1 /*
2  * XML Security Library (http://www.aleksey.com/xmlsec).
3  *
4  * "XML Encryption" implementation
5  *  http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlenc-core
6  *
7  * This is free software; see Copyright file in the source
8  * distribution for preciese wording.
9  *
10  * Copyright (C) 2002-2016 Aleksey Sanin <aleksey@aleksey.com>. All Rights Reserved.
11  */
12 #ifndef __XMLSEC_XMLENC_H__
13 #define __XMLSEC_XMLENC_H__
17 #include <stdio.h>
19 #include <libxml/tree.h>
20 #include <libxml/parser.h>
22 #include <xmlsec/xmlsec.h>
23 #include <xmlsec/buffer.h>
24 #include <xmlsec/keys.h>
25 #include <xmlsec/keysmngr.h>
26 #include <xmlsec/keyinfo.h>
27 #include <xmlsec/transforms.h>
29 #ifdef __cplusplus
30 extern "C" {
31 #endif /* __cplusplus */
33 /**
34  * xmlEncCtxMode:
35  * @xmlEncCtxModeEncryptedData: the <enc:EncryptedData/> element procesing.
36  * @xmlEncCtxModeEncryptedKey:  the <enc:EncryptedKey/> element processing.
37  *
38  * The #xmlSecEncCtx mode.
39  */
40 typedef enum {
41     xmlEncCtxModeEncryptedData = 0,
42     xmlEncCtxModeEncryptedKey
43 } xmlEncCtxMode;
46 /**
48  *
49  * If this flag is set, then the replaced node will be returned in the replacedNodeList
50  */
51 #define XMLSEC_ENC_RETURN_REPLACED_NODE                 0x00000001
53 /**
54  * xmlSecEncCtx:
55  * @userData:                   the pointer to user data (xmlsec and xmlsec-crypto libraries
56  *                              never touches this).
57  * @flags:                      the XML Encryption processing flags.
58  * @flags2:                     the XML Encryption processing flags.
59  * @mode:                       the mode.
60  * @keyInfoReadCtx:             the reading key context.
61  * @keyInfoWriteCtx:            the writing key context (not used for signature verification).
62  * @transformCtx:               the transforms processing context.
63  * @defEncMethodId:             the default encryption method (used if
64  *                              <enc:EncryptionMethod/> node is not present).
65  * @encKey:                     the signature key; application may set #encKey
66  *                              before calling encryption/decryption functions.
67  * @operation:                  the operation: encrypt or decrypt.
68  * @result:                     the pointer to signature (not valid for signature verification).
69  * @resultBase64Encoded:        the flag: if set then result in #result is base64 encoded.
70  * @resultReplaced:             the flag: if set then resulted <enc:EncryptedData/>
71  *                              or <enc:EncryptedKey/> node is added to the document.
72  * @encMethod:                  the pointer to encryption transform.
73  * @replacedNodeList: the first node of the list of replaced nodes depending on the nodeReplacementMode
74  * @id:                         the ID attribute of <enc:EncryptedData/>
75  *                              or <enc:EncryptedKey/> node.
76  * @type:                       the Type attribute of <enc:EncryptedData/>
77  *                              or <enc:EncryptedKey/> node.
78  * @mimeType:                   the MimeType attribute of <enc:EncryptedData/>
79  *                              or <enc:EncryptedKey/> node.
80  * @encoding:                   the Encoding attributeof <enc:EncryptedData/>
81  *                              or <enc:EncryptedKey/> node.
82  * @recipient:                  the Recipient attribute of <enc:EncryptedKey/> node..
83  * @carriedKeyName:             the CarriedKeyName attribute of <enc:EncryptedKey/> node.
84  * @encDataNode:                the pointer to <enc:EncryptedData/>
85  *                              or <enc:EncryptedKey/> node.
86  * @encMethodNode:              the pointer to <enc:EncryptionMethod/> node.
87  * @keyInfoNode:                the pointer to <enc:KeyInfo/> node.
88  * @cipherValueNode:            the pointer to <enc:CipherValue/> node.
89  * @reserved1:                  reserved for the future.
