1 /*
2    Copyright (c) 1991-1999 Thomas T. Wetmore IV
4    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
5    obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
6    files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
7    restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
8    modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
9    of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
10    furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
12    The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
13    included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
23 */
24 /* modified 05 Jan 2000 by Paul B. McBride (pmcbride@tiac.net) */
25 /* modified 2000-04-25 J.F.Chandler */
26 /*=============================================================
27  * messages.c -- Holds most LifeLines messages
28  * Copyright(c) 1992-94 by T.T. Wetmore IV; all rights reserved
29  *   2.3.4 - 24 Jun 93    2.3.5 - 13 Aug 93
30  *   2.3.6 - 29 Oct 93    3.0.0 - 05 Oct 94
31  *   3.0.2 - 06 Dec 94
32  *===========================================================*/
34 #include "llstdlib.h"
36 #define SS (STRING)
37 #define ZST STRING
39 /* strings used to clear the screen */
40 STRING empstr = SS "                                                ";
41 STRING empstr71 = SS "                                                                       ";
44 ZST qSiddbse      = N_("You must identify a database.");
45 ZST qSidldir      = N_("What directory holds (or will hold) the LifeLines database? (? to list)");
46 ZST qSidldrp      = N_("enter path: ");
47 ZST qSnodbse      = N_("There is no LifeLines database in that directory.");
48 ZST qScrdbse      = N_("Do you want to create a database there?");
49 ZST qSbdlkar      = N_("Argument to lock (-l) must be y or n.");
50 ZST qSnormls      = N_("Cannot remove last person from family.");
51 	/* summary of options (compiled with Finnish as optional) */
52 ZST qSusgFinnOpt  = N_("lines [-adkrwiflntcuFxoCzI] [database]   # Use -F for Finnish database");
53 	/* summary of options (compiled with Finnish as mandatory) */
54 ZST qSusgFinnAlw  = N_("lines [-adkrwiflntcuxoCzI] [database]   # Finnish database");
55 	/* summary of options (normal compile -- no Finnish support) */
56 ZST qSusgNorm     = N_("lines [-adkrwiflntcuxoCzI] [database]");
58 ZST qSronlya      = N_("The database is read only; you may not add records.");
59 ZST qSronlye      = N_("The database is read only; you may not change records.");
60 ZST qSronlym      = N_("The database is read only; you may not merge records.");
61 ZST qSronlyr      = N_("The database is read only; you may not remove records.");
62 ZST qSronly       = N_("The database is read only.");
64 ZST qSidbrws      = N_("Name, key, refn, list, or @:");
65 ZST qSidkyrfn     = N_("enter key or refn: ");
66 ZST qSidcrmv      = N_("Please choose the child to remove from the family.");
67 ZST qSidsrmv      = N_("Please choose the spouse/parent to remove from the family.");
68 ZST qSidcrmf      = N_("From which family is the child to be removed?");
69 ZST qSidsrmf      = N_("From which family is the spouse/parent to be removed?");
70 ZST qSidfrmv      = N_("Identify family (enter nothing to identify by individual members).");
71 ZST qSidfrsp      = N_("Identify a spouse of the family, if known.");
72 ZST qSidfrch      = N_("Identify a child of the family, if known.");
73 ZST qSid1csw      = N_("Identify the first child to swap.");
74 ZST qSid2csw      = N_("Identify the second child to swap.");
75 ZST qSidcrdr      = N_("Identify the child to reorder.");
76 ZST qSid1fsw      = N_("Identify the first family/spouse to swap.");
77 ZST qSid2fsw      = N_("Identify the second family/spouse to swap.");
78 ZST qSidsbrs      = N_("Please choose the spouse/parent to browse to.");
79 ZST qSid1sbr      = N_("Please choose the first spouse/parent to browse to.");
80 ZST qSid2sbr      = N_("Please choose the second spouse/parent to browse to.");
81 ZST qSidcbrs      = N_("Please choose the child to browse to.");
82 ZST qSid1cbr      = N_("Please choose the first child to browse to.");
83 ZST qSid2cbr      = N_("Please choose the second child to browse to.");
84 ZST qSidfbrs      = N_("Please choose the family to browse to.");
85 ZST qSidfamk      = N_("Enter Family Number to Browse to");
86 ZST qSid1fbr      = N_("Please choose the first family to browse to.");
87 ZST qSid2fbr      = N_("Please choose the second family to browse to.");
88 ZST qSidhbrs      = N_("Please choose the father/husband to browse to.");
