1 /* BasePainter.java
2 Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc.
4 This file is part of IcedTea.
6 IcedTea is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
9 any later version.
11 IcedTea is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
12 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 General Public License for more details.
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 along with IcedTea; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
18 Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
19 02110-1301 USA.
21 Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is
22 making a combined work based on this library.  Thus, the terms and
23 conditions of the GNU General Public License cover the whole
24 combination.
26 As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you
27 permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an
28 executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent
29 modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under
30 terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked
31 independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that
32 module.  An independent module is a module which is not derived from
33 or based on this library.  If you modify this library, you may extend
34 this exception to your version of the library, but you are not
35 obligated to do so.  If you do not wish to do so, delete this
36 exception statement from your version. */
37 package net.sourceforge.jnlp.splashscreen.impls.defaultsplashscreen2012;
39 import java.awt.BasicStroke;
40 import net.sourceforge.jnlp.splashscreen.impls.*;
41 import java.awt.Color;
42 import java.awt.Font;
43 import java.awt.FontMetrics;
44 import java.awt.Graphics;
45 import java.awt.Graphics2D;
46 import java.awt.Point;
47 import java.awt.RenderingHints;
48 import java.awt.Stroke;
49 import java.awt.Toolkit;
50 import java.awt.font.TextAttribute;
51 import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
52 import java.util.HashMap;
53 import java.util.List;
55 import java.util.Map;
56 import java.util.Observable;
57 import java.util.Observer;
59 import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
60 import net.sourceforge.jnlp.runtime.Translator;
61 import net.sourceforge.jnlp.splashscreen.SplashUtils.SplashReason;
62 import net.sourceforge.jnlp.splashscreen.parts.BasicComponentSplashScreen;
63 import net.sourceforge.jnlp.splashscreen.parts.InfoItem;
64 import net.sourceforge.jnlp.splashscreen.parts.InformationElement;
65 import net.sourceforge.jnlp.splashscreen.parts.extensions.ExtensionManager;
66 import net.sourceforge.jnlp.util.logging.OutputController;
67 import net.sourceforge.jnlp.util.ScreenFinder;
69 public class BasePainter implements Observer {
71     protected final BasicComponentSplashScreen master;
72     //animations
73     //waterLevel of water (0-100%)
74     private int waterLevel = 0;
75     //waving of water and position of shhadowed WEB
76     private int animationsPosition = 0;
77     private int greyTextIncrment = 15; //how quickly is greyed web moving
78     //colors
79     protected static final Color TEA_LIVE_COLOR = new Color(205, 1, 3);
80     protected static final Color BACKGROUND_LIVE_COLOR = ExtensionManager.getExtension().getBackground();
81     protected static final Color TEA_LEAFS_STALKS_LIVE_COLOR = Color.black;
82     protected static final Color PLUGIN_LIVE_COLOR = ExtensionManager.getExtension().getPluginTextColor();
83     public static final Color WATER_LIVE_COLOR = new Color(80, 131, 160);
84     protected static final Color PLAIN_TEXT_LIVE_COLOR = ExtensionManager.getExtension().getTextColor();
85     protected Color teaColor;
86     protected Color backgroundColor;
87     protected Color teaLeafsStalksColor;
88     protected Color pluginColor;
89     protected Color waterColor;
90     protected Color plainTextColor;
91     //BufferedImage tmpBackround; //testingBackground for fitting
92     protected BufferedImage prerenderedStuff;
93     private Font teaFont;
94     private Font icedFont;
95     private Font webFont;
96     private Font pluginFont;
97     private Font plainTextsFont;
98     private Font alternativeTextFont;
99     //those spaces are meaningful for centering the text.. thats why alternative;)
100     private static final String alternativeICED = "Iced    ";
101     private static final String alternativeWeb = "Web  ";
102     private static final String alternativeTtea = "    Tea";
103     private static final String alternativePlugin = "plugin ";
104     private static final String ICED = "Iced";
105     private static final String web = "web";
106     private static final String tea = "Tea";
107     private static final String plugin = "plugin  ";
108     //inidivdual sizes, all converging to ZERO!!
