1  /* Header files for resistance extraction  */
3 /*  Type declarations  */
5 /* contact points:  keeps track where contacts are and what tiles they
6    refer to both before and after processing.
7 */
9 #ifndef _RESIS_H
10 #define _RESIS_H
15 typedef struct contactpoint
16 {
17      struct contactpoint	*cp_nextcontact;/* Next contact in linked */
18      						/* list. 		  */
19      Point  			cp_center;     	/*Center of contact   */
20      Rect			cp_rect;	/* Tile rectangle     */
21      Tile			*cp_contactTile;
22      						/*
23 						   The following two keep
24 						   track of the tiles where
25 						   the contact was before
26 						   preprocessing, and the
27 						   next contact in that tile's
28 						   area.
29 						*/
31      Tile                       *cp_tile[LAYERS_PER_CONTACT];
32      int			cp_currentcontact; /* keeps track of tile
33       						   being processed
34 						*/
35      TileType                   cp_type;        /* Type of contact     */
36      int			cp_width;	/* Width (in x) of contact region */
37      int			cp_height;	/* Height (in y) of contact region */
38      struct resnode		*cp_cnode[LAYERS_PER_CONTACT];/* this contact's nodes */
39      int			cp_status;	/* status of processing on
40      						   this contact
41 						*/
42 } ResContactPoint;
44 typedef struct resistor
45 {
46      struct resistor    *rr_nextResistor; /*  Doubly linked list pointers */
47      struct resistor    *rr_lastResistor;
48      struct resnode  	*rr_node[2];
49      float		rr_value;	  /* Resistor's value in milliohms  */
50      int		rr_status;	  /* Status bit used for processing */
51      union
52      {
53          float		rr_area;	  /* area in resistor. Used to 	  */
54      					  /* distribute capacitance	  */
55          float		rr_i;		  /* Branch current in mA */
56      } rr_float;
57      int		rr_cl;	  	  /* resistor centerline for geometry */
58      int		rr_width;	  /* resistor width for geometry  */
59      TileType		rr_tt;		  /* type that composes this 	  */
60      					  /* resistor.			  */
61 #ifdef ARIEL
62      int		rr_csArea; 	  /* crosssectional area in lamba**2*/
63 #endif
64 } resResistor;
66 #define  rr_connection1 	rr_node[0]
67 #define  rr_connection2		rr_node[1]
69 /* Definitions for old FET-style MOSFET devices */
70 #define RT_GATE		0
71 #define RT_SOURCE	1
72 #define RT_DRAIN	2
73 #define RT_SUBS		3
75 #define rd_fet_gate	rd_terminals[RT_GATE]
76 #define rd_fet_source	rd_terminals[RT_SOURCE]
77 #define rd_fet_drain	rd_terminals[RT_DRAIN]
78 #define rd_fet_subs	rd_terminals[RT_SUBS]
80 typedef struct device
81 {
82      int		rd_status;	/* status bits 			  */
83      struct device     *rd_nextDev;	/* next device in linked list	  */
84      					/* terminals of device		  */
85      struct resnode   **rd_terminals;
86      int		rd_nterms;	/* number of terminals in rt_terminals */
87      int		rd_perim;	/* info about device		*/
88      int		rd_area;	/* used in .ext and .sim file   */
89      int		rd_length;	/* patches.			*/
90      int		rd_width;
91      int		rd_tiles;	/* number of tiles in device    */
92      int		rd_devtype;	/* tiletype of device.		*/
93      Rect		rd_inside;	/* 1x1 rectangle inside device  */
94      Tile	       *rd_tile;	/* pointer to a tile in device	*/
95 #ifdef ARIEL
96      float		rd_i;		/* Current injected from this device */
97      					/* in milliamps			     */
98 #endif
99 } resDevice;
101 /*
102   a junction is formed when two tiles that connect are next to one another.
103 */
105 typedef struct junction
106 {
107      struct junction    *rj_nextjunction[TILES_PER_JUNCTION];
108      Tile		*rj_Tile[TILES_PER_JUNCTION];
109      Point		rj_loc;
110      int		rj_status;
111      struct resnode	*rj_jnode;
112 } ResJunction;
114 /*
115  * A port is declared for subcircuits;  its name overrides any locally-
116  * generated node name.
