2! Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Quantum ESPRESSO foundation
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the
4! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
5! in the root directory of the present distribution,
6! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
9MODULE qexsd_input
11  ! This module contains the data structures for the XML input of pw.x
12  ! and the routines neeeded to initialise it
13  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
14  ! First version March 2016, modified Aug. 2019
15  !----------- ------------- ---------------------------------------------------
16  USE kinds, ONLY : dp
17  !
18  USE qes_types_module
19  USE qes_libs_module
20  !
22  !
24  SAVE
25  !! input data structure
26  TYPE(input_type) :: qexsd_input_obj
27  PUBLIC :: qexsd_input_obj
28  !! routines for input data structure initialization
29  !! note that the data structure is passed as argument
30  PUBLIC :: &
31       qexsd_init_control_variables, &
32       qexsd_init_spin, &
33       qexsd_init_bands, &
34       qexsd_init_basis, &
35       qexsd_init_electron_control, &
36       qexsd_init_k_points_ibz, &
37       qexsd_init_ion_control, &
38       qexsd_init_cell_control, &
39       qexsd_init_symmetry_flags, &
40       qexsd_init_boundary_conditions, &
41       qexsd_init_ekin_functional, &
42       qexsd_init_external_atomic_forces, &
43       qexsd_init_free_positions, &
44       qexsd_init_starting_atomic_velocities, &
45       qexsd_init_spin_constraints, &
46       qexsd_init_electric_field_input, &
47       qexsd_init_atomic_constraints, &
48       qexsd_init_occupations, &
49       qexsd_init_smearing
50  !
52  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
53  SUBROUTINE  qexsd_init_control_variables(obj,title,calculation,restart_mode,&
54                  prefix,pseudo_dir,outdir,stress,forces,wf_collect,disk_io,  &
55                  max_seconds,etot_conv_thr,forc_conv_thr,press_conv_thr,verbosity, &
56                  iprint, nstep)
57  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
58  !
59  TYPE(control_variables_type)         :: obj
60  CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(IN)          :: title,calculation,restart_mode,prefix,&
61                                          pseudo_dir,outdir,disk_io,verbosity
62  LOGICAL,INTENT(IN)                   :: stress,forces,wf_collect
63  REAL(DP),INTENT(IN)                  :: max_seconds,etot_conv_thr,forc_conv_thr,&
64                                          press_conv_thr
65  INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                   :: iprint, nstep
66  OPTIONAL                             :: nstep
67  !
68  !
69  CHARACTER(LEN=*),PARAMETER           :: TAGNAME='control_variables'
70  CHARACTER(LEN=256)                   :: verbosity_value, disk_io_value
71  INTEGER                              :: int_max_seconds
72  LOGICAL                              :: nstep_ispresent
74  int_max_seconds=nint(max_seconds)
75  IF ( TRIM( verbosity ) .EQ. 'default' ) THEN
76        verbosity_value = "low"
77  ELSE
78        verbosity_value=TRIM(verbosity)
79  END IF
80  IF ( TRIM(disk_io) .EQ. 'default' ) THEN
81     disk_io_value="low"
82  ELSE
83     disk_io_value=TRIM(disk_io)
84  END IF
85  !
86  !
87  CALL qes_init (obj,tagname,title=TRIM(title),calculation=TRIM(calculation),&
88                                  restart_mode=TRIM(restart_mode),prefix=TRIM(prefix),        &
89                                  pseudo_dir=TRIM(pseudo_dir),outdir=TRIM(outdir),disk_io=TRIM(disk_io_value),&
90                                  verbosity=TRIM(verbosity_value),stress=stress,forces=forces,    &
91                                  wf_collect=wf_collect,max_seconds=int_max_seconds,  &
92                                  etot_conv_thr=etot_conv_thr,forc_conv_thr=forc_conv_thr, &
93                                  press_conv_thr=press_conv_thr,print_every=iprint, NSTEP = nstep )
95  END SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_control_variables
96  !
97  !
98  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
99  SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_spin(obj,lsda,noncolin,spinorbit)
100  !
102  !
103  TYPE(spin_type)                 :: obj
104  LOGICAL,INTENT(IN)              :: lsda,noncolin,spinorbit
105  !
108  CALL qes_init (obj,TAGNAME,lsda=lsda,noncolin=noncolin,spinorbit=spinorbit)
110  END SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_spin
111  !
