1# This file is part of Scapy
2# See http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy for more information
3# Copyright (C) Philippe Biondi <phil@secdev.org>
4# This program is published under a GPLv2 license
7Implementation of the configuration object.
10from __future__ import absolute_import
11from __future__ import print_function
13import atexit
14import copy
15import functools
16import os
17import re
18import socket
19import sys
20import time
21import warnings
23import scapy
24from scapy import VERSION
25from scapy.base_classes import BasePacket
26from scapy.consts import DARWIN, WINDOWS, LINUX, BSD, SOLARIS
27from scapy.error import log_scapy, warning, ScapyInvalidPlatformException
28from scapy.modules import six
29from scapy.themes import NoTheme, apply_ipython_style
31from scapy.compat import (
32    Any,
33    Callable,
34    DecoratorCallable,
35    Dict,
36    Iterator,
37    List,
38    NoReturn,
39    Optional,
40    Set,
41    Type,
42    Tuple,
43    Union,
46from types import ModuleType
49    # Do not import at runtime
50    from scapy.packet import Packet
53#  Config  #
57class ConfClass(object):
58    def configure(self, cnf):
59        # type: (ConfClass) -> None
60        self.__dict__ = cnf.__dict__.copy()
62    def __repr__(self):
63        # type: () -> str
64        return str(self)
66    def __str__(self):
67        # type: () -> str
68        s = ""
69        dkeys = self.__class__.__dict__.copy()
70        dkeys.update(self.__dict__)
71        keys = sorted(dkeys)
72        for i in keys:
73            if i[0] != "_":
74                r = repr(getattr(self, i))
75                r = " ".join(r.split())
76                wlen = 76 - max(len(i), 10)
77                if len(r) > wlen:
78                    r = r[:wlen - 3] + "..."
79                s += "%-10s = %s\n" % (i, r)
80        return s[:-1]
83class Interceptor(object):
84    def __init__(self,
85                 name,  # type: str
86                 default,  # type: Any
87                 hook,  # type: Callable[..., Any]
88                 args=None,  # type: Optional[List[Any]]
89                 kargs=None  # type: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
90                 ):
91        # type: (...) -> None
92        self.name = name
93        self.intname = "_intercepted_%s" % name
94        self.default = default
95        self.hook = hook
96        self.args = args if args is not None else []
97        self.kargs = kargs if kargs is not None else {}
99    def __get__(self, obj, typ=None):
100        # type: (Conf, Optional[type]) -> Any
101        if not hasattr(obj, self.intname):
102            setattr(obj, self.intname, self.default)
103        return getattr(obj, self.intname)
105    @staticmethod
106    def set_from_hook(obj, name, val):
107        # type: (Conf, str, bool) -> None
108        int_name = "_intercepted_%s" % name
109        setattr(obj, int_name, val)
111    def __set__(self, obj, val):
112        # type: (Conf, Any) -> None
113        old = getattr(obj, self.intname, self.default)
114        val = self.hook(self.name, val, old, *self.args, **self.kargs)
115        setattr(obj, self.intname, val)
118def _readonly(name):
119    # type: (str) -> NoReturn
120    default = Conf.__dict__[name].default
121    Interceptor.set_from_hook(conf, name, default)
122    raise ValueError("Read-only value !")