109     /**
110      * Experimentaly meassured best top position for painted parts of vectros
111      */
112     private final int WEB_TOP_ALIGMENT = 324;
113     /**
114      * Experimentaly meassured best left position for painted parts of vectors
115      */
116     private final int WEB_LEFT_ALIGMENT = 84;
117     //enabling
118     protected boolean showNiceTexts = true;
119     private boolean showLeaf = true;
120     private boolean showInfo = true;
121     protected TextWithWaterLevel twl;
122     protected TextWithWaterLevel oldTwl;
123     protected boolean canWave = true;
124     private Point aboutOfset = new Point();
126     private final static float dash1[] = {10.0f};
127     private final static BasicStroke dashed =
128         new BasicStroke(1.0f,
129                         BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT,
130                         BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER,
131                         10.0f, dash1, 0.0f);
paintNiceTexts(Graphics2D g2d)133     protected void paintNiceTexts(Graphics2D g2d) {
134         //the only animated stuff
135         oldTwl = twl;
136         twl = new TextWithWaterLevel(ICED, icedFont);
137         if (oldTwl != null && !canWave) {
138             twl.setCachedPolygon(oldTwl.getCachedPolygon());
139         }
140         twl.setPercentageOfWater(waterLevel);
141         twl.setBgColor(backgroundColor);
142         twl.setWaterColor(waterColor);
143         twl.cutTo(g2d, scaleX(42), scaleY(278));
144         MovingText mt = new MovingText(web, webFont);
145         mt.setPercentageOfWater(animationsPosition);
146         mt.cutTo(g2d, scaleX(WEB_LEFT_ALIGMENT), scaleY(WEB_TOP_ALIGMENT));
147     }
paintPlainTexts(Graphics2D g2d)149     protected void paintPlainTexts(Graphics2D g2d) {
150         g2d.setFont(alternativeTextFont);
151         g2d.setColor(waterColor);
152         drawTextAroundCenter(g2d, -0.6d, alternativeICED);
153         g2d.setColor(teaColor);
154         drawTextAroundCenter(g2d, -0.6d, alternativeTtea);
155         g2d.setColor(pluginColor);
156         String s = getAlternativeProductName();
157         int sub = animationsPosition / greyTextIncrment;
158         sub = sub % s.length();
159         if (!master.isAnimationRunning()) {
160             sub = s.length();
161         }
162         drawTextAroundCenter(g2d, 0.3d, s.substring(0, sub));
163     }
164     //enabling end
scaleAvarage(double origValue)166     private int scaleAvarage(double origValue) {
167         return (int) (avarageRatio() * origValue);
168     }
scaleMax(double origValue)170     private int scaleMax(double origValue) {
171         return (int) (maxRatio() * origValue);
172     }
scaleMin(double origValue)174     private int scaleMin(double origValue) {
175         return (int) (minRatio() * origValue);
176     }
avarageRatio()178     private double avarageRatio() {
179         return (getRatioX() + getRatioY()) / 2d;
180     }
minRatio()182     private double minRatio() {
183         return Math.min(getRatioX(), getRatioY());
184     }
maxRatio()186     private double maxRatio() {
187         return Math.max(getRatioX(), getRatioY());
188     }
scaleY(double origValue)190     private int scaleY(double origValue) {
191         return (int) scaleY(master.getSplashHeight(), origValue);
192     }
scaleX(double origValue)194     private int scaleX(double origValue) {
195         return (int) scaleX(master.getSplashWidth(), origValue);
196     }
getRatioY()198     private double getRatioY() {
199         return getRatio(DefaultSplashScreen2012.ORIGINAL_H, master.getSplashHeight());
200     }
getRatioX()202     private double getRatioX() {
203         return getRatio(DefaultSplashScreen2012.ORIGINAL_W, master.getSplashWidth());
204     }
scaleY(double currentSize, double origValue)206     private static double scaleY(double currentSize, double origValue) {
207         return scale(DefaultSplashScreen2012.ORIGINAL_H, currentSize, origValue);
208     }
scaleX(double currentSize, double origValue)210     private static double scaleX(double currentSize, double origValue) {
211         return scale(DefaultSplashScreen2012.ORIGINAL_W, currentSize, origValue);
212     }
getRatioY(double currentSize)214     private static double getRatioY(double currentSize) {
215         return getRatio(DefaultSplashScreen2012.ORIGINAL_H, currentSize);
216     }
getRatioX(double currentSize)218     private static double getRatioX(double currentSize) {
219         return getRatio(DefaultSplashScreen2012.ORIGINAL_W, currentSize);
220     }
scale(double origSize, double currentSize, double origValue)222     public static double scale(double origSize, double currentSize, double origValue) {
223         return getRatio(origSize, currentSize) * origValue;
224     }
getRatio(double origSize, double currentSize)226     public static double getRatio(double origSize, double currentSize) {
227         return (currentSize / origSize);
228     }
229     //size is considered from 0-origsize as 0-1.