89 ZST qSid1hbr      = N_("Please choose the first father/husband to browse to.");
90 ZST qSid2hbr      = N_("Please choose the second father/husband to browse to.");
91 ZST qSidwbrs      = N_("Please choose the mother/wife to browse to.");
92 ZST qSid1wbr      = N_("Please choose the first mother/wife to browse to.");
93 ZST qSid2wbr      = N_("Please choose the second mother/wife to browse to.");
94 ZST qSidcswp      = N_("Identify a parent in the family having children swapped.");
95 ZST qSidfswp      = N_("Whose families/spouses are to be swapped?");
96 ZST qSidprnt      = N_("Identify one of the child's parents, if known.");
98 ZST qSscnrfn      = N_("Enter pattern to match against refn.");
100 ZST qSnotonei     = N_("Please choose from among these people.");
101 ZST qSnotonex     = N_("Please choose from among these records.");
102 ZST qSiscnew      = N_("Is this the new child? ");
103 ZST qSissnew      = N_("Is this the new spouse? ");
104 ZST qSifonei      = N_("Is this the person?  Select if so.");
105 ZST qSifonex      = N_("Is this the record?  Select if so.");
106 ZST qSidcfam      = N_("Select the child the new child precedes or select last.");
107 ZST qSidpnxt      = N_("Please identify next person to browse to.");
108 ZST qSidnxt       = N_("Please identify record to browse to.");
109 ZST qSidspse      = N_("Please identify one of the spouses.");
110 ZST qSidplst      = N_("Please identify person or persons to browse to.");
111 ZST qSidfcop      = N_("Please choose family create operation.");
112 ZST qSentnam      = N_("Do you want to enter another name?");
114 ZST qSntprnt      = N_("This person is not a spouse or parent in any family.");
115 ZST qSntchld      = N_("This person is not a child in any family.");
116 ZST qSnonamky     = N_("There is no one in the database with that name or key.");
118 ZST qSnofath      = N_("This person's father is not in the database.");
119 ZST qSnomoth      = N_("This person's mother is not in the database.");
120 ZST qSnospse      = N_("This person has no spouse in the database.");
121 ZST qSnoysib      = N_("This person has no younger sibling in the database.");
122 ZST qSnoosib      = N_("This person has no older sibling in the database.");
123 ZST qSnoprnt      = N_("This person's parents are not in the database.");
124 ZST qSnohusb      = N_("This family has no male spouse/parent in the database.");
125 ZST qSnowife      = N_("This family has no female spouse/parent in the database.");
126 ZST qSnocinf      = N_("There are no children in the database for this family.");
127 ZST qSnocofp      = N_("This person has no children in the database.");
128 ZST qSnochil      = N_("No such child.");
129 ZST qSnopers      = N_("No such person.");
130 ZST qSnorec       = N_("No such record.");
131 ZST qSnofam       = N_("No such family.");
132 ZST qSnosour      = N_("No sources present.");
133 ZST qSidsour      = N_("Please choose the source to view.");
134 ZST qSnoeven      = N_("No events present.");
135 ZST qSideven      = N_("Please choose the event to view.");
136 ZST qSnoothe      = N_("No others present.");
137 ZST qSidothe      = N_("Please choose the other to view.");
138 ZST qSnonote      = N_("No notes present.");
139 ZST qSidnote      = N_("Please choose the note to view.");
140 ZST qSnoptr       = N_("No references present.");
141 ZST qSidptr       = N_("Please choose the reference to view.");
142 ZST qSduprfn      = N_("Duplicated REFN - please choose.");
144 ZST qSnosex       = N_("New spouse/parent has unknown sex; can't add to family.");
145 ZST qSnotopp      = N_("The persons are not of opposite sex; can't make family.");
146 ZST qSntsinf      = N_("This person is not a spouse in the family; can't remove.");
147 ZST qSntcinf      = N_("This person is not a child in the family; can't remove.");
148 ZST qSunksex      = N_("This person's sex is not known; can't make family.");
149 ZST qShashsb      = N_("This family already has a husband/male parent.");
150 ZST qShaswif      = N_("This family already has a wife/female parent.");
151 ZST qShasbth      = N_("This family has both spouses/parents; can't add another.");
152 ZST qShasnei      = N_("This family has neither spouse/parent; can't remove.");
153 ZST qShaslnk      = N_("This family still has links; not removed.");
155 ZST qSidfbys      = N_("Choose a family by selecting a spouse/parent.");
156 ZST qSiredit      = N_("Do you want to edit the person again? (Otherwise changes will be discarded.)");
157 ZST qSireditopt   = N_("Do you want to edit the person again?");