125ReadOnlyAttribute = functools.partial(
126    Interceptor,
127    hook=(lambda name, *args, **kwargs: _readonly(name))
129ReadOnlyAttribute.__doc__ = "Read-only class attribute"
132class ProgPath(ConfClass):
133    _default = "<System default>"
134    universal_open = "open" if DARWIN else "xdg-open"
135    pdfreader = universal_open
136    psreader = universal_open
137    svgreader = universal_open
138    dot = "dot"
139    display = "display"
140    tcpdump = "tcpdump"
141    tcpreplay = "tcpreplay"
142    hexedit = "hexer"
143    tshark = "tshark"
144    wireshark = "wireshark"
145    ifconfig = "ifconfig"
148class ConfigFieldList:
149    def __init__(self):
150        # type: () -> None
151        self.fields = set()  # type: Set[Any]
152        self.layers = set()  # type: Set[Any]
154    @staticmethod
155    def _is_field(f):
156        # type: (Any) -> bool
157        return hasattr(f, "owners")
159    def _recalc_layer_list(self):
160        # type: () -> None
161        self.layers = {owner for f in self.fields for owner in f.owners}
163    def add(self, *flds):
164        # type: (*Any) -> None
165        self.fields |= {f for f in flds if self._is_field(f)}
166        self._recalc_layer_list()
168    def remove(self, *flds):
169        # type: (*Any) -> None
170        self.fields -= set(flds)
171        self._recalc_layer_list()
173    def __contains__(self, elt):
174        # type: (Any) -> bool
175        if isinstance(elt, BasePacket):
176            return elt in self.layers
177        return elt in self.fields
179    def __repr__(self):
180        # type: () -> str
181        return "<%s [%s]>" % (self.__class__.__name__, " ".join(str(x) for x in self.fields))  # noqa: E501
184class Emphasize(ConfigFieldList):
185    pass
188class Resolve(ConfigFieldList):
189    pass
192class Num2Layer:
193    def __init__(self):
194        # type: () -> None
195        self.num2layer = {}  # type: Dict[int, Type[Packet]]
196        self.layer2num = {}  # type: Dict[Type[Packet], int]
198    def register(self, num, layer):
199        # type: (int, Type[Packet]) -> None
200        self.register_num2layer(num, layer)
201        self.register_layer2num(num, layer)
203    def register_num2layer(self, num, layer):
204        # type: (int, Type[Packet]) -> None
205        self.num2layer[num] = layer
207    def register_layer2num(self, num, layer):
208        # type: (int, Type[Packet]) -> None
209        self.layer2num[layer] = num
211    def __getitem__(self, item):
212        # type: (Union[int, Type[Packet]]) -> Union[int, Type[Packet]]
213        if isinstance(item, int):
214            return self.num2layer[item]
215        else:
216            return self.layer2num[item]
218    def __contains__(self, item):
219        # type: (Union[int, Type[Packet]]) -> bool
220        if isinstance(item, int):
221            return item in self.num2layer
222        else:
223            return item in self.layer2num
225    def get(self,
226            item,  # type: Union[int, Type[Packet]]
227            default=None,  # type: Optional[Type[Packet]]
228            ):
229        # type: (...) -> Optional[Union[int, Type[Packet]]]
230        return self[item] if item in self else default
232    def __repr__(self):
233        # type: () -> str
234        lst = []
235        for num, layer in six.iteritems(self.num2layer):
236            if layer in self.layer2num and self.layer2num[layer] == num:
237                dir = "<->"
238            else:
239                dir = " ->"
240            lst.append((num, "%#6x %s %-20s (%s)" % (num, dir, layer.__name__,
241                                                     layer._name)))
242        for layer, num in six.iteritems(self.layer2num):
243            if num not in self.num2layer or self.num2layer[num] != layer:
244                lst.append((num, "%#6x <-  %-20s (%s)" % (num, layer.__name__,
245                                                          layer._name)))
246        lst.sort()
247        return "\n".join(y for x, y in lst)
250class LayersList(List[Type['scapy.packet.Packet']]):
251    def __init__(self):
252        # type: () -> None
253        list.__init__(self)
254        self.ldict = {}  # type: Dict[str, List[Type[Packet]]]
255        self.filtered = False
256        self._backup_dict = {}  # type: Dict[Type[Packet], List[Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Type[Packet]]]]  # noqa: E501
