1 /*  _______________________________________________________________________
3     DAKOTA: Design Analysis Kit for Optimization and Terascale Applications
4     Copyright 2014-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
5     This software is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
6     For more information, see the README file in the top Dakota directory.
7     _______________________________________________________________________ */
9 //- Class:	 NonD
10 //- Description: Base class for NonDeterministic methods
11 //- Owner:       Mike Eldred
12 //- Checked by:
13 //- Version:
15 #include "DakotaResponse.hpp"
16 #include "DakotaNonD.hpp"
17 #include "NonDLHSSampling.hpp"
18 #include "ProblemDescDB.hpp"
19 #include "dakota_tabular_io.hpp"
20 #include "NormalRandomVariable.hpp"
21 #include "ParallelLibrary.hpp"
22 #include "dakota_stat_util.hpp"
24 //#define DEBUG
26 static const char rcsId[]="@(#) $Id: DakotaNonD.cpp 7024 2010-10-16 01:24:42Z mseldre $";
28 namespace Dakota {
30 // initialization of statics
31 NonD* NonD::nondInstance(NULL);
NonD(ProblemDescDB & problem_db,Model & model)34 NonD::NonD(ProblemDescDB& problem_db, Model& model):
35   Analyzer(problem_db, model),
36   respLevelTarget(problem_db.get_short("method.nond.response_level_target")),
37   respLevelTargetReduce(
38     problem_db.get_short("method.nond.response_level_target_reduce")),
39   requestedRespLevels(problem_db.get_rva("method.nond.response_levels")),
40   requestedProbLevels(problem_db.get_rva("method.nond.probability_levels")),
41   requestedRelLevels(problem_db.get_rva("method.nond.reliability_levels")),
42   requestedGenRelLevels(
43     problem_db.get_rva("method.nond.gen_reliability_levels")),
44   totalLevelRequests(0),
45   cdfFlag(problem_db.get_short("method.nond.distribution") != COMPLEMENTARY),
46   pdfOutput(false),
47   finalMomentsType(problem_db.get_short("method.nond.final_moments"))
48 {
49   initialize_counts();
51   // When specifying z/p/beta/beta* levels, a spec with an index key (number of
52   // levels = list of ints) will result in multiple vectors of levels, one for
53   // each response fn.  A spec without an index key will result in a single
54   // vector of levels.  This is as much logic as the parser can support since it
55   // cannot access the number of response fns.  Here, support the shorthand spec
56   // where there are multiple response fns but only one vector of levels (no
57   // index key provided), which are to be evenly distributed among the response
58   // fns.  This provides some measure of backwards compatibility.
59   distribute_levels(requestedRespLevels);             // always ascending
60   distribute_levels(requestedProbLevels,    cdfFlag); // ascending if cumulative
61   distribute_levels(requestedRelLevels,    !cdfFlag);// descending if cumulative
62   distribute_levels(requestedGenRelLevels, !cdfFlag);// descending if cumulative
64   for (size_t i=0; i<numFunctions; i++)
65     totalLevelRequests += requestedRespLevels[i].length() +
66       requestedProbLevels[i].length() + requestedRelLevels[i].length() +
67       requestedGenRelLevels[i].length();
69   // simple PDF output control for now (suppressed if quiet/silent output level)
70   if (totalLevelRequests && outputLevel >= NORMAL_OUTPUT)
71     pdfOutput = true;
72 }
NonD(unsigned short method_name,Model & model)75 NonD::NonD(unsigned short method_name, Model& model):
76   Analyzer(method_name, model), totalLevelRequests(0), cdfFlag(true),
77   pdfOutput(false), finalMomentsType(STANDARD_MOMENTS)
78 {
79   // NonDEvidence and NonDAdaptImpSampling use this ctor
81   initialize_counts();
83   // current set of statistics is mean, standard deviation, and
84   // probability of failure for each response function
85   //ShortArray asv(3*numFunctions, 1);
86   //finalStatistics = Response(numUncertainVars, asv);
87 }
NonD(unsigned short method_name,const RealVector & lower_bnds,const RealVector & upper_bnds)90 NonD::NonD(unsigned short method_name, const RealVector& lower_bnds,
91 	   const RealVector& upper_bnds):
92   Analyzer(method_name), epistemicStats(false), totalLevelRequests(0),
93   cdfFlag(true), pdfOutput(false), finalMomentsType(STANDARD_MOMENTS)
94 {
95   // ConcurrentStrategy uses this ctor for design opt, either for multi-start
96   // initial points or multibjective weight sets.
98   startCAUV = 0;
99   numCAUV = numContinuousVars
100     = std::min(lower_bnds.length(), upper_bnds.length());
101   numDiscreteIntVars = numDiscreteStringVars = numDiscreteRealVars = 0;
102 }
initialize_counts()105 void NonD::initialize_counts()
106 {
107   const Variables& vars = iteratedModel.current_variables();
108   //short active_view = vars.view().first;
109   const SizetArray& ac_totals = vars.shared_data().active_components_totals();
110   // convenience looping bounds
111   startCAUV = ac_totals[TOTAL_CDV];  numCAUV = ac_totals[TOTAL_CAUV];
112   // stats type
113   epistemicStats = (ac_totals[TOTAL_CEUV]  || ac_totals[TOTAL_DEUIV] ||
114 		    ac_totals[TOTAL_DEUSV] || ac_totals[TOTAL_DEURV]);
115 }
resize()118 bool NonD::resize()
119 {
120   bool parent_reinit_comms = Analyzer::resize();
122   initialize_counts(); // sufficient at this time
124   return parent_reinit_comms;
125 }
derived_set_communicators(ParLevLIter pl_iter)128 void NonD::derived_set_communicators(ParLevLIter pl_iter)
129 {
130   miPLIndex = methodPCIter->mi_parallel_level_index(pl_iter);
131   iteratedModel.set_communicators(pl_iter, maxEvalConcurrency);
132 }
135 void NonD::
requested_levels(const RealVectorArray & req_resp_levels,const RealVectorArray & req_prob_levels,const RealVectorArray & req_rel_levels,const RealVectorArray & req_gen_rel_levels,short resp_lev_tgt,short resp_lev_tgt_reduce,bool cdf_flag,bool pdf_output)136 requested_levels(const RealVectorArray& req_resp_levels,
137 		 const RealVectorArray& req_prob_levels,
138 		 const RealVectorArray& req_rel_levels,
139 		 const RealVectorArray& req_gen_rel_levels,
140 		 short resp_lev_tgt, short resp_lev_tgt_reduce,
141 		 bool cdf_flag, bool pdf_output)
142 {
143   respLevelTarget = resp_lev_tgt;
144   respLevelTargetReduce = resp_lev_tgt_reduce;
145   cdfFlag = cdf_flag;
147   size_t i;
148   totalLevelRequests = 0;
149   if (req_resp_levels.empty())
150     requestedRespLevels.resize(numFunctions); // array of empty vectors
151   else {
152     requestedRespLevels = req_resp_levels;
153     // In current usage, incoming levels are already distributed.
154     //distribute_levels(requestedRespLevels);
155     for (i=0; i<numFunctions; ++i)
156       totalLevelRequests += requestedRespLevels[i].length();
157   }
158   if (req_prob_levels.empty())
159     requestedProbLevels.resize(numFunctions); // array of empty vectors
160   else {
161     requestedProbLevels = req_prob_levels;
162     // In current usage, incoming levels are already distributed.
163     //distribute_levels(requestedProbLevels, cdfFlag);
164     for (i=0; i<numFunctions; ++i)
165       totalLevelRequests += requestedProbLevels[i].length();
166   }
167   if (req_rel_levels.empty())
168     requestedRelLevels.resize(numFunctions); // array of empty vectors
169   else {
170     requestedRelLevels = req_rel_levels;
171     // In current usage, incoming levels are already distributed.