112  !
113  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
114  SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_bands(obj, nbnd, smearing, degauss, occupations, tot_charge, nspin, &
115                              input_occupations, input_occupations_minority, tot_mag)
116  !
118  !
119  TYPE ( bands_type)                           :: obj
120  INTEGER,OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN)                 :: nbnd
121  INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                           :: nspin
122  CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(IN)                  :: occupations,smearing
123  REAL(DP),INTENT(IN)                          :: degauss
124  REAL(DP),DIMENSION(:),OPTIONAL,INTENT(IN)    :: input_occupations, input_occupations_minority
125  REAL(DP),OPTIONAL,INTENT(IN)                 :: tot_mag, tot_charge
126  !
127  INTEGER                                      :: spin_degeneracy, inpOcc_size = 0
128  CHARACTER(LEN=*),PARAMETER                   :: TAGNAME="bands"
129  TYPE(smearing_type),POINTER                  :: smearing_obj => NULL()
130  TYPE(occupations_type)                       :: occup_obj
131  TYPE(inputoccupations_type),ALLOCATABLE      :: inpOcc_objs(:)
132  LOGICAL                                      :: tot_mag_ispresent = .FALSE., &
133                                                  inp_occ_arepresent = .FALSE.
134  !
135  IF (TRIM(occupations) .EQ. "smearing")  THEN
136     ALLOCATE(smearing_obj)
137     CALL qes_init (smearing_obj,"smearing",degauss=degauss,smearing=smearing)
138  END IF
139  CALL  qes_init (occup_obj, "occupations", occupations = TRIM(occupations))
140  !
141  IF (PRESENT(input_occupations) ) THEN
142     SELECT CASE ( nspin)
143       CASE (2)
144          inpOcc_size=2
145       CASE default
146          inpOcc_size=1
147     END SELECT
148     ALLOCATE (inpOcc_objs(inpOcc_size))
149     IF ( inpOcc_size .GT. 1) THEN
150        CALL qes_init ( inpOcc_objs(1),"input_occupations", ISPIN = 1, &
151                  SPIN_FACTOR = 1._DP, INPUTOCCUPATIONS = input_occupations(2:nbnd) )
152        CALL qes_init ( inpOcc_objs(2),"input_occupations", 2, &
153                  SPIN_FACTOR = 1._DP , INPUTOCCUPATIONS = input_occupations_minority(2:nbnd))
154     ELSE
155        CALL qes_init ( inpOcc_objs(1),"input_occupations", ISPIN = 1, SPIN_FACTOR = 2._DP , &
156                                                                 INPUTOCCUPATIONS = input_occupations(2:nbnd) )
157     END IF
158  END IF
159  !
160  CALL qes_init (obj, TAGNAME, NBND = nbnd, SMEARING = smearing_obj, TOT_CHARGE = tot_charge, &
161                      TOT_MAGNETIZATION = tot_mag, OCCUPATIONS=occup_obj, INPUTOCCUPATIONS = inpOcc_objs )
162  IF (ASSOCIATED(smearing_obj)) THEN
163      CALL qes_reset (smearing_obj)
164      DEALLOCATE ( smearing_obj)
165  END IF
166  CALL qes_reset (occup_obj)
167  IF (ALLOCATED(inpOcc_objs)) THEN
168     CALL qes_reset (inpocc_objs(1))
169     IF (inpOcc_size .GT. 1 ) CALL qes_reset (inpocc_objs(2))
170     DEALLOCATE (inpocc_objs)
171  END IF
172  !
173  END SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_bands
174  !
175  !
176  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
177  SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_basis(obj,k_points,ecutwfc,ecutrho,nr,nrs,nrb)
178  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
179  !
181  !
182  TYPE (basis_type)                 :: obj
183  CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(IN)       :: k_points
184  REAL(DP),INTENT(IN)               :: ecutwfc
185  REAL(DP),OPTIONAL,INTENT(IN)      :: ecutrho
186  INTEGER,OPTIONAL,INTENT(IN)       :: nr(:), nrs(:), nrb(:)
187  !
188  TYPE(basisSetItem_type),POINTER   :: grid_obj => NULL(), smooth_grid_obj => NULL(), box_obj => NULL()
189  CHARACTER(LEN=*),PARAMETER        :: TAGNAME="basis",FFT_GRID="fft_grid",FFT_SMOOTH="fft_smooth", FFT_BOX="fft_box"
190  LOGICAL                           :: gamma_only=.FALSE.
191  !