117  */
119 typedef struct resport
120 {
121      struct resport *rp_nextPort;
122      Rect	    rp_bbox;
123      Point	    rp_loc;
124      char 	    *rp_nodename;
125 } resPort;
127 /*
128   ?element are 'cons' cells used to make linked lists of their referential
129   structures.
130 */
132 typedef struct reselement
133 {
134      struct reselement  *re_nextEl;
135      resResistor	*re_thisEl;
136 } resElement;
138 typedef struct relement
139 {
140      struct relement  *rel_nextEl;
141      struct relement  *rel_lastEl;
142      resResistor      *rel_thisEl;
143 } rElement;
145 typedef struct jelement
146 {
147      struct jelement    *je_nextj;
148      ResJunction	*je_thisj;
149 } jElement;
151 typedef struct telement
152 {
153      struct telement    *te_nextt;
154      resDevice		*te_thist;
155 } tElement;
157 typedef struct celement
158 {
159      struct celement    *ce_nextc;
160      ResContactPoint	*ce_thisc;
161 } cElement;
163 /*
164    Nodes formed from network.  These are linked both forwards and backwords
165    to other nodes.  Lists of devices, resistors, junctions, and contacts
166    corresponding to this node are kept.
167 */
168 typedef struct resnode
169 {
170      struct resnode	*rn_more;	/* doubly linked list pointers */
171      struct resnode	*rn_less;
172      tElement		*rn_te;     /* widgets connected to this node */
173      resElement		*rn_re;
174      jElement		*rn_je;
175      cElement		*rn_ce;
176      int		rn_noderes;	/* resistance from origin node	*/
177      Point		rn_loc;		/* location of node		*/
178      unsigned		rn_why; 	/* Why is there a node here?    */
179      int		rn_status;	/* Status bits			*/
180      union {				/* At various times, we need to */
181      					/* keep track of the node area, */
182 					/* node capacitance, and node	*/
183      					/* voltage. Since none of these */
184 					/* values is used concurrently	*/
185 					/* only one word of storage is  */
186 					/* needed.			*/
187          float		rn_area;	/* area of resistors collapsed  */
188 					/* into node.			*/
189          float		rn_cap;		/* capacitance of node.		*/
190      } rn_float;
191      char		*rn_name;	/* Pointer to hash table name	*/
192 					/* for this node.		*/
193      ClientData		rn_client;	/* Random pointer		*/
194      int		rn_id;
195 } resNode;
197 typedef struct nelement
198 {
199      struct nelement  *ne_nextEl;
200      struct nelement  *ne_lastEl;
201      resNode	      *ne_thisEl;
202 } nElement;
204 /*
205    Breakpoints are places on a tile which may serve as sources/sinks of
206    current. When resistance is calculated for a tile. this is calculated
207    between these points.
208 */
210 typedef struct breakpoint
211 {
212      struct breakpoint	*br_next;
213      resNode		*br_this;
214      Point		br_loc;
215      Rect		*br_crect;
216 } Breakpoint;
218 /*
219   Each tile needs to keep track of the following things associated with it.
220   Since there are too many things to fit in the single ti_client field,
221   this 1 to 6 adaptor is used.
222 */
224 typedef struct tilejunk
225 {
226      cElement		*contactList;	  /*widgets connected to this tile */
227      resDevice		*deviceList;
228      resPort		*portList;
229      ResJunction	*junctionList;
230      Breakpoint		*breakList;
231      int		sourceEdge;	/* used in device tiles to keep
232      					 * of which diffusion edges are
233 					 * a transistor's source
234 					 */
235      int		tj_status;	/* status of tile processing  */
236 } tileJunk;
238 /* ResDevTile keeps track of the location and type of devices.
239    These areas are painted into our copied def after the tree is totally
240    flattened. (They can't be painted right away becasue the copy routine
241    uses the new def to keep track of where it is in the design. It is also
242    used when devices are preproceesed.
243 */
245 typedef struct resdevtile
246 {
247      struct resdevtile	*nextDev;
248      Rect		area;
249      TileType		type;
250      ExtDevice		*devptr;
251      int		perim;
252      int		overlap;
253 } ResDevTile;
255 /*
256     Goodies contains random stuff passed between the node extractor
257     and ResCheckSimNodes. The location of a start tile and the resistive
258     tolerance are passed down, while the derived network is passed back.