172     //distribute_levels(requestedRelLevels, !cdfFlag);
173     for (i=0; i<numFunctions; ++i)
174       totalLevelRequests += requestedRelLevels[i].length();
175   }
176   if (req_gen_rel_levels.empty())
177     requestedGenRelLevels.resize(numFunctions); // array of empty vectors
178   else {
179     requestedGenRelLevels = req_gen_rel_levels;
180     // In current usage, incoming levels are already distributed.
181     //distribute_levels(requestedGenRelLevels, !cdfFlag);
182     for (i=0; i<numFunctions; ++i)
183       totalLevelRequests += requestedGenRelLevels[i].length();
184   }
186   if (totalLevelRequests && pdf_output)
187     pdfOutput = true;
189   initialize_final_statistics();
190   initialize_response_covariance();
191 }
distribute_levels(RealVectorArray & levels,bool ascending)194 void NonD::distribute_levels(RealVectorArray& levels, bool ascending)
195 {
196   size_t i, j, num_level_arrays = levels.size();
197   // when not already performed by the parser (i.e., a num_levels key
198   // was not provided), distribute levels among an array of vectors
199   if (num_level_arrays != numFunctions) {
200     if (num_level_arrays == 0) // create array of empty vectors
201       levels.resize(numFunctions);
202       // NOTE: old response_thresholds default was a single 0 per resp fn.  New
203       // default is no output level calculations if no requested input levels.
204     else if (num_level_arrays == 1) { // evenly distribute among all resp fns
205       RealVector level_array0 = levels[0];
206       size_t total_len = level_array0.length();
207       // check for divisibility
208       if (total_len%numFunctions) {
209         Cerr << "\nError: number of levels not evenly divisible by the number "
210              << "of response functions." << std::endl;
211         abort_handler(-1);
212       }
213       size_t new_len = total_len/numFunctions;
214       levels.resize(numFunctions);
215       for (i=0; i<numFunctions; ++i) {
216 	RealVector& vec_i = levels[i];
217 	vec_i.sizeUninitialized(new_len);
218         for (j=0; j<new_len; ++j)
219           vec_i[j] = level_array0[i*new_len+j];
220       }
221     }
222     else {
223       Cerr << "\nError: num_levels specification differs from the number of "
224            << "response functions." << std::endl;
225       abort_handler(-1);
226     }
227   }
228   // now ensure that each vector is sorted (ascending order is default)
229   for (i=0; i<numFunctions; i++) {
230     size_t len_i = levels[i].length();
231     if (len_i > 1) {
232       Real* vec_i = levels[i].values();
233       if (ascending)
234 	std::sort(vec_i, vec_i + len_i); // ascending sort by default
235       else
236 	std::sort(vec_i, vec_i + len_i, std::greater<Real>());// descending sort
237     }
238   }
239 }
242 void NonD::
construct_lhs(Iterator & u_space_sampler,Model & u_model,unsigned short sample_type,int num_samples,int seed,const String & rng,bool vary_pattern,short sampling_vars_mode)243 construct_lhs(Iterator& u_space_sampler, Model& u_model,
244 	      unsigned short sample_type, int num_samples, int seed,
245 	      const String& rng, bool vary_pattern, short sampling_vars_mode)
246 {
247   // sanity checks
248   if (num_samples <= 0) {
249     Cerr << "Error: bad samples specification (" << num_samples << ") in "
250 	 << "NonD::construct_lhs()." << std::endl;
251     abort_handler(-1);
252   }
254   // construct NonDLHSSampling with default sampling_vars_mode (ACTIVE)
255   u_space_sampler.assign_rep(std::make_shared<NonDLHSSampling>(u_model,
256     sample_type, num_samples, seed, rng, vary_pattern, sampling_vars_mode));
257 }
initialize_response_covariance()260 void NonD::initialize_response_covariance()
261 { } // default is no-op
264 /** Default definition of virtual function (used by sampling, reliability,
265     and stochastic expansion methods) defines the set of statistical results
266     to include the first two moments and level mappings for each QoI. */
initialize_final_statistics()267 void NonD::initialize_final_statistics()
268 {
269   size_t i, j, num_levels, cntr = 0, rl_len = 0, num_final_stats,
270     num_active_vars = iteratedModel.cv();
271   if (epistemicStats)
272     num_final_stats = 2*numFunctions;
273   else { // aleatory UQ
274     num_final_stats  = (finalMomentsType) ? 2*numFunctions : 0;
275     num_final_stats += totalLevelRequests;
276     if (respLevelTargetReduce) {
277       rl_len = requestedRespLevels[0].length();
278       for (i=1; i<numFunctions; ++i)
279 	if (requestedRespLevels[i].length() != rl_len) {
280 	  Cerr << "Error: system metric aggregation from component metrics "
281 	       << "requires\n       consistency in length of response_levels "
282 	       << "among response function set." << std::endl;
283 	  abort_handler(-1);
284 	}
285       num_final_stats += rl_len; // 1 aggregated system metric per resp level
286     }
287   }
288   // Instantiate finalStatistics:
289   // > default response ASV/DVV may be overridden by NestedModel update
290   //   in subIterator.response_results_active_set(sub_iterator_set)
291   // > inactive views are not set until NestedModel ctor defines them, and
292   //   subIterator construction follows in NestedModel::derived_init_comms()
293   //   --> invocation of this fn from NonD ctors should have inactive view
294   ActiveSet stats_set(num_final_stats);//, num_active_vars); // default RV = 1
295   stats_set.derivative_vector(iteratedModel.inactive_continuous_variable_ids());
296   finalStatistics = Response(SIMULATION_RESPONSE, stats_set);
298   // Assign meaningful labels to finalStatistics (appear in NestedModel output)
299   char resp_tag[10];
300   StringArray stats_labels(num_final_stats);
301   if (epistemicStats) { // epistemic & mixed aleatory/epistemic
302     for (i=0; i<numFunctions; ++i) {
303       std::sprintf(resp_tag, "_r%zu", i+1);
304       stats_labels[cntr++] = String("z_lo") + String(resp_tag);
305       stats_labels[cntr++] = String("z_up") + String(resp_tag);
306     }
307   }
308   else {                     // aleatory
309     char lev_tag[10];
310     String dist_tag = (cdfFlag) ? String("cdf") : String("ccdf");
311     for (i=0; i<numFunctions; ++i) {
312       std::sprintf(resp_tag, "_r%zu", i+1);
313       if (finalMomentsType) {
314 	stats_labels[cntr++] = String("mean") + String(resp_tag);
315 	stats_labels[cntr++] = (finalMomentsType == CENTRAL_MOMENTS) ?