158 ZST qSfredit      = N_("Do you want to edit the family again? (Otherwise changes will be discarded.)");
159 ZST qSfreditopt   = N_("Do you want to edit the family again?");
160 ZST qSrredit      = N_("Do you want to edit the source again? (Otherwise changes will be discarded.)");
161 ZST qSrreditopt   = N_("Do you want to edit the source again?");
162 ZST qSeredit      = N_("Do you want to edit the event again? (Otherwise changes will be discarded.)");
163 ZST qSereditopt   = N_("Do you want to edit the event again?");
164 ZST qSxredit      = N_("Do you want to edit the record again? (Otherwise changes will be discarded.)");
165 ZST qSxreditopt   = N_("Do you want to edit the record again?");
166 ZST qSidpedt      = N_("Whom do you want to edit?");
167 ZST qSidredt      = N_("Which source record do you want to edit?");
168 ZST qSideedt      = N_("Which event record do you want to edit?");
169 ZST qSidxedt      = N_("What record do you want to edit?");
171 ZST qScfpadd      = N_("Do you really want to add this person to the database?");
172 ZST qScffadd      = N_("Do you really want to add this family to the database?");
173 ZST qScfcadd      = N_("Do you really want to add this child to the family?");
174 ZST qScfsadd      = N_("Do you really want to add this spouse/parent to the family?");
175 ZST qScfradd      = N_("Do you really want to add this source to the database?");
176 ZST qScfeadd      = N_("Do you really want to add this event to the database?");
177 ZST qScfxadd      = N_("Do you really want to add this record to the database?");
178 ZST qScfpupt      = N_("Do you really want to update this person?");
179 ZST qScffupt      = N_("Do you really want to update this family?");
180 ZST qScfrupt      = N_("Do you really want to update this source?");
181 ZST qScfeupt      = N_("Do you really want to update this event?");
182 ZST qScfxupt      = N_("Do you really want to update this record?");
183 ZST qScfpdel      = N_("Are you sure you want to remove the person from the database?");
184 ZST qScfodel      = N_("Are you sure you want to remove this record from the database?");
185 ZST qScffdel      = N_("Remove this family record?");
186 ZST qScffdeld     = N_("(Family %s (%s, %s)");
187 ZST qScfpmrg      = N_("Do you really want to merge these two persons?");
188 ZST qScffmrg      = N_("Do you really want to merge these two families?");
189 ZST qScffswp      = N_("Do you really want to swap spouse orders?");
190 ZST qScfchswp     = N_("Do you really want to reorder children?");
191 ZST qScfcrmv      = N_("Do you really want to remove this child from his/her family?");
192 ZST qScfsrmv      = N_("Do you really want to remove this spouse from his/her family?");
193 ZST qSspover      = N_("Too many spouses to display full list");
194 ZST qSmgsfam      = N_("These persons are children in different families.");
195 ZST qSmgconf      = N_("Are you sure you want to merge them?");
197 ZST qSbadata      = N_("There is something wrong with the data.");
198 ZST qSidchld      = N_("Please identify the child.");
199 ZST qSidsbln      = N_("Please identify one of the child's siblings.");
200 ZST qSidsadd      = N_("Identify spouse/parent to add to an existing family.");
201 ZST qSidsinf      = N_("Identify spouse/parent already in family, if known.");
202 ZST qSkchild      = N_("Identify child already in family.");
203 ZST qSiscinf      = N_("This person is already a child in a family. Add anyway?");
204 ZST qSidsps1      = N_("Identify a spouse/parent for the new family.");
205 ZST qSidsps2      = N_("Identify the second spouse/parent, if known.");
206 ZST qStwohsb      = N_("Both families must have husbands/fathers.");
207 ZST qStwowif      = N_("Both families must have wives/mothers.");
209 ZST qSids2fm      = N_("Identify spouse/parent in second family, if known.");
210 ZST qSidc2fm      = N_("Identify child in second family.");
211 ZST qSidp2br      = N_("Identify second person to browse to.");
213 ZST qScrtcfm      = N_("Create a family with this person as a child.");
214 ZST qScrtsfm      = N_("Create a family with this person as a spouse/parent.");
215 ZST qSless2c      = N_("This family has less than two children; can't swap.");
216 ZST qSless2f      = N_("This person is a spouse/parent in less than two families.");
217 ZST qSparadox     = N_("Something impossible happened. Contact tech support.");
219 ZST qSokcswp      = N_("The two children were swapped.");
220 ZST qSokfswp      = N_("The two families were swapped.");
221 ZST qSokcrmv      = N_("The child was removed from his/her family.");
