1 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2     This is the
4     ██╗     ██╗ ██████╗  ██████╗  ██████╗ ██╗  ██╗████████╗███████╗
5     ██║     ██║██╔════╝ ██╔════╝ ██╔════╝ ██║  ██║╚══██╔══╝██╔════╝
6     ██║     ██║██║  ███╗██║  ███╗██║  ███╗███████║   ██║   ███████╗
7     ██║     ██║██║   ██║██║   ██║██║   ██║██╔══██║   ██║   ╚════██║
8     ███████╗██║╚██████╔╝╚██████╔╝╚██████╔╝██║  ██║   ██║   ███████║
9     ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝  ╚═════╝  ╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝   ╚═╝   ╚══════╝®
11     DEM simulation engine, released by
12     DCS Computing Gmbh, Linz, Austria
13     http://www.dcs-computing.com, office@dcs-computing.com
15     LIGGGHTS® is part of CFDEM®project:
16     http://www.liggghts.com | http://www.cfdem.com
18     Core developer and main author:
19     Christoph Kloss, christoph.kloss@dcs-computing.com
21     LIGGGHTS® is open-source, distributed under the terms of the GNU Public
22     License, version 2 or later. It is distributed in the hope that it will
23     be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
25     received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LIGGGHTS®.
26     If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses . See also top-level README
27     and LICENSE files.
29     LIGGGHTS® and CFDEM® are registered trade marks of DCS Computing GmbH,
30     the producer of the LIGGGHTS® software and the CFDEM®coupling software
31     See http://www.cfdem.com/terms-trademark-policy for details.
33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
34     Contributing author and copyright for this file:
35     Alexander Podlozhnyuk (DCS Computing GmbH, Linz)
36     Arno Mayrhofer (DCS Computing GmbH, Linz)
38     Copyright 2015-     DCS Computing GmbH, Linz
39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
41 #include "math_extra_liggghts_superquadric.h"
42 #include "math_extra_liggghts_nonspherical.h"
46 #include <cmath>
47 #include <algorithm>
48 #if __STDCPP_MATH_SPEC_FUNCS__ >= 201003L
49     #define BETA_NAMESPACE std
50 #elif defined(HAVE_TR1_CMATH)
51     #include <tr1/cmath>
52     #define BETA_NAMESPACE std::tr1
53 #elif defined(BOOST_INCLUDED)
54     #include "boost/math/special_functions/beta.hpp"
55     #define BETA_NAMESPACE boost::math
56 #else
58     #include "boost/math/special_functions/beta.hpp"
59     #define BETA_NAMESPACE boost::math
61 #endif
63 #include <map>
64 #include "math_const.h"
66 #define PHI_INV 0.61803398874989479
68 namespace MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical {
70 double J4[16];
check_inequalities(const int i,const double * delta,const double * a,const double * b,const double * A_delta,const double * B_delta,const double * C)72 double check_inequalities(const int i, const double *delta, const double *a, const double *b,
73                         const double *A_delta, const double *B_delta, const double *C) {
74   double R = 0.0, R0 = 0.0, R1 = 0.0;
75   switch (i) {
76   case 0: //check A0
77     R0 = a[0];
78     R1 = b[0]*fabs(C[0]) + b[1]*fabs(C[1])+b[2]*fabs(C[2]);
79     R = fabs(A_delta[0]);
80     break;
81   case 1: //check A1
82     R0 = a[1];
83     R1 = b[0]*fabs(C[3]) + b[1]*fabs(C[4])+b[2]*fabs(C[5]);
84     R = fabs(A_delta[1]);
85     break;
86   case 2: //check A2
87     R0 = a[2];
88     R1 = b[0]*fabs(C[6]) + b[1]*fabs(C[7])+b[2]*fabs(C[8]);
89     R = fabs(A_delta[2]);
90     break;
91   case 3: //check B0
92     R0 = a[0]*fabs(C[0]) + a[1]*fabs(C[3]) + a[2]*fabs(C[6]);
93     R1 = b[0];
94     R = fabs(B_delta[0]);
95     break;
96   case 4: //check B1
97     R0 = a[0]*fabs(C[1]) + a[1]*fabs(C[4]) + a[2]*fabs(C[7]);
98     R1 = b[1];
99     R = fabs(B_delta[1]);
100     break;
101   case 5: //check B2
102     R0 = a[0]*fabs(C[2]) + a[1]*fabs(C[5]) + a[2]*fabs(C[8]);
103     R1 = b[2];
104     R = fabs(B_delta[2]);
105     break;
106   case 6: //check //A0xB0
107     R0 = a[1]*fabs(C[6]) + a[2]*fabs(C[3]);
108     R1 = b[1]*fabs(C[2]) + b[2]*fabs(C[1]);
109     R = fabs(C[3]*A_delta[2] - C[6]*A_delta[1]);
110     break;
111   case 7: //check A0xB1
112     R0 = a[1]*fabs(C[7]) + a[2]*fabs(C[4]);
113     R1 = b[0]*fabs(C[2]) + b[2]*fabs(C[0]);
114     R = fabs(C[4]*A_delta[2] - C[7]*A_delta[1]);
115     break;
116   case 8: //check A0xB2
117     R0 = a[1]*fabs(C[8]) + a[2]*fabs(C[5]);
118     R1 = b[0]*fabs(C[1]) + b[1]*fabs(C[0]);
119     R = fabs(C[5]*A_delta[2] - C[8]*A_delta[1]);
120     break;
121   case 9: //check A1xB0
122     R0 = a[0]*fabs(C[6]) + a[2]*fabs(C[0]);
123     R1 = b[1]*fabs(C[5]) + b[2]*fabs(C[4]);
124     R = fabs(C[6]*A_delta[0] - C[0]*A_delta[2]);
125     break;
126   case 10: //A1xB1
127     R0 = a[0]*fabs(C[7]) + a[2]*fabs(C[1]);
128     R1 = b[0]*fabs(C[5]) + b[2]*fabs(C[3]);
129     R = fabs(C[7]*A_delta[0] - C[1]*A_delta[2]);
130     break;
131   case 11: //A1xB2
132     R0 = a[0]*fabs(C[8]) + a[2]*fabs(C[2]);
133     R1 = b[0]*fabs(C[4]) + b[1]*fabs(C[3]);
134     R = fabs(C[8]*A_delta[0] - C[2]*A_delta[2]);
135     break;
136   case 12: //A2xB0
137     R0 = a[0]*fabs(C[3]) + a[1]*fabs(C[0]);
138     R1 = b[1]*fabs(C[8]) + b[2]*fabs(C[7]);
139     R = fabs(C[0]*A_delta[1] - C[3]*A_delta[0]);
140     break;
141   case 13: //A2xB1
142     R0 = a[0]*fabs(C[4]) + a[1]*fabs(C[1]);
143     R1 = b[0]*fabs(C[8]) + b[2]*fabs(C[6]);
144     R = fabs(C[1]*A_delta[1] - C[4]*A_delta[0]);
145     break;
146   case 14: //A2xB2
147     R0 = a[0]*fabs(C[5]) + a[1]*fabs(C[2]);
148     R1 = b[0]*fabs(C[7]) + b[1]*fabs(C[6]);
149     R = fabs(C[2]*A_delta[1] - C[5]*A_delta[0]);
150     break;
151   }
152   if(fabs(R0+R1) < 1e-14 and fabs(R) < 1e-14)
153     return false;
154   else
155     return (R > R0+R1);
156 }
obb_intersect(Superquadric * particleA,Superquadric * particleB)158 bool obb_intersect(Superquadric *particleA, Superquadric *particleB)
159 {
160   unsigned int inequality_to_start = 0;
161   return obb_intersect(particleA, particleB, inequality_to_start);
162 }
164 //checking whether bounding boxes intersect or not
165 // Source: http://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/DynamicCollisionDetection.pdf
obb_intersect(Superquadric * particleA,Superquadric * particleB,unsigned int & inequality_to_start)166 bool obb_intersect(Superquadric *particleA, Superquadric *particleB, unsigned int &inequality_to_start)
167 {
168   double delta[3];
169   LAMMPS_NS::vectorSubtract3D(particleA->center, particleB->center, delta);
170   double shape_A[3], shape_B[3];
172   for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
173     shape_A[k] = particleA->shape[k];
174     shape_B[k] = particleB->shape[k];
175     particleA->shape[k] *= scale_koef;
176     particleB->shape[k] *= scale_koef;
177   }
179   double C[9];
180   MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::transpose_times3(particleA->rotation_matrix, particleB->rotation_matrix, C); //C = A^T * B
181 //check max. 15 inequalities
182   double A_delta[3], B_delta[3];
183   MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::transpose_matvec(particleA->rotation_matrix, delta, A_delta);
184   MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::transpose_matvec(particleB->rotation_matrix, delta, B_delta);
185   bool obb_intersect = true;
186   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
187     int inequality_to_check;
188     if(i == 0)
189       inequality_to_check = inequality_to_start;
190     else if(i == inequality_to_start)
191       inequality_to_check = 0;
192     else
193       inequality_to_check = i;
194     if(check_inequalities(inequality_to_check, delta, particleA->shape, particleB->shape, A_delta, B_delta, C)) {
