2! Copyright (C) 2011 Quantum ESPRESSO group
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the
4! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
5! in the root directory of the present distribution,
6! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
10MODULE recvec_subs
11  !=----------------------------------------------------------------------=
13  !  ... subroutines generating G-vectors and variables nl* needed to map
14  !  ... G-vector components onto the FFT grid(s) in reciprocal space
15  !
16  USE kinds, ONLY : dp
17  USE fft_types, ONLY: fft_stick_index, fft_type_descriptor
18  USE fft_ggen, ONLY : fft_set_nl
19  !
21  SAVE
23  PUBLIC :: ggen, ggens
25  !=----------------------------------------------------------------------=
27  !=----------------------------------------------------------------------=
28  !
29  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
30  SUBROUTINE ggen ( dfftp, gamma_only, at, bg,  gcutm, ngm_g, ngm, &
31       g, gg, mill, ig_l2g, gstart, no_global_sort )
32    !----------------------------------------------------------------------
33    !
34    !     This routine generates all the reciprocal lattice vectors
35    !     contained in the sphere of radius gcutm. Furthermore it
36    !     computes the indices nl which give the correspondence
37    !     between the fft mesh points and the array of g vectors.
38    !
39    USE mp, ONLY: mp_rank, mp_size, mp_sum
40    USE constants, ONLY : eps8
41    !
43    !
44    TYPE(fft_type_descriptor),INTENT(INOUT) :: dfftp
45    LOGICAL,  INTENT(IN) :: gamma_only
46    REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: at(3,3), bg(3,3), gcutm
47    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ngm_g
49    REAL(DP), INTENT(OUT) :: g(:,:), gg(:)
50    INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: mill(:,:), ig_l2g(:), gstart
51    !  if no_global_sort is present (and it is true) G vectors are sorted only
52    !  locally and not globally. In this case no global array needs to be
53    !  allocated and sorted: saves memory and a lot of time for large systems.
54    !
55    LOGICAL,  OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: no_global_sort
56    !
57    !     here a few local variables
58    !
59    REAL(DP) :: tx(3), ty(3), t(3)
60    REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: tt(:)
61    INTEGER :: ngm_save, n1, n2, n3, ngm_offset, ngm_max, ngm_local
62    !
63    REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: g2sort_g(:)
64    ! array containing only g vectors for the current processor
65    INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: mill_unsorted(:,:)
66    ! array containing all g vectors generators, on all processors
67    ! (replicated data). When no_global_sort is present and .true.,
68    ! only g-vectors for the current processor are stored
69    INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: igsrt(:), g2l(:)
70    !
71    INTEGER :: ni, nj, nk, i, j, k, ipol, ng, igl, indsw
72    INTEGER :: istart, jstart, kstart
73    INTEGER :: mype, npe
74    LOGICAL :: global_sort, is_local
75    INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ngmpe(:)
76    !
77    global_sort = .TRUE.
78    IF( PRESENT( no_global_sort ) ) THEN
79       global_sort = .NOT. no_global_sort
80    END IF
81    !
82    IF( .NOT. global_sort ) THEN
83       ngm_max = ngm
84    ELSE
85       ngm_max = ngm_g
86    END IF
87    !
88    ! save current value of ngm
89    !
90    ngm_save  = ngm
91    !
92    ngm = 0
93    ngm_local = 0
94    !
95    !    set the total number of fft mesh points and and initial value of gg
96    !    The choice of gcutm is due to the fact that we have to order the
97    !    vectors after computing them.
98    !
99    gg(:) = gcutm + 1.d0
100    !
101    !    and computes all the g vectors inside a sphere
102    !
103    ALLOCATE( mill_unsorted( 3, ngm_save ) )
104    ALLOCATE( igsrt( ngm_max ) )
105    ALLOCATE( g2l( ngm_max ) )
106    ALLOCATE( g2sort_g( ngm_max ) )
107    !
108    g2sort_g(:) = 1.0d20
109    !