222 ZST qSoksrmv      = N_("The spouse was removed from his/her family.");
224 ZST qSnopmrg      = N_("A person cannot be merged with him/herself.");
225 ZST qSnofmrg      = N_("A family cannot be merged with itself.");
226 ZST qSnoqmrg      = N_("Two persons with different parents cannot be merged.");
227 ZST qSnoxmrg      = N_("Two parents of different sexes cannot be merged.");
228 ZST qSdhusb       = N_("The families have different fathers/husbands; cannot merge.");
229 ZST qSdwife       = N_("The families have different wives/mothers; cannot merge.");
230 ZST qSidpdel      = N_("Who do you want to remove from the database?");
231 ZST qSidodel      = N_("What record do you want to remove from the database?");
232 ZST qSmklast      = N_("Place the child last in the family.");
233 ZST qSabverr      = N_("Error in abbreviations file.");
234 ZST qSuoperr      = N_("Error in user options file.");
235 ZST qScmperr      = N_("Error in character mapping file.");
236 ZST qSsepch       = N_("(Separator is %s)");
237 ZST qSaredit      = N_("Do you want to re-edit it?");
239 ZST qSgdpadd      = N_("%s was added to the database.");
240 ZST qSgdcadd      = N_("%s was added as a child.");
241 ZST qSgdsadd      = N_("%s was added as a spouse and/or parent.");
242 ZST qSgdfadd      = N_("The new family was added to the database.");
243 ZST qSgdpmod      = N_("%s was modified in the database.");
244 ZST qSgdfmod      = N_("The family was modified in the database.");
245 ZST qSgdrmod      = N_("The source was modified in the database.");
246 ZST qSgdemod      = N_("The event was modified in the database.");
247 ZST qSgdxmod      = N_("The record was modified in the database.");
249 ZST qSnofopn      = N_("Could not open file %s.");
250 ZST qSfn2long     = N_("Filepath too long.");
252 ZST qSmrkrec      = N_("Please mark a record first.");
254 ZST qSlstnam      = N_("The current list is now named %s.");
255 ZST qSlstnon      = N_("The current list is not named.");
256 ZST qSlstwht      = N_("What should the name of this list be?");
257 ZST qSlstnad      = N_("No persons were added to the current list.");
258 ZST qSlstpad      = N_("What persons or list do you want to add to the current list?");
259 ZST qSlstbot      = N_("You are at the bottom of the list.");
260 ZST qSlsttop      = N_("You are at the top of the list.");
261 ZST qSlstnew      = N_("New persons were added to the current list.");
263 ZST qSbadttnum    = N_("System error: illegal map code");
264 ZST qSnosuchtt    = N_("No such translation table in this database");
266 /* GEDCOM file */
267 ZST qSgdnadd      = N_("Because of errors the GEDCOM file was not loaded.\n");
268 ZST qSdboldk      = N_("No errors; adding records with original keys...");
269 ZST qSdbnewk      = N_("No errors; adding records with new keys...");
270 ZST qScfoldk      = N_("Use original keys from GEDCOM file?");
271 ZST qSproceed     = N_("Proceed?");
272 ZST qSoutarc      = N_("Enter name of output archive file.");
273 ZST qSoutfin      = N_("Database `%s' has been saved in `%s'.");
274 ZST qSmouttt      = N_("Enter name of translation table file to write");
275 ZST qSmintt       = N_("Enter name of translation table file to read");
276 ZST qSmisixr      = N_("Line %d: The person defined here has no key: skipped.");
277 ZST qSmisfxr      = N_("Line %d: The family defined here has no key.");
278 ZST qSmulper      = N_("Lines %d and %d: Person %s is multiply defined: skipped.");
279 ZST qSmulfam      = N_("Lines %d and %d: Family %s is multiply defined.");
280 ZST qSmatper      = N_("Line %d: Person %s has an incorrect key: skipped.");
281 ZST qSmatfam      = N_("Line %d: Family %s has an incorrect key.");
282 ZST qSundper      = N_("Person %s is referred to but not defined.");
283 ZST qSundfam      = N_("Family %s is referred to but not defined.");
284 ZST qSundsrc      = N_("Source %s is referred to but not defined.");
285 ZST qSundevn      = N_("Event %s is referred to but not defined.");
286 ZST qSbadlev      = N_("Line %d: This line has a level number that is too large.");
287 ZST qSnoname      = N_("Line %d: Person defined here has no name.");
288 #if 0
289 STRING noxref = SS "Line %d: This record has no cross reference value.";
290 #endif
292 	/* Option at bottom of list, if none in list are desired */
293 ZST qSextchoos     = N_("<Choose outside this list>");
294 	/* What report program to run ? */
295 ZST qSwhatrpt     = N_("What is the name of the program?");
296 ZST qSwhatgedc    = N_("Please enter the name of the GEDCOM file.");
298 ZST qSwhtout      = N_("What is the name of the output file?");
