2Interface to the GKQ.nc file storing the e-ph matrix elements
3in the atomic representation (idir, ipert) for a single q-point.
4This file is produced by the eph code with eph_task -4.
5To analyze the e-ph scattering potentials, use v1qavg and eph_task 15 or -15
7import numpy as np
8import abipy.core.abinit_units as abu
10from collections import OrderedDict
11from monty.string import marquee
12from monty.functools import lazy_property
13from abipy.core.kpoints import Kpoint
14from abipy.core.mixins import AbinitNcFile, Has_Header, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands, NotebookWriter
15from abipy.tools.plotting import add_fig_kwargs, get_ax_fig_plt, get_axarray_fig_plt
16from abipy.tools import duck
17from abipy.abio.robots import Robot
18from abipy.electrons.ebands import ElectronsReader, RobotWithEbands
19from abipy.eph.common import glr_frohlich, EPH_WTOL
22class GkqFile(AbinitNcFile, Has_Header, Has_Structure, Has_ElectronBands, NotebookWriter):
24    @classmethod
25    def from_file(cls, filepath):
26        """Initialize the object from a netcdf_ file."""
27        return cls(filepath)
29    def __init__(self, filepath):
30        super().__init__(filepath)
31        self.reader = GkqReader(filepath)
33    def __str__(self):
34        """String representation."""
35        return self.to_string()
37    def to_string(self, verbose=0):
38        """String representation."""
39        lines = []; app = lines.append
41        app(marquee("File Info", mark="="))
42        app(self.filestat(as_string=True))
43        app("")
44        app(self.structure.to_string(verbose=verbose, title="Structure"))
45        app("")
46        app(self.ebands.to_string(with_structure=False, verbose=verbose, title="Electronic Bands"))
47        app("qpoint: %s" % str(self.qpoint))
48        app("Macroscopic dielectric tensor in Cartesian coordinates")
49        app(str(self.epsinf_cart))
50        app("")
51        app("Born effective charges in Cartesian coordinates:")
52        for i, (site, bec) in enumerate(zip(self.structure, self.becs_cart)):
53            app("[%d]: %s" % (i, repr(site)))
54            app(str(bec))
55            app("")
57        app(r"Fulfillment of charge neutrality, F_{ij} = \sum_{atom} Z^*_{ij,atom}")
58        f = np.sum(self.becs_cart, axis=0)
59        app(str(f) + "\n")
61        return "\n".join(lines)
63    def close(self):
64        self.reader.close()
66    @lazy_property
67    def ebands(self):
68        """|ElectronBands| object."""
69        return self.reader.read_ebands()
71    @lazy_property
72    def structure(self):
73        """|Structure| object."""
74        return self.ebands.structure
76    @lazy_property
77    def uses_interpolated_dvdb(self):
78        """True if the matrix elements have been computed with an interpolated potential."""
79        return int(self.reader.read_value("interpolated")) == 1
81    @lazy_property
82    def params(self):
83        """Dict with parameters that might be subject to convergence studies."""
84        od = self.get_ebands_params()
85        return od
87    @lazy_property
88    def qpoint(self):
89        """Q-point object."""
90        return Kpoint(self.reader.read_value('qpoint'), self.structure.reciprocal_lattice)
92    @lazy_property
93    def phfreqs_ha(self):
94        """(3 * natom) array with phonon frequencies in Ha."""
95        return self.reader.read_value("phfreqs")
97    @lazy_property
98    def phdispl_cart_bohr(self):
99        """(natom3_nu, natom3) complex array with phonon displacement in cartesian coordinates in Bohr."""
100        return self.reader.read_value("phdispl_cart", cmode="c")
102    @lazy_property
103    def phdispl_red(self):
104        """(natom3_nu, natom3) complex array with phonon displacement in reduced coordinates."""
105        return self.reader.read_value("phdispl_red", cmode="c")
107    @lazy_property
108    def becs_cart(self):
109        """(natom, 3, 3) array with the Born effective charges in Cartesian coordinates."""
110        return self.reader.read_value("becs_cart").transpose(0, 2, 1).copy()
112    @lazy_property
113    def epsinf_cart(self):
114        """(3, 3) array with electronic macroscopic dielectric tensor in Cartesian coordinates."""
115        return self.reader.read_value("emacro_cart").T.copy()
117    @lazy_property
118    def eigens_kq(self):
119        """(spin, nkpt, mband) array with eigenvalues on the k+q grid in eV."""