258    def __repr__(self):
259        # type: () -> str
260        return "\n".join("%-20s: %s" % (layer.__name__, layer.name)
261                         for layer in self)
263    def register(self, layer):
264        # type: (Type[Packet]) -> None
265        self.append(layer)
266        if layer.__module__ not in self.ldict:
267            self.ldict[layer.__module__] = []
268        self.ldict[layer.__module__].append(layer)
270    def layers(self):
271        # type: () -> List[Tuple[str, str]]
272        result = []
273        # This import may feel useless, but it is required for the eval below
274        import scapy  # noqa: F401
275        for lay in self.ldict:
276            doc = eval(lay).__doc__
277            result.append((lay, doc.strip().split("\n")[0] if doc else lay))
278        return result
280    def filter(self, items):
281        # type: (List[Type[Packet]]) -> None
282        """Disable dissection of unused layers to speed up dissection"""
283        if self.filtered:
284            raise ValueError("Already filtered. Please disable it first")
285        for lay in six.itervalues(self.ldict):
286            for cls in lay:
287                if cls not in self._backup_dict:
288                    self._backup_dict[cls] = cls.payload_guess[:]
289                    cls.payload_guess = [
290                        y for y in cls.payload_guess if y[1] in items
291                    ]
292        self.filtered = True
294    def unfilter(self):
295        # type: () -> None
296        """Re-enable dissection for all layers"""
297        if not self.filtered:
298            raise ValueError("Not filtered. Please filter first")
299        for lay in six.itervalues(self.ldict):
300            for cls in lay:
301                cls.payload_guess = self._backup_dict[cls]
302        self._backup_dict.clear()
303        self.filtered = False
306class CommandsList(List[Callable[..., Any]]):
307    def __repr__(self):
308        # type: () -> str
309        s = []
310        for li in sorted(self, key=lambda x: x.__name__):
311            doc = li.__doc__.split("\n")[0] if li.__doc__ else "--"
312            s.append("%-20s: %s" % (li.__name__, doc))
313        return "\n".join(s)
315    def register(self, cmd):
316        # type: (DecoratorCallable) -> DecoratorCallable
317        self.append(cmd)
318        return cmd  # return cmd so that method can be used as a decorator
321def lsc():
322    # type: () -> None
323    """Displays Scapy's default commands"""
324    print(repr(conf.commands))
327class CacheInstance(Dict[str, Any], object):
328    __slots__ = ["timeout", "name", "_timetable", "__dict__"]
330    def __init__(self, name="noname", timeout=None):
331        # type: (str, Optional[int]) -> None
332        self.timeout = timeout
333        self.name = name
334        self._timetable = {}  # type: Dict[str, float]
336    def flush(self):
337        # type: () -> None
338        CacheInstance.__init__(
339            self,
340            name=self.name,
341            timeout=self.timeout
342        )
344    def __getitem__(self, item):
345        # type: (str) -> Any
346        if item in self.__slots__:
347            return object.__getattribute__(self, item)
348        val = super(CacheInstance, self).__getitem__(item)
349        if self.timeout is not None:
350            t = self._timetable[item]
351            if time.time() - t > self.timeout:
352                raise KeyError(item)
353        return val
355    def get(self, item, default=None):
356        # type: (str, Optional[Any]) -> Any
357        # overloading this method is needed to force the dict to go through
358        # the timetable check
359        try:
360            return self[item]
361        except KeyError:
362            return default
364    def __setitem__(self, item, v):
365        # type: (str, str) -> None
366        if item in self.__slots__:
367            return object.__setattr__(self, item, v)
368        self._timetable[item] = time.time()
369        super(CacheInstance, self).__setitem__(item, v)
371    def update(self,  # type: ignore
372               other,  # type: Any
373               **kwargs  # type: Any
374               ):
375        # type: (...) -> None
376        for key, value in six.iteritems(other):
377            # We only update an element from `other` either if it does
378            # not exist in `self` or if the entry in `self` is older.