195       inequality_to_start = inequality_to_check;
196       obb_intersect = false;
197       break;
198     }
199   }
200   LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(shape_A, particleA->shape);
201   LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(shape_B, particleB->shape);
202   return obb_intersect;
203 }
205 //minimal bounding sphere radius calculation
bounding_sphere_radius_superquadric(const double * shape,const double * blockiness,double * radius)206 void bounding_sphere_radius_superquadric(const double *shape, const double *blockiness, double *radius)
207 {
208   if(MathExtraLiggghts::compDouble(blockiness[0],2.0) and MathExtraLiggghts::compDouble(blockiness[1],2.0))
209     *radius = std::max(std::max(shape[0], shape[1]), shape[2]);
210   else {
211     const double a = std::max(shape[0], shape[1]);
212     const double b = std::min(shape[0], shape[1]);
213     const double c = shape[2];
214     if(MathExtraLiggghts::compDouble(blockiness[1],2.0))
215       *radius = sqrt(a*a+c*c);
216     else {
217       const double n1 = std::max(2.1, blockiness[0]);
218       const double n2 = std::max(2.1, blockiness[1]);
219       double alpha;
220       if(!MathExtraLiggghts::compDouble(blockiness[1],2.0))
221         alpha = MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::pow_abs(b/a, 2.0 / (n2 - 2.0));
222       else
223         alpha = 0.0;
224       const double gamma = pow_abs(1.0 + pow_abs(alpha, n2), n1/n2 - 1.0);
225       const double beta = pow_abs(c * c / (a * a) * gamma, 1.0 / (n1 - 2.0));
226       const double x0 = 1.0 / pow_abs(pow_abs(1.0 + pow_abs(alpha, n2), n1/n2) + pow_abs(beta, n1), 1.0 / n1);
227       const double xtmp = x0 * a;
228       const double ytmp = alpha * x0 * b;
229       const double ztmp =  beta * x0 * c;
230       *radius = sqrt(xtmp*xtmp + ytmp*ytmp + ztmp*ztmp);
231     }
232   }
233   *radius *= scale_koef;
234   //*radius = LAMMPS_NS::vectorMag3D(shape);
235   /*int index;
237   double u_[] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0};
238   for(int i = 0; i <= 90; i = i + 1) {
239     double angle = static_cast<double>(i)/180*M_PI;
240     double quat_[] = {cos(0.5*angle), 0.0, sin(0.5*angle), 0.0 };
241     double shape_[] = {0.354561735, 0.354561735, 0.709123471};
242     double aa = shape_[0];
243     double bb = shape_[1];
244     double cc = shape_[2];
245     double blockiness_[] = {6.0, 2.0};
246     double p = 1.61;
247     double s_ellipsoid = 4.0*M_PI*pow((pow(aa*bb,p) + pow(bb*cc,p) + pow(cc*aa,p))/3.0, 1.0/p);
248     double s_cylinder = 2.0 * M_PI*aa*bb + 4.0*M_PI*aa*cc;
249     double s_parallelepiped = 8.0*(aa*bb + bb*cc + cc*aa);
251     double s_particle;
252     area_superquadric(shape_, blockiness_, &s_particle);
253     double vol;
254     volume_superquadric(shape_, blockiness_, &vol);
255     double r = cbrt(0.75/M_PI*vol);
256     double s_particle_ortho = crossSectionalArea(u_, shape_, blockiness_, quat_, index);
257     double s_sphere = 4.0*M_PI*r*r;
258     double s_sphere_ortho = M_PI*r*r;
259     double psi = s_sphere / s_particle;
260     double psi_ortho = s_sphere_ortho / s_particle_ortho;
261     //printf("%3.16e\n", s_particle_ortho);
262     printf("%3.16e\n", psi_ortho);
263   }
264   printf("!");*/
265 }
267 // tensor of inertia in particle based coordinate system (diagonal)
268 //source: http://lrv.fri.uni-lj.si/~franc/SRSbook/geometry.pdf
inertia_superquadric(const double * shape,const double * blockiness,const double dens,double * ans)269 void inertia_superquadric(const double *shape, const double *blockiness, const double dens, double *ans)
270 {
271   const double eps1 = 2.0 / blockiness[0];
272   const double eps2 = 2.0 / blockiness[1];
274   const double a1 = shape[0];
275   const double a2 = shape[1];
276   const double a3 = shape[2];
277   const double I_xx = 0.5*a1*a2*a3*eps1*eps2*(a2*a2*BETA_NAMESPACE::beta(1.5*eps2, 0.5*eps2)*BETA_NAMESPACE::beta(0.5*eps1, 2.0*eps1+1.0)+
278       4.0*a3*a3*BETA_NAMESPACE::beta(0.5*eps2, 0.5*eps2+1.0)*BETA_NAMESPACE::beta(1.5*eps1, eps1+1.0)) * dens;
279   const double I_yy = 0.5*a1*a2*a3*eps1*eps2*(a1*a1*BETA_NAMESPACE::beta(1.5*eps2, 0.5*eps2)*BETA_NAMESPACE::beta(0.5*eps1, 2.0*eps1+1.0)+
280       4.0*a3*a3*BETA_NAMESPACE::beta(0.5*eps2, 0.5*eps2+1.0)*BETA_NAMESPACE::beta(1.5*eps1, eps1+1.0)) * dens;
281   const double I_zz = 0.5*a1*a2*a3*eps1*eps2*(a1*a1 + a2*a2)*
282       BETA_NAMESPACE::beta(1.5*eps2, 0.5*eps2)*BETA_NAMESPACE::beta(0.5*eps1, 2.0*eps1+1.0) * dens;
283   ans[0] = I_xx;
284   ans[1] = I_yy;
285   ans[2] = I_zz;
286 }
288 //volume of superquadric particle
289 //source: http://lrv.fri.uni-lj.si/~franc/SRSbook/geometry.pdf
volume_superquadric(const double * shape,const double * blockiness,double * result)290 void volume_superquadric(const double *shape, const double *blockiness, double *result)
291 {
292   const double eps1 = 2.0 / blockiness[0];
293   const double eps2 = 2.0 / blockiness[1];
294   *result =2.0*shape[0]*shape[1]*shape[2]*eps1*eps2*
295       BETA_NAMESPACE::beta(0.5*eps1, eps1 + 1.0)*
296       BETA_NAMESPACE::beta(0.5*eps2, 0.5*eps2 + 1.0);
297 }
area_superquadric(const double * shape,const double * blockiness,double * result)299 void area_superquadric(const double *shape, const double *blockiness, double *result)
300 {
301   double n1 = blockiness[0];
302   double n2 = blockiness[1];
303   double aa = shape[0];
304   double bb = shape[1];
305   double cc = shape[2];
306   *result = 0.0;
308   const int N = 10;
309   double sin_angle[N + 1];
310   double cos_angle[N + 1];
311   double dangle = 0.5*M_PI / static_cast<double>(N); //angle step
313   for(int in = 0; in <= N; in++) {
314     double angle;
315     if(in < N)
316       angle = dangle*static_cast<double>(in);
317     else
318       angle = dangle*(static_cast<double>(in) - 0.01);
319     sin_angle[in] = sin(angle); //precompute sinus
320     cos_angle[in] = cos(angle); //precompute cosinus
321   }
323   for(int itheta = 0; itheta < N; itheta++) {
324     double sin_theta1 = sin_angle[itheta];
325     double cos_theta1 = cos_angle[itheta];
326     double sin_theta2 = sin_angle[itheta+1];
327     double cos_theta2 = cos_angle[itheta+1];
328     double z1 = fabs(sin_theta1);
329     double z2 = fabs(sin_theta2);
330     for(int iphi = 0; iphi < N; iphi++) {
331       double sin_phi1 = sin_angle[iphi];
332       double cos_phi1 = cos_angle[iphi];
333       double p11[3];
334       p11[0] = fabs(cos_phi1)*fabs(cos_theta1);
335       p11[1] = fabs(sin_phi1)*fabs(cos_theta1);
336       p11[2] = z1;
338       double p12[3];
339       p12[0] = fabs(cos_phi1)*fabs(cos_theta2);
340       p12[1] = fabs(sin_phi1)*fabs(cos_theta2);
341       p12[2] = z2;
343       double sin_phi2 = sin_angle[iphi+1];
344       double cos_phi2 = cos_angle[iphi+1];
345       double p21[3];
346       p21[0] = fabs(cos_phi2)*fabs(cos_theta1);
347       p21[1] = fabs(sin_phi2)*fabs(cos_theta1);
348       p21[2] = z1;
350       double p22[3];
351       p22[0] = fabs(cos_phi2)*fabs(cos_theta2);
352       p22[1] = fabs(sin_phi2)*fabs(cos_theta2);
353       p22[2] = z2;
355       double center_[] = {0,0,0};
356       double quat_[] = {1,0,0,0};
357       double shape_[] = {aa, bb, cc};
358       double blockiness_[] = {n1, n2};
359       Superquadric particle(center_, quat_, shape_, blockiness_);
360       double f, alpha;
362       f = particle.shape_function_local(p11);
363       alpha = 1.0 / MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::pow_abs(f/particle.koef + 1.0, 1.0/blockiness[0]);
364       for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