120        return self.reader.read_value("eigenvalues_kq") * abu.Ha_eV
122    def read_all_gkq(self, mode="phonon"):
123        """
124        Read all eph matrix stored on disk.
126        Args:
127            mode: "phonon" if for eph matrix elements in phonon representation,
128                  "atom" for perturbation along (idir, iatom).
130        Return: (nsppol, nkpt, 3*natom, mband, mband) complex array.
131        """
132        if mode not in ("atom", "phonon"):
133            raise ValueError("Invalid mode: %s" % mode)
135        # Read e-ph matrix element in the atomic representation (idir, ipert)
136        # Fortran array on disk has shape:
137        # nctkarr_t('gkq', "dp", &
138        # 'complex, max_number_of_states, max_number_of_states, number_of_phonon_modes, number_of_kpoints, number_of_spins')
139        gkq_atm = self.reader.read_value("gkq", cmode="c")
140        if mode == "atom": return gkq_atm
142        # Convert from atomic to phonon representation.
143        # May use np.einsum for better efficiency but oh well!
144        nband = gkq_atm.shape[-1]
145        nb2 = nband ** 2
146        assert nband == gkq_atm.shape[-2] and nband == self.ebands.nband
147        natom = len(self.structure)
148        natom3 = natom * 3
149        phfreqs_ha, phdispl_red = self.phfreqs_ha, self.phdispl_red
150        gkq_nu = np.empty_like(gkq_atm)
151        cwork = np.empty((natom3, nb2), dtype=np.complex)
152        for spin in range(self.ebands.nsppol):
153            for ik in range(self.ebands.nkpt):
154                g = np.reshape(gkq_atm[spin, ik], (-1, nb2))
155                for nu in range(natom3):
156                    if phfreqs_ha[nu] > EPH_WTOL:
157                        cwork[nu] = np.dot(phdispl_red[nu], g) / np.sqrt(2.0 * phfreqs_ha[nu])
158                    else:
159                        cwork[nu] = 0.0
160                gkq_nu[spin, ik] = np.reshape(cwork, (natom3, nband, nband))
162        return gkq_nu
164    #def get_averaged_gkq(self, spin, ik, band_k, band_kq, tol_deg=1e-3):
165    #    natom3 = len(self.structure) * 3
166    #    e_k = self.ebands.eigens[spin, ik, band_k])
167    #    e_kq = self.eigens_kq[spin, ik, band_kq]
168    #    e_k, ndeg_k, bids_k = _find_deg(spin, ik, self.ebands.eigens)
169    #    e_kq, ndeg_kq, bids_kq = _find_deg(spin, ik, self.eigens_kq)
170    #
171    #    gkq2_nu = np.zeros(natom3))
172    #    ncvar = abifile.reader.read_variable("gkq")
173    #    for ib_k in bids_k:
174    #
175    #       for ib_kq in bids_kq:
176    #           gkq_atm = ncvar[spin, ik, :, ib_k, ib_kq]
177    #           gkq_atm = gkq_atm[:, 0] + 1j * gkq_atm[:, 1]
178    #
179    #           # Transform the gkk matrix elements from (atom, red_direction) basis to phonon-mode basis.
180    #           gkq_nu = np.zeros(natom3), dtype=np.complex)
181    #           for nu in range(natom3):
182    #               if self.phfreqs_ha[nu] < eph_wtol: continue
183    #               gkq_nu[nu] = np.dot(self.phdispl_red[nu], gkq_atm) / np.sqrt(2.0 * self.phfreqs_ha[nu])
184    #        gkq2_nu += np.abs(gkq_nu[nu]) ** 2
185    #
186    #    return np.sqrt(gkq2_nu)
188    @add_fig_kwargs
189    def plot(self, mode="phonon", with_glr=True, fontsize=8, colormap="viridis", sharey=True, **kwargs):
190        """
191        Plot the gkq matrix elements for a given q-point.
193        Args:
194            mode: "phonon" to plot eph matrix elements in the phonon representation,
195                  "atom" for atomic representation.
196            with_glr: True to plot the long-range component estimated from Verdi's model.
197            fontsize: Label and title fontsize.
198            colormap: matplotlib colormap
199            sharey: True if yaxis should be shared among axes.
