow_state,
748                 );
749             }
750             TerminatorKind::DropAndReplace {
751                 place: drop_place,
752                 value: ref new_value,
753                 target: _,
754                 unwind: _,
755             } => {
756                 self.mutate_place(loc, (drop_place, span), Deep, JustWrite, flow_state);
757                 self.consume_operand(loc, (new_value, span), flow_state);
758             }
759             TerminatorKind::Call {
760                 ref func,
761                 ref args,
762                 ref destination,
763                 cleanup: _,
764                 from_hir_call: _,
765                 fn_span: _,
766             } => {
767                 self.consume_operand(loc, (func, span), flow_state);
768                 for arg in args {
769                     self.consume_operand(loc, (arg, span), flow_state);
770                 }
771                 if let Some((dest, _ /*bb*/)) = *destination {
772                     self.mutate_place(loc, (dest, span), Deep, JustWrite, flow_state);
773                 }
774             }
775             TerminatorKind::Assert { ref cond, expected: _, ref msg, target: _, cleanup: _ } => {
776                 self.consume_operand(loc, (cond, span), flow_state);
777                 use rustc_middle::mir::AssertKind;
778                 if let AssertKind::BoundsCheck { ref len, ref index } = *msg {
779                     self.consume_operand(loc, (len, span), flow_state);
780                     self.consume_operand(loc, (index, span), flow_state);
781                 }
782             }
784             TerminatorKind::Yield { ref value, resume: _, resume_arg, drop: _ } => {
785                 self.consume_operand(loc, (value, span), flow_state);
786                 self.mutate_place(loc, (resume_arg, span), Deep, JustWrite, flow_state);
787             }
789             TerminatorKind::InlineAsm {
790                 template: _,
791                 ref operands,
792                 options: _,
793                 line_spans: _,
794                 destination: _,
795             } => {
796                 for op in operands {
797                     match *op {
798                         InlineAsmOperand::In { reg: _, ref value } => {
799                             self.consume_operand(loc, (value, span), flow_state);
800                         }
801                         InlineAsmOperand::Out { reg: _, late: _, place, .. } => {
802                             if let Some(place) = place {
803                                 self.mutate_place(
804                                     loc,
805                                     (place, span),
806                                     Shallow(None),
807                                     JustWrite,
808                                     flow_state,
809                                 );
810                             }
811                         }
812                         InlineAsmOperand::InOut { reg: _, late: _, ref in_value, out_place } => {
813                             self.consume_operand(loc, (in_value, span), flow_state);
814                             if let Some(out_place) = out_place {
815                                 self.mutate_place(
816                                     loc,
817                                     (out_place, span),
818                                     Shallow(None),
819                                     JustWrite,
820                                     flow_state,
821                                 );
822                             }
823                         }
824                         InlineAsmOperand::Const { value: _ }
825                         | InlineAsmOperand::SymFn { value: _ }
826                         | InlineAsmOperand::SymStatic { def_id: _ } => {}
827                     }
828                 }
829             }
831             TerminatorKind::Goto { target: _ }
832             | TerminatorKind::Abort
833             | TerminatorKind::Unreachable
834             | TerminatorKind::Resume
835             | TerminatorKind::Return
836             | TerminatorKind::GeneratorDrop
837             | TerminatorKind::FalseEdge { real_target: _, imaginary_target: _ }
838             | TerminatorKind::FalseUnwind { real_target: _, unwind: _ } => {
839                 // no data used, thus irrelevant to borrowck
840             }
841         }
842     }
visit_terminator_after_primary_effect( &mut self, flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>, term: &'cx Terminator<'tcx>, loc: Location, )844     fn visit_terminator_after_primary_effect(
845         &mut self,
846         flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>,
847         term: &'cx Terminator<'tcx>,
848         loc: Location,
849     ) {
850         let span = term.source_info.span;
852         match term.kind {
853             TerminatorKind::Yield { value: _, resume: _, resume_arg: _, drop: _ } => {
854                 if self.movable_generator {
855                     // Look for any active borrows to locals
856                     let borrow_set = self.borrow_set.clone();
857                     for i in flow_state.borrows.iter() {
858                         let borrow = &borrow_set[i];
859                         self.check_for_local_borrow(borrow, span);
860                     }
861                 }
862             }
864             TerminatorKind::Resume | TerminatorKind::Return | TerminatorKind::GeneratorDrop => {
865                 // Returning from the function implicitly kills storage for all locals and statics.
866                 // Often, the storage will already have been killed by an explicit
867                 // StorageDead, but we don't always emit those (notably on unwind paths),
868                 // so this "extra check" serves as a kind of backup.
869                 let borrow_set = self.borrow_set.clone();
870                 for i in flow_state.borrows.iter() {
871                     let borrow = &borrow_set[i];
872                     self.check_for_invalidation_at_exit(loc, borrow, span);
873                 }
874             }
876             TerminatorKind::Abort
877             | TerminatorKind::Assert { .. }
878             | TerminatorKind::Call { .. }
879             | TerminatorKind::Drop { .. }
880             | TerminatorKind::DropAndReplace { .. }
881             | TerminatorKind::FalseEdge { real_target: _, imaginary_target: _ }
882             | TerminatorKind::FalseUnwind { real_target: _, unwind: _ }
883             | TerminatorKind::Goto { .. }
884             | TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { .. }
885             | TerminatorKind::Unreachable
886             | TerminatorKind::InlineAsm { .. } => {}
887         }
888     }
889 }
891 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
892 enum MutateMode {
893     JustWrite,
894     WriteAndRead,
895 }
897 use self::AccessDepth::{Deep, Shallow};
898 use self::ReadOrWrite::{Activation, Read, Reservation, Write};
900 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
901 enum ArtificialField {
902     ArrayLength,
903     ShallowBorrow,
904 }
906 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
907 enum AccessDepth {
908     /// From the RFC: "A *shallow* access means that the immediate
909     /// fields reached at P are accessed, but references or pointers
910     /// found within are not dereferenced. Right now, the only access
911     /// that is shallow is an assignment like `x = ...;`, which would
912     /// be a *shallow write* of `x`."
913     Shallow(Option<ArtificialField>),
915     /// From the RFC: "A *deep* access means that all data reachable
916     /// through the given place may be invalidated or accesses by
917     /// this action."
918     Deep,
920     /// Access is Deep only when there is a Drop implementation that
921     /// can reach the data behind the reference.
922     Drop,
923 }
925 /// Kind of access to a value: read or write
926 /// (For informational purposes only)
927 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
928 enum ReadOrWrite {
929     /// From the RFC: "A *read* means that the existing data may be
930     /// read, but will not be changed."
931     Read(ReadKind),
933     /// From the RFC: "A *write* means that the data may be mutated to
934     /// new values or otherwise invalidated (for example, it could be
935     /// de-initialized, as in a move operation).
936     Write(WriteKind),
938     /// For two-phase borrows, we distinguish a reservation (which is treated
939     /// like a Read) from an activation (which is treated like a write), and
940     /// each of those is furthermore distinguished from Reads/Writes above.
941     Reservation(WriteKind),
942     Activation(WriteKind, BorrowIndex),
943 }
945 /// Kind of read access to a value
946 /// (For informational purposes only)
947 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
948 enum ReadKind {
949     Borrow(BorrowKind),
950     Copy,
951 }
953 /// Kind of write access to a value
954 /// (For informational purposes only)
955 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
956 enum WriteKind {
957     StorageDeadOrDrop,
958     MutableBorrow(BorrowKind),
959     Mutate,
960     Move,
961 }
963 /// When checking permissions for a place access, this flag is used to indicate that an immutable
964 /// local place can be mutated.
965 //
966 // FIXME: @nikomatsakis suggested that this flag could be removed with the following modifications:
967 // - Merge `check_access_permissions()` and `check_if_reassignment_to_immutable_state()`.
968 // - Split `is_mutable()` into `is_assignable()` (can be directly assigned) and
969 //   `is_declared_mutable()`.
970 // - Take flow state into consideration in `is_assignable()` for local variables.
971 #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
972 enum LocalMutationIsAllowed {
973     Yes,
974     /// We want use of immutable upvars to cause a "write to immutable upvar"
975     /// error, not an "reassignment" error.