379            if key not in self or self._timetable[key] < other._timetable[key]:
380                dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
381                self._timetable[key] = other._timetable[key]
383    def iteritems(self):
384        # type: () -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Any]]
385        if self.timeout is None:
386            return six.iteritems(self.__dict__)  # type: ignore
387        t0 = time.time()
388        return ((k, v) for (k, v) in six.iteritems(self.__dict__) if t0 - self._timetable[k] < self.timeout)  # noqa: E501
390    def iterkeys(self):
391        # type: () -> Iterator[str]
392        if self.timeout is None:
393            return six.iterkeys(self.__dict__)  # type: ignore
394        t0 = time.time()
395        return (k for k in six.iterkeys(self.__dict__) if t0 - self._timetable[k] < self.timeout)  # noqa: E501
397    def __iter__(self):
398        # type: () -> Iterator[str]
399        return self.iterkeys()
401    def itervalues(self):
402        # type: () -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Any]]
403        if self.timeout is None:
404            return six.itervalues(self.__dict__)  # type: ignore
405        t0 = time.time()
406        return (v for (k, v) in six.iteritems(self.__dict__) if t0 - self._timetable[k] < self.timeout)  # noqa: E501
408    def items(self):
409        # type: () -> Any
410        if self.timeout is None:
411            return super(CacheInstance, self).items()
412        t0 = time.time()
413        return [(k, v) for (k, v) in six.iteritems(self.__dict__) if t0 - self._timetable[k] < self.timeout]  # noqa: E501
415    def keys(self):
416        # type: () -> Any
417        if self.timeout is None:
418            return super(CacheInstance, self).keys()
419        t0 = time.time()
420        return [k for k in six.iterkeys(self.__dict__) if t0 - self._timetable[k] < self.timeout]  # noqa: E501
422    def values(self):
423        # type: () -> Any
424        if self.timeout is None:
425            return list(six.itervalues(self))
426        t0 = time.time()
427        return [v for (k, v) in six.iteritems(self.__dict__) if t0 - self._timetable[k] < self.timeout]  # noqa: E501
429    def __len__(self):
430        # type: () -> int
431        if self.timeout is None:
432            return super(CacheInstance, self).__len__()
433        return len(self.keys())
435    def summary(self):
436        # type: () -> str
437        return "%s: %i valid items. Timeout=%rs" % (self.name, len(self), self.timeout)  # noqa: E501
439    def __repr__(self):
440        # type: () -> str
441        s = []
442        if self:
443            mk = max(len(k) for k in six.iterkeys(self.__dict__))
444            fmt = "%%-%is %%s" % (mk + 1)
445            for item in six.iteritems(self.__dict__):
446                s.append(fmt % item)
447        return "\n".join(s)
449    def copy(self):
450        # type: () -> CacheInstance
451        return copy.copy(self)
454class NetCache:
455    def __init__(self):
456        # type: () -> None
457        self._caches_list = []  # type: List[CacheInstance]
459    def add_cache(self, cache):
460        # type: (CacheInstance) -> None
461        self._caches_list.append(cache)
462        setattr(self, cache.name, cache)
464    def new_cache(self, name, timeout=None):
465        # type: (str, Optional[int]) -> CacheInstance
466        c = CacheInstance(name=name, timeout=timeout)
467        self.add_cache(c)
468        return c
470    def __delattr__(self, attr):
471        # type: (str) -> NoReturn
472        raise AttributeError("Cannot delete attributes")
474    def update(self, other):
475        # type: (NetCache) -> None
476        for co in other._caches_list:
477            if hasattr(self, co.name):
478                getattr(self, co.name).update(co)
479            else:
480                self.add_cache(co.copy())
482    def flush(self):
483        # type: () -> None
484        for c in self._caches_list:
485            c.flush()
487    def __repr__(self):
488        # type: () -> str
489        return "\n".join(c.summary() for c in self._caches_list)
492def _version_checker(module, minver):
493    # type: (ModuleType, Tuple[int, ...]) -> bool
494    """Checks that module has a higher version that minver.
496    params:
497     - module: a module to test
498     - minver: a tuple of versions
499    """
500    # We could use LooseVersion, but distutils imports imp which is deprecated
501    version_regexp = r'[a-z]?((?:\d|\.)+\d+)(?:\.dev[0-9]+)?'