201        Return: |matplotlib-Figure|
202        """
203        gkq = np.abs(self.read_all_gkq(mode=mode))
204        if mode == "phonon": gkq *= abu.Ha_meV
206        # Compute e_{k+q} - e_k for all possible (b, b')
207        ediffs = np.empty_like(gkq)
208        for spin in range(self.ebands.nsppol):
209            for ik in range(self.ebands.nkpt):
210                for ib_kq in range(self.ebands.mband):
211                    for ib_k in range(self.ebands.mband):
212                        ed = np.abs(self.eigens_kq[spin, ik, ib_kq] - self.ebands.eigens[spin, ik, ib_k])
213                        ediffs[spin, ik, :, ib_k, ib_kq] = ed
215        if with_glr and mode == "phonon":
216            # Add horizontal bar with matrix elements computed from Verdi's model (only G = 0, \delta_nm in bands).
217            dcart_bohr = self.phdispl_cart_bohr
218            #dcart_bohr = self.reader.read_value("phdispl_cart_qvers", cmode="c").real
219            gkq_lr = glr_frohlich(self.qpoint, self.becs_cart, self.epsinf_cart,
220                                  dcart_bohr, self.phfreqs_ha, self.structure)
221            # self.phdispl_cart_bohr, self.phfreqs_ha, self.structure)
222            gkq2_lr = np.abs(gkq_lr) * abu.Ha_meV
224        natom = len(self.structure)
225        num_plots, ncols, nrows = 3 * natom, 3, natom
226        ax_list, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(None, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols,
227                                                sharex=True, sharey=sharey, squeeze=False)
228        ax_list = ax_list.ravel()
229        cmap = plt.get_cmap(colormap)
231        for nu, ax in enumerate(ax_list):
232            idir = nu % 3
233            iat = (nu - idir) // 3
234            data, c = gkq[:, :, nu, :, :].ravel(), ediffs[:,:,nu,:,:].ravel()
235            # Filter items according to ediff
236            index = c <= 1.2 * self.phfreqs_ha.max() * abu.Ha_eV
237            data, c = data[index], c[index]
238            sc = ax.scatter(np.arange(len(data)), data, alpha=0.9, s=30, c=c, cmap=cmap)
239                            #facecolors='none', edgecolors='orange')
240            plt.colorbar(sc, ax=ax)
242            ax.grid(True)
243            if iat == natom - 1:
244                ax.set_xlabel("Matrix element index")
245            if idir == 0:
246                ylabel = r"$|g^{atm}_{\bf q}|$" if mode == "atom" else r"$|g_{\bf q}|$ (meV)"
247                ax.set_ylabel(ylabel)
249            ax.set_title(r"$\nu$: %d, $\omega_{{\bf q}\nu}$ = %.2E (meV)" %
250                         (nu, self.phfreqs_ha[nu] * abu.Ha_meV), fontsize=fontsize)
252            if with_glr:
253                ax.axhline(gkq2_lr[nu], color='k', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=2)
255        fig.suptitle("qpoint: %s" % repr(self.qpoint), fontsize=fontsize)
256        return fig
258    @add_fig_kwargs
259    def plot_diff_with_other(self, other, mode="phonon", ax_list=None, labels=None, fontsize=8, **kwargs):
260        """
261        Produce scatter plot and histogram to compare the gkq matrix elements stored in two files.
263            other: other GkqFile instance.
264            mode: "phonon" to plot eph matrix elements in the phonon representation,
265                  "atom" for atomic representation.
266            ax_list: List with 2 matplotlib axis. None if new ax_list should be created.
267            labels: Labels associated to self and other
268            fontsize: Label and title fontsize.
270        Return: |matplotlib-Figure|
271        """
272        if self.qpoint != other.qpoint:
273            raise ValueError("Found different q-points: %s and %s" % (self.qpoint, other.qpoint))
275        if labels is None:
276            labels = ["this (interpolated: %s)" % self.uses_interpolated_dvdb,
277                      "other (interpolated: %s)" % other.uses_interpolated_dvdb]
279        this_gkq = np.abs(self.read_all_gkq(mode=mode))
280        other_gkq = np.abs(other.read_all_gkq(mode=mode))
281        if mode == "phonon":
282            this_gkq *= abu.Ha_meV
283            other_gkq *= abu.Ha_meV
285        absdiff_gkq = np.abs(this_gkq - other_gkq)
287        stats = OrderedDict([
288            ("min", absdiff_gkq.min()),
289            ("max", absdiff_gkq.max()),
290            ("mean", absdiff_gkq.mean()),
291            ("std", absdiff_gkq.std()),
292        ])
294        num_plots, ncols, nrows = 2, 2, 1
295        ax_list, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(ax_list, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols,
296                                                sharex=False, sharey=False, squeeze=False)
297        ax_list = ax_list.ravel()
299        # Downsample datasets. Show only points with error > threshold.