365         p11[i] *= alpha;
367       f = particle.shape_function_local(p12);
368       alpha = 1.0 / MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::pow_abs(f/particle.koef + 1.0, 1.0/blockiness[0]);
369       for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
370         p12[i] *= alpha;
372       f = particle.shape_function_local(p21);
373       alpha = 1.0 / MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::pow_abs(f/particle.koef + 1.0, 1.0/blockiness[0]);
374       for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
375         p21[i] *= alpha;
377       f = particle.shape_function_local(p22);
378       alpha = 1.0 / MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::pow_abs(f/particle.koef + 1.0, 1.0/blockiness[0]);
379       for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
380         p22[i] *= alpha;
382       double e1[3], e2[3], e3[4];
383       LAMMPS_NS::vectorSubtract3D(p22, p11, e1);
384       LAMMPS_NS::vectorSubtract3D(p12, p11, e2);
385       LAMMPS_NS::vectorSubtract3D(p21, p11, e3);
387       double s1 = LAMMPS_NS::vectorCrossMag3D(e1, e2);
388       double s2 = LAMMPS_NS::vectorCrossMag3D(e1, e3);
390       *result += (s1 + s2)*4.0;
391     }
392   }
393   /*double result_check1 = 4.0*M_PI*aa*bb; //sphere surface area
394   double result_check2 = 8*(aa*bb + bb*cc + cc*aa); //box surface area
395   double ecc = sqrt(1.0 - std::min(aa*aa,bb*bb)/std::max(aa*aa,bb*bb));
396   double len = 4.0*std::max(aa,bb)*boost::math::ellint_2(ecc);
397   double result_check3 = 2.0*M_PI*aa*bb + len*2.0*cc; //cylinder surface area
398   printf("%e %e \n", *result, result_check1);*/
399 }
crossSectionalArea(const double * u_,const double * shape,const double * blockiness,const double * quat,int & index)401 double crossSectionalArea(const double* u_, const double* shape, const double *blockiness, const double* quat, int& index)
402 {
403   double eps1 = 2.0 / blockiness[0];
404   double eps2 = 2.0 / blockiness[1];
405   double rot[9];
406   MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::quat_to_mat(quat, rot);
407   double u[3];
408   MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::transpose_matvec(rot, u_, u);
409   LAMMPS_NS::vectorNormalize3D(u);
411   if(fabs(u[2]) < 1e-8) {
412     u[2] = 0.0;
413     LAMMPS_NS::vectorNormalize3D(u);
414   }
416   double a = shape[0];
417   double b = shape[1];
418   double c = shape[2];
420   double ux = u[0];
421   double uy = u[1];
422   double uz = u[2];
424   double result = 0.0;
425   int N = 2000;
427   if(fabs(uz) > 1e-12) {
428     double dphi = M_PI / static_cast<double>(N);
429     for(int iphi = 0; iphi < N; iphi ++) {
430       double phi =      static_cast<double>(iphi)*dphi;
431       double phi_next = static_cast<double>(iphi+1)*dphi;
433       double cos_phi = cos(phi);
434       double sin_phi = sin(phi);
436       double cos_phi_next = cos(phi_next);
437       double sin_phi_next = sin(phi_next);
439       double tg_theta =      -(ux * pow_abs(cos_phi, 2.0 - eps2) * sign(cos_phi) * (c/a) +
440                                uy * pow_abs(sin_phi, 2.0 - eps2) * sign(sin_phi) * (c/b)) / uz;
441       double tg_theta_next = -(ux * pow_abs(cos_phi_next, 2.0 - eps2) * sign(cos_phi_next) * (c/a) +
442                                uy * pow_abs(sin_phi_next, 2.0 - eps2) * sign(sin_phi_next) * (c/b)) / uz;
444       tg_theta = pow_abs(tg_theta, 1.0 / (2.0 - eps1))*sign(tg_theta);
445       tg_theta_next = pow_abs(tg_theta_next, 1.0 / (2.0 - eps1))*sign(tg_theta_next);
447       double cos_theta2 = 1.0 / (1.0 + tg_theta*tg_theta);
448       double sin_theta2 = 1.0 - cos_theta2;
449       double cos_theta = sqrt(cos_theta2);
450       double sin_theta = sqrt(sin_theta2) * sign(tg_theta);
452       double cos_theta_next2 = 1.0 / (1.0 + tg_theta_next*tg_theta_next);
453       double sin_theta_next2 = 1.0 - cos_theta_next2;
454       double cos_theta_next = sqrt(cos_theta_next2);
455       double sin_theta_next = sqrt(sin_theta_next2) * sign(tg_theta_next);
457       double p[] =      { a*pow_abs(cos_theta, eps1) * pow_abs(cos_phi, eps2) * sign(cos_theta) * sign(cos_phi),
458                           b*pow_abs(cos_theta, eps1) * pow_abs(sin_phi, eps2) * sign(cos_theta) * sign(sin_phi),
459                           c*pow_abs(sin_theta, eps1) * sign(sin_theta)};
460       double p_next[] = { a*pow_abs(cos_theta_next, eps1) * pow_abs(cos_phi_next, eps2) * sign(cos_theta_next) * sign(cos_phi_next),
461                           b*pow_abs(cos_theta_next, eps1) * pow_abs(sin_phi_next, eps2) * sign(cos_theta_next) * sign(sin_phi_next),
462                           c*pow_abs(sin_theta_next, eps1) * sign(sin_theta_next)};
464       double s[3];
465       LAMMPS_NS::vectorCross3D(p, p_next,s);
466       double s_ = fabs(LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(s,u));
467       result += s_;
468     }
469     index = 0;
470   } else {
471     double cos_phi, sin_phi;
472     if(fabs(uy) > fabs(ux)) {
473       double tg_phi = -ux / uy * b / a;
474       tg_phi = pow_abs(tg_phi, 2.0 - eps2) * sign(tg_phi);
475       double cos_phi2 = 1.0 / (1.0 + tg_phi*tg_phi);
476       cos_phi = sqrt(cos_phi2);
477       sin_phi = sqrt(1.0 - cos_phi2)*sign(tg_phi);
478       index = 1;
479     } else {
480       double ctg_phi = -uy / ux * a / b;
481       ctg_phi = pow_abs(ctg_phi, 2.0 - eps2) * sign(ctg_phi);
482       double sin_phi2 = 1.0 / (1.0 + ctg_phi*ctg_phi);
483       sin_phi = sqrt(sin_phi2);
484       cos_phi = sqrt(1.0 - sin_phi2)*sign(ctg_phi);
485       index = 2;
486     }
487     double dtheta = M_PI / static_cast<double>(N);
488     for(int itheta = 0; itheta < N; itheta++) {
489       double theta =      dtheta*static_cast<double>(itheta);
490       double theta_next = dtheta*static_cast<double>(itheta+1);
491       double cos_theta = cos(theta);
492       double sin_theta = sin(theta);
494       double cos_theta_next = cos(theta_next);
495       double sin_theta_next = sin(theta_next);
497       double p[] =      { a * pow_abs(sin_theta, eps1) * pow_abs(cos_phi,eps2) * sign(sin_theta) * sign(cos_phi),
498                           b * pow_abs(sin_theta, eps1) * pow_abs(sin_phi,eps2) * sign(sin_theta) * sign(sin_phi),
499                           c * pow_abs(cos_theta, eps1) * sign(cos_theta)};
500       double p_next[] = { a * pow_abs(sin_theta_next, eps1) * pow_abs(cos_phi,eps2) * sign(sin_theta_next) * sign(cos_phi),
501                           b * pow_abs(sin_theta_next, eps1) * pow_abs(sin_phi,eps2) * sign(sin_theta_next) * sign(sin_phi),
502                           c * pow_abs(cos_theta_next, eps1) * sign(cos_theta_next)};
504       double s[3];
505       LAMMPS_NS::vectorCross3D(p, p_next,s);
506       double s_ = fabs(LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(s,u));
507       result += s_;
508     }
509   }
510   return result;
511 }
get_point(int iphi,int nphi,int itheta,int ntheta,Superquadric & particle,std::map<std::pair<int,int>,point> & point_map,double * p)513 void get_point(int iphi, int nphi, int itheta, int ntheta, Superquadric &particle, std::map<std::pair<int,int>, point> &point_map, double *p) {
514   std::pair<int, int> pair;
515   pair = std::make_pair(iphi, itheta);
516   std::map<std::pair<int,int>, point>::iterator it = point_map.find(pair);
517   if(it == point_map.end()) {
518     particle.reference_point(iphi, nphi, itheta, ntheta, p);
519     point_map[pair] = point(p);
520   } else {
521     point cur_map_element = it->second;
522     p[0] = cur_map_element.x;
523     p[1] = cur_map_element.y;
524     p[2] = cur_map_element.z;
