1proc svn_version {} {
2  global cvsglb
4  gen_log:log T "ENTER"
6  # We don't need the version.  We just need to know if mergeinfo is
7  # going to work in this server/client combination.  But let's not forget
8  # how to get the version.
10  #set cvsglb(svn_version) ""
11  #set commandline "svn --version"
12  #gen_log:log C "$commandline"
13  #set ret [catch {eval "exec $commandline"} output]
14  #if {$ret} {
15  #  cvsfail $output
16  #  return
17  #}
18  #foreach infoline [split $output "\n"] {
19  #  if {[string match "svn,*" $infoline]} {
20  #    set lr [split $infoline]
21  #    set version [lindex $lr 2]
22  #    gen_log:log D "version $version"
23  #  }
24  #}
25  #set cvsglb(svn_version) $version
27  set commandline "svn log -g -l 1"
28  set ret [catch {eval "exec $commandline"} output]
29  if {$ret == 0} {
30    set cvsglb(svn_mergeinfo_works) 1
31    gen_log:log D "svn mergeinfo works"
32  } else {
33    set cvsglb(svn_mergeinfo_works) 0
34    gen_log:log D "svn mergeinfo doesn't work"
35  }
36  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
39# Find SVN URL
40proc read_svn_dir {dirname} {
41  global cvscfg
42  global cvsglb
43  global current_tagname
44  global module_dir
45  global cmd
47  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($dirname)"
48  # Whether mergeinfo works depends on the server as well as the local svn program,
49  # so it may work for us in one repository but not another
50  svn_version
51  # svn info gets the URL
52  # Have to do eval exec because we need the error output
53  set command "svn info"
54  gen_log:log C "$command"
55  set ret [catch {eval "exec $command"} output]
56  if {$ret} {
57    cvsfail $output
58    return 0
59  }
60  foreach infoline [split $output "\n"] {
61    if {[string match "URL*" $infoline]} {
62      set cvscfg(url) [lrange $infoline 1 end]
63      gen_log:log D "$cvscfg(url)"
64    }
65  }
67  if {! [info exists cvscfg(url)]} {
68    set cvscfg(url) ""
69  }
70  if {$cvscfg(url) == ""} {
71    cvsfail "Can't get the SVN URL"
72    return 0
73  }
75  set root ""
76  foreach s [list $cvscfg(svn_trunkdir) $cvscfg(svn_branchdir) $cvscfg(svn_tagdir)] {
77    if {[regexp "/$s/" $cvscfg(url)] || [regexp "/$s" $cvscfg(url)]} {
78      set spl [split $cvscfg(url) "/"]
79      set root ""
80      set relp ""
81      set current_tagname ""
82      set state P
83      for {set j 0} {$j < [llength $spl]} {incr j} {
84        set word [lindex $spl $j]
85        switch -- $state {
86          P {
87            if {$word eq $cvscfg(svn_trunkdir)} {
88                gen_log:log D "Matched $word for trunk"
89                set type "trunk"
90                set current_tagname $word
91                set state E
92            } elseif { $word eq $cvscfg(svn_branchdir)} {
93                gen_log:log D "Matched $word for branches"
94                set type "branches"
95                set state W
96            } elseif { $word eq $cvscfg(svn_tagdir)} {
97                gen_log:log D "Matched $word for tags"
98                set type "tags"
99                set state W
100            } else {
101                append root "$word/"
102                #gen_log:log D "No match for $word"
103            }
104          }
105          W {
106            set current_tagname $word
107            set state E
108          }
109          E {
110              lappend relp "$word"
111          }
112          default {}
113        }
114      }
115      set cvscfg(svnroot) [string trimright $root "/"]
116      set cvsglb(root) $cvscfg(svnroot)
117      gen_log:log D "SVN URL: $cvscfg(url)"
118      gen_log:log D "svnroot: $cvscfg(svnroot)"
119      set cvsglb(relpath) [join $relp {/}]
120      gen_log:log D "relpath: $cvsglb(relpath)"
121      regsub -all {%20} $cvsglb(relpath) { } module_dir
122      gen_log:log D "tagname: $current_tagname"
123    }
124  }
125  if {$root == ""} {
126    gen_log:log F "Nonconforming repository"
127    puts "No conforming $cvscfg(svn_trunkdir)/$cvscfg(svn_branchdir)/$cvscfg(svn_tagdir) structure detected in the repository"
128    puts " I won't be able to detect any branches or tags."
129    gen_log:log D "SVN URL: $cvscfg(url)"
130    set cvscfg(svnroot) $cvscfg(url)
131    set cvsglb(root) $cvscfg(svnroot)
132    gen_log:log D "svnroot: $cvscfg(svnroot)"
133    set cvsglb(relpath) ""
134    set cvsglb(svnconform) 0
135    gen_log:log T "LEAVE (-1)"
136    return -1
137  }
138  set cvsglb(svnconform) 1
139  gen_log:log T "LEAVE (0)"
140  return 1
143proc svn_lock {do files} {
144  global cvscfg
146  if {$files == {}} {
147    cvsfail "Please select one or more files!" .workdir
148    return
149  }
150  switch -- $do {
151    lock { set commandline "svn lock $files"}
152    unlock { set commandline "svn unlock $files"}
153  }
154  set cmd [::exec::new "$commandline"]
156  if {$cvscfg(auto_status)} {
157    $cmd\::wait
158    setup_dir
159  }
162# Get stuff for main workdir browser
163proc svn_workdir_status {} {
164  global cmd
165  global Filelist
167  gen_log:log T "ENTER"
168  set cmd(svn_status) [exec::new "svn status -uvN --xml"]
169  set xmloutput [$cmd(svn_status)\::output]
170  set entrylist [regexp -all -inline {<entry.*?</entry>} $xmloutput]
172  if [info exists cmd(svn_status)] {
173    $cmd(svn_status)\::destroy
174    catch {unset cmd(svn_status)}
175  }
176  # do very simple xml parsing
177  foreach entry $entrylist {
178    set filename ""
179    set cauthor ""
180    set lockstatus ""
181    set wrev ""
182    set crev ""
184    regexp  {<entry\s+path=\"([^\"]*?)\"\s*>} $entry tmp filename
185    regexp  {<wc\-status.*</wc\-status>} $entry wcstatusent
186    if { [ regexp  {<repos\-status.*</repos\-status>} $entry repstatusent ] } {
187      regexp  {<repos\-status\s+([^>]*)>} $repstatusent tmp repstatusheader
188      regexp  {item=\"(\w+)\"} $repstatusheader tmp repstatus
189      if { [ regexp  {<lock>.*</lock>} $repstatusent replock ] } {
190        set lockstatus "locked"
191      }
192    } else {
193      set repstatus ""
194    }
195    regexp  {<author>(.*)</author>} $wcstatusent tmp cauthor
196    regexp  {<commit\s+revision=\"(\d+)\"} $wcstatusent tmp crev
197    regexp  {<wc\-status\s+([^>]*)>} $wcstatusent tmp wcstatusheader
198    regexp  {item=\"(\w+)\"} $wcstatusheader tmp wcstatus
199    regexp  {revision=\"(\w+)\"} $wcstatusheader tmp wrev
200    if { [ regexp  {<lock>.*</lock>} $wcstatusent wclock ] } {
201      set lockstatus "havelock"
202    }
204    # wcstatus="added|normal|deleted|unversioned|modified|none
205    # repstatus="modified|none"
206    set status ""
208    set displaymod ""
209    if { [file exists $filename] && [file type $filename] == "link" } {
210        set displaymod "<link> "
211    }
212    if [file isdirectory $filename] {
213      set displaymod "<dir> "
214    }
216    set mayhavelock false
217    switch -exact -- $wcstatus {
218      "normal" {
219        if { $repstatus == "modified"} {
220          append displaymod "Out-of-date"
221        } else {
222          append displaymod "Up-to-date"
223          set mayhavelock true
224        }
225      }
226      "modified" {
227        if  { $repstatus == "modified"} {
228          append displaymod "Needs Merge"
229        } else {
230          append displaymod "Locally Modified"
231           set mayhavelock true
232        }
233      }
234      "added" { append displaymod "Locally Added" }
235      "deleted" { append displaymod "Locally Removed" }
236      "unversioned" { append displaymod "Not managed by SVN" }
237      "conflicted" { append displaymod "Conflict" }
238      L { append displaymod "Locked" }
239      S { append displaymod "Switched to Branch" }
240      "none" { append displaymod "Missing/Needs Update" }
241      ~ { append displaymod "Dir/File Mismatch" }
242    }
243    #in some cases there might be locks: check now
244    if { $mayhavelock } {
245        switch -exact -- $lockstatus {
246            "" { }
247            "havelock" { append displaymod "/HaveLock" }
248            "locked" { append displaymod "/Locked" }
249        }
250    }
251    set Filelist($filename:wrev) $wrev
252    set Filelist($filename:status) $displaymod
253    set Filelist($filename:stickytag) "$wrev $crev"
254    if {$wrev != "" && $crev != ""} {
255      #set Filelist($filename:stickytag) "working:$wrev committed:$crev"
256      set Filelist($filename:stickytag) "$wrev   (committed:$crev)"
257    }
258    set Filelist($filename:option) ""
259    set Filelist($filename:editors) "$cauthor"
260    #gen_log:log D " \
261       \"$Filelist($filename:status)\" \
262       \"$wrev (committed:$crev)\" \
263       \"$Filelist($filename:editors)\" \
264       \"$filename\" \
265       "
266  }
267  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
270# does svn add from workdir browser
271proc svn_add {args} {
272  global cvscfg
274  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($args)"
275  set filelist [join $args]
276  if {$filelist == ""} {
277    set mess "This will add all new files"
278  } else {
279    set mess "This will add these files:\n\n"
280    foreach file $filelist {
281      append mess "   $file\n"
282    }
283  }
285  if {$filelist == ""} {
286    append filelist [glob -nocomplain $cvscfg(aster) .??*]
287  }
288  set addcmd [exec::new "svn add $filelist"]
289  auto_setup_dir $addcmd
291  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
294# does svn remove from workdir browser
295proc svn_remove {args} {
296  global cvscfg
298  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($args)"
299  set filelist [join $args]
301  set command [exec::new "svn remove $filelist"]
302  auto_setup_dir $command
304  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
307# called from the workdir browser checkmark button
308proc svn_check {directory} {
309  global cvscfg
311  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($directory)"
313  busy_start .workdir.main
315  # Always show updates
316  set flags "-u"
317  # Only recurse if flag is set
318  if {! $cvscfg(recurse)} {
319    append flags "N"
320  }
321  # unknown files are removed by the filter but we might as well minimize
322  # the work the filter has to do
323  if {$cvscfg(status_filter)} {
324    append flags "q"
325  }
326  set command "svn status $flags $directory"
327  set check_cmd [viewer::new "SVN Status Check"]
328  $check_cmd\::do "$command" 0 status_colortags
330  busy_done .workdir.main
331  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
334# svn update - called from workdir browser
335proc svn_update {args} {
336  global cvscfg
338  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($args)"
340  set filelist [join $args]
342  if {$filelist == ""} {
343    append mess "\nThis will download from"
344    append mess " the repository to your local"
345    append mess " filespace ** ALL ** files which"
346    append mess " have changed in it."