300        ntot = absdiff_gkq.size
301        threshold = stats["mean"] + stats["std"]
302        data = this_gkq[absdiff_gkq > threshold].ravel()
303        nshown = len(data)
304        xs = np.arange(len(data))
306        ax = ax_list[0]
307        ax.scatter(xs, data, alpha=0.9, s=30, label=labels[0],
308                   facecolors='none', edgecolors='orange')
310        data = other_gkq[absdiff_gkq > threshold].ravel()
311        ax.scatter(xs, data, alpha=0.3, s=10, marker="x", label=labels[1],
312                   facecolors="g", edgecolors="none")
314        ax.grid(True)
315        ax.set_xlabel("Matrix element index")
316        ylabel = r"$|g^{atm}_{\bf q}|$" if mode == "atom" else r"$|g_{\bf q}|$ (meV)"
317        ax.set_ylabel(ylabel)
318        ax.set_title(r"qpt: %s, $\Delta$ > %.1E (%.1f %%)" % (
319                     repr(self.qpoint), threshold, 100 * nshown / ntot),
320                     fontsize=fontsize)
321        ax.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fontsize, shadow=True)
323        ax = ax_list[1]
324        ax.hist(absdiff_gkq.ravel(), facecolor='g', alpha=0.75)
325        ax.grid(True)
326        ax.set_xlabel("Absolute Error" if mode == "atom" else "Absolute Error (meV)")
327        ax.set_ylabel("Count")
329        ax.axvline(stats["mean"], color='k', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1)
330        _, max_ = ax.get_ylim()
331        ax.text(0.7, 0.7,  "\n".join("%s = %.1E" % item for item in stats.items()),
332                fontsize=fontsize, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center',
333                transform=ax.transAxes)
335        return fig
337    def yield_figs(self, **kwargs):  # pragma: no cover
338        """
339        This function *generates* a predefined list of matplotlib figures with minimal input from the user.
340        Used in abiview.py to get a quick look at the results.
341        """
342        yield self.plot()
344    def write_notebook(self, nbpath=None):
345        """
346        Write a jupyter_ notebook to ``nbpath``. If nbpath is None, a temporay file in the current
347        working directory is created. Return path to the notebook.
348        """
349        nbformat, nbv, nb = self.get_nbformat_nbv_nb(title=None)
351        nb.cells.extend([
352            nbv.new_code_cell("gkq = abilab.abiopen('%s')" % self.filepath),
353            nbv.new_code_cell("print(gkq)"),
354            nbv.new_code_cell("gkq.ebands.plot();"),
355            nbv.new_code_cell("gkq.epsinf_cart;"),
356            nbv.new_code_cell("gkq.becs_cart;"),
357            nbv.new_code_cell("""
358              #with abilab.abiopen('other_GKQ.nc') as other:
359              #     gkq.plot_diff_with_other(other);
360            """)
361        ])
363        return self._write_nb_nbpath(nb, nbpath)
366class GkqReader(ElectronsReader):
367    """
368    This object reads the results stored in the GKQ file produced by ABINIT.
369    It provides helper function to access the most important quantities.
371    .. rubric:: Inheritance Diagram
372    .. inheritance-diagram:: GkqReader
373    """
376class GkqRobot(Robot, RobotWithEbands):
377    """
378    This robot analyzes the results contained in multiple GKQ.nc files.
380    .. rubric:: Inheritance Diagram
381    .. inheritance-diagram:: GkqRobot
382    """
383    EXT = "GKQ"
385    @lazy_property
386    def kpoints(self):
387        # Consistency check: kmesh should be the same in each file.
388        ref_kpoints = self.abifiles[0].ebands.kpoints
389        for i, abifile in enumerate(self.abifiles):
390            if i == 0: continue
391            if abifile.kpoints != ref_kpoints:
392                for k1, k2 in zip(ref_kpoints, abifile.kpoints):
393                    print("k1:", k1, "--- k2:", k2)
394                raise ValueError("Found different list of kpoints in %s" % str(abifile.filepath))
395        return ref_kpoints
397    def _check_qpoints_equal(self):
398        """Raises ValueError if different `qpoint` in files."""