299 ZST qSopt2long    = N_("Malformed configuration file: line too long.");
300 ZST qSunsupunix   = N_("Unsupported file encoding (no multibyte encodings except UTF-8).");
301 ZST qSunsupuniv    = N_("Unsupported file encoding: %s.");
303 /* misc prompts */
304 ZST qSchoostrttl  = N_("Enter string for program");
305 ZST qSaskstr      = N_("enter string: ");
306 ZST qSaskint      = N_("enter integer:");
307 ZST qSasknam      = N_("enter name: ");
308 ZST qShitkey      = N_("Strike any key to continue.");
310 /* new records prototypes */
311 	/* (all-caps words are in GEDCOM language -- don't change) */
312 ZST qSdefsour     = N_("0 SOUR\n1 REFN\n1 TITL Title\n1 AUTH Author");
313 ZST qSdefeven     = N_("0 EVEN\n1 REFN\n1 DATE\n1 PLAC\n1 INDI\n  2 NAME\n  2 ROLE\n1 SOUR");
314 ZST qSdefothr     = N_("0 XXXX\n1 REFN");
315 /* end new record prototypes */
317 /* node.c errors */
318 ZST qSfileof      = N_("The file is as positioned at EOF.");
319 ZST qSreremp      = N_("Line %d: This line is empty; EOF?");
320 ZST qSrerlng      = N_("Line %d: This line is too long.");
321 ZST qSrernlv      = N_("Line %d: This line has no level number.");
322 ZST qSrerinc      = N_("Line %d: This line is incomplete.");
323 ZST qSrerbln      = N_("Line %d: This line has a bad link.");
324 ZST qSrernwt      = N_("Line %d: This line needs white space before tag.");
325 ZST qSrerilv      = N_("Line %d: This line has an illegal level.");
326 ZST qSrerwlv      = N_("The record begins at wrong level.");
328 /* &&begin signals */
329 ZST qScoredump    = N_("\nAborting now. Core dump? [y/n]");
330 ZST qSprogsig     = N_("Looks like a program was running.\nCheck file %1 around line %2.\n");
331 ZST qSsignal      = N_("signal %1: %2");
332 	/* system signal#0 name */
333 ZST qSsig00       = N_("SIGNAL 0");
334 ZST qSsig01       = N_("HANGUP");
335 ZST qSsig02       = N_("INTERRUPT");
336 ZST qSsig03       = N_("QUIT");
337 ZST qSsig04       = N_("ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION");
338 ZST qSsig05       = N_("TRACE TRAP");
339 ZST qSsig06       = N_("ABORT");
340 ZST qSsig07       = N_("EMT INST");
341 ZST qSsig08       = N_("FLOATING POINT EXCEPTION");
342 ZST qSsig09       = N_("KILL");
343 ZST qSsig10       = N_("BUS ERROR");
344 ZST qSsig11       = N_("SEGMENTATION ERROR");
345 ZST qSsig12       = N_("SYSTEM CALL ERROR");
346 ZST qSsig13       = N_("PIPE WRITE");
347 ZST qSsig14       = N_("ALARM CLOCK");
348 	/* system signal#15 name -- presumably user used UNIX kill command to stop lifelines */
349 ZST qSsig15       = N_("TERMINATE FROM KILL");
350 ZST qSsig16       = N_("USER SIGNAL 1");
351 ZST qSsig17       = N_("USER SIGNAL 2");
352 ZST qSsig18       = N_("DEATH OF CHILD");
353 ZST qSsig19       = N_("POWER-FAIL RESTART");
354 ZST qSsig20       = N_("WINDOW CHANGE");
355 ZST qSsigunk      = N_("Unknown signal");
356 /* &&end signals */
358 /* browse display stuff */
359 ZST qSdspl_indi   = N_("person");
360 ZST qSdspa_resi   = N_(", of ");
361 ZST qSdspl_fath   = N_("father");
362 ZST qSdspl_moth   = N_("mother");
363 ZST qSdspl_spouse = N_("spouse");
364 ZST qSdspl_child  = N_("child");
365 /* &&begin display abbreviations */
366 	/* m.: married */
367 ZST qSdspa_mar    = N_("m. ");
368 	/* eng. : engaged */
369 ZST qSdspa_eng    = N_("eng. ");
370 	/* mc. : marriage contract */
371 ZST qSdspa_marc   = N_("m.c. ");
373 	/* div.: divorced */
374 ZST qSdspa_div    = N_("div. ");
375 	/* b.: born */
376 ZST qSdspa_bir    = N_("b. ");
377 	/* bap.: baptized */
378 ZST qSdspa_chr    = N_("bap. ");
379 	/* d.: died */
380 ZST qSdspa_dea    = N_("d. ");
381 	/* bur.: buried */
382 ZST qSdspa_bur    = N_("bur. ");
383 	/* cb.: child born */
384 ZST qSdspa_chbr   = N_("cb. ");
385 /* &&end display abbreviations, begin long forms */
386 ZST qSdspl_mar    = N_("married: ");
387 ZST qSdspl_eng    = N_("engaged: ");
388 ZST qSdspl_marc   = N_("marr.ct: ");
389 ZST qSdspl_bir    = N_("born: ");
390 ZST qSdspl_chr    = N_("bapt: ");
391 ZST qSdspl_dea    = N_("died: ");
392 ZST qSdspl_bur    = N_("buri: ");
393 /* &&end display long forms */
395 /* editing errors */
396 ZST qSbadind      = N_("You cannot edit the INDI line in a person record.");
397 ZST qSbadfmc      = N_("You cannot edit the FAMC line in a person record.");
398 ZST qSbadfms      = N_("You cannot edit the FAMS lines in a person record.");
399 ZST qSbadfam      = N_("You cannot edit the FAM line in a family record.");
400 ZST qSbadhsb      = N_("You cannot edit the HUSB line in a family record.");
