1// Type definitions for Node.js v4.x
2// Project: http://nodejs.org/
3// Definitions by: Microsoft TypeScript <http://typescriptlang.org>, DefinitelyTyped <https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped>
4// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
7*                                               *
8*               Node.js v4.x API                *
9*                                               *
12interface Error {
13    stack?: string;
17// compat for TypeScript 1.8
18// if you use with --target es3 or --target es5 and use below definitions,
19// use the lib.es6.d.ts that is bundled with TypeScript 1.8.
20interface MapConstructor {}
21interface WeakMapConstructor {}
22interface SetConstructor {}
23interface WeakSetConstructor {}
26*                                               *
27*                   GLOBAL                      *
28*                                               *
30declare var process: NodeJS.Process;
31declare var global: NodeJS.Global;
33declare var __filename: string;
34declare var __dirname: string;
36declare function setTimeout(callback: (...args: any[]) => void, ms: number, ...args: any[]): NodeJS.Timer;
37declare function clearTimeout(timeoutId: NodeJS.Timer): void;
38declare function setInterval(callback: (...args: any[]) => void, ms: number, ...args: any[]): NodeJS.Timer;
39declare function clearInterval(intervalId: NodeJS.Timer): void;
40declare function setImmediate(callback: (...args: any[]) => void, ...args: any[]): any;
41declare function clearImmediate(immediateId: any): void;
43interface NodeRequireFunction {
44    (id: string): any;
47interface NodeRequire extends NodeRequireFunction {
48    resolve(id:string): string;
49    cache: any;
50    extensions: any;
51    main: any;
54declare var require: NodeRequire;
56interface NodeModule {
57    exports: any;
58    require: NodeRequireFunction;
59    id: string;
60    filename: string;
61    loaded: boolean;
62    parent: any;
63    children: any[];
66declare var module: NodeModule;
68// Same as module.exports
69declare var exports: any;
70declare var SlowBuffer: {
71    new (str: string, encoding?: string): Buffer;
72    new (size: number): Buffer;
73    new (size: Uint8Array): Buffer;
74    new (array: any[]): Buffer;
75    prototype: Buffer;
76    isBuffer(obj: any): boolean;
77    byteLength(string: string, encoding?: string): number;
78    concat(list: Buffer[], totalLength?: number): Buffer;
82// Buffer class
83type BufferEncoding = "ascii" | "utf8" | "utf16le" | "ucs2" | "binary" | "hex";
84interface Buffer extends NodeBuffer {}
87 * Raw data is stored in instances of the Buffer class.
88 * A Buffer is similar to an array of integers but corresponds to a raw memory allocation outside the V8 heap.  A Buffer cannot be resized.
89 * Valid string encodings: 'ascii'|'utf8'|'utf16le'|'ucs2'(alias of 'utf16le')|'base64'|'binary'(deprecated)|'hex'
90 */
91declare var Buffer: {
92    /**
93     * Allocates a new buffer containing the given {str}.
94     *
95     * @param str String to store in buffer.
96     * @param encoding encoding to use, optional.  Default is 'utf8'
97     */
98    new (str: string, encoding?: string): Buffer;
99    /**
100     * Allocates a new buffer of {size} octets.
101     *
102     * @param size count of octets to allocate.
103     */
104    new (size: number): Buffer;
105    /**
106     * Allocates a new buffer containing the given {array} of octets.
107     *
108     * @param array The octets to store.
109     */
110    new (array: Uint8Array): Buffer;
111    /**
112     * Produces a Buffer backed by the same allocated memory as
113     * the given {ArrayBuffer}.
114     *
115     *
116     * @param arrayBuffer The ArrayBuffer with which to share memory.
117     */
118    new (arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer): Buffer;
119    /**
120     * Allocates a new buffer containing the given {array} of octets.
121     *
122     * @param array The octets to store.
123     */
124    new (array: any[]): Buffer;
125    /**
126     * Copies the passed {buffer} data onto a new {Buffer} instance.
127     *
128     * @param buffer The buffer to copy.
129     */
130    new (buffer: Buffer): Buffer;
131    prototype: Buffer;
132    /**
133     * Returns true if {obj} is a Buffer
134     *
135     * @param obj object to test.
136     */
137    isBuffer(obj: any): obj is Buffer;
138    /**
139     * Returns true if {encoding} is a valid encoding argument.
140     * Valid string encodings in Node 0.12: 'ascii'|'utf8'|'utf16le'|'ucs2'(alias of 'utf16le')|'base64'|'binary'(deprecated)|'hex'
141     *
142     * @param encoding string to test.
143     */
144    isEncoding(encoding: string): boolean;
145    /**
146     * Gives the actual byte length of a string. encoding defaults to 'utf8'.
147     * This is not the same as String.prototype.length since that returns the number of characters in a string.
148     *
149     * @param string string to test.
150     * @param encoding encoding used to evaluate (defaults to 'utf8')
151     */
152    byteLength(string: string, encoding?: string): number;
153    /**
154     * Returns a buffer which is the result of concatenating all the buffers in the list together.
155     *
156     * If the list has no items, or if the totalLength is 0, then it returns a zero-length buffer.
157     * If the list has exactly one item, then the first item of the list is returned.
158     * If the list has more than one item, then a new Buffer is created.
159     *
160     * @param list An array of Buffer objects to concatenate
161     * @param totalLength Total length of the buffers when concatenated.
162     *   If totalLength is not provided, it is read from the buffers in the list. However, this adds an additional loop to the function, so it is faster to provide the length explicitly.
163     */
164    concat(list: Buffer[], totalLength?: number): Buffer;
165    /**
166     * The same as buf1.compare(buf2).
167     */
168    compare(buf1: Buffer, buf2: Buffer): number;
172*                                               *
173*               GLOBAL INTERFACES               *
174*                                               *
176declare namespace NodeJS {
177    export interface ErrnoException extends Error {
178        errno?: number;
179        code?: string;
180        path?: string;
181        syscall?: string;
182        stack?: string;
183    }
185    export interface EventEmitter {
186        addListener(event: string, listener: Function): this;
187        on(event: string, listener: Function): this;
188        once(event: string, listener: Function): this;
189        removeListener(event: string, listener: Function): this;
190        removeAllListeners(event?: string): this;
191        setMaxListeners(n: number): this;
192        getMaxListeners(): number;
193        listeners(event: string): Function[];
194        emit(event: string, ...args: any[]): boolean;
195        listenerCount(type: string): number;
196    }
198    export interface ReadableStream extends EventEmitter {
199        readable: boolean;
200        read(size?: number): string|Buffer;
201        setEncoding(encoding: string): void;
202        pause(): void;
203        resume(): void;
204        pipe<T extends WritableStream>(destination: T, options?: { end?: boolean; }): T;
205        unpipe<T extends WritableStream>(destination?: T): void;
206        unshift(chunk: string): void;
207        unshift(chunk: Buffer): void;
208        wrap(oldStream: ReadableStream): ReadableStream;
209    }
211    export interface WritableStream extends EventEmitter {
212        writable: boolean;
213        write(buffer: Buffer|string, cb?: Function): boolean;
214        write(str: string, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): boolean;
215        end(): void;
216        end(buffer: Buffer, cb?: Function): void;
217        end(str: string, cb?: Function): void;
218        end(str: string, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): void;
219    }
221    export interface ReadWriteStream extends ReadableStream, WritableStream {}
223    export interface Events extends EventEmitter { }
225    export interface Domain extends Events {
226        run(fn: Function): void;
227        add(emitter: Events): void;
228        remove(emitter: Events): void;
229        bind(cb: (err: Error, data: any) => any): any;
230        intercept(cb: (data: any) => any): any;
231        dispose(): void;
233        addListener(event: string, listener: Function): this;
234        on(event: string, listener: Function): this;
235        once(event: string, listener: Function): this;
236        removeListener(event: string, listener: Function): this;
237        removeAllListeners(event?: string): this;
238    }
240    export interface MemoryUsage {
241        rss: number;
242        heapTotal: number;
243        heapUsed: number;
244    }
246    export interface Process extends EventEmitter {
247        stdout: WritableStream;
248        stderr: WritableStream;
249        stdin: ReadableStream;
250        argv: string[];
251        execArgv: string[];
252        execPath: string;
253        abort(): void;
254        chdir(directory: string): void;
255        cwd(): string;
256        env: any;
257        exit(code?: number): void;
258        getgid(): number;
259        setgid(id: number): void;
260        setgid(id: string): void;
261        getuid(): number;
262        setuid(id: number): void;
263        setuid(id: string): void;
264        version: string;
265        versions: {
266            http_parser: string;
267            node: string;
268            v8: string;
269            ares: string;
270            uv: string;
271            zlib: string;
272            openssl: string;
273        };
274        config: {
275            target_defaults: {
276                cflags: any[];
277                default_configuration: string;
278                defines: string[];
279                include_dirs: string[];
280                libraries: string[];
281            };
282            variables: {
283                clang: number;
284                host_arch: string;
285                node_install_npm: boolean;
286                node_install_waf: boolean;
287                node_prefix: string;
288                node_shared_openssl: boolean;
289                node_shared_v8: boolean;
290                node_shared_zlib: boolean;
291                node_use_dtrace: boolean;
292                node_use_etw: boolean;
293                node_use_openssl: boolean;
294                target_arch: string;
295                v8_no_strict_aliasing: number;
296                v8_use_snapshot: boolean;
297                visibility: string;
298            };
299        };
300        kill(pid:number, signal?: string|number): void;
301        pid: number;
302        title: string;
303        arch: string;
304        platform: string;
305        memoryUsage(): MemoryUsage;
306        nextTick(callback: Function): void;
307        umask(mask?: number): number;
308        uptime(): number;
309        hrtime(time?:number[]): number[];
310        domain: Domain;
312        // Worker
313        send?(message: any, sendHandle?: any): void;
314        disconnect(): void;
315        connected: boolean;
316    }
318    export interface Global {
319        Array: typeof Array;
320        ArrayBuffer: typeof ArrayBuffer;
321        Boolean: typeof Boolean;
322        Buffer: typeof Buffer;
323        DataView: typeof DataView;
324        Date: typeof Date;
325        Error: typeof Error;
326        EvalError: typeof EvalError;
327        Float32Array: typeof Float32Array;
328        Float64Array: typeof Float64Array;
329        Function: typeof Function;
330        GLOBAL: Global;
331        Infinity: typeof Infinity;
332        Int16Array: typeof Int16Array;
333        Int32Array: typeof Int32Array;
334        Int8Array: typeof Int8Array;
335        Intl: typeof Intl;
336        JSON: typeof JSON;
337        Map: MapConstructor;
338        Math: typeof Math;
339        NaN: typeof NaN;
340        Number: typeof Number;
341        Object: typeof Object;
342        Promise: Function;
343        RangeError: typeof RangeError;
344        ReferenceError: typeof ReferenceError;
345        RegExp: typeof RegExp;
346        Set: SetConstructor;
347        String: typeof String;
348        Symbol: Function;
349        SyntaxError: typeof SyntaxError;
350        TypeError: typeof TypeError;
351        URIError: typeof URIError;
352        Uint16Array: typeof Uint16Array;
353        Uint32Array: typeof Uint32Array;
354        Uint8Array: typeof Uint8Array;
355        Uint8ClampedArray: Function;
356        WeakMap: WeakMapConstructor;