316 	  String("variance") + String(resp_tag) :
317 	  String("std_dev")  + String(resp_tag);
318       }
319       num_levels = requestedRespLevels[i].length();
320       for (j=0; j<num_levels; ++j, ++cntr) {
321 	switch (respLevelTarget) {
322 	case PROBABILITIES:     std::sprintf(lev_tag, "_plev%zu",  j+1); break;
323 	case RELIABILITIES:     std::sprintf(lev_tag, "_blev%zu",  j+1); break;
324 	case GEN_RELIABILITIES: std::sprintf(lev_tag, "_b*lev%zu", j+1); break;
325 	}
326 	stats_labels[cntr] = dist_tag + String(lev_tag) + String(resp_tag);
327       }
328       num_levels = requestedProbLevels[i].length() +
329 	requestedRelLevels[i].length() + requestedGenRelLevels[i].length();
330       for (j=0; j<num_levels; ++j, ++cntr) {
331 	std::sprintf(lev_tag, "_zlev%zu", j+1);
332 	stats_labels[cntr] = dist_tag + String(lev_tag) + String(resp_tag);
333       }
334     }
335     if (respLevelTargetReduce) {
336       String sys_tag("_sys");
337       for (j=0; j<rl_len; ++j, ++cntr) {
338 	switch (respLevelTarget) {
339 	case PROBABILITIES:     std::sprintf(lev_tag, "_plev%zu",  j+1); break;
340 	case RELIABILITIES:     std::sprintf(lev_tag, "_blev%zu",  j+1); break;
341 	case GEN_RELIABILITIES: std::sprintf(lev_tag, "_b*lev%zu", j+1); break;
342 	}
343 	stats_labels[cntr] = dist_tag + String(lev_tag) + sys_tag;
344       }
345     }
346   }
348   finalStatistics.function_labels(stats_labels);
349 }
pull_level_mappings(RealVector & level_maps,size_t offset)352 void NonD::pull_level_mappings(RealVector& level_maps, size_t offset)
353 {
354   if (level_maps.length() < offset + totalLevelRequests)
355     level_maps.resize(totalLevelRequests);
357   size_t i, j, num_lev, cntr = offset;
358   for (i=0; i<numFunctions; ++i) {
359     num_lev = requestedRespLevels[i].length();
360     switch (respLevelTarget) {
361     case PROBABILITIES:
362       for (j=0; j<num_lev; ++j, ++cntr)
363 	level_maps[cntr] = computedProbLevels[i][j];
364       break;
365     case RELIABILITIES:
366       for (j=0; j<num_lev; ++j, ++cntr)
367 	level_maps[cntr] = computedRelLevels[i][j];
368       break;
370       for (j=0; j<num_lev; ++j, ++cntr)
371 	level_maps[cntr] = computedGenRelLevels[i][j];
372       break;
373     }
374     num_lev = requestedProbLevels[i].length() + requestedRelLevels[i].length()
375             + requestedGenRelLevels[i].length();
376     for (j=0; j<num_lev; ++j, ++cntr)
377       level_maps[cntr] = computedRespLevels[i][j];
378   }
379 }
push_level_mappings(const RealVector & level_maps,size_t offset)382 void NonD::push_level_mappings(const RealVector& level_maps, size_t offset)
383 {
384   if (level_maps.length() < offset + totalLevelRequests) {
385     Cerr << "Error: insufficient vector length in NonD::push_level_mappings()"
386 	 << std::endl;
387     abort_handler(METHOD_ERROR);
388   }
390   size_t i, j, num_lev, cntr = offset;
391   for (i=0; i<numFunctions; ++i) {
392     num_lev = requestedRespLevels[i].length();
393     switch (respLevelTarget) {
394     case PROBABILITIES:
395       for (j=0; j<num_lev; ++j, ++cntr)
396 	computedProbLevels[i][j] = level_maps[cntr];
397       break;
398     case RELIABILITIES:
399       for (j=0; j<num_lev; ++j, ++cntr)
400 	computedRelLevels[i][j] = level_maps[cntr];
401       break;
403       for (j=0; j<num_lev; ++j, ++cntr)
404 	computedGenRelLevels[i][j] = level_maps[cntr];
405       break;
406     }
407     num_lev = requestedProbLevels[i].length() + requestedRelLevels[i].length()
408             + requestedGenRelLevels[i].length();
409     for (j=0; j<num_lev; ++j, ++cntr)
410       computedRespLevels[i][j] = level_maps[cntr];
411   }
412 }
415 void NonD::
load_pilot_sample(const SizetArray & pilot_spec,SizetArray & delta_N_l)416 load_pilot_sample(const SizetArray& pilot_spec, SizetArray& delta_N_l)
417 {
418   size_t pilot_size = pilot_spec.size(), delta_size = delta_N_l.size();
419   if (delta_size == pilot_size)
420     delta_N_l = pilot_spec;
421   else if (pilot_size <= 1) {
422     size_t num_samp = (pilot_size) ? pilot_spec[0] : 100;
423     delta_N_l.assign(delta_size, num_samp);
424   }
425   else {
426     Cerr << "Error: inconsistent pilot sample size (" << pilot_size
427 	 << ") in load_pilot_sample(SizetArray).  " << delta_size
428 	 << " expected." << std::endl;
429     abort_handler(METHOD_ERROR);
430   }
432   Cout << "\nPilot sample:\n" << delta_N_l << std::endl;
433 }
436 void NonD::
load_pilot_sample(const SizetArray & pilot_spec,const Sizet3DArray & N_l,SizetArray & delta_N_l)437 load_pilot_sample(const SizetArray& pilot_spec, const Sizet3DArray& N_l,
438 		  SizetArray& delta_N_l)
439 {
440   size_t num_mf = N_l.size(), pilot_size = pilot_spec.size(), delta_size;
442   if (num_mf > 1) { // CV only case
443     delta_size = num_mf;
444     for (size_t i=0; i<num_mf; ++i)
445       if (N_l[i].size() > 1) {
446 	Cerr << "Error: multidimensional N_l not expected in 1-dimensional "
447 	     << "load_pilot_sample(SizetArray)" << std::endl;
448 	abort_handler(METHOD_ERROR);
449       }
450     Cout << "\nMultifidelity pilot sample:\n";
451   }
452   else { // ML only case
453     delta_size = N_l[0].size();
454     Cout << "\nMultilevel pilot sample:\n";
455   }
457   if (delta_size == pilot_size)
458     delta_N_l = pilot_spec;
459   else if (pilot_size <= 1) {
460     size_t num_samp = (pilot_size) ? pilot_spec[0] : 100;
461     delta_N_l.assign(delta_size, num_samp);
462   }
463   else {
464     Cerr << "Error: inconsistent pilot sample size (" << pilot_size
465 	 << ") in load_pilot_sample(SizetArray).  " << delta_size
466 	 << " expected." << std::endl;
467     abort_handler(METHOD_ERROR);
468   }
470   Cout << delta_N_l << std::endl;
471 }
474 void NonD::
load_pilot_sample(const SizetArray & pilot_spec,const Sizet3DArray & N_l,Sizet2DArray & delta_N_l)475 load_pilot_sample(const SizetArray& pilot_spec, const Sizet3DArray& N_l,
476 		  Sizet2DArray& delta_N_l)
477 {
478   size_t i, num_samp, pilot_size = pilot_spec.size(), num_mf = N_l.size();
479   delta_N_l.resize(num_mf);
481   // allow several different pilot sample specifications
482   if (pilot_size <= 1) {
483     num_samp = (pilot_size) ? pilot_spec[0] : 100;
484     for (i=0; i<num_mf; ++i)
485       delta_N_l[i].assign(N_l[i].size(), num_samp);
486   }
487   else {
488     size_t j, num_lev, num_prev_lev, num_total_lev = 0;
489     bool same_lev = true;
491     for (i=0; i<num_mf; ++i) {
492       // for now, only SimulationModel supports solution_levels()
493       num_lev = N_l[i].size();
494       delta_N_l[i].resize(num_lev);
495       if (i && num_lev != num_prev_lev) same_lev = false;
496       num_total_lev += num_lev; num_prev_lev = num_lev;
497     }
499     if (same_lev && pilot_size == num_lev)
500       for (j=0; j<num_lev; ++j) {
501 	num_samp = pilot_spec[j];
502 	for (i=0; i<num_mf; ++i)
503 	  delta_N_l[i][j] = num_samp;
504       }
505     else if (pilot_size == num_total_lev) {
506       size_t cntr = 0;
507       for (i=0; i<num_mf; ++i) {
508 	SizetArray& delta_N_li = delta_N_l[i]; num_lev = delta_N_li.size();
509 	for (j=0; j<num_lev; ++j, ++cntr)
510 	  delta_N_li[j] = pilot_spec[cntr];
511       }
512     }
513     else {
514       Cerr << "Error: inconsistent pilot sample size (" << pilot_size
515 	   << ") in load_pilot_sample(Sizet2DArray)." << std::endl;
516       abort_handler(METHOD_ERROR);
517     }
518   }
520   Cout << "\nMultilevel-multifidelity pilot sample:\n";
521   print_multilevel_evaluation_summary(Cout, delta_N_l);