525   }
526 }
529 TODO: remove?
530 void initial_estimate(SurfacesIntersectData &stdata, int *nphi_start, int *ntheta_start,
531     const double *point_i_estimate, const double *point_j_estimate, double *result_pointA, double *result_pointB)
532 {
535   std::map<std::pair<int,int>, point> map1;
536   std::map<std::pair<int,int>, point> map2;
538   double p1[3], p2[3];
539   double p1_[3], p2_[3];
540   int nphi = *nphi_start;
541   int ntheta = *ntheta_start;
542   double distance_first_estimate = LAMMPS_NS::pointDistance(point_i_estimate, point_j_estimate);
544   int iphi1, itheta1, iphi2, itheta2;
545   Superquadric particleA(stdata.pos_i, stdata.quat_i, stdata.shape_i, stdata.blockiness_i);
546   Superquadric particleB(stdata.pos_j, stdata.quat_j, stdata.shape_j, stdata.blockiness_j);
548   particleA.pre_initial_estimate(point_i_estimate, nphi, ntheta, &iphi1, &itheta1);
549   particleB.pre_initial_estimate(point_j_estimate, nphi, ntheta, &iphi2, &itheta2);
551   get_point(iphi1, nphi, itheta1, ntheta, particleA, map1, p1);
552   get_point(iphi2, nphi, itheta2, ntheta, particleB, map2, p2);
554   bool next_iter = true;
555   int it = 0;
556   while(next_iter) {
557     next_iter = false;
558     get_point(iphi1, nphi, itheta1, ntheta, particleA, map1, p1);
559     get_point(iphi2, nphi, itheta2, ntheta, particleB, map2, p2);
560     it ++;
561     int ir = 0;
562     int shifts[8][2] = {{ 0,  1},
563                         { 0, -1},
564                         { 1,  0},
565                         {-1,  0},
566                         { 1,  1},
567                         { 1, -1},
568                         {-1,  1},
569                         {-1, -1}};
570     double rsq = LAMMPS_NS::pointDistance(p1, p2);
571     int iphi1_ = iphi1;
572     int itheta1_ = itheta1;
573     int iphi2_ = iphi2;
574     int itheta2_ = itheta2;
575     for(int ishift1 = 0; ishift1 < 8; ishift1++) {
576       double p1_new[3], p2_new[3];
577       int iphi1_new =     (iphi1 + shifts[ishift1][0] +   nphi - 1) % (nphi - 1);
578       int itheta1_new = (itheta1 + shifts[ishift1][1] + ntheta - 1) % (ntheta - 1);
579       get_point(iphi1_new, nphi, itheta1_new, ntheta, particleA, map1, p1_new);
580       for(int ishift2 = 0; ishift2 < 8; ishift2++) {
581         ir ++;
582         int iphi2_new =     (iphi2 + shifts[ishift2][0] +   nphi - 1) % (nphi - 1);
583         int itheta2_new = (itheta2 + shifts[ishift2][1] + ntheta - 1) % (ntheta - 1);
584         get_point(iphi2_new, nphi, itheta2_new, ntheta, particleB, map2, p2_new);
585         double rsq_ = LAMMPS_NS::pointDistance(p1_new, p2_new);
586         if(rsq_ < rsq) {
587           rsq = rsq_;
588           iphi1_ = iphi1_new;
589           itheta1_ = itheta1_new;
590           iphi2_ = iphi2_new;
591           itheta2_ = itheta2_new;
592           LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(p1_new, p1_);
593           LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(p2_new, p2_);
594           next_iter = true;
595         }
596       }
597     }
598     iphi1 = iphi1_;
599     itheta1 = itheta1_;
600     iphi2 = iphi2_;
601     itheta2 = itheta2_;
602     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(p1_, p1);
603     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(p2_, p2);
604   }
606   double rsq = LAMMPS_NS::pointDistance(p1, p2);
607   //double r = sqrt(rsq);
608   if(distance_first_estimate < rsq) {
609     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(point_i_estimate, result_pointA);
610     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(point_j_estimate, result_pointB);
611   } else {
612     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(p1, result_pointA);
613     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(p2, result_pointB);
614   }
616   #endif
617 }*/
calc_F(Superquadric * particleA,Superquadric * particleB,double & f1,double & f2,double * gradA,double * gradB,double * hess1,double * hess2,const double * point,double mu,double * F,double * merit)619 double calc_F(Superquadric *particleA, Superquadric *particleB, double &f1, double &f2, double *gradA, double *gradB, double *hess1, double *hess2, const double *point, double mu, double *F, double *merit)
620 {
621   /*particleA->shape_function_gradient_global(point, gradA);
622   particleB->shape_function_gradient_global(point, gradB);
623   f1 = particleA->shape_function_global(point);
624   f2 = particleB->shape_function_global(point);*/
626   particleA->shape_function_props_global(point, &f1, gradA, hess1);
627   particleB->shape_function_props_global(point, &f2, gradB, hess2);
629   double mu_sq = mu*mu;
630   F[0] = gradA[0] + mu_sq*gradB[0];
631   F[1] = gradA[1] + mu_sq*gradB[1];
632   F[2] = gradA[2] + mu_sq*gradB[2];
633   F[3] = f1 - f2;
635   double v[3];
636   MathExtra::cross3(gradA, gradB, v);
637   double sine = (fabs(LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(v,v) / (LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(gradA, gradA) * LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(gradB, gradB))));
638   double aaa = fabs(f1 - f2)/(std::max(fabs(f1),fabs(f2))+1e-16);
639   *merit = std::max(sine, aaa*aaa);
640   return F[0]*F[0] + F[1]*F[1] + F[2]*F[2] + F[3]*F[3];
641 }
calc_F(Superquadric * particleA,Superquadric * particleB,double & f1,double & f2,double * gradA,double * gradB,double * hess1,double * hess2,const double * point,double * mu,double * F,double * merit)643 double calc_F(Superquadric *particleA, Superquadric *particleB, double &f1, double &f2, double *gradA, double *gradB, double *hess1, double *hess2, const double *point, double *mu, double *F, double *merit)
644 {
645   /*particleA->shape_function_gradient_global(point, gradA);
646   particleB->shape_function_gradient_global(point, gradB);
647   f1 = particleA->shape_function_global(point);
648   f2 = particleB->shape_function_global(point);*/
650   particleA->shape_function_props_global(point, &f1, gradA, hess1);
651   particleB->shape_function_props_global(point, &f2, gradB, hess2);
653   double mu_sq = -LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(gradA,gradB) / LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(gradB,gradB);
654   *mu = sqrt(fabs(mu_sq));
655   F[0] = gradA[0] + mu_sq*gradB[0];
656   F[1] = gradA[1] + mu_sq*gradB[1];
657   F[2] = gradA[2] + mu_sq*gradB[2];
658   F[3] = f1 - f2;
660   double v[3];
661   MathExtra::cross3(gradA, gradB, v);
662   double sine = (fabs(LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(v,v) / (LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(gradA, gradA) * LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(gradB, gradB))));
663   double aaa = fabs(f1 - f2)/(std::max(fabs(f1),fabs(f2))+1e-16);
664   *merit = std::max(sine, aaa*aaa);
665   return F[0]*F[0] + F[1]*F[1] + F[2]*F[2] + F[3]*F[3];
666 }
calc_F_new(Superquadric * particle1,Superquadric * particle2,const double * x2,double * gradA,double * gradB,const double alpha,const double beta,double * F,double * merit)668 double calc_F_new(Superquadric *particle1, Superquadric *particle2, const double *x2, double *gradA, double *gradB, const double alpha, const double beta, double *F, double *merit)
669 {
670   double x1[3];
671   double f1, f2;
673   particle2->shape_function_props_global(x2, &f2, gradB, NULL);
674   x1[0] = x2[0] + beta*gradB[0];
675   x1[1] = x2[1] + beta*gradB[1];
676   x1[2] = x2[2] + beta*gradB[2];
677   particle1->shape_function_props_global(x1, &f1, gradA, NULL);
679   F[0] = gradA[0]+alpha*gradB[0];
680   F[1] = gradA[1]+alpha*gradB[1];
681   F[2] = gradA[2]+alpha*gradB[2];
682   F[3] = f1;
683   F[4] = f2;
685   double v[3];
686   MathExtra::cross3(gradA, gradB, v);
687   double sin_ = sqrt(fabs(LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(v,v) / (LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(gradA, gradA) * LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(gradB, gradB))));
688   *merit = fabs(sin_) + fabs(f1) + fabs(f2);
690   return sqrt(F[0]*F[0] + F[1]*F[1] + F[2]*F[2] + F[3]*F[3] + F[4]*F[4]);
691 }
calc_F_new(Superquadric * particle1,Superquadric * particle2,double * x1,const double * x2,double * gradA,double * gradB,const double alpha,const double beta,double * F,double * merit)693 double calc_F_new(Superquadric *particle1, Superquadric *particle2, double *x1, const double *x2, double *gradA, double *gradB, const double alpha, const double beta, double *F, double *merit)
694 {
695   double f1, f2;
696   particle2->shape_function_props_global(x2, &f2, gradB, NULL);
697   x1[0] = x2[0] + beta*gradB[0];
698   x1[1] = x2[1] + beta*gradB[1];
699   x1[2] = x2[2] + beta*gradB[2];
700   particle1->shape_function_props_global(x1, &f1, gradA, NULL);
702   F[0] = gradA[0]+alpha*gradB[0];
703   F[1] = gradA[1]+alpha*gradB[1];
704   F[2] = gradA[2]+alpha*gradB[2];
705   F[3] = f1;
706   F[4] = f2;
708   double v[3];
709   MathExtra::cross3(gradA, gradB, v);
710   double sin_ = sqrt(fabs(LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(v,v) / (LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(gradA, gradA) * LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(gradB, gradB))));
711   *merit = fabs(sin_) + fabs(f1) + fabs(f2);
713   return sqrt(F[0]*F[0] + F[1]*F[1] + F[2]*F[2] + F[3]*F[3] + F[4]*F[4]);
714 }
invf(int i,int j,const double * m)716 double invf(int i,int j,const double* m){
718     int o = 2+(j-i);
720     i += 4+o;
721     j += 4-o;
723     #define e(a,b) m[ ((j+b)%4)*4 + ((i+a)%4) ]
725     double inv =
726      + e(+1,-1)*e(+0,+0)*e(-1,+1)
727      + e(+1,+1)*e(+0,-1)*e(-1,+0)
728      + e(-1,-1)*e(+1,+0)*e(+0,+1)
729      - e(-1,-1)*e(+0,+0)*e(+1,+1)
730      - e(-1,+1)*e(+0,-1)*e(+1,+0)
731      - e(+1,-1)*e(-1,+0)*e(+0,+1);
733     return (o%2)?inv : -inv;
735     #undef e
736 }