347  } else {
348    append mess "\nThis will download from"
349    append mess " the repository to your local"
350    append mess " filespace these files which"
351    append mess " have changed:\n"
352  }
353  foreach file $filelist {
354    append mess "\n\t$file"
355  }
356  append mess "\n\nAre you sure?"
358  #set command "svn update --accept postpone"
359  set command "svn update"
361  if {[cvsconfirm $mess .workdir] == "ok"} {
362    foreach file $filelist {
363      append command " \"$file\""
364    }
365  } else {
366    return;
367  }
369  set co_cmd [viewer::new "SVN Update"]
370  $co_cmd\::do "$command" 0 status_colortags
371  auto_setup_dir $co_cmd
373  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
376# Called from "update with options" dialog of workdir browser
377proc svn_opt_update {} {
378  global cvscfg
379  global cvsglb
381  switch -exact -- $cvsglb(tagmode_selection) {
382    "Keep" {
383       set command "svn update"
384     }
385    "Trunk" {
386       set command "svn switch $cvscfg(svnroot)/$cvscfg(svn_trunkdir)"
387     }
388    "Branch" {
389       set command "svn switch $cvscfg(svnroot)/$cvscfg(svn_branchdir)/$cvsglb(branchname)"
390     }
391    "Revision" {
392       # Let them get away with saying r3 instead of 3
393       set rev [string trimleft $cvsglb(revnumber) {r}]
394       set command "svn update -r $rev"
395     }
396  }
397  set upd_cmd [viewer::new "SVN Update/Switch"]
398  $upd_cmd\::do "$command" 0 status_colortags
400  auto_setup_dir $upd_cmd
403# dialog for svn commit - called from workdir browser
404proc svn_commit_dialog {} {
405  global cvsglb
406  global cvscfg
408  # If marked files, commit these.  If no marked files, then
409  # commit any files selected via listbox selection mechanism.
410  # The cvsglb(commit_list) list remembers the list of files
411  # to be committed.
412  set cvsglb(commit_list) [workdir_list_files]
413  # If we want to use an external editor, just do it
414  if {$cvscfg(use_cvseditor)} {
415    svn_commit "" "" $cvsglb(commit_list)
416    return
417  }
419  if {[winfo exists .commit]} {
420    destroy .commit
421  }
423  toplevel .commit
424  #grab set .commit
426  frame .commit.top -border 8
427  frame .commit.down -relief groove -border 2
429  pack .commit.top -side top -fill x
430  pack .commit.down -side bottom -fill x
431  frame .commit.comment
432  pack .commit.comment -side top -fill both -expand 1
433  label .commit.comment.lcomment -text "Your log message" -anchor w
434  button .commit.comment.history -text "Log History" \
435    -command history_browser
436  text .commit.comment.tcomment -relief sunken -width 70 -height 10 \
437    -bg $cvsglb(textbg) -exportselection 1 \
438    -wrap word -border 2 -setgrid yes
441  # Explain what it means to "commit" files
442  message .commit.message -justify left -aspect 800 \
443    -text "This will commit changes from your \
444           local, working directory into the repository, recursively."
446  pack .commit.message -in .commit.top -padx 2 -pady 5
448  button .commit.ok -text "OK" \
449    -command {
450      #grab release .commit
451      wm withdraw .commit
452      set cvsglb(commit_comment) [.commit.comment.tcomment get 1.0 end]
453      svn_commit $cvsglb(commit_comment) $cvsglb(commit_list)
454      commit_history $cvsglb(commit_comment)
455    }
456  button .commit.apply -text "Apply" \
457    -command {
458      set cvsglb(commit_comment) [.commit.comment.tcomment get 1.0 end]
459      svn_commit $cvsglb(commit_comment) $cvsglb(commit_list)
460      commit_history $cvsglb(commit_comment)
461    }
462  button .commit.clear -text "ClearAll" \
463    -command {
464      set version ""
465      .commit.comment.tcomment delete 1.0 end
466    }
467  button .commit.quit \
468    -command {
469      #grab release .commit
470      wm withdraw .commit
471    }
473  .commit.ok configure -text "OK"
474  .commit.quit configure -text "Close"
476  grid columnconf .commit.comment 1 -weight 1
477  grid rowconf .commit.comment 1 -weight 1
478  grid .commit.comment.lcomment -column 0 -row 0
479  grid .commit.comment.tcomment -column 1 -row 0 -rowspan 2 -padx 4 -pady 4 -sticky nsew
480  grid .commit.comment.history  -column 0 -row 1
482  pack .commit.ok .commit.apply .commit.clear .commit.quit -in .commit.down \
483    -side left -ipadx 2 -ipady 2 -padx 4 -pady 4 -fill both -expand 1
485  # Fill in the most recent commit message
486  .commit.comment.tcomment insert end $cvsglb(commit_comment)
488  wm title .commit "Commit Changes"
489  wm minsize .commit 1 1
491  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
494# svn commit - called from commit dialog
495proc svn_commit {comment args} {
496  global cvscfg
498  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($comment $args)"
500  set filelist [join $args]
502  set commit_output ""
503  if {$filelist == ""} {
504    set mess "This will commit your changes to ** ALL ** files in"
505    append mess " and under this directory."
506  } else {
507    foreach file $filelist {
508      append commit_output "\n$file"
509    }
510    set mess "This will commit your changes to:$commit_output"
511  }
512  append mess "\n\nAre you sure?"
513  set commit_output ""
515  if {[cvsconfirm $mess .workdir] != "ok"} {
516    return 1
517  }
519  if {$cvscfg(use_cvseditor)} {
520    # Starts text editor of your choice to enter the log message.