192  IF ( PRESENT(nr)) THEN
193    ALLOCATE(grid_obj)
194    CALL qes_init (grid_obj,FFT_GRID,nr(1),nr(2),nr(3),"grid set in input")
195  END IF
196  !
197  IF( PRESENT(nrs)) THEN
198    ALLOCATE(smooth_grid_obj)
199    CALL qes_init (smooth_grid_obj,FFT_SMOOTH,nrs(1),nrs(2),nrs(3),"grid set in input")
200  END IF
201  !
202  IF( PRESENT(nrb)) THEN
203    ALLOCATE(box_obj)
204    CALL qes_init (box_obj,FFT_BOX,nrb(1),nrb(2),nrb(3),"grid set in input")
205  END IF
206  !
207  IF (TRIM(k_points) .EQ. "gamma" ) gamma_only=.TRUE.
209  CALL qes_init (obj,TAGNAME, GAMMA_ONLY=gamma_only,ECUTWFC=ecutwfc, ECUTRHO=ecutrho, FFT_GRID=grid_obj, &
210                                                                    FFT_SMOOTH=smooth_grid_obj, FFT_BOX=box_obj)
211  !
212  IF (ASSOCIATED(grid_obj))        CALL  qes_reset( grid_obj )
213  IF (ASSOCIATED(smooth_grid_obj)) CALL  qes_reset( smooth_grid_obj )
214  IF (ASSOCIATED(box_obj))         CALL  qes_reset( box_obj )
215  !
216  !
217  !
218  END SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_basis
219  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
220  SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_electron_control( obj,diagonalization,mixing_mode,mixing_beta,&
221                                          conv_thr, mixing_ndim, max_nstep, tqr, real_space, &
222                                          tq_smoothing, tbeta_smoothing, &
223                                          diago_thr_init, diago_full_acc, &
224                                          diago_cg_maxiter, diago_ppcg_maxiter, diago_david_ndim)
225  !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
226  !
228  !
229  TYPE(electron_control_type)             ::  obj
230  CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(IN)             :: diagonalization,mixing_mode
231  REAL(DP),INTENT(IN)                     :: mixing_beta, conv_thr, diago_thr_init
232  INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                      :: mixing_ndim,max_nstep, diago_cg_maxiter, &
233                                             diago_ppcg_maxiter, diago_david_ndim
234  LOGICAL,OPTIONAL,INTENT(IN)             :: diago_full_acc,tqr, real_space, tq_smoothing, tbeta_smoothing
235  !
236  CHARACTER(LEN=*),PARAMETER              :: TAGNAME="electron_control"
237  !
238  CALL qes_init (obj,TAGNAME, DIAGONALIZATION=diagonalization,&
239                                MIXING_MODE=mixing_mode,MIXING_BETA=mixing_beta,&
240                                CONV_THR=conv_thr,MIXING_NDIM=mixing_ndim,MAX_NSTEP=max_nstep,&
241                                TQ_SMOOTHING= tq_smoothing, TBETA_SMOOTHING = tbeta_smoothing,&
242                                REAL_SPACE_Q=tqr, REAL_SPACE_BETA = real_space, DIAGO_THR_INIT=diago_thr_init,&
243                                DIAGO_FULL_ACC=diago_full_acc,DIAGO_CG_MAXITER=diago_cg_maxiter, &
244                                DIAGO_PPCG_MAXITER=diago_ppcg_maxiter)
245   !
246   END SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_electron_control
247   !
248   !
249   !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
250   SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_k_points_ibz(obj,k_points,calculation,nk1,nk2,nk3,s1,s2,s3,nk,xk,wk,alat,a1, ibrav_lattice)
251   !
253   !
254   TYPE (k_points_IBZ_type)             :: obj
255   CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(IN)          :: k_points,calculation
256   INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                   :: nk1,nk2,nk3,s1,s2,s3,nk
257   REAL(DP),INTENT(IN)                  :: xk(:,:),wk(:)
258   REAL(DP),INTENT(IN)                  :: alat,a1(3)
259   LOGICAL,INTENT(IN)                   :: ibrav_lattice
260   !