259 */
261 typedef struct goodstuff
262 {
263      TileType	rg_ttype;
264      float	rg_maxres;
265      float	rg_nodecap;
266      float	rg_Tdi;
267      int	rg_bigdevres;
268      int	rg_tilecount;
269      int	rg_status;
270      Point	*rg_devloc;
271      char	*rg_name;
272 } ResGlobalParams;
274 /* Used in RC delay calculations for Tdi filter */
275 /* Attaches to rn_client field of  resNode	*/
277 typedef struct rcdelaystuff
278 {
279      float	rc_Cdownstream;  /* capacitance down the tree from node */
280      float	rc_Tdi;		 /* Tdi for node			*/
281 } RCDelayStuff;
284 /* ResSim.c type declarations */
286 typedef struct rdev
287 {
288      struct rdev	*nextDev;	/* Next device in linked list */
289      struct rdev 	*realDev;	/* Single Lumped Device for   */
290      					/* devices connected in parallel  */
291      resDevice		*layout;	/* pointer to resDevice that	  */
292      					/* corresponds to RDev		  */
293      int		status;
294      struct ressimnode	*gate;		/* Terminals of transistor.	  */
295      struct ressimnode	*source;
296      struct ressimnode	*drain;
297      struct ressimnode	*subs;		/* Used with subcircuit type only  */
298      Point		location;	/* Location of lower left point of */
299      					/* device.			   */
300      float		resistance;     /* "Resistance" of device.	   */
301      TileType		rs_ttype;	/* tile type for device		   */
302      ExtDevice		*rs_devptr;	/* device extraction record	   */
303      char               *rs_gattr;      /* Gate attributes, if any         */
304      char               *rs_sattr;
305      char               *rs_dattr;
306 } RDev;
308 typedef struct ressimnode
309 {
310      struct ressimnode	*nextnode;	/* next node in OriginalNodes 	  */
311      					/* linked list.			  */
312      int		status;
313      struct ressimnode	*forward;     	/* If node has been merged, this  */
314      					/* points to the merged node.     */
315      float		capacitance;	/* capacitance between node and   */
316      					/* GND for power connections      */
317 					/* and all capacitance for every  */
318 					/* thing else.			  */
319      float		cap_vdd;	/* capacitance to VDD (used for   */
320      					/* power calculations only	  */
321      float 		cap_couple;	/* coupling capacitance 	  */
322      float		resistance;     /* lumped resistance 		  */
323      float		minsizeres;	/* Minimum size resistor allowed  */
324      Point		drivepoint;	/* optional, user specified drive */
325      					/* point for network.		  */
326      TileType		rs_ttype;	/* tiletype of drivepoint	  */
327      Point		location;	/* location of bottom of leftmost */
328 					/* tile in the lowest numbered    */
329 					/* plane contained in the node .  */
330      Rect		rs_bbox;	/* location of bottom of leftmost */
331 					/* tile in the lowest numbered    */
332 					/* plane contained in the node .  */
333      TileType		type;		/* Tile type of tile at location  */
334      struct devptr	*firstDev;	/* linked list of devices	  */
335      					/* connected to node.		  */
336      char		*name;		/* Pointer to name of node stored */
337      					/* in hash table.		  */
338      char		*oldname;	/* Pointer to previous name of    */
339      					/* node, if it exists		  */
340      tElement		*rs_sublist[2]; /* pointers to Gnd and Vdd sub	  */
341      					/* strate connections,
342 							if they exist  	  */
343 } ResSimNode;
345 #define	RES_SUB_GND	0
346 #define RES_SUB_VDD	1
348 /* `cons' cell for linked list of devices connected to node	*/