976     ExceptUpvars,
977     No,
978 }
980 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
981 enum InitializationRequiringAction {
982     Update,
983     Borrow,
984     MatchOn,
985     Use,
986     Assignment,
987     PartialAssignment,
988 }
990 struct RootPlace<'tcx> {
991     place_local: Local,
992     place_projection: &'tcx [PlaceElem<'tcx>],
993     is_local_mutation_allowed: LocalMutationIsAllowed,
994 }
996 impl InitializationRequiringAction {
as_noun(self) -> &'static str997     fn as_noun(self) -> &'static str {
998         match self {
999             InitializationRequiringAction::Update => "update",
1000             InitializationRequiringAction::Borrow => "borrow",
1001             InitializationRequiringAction::MatchOn => "use", // no good noun
1002             InitializationRequiringAction::Use => "use",
1003             InitializationRequiringAction::Assignment => "assign",
1004             InitializationRequiringAction::PartialAssignment => "assign to part",
1005         }
1006     }
as_verb_in_past_tense(self) -> &'static str1008     fn as_verb_in_past_tense(self) -> &'static str {
1009         match self {
1010             InitializationRequiringAction::Update => "updated",
1011             InitializationRequiringAction::Borrow => "borrowed",
1012             InitializationRequiringAction::MatchOn => "matched on",
1013             InitializationRequiringAction::Use => "used",
1014             InitializationRequiringAction::Assignment => "assigned",
1015             InitializationRequiringAction::PartialAssignment => "partially assigned",
1016         }
1017     }
1018 }
1020 impl<'cx, 'tcx> MirBorrowckCtxt<'cx, 'tcx> {
body(&self) -> &'cx Body<'tcx>1021     fn body(&self) -> &'cx Body<'tcx> {
1022         self.body
1023     }
1025     /// Checks an access to the given place to see if it is allowed. Examines the set of borrows
1026     /// that are in scope, as well as which paths have been initialized, to ensure that (a) the
1027     /// place is initialized and (b) it is not borrowed in some way that would prevent this
1028     /// access.
1029     ///
1030     /// Returns `true` if an error is reported.
access_place( &mut self, location: Location, place_span: (Place<'tcx>, Span), kind: (AccessDepth, ReadOrWrite), is_local_mutation_allowed: LocalMutationIsAllowed, flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>, )1031     fn access_place(
1032         &mut self,
1033         location: Location,
1034         place_span: (Place<'tcx>, Span),
1035         kind: (AccessDepth, ReadOrWrite),
1036         is_local_mutation_allowed: LocalMutationIsAllowed,
1037         flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>,
1038     ) {
1039         let (sd, rw) = kind;
1041         if let Activation(_, borrow_index) = rw {
1042             if self.reservation_error_reported.contains(&place_span.0) {
1043                 debug!(
1044                     "skipping access_place for activation of invalid reservation \
1045                      place: {:?} borrow_index: {:?}",
1046                     place_span.0, borrow_index
1047                 );
1048                 return;
1049             }
1050         }
1052         // Check is_empty() first because it's the common case, and doing that
1053         // way we avoid the clone() call.
1054         if !self.access_place_error_reported.is_empty()
1055             && self.access_place_error_reported.contains(&(place_span.0, place_span.1))
1056         {
1057             debug!(
1058                 "access_place: suppressing error place_span=`{:?}` kind=`{:?}`",
1059                 place_span, kind
1060             );
1061             return;
1062         }
1064         let mutability_error = self.check_access_permissions(
1065             place_span,
1066             rw,
1067             is_local_mutation_allowed,
1068             flow_state,
1069             location,
1070         );
1071         let conflict_error =
1072             self.check_access_for_conflict(location, place_span, sd, rw, flow_state);
1074         if let (Activation(_, borrow_idx), true) = (kind.1, conflict_error) {
1075             // Suppress this warning when there's an error being emitted for the
1076             // same borrow: fixing the error is likely to fix the warning.
1077             self.reservation_warnings.remove(&borrow_idx);
1078         }
1080         if conflict_error || mutability_error {
1081             debug!("access_place: logging error place_span=`{:?}` kind=`{:?}`", place_span, kind);
1083             self.access_place_error_reported.insert((place_span.0, place_span.1));
1084         }
1085     }
check_access_for_conflict( &mut self, location: Location, place_span: (Place<'tcx>, Span), sd: AccessDepth, rw: ReadOrWrite, flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>, ) -> bool1087     fn check_access_for_conflict(
1088         &mut self,
1089         location: Location,
1090         place_span: (Place<'tcx>, Span),
1091         sd: AccessDepth,
1092         rw: ReadOrWrite,
1093         flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>,
1094     ) -> bool {
1095         debug!(
1096             "check_access_for_conflict(location={:?}, place_span={:?}, sd={:?}, rw={:?})",
1097             location, place_span, sd, rw,
1098         );
1100         let mut error_reported = false;
1101         let tcx = self.infcx.tcx;
1102         let body = self.body;
1103         let borrow_set = self.borrow_set.clone();
1105         // Use polonius output if it has been enabled.
1106         let polonius_output = self.polonius_output.clone();
1107         let borrows_in_scope = if let Some(polonius) = &polonius_output {
1108             let location = self.location_table.start_index(location);
1109             Either::Left(polonius.errors_at(location).iter().copied())
1110         } else {
1111             Either::Right(flow_state.borrows.iter())
1112         };
1114         each_borrow_involving_path(
1115             self,
1116             tcx,
1117             body,
1118             location,
1119             (sd, place_span.0),
1120             &borrow_set,
1121             borrows_in_scope,
1122             |this, borrow_index, borrow| match (rw, borrow.kind) {
1123                 // Obviously an activation is compatible with its own
1124                 // reservation (or even prior activating uses of same
1125                 // borrow); so don't check if they interfere.
1126                 //
1127                 // NOTE: *reservations* do conflict with themselves;
1128                 // thus aren't injecting unsoundenss w/ this check.)
1129                 (Activation(_, activating), _) if activating == borrow_index => {
1130                     debug!(
1131                         "check_access_for_conflict place_span: {:?} sd: {:?} rw: {:?} \
1132                          skipping {:?} b/c activation of same borrow_index",
1133                         place_span,
1134                         sd,
1135                         rw,
1136                         (borrow_index, borrow),
1137                     );
1138                     Control::Continue
1139                 }
1141                 (Read(_), BorrowKind::Shared | BorrowKind::Shallow)
1142                 | (
1143                     Read(ReadKind::Borrow(BorrowKind::Shallow)),
1144                     BorrowKind::Unique | BorrowKind::Mut { .. },
1145                 ) => Control::Continue,
1147                 (Write(WriteKind::Move), BorrowKind::Shallow) => {
1148                     // Handled by initialization checks.
1149                     Control::Continue
1150                 }
1152                 (Read(kind), BorrowKind::Unique | BorrowKind::Mut { .. }) => {
1153                     // Reading from mere reservations of mutable-borrows is OK.
1154                     if !is_active(&this.dominators, borrow, location) {
1155                         assert!(allow_two_phase_borrow(borrow.kind));
1156                         return Control::Continue;
1157                     }
1159                     error_reported = true;
1160                     match kind {
1161                         ReadKind::Copy => {
1162                             this.report_use_while_mutably_borrowed(location, place_span, borrow)
1163                                 .buffer(&mut this.errors_buffer);
1164                         }
1165                         ReadKind::Borrow(bk) => {
1166                             this.report_conflicting_borrow(location, place_span, bk, borrow)
1167                                 .buffer(&mut this.errors_buffer);
1168                         }
1169                     }
1170                     Control::Break
1171                 }
1173                 (
1174                     Reservation(WriteKind::MutableBorrow(bk)),
1175                     BorrowKind::Shallow | BorrowKind::Shared,
1176                 ) if { tcx.migrate_borrowck() && this.borrow_set.contains(&location) } => {
1177                     let bi = this.borrow_set.get_index_of(&location).unwrap();
1178                     debug!(
1179                         "recording invalid reservation of place: {:?} with \
1180                          borrow index {:?} as warning",
1181                         place_span.0, bi,
1182                     );
1183                     // rust-lang/rust#56254 - This was previously permitted on
1184                     // the 2018 edition so we emit it as a warning. We buffer
1185                     // these sepately so that we only emit a warning if borrow
1186                     // checking was otherwise successful.