261   CHARACTER(LEN=*),PARAMETER           :: TAGNAME="k_points_IBZ"
262   TYPE(monkhorst_pack_type),POINTER    :: mpack_obj_pt => NULL()
263   TYPE(monkhorst_pack_type),TARGET     :: mpack_obj_
264   TYPE(k_point_type),ALLOCATABLE       :: kp_obj(:)
265   LOGICAL                              :: mpack_ispresent,kp_ispresent
266   CHARACTER(LEN=100)                   :: kind_of_grid
267   INTEGER                              :: ik,jk,kcount
268   REAL(DP),DIMENSION(3)                :: my_xk
269   REAL(DP)                             :: scale_factor
270   INTEGER, POINTER                     :: kdim_opt => NULL()
271   INTEGER, TARGET                      :: kdim
272   !
274   IF (TRIM(k_points).EQ."automatic") THEN
275      !
276      IF ((s1+s2+s3).EQ.0) THEN
277         kind_of_grid="Monkhorst-Pack"
278      ELSE
279         kind_of_grid="Uniform grid with offset"
280      END IF
281      CALL qes_init (mpack_obj_,"monkhorst_pack",nk1,nk2,nk3, s1,s2,s3,kind_of_grid)
282      mpack_obj_pt => mpack_obj_
283   ELSE
284      kdim_opt => kdim
285      IF ( ibrav_lattice ) THEN
286         scale_factor = 1.d0
287      ELSE
288         scale_factor=alat/sqrt(a1(1)*a1(1)+a1(2)*a1(2)+a1(3)*a1(3))
289      END IF
290      !
291      IF (TRIM(calculation).NE.'bands' .AND. (TRIM(k_points).EQ.'tpiba_b' .OR. &
292                                              TRIM(k_points) .EQ. 'crystal_b')) THEN
293          kdim=NINT(sum(wk(1:nk-1)))+1
294          ALLOCATE (kp_obj(kdim))
295          kcount=1
296          CALL qes_init (kp_obj(kcount),"k_point", WEIGHT = 1.d0, K_POINT = xk(:,1))
297          kcount=kcount+1
298          DO ik=1,nk-1
299             DO jk=1,NINT(wk(ik))
300                my_xk=xk(:,ik)+(DBLE(jk)/wk(ik))*(xk(:,ik+1)-xk(:,ik))
301                my_xk=my_xk*scale_factor
302                CALL qes_init (kp_obj(kcount),"k_point",WEIGHT = 1.d0, K_POINT = my_xk)
303                kcount=kcount+1
304             END DO
305          END DO
306      ELSE
307          kdim=nk
308          ALLOCATE  (kp_obj(kdim))
309          DO ik=1,kdim
310             my_xk=xk(:,ik)*scale_factor
311             CALL qes_init (kp_obj(ik),"k_point", WEIGHT = wk(ik),K_POINT=my_xk)
312          END DO
313      END IF
314   END IF
315   CALL qes_init (obj, TAGNAME, MONKHORST_PACK = mpack_obj_pt, NK = kdim_opt , K_POINT = kp_obj)
316   IF (ASSOCIATED (mpack_obj_pt)) THEN
317      CALL qes_reset (mpack_obj_)
318      mpack_obj_pt => NULL()
319   ELSE  IF (ALLOCATED(kp_obj)) THEN
320      DO ik = 1, kdim
321         CALL qes_reset(kp_obj(ik))
322      END DO
323      DEALLOCATE (kp_obj) ! this line is redundant because kp_obj is a local allocatable
324   END IF
326   END SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_k_points_ibz
327   !
328   !
329   !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
330   SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_ion_control(obj,ion_dynamics,upscale,remove_rigid_rot,&
331                                     refold_pos,pot_extrapolation,wfc_extrapolation,&
332                                      ion_temperature,tempw,tolp,delta_t,nraise,dt,&
333                                      bfgs_ndim,trust_radius_min,trust_radius_max,&
334                                      trust_radius_init,w_1,w_2)
335   !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
336   !
338   !