90  *
91  * XML Encryption context.
92  */
93 struct _xmlSecEncCtx {
94     /* these data user can set before performing the operation */
95     void*                       userData;
96     unsigned int                flags;
97     unsigned int                flags2;
98     xmlEncCtxMode               mode;
99     xmlSecKeyInfoCtx            keyInfoReadCtx;
100     xmlSecKeyInfoCtx            keyInfoWriteCtx;
101     xmlSecTransformCtx          transformCtx;
102     xmlSecTransformId           defEncMethodId;
104     /* these data are returned */
105     xmlSecKeyPtr                encKey;
106     xmlSecTransformOperation    operation;
107     xmlSecBufferPtr             result;
108     int                         resultBase64Encoded;
109     int                         resultReplaced;
110     xmlSecTransformPtr          encMethod;
112     /* attributes from EncryptedData or EncryptedKey */
113     xmlChar*                    id;
114     xmlChar*                    type;
115     xmlChar*                    mimeType;
116     xmlChar*                    encoding;
117     xmlChar*                    recipient;
118     xmlChar*                    carriedKeyName;
120     /* these are internal data, nobody should change that except us */
121     xmlNodePtr                  encDataNode;
122     xmlNodePtr                  encMethodNode;
123     xmlNodePtr                  keyInfoNode;
124     xmlNodePtr                  cipherValueNode;
126     xmlNodePtr                  replacedNodeList; /* the pointer to the replaced node */
127     void*                       reserved1;        /* reserved for future */
128 };
130 XMLSEC_EXPORT xmlSecEncCtxPtr   xmlSecEncCtxCreate              (xmlSecKeysMngrPtr keysMngr);
131 XMLSEC_EXPORT void              xmlSecEncCtxDestroy             (xmlSecEncCtxPtr encCtx);
132 XMLSEC_EXPORT int               xmlSecEncCtxInitialize          (xmlSecEncCtxPtr encCtx,
133                                                                  xmlSecKeysMngrPtr keysMngr);
134 XMLSEC_EXPORT void              xmlSecEncCtxFinalize            (xmlSecEncCtxPtr encCtx);
135 XMLSEC_EXPORT int               xmlSecEncCtxCopyUserPref        (xmlSecEncCtxPtr dst,
136                                                                  xmlSecEncCtxPtr src);
137 XMLSEC_EXPORT void              xmlSecEncCtxReset               (xmlSecEncCtxPtr encCtx);
138 XMLSEC_EXPORT int               xmlSecEncCtxBinaryEncrypt       (xmlSecEncCtxPtr encCtx,
139                                                                  xmlNodePtr tmpl,
140                                                                  const xmlSecByte* data,
141                                                                  xmlSecSize dataSize);
142 XMLSEC_EXPORT int               xmlSecEncCtxXmlEncrypt          (xmlSecEncCtxPtr encCtx,
143                                                                  xmlNodePtr tmpl,
144                                                                  xmlNodePtr node);
145 XMLSEC_EXPORT int               xmlSecEncCtxUriEncrypt          (xmlSecEncCtxPtr encCtx,
146                                                                  xmlNodePtr tmpl,
147                                                                  const xmlChar *uri);
148 XMLSEC_EXPORT int               xmlSecEncCtxDecrypt             (xmlSecEncCtxPtr encCtx,
149                                                                  xmlNodePtr node);
150 XMLSEC_EXPORT xmlSecBufferPtr   xmlSecEncCtxDecryptToBuffer     (xmlSecEncCtxPtr encCtx,
151                                                                  xmlNodePtr node                );
152 XMLSEC_EXPORT void              xmlSecEncCtxDebugDump           (xmlSecEncCtxPtr encCtx,
153                                                                  FILE* output);
154 XMLSEC_EXPORT void              xmlSecEncCtxDebugXmlDump        (xmlSecEncCtxPtr encCtx,
155                                                                  FILE* output);
157 #ifdef __cplusplus
158 }
159 #endif /* __cplusplus */
161 #endif /* XMLSEC_NO_XMLENC */
163 #endif /* __XMLSEC_XMLENC_H__ */