522 }
resize_final_statistics_gradients()525 void NonD::resize_final_statistics_gradients()
526 {
527   if (finalStatistics.is_null()) // not all ctor chains track final stats
528     return;
530   const ShortArray& final_asv = finalStatistics.active_set_request_vector();
531   const SizetArray& final_dvv = finalStatistics.active_set_derivative_vector();
532   size_t i, num_final_stats = final_asv.size();
533   bool final_grad_flag = false;
534   for (i=0; i<num_final_stats; i++)
535     if (final_asv[i] & 2) // no need to distinguish moment/level mapping grads
536       { final_grad_flag = true; break; }
537   finalStatistics.reshape(num_final_stats, final_dvv.size(),
538 			  final_grad_flag, false); // no final Hessians
539 }
update_final_statistics()542 void NonD::update_final_statistics()
543 {
544   if (finalStatistics.is_null()) // some ctor chains do not track final stats
545     return;
547   // this default implementation gets overridden/augmented in derived classes
548   update_aleatory_final_statistics();
550   if (respLevelTargetReduce) {
551     update_system_final_statistics();
552     update_system_final_statistics_gradients();
553   }
554 }
update_aleatory_final_statistics()557 void NonD::update_aleatory_final_statistics()
558 {
559   // update finalStatistics from computed{Resp,Prob,Rel,GenRel}Levels
560   size_t i, j, cntr = 0, rl_len, pl_bl_gl_len;
561   for (i=0; i<numFunctions; ++i) {
562     // final stats from compute_moments()
563     if (finalMomentsType) {
564       if (momentStats.empty())
565 	cntr += 2;
566       else {
567 	const Real* mom_i = momentStats[i];
568 	finalStatistics.function_value(mom_i[0], cntr++); // mean
569 	finalStatistics.function_value(mom_i[1], cntr++); // stdev or var
570       }
571     }
572     // final stats from compute_level_mappings()
573     rl_len = requestedRespLevels[i].length();
574     switch (respLevelTarget) { // individual component p/beta/beta*
575     case PROBABILITIES:
576       for (j=0; j<rl_len; ++j, ++cntr)
577 	finalStatistics.function_value(computedProbLevels[i][j], cntr);
578       break;
579     case RELIABILITIES:
580       for (j=0; j<rl_len; ++j, ++cntr)
581 	finalStatistics.function_value(computedRelLevels[i][j], cntr);
582       break;
584       for (j=0; j<rl_len; ++j, ++cntr)
585 	finalStatistics.function_value(computedGenRelLevels[i][j], cntr);
586       break;
587     }
588     pl_bl_gl_len = requestedProbLevels[i].length()
589       + requestedRelLevels[i].length() + requestedGenRelLevels[i].length();
590     for (j=0; j<pl_bl_gl_len; ++j, ++cntr)
591       finalStatistics.function_value(computedRespLevels[i][j], cntr);
592   }
593 }
update_system_final_statistics()596 void NonD::update_system_final_statistics()
597 {
598   // same rl_len enforced for all resp fns in initialize_final_statistics()
599   size_t i, j, rl_len = requestedRespLevels[0].length(),
600     cntr = totalLevelRequests;
601   if (finalMomentsType) cntr += 2*numFunctions;
602   for (j=0; j<rl_len; ++j, ++cntr) {
603     // compute system probability
604     Real system_p = 1.;
605     switch (respLevelTargetReduce) {
606     case SYSTEM_SERIES: // system p_success = product of component p_success
607       for (i=0; i<numFunctions; ++i)
608 	system_p *= (1.-computedProbLevels[i][j]);
609       system_p = 1. - system_p; // convert back to p_fail
610       break;
611     case SYSTEM_PARALLEL: // system p_fail = product of component p_fail
612       for (i=0; i<numFunctions; ++i)
613 	system_p *= computedProbLevels[i][j];
614       break;
615     }
616 #ifdef DEBUG
617     Cout << "\nSystem p = " << system_p << " from component p:\n";
618     for (i=0; i<numFunctions; ++i)
619       Cout << "  " << computedProbLevels[i][j] << '\n';
620     Cout << '\n';
621 #endif // DEBUG
622     // convert system probability to desired system metric
623     switch (respLevelTarget) {
624     case PROBABILITIES:
625       finalStatistics.function_value(system_p, cntr); break;
627       finalStatistics.function_value(
628 	-Pecos::NormalRandomVariable::inverse_std_cdf(system_p), cntr);
629       break;
630     }
631   }
632 }
update_system_final_statistics_gradients()635 void NonD::update_system_final_statistics_gradients()
636 {
637   const ShortArray& final_asv = finalStatistics.active_set_request_vector();
638   const SizetArray& final_dvv = finalStatistics.active_set_derivative_vector();
639   // same rl_len enforced for all resp fns in initialize_final_statistics()
640   size_t l, v, s, p, rl_len = requestedRespLevels[0].length(),
641     num_deriv_vars = final_dvv.size(), cntr = totalLevelRequests,
642     moment_offset = (finalMomentsType) ? 2 : 0;
643   if (finalMomentsType) cntr += 2*numFunctions;
644   RealVector final_stat_grad(num_deriv_vars, false);
645   RealVectorArray component_grad(numFunctions);
646   Real prod;
647   for (l=0; l<rl_len; ++l, ++cntr) {
648     if (final_asv[cntr] & 2) {
649       // Retrieve component probability gradients from finalStatistics
650       size_t index = 0;
651       for (s=0; s<numFunctions; ++s) {
652 	index += moment_offset;
653 	if (respLevelTarget == PROBABILITIES)
654 	  component_grad[s] = finalStatistics.function_gradient_view(index+l);
655 	else {
656 	  component_grad[s] = finalStatistics.function_gradient_copy(index+l);
657 	  Real component_beta = finalStatistics.function_value(index+l);
658 	  component_grad[s].scale(
659 	    -Pecos::NormalRandomVariable::std_pdf(-component_beta));
660 	}
661 	index += rl_len + requestedProbLevels[s].length() +
662 	  requestedRelLevels[s].length() + requestedGenRelLevels[s].length();
663 #ifdef DEBUG
664 	Cout << "component gradient " << s+1 << ":\n"
665 	     << component_grad[s] << '\n';
666 #endif // DEBUG
667       }
668       // Compute system probability
669       for (v=0; v<num_deriv_vars; ++v) {
670 	// apply product rule over n factors
671 	Real& sum = final_stat_grad[v]; sum = 0.;
672 	for (s=0; s<numFunctions; ++s) {
673 	  prod = 1.;
674 	  switch (respLevelTargetReduce) {
675 	  case SYSTEM_SERIES:// system p_success = prod of component p_success
676 	    for (p=0; p<numFunctions; ++p)
677 	      prod *= (p == s) ? -component_grad[p][v] :
678 		1.-computedProbLevels[p][l];
679 	    break;
680 	  case SYSTEM_PARALLEL: // system p_fail = product of component p_fail
681 	    for (p=0; p<numFunctions; ++p)
682 	      prod *= (p == s) ? component_grad[p][v] :
683 		computedProbLevels[p][l];
684 	    break;
685 	  }
686 	  sum += prod;
687 	}
688       }
689       Real factor = 1.; bool scale = false;
690       // negate gradient if converting system p_success to system p_fail
691       if (respLevelTargetReduce == SYSTEM_SERIES)
692 	{ factor *= -1.; scale = true; }
693       // define any scaling for system metric type
694       if (respLevelTarget != PROBABILITIES) {
695 	Real sys_beta = finalStatistics.function_value(cntr);
696 	factor /= -Pecos::NormalRandomVariable::std_pdf(-sys_beta);
697 	scale = true;
698       }
699       if (scale) final_stat_grad.scale(factor);
700       finalStatistics.function_gradient(final_stat_grad, cntr);
701     }
702   }
703 }
initialize_level_mappings()706 void NonD::initialize_level_mappings()
707 {
708   // Default sizing assumes no distinction between requested and achieved
709   // levels for the same measure (the request is always achieved) and assumes
710   // probability (e.g., computed by binning) and reliability (e.g., computed
711   // by moment projection) are not collapsible.