339   TYPE (ion_control_type)                 :: obj
340   CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(IN)             :: ion_dynamics,pot_extrapolation,wfc_extrapolation,&
341                                              ion_temperature
342   REAL(DP),OPTIONAL,INTENT(IN)            :: upscale, tempw,tolp,delta_t,trust_radius_min,trust_radius_max,&
343                                              trust_radius_init,w_1,w_2
344   INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                      :: nraise,bfgs_ndim
345   REAL(DP),INTENT(IN)                     :: dt
346   LOGICAL,OPTIONAL,INTENT(IN)             :: remove_rigid_rot,refold_pos
347   !
348   !
349   TYPE(md_type),POINTER                   :: md_obj =>NULL()
350   TYPE(bfgs_type),POINTER                 :: bfgs_obj => NULL()
351   CHARACTER(LEN=*),PARAMETER              :: TAGNAME="ion_control"
352   LOGICAL                                 :: bfgs_ispresent,md_ispresent
353   !
354   !
355   IF (TRIM(ion_dynamics)=="bfgs") THEN
356      ALLOCATE (bfgs_obj)
357      CALL qes_init (bfgs_obj,"bfgs",ndim=bfgs_ndim,trust_radius_min=trust_radius_min,&
358                         trust_radius_max=trust_radius_max,trust_radius_init=trust_radius_init,&
359                         w1=w_1,w2=w_2)
360   ELSE IF(TRIM(ion_dynamics)=="verlet" .OR. TRIM(ion_dynamics)=="langevin" .OR. &
361           TRIM(ion_dynamics) == "langevin-smc" ) THEN
362      ALLOCATE(md_obj)
363      CALL qes_init (md_obj,"md",pot_extrapolation=pot_extrapolation,&
364                      wfc_extrapolation=wfc_extrapolation,ion_temperature=ion_temperature,&
365                      tolp=tolp,timestep=dt,deltaT=delta_t,nraise=nraise,tempw=tempw)
366   END IF
367   CALL qes_init (obj,TAGNAME,ion_dynamics=TRIM(ion_dynamics), UPSCALE=upscale, REMOVE_RIGID_ROT=remove_rigid_rot,&
368                  REFOLD_POS=refold_pos, BFGS=bfgs_obj, MD=md_obj)
369   IF (ASSOCIATED(bfgs_obj)) THEN
370      CALL qes_reset (bfgs_obj)
371      DEALLOCATE(bfgs_obj)
372   END IF
373   IF (ASSOCIATED(md_obj)) THEN
374      CALL qes_reset (md_obj)
375      DEALLOCATE (md_obj)
376   END IF
377   !
378   END SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_ion_control
379   !
380   !
381   !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
382   SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_cell_control(obj,cell_dynamics, pressure, wmass,cell_factor,cell_dofree,iforceh)
383   !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
384   !
386   !
387   TYPE (cell_control_type)                     :: obj
388   CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(IN)                  :: cell_dynamics, cell_dofree
389   REAL(DP),INTENT(IN)                          :: pressure, wmass, cell_factor
390   INTEGER,DIMENSION(3,3),INTENT(IN)            :: iforceh
391   !
392   CHARACTER(LEN=*),PARAMETER                   :: TAGNAME="cell_control"
393   INTEGER,DIMENSION(3,3)                       :: my_forceh
394   !
395   LOGICAL                                      :: fix_volume=.FALSE.,&
396                                                   fix_area=.FALSE.,&
397                                                   isotropic=.FALSE.
398   INTEGER                                      :: i,j
399   TYPE(integerMatrix_type),TARGET              :: free_cell_obj
400   TYPE(integerMatrix_type),POINTER             :: free_cell_ptr => NULL()
401   !
402   IF (ANY(iforceh /= 1)) THEN
403      free_cell_ptr => free_cell_obj
404      FORALL (i=1:3,j=1:3) my_forceh(i,j) = iforceh(i,j)
405   END IF
406   SELECT CASE  (TRIM(cell_dofree))
407      CASE ('all')
408         my_forceh = 1
409      CASE ('shape')
410         fix_volume = .TRUE.
411      CASE ('2Dshape')
412         fix_area = .TRUE.
413      CASE ('volume')
414         isotropic = .TRUE.
415      !CASE default
416         !NULLIFY ( free_cell_ptr)
418   IF (ASSOCIATED (free_cell_ptr)) CALL  qes_init (free_cell_obj,"free_cell",[3,3],my_forceh, ORDER = 'F' )
419   !
