1"""commontest - Some functions and constants common to several test cases.
2Can be called also directly to setup the test environment"""
3import os
4import sys
5import code
6import shutil
7import subprocess
8# Avoid circularities
9from rdiff_backup.log import Log
10from rdiff_backup import Globals, Hardlink, SetConnections, Main, \
11    selection, rpath, eas_acls, rorpiter, Security, hash
13RBBin = os.fsencode(shutil.which("rdiff-backup"))
15# Working directory is defined by Tox, venv or the current build directory
16abs_work_dir = os.getenvb(
17    b'TOX_ENV_DIR',
18    os.getenvb(b'VIRTUAL_ENV', os.path.join(os.getcwdb(), b'build')))
19abs_test_dir = os.path.join(abs_work_dir, b'testfiles')
20abs_output_dir = os.path.join(abs_test_dir, b'output')
21abs_restore_dir = os.path.join(abs_test_dir, b'restore')
23# the directory with the testfiles used as input is in the parent directory of the Git clone
24old_test_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.getcwdb()),
25                            b'rdiff-backup_testfiles')
26old_inc1_dir = os.path.join(old_test_dir, b'increment1')
27old_inc2_dir = os.path.join(old_test_dir, b'increment2')
28old_inc3_dir = os.path.join(old_test_dir, b'increment3')
29old_inc4_dir = os.path.join(old_test_dir, b'increment4')
31# the directory in which all testing scripts are placed is the one
32abs_testing_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.fsencode(sys.argv[0])))
34__no_execute__ = 1  # Keeps the actual rdiff-backup program from running
37def Myrm(dirstring):
38    """Run myrm on given directory string"""
39    root_rp = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, dirstring)
40    for rp in selection.Select(root_rp).set_iter():
41        if rp.isdir():
42            rp.chmod(0o700)  # otherwise may not be able to remove
43    assert not os.system(b"rm -rf %s" % (root_rp.path, ))
46def re_init_rpath_dir(rp, uid=-1, gid=-1):
47    """Delete directory if present, then recreate"""
48    if rp.lstat():
49        Myrm(rp.path)
50        rp.setdata()
51    rp.mkdir()
52    rp.chown(uid, gid)
55def re_init_subdir(maindir, subdir):
56    """Remove a sub-directory and return its name joined
57    to the main directory as an empty directory"""
58    dir = os.path.join(maindir, subdir)
59    Myrm(dir)
60    os.makedirs(dir)
61    return dir
64# two temporary directories to simulate remote actions
65abs_remote1_dir = re_init_subdir(abs_test_dir, b'remote1')
66abs_remote2_dir = re_init_subdir(abs_test_dir, b'remote2')
69def MakeOutputDir():
70    """Initialize the output directory"""
71    Myrm(abs_output_dir)
72    rp = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, abs_output_dir)
73    rp.mkdir()
74    return rp
77def rdiff_backup(source_local,
78                 dest_local,
79                 src_dir,
80                 dest_dir,
81                 current_time=None,
82                 extra_options=b"",
83                 input=None,
84                 check_return_val=1,
85                 expected_ret_val=0):
86    """Run rdiff-backup with the given options
88    source_local and dest_local are boolean values.  If either is
89    false, then rdiff-backup will be run pretending that src_dir and
90    dest_dir, respectively, are remote.  The server process will be
91    run in directories remote1 and remote2 respectively.
93    src_dir and dest_dir are the source and destination
94    (mirror) directories, relative to the testing directory.
96    If current time is true, add the --current-time option with the
97    given number of seconds.
99    extra_options are just added to the command line.
101    """
102    if not source_local:
103        src_dir = (b"'cd %s; %s --server'::%s" %
104                   (abs_remote1_dir, RBBin, src_dir))
105    if dest_dir and not dest_local:
106        dest_dir = (b"'cd %s; %s --server'::%s" %
107                    (abs_remote2_dir, RBBin, dest_dir))
109    cmdargs = [RBBin, extra_options]
110    if not (source_local and dest_local):
111        cmdargs.append(b"--remote-schema %s")
113    if current_time:
114        cmdargs.append(b"--current-time %i" % current_time)
115    cmdargs.append(src_dir)
116    if dest_dir:
117        cmdargs.append(dest_dir)
118    cmdline = b" ".join(cmdargs)
119    print("Executing: ", cmdline)
120    ret_val = subprocess.run(cmdline,
121                             shell=True,
122                             input=input,
123                             universal_newlines=False).returncode
124    if check_return_val:
125        # the construct is needed because os.system seemingly doesn't
126        # respect expected return values (FIXME)
127        assert ((expected_ret_val == 0 and ret_val == 0) or (expected_ret_val > 0 and ret_val > 0)), \
128            "Return code %d of command `%a` isn't expected %d." % \
129            (ret_val, cmdline, expected_ret_val)
130    return ret_val
133def InternalBackup(source_local,
134                   dest_local,
135                   src_dir,
136                   dest_dir,
137                   current_time=None,
138                   eas=None,
139                   acls=None):
140    """Backup src to dest internally
142    This is like rdiff_backup but instead of running a separate
143    rdiff-backup script, use the separate *.py files.  This way the
144    script doesn't have to be rebuild constantly, and stacktraces have
145    correct line/file references.