1187                     this.reservation_warnings
1188                         .insert(bi, (place_span.0, place_span.1, location, bk, borrow.clone()));
1190                     // Don't suppress actual errors.
1191                     Control::Continue
1192                 }
1194                 (Reservation(kind) | Activation(kind, _) | Write(kind), _) => {
1195                     match rw {
1196                         Reservation(..) => {
1197                             debug!(
1198                                 "recording invalid reservation of \
1199                                  place: {:?}",
1200                                 place_span.0
1201                             );
1202                             this.reservation_error_reported.insert(place_span.0);
1203                         }
1204                         Activation(_, activating) => {
1205                             debug!(
1206                                 "observing check_place for activation of \
1207                                  borrow_index: {:?}",
1208                                 activating
1209                             );
1210                         }
1211                         Read(..) | Write(..) => {}
1212                     }
1214                     error_reported = true;
1215                     match kind {
1216                         WriteKind::MutableBorrow(bk) => {
1217                             this.report_conflicting_borrow(location, place_span, bk, borrow)
1218                                 .buffer(&mut this.errors_buffer);
1219                         }
1220                         WriteKind::StorageDeadOrDrop => this
1221                             .report_borrowed_value_does_not_live_long_enough(
1222                                 location,
1223                                 borrow,
1224                                 place_span,
1225                                 Some(kind),
1226                             ),
1227                         WriteKind::Mutate => {
1228                             this.report_illegal_mutation_of_borrowed(location, place_span, borrow)
1229                         }
1230                         WriteKind::Move => {
1231                             this.report_move_out_while_borrowed(location, place_span, borrow)
1232                         }
1233                     }
1234                     Control::Break
1235                 }
1236             },
1237         );
1239         error_reported
1240     }
mutate_place( &mut self, location: Location, place_span: (Place<'tcx>, Span), kind: AccessDepth, mode: MutateMode, flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>, )1242     fn mutate_place(
1243         &mut self,
1244         location: Location,
1245         place_span: (Place<'tcx>, Span),
1246         kind: AccessDepth,
1247         mode: MutateMode,
1248         flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>,
1249     ) {
1250         // Write of P[i] or *P, or WriteAndRead of any P, requires P init'd.
1251         match mode {
1252             MutateMode::WriteAndRead => {
1253                 self.check_if_path_or_subpath_is_moved(
1254                     location,
1255                     InitializationRequiringAction::Update,
1256                     (place_span.0.as_ref(), place_span.1),
1257                     flow_state,
1258                 );
1259             }
1260             MutateMode::JustWrite => {
1261                 self.check_if_assigned_path_is_moved(location, place_span, flow_state);
1262             }
1263         }
1265         // Special case: you can assign an immutable local variable
1266         // (e.g., `x = ...`) so long as it has never been initialized
1267         // before (at this point in the flow).
1268         if let Some(local) = place_span.0.as_local() {
1269             if let Mutability::Not = self.body.local_decls[local].mutability {
1270                 // check for reassignments to immutable local variables
1271                 self.check_if_reassignment_to_immutable_state(
1272                     location, local, place_span, flow_state,
1273                 );
1274                 return;
1275             }
1276         }
1278         // Otherwise, use the normal access permission rules.
1279         self.access_place(
1280             location,
1281             place_span,
1282             (kind, Write(WriteKind::Mutate)),
1283             LocalMutationIsAllowed::No,
1284             flow_state,
1285         );
1286     }
consume_rvalue( &mut self, location: Location, (rvalue, span): (&'cx Rvalue<'tcx>, Span), flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>, )1288     fn consume_rvalue(
1289         &mut self,
1290         location: Location,
1291         (rvalue, span): (&'cx Rvalue<'tcx>, Span),
1292         flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>,
1293     ) {
1294         match *rvalue {
1295             Rvalue::Ref(_ /*rgn*/, bk, place) => {
1296                 let access_kind = match bk {
1297                     BorrowKind::Shallow => {
1298                         (Shallow(Some(ArtificialField::ShallowBorrow)), Read(ReadKind::Borrow(bk)))
1299                     }
1300                     BorrowKind::Shared => (Deep, Read(ReadKind::Borrow(bk))),
1301                     BorrowKind::Unique | BorrowKind::Mut { .. } => {
1302                         let wk = WriteKind::MutableBorrow(bk);
1303                         if allow_two_phase_borrow(bk) {
1304                             (Deep, Reservation(wk))
1305                         } else {
1306                             (Deep, Write(wk))
1307                         }
1308                     }
1309                 };
1311                 self.access_place(
1312                     location,
1313                     (place, span),
1314                     access_kind,
1315                     LocalMutationIsAllowed::No,
1316                     flow_state,
1317                 );
1319                 let action = if bk == BorrowKind::Shallow {
1320                     InitializationRequiringAction::MatchOn
1321                 } else {
1322                     InitializationRequiringAction::Borrow
1323                 };
1325                 self.check_if_path_or_subpath_is_moved(
1326                     location,
1327                     action,
1328                     (place.as_ref(), span),
1329                     flow_state,
1330                 );
1331             }
1333             Rvalue::AddressOf(mutability, place) => {
1334                 let access_kind = match mutability {
1335                     Mutability::Mut => (
1336                         Deep,
1337                         Write(WriteKind::MutableBorrow(BorrowKind::Mut {
1338                             allow_two_phase_borrow: false,
1339                         })),
1340                     ),
1341                     Mutability::Not => (Deep, Read(ReadKind::Borrow(BorrowKind::Shared))),
1342                 };
1344                 self.access_place(
1345                     location,
1346                     (place, span),
1347                     access_kind,
1348                     LocalMutationIsAllowed::No,
1349                     flow_state,
1350                 );
1352                 self.check_if_path_or_subpath_is_moved(
1353                     location,
1354                     InitializationRequiringAction::Borrow,
1355                     (place.as_ref(), span),
1356                     flow_state,
1357                 );
1358             }
1360             Rvalue::ThreadLocalRef(_) => {}
1362             Rvalue::Use(ref operand)
1363             | Rvalue::Repeat(ref operand, _)
1364             | Rvalue::UnaryOp(_ /*un_op*/, ref operand)
1365             | Rvalue::Cast(_ /*cast_kind*/, ref operand, _ /*ty*/)
1366             | Rvalue::ShallowInitBox(ref operand, _ /*ty*/) => {
1367                 self.consume_operand(location, (operand, span), flow_state)
1368             }
1370             Rvalue::Len(place) | Rvalue::Discriminant(place) => {
1371                 let af = match *rvalue {
1372                     Rvalue::Len(..) => Some(ArtificialField::ArrayLength),
1373                     Rvalue::Discriminant(..) => None,
1374                     _ => unreachable!(),
1375                 };
1376                 self.access_place(
1377                     location,
1378                     (place, span),
1379                     (Shallow(af), Read(ReadKind::Copy)),
1380                     LocalMutationIsAllowed::No,
1381                     flow_state,
1382                 );
1383                 self.check_if_path_or_subpath_is_moved(
1384                     location,
1385                     InitializationRequiringAction::Use,
1386                     (place.as_ref(), span),
1387                     flow_state,
1388                 );
1389             }
1391             Rvalue::BinaryOp(_bin_op, box (ref operand1, ref operand2))
1392             | Rvalue::CheckedBinaryOp(_bin_op, box (ref operand1, ref operand2)) => {
1393                 self.consume_operand(location, (operand1, span), flow_state);
1394                 self.consume_operand(location, (operand2, span), flow_state);
1395             }
1397             Rvalue::NullaryOp(_op, _ty) => {
1398                 // nullary ops take no dynamic input; no borrowck effect.
1399                 //
1400                 // FIXME: is above actually true? Do we want to track
1401                 // the fact that uninitialized data can be created via
1402                 // `NullOp::Box`?
1403             }
1405             Rvalue::Aggregate(ref aggregate_kind, ref operands) => {
1406                 // We need to report back the list of mutable upvars that were
1407                 // moved into the closure and subsequently used by the closure,
1408                 // in order to populate our used_mut set.