357        WeakSet: WeakSetConstructor;
358        clearImmediate: (immediateId: any) => void;
359        clearInterval: (intervalId: NodeJS.Timer) => void;
360        clearTimeout: (timeoutId: NodeJS.Timer) => void;
361        console: typeof console;
362        decodeURI: typeof decodeURI;
363        decodeURIComponent: typeof decodeURIComponent;
364        encodeURI: typeof encodeURI;
365        encodeURIComponent: typeof encodeURIComponent;
366        escape: (str: string) => string;
367        eval: typeof eval;
368        global: Global;
369        isFinite: typeof isFinite;
370        isNaN: typeof isNaN;
371        parseFloat: typeof parseFloat;
372        parseInt: typeof parseInt;
373        process: Process;
374        root: Global;
375        setImmediate: (callback: (...args: any[]) => void, ...args: any[]) => any;
376        setInterval: (callback: (...args: any[]) => void, ms: number, ...args: any[]) => NodeJS.Timer;
377        setTimeout: (callback: (...args: any[]) => void, ms: number, ...args: any[]) => NodeJS.Timer;
378        undefined: typeof undefined;
379        unescape: (str: string) => string;
380        gc: () => void;
381        v8debug?: any;
382    }
384    export interface Timer {
385        ref() : void;
386        unref() : void;
387    }
391 * @deprecated
392 */
393interface NodeBuffer extends Uint8Array {
394    write(string: string, offset?: number, length?: number, encoding?: string): number;
395    toString(encoding?: string, start?: number, end?: number): string;
396    toJSON(): any;
397    equals(otherBuffer: Buffer): boolean;
398    compare(otherBuffer: Buffer): number;
399    copy(targetBuffer: Buffer, targetStart?: number, sourceStart?: number, sourceEnd?: number): number;
400    slice(start?: number, end?: number): Buffer;
401    writeUIntLE(value: number, offset: number, byteLength: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
402    writeUIntBE(value: number, offset: number, byteLength: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
403    writeIntLE(value: number, offset: number, byteLength: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
404    writeIntBE(value: number, offset: number, byteLength: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
405    readUIntLE(offset: number, byteLength: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
406    readUIntBE(offset: number, byteLength: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
407    readIntLE(offset: number, byteLength: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
408    readIntBE(offset: number, byteLength: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
409    readUInt8(offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
410    readUInt16LE(offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
411    readUInt16BE(offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
412    readUInt32LE(offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
413    readUInt32BE(offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
414    readInt8(offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
415    readInt16LE(offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
416    readInt16BE(offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
417    readInt32LE(offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
418    readInt32BE(offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
419    readFloatLE(offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
420    readFloatBE(offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
421    readDoubleLE(offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
422    readDoubleBE(offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
423    writeUInt8(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
424    writeUInt16LE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
425    writeUInt16BE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
426    writeUInt32LE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
427    writeUInt32BE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
428    writeInt8(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
429    writeInt16LE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
430    writeInt16BE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
431    writeInt32LE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
432    writeInt32BE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
433    writeFloatLE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
434    writeFloatBE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
435    writeDoubleLE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
436    writeDoubleBE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
437    fill(value: any, offset?: number, end?: number): Buffer;
438    // TODO: encoding param
439    indexOf(value: string | number | Buffer, byteOffset?: number): number;
440    // TODO: entries
441    // TODO: includes
442    // TODO: keys
443    // TODO: values
447*                                               *
448*                   MODULES                     *
449*                                               *
451declare module "buffer" {
452    export var INSPECT_MAX_BYTES: number;
453    var BuffType: typeof Buffer;
454    var SlowBuffType: typeof SlowBuffer;
455    export { BuffType as Buffer, SlowBuffType as SlowBuffer };
458declare module "querystring" {
459    export interface StringifyOptions {
460        encodeURIComponent?: Function;
461    }
463    export interface ParseOptions {
464        maxKeys?: number;
465        decodeURIComponent?: Function;
466    }
468    export function stringify<T>(obj: T, sep?: string, eq?: string, options?: StringifyOptions): string;
469    export function parse(str: string, sep?: string, eq?: string, options?: ParseOptions): any;
470    export function parse<T extends {}>(str: string, sep?: string, eq?: string, options?: ParseOptions): T;
471    export function escape(str: string): string;
472    export function unescape(str: string): string;
475declare module "events" {
476    export class EventEmitter implements NodeJS.EventEmitter {
477        static EventEmitter: EventEmitter;
478        static listenerCount(emitter: EventEmitter, event: string): number; // deprecated
479        static defaultMaxListeners: number;
481        addListener(event: string, listener: Function): this;
482        on(event: string, listener: Function): this;
483        once(event: string, listener: Function): this;
484        removeListener(event: string, listener: Function): this;
485        removeAllListeners(event?: string): this;
486        setMaxListeners(n: number): this;
487        getMaxListeners(): number;
488        listeners(event: string): Function[];
489        emit(event: string, ...args: any[]): boolean;
490        listenerCount(type: string): number;
491    }
494declare module "http" {
495    import * as events from "events";
496    import * as net from "net";
497    import * as stream from "stream";
499    export interface RequestOptions {
500        protocol?: string;
501        host?: string;
502        hostname?: string;
503        family?: number;
504        port?: number;
505        localAddress?: string;
506        socketPath?: string;
507        method?: string;
508        path?: string;
509        headers?: { [key: string]: any };
510        auth?: string;
511        agent?: Agent|boolean;
512    }
514    export interface Server extends events.EventEmitter, net.Server {
515        setTimeout(msecs: number, callback: Function): void;
516        maxHeadersCount: number;
517        timeout: number;
518    }
519    /**
520     * @deprecated Use IncomingMessage
521     */
522    export interface ServerRequest extends IncomingMessage {
523        connection: net.Socket;
524    }
525    export interface ServerResponse extends events.EventEmitter, stream.Writable {
526        // Extended base methods
527        write(buffer: Buffer): boolean;
528        write(buffer: Buffer, cb?: Function): boolean;
529        write(str: string, cb?: Function): boolean;
530        write(str: string, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): boolean;
531        write(str: string, encoding?: string, fd?: string): boolean;
533        writeContinue(): void;
534        writeHead(statusCode: number, reasonPhrase?: string, headers?: any): void;
535        writeHead(statusCode: number, headers?: any): void;
536        statusCode: number;
537        statusMessage: string;
538        headersSent: boolean;
539        setHeader(name: string, value: string | string[]): void;
540        sendDate: boolean;
541        getHeader(name: string): string;
542        removeHeader(name: string): void;
543        write(chunk: any, encoding?: string): any;
544        addTrailers(headers: any): void;
546        // Extended base methods
547        end(): void;
548        end(buffer: Buffer, cb?: Function): void;
549        end(str: string, cb?: Function): void;
550        end(str: string, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): void;
551        end(data?: any, encoding?: string): void;
552    }
553    export interface ClientRequest extends events.EventEmitter, stream.Writable {
554        // Extended base methods
555        write(buffer: Buffer): boolean;
556        write(buffer: Buffer, cb?: Function): boolean;
557        write(str: string, cb?: Function): boolean;
558        write(str: string, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): boolean;
559        write(str: string, encoding?: string, fd?: string): boolean;
561        write(chunk: any, encoding?: string): void;
562        abort(): void;
563        setTimeout(timeout: number, callback?: Function): void;
564        setNoDelay(noDelay?: boolean): void;
565        setSocketKeepAlive(enable?: boolean, initialDelay?: number): void;
567        setHeader(name: string, value: string | string[]): void;
568        getHeader(name: string): string;
569        removeHeader(name: string): void;
570        addTrailers(headers: any): void;
572        // Extended base methods
573        end(): void;
574        end(buffer: Buffer, cb?: Function): void;
575        end(str: string, cb?: Function): void;
576        end(str: string, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): void;
577        end(data?: any, encoding?: string): void;
578    }
579    export interface IncomingMessage extends events.EventEmitter, stream.Readable {
580        httpVersion: string;
581        headers: any;
582        rawHeaders: string[];
583        trailers: any;
584        rawTrailers: any;
585        setTimeout(msecs: number, callback: Function): NodeJS.Timer;
586        /**
587         * Only valid for request obtained from http.Server.
588         */
589        method?: string;
590        /**
591         * Only valid for request obtained from http.Server.
592         */
593        url?: string;
594        /**
595         * Only valid for response obtained from http.ClientRequest.
596         */
597        statusCode?: number;
598        /**
599         * Only valid for response obtained from http.ClientRequest.
600         */
601        statusMessage?: string;
602        socket: net.Socket;
603    }
604    /**
605     * @deprecated Use IncomingMessage
606     */
607    export interface ClientResponse extends IncomingMessage { }
609    export interface AgentOptions {
610        /**
611         * Keep sockets around in a pool to be used by other requests in the future. Default = false
612         */
613        keepAlive?: boolean;
614        /**
615         * When using HTTP KeepAlive, how often to send TCP KeepAlive packets over sockets being kept alive. Default = 1000.
616         * Only relevant if keepAlive is set to true.
617         */
618        keepAliveMsecs?: number;
619        /**
620         * Maximum number of sockets to allow per host. Default for Node 0.10 is 5, default for Node 0.12 is Infinity
621         */
622        maxSockets?: number;
623        /**
624         * Maximum number of sockets to leave open in a free state. Only relevant if keepAlive is set to true. Default = 256.
625         */
626        maxFreeSockets?: number;
627    }
629    export class Agent {
630        maxSockets: number;
631        sockets: any;
632        requests: any;
634        constructor(opts?: AgentOptions);
636        /**
637         * Destroy any sockets that are currently in use by the agent.
638         * It is usually not necessary to do this. However, if you are using an agent with KeepAlive enabled,
639         * then it is best to explicitly shut down the agent when you know that it will no longer be used. Otherwise,
640         * sockets may hang open for quite a long time before the server terminates them.
