1 // -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2 // vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
7 #include <dune/common/typetraits.hh>
8 #include <dune/typetree/nodeinterface.hh>
9 #include <dune/typetree/nodetags.hh>
10 #include <dune/typetree/treepath.hh>
13 namespace Dune {
14   namespace TypeTree {
16     /** \addtogroup Tree Traversal
17      *  \ingroup TypeTree
18      *  \{
19      */
21     //! Statically combine two values of type result_type using ||.
22     template<typename result_type>
23     struct or_
24     {
25       template<result_type r1, result_type r2>
26       struct reduce
27       {
28         static const result_type result = r1 || r2;
29       };
30     };
32     //! Statically combine two values of type result_type using &&.
33     template<typename result_type>
34     struct and_
35     {
36       template<result_type r1, result_type r2>
37       struct reduce
38       {
39         static const result_type result = r1 && r2;
40       };
41     };
43     //! Statically combine two values of type result_type using +.
44     template<typename result_type>
45     struct plus
46     {
47       template<result_type r1, result_type r2>
48       struct reduce
49       {
50         static const result_type result = r1 + r2;
51       };
52     };
54     //! Statically combine two values of type result_type using -.
55     template<typename result_type>
56     struct minus
57     {
58       template<result_type r1, result_type r2>
59       struct reduce
60       {
61         static const result_type result = r1 - r2;
62       };
63     };
65     //! Statically combine two values of type result_type using *.
66     template<typename result_type>
67     struct multiply
68     {
69       template<result_type r1, result_type r2>
70       struct reduce
71       {
72         static const result_type result = r1 * r2;
73       };
74     };
76     //! Statically combine two values of type result_type by returning their minimum.
77     template<typename result_type>
78     struct min
79     {
80       template<result_type r1, result_type r2>
81       struct reduce
82       {
83         static const result_type result = r1 < r2 ? r1 : r2;
84       };
85     };
87     //! Statically combine two values of type result_type by returning their maximum.
88     template<typename result_type>
89     struct max
90     {
91       template<result_type r1, result_type r2>
92       struct reduce
93       {
94         static const result_type result = r1 > r2 ? r1 : r2;
95       };
96     };
99     namespace {
101       // implementation of the traversal algorithm
103       //! helper struct to decide whether or not to perform the per-node calculation on the current node. Default case: ignore the node.
104       template<typename Node, typename Functor, typename Reduction, typename Functor::result_type current_value, typename TreePath, bool doVisit>
105       struct accumulate_node_helper
106       {
108         typedef typename Functor::result_type result_type;
110         static const result_type result = current_value;
112       };
114       //! helper struct to decide whether or not to perform the per-node calculation on the current node. Specialization: Perform the calculation.
115       template<typename Node, typename Functor, typename Reduction, typename Functor::result_type current_value, typename TreePath>
116       struct accumulate_node_helper<Node,Functor,Reduction,current_value,TreePath,true>
117       {
119         typedef typename Functor::result_type result_type;
121         static const result_type result = Reduction::template reduce<current_value,Functor::template visit<Node,TreePath>::result>::result;
123       };
125       //! Per node type algorithm struct. Prototype.
126       template<typename Tree, typename Functor, typename Reduction, typename ParentChildReduction, typename Functor::result_type current_value, typename TreePath, typename Tag>
127       struct accumulate_value;
129       //! Leaf node specialization.
130       template<typename LeafNode, typename Functor, typename Reduction, typename ParentChildReduction, typename Functor::result_type current_value, typename TreePath>
131       struct accumulate_value<LeafNode,Functor,Reduction,ParentChildReduction,current_value,TreePath,LeafNodeTag>
132       {
134         typedef typename Functor::result_type result_type;
136         static const result_type result =
138           accumulate_node_helper<LeafNode,Functor,Reduction,current_value,TreePath,Functor::template doVisit<LeafNode,TreePath>::value>::result;
140       };
142       //! Iteration over children of a composite node.