147    """
148    Globals.current_time = current_time
149    Globals.security_level = "override"
150    remote_schema = b'%s'
152    if not source_local:
153        src_dir = b"cd %s; %s/server.py::%s" % (abs_remote1_dir, abs_testing_dir, src_dir)
154    if not dest_local:
155        dest_dir = b"cd %s; %s/server.py::%s" % (abs_remote2_dir, abs_testing_dir, dest_dir)
157    cmdpairs = SetConnections.get_cmd_pairs([src_dir, dest_dir], remote_schema)
158    Security.initialize("backup", cmdpairs)
159    rpin, rpout = list(map(SetConnections.cmdpair2rp, cmdpairs))
160    for attr in ('eas_active', 'eas_write', 'eas_conn'):
161        SetConnections.UpdateGlobal(attr, eas)
162    for attr in ('acls_active', 'acls_write', 'acls_conn'):
163        SetConnections.UpdateGlobal(attr, acls)
164    Main.misc_setup([rpin, rpout])
165    Main.Backup(rpin, rpout)
166    Main.cleanup()
169def InternalMirror(source_local, dest_local, src_dir, dest_dir):
170    """Mirror src to dest internally
172    like InternalBackup, but only mirror.  Do this through
173    InternalBackup, but then delete rdiff-backup-data directory.
175    """
176    # Save attributes of root to restore later
177    src_root = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, src_dir)
178    dest_root = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, dest_dir)
179    dest_rbdir = dest_root.append("rdiff-backup-data")
181    InternalBackup(source_local, dest_local, src_dir, dest_dir)
182    dest_root.setdata()
183    Myrm(dest_rbdir.path)
184    # Restore old attributes
185    rpath.copy_attribs(src_root, dest_root)
188def InternalRestore(mirror_local,
189                    dest_local,
190                    mirror_dir,
191                    dest_dir,
192                    time,
193                    eas=None,
194                    acls=None):
195    """Restore mirror_dir to dest_dir at given time
197    This will automatically find the increments.XXX.dir representing
198    the time specified.  The mirror_dir and dest_dir are relative to
199    the testing directory and will be modified for remote trials.
201    """
202    Main.force = 1
203    Main.restore_root_set = 0
204    remote_schema = b'%s'
205    Globals.security_level = "override"
206    if not mirror_local:
207        mirror_dir = b"cd %s; %s/server.py::%s" % (abs_remote1_dir, abs_testing_dir, mirror_dir)
208    if not dest_local:
209        dest_dir = b"cd %s; %s/server.py::%s" % (abs_remote2_dir, abs_testing_dir, dest_dir)
211    cmdpairs = SetConnections.get_cmd_pairs([mirror_dir, dest_dir],
212                                            remote_schema)
213    Security.initialize("restore", cmdpairs)
214    mirror_rp, dest_rp = list(map(SetConnections.cmdpair2rp, cmdpairs))
215    for attr in ('eas_active', 'eas_write', 'eas_conn'):
216        SetConnections.UpdateGlobal(attr, eas)
217    for attr in ('acls_active', 'acls_write', 'acls_conn'):
218        SetConnections.UpdateGlobal(attr, acls)
219    Main.misc_setup([mirror_rp, dest_rp])
220    inc = get_increment_rp(mirror_rp, time)
221    if inc:
222        Main.Restore(get_increment_rp(mirror_rp, time), dest_rp)
223    else:  # use alternate syntax
224        Main.restore_timestr = str(time)
225        Main.Restore(mirror_rp, dest_rp, restore_as_of=1)
226    Main.cleanup()
229def get_increment_rp(mirror_rp, time):
230    """Return increment rp matching time in seconds"""
231    data_rp = mirror_rp.append("rdiff-backup-data")
232    if not data_rp.isdir():
233        return None
234    for filename in data_rp.listdir():
235        rp = data_rp.append(filename)
236        if rp.isincfile() and rp.getincbase_bname() == b"increments":
237            if rp.getinctime() == time:
238                return rp
239    return None  # Couldn't find appropriate increment
242def _reset_connections(src_rp, dest_rp):
243    """Reset some global connection information"""
244    Globals.security_level = "override"
245    Globals.isbackup_reader = Globals.isbackup_writer = None
246    SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('rbdir', None)
247    Main.misc_setup([src_rp, dest_rp])
250def CompareRecursive(src_rp,
251                     dest_rp,
252                     compare_hardlinks=1,
253                     equality_func=None,
254                     exclude_rbdir=1,
255                     ignore_tmp_files=None,
256                     compare_ownership=0,
257                     compare_eas=0,
258                     compare_acls=0):
259    """Compare src_rp and dest_rp, which can be directories
261    This only compares file attributes, not the actual data.  This
262    will overwrite the hardlink dictionaries if compare_hardlinks is
263    specified.