521    update idletasks
522    set command \
523      "$cvscfg(terminal) svn commit $filelist"
524    gen_log:log C "$command"
525    set ret [catch {eval "exec $command"} view_this]
526    if {$ret} {
527      cvsfail $view_this .workdir
528      gen_log:log T "LEAVE ERROR ($view_this)"
529      return
530    }
531  } else {
532    if {$comment == ""} {
533      cvsfail "You must enter a comment!" .commit
534      return 1
535    }
536    set v [viewer::new "SVN Commit"]
537    regsub -all "\"" $comment "\\\"" comment
538    $v\::do "svn commit -m \"$comment\" $filelist" 1
539    $v\::wait
540  }
542  if {$cvscfg(auto_status)} {
543    setup_dir
544  }
545  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
548# Called from workdir browser annotate button
549proc svn_annotate {revision args} {
550  global cvscfg
552  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($revision $args)"
553  if {$revision != ""} {
554    # We were given a revision
555    set revflag "-r$revision"
556  } else {
557    set revflag ""
558  }
560  set filelist [join $args]
561  if {$filelist == ""} {
562    cvsfail "Annotate:\nPlease select one or more files !" .workdir
563    gen_log:log T "LEAVE (Unselected files)"
564    return
565  }
566  foreach file $filelist {
567    annotate::new $revflag $file "svn"
568  }
569  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
572# Called from branch browser annotate button
573proc svn_annotate_r {revision filepath} {
574  global cvscfg
576  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($revision $filepath)"
577  if {$revision != ""} {
578    # We were given a revision
579    set revflag "-r$revision"
580  } else {
581    set revflag ""
582  }
584  annotate::new $revflag $filepath "svn_r"
585  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
588proc svn_patch { pathA pathB revA dateA revB dateB outmode outfile } {
590# This creates a patch file between two revisions of a module.  If the
591# second revision is null, it creates a patch to the head revision.
592# If both are null the top two revisions of the file are diffed.
594  global cvscfg
596  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($pathA $pathB $revA $dateA $revB $dateB $outmode $outfile)"
597  global cvs
599  foreach {rev1 rev2} {{} {}} { break }
600  if {$revA != {}} {
601    set rev1 $revA
602  } elseif {$dateA != {}} {
603    set rev1 "\{\"$dateA\"\}"
604  }
605  if {$revB != {}} {
606    set rev2 "$revB"
607  } elseif {$dateA != {}} {
608    set rev2 "\{\"$dateB\"\}"
609  }
610  set pathA [safe_url $pathA]
611  set pathB [safe_url $pathB]
612  if {$pathA != {} && $pathB != {}} {
613    set command "svn diff $pathA $pathB"
614  } elseif {$rev1 != {} && $rev2 != {}} {
615    set command "svn diff $pathA@$rev1 $pathA@$rev2"
616  } else {
617    cvsfail "Specify either two paths OR one path and two revisions"
618    return
619  }
621  if {$outmode == 0} {
622    set v [viewer::new "SVN Diff"]
623    $v\::do "$command"
624  } else {
625    set e [exec::new "$command"]
626    set patch [$e\::output]
627    gen_log:log F "OPEN $outfile"
628    if {[catch {set fo [open $outfile w]}]} {
629      cvsfail "Cannot open $outfile for writing" .modbrowse
630      return
631    }
632    puts $fo $patch
633    close $fo
634    $e\::destroy
635    gen_log:log F "CLOSE $outfile"
636  }
637  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
638  return
641# Called from module browser filebrowse button
642proc svn_list {module} {
643  global cvscfg
645  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($module)"
646  set v [viewer::new "SVN list -R"]
647  $v\::do "svn list -Rv \"$cvscfg(svnroot)/$module\""
648  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
651# Called from the module browser
652proc svn_delete {root path} {
654  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($root $path)"
656  set mess "Really delete $path from the SVN repository?"
657  if {[cvsconfirm $mess .modbrowse] != "ok"} {
658    return
659  }
660  set url [safe_url $root/$path]
661  set v [viewer::new "SVN delete"]
662  set command "svn delete \"$url\" -m\"Removed_using_TkSVN\""
663  $v\::do "$command"
664  modbrowse_run
665  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
668# This is the callback for the folder-opener in ModTree
669proc svn_jit_listdir { tf into } {
670  global cvscfg
671  global cvsglb
673  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($tf $into)"
674  set cvscfg(svnroot) $cvsglb(root)
675  #puts "\nEntering svn_jit_listdir ($into)"
676  set dir [string trimleft $into / ]
677  set command "svn list -v \"$cvscfg(svnroot)/$dir\""
678  #puts "$command"
679  set cmd(svnlist) [exec::new "$command"]
680  if {[info exists cmd(svnlist)]} {
681    set contents [split [$cmd(svnlist)\::output] "\n"]
682    $cmd(svnlist)\::destroy
683    catch {unset cmd(svnlist)}
684  }
685  set dirs {}
686  set fils {}
687  foreach logline $contents {
688    if {$logline == "" } continue
689    gen_log:log D "$logline"
690    if [string match {*/} $logline] {
691      set item [lrange $logline 5 end]
692      set item [string trimright $item "/"]
693      if {$item ne "."} {
694        lappend dirs "$item"
695        set info($item) [lrange $logline 0 4]
696      }
697    } else {
698      set item [lrange $logline 6 end]
699      lappend fils "$item"
700      set info($item) [lrange $logline 0 5]
701    }
702  }
704  busy_start $tf
705  ModTree:close $tf /$dir
706  ModTree:delitem $tf /$dir/_jit_placeholder
707  foreach f $fils {
708    set command "ModTree:newitem $tf \"/$dir/$f\" \"$f\" \"$info($f)\" -image Fileview"
709    set r [catch "$command" err]
710  }
711  foreach d $dirs {
712    svn_jit_dircmd $tf $dir/$d
713  }
714  gen_log:log D "ModTree:open $tf /$dir"
715  ModTree:open $tf /$dir
717  #puts "\nLeaving svn_jit_listdir"
718  busy_done $tf
719  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
722proc svn_jit_dircmd { tf dir } {
723  global cvscfg
724  global Tree
726  #gen_log:log T "ENTER ($tf $dir)"
728  # Here we are just figuring out if the top level directory is empty or not.
729  # We don't have to collect any other information, so no -v flag
730  set command "svn list \"$cvscfg(svnroot)/$dir\""
731  #puts "$command"
732  set cmd(svnlist) [exec::new "$command"]
733  if {[info exists cmd(svnlist)]} {
734    set contents [$cmd(svnlist)\::output]
735    $cmd(svnlist)\::destroy
736    catch {unset cmd(svnlist)}
737  }
738  set lbl "[file tail $dir]/"
739  set exp "([llength $contents] items)"
740  set parent "[file root $dir]"
742  set dirs {}
743  set fils {}
744  foreach logline [split $contents "\n"] {
745    if {$logline == ""} continue
746    #gen_log:log D "$logline"
747    if [string match {*/} $logline] {
748      set item [string trimright $logline "/"]
749      lappend dirs $item
750    } else {
751      lappend fils $logline
752    }
753  }
755  # To avoid having to look ahead and build the whole tree at once, we put
756  # a "marker" item in non-empty directories so it will look non-empty
757  # and be openable
758  if {$dirs == {} && $fils == {}} {
759    catch "ModTree:newitem $tf \"/$dir\" \"$lbl\" \"$exp\" -image Folder"
760  } else {
761    # Newitem returns nothing if the item already exists, or an "after" from
762    # buildwhenidle if the item had to be inserted
763    set r [catch "ModTree:newitem $tf \"/$dir\" \"$lbl\" \"$exp\" -image Folder" err]
764    if {! $r} {
765      if {! $Tree($tf:/$dir:open)} {
766        # If the node is already open, we don't need a placeholder
767        catch "ModTree:newitem $tf \"/$dir/_jit_placeholder\" \"\" \"\" -image {}"
768      }
769    }
770  }
772  #gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
775# called from module browser - list branches & tags
776proc parse_svnmodules {tf svnroot} {
777  global cvscfg
778  global modval
780  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($tf $svnroot)"
782  if {[catch "image type fileview"]} {
783    workdir_images
784  }
786  set cvscfg(svnroot) $svnroot
787  set command "svn list -v $svnroot"
788  #puts "$command"
789  set cmd(svnlist) [exec::new "$command"]
790  if {[info exists cmd(svnlist)]} {
791    set contents [$cmd(svnlist)\::output]
792    $cmd(svnlist)\::destroy
793    catch {unset cmd(svnlist)}
794  }
795  set dirs {}
796  set fils {}
798  foreach logline [split $contents "\n"] {
799    if {$logline == "" } continue
800    gen_log:log D "$logline"
801    if [string match {*/} $logline] {
802      set item [lrange $logline 5 end]
803        if {$item ne "./"} {
804      lappend dirs [string trimright $item "/"]
805      }
806    } else {
807      set item [lrange $logline 6 end]
808      lappend fils $item
809      set info($item) [lrange $logline 0 5]
810    }
811  }
813  foreach f $fils {
814    catch "ModTree:newitem $tf \"/$f\" \"$f\" \"$info($f)\" -image Fileview"
815  }
816  foreach d $dirs {
817    svn_jit_dircmd $tf $d
818  }
820  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
823# called from workdir Reports menu
824proc svn_log {args} {
825  global cvscfg
826  global cvsglb
828  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($args)"
830  set svncommand "svn log "
831  # svn -g (mergeinfo) appeared in 1.5.  It depends on the server
832  # as well as the client, so we can't go by version number.  we
833  # just have to see if it works.
834  # Do we want to do -g for all detail levels?  Probably not for summary.