502    version_tags_r = re.match(
503        version_regexp,
504        getattr(module, "__version__", "")
505    )
506    if not version_tags_r:
507        return False
508    version_tags_i = version_tags_r.group(1).split(".")
509    version_tags = tuple(int(x) for x in version_tags_i)
510    return bool(version_tags >= minver)
513def isCryptographyValid():
514    # type: () -> bool
515    """
516    Check if the cryptography module >= 2.0.0 is present. This is the minimum
517    version for most usages in Scapy.
518    """
519    try:
520        import cryptography
521    except ImportError:
522        return False
523    return _version_checker(cryptography, (2, 0, 0))
526def isCryptographyAdvanced():
527    # type: () -> bool
528    """
529    Check if the cryptography module is present, and if it supports X25519,
530    ChaCha20Poly1305 and such.
532    Notes:
533    - cryptography >= 2.0 is required
534    - OpenSSL >= 1.1.0 is required
535    """
536    try:
537        from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x25519 import X25519PrivateKey  # noqa: E501
538        X25519PrivateKey.generate()
539    except Exception:
540        return False
541    else:
542        return True
545def isPyPy():
546    # type: () -> bool
547    """Returns either scapy is running under PyPy or not"""
548    try:
549        import __pypy__  # noqa: F401
550        return True
551    except ImportError:
552        return False
555def _prompt_changer(attr, val, old):
556    # type: (str, Any, Any) -> Any
557    """Change the current prompt theme"""
558    Interceptor.set_from_hook(conf, attr, val)
559    try:
560        sys.ps1 = conf.color_theme.prompt(conf.prompt)
561    except Exception:
562        pass
563    try:
564        apply_ipython_style(
565            get_ipython()  # type: ignore
566        )
567    except NameError:
568        pass
569    return getattr(conf, attr, old)
572def _set_conf_sockets():
573    # type: () -> None
574    """Populate the conf.L2Socket and conf.L3Socket
575    according to the various use_* parameters
576    """
577    if conf.use_bpf and not BSD:
578        Interceptor.set_from_hook(conf, "use_bpf", False)
579        raise ScapyInvalidPlatformException("BSD-like (OSX, *BSD...) only !")
580    if not conf.use_pcap and SOLARIS:
581        Interceptor.set_from_hook(conf, "use_pcap", True)
582        raise ScapyInvalidPlatformException(
583            "Scapy only supports libpcap on Solaris !"
584        )
585    # we are already in an Interceptor hook, use Interceptor.set_from_hook
586    if conf.use_pcap:
587        try:
588            from scapy.arch.libpcap import L2pcapListenSocket, L2pcapSocket, \
589                L3pcapSocket
590        except (OSError, ImportError):
591            warning("No libpcap provider available ! pcap won't be used")
592            Interceptor.set_from_hook(conf, "use_pcap", False)
593        else:
594            conf.L3socket = L3pcapSocket
595            conf.L3socket6 = functools.partial(  # type: ignore
596                L3pcapSocket, filter="ip6")
597            conf.L2socket = L2pcapSocket
598            conf.L2listen = L2pcapListenSocket
599            conf.ifaces.reload()
600            return
601    if conf.use_bpf:
602        from scapy.arch.bpf.supersocket import L2bpfListenSocket, \
603            L2bpfSocket, L3bpfSocket
604        conf.L3socket = L3bpfSocket