265    """
267    def get_selection_functions():
268        """Return generators of files in source, dest"""
269        src_rp.setdata()
270        dest_rp.setdata()
271        src_select = selection.Select(src_rp)
272        dest_select = selection.Select(dest_rp)
274        if ignore_tmp_files:
275            # Ignoring temp files can be useful when we want to check the
276            # correctness of a backup which aborted in the middle.  In
277            # these cases it is OK to have tmp files lying around.
278            src_select.add_selection_func(
279                src_select.regexp_get_sf(".*rdiff-backup.tmp.[^/]+$", 0))
280            dest_select.add_selection_func(
281                dest_select.regexp_get_sf(".*rdiff-backup.tmp.[^/]+$", 0))
283        if exclude_rbdir:  # Exclude rdiff-backup-data directory
284            src_select.parse_rbdir_exclude()
285            dest_select.parse_rbdir_exclude()
287        return src_select.set_iter(), dest_select.set_iter()
289    def hardlink_rorp_eq(src_rorp, dest_rorp):
290        Hardlink.add_rorp(dest_rorp)
291        Hardlink.add_rorp(src_rorp, dest_rorp)
292        rorp_eq = Hardlink.rorp_eq(src_rorp, dest_rorp)
293        if not src_rorp.isreg() or not dest_rorp.isreg() or src_rorp.getnumlinks() == dest_rorp.getnumlinks() == 1:
294            if not rorp_eq:
295                Log("Hardlink compare error with when no links exist exist", 3)
296                Log("%s: %s" % (src_rorp.index, Hardlink.get_inode_key(src_rorp)), 3)
297                Log("%s: %s" % (dest_rorp.index, Hardlink.get_inode_key(dest_rorp)), 3)
298                return 0
299        elif src_rorp.getnumlinks() > 1 and not Hardlink.islinked(src_rorp):
300            if rorp_eq:
301                Log("Hardlink compare error with first linked src_rorp and no dest_rorp sha1", 3)
302                Log("%s: %s" % (src_rorp.index, Hardlink.get_inode_key(src_rorp)), 3)
303                Log("%s: %s" % (dest_rorp.index, Hardlink.get_inode_key(dest_rorp)), 3)
304                return 0
305            hash.compute_sha1(dest_rorp)
306            rorp_eq = Hardlink.rorp_eq(src_rorp, dest_rorp)
307            if src_rorp.getnumlinks() != dest_rorp.getnumlinks():
308                if rorp_eq:
309                    Log("Hardlink compare error with first linked src_rorp, with dest_rorp sha1, and with differing link counts", 3)
310                    Log("%s: %s" % (src_rorp.index, Hardlink.get_inode_key(src_rorp)), 3)
311                    Log("%s: %s" % (dest_rorp.index, Hardlink.get_inode_key(dest_rorp)), 3)
312                    return 0
313            elif not rorp_eq:
314                Log("Hardlink compare error with first linked src_rorp, with dest_rorp sha1, and with equal link counts", 3)
315                Log("%s: %s" % (src_rorp.index, Hardlink.get_inode_key(src_rorp)), 3)
316                Log("%s: %s" % (dest_rorp.index, Hardlink.get_inode_key(dest_rorp)), 3)
317                return 0
318        elif src_rorp.getnumlinks() != dest_rorp.getnumlinks():
319            if rorp_eq:
320                Log("Hardlink compare error with non-first linked src_rorp and with differing link counts", 3)
321                Log("%s: %s" % (src_rorp.index, Hardlink.get_inode_key(src_rorp)), 3)
322                Log("%s: %s" % (dest_rorp.index, Hardlink.get_inode_key(dest_rorp)), 3)
323                return 0
324        elif not rorp_eq:
325            Log("Hardlink compare error with non-first linked src_rorp and with equal link counts", 3)
326            Log("%s: %s" % (src_rorp.index, Hardlink.get_inode_key(src_rorp)), 3)
327            Log("%s: %s" % (dest_rorp.index, Hardlink.get_inode_key(dest_rorp)), 3)
328            return 0
329        Hardlink.del_rorp(src_rorp)
330        Hardlink.del_rorp(dest_rorp)
331        return 1
333    def equality_func(src_rorp, dest_rorp):
334        """Combined eq func returns true if two files compare same"""
335        if not src_rorp:
336            Log("Source rorp missing: %s" % str(dest_rorp), 3)
337            return 0
338        if not dest_rorp:
339            Log("Dest rorp missing: %s" % str(src_rorp), 3)
340            return 0
341        if not src_rorp.equal_verbose(dest_rorp,
342                                      compare_ownership=compare_ownership):
343            return 0
344        if compare_hardlinks and not hardlink_rorp_eq(src_rorp, dest_rorp):
345            return 0
346        if compare_eas and not eas_acls.ea_compare_rps(src_rorp, dest_rorp):
347            Log(
348                "Different EAs in files %s and %s" %
349                (src_rorp.get_indexpath(), dest_rorp.get_indexpath()), 3)
350            return 0
351        if compare_acls and not eas_acls.acl_compare_rps(src_rorp, dest_rorp):
352            Log(
353                "Different ACLs in files %s and %s" %
354                (src_rorp.get_indexpath(), dest_rorp.get_indexpath()), 3)
355            return 0
356        return 1
358    Log(
359        "Comparing %s and %s, hardlinks %s, eas %s, acls %s" %
360        (src_rp.get_safepath(), dest_rp.get_safepath(), compare_hardlinks,
361         compare_eas, compare_acls), 3)
362    if compare_hardlinks:
363        reset_hardlink_dicts()
364    src_iter, dest_iter = get_selection_functions()
365    for src_rorp, dest_rorp in rorpiter.Collate2Iters(src_iter, dest_iter):
366        if not equality_func(src_rorp, dest_rorp):
367            return 0
368    return 1
370    def rbdir_equal(src_rorp, dest_rorp):
371        """Like hardlink_equal, but make allowances for data directories"""
372        if not src_rorp.index and not dest_rorp.index:
373            return 1
374        if (src_rorp.index and src_rorp.index[0] == 'rdiff-backup-data' and src_rorp.index == dest_rorp.index):
375            # Don't compare dirs - they don't carry significant info
376            if dest_rorp.isdir() and src_rorp.isdir():
377                return 1
378            if dest_rorp.isreg() and src_rorp.isreg():
379                # Don't compare gzipped files because it is apparently
380                # non-deterministic.
381                if dest_rorp.index[-1].endswith('gz'):
382                    return 1
383                # Don't compare .missing increments because they don't matter
384                if dest_rorp.index[-1].endswith('.missing'):
385                    return 1
386        if compare_eas and not eas_acls.ea_compare_rps(src_rorp, dest_rorp):
387            Log("Different EAs in files %s and %s" %
388                (src_rorp.get_indexpath(), dest_rorp.get_indexpath()))
389            return None
390        if compare_acls and not eas_acls.acl_compare_rps(src_rorp, dest_rorp):
391            Log(
392                "Different ACLs in files %s and %s" %
393                (src_rorp.get_indexpath(), dest_rorp.get_indexpath()), 3)
394            return None
395        if compare_hardlinks:
396            if Hardlink.rorp_eq(src_rorp, dest_rorp):
397                return 1
398        elif src_rorp.equal_verbose(dest_rorp,
399                                    compare_ownership=compare_ownership):
400            return 1
401        Log("%s: %s" % (src_rorp.index, Hardlink.get_inode_key(src_rorp)), 3)
402        Log("%s: %s" % (dest_rorp.index, Hardlink.get_inode_key(dest_rorp)), 3)
403        return None
406def reset_hardlink_dicts():
407    """Clear the hardlink dictionaries"""
408    Hardlink._inode_index = {}
411def BackupRestoreSeries(source_local,
412                        dest_local,
413                        list_of_dirnames,
414                        compare_hardlinks=1,
415                        dest_dirname=abs_output_dir,
416                        restore_dirname=abs_restore_dir,
417                        compare_backups=1,
418                        compare_eas=0,
419                        compare_acls=0,
420                        compare_ownership=0):
421    """Test backing up/restoring of a series of directories
423    The dirnames correspond to a single directory at different times.
424    After each backup, the dest dir will be compared.  After the whole
425    set, each of the earlier directories will be recovered to the
426    restore_dirname and compared.
