1 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2    SPARTA - Stochastic PArallel Rarefied-gas Time-accurate Analyzer
3    http://sparta.sandia.gov
4    Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov
5    Michael Gallis, magalli@sandia.gov
6    Sandia National Laboratories
8    Copyright (2014) Sandia Corporation.  Under the terms of Contract
9    DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
10    certain rights in this software.  This software is distributed under
11    the GNU General Public License.
13    See the README file in the top-level SPARTA directory.
14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
16 #ifndef SPARTA_SURF_H
17 #define SPARTA_SURF_H
19 #include "stdio.h"
20 #include "pointers.h"
21 #include "hash3.h"
22 #include "hashlittle.h"
24 namespace SPARTA_NS {
26 class Surf : protected Pointers {
27  public:
28   int exist;                // 1 if any surfaces are defined, else 0
29   int implicit;             // 1 = implicit surfs, 0 = explicit surfs
30   int distributed;          // 1 = surfs spread across procs (exp or impl)
31                             // 0 = each proc owns all
32   int surf_collision_check; // flag for whether init() check is required
33                             // for assign of collision models to surfs
35   double bblo[3],bbhi[3];   // bounding box around surfs
36   int tally_comm;           // style of comm for surf tallies
38   int nreact_one;           // surface reactions in current step
39   bigint nreact_running;    // running count of surface reactions
41   int ngroup;               // # of defined groups
42   char **gnames;            // name of each group
43   int *bitmask;             // one-bit mask for each group
44   int *inversemask;         // inverse mask for each group
46   // surf data structs
47   // explicit, all: each proc owns all surfs
48   //   nlocal = Nsurf, nghost = 0
49   //   tris = all surfs, nown = Nsurf/P, mytris = NULL
50   // explicit, distributed: each proc owns N/P surfs
51   //   nlocal/nghost = surfs in owned/ghost grid cells
52   //   tris = nloc+ngh surfs, nown = Nsurf/P, mytris = surfs I uniquely own
53   // implicit, distributed: each proc owns surfs in its owned grid cells
54   //   nlocal = surfs in owned grid cells, nghost = surfs in ghost grid cells
55   //   tris = nloc+ngh surfs, nown = nlocal, mytris = NULL
57   bigint nsurf;             // total # of surf elements, lines or tris
59   struct Line {
60     surfint id;             // unique ID for explicit surf
61                             // cell ID for implicit surf
62     int type,mask;          // type and mask of the surf
63     int isc,isr;            // index of surface collision and reaction models
64                             // -1 if unassigned
65     double p1[3],p2[3];     // end points of line segment
66                             // rhand rule: Z x (p2-p1) = outward normal
67     double norm[3];         // outward normal to line segment
68     int transparent;        // 1 if surf is transparent
69   };
71   struct Tri {
72     surfint id;             // unique ID for explicit surf
73                             // cell ID for implicit surf
74     int type,mask;          // type and mask of the surf
75     int isc,isr;            // index of surface collision and reaction models
76                             // -1 if unassigned
77     double p1[3],p2[3],p3[3];  // corner points of triangle
78                             // rhand rule: (p2-p1) x (p3-p1) = outward normal
79     double norm[3];         // outward normal to triangle
80     int transparent;        // 1 if surf is transparent
81   };
83   Line *lines;              // list of lines for surface collisions
84   Tri *tris;                // list of tris for surface collisions
85   int nlocal;               // # of lines or tris
86                             // explicit, all: nlocal = nsurf
87                             // explicit, distributed:
88                             //   surfs which overlap my owned grid cells
89                             // implicit: surfs within my owned grid cells
90   int nghost;               // # of ghost surfs I store for collisions
91                             // explicit, all: nghost = 0
92                             // explicit, distributed:
93                             //   surfs which overlap my ghost grid cells
94                             // implicit: surfs within my ghost grid cells
95   int nmax;                 // max length of lines/tris vecs
97   Line *mylines;            // list of lines assigned uniquely to me
98                             //   only for explicit, distributed
99   Tri *mytris;              // list of tris assigned uniquely to me
100                             //   only for explicit, distributed
101   int nown;                 // # of lines or tris I own uniquely
102   int maxown;               // max length of owned lines/tris vecs
104   Line *tmplines;           // list of temporary lines, filled by ReadSurf
105   Tri *tmptris;             // list of temporary tris, filled by ReadSurf
106   int ntmp;                 // # of temporary surfs
107   int nmaxtmp;              // max size of tmplines/tmptris
109   int nsc,nsr;              // # of surface collision and reaction models