401 ZST qSbadwif      = N_("You cannot edit the WIFE line in a family record.");
402 ZST qSbadchl      = N_("You cannot edit the CHIL lines in a family record.");
403 ZST qSbademp      = N_("The record is empty.");
404 ZST qSbadin0      = N_("The record does not begin with an INDI line.");
405 ZST qSbadfm0      = N_("The record does not begin with a FAM line.");
406 ZST qSbadsr0      = N_("The record does not begin with a SOUR line.");
407 ZST qSbadev0      = N_("The record does not begin with an EVEN line.");
408 ZST qSbadothr0    = N_("INDI, FAM, SOUR, EVEN records may not be other records.");
409 ZST qSbadmul      = N_("The record contains multiple level 0 lines.");
410 ZST qSbadenm      = N_("This person record has bad GEDCOM name syntax.");
411 ZST qSbadparsex   = N_("You cannot change the sex of a parent.");
412 ZST qSbadirefn    = N_("REFN key is already in use.");
414 ZST qStag2lng2cnc = N_("Tag is too long to connect automatically.");
415 	/* I,F,S,E,X are conventional letters, so leave them as is) */
416 ZST qSdbrecords   = N_("Database records");
417 ZST qSdbrecstats  = N_("%dI, %dF, %dS, %dE, %dX");
419 /* menus */
420 ZST qSmtitle      = N_("LifeLines %s - Genealogical DB and Programming System");
421 ZST qScright      = N_("Copyright(c) 1991 to 1996, by T. T. Wetmore IV");
422 ZST qSdbname      = N_("Current Database - %s");
423 	/* immutable is read-only with no reader/writer conflict protection */
424 ZST qSdbimmut     = N_(" (immutable)");
425 	/* read-only has protection against reader/writer conflict */
426 ZST qSdbrdonly    = N_(" (read only)");
427 ZST qSplschs      = N_("Please choose an operation:");
428 ZST qSmn_unkcmd   = N_("Not valid command");
430 /* prompt, full list, yes list */
431 ZST qSaskynq      = N_("enter y (yes) or n (no): ");
432 ZST qSaskynyn     = N_("yYnN"); /* valid chars for yes/no answer */
433 ZST qSaskyY       = N_("yY"); /* chars meaning yes answer */
435 /* browse menu titles */
436 ZST qSttlindibrw  = N_("LifeLines -- Person Browse Screen (* toggles menu)");
437 ZST qSttlfambrw   = N_("LifeLines -- Family Browse Screen (* toggles menu)");
438 ZST qSttl2perbrw  = N_("LifeLines -- Two Person Browse Screen (* toggles menu)");
439 ZST qSttl2fambrw  = N_("LifeLines -- Two Family Browse Screen (* toggles menu)");
440 ZST qSttlauxbrw   = N_("LifeLines -- Auxiliary Browse Screen (* toggles menu)");
441 ZST qSttllstbrw   = N_("LifeLines -- List Browse Screen (* toggles menu)");
443 /* list menu */
445 ZST qSchlistx     = N_("Commands:   Select by number, u Page Up, d Page Down, i Select, q Quit");
446 ZST qSvwlistx     = N_("Commands:   u Page Up, d Page Down, q Quit");
447 ZST qSerrlist     = N_("Messages:");
449 /* adding new xref */
450 ZST qSdefttl      = N_("Please choose from the following options:");
451 ZST qSnewrecis    = N_("New record is %s");
452 ZST qSautoxref    = N_("Insert xref automatically at bottom of current record.");
453 ZST qSeditcur     = N_("Edit current record now to add xref manually.");
454 ZST qSgotonew     = N_("Browse new record (without adding xref).");
455 ZST qSstaycur     = N_("Return to current record (without adding xref).");
457 /* misc */
458 ZST qSunksps      = N_("Spouse unknown");
459 ZST qSnohist      = N_("No more history");
460 ZST qSbadhistcnt  = N_("Bad history count");
461 ZST qSbadhistcnt2 = N_("Bad backup history count");
462 ZST qSbadhistlen  = N_("Bad history length");
463 ZST qShistclr     = N_("Delete history (%d entries)?");
464 ZST qSdataerr     = N_("Error accessing data");
465 ZST qSidhist      = N_("Choose from history");
466 ZST qSnorwandro   = N_("Cannot combine immutable (-i) or read-only (-r) with read-write (-w) access.");
467 ZST qSnofandl     = N_("Cannot combine forceopen (-f) and lock (-l) flags.");
468 ZST qSiddefpath   = N_("Default path: ");
469 ZST qSmisskeys    = N_("WARNING: missing keys");
470 ZST qSbadkeyptr   = N_("This does not point to another record in the database!");
471 ZST qSwhtfname    = N_("enter file name");
472 ZST qSwhtfnameext = N_("enter file name (*%s)");
473 ZST qSnosuchrec   = N_("There is no record with that key or reference.");
474 ZST qSbaddb       = N_("Database was corrupt.");
476 /* translation table errors */
477 ZST qSbaddec      = N_("Bad decimal number format.");
478 ZST qSbadhex      = N_("Bad hexidecimal number format.");
479 ZST qSnorplc      = N_("No replacement string on line.");
480 ZST qSnoorig      = N_("No original string on line.");
481 ZST qSbadesc      = N_("Bad escape format.");
482 ZST qSmaperr      = N_("%s: line %d (entry %d): %s");
484 /* many menus */