428    """
429    Globals.set('preserve_hardlinks', compare_hardlinks)
430    time = 10000
431    dest_rp = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, dest_dirname)
432    restore_rp = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, restore_dirname)
434    Myrm(dest_dirname)
435    for dirname in list_of_dirnames:
436        src_rp = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, dirname)
437        reset_hardlink_dicts()
438        _reset_connections(src_rp, dest_rp)
440        InternalBackup(source_local,
441                       dest_local,
442                       dirname,
443                       dest_dirname,
444                       time,
445                       eas=compare_eas,
446                       acls=compare_acls)
447        time += 10000
448        _reset_connections(src_rp, dest_rp)
449        if compare_backups:
450            assert CompareRecursive(src_rp,
451                                    dest_rp,
452                                    compare_hardlinks,
453                                    compare_eas=compare_eas,
454                                    compare_acls=compare_acls,
455                                    compare_ownership=compare_ownership)
457    time = 10000
458    for dirname in list_of_dirnames[:-1]:
459        reset_hardlink_dicts()
460        Myrm(restore_dirname)
461        InternalRestore(dest_local,
462                        source_local,
463                        dest_dirname,
464                        restore_dirname,
465                        time,
466                        eas=compare_eas,
467                        acls=compare_acls)
468        src_rp = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, dirname)
469        assert CompareRecursive(src_rp,
470                                restore_rp,
471                                compare_eas=compare_eas,
472                                compare_acls=compare_acls,
473                                compare_ownership=compare_ownership)
475        # Restore should default back to newest time older than it
476        # with a backup then.
477        if time == 20000:
478            time = 21000
480        time += 10000
483def MirrorTest(source_local,
484               dest_local,
485               list_of_dirnames,
486               compare_hardlinks=1,
487               dest_dirname=abs_output_dir):
488    """Mirror each of list_of_dirnames, and compare after each"""
489    Globals.set('preserve_hardlinks', compare_hardlinks)
490    dest_rp = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, dest_dirname)
491    old_force_val = Main.force
492    Main.force = 1
494    Myrm(dest_dirname)
495    for dirname in list_of_dirnames:
496        src_rp = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, dirname)
497        reset_hardlink_dicts()
498        _reset_connections(src_rp, dest_rp)
500        InternalMirror(source_local, dest_local, dirname, dest_dirname)
501        _reset_connections(src_rp, dest_rp)
502        assert CompareRecursive(src_rp, dest_rp, compare_hardlinks)
503    Main.force = old_force_val
506def raise_interpreter(use_locals=None):
507    """Start Python interpreter, with local variables if locals is true"""
508    if use_locals:
509        local_dict = locals()
510    else:
511        local_dict = globals()
512    code.InteractiveConsole(local_dict).interact()
515def getrefs(i, depth):
516    """Get the i'th object in memory, return objects that reference it"""
517    import sys
518    import gc
519    import types
520    o = sys.getobjects(i)[-1]
521    for d in range(depth):
522        for ref in gc.get_referrers(o):
523            if type(ref) in (list, dict, types.InstanceType):
524                if type(ref) is dict and 'copyright' in ref:
525                    continue
526                o = ref
527                break
528        else:
529            print("Max depth ", d)
530            return o
531    return o
534def iter_equal(iter1, iter2, verbose=None, operator=lambda x, y: x == y):
535    """True if iterator 1 has same elements as iterator 2
537    Use equality operator, or == if it is unspecified.
539    """
540    for i1 in iter1:
541        try:
542            i2 = next(iter2)
543        except StopIteration:
544            if verbose:
545                print("End when i1 = %s" % (i1, ))
546            return False
547        if not operator(i1, i2):
548            if verbose:
549                print("%s not equal to %s" % (i1, i2))
550            return False
551    try:
552        i2 = next(iter2)
553    except StopIteration:
554        return True
555    if verbose:
556        print("End when i2 = %s" % (i2, ))
557    return False
560def iter_map(function, iterator):
561    """Like map in a lazy functional programming language"""
562    for i in iterator:
563        yield function(i)
566if __name__ == '__main__':
567    os.makedirs(abs_test_dir, exist_ok=True)