399        ref_qpoint = self.abifiles[0].qpoint
400        for i, abifile in enumerate(self.abifiles):
401            if i == 0: continue
402            if abifile.qpoint != ref_qpoint:
403                raise ValueError("Found different qpoint in %s" % str(abifile.filepath))
405    @add_fig_kwargs
406    def plot_gkq2_qpath(self, band_kq, band_k, kpoint=0, with_glr=False, qdamp=None, nu_list=None, # spherical_average=False,
407                        ax=None, fontsize=8, eph_wtol=EPH_WTOL, **kwargs):
408        r"""
409        Plot the magnitude of the electron-phonon matrix elements <k+q, band_kq| Delta_{q\nu} V |k, band_k>
410        for a given set of (band_kq, band, k) as a function of the q-point.
412        Args:
413            band_ks: Band index of the k+q states (starts at 0)
414            band_k: Band index of the k state (starts at 0)
415            kpoint: |Kpoint| object or index.
416            with_glr: True to plot the long-range component estimated from Verdi's model.
417            qdamp:
418            nu_list: List of phonons modes to be selected (starts at 0). None to select all modes.
419            ax: |matplotlib-Axes| or None if a new figure should be created.
420            fontsize: Label and title fontsize.
422        Return: |matplotlib-Figure|
423        """
424        if duck.is_intlike(kpoint):
425            ik = kpoint
426            kpoint = self.kpoints[ik]
427        else:
428            kpoint = Kpoint.as_kpoint(kpoint, self.abifiles[0].structure.reciprocal_lattice)
429            ik = self.kpoints.index(kpoint)
431        # Assume abifiles are already ordered according to q-path.
432        xs = list(range(len(self.abifiles)))
433        natom3 = len(self.abifiles[0].structure) * 3
434        nsppol = self.abifiles[0].nsppol
435        nqpt = len(self.abifiles)
436        gkq_snuq = np.empty((nsppol, natom3, nqpt), dtype=np.complex)
437        if with_glr: gkq_lr = np.empty((nsppol, natom3, nqpt), dtype=np.complex)
439        # TODO: Should take into account possible degeneracies in k and kq...
440        xticks, xlabels = [], []
441        for iq, abifile in enumerate(self.abifiles):
442            qpoint = abifile.qpoint
443            #d3q_fact = one if not spherical_average else np.sqrt(4 * np.pi) * qpoint.norm
445            name = qpoint.name if qpoint.name is not None else abifile.structure.findname_in_hsym_stars(qpoint)
446            if qpoint.name is not None:
447                xticks.append(iq)
448                xlabels.append(name)
450            phfreqs_ha, phdispl_red = abifile.phfreqs_ha, abifile.phdispl_red
451            ncvar = abifile.reader.read_variable("gkq")
452            for spin in range(nsppol):
453                gkq_atm = ncvar[spin, ik, :, band_k, band_kq]
454                gkq_atm = gkq_atm[:, 0] + 1j * gkq_atm[:, 1]
456                # Transform the gkk matrix elements from (atom, red_direction) basis to phonon-mode basis.
457                gkq_snuq[spin, :, iq] = 0.0
458                for nu in range(natom3):
459                    if phfreqs_ha[nu] < eph_wtol: continue
460                    gkq_snuq[spin, nu, iq] = np.dot(phdispl_red[nu], gkq_atm) / np.sqrt(2.0 * phfreqs_ha[nu])
462            if with_glr:
463                # Compute long range part with (simplified) generalized Frohlich model.