605        conf.L3socket6 = functools.partial(  # type: ignore
606            L3bpfSocket, filter="ip6")
607        conf.L2socket = L2bpfSocket
608        conf.L2listen = L2bpfListenSocket
609        conf.ifaces.reload()
610        return
611    if LINUX:
612        from scapy.arch.linux import L3PacketSocket, L2Socket, L2ListenSocket
613        conf.L3socket = L3PacketSocket
614        conf.L3socket6 = functools.partial(  # type: ignore
615            L3PacketSocket, filter="ip6")
616        conf.L2socket = L2Socket
617        conf.L2listen = L2ListenSocket
618        conf.ifaces.reload()
619        return
620    if WINDOWS:
621        from scapy.arch.windows import _NotAvailableSocket
622        from scapy.arch.windows.native import L3WinSocket, L3WinSocket6
623        conf.L3socket = L3WinSocket
624        conf.L3socket6 = L3WinSocket6
625        conf.L2socket = _NotAvailableSocket
626        conf.L2listen = _NotAvailableSocket
627        conf.ifaces.reload()
628        # No need to update globals on Windows
629        return
630    from scapy.supersocket import L3RawSocket
631    from scapy.layers.inet6 import L3RawSocket6
632    conf.L3socket = L3RawSocket
633    conf.L3socket6 = L3RawSocket6
636def _socket_changer(attr, val, old):
637    # type: (str, bool, bool) -> Any
638    if not isinstance(val, bool):
639        raise TypeError("This argument should be a boolean")
640    Interceptor.set_from_hook(conf, attr, val)
641    dependencies = {  # Things that will be turned off
642        "use_pcap": ["use_bpf"],
643        "use_bpf": ["use_pcap"],
644    }
645    restore = {k: getattr(conf, k) for k in dependencies}
646    del restore[attr]  # This is handled directly by _set_conf_sockets
647    if val:  # Only if True
648        for param in dependencies[attr]:
649            Interceptor.set_from_hook(conf, param, False)
650    try:
651        _set_conf_sockets()
652    except (ScapyInvalidPlatformException, ImportError) as e:
653        for key, value in restore.items():
654            Interceptor.set_from_hook(conf, key, value)
655        if isinstance(e, ScapyInvalidPlatformException):
656            raise
657    return getattr(conf, attr)
660def _loglevel_changer(attr, val, old):
661    # type: (str, int, int) -> int
662    """Handle a change of conf.logLevel"""
663    log_scapy.setLevel(val)
664    return val
667def _iface_changer(attr, val, old):
668    # type: (str, Any, Any) -> 'scapy.interfaces.NetworkInterface'
669    """Resolves the interface in conf.iface"""
670    if isinstance(val, str):
671        from scapy.interfaces import resolve_iface
672        iface = resolve_iface(val)
673        if old and iface.dummy:
674            warning(
675                "This interface is not specified in any provider ! "
676                "See conf.ifaces output"
677            )
678        return iface
679    return val  # type: ignore
682class Conf(ConfClass):
683    """
684    This object contains the configuration of Scapy.
685    """
686    version = ReadOnlyAttribute("version", VERSION)
687    session = ""  #: filename where the session will be saved
688    interactive = False
689    #: can be "ipython", "python" or "auto". Default: Auto
690    interactive_shell = ""
691    #: if 1, prevents any unwanted packet to go out (ARP, DNS, ...)
692    stealth = "not implemented"
693    #: selects the default output interface for srp() and sendp().