1409                 match **aggregate_kind {
1410                     AggregateKind::Closure(def_id, _) | AggregateKind::Generator(def_id, _, _) => {
1411                         let BorrowCheckResult { used_mut_upvars, .. } =
1412                             self.infcx.tcx.mir_borrowck(def_id.expect_local());
1413                         debug!("{:?} used_mut_upvars={:?}", def_id, used_mut_upvars);
1414                         for field in used_mut_upvars {
1415                             self.propagate_closure_used_mut_upvar(&operands[field.index()]);
1416                         }
1417                     }
1418                     AggregateKind::Adt(..)
1419                     | AggregateKind::Array(..)
1420                     | AggregateKind::Tuple { .. } => (),
1421                 }
1423                 for operand in operands {
1424                     self.consume_operand(location, (operand, span), flow_state);
1425                 }
1426             }
1427         }
1428     }
propagate_closure_used_mut_upvar(&mut self, operand: &Operand<'tcx>)1430     fn propagate_closure_used_mut_upvar(&mut self, operand: &Operand<'tcx>) {
1431         let propagate_closure_used_mut_place = |this: &mut Self, place: Place<'tcx>| {
1432             // We have three possibilities here:
1433             // a. We are modifying something through a mut-ref
1434             // b. We are modifying something that is local to our parent
1435             // c. Current body is a nested closure, and we are modifying path starting from
1436             //    a Place captured by our parent closure.
1438             // Handle (c), the path being modified is exactly the path captured by our parent
1439             if let Some(field) = this.is_upvar_field_projection(place.as_ref()) {
1440                 this.used_mut_upvars.push(field);
1441                 return;
1442             }
1444             for (place_ref, proj) in place.iter_projections().rev() {
1445                 // Handle (a)
1446                 if proj == ProjectionElem::Deref {
1447                     match place_ref.ty(this.body(), this.infcx.tcx).ty.kind() {
1448                         // We aren't modifying a variable directly
1449                         ty::Ref(_, _, hir::Mutability::Mut) => return,
1451                         _ => {}
1452                     }
1453                 }
1455                 // Handle (c)
1456                 if let Some(field) = this.is_upvar_field_projection(place_ref) {
1457                     this.used_mut_upvars.push(field);
1458                     return;
1459                 }
1460             }
1462             // Handle(b)
1463             this.used_mut.insert(place.local);
1464         };
1466         // This relies on the current way that by-value
1467         // captures of a closure are copied/moved directly
1468         // when generating MIR.
1469         match *operand {
1470             Operand::Move(place) | Operand::Copy(place) => {
1471                 match place.as_local() {
1472                     Some(local) if !self.body.local_decls[local].is_user_variable() => {
1473                         if self.body.local_decls[local].ty.is_mutable_ptr() {
1474                             // The variable will be marked as mutable by the borrow.
1475                             return;
1476                         }
1477                         // This is an edge case where we have a `move` closure
1478                         // inside a non-move closure, and the inner closure
1479                         // contains a mutation:
1480                         //
1481                         // let mut i = 0;
1482                         // || { move || { i += 1; }; };
1483                         //
1484                         // In this case our usual strategy of assuming that the
1485                         // variable will be captured by mutable reference is
1486                         // wrong, since `i` can be copied into the inner
1487                         // closure from a shared reference.
1488                         //
1489                         // As such we have to search for the local that this
1490                         // capture comes from and mark it as being used as mut.
1492                         let temp_mpi = self.move_data.rev_lookup.find_local(local);
1493                         let init = if let [init_index] = *self.move_data.init_path_map[temp_mpi] {
1494                             &self.move_data.inits[init_index]
1495                         } else {
1496                             bug!("temporary should be initialized exactly once")
1497                         };
1499                         let loc = match init.location {
1500                             InitLocation::Statement(stmt) => stmt,
1501                             _ => bug!("temporary initialized in arguments"),
1502                         };
1504                         let body = self.body;
1505                         let bbd = &body[loc.block];
1506                         let stmt = &bbd.statements[loc.statement_index];
1507                         debug!("temporary assigned in: stmt={:?}", stmt);
1509                         if let StatementKind::Assign(box (_, Rvalue::Ref(_, _, source))) = stmt.kind
1510                         {
1511                             propagate_closure_used_mut_place(self, source);
1512                         } else {
1513                             bug!(
1514                                 "closures should only capture user variables \
1515                                  or references to user variables"
1516                             );
1517                         }
1518                     }
1519                     _ => propagate_closure_used_mut_place(self, place),
1520                 }
1521             }
1522             Operand::Constant(..) => {}
1523         }
1524     }
consume_operand( &mut self, location: Location, (operand, span): (&'cx Operand<'tcx>, Span), flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>, )1526     fn consume_operand(
1527         &mut self,
1528         location: Location,
1529         (operand, span): (&'cx Operand<'tcx>, Span),
1530         flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>,
1531     ) {
1532         match *operand {
1533             Operand::Copy(place) => {
1534                 // copy of place: check if this is "copy of frozen path"
1535                 // (FIXME: see check_loans.rs)
1536                 self.access_place(
1537                     location,
1538                     (place, span),
1539                     (Deep, Read(ReadKind::Copy)),
1540                     LocalMutationIsAllowed::No,
1541                     flow_state,
1542                 );
1544                 // Finally, check if path was already moved.
1545                 self.check_if_path_or_subpath_is_moved(
1546                     location,
1547                     InitializationRequiringAction::Use,
1548                     (place.as_ref(), span),
1549                     flow_state,
1550                 );
1551             }
1552             Operand::Move(place) => {
1553                 // move of place: check if this is move of already borrowed path
1554                 self.access_place(
1555                     location,
1556                     (place, span),
1557                     (Deep, Write(WriteKind::Move)),
1558                     LocalMutationIsAllowed::Yes,
1559                     flow_state,
1560                 );
1562                 // Finally, check if path was already moved.
1563                 self.check_if_path_or_subpath_is_moved(
1564                     location,
1565                     InitializationRequiringAction::Use,
1566                     (place.as_ref(), span),
1567                     flow_state,
1568                 );
1569             }
1570             Operand::Constant(_) => {}
1571         }
1572     }
1574     /// Checks whether a borrow of this place is invalidated when the function
1575     /// exits
check_for_invalidation_at_exit( &mut self, location: Location, borrow: &BorrowData<'tcx>, span: Span, )1576     fn check_for_invalidation_at_exit(
1577         &mut self,
1578         location: Location,
1579         borrow: &BorrowData<'tcx>,
1580         span: Span,
1581     ) {
1582         debug!("check_for_invalidation_at_exit({:?})", borrow);
1583         let place = borrow.borrowed_place;
1584         let mut root_place = PlaceRef { local: place.local, projection: &[] };
1586         // FIXME(nll-rfc#40): do more precise destructor tracking here. For now
1587         // we just know that all locals are dropped at function exit (otherwise
1588         // we'll have a memory leak) and assume that all statics have a destructor.
1589         //
1590         // FIXME: allow thread-locals to borrow other thread locals?
1592         let (might_be_alive, will_be_dropped) =
1593             if self.body.local_decls[root_place.local].is_ref_to_thread_local() {
1594                 // Thread-locals might be dropped after the function exits
1595                 // We have to dereference the outer reference because
1596                 // borrows don't conflict behind shared references.
1597                 root_place.projection = DEREF_PROJECTION;
1598                 (true, true)
1599             } else {
1600                 (false, self.locals_are_invalidated_at_exit)
1601             };
1603         if !will_be_dropped {
1604             debug!("place_is_invalidated_at_exit({:?}) - won't be dropped", place);
1605             return;
1606         }
1608         let sd = if might_be_alive { Deep } else { Shallow(None) };
1610         if places_conflict::borrow_conflicts_with_place(
1611             self.infcx.tcx,
1612             &self.body,
1613             place,
1614             borrow.kind,
1615             root_place,
1616             sd,
1617             places_conflict::PlaceConflictBias::Overlap,
1618         ) {
1619             debug!("check_for_invalidation_at_exit({:?}): INVALID", place);
1620             // FIXME: should be talking about the region lifetime instead
1621             // of just a span here.