231     //scaling end
BasePainter(BasicComponentSplashScreen master)232     public BasePainter(BasicComponentSplashScreen master) {
233         this(master, false);
234     }
BasePainter(BasicComponentSplashScreen master, boolean startAnimation)236     public BasePainter(BasicComponentSplashScreen master, boolean startAnimation) {
237         //to have this in inner classes
238         this.master = master;
239         setColors();
240         adjustForSize(master.getSplashWidth(), master.getSplashHeight());
241         ExtensionManager.getExtension().adjustForSize(master.getSplashWidth(), master.getSplashHeight());
242         if (startAnimation) {
243             startAnimationThreads();
244         }
246     }
increaseAnimationPosition()248     public void increaseAnimationPosition() {
249         ExtensionManager.getExtension().animate();
250         animationsPosition += greyTextIncrment;
251     }
ensurePrerenderedStuff()253     protected void ensurePrerenderedStuff() {
254         if (this.prerenderedStuff == null) {
255             this.prerenderedStuff = prerenderStill();
256         }
257     }
paint(Graphics g)259     public void paint(Graphics g) {
260         Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
261         ensurePrerenderedStuff();
262         if (prerenderedStuff != null) {
263             g2d.drawImage(prerenderedStuff, 0, 0, null);
264         }
266         if (showNiceTexts) {
267             ExtensionManager.getExtension().paint(g, this);
268             paintNiceTexts(g2d);
269         } else {
270             paintPlainTexts(g2d);
271         }
275     }
adjustForSize(int width, int height)277     public final void adjustForSize(int width, int height) {
278         prepareFonts(width, height);
279         //enablings depends on fonts
280         setEnablings(width, height, master.getVersion(), master.getInformationElement(), (Graphics2D) (master.getGraphics()));
281         prerenderedStuff = prerenderStill();
282         ExtensionManager.getExtension().adjustForSize(width, height);
283     }
setEnablings(int w, int h, String version, InformationElement ic, Graphics2D g2d)285     private void setEnablings(int w, int h, String version, InformationElement ic, Graphics2D g2d) {
286         showLeaf = true;
287         if (w > 0 && h > 0) {
288             //leaf stretch much better to wide then to high
289             if (h / w > 2 || w / h > 6) {
290                 showLeaf = false;
291             }
292         }
293         showInfo = true;
294         if (version != null && g2d != null && ic != null && ic.getHeader() != null && ic.getHeader().size() > 0) {
295             String s = ic.getHeader().get(0);
296             FontMetrics fm = g2d.getFontMetrics(plainTextsFont);
297             int versionLength = fm.stringWidth(version);
298             int firsDescLineLengthg = fm.stringWidth(s);
299             if (firsDescLineLengthg > w - versionLength - 10) {
300                 showInfo = false;
301             }
302         }
303         if (Math.min(h, w) < ScreenFinder.getCurrentScreenSizeWithoutBounds().getHeight() / 10) {
304             showNiceTexts = false;
305         } else {
306             showNiceTexts = true;
307         }
308     }
startAnimationThreads()310     public final void startAnimationThreads() {
311         Thread tt = getMovingTextThread();
312         tt.start();
313         Thread t = getWaterLevelThread();
314         t.start();
315     }
prepareFonts(int w, int h)317     private void prepareFonts(int w, int h) {
318         master.setSplashHeight(h);
319         master.setSplashWidth(w);
320         Map<TextAttribute, Object> teaFontAttributes = new HashMap<TextAttribute, Object>();
321         teaFontAttributes.put(TextAttribute.SIZE, new Integer(scaleMin(84)));
322         teaFontAttributes.put(TextAttribute.WIDTH, new Double((0.95)));
323         teaFontAttributes.put(TextAttribute.FAMILY, "Serif");
324         teaFont = new Font(teaFontAttributes);
325         Map<TextAttribute, Object> icedFontAttributes = new HashMap<TextAttribute, Object>();