110    ! allocate temporal array
111    !
112    ALLOCATE( tt( dfftp%nr3 ) )
113    !
114    ! max miller indices (same convention as in module stick_set)
115    !
116    ni = (dfftp%nr1-1)/2
117    nj = (dfftp%nr2-1)/2
118    nk = (dfftp%nr3-1)/2
119    !
120    ! gamma-only: exclude space with x < 0
121    !
122    IF ( gamma_only ) THEN
123       istart = 0
124    ELSE
125       istart = -ni
126    ENDIF
127    !
128    iloop: DO i = istart, ni
129       !
130       ! gamma-only: exclude plane with x = 0, y < 0
131       !
132       IF ( gamma_only .and. i == 0 ) THEN
133          jstart = 0
134       ELSE
135          jstart = -nj
136       ENDIF
137       !
138       tx(1:3) = i * bg(1:3,1)
139       !
140       jloop: DO j = jstart, nj
141          !
142          IF ( .NOT. global_sort ) THEN
143             IF ( fft_stick_index( dfftp, i, j ) == 0 ) CYCLE jloop
144             is_local = .TRUE.
145          ELSE
146             IF ( dfftp%lpara .AND. fft_stick_index( dfftp, i, j ) == 0) THEN
147                is_local = .FALSE.
148             ELSE
149                is_local = .TRUE.
150             END IF
151          END IF
152          !
153          ! gamma-only: exclude line with x = 0, y = 0, z < 0
154          !
155          IF ( gamma_only .and. i == 0 .and. j == 0 ) THEN
156             kstart = 0
157          ELSE
158             kstart = -nk
159          ENDIF
160          !
161          ty(1:3) = tx(1:3) + j * bg(1:3,2)
162          !
163          !  compute all the norm square
164          !
165          DO k = kstart, nk
166             !
167             t(1) = ty(1) + k * bg(1,3)
168             t(2) = ty(2) + k * bg(2,3)
169             t(3) = ty(3) + k * bg(3,3)
170             tt(k-kstart+1) = t(1)**2 + t(2)**2 + t(3)**2
171          ENDDO
172          !
173          !  save all the norm square within cutoff
174          !
175          DO k = kstart, nk
176             IF (tt(k-kstart+1) <= gcutm) THEN
177                ngm = ngm + 1
178                IF (ngm > ngm_max) CALL errore ('ggen 1', 'too many g-vectors', ngm)
179                IF ( tt(k-kstart+1) > eps8 ) THEN
180                   g2sort_g(ngm) = tt(k-kstart+1)
181                ELSE
182                   g2sort_g(ngm) = 0.d0
183                ENDIF
184                IF (is_local) THEN
185                  ngm_local = ngm_local + 1
186                  mill_unsorted( :, ngm_local ) = (/ i,j,k /)
187                  g2l(ngm) = ngm_local
188                ELSE
189                  g2l(ngm) = 0
190                ENDIF
191             ENDIF
192          ENDDO
193       ENDDO jloop
194    ENDDO iloop
195    IF (ngm  /= ngm_max) &
196         CALL errore ('ggen', 'g-vectors missing !', abs(ngm - ngm_max))
197    !
198    igsrt(1) = 0
199    IF( .NOT. global_sort ) THEN
200       CALL hpsort_eps( ngm, g2sort_g, igsrt, eps8 )
201    ELSE
202       CALL hpsort_eps( ngm_g, g2sort_g, igsrt, eps8 )
203    END IF
204    DEALLOCATE( g2sort_g, tt )
206    IF( .NOT. global_sort ) THEN
207       !
208       ! compute adeguate offsets in order to avoid overlap between
209       ! g vectors once they are gathered on a single (global) array
210       !