143       template<typename Node, typename Functor, typename Reduction, typename ParentChildReduction, typename Functor::result_type current_value, typename TreePath, std::size_t i, std::size_t n>
144       struct accumulate_over_children
145       {
147         typedef typename Functor::result_type result_type;
149         typedef decltype(push_back(TreePath{},index_constant<i>{})) child_tree_path;
151         typedef typename Node::template Child<i>::Type child;
153         static const result_type child_result = accumulate_value<child,Functor,Reduction,ParentChildReduction,current_value,child_tree_path,NodeTag<child>>::result;
155         static const result_type result = accumulate_over_children<Node,Functor,Reduction,ParentChildReduction,child_result,TreePath,i+1,n>::result;
157       };
159       //! end of iteration.
160       template<typename Node, typename Functor, typename Reduction, typename ParentChildReduction, typename Functor::result_type current_value, typename TreePath, std::size_t n>
161       struct accumulate_over_children<Node,Functor,Reduction,ParentChildReduction,current_value,TreePath,n,n>
162       {
164         typedef typename Functor::result_type result_type;
166         static const result_type result = current_value;
168       };
170       //! Generic composite node specialization. We are doing the calculation at compile time and thus have to use static iteration for
171       //! the PowerNode as well.
172       template<typename Node, typename Functor, typename Reduction, typename ParentChildReduction, typename Functor::result_type current_value, typename TreePath>
173       struct accumulate_value_generic_composite_node
174       {
176         typedef typename Functor::result_type result_type;
178         static const result_type child_result = accumulate_over_children<Node,Functor,Reduction,ParentChildReduction,current_value,TreePath,0,StaticDegree<Node>::value>::result;
180         static const result_type result =
181           accumulate_node_helper<Node,Functor,ParentChildReduction,child_result,TreePath,Functor::template doVisit<Node,TreePath>::value>::result;
184       };
186       //! PowerNode specialization.
187       template<typename PowerNode, typename Functor, typename Reduction, typename ParentChildReduction, typename Functor::result_type current_value, typename TreePath>
188       struct accumulate_value<PowerNode,Functor,Reduction,ParentChildReduction,current_value,TreePath,PowerNodeTag>
189         : public accumulate_value_generic_composite_node<PowerNode,Functor,Reduction,ParentChildReduction,current_value,TreePath>
190       {};
192       //! CompositeNode specialization.
193       template<typename CompositeNode, typename Functor, typename Reduction, typename ParentChildReduction, typename Functor::result_type current_value, typename TreePath>
194       struct accumulate_value<CompositeNode,Functor,Reduction,ParentChildReduction,current_value,TreePath,CompositeNodeTag>
195         : public accumulate_value_generic_composite_node<CompositeNode,Functor,Reduction,ParentChildReduction,current_value,TreePath>
196       {};
198     } // anonymous namespace
200       //! Statically accumulate a value over the nodes of a TypeTree.
201       /**
202        * This struct implements an algorithm for iterating over a tree and
203        * calculating an accumulated value at compile time.
204        *
205        * \tparam Tree        The tree to iterate over.
206        * \tparam Functor     The compile-time functor used for visiting each node.
207        *
208        * This functor must implement the following interface:
209        *
210        * \code
211        * struct AccumulationFunctor
212        * {
213        *
214        *   // The result type of the overall computation.
215        *   typedef ... result_type;
216        *
217        *   // Decide whether to include the given node in the calculation
218        *   // or to skip it.
219        *   template<typename Node, typename TreePath>
220        *   struct doVisit
221        *   {
222        *     static const bool value = true;
223        *   };
224        *
225        *   // Calculate the per-node result.
226        *   template<typename Node, typename TreePath>
227        *   struct visit
228        *   {
229        *     static const result_type result = ...;
230        *   };
231        *
232        * };
233        * \endcode
234        *
235        * \tparam Reduction   The reduction operator used to accumulate the per-node
236        *                     results.