inverseMatrix4x4(const double * m,double * out)738 double inverseMatrix4x4(const double *m, double *out)
739 {
741     double inv[16];
743     for(int i = 0;i < 4; i++)
744         for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
745             inv[j*4+i] = invf(i,j,m);
747     double D = 0;
749     for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++) D += m[k] * inv[k*4];
751     if (D == 0) return D;
753     double D_inv = 1.0 / D;
755     for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
756         out[i] = inv[i] * D_inv;
758     return D;
759 }
determinant_4x4(double * mat)761 double determinant_4x4(double *mat)
762 {
763   const double m00 = mat[0]; const double m01 = mat[1]; const double m02 = mat[2]; const double m03 = mat[3];
764   const double m10 = mat[4]; const double m11 = mat[5]; const double m12 = mat[6]; const double m13 = mat[7];
765   const double m20 = mat[8]; const double m21 = mat[9]; const double m22 = mat[10]; const double m23 = mat[11];
766   const double m30 = mat[12]; const double m31 = mat[13]; const double m32 = mat[14]; const double m33 = mat[15];
768   double value =
769      m03*m12*m21*m30 - m02*m13*m21*m30 - m03*m11*m22*m30 + m01*m13*m22*m30+
770      m02*m11*m23*m30 - m01*m12*m23*m30 - m03*m12*m20*m31 + m02*m13*m20*m31+
771      m03*m10*m22*m31 - m00*m13*m22*m31 - m02*m10*m23*m31 + m00*m12*m23*m31+
772      m03*m11*m20*m32 - m01*m13*m20*m32 - m03*m10*m21*m32 + m00*m13*m21*m32+
773      m01*m10*m23*m32 - m00*m11*m23*m32 - m02*m11*m20*m33 + m01*m12*m20*m33+
774      m02*m10*m21*m33 - m00*m12*m21*m33 - m01*m10*m22*m33 + m00*m11*m22*m33;
775   return value;
776 }
calc_contact_point(Superquadric * particleA,Superquadric * particleB,double ratio,const double * initial_point1,double * result_point,double & fi,double & fj,bool * fail,LAMMPS_NS::Error * error)778 void calc_contact_point(Superquadric *particleA, Superquadric *particleB,
779     double ratio, const double *initial_point1, double *result_point, double &fi, double &fj, bool *fail, LAMMPS_NS::Error *error)
780 {
781   const double tol1 = 1e-10; //tolerance
782   const double tol2 = 1e-12;
783   *fail = false;
785   double mu, mu_sq;
786   double F[4], F1[4], F2[4];
787   double point[3];
789   double mu1, mu2;
790   double gradA1[3], gradB1[3];
792   double fi1, fj1, fi2, fj2;
794   double merit01, merit02, merit0;
796   double res01 = calc_F(particleA, particleB, fi1, fj1, gradA1, gradB1, NULL, NULL, initial_point1, &mu1, F1, &merit01);
797   if(merit01 < tol1) {
798     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(initial_point1, result_point);
799     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(gradA1, particleA->gradient);
800     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(gradB1, particleB->gradient);
801     fi = fi1;
802     fj = fj1;
803     return; //finish if initial guess is good enough
804   }
806   double initial_point2[3];
807   for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
808     initial_point2[k] = ratio*particleB->center[k] + (1.0 - ratio)*particleA->center[k]; //solution for spheres
809   double gradA2[3], gradB2[3];
810   double res02 = calc_F(particleA, particleB, fi2, fj2, gradA2, gradB2, NULL, NULL, initial_point2, &mu2, F2, &merit02);
811   double res0;
812   if(res01 < res02) {
813     res0 = res01; //solution from previous step is better than for spheres
814     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(gradA1, particleA->gradient);
815     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(gradB1, particleB->gradient);
816     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(initial_point1, point);
817     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy4D(F1, F);
818     fi = fi1;
819     fj = fj1;
820     mu = mu1;
821     merit0 = merit01;
822   } else { //solution for spheres better than from the previous step one
823     res0 = res02;
824     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(gradA2, particleA->gradient);
825     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(gradB2, particleB->gradient);
826     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(initial_point2, point);
827     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy4D(F2, F);
828     fi = fi2;
829     fj = fj2;
830     mu = mu2;
831     merit0 = merit02;
832   }
834   double point0[3];
835   LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(point, point0);
837   if(merit0 < tol1) {
838     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(point, result_point);
839     return; //finish if the solution for spheres is good enough
840   }
842   double merit1 = merit0;
843   double merit2 = merit0;
845   double res1 = res0;
846   double res2 = res1;
848   double size_i = MathExtraLiggghts::min(particleA->shape[0],particleA->shape[1],particleA->shape[2]);
849   double size_j = MathExtraLiggghts::min(particleB->shape[0],particleB->shape[1],particleB->shape[2]);
851   double size = std::min(size_i, size_j);
853   J4[15] = 0.0;
854   double delta[4], delta_0[4];
855   zeros(delta, 4);
856   zeros(delta_0, 4);
857   const int Niter = 100000;
858   double pointb[3], pointa[3];
859   double J4_inv[16];
861   for(int iter = 0; iter < Niter; iter++) {
863     merit2 = merit1;
864     res2 = res1;
866     particleA->shape_function_hessian_global(point, particleA->hessian);
867     particleB->shape_function_hessian_global(point, particleB->hessian);
869     mu_sq = mu*mu;
870     for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { //construct Jacobian
871       for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
872         J4[4*i + j] = particleA->hessian[i*3+j] + mu_sq*particleB->hessian[i*3+j];
873       }
874       J4[3+4*i] = 2.0*mu*particleB->gradient[i];
875       J4[i+4*3] = particleA->gradient[i] - particleB->gradient[i];
876     }
878     double det = determinant_4x4(J4);
879     if(fabs(det) > 1.0) {
880       inverseMatrix4x4(J4, J4_inv);
881       MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::matvecN(J4_inv, F, 4, delta);
882     } else {
883       vectorCopyN(delta, 4, delta_0);
884       GMRES<4,4>(J4, F, delta_0, delta); //solve linear system
885     }
887     bool nan_found = false;
888     for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
889       if(std::isnan(delta[i])) {
890         nan_found = true; //check if there are NaNs in the solution
892         error->warning(FLERR,"NaN found in calc_contact_point while solving linear system!\n");
893         printf_debug_data(particleA, particleB, point0, error);
894 #endif
895         *fail = true;
896         break;
897       }
898     }
900     bool converged = false;
901     double deltax = MathExtraLiggghts::max(fabs(delta[0]),fabs(delta[1]),fabs(delta[2]));
902     if(deltax == 0.0) {
903       LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(point, result_point);
904       LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(point, result_point);
905       converged = true;
906     } else {
907     if(nan_found)
908       break;
909     else {
910       double point_[3], mu_;
911       point_[0] = point[0] - delta[0];
912       point_[1] = point[1] - delta[1];
913       point_[2] = point[2] - delta[2];
914       mu_ = mu - delta[3];
915       double fi_, fj_;
916         double merit2_;
917         double res2_ = calc_F(particleA, particleB, fi_, fj_, particleA->gradient, particleB->gradient, NULL, NULL, point_, mu_, F, &merit2_);
918         if(res2_ < res1 or merit2_ < tol1 or deltax < tol2 * size) {
919           merit2 = merit2_;
920           res2 = res2_;
921         mu = mu_;
922         fi = fi_;
923         fj = fj_;
924         LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(point_, point);
925           if(merit2 < tol1 or deltax < tol2 * size)
926           converged = true;
927       } else { //make the steepest descent of the residual
928         double a = 0.0;
929         double b = 1.0;
930         double eps = fabs(b-a);
932         double res2a, res2b;
933           double merit2a, merit2b;
935         while(eps > 1e-8) {
936           double alpha1 = b - (b - a)*PHI_INV;
937           double alpha2 = a + (b - a)*PHI_INV;
939           yabx3D(point, -alpha1, delta, pointa);
940           mu1 = mu - alpha1*delta[3];
941             res2a = calc_F(particleA, particleB, fi1, fj1, gradA1, gradB1, NULL, NULL, pointa, mu1, F1, &merit2a);
943           yabx3D(point, -alpha2, delta, pointb);
944           mu2 = mu - alpha2*delta[3];
945             res2b = calc_F(particleA, particleB, fi2, fj2, gradA2, gradB2, NULL, NULL, pointb, mu2, F2, &merit2b);
946           if(std::min(res2a, res2b) < res1) {
947             if(res2a < res2b) {
948                 res2 = res2a;
949               LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy4D(F1, F);
950               mu = mu1;
951                 LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(gradA1, particleA->gradient);
952                 LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(gradB1, particleB->gradient);
953               LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(pointa, point);
954               fi = fi1;
955               fj = fj1;
956                 merit2 = merit2a;
957             } else {
958                 res2 = res2b;
959               LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy4D(F2, F);
960               mu = mu2;
961                 LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(gradA2, particleA->gradient);
962                 LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(gradB2, particleB->gradient);
963               LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(pointb, point);
964               fi = fi2;
965               fj = fj2;
966                 merit2 = merit2b;
967             }
968               if(merit2 < tol1)