835  if {$cvsglb(svn_mergeinfo_works)} {
836    if {$cvscfg(ldetail) ne "summary"} {
837      append svncommand "-g "
838    }
839  }
840  set filelist [join $args]
841  foreach file $filelist {
842    set command $svncommand
843    if {$cvscfg(ldetail) == "latest"} {
844      append command "-r COMMITTED "
845    }
846    if {$cvscfg(ldetail) == "summary"} {
847      append command "-q "
848    }
849    append command "\"$file\""
851    set logcmd [viewer::new "SVN Log $file ($cvscfg(ldetail))"]
852    $logcmd\::do "$command"
853  }
854  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
857# called from branch browser
858proc svn_log_rev {filepath} {
859  global cvscfg
860  global cvsglb
862  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($filepath)"
864  set svncommand "svn log "
865  # svn -g (mergeinfo) appeared in 1.5.  It depends on the server
866  # as well as the client, so we can't go by version number.  we
867  # just have to see if it works.
868  if {$cvsglb(svn_mergeinfo_works)} {
869    append svncommand "-g "
870  }
871  if {[regexp {/} $filepath]} {
872    append svncommand "--stop-on-copy "
873  }
874  append svncommand "\"$filepath\""
875  set logcmd [viewer::new "SVN log $filepath"]
876  $logcmd\::do "$svncommand"
877  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
880proc svn_info {args} {
881  global cvscfg
882  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($args)"
884  set filelist [join $args]
885  set urllist ""
886  foreach file $filelist {
887      append urllist $cvscfg(url)/$file
888      append urllist " "
889  }
890  set command "svn info "
891  append command $urllist
893  set logcmd [viewer::new "SVN Info ($cvscfg(ldetail))"]
894  $logcmd\::do "$command"
895  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
898proc svn_merge_conflict {args} {
899  global cvscfg
901  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($args)"
903  if {[llength $args] != 1} {
904    cvsfail "Please select one file."
905    return
906  }
907  set filelist [join $args]
909  # See if it's really a conflict file
910  foreach file $filelist {
911    gen_log:log F "OPEN $file"
912    set f [open $file]
913    set match 0
914    while { [eof $f] == 0 } {
915      gets $f line
916      if { [string match "<<<<<<< *" $line] } {
917        set match 1
918        break
919      }
920    }
921    gen_log:log F "CLOSE $file"
922    close $f
924    if { $match != 1 } {
925      cvsfail "$file does not appear to have a conflict." .workdir
926      continue
927    }
928    # FIXME: we don't want to tie up the whole UI with tkdiff, but
929    # if we don't wait, we have no way to know if we can mark resolved
930    # Invoke tkdiff with the proper option for a conflict file
931    # and have it write to the original file
932    set command "$cvscfg(tkdiff) -conflict -o \"$file\" \"$file\""
933    gen_log:log C "$command"
934    set ret [catch {eval "exec $command"} view_this]
935    if {$ret == 0} {
936      set mess "Mark $file resolved?"
937      if {[cvsconfirm $mess .workdir] != "ok"} {
938        continue
939      }
940      set command "svn resolved \"$file\""
941      exec::new $command
942    } else {
943      cvsfail "$view_this" .workdir
944    }
945  }
947  if {$cvscfg(auto_status)} {
948    setup_dir
949  }
950  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
953proc svn_resolve {args} {
954  global cvscfg
956  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($args)"
957  set filelist [join $args]
959  # See if it still has a conflict
960  foreach file $filelist {
961    gen_log:log F "OPEN $file"
962    set f [open $file]
963    set match 0
964    while { [eof $f] == 0 } {
965      gets $f line
966      if { [string match "<<<<<<< *" $line] } {
967        set match 1
968        break
969      }
970    }
971    gen_log:log F "CLOSE $file"
972    close $f
974    if {$match} {
975      set mess "$file still contains \"<<<<<<< \" - \nUnmark anyway?"
976      if {[cvsalwaysconfirm $mess .workdir] != "ok"} {
977        continue
978      }
979    }
980    gen_log:log D "Marking $file as resolved"
981    set command [exec::new "svn resolved $file"]
982  }
983  if {$cvscfg(auto_status)} {
984    setup_dir
985  }
987  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
990proc svn_revert {args} {
991  global cvscfg
993  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($args)"
994  set filelist [join $args]
995  if {$filelist == ""} {
996    set filelist "-R ."
997  }
998  gen_log:log D "Reverting $filelist"
999  set command [exec::new "svn revert $filelist"]
1000  auto_setup_dir $command
1002  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
1005proc svn_tag {tagname b_or_t update args} {
1007# This tags a file or directory in the current sandbox.
1009  global cvscfg
1010  global cvsglb
1012  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($tagname $b_or_t $update $args)"
1014  if {$tagname == ""} {
1015    cvsfail "You must enter a tag name!" .workdir
1016    return 1
1017  }
1018  set filelist [join $args]
1019  gen_log:log D "relpath: $cvsglb(relpath)  filelist \"$filelist\""
1021  if {$b_or_t == "tag" || $b_or_t == "tags"} {set pathelem "$cvscfg(svn_tagdir)"}
1022  if {$b_or_t == "branch"} {set pathelem "$cvscfg(svn_branchdir)"}
1024  set comment "${b_or_t}_copy_by_TkSVN"
1025  set v [viewer::new "SVN Copy $tagname"]
1026  set to_url "$cvscfg(svnroot)/$pathelem/$tagname/$cvsglb(relpath)"
1027  if { $filelist == {} } {
1028    set command "svn copy -m\"$comment\" $cvscfg(url) $to_url"
1029    $v\::log "$command"
1030    $v\::do "$command"
1031  } else {
1032    foreach f $filelist {
1033      if {$f == "."} {
1034        set command "svn copy -m\"comment\" $cvscfg(url) $to_url"
1035      } else {
1036        svn_pathforcopy $tagname $pathelem $v
1037        set from_url [safe_url $cvscfg(url)/$f]
1038        set command "svn copy -m\"$comment\" $from_url $to_url"
1039      }
1040      $v\::log "$command"
1041      $v\::do "$command"
1042    }
1043  }
1045  if {$update == "yes"} {
1046    # update so we're on the branch
1047    set command "svn switch $to_path"
1048    $v\::do "$command" 0 status_colortags
1049    $v\::wait
1050  }
1052  if {$cvscfg(auto_status)} {
1053    setup_dir
1054  }
1055  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
1058proc svn_rcopy {from_path b_or_t newtag} {
1060# makes a tag or branch.  Called from the module browser
1062  global cvscfg
1063  global cvsglb
1065  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($from_path $b_or_t $newtag)"
1067  # We're going to do some dangerous second-guessing here.  If "trunk", or
1068  # something just below the "branches" or "tags" path, is selected, we guess
1069  # they want to copy its contents.
1070  # Otherwise, we'll copy exactly what they have selected.
1071  set need_list 0
1072  set idx [string length $cvscfg(svnroot)]
1073  incr idx ;# advance past /
1074  set from_path_remainder [string range $from_path $idx end]
1075  set pathelements [file split $from_path_remainder]
1076  if {$from_path_remainder == "$cvscfg(svn_trunkdir)"} {
1077    set need_list 1
1078  } elseif {[llength $pathelements] == 2} {
1079    set from_type [lindex $pathelements 0]
1080    switch -- $from_type {
1081      "$cvscfg(svn_tagdir)" -
1082      "$cvscfg(svn_branchdir)" {
1083        set need_list 1
1084      }
1085    }
1086  }
1087  set comment "${b_or_t}_copy_by_TkSVN"
1089  set v [viewer::new "SVN Copy $newtag"]
1090  set comment "Copied_using_TkSVN"
1091  set to_path [svn_pathforcopy $newtag $b_or_t $v]
1093  if {! $need_list } {
1094    # Copy the selected path
1095    set command "svn copy -m\"$comment\" [safe_url $from_path] $to_path"
1096    $v\::do "$command"
1097    $v\::wait
1098  } else {
1099    # Copy the contents of the selected path
1100    set command "svn list [safe_url $from_path]"
1101    set cmd(svnlist) [exec::new "$command"]
1102    if {[info exists cmd(svnlist)]} {
1103      set contents [split [$cmd(svnlist)\::output] "\n"]
1104      $cmd(svnlist)\::destroy
1105      catch {unset cmd(svnlist)}
1106    }
1107    foreach f $contents {
1108      if {$f == ""} {continue}
1109      set file_from_path [safe_url "$from_path/$f"]
1110      set command "svn copy -m\"$comment\" $file_from_path $to_path"
1111      $v\::log "$command\n"
1112      $v\::do "$command"
1113      $v\::wait
1114    }
1115  }
1116  # Update with what we've done
1117  modbrowse_run svn
1118  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
1121proc svn_pathforcopy {tagname b_or_t viewer} {
1122# For svn copy, the destination path in the repository must already
1123# exist. If we're tagging somewhere other than the top level, it may
1124# not exist yet.  This proc creates the path if necessary and returns
1125# it to the calling proc, which will do the copy.