712   if (computedRespLevels.empty() || computedProbLevels.empty() ||
713       computedRelLevels.empty()  || computedGenRelLevels.empty()) {
714     computedRespLevels.resize(numFunctions);
715     computedProbLevels.resize(numFunctions);
716     computedRelLevels.resize(numFunctions);
717     computedGenRelLevels.resize(numFunctions);
718     for (size_t i=0; i<numFunctions; ++i) {
719       switch (respLevelTarget) {
720       case PROBABILITIES:
721 	computedProbLevels[i].resize(requestedRespLevels[i].length());   break;
722       case RELIABILITIES:
723 	computedRelLevels[i].resize(requestedRespLevels[i].length());    break;
724       case GEN_RELIABILITIES:
725 	computedGenRelLevels[i].resize(requestedRespLevels[i].length()); break;
726       }
727       computedRespLevels[i].resize(requestedProbLevels[i].length() +
728 				   requestedRelLevels[i].length()  +
729 				   requestedGenRelLevels[i].length());
730     }
731   }
732 }
735 /** This function infers PDFs from the CDF/CCDF level mappings, in order
736     to enable PDF computation after CDF/CCDF probability level refinement
737     (e.g., from importance sampling).
739     prob_refinement alerts the routine to exclude inverse mappings from
740     the PDF, since refinement only applies to z->p forward mappings and
741     mixing refined and unrefined probability mappings results in an
742     inconsistency (potentially manifesting as negative density values).
744     all_levels_computed is an option used by reliability methods where
745     computed*Levels are defined across the union of all requested levels. */
746 void NonD::
compute_densities(const RealRealPairArray & min_max_fns,bool prob_refinement,bool all_levels_computed)747 compute_densities(const RealRealPairArray& min_max_fns,
748 		  bool prob_refinement, bool all_levels_computed)
749 {
750   if (!pdfOutput)
751     return;
753   computedPDFAbscissas.resize(numFunctions);
754   computedPDFOrdinates.resize(numFunctions);
755   archive_allocate_pdf();
757   size_t i, j, cntr, core_pdf_bins, pdf_size, offset;
758   Real z, min, max, prev_r, prev_p, new_r, new_p, last_r;
759   std::map<Real, Real> cdf_map;
760   std::map<Real, Real>::iterator it, it_last;
761   pdfComputed.resize(numFunctions, false);
762   for (i=0; i<numFunctions; ++i) {
764     // CDF/CCDF mappings: z -> p/beta/beta* and p/beta/beta* -> z
765     const RealVector&  req_rlev_i = requestedRespLevels[i];
766     const RealVector&  req_plev_i = requestedProbLevels[i];
767     const RealVector&  req_glev_i = requestedGenRelLevels[i];
768     const RealVector& comp_rlev_i = computedRespLevels[i];
769     const RealVector& comp_plev_i = computedProbLevels[i];
770     const RealVector& comp_glev_i = computedGenRelLevels[i];
771     size_t rl_len = req_rlev_i.length(), pl_len = req_plev_i.length(),
772       bl_len = requestedRelLevels[i].length(), gl_len = req_glev_i.length();
774     // Define a unique sorted map of response levels -> cdf probabilities.
775     // (refer to NonD::initialize_level_mappings() for default indexing;
776     cdf_map.clear(); min = min_max_fns[i].first; max = min_max_fns[i].second;
777     if (all_levels_computed) {
778       for (j=0; j<rl_len; ++j) {
779         z = comp_rlev_i[j]; // request may be outside extreme values
780         cdf_map[z] = (cdfFlag) ? comp_plev_i[j] : 1.-comp_plev_i[j];
781       }
782       if (!prob_refinement || !rl_len) { // don't combine refined/unrefined
783         size_t total_len = rl_len + pl_len + bl_len + gl_len;
784         for (j=rl_len; j<total_len; ++j) {
785           z = comp_rlev_i[j];
786           //if (z >= min && z <= max) // exclude any extrapolations outside bnds
787           cdf_map[z] = (cdfFlag) ? comp_plev_i[j] : 1.-comp_plev_i[j];
788         }
789       }
790     }
791     else {
792       switch (respLevelTarget) {
793         case PROBABILITIES:
794         for (j=0; j<rl_len; ++j) {
795           z = req_rlev_i[j]; // request may be outside extreme values
796           cdf_map[z] = (cdfFlag) ? comp_plev_i[j] : 1.-comp_plev_i[j];
797         }
798         break;
799         //case RELIABILITIES: // exclude reliability level mappings from cdf_map
800         case GEN_RELIABILITIES:
801         for (j=0; j<rl_len; ++j) {
802           z = req_rlev_i[j]; // request may be outside extreme values
803           Real g_cdf = (cdfFlag) ? comp_glev_i[j] : -comp_glev_i[j];
804           cdf_map[z] = Pecos::NormalRandomVariable::std_cdf(-g_cdf);
805         }
806         break;
807       }
808       if (!prob_refinement || !rl_len) { // don't combine refined/unrefined
809         for (j=0; j<pl_len; ++j) {
810           z = comp_rlev_i[j];
811           //if (z >= min && z <= max) // exclude any extrapolations outside bnds
812           cdf_map[z] = (cdfFlag) ? req_plev_i[j] : 1.-req_plev_i[j];
813         }
814         // exclude reliability level mappings from cdf_map
815         for (j=0, cntr=pl_len+bl_len; j<gl_len; ++j, ++cntr) {
816           z = comp_rlev_i[cntr];
817           //if (z >= min && z <= max) {//exclude any extrapolations outside bnds
818           Real g_cdf = (cdfFlag) ? req_glev_i[j] : -req_glev_i[j];
819           cdf_map[z] = Pecos::NormalRandomVariable::std_cdf(-g_cdf);
820             //}
821         }
822       }
823     }
825     if (!cdf_map.empty()) {
826       it      =   cdf_map.begin(); prev_r = it->first;
827       it_last = --cdf_map.end();   last_r = it_last->first;
828       // compute computedPDF{Abscissas,Ordinates} from bin counts and widths
829       core_pdf_bins = cdf_map.size()-1; pdf_size = core_pdf_bins;
830       if (min < prev_r) ++pdf_size;
831       if (max > last_r) ++pdf_size;
832       RealVector& abs_i = computedPDFAbscissas[i]; abs_i.resize(pdf_size+1);
833       RealVector& ord_i = computedPDFOrdinates[i]; ord_i.resize(pdf_size);
834       if (min < prev_r) { // first bin accumulates p0 over [min,lev0]
835         offset   = 1;   prev_p   = it->second;
836         abs_i[0] = min;	ord_i[0] = prev_p/(prev_r - min);
837       }
838       else { // first bin accumulates p0+p1 over [lev0,lev1]
839         offset   = 0;   prev_p   = 0.;
840       }
841       for (j=0; j<core_pdf_bins; ++j) {
842         ++it; new_r = it->first; new_p = it->second;
843         abs_i[j+offset] = prev_r;
844         ord_i[j+offset] = (new_p - prev_p) / (new_r - prev_r);
845         prev_r = new_r; prev_p = new_p;
846       }
847       if (max > last_r) {
848         abs_i[pdf_size-1] = last_r;
849         ord_i[pdf_size-1] = (1. - it_last->second)/(max - last_r);
850         abs_i[pdf_size]   = max;  // no ordinate for final abscissa
851       }
852       else
853         abs_i[pdf_size] = last_r; // no ordinate for final abscissa
854     pdfComputed[i] = true;
855     }
856   }
857 }
860 /** Print distribution mappings, including to file per response. */
861 void NonD::
print_level_mappings(std::ostream & s,String qoi_type,const StringArray & qoi_labels) const862 print_level_mappings(std::ostream& s, String qoi_type,
863 		     const StringArray& qoi_labels) const
864 {
865   print_densities(s, qoi_type, qoi_labels);