641         */
642        destroy(): void;
643    }
645    export var METHODS: string[];
647    export var STATUS_CODES: {
648        [errorCode: number]: string;
649        [errorCode: string]: string;
650    };
651    export function createServer(requestListener?: (request: IncomingMessage, response: ServerResponse) =>void ): Server;
652    export function createClient(port?: number, host?: string): any;
653    export function request(options: RequestOptions, callback?: (res: IncomingMessage) => void): ClientRequest;
654    export function get(options: any, callback?: (res: IncomingMessage) => void): ClientRequest;
655    export var globalAgent: Agent;
658declare module "cluster" {
659    import * as child from "child_process";
660    import * as events from "events";
662    export interface ClusterSettings {
663        exec?: string;
664        args?: string[];
665        silent?: boolean;
666    }
668    export interface Address {
669        address: string;
670        port: number;
671        addressType: string;
672    }
674    export class Worker extends events.EventEmitter {
675        id: string;
676        process: child.ChildProcess;
677        suicide: boolean;
678        send(message: any, sendHandle?: any): void;
679        kill(signal?: string): void;
680        destroy(signal?: string): void;
681        disconnect(): void;
682        isConnected(): boolean;
683        isDead(): boolean;
684    }
686    export var settings: ClusterSettings;
687    export var isMaster: boolean;
688    export var isWorker: boolean;
689    export function setupMaster(settings?: ClusterSettings): void;
690    export function fork(env?: any): Worker;
691    export function disconnect(callback?: Function): void;
692    export var worker: Worker;
693    export var workers: {
694        [index: string]: Worker
695    };
697    // Event emitter
698    export function addListener(event: string, listener: Function): void;
699    export function on(event: "disconnect", listener: (worker: Worker) => void): void;
700    export function on(event: "exit", listener: (worker: Worker, code: number, signal: string) => void): void;
701    export function on(event: "fork", listener: (worker: Worker) => void): void;
702    export function on(event: "listening", listener: (worker: Worker, address: any) => void): void;
703    export function on(event: "message", listener: (worker: Worker, message: any) => void): void;
704    export function on(event: "online", listener: (worker: Worker) => void): void;
705    export function on(event: "setup", listener: (settings: any) => void): void;
706    export function on(event: string, listener: Function): any;
707    export function once(event: string, listener: Function): void;
708    export function removeListener(event: string, listener: Function): void;
709    export function removeAllListeners(event?: string): void;
710    export function setMaxListeners(n: number): void;
711    export function listeners(event: string): Function[];
712    export function emit(event: string, ...args: any[]): boolean;
715declare module "zlib" {
716    import * as stream from "stream";
717    export interface ZlibOptions { chunkSize?: number; windowBits?: number; level?: number; memLevel?: number; strategy?: number; dictionary?: any; }
719    export interface Gzip extends stream.Transform { }
720    export interface Gunzip extends stream.Transform { }
721    export interface Deflate extends stream.Transform { }
722    export interface Inflate extends stream.Transform { }
723    export interface DeflateRaw extends stream.Transform { }
724    export interface InflateRaw extends stream.Transform { }
725    export interface Unzip extends stream.Transform { }
727    export function createGzip(options?: ZlibOptions): Gzip;
728    export function createGunzip(options?: ZlibOptions): Gunzip;
729    export function createDeflate(options?: ZlibOptions): Deflate;
730    export function createInflate(options?: ZlibOptions): Inflate;
731    export function createDeflateRaw(options?: ZlibOptions): DeflateRaw;
732    export function createInflateRaw(options?: ZlibOptions): InflateRaw;
733    export function createUnzip(options?: ZlibOptions): Unzip;
735    export function deflate(buf: Buffer, callback: (error: Error, result: any) =>void ): void;
736    export function deflateSync(buf: Buffer, options?: ZlibOptions): any;
737    export function deflateRaw(buf: Buffer, callback: (error: Error, result: any) =>void ): void;
738    export function deflateRawSync(buf: Buffer, options?: ZlibOptions): any;
739    export function gzip(buf: Buffer, callback: (error: Error, result: any) =>void ): void;
740    export function gzipSync(buf: Buffer, options?: ZlibOptions): any;
741    export function gunzip(buf: Buffer, callback: (error: Error, result: any) =>void ): void;
742    export function gunzipSync(buf: Buffer, options?: ZlibOptions): any;
743    export function inflate(buf: Buffer, callback: (error: Error, result: any) =>void ): void;
744    export function inflateSync(buf: Buffer, options?: ZlibOptions): any;
745    export function inflateRaw(buf: Buffer, callback: (error: Error, result: any) =>void ): void;
746    export function inflateRawSync(buf: Buffer, options?: ZlibOptions): any;
747    export function unzip(buf: Buffer, callback: (error: Error, result: any) =>void ): void;
748    export function unzipSync(buf: Buffer, options?: ZlibOptions): any;
750    // Constants
751    export var Z_NO_FLUSH: number;
752    export var Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH: number;
753    export var Z_SYNC_FLUSH: number;
754    export var Z_FULL_FLUSH: number;
755    export var Z_FINISH: number;
756    export var Z_BLOCK: number;
757    export var Z_TREES: number;
758    export var Z_OK: number;
759    export var Z_STREAM_END: number;
760    export var Z_NEED_DICT: number;
761    export var Z_ERRNO: number;
762    export var Z_STREAM_ERROR: number;
763    export var Z_DATA_ERROR: number;
764    export var Z_MEM_ERROR: number;
765    export var Z_BUF_ERROR: number;
766    export var Z_VERSION_ERROR: number;
767    export var Z_NO_COMPRESSION: number;
768    export var Z_BEST_SPEED: number;
769    export var Z_BEST_COMPRESSION: number;
770    export var Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION: number;
771    export var Z_FILTERED: number;
772    export var Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY: number;
773    export var Z_RLE: number;
774    export var Z_FIXED: number;
775    export var Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY: number;
776    export var Z_BINARY: number;
777    export var Z_TEXT: number;
778    export var Z_ASCII: number;
779    export var Z_UNKNOWN: number;
780    export var Z_DEFLATED: number;
781    export var Z_NULL: number;
784declare module "os" {
785    export interface CpuInfo {
786        model: string;
787        speed: number;
788        times: {
789            user: number;
790            nice: number;
791            sys: number;
792            idle: number;
793            irq: number;
794        };
795    }
797    export interface NetworkInterfaceInfo {
798        address: string;
799        netmask: string;
800        family: string;
801        mac: string;
802        internal: boolean;
803    }
805    export function tmpdir(): string;
806    export function homedir(): string;
807    export function endianness(): string;
808    export function hostname(): string;
809    export function type(): string;
810    export function platform(): string;
811    export function arch(): string;
812    export function release(): string;
813    export function uptime(): number;
814    export function loadavg(): number[];
815    export function totalmem(): number;
816    export function freemem(): number;
817    export function cpus(): CpuInfo[];
818    export function networkInterfaces(): {[index: string]: NetworkInterfaceInfo[]};
819    export var EOL: string;
822declare module "https" {
823    import * as tls from "tls";
824    import * as events from "events";
825    import * as http from "http";
827    export interface ServerOptions {
828        pfx?: any;
829        key?: any;
830        passphrase?: string;
831        cert?: any;
832        ca?: any;
833        crl?: any;
834        ciphers?: string;
835        honorCipherOrder?: boolean;
836        requestCert?: boolean;
837        rejectUnauthorized?: boolean;
838        NPNProtocols?: any;
839        SNICallback?: (servername: string) => any;
840    }
842    export interface RequestOptions extends http.RequestOptions{
843        pfx?: any;
844        key?: any;
845        passphrase?: string;
846        cert?: any;
847        ca?: any;
848        ciphers?: string;
849        rejectUnauthorized?: boolean;
850        secureProtocol?: string;
851    }
853    export interface Agent {
854        maxSockets: number;
855        sockets: any;
856        requests: any;
857    }
858    export var Agent: {
859        new (options?: RequestOptions): Agent;
860    };
861    export interface Server extends tls.Server { }
862    export function createServer(options: ServerOptions, requestListener?: Function): Server;
863    export function request(options: RequestOptions, callback?: (res: http.IncomingMessage) =>void ): http.ClientRequest;
864    export function get(options: RequestOptions, callback?: (res: http.IncomingMessage) =>void ): http.ClientRequest;
865    export var globalAgent: Agent;
868declare module "punycode" {
869    export function decode(string: string): string;
870    export function encode(string: string): string;
871    export function toUnicode(domain: string): string;
872    export function toASCII(domain: string): string;
873    export var ucs2: ucs2;
874    interface ucs2 {
875        decode(string: string): number[];
876        encode(codePoints: number[]): string;
877    }
878    export var version: any;
881declare module "repl" {
882    import * as stream from "stream";
883    import * as events from "events";
885    export interface ReplOptions {
886        prompt?: string;
887        input?: NodeJS.ReadableStream;
888        output?: NodeJS.WritableStream;
889        terminal?: boolean;
890        eval?: Function;
891        useColors?: boolean;
892        useGlobal?: boolean;
893        ignoreUndefined?: boolean;
894        writer?: Function;
895    }
896    export function start(options: ReplOptions): events.EventEmitter;
899declare module "readline" {
900    import * as events from "events";
901    import * as stream from "stream";
903    export interface Key {
904        sequence?: string;
905        name?: string;
906        ctrl?: boolean;
907        meta?: boolean;
908        shift?: boolean;
909    }
911    export interface ReadLine extends events.EventEmitter {
912        setPrompt(prompt: string): void;
913        prompt(preserveCursor?: boolean): void;
914        question(query: string, callback: (answer: string) => void): void;
915        pause(): ReadLine;
916        resume(): ReadLine;
917        close(): void;
918        write(data: string|Buffer, key?: Key): void;
919    }
921    export interface Completer {
922        (line: string): CompleterResult;
923        (line: string, callback: (err: any, result: CompleterResult) => void): any;
924    }
926    export interface CompleterResult {
927        completions: string[];
928        line: string;
929    }
931    export interface ReadLineOptions {
932        input: NodeJS.ReadableStream;
933        output?: NodeJS.WritableStream;
934        completer?: Completer;
935        terminal?: boolean;
936        historySize?: number;
937    }
939    export function createInterface(input: NodeJS.ReadableStream, output?: NodeJS.WritableStream, completer?: Completer, terminal?: boolean): ReadLine;
940    export function createInterface(options: ReadLineOptions): ReadLine;
942    export function cursorTo(stream: NodeJS.WritableStream, x: number, y: number): void;
943    export function moveCursor(stream: NodeJS.WritableStream, dx: number|string, dy: number|string): void;
944    export function clearLine(stream: NodeJS.WritableStream, dir: number): void;
945    export function clearScreenDown(stream: NodeJS.WritableStream): void;
948declare module "vm" {
949    export interface Context { }
950    export interface ScriptOptions {
951        filename?: string;
952        lineOffset?: number;
953        columnOffset?: number;
954        displayErrors?: boolean;
955        timeout?: number;
956        cachedData?: Buffer;
957        produceCachedData?: boolean;
958    }
959    export interface RunningScriptOptions {
960        filename?: string;
961        lineOffset?: number;
962        columnOffset?: number;
963        displayErrors?: boolean;
964        timeout?: number;
965    }
966    export class Script {
967        constructor(code: string, options?: ScriptOptions);
968        runInContext(contextifiedSandbox: Context, options?: RunningScriptOptions): any;
969        runInNewContext(sandbox?: Context, options?: RunningScriptOptions): any;
970        runInThisContext(options?: RunningScriptOptions): any;
971    }
972    export function createContext(sandbox?: Context): Context;
973    export function isContext(sandbox: Context): boolean;
974    export function runInContext(code: string, contextifiedSandbox: Context, options?: RunningScriptOptions): any;
975    export function runInDebugContext(code: string): any;
976    export function runInNewContext(code: string, sandbox?: Context, options?: RunningScriptOptions): any;
977    export function runInThisContext(code: string, options?: RunningScriptOptions): any;
980declare module "child_process" {
981    import * as events from "events";
982    import * as stream from "stream";
984    export interface ChildProcess extends events.EventEmitter {
985        stdin:  stream.Writable;
986        stdout: stream.Readable;
987        stderr: stream.Readable;
988        stdio: [stream.Writable, stream.Readable, stream.Readable];
989        pid: number;
990        kill(signal?: string): void;
991        send(message: any, sendHandle?: any): void;
992        disconnect(): void;
993        unref(): void;
994    }
996    export interface SpawnOptions {
997        cwd?: string;
998        env?: any;
999        stdio?: any;
1000        detached?: boolean;
1001        uid?: number;
1002        gid?: number;
1003        shell?: boolean | string;
1004    }
1005    export function spawn(command: string, args?: string[], options?: SpawnOptions): ChildProcess;
1007    export interface ExecOptions {
1008        cwd?: string;
1009        env?: any;
1010        shell?: string;
1011        timeout?: number;
1012        maxBuffer?: number;
1013        killSignal?: string;
1014        uid?: number;
1015        gid?: number;
1016    }
1017    export interface ExecOptionsWithStringEncoding extends ExecOptions {
1018        encoding: BufferEncoding;
1019    }
1020    export interface ExecOptionsWithBufferEncoding extends ExecOptions {
1021        encoding: string; // specify `null`.