1126  global cvscfg
1127  global cvsglb
1129  gen_log:log T "ENTER (\"$tagname\" \"$b_or_t\" \"$viewer\")"
1130  # Can't use file join or it will mess up the URL
1131  set to_path [safe_url "$cvscfg(svnroot)/$b_or_t/$tagname"]
1132  set comment "${b_or_t}_directory_path_by_TkSVN"
1134  # If no file yet has this tag/branch name, create it
1135  set ret [catch "eval exec svn list $to_path" err]
1136  if {$ret} {
1137    set command "svn mkdir -m\"$comment\" $to_path"
1138    $viewer\::log "$command\n"
1139    $viewer\::do "$command"
1140    $viewer\::wait
1141  }
1142  # We may need to construct a path to copy the file to
1143  set cum_path ""
1144  set pathelements [file split $cvsglb(relpath)]
1145  set depth [llength $pathelements]
1146  for {set i 0} {$i < $depth} {incr i} {
1147    set cum_path [file join $cum_path [lindex $pathelements $i]]
1148    gen_log:log D "  $i $cum_path"
1149    set ret [catch "eval exec svn list $to_path/$cum_path" err]
1150    if {$ret} {
1151      set command "svn mkdir -m\"$comment\" $to_path/$cum_path"
1152      $viewer\::do "$command"
1153      $viewer\::wait
1154    }
1155  }
1156  if {$cum_path != ""} {
1157    set to_path "$to_path/$cum_path"
1158  }
1159  gen_log:log T "LEAVE (\"$to_path\")"
1160  return $to_path
1163proc svn_merge {parent frompath since currentpath frombranch args} {
1165# This does a join (merge) of a chosen revision of localfile to the
1166# current revision.
1168  global cvscfg
1169  global cvsglb
1171  gen_log:log T "ENTER( \"$frompath\" \"$since\" \"$currentpath\" \"$frombranch\" $args)"
1173  set mergetags [assemble_mergetags $frombranch]
1174  set curr_tag [lindex $mergetags 0]
1175  set fromtag [lindex $mergetags 1]
1176  set totag [lindex $mergetags 2]
1178  regsub {^.*@} $frompath {r} from
1179  if {$since == {}} {
1180    set mess "Merge revision $from\n"
1181  } else {
1182    set mess "Merge the changes between revision\n $since and $from"
1183    append mess " (if $since > $from the changes are removed)\n"
1184  }
1185  append mess " to the current revision ($curr_tag)"
1186  if {[cvsalwaysconfirm $mess $parent] != "ok"} {
1187    return
1188  }
1190  # Do the update here, and defer the tagging until later
1191  #set commandline "svn merge --accept postpone \"$currentpath\" \"$frompath\""
1192  set commandline "svn merge \"$currentpath\" \"$frompath\""
1193  set v [viewer::new "SVN Merge"]
1194  $v\::do "$commandline" 1 status_colortags
1195  $v\::wait
1197  if [winfo exists .workdir] {
1198    if {$cvscfg(auto_status)} {
1199      setup_dir
1200    }
1201  } else {
1202    workdir_setup
1203  }
1205  dialog_merge_notice svn $from $frombranch $fromtag $totag $args
1207  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
1210proc svn_merge_tag_seq {from frombranch totag fromtag args} {
1211  global cvscfg
1212  global cvsglb
1214  gen_log:log T "ENTER (\"$from\" \"$totag\" \"$fromtag\" $args)"
1216  set filelist ""
1217  foreach f $args {
1218    append filelist "\"$f\" "
1219  }
1221  # It's muy importante to make sure everything is OK at this point
1222  set commandline "svn status -uq $filelist"
1223  gen_log:log C "$commandline"
1224  set ret [catch {eval "exec $commandline"} view_this]
1225  set logmode [expr {$ret ? {E} : {D}}]
1226  view_output::new "SVN Check" $view_this
1227  gen_log:log $logmode $view_this
1228  if {$ret} {
1229    set mess "SVN Check shows errors which would prevent a successful\
1230    commit. Please resolve them before continuing."
1231    if {[cvsalwaysconfirm $mess .workdir] != "ok"} {
1232      return
1233    }
1234  }
1236  # Do the commit
1237  set v [viewer::new "SVN Commit a Merge"]
1238  $v\::log "svn commit -m \"Merge from $from\" $filelist\n"
1239  $v\::do "svn commit -m \"Merge from $from\" $filelist" 1
1240  $v\::wait
1242  # Tag if desired (no means not a branch
1243  if {$cvscfg(auto_tag) && $fromtag != ""} {
1244    if {$frombranch == "trunk"} {
1245      set from_path "$cvscfg(svnroot)/$cvscfg(svn_trunkdir)/$cvsglb(relpath)"
1246    } else {
1247      set from_path "$cvscfg(svnroot)/$cvscfg(svn_branchdir)/$frombranch/$cvsglb(relpath)"
1248    }
1249    # tag the current (mergedto) branch
1250    svn_tag $fromtag tags false $args ;# opens its own viewer
1251    # Tag the mergedfrom branch
1252    set filelist [join $args]
1253    foreach file $filelist {
1254      if {$file == "."} {
1255        svn_rcopy [safe_url $from_path] "tags" $totag ;# opens its own viewer
1256      } else {
1257        svn_rcopy [safe_url $from_path/$f] "tags" $totag ;# opens its own viewer
1258      }
1259    }
1260  }
1262  if {$cvscfg(auto_status)} {
1263    setup_dir
1264  }
1265  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
1268# SVN Checkout or Export.  Called from Repository Browser
1269proc svn_checkout {dir url path rev target cmd} {
1270  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($dir $url $path $rev $target $cmd)"
1272  foreach {incvs insvn inrcs} [cvsroot_check $dir] { break }
1273  if {$insvn} {
1274    set mess "This is already a SVN controlled directory.  Are you\
1275              sure that you want to export into this directory?"
1276    if {[cvsconfirm $mess .modbrowse] != "ok"} {
1277      return
1278    }
1279  }
1281  set command "svn $cmd"
1282  if {$rev != {} } {
1283    # Let them get away with saying r3 instead of 3
1284    set rev [string trimleft $rev {r}]
1285    append command " -r$rev"
1286  }
1287  set path [safe_url $path]
1288  append command " $url/$path"
1289  if {$target != {} } {
1290    append command " $target"
1291  }
1292  gen_log:log C "$command"
1294  set v [viewer::new "SVN $cmd"]
1295  $v\::do "$command"
1296  $v\::wait
1297  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
1300# SVN cat or ls.  Called from module browser
1301proc svn_filecat {root path title} {
1302  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($root $path $title)"
1304  set url [safe_url $root/$path]
1305  # Should do cat if it's a file and ls if it's a path
1306  if {[string match {*/} $title]} {
1307    set command "svn ls \"$url\""
1308    set wintitle "SVN ls"
1309  } else {
1310    set command "svn cat \"$url\""
1311    set wintitle "SVN cat"
1312  }
1314  set v [viewer::new "$wintitle $url"]
1315  $v\::do "$command"
1318# SVN log.  Called from module browser
1319proc svn_filelog {root path title} {
1320  global cvsglb
1322  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($root $path $title)"
1324  set command "svn log "
1325  # svn -g (mergeinfo) appeared in 1.5.  It depends on the server
1326  # as well as the client, so we can't go by version number.  we
1327  # just have to see if it works.
1328  if {$cvsglb(svn_mergeinfo_works)} {
1329    append command "-g "
1330  }
1332  set url [safe_url $root/$path]
1333  append command "\"$url\""
1334  set wintitle "SVN Log"
1336  set v [viewer::new "$wintitle $url"]
1337  $v\::do "$command"
1340proc svn_fileview {revision filename kind} {
1341# This views a specific revision of a file in the repository.
1342# For files checked out in the current sandbox.
1343  global cvscfg
1345  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($revision $filename $kind)"
1346  set command "cat"
1347  if {$kind == "directory"} {
1348     set command "ls"
1349  }
1350  if {$revision == {}} {
1351    set command "svn $command \"$filename\""
1352    set v [viewer::new "$filename"]
1353    $v\::do "$command"
1354  } else {
1355    set command "svn $command -$revision \"$filename\""
1356    set v [viewer::new "$filename Revision $revision"]
1357    $v\::do "$command"
1358  }
1359  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
1362# Sends directory "." to the directory-merge tool
1363proc svn_directory_merge {} {
1364  global cvscfg
1365  global cvsglb
1367  gen_log:log T "ENTER"
1369  gen_log:log D "Relative Path: $cvsglb(relpath)"
1370  ::svn_branchlog::new $cvsglb(relpath) . 1
1372  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
1375# Sends files to the SVN branch browser one at a time
1376proc svn_branches {files} {
1377  global cvscfg
1378  global cvsglb
1380  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($files)"
1381  set filelist [join $files]
1383  if {$files == {}} {
1384    cvsfail "Please select one or more files!" .workdir
1385    return
1386  }
1388  gen_log:log D "Relative Path: $cvsglb(relpath)"
1390  foreach file $files {
1391    ::svn_branchlog::new $cvsglb(relpath) $file
1392  }
1394  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
1397proc safe_url { url } {
1398  # Replacement is done in an ordered manner, so the  key  appearing
1399  # first  in  the list will be checked first, and so on.  string is
1400  # only iterated over once.