420   CALL qes_init (obj,TAGNAME, PRESSURE = pressure, CELL_DYNAMICS=cell_dynamics, WMASS=wmass, CELL_FACTOR=cell_factor,&
421                  FIX_VOLUME=fix_volume, FIX_AREA=fix_area, ISOTROPIC=isotropic, FREE_CELL=free_cell_ptr)
422   IF( ASSOCIATED(free_cell_ptr))   CALL qes_reset (free_cell_obj)
423   END SUBROUTINE  qexsd_init_cell_control
424   !
425   !
426   !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
427   SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_symmetry_flags(obj,nosym,nosym_evc,noinv,no_t_rev,force_symmorphic,&
428                                        use_all_frac)
429   !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
430   !
432   !
433   TYPE ( symmetry_flags_type)                       :: obj
434   LOGICAL,INTENT(IN)                                :: nosym,nosym_evc,noinv,no_t_rev,&
435                                                        force_symmorphic,use_all_frac
436   !
437   CHARACTER(LEN=*),PARAMETER                        :: TAGNAME="symmetry_flags"
438   CALL qes_init (obj,TAGNAME,nosym=nosym,nosym_evc=nosym_evc,noinv=noinv,&
439                                no_t_rev=no_t_rev,force_symmorphic=force_symmorphic,&
440                                use_all_frac=use_all_frac)
441   !
442   END SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_symmetry_flags
443   !
444   !
445   !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
446   SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_boundary_conditions(obj,assume_isolated,esm_bc, fcp_opt, fcp_mu, esm_nfit,esm_w, esm_efield)
447   !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
448   !
450   !
451   TYPE (boundary_conditions_type)              :: obj
452   CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(IN)                  :: assume_isolated
453   CHARACTER(LEN=*),OPTIONAL,INTENT(IN)         :: esm_bc
454   LOGICAL,OPTIONAL,INTENT(IN)                  :: fcp_opt
455   REAL(DP),OPTIONAL,INTENT(IN)                 :: fcp_mu
456   INTEGER,OPTIONAL,INTENT(IN)                  :: esm_nfit
457   REAL(DP),OPTIONAL,INTENT(IN)                 :: esm_w,esm_efield
458   !
459   TYPE (esm_type),POINTER                      :: esm_obj => NULL()
460   LOGICAL                                      :: esm_ispresent = .FALSE.
461   CHARACTER(LEN=*),PARAMETER                   :: TAGNAME="boundary_conditions"
462   !
463   IF ( TRIM(assume_isolated) .EQ. "esm" ) THEN
464      esm_ispresent = .TRUE.
465      ALLOCATE(esm_obj)
466      CALL qes_init (esm_obj,"esm",bc=TRIM(esm_bc),nfit=esm_nfit,w=esm_w,efield=esm_efield)
467   END IF
468   CALL qes_init (obj,TAGNAME,ASSUME_ISOLATED =assume_isolated, FCP_OPT= fcp_opt, FCP_MU = fcp_mu, ESM = esm_obj)
469   IF ( esm_ispresent ) THEN
470      CALL qes_reset (esm_obj)
471      DEALLOCATE(esm_obj)
472   END IF
473   END SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_boundary_conditions
474   !
475   !
476   !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
477   SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_ekin_functional(obj,ecfixed,qcutz,q2sigma)
478   !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
479   !
481   !
482   TYPE (ekin_functional_type)                   :: obj
483   REAL(DP),INTENT(IN)                           :: ecfixed,qcutz,q2sigma
484   !
485   CHARACTER(LEN=*),PARAMETER                    :: TAGNAME="ekin_functional"
486   CALL qes_init (obj,TAGNAME,ecfixed=ecfixed,qcutz=qcutz,q2sigma=q2sigma)
487   END SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_ekin_functional
488   !
489   !
490   !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
491   SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_external_atomic_forces(obj,extfor,nat)
492   !
493   TYPE(matrix_type)                           :: obj
494   REAL(DP),DIMENSION(:,:),INTENT(IN)          :: extfor
495   INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                          :: nat
496   !
497   CHARACTER(LEN=*),PARAMETER                  :: TAGNAME="external_atomic_forces"
498   !
499   CALL qes_init (obj,TAGNAME,[3,nat],mat=extfor, order = 'F' )
500   END SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_external_atomic_forces
501   !
502   !
503   !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
504   SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_free_positions(obj,if_pos,nat)
505   !
507   !