1622             let span = self.infcx.tcx.sess.source_map().end_point(span);
1623             self.report_borrowed_value_does_not_live_long_enough(
1624                 location,
1625                 borrow,
1626                 (place, span),
1627                 None,
1628             )
1629         }
1630     }
1632     /// Reports an error if this is a borrow of local data.
1633     /// This is called for all Yield expressions on movable generators
check_for_local_borrow(&mut self, borrow: &BorrowData<'tcx>, yield_span: Span)1634     fn check_for_local_borrow(&mut self, borrow: &BorrowData<'tcx>, yield_span: Span) {
1635         debug!("check_for_local_borrow({:?})", borrow);
1637         if borrow_of_local_data(borrow.borrowed_place) {
1638             let err = self.cannot_borrow_across_generator_yield(
1639                 self.retrieve_borrow_spans(borrow).var_or_use(),
1640                 yield_span,
1641             );
1643             err.buffer(&mut self.errors_buffer);
1644         }
1645     }
check_activations(&mut self, location: Location, span: Span, flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>)1647     fn check_activations(&mut self, location: Location, span: Span, flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>) {
1648         // Two-phase borrow support: For each activation that is newly
1649         // generated at this statement, check if it interferes with
1650         // another borrow.
1651         let borrow_set = self.borrow_set.clone();
1652         for &borrow_index in borrow_set.activations_at_location(location) {
1653             let borrow = &borrow_set[borrow_index];
1655             // only mutable borrows should be 2-phase
1656             assert!(match borrow.kind {
1657                 BorrowKind::Shared | BorrowKind::Shallow => false,
1658                 BorrowKind::Unique | BorrowKind::Mut { .. } => true,
1659             });
1661             self.access_place(
1662                 location,
1663                 (borrow.borrowed_place, span),
1664                 (Deep, Activation(WriteKind::MutableBorrow(borrow.kind), borrow_index)),
1665                 LocalMutationIsAllowed::No,
1666                 flow_state,
1667             );
1668             // We do not need to call `check_if_path_or_subpath_is_moved`
1669             // again, as we already called it when we made the
1670             // initial reservation.
1671         }
1672     }
check_if_reassignment_to_immutable_state( &mut self, location: Location, local: Local, place_span: (Place<'tcx>, Span), flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>, )1674     fn check_if_reassignment_to_immutable_state(
1675         &mut self,
1676         location: Location,
1677         local: Local,
1678         place_span: (Place<'tcx>, Span),
1679         flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>,
1680     ) {
1681         debug!("check_if_reassignment_to_immutable_state({:?})", local);
1683         // Check if any of the initializiations of `local` have happened yet:
1684         if let Some(init_index) = self.is_local_ever_initialized(local, flow_state) {
1685             // And, if so, report an error.
1686             let init = &self.move_data.inits[init_index];
1687             let span = init.span(&self.body);
1688             self.report_illegal_reassignment(location, place_span, span, place_span.0);
1689         }
1690     }
check_if_full_path_is_moved( &mut self, location: Location, desired_action: InitializationRequiringAction, place_span: (PlaceRef<'tcx>, Span), flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>, )1692     fn check_if_full_path_is_moved(
1693         &mut self,
1694         location: Location,
1695         desired_action: InitializationRequiringAction,
1696         place_span: (PlaceRef<'tcx>, Span),
1697         flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>,
1698     ) {
1699         let maybe_uninits = &flow_state.uninits;
1701         // Bad scenarios:
1702         //
1703         // 1. Move of `a.b.c`, use of `a.b.c`
1704         // 2. Move of `a.b.c`, use of `a.b.c.d` (without first reinitializing `a.b.c.d`)
1705         // 3. Uninitialized `(a.b.c: &_)`, use of `*a.b.c`; note that with
1706         //    partial initialization support, one might have `a.x`
1707         //    initialized but not `a.b`.
1708         //
1709         // OK scenarios:
1710         //
1711         // 4. Move of `a.b.c`, use of `a.b.d`
1712         // 5. Uninitialized `a.x`, initialized `a.b`, use of `a.b`
1713         // 6. Copied `(a.b: &_)`, use of `*(a.b).c`; note that `a.b`
1714         //    must have been initialized for the use to be sound.
1715         // 7. Move of `a.b.c` then reinit of `a.b.c.d`, use of `a.b.c.d`
1717         // The dataflow tracks shallow prefixes distinctly (that is,
1718         // field-accesses on P distinctly from P itself), in order to
1719         // track substructure initialization separately from the whole
1720         // structure.
1721         //
1722         // E.g., when looking at (*a.b.c).d, if the closest prefix for
1723         // which we have a MovePath is `a.b`, then that means that the
1724         // initialization state of `a.b` is all we need to inspect to
1725         // know if `a.b.c` is valid (and from that we infer that the
1726         // dereference and `.d` access is also valid, since we assume
1727         // `a.b.c` is assigned a reference to an initialized and
1728         // well-formed record structure.)
1730         // Therefore, if we seek out the *closest* prefix for which we
1731         // have a MovePath, that should capture the initialization
1732         // state for the place scenario.
1733         //
1734         // This code covers scenarios 1, 2, and 3.
1736         debug!("check_if_full_path_is_moved place: {:?}", place_span.0);
1737         let (prefix, mpi) = self.move_path_closest_to(place_span.0);
1738         if maybe_uninits.contains(mpi) {
1739             self.report_use_of_moved_or_uninitialized(
1740                 location,
1741                 desired_action,
1742                 (prefix, place_span.0, place_span.1),
1743                 mpi,
1744             );
1745         } // Only query longest prefix with a MovePath, not further
1746         // ancestors; dataflow recurs on children when parents
1747         // move (to support partial (re)inits).
1748         //
1749         // (I.e., querying parents breaks scenario 7; but may want
1750         // to do such a query based on partial-init feature-gate.)
1751     }
1753     /// Subslices correspond to multiple move paths, so we iterate through the
1754     /// elements of the base array. For each element we check
1755     ///
1756     /// * Does this element overlap with our slice.
1757     /// * Is any part of it uninitialized.
check_if_subslice_element_is_moved( &mut self, location: Location, desired_action: InitializationRequiringAction, place_span: (PlaceRef<'tcx>, Span), maybe_uninits: &BitSet<MovePathIndex>, from: u64, to: u64, )1758     fn check_if_subslice_element_is_moved(
1759         &mut self,
1760         location: Location,
1761         desired_action: InitializationRequiringAction,
1762         place_span: (PlaceRef<'tcx>, Span),
1763         maybe_uninits: &BitSet<MovePathIndex>,
1764         from: u64,
1765         to: u64,
1766     ) {
1767         if let Some(mpi) = self.move_path_for_place(place_span.0) {
1768             let move_paths = &self.move_data.move_paths;
1770             let root_path = &move_paths[mpi];
1771             for (child_mpi, child_move_path) in root_path.children(move_paths) {
1772                 let last_proj = child_move_path.place.projection.last().unwrap();
1773                 if let ProjectionElem::ConstantIndex { offset, from_end, .. } = last_proj {
1774                     debug_assert!(!from_end, "Array constant indexing shouldn't be `from_end`.");
1776                     if (from..to).contains(offset) {
1777                         let uninit_child =
1778                             self.move_data.find_in_move_path_or_its_descendants(child_mpi, |mpi| {
1779                                 maybe_uninits.contains(mpi)
1780                             });
1782                         if let Some(uninit_child) = uninit_child {
1783                             self.report_use_of_moved_or_uninitialized(
1784                                 location,
1785                                 desired_action,
1786                                 (place_span.0, place_span.0, place_span.1),
1787                                 uninit_child,
1788                             );
1789                             return; // don't bother finding other problems.
1790                         }
1791                     }
1792                 }
1793             }
1794         }
1795     }
check_if_path_or_subpath_is_moved( &mut self, location: Location, desired_action: InitializationRequiringAction, place_span: (PlaceRef<'tcx>, Span), flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>, )1797     fn check_if_path_or_subpath_is_moved(
1798         &mut self,
1799         location: Location,
1800         desired_action: InitializationRequiringAction,
1801         place_span: (PlaceRef<'tcx>, Span),
1802         flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>,
1803     ) {
1804         let maybe_uninits = &flow_state.uninits;
1806         // Bad scenarios:
1807         //
1808         // 1. Move of `a.b.c`, use of `a` or `a.b`
1809         //    partial initialization support, one might have `a.x`
1810         //    initialized but not `a.b`.