1401  set url [string map {
1402    "%20" "%20"
1403    "%25" "%25"
1404    "%26" "%26"
1405    "%" "%25"
1406    "&" "%26"
1407    " " "%20"
1408  } $url]
1409  #regsub -all {%} $url {%25} url
1410  #regsub -all {&} $url {%26} url
1411  #regsub -all { } $url {%20} url
1412  # These don't seem to be necessary
1413  #regsub -all {\+} $url {%2B} url
1414  #regsub -all {\-} $url {%2D} url
1415  return $url
1418namespace eval ::svn_branchlog {
1419  variable instance 0
1421  proc new {relpath filename {directory_merge {0}} } {
1422    variable instance
1423    set my_idx $instance
1424    incr instance
1426    namespace eval $my_idx {
1427      set my_idx [uplevel {concat $my_idx}]
1428      set filename [uplevel {concat $filename}]
1429      set relpath [uplevel {concat $relpath}]
1430      set directory_merge [uplevel {concat $directory_merge}]
1431      variable cmd_log
1432      variable lc
1433      variable revwho
1434      variable revdate
1435      variable revtime
1436      variable revlines
1437      variable revstate
1438      variable revcomment
1439      variable tags
1440      variable revbranches
1441      variable branchrevs
1442      variable logstate
1443      variable show_tags
1444      variable show_merges
1446      gen_log:log T "ENTER [namespace current]"
1447      if {$directory_merge} {
1448        set newlc [logcanvas::new . "SVN,loc" [namespace current]]
1449        set ln [lindex $newlc 0]
1450        set lc [lindex $newlc 1]
1451        set show_tags 0
1452      } else {
1453        set newlc [logcanvas::new $filename "SVN,loc" [namespace current]]
1454        set ln [lindex $newlc 0]
1455        set lc [lindex $newlc 1]
1456        set show_tags [set $ln\::opt(show_tags)]
1457      }
1459      # Implementation of Perl-like "grep {/re/} in_list"
1460      proc grep_filter { re in_list } {
1461        set res ""
1462        foreach x $in_list {
1463          if {[regexp $re $x]} {
1464            lappend res $x
1465          }
1466        }
1467        return $res
1468      }
1470      proc abortLog { } {
1471        global cvscfg
1472        variable cmd_log
1473        variable lc
1475        gen_log:log D "  $cmd_log\::abort"
1476        catch {$cmd_log\::abort}
1477        busy_done $lc
1478        pack forget $lc.stop
1479        pack $lc.close -in $lc.down.closefm -side right
1480        $lc.close configure -state normal
1481      }
1483      proc reloadLog { } {
1484        global cvscfg
1485        global cvsglb
1486        variable filename
1487        variable cmd_log
1488        variable lc
1489        variable ln
1490        variable revwho
1491        variable revdate
1492        variable revtime
1493        variable revcomment
1494        variable revkind
1495        variable revpath
1496        variable revname
1497        variable revtags
1498        variable revbtags
1499        variable revmergefrom
1500        variable branchrevs
1501        variable allrevs
1502        variable revbranches
1503        variable logstate
1504        variable relpath
1505        variable filename
1506        variable show_tags
1507        variable show_merges
1509        gen_log:log T "ENTER"
1510        catch { $lc.canvas delete all }
1511        catch { unset revwho }
1512        catch { unset revdate }
1513        catch { unset revtime }
1514        catch { unset revcomment }
1515        catch { unset revtags }
1516        catch { unset revbtags }
1517        catch { unset revmergefrom }
1518        catch { unset branchrevs }
1519        catch { unset revbranches }
1520        catch { unset revkind }
1521        catch { unset revpath }
1522        catch { unset revname }
1524        pack forget $lc.close
1525        pack $lc.stop -in $lc.down.closefm -side right
1526        $lc.stop configure -state normal
1528        # Can't use file join or it will mess up the URL
1529        set safe_filename [safe_url $filename]
1530        set path "$cvscfg(url)/$safe_filename"
1531        $ln\::ConfigureButtons $filename
1533        set show_merges [set $ln\::opt(show_merges)]
1534        set show_tags [set $ln\::opt(show_tags)]
1536        # Find out where to put the working revision icon (if anywhere)
1537        set revnum_current [set $ln\::revnum_current]
1538        set revnum_current r$revnum_current
1540        if { $relpath == {} } {
1541          set path "$cvscfg(svnroot)/$cvscfg(svn_trunkdir)/$safe_filename"
1542        } else {
1543          set path "$cvscfg(svnroot)/$cvscfg(svn_trunkdir)/$relpath/$safe_filename"
1544        }
1545        if {! $cvsglb(svnconform)} {
1546          set path "$cvscfg(svnroot)/$safe_filename"
1547        }
1548        # We need to go to the repository to find the highest revision.  Doing
1549        # info on local files may not have it.  Let's start with what we've got
1550        # though in case it fails.
1551        set highest_revision [string trimleft $revnum_current "r"]
1552        set command "svn info $path"
1553        gen_log:log C "$command"
1554        set ret [catch {eval "exec $command"} output]
1555        if {$ret} {
1556          gen_log:log D "This file $path must not be in the trunk"
1557          ## cvsfail $output
1558        }
1559        foreach infoline [split $output "\n"] {
1560          if {[string match "Revision*" $infoline]} {
1561            set highest_revision [lrange $infoline 1 end]
1562            gen_log:log D "$highest_revision"
1563          }
1564        }
1566        # The trunk
1567        set branchrevs(trunk) {}
1568        # There's nothing especially privileged about the trunk except that one
1569        # branch must not stop-on-copy.  Maybe the file was added on a branch,
1570        # or maybe it isn't on the trunk anymore but it once was.  We'll have
1571        # to use a range from r1 that case, to find it
1572        set range "${highest_revision}:1"
1573        set command "svn log -r $range $path"
1574        set cmd_log [exec::new $command {} 0 {} 1]
1575        set log_output [$cmd_log\::output]
1576        $cmd_log\::destroy
1577        set trunk_lines [split $log_output "\n"]
1578        set rr [parse_svnlog $trunk_lines trunk]
1579        # See if the current revision is on the trunk
1580        set curr 0
1581        set brevs $branchrevs(trunk)
1582        set tip [lindex $brevs 0]
1583        set revpath($tip) $path
1584        set revkind($tip) "revision"
1585        set brevs [lreplace $brevs 0 0]
1586        if {$tip == $revnum_current} {
1587          # If current is at end of trunk do this.
1588          set branchrevs(trunk) [linsert $branchrevs(trunk) 0 {current}]
1589          set curr 1
1590        }
1591        foreach r $brevs {
1592          if {$r == $revnum_current} {
1593            # We need to make a new artificial branch off of $r
1594            lappend revbranches($r) {current}
1595          }
1596          gen_log:log D " $r $revdate($r) ($revcomment($r))"
1597          set revkind($r) "revision"
1598          set revpath($r) $path
1599        }
1600        set branchrevs($rr) $branchrevs(trunk)
1601        set revkind($rr) "root"
1602        set revname($rr) "trunk"
1603        set revbtags($rr) "trunk"
1604        set revpath($rr) $path
1606        # if root is not empty added it to the branchlist
1607        if { $rr ne "" } {
1608          lappend branchlist $rr
1609        }
1610        # Branches
1611        # Get a list of the branches from the repository
1612        set command "svn list $cvscfg(svnroot)/$cvscfg(svn_branchdir)"
1613        set cmd_log [exec::new $command {} 0 {} 1]
1614        set branches [$cmd_log\::output]
1615        $cmd_log\::destroy
1616        # There can be files such as "README" here that aren't branches
1617        set branches [grep_filter {/$} $branches]
1619        foreach branch $branches {
1620          gen_log:log D "$branch"
1621          set branch [string trimright $branch "/"]
1622          # Can't use file join or it will mess up the URL
1623          gen_log:log D "BRANCHES: RELPATH \"$relpath\""
1624          if { $relpath == {} } {
1625            set path "$cvscfg(svnroot)/$cvscfg(svn_branchdir)/$branch/$safe_filename"
1626          } else {
1627            set path "$cvscfg(svnroot)/$cvscfg(svn_branchdir)/$branch/$relpath/$safe_filename"
1628          }
1629          # Do stop-on-copy to find the base of the branch
1630          set command "svn log --stop-on-copy $path"
1631          set cmd_log [exec::new $command {} 0 {} 1]
1632          set log_output [$cmd_log\::output]
1633          $cmd_log\::destroy
1634          if {$log_output == ""} {
1635            continue
1636          }
1637          set loglines [split $log_output "\n"]
1638          set rb [parse_svnlog $loglines $branch]
1639          # See if the current revision is on this branch
1640          set curr 0
1641          set brevs $branchrevs($branch)
1642          set tip [lindex $brevs 0]
1643          set revpath($tip) $path
1644          set revkind($tip) "revision"
1645          set brevs [lreplace $brevs 0 0]
1646          if {$tip == $revnum_current} {
1647            # If current is at end of the branch do this.