237        *
238        * The reduction operator must implement the following interface:
239        *
240        * \code
241        * template<typename result_type>
242        * struct ReductionOperator
243        * {
244        *
245        *   // combine two per-node results
246        *   template<result_type r1, result_type r2>
247        *   struct reduce
248        *   {
249        *     static const result_type result = ...;
250        *   };
251        *
252        * };
253        * \endcode
254        *
255        * \tparam startValue  The starting value fed into the initial accumulation step.
256        */
257     template<typename Tree, typename Functor, typename Reduction, typename Functor::result_type startValue, typename ParentChildReduction = Reduction>
258     struct AccumulateValue
259     {
261       //! The result type of the computation.
262       typedef typename Functor::result_type result_type;
264       //! The accumulated result of the computation.
265       static const result_type result = accumulate_value<Tree,Functor,Reduction,ParentChildReduction,startValue,HybridTreePath<>,NodeTag<Tree>>::result;
267     };
269     //! Tag selecting a type reduction algorithm that visits the tree in
270     //! postorder and performs a flat reduction over the resulting type list.
271     struct flattened_reduction;
273     //! Tag selecting a type reduction algorithm that visits the tree in
274     //! postorder and performs a bottom-up reduction over the resulting type list.
275     struct bottom_up_reduction;
277     namespace {
279       // implementation of the traversal algorithm
281       //! helper struct to decide whether or not to perform the per-node calculation on the current node. Default case: ignore the node.
282       //! The helper cannot use the Policy parameter, as we want to invoke it with different reductions.
283       template<typename Node, typename Functor, typename Reduction, typename current_type, typename TreePath, bool doVisit>
284       struct accumulate_type_node_helper
285       {
287         typedef current_type type;
289       };
291       //! helper struct to decide whether or not to perform the per-node calculation on the current node. Specialization: Perform the calculation.
292       template<typename Node, typename Functor, typename Reduction, typename current_type, typename TreePath>
293       struct accumulate_type_node_helper<Node,Functor,Reduction,current_type,TreePath,true>
294       {
296         typedef typename Reduction::template reduce<
297           current_type,
298           typename Functor::template visit<
299             Node,
300             TreePath
301             >::type
302           >::type type;
304       };
306       //! Per node type algorithm struct. Prototype.
307       template<typename Tree, typename Policy, typename current_type, typename TreePath, typename Tag>
308       struct accumulate_type;
310       //! Leaf node specialization.
311       template<typename LeafNode, typename Policy, typename current_type, typename TreePath>
312       struct accumulate_type<LeafNode,Policy,current_type,TreePath,LeafNodeTag>
313       {
315         typedef typename accumulate_type_node_helper<
316           LeafNode,
317           typename Policy::functor,
318           typename Policy::sibling_reduction,
319           current_type,
320           TreePath,
321           Policy::functor::template doVisit<
322             LeafNode,
323             TreePath>::value
324           >::type type;
326       };
329       //! Switch for propagation of current type down the tree based on the algorithm
330       //! specified in the policy.
331       template<typename current_type, typename tree_path, typename start_type, typename reduction_strategy>
332       struct propagate_type_down_tree;
334       //! Always continue reduction with the current result type
335       template<typename current_type, typename tree_path, typename start_type>
336       struct propagate_type_down_tree<
337         current_type,
338         tree_path,
339         start_type,
340         bottom_up_reduction
341         >
342       {
343         typedef current_type type;
344       };
346       //! When descending to a new node, do not propagate current result type
347       template<typename current_type, typename tree_path, typename start_type>
348       struct propagate_type_down_tree<
349         current_type,
350         tree_path,
351         start_type,
352         flattened_reduction
353         >
354       {
355         typedef typename std::conditional<
356           TreePathBack<tree_path>::value == 0,
357           start_type,
358           current_type
359           >::type type;
360       };
363       //! Iteration over children of a composite node.
