1 /* Copyright (c) 2005-2021 Jay Berkenbilt
2  *
3  * This file is part of qpdf.
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  *
17  * Versions of qpdf prior to version 7 were released under the terms
18  * of version 2.0 of the Artistic License. At your option, you may
19  * continue to consider qpdf to be licensed under those terms. Please
20  * see the manual for additional information.
21  */
26 /* Keep this file 'C' compatible so it can be used from the C and C++
27  * interfaces.
28  */
30 /* Error Codes */
32 enum qpdf_error_code_e
33 {
34     qpdf_e_success = 0,
35     qpdf_e_internal,	 	/* logic/programming error -- indicates bug */
36     qpdf_e_system,		/* I/O error, memory error, etc. */
37     qpdf_e_unsupported,		/* PDF feature not (yet) supported by qpdf */
38     qpdf_e_password,		/* incorrect password for encrypted file */
39     qpdf_e_damaged_pdf,		/* syntax errors or other damage in PDF */
40     qpdf_e_pages,               /* erroneous or unsupported pages structure */
41     qpdf_e_object,              /* type/bounds errors accessing objects */
42 };
44 /* Object Types */
46 /* PDF objects represented by QPDFObjectHandle or, in the C API, by
47  * qpdf_oh, have a unique type code that has one of the values in the
48  * list below. As new object types are added to qpdf, additional items
49  * may be added to the list, so code that switches on these values
50  * should take that into consideration. (Maintainer note: it would be
51  * better to call this qpdf_ot_* rather than ot_* to reduce likelihood
52  * of name collision, but since QPDFObject::object_type_e is an alias
53  * to this type, changing the names of the values breaks backward
54  * compatibility.)
55  */
56 enum qpdf_object_type_e {
57     /* Object types internal to qpdf */
58     ot_uninitialized,
59     ot_reserved,
60     /* Object types that can occur in the main document */
61     ot_null,
62     ot_boolean,
63     ot_integer,
64     ot_real,
65     ot_string,
66     ot_name,
67     ot_array,
68     ot_dictionary,
69     ot_stream,
70     /* Additional object types that can occur in content streams */
71     ot_operator,
72     ot_inlineimage,
73     /* NOTE: if adding to this list, update QPDFObject.hh */
74 };
76 /* Write Parameters. See QPDFWriter.hh for details. */
78 enum qpdf_object_stream_e
79 {
80     qpdf_o_disable = 0,		/* disable object streams */
81     qpdf_o_preserve,		/* preserve object streams */
82     qpdf_o_generate		/* generate object streams */
83 };
84 enum qpdf_stream_data_e
85 {
86     qpdf_s_uncompress = 0,	/* uncompress stream data */
87     qpdf_s_preserve,		/* preserve stream data compression */
88     qpdf_s_compress		/* compress stream data */
89 };
91 /* Stream data flags */
93 /* See pipeStreamData in QPDFObjectHandle.hh for details on these flags. */
94 enum qpdf_stream_encode_flags_e
95 {
96     qpdf_ef_compress  = 1 << 0, /* compress uncompressed streams */
97     qpdf_ef_normalize = 1 << 1, /* normalize content stream */
98 };
99 enum qpdf_stream_decode_level_e
100 {
101     /* These must be in order from less to more decoding. */
102     qpdf_dl_none = 0,           /* preserve all stream filters */
103     qpdf_dl_generalized,        /* decode general-purpose filters */
104     qpdf_dl_specialized,        /* also decode other non-lossy filters */
105     qpdf_dl_all                 /* also decode lossy filters */
106 };
108 /* R3 Encryption Parameters */
110 enum qpdf_r3_print_e
111 {
112     qpdf_r3p_full = 0,		/* allow all printing */
113     qpdf_r3p_low,		/* allow only low-resolution printing */
114     qpdf_r3p_none		/* allow no printing */
115 };
117 /* qpdf_r3_modify_e doesn't allow the full flexibility of the spec. It
118  * corresponds to options in Acrobat 5's menus. The new interface in
119  * QPDFWriter offers more granularity and no longer uses this type.
120  */
121 enum qpdf_r3_modify_e		/* Allowed changes: */
122 {
123     qpdf_r3m_all = 0,		/* All editing */
124     qpdf_r3m_annotate,          /* Comments, fill forms, signing, assembly */
125     qpdf_r3m_form,		/* Fill forms, signing, assembly */
126     qpdf_r3m_assembly,		/* Only document assembly */
127     qpdf_r3m_none		/* No modifications */
128 };
130 /* Form field flags from the PDF spec */
132 enum pdf_form_field_flag_e
133 {
134     /* flags that apply to all form fields */
135     ff_all_read_only = 1 << 0,
136     ff_all_required = 1 << 1,
137     ff_all_no_export = 1 << 2,
139     /* flags that apply to fields of type /Btn (button) */
140     ff_btn_no_toggle_off = 1 << 14,
141     ff_btn_radio = 1 << 15,
142     ff_btn_pushbutton = 1 << 16,
143     ff_btn_radios_in_unison = 1 << 17,
145     /* flags that apply to fields of type /Tx (text) */
146     ff_tx_multiline = 1 << 12,
147     ff_tx_password = 1 << 13,
148     ff_tx_file_select = 1 << 20,
149     ff_tx_do_not_spell_check = 1 << 22,
150     ff_tx_do_not_scroll = 1 << 23,
151     ff_tx_comb = 1 << 24,
152     ff_tx_rich_text = 1 << 25,
154     /* flags that apply to fields of type /Ch (choice) */
155     ff_ch_combo = 1 << 17,
156     ff_ch_edit = 1 << 18,
157     ff_ch_sort = 1 << 19,
158     ff_ch_multi_select = 1 << 21,
159     ff_ch_do_not_spell_check = 1 << 22,
160     ff_ch_commit_on_sel_change = 1 << 26
161 };
163 /* Annotation flags from the PDF spec */
165 enum pdf_annotation_flag_e
166 {
167     an_invisible = 1 << 0,
168     an_hidden = 1 << 1,
169     an_print = 1 << 2,
170     an_no_zoom = 1 << 3,
171     an_no_rotate = 1 << 4,
172     an_no_view = 1 << 5,
173     an_read_only = 1 << 6,
174     an_locked = 1 << 7,
175     an_toggle_no_view = 1 << 8,
176     an_locked_contents = 1 << 9
177 };
179 #endif /* QPDFCONSTANTS_H */