969               converged = true;
970             eps = 0.0;
971           } else  {
972             if(res2a > res2b)
973               a = alpha1;
974             else
975               b = alpha2;
976             eps = fabs(b-a);
977           }
978         }
979         if(eps != 0.0) {
980           LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy4D(F2, F);
981           mu = mu2;
982             LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(gradA2, particleA->gradient);
983             LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(gradB2, particleB->gradient);
984           LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(pointb, point);
985           fi = fi2;
986           fj = fj2;
988             if(std::min(merit2a,merit2b)>merit1) {
989             error->warning(FLERR, "Could not find optimal step by Golden section algorithm, epsilon<1e-6");
990               printf_debug_data(particleA, particleB, point0, error);
991               printf("res2b: %e merit: %e\n",res2b, merit2b);
992           }
993 #endif
994             res2 = res2b;
995             merit2 = merit2b;
996             if(merit2 < tol1)
997             converged = true;
998         }
999       }
1000     }
1002       if(fabs(res1-res2)/std::max(res1, res2) < 1e-3)
1003         converged = true;
1004     }
1006     merit1 = merit2;
1007     res1 = res2;
1008     if(iter >= Niter-1) {
1009         *fail = true;
1010 #ifdef LIGGGHTS_DEBUG
1011         error->warning(FLERR, "Contact detection algorithm could not converge to desired tolerance in desired number of iterations\n");
1012         printf_debug_data(particleA, particleB, point0, error);
1013 #endif
1014     }
1015     if(converged || *fail) {
1016       LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(point, result_point);
1017       break;
1018     }
1019   }
1020 }
1022 const int ndim = 8;
calc_F_IP(Superquadric * particleA,Superquadric * particleB,double * pointA,double * pointB,double * gradA,double * gradB,double lA,double lB,double * F,double * merit)1024 double calc_F_IP(Superquadric *particleA, Superquadric *particleB,
1025     double *pointA, double *pointB,
1026     double *gradA, double *gradB,
1027     double lA, double lB,
1028     double *F, double *merit)
1029 {
1030   double fA, fB;
1032   particleA->shape_function_props_global(pointA, &fA, gradA, NULL);
1033   particleB->shape_function_props_global(pointB, &fB, gradB, NULL);
1035   double delta[3];
1036   LAMMPS_NS::vectorSubtract3D(pointA, pointB, delta);
1038   F[0] = delta[0] + lA*gradA[0];
1039   F[1] = delta[1] + lA*gradA[1];
1040   F[2] = delta[2] + lA*gradA[2];
1042   F[3] = gradA[0] + lB*gradB[0];
1043   F[4] = gradA[1] + lB*gradB[1];
1044   F[5] = gradA[2] + lB*gradB[2];
1046   F[6] = fA;
1047   F[7] = fB;
1049   double vA[3], vB[3];
1050   MathExtra::cross3(gradA, delta, vA);
1051   MathExtra::cross3(gradB, delta, vB);
1052   double sin2A = fabs(LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(vA,vA)) / (LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(gradA, gradA) * (LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(delta, delta)+1e-16));
1053   double sin2B = fabs(LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(vB,vB)) / (LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(gradB, gradB) * (LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(delta, delta)+1e-16));
1055   *merit = fabs(sin2A) + fabs(sin2B) + fabs(fA) + fabs(fB);
1056   double res = 0.0;
1057   for(int i = 0; i < ndim; i++)
1058     res += F[i]*F[i];
1059   return res;
1060   }
calc_F_IP(Superquadric * particleA,Superquadric * particleB,const double * pointA,const double * pointB,double * gradA,double * gradB,double * lA_,double * lB_,double * F,double * merit,double * sine)1062 double calc_F_IP(Superquadric *particleA, Superquadric *particleB,
1063     const double *pointA,  const double *pointB,
1064     double *gradA, double *gradB,
1065     double *lA_, double *lB_, double *F, double *merit, double *sine)
1066 {
1067   double fA, fB;
1069   particleA->shape_function_props_global(pointA, &fA, gradA, NULL);
1070   particleB->shape_function_props_global(pointB, &fB, gradB, NULL);
1072   double delta[3];
1073   LAMMPS_NS::vectorSubtract3D(pointA, pointB, delta);
1075   *lA_ = -MathExtra::dot3(gradA, delta) / MathExtra::dot3(gradA, gradA);
1076   *lB_ = -MathExtra::dot3(gradB, gradA) / MathExtra::dot3(gradB, gradB);
1078   double lA = *lA_;
1079   double lB = *lB_;
1081   F[0] = delta[0] + lA*gradA[0];
1082   F[1] = delta[1] + lA*gradA[1];
1083   F[2] = delta[2] + lA*gradA[2];
1085   F[3] = gradA[0] + lB*gradB[0];
1086   F[4] = gradA[1] + lB*gradB[1];
1087   F[5] = gradA[2] + lB*gradB[2];
1089   F[6] = fA;
1090   F[7] = fB;
1092   double vA[3], vB[3];
1093   MathExtra::cross3(gradA, delta, vA);
1094   MathExtra::cross3(gradB, delta, vB);
1096   double sin2A = fabs(LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(vA,vA)) / (LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(gradA, gradA) * (LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(delta, delta)+1e-16));
1097   double sin2B = fabs(LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(vB,vB)) / (LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(gradB, gradB) * (LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(delta, delta)+1e-16));
1099   *merit = fabs(sin2A) + fabs(sin2B) + fabs(fA) + fabs(fB);
1100   *sine = 0.5*sqrt(fabs(sin2A) + fabs(sin2B));
1102   double res = 0.0;
1103   for(int i = 0; i < ndim; i++)
1104     res += F[i]*F[i];
1105   return res;
1106     }
1108 //a minimal distance algorithm based on a common normal concept
minimal_distance(Superquadric * particleA,Superquadric * particleB,const double * initial_pointA_1,const double * initial_pointB_1,double * result_pointA,double * result_pointB,bool * fail)1109 double minimal_distance(Superquadric *particleA, Superquadric *particleB, const double *initial_pointA_1, const double *initial_pointB_1,
1110                                                                               double *result_pointA,         double *result_pointB,
1111                                                                                bool *fail)
1112 {
1113   *fail = false;
1115   double tol0 = 1e-26;
1116   double tol1 = 1e-12;
1117   double tol2 = 1e-16;
1118   double pointA[3], pointB[3];
1120   double F[ndim];
1121   double lA, lB;
1123   double F1[ndim], gradA1[3], gradB1[3];
1124   double lA1, lB1, merit1;
1126   double F2[ndim], gradA2[3], gradB2[3];
1127   double lA2, lB2, merit2;
1129   double merit0;
1131   double sine1;
1133  //calculate the residual vector for the first pair candidate
1134   double res0;
1135   double merit01;
1136   //calculate the residual vector for the first pair candidate
1137   double res01 = calc_F_IP(particleA, particleB, initial_pointA_1, initial_pointB_1, particleA->gradient, particleB->gradient, &lA1, &lB1, F1, &merit01, &sine1);
1138   if(merit01 < tol1 or res01 < tol0) {
1139     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(initial_pointA_1, result_pointA);
1140     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(initial_pointB_1, result_pointB);
1141     return merit01;
1142   }
1144   vectorCopyN(F1, ndim, F);
1145   LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(initial_pointA_1, pointA);
1146   LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(initial_pointB_1, pointB);
1147   lA = lA1;
1148   lB = lB1;
1149   res0 = res01;
1150   merit0 = merit01;
1152   merit1 = merit0;
1153   merit2 = merit0;
1155   double pointA0[3],pointB0[3];
1156   LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(pointA, pointA0);
1157   LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(pointB, pointB0);
1159   double delta[ndim], delta_0[ndim];
1160   zeros(delta, ndim);
1161   for(int i = 0; i < ndim; i++)
1162     delta_0[i] = 1.0;
1163   double hessA[9], hessB[9];
1165   double res1 = res0;
1166   double res2 = res1;
1168   bool nan_found = false;
1170   bool converged = false;
1172   int Niter = 10000;
1174   double sizeA = MathExtraLiggghts::min(particleA->shape[0],particleA->shape[1],particleA->shape[2]);
1175   double sizeB = MathExtraLiggghts::min(particleB->shape[0],particleB->shape[1],particleB->shape[2]);
1177   double size = std::min(sizeA, sizeB);
1179   for(int iter = 0; iter < Niter; iter ++)
1180   {
1182     res2 = res1;
1183     merit2 = merit1;
1185     particleA->shape_function_hessian_global(pointA, hessA);
1186     particleB->shape_function_hessian_global(pointB, hessB);
1188     double Jacobian[] =
1189     {
1190         1.0+lA*hessA[0],     lA*hessA[1],    lA*hessA[2],-1.0,  0.0,  0.0,   particleA->gradient[0], 0,
1191             lA*hessA[3], 1.0+lA*hessA[4],    lA*hessA[5], 0.0, -1.0,  0.0,   particleA->gradient[1], 0,
1192             lA*hessA[6],     lA*hessA[7],1.0+lA*hessA[8], 0.0,  0.0, -1.0,   particleA->gradient[2], 0,
1194         hessA[0], hessA[1], hessA[2], lB*hessB[0], lB*hessB[1], lB*hessB[2], 0.0, particleB->gradient[0],
1195         hessA[3], hessA[4], hessA[5], lB*hessB[3], lB*hessB[4], lB*hessB[5], 0.0, particleB->gradient[1],
1196         hessA[6], hessA[7], hessA[8], lB*hessB[6], lB*hessB[7], lB*hessB[8], 0.0, particleB->gradient[2],
1198         particleA->gradient[0], particleA->gradient[1], particleA->gradient[2], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,  0.0, 0.0,
1199         0.0, 0.0, 0.0, particleB->gradient[0], particleB->gradient[1], particleB->gradient[2],  0.0, 0.0
1201     };
1203     vectorCopyN(delta, ndim, delta_0);
1204     GMRES<ndim,ndim>(Jacobian, F, delta_0, delta); //solve linear system
1206     double deltax1 = MathExtraLiggghts::max(fabs(delta[0]),fabs(delta[1]),fabs(delta[2]));
1207     double deltax2 = MathExtraLiggghts::max(fabs(delta[3]),fabs(delta[4]),fabs(delta[5]));