464                gkq_lr[spin, :, iq] = glr_frohlich(qpoint, abifile.becs_cart, abifile.epsinf_cart,
465                                                   abifile.phdispl_cart_bohr, phfreqs_ha, abifile.structure, qdamp=qdamp)
467        ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)
469        nu_list = list(range(natom3)) if nu_list is None else list(nu_list)
470        for spin in range(nsppol):
471            for nu in nu_list:
472                ys = np.abs(gkq_snuq[spin, nu]) * abu.Ha_meV
473                pre_label = kwargs.pop("pre_label",r"$g_{\bf q}$")
474                if nsppol == 1: label = r"%s $\nu$: %s" % (pre_label, nu)
475                if nsppol == 2: label = r"%s $\nu$: %s, spin: %s" % (pre_label, nu, spin)
476                ax.plot(xs, ys, linestyle="--", label=label)
477                if with_glr:
478                    # Plot model with G = 0 and delta_nn'
479                    ys = np.abs(gkq_lr[spin, nu]) * abu.Ha_meV
480                    label = r"$g_{\bf q}^{\mathrm{lr0}}$ $\nu$: %s" % nu
481                    ax.plot(xs, ys, linestyle="", marker="o", label=label)
483        ax.grid(True)
484        ax.set_xlabel("Wave Vector")
485        ax.set_ylabel(r"$|g_{\bf q}|$ (meV)")
486        if xticks:
487            ax.set_xticks(xticks, minor=False)
488            ax.set_xticklabels(xlabels, fontdict=None, minor=False, size=kwargs.pop("klabel_size", "large"))
490        ax.legend(loc="best", fontsize=fontsize, shadow=True)
491        title = r"$band_{{\bf k} + {\bf q}: %s, band_{\bf{k}}: %s, kpoint: %s" % (band_kq, band_k, repr(kpoint))
492        ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fontsize)
494        return fig
496    #@add_fig_kwargs
497    #def plot_gkq2_qpath_with_robots(self, other_robots, all_labels, band_kq, band_k, kpoint=0, ax=None, **kwargs):
498    #    if not isinstance(other_robots, (list, tuple)):
499    #        raise TypeError("other_robots should be a list. Received: %s" % type(other_robots))
500    #    if len(all_labels) /= 1 + len(other_robots):
501    #        raise ValueError("len(all_labels) should be equal to 1 + len(other_robots)")
503    #    ax, fig, plt = get_ax_fig_plt(ax=ax)
504    #    #self.plot_gkq2_qpath(self, band_kq, band_k, kpoint=kpoint,
505    #    #                with_glr=False, qdamp=None, nu_list=None, # spherical_average=False,
506    #    #                ax=ax, fontsize=8, eph_wtol=EPH_WTOL, **kwargs):
508    #    return fig
510    @add_fig_kwargs
511    def plot_gkq2_diff(self, iref=0, **kwargs):
512        """
513        Wraps gkq.plot_diff_with_other
514        Produce scatter and histogram plot to compare the gkq matrix elements stored in all the files
515        contained in the robot. Assume all files have the same q-point. Compare the `iref` file with others.
516        kwargs are passed to `plot_diff_with_other`.
517        """
518        if len(self) <= 1: return None
519        self._check_qpoints_equal()
521        ncols, nrows = 2, len(self) - 1
522        num_plots = ncols * nrows
523        ax_mat, fig, plt = get_axarray_fig_plt(None, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols,
524                                               sharex=False, sharey=False, squeeze=False)
526        ref_gkq, ref_label = self.abifiles[iref], self.labels[iref]
527        cnt = -1
528        for ifile, (other_label, other_gkq) in enumerate(zip(self.labels, self.abifiles)):
529            if ifile == iref: continue
530            cnt += 1
531            labels = [ref_label, other_label]
532            ref_gkq.plot_diff_with_other(other_gkq, ax_list=ax_mat[cnt], labels=labels, show=False, **kwargs)
534        return fig
536    def yield_figs(self, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover
537        """
538        This function *generates* a predefined list of matplotlib figures with minimal input from the user.
539        Used in abiview.py to get a quick look at the results.
540        """
541        for fig in self.get_ebands_plotter().yield_figs(): yield fig
543    def write_notebook(self, nbpath=None):
544        """
545        Write a jupyter_ notebook to `nbpath`. If nbpath is None, a temporary file in the current
546        working directory is created. Return path to the notebook.
547        """
548        nbformat, nbv, nb = self.get_nbformat_nbv_nb(title=None)
550        args = [(l, f.filepath) for l, f in self.items()]
551        nb.cells.extend([
552            #nbv.new_markdown_cell("# This is a markdown cell"),
553            nbv.new_code_cell("robot = abilab.GkqRobot(*%s)\nrobot.trim_paths()\nrobot" % str(args)),
554            nbv.new_code_cell("# robot.plot_gkq2_diff();"),
555            nbv.new_code_cell("# robot.plot_gkq2_qpath(band_kq=0, band_k=0, kpoint=0, with_glr=True, qdamp=None);")
556        ])
558        # Mixins
559        nb.cells.extend(self.get_baserobot_code_cells())
560        nb.cells.extend(self.get_ebands_code_cells())
562        return self._write_nb_nbpath(nb, nbpath)