1811         // 2. All bad scenarios from `check_if_full_path_is_moved`
1812         //
1813         // OK scenarios:
1814         //
1815         // 3. Move of `a.b.c`, use of `a.b.d`
1816         // 4. Uninitialized `a.x`, initialized `a.b`, use of `a.b`
1817         // 5. Copied `(a.b: &_)`, use of `*(a.b).c`; note that `a.b`
1818         //    must have been initialized for the use to be sound.
1819         // 6. Move of `a.b.c` then reinit of `a.b.c.d`, use of `a.b.c.d`
1821         self.check_if_full_path_is_moved(location, desired_action, place_span, flow_state);
1823         if let Some((place_base, ProjectionElem::Subslice { from, to, from_end: false })) =
1824             place_span.0.last_projection()
1825         {
1826             let place_ty = place_base.ty(self.body(), self.infcx.tcx);
1827             if let ty::Array(..) = place_ty.ty.kind() {
1828                 self.check_if_subslice_element_is_moved(
1829                     location,
1830                     desired_action,
1831                     (place_base, place_span.1),
1832                     maybe_uninits,
1833                     from,
1834                     to,
1835                 );
1836                 return;
1837             }
1838         }
1840         // A move of any shallow suffix of `place` also interferes
1841         // with an attempt to use `place`. This is scenario 3 above.
1842         //
1843         // (Distinct from handling of scenarios 1+2+4 above because
1844         // `place` does not interfere with suffixes of its prefixes,
1845         // e.g., `a.b.c` does not interfere with `a.b.d`)
1846         //
1847         // This code covers scenario 1.
1849         debug!("check_if_path_or_subpath_is_moved place: {:?}", place_span.0);
1850         if let Some(mpi) = self.move_path_for_place(place_span.0) {
1851             let uninit_mpi = self
1852                 .move_data
1853                 .find_in_move_path_or_its_descendants(mpi, |mpi| maybe_uninits.contains(mpi));
1855             if let Some(uninit_mpi) = uninit_mpi {
1856                 self.report_use_of_moved_or_uninitialized(
1857                     location,
1858                     desired_action,
1859                     (place_span.0, place_span.0, place_span.1),
1860                     uninit_mpi,
1861                 );
1862                 return; // don't bother finding other problems.
1863             }
1864         }
1865     }
1867     /// Currently MoveData does not store entries for all places in
1868     /// the input MIR. For example it will currently filter out
1869     /// places that are Copy; thus we do not track places of shared
1870     /// reference type. This routine will walk up a place along its
1871     /// prefixes, searching for a foundational place that *is*
1872     /// tracked in the MoveData.
1873     ///
1874     /// An Err result includes a tag indicated why the search failed.
1875     /// Currently this can only occur if the place is built off of a
1876     /// static variable, as we do not track those in the MoveData.
move_path_closest_to(&mut self, place: PlaceRef<'tcx>) -> (PlaceRef<'tcx>, MovePathIndex)1877     fn move_path_closest_to(&mut self, place: PlaceRef<'tcx>) -> (PlaceRef<'tcx>, MovePathIndex) {
1878         match self.move_data.rev_lookup.find(place) {
1879             LookupResult::Parent(Some(mpi)) | LookupResult::Exact(mpi) => {
1880                 (self.move_data.move_paths[mpi].place.as_ref(), mpi)
1881             }
1882             LookupResult::Parent(None) => panic!("should have move path for every Local"),
1883         }
1884     }
move_path_for_place(&mut self, place: PlaceRef<'tcx>) -> Option<MovePathIndex>1886     fn move_path_for_place(&mut self, place: PlaceRef<'tcx>) -> Option<MovePathIndex> {
1887         // If returns None, then there is no move path corresponding
1888         // to a direct owner of `place` (which means there is nothing
1889         // that borrowck tracks for its analysis).
1891         match self.move_data.rev_lookup.find(place) {
1892             LookupResult::Parent(_) => None,
1893             LookupResult::Exact(mpi) => Some(mpi),
1894         }
1895     }
check_if_assigned_path_is_moved( &mut self, location: Location, (place, span): (Place<'tcx>, Span), flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>, )1897     fn check_if_assigned_path_is_moved(
1898         &mut self,
1899         location: Location,
1900         (place, span): (Place<'tcx>, Span),
1901         flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>,
1902     ) {
1903         debug!("check_if_assigned_path_is_moved place: {:?}", place);
1905         // None case => assigning to `x` does not require `x` be initialized.
1906         for (place_base, elem) in place.iter_projections().rev() {
1907             match elem {
1908                 ProjectionElem::Index(_/*operand*/) |
1909                 ProjectionElem::ConstantIndex { .. } |
1910                 // assigning to P[i] requires P to be valid.
1911                 ProjectionElem::Downcast(_/*adt_def*/, _/*variant_idx*/) =>
1912                 // assigning to (P->variant) is okay if assigning to `P` is okay
1913                 //
1914                 // FIXME: is this true even if P is an adt with a dtor?
1915                 { }
1917                 // assigning to (*P) requires P to be initialized
1918                 ProjectionElem::Deref => {
1919                     self.check_if_full_path_is_moved(
1920                         location, InitializationRequiringAction::Use,
1921                         (place_base, span), flow_state);
1922                     // (base initialized; no need to
1923                     // recur further)
1924                     break;
1925                 }
1927                 ProjectionElem::Subslice { .. } => {
1928                     panic!("we don't allow assignments to subslices, location: {:?}",
1929                            location);
1930                 }
1932                 ProjectionElem::Field(..) => {
1933                     // if type of `P` has a dtor, then
1934                     // assigning to `P.f` requires `P` itself
1935                     // be already initialized
1936                     let tcx = self.infcx.tcx;
1937                     let base_ty = place_base.ty(self.body(), tcx).ty;
1938                     match base_ty.kind() {
1939                         ty::Adt(def, _) if def.has_dtor(tcx) => {
1940                             self.check_if_path_or_subpath_is_moved(
1941                                 location, InitializationRequiringAction::Assignment,
1942                                 (place_base, span), flow_state);
1944                             // (base initialized; no need to
1945                             // recur further)
1946                             break;
1947                         }
1949                         // Once `let s; s.x = V; read(s.x);`,
1950                         // is allowed, remove this match arm.
1951                         ty::Adt(..) | ty::Tuple(..) => {
1952                             check_parent_of_field(self, location, place_base, span, flow_state);
1954                             // rust-lang/rust#21232, #54499, #54986: during period where we reject
1955                             // partial initialization, do not complain about unnecessary `mut` on
1956                             // an attempt to do a partial initialization.
1957                             self.used_mut.insert(place.local);
1958                         }
1960                         _ => {}
1961                     }
1962                 }
1963             }
1964         }
1966         fn check_parent_of_field<'cx, 'tcx>(
1967             this: &mut MirBorrowckCtxt<'cx, 'tcx>,
1968             location: Location,
1969             base: PlaceRef<'tcx>,
1970             span: Span,
1971             flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>,
1972         ) {
1973             // rust-lang/rust#21232: Until Rust allows reads from the
1974             // initialized parts of partially initialized structs, we
1975             // will, starting with the 2018 edition, reject attempts
1976             // to write to structs that are not fully initialized.
1977             //
1978             // In other words, *until* we allow this:
1979             //
1980             // 1. `let mut s; s.x = Val; read(s.x);`
1981             //
1982             // we will for now disallow this:
1983             //
1984             // 2. `let mut s; s.x = Val;`
1985             //
1986             // and also this:
1987             //
1988             // 3. `let mut s = ...; drop(s); s.x=Val;`
1989             //
1990             // This does not use check_if_path_or_subpath_is_moved,
1991             // because we want to *allow* reinitializations of fields:
1992             // e.g., want to allow
1993             //
1994             // `let mut s = ...; drop(s.x); s.x=Val;`
1995             //
1996             // This does not use check_if_full_path_is_moved on
1997             // `base`, because that would report an error about the
1998             // `base` as a whole, but in this scenario we *really*
1999             // want to report an error about the actual thing that was
2000             // moved, which may be some prefix of `base`.