350 typedef struct devptr
351 {
352      struct devptr	*nextDev;
353      struct rdev	*thisDev;
354      int		terminal;	/* which terminal of device    */
355 					/* is connected to node.       */
356 } devPtr;
358 /* ResTime.c type declarations	*/
360 typedef struct resevent		/* Raw event list read in from rsim/tv */
361 {
362      int	rv_node;	/* node number	*/
363      int	rv_final;	/* final value; (0,1, or X)		*/
364      int	rv_tmin;   	/* minimum event time in units of 100ps */
365      int	rv_tmax;   	/* maximum event time in units of 100ps */
366      float	rv_i;		/* event current in milliamps		*/
367      resDevice *rv_dev;		/* device where charge drains */
368 } ResEvent;
370 typedef struct reseventcell
371 {
372      ResEvent			*rl_this;
373      struct reseventcell	*rl_next;
374 } REcell;
376 typedef struct rescurrentevent /* processed event used to feed relaxer */
377 {
378      struct rescurrentevent 	*ri_next;
379      float			 ri_i;
380      resDevice			*ri_dev;
381 } ResCurrentEvent;
383 typedef struct restimebin     /* Holds one timestep's worth of Events */
384 {
385      struct restimebin *rb_next;
386      struct restimebin *rb_last;
387      int	       rb_start;
388      int	       rb_end;
389      ResCurrentEvent   *rb_first;
390 } ResTimeBin;
392 typedef struct resfixpoint    /* Keeps track of where voltage sources are */
393 {
394      struct resfixpoint		*fp_next;
395      Point			fp_loc;
396      TileType			fp_ttype;
397      int			fp_status;
398      Tile			*fp_tile;
399      resNode			*fp_node;
400      char			fp_name[1];
401 } ResFixPoint;
403 typedef struct	clump
404 {
405      unsigned rp_status;
406      rElement  *rp_grouplist;
407      nElement  *rp_nodelist;
408      rElement  *rp_downlist;
409      rElement  *rp_singlelist;
410 } ResClump;
412 /* the first two fields of this plug must be the the same as for
413 	resDevice
414 */
415 typedef struct plug
416 {
417      float		rpl_i;		/* current injected through
418      					   this plug
419 					*/
420      int		rpl_status;	/* status bits for this plug */
421      struct plug 	*rpl_next;	/* next plug in this bin */
422      Point 		rpl_loc;	/*location of plug */
423      int		rpl_type;	/*type of plug */
424      resNode		*rpl_node;	/* this point's node */
425 } ResPlug;
427 typedef struct capval
428 {
429      float	cap[1][2]; /* multipliers telling what portion of capacitance is
430      			   to Vdd and what part is to ground.  Right now,
431 			   coupling capacitance is counted twice, so
432 			   cap[0]+cap[1] = (c_vdd+c_gnd+2*c_couple)/
433 			   			(c_vdd+c_gnd+c_couple);
434 			*/
435 } ResCapVal;
437 /*  node flags  */
438 #define		RES_REACHED_NODE	0x00200000
439 #define		RES_NODE_XADJ		0x00400000
440 #define		RES_NODE_YADJ		0x00800000
442 /* type of node flags */
443 #define RES_NODE_JUNCTION 		0x00000001
444 #define RES_NODE_DEVICE			0x00000002
445 #define RES_NODE_CONTACT		0x00000004
446 #define RES_NODE_ORIGIN 		0x00000008
448 /* resistor flags */
449 #define 	RES_DEADEND		0x00001000
450 #define 	RES_DONE_ONCE		0x00002000
451 #define 	RES_MARKED		0x00000100
452 #define		RES_EW			0x00000200
453 #define		RES_NS			0x00000400
454 #define		RES_DIAGONAL		0x00000800
455 #define		RES_TDI_IGNORE		0x00010000
456 #define		RES_REACHED_RESISTOR	0x00100000
457 #define		RES_HEAP		0x00200000
459 /* device flags  */
460 #define		RES_DEV_SAVE		0x00000001
461 #define		RES_DEV_PLUG		0x00000002
463 /* flags for tiles 				  	*/
464 /* A tile which is part of a substrate region.		*/