508   TYPE(integerMatrix_type)             :: obj
509   INTEGER,DIMENSION(:,:),INTENT(IN)    :: if_pos
510   INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                   :: nat
511   !
512   CHARACTER(LEN=*),PARAMETER           :: TAGNAME = "free_positions"
513   REAL(DP),DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE  :: free_positions
514   !
515   CALL qes_init (obj,TAGNAME,DIMS = [3,nat], MAT = if_pos, ORDER = 'F' )
516   END SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_free_positions
517   !
518   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
519   SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_starting_atomic_velocities(obj,tv0rd,rd_vel,nat)
520   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
521   !
523   !
524   TYPE (matrix_type)                   :: obj
525   LOGICAL,INTENT(IN)                   :: tv0rd
526   REAL(DP),DIMENSION(:,:),INTENT(IN)   :: rd_vel
527   INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                   :: nat
528   !
529   CHARACTER(LEN=*),PARAMETER           :: TAGNAME="starting_atomic_velocities"
530   INTEGER                              :: xdim=0,ydim=0
531   IF (tv0rd) THEN
532      xdim=3
533      ydim=nat
534   END IF
535   CALL qes_init (obj,TAGNAME,[xdim,ydim],rd_vel )
536   END SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_starting_atomic_velocities
537   !
538   !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
539   SUBROUTINE  qexsd_init_spin_constraints(obj,constrained_magnetization,lambda,&
540                                          fixed_magnetization)
541   !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
542   !
544   !
545   TYPE(spin_constraints_type)                :: obj
546   CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(IN)                :: constrained_magnetization
547   REAL(DP),INTENT(IN)                        :: lambda
548   REAL(DP),DIMENSION(3),OPTIONAL,INTENT(IN)  :: fixed_magnetization
549   !
550   CHARACTER(LEN=*),PARAMETER                 :: TAGNAME="spin_constraints"
551   REAL(DP),DIMENSION(3)                      :: target_magnetization=0.d0
552   !
553   IF (PRESENT(fixed_magnetization)) target_magnetization=fixed_magnetization
554   CALL  qes_init (obj,TAGNAME,SPIN_CONSTRAINTS=TRIM(constrained_magnetization),&
555                                   TARGET_MAGNETIZATION=fixed_magnetization ,LAGRANGE_MULTIPLIER=lambda)
556   END SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_spin_constraints
557   !
558   !
559   !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
560   SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_electric_field_input (obj,tefield,dipfield,lelfield,lberry,edir,gdir,emaxpos,eopreg,eamp,    &
561         efield,efield_cart,nberrycyc,nppstr, gate, zgate, relaxz, block, block_1, block_2, block_height )
562   !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
563   !
565   !
566   TYPE (electric_field_type)                   :: obj
567   LOGICAL,INTENT(IN)                           :: tefield,lelfield, lberry
568   LOGICAL,OPTIONAL,INTENT(IN)                  :: dipfield
569   INTEGER,INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL                  :: edir,gdir,nberrycyc,nppstr
570   REAL(DP),INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL                 :: emaxpos,eopreg,eamp
571   REAL(DP),INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL                 :: efield
572   REAL(DP),INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL,DIMENSION(3)    :: efield_cart
573   LOGICAL,INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL                  :: gate, block,relaxz
574   REAL(DP),INTENT(IN),OPTIONAL                 :: zgate,block_1, block_2, block_height
575   !
576   CHARACTER(LEN=*),PARAMETER                   :: TAGNAME="electric_field",&
577                                                   SAWTOOTH="sawtooth_potential",&
578                                                   HOMOGENEOUS="homogenous_field",&
579                                                   BERRYPHASE="Berry_Phase"
580   REAL(DP),POINTER                             :: efield_cart_loc(:)=>NULL(), electric_field_amplitude=>NULL()
581   INTEGER,POINTER                              :: electric_field_direction => NULL()
582   CHARACTER(LEN=256)                           :: electric_potential
583   LOGICAL                                      :: gate_, block_
584   REAL(DP)                                     :: block_1_, block_2_, block_3_
585   TYPE(gate_settings_type),TARGET              :: gata_settings_obj
586   TYPE(gate_settings_type),POINTER             :: gata_settings_ptr => NULL()
587   TARGET                                       :: eamp, edir, efield, gdir
588   !