211       mype = mp_rank( dfftp%comm )
212       npe  = mp_size( dfftp%comm )
213       ALLOCATE( ngmpe( npe ) )
214       ngmpe = 0
215       ngmpe( mype + 1 ) = ngm
216       CALL mp_sum( ngmpe, dfftp%comm )
217       ngm_offset = 0
218       DO ng = 1, mype
219          ngm_offset = ngm_offset + ngmpe( ng )
220       END DO
221       DEALLOCATE( ngmpe )
222       !
223    END IF
225    ngm = 0
226    !
227    ngloop: DO ng = 1, ngm_max
228       !
229       IF (g2l(igsrt(ng))>0) THEN
230          ! fetch the indices
231          i = mill_unsorted(1, g2l(igsrt(ng)))
232          j = mill_unsorted(2, g2l(igsrt(ng)))
233          k = mill_unsorted(3, g2l(igsrt(ng)))
234          !
235          ngm = ngm + 1
236          !
237          !  Here map local and global g index !!! N.B: :
238          !  the global G vectors arrangement depends on the number of processors
239          !
240          IF( .NOT. global_sort ) THEN
241             ig_l2g( ngm ) = ng + ngm_offset
242          ELSE
243             ig_l2g( ngm ) = ng
244          END IF
246          g(1:3, ngm) = i * bg (:, 1) + j * bg (:, 2) + k * bg (:, 3)
247          gg(ngm) = sum(g(1:3, ngm)**2)
248       ENDIF
249    ENDDO ngloop
251    DEALLOCATE( igsrt, g2l )
253    IF (ngm /= ngm_save) &
254         CALL errore ('ggen', 'g-vectors (ngm) missing !', abs(ngm - ngm_save))
255    !
256    !     determine first nonzero g vector
257    !
258    IF (gg(1).le.eps8) THEN
259       gstart=2
260    ELSE
261       gstart=1
262    ENDIF
263    !
264    !     Now set nl and nls with the correct fft correspondence
265    !
266    CALL fft_set_nl( dfftp, at, g, mill )
267    !
269  !
270  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
271  SUBROUTINE ggens( dffts, gamma_only, at, g, gg, mill, gcutms, ngms, &
272       gs, ggs )
273    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
274    !
275    ! Initialize number and indices of  g-vectors for a subgrid,
276    ! for exactly the same ordering as for the original FFT grid
277    !
278    !--------------------------------------------------------------------
279    !
281    !
282    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: gamma_only
283    TYPE (fft_type_descriptor), INTENT(INOUT) :: dffts
284    ! primitive lattice vectors
285    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN) :: at(3,3)
286    ! G-vectors in FFT grid
287    REAL(dp), INTENT(IN) :: g(:,:), gg(:)
288    ! Miller indices for G-vectors of FFT grid
289    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: mill(:,:)
290    ! cutoff for subgrid
291    REAL(DP), INTENT(IN):: gcutms
292    ! Local number of G-vectors in subgrid
293    INTEGER, INTENT(OUT):: ngms
294    ! Optionally: G-vectors and modules
295    REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT), POINTER, OPTIONAL:: gs(:,:), ggs(:)
296    !
297    INTEGER :: i, ng, ngm
298    !
299    ngm  = SIZE(gg)
300    ngms = dffts%ngm
301    IF ( ngms > ngm  ) CALL errore ('ggens','wrong  number of G-vectors',1)
302    !
303    IF ( PRESENT(gs) ) ALLOCATE ( gs(3,ngms) )
304    IF ( PRESENT(ggs)) ALLOCATE ( ggs(ngms) )
305    ng = 0
306    DO i = 1, ngm
307       IF ( gg(i) > gcutms ) exit
308       IF ( PRESENT(gs) ) gs (:,i) = g(:,i)
309       IF ( PRESENT(ggs)) ggs(i) = gg(i)
310       ng = i
311    END DO
312    IF ( ng /= ngms ) CALL errore ('ggens','mismatch in number of G-vectors',2)
313    !
314    CALL fft_set_nl ( dffts, at, g )
315    !
317  !
318  !=----------------------------------------------------------------------=
319END MODULE recvec_subs