465 #define RES_TILE_SUBS	0x01
466 /* A tile which is part of a source/drain region. 	*/
467 #define RES_TILE_SD	0x02
468 /* A tile which is actually a device			*/
469 #define RES_TILE_DEV 	0x04
470 /* Indicates whether the tile has been processed or not */
471 #define RES_TILE_DONE	0x08
472 /*a temporary marking flag 				*/
473 #define RES_TILE_MARK	0x10
474 /* indicates that tile has unidirectional current flow */
475 #ifdef LAPLACE
476 #define RES_TILE_1D	0x20
477 #define RES_TILE_GDONE	0x40
478 #endif
479 /* tree walking flags */
480 #define	RES_LOOP_OK	1
481 #define	RES_NO_LOOP	1
482 #define RES_DO_LAST	0
483 #define RES_DO_FIRST	1
484 #define RES_NO_FLAGS	0
487 /* ResSim Constants  */
488 #define		FORWARD			0x0000010
489 #define		SKIP			0x0000020
490 #define		FORCE			0x0000040
491 #define		MINSIZE			0x0000080
492 #define		DRIVELOC		0x0000100
493 #define		PORTNODE		0x0000200
494 #define		REDUNDANT		0x0000400
496 /* Capacitance table constants */
497 #define		RES_CAP_GND		0
498 #define		RES_CAP_VDD		1
499 #define		RES_CAP_COUPLE		2
501 #define OHMSTOMILLIOHMS		1000
502 #define FEMTOTOATTO		1000
503 #define ATTOTOFEMTO		0.001
505 #define UNTOUCHED 0
506 #define SERIES 1
507 #define PARALLEL 2
508 #define LOOP 4
509 #define SINGLE 8
510 #define TRIANGLE 32
512 #define PENDING 2
513 #define FINISHED 4
515 #define LEFTEDGE 1
516 #define RIGHTEDGE 4
517 #define TOPEDGE 8
518 #define BOTTOMEDGE 16
519 #define OTHERPLANE 32
521 #define RN_MAXTDI 0x00001000
523 #define 	MARKED 			0x00000100
525 #define		GATE 1
526 #define		SOURCE 2
527 #define		DRAIN 3
528 #define		SUBS 4
530 #define 	DRIVEONLY	0x00001000
531 #define 	ORIGIN 		0x00000008
533 /* magic's normal value of infinity is too small- */
534 /* 67108863 is only 67K ohms.			  */
538 #define ResCheckIntegrity
540 /* The following turns on and off various options */
542 #define		ResOpt_ExtractAll	0x00000002
543 #define		ResOpt_Simplify		0x00000004
544 #define		ResOpt_DoExtFile	0x00000008
545 #define		ResOpt_DoRsmFile	0x00000010
546 #define		ResOpt_DoLumpFile	0x00000020
547 #define		ResOpt_RunSilent	0x00000040
548 #define		ResOpt_ExplicitRtol	0x00000080
549 #define		ResOpt_ExplicitTditol	0x00000100
550 #define		ResOpt_Tdi		0x00000200
551 #define		ResOpt_Stat		0x00000400
552 #define		ResOpt_Power		0x00000800
553 #define		ResOpt_Signal		0x00001000
554 #define		ResOpt_Pname		0x00002000
555 #define		ResOpt_Geometry		0x00004000
556 #define		ResOpt_FastHenry	0x00008000
557 #define		ResOpt_Blackbox		0x00010000
558 #define		ResOpt_Dump		0x00020000
559 #define 	ResOpt_DoSubstrate	0x00040000
560 #define		ResOpt_GndPlugs		0x00200000
561 #define		ResOpt_VddPlugs		0x00400000
562 #define 	ResOpt_CMOS		0x00800000
563 #define 	ResOpt_Bipolar		0x01000000
564 #define		ResOpt_Box		0x02000000
565 #ifdef LAPLACE
566 #define		ResOpt_DoLaplace	0x04000000
567 #define		ResOpt_CacheLaplace	0x08000000
568 #define		ResOpt_Checkpoint	0x80000000
569 #endif
571 #define		ResOpt_VDisplay		0x10000000
572 #define		ResOpt_IDisplay		0x20000000
573 #define		ResOpt_PDisplay		0x40000000
575 /* Assorted Variables */
577 extern RDev			*ResRDevList;
578 extern REcell			*ResBigEventList;
579 extern int 			ResOptionsFlags;
580 extern char			*ResCurrentNode;
581 extern ResSimNode		*ResOriginalNodes;
582 #ifdef ARIEL
583 extern int 			ResMinEventTime;
584 extern int 			ResMaxEventTime;
585 typedef 	float		ResCapElement[2];
586 extern	ResCapElement		*ResCapTableMax;
587 extern  ResCapElement		*ResCapTableMin;
588 extern HashTable 		ResPlugTable;
