1 /*!
2  * \file   mfront/src/InelasticFlowBase.cxx
3  * \brief
4  * \author Thomas Helfer
5  * \date   15/03/2018
6  * \copyright Copyright (C) 2006-2018 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D. All rights
7  * reserved.
8  * This project is publicly released under either the GNU GPL Licence
9  * or the CECILL-A licence. A copy of thoses licences are delivered
10  * with the sources of TFEL. CEA or EDF may also distribute this
11  * project under specific licensing conditions.
12  */
14 #include "TFEL/Raise.hxx"
15 #include "TFEL/Glossary/Glossary.hxx"
16 #include "TFEL/Glossary/GlossaryEntry.hxx"
17 #include "TFEL/Utilities/Data.hxx"
18 #include "MFront/ImplicitDSLBase.hxx"
19 #include "MFront/NonLinearSystemSolver.hxx"
20 #include "MFront/BehaviourBrick/BrickUtilities.hxx"
21 #include "MFront/BehaviourBrick/StressPotential.hxx"
22 #include "MFront/BehaviourBrick/StressCriterion.hxx"
23 #include "MFront/BehaviourBrick/OptionDescription.hxx"
24 #include "MFront/BehaviourBrick/StressCriterionFactory.hxx"
25 #include "MFront/BehaviourBrick/IsotropicHardeningRule.hxx"
26 #include "MFront/BehaviourBrick/IsotropicHardeningRuleFactory.hxx"
27 #include "MFront/BehaviourBrick/KinematicHardeningRule.hxx"
28 #include "MFront/BehaviourBrick/KinematicHardeningRuleFactory.hxx"
29 #include "MFront/BehaviourBrick/InelasticFlowBase.hxx"
31 namespace mfront {
33   namespace bbrick {
getOptions() const35     std::vector<OptionDescription> InelasticFlowBase::getOptions() const {
36       std::vector<OptionDescription> opts;
37       opts.emplace_back(
38           "criterion",
39           "stress criterion to be used (Mises, Hill, Hosford, Barlat)",
40           OptionDescription::DATASTRUCTURE);
41       opts.emplace_back("flow_criterion",
42                         "stress criterion used to build the plastic potential "
43                         "(Mises, Hill, Hosford, Barlat)",
44                         OptionDescription::DATASTRUCTURE);
45       opts.emplace_back("isotropic_hardening",
46                         "choice of an isotropic hardening rule",
47                         OptionDescription::DATASTRUCTURES);
48       opts.emplace_back("kinematic_hardening",
49                         "description of an hardening rule",
50                         OptionDescription::DATASTRUCTURES);
51       opts.emplace_back(
52           "save_porosity_increase",
53           "if appropriate, save the porosity increase induced "
54           "by this inelastic flow in a dedicated auxiliary state variable",
55           OptionDescription::BOOLEAN);
56       opts.emplace_back(
57           "porosity_effect_on_equivalent_plastic_strain",
58           "specify the effect of the porosity of the flow rule. "
59           "Valid strings are 'StandardPorosityEffect' (or equivalently "
60           "'standard_porosity_effect') or 'None' (or equivalently 'none' "
61           "or 'false')'",
62           OptionDescription::STRING);
63       opts.emplace_back("porosity_evolution_algorithm",
64                         "reserved for internal use", OptionDescription::STRING);
65       opts.emplace_back("cosine_threshold",
66                         "minimum value of the cosine of the angle between two "
67                         "successive estimates of the flow direction. If the "
68                         "computed angle is lower than this threshold, the "
69                         "Newton step is rejected. This parameter must be in "
70                         "the range [-1:1].",
71                         OptionDescription::REAL);
72       opts.emplace_back(
73           "cosine_check_minimum_iteration_factor",
74           "a factor $\\alpha$ which gives the threshold below which the "
75           "check on the cosine of the angle between two successive estimates "
76           "of the flow direction is performed, i.e. the test is performed if "
77           "the iteration counter is greater than $\\alpha \\cdot i_{\\max{}}$ "
78           "where $i_{\\max{}}$ is the maximum number of iterations. This "
79           "parameter must be in the range [0:1].",
80           OptionDescription::REAL);
81       opts.emplace_back(
82           "cosine_check_maximum_iteration_factor",
83           "a factor $\\alpha$ which gives the threshold upper which the "
84           "check on the cosine of the angle between two successive estimates "
85           "of the flow direction is performed, i.e. the test is performed if "
86           "the iteration counter is lower than $\\alpha \\cdot i_{\\max{}}$ "
87           "where $i_{\\max{}}$ is the maximum number of iterations. This "
88           "parameter must be in the range [0:1].",
89           OptionDescription::REAL);
90       return opts;
91     }  // end of InelasticFlowBase::getOptions()
initialize(BehaviourDescription & bd,AbstractBehaviourDSL & dsl,const std::string & id,const DataMap & d)93     void InelasticFlowBase::initialize(BehaviourDescription& bd,
94                                        AbstractBehaviourDSL& dsl,
95                                        const std::string& id,
96                                        const DataMap& d) {
97       constexpr const auto uh = ModellingHypothesis::UNDEFINEDHYPOTHESIS;
98       auto raise = [](const std::string& m) {
99         tfel::raise("InelasticFlowBase::initialize: " + m);
100       };  // end of raise
101       auto getDataStructure = [&raise](const std::string& n, const Data& ds) {
102         if (ds.is<std::string>()) {
103           tfel::utilities::DataStructure nds;
104           nds.name = ds.get<std::string>();
105           return nds;
106         }
107         if (!ds.is<tfel::utilities::DataStructure>()) {
108           raise("invalid data type for entry '" + n + "'");
109         }
110         return ds.get<tfel::utilities::DataStructure>();
111       };  // end of getDataStructure
112       // checking options
113       mfront::bbrick::check(d, this->getOptions());
114       // parsing options
115       for (const auto& e : d) {