326         icedFontAttributes.put(TextAttribute.SIZE, new Integer(scaleMin(82)));
327         icedFontAttributes.put(TextAttribute.WIDTH, new Double((0.80)));
328         icedFontAttributes.put(TextAttribute.FAMILY, "Serif");
329         icedFont = new Font(icedFontAttributes);
330         Map<TextAttribute, Object> webFontAttributes = new HashMap<TextAttribute, Object>();
331         webFontAttributes.put(TextAttribute.SIZE, new Integer(scaleMin(41)));
332         webFontAttributes.put(TextAttribute.WIDTH, new Double((2)));
333         webFontAttributes.put(TextAttribute.FAMILY, "Serif");
334         webFont = new Font(webFontAttributes);
335         Map<TextAttribute, Object> pluginFontAttributes = new HashMap<TextAttribute, Object>();
336         pluginFontAttributes.put(TextAttribute.SIZE, new Integer(scaleMin(32)));
337         pluginFontAttributes.put(TextAttribute.WEIGHT, new Double((5d)));
338         pluginFontAttributes.put(TextAttribute.WIDTH, new Double((0.9)));
339         pluginFontAttributes.put(TextAttribute.FAMILY, "Serif");
340         pluginFont = new Font(pluginFontAttributes);
341         Map<TextAttribute, Object> plainFontAttributes = new HashMap<TextAttribute, Object>();
342         plainFontAttributes.put(TextAttribute.SIZE, new Integer(12));
343         plainFontAttributes.put(TextAttribute.FAMILY, "Monospaced");
344         plainTextsFont = new Font(plainFontAttributes);
345         Map<TextAttribute, Object> alternativeTextFontAttributes = new HashMap<TextAttribute, Object>();
346         alternativeTextFontAttributes.put(TextAttribute.SIZE, Math.min(w, h) / 5);
347         alternativeTextFontAttributes.put(TextAttribute.WIDTH, new Double((0.7)));
348         alternativeTextFontAttributes.put(TextAttribute.FAMILY, "Monospaced");
349         alternativeTextFont = new Font(alternativeTextFontAttributes);
351     }
setColors()353     private void setColors() {
355         teaColor = TEA_LIVE_COLOR;
356         backgroundColor = BACKGROUND_LIVE_COLOR;
357         teaLeafsStalksColor = TEA_LEAFS_STALKS_LIVE_COLOR;
358         pluginColor = PLUGIN_LIVE_COLOR;
359         waterColor = WATER_LIVE_COLOR;
360         plainTextColor = PLAIN_TEXT_LIVE_COLOR;
362     }
prerenderStill()364     protected BufferedImage prerenderStill() {
365         if (master.getSplashWidth() <= 0 || master.getSplashHeight() <= 0) {
366             return null;
367         }
368         BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(master.getSplashWidth(), master.getSplashHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
369         paintStillTo(bi.createGraphics(), master.getInformationElement(), master.getVersion());
370         return bi;
371     }
paintStillTo(Graphics2D g2d, InformationElement ic, String version)373     protected void paintStillTo(Graphics2D g2d, InformationElement ic, String version) {
374         RenderingHints r = g2d.getRenderingHints();
375         drawBase(g2d, ic, version);
376         g2d.setRenderingHints(r);
377     }
drawTextAroundCenter(Graphics2D g2d, double heightOffset, String msg)379     protected void drawTextAroundCenter(Graphics2D g2d, double heightOffset, String msg) {
381         int y = (master.getSplashHeight() / 2) + (g2d.getFontMetrics().getHeight() / 2 + (int) (heightOffset * g2d.getFontMetrics().getHeight()));
382         int x = (master.getSplashWidth() / 2) - (g2d.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(msg) / 2);
383         g2d.drawString(msg, x, y);
384     }
getMovingTextThread()386     private Thread getMovingTextThread() {
387         Thread tt = new Thread(new MovingTextRunner(this));
388         //tt.setDaemon(true);
389         return tt;
390     }
stripCommitFromVersion(String version)392     static String stripCommitFromVersion(String version) {
393         if (version.contains("pre+")) {
394             return version;
395         }
396         int i = version.indexOf("+");
397         if (i < 0) {
398             return version;
399         }
400         return version.substring(0, version.indexOf("+"));