589 #endif
591 extern CellUse 			*ResUse;
592 extern CellDef 			*ResDef;
593 extern TileTypeBitMask 		ResConnectWithSD[NT];
594 extern TileTypeBitMask		ResCopyMask[NT];
595 extern resResistor 		*ResResList;
596 extern resNode     		*ResNodeList;
597 extern resDevice 		*ResDevList;
598 extern ResContactPoint		*ResContactList;
599 extern resNode			*ResNodeQueue;
600 extern resNode			*ResOriginNode;
601 extern resNode			*resCurrentNode;
602 extern HashTable 		ResNodeTable;
603 extern HashTable 		ResSimDevTable;
604 extern ResFixPoint		*ResFixList;
605 extern int			ResTileCount;
606 extern ResSimNode		**ResNodeArray;
607 extern CellDef			*mainDef;
608 extern TileTypeBitMask		ResSDTypesBitMask;
609 extern TileTypeBitMask		ResSubTypesBitMask;
610 extern	HashTable		ResDevTable;
611 extern TileTypeBitMask		ResNoMergeMask[NT];
612 extern	ResGlobalParams		gparams;
613 extern int			ResPortIndex;
615 extern int	      		ResSimDevice();
616 extern int	      		ResSimCombineParallel();
617 extern int	      		ResSimCapacitor();
618 extern int	      		ResSimResistor();
619 extern int	      		ResSimAttribute();
620 extern int			ResSimMerge();
621 extern int			ResSimSubckt();
622 extern int 			dbSrConnectStartFunc();
623 extern int			ResEach(),ResAddPlumbing(),ResRemovePlumbing();
624 extern float			ResCalculateChildCapacitance();
625 extern ResDevTile		*DBTreeCopyConnectDCS();
626 extern Tile			*ResFindTile();
627 extern resDevice		*ResImageAddPlug();
628 extern resDevice		*ResGetDevice();
629 extern tileJunk 		*resAddField();
630 extern int			ResCheckPorts();
631 extern int			ResCheckBlackbox();
632 extern void			ResCheckSimNodes();
633 extern void			ResSortByGate();
634 extern void			ResFixDevName();
635 extern void			ResWriteLumpFile();
636 extern void			ResSortBreaks();
639 /* macros */
641 #define InitializeNode(node,x,y,why) \
642 {\
643 	  (node)->rn_te = NULL;\
644 	  (node)->rn_id=0;\
645 	  (node)->rn_float.rn_area = 0.0;\
646 	  (node)->rn_name = NULL;\
647 	  (node)->rn_client = (ClientData)NULL;\
648 	  (node)->rn_noderes = RES_INFINITY;\
649 	  (node)->rn_je = NULL;\
650 	  (node)->rn_status = FALSE;\
651 	  (node)->rn_loc.p_x = (x);\
652 	  (node)->rn_loc.p_y = (y);\
653 	  (node)->rn_why = (why);\
654 	  (node)->rn_ce = (cElement *) NULL;\
655 	  (node)->rn_re = (resElement *) NULL;\
656 }
658 #define ResJunkInit(Junk) \
659 {  \
660           Junk->contactList = (cElement *) NULL; \
661           Junk->deviceList = (resDevice *) NULL; \
662           Junk->junctionList = (ResJunction *) NULL; \
663           Junk->breakList = (Breakpoint *) NULL; \
664 	  Junk->portList = (resPort *) NULL; \
665           Junk->tj_status = FALSE; \
666 	  Junk->sourceEdge = 0 ; \
667 }
669 #define NEWBREAK(node,tile,px,py,crect)\
670 {\
671 	Breakpoint	*bp;\
672 	tileJunk *jX_ = (tileJunk *)((tile)->ti_client); \
673 	bp = (Breakpoint *) mallocMagic((unsigned)(sizeof(Breakpoint))); \
674         bp->br_next= jX_->breakList; \
675 	bp->br_this = (node); \
676 	bp->br_loc.p_x = px; \
677 	bp->br_loc.p_y = py; \
678         bp->br_crect = (Rect *) (crect); \
679 	jX_->breakList = bp; \
680 }
682 #define NEWPORT(node,tile)\
683 {\
684 	resPort		*rp;\
685 	tileJunk *pX_ = (tileJunk *)((tile)->ti_client); \
686 	rp = (resPort *) mallocMagic((unsigned)(sizeof(resPort))); \
687 	rp->rp_nextPort = pX_->portList; \
688 	rp->rp_bbox = node->rs_bbox; \
689 	rp->rp_loc = node->drivepoint; \
690 	rp->rp_nodename = node->name; \
691 	pX_->portList = rp; \
692 }
694 #endif /* _RESIS_H */