1022    }
1023    export function exec(command: string, callback?: (error: Error, stdout: string, stderr: string) =>void ): ChildProcess;
1024    export function exec(command: string, options: ExecOptionsWithStringEncoding, callback?: (error: Error, stdout: string, stderr: string) =>void ): ChildProcess;
1025    // usage. child_process.exec("tsc", {encoding: null as string}, (err, stdout, stderr) => {});
1026    export function exec(command: string, options: ExecOptionsWithBufferEncoding, callback?: (error: Error, stdout: Buffer, stderr: Buffer) =>void ): ChildProcess;
1027    export function exec(command: string, options: ExecOptions, callback?: (error: Error, stdout: string, stderr: string) =>void ): ChildProcess;
1029    export interface ExecFileOptions {
1030        cwd?: string;
1031        env?: any;
1032        timeout?: number;
1033        maxBuffer?: number;
1034        killSignal?: string;
1035        uid?: number;
1036        gid?: number;
1037    }
1038    export interface ExecFileOptionsWithStringEncoding extends ExecFileOptions {
1039        encoding: BufferEncoding;
1040    }
1041    export interface ExecFileOptionsWithBufferEncoding extends ExecFileOptions {
1042        encoding: string; // specify `null`.
1043    }
1044    export function execFile(file: string, callback?: (error: Error, stdout: string, stderr: string) =>void ): ChildProcess;
1045    export function execFile(file: string, options?: ExecFileOptionsWithStringEncoding, callback?: (error: Error, stdout: string, stderr: string) =>void ): ChildProcess;
1046    // usage. child_process.execFile("file.sh", {encoding: null as string}, (err, stdout, stderr) => {});
1047    export function execFile(file: string, options?: ExecFileOptionsWithBufferEncoding, callback?: (error: Error, stdout: Buffer, stderr: Buffer) =>void ): ChildProcess;
1048    export function execFile(file: string, options?: ExecFileOptions, callback?: (error: Error, stdout: string, stderr: string) =>void ): ChildProcess;
1049    export function execFile(file: string, args?: string[], callback?: (error: Error, stdout: string, stderr: string) =>void ): ChildProcess;
1050    export function execFile(file: string, args?: string[], options?: ExecFileOptionsWithStringEncoding, callback?: (error: Error, stdout: string, stderr: string) =>void ): ChildProcess;
1051    // usage. child_process.execFile("file.sh", ["foo"], {encoding: null as string}, (err, stdout, stderr) => {});
1052    export function execFile(file: string, args?: string[], options?: ExecFileOptionsWithBufferEncoding, callback?: (error: Error, stdout: Buffer, stderr: Buffer) =>void ): ChildProcess;
1053    export function execFile(file: string, args?: string[], options?: ExecFileOptions, callback?: (error: Error, stdout: string, stderr: string) =>void ): ChildProcess;
1055    export interface ForkOptions {
1056        cwd?: string;
1057        env?: any;
1058        execPath?: string;
1059        execArgv?: string[];
1060        silent?: boolean;
1061        uid?: number;
1062        gid?: number;
1063    }
1064    export function fork(modulePath: string, args?: string[], options?: ForkOptions): ChildProcess;
1066    export interface SpawnSyncOptions {
1067        cwd?: string;
1068        input?: string | Buffer;
1069        stdio?: any;
1070        env?: any;
1071        uid?: number;
1072        gid?: number;
1073        timeout?: number;
1074        killSignal?: string;
1075        maxBuffer?: number;
1076        encoding?: string;
1077        shell?: boolean | string;
1078    }
1079    export interface SpawnSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding extends SpawnSyncOptions {
1080        encoding: BufferEncoding;
1081    }
1082    export interface SpawnSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding extends SpawnSyncOptions {
1083        encoding: string; // specify `null`.
1084    }
1085    export interface SpawnSyncReturns<T> {
1086        pid: number;
1087        output: string[];
1088        stdout: T;
1089        stderr: T;
1090        status: number;
1091        signal: string;
1092        error: Error;
1093    }
1094    export function spawnSync(command: string): SpawnSyncReturns<Buffer>;
1095    export function spawnSync(command: string, options?: SpawnSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding): SpawnSyncReturns<string>;
1096    export function spawnSync(command: string, options?: SpawnSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding): SpawnSyncReturns<Buffer>;
1097    export function spawnSync(command: string, options?: SpawnSyncOptions): SpawnSyncReturns<Buffer>;
1098    export function spawnSync(command: string, args?: string[], options?: SpawnSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding): SpawnSyncReturns<string>;
1099    export function spawnSync(command: string, args?: string[], options?: SpawnSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding): SpawnSyncReturns<Buffer>;
1100    export function spawnSync(command: string, args?: string[], options?: SpawnSyncOptions): SpawnSyncReturns<Buffer>;
1102    export interface ExecSyncOptions {
1103        cwd?: string;
1104        input?: string | Buffer;
1105        stdio?: any;
1106        env?: any;
1107        shell?: string;
1108        uid?: number;
1109        gid?: number;
1110        timeout?: number;
1111        killSignal?: string;
1112        maxBuffer?: number;
1113        encoding?: string;
1114    }
1115    export interface ExecSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding extends ExecSyncOptions {
1116        encoding: BufferEncoding;
1117    }
1118    export interface ExecSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding extends ExecSyncOptions {
1119        encoding: string; // specify `null`.
1120    }
1121    export function execSync(command: string): Buffer;
1122    export function execSync(command: string, options?: ExecSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding): string;
1123    export function execSync(command: string, options?: ExecSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding): Buffer;
1124    export function execSync(command: string, options?: ExecSyncOptions): Buffer;
1126    export interface ExecFileSyncOptions {
1127        cwd?: string;
1128        input?: string | Buffer;
1129        stdio?: any;
1130        env?: any;
1131        uid?: number;
1132        gid?: number;
1133        timeout?: number;
1134        killSignal?: string;
1135        maxBuffer?: number;
1136        encoding?: string;
1137    }
1138    export interface ExecFileSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding extends ExecFileSyncOptions {
1139        encoding: BufferEncoding;
1140    }
1141    export interface ExecFileSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding extends ExecFileSyncOptions {
1142        encoding: string; // specify `null`.
1143    }
1144    export function execFileSync(command: string): Buffer;
1145    export function execFileSync(command: string, options?: ExecFileSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding): string;
1146    export function execFileSync(command: string, options?: ExecFileSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding): Buffer;
1147    export function execFileSync(command: string, options?: ExecFileSyncOptions): Buffer;
1148    export function execFileSync(command: string, args?: string[], options?: ExecFileSyncOptionsWithStringEncoding): string;
1149    export function execFileSync(command: string, args?: string[], options?: ExecFileSyncOptionsWithBufferEncoding): Buffer;
1150    export function execFileSync(command: string, args?: string[], options?: ExecFileSyncOptions): Buffer;
1153declare module "url" {
1154    export interface Url {
1155        href?: string;
1156        protocol?: string;
1157        auth?: string;
1158        hostname?: string;
1159        port?: string;
1160        host?: string;
1161        pathname?: string;
1162        search?: string;
1163        query?: any; // string | Object
1164        slashes?: boolean;
1165        hash?: string;
1166        path?: string;
1167    }
1169    export function parse(urlStr: string, parseQueryString?: boolean , slashesDenoteHost?: boolean ): Url;
1170    export function format(url: Url): string;
1171    export function resolve(from: string, to: string): string;
1174declare module "dns" {
1175    export function lookup(domain: string, family: number, callback: (err: Error, address: string, family: number) =>void ): string;
1176    export function lookup(domain: string, callback: (err: Error, address: string, family: number) =>void ): string;
1177    export function resolve(domain: string, rrtype: string, callback: (err: Error, addresses: string[]) =>void ): string[];
1178    export function resolve(domain: string, callback: (err: Error, addresses: string[]) =>void ): string[];
1179    export function resolve4(domain: string, callback: (err: Error, addresses: string[]) =>void ): string[];
1180    export function resolve6(domain: string, callback: (err: Error, addresses: string[]) =>void ): string[];
1181    export function resolveMx(domain: string, callback: (err: Error, addresses: string[]) =>void ): string[];
1182    export function resolveTxt(domain: string, callback: (err: Error, addresses: string[]) =>void ): string[];
1183    export function resolveSrv(domain: string, callback: (err: Error, addresses: string[]) =>void ): string[];
1184    export function resolveNs(domain: string, callback: (err: Error, addresses: string[]) =>void ): string[];
1185    export function resolveCname(domain: string, callback: (err: Error, addresses: string[]) =>void ): string[];
1186    export function reverse(ip: string, callback: (err: Error, domains: string[]) =>void ): string[];
1189declare module "net" {
1190    import * as stream from "stream";
1192    export interface Socket extends stream.Duplex {
1193        // Extended base methods
1194        write(buffer: Buffer): boolean;
1195        write(buffer: Buffer, cb?: Function): boolean;
1196        write(str: string, cb?: Function): boolean;
1197        write(str: string, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): boolean;
1198        write(str: string, encoding?: string, fd?: string): boolean;
1200        connect(port: number, host?: string, connectionListener?: Function): void;
1201        connect(path: string, connectionListener?: Function): void;
1202        bufferSize: number;
1203        setEncoding(encoding?: string): void;
1204        write(data: any, encoding?: string, callback?: Function): void;
1205        destroy(): void;
1206        pause(): void;
1207        resume(): void;
1208        setTimeout(timeout: number, callback?: Function): void;
1209        setNoDelay(noDelay?: boolean): void;
1210        setKeepAlive(enable?: boolean, initialDelay?: number): void;
1211        address(): { port: number; family: string; address: string; };
1212        unref(): void;
1213        ref(): void;
1215        remoteAddress: string;
1216        remoteFamily: string;
1217        remotePort: number;
1218        localAddress: string;
1219        localPort: number;
1220        bytesRead: number;
1221        bytesWritten: number;
1223        // Extended base methods
1224        end(): void;
1225        end(buffer: Buffer, cb?: Function): void;
1226        end(str: string, cb?: Function): void;
1227        end(str: string, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): void;
1228        end(data?: any, encoding?: string): void;
1229    }
1231    export var Socket: {
1232        new (options?: { fd?: string; type?: string; allowHalfOpen?: boolean; }): Socket;
1233    };
1235    export interface ListenOptions {
1236        port?: number;
1237        host?: string;
1238        backlog?: number;
1239        path?: string;
1240        exclusive?: boolean;
1241    }
1243    export interface Server extends Socket {
1244        listen(port: number, hostname?: string, backlog?: number, listeningListener?: Function): Server;
1245        listen(port: number, hostname?: string, listeningListener?: Function): Server;
1246        listen(port: number, backlog?: number, listeningListener?: Function): Server;
1247        listen(port: number, listeningListener?: Function): Server;
1248        listen(path: string, backlog?: number, listeningListener?: Function): Server;
1249        listen(path: string, listeningListener?: Function): Server;
1250        listen(handle: any, backlog?: number, listeningListener?: Function): Server;
1251        listen(handle: any, listeningListener?: Function): Server;
1252        listen(options: ListenOptions, listeningListener?: Function): Server;
1253        close(callback?: Function): Server;
1254        address(): { port: number; family: string; address: string; };
1255        getConnections(cb: (error: Error, count: number) => void): void;
1256        ref(): Server;
1257        unref(): Server;
1258        maxConnections: number;
1259        connections: number;
1260    }
1261    export function createServer(connectionListener?: (socket: Socket) =>void ): Server;
1262    export function createServer(options?: { allowHalfOpen?: boolean; }, connectionListener?: (socket: Socket) =>void ): Server;
1263    export function connect(options: { port: number, host?: string, localAddress? : string, localPort? : string, family? : number, allowHalfOpen?: boolean; }, connectionListener?: Function): Socket;
1264    export function connect(port: number, host?: string, connectionListener?: Function): Socket;
1265    export function connect(path: string, connectionListener?: Function): Socket;
1266    export function createConnection(options: { port: number, host?: string, localAddress? : string, localPort? : string, family? : number, allowHalfOpen?: boolean; }, connectionListener?: Function): Socket;
1267    export function createConnection(port: number, host?: string, connectionListener?: Function): Socket;
1268    export function createConnection(path: string, connectionListener?: Function): Socket;
1269    export function isIP(input: string): number;
1270    export function isIPv4(input: string): boolean;
1271    export function isIPv6(input: string): boolean;
1274declare module "dgram" {
1275    import * as events from "events";
1277    interface RemoteInfo {
1278        address: string;
1279        port: number;
1280        size: number;
1281    }
1283    interface AddressInfo {
1284        address: string;
1285        family: string;
1286        port: number;
1287    }
1289    export function createSocket(type: string, callback?: (msg: Buffer, rinfo: RemoteInfo) => void): Socket;
1291    interface Socket extends events.EventEmitter {
1292        send(buf: Buffer, offset: number, length: number, port: number, address: string, callback?: (error: Error, bytes: number) => void): void;
1293        bind(port: number, address?: string, callback?: () => void): void;
1294        close(): void;
1295        address(): AddressInfo;
1296        setBroadcast(flag: boolean): void;
1297        setMulticastTTL(ttl: number): void;
1298        setMulticastLoopback(flag: boolean): void;
1299        addMembership(multicastAddress: string, multicastInterface?: string): void;
1300        dropMembership(multicastAddress: string, multicastInterface?: string): void;
1301    }
1304declare module "fs" {
1305    import * as stream from "stream";
1306    import * as events from "events";
1308    interface Stats {
1309        isFile(): boolean;
1310        isDirectory(): boolean;
1311        isBlockDevice(): boolean;
1312        isCharacterDevice(): boolean;
1313        isSymbolicLink(): boolean;
1314        isFIFO(): boolean;
1315        isSocket(): boolean;
1316        dev: number;
1317        ino: number;
1318        mode: number;
1319        nlink: number;
1320        uid: number;
1321        gid: number;
1322        rdev: number;
1323        size: number;
1324        blksize: number;
1325        blocks: number;
1326        atime: Date;
1327        mtime: Date;
1328        ctime: Date;
1329        birthtime: Date;
1330    }
1332    interface FSWatcher extends events.EventEmitter {
1333        close(): void;
1334    }
1336    export interface ReadStream extends stream.Readable {
1337        close(): void;
1338    }
1339    export interface WriteStream extends stream.Writable {
1340        close(): void;
1341        bytesWritten: number;
1342    }
1344    /**
1345     * Asynchronous rename.