1648            set branchrevs($branch) [linsert $branchrevs($branch) 0 {current}]
1649            set curr 1
1650          }
1651          foreach r $brevs {
1652            if {$r == $revnum_current} {
1653              # We need to make a new artificial branch off of $r
1654              lappend revbranches($r) {current}
1655            }
1656            gen_log:log D "  $r $revdate($r) ($revcomment($r))"
1657            set revkind($r) "revision"
1658            set revpath($r) $path
1659          }
1660          set branchrevs($rb) $branchrevs($branch)
1661          set revkind($rb) "branch"
1662          # build a list of all branches so we can make sure each branch is on
1663          # a revbranch list so there will be a full set of branches on diagram
1664          lappend branchlist $rb
1665          set revname($rb) $branch
1666          lappend revbtags($rb) $branch
1667          set revpath($rb) $path
1669          set command "svn log -q $path"
1670          set cmd_log [exec::new $command {} 0 {} 1]
1671          set log_output [$cmd_log\::output]
1672          $cmd_log\::destroy
1673          if {$log_output == ""} {
1674            cvsfail "$command returned no output"
1675            return
1676          }
1677          set loglines [split $log_output "\n"]
1678          parse_q $loglines $branch
1680          # If current is HEAD of branch, the count is one too high because of the
1681          # You Are Here box, so the branchpoint would be too low
1682          set idx [llength $branchrevs($branch)]
1683          if {$curr} {
1684            gen_log:log E "Currently at Top"
1685            incr idx -1
1686          }
1687          set bp [lindex $allrevs($branch) $idx]
1688          if {$bp == ""} {
1689            gen_log:log E "allrevs same as branchrevs: decrementing branchpoint"
1690            set bp [lindex $branchrevs($branch) end]
1691            set bpn [string trimleft $bp "r"]
1692            incr bpn -1
1693            set bp "r${bpn}"
1694          }
1695          lappend revbranches($bp) $rb
1696        }
1697        # Tags
1698        # Get a list of the tags from the repository
1699        if {$show_tags} {
1700          set command "svn list $cvscfg(svnroot)/$cvscfg(svn_tagdir)"
1701          set cmd_log [exec::new $command {} 0 {} 1]
1702          set tags [$cmd_log\::output]
1703          $cmd_log\::destroy
1704          set n_tags [llength $tags]
1705          if {$n_tags > $cvscfg(toomany_tags)} {
1706            # If confirm is on, give them a chance to say yes or no to tags
1707            if {$cvscfg(confirm_prompt)} {
1708              set mess    "There are $n_tags tags.  It could take a long time "
1709              append mess "to process them. If you're willing to wait, "
1710              append mess " press OK and get a cup of coffee.\n"
1711              append mess "Otherwise, press Cancel and I will draw the "
1712              append mess "diagram now without showing tags.  "
1713              append mess "You may wish to turn off\n"
1714              append mess "View -> Revision Layout -> Show Tags\n"
1715              append mess " and\n"
1716              append mess "View -> Save Options"
1717              if {[cvsconfirm $mess $lc] != "ok"} {
1718                set tags ""
1719              }
1720            } else {
1721              # Otherwise, just don't process tags
1722              set tags ""
1723              gen_log:log E "Skipping tags: $n_tags > cvscfg(toomany_tags) ($cvscfg(toomany_tags))"
1724            }
1725          }
1726          foreach tag $tags {
1727            gen_log:log D "$tag"
1728            # There can be files such as "README" here that aren't tags
1729            if {![string match {*/} $tag]} {continue}
1730            set tag [string trimright $tag "/"]
1731            # Can't use file join or it will mess up the URL
1732            gen_log:log D "TAGS: RELPATH \"$relpath\""
1733            if { $relpath == {} } {
1734              set path "$cvscfg(svnroot)/$cvscfg(svn_tagdir)/$tag/$safe_filename"
1735            } else {
1736              set path "$cvscfg(svnroot)/$cvscfg(svn_tagdir)/$tag/$relpath/$safe_filename"
1737            }
1738            # Do log with stop-on-copy to find the actual revision that was tagged.
1739            # The tag itself created a rev which may be much higher.
1740            set command "svn log --stop-on-copy $path"
1741            set cmd_log [exec::new $command {} 0 {} 1]
1742            set log_output [$cmd_log\::output]
1743            $cmd_log\::destroy
1744            if {$log_output == ""} {
1745              continue
1746            }
1747            set loglines [split $log_output "\n"]
1748            set rb [parse_svnlog $loglines $tag]
1749            foreach r $branchrevs($tag) {
1750              gen_log:log D "  $r $revdate($r) ($revcomment($r))"
1751              set revkind($r) "revision"
1752              set revpath($r) $path
1753            }
1754            set revkind($rb) "tag"
1755            set revname($rb) "$tag"
1756            set revpath($rb) $path
1758            # Now do log -q to find the previous rev, which is down
1759            # the list.  For tags, it's only one down, so we can limit
1760            # the log to 2.  It only speeds it up a little though.
1761            set command "svn log -q --limit 2 $path"
1762            set cmd_log [exec::new $command {} 0 {} 1]
1763            set log_output [$cmd_log\::output]
1764            $cmd_log\::destroy
1765            if {$log_output == ""} {
1766              cvsfail "$command returned no output"
1767              return
1768            }
1769            set loglines [split $log_output "\n"]
1770            parse_q $loglines $tag
1771            set bp [lindex $allrevs($tag) [llength $branchrevs($tag)]]
1772            lappend revtags($bp) $tag
1773            gen_log:log D "   revtags($bp) $revtags($bp)"
1774            update idletasks
1775          }
1776        }
1778        # This is better than it used to be but there are still more propgets than there
1779        # could be, I think.  We could match all the properties from one query instead of
1780        # just the one we're looking for
1781        if {$cvsglb(svn_mergeinfo_works) && $show_merges} {
1782          gen_log:log D "Finding all mergeprops"
1783          set bdirs {}
1784          lappend bdirs $cvscfg(svn_trunkdir)
1785          foreach b $branches {
1786            set b [string trimright $b "/"]
1787            lappend bdirs $cvscfg(svn_branchdir)/$b
1788          }
1789          gen_log:log D $bdirs
1790          set mergeprops {}
1791          foreach b $bdirs {
1792            gen_log:log D "$b"
1793            set cmd "svn propget svn:mergeinfo -r HEAD $cvscfg(svnroot)/$b/$relpath/$safe_filename"
1794            set cmd_prop [exec::new $cmd {} 0 {} 1]
1795            set propget_out [string trim [$cmd_prop\::output] "\n"]
1796            $cmd_prop\::destroy
1797            foreach mp $propget_out {
1798              if {[lsearch -exact $mergeprops $mp] < 0} {
1799                lappend mergeprops $mp
1800              }
1801            }
1802          }
1803          gen_log:log D "All merge properties: $mergeprops"
1804          #puts "All merge properties: $mergeprops\n"
1805          #puts "$bdirs"
1806          # Figure out where each property first appeared
1807          foreach mp $mergeprops {
1808            gen_log:log D "----------------"
1809            #puts "looking for $mp"
1810            gen_log:log D "looking for $mp"
1811            set found($mp) 0
1812            foreach b $bdirs {
1813            #puts "looking for $mp in $b"
1814              set bt [file tail $b]
1815              # We don't need to look for merges from BranchB in BranchB do we?