110   class SurfCollide **sc;   // list of surface collision models
111   class SurfReact **sr;     // list of surface reaction models
113   int pushflag;             // set to 1 to push surf pts near grid cell faces
114   double pushlo,pushhi;     // lo/hi ranges to push on
115   double pushvalue;         // new position to push to
117   // extra custom vectors/arrays for per-surf data
118   // ncustom > 0 if there are any extra arrays
119   // custom attributes are created by various commands
120   // these variables are public, others below are private
122   int ncustom;              // # of custom attributes, some may be deleted
123   int *etype;               // type = INT/DOUBLE of each attribute
124   int *esize;               // size = 0 for vector, N for array columns
125   int *ewhich;              // index into eivec,eiarray,edvec,edarray for data
127   int **eivec;              // pointer to each integer vector
128   int ***eiarray;           // pointer to each integer array
129   double **edvec;           // pointer to each double vector
130   double ***edarray;        // pointer to each double array
132 #include "hash_options.h"
134 #ifdef SPARTA_MAP
135   typedef std::map<surfint,int> MySurfHash;
136   typedef std::map<OnePoint2d,int> MyHashPoint;
137   typedef std::map<OnePoint2d,int>::iterator MyPointIt;
138   typedef std::map<TwoPoint3d,int> MyHash2Point;
139   typedef std::map<TwoPoint3d,int>::iterator My2PointIt;
140   typedef std::map<cellint,int> MyCellHash;
141 #elif defined SPARTA_UNORDERED_MAP
142   typedef std::unordered_map<surfint,int> MySurfHash;
143   typedef std::unordered_map<OnePoint2d,int,OnePoint2dHash> MyHashPoint;
144   typedef std::unordered_map<OnePoint2d,int,OnePoint2dHash>::iterator MyPointIt;
145   typedef std::unordered_map<TwoPoint3d,int,TwoPoint3dHash> MyHash2Point;
146   typedef std::unordered_map<TwoPoint3d,int,TwoPoint3dHash>::iterator My2PointIt;
147   typedef std::unordered_map<cellint,int> MyCellHash;
148 #else
149   typedef std::tr1::unordered_map<surfint,int> MySurfHash;
150   typedef std::tr1::unordered_map<OnePoint2d,int,OnePoint2dHash> MyHashPoint;
151   typedef std::tr1::unordered_map<OnePoint2d,int,OnePoint2dHash>::
152     iterator MyPointIt;
153   typedef std::tr1::unordered_map<TwoPoint3d,int,TwoPoint3dHash> MyHash2Point;
154   typedef std::tr1::unordered_map<TwoPoint3d,int,TwoPoint3dHash>::
155     iterator My2PointIt;
156   typedef std::tr1::unordered_map<cellint,int> MyCellHash;
157 #endif
159   MySurfHash *hash;           // hash for nlocal surf IDs
160   int hashfilled;             // 1 if hash is filled with surf IDs
162   Surf(class SPARTA *);
163   ~Surf();
164   void global(char *);
165   void modify_params(int, char **);
166   void init();
167   void clear();
168   void remove_ghosts();
169   void add_line(surfint, int, double *, double *);
170   void add_line_copy(int, Line *);
171   void add_line_own(surfint, int, double *, double *);
172   void add_line_temporary(surfint, int, double *, double *);
173   void add_tri(surfint, int, double *, double *, double *);
174   void add_tri_copy(int, Tri *);
175   void add_tri_own(surfint, int, double *, double *, double *);
176   void add_tri_own_clip(surfint, int, double *, double *, double *);
177   void add_tri_temporary(surfint, int, double *, double *, double *);
178   void rehash();
179   int all_transparent();
181   void setup_owned();
182   void bbox_all();
183   void bbox_one(void *, double *, double *);
185   void compute_line_normal(int);
186   void compute_tri_normal(int);
187   void quad_corner_point(int, double *, double *, double *);
188   void hex_corner_point(int, double *, double *, double *);
190   double line_size(int);
191   double line_size(Line *);
192   double line_size(double *, double *);
193   double axi_line_size(int);
194   double axi_line_size(Line *);
195   double tri_size(int, double &);
196   double tri_size(Tri *, double &);
197   double tri_size(double *, double *, double *, double &);
199   void check_watertight_2d();
200   void check_watertight_3d();
201   void check_point_inside(int);
202   void check_point_near_surf_2d();
203   void check_point_near_surf_3d();
205   void output_extent(int);
206   double shortest_line(int);
207   void smallest_tri(int, double &, double &);
209   void add_collide(int, char **);
210   int find_collide(const char *);
211   void add_react(int, char **);
212   int find_react(const char *);
214   void group(int, char **);
215   int add_group(const char *);
216   int find_group(const char *);
218   void compress_explicit();
219   void compress_implicit();
221   void collate_vector(int, surfint *, double *, int, double *);
222   void collate_vector_reduce(int, surfint *, double *, int, double *);
223   void collate_vector_rendezvous(int, surfint *, double *, int, double *);
225   void collate_array(int, int, surfint *, double **, double **);
226   void collate_array_reduce(int, int, surfint *, double **, double **);
227   void collate_array_rendezvous(int, int, surfint *, double **, double **);
228   void collate_vector_implicit(int, surfint *, double *, double *);
229   void collate_array_implicit(int, int, surfint *, double **, double **);
231   void redistribute_lines_clip(int, int);
232   void redistribute_lines_temporary(int);
233   void redistribute_tris_clip(int, int);