485 ZST qSmn_quit     = N_("q  Return to main menu");
486 ZST qSmn_ret      = N_("q  Return to previous menu");
487 ZST qSmn_exit     = N_("q  Quit program");
488 ZST qSmn_changedb = N_("Q  Quit current database");
490 /* &&begin main menu (70 chars after spaces) */
491 ZST qSmn_mmbrws   = N_("b  Browse the persons in the database");
492 ZST qSmn_mmsear   = N_("s  Search database");
493 ZST qSmn_mmadd    = N_("a  Add information to the database");
494 ZST qSmn_mmdel    = N_("d  Delete information from the database");
495 ZST qSmn_mmrpt    = N_("r  Generate report by entering report name");
496 ZST qSmn_mmprpt   = N_("p  Pick a report from list and run");
497 ZST qSmn_mmcset   = N_("c  Character set options");
498 ZST qSmn_mmtt     = N_("t  Modify character translation tables");
499 ZST qSmn_mmut     = N_("u  Miscellaneous utilities");
500 ZST qSmn_mmex     = N_("x  Handle source, event and other records");
502 /* &&end main menu, begin utility menu */
503 ZST qSmn_uttl     = N_("What utility do you want to perform?");
504 ZST qSmn_utsave   = N_("s  Save the database in a GEDCOM file");
505 ZST qSmn_utread   = N_("r  Read in data from a GEDCOM file");
506 ZST qSmn_utgdchoo = N_("R  Pick a GEDCOM file and read in");
507 ZST qSmn_utkey    = N_("k  Find a person's key value");
508 ZST qSmn_utkpers  = N_("i  Identify a person from key value");
509 ZST qSmn_utdbstat = N_("d  Show database statistics");
510 ZST qSmn_utmemsta = N_("m  Show memory statistics");
511 ZST qSmn_utplaces = N_("e  Edit the place abbreviation file");
512 ZST qSmn_utusropt = N_("o  Edit the user options file");
514 /* &&end utility menu, begin extra menu */
515 ZST qSmn_xttl     = N_("What activity do you want to perform?");
516 ZST qSmn_xxbsour  = N_("s  Browse source records");
517 ZST qSmn_xxbeven  = N_("e  Browse event records");
518 ZST qSmn_xxbothr  = N_("x  Browse other records");
519 ZST qSmn_xxasour  = N_("1  Add a source record to the database");
520 ZST qSmn_xxesour  = N_("2  Edit source record from the database");
521 ZST qSmn_xxaeven  = N_("3  Add an event record to the database");
522 ZST qSmn_xxeeven  = N_("4  Edit event record from the database");
523 ZST qSmn_xxaothr  = N_("5  Add an other record to the database");
524 ZST qSmn_xxeothr  = N_("6  Edit other record from the database");
526 /* &&end utility menu, &&begin translation table menu */
527 ZST qSmn_tt_ttl   = N_("Translation Tables");
528 ZST qSmn_tt_edit  = N_("e  edit individual tables (in db)");
529 ZST qSmn_tt_load  = N_("l  load a table from a file (into db)");
530 ZST qSmn_tt_save  = N_("s  save a table to a file (from db)");
531 ZST qSmn_tt_exp   = N_("x  export all tables (from db to files)");
532 ZST qSmn_tt_imp   = N_("i  import all tables (from files into db)");
533 ZST qSmn_tt_dir   = N_("export/import directory:");
535 /* menus for translation tables */
536 ZST qSmn_edttttl  = N_("Which character mapping do you want to edit?");
537 ZST qSmn_svttttl  = N_("Which character mapping do you want to save?");
539 /* not yet implemented choices */
540 ZST qSmn_notimpl  = N_("Not implemented yet");
542 /* &&begin add menu */
543 ZST qSmn_add_ttl  = N_("What do you want to add?");
544 ZST qSmn_add_indi = N_("p  Person - add new person to the database");
545 ZST qSmn_add_fam  = N_("f  Family - create family record from one or two spouses");
546 ZST qSmn_add_chil = N_("c  Child - add a child to an existing family");
547 ZST qSmn_add_spou = N_("s  Spouse - add a spouse to an existing family");
549 /* &&end add menu, begin delete menu */
550 ZST qSmn_del_ttl  = N_("What do you want to remove?");
551 ZST qSmn_del_chil = N_("c  Child - remove a child from his/her family");
552 ZST qSmn_del_spou = N_("s  Spouse - remove a spouse from a family");
553 ZST qSmn_del_indi = N_("i  Individual - remove a person completely");
554 ZST qSmn_del_fam  = N_("f  Family - remove a family completely");
555 ZST qSmn_del_any  = N_("o  Other - remove other record completely");
557 /* &&end delete menu, begin search menu */
558 ZST qSmn_sea_ttl  = N_("How would you like to find a record?");
560 /* &&end search menu, begin scan status strings */
561 ZST qSsts_sca_ful = N_("Performing full name scan");
562 ZST qSsts_sca_fra = N_("Performing name fragment scan");
563 ZST qSsts_sca_ref = N_("Performing refn scan");
564 ZST qSsts_sca_src = N_("Performing source scan");
565 ZST qSsts_sca_non = N_("No records found in scan");
567 /* &&complex date strings (A=abbrev, B=full)*/
568 ZST qSdatea_abtA  = N_("abt %1");
569 ZST qSdatea_abtB  = N_("about %1");
570 ZST qSdatea_estA  = N_("est %1");