364       template<typename Node, typename Policy, typename current_type, typename TreePath, std::size_t i, std::size_t n>
365       struct accumulate_type_over_children
366       {
368         typedef decltype(push_back(TreePath{},index_constant<i>{})) child_tree_path;
370         typedef typename Node::template Child<i>::Type child;
372         typedef typename accumulate_type<
373           child,
374           Policy,
375           // apply reduction choice (flat / hierarchic)
376           typename propagate_type_down_tree<
377             current_type,
378             child_tree_path,
379             typename Policy::start_type,
380             typename Policy::reduction_strategy
381             >::type,
382           child_tree_path,
383           NodeTag<child>
384           >::type child_result_type;
386         typedef typename accumulate_type_over_children<
387           Node,
388           Policy,
389           child_result_type,
390           TreePath,
391           i+1,
392           n
393           >::type type;
395       };
397       //! end of iteration.
398       template<typename Node, typename Policy, typename current_type, typename TreePath, std::size_t n>
399       struct accumulate_type_over_children<Node,Policy,current_type,TreePath,n,n>
400       {
402         typedef current_type type;
404       };
407       //! Generic composite node specialization. We are doing the calculation at compile time and thus have to use static iteration for
408       //! the PowerNode as well.
409       template<typename Node, typename Policy, typename current_type, typename TreePath>
410       struct accumulate_type_generic_composite_node
411       {
413         typedef typename accumulate_type_over_children<
414           Node,
415           Policy,
416           current_type,
417           TreePath,
418           0,
419           StaticDegree<Node>::value
420           >::type children_result_type;
422         typedef typename accumulate_type_node_helper<
423           Node,
424           typename Policy::functor,
425           typename Policy::parent_child_reduction,
426           children_result_type,
427           TreePath,
428           Policy::functor::template doVisit<
429             Node,
430             TreePath
431             >::value
432           >::type type;
434       };
436       //! PowerNode specialization.
437       template<typename PowerNode, typename Policy, typename current_type, typename TreePath>
438       struct accumulate_type<PowerNode,Policy,current_type,TreePath,PowerNodeTag>
439         : public accumulate_type_generic_composite_node<PowerNode,Policy,current_type,TreePath>
440       {};
442       //! CompositeNode specialization.
443       template<typename CompositeNode, typename Policy, typename current_type, typename TreePath>
444       struct accumulate_type<CompositeNode,Policy,current_type,TreePath,CompositeNodeTag>
445         : public accumulate_type_generic_composite_node<CompositeNode,Policy,current_type,TreePath>
446       {};
448     } // anonymous namespace
451       /**
452        * Policy for controlling the static type accumulation algorithm AccumulateType.
453        * See the documentation of nested types for further information.
454        *
455        *
456        * \tparam startType  The start type fed into the initial accumulation step.
457        */
458     template<
459       typename Functor,
460       typename Reduction,
461       typename StartType,
462       typename ParentChildReduction = Reduction,
463       typename ReductionAlgorithm = flattened_reduction
464       >
465     struct TypeAccumulationPolicy
466     {
468       /**
469        * The compile-time functor used for visiting each node.
470        *
471        * This functor must implement the following interface:
472        *
473        * \code
474        * struct AccumulationFunctor
475        * {
476        *
477        *   // Decide whether to include the given node in the calculation
478        *   // or to skip it.
479        *   template<typename Node, typename TreePath>
480        *   struct doVisit
481        *   {
482        *     static const bool value = true;
483        *   };
484        *
485        *   // Calculate the per-node result.
486        *   template<typename Node, typename TreePath>
487        *   struct visit
488        *   {
489        *     typedef ... type;
490        *   };
491        *
492        * };
493        * \endcode
494        */
495       typedef Functor functor;
497       /**
498        * The reduction operator used to accumulate the per-node results of sibling nodes.