1209     double deltax = std::max(deltax1, deltax2);
1210     if(deltax == 0.0) {
1211       LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(pointA, result_pointA);
1212       LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(pointB, result_pointB);
1214       converged = true;
1215     } else {
1217       for(int i = 0; i < ndim; i++) {
1218       if(std::isnan(delta[i])) {
1219         nan_found = true;
1220         break;
1221       }
1222     }
1223     if(nan_found)
1224       break;
1225       if(deltax > 0.01*size) {
1226         double mag = normN(delta, ndim);
1227         for(int i = 0; i < ndim; i++)
1228           delta[i] *= 0.01*size/mag;
1229       }
1231       double lA_, lB_;
1232       double pointA_[3],pointB_[3];
1233       double pointA1[3], pointB1[3];
1234       double pointA2[3], pointB2[3];
1235       LAMMPS_NS::vectorSubtract3D(pointA, delta, pointA_);
1236       LAMMPS_NS::vectorSubtract3D(pointB, delta+3, pointB_);
1237       lA_ = lA - delta[6];
1238       lB_ = lB - delta[7];
1240       double merit2_;
1241       double res2_ = calc_F_IP(particleA, particleB, pointA_, pointB_, particleA->gradient, particleB->gradient, lA_, lB_, F, &merit2_);
1242       if(res2_ < res1 or (res2_ < tol0 or merit2_ < tol1) or  deltax < tol2 * size) {
1243         res2 = res2_;
1244         merit2 = merit2_;
1245         LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(pointA_, pointA);
1246         LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(pointB_, pointB);
1248         lA = lA_;
1249         lB = lB_;
1251         if((res2_ < tol0 or merit2_ < tol1) || deltax < tol2 * size)
1252         converged = true;
1253       } else { //steepest descent
1254         double a = 0.0;
1255         double b = 1.0;
1256         double eps = fabs(b-a);
1257       double res2a, res2b;
1258         double merit2a, merit2b;
1260         while(eps > 1e-12) { //the golden section algorithm
1261           double alpha1 = b - (b - a)*PHI_INV;
1262           double alpha2 = a + (b - a)*PHI_INV;
1263           yabx3D(pointA, -alpha1, delta, pointA1);
1264           yabx3D(pointB, -alpha1, delta+3, pointB1);
1265           lA1 = lA - alpha1 * delta[6];
1266           lB1 = lB - alpha1 * delta[7];
1268           res2a = calc_F_IP(particleA, particleB, pointA1, pointB1, gradA1, gradB1, lA1, lB1, F1, &merit2a);
1270           yabx3D(pointA, -alpha2, delta, pointA2);
1271           yabx3D(pointB, -alpha2, delta+3, pointB2);
1272           lA2 = lA - alpha2 * delta[6];
1273           lB2 = lB - alpha2 * delta[7];
1275           res2b = calc_F_IP(particleA, particleB, pointA2, pointB2, gradA2, gradB2, lA2, lB2, F2, &merit2b);
1277         if(std::min(res2a, res2b) < res1) {
1278           if(res2a < res2b) {
1279               res2 = res2a;
1280               vectorCopyN(F1, ndim, F);
1281               LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(gradA1, particleA->gradient);
1282               LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(gradB1, particleB->gradient);
1283               LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(pointA1, pointA);
1284               LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(pointB1, pointB);
1285               lA = lA1;
1286               lB = lB1;
1288               merit2 = merit2a;
1289           } else {
1290               res2 = res2b;
1291               vectorCopyN(F2, ndim, F);
1292               LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(gradA2, particleA->gradient);
1293               LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(gradB2, particleB->gradient);
1294               LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(pointA2, pointA);
1295               LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(pointB2, pointB);
1296               lA = lA2;
1297               lB = lB2;
1299               merit2 = merit2b;
1300           }
1301             if(res2b < tol0 or merit1 < tol1)
1302             converged = true;
1303           eps = 0.0;
1304         } else {
1305           if(res2a > res2b)
1306               a = alpha1;
1307           else
1308               b = alpha2;
1309             eps = fabs(b-a);
1310          }
1311        }
1312         if(eps != 0.0)
1313           converged = true;
1314       }
1315     }
1317     if(fabs(res1 - res2)/std::max(res1, res2) < 1e-3)
1318       converged = true;
1320     res1 = res2;
1321     merit1 = merit2;
1323     if(converged || iter == Niter - 1) {
1324       LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(pointA, result_pointA);
1325       LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(pointB, result_pointB);
1326       break;
1327     }
1328   }
1329   return merit1;
1330 }
capsules_intersect(Superquadric * particleA,Superquadric * particleB,double * capsule_contact_point)1332 bool capsules_intersect(Superquadric *particleA, Superquadric *particleB, double *capsule_contact_point) {
1334   int main_axis_i = 2, main_axis_j = 2; //z-axis is main axis for cylinders
1335   if(!particleA->isCylinder) {
1336     if(particleA->shape[0] >= std::max(particleA->shape[1], particleA->shape[2]))
1337       main_axis_i = 0;
1338     else if(particleA->shape[1] >= std::max(particleA->shape[0], particleA->shape[2]))
1339       main_axis_i = 1;
1340     else
1341       main_axis_i = 2;
1342     //printf("!");
1343   }
1345   if(!particleB->isCylinder) {
1346     if(particleB->shape[0] >= std::max(particleB->shape[1], particleB->shape[2]))
1347       main_axis_j = 0;
1348     else if(particleB->shape[1] >= std::max(particleB->shape[0], particleB->shape[2]))
1349       main_axis_j = 1;
1350     else
1351       main_axis_j = 2;
1352     //printf("!");
1353   }
1355   const double l_i = particleA->shape[main_axis_i];
1356   const double l_j = particleB->shape[main_axis_j];
1358   const double r1_i = particleA->shape[(main_axis_i+1)%3];
1359   const double r2_i = particleA->shape[(main_axis_i+2)%3];
1360   const double r1_j = particleB->shape[(main_axis_j+1)%3];
1361   const double r2_j = particleB->shape[(main_axis_j+2)%3];
1363   double r_i = std::max(r1_i,r2_i);
1364   double r_j = std::max(r1_j,r2_j);
1366   if(!particleA->isCylinder)
1367     r_i = sqrt(r1_i*r1_i + r2_i*r2_i);
1368   if(!particleB->isCylinder)
1369     r_j = sqrt(r1_j*r1_j + r2_j*r2_j);
1371   const double radsum = r_i + r_j;
1373   double Pi[3], Qi[3], Pj[3], Qj[3];
1374   for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
1375     Pi[k] = -particleA->rotation_matrix[k*3+main_axis_i]*l_i + particleA->center[k];
1376     Qi[k] =  particleA->rotation_matrix[k*3+main_axis_i]*l_i + particleA->center[k];
1377     Pj[k] = -particleB->rotation_matrix[k*3+main_axis_j]*l_j + particleB->center[k];
1378     Qj[k] =  particleB->rotation_matrix[k*3+main_axis_j]*l_j + particleB->center[k];
1379   }
1381   double C1[3], C2[3];
1382   MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::line_segments_distance(Pi, Qi, Pj, Qj, C1, C2);
1383   double alpha = r_i / (r_i + r_j);
1384   for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
1385     capsule_contact_point[k] = alpha*particleB->center[k] + (1.0-alpha)*particleA->center[k];
1387   return LAMMPS_NS::pointDistance(C1, C2) < radsum;
1388 }
1390 //calculate the contact point if no information about from the previous step available
calc_contact_point_if_no_previous_point_avaialable(SurfacesIntersectData & sidata,Superquadric * particleA,Superquadric * particleB,double * contact_point,double & fi,double & fj,LAMMPS_NS::Error * error)1391 bool calc_contact_point_if_no_previous_point_avaialable(SurfacesIntersectData & sidata, Superquadric *particleA,
1392     Superquadric *particleB, double *contact_point, double &fi, double &fj, LAMMPS_NS::Error *error)
1393 {
1394   bool fail_flag = false;
1395   const double ai = particleA->shape[0];
1396   const double bi = particleA->shape[1];
1397   const double ci = particleA->shape[2];
1399   const double aj = particleB->shape[0];
1400   const double bj = particleB->shape[1];
1401   const double cj = particleB->shape[2];
1403   const double ri = cbrt(ai*bi*ci); // "effective" radius of the particle i
1404   const double rj = cbrt(aj*bj*cj); // "effective" radius of the particle j
1405   double ratio = ri / (ri + rj);
1406   const double ni0 = particleA->blockiness[0];
1407   const double ni1 = particleA->blockiness[1];
1408   const double nj0 = particleB->blockiness[0];
1409   const double nj1 = particleB->blockiness[1];
1411   double pre_estimation[3];
1412   double nmax = std::max(std::max(std::max(ni0, ni1), nj0), nj1);
1413   double step = 1.0;
1414   int N1 = (nmax - 2.0)/step + 1;
1415   int N = std::max(N1, 10);
1416   double N_inv = 1.0/static_cast<double>(N);
1417   for(int i = 0; i <= N; i++) { //iterate from spheres to actual shaped particles
1418     particleA->set_blockiness(2.0 + (ni0 - 2.0)*static_cast<double>(i) * N_inv, 2.0 + (ni1 - 2.0)*static_cast<double>(i) * N_inv);
1419     particleB->set_blockiness(2.0 + (nj0 - 2.0)*static_cast<double>(i) * N_inv, 2.0 + (nj1 - 2.0)*static_cast<double>(i) * N_inv);
1420     particleA->set_shape(ri + (ai - ri)*static_cast<double>(i) * N_inv, ri + (bi - ri)*static_cast<double>(i) * N_inv, ri + (ci - ri)*static_cast<double>(i) * N_inv);
1421     particleB->set_shape(rj + (aj - rj)*static_cast<double>(i) * N_inv, rj + (bj - rj)*static_cast<double>(i) * N_inv, rj + (cj - rj)*static_cast<double>(i) * N_inv);
1423     if(i == 0) {
1424       for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
1425         contact_point[k] = ratio*particleB->center[k] + (1.0 - ratio)*particleA->center[k]; //contact point solution for spheres
1426     }
1427     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(contact_point, pre_estimation);