401     }
403     private final class MovingTextRunner extends Observable implements Runnable {
405         private static final int MAX_ANIMATION_VALUE = 10000;
406         private static final int ANIMATION_RESTART_VALUE = 1;
407         private static final long MOOVING_TEXT_DELAY = 150;
MovingTextRunner(Observer o)409         public MovingTextRunner(Observer o) {
410             this.addObserver(o);
411         }
413         @Override
run()414         public void run() {
415             while (master.isAnimationRunning()) {
416                 try {
417                     animationsPosition += greyTextIncrment;
418                     if (animationsPosition > MAX_ANIMATION_VALUE) {
419                         animationsPosition = ANIMATION_RESTART_VALUE;
420                     }
421                     this.setChanged();
422                     this.notifyObservers();
423                     Thread.sleep(MOOVING_TEXT_DELAY);
424                 } catch (Exception e) {
425                     OutputController.getLogger().log(e);
426                 }
427             }
428         }
429     };
getWaterLevelThread()431     private Thread getWaterLevelThread() {
432         Thread t = new Thread(new WaterLevelThread(this));
433         //t.setDaemon(true);
434         return t;
435     }
437     private final class WaterLevelThread extends Observable implements Runnable {
439         private static final int MAX_WATERLEVEL_VALUE = 120;
440         private static final int WATER_LEVEL_INCREMENT = 2;
WaterLevelThread(BasePainter o)442         private WaterLevelThread(BasePainter o) {
443             this.addObserver(o);
444         }
446         @Override
run()447         public void run() {
448             while (master.isAnimationRunning()) {
449                 if (waterLevel > MAX_WATERLEVEL_VALUE) {
450                     break;
451                 }
452                 try {
453                     waterLevel += WATER_LEVEL_INCREMENT;
454                     this.setChanged();
455                     this.notifyObservers();
456                     //it is risinfg slower and slower
457                     Thread.sleep((waterLevel / 4) * 30);
458                 } catch (Exception e) {
459                     OutputController.getLogger().log(e);
460                 }
461             }
462         }
463     };
getAlternativeProductName()465     private String getAlternativeProductName() {
466         if (SplashReason.JAVAWS.equals(master.getSplashReason())) {
467             return alternativeWeb;
468         } else if (SplashReason.APPLET.equals(master.getSplashReason())) {
469             return alternativeWeb + alternativePlugin;
470         } else {
471             return "....";
472         }
473     }
drawBase(Graphics2D g2d, InformationElement ic, String version)475     protected FontMetrics drawBase(Graphics2D g2d, InformationElement ic, String version) {
476         g2d.setColor(backgroundColor);
477         g2d.fillRect(0, 0, master.getSplashWidth() + 5, master.getSplashHeight() + 5);
478         if (showNiceTexts) {
479             //g2d.drawImage(tmpBackround, 0, 0, null);
480             g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
481             g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY);
482             g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON);
483             g2d.setFont(teaFont);
484             g2d.setColor(teaColor);
485             g2d.drawString(tea, scaleX(42) + g2d.getFontMetrics(icedFont).stringWidth(ICED), scaleY(278));
486             g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_OFF);
487             if (showLeaf) {
488                 g2d.fillPolygon(SplinesDefs.getMainLeafCurve(getRatioX(), getRatioY()));
489             }
490             if (showLeaf) {
491                 g2d.fillPolygon(SplinesDefs.getSecondLeafCurve(getRatioX(), getRatioY()));
492             }
493             g2d.setColor(teaLeafsStalksColor);
494             if (showLeaf) {
495                 g2d.fillPolygon(SplinesDefs.getMainLeafStalkCurve(getRatioX(), getRatioY()));