1346     * @param oldPath
1347     * @param newPath
1348     * @param callback No arguments other than a possible exception are given to the completion callback.
1349     */
1350    export function rename(oldPath: string, newPath: string, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1351    /**
1352     * Synchronous rename
1353     * @param oldPath
1354     * @param newPath
1355     */
1356    export function renameSync(oldPath: string, newPath: string): void;
1357    export function truncate(path: string, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1358    export function truncate(path: string, len: number, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1359    export function truncateSync(path: string, len?: number): void;
1360    export function ftruncate(fd: number, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1361    export function ftruncate(fd: number, len: number, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1362    export function ftruncateSync(fd: number, len?: number): void;
1363    export function chown(path: string, uid: number, gid: number, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1364    export function chownSync(path: string, uid: number, gid: number): void;
1365    export function fchown(fd: number, uid: number, gid: number, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1366    export function fchownSync(fd: number, uid: number, gid: number): void;
1367    export function lchown(path: string, uid: number, gid: number, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1368    export function lchownSync(path: string, uid: number, gid: number): void;
1369    export function chmod(path: string, mode: number, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1370    export function chmod(path: string, mode: string, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1371    export function chmodSync(path: string, mode: number): void;
1372    export function chmodSync(path: string, mode: string): void;
1373    export function fchmod(fd: number, mode: number, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1374    export function fchmod(fd: number, mode: string, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1375    export function fchmodSync(fd: number, mode: number): void;
1376    export function fchmodSync(fd: number, mode: string): void;
1377    export function lchmod(path: string, mode: number, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1378    export function lchmod(path: string, mode: string, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1379    export function lchmodSync(path: string, mode: number): void;
1380    export function lchmodSync(path: string, mode: string): void;
1381    export function stat(path: string, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, stats: Stats) => any): void;
1382    export function lstat(path: string, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, stats: Stats) => any): void;
1383    export function fstat(fd: number, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, stats: Stats) => any): void;
1384    export function statSync(path: string): Stats;
1385    export function lstatSync(path: string): Stats;
1386    export function fstatSync(fd: number): Stats;
1387    export function link(srcpath: string, dstpath: string, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1388    export function linkSync(srcpath: string, dstpath: string): void;
1389    export function symlink(srcpath: string, dstpath: string, type?: string, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1390    export function symlinkSync(srcpath: string, dstpath: string, type?: string): void;
1391    export function readlink(path: string, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, linkString: string) => any): void;
1392    export function readlinkSync(path: string): string;
1393    export function realpath(path: string, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, resolvedPath: string) => any): void;
1394    export function realpath(path: string, cache: {[path: string]: string}, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, resolvedPath: string) =>any): void;
1395    export function realpathSync(path: string, cache?: { [path: string]: string }): string;
1396    /*
1397     * Asynchronous unlink - deletes the file specified in {path}
1398     *
1399     * @param path
1400     * @param callback No arguments other than a possible exception are given to the completion callback.
1401     */
1402    export function unlink(path: string, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1403    /*
1404     * Synchronous unlink - deletes the file specified in {path}
1405     *
1406     * @param path
1407     */
1408    export function unlinkSync(path: string): void;
1409    /*
1410     * Asynchronous rmdir - removes the directory specified in {path}
1411     *
1412     * @param path
1413     * @param callback No arguments other than a possible exception are given to the completion callback.
1414     */
1415    export function rmdir(path: string, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1416    /*
1417     * Synchronous rmdir - removes the directory specified in {path}
1418     *
1419     * @param path
1420     */
1421    export function rmdirSync(path: string): void;
1422    /*
1423     * Asynchronous mkdir - creates the directory specified in {path}.  Parameter {mode} defaults to 0777.
1424     *
1425     * @param path
1426     * @param callback No arguments other than a possible exception are given to the completion callback.
1427     */
1428    export function mkdir(path: string, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1429    /*
1430     * Asynchronous mkdir - creates the directory specified in {path}.  Parameter {mode} defaults to 0777.
1431     *
1432     * @param path
1433     * @param mode
1434     * @param callback No arguments other than a possible exception are given to the completion callback.
1435     */
1436    export function mkdir(path: string, mode: number, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1437    /*
1438     * Asynchronous mkdir - creates the directory specified in {path}.  Parameter {mode} defaults to 0777.
1439     *
1440     * @param path
1441     * @param mode
1442     * @param callback No arguments other than a possible exception are given to the completion callback.
1443     */
1444    export function mkdir(path: string, mode: string, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1445    /*
1446     * Synchronous mkdir - creates the directory specified in {path}.  Parameter {mode} defaults to 0777.
1447     *
1448     * @param path
1449     * @param mode
1450     * @param callback No arguments other than a possible exception are given to the completion callback.
1451     */
1452    export function mkdirSync(path: string, mode?: number): void;
1453    /*
1454     * Synchronous mkdir - creates the directory specified in {path}.  Parameter {mode} defaults to 0777.
1455     *
1456     * @param path
1457     * @param mode
1458     * @param callback No arguments other than a possible exception are given to the completion callback.
1459     */
1460    export function mkdirSync(path: string, mode?: string): void;
1461    export function readdir(path: string, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, files: string[]) => void): void;
1462    export function readdirSync(path: string): string[];
1463    export function close(fd: number, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1464    export function closeSync(fd: number): void;
1465    export function open(path: string, flags: string, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, fd: number) => any): void;
1466    export function open(path: string, flags: string, mode: number, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, fd: number) => any): void;
1467    export function open(path: string, flags: string, mode: string, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, fd: number) => any): void;
1468    export function openSync(path: string, flags: string, mode?: number): number;
1469    export function openSync(path: string, flags: string, mode?: string): number;
1470    export function utimes(path: string, atime: number, mtime: number, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1471    export function utimes(path: string, atime: Date, mtime: Date, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1472    export function utimesSync(path: string, atime: number, mtime: number): void;
1473    export function utimesSync(path: string, atime: Date, mtime: Date): void;
1474    export function futimes(fd: number, atime: number, mtime: number, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1475    export function futimes(fd: number, atime: Date, mtime: Date, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1476    export function futimesSync(fd: number, atime: number, mtime: number): void;
1477    export function futimesSync(fd: number, atime: Date, mtime: Date): void;
1478    export function fsync(fd: number, callback?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1479    export function fsyncSync(fd: number): void;
1480    export function write(fd: number, buffer: Buffer, offset: number, length: number, position: number, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, written: number, buffer: Buffer) => void): void;
1481    export function write(fd: number, buffer: Buffer, offset: number, length: number, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, written: number, buffer: Buffer) => void): void;
1482    export function write(fd: number, data: any, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, written: number, str: string) => void): void;
1483    export function write(fd: number, data: any, offset: number, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, written: number, str: string) => void): void;
1484    export function write(fd: number, data: any, offset: number, encoding: string, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, written: number, str: string) => void): void;
1485    export function writeSync(fd: number, buffer: Buffer, offset: number, length: number, position?: number): number;
1486    export function writeSync(fd: number, data: any, position?: number, enconding?: string): number;
1487    export function read(fd: number, buffer: Buffer, offset: number, length: number, position: number, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, bytesRead: number, buffer: Buffer) => void): void;
1488    export function readSync(fd: number, buffer: Buffer, offset: number, length: number, position: number): number;
1489    /*
1490     * Asynchronous readFile - Asynchronously reads the entire contents of a file.
1491     *
1492     * @param fileName
1493     * @param encoding
1494     * @param callback - The callback is passed two arguments (err, data), where data is the contents of the file.
1495     */
1496    export function readFile(filename: string, encoding: string, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, data: string) => void): void;
1497    /*
1498     * Asynchronous readFile - Asynchronously reads the entire contents of a file.
1499     *
1500     * @param fileName
1501     * @param options An object with optional {encoding} and {flag} properties.  If {encoding} is specified, readFile returns a string; otherwise it returns a Buffer.
1502     * @param callback - The callback is passed two arguments (err, data), where data is the contents of the file.
1503     */
1504    export function readFile(filename: string, options: { encoding: string; flag?: string; }, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, data: string) => void): void;
1505    /*
1506     * Asynchronous readFile - Asynchronously reads the entire contents of a file.
1507     *
1508     * @param fileName
1509     * @param options An object with optional {encoding} and {flag} properties.  If {encoding} is specified, readFile returns a string; otherwise it returns a Buffer.
1510     * @param callback - The callback is passed two arguments (err, data), where data is the contents of the file.
1511     */
1512    export function readFile(filename: string, options: { flag?: string; }, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, data: Buffer) => void): void;
1513    /*
1514     * Asynchronous readFile - Asynchronously reads the entire contents of a file.
1515     *
1516     * @param fileName
1517     * @param callback - The callback is passed two arguments (err, data), where data is the contents of the file.
1518     */
1519    export function readFile(filename: string, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, data: Buffer) => void): void;
1520    /*
1521     * Synchronous readFile - Synchronously reads the entire contents of a file.