571 ZST qSdatea_estB  = N_("estimated %1");
572 ZST qSdatea_calA  = N_("cal %1");
573 ZST qSdatea_calB  = N_("calculated %1");
574 ZST qSdatep_fromA = N_("fr %1");
575 ZST qSdatep_fromB = N_("from %1");
576 ZST qSdatep_toA   = N_("to %1");
577 ZST qSdatep_toB   = N_("to %1");
578 ZST qSdatep_frtoA = N_("fr %1 to %2");
579 ZST qSdatep_frtoB = N_("from %1 to %2");
580 ZST qSdater_befA  = N_("bef %1");
581 ZST qSdater_befB  = N_("before %1");
582 ZST qSdater_aftA  = N_("aft %1");
583 ZST qSdater_aftB  = N_("after %1");
584 ZST qSdater_betA  = N_("bet %1 and %2");
585 ZST qSdater_betB  = N_("between %1 and %2");
586 	/* &&origin/era trailers */
587 	/* B.C. = Before Christ (calendar) */
588 ZST qSdatetrl_bcA = N_("B.C.");
589 	/* BC = Before Christ (calendar) */
590 ZST qSdatetrl_bcB = N_("BC");
591 	/* B.C.E. = Before Common Era (calendar) */
592 ZST qSdatetrl_bcC = N_("B.C.E.");
593 	/* BCE. = Before Common Era (calendar) */
594 ZST qSdatetrl_bcD = N_("BCE");
595 	/* A.D. = Anno Domini (calendar) */
596 ZST qSdatetrl_adA = N_("A.D.");
597 	/* AD = Anno Domini (calendar) */
598 ZST qSdatetrl_adB = N_("AD");
599 	/* C.E. = Common Era (calendar) */
600 ZST qSdatetrl_adC = N_("C.E.");
601 	/* CE = Common Era (calendar) */
602 ZST qSdatetrl_adD = N_("CE");
603 	/* &&calendar pics */
604 	/* Julian calendar year */
605 ZST qScaljul      = N_("%1J");
606 	/* Hebrew calendar year */
607 ZST qScalheb      = N_("%1 HEB");
608 	/* French Republic calendar year */
609 ZST qScalfr       = N_("%1 FR");
610 	/* Roman calendar year -- Anno Urbe Condite ? */
611 ZST qScalrom      = N_("%1 AUC");
612 	/* &&Gregorian/Julian months */
613 ZST qSmon_gj1A    = N_("jan");
614 ZST qSmon_gj1B    = N_("january");
615 ZST qSmon_gj2A    = N_("feb");
616 ZST qSmon_gj2B    = N_("february");
617 ZST qSmon_gj3A    = N_("mar");
618 ZST qSmon_gj3B    = N_("march");
619 ZST qSmon_gj4A    = N_("apr");
620 ZST qSmon_gj4B    = N_("april");
621 /* Put short form for may (don't use **) */
622 ZST qSmon_gj5A    = N_("**may");
623 ZST qSmon_gj5B    = N_("may");
624 ZST qSmon_gj6A    = N_("jun");
625 ZST qSmon_gj6B    = N_("june");
626 ZST qSmon_gj7A    = N_("jul");
627 ZST qSmon_gj7B    = N_("july");
628 ZST qSmon_gj8A    = N_("aug");
629 ZST qSmon_gj8B    = N_("august");
630 ZST qSmon_gj9A    = N_("sep");
631 ZST qSmon_gj9B    = N_("september");
632 ZST qSmon_gj10A   = N_("oct");
633 ZST qSmon_gj10B   = N_("october");
634 ZST qSmon_gj11A   = N_("nov");
635 ZST qSmon_gj11B   = N_("november");
636 ZST qSmon_gj12A   = N_("dec");
637 ZST qSmon_gj12B   = N_("december");
638 	/* &&Hebrew months */
639 ZST qSmon_heb1A   = N_("tsh");
640 ZST qSmon_heb1B   = N_("tishri");
641 ZST qSmon_heb2A   = N_("csh");
642 ZST qSmon_heb2B   = N_("cheshvan");
643 ZST qSmon_heb3A   = N_("ksl");
644 ZST qSmon_heb3B   = N_("kislev");
645 ZST qSmon_heb4A   = N_("tvt");
646 ZST qSmon_heb4B   = N_("tevet");
647 ZST qSmon_heb5A   = N_("shv");
648 ZST qSmon_heb5B   = N_("shevat");
649 ZST qSmon_heb6A   = N_("adr");
650 ZST qSmon_heb6B   = N_("adar");
651 ZST qSmon_heb7A   = N_("ads");
652 ZST qSmon_heb7B   = N_("adar sheni");
653 ZST qSmon_heb8A   = N_("nsn");
654 ZST qSmon_heb8B   = N_("nisan");
655 ZST qSmon_heb9A   = N_("iyr");
656 ZST qSmon_heb9B   = N_("iyar");
657 ZST qSmon_heb10A  = N_("svn");
658 ZST qSmon_heb10B  = N_("sivan");
659 ZST qSmon_heb11A  = N_("tmz");
660 ZST qSmon_heb11B  = N_("tamuz");
661 ZST qSmon_heb12A  = N_("aav");
662 ZST qSmon_heb12B  = N_("av");
663 ZST qSmon_heb13A  = N_("ell");
664 ZST qSmon_heb13B  = N_("elul");
665 	/* &&French Republic months */
666 ZST qSmon_fr1A    = N_("vend");
667 ZST qSmon_fr1B    = N_("vendemiaire");
668 ZST qSmon_fr2A    = N_("brum");
669 ZST qSmon_fr2B    = N_("brumaire");
670 ZST qSmon_fr3A    = N_("frim");
671 ZST qSmon_fr3B    = N_("frimaire");
672 ZST qSmon_fr4A    = N_("nivo");
673 ZST qSmon_fr4B    = N_("nivose");
674 ZST qSmon_fr5A    = N_("pluv");
675 ZST qSmon_fr5B    = N_("pluviose");
676 ZST qSmon_fr6A    = N_("vent");
677 ZST qSmon_fr6B    = N_("ventose");
678 ZST qSmon_fr7A    = N_("germ");
679 ZST qSmon_fr7B    = N_("germinal");
680 ZST qSmon_fr8A    = N_("flor");
681 ZST qSmon_fr8B    = N_("floreal");
682 ZST qSmon_fr9A    = N_("prai");
683 ZST qSmon_fr9B    = N_("prairial");
684 ZST qSmon_fr10A   = N_("mess");
685 ZST qSmon_fr10B   = N_("messidor");
686 ZST qSmon_fr11A   = N_("ther");
687 ZST qSmon_fr11B   = N_("thermidor");
688 ZST qSmon_fr12A   = N_("fruc");
689 ZST qSmon_fr12B   = N_("fructidor");
690 ZST qSmon_fr13A   = N_("comp");
691 ZST qSmon_fr13B   = N_("jour_complementairs");