499        *
500        * The reduction operator must implement the following interface:
501        *
502        * \code
503        * struct ReductionOperator
504        * {
505        *
506        *   // combine two per-node results
507        *   template<typename T1, typename T2>
508        *   struct reduce
509        *   {
510        *     typedef ... type;
511        *   };
512        *
513        * };
514        * \endcode
515        */
516       typedef Reduction sibling_reduction;
518       /**
519        * The reduction operator used to combine the accumulated result of all
520        * children of a node with the result of the parent node.
521        *
522        * This operator has the same interface as sibling_reduction.
523        */
524       typedef ParentChildReduction parent_child_reduction;
526       /**
527        * The initial result type.
528        * This type will be feed as first operand to the reduction operators
529        * when doing the first accumulation (and there is no calculated result
530        * to accumulate with yet).
531        */
532       typedef StartType start_type;
534       /**
535        * The strategy for performing the type reduction with regard to the tree structure.
536        * Valid values are flattened_reduction and bottom_up_reduction.
537        */
538       typedef ReductionAlgorithm reduction_strategy;
539     };
542     //! Statically accumulate a type over the nodes of a TypeTree.
543     /**
544      * This struct implements an algorithm for iterating over a tree and
545      * calculating an accumulated type at compile time.
546      *
547      * \tparam Tree        The tree to iterate over.
548      * \tparam Policy      Model of TypeAccumulationPolicy controlling the behavior
549      *                     of the algorithm.
550      */
551     template<typename Tree, typename Policy>
552     struct AccumulateType
553     {
555       //! The accumulated result of the computation.
556       typedef typename accumulate_type<
557         Tree,
558         Policy,
559         typename Policy::start_type,
560         HybridTreePath<>,
561         NodeTag<Tree>
562         >::type type;
564     };
570     /***************************************************/
572     namespace Experimental {
573       namespace Impl {
575         //! This is the specialization overload doing leaf traversal.
576         template<class T, class TreePath, class V, class U,
577           std::enable_if_t<std::decay_t<T>::isLeaf, int> = 0>
hybridApplyToTree(T && tree,TreePath treePath,V && visitor,U && current_val)578         auto hybridApplyToTree(T&& tree, TreePath treePath, V&& visitor, U&& current_val)
579         {
580           return visitor.leaf(tree, treePath, std::forward<U>(current_val));
581         }
583         //! This is the general overload doing child traversal.
584         template<class T, class TreePath, class V, class U,
585           std::enable_if_t<not std::decay_t<T>::isLeaf, int> = 0>
hybridApplyToTree(T && tree,TreePath treePath,V && visitor,U && current_val)586         auto hybridApplyToTree(T&& tree, TreePath treePath, V&& visitor, U&& current_val)
587         {
588           using Tree = std::remove_reference_t<T>;
589           using Visitor = std::remove_reference_t<V>;
590           auto pre_val = visitor.pre(tree, treePath, std::forward<U>(current_val));
592           // check which type of traversal is supported by the tree
593           using allowDynamicTraversal = Dune::Std::is_detected<Detail::DynamicTraversalConcept,Tree>;
594           using allowStaticTraversal = Dune::Std::is_detected<Detail::StaticTraversalConcept,Tree>;
596           // the tree must support either dynamic or static traversal
597           static_assert(allowDynamicTraversal::value || allowStaticTraversal::value);
599           // the visitor may specify preferred dynamic traversal
600           using preferDynamicTraversal = std::bool_constant<Visitor::treePathType == TreePathType::dynamic>;
602           // declare rule that applies visitor and current value to a child i. Returns next value
603           auto apply_i = [&](auto&& value, const auto& i){
604             auto&& child = tree.child(i);
605             using Child = std::decay_t<decltype(child)>;
607             auto val_before = visitor.beforeChild(tree, child, treePath, i, std::move(value));
609             // visits between children
610             auto val_in = Hybrid::ifElse(
611               Hybrid::equals(i,Indices::_0),
612                 [&](auto id){return std::move(val_before);},
613                 [&](auto id){return visitor.in(tree, treePath, std::move(val_before));}
614             );
616             constexpr bool visitChild = Visitor::template VisitChild<Tree,Child,TreePath>::value;
617             auto val_visit = [&](){
618               if constexpr (visitChild) {
619                 auto childTreePath = Dune::TypeTree::push_back(treePath, i);
620                 return hybridApplyToTree(child, childTreePath, visitor, std::move(val_in));
621               }
622               else
623                 return std::move(val_in);
624             }();
626             return visitor.afterChild(tree, child, treePath, i, std::move(val_visit));
627           };
629           // apply visitor to children
630           auto in_val = [&](){
631             if constexpr (allowStaticTraversal::value && not preferDynamicTraversal::value) {
632               // get list of static indices
633               auto indices = std::make_index_sequence<Tree::degree()>{};
635               // unfold apply_i left to right
636               return unpackIntegerSequence([&](auto... i) {
637                 /**
638                  * This one-line is hard to digest:
639                  * * We need to call apply_i(pre_val,i) and pipe the result
640                  *   into the next call of apply_i on the next i. Such result may
641                  *   have any type so a simple loop or `Hybrid::forEach` does not
642                  *   do the trick.