1522     *
1523     * @param fileName
1524     * @param encoding
1525     */
1526    export function readFileSync(filename: string, encoding: string): string;
1527    /*
1528     * Synchronous readFile - Synchronously reads the entire contents of a file.
1529     *
1530     * @param fileName
1531     * @param options An object with optional {encoding} and {flag} properties.  If {encoding} is specified, readFileSync returns a string; otherwise it returns a Buffer.
1532     */
1533    export function readFileSync(filename: string, options: { encoding: string; flag?: string; }): string;
1534    /*
1535     * Synchronous readFile - Synchronously reads the entire contents of a file.
1536     *
1537     * @param fileName
1538     * @param options An object with optional {encoding} and {flag} properties.  If {encoding} is specified, readFileSync returns a string; otherwise it returns a Buffer.
1539     */
1540    export function readFileSync(filename: string, options?: { flag?: string; }): Buffer;
1541    export function writeFile(filename: string, data: any, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1542    export function writeFile(filename: string, data: any, options: { encoding?: string; mode?: number; flag?: string; }, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1543    export function writeFile(filename: string, data: any, options: { encoding?: string; mode?: string; flag?: string; }, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1544    export function writeFileSync(filename: string, data: any, options?: { encoding?: string; mode?: number; flag?: string; }): void;
1545    export function writeFileSync(filename: string, data: any, options?: { encoding?: string; mode?: string; flag?: string; }): void;
1546    export function appendFile(filename: string, data: any, options: { encoding?: string; mode?: number; flag?: string; }, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1547    export function appendFile(filename: string, data: any, options: { encoding?: string; mode?: string; flag?: string; }, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1548    export function appendFile(filename: string, data: any, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1549    export function appendFileSync(filename: string, data: any, options?: { encoding?: string; mode?: number; flag?: string; }): void;
1550    export function appendFileSync(filename: string, data: any, options?: { encoding?: string; mode?: string; flag?: string; }): void;
1551    export function watchFile(filename: string, listener: (curr: Stats, prev: Stats) => void): void;
1552    export function watchFile(filename: string, options: { persistent?: boolean; interval?: number; }, listener: (curr: Stats, prev: Stats) => void): void;
1553    export function unwatchFile(filename: string, listener?: (curr: Stats, prev: Stats) => void): void;
1554    export function watch(filename: string, listener?: (event: string, filename: string) => any): FSWatcher;
1555    export function watch(filename: string, options: { persistent?: boolean; }, listener?: (event: string, filename: string) => any): FSWatcher;
1556    export function exists(path: string, callback?: (exists: boolean) => void): void;
1557    export function existsSync(path: string): boolean;
1558    /** Constant for fs.access(). File is visible to the calling process. */
1559    export var F_OK: number;
1560    /** Constant for fs.access(). File can be read by the calling process. */
1561    export var R_OK: number;
1562    /** Constant for fs.access(). File can be written by the calling process. */
1563    export var W_OK: number;
1564    /** Constant for fs.access(). File can be executed by the calling process. */
1565    export var X_OK: number;
1566    /** Tests a user's permissions for the file specified by path. */
1567    export function access(path: string, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1568    export function access(path: string, mode: number, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
1569    /** Synchronous version of fs.access. This throws if any accessibility checks fail, and does nothing otherwise. */
1570    export function accessSync(path: string, mode ?: number): void;
1571    export function createReadStream(path: string, options?: {
1572        flags?: string;
1573        encoding?: string;
1574        fd?: number;
1575        mode?: number;
1576        autoClose?: boolean;
1577    }): ReadStream;
1578    export function createWriteStream(path: string, options?: {
1579        flags?: string;
1580        encoding?: string;
1581        fd?: number;
1582        mode?: number;
1583    }): WriteStream;
1586declare module "path" {
1588    /**
1589     * A parsed path object generated by path.parse() or consumed by path.format().
1590     */
1591    export interface ParsedPath {
1592        /**
1593         * The root of the path such as '/' or 'c:\'
1594         */
1595        root: string;
1596        /**
1597         * The full directory path such as '/home/user/dir' or 'c:\path\dir'
1598         */
1599        dir: string;
1600        /**
1601         * The file name including extension (if any) such as 'index.html'
1602         */
1603        base: string;
1604        /**
1605         * The file extension (if any) such as '.html'
1606         */
1607        ext: string;
1608        /**
1609         * The file name without extension (if any) such as 'index'
1610         */
1611        name: string;
1612    }
1614    /**
1615     * Normalize a string path, reducing '..' and '.' parts.
1616     * When multiple slashes are found, they're replaced by a single one; when the path contains a trailing slash, it is preserved. On Windows backslashes are used.
1617     *
1618     * @param p string path to normalize.
1619     */
1620    export function normalize(p: string): string;
1621    /**
1622     * Join all arguments together and normalize the resulting path.
1623     * Arguments must be strings. In v0.8, non-string arguments were silently ignored. In v0.10 and up, an exception is thrown.
1624     *
1625     * @param paths string paths to join.
1626     */
1627    export function join(...paths: any[]): string;
1628    /**
1629     * Join all arguments together and normalize the resulting path.
1630     * Arguments must be strings. In v0.8, non-string arguments were silently ignored. In v0.10 and up, an exception is thrown.
1631     *
1632     * @param paths string paths to join.
1633     */
1634    export function join(...paths: string[]): string;
1635    /**
1636     * The right-most parameter is considered {to}.  Other parameters are considered an array of {from}.
1637     *
1638     * Starting from leftmost {from} paramter, resolves {to} to an absolute path.
1639     *
1640     * If {to} isn't already absolute, {from} arguments are prepended in right to left order, until an absolute path is found. If after using all {from} paths still no absolute path is found, the current working directory is used as well. The resulting path is normalized, and trailing slashes are removed unless the path gets resolved to the root directory.
1641     *
1642     * @param pathSegments string paths to join.  Non-string arguments are ignored.
1643     */
1644    export function resolve(...pathSegments: any[]): string;
1645    /**
1646     * Determines whether {path} is an absolute path. An absolute path will always resolve to the same location, regardless of the working directory.
1647     *
1648     * @param path path to test.
1649     */
1650    export function isAbsolute(path: string): boolean;
1651    /**
1652     * Solve the relative path from {from} to {to}.
1653     * At times we have two absolute paths, and we need to derive the relative path from one to the other. This is actually the reverse transform of path.resolve.
1654     *
1655     * @param from
1656     * @param to
1657     */
1658    export function relative(from: string, to: string): string;
1659    /**
1660     * Return the directory name of a path. Similar to the Unix dirname command.
1661     *
1662     * @param p the path to evaluate.
1663     */
1664    export function dirname(p: string): string;
1665    /**
1666     * Return the last portion of a path. Similar to the Unix basename command.
1667     * Often used to extract the file name from a fully qualified path.
1668     *
1669     * @param p the path to evaluate.
1670     * @param ext optionally, an extension to remove from the result.
1671     */
1672    export function basename(p: string, ext?: string): string;
1673    /**
1674     * Return the extension of the path, from the last '.' to end of string in the last portion of the path.
1675     * If there is no '.' in the last portion of the path or the first character of it is '.', then it returns an empty string
1676     *
1677     * @param p the path to evaluate.
1678     */
1679    export function extname(p: string): string;
1680    /**
1681     * The platform-specific file separator. '\\' or '/'.
1682     */
1683    export var sep: string;
1684    /**
1685     * The platform-specific file delimiter. ';' or ':'.
1686     */
1687    export var delimiter: string;
1688    /**
1689     * Returns an object from a path string - the opposite of format().
1690     *
1691     * @param pathString path to evaluate.
1692     */
1693    export function parse(pathString: string): ParsedPath;
1694    /**
1695     * Returns a path string from an object - the opposite of parse().
1696     *
1697     * @param pathString path to evaluate.
1698     */
1699    export function format(pathObject: ParsedPath): string;
1701    export module posix {
1702      export function normalize(p: string): string;
1703      export function join(...paths: any[]): string;
1704      export function resolve(...pathSegments: any[]): string;
1705      export function isAbsolute(p: string): boolean;
1706      export function relative(from: string, to: string): string;
1707      export function dirname(p: string): string;
1708      export function basename(p: string, ext?: string): string;
1709      export function extname(p: string): string;
1710      export var sep: string;
1711      export var delimiter: string;
1712      export function parse(p: string): ParsedPath;
1713      export function format(pP: ParsedPath): string;
1714    }
1716    export module win32 {
1717      export function normalize(p: string): string;
1718      export function join(...paths: any[]): string;
1719      export function resolve(...pathSegments: any[]): string;
1720      export function isAbsolute(p: string): boolean;
1721      export function relative(from: string, to: string): string;
1722      export function dirname(p: string): string;
1723      export function basename(p: string, ext?: string): string;
1724      export function extname(p: string): string;
1725      export var sep: string;
1726      export var delimiter: string;
1727      export function parse(p: string): ParsedPath;
1728      export function format(pP: ParsedPath): string;
1729    }
1732declare module "string_decoder" {
1733    export interface NodeStringDecoder {
1734        write(buffer: Buffer): string;
1735        detectIncompleteChar(buffer: Buffer): number;
1736    }
1737    export var StringDecoder: {
1738        new (encoding: string): NodeStringDecoder;
1739    };
1742declare module "tls" {
1743    import * as crypto from "crypto";
1744    import * as net from "net";
1745    import * as stream from "stream";
1747    var CLIENT_RENEG_LIMIT: number;
1748    var CLIENT_RENEG_WINDOW: number;
1750    export interface TlsOptions {