234   void redistribute_tris_temporary(int);
236   int find_custom(char *);
237   void error_custom();
238   int add_custom(char *, int, int);
239   void allocate_custom(int, int);
240   void remove_custom(int);
242   void write_restart(FILE *);
243   void read_restart(FILE *);
244   virtual void grow(int);
245   virtual void grow_own(int);
246   virtual void grow_temporary(int);
247   bigint memory_usage();
249  protected:
250   int me,nprocs;
251   int maxsc;                // max # of models in sc
252   int maxsr;                // max # of models in sr
254   // collate vector rendezvous data
256   struct InRvousVec {
257     surfint id;             // surface ID
258     double value;           // compute value
259   };
261   double *out_rvous;
262   int ncol_rvous;
264   // watertight rendezvous data
266   struct InRvousPoint {
267     double x[2];            // 2d point coords
268     int which;              // 1 for first endpoint, 2 for second endpoint
269   };
271   struct InRvousEdge {
272     double x1[3],x2[3];     // 3d edge point coords
273     int which;              // 1 for forward order, 2 for reverse order
274   };
276   // union data struct for packing 32-bit and 64-bit ints into double bufs
277   // this avoids aliasing issues by having 2 pointers (double,int)
278   //   to same buf memory
279   // constructor for 32-bit int prevents compiler
280   //   from possibly calling the double constructor when passed an int
281   // copy to a double *buf:
282   //   buf[m++] = ubuf(foo).d, where foo is a 32-bit or 64-bit int
283   // copy from a double *buf:
284   //   foo = (int) ubuf(buf[m++]).i;, where (int) or (tagint) match foo
285   //   the cast prevents compiler warnings about possible truncation
287   union ubuf {
288     double d;
289     int64_t i;
ubuf(double arg)290     ubuf(double arg) : d(arg) {}
ubuf(int64_t arg)291     ubuf(int64_t arg) : i(arg) {}
ubuf(int arg)292     ubuf(int arg) : i(arg) {}
293   };
295   // extra custom vectors/arrays for per-surf data
296   // these variables are private, others above are public
298   char **ename;             // name of each attribute
300   int ncustom_ivec;         // # of integer vector attributes
301   int ncustom_iarray;       // # of integer array attributes
302   int *icustom_ivec;        // index into ncustom for each integer vector
303   int *icustom_iarray;      // index into ncustom for each integer array
304   int *eicol;               // # of columns in each integer array (esize)
306   int ncustom_dvec;         // # of double vector attributes
307   int ncustom_darray;       // # of double array attributes
308   int *icustom_dvec;        // index into ncustom for each double vector
309   int *icustom_darray;      // index into ncustom for each double array
310   int *edcol;               // # of columns in each double array (esize)
312   int *custom_restart_flag; // flag on each custom vec/array read from restart
313                             // used to delete them if not redefined in
314                             // restart script
316   // private methods
318   void point_line_compare(double *, double *, double *, double, int &, int &);
319   void point_tri_compare(double *, double *, double *, double *, double *,
320                          double, int &, int &, int, int, int);
322   void collate_vector_allreduce(int, int *, double *, int, double *);
323   void collate_vector_irregular(int, int *, double *, int, double *);
324   void collate_array_allreduce(int, int, int *, double **, double **);
325   void collate_array_irregular(int, int, int *, double **, double **);
327   void check_watertight_2d_all();
328   void check_watertight_2d_distributed();
329   void check_watertight_3d_all();
330   void check_watertight_3d_distributed();
332   // callback functions for rendezvous communication
334   static int rendezvous_vector(int, char *, int &, int *&, char *&, void *);
335   static int rendezvous_array(int, char *, int &, int *&, char *&, void *);
336   static int rendezvous_implicit(int, char *, int &, int *&, char *&, void *);
337   static int rendezvous_watertight_2d(int, char *,
338                                       int &, int *&, char *&, void *);
339   static int rendezvous_watertight_3d(int, char *,
340                                       int &, int *&, char *&, void *);
341   static int rendezvous_lines(int, char *,
342                               int &, int *&, char *&, void *);
343   static int rendezvous_tris(int, char *,
344                              int &, int *&, char *&, void *);
345 };
347 }
349 #endif
351 /* ERROR/WARNING messages:
353 E: Illegal ... command
355 Self-explanatory.  Check the input script syntax and compare to the
356 documentation for the command.  You can use -echo screen as a
357 command-line option when running SPARTA to see the offending line.
359 E: Could not find surf_modify surf-ID
361 Self-explanatory.
363 E: Could not find surf_modify sc-ID
365 Self-explanatory.
367 E: %d surface elements not assigned to a collision model
369 All surface elements must be assigned to a surface collision model via
370 the surf_modify command before a simulation is perforemd.
372 E: Reuse of surf_collide ID
374 A surface collision model ID cannot be used more than once.
376 E: Invalid surf_collide style
378 Self-explanatory.
380 */