867   // output CDF/CCDF probabilities resulting from binning or CDF/CCDF
868   // reliabilities resulting from number of std devs separating mean & target
869   s << std::scientific << std::setprecision(write_precision)
870     << "\nLevel mappings for each " << qoi_type << ":\n";
871   for (size_t i=0; i<numFunctions; ++i)
872     if (!requestedRespLevels[i].empty() || !requestedProbLevels[i].empty() ||
873 	!requestedRelLevels[i].empty()  || !requestedGenRelLevels[i].empty()) {
874       print_level_map(s, i, qoi_labels[i]);
875       // optionally write the distribution mapping to a .dist file
876       if (outputLevel >= VERBOSE_OUTPUT)
877 	level_mappings_file(i, qoi_labels[i]);
878     }
879 }
882 /** This version differs in its use of a concatenated vector of level
883     mappings, rathen than computed{Resp,Prob,Real,GenRel}Levels. */
884 void NonD::
print_level_mappings(std::ostream & s,const RealVector & level_maps,bool moment_offset,const String & prepend)885 print_level_mappings(std::ostream& s, const RealVector& level_maps,
886 		     bool moment_offset, const String& prepend)
887 {
888   if (level_maps.empty()) return;
890   if (prepend.empty())   s << "\nLevel mappings for each response function:\n";
891   else s << '\n' << prepend << " level mappings for each response function:\n";
893   size_t i, j, cntr,
894     width = write_precision+7, w2p2 = 2*width+2, w3p4 = 3*width+4;
895   const StringArray& qoi_labels = iteratedModel.response_labels();
896   for (i=0, cntr=0; i<numFunctions; ++i) {
897     if (moment_offset) cntr += 2; // skip over moments, if present
898     if (cdfFlag) s << "Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) for ";
899     else s << "Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) for ";
900     s << qoi_labels[i] << ":\n     Response Level  Probability Level  "
901       << "Reliability Index  General Rel Index\n     --------------  "
902       << "-----------------  -----------------  -----------------\n";
903     const RealVector& req_z_levs = requestedRespLevels[i];
904     size_t num_z_levs = req_z_levs.length();
905     for (j=0; j<num_z_levs; ++j, ++cntr) {
906       s << "  " << std::setw(width) << req_z_levs[j] << "  ";
907       switch (respLevelTarget) {
908       case PROBABILITIES:
909 	s << std::setw(width) << level_maps[cntr] << '\n'; break;
910       case RELIABILITIES:
911 	s << std::setw(w2p2)  << level_maps[cntr] << '\n'; break;
912       case GEN_RELIABILITIES:
913 	s << std::setw(w3p4)  << level_maps[cntr] << '\n'; break;
914       }
915     }
916     const RealVector& req_p_levs = requestedProbLevels[i];
917     size_t num_p_levs = req_p_levs.length();
918     for (j=0; j<num_p_levs; ++j, ++cntr)
919       s << "  " << std::setw(width) << level_maps[cntr]
920 	<< "  "	<< std::setw(width) << req_p_levs[j] << '\n';
921     const RealVector& req_b_levs = requestedRelLevels[i];
922     size_t num_b_levs = req_b_levs.length();
923     for (j=0; j<num_b_levs; ++j, ++cntr)
924       s << "  " << std::setw(width) << level_maps[cntr]
925 	<< "  "	<< std::setw(w2p2)  << req_b_levs[j] << '\n';
926     const RealVector& req_g_levs = requestedGenRelLevels[i];
927     size_t num_g_levs = req_g_levs.length();
928     for (j=0; j<num_g_levs; ++j, ++cntr)
929       s << "  " << std::setw(width) << level_maps[cntr]
930 	<< "  "	<< std::setw(w3p4)  << req_g_levs[j] << '\n';
931   }
932 }
935 void NonD::
print_densities(std::ostream & s,String qoi_type,const StringArray & pdf_labels) const936 print_densities(std::ostream& s, String qoi_type,
937 		const StringArray& pdf_labels) const
938 {
939   if (!pdfOutput)
940     return;
942   size_t i, j, wpp7 = write_precision+7, num_qoi = computedPDFOrdinates.size();
943   if (num_qoi)
944     s << std::scientific << std::setprecision(write_precision)
945       << "\nProbability Density Function (PDF) histograms for each "
946       << qoi_type << ":\n";
947   for (i=0; i<num_qoi; ++i) {
948     const RealVector& ord_i = computedPDFOrdinates[i];
949     const RealVector& abs_i = computedPDFAbscissas[i];
950     size_t pdf_len = ord_i.length();
951     if (pdf_len) {
952       s << "PDF for " << pdf_labels[i] << ":\n"
953 	<< "          Bin Lower          Bin Upper      Density Value\n"
954 	<< "          ---------          ---------      -------------\n";
955       for (j=0; j<pdf_len; ++j)
956 	s << "  " << std::setw(wpp7) << abs_i[j]
957 	  << "  " << std::setw(wpp7) << abs_i[j+1]
958 	  << "  " << std::setw(wpp7) << ord_i[j] << '\n';
959     }
960   }
961 }
964 /// Write distribution mappings to a file for a single response
level_mappings_file(size_t fn_index,const String & qoi_label) const965 void NonD::level_mappings_file(size_t fn_index, const String& qoi_label) const
966 {
967   std::string dist_filename = qoi_label + ".dist";
968   std::ofstream dist_file;
969   TabularIO::open_file(dist_file, dist_filename, "Distribution Map Output");
970   dist_file << std::scientific << std::setprecision(write_precision);
971   print_level_map(dist_file, fn_index, qoi_label);
972 }
975 /** Print the distribution mapping for a single response function to
976     the passed output stream.  This base class version maps from one
977     requested level type to one computed level type; some derived
978     class implementations (e.g., local and global reliability) output
979     multiple computed level types. */
980 void NonD::
print_level_map(std::ostream & s,size_t fn_index,const String & qoi_label) const981 print_level_map(std::ostream& s, size_t fn_index, const String& qoi_label) const
982 {
983   size_t j, width = write_precision+7, w2p2 = 2*width+2, w3p4 = 3*width+4;
985   if (cdfFlag)
986     s << "Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) for ";
987   else
988     s << "Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) for ";
989   s << qoi_label << ":\n     Response Level  Probability Level  "
990     << "Reliability Index  General Rel Index\n     --------------  "
991     << "-----------------  -----------------  -----------------\n";
992   size_t num_resp_levels = requestedRespLevels[fn_index].length();
993   for (j=0; j<num_resp_levels; j++) { // map from 1 requested to 1 computed
994     s << "  " << std::setw(width) << requestedRespLevels[fn_index][j] << "  ";
995     switch (respLevelTarget) {
996     case PROBABILITIES:
997       s << std::setw(width) << computedProbLevels[fn_index][j]   << '\n'; break;
998     case RELIABILITIES:
999       s << std::setw(w2p2)  << computedRelLevels[fn_index][j]    << '\n'; break;
1000     case GEN_RELIABILITIES:
1001       s << std::setw(w3p4)  << computedGenRelLevels[fn_index][j] << '\n'; break;
1002     }
1003   }
1004   size_t num_prob_levels = requestedProbLevels[fn_index].length();
1005   for (j=0; j<num_prob_levels; j++) // map from 1 requested to 1 computed
1006     s << "  " << std::setw(width) << computedRespLevels[fn_index][j]
1007       << "  " << std::setw(width) << requestedProbLevels[fn_index][j] << '\n';
1008   size_t num_rel_levels = requestedRelLevels[fn_index].length(),
1009     offset = num_prob_levels;
1010   for (j=0; j<num_rel_levels; j++) // map from 1 requested to 1 computed