1816              #puts "Searching /$b for $mp"
1817              if {[string match "/$b*" $mp]} {
1818                #puts " don't need to look in $b for $mp"
1819                continue
1820              }
1821              foreach br [lsort -dictionary $branchrevs($bt)] {
1822                regsub {^r} $br {} br
1823                if {$br eq "current" || $br == 1} continue
1824                set cmd "svn propget svn:mergeinfo -r $br $cvscfg(svnroot)/$b/$relpath/$safe_filename"
1825                set cmd_prop [exec::new $cmd {} 0 {} 1]
1826                set propget_out [string trim [$cmd_prop\::output] "\n"]
1827                $cmd_prop\::destroy
1828                if {$propget_out != ""} {
1829                  #puts " $propget_out found in $br"
1830                  foreach mr $propget_out {
1831                    if {$mr eq $mp} {
1832                       gen_log:log D "  $mp found on rev $br of $b"
1833                       #puts " == $mp found"
1834                       set found($mp) 1
1835                       set spl [split $mp ":"]
1836                       set fromrevs [lindex $spl 1]
1837                       gen_log:log D "  to r$br  fromrevs $fromrevs"
1838                       regsub {^.*-} $fromrevs {} lastfromrev
1839                       # I don't understand something like /trunk/File1:3-10 when those revs aren't
1840                       # on the trunk
1841                       if {[lsearch -exact $branchrevs($bt) "r$lastfromrev"] > -1} continue
1842                       set revmergefrom(r$br) "r$lastfromrev"
1843                       gen_log:log D "  revmergefrom(r$br) $revmergefrom(r$br)"
1844                    }
1845                  }
1846                }
1847                if {$found($mp)} break
1848              }
1849              if {$found($mp)} break
1850            }
1851          }
1852        }
1854        # sort the list in rev number order
1855        set brlist [lsort -dictionary $branchlist]
1856        gen_log:log D "init branches $brlist"
1857        # rebuild the list
1858        set branchlist {}
1859        foreach br $brlist {
1860          lappend branchlist $br
1861          # add to the list any revs that are in the branch revs
1862          # that also have revbranches
1863          if {[info exists branchrevs($br)]} {
1864            foreach r $branchrevs($br) {
1865              if {[info exists revbranches($r)] } {
1866                lappend branchlist $r
1867              }
1868            }
1869          }
1870        }
1871        set branchlist [lsort -dictionary $branchlist]
1872        gen_log:log D "branches $branchlist"
1874        # add any branches that are not on a revbranches list to the one closest
1875        # in numeric value
1877        # counter of branches in the list
1878        set brn 0
1879        # get the length of the list so we can tell when we are done
1880        set brlistlen [llength $branchlist]
1881        while {$brn<$brlistlen} {
1882          # get the branch name
1883          set br [lindex $branchlist $brn]
1884          gen_log:log D "  branch $brn is $br"
1885          # look at all the branches up to branch $br
1886          set subbrn 0
1887          set subbrwithrevs r0
1888          set subbrwithrevsnum 0
1889          set foundinrevbr 0
1890          while {$subbrn<$brn} {
1891            set subbr [lindex $branchlist $subbrn]
1892            # check each revbranch for this branch
1893            if {[info exists revbranches($subbr)]} {
1894              # remember the highest number rev with revbranches
1895              set subbrnum [string trimleft $subbr "r"]
1896              if { $subbrwithrevsnum < $subbrnum }  {
1897                set subbrwithrevs  $subbr
1898                set subbrwithrevsnum  $subbrnum
1899              }
1900              foreach r $revbranches($subbr) {
1901                if {$r==$br} {
1902                  # we found it in a revbranches
1903                  incr foundinrevbr
1904                  break
1905                }
1906              }
1907            }
1908            if {$foundinrevbr>0} {
1909              gen_log:log D "   found $br in revbranch of $subbr"
1910              break
1911            }
1912            incr subbrn
1913          }
1914          if {$foundinrevbr<=0 && $subbrwithrevsnum!=0} {
1915            # we only want to attach a branch & not a rev that a branch is attached
1916            if { $revkind($br) eq "branch" } {
1917              gen_log:log D "   put $br in revbranches of $subbrwithrevs"
1918              lappend revbranches($subbrwithrevs) $br
1919            } else {
1920              gen_log:log D "   branch $br not attached because not a real branch"
1921            }
1922          }
1923          incr brn
1924        }
1925        pack forget $lc.stop
1926        pack $lc.close -in $lc.down.closefm -side right
1927        $lc.close configure -state normal
1929        set branchrevs(current) {}
1930        [namespace current]::svn_sort_it_all_out
1931        gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
1932        return
1933      }
1935      # Parses a --stop-on-copy log, getting information for each revision
1936      proc parse_svnlog {lines r} {
1937        variable revwho
1938        variable revdate
1939        variable revtime
1940        variable revcomment
1941        variable branchrevs
1943        gen_log:log T "ENTER (<...> $r)"
1944        set revnum ""
1945        set i 0
1946        set l [llength $lines]
1947        while {$i < $l} {
1948	  if { $i > 0 } { incr i -1 }
1949	  set last [lindex $lines $i]
1950	  incr i 1
1951          set line [lindex $lines $i]
1952          gen_log:log D "$i of $l:  $line"
1953          if { [ regexp {^[-]+$} $last ] && [ regexp {^r[0-9]+ \| .*line[s]?$} $line] } {
1954            if {[expr {$l - $i}] <= 1} {break}
1955            set line [lindex $lines $i]
1956            set splitline [split $line "|"]
1957            set revnum [string trim [lindex $splitline 0]]
1958            lappend branchrevs($r) $revnum
1959            set revwho($revnum) [string trim [lindex $splitline 1]]
1960            set date_and_time [string trim [lindex $splitline 2]]
1961            set revdate($revnum) [lindex $date_and_time 0]
1962            set revtime($revnum) [lindex $date_and_time 1]
1963            set notelen [lindex [string trim [lindex $splitline 3]] 0]
1964            gen_log:log D "revnum $revnum"
1965            gen_log:log D "revwho($revnum) $revwho($revnum)"
1966            gen_log:log D "revdate($revnum) $revdate($revnum)"
1967            gen_log:log D "revtime($revnum) $revtime($revnum)"
1968            gen_log:log D "notelen $notelen"
1970            incr i 2
1971            set revcomment($revnum) ""
1972            set c 0
1973            while {$c < $notelen} {
1974              append revcomment($revnum) "[lindex $lines [expr {$c + $i}]]\n"
1975              incr c
1976            }
1977            set revcomment($revnum) [string trimright $revcomment($revnum)]
1978            gen_log:log D "revcomment($revnum) $revcomment($revnum)"
1979          }
1980          incr i
1981        }
1982        gen_log:log T "LEAVE \"$revnum\""
1983        return $revnum
1984      }
1986      # Parses a summary (-q) log to find what revisions are on it
1987      proc parse_q {lines r} {
1988        variable allrevs
1990        set allrevs($r) ""
1991        foreach line $lines {
1992          if [regexp {^r} $line] {
1993            gen_log:log D "$line"
1994            set splitline [split $line "|"]
1995            set revnum [string trim [lindex $splitline 0]]
1996            lappend allrevs($r) $revnum
1997          }
1998        }
1999      }
2001      proc svn_sort_it_all_out {} {
2002        global cvscfg
2003        global current_tagname
2004        variable filename
2005        variable lc
2006        variable ln
2007        variable revwho
2008        variable revdate
2009        variable revtime
2010        variable revcomment
2011        variable revkind
2012        variable revpath
2013        variable revname
2014        variable revtags
2015        variable revbtags
2016        variable branchrevs
2017        variable revbranches
2018        variable revmergefrom
2019        variable logstate
2020        variable revnum
2021        variable rootbranch
2022        variable revbranch
2024        gen_log:log T "ENTER"
2026        # Sort the revision and branch lists and remove duplicates
2027        foreach r [lsort -dictionary [array names revkind]] {
2028           gen_log:log D "revkind($r) $revkind($r)"
2029           #if {![info exists revbranches($r)]} {set revbranches($r) {} }
2030        }
2031        foreach r [lsort -dictionary [array names revpath]] {
2032           gen_log:log D "revpath($r) $revpath($r)"
2033           #if {![info exists revbranches($r)]} {set revbranches($r) {} }
2034        }
2035        gen_log:log D ""
2036        foreach a [lsort -dictionary [array names branchrevs]] {
2037           gen_log:log D "branchrevs($a) $branchrevs($a)"
2038        }
2039        gen_log:log D ""
2040        foreach a [lsort -dictionary [array names revbranches]] {
2041           # sort the rev branches to they will be displayed in increasing order
2042           set revbranches($a) [lsort -dictionary $revbranches($a)]
2043           gen_log:log D "revbranches($a) $revbranches($a)"
2044        }
2045        gen_log:log D ""
2046           foreach a [lsort -dictionary [array names revbtags]] {
2047           gen_log:log D "revbtags($a) $revbtags($a)"
2048        }
2049        gen_log:log D ""
2050           foreach a [lsort -dictionary [array names revtags]] {
2051           gen_log:log D "revtags($a) $revtags($a)"
2052        }
2053        gen_log:log D ""
2054           foreach a [lsort -dictionary [array names revmergefrom]] {
2055           gen_log:log D "revmergefrom($a) $revmergefrom($a)"
2056        }
2057        # We only needed these to place the you-are-here box.
2058        catch {unset rootbranch revbranch}
2059        $ln\::DrawTree now
2060        gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
2061      }
2063      [namespace current]::reloadLog
2064      return [namespace current]
2065    }
2066  }