2002             // Shallow so that we'll stop at any dereference; we'll
2003             // report errors about issues with such bases elsewhere.
2004             let maybe_uninits = &flow_state.uninits;
2006             // Find the shortest uninitialized prefix you can reach
2007             // without going over a Deref.
2008             let mut shortest_uninit_seen = None;
2009             for prefix in this.prefixes(base, PrefixSet::Shallow) {
2010                 let mpi = match this.move_path_for_place(prefix) {
2011                     Some(mpi) => mpi,
2012                     None => continue,
2013                 };
2015                 if maybe_uninits.contains(mpi) {
2016                     debug!(
2017                         "check_parent_of_field updating shortest_uninit_seen from {:?} to {:?}",
2018                         shortest_uninit_seen,
2019                         Some((prefix, mpi))
2020                     );
2021                     shortest_uninit_seen = Some((prefix, mpi));
2022                 } else {
2023                     debug!("check_parent_of_field {:?} is definitely initialized", (prefix, mpi));
2024                 }
2025             }
2027             if let Some((prefix, mpi)) = shortest_uninit_seen {
2028                 // Check for a reassignment into an uninitialized field of a union (for example,
2029                 // after a move out). In this case, do not report an error here. There is an
2030                 // exception, if this is the first assignment into the union (that is, there is
2031                 // no move out from an earlier location) then this is an attempt at initialization
2032                 // of the union - we should error in that case.
2033                 let tcx = this.infcx.tcx;
2034                 if base.ty(this.body(), tcx).ty.is_union() {
2035                     if this.move_data.path_map[mpi].iter().any(|moi| {
2036                         this.move_data.moves[*moi].source.is_predecessor_of(location, this.body)
2037                     }) {
2038                         return;
2039                     }
2040                 }
2042                 this.report_use_of_moved_or_uninitialized(
2043                     location,
2044                     InitializationRequiringAction::PartialAssignment,
2045                     (prefix, base, span),
2046                     mpi,
2047                 );
2048             }
2049         }
2050     }
2052     /// Checks the permissions for the given place and read or write kind
2053     ///
2054     /// Returns `true` if an error is reported.
check_access_permissions( &mut self, (place, span): (Place<'tcx>, Span), kind: ReadOrWrite, is_local_mutation_allowed: LocalMutationIsAllowed, flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>, location: Location, ) -> bool2055     fn check_access_permissions(
2056         &mut self,
2057         (place, span): (Place<'tcx>, Span),
2058         kind: ReadOrWrite,
2059         is_local_mutation_allowed: LocalMutationIsAllowed,
2060         flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>,
2061         location: Location,
2062     ) -> bool {
2063         debug!(
2064             "check_access_permissions({:?}, {:?}, is_local_mutation_allowed: {:?})",
2065             place, kind, is_local_mutation_allowed
2066         );
2068         let error_access;
2069         let the_place_err;
2071         match kind {
2072             Reservation(WriteKind::MutableBorrow(
2073                 borrow_kind @ (BorrowKind::Unique | BorrowKind::Mut { .. }),
2074             ))
2075             | Write(WriteKind::MutableBorrow(
2076                 borrow_kind @ (BorrowKind::Unique | BorrowKind::Mut { .. }),
2077             )) => {
2078                 let is_local_mutation_allowed = match borrow_kind {
2079                     BorrowKind::Unique => LocalMutationIsAllowed::Yes,
2080                     BorrowKind::Mut { .. } => is_local_mutation_allowed,
2081                     BorrowKind::Shared | BorrowKind::Shallow => unreachable!(),
2082                 };
2083                 match self.is_mutable(place.as_ref(), is_local_mutation_allowed) {
2084                     Ok(root_place) => {
2085                         self.add_used_mut(root_place, flow_state);
2086                         return false;
2087                     }
2088                     Err(place_err) => {
2089                         error_access = AccessKind::MutableBorrow;
2090                         the_place_err = place_err;
2091                     }
2092                 }
2093             }
2094             Reservation(WriteKind::Mutate) | Write(WriteKind::Mutate) => {
2095                 match self.is_mutable(place.as_ref(), is_local_mutation_allowed) {
2096                     Ok(root_place) => {
2097                         self.add_used_mut(root_place, flow_state);
2098                         return false;
2099                     }
2100                     Err(place_err) => {
2101                         error_access = AccessKind::Mutate;
2102                         the_place_err = place_err;
2103                     }
2104                 }
2105             }
2107             Reservation(
2108                 WriteKind::Move
2109                 | WriteKind::StorageDeadOrDrop
2110                 | WriteKind::MutableBorrow(BorrowKind::Shared)
2111                 | WriteKind::MutableBorrow(BorrowKind::Shallow),
2112             )
2113             | Write(
2114                 WriteKind::Move
2115                 | WriteKind::StorageDeadOrDrop
2116                 | WriteKind::MutableBorrow(BorrowKind::Shared)
2117                 | WriteKind::MutableBorrow(BorrowKind::Shallow),
2118             ) => {
2119                 if let (Err(_), true) = (
2120                     self.is_mutable(place.as_ref(), is_local_mutation_allowed),
2121                     self.errors_buffer.is_empty(),
2122                 ) {
2123                     // rust-lang/rust#46908: In pure NLL mode this code path should be
2124                     // unreachable, but we use `delay_span_bug` because we can hit this when
2125                     // dereferencing a non-Copy raw pointer *and* have `-Ztreat-err-as-bug`
2126                     // enabled. We don't want to ICE for that case, as other errors will have
2127                     // been emitted (#52262).
2128                     self.infcx.tcx.sess.delay_span_bug(
2129                         span,
2130                         &format!(
2131                             "Accessing `{:?}` with the kind `{:?}` shouldn't be possible",
2132                             place, kind,
2133                         ),
2134                     );
2135                 }
2136                 return false;
2137             }
2138             Activation(..) => {
2139                 // permission checks are done at Reservation point.
2140                 return false;
2141             }
2142             Read(
2143                 ReadKind::Borrow(
2144                     BorrowKind::Unique
2145                     | BorrowKind::Mut { .. }
2146                     | BorrowKind::Shared
2147                     | BorrowKind::Shallow,
2148                 )
2149                 | ReadKind::Copy,
2150             ) => {
2151                 // Access authorized
2152                 return false;
2153             }
2154         }
2156         // rust-lang/rust#21232, #54986: during period where we reject
2157         // partial initialization, do not complain about mutability
2158         // errors except for actual mutation (as opposed to an attempt
2159         // to do a partial initialization).
2160         let previously_initialized =
2161             self.is_local_ever_initialized(place.local, flow_state).is_some();
2163         // at this point, we have set up the error reporting state.
2164         if previously_initialized {
2165             self.report_mutability_error(place, span, the_place_err, error_access, location);
2166             true
2167         } else {
2168             false
2169         }
2170     }
is_local_ever_initialized( &self, local: Local, flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>, ) -> Option<InitIndex>2172     fn is_local_ever_initialized(
2173         &self,
2174         local: Local,
2175         flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>,
2176     ) -> Option<InitIndex> {
2177         let mpi = self.move_data.rev_lookup.find_local(local);
2178         let ii = &self.move_data.init_path_map[mpi];
2179         for &index in ii {
2180             if flow_state.ever_inits.contains(index) {
2181                 return Some(index);
2182             }
2183         }
2184         None
2185     }
2187     /// Adds the place into the used mutable variables set
add_used_mut(&mut self, root_place: RootPlace<'tcx>, flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>)2188     fn add_used_mut(&mut self, root_place: RootPlace<'tcx>, flow_state: &Flows<'cx, 'tcx>) {
2189         match root_place {
2190             RootPlace { place_local: local, place_projection: [], is_local_mutation_allowed } => {
2191                 // If the local may have been initialized, and it is now currently being
2192                 // mutated, then it is justified to be annotated with the `mut`
2193                 // keyword, since the mutation may be a possible reassignment.