1011     s << "  " << std::setw(width) << computedRespLevels[fn_index][j+offset]
1012       << "  " << std::setw(w2p2)  << requestedRelLevels[fn_index][j] << '\n';
1013   size_t num_gen_rel_levels = requestedGenRelLevels[fn_index].length();
1014   offset += num_rel_levels;
1015   for (j=0; j<num_gen_rel_levels; j++) // map from 1 requested to 1 computed
1016     s << "  " << std::setw(width) << computedRespLevels[fn_index][j+offset]
1017       << "  " << std::setw(w3p4)  << requestedGenRelLevels[fn_index][j] << '\n';
1018 }
print_system_mappings(std::ostream & s) const1021 void NonD::print_system_mappings(std::ostream& s) const
1022 {
1023   size_t rl_len = requestedRespLevels[0].length();
1024   if (respLevelTargetReduce && rl_len) {
1025     size_t i, width = write_precision+7, g_width = 2*width+2,
1026       cntr = totalLevelRequests;
1027     if (finalMomentsType) cntr += 2*numFunctions;
1028     const RealVector& final_stats = finalStatistics.function_values();
1029     s << std::scientific << std::setprecision(write_precision)
1030       << "\nSystem response level mappings:\n";
1031     if (cdfFlag) s << "Cumulative distribution metrics ";
1032     else         s << "Complementary cumulative distribution metrics ";
1033     if (respLevelTargetReduce == SYSTEM_SERIES)        s << "for series ";
1034     else if (respLevelTargetReduce == SYSTEM_PARALLEL) s << "for parallel ";
1035     s << "system:\n     Resp Level Set  Probability Level  Reliability Index  "
1036       << "General Rel Index\n     --------------  -----------------  "
1037       << "-----------------  -----------------\n";
1038     Real prob, gen_rel;
1039     for (i=0; i<rl_len; ++i, ++cntr) {
1040       switch (respLevelTarget) {
1041       case PROBABILITIES:
1042 	prob    =  final_stats[cntr];
1043 	gen_rel = -Pecos::NormalRandomVariable::inverse_std_cdf(prob); break;
1044       default:
1045 	gen_rel =  final_stats[cntr];
1046 	prob    =  Pecos::NormalRandomVariable::std_cdf(-gen_rel);     break;
1047       }
1048       s << "  " << std::setw(width) << i+1 << "  " << std::setw(width) << prob
1049 	<< "  " << std::setw(g_width) << gen_rel << '\n';
1050     }
1051   }
1052 }
1055 void NonD::
print_multilevel_evaluation_summary(std::ostream & s,const SizetArray & N_samp)1056 print_multilevel_evaluation_summary(std::ostream& s, const SizetArray& N_samp)
1057 {
1058   size_t j, width = write_precision+7, num_lev = N_samp.size();
1059   for (j=0; j<num_lev; ++j)
1060     s << "                     " << std::setw(width) << N_samp[j] << '\n';
1061 }
1064 void NonD::
print_multilevel_evaluation_summary(std::ostream & s,const Sizet2DArray & N_samp)1065 print_multilevel_evaluation_summary(std::ostream& s, const Sizet2DArray& N_samp)
1066 {
1067   size_t j, width = write_precision+7, num_lev = N_samp.size();
1068   for (j=0; j<num_lev; ++j) {
1069     const SizetArray& N_j = N_samp[j];
1070     s << "                     " << std::setw(width) << N_j[0];
1071     if (!homogeneous(N_j)) { // print all counts in this 1D array
1072       size_t q, num_q = N_j.size();
1073       for (size_t q=1; q<num_q; ++q)
1074 	s << ' ' << N_j[q];
1075     }
1076     s << '\n';
1077   }
1078 }
1081 void NonD::
print_multilevel_evaluation_summary(std::ostream & s,const Sizet3DArray & N_samp)1082 print_multilevel_evaluation_summary(std::ostream& s, const Sizet3DArray& N_samp)
1083 {
1084   size_t i, j, num_mf = N_samp.size(), width = write_precision+7;
1085   if (num_mf == 1)  s << "<<<<< Final samples per level:\n";
1086   else              s << "<<<<< Final samples per model form:\n";
1087   for (i=0; i<num_mf; ++i) {
1088     if (num_mf > 1) s << "      Model Form " << i+1 << ":\n";
1089     print_multilevel_evaluation_summary(s, N_samp[i]);
1090   }
1091 }
archive_allocate_mappings()1094 void NonD::archive_allocate_mappings()
1095 {
1096   if (!resultsDB.active())  return;
1098   bool req_resp = false, req_prob = false, req_rel = false, req_gen = false;
1099   for (size_t i=0; i<numFunctions; ++i) {
1100     if (requestedRespLevels[i].length() > 0)   req_resp = true;
1101     if (requestedProbLevels[i].length() > 0)   req_prob = true;
1102     if (requestedRelLevels[i].length() > 0)    req_rel  = true;
1103     if (requestedGenRelLevels[i].length() > 0) req_gen  = true;
1104   }
1106   if (req_resp) {
1107     std::string resp_target, data_name;
1108     switch (respLevelTarget) {
1109     case PROBABILITIES:
1110       resp_target = "Probability";
1111       data_name = resultsNames.map_resp_prob;
1112       break;
1113     case RELIABILITIES:
1114       resp_target = "Reliability";
1115       data_name = resultsNames.map_resp_rel;
1116       break;
1117     case GEN_RELIABILITIES:
1118       resp_target = "Generalized Reliability";
1119       data_name = resultsNames.map_resp_genrel;
1120       break;
1121     }
1123     // mapping per function, possibly empty
1124     MetaDataType md;
1125     md["Array Spans"] = make_metadatavalue("Response Functions");
1126     md["Column Labels"] =
1127       make_metadatavalue("Response Level", resp_target + " Level");
1128     resultsDB.array_allocate<RealMatrix>
1129       (run_identifier(), data_name, numFunctions, md);
1130   }
1131   if (req_prob) {
1132     // mapping per function, possibly empty
1133     MetaDataType md;
1134     md["Array Spans"] = make_metadatavalue("Response Functions");
1135     md["Column Labels"] =
1136       make_metadatavalue("Probability Level", "Response Level");
1137     resultsDB.array_allocate<RealMatrix>
1138       (run_identifier(), resultsNames.map_prob_resp, numFunctions, md);
1139   }
1140   if (req_rel) {
1141     // mapping per function, possibly empty
1142     MetaDataType md;
1143     md["Array Spans"] = make_metadatavalue("Response Functions");
1144     md["Column Labels"] =
1145       make_metadatavalue("Reliability Level", "Response Level");
1146     resultsDB.array_allocate<RealMatrix>
1147       (run_identifier(), resultsNames.map_rel_resp, numFunctions, md);
1148   }
1149   if (req_gen) {
1150     // mapping per function, possibly empty
1151     MetaDataType md;
1152     md["Array Spans"] = make_metadatavalue("Response Functions");
1153     md["Column Labels"] =
1154       make_metadatavalue("Generalized Reliability Level", "Response Level");
1155     resultsDB.array_allocate<RealMatrix>
1156       (run_identifier(), resultsNames.map_genrel_resp, numFunctions, md);
1157   }
1158 }
1161 // archive the mappings from response levels
archive_from_resp(size_t i,size_t inc_id)1162 void NonD::archive_from_resp(size_t i, size_t inc_id)
1163 {
1164   // only insert if active and response levels specified
1165   size_t num_resp_levels = requestedRespLevels[i].length();
1166   if (!resultsDB.active() || num_resp_levels == 0)  return;
1168   size_t j;
1169   std::string data_name;
1171   RealMatrix mapping(num_resp_levels, 2);
1173   DimScaleMap scale;
1174   scale.emplace(0, RealScale("response_levels", requestedRespLevels[i]));
1175   const StringArray &labels = iteratedModel.response_labels();
1176   RealVector *result;
1178   // TODO: could use SetCol?