694    iface = Interceptor("iface", None, _iface_changer)  # type: 'scapy.interfaces.NetworkInterface'  # type: ignore  # noqa: E501
695    layers = LayersList()
696    commands = CommandsList()  # type: CommandsList
697    ASN1_default_codec = None  #: Codec used by default for ASN1 objects
698    AS_resolver = None  #: choose the AS resolver class to use
699    dot15d4_protocol = None  # Used in dot15d4.py
700    logLevel = Interceptor("logLevel", log_scapy.level, _loglevel_changer)
701    #: if 0, doesn't check that IPID matches between IP sent and
702    #: ICMP IP citation received
703    #: if 1, checks that they either are equal or byte swapped
704    #: equals (bug in some IP stacks)
705    #: if 2, strictly checks that they are equals
706    checkIPID = False
707    #: if 1, checks IP src in IP and ICMP IP citation match
708    #: (bug in some NAT stacks)
709    checkIPsrc = True
710    checkIPaddr = True
711    #: if True, checks that IP-in-IP layers match. If False, do
712    #: not check IP layers that encapsulates another IP layer
713    checkIPinIP = True
714    #: if 1, also check that TCP seq and ack match the
715    #: ones in ICMP citation
716    check_TCPerror_seqack = False
717    verb = 2  #: level of verbosity, from 0 (almost mute) to 3 (verbose)
718    prompt = Interceptor("prompt", ">>> ", _prompt_changer)
719    #: default mode for listening socket (to get answers if you
720    #: spoof on a lan)
721    promisc = True
722    sniff_promisc = 1  #: default mode for sniff()
723    raw_layer = None  # type: Type[Packet]
724    raw_summary = False
725    padding_layer = None  # type: Type[Packet]
726    default_l2 = None  # type: Type[Packet]
727    l2types = Num2Layer()
728    l3types = Num2Layer()
729    L3socket = None  # type: Type[scapy.supersocket.SuperSocket]
730    L3socket6 = None  # type: Type[scapy.supersocket.SuperSocket]
731    L2socket = None  # type: Type[scapy.supersocket.SuperSocket]
732    L2listen = None  # type: Type[scapy.supersocket.SuperSocket]
733    BTsocket = None  # type: Type[scapy.supersocket.SuperSocket]
734    USBsocket = None  # type: Type[scapy.supersocket.SuperSocket]
735    min_pkt_size = 60
736    #: holds MIB direct access dictionary
737    mib = None  # type: 'scapy.asn1.mib.MIBDict'
738    bufsize = 2**16
739    #: history file
740    histfile = os.getenv('SCAPY_HISTFILE',
741                         os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),
742                                      ".scapy_history"))
743    #: includes padding in disassembled packets
744    padding = 1
745    #: BPF filter for packets to ignore
746    except_filter = ""
747    #: bpf filter added to every sniffing socket to exclude traffic
748    #: from analysis
749    filter = ""
750    #: when 1, store received packet that are not matched into `debug.recv`
751    debug_match = False
752    #: When 1, print some TLS session secrets when they are computed.
753    debug_tls = False
754    wepkey = ""
755    #: holds the Scapy interface list and manager
756    ifaces = None  # type: 'scapy.interfaces.NetworkInterfaceDict'
757    #: holds the cache of interfaces loaded from Libpcap
758    cache_pcapiflist = {}  # type: Dict[str, Tuple[str, List[str], int]]
759    neighbor = None  # type: 'scapy.layers.l2.Neighbor'
760    # `neighbor` will be filed by scapy.layers.l2
761    #: holds the Scapy IPv4 routing table and provides methods to
762    #: manipulate it
763    route = None  # type: 'scapy.route.Route'
764    # `route` will be filed by route.py
765    #: holds the Scapy IPv6 routing table and provides methods to
766    #: manipulate it
767    route6 = None  # type: 'scapy.route6.Route6'
768    manufdb = None  # type: 'scapy.data.ManufDA'
769    # 'route6' will be filed by route6.py
770    teredoPrefix = ""  # type: str
771    teredoServerPort = None  # type: int
772    auto_fragment = True
773    #: raise exception when a packet dissector raises an exception
774    debug_dissector = False
775    color_theme = Interceptor("color_theme", NoTheme(), _prompt_changer)
776    #: how much time between warnings from the same place
777    warning_threshold = 5
778    prog = ProgPath()
779    #: holds list of fields for which resolution should be done
780    resolve = Resolve()
781    #: holds list of enum fields for which conversion to string
782    #: should NOT be done
783    noenum = Resolve()
784    emph = Emphasize()
785    #: read only attribute to show if PyPy is in use
786    use_pypy = ReadOnlyAttribute("use_pypy", isPyPy())
787    #: use libpcap integration or not. Changing this value will update
788    #: the conf.L[2/3] sockets
789    use_pcap = Interceptor(
790        "use_pcap",
791        os.getenv("SCAPY_USE_LIBPCAP", "").lower().startswith("y"),
792        _socket_changer
793    )
794    use_bpf = Interceptor("use_bpf", False, _socket_changer)
795    use_npcap = False
796    ipv6_enabled = socket.has_ipv6
797    #: path or list of paths where extensions are to be looked for
798    extensions_paths = "."