2194                 if is_local_mutation_allowed != LocalMutationIsAllowed::Yes
2195                     && self.is_local_ever_initialized(local, flow_state).is_some()
2196                 {
2197                     self.used_mut.insert(local);
2198                 }
2199             }
2200             RootPlace {
2201                 place_local: _,
2202                 place_projection: _,
2203                 is_local_mutation_allowed: LocalMutationIsAllowed::Yes,
2204             } => {}
2205             RootPlace {
2206                 place_local,
2207                 place_projection: place_projection @ [.., _],
2208                 is_local_mutation_allowed: _,
2209             } => {
2210                 if let Some(field) = self.is_upvar_field_projection(PlaceRef {
2211                     local: place_local,
2212                     projection: place_projection,
2213                 }) {
2214                     self.used_mut_upvars.push(field);
2215                 }
2216             }
2217         }
2218     }
2220     /// Whether this value can be written or borrowed mutably.
2221     /// Returns the root place if the place passed in is a projection.
is_mutable( &self, place: PlaceRef<'tcx>, is_local_mutation_allowed: LocalMutationIsAllowed, ) -> Result<RootPlace<'tcx>, PlaceRef<'tcx>>2222     fn is_mutable(
2223         &self,
2224         place: PlaceRef<'tcx>,
2225         is_local_mutation_allowed: LocalMutationIsAllowed,
2226     ) -> Result<RootPlace<'tcx>, PlaceRef<'tcx>> {
2227         debug!("is_mutable: place={:?}, is_local...={:?}", place, is_local_mutation_allowed);
2228         match place.last_projection() {
2229             None => {
2230                 let local = &self.body.local_decls[place.local];
2231                 match local.mutability {
2232                     Mutability::Not => match is_local_mutation_allowed {
2233                         LocalMutationIsAllowed::Yes => Ok(RootPlace {
2234                             place_local: place.local,
2235                             place_projection: place.projection,
2236                             is_local_mutation_allowed: LocalMutationIsAllowed::Yes,
2237                         }),
2238                         LocalMutationIsAllowed::ExceptUpvars => Ok(RootPlace {
2239                             place_local: place.local,
2240                             place_projection: place.projection,
2241                             is_local_mutation_allowed: LocalMutationIsAllowed::ExceptUpvars,
2242                         }),
2243                         LocalMutationIsAllowed::No => Err(place),
2244                     },
2245                     Mutability::Mut => Ok(RootPlace {
2246                         place_local: place.local,
2247                         place_projection: place.projection,
2248                         is_local_mutation_allowed,
2249                     }),
2250                 }
2251             }
2252             Some((place_base, elem)) => {
2253                 match elem {
2254                     ProjectionElem::Deref => {
2255                         let base_ty = place_base.ty(self.body(), self.infcx.tcx).ty;
2257                         // Check the kind of deref to decide
2258                         match base_ty.kind() {
2259                             ty::Ref(_, _, mutbl) => {
2260                                 match mutbl {
2261                                     // Shared borrowed data is never mutable
2262                                     hir::Mutability::Not => Err(place),
2263                                     // Mutably borrowed data is mutable, but only if we have a
2264                                     // unique path to the `&mut`
2265                                     hir::Mutability::Mut => {
2266                                         let mode = match self.is_upvar_field_projection(place) {
2267                                             Some(field) if self.upvars[field.index()].by_ref => {
2268                                                 is_local_mutation_allowed
2269                                             }
2270                                             _ => LocalMutationIsAllowed::Yes,
2271                                         };
2273                                         self.is_mutable(place_base, mode)
2274                                     }
2275                                 }
2276                             }
2277                             ty::RawPtr(tnm) => {
2278                                 match tnm.mutbl {
2279                                     // `*const` raw pointers are not mutable
2280                                     hir::Mutability::Not => Err(place),
2281                                     // `*mut` raw pointers are always mutable, regardless of
2282                                     // context. The users have to check by themselves.
2283                                     hir::Mutability::Mut => Ok(RootPlace {
2284                                         place_local: place.local,
2285                                         place_projection: place.projection,
2286                                         is_local_mutation_allowed,
2287                                     }),
2288                                 }
2289                             }
2290                             // `Box<T>` owns its content, so mutable if its location is mutable
2291                             _ if base_ty.is_box() => {
2292                                 self.is_mutable(place_base, is_local_mutation_allowed)
2293                             }
2294                             // Deref should only be for reference, pointers or boxes
2295                             _ => bug!("Deref of unexpected type: {:?}", base_ty),
2296                         }
2297                     }
2298                     // All other projections are owned by their base path, so mutable if
2299                     // base path is mutable
2300                     ProjectionElem::Field(..)
2301                     | ProjectionElem::Index(..)
2302                     | ProjectionElem::ConstantIndex { .. }
2303                     | ProjectionElem::Subslice { .. }
2304                     | ProjectionElem::Downcast(..) => {
2305                         let upvar_field_projection = self.is_upvar_field_projection(place);
2306                         if let Some(field) = upvar_field_projection {
2307                             let upvar = &self.upvars[field.index()];
2308                             debug!(
2309                                 "is_mutable: upvar.mutability={:?} local_mutation_is_allowed={:?} \
2310                                  place={:?}, place_base={:?}",
2311                                 upvar, is_local_mutation_allowed, place, place_base
2312                             );
2313                             match (upvar.place.mutability, is_local_mutation_allowed) {
2314                                 (
2315                                     Mutability::Not,
2316                                     LocalMutationIsAllowed::No
2317                                     | LocalMutationIsAllowed::ExceptUpvars,
2318                                 ) => Err(place),
2319                                 (Mutability::Not, LocalMutationIsAllowed::Yes)
2320                                 | (Mutability::Mut, _) => {
2321                                     // Subtle: this is an upvar
2322                                     // reference, so it looks like
2323                                     // `self.foo` -- we want to double
2324                                     // check that the location `*self`
2325                                     // is mutable (i.e., this is not a
2326                                     // `Fn` closure).  But if that
2327                                     // check succeeds, we want to
2328                                     // *blame* the mutability on
2329                                     // `place` (that is,
2330                                     // `self.foo`). This is used to
2331                                     // propagate the info about
2332                                     // whether mutability declarations
2333                                     // are used outwards, so that we register
2334                                     // the outer variable as mutable. Otherwise a
2335                                     // test like this fails to record the `mut`
2336                                     // as needed:
2337                                     //
2338                                     // ```
2339                                     // fn foo<F: FnOnce()>(_f: F) { }
2340                                     // fn main() {
2341                                     //     let var = Vec::new();
2342                                     //     foo(move || {
2343                                     //         var.push(1);
2344                                     //     });
2345                                     // }
2346                                     // ```
2347                                     let _ =
2348                                         self.is_mutable(place_base, is_local_mutation_allowed)?;
2349                                     Ok(RootPlace {
2350                                         place_local: place.local,
2351                                         place_projection: place.projection,
2352                                         is_local_mutation_allowed,
2353                                     })
2354                                 }
2355                             }
2356                         } else {
2357                             self.is_mutable(place_base, is_local_mutation_allowed)
2358                         }
2359                     }
2360                 }
2361             }
2362         }
2363     }
2365     /// If `place` is a field projection, and the field is being projected from a closure type,
2366     /// then returns the index of the field being projected. Note that this closure will always
2367     /// be `self` in the current MIR, because that is the only time we directly access the fields
2368     /// of a closure type.
is_upvar_field_projection(&self, place_ref: PlaceRef<'tcx>) -> Option<Field>2369     fn is_upvar_field_projection(&self, place_ref: PlaceRef<'tcx>) -> Option<Field> {
2370         path_utils::is_upvar_field_projection(self.infcx.tcx, &self.upvars, place_ref, self.body())
2371     }
2372 }
2374 /// The degree of overlap between 2 places for borrow-checking.
2375 enum Overlap {
2376     /// The places might partially overlap - in this case, we give
2377     /// up and say that they might conflict. This occurs when
2378     /// different fields of a union are borrowed. For example,
2379     /// if `u` is a union, we have no way of telling how disjoint
2380     /// `u.a.x` and `a.b.y` are.
2381     Arbitrary,
2382     /// The places have the same type, and are either completely disjoint
2383     /// or equal - i.e., they can't "partially" overlap as can occur with
2384     /// unions. This is the "base case" on which we recur for extensions
2385     /// of the place.
2386     EqualOrDisjoint,
2387     /// The places are disjoint, so we know all extensions of them
2388     /// will also be disjoint.
2389     Disjoint,
2390 }