643                  * * The left_fold function will apply the lambda consuming the
644                  *   first two arguments `r0=apply_i(pre_val,0)`, the result
645                  *   will be used as left argument of the next evaluation of the
646                  *   lambda `r1=apply_i(r0,1)` and so on.
647                  * * In other words, it pipes the binary operator to the left and
648                  *   this line essentialy becomes `pre_val (apply_i) ... (apply_i) i`
649                  *   where the *binary operator* `apply_i` is unfolded from left
650                  *   to right according to c++17 fold expression rules.
651                  *   (we do not use c++17 fold expressions because gcc-7 fails to
652                  *   deduce the lambdas types here).
653                  * * Additionally, the direction of the fold here is important
654                  *   because it will evaluate indices from 0 to (degree-1).
655                  */
656                 return left_fold(std::move(apply_i),std::move(pre_val), i...);
657               }, indices);
659             } else {
660               // unfold first child to get type
661               auto i_val = apply_i(std::move(pre_val),std::size_t{0});
662               // dynamically loop rest of the children to accumulate remindng values
663               for(std::size_t i = 1; i < tree.degree(); i++)
664                 i_val = apply_i(i_val,i);
665               return i_val;
666             }
667           }();
669           return visitor.post(tree, treePath, in_val);
670         }
672       }
674       /**
675        * @brief Apply hybrid visitor to TypeTree.
676        * @details This function applies the given hybrid visitor to the
677        *   tree in a depth-first traversal and returns the accumulated value.
678        *   This method is able to accumulate/transform different types on both dynamic and
679        *   static trees as long as they match on consecutive calls of the visitor.
680        *   On calls between dynamic childen, the carried type should be
681        *   consistent. On static children types may differ as long as they are expected
682        *    on the next visited node.
683        *
684        * @note Tree may be const or non-const
685        * @note If the carried type is always the same, consider applyToTree
686        * which is less demanding on the compiler.
687        *
688        * @note The visitor must implement the interface laid out by DefaultHybridVisitor (most easily achieved by
689        *       inheriting from it) and specify the required type of tree traversal preference (static or dynamic) by
690        *       inheriting from either StaticTraversal or DynamicTraversal.
691        *
692        * @param tree     The tree the visitor will be applied to.
693        * @param visitor  The hybrid visitor to apply to the tree.
694        * @param init     Initial value to pass to the visitor
695        * @return auto    Result of the last call on the visitor
696        */
697       template<typename Tree, typename Visitor, typename Init>
hybridApplyToTree(Tree && tree,Visitor && visitor,Init && init)698       auto hybridApplyToTree(Tree&& tree, Visitor&& visitor, Init&& init)
699       {
700         return Impl::hybridApplyToTree(tree, hybridTreePath(), visitor, init);
701       }
703     } // namespace Experimental
705     //! \} group Tree Traversal
706   } // namespace TypeTree
707 } //namespace Dune