799    stats_classic_protocols = []  # type: List[Type[Packet]]
800    stats_dot11_protocols = []  # type: List[Type[Packet]]
801    temp_files = []  # type: List[str]
802    netcache = NetCache()
803    geoip_city = None
804    # can, tls, http and a few others are not loaded by default
805    load_layers = [
806        'bluetooth',
807        'bluetooth4LE',
808        'dhcp',
809        'dhcp6',
810        'dns',
811        'dot11',
812        'dot15d4',
813        'eap',
814        'gprs',
815        'hsrp',
816        'inet',
817        'inet6',
818        'ipsec',
819        'ir',
820        'isakmp',
821        'l2',
822        'l2tp',
823        'llmnr',
824        'lltd',
825        'mgcp',
826        'mobileip',
827        'netbios',
828        'netflow',
829        'ntp',
830        'ppi',
831        'ppp',
832        'pptp',
833        'radius',
834        'rip',
835        'rtp',
836        'sctp',
837        'sixlowpan',
838        'skinny',
839        'smb',
840        'smb2',
841        'snmp',
842        'tftp',
843        'vrrp',
844        'vxlan',
845        'x509',
846        'zigbee'
847    ]
848    #: a dict which can be used by contrib layers to store local
849    #: configuration
850    contribs = dict()  # type: Dict[str, Any]
851    crypto_valid = isCryptographyValid()
852    crypto_valid_advanced = isCryptographyAdvanced()
853    fancy_prompt = True
854    auto_crop_tables = True
855    #: how often to check for new packets.
856    #: Defaults to 0.05s.
857    recv_poll_rate = 0.05
858    #: When True, raise exception if no dst MAC found otherwise broadcast.
859    #: Default is False.
860    raise_no_dst_mac = False
861    loopback_name = "lo" if LINUX else "lo0"
863    def __getattribute__(self, attr):
864        # type: (str) -> Any
865        # Those are loaded on runtime to avoid import loops
866        if attr == "manufdb":
867            from scapy.data import MANUFDB
868            return MANUFDB
869        if attr == "ethertypes":
870            from scapy.data import ETHER_TYPES
871            return ETHER_TYPES
872        if attr == "protocols":
873            from scapy.data import IP_PROTOS
874            return IP_PROTOS
875        if attr == "services_udp":
876            from scapy.data import UDP_SERVICES
877            return UDP_SERVICES
878        if attr == "services_tcp":
879            from scapy.data import TCP_SERVICES
880            return TCP_SERVICES
881        if attr == "iface6":
882            warnings.warn(
883                "conf.iface6 is deprecated in favor of conf.iface",
884                DeprecationWarning
885            )
886            attr = "iface"
887        return object.__getattribute__(self, attr)
890if not Conf.ipv6_enabled:
891    log_scapy.warning("IPv6 support disabled in Python. Cannot load Scapy IPv6 layers.")  # noqa: E501
892    for m in ["inet6", "dhcp6"]:
893        if m in Conf.load_layers:
894            Conf.load_layers.remove(m)
896conf = Conf()  # type: Conf
899def crypto_validator(func):
900    # type: (DecoratorCallable) -> DecoratorCallable
901    """
902    This a decorator to be used for any method relying on the cryptography library.  # noqa: E501
903    Its behaviour depends on the 'crypto_valid' attribute of the global 'conf'.
904    """
905    def func_in(*args, **kwargs):
906        # type: (*Any, **Any) -> Any
907        if not conf.crypto_valid:
908            raise ImportError("Cannot execute crypto-related method! "
909                              "Please install python-cryptography v1.7 or later.")  # noqa: E501
910        return func(*args, **kwargs)
911    return func_in  # type: ignore
914def scapy_delete_temp_files():
915    # type: () -> None
916    for f in conf.temp_files:
917        try:
918            os.unlink(f)
919        except Exception:
920            pass
921    del conf.temp_files[:]