1751        host?: string;
1752        port?: number;
1753        pfx?: any;   //string or buffer
1754        key?: any;   //string or buffer
1755        passphrase?: string;
1756        cert?: any;
1757        ca?: any;    //string or buffer
1758        crl?: any;   //string or string array
1759        ciphers?: string;
1760        honorCipherOrder?: any;
1761        requestCert?: boolean;
1762        rejectUnauthorized?: boolean;
1763        NPNProtocols?: any;  //array or Buffer;
1764        SNICallback?: (servername: string) => any;
1765    }
1767    export interface ConnectionOptions {
1768        host?: string;
1769        port?: number;
1770        socket?: net.Socket;
1771        pfx?: any;   //string | Buffer
1772        key?: any;   //string | Buffer
1773        passphrase?: string;
1774        cert?: any;  //string | Buffer
1775        ca?: any;    //Array of string | Buffer
1776        rejectUnauthorized?: boolean;
1777        NPNProtocols?: any;  //Array of string | Buffer
1778        servername?: string;
1779    }
1781    export interface Server extends net.Server {
1782        close(): Server;
1783        address(): { port: number; family: string; address: string; };
1784        addContext(hostName: string, credentials: {
1785            key: string;
1786            cert: string;
1787            ca: string;
1788        }): void;
1789        maxConnections: number;
1790        connections: number;
1791    }
1793    export interface ClearTextStream extends stream.Duplex {
1794        authorized: boolean;
1795        authorizationError: Error;
1796        getPeerCertificate(): any;
1797        getCipher: {
1798            name: string;
1799            version: string;
1800        };
1801        address: {
1802            port: number;
1803            family: string;
1804            address: string;
1805        };
1806        remoteAddress: string;
1807        remotePort: number;
1808    }
1810    export interface SecurePair {
1811        encrypted: any;
1812        cleartext: any;
1813    }
1815    export interface SecureContextOptions {
1816        pfx?: any;   //string | buffer
1817        key?: any;   //string | buffer
1818        passphrase?: string;
1819        cert?: any;  // string | buffer
1820        ca?: any;    // string | buffer
1821        crl?: any;   // string | string[]
1822        ciphers?: string;
1823        honorCipherOrder?: boolean;
1824    }
1826    export interface SecureContext {
1827        context: any;
1828    }
1830    export function createServer(options: TlsOptions, secureConnectionListener?: (cleartextStream: ClearTextStream) =>void ): Server;
1831    export function connect(options: TlsOptions, secureConnectionListener?: () =>void ): ClearTextStream;
1832    export function connect(port: number, host?: string, options?: ConnectionOptions, secureConnectListener?: () =>void ): ClearTextStream;
1833    export function connect(port: number, options?: ConnectionOptions, secureConnectListener?: () =>void ): ClearTextStream;
1834    export function createSecurePair(credentials?: crypto.Credentials, isServer?: boolean, requestCert?: boolean, rejectUnauthorized?: boolean): SecurePair;
1835    export function createSecureContext(details: SecureContextOptions): SecureContext;
1838declare module "crypto" {
1839    export interface CredentialDetails {
1840        pfx: string;
1841        key: string;
1842        passphrase: string;
1843        cert: string;
1844        ca: any;    //string | string array
1845        crl: any;   //string | string array
1846        ciphers: string;
1847    }
1848    export interface Credentials { context?: any; }
1849    export function createCredentials(details: CredentialDetails): Credentials;
1850    export function createHash(algorithm: string): Hash;
1851    export function createHmac(algorithm: string, key: string): Hmac;
1852    export function createHmac(algorithm: string, key: Buffer): Hmac;
1853    export interface Hash {
1854        update(data: any, input_encoding?: string): Hash;
1855        digest(encoding: 'buffer'): Buffer;
1856        digest(encoding: string): any;
1857        digest(): Buffer;
1858    }
1859    export interface Hmac extends NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {
1860        update(data: any, input_encoding?: string): Hmac;
1861        digest(encoding: 'buffer'): Buffer;
1862        digest(encoding: string): any;
1863        digest(): Buffer;
1864    }
1865    export function createCipher(algorithm: string, password: any): Cipher;
1866    export function createCipheriv(algorithm: string, key: any, iv: any): Cipher;
1867    export interface Cipher extends NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {
1868        update(data: Buffer): Buffer;
1869        update(data: string, input_encoding: "utf8"|"ascii"|"binary"): Buffer;
1870        update(data: Buffer, input_encoding: any, output_encoding: "binary"|"base64"|"hex"): string;
1871        update(data: string, input_encoding: "utf8"|"ascii"|"binary", output_encoding: "binary"|"base64"|"hex"): string;
1872        final(): Buffer;
1873        final(output_encoding: string): string;
1874        setAutoPadding(auto_padding: boolean): void;
1875        getAuthTag(): Buffer;
1876    }
1877    export function createDecipher(algorithm: string, password: any): Decipher;
1878    export function createDecipheriv(algorithm: string, key: any, iv: any): Decipher;
1879    export interface Decipher extends NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {
1880        update(data: Buffer): Buffer;
1881        update(data: string, input_encoding: "binary"|"base64"|"hex"): Buffer;
1882        update(data: Buffer, input_encoding: any, output_encoding: "utf8"|"ascii"|"binary"): string;
1883        update(data: string, input_encoding: "binary"|"base64"|"hex", output_encoding: "utf8"|"ascii"|"binary"): string;
1884        final(): Buffer;
1885        final(output_encoding: string): string;
1886        setAutoPadding(auto_padding: boolean): void;
1887        setAuthTag(tag: Buffer): void;
1888    }
1889    export function createSign(algorithm: string): Signer;
1890    export interface Signer extends NodeJS.WritableStream {
1891        update(data: any): void;
1892        sign(private_key: string, output_format: string): string;
1893    }
1894    export function createVerify(algorith: string): Verify;
1895    export interface Verify extends NodeJS.WritableStream {
1896        update(data: any): void;
1897        verify(object: string, signature: string, signature_format?: string): boolean;
1898    }
1899    export function createDiffieHellman(prime_length: number): DiffieHellman;
1900    export function createDiffieHellman(prime: number, encoding?: string): DiffieHellman;
1901    export interface DiffieHellman {
1902        generateKeys(encoding?: string): string;
1903        computeSecret(other_public_key: string, input_encoding?: string, output_encoding?: string): string;
1904        getPrime(encoding?: string): string;
1905        getGenerator(encoding: string): string;
1906        getPublicKey(encoding?: string): string;
1907        getPrivateKey(encoding?: string): string;
1908        setPublicKey(public_key: string, encoding?: string): void;
1909        setPrivateKey(public_key: string, encoding?: string): void;
1910    }
1911    export function getDiffieHellman(group_name: string): DiffieHellman;
1912    export function pbkdf2(password: string|Buffer, salt: string|Buffer, iterations: number, keylen: number, callback: (err: Error, derivedKey: Buffer) => any): void;
1913    export function pbkdf2(password: string|Buffer, salt: string|Buffer, iterations: number, keylen: number, digest: string, callback: (err: Error, derivedKey: Buffer) => any): void;
1914    export function pbkdf2Sync(password: string|Buffer, salt: string|Buffer, iterations: number, keylen: number) : Buffer;
1915    export function pbkdf2Sync(password: string|Buffer, salt: string|Buffer, iterations: number, keylen: number, digest: string) : Buffer;
1916    export function randomBytes(size: number): Buffer;
1917    export function randomBytes(size: number, callback: (err: Error, buf: Buffer) =>void ): void;
1918    export function pseudoRandomBytes(size: number): Buffer;
1919    export function pseudoRandomBytes(size: number, callback: (err: Error, buf: Buffer) =>void ): void;
1920    export interface RsaPublicKey {
1921        key: string;
1922        padding?: any;
1923    }
1924    export interface RsaPrivateKey {
1925        key: string;
1926        passphrase?: string,
1927        padding?: any;
1928    }
1929    export function publicEncrypt(public_key: string|RsaPublicKey, buffer: Buffer): Buffer
1930    export function privateDecrypt(private_key: string|RsaPrivateKey, buffer: Buffer): Buffer
1933declare module "stream" {
1934    import * as events from "events";
1936    export class Stream extends events.EventEmitter {
1937        pipe<T extends NodeJS.WritableStream>(destination: T, options?: { end?: boolean; }): T;
1938    }
1940    export interface ReadableOptions {
1941        highWaterMark?: number;
1942        encoding?: string;
1943        objectMode?: boolean;
1944    }
1946    export class Readable extends events.EventEmitter implements NodeJS.ReadableStream {
1947        readable: boolean;
1948        constructor(opts?: ReadableOptions);
1949        _read(size: number): void;
1950        read(size?: number): any;
1951        setEncoding(encoding: string): void;
1952        pause(): void;
1953        resume(): void;
1954        pipe<T extends NodeJS.WritableStream>(destination: T, options?: { end?: boolean; }): T;
1955        unpipe<T extends NodeJS.WritableStream>(destination?: T): void;
1956        unshift(chunk: any): void;
1957        wrap(oldStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream): NodeJS.ReadableStream;
1958        push(chunk: any, encoding?: string): boolean;
1959    }
1961    export interface WritableOptions {
1962        highWaterMark?: number;
1963        decodeStrings?: boolean;
1964        objectMode?: boolean;
1965    }
1967    export class Writable extends events.EventEmitter implements NodeJS.WritableStream {
1968        writable: boolean;
1969        constructor(opts?: WritableOptions);
1970        _write(chunk: any, encoding: string, callback: Function): void;
1971        write(chunk: any, cb?: Function): boolean;
1972        write(chunk: any, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): boolean;
1973        end(): void;
1974        end(chunk: any, cb?: Function): void;
1975        end(chunk: any, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): void;
1976    }
1978    export interface DuplexOptions extends ReadableOptions, WritableOptions {
1979        allowHalfOpen?: boolean;
1980    }
1982    // Note: Duplex extends both Readable and Writable.
1983    export class Duplex extends Readable implements NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {
1984        writable: boolean;
1985        constructor(opts?: DuplexOptions);
1986        _write(chunk: any, encoding: string, callback: Function): void;
1987        write(chunk: any, cb?: Function): boolean;
1988        write(chunk: any, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): boolean;
1989        end(): void;
1990        end(chunk: any, cb?: Function): void;
1991        end(chunk: any, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): void;
1992    }
1994    export interface TransformOptions extends ReadableOptions, WritableOptions {}
1996    // Note: Transform lacks the _read and _write methods of Readable/Writable.