1179   switch (respLevelTarget) {
1180   case PROBABILITIES:
1181     data_name = resultsNames.map_resp_prob;
1182     for (j=0; j<num_resp_levels; ++j) {
1183       mapping(j, 0) = requestedRespLevels[i][j];
1184       mapping(j, 1) = computedProbLevels[i][j];
1185     }
1186     result = &computedProbLevels[i];
1187     break;
1188   case RELIABILITIES:
1189     data_name = resultsNames.map_resp_rel;
1190     for (j=0; j<num_resp_levels; ++j) {
1191       mapping(j, 0) = requestedRespLevels[i][j];
1192       mapping(j, 1) = computedRelLevels[i][j];
1193     }
1194     result = &computedRelLevels[i];
1195     break;
1197     data_name = resultsNames.map_resp_genrel;
1198     for (j=0; j<num_resp_levels; ++j) {
1199       mapping(j, 0) = requestedRespLevels[i][j];
1200       mapping(j, 1) = computedGenRelLevels[i][j];
1201     }
1202     result = &computedGenRelLevels[i];
1203     break;
1204   }
1206   StringArray location;
1207   if(inc_id) location.push_back(String("increment:") + std::to_string(inc_id));
1208   location.push_back(String("response_levels"));
1209   location.push_back(labels[i]);
1211   resultsDB.insert(run_identifier(), location, *result, scale);
1213   resultsDB.array_insert<RealMatrix>(run_identifier(), data_name, i, mapping);
1214 }
1217 // archive the mappings to response levels
archive_to_resp(size_t i,size_t inc_id)1218 void NonD::archive_to_resp(size_t i, size_t inc_id)
1219 {
1220   if (!resultsDB.active())  return;
1222   DimScaleMap scale;
1223   const StringArray &labels = iteratedModel.response_labels();
1224   StringArray location;
1225   size_t r_index = 0;
1226   if(inc_id) {
1227     location.push_back(String("increment:") + std::to_string(inc_id));
1228     r_index = 1;
1229   }
1230   location.push_back(String(""));
1231   location.push_back(labels[i]);
1232   size_t j;
1233   size_t num_prob_levels = requestedProbLevels[i].length();
1234   if (num_prob_levels > 0) {
1235     RealMatrix mapping(num_prob_levels, 2);
1236     for (j=0; j<num_prob_levels; j++) {
1237       mapping(j, 0) = requestedProbLevels[i][j];
1238       mapping(j, 1) = computedRespLevels[i][j];
1239     }
1240     resultsDB.
1241       array_insert<RealMatrix>(run_identifier(),
1242 			       resultsNames.map_prob_resp, i, mapping);
1243     location[r_index] = String("probability_levels");
1244      scale.emplace(0, RealScale("probability_levels", requestedProbLevels[i]));
1245     RealVector result(Teuchos::View, &computedRespLevels[i][0], num_prob_levels);
1246     resultsDB.insert(run_identifier(), location, result, scale);
1247   }
1248   size_t num_rel_levels = requestedRelLevels[i].length();
1249   size_t offset = num_prob_levels;
1250   if (num_rel_levels > 0) {
1251     RealMatrix mapping(num_rel_levels, 2);
1252     for (j=0; j<num_rel_levels; j++) {
1253       mapping(j, 0) = requestedRelLevels[i][j];
1254       mapping(j, 1) = computedRespLevels[i][j+offset];
1255     }
1256     resultsDB.
1257       array_insert<RealMatrix>(run_identifier(),
1258 			       resultsNames.map_rel_resp, i, mapping);
1260     scale.emplace(0, RealScale("reliability_levels", requestedRelLevels[i]));
1261     RealVector result(Teuchos::View, &computedRespLevels[i][0] + offset, num_rel_levels);
1262     location[r_index] = String("reliability_levels");
1263     resultsDB.insert(run_identifier(), location, result, scale);
1264   }
1265   size_t num_gen_rel_levels = requestedGenRelLevels[i].length();
1266   offset += num_rel_levels;
1267   if (num_gen_rel_levels > 0) {
1268     RealMatrix mapping(num_gen_rel_levels, 2);
1269     for (j=0; j<num_gen_rel_levels; j++) {
1270       mapping(j, 0) = requestedGenRelLevels[i][j];
1271       mapping(j, 1) = computedRespLevels[i][j+offset];
1272     }
1273     resultsDB.
1274       array_insert<RealMatrix>(run_identifier(),
1275 			       resultsNames.map_genrel_resp, i, mapping);
1277     scale.emplace(0, RealScale("gen_reliability_levels", requestedGenRelLevels[i]));
1278     RealVector result(Teuchos::View, &computedRespLevels[i][0] + offset, num_gen_rel_levels);
1279     location[r_index] = String("gen_reliability_levels");
1280     resultsDB.insert(run_identifier(), location, result, scale);
1282   }
1283 }
archive_allocate_pdf()1286 void NonD::archive_allocate_pdf() // const
1287 {
1288   if (!resultsDB.active())  return;
1290   // pdf per function, possibly empty
1291   MetaDataType md;
1292   md["Array Spans"] = make_metadatavalue("Response Functions");
1293   md["Row Labels"] =
1294     make_metadatavalue("Bin Lower", "Bin Upper", "Density Value");
1295   resultsDB.array_allocate<RealMatrix>
1296     (run_identifier(), resultsNames.pdf_histograms, numFunctions, md);
1297 }
archive_pdf(size_t i,size_t inc_id)1300 void NonD::archive_pdf(size_t i, size_t inc_id) // const
1301 {
1302   if (!resultsDB.active() || !pdfOutput ) return;
1304   size_t pdf_len = computedPDFOrdinates[i].length();
1305   RealMatrix pdf(3, pdf_len);
1306   for (size_t j=0; j<pdf_len; ++j) {
1307     pdf(0, j) = computedPDFAbscissas[i][j];
1308     pdf(1, j) = computedPDFAbscissas[i][j+1];
1309     pdf(2, j) = computedPDFOrdinates[i][j];
1310   }
1312   resultsDB.array_insert<RealMatrix>
1313     (run_identifier(), resultsNames.pdf_histograms, i, pdf);
1315   const StringArray &labels = iteratedModel.response_labels();
1316   StringArray location;
1317   if(inc_id) location.push_back(String("increment:") + std::to_string(inc_id));
1318   location.push_back("probability_density");
1319   location.push_back(labels[i]);
1320   DimScaleMap scales;
1321   scales.emplace(0, RealScale("lower_bounds", &computedPDFAbscissas[i][0], pdf_len, ScaleScope::UNSHARED));
1322   scales.emplace(0, RealScale("upper_bounds", &computedPDFAbscissas[i][1], pdf_len, ScaleScope::UNSHARED));
1323   resultsDB.insert(run_identifier(),location, computedPDFOrdinates[i], scales);
1324 }
archive_equiv_hf_evals(const Real equiv_hf_evals)1326 void NonD::archive_equiv_hf_evals(const Real equiv_hf_evals) {
1327   if (!resultsDB.active()) return;
1328   resultsDB.add_metadata_to_execution(run_identifier(),
1329       {ResultAttribute<Real>("equiv_hf_evals",equiv_hf_evals)});
1330 }
1332 } // namespace Dakota