1428     MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::calc_contact_point(particleA, particleB,
1429         ratio, pre_estimation, contact_point, fi, fj, &fail_flag, error);
1431     particleA->set_shape(ai, bi, ci); //set actual shape parameters back
1432     particleB->set_shape(aj, bj, cj);
1433     particleA->set_blockiness(ni0, ni1);
1434     particleB->set_blockiness(nj0, nj1);
1435   }
1436   return fail_flag;
1437 }
1439 //calculate the contact point using information from previous step
calc_contact_point_using_prev_step(SurfacesIntersectData & sidata,Superquadric * particleA,Superquadric * particleB,double ratio,double dt,double * prev_step_point,double * contact_point,double & fi,double & fj,LAMMPS_NS::Error * error)1440 bool calc_contact_point_using_prev_step(SurfacesIntersectData & sidata, Superquadric *particleA, Superquadric *particleB,
1441     double ratio, double dt, double *prev_step_point, double *contact_point, double &fi, double &fj, LAMMPS_NS::Error *error)
1442 {
1443   bool fail_flag = false;
1447   double estimation[3];
1448   double xci[3], xcj[3], v_rot_i[3], v_rot_j[3], vi[3], vj[3];
1449   LAMMPS_NS::vectorSubtract3D(prev_step_point, particleA->center, xci);
1450   LAMMPS_NS::vectorSubtract3D(prev_step_point, particleB->center, xcj);
1451   LAMMPS_NS::vectorCross3D(sidata.omega_i, xci, v_rot_i);
1452   LAMMPS_NS::vectorCross3D(sidata.omega_j, xcj, v_rot_j);
1454   for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
1455     vi[k] = sidata.v_i[k] + v_rot_i[k]; //velocity of the contact point with respect to particle i
1456     vj[k] = sidata.v_j[k] + v_rot_j[k]; //velocity of the contact point with respect to particle j
1457   }
1458   double v_eff[3];
1459   for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
1460     v_eff[k] = (vi[k]*sidata.mi + vj[k]*sidata.mj) / (sidata.mi+sidata.mj); //average velocity of the contact point
1462   for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
1463     estimation[k] = prev_step_point[k] + v_eff[k]*dt; //contact point estimation
1465   MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::calc_contact_point(particleA, particleB, ratio, estimation, contact_point, fi, fj, &fail_flag, error);
1466   #endif
1468   return fail_flag;
1469 }
1471 //basic estimation of the overlap magnitude
basic_overlap_algorithm(SurfacesIntersectData & sidata,Superquadric * particleA,Superquadric * particleB,double & alphaA,double & alphaB,const double * contact_point,double * contact_pointA,double * contact_pointB)1472 void basic_overlap_algorithm(SurfacesIntersectData & sidata, Superquadric *particleA, Superquadric *particleB,
1473     double &alphaA, double &alphaB, const double *contact_point, double *contact_pointA, double *contact_pointB)
1474 {
1475   particleA->map_point(contact_point, contact_pointA);
1476   particleB->map_point(contact_point, contact_pointB);
1477   double deltaA[3], deltaB[3];
1478   LAMMPS_NS::vectorSubtract3D(contact_pointA, contact_point, deltaA);
1479   LAMMPS_NS::vectorSubtract3D(contact_pointB, contact_point, deltaB);
1480   alphaA = LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(deltaA, sidata.en);
1481   alphaB = LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(deltaB, sidata.en);
1483   sidata.deltan = fabs(alphaA) + fabs(alphaB);
1485   LAMMPS_NS::vectorScalarMult3D(sidata.en, sidata.deltan, sidata.delta);
1486 }
1488 //more sophisticated overlap algorithm, uses the same overlap direction
extended_overlap_algorithm(Superquadric * particleA,Superquadric * particleB,double * en,double * const alpha_A,double * const alpha_B,const double * contact_point,double * contact_pointA,double * contact_pointB,double * delta)1489 double extended_overlap_algorithm(Superquadric *particleA, Superquadric *particleB, double *en,
1490     double *const alpha_A, double *const alpha_B,
1491     const double *contact_point, double *contact_pointA, double *contact_pointB, double *delta)
1492 {
1494   bool use_alpha_ellipsoid = false;
1495   LAMMPS_NS::vectorNegate3D(en);
1496   *alpha_A = particleA->surface_line_intersection(use_alpha_ellipsoid, contact_point, en, *alpha_A, contact_pointA);
1497   LAMMPS_NS::vectorNegate3D(en);
1498   *alpha_B = particleB->surface_line_intersection(use_alpha_ellipsoid, contact_point, en, *alpha_B, contact_pointB);
1500   LAMMPS_NS::vectorSubtract3D(contact_pointB, contact_pointA, delta);
1501   return fabs(*alpha_A) + fabs(*alpha_B); //overlap magnitude
1502   #else
1503   return 0.0;
1504   #endif
1505 }
1507 //common normal algorithm
common_normal(SurfacesIntersectData & sidata,Superquadric * particleA,Superquadric * particleB,bool particles_were_in_contact_flag,double * const contact_point_A_history,double * const contact_point_B_history,double * contact_point_A,double * contact_point_B)1508 double common_normal(SurfacesIntersectData & sidata, Superquadric *particleA, Superquadric *particleB, bool particles_were_in_contact_flag,
1509     double *const contact_point_A_history, double *const contact_point_B_history, //from previous timestep
1510     double *contact_point_A, double *contact_point_B) //from line-surface intersection algorithm
1511 {
1512   bool fail_flag;
1513   double contact_point_A_temp1[3], contact_point_B_temp1[3];
1514   double contact_point_A_temp2[3], contact_point_B_temp2[3];
1516   LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(contact_point_A, contact_point_A_temp2);
1517   LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(contact_point_B, contact_point_B_temp2);
1519   if(!particles_were_in_contact_flag) {
1520     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(contact_point_A_temp2, contact_point_A_temp1); //use solution from overlap model 1 as initial estimation
1521     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(contact_point_B_temp2, contact_point_B_temp1);
1522   } else  {
1523     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(contact_point_A_history, contact_point_A_temp1); //use pair of contact points from previous step as initial estimation
1524     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(contact_point_B_history, contact_point_B_temp1);
1525   }
1527   double result_pointA1[3],result_pointB1[3];
1528   double result_pointA2[3],result_pointB2[3];
1530   double res1 = MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::minimal_distance(particleA, particleB, contact_point_A_temp1, contact_point_B_temp1,
1531                                                                                       result_pointA1,       result_pointB1, &fail_flag);
1532   double res = res1;
1534   if(res > 1e-12) {
1535     double res2 = MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::minimal_distance(particleA, particleB, contact_point_A_temp2, contact_point_B_temp2,
1536                                                                                           result_pointA2,       result_pointB2, &fail_flag);
1538     if(res2 > res1) {
1539       LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(result_pointA1, contact_point_A);
1540       LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(result_pointB1, contact_point_B);
1541       res = res1;
1542     } else {
1543       LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(result_pointA2, contact_point_A);
1544       LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(result_pointB2, contact_point_B);
1545       res = res2;
1546     }
1547   } else {
1548     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(result_pointA1, contact_point_A);
1549     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(result_pointB1, contact_point_B);
1550     res = res1;
1551 }
1553   LAMMPS_NS::vectorSubtract3D(contact_point_B, contact_point_A, sidata.delta);
1554   LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(sidata.delta, sidata.en);  // overlap direction
1555   LAMMPS_NS::vectorNormalize3D(sidata.en);
1557   LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(contact_point_A, contact_point_A_history); //store pair of contact points in local coordinates for each particles
1558   LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(contact_point_B, contact_point_B_history);
1560   sidata.contact_point[0] = 0.5*(contact_point_A[0] + contact_point_B[0]);
1561   sidata.contact_point[1] = 0.5*(contact_point_A[1] + contact_point_B[1]);
1562   sidata.contact_point[2] = 0.5*(contact_point_A[2] + contact_point_B[2]);
1564   return LAMMPS_NS::vectorMag3D(sidata.delta); //overlap magnitude
1565   }
1567 #ifdef LIGGGHTS_DEBUG
printf_debug_data(Superquadric * particleA,Superquadric * particleB,double * initial_guess,LAMMPS_NS::Error * error)1568 void printf_debug_data(Superquadric *particleA, Superquadric *particleB, double *initial_guess ,LAMMPS_NS::Error *error) //TODO: implement as warnings
1569 {
1570   printf("Initial guess in Newton method: %1.13f %1.13f %1.13f\n", initial_guess[0], initial_guess[1], initial_guess[2]);
1571   printf("Particle 1: %1.13f, %1.13f, %1.13f, %1.13f, %1.13f, %1.13f, %1.13f, %1.13f, %1.13f, %1.13f, %1.13f, %1.13f\n",
1572           particleA->center[0], particleA->center[1], particleA->center[2],
1573           particleA->shape[0], particleA->shape[1], particleA->shape[2],
1574           particleA->blockiness[0], particleA->blockiness[1],
1575           particleA->quat[0], particleA->quat[1], particleA->quat[2], particleA->quat[3]);
1576   printf("Particle 2: %1.13f, %1.13f, %1.13f, %1.13f, %1.13f, %1.13f, %1.13f, %1.13f, %1.13f, %1.13f, %1.13f, %1.13f\n",
1577           particleB->center[0], particleB->center[1], particleB->center[2],
1578           particleB->shape[0], particleB->shape[1], particleB->shape[2],
1579           particleB->blockiness[0], particleB->blockiness[1],
1580           particleB->quat[0], particleB->quat[1], particleB->quat[2], particleB->quat[3]);
1581 }
1582 #endif
1584 }
1585 #endif