496             }
497             if (showLeaf) {
498                 g2d.fillPolygon(SplinesDefs.getSecondLeafStalkCurve(getRatioX(), getRatioY()));
499             }
500             g2d.setFont(pluginFont);
501             g2d.setColor(pluginColor);
502             if (SplashReason.APPLET.equals(master.getSplashReason())) {
503                 if (showLeaf) {
504                     g2d.drawString(plugin, scaleX(404), scaleY(145));
505                 } else {
506                     FontMetrics wfm = g2d.getFontMetrics(webFont);
507                     g2d.drawString(plugin, wfm.stringWidth(web) + scaleX(WEB_LEFT_ALIGMENT) + 10, scaleY(WEB_TOP_ALIGMENT));
508                 }
509             }
510             g2d.setFont(plainTextsFont);
511             g2d.setColor(plainTextColor);
512             FontMetrics fm = g2d.getFontMetrics();
513             if (ic != null) {
514                 InfoItem des = ic.getBestMatchingDescriptionForSplash();
515                 List<String> head = ic.getHeader();
516                 if (head != null && showInfo) {
517                     for (int i = 0; i < head.size(); i++) {
518                         String string = head.get(i);
519                         g2d.drawString(string, 5, (i + 1) * fm.getHeight());
520                     }
521                 }
522                 if (des != null && des.getValue() != null) {
523                     g2d.drawString(des.getValue(), 5, master.getSplashHeight() - fm.getHeight());
524                 }
525             }
526         }
527         g2d.setFont(plainTextsFont);
528         g2d.setColor(plainTextColor);
529         FontMetrics fm = g2d.getFontMetrics();
530         if (version != null) {
531             String aboutPrefix = Translator.R("AboutDialogueTabAbout") + ": ";
532             int aboutPrefixWidth = fm.stringWidth(aboutPrefix);
533             String niceVersion = stripCommitFromVersion(version);
534             int y = master.getSplashWidth() - fm.stringWidth(niceVersion + " ");
535             if (y < 0) {
536                 y = 0;
537             }
538             if (y > aboutPrefixWidth) {
539                 niceVersion = aboutPrefix + niceVersion;
540                 y -= aboutPrefixWidth;
541             }
542             aboutOfset = new Point(y, fm.getHeight());
543             Stroke backup = g2d.getStroke();
544             g2d.setStroke(dashed);
545             g2d.drawRect(aboutOfset.x-1,1, master.getSplashWidth()-aboutOfset.x-1, aboutOfset.y+1);
546             g2d.setStroke(backup);
547             g2d.drawString(niceVersion, y, fm.getHeight());
548         }
549         return fm;
550     }
getWaterLevel()552     public int getWaterLevel() {
553         return waterLevel;
554     }
setWaterLevel(int level)556     public void setWaterLevel(int level) {
557         this.waterLevel = level;
558     }
getAnimationsPosition()560     public int getAnimationsPosition() {
561         return animationsPosition;
562     }
clearCachedWaterTextImage()564     public void clearCachedWaterTextImage() {
565         oldTwl = null;
566     }
568     @Override
update(Observable o, Object arg)569     public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {
570         try {
571             SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
573                 @Override
574                 public void run() {
575                     ExtensionManager.getExtension().animate();
576                     master.repaint();
577                 }
578             });
579         } catch (Exception ex) {
580             OutputController.getLogger().log(ex);
581         }
582     }
getMaster()584     public BasicComponentSplashScreen getMaster() {
585         return master;
586     }
getAboutOfset()588     public Point getAboutOfset() {
589         return aboutOfset;
590     }
getWaterColor()592     public Color getWaterColor() {
593         return waterColor;
594     }
getBackgroundColor()596     public Color getBackgroundColor() {
597         return backgroundColor;
598     }
600 }