589   electric_potential = "none"
590   IF (tefield) THEN
591      electric_potential=SAWTOOTH
592      electric_field_amplitude=>eamp
593      electric_field_direction=>edir
594   ELSE  IF (lelfield) THEN
595      electric_potential=HOMOGENEOUS
596      IF (PRESENT(efield)) electric_field_amplitude => efield
597      IF ( gdir .GT. 0 )  electric_field_direction  => gdir
598   ELSE IF (lberry) THEN
599      electric_potential=BERRYPHASE
600      IF ( gdir .GT. 0) electric_field_direction    =>  gdir
601   END IF
602   IF (PRESENT (gate)) THEN
603      gata_settings_ptr => gata_settings_obj
604      CALL qes_init (gata_settings_obj, "gate_settings", gate, zgate, relaxz,&
605         block, block_1, block_2, block_height )
606   END IF
607   CALL  qes_init ( obj, TAGNAME, electric_potential=electric_potential, dipole_correction = dipfield,   &
608                    electric_field_direction=electric_field_direction, potential_max_position = emaxpos, &
609                    potential_decrease_width = eopreg, electric_field_amplitude=electric_field_amplitude,&
610                    electric_field_vector = efield_cart, n_berry_cycles=nberrycyc, nk_per_string=nppstr, &
611                    gate_settings = gata_settings_obj)
612   END SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_electric_field_input
613   !
614   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
615   SUBROUTINE  qexsd_init_atomic_constraints(obj,ion_dynamics,lconstrain,nconstr,constr_type,constr_tol,     &
616                                            constr_target,constr)
617   !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
618   !
620   !
621   TYPE (atomic_constraints_type)                           :: obj
622   CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(IN)                             :: ion_dynamics
623   LOGICAL,INTENT(IN)                                      :: lconstrain
624   INTEGER,OPTIONAL,INTENT(IN)                             :: nconstr
625   REAL(DP),OPTIONAL,INTENT(IN)                            :: constr(:,:)
626   CHARACTER(LEN=*),OPTIONAL,INTENT(IN)                    :: constr_type(:)
627   REAL(DP),OPTIONAL,INTENT(IN)                            :: constr_target(:),constr_tol
628   !
629   CHARACTER(LEN=*),PARAMETER                             :: TAGNAME="atomic_constraints"
630   TYPE(atomic_constraint_type),ALLOCATABLE                :: constr_objs(:)
631   INTEGER                                                 :: iconstr
632   !
633   !
634   ALLOCATE (constr_objs(nconstr))
635   DO iconstr=1,nconstr
636      CALL qes_init (constr_objs(iconstr),"atomic_constraint", constr_parms=constr(:,iconstr),&
637                                     constr_type=TRIM(constr_type(iconstr)),constr_target=constr_target(iconstr))
638   END DO
639   CALL    qes_init (obj,TAGNAME, num_of_constraints=nconstr, atomic_constraint=constr_objs,tolerance=constr_tol)
640   DO iconstr=1,nconstr
641      CALL qes_reset (constr_objs(iconstr))
642   END DO
643   DEALLOCATE (constr_objs)
644   END SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_atomic_constraints
645   !
646   !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
647   SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_occupations(obj, occupations, nspin)
648   !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
649     !
651     TYPE(occupations_type),INTENT(OUT)        :: obj
652     CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(IN)               :: occupations
653     INTEGER,INTENT(IN)                        :: nspin
654     !
655     INTEGER                                   :: spin_degeneracy
656     !
657     IF (nspin .GT. 1) THEN
658        spin_degeneracy = 1
659     ELSE
660        spin_degeneracy = 2
661     END IF
662     CALL  qes_init (obj, "occupations", occupations = TRIM(occupations))
663   END SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_occupations
664   !
665   !---------------------------------------------------------
666   SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_smearing(obj, smearing, degauss)
667   !---------------------------------------------------------
668      !
670      TYPE(smearing_type),INTENT(OUT)      :: obj
671      CHARACTER(LEN = * ), INTENT(IN)      :: smearing
672      REAL(DP),INTENT(IN)                  :: degauss
673      !
674      CALL qes_init (obj,"smearing",degauss=degauss,smearing=smearing)
675      !
676      END SUBROUTINE qexsd_init_smearing
677      !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
678      !
679END MODULE qexsd_input