1997    export class Transform extends events.EventEmitter implements NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {
1998        readable: boolean;
1999        writable: boolean;
2000        constructor(opts?: TransformOptions);
2001        _transform(chunk: any, encoding: string, callback: Function): void;
2002        _flush(callback: Function): void;
2003        read(size?: number): any;
2004        setEncoding(encoding: string): void;
2005        pause(): void;
2006        resume(): void;
2007        pipe<T extends NodeJS.WritableStream>(destination: T, options?: { end?: boolean; }): T;
2008        unpipe<T extends NodeJS.WritableStream>(destination?: T): void;
2009        unshift(chunk: any): void;
2010        wrap(oldStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream): NodeJS.ReadableStream;
2011        push(chunk: any, encoding?: string): boolean;
2012        write(chunk: any, cb?: Function): boolean;
2013        write(chunk: any, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): boolean;
2014        end(): void;
2015        end(chunk: any, cb?: Function): void;
2016        end(chunk: any, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): void;
2017    }
2019    export class PassThrough extends Transform {}
2022declare module "util" {
2023    export interface InspectOptions {
2024        showHidden?: boolean;
2025        depth?: number;
2026        colors?: boolean;
2027        customInspect?: boolean;
2028    }
2030    export function format(format: any, ...param: any[]): string;
2031    export function debug(string: string): void;
2032    export function error(...param: any[]): void;
2033    export function puts(...param: any[]): void;
2034    export function print(...param: any[]): void;
2035    export function log(string: string): void;
2036    export function inspect(object: any, showHidden?: boolean, depth?: number, color?: boolean): string;
2037    export function inspect(object: any, options: InspectOptions): string;
2038    export function isArray(object: any): boolean;
2039    export function isRegExp(object: any): boolean;
2040    export function isDate(object: any): boolean;
2041    export function isError(object: any): boolean;
2042    export function inherits(constructor: any, superConstructor: any): void;
2043    export function debuglog(key:string): (msg:string,...param: any[])=>void;
2046declare module "assert" {
2047    function internal (value: any, message?: string): void;
2048    namespace internal {
2049        export class AssertionError implements Error {
2050            name: string;
2051            message: string;
2052            actual: any;
2053            expected: any;
2054            operator: string;
2055            generatedMessage: boolean;
2057            constructor(options?: {message?: string; actual?: any; expected?: any;
2058                                  operator?: string; stackStartFunction?: Function});
2059        }
2061        export function fail(actual?: any, expected?: any, message?: string, operator?: string): void;
2062        export function ok(value: any, message?: string): void;
2063        export function equal(actual: any, expected: any, message?: string): void;
2064        export function notEqual(actual: any, expected: any, message?: string): void;
2065        export function deepEqual(actual: any, expected: any, message?: string): void;
2066        export function notDeepEqual(acutal: any, expected: any, message?: string): void;
2067        export function strictEqual(actual: any, expected: any, message?: string): void;
2068        export function notStrictEqual(actual: any, expected: any, message?: string): void;
2069        export function deepStrictEqual(actual: any, expected: any, message?: string): void;
2070        export function notDeepStrictEqual(actual: any, expected: any, message?: string): void;
2071        export var throws: {
2072            (block: Function, message?: string): void;
2073            (block: Function, error: Function, message?: string): void;
2074            (block: Function, error: RegExp, message?: string): void;
2075            (block: Function, error: (err: any) => boolean, message?: string): void;
2076        };
2078        export var doesNotThrow: {
2079            (block: Function, message?: string): void;
2080            (block: Function, error: Function, message?: string): void;
2081            (block: Function, error: RegExp, message?: string): void;
2082            (block: Function, error: (err: any) => boolean, message?: string): void;
2083        };
2085        export function ifError(value: any): void;
2086    }
2088    export = internal;
2091declare module "tty" {
2092    import * as net from "net";
2094    export function isatty(fd: number): boolean;
2095    export interface ReadStream extends net.Socket {
2096        isRaw: boolean;
2097        setRawMode(mode: boolean): void;
2098        isTTY: boolean;
2099    }
2100    export interface WriteStream extends net.Socket {
2101        columns: number;
2102        rows: number;
2103        isTTY: boolean;
2104    }
2107declare module "domain" {
2108    import * as events from "events";
2110    export class Domain extends events.EventEmitter implements NodeJS.Domain {
2111        run(fn: Function): void;
2112        add(emitter: events.EventEmitter): void;
2113        remove(emitter: events.EventEmitter): void;
2114        bind(cb: (err: Error, data: any) => any): any;
2115        intercept(cb: (data: any) => any): any;
2116        dispose(): void;
2117    }
2119    export function create(): Domain;
2122declare module "constants" {
2123    export var E2BIG: number;
2124    export var EACCES: number;
2125    export var EADDRINUSE: number;
2126    export var EADDRNOTAVAIL: number;
2127    export var EAFNOSUPPORT: number;
2128    export var EAGAIN: number;
2129    export var EALREADY: number;
2130    export var EBADF: number;
2131    export var EBADMSG: number;
2132    export var EBUSY: number;
2133    export var ECANCELED: number;
2134    export var ECHILD: number;
2135    export var ECONNABORTED: number;
2136    export var ECONNREFUSED: number;
2137    export var ECONNRESET: number;
2138    export var EDEADLK: number;
2139    export var EDESTADDRREQ: number;
2140    export var EDOM: number;
2141    export var EEXIST: number;
2142    export var EFAULT: number;
2143    export var EFBIG: number;
2144    export var EHOSTUNREACH: number;
2145    export var EIDRM: number;
2146    export var EILSEQ: number;
2147    export var EINPROGRESS: number;
2148    export var EINTR: number;
2149    export var EINVAL: number;
2150    export var EIO: number;
2151    export var EISCONN: number;
2152    export var EISDIR: number;
2153    export var ELOOP: number;
2154    export var EMFILE: number;
2155    export var EMLINK: number;
2156    export var EMSGSIZE: number;
2157    export var ENAMETOOLONG: number;
2158    export var ENETDOWN: number;
2159    export var ENETRESET: number;
2160    export var ENETUNREACH: number;
2161    export var ENFILE: number;
2162    export var ENOBUFS: number;
2163    export var ENODATA: number;
2164    export var ENODEV: number;
2165    export var ENOENT: number;
2166    export var ENOEXEC: number;
2167    export var ENOLCK: number;
2168    export var ENOLINK: number;
2169    export var ENOMEM: number;
2170    export var ENOMSG: number;
2171    export var ENOPROTOOPT: number;
2172    export var ENOSPC: number;
2173    export var ENOSR: number;
2174    export var ENOSTR: number;
2175    export var ENOSYS: number;
2176    export var ENOTCONN: number;
2177    export var ENOTDIR: number;
2178    export var ENOTEMPTY: number;
2179    export var ENOTSOCK: number;
2180    export var ENOTSUP: number;
2181    export var ENOTTY: number;
2182    export var ENXIO: number;
2183    export var EOPNOTSUPP: number;
2184    export var EOVERFLOW: number;
2185    export var EPERM: number;
2186    export var EPIPE: number;
2187    export var EPROTO: number;
2188    export var EPROTONOSUPPORT: number;
2189    export var EPROTOTYPE: number;
2190    export var ERANGE: number;
2191    export var EROFS: number;
2192    export var ESPIPE: number;
2193    export var ESRCH: number;
2194    export var ETIME: number;
2195    export var ETIMEDOUT: number;
2196    export var ETXTBSY: number;
2197    export var EWOULDBLOCK: number;
2198    export var EXDEV: number;
2199    export var WSAEINTR: number;
2200    export var WSAEBADF: number;
2201    export var WSAEACCES: number;
2202    export var WSAEFAULT: number;
2203    export var WSAEINVAL: number;
2204    export var WSAEMFILE: number;
2205    export var WSAEWOULDBLOCK: number;
2206    export var WSAEINPROGRESS: number;
2207    export var WSAEALREADY: number;
2208    export var WSAENOTSOCK: number;
2209    export var WSAEDESTADDRREQ: number;
2210    export var WSAEMSGSIZE: number;
2211    export var WSAEPROTOTYPE: number;
2212    export var WSAENOPROTOOPT: number;
2213    export var WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT: number;
2214    export var WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT: number;
2215    export var WSAEOPNOTSUPP: number;
2216    export var WSAEPFNOSUPPORT: number;
2217    export var WSAEAFNOSUPPORT: number;
2218    export var WSAEADDRINUSE: number;
2219    export var WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL: number;
2220    export var WSAENETDOWN: number;
2221    export var WSAENETUNREACH: number;
2222    export var WSAENETRESET: number;
2223    export var WSAECONNABORTED: number;
2224    export var WSAECONNRESET: number;
2225    export var WSAENOBUFS: number;
2226    export var WSAEISCONN: number;
2227    export var WSAENOTCONN: number;
2228    export var WSAESHUTDOWN: number;
2229    export var WSAETOOMANYREFS: number;
2230    export var WSAETIMEDOUT: number;
2231    export var WSAECONNREFUSED: number;
2232    export var WSAELOOP: number;
2233    export var WSAENAMETOOLONG: number;
2234    export var WSAEHOSTDOWN: number;
2235    export var WSAEHOSTUNREACH: number;
2236    export var WSAENOTEMPTY: number;
2237    export var WSAEPROCLIM: number;
2238    export var WSAEUSERS: number;
2239    export var WSAEDQUOT: number;
2240    export var WSAESTALE: number;
2241    export var WSAEREMOTE: number;
2242    export var WSASYSNOTREADY: number;
2243    export var WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED: number;
2244    export var WSANOTINITIALISED: number;
2245    export var WSAEDISCON: number;
2246    export var WSAENOMORE: number;
2247    export var WSAECANCELLED: number;
2248    export var WSAEINVALIDPROCTABLE: number;
2249    export var WSAEINVALIDPROVIDER: number;
2250    export var WSAEPROVIDERFAILEDINIT: number;
2251    export var WSASYSCALLFAILURE: number;
2252    export var WSASERVICE_NOT_FOUND: number;
2253    export var WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND: number;
2254    export var WSA_E_NO_MORE: number;
2255    export var WSA_E_CANCELLED: number;
2256    export var WSAEREFUSED: number;
2257    export var SIGHUP: number;
2258    export var SIGINT: number;
2259    export var SIGILL: number;
2260    export var SIGABRT: number;
2261    export var SIGFPE: number;
2262    export var SIGKILL: number;
2263    export var SIGSEGV: number;
2264    export var SIGTERM: number;
2265    export var SIGBREAK: number;
2266    export var SIGWINCH: number;
2267    export var SSL_OP_ALL: number;
2269    export var SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE: number;
2270    export var SSL_OP_CISCO_ANYCONNECT: number;
2271    export var SSL_OP_COOKIE_EXCHANGE: number;
2272    export var SSL_OP_CRYPTOPRO_TLSEXT_BUG: number;
2273    export var SSL_OP_DONT_INSERT_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS: number;
2274    export var SSL_OP_EPHEMERAL_RSA: number;
2275    export var SSL_OP_LEGACY_SERVER_CONNECT: number;
2276    export var SSL_OP_MICROSOFT_BIG_SSLV3_BUFFER: number;
2277    export var SSL_OP_MICROSOFT_SESS_ID_BUG: number;
2278    export var SSL_OP_MSIE_SSLV2_RSA_PADDING: number;
2279    export var SSL_OP_NETSCAPE_CA_DN_BUG: number;
2280    export var SSL_OP_NETSCAPE_CHALLENGE_BUG: number;
2281    export var SSL_OP_NETSCAPE_DEMO_CIPHER_CHANGE_BUG: number;
2282    export var SSL_OP_NETSCAPE_REUSE_CIPHER_CHANGE_BUG: number;
2283    export var SSL_OP_NO_COMPRESSION: number;
2284    export var SSL_OP_NO_QUERY_MTU: number;
2286    export var SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2: number;
2287    export var SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3: number;
2288    export var SSL_OP_NO_TICKET: number;
2289    export var SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1: number;
2290    export var SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1: number;
2291    export var SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_2: number;
2292    export var SSL_OP_PKCS1_CHECK_1: number;
2293    export var SSL_OP_PKCS1_CHECK_2: number;
2294    export var SSL_OP_SINGLE_DH_USE: number;
2295    export var SSL_OP_SINGLE_ECDH_USE: number;
2296    export var SSL_OP_SSLEAY_080_CLIENT_DH_BUG: number;
2297    export var SSL_OP_SSLREF2_REUSE_CERT_TYPE_BUG: number;
2298    export var SSL_OP_TLS_BLOCK_PADDING_BUG: number;
2299    export var SSL_OP_TLS_D5_BUG: number;
2300    export var SSL_OP_TLS_ROLLBACK_BUG: number;
2301    export var ENGINE_METHOD_DSA: number;
2302    export var ENGINE_METHOD_DH: number;
2303    export var ENGINE_METHOD_RAND: number;
2304    export var ENGINE_METHOD_ECDH: number;
2305    export var ENGINE_METHOD_ECDSA: number;
2306    export var ENGINE_METHOD_CIPHERS: number;
2307    export var ENGINE_METHOD_DIGESTS: number;
2308    export var ENGINE_METHOD_STORE: number;
2309    export var ENGINE_METHOD_PKEY_METHS: number;
2310    export var ENGINE_METHOD_PKEY_ASN1_METHS: number;
2311    export var ENGINE_METHOD_ALL: number;
2312    export var ENGINE_METHOD_NONE: number;
2313    export var DH_CHECK_P_NOT_SAFE_PRIME: number;
2314    export var DH_CHECK_P_NOT_PRIME: number;
2315    export var DH_UNABLE_TO_CHECK_GENERATOR: number;
2316    export var DH_NOT_SUITABLE_GENERATOR: number;
2317    export var NPN_ENABLED: number;
2318    export var RSA_PKCS1_PADDING: number;
2319    export var RSA_SSLV23_PADDING: number;
2320    export var RSA_NO_PADDING: number;
2321    export var RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING: number;
2322    export var RSA_X931_PADDING: number;
2323    export var RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING: number;
2324    export var POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED: number;
2325    export var POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED: number;
2326    export var POINT_CONVERSION_HYBRID: number;
2327    export var O_RDONLY: number;
2328    export var O_WRONLY: number;
2329    export var O_RDWR: number;
2330    export var S_IFMT: number;
2331    export var S_IFREG: number;
2332    export var S_IFDIR: number;
2333    export var S_IFCHR: number;
2334    export var S_IFLNK: number;
2335    export var O_CREAT: number;
2336    export var O_EXCL: number;
2337    export var O_TRUNC: number;
2338    export var O_APPEND: number;
2339    export var F_OK: number;
2340    export var R_OK: number;
2341    export var W_OK: number;
2342    export var X_OK: number;
2343    export var UV_UDP_REUSEADDR: number;