116         if (e.first == "criterion") {
117           if (this->sc != nullptr) {
118             raise("criterion has already been defined");
119           }
120           const auto ds = getDataStructure(e.first, e.second);
121           auto& cf = StressCriterionFactory::getFactory();
122           this->sc = cf.generate(ds.name);
123           if (d.count("flow_criterion") != 0) {
124             this->sc->initialize(bd, dsl, id, ds.data,
125                                  StressCriterion::STRESSCRITERION);
126           } else {
127             this->sc->initialize(bd, dsl, id, ds.data,
128                                  StressCriterion::STRESSANDFLOWCRITERION);
129           }
130         } else if (e.first == "flow_criterion") {
131           if (this->fc != nullptr) {
132             raise("criterion has already been defined");
133           }
134           const auto ds = getDataStructure(e.first, e.second);
135           auto& cf = StressCriterionFactory::getFactory();
136           this->fc = cf.generate(ds.name);
137           this->fc->initialize(bd, dsl, id, ds.data,
138                                StressCriterion::FLOWCRITERION);
139         } else if (e.first == "isotropic_hardening") {
140           auto add_isotropic_hardening_rule =
141               [this, &bd, &dsl, &id](const tfel::utilities::DataStructure& ds) {
142                 auto& rf = IsotropicHardeningRuleFactory::getFactory();
143                 const auto ihr = rf.generate(ds.name);
144                 ihr->initialize(bd, dsl, id, std::to_string(this->ihrs.size()),
145                                 ds.data);
146                 this->ihrs.push_back(ihr);
147               };
148           if (e.second.is<std::vector<Data>>()) {
149             for (const auto& ird : e.second.get<std::vector<Data>>()) {
150               add_isotropic_hardening_rule(getDataStructure(e.first, ird));
151             }
152           } else {
153             auto& rf = IsotropicHardeningRuleFactory::getFactory();
154             const auto ds = getDataStructure(e.first, e.second);
155             const auto ihr = rf.generate(ds.name);
156             ihr->initialize(bd, dsl, id, "", ds.data);
157             this->ihrs.push_back(ihr);
158           }
159         } else if (e.first == "kinematic_hardening") {
160           auto add_kinematic_hardening_rule =
161               [this, &bd, &dsl, &id](const tfel::utilities::DataStructure& ds) {
162                 auto& kf = KinematicHardeningRuleFactory::getFactory();
163                 const auto k = kf.generate(ds.name);
164                 k->initialize(bd, dsl, id, std::to_string(this->khrs.size()),
165                               ds.data);
166                 this->khrs.push_back(k);
167               };
168           if (e.second.is<std::vector<Data>>()) {
169             for (const auto& krd : e.second.get<std::vector<Data>>()) {
170               add_kinematic_hardening_rule(getDataStructure(e.first, krd));
171             }
172           } else {
173             add_kinematic_hardening_rule(getDataStructure(e.first, e.second));
174           }
175         } else if (e.first == "save_porosity_increase") {
176           if (!e.second.is<bool>()) {
177             raise("'save_porosity_increase' is not a boolean");
178           }
179           this->save_porosity_increase = e.second.get<bool>();
180         } else if (e.first == "porosity_evolution_algorithm") {
181           if (!e.second.is<std::string>()) {
182             raise("'porosity_evolution_algorithm' is not a boolean");
183           }
184           const auto& a = e.second.get<std::string>();
185           if (a == "standard_implicit_scheme") {
186             this->porosity_evolution_algorithm =
187                 PorosityEvolutionAlgorithm::STANDARD_IMPLICIT_SCHEME;
188           } else if (a == "staggered_scheme") {
189             this->porosity_evolution_algorithm =
190                 PorosityEvolutionAlgorithm::STAGGERED_SCHEME;
191           } else {
192             raise("internal error: unsupported porosity evolution algorithm");
193           }
194         } else if (e.first == "porosity_effect_on_equivalent_plastic_strain") {
195           if (!e.second.is<std::string>()) {
196             raise("'porosity_effect_on_equivalent_plastic_strain' is not a string");
197           }
198           const auto& pe = e.second.get<std::string>();
199           if ((pe == "StandardPorosityEffect") ||
200               (pe == "standard_porosity_effect")) {
201             this->porosity_effect_on_equivalent_plastic_strain =
203           } else if ((pe == "None") || (pe == "none") || (pe == "false")) {
204             this->porosity_effect_on_equivalent_plastic_strain =
206           } else if (pe != "Undefined") {
207             raise(
208                 "invalid value of 'porosity_effect_on_equivalent_plastic_strain'. Expected "
209                 "'StandardPorosityEffect' (or equivalently "
210                 "'standard_porosity_effect') or 'None' (or equivalently 'none' "
211                 "or 'false'), but got '" +
212                 pe + "'");
213           }
214         } else if (e.first == "cosine_threshold") {
215           this->cosine_threshold = tfel::utilities::convert<double>(e.second);
216           if ((this->cosine_threshold < -1) || (this->cosine_threshold > 1)) {
217             raise(
218                 "invalid value for the option `cosine_threshold` (value must "
219                 "be in range [-1:1]");
220           }
221         } else if (e.first == "cosine_check_minimum_iteration_factor") {
222           if (d.count("cosine_threshold") == 0) {
223             raise(
224                 "option `cosine_check_minimum_iteration_factor` is only "
225                 "meaningful if the option `cosine_threshold` is also "
226                 "provided");
227           }
228           this->cosine_check_minimum_iteration_factor =
229               tfel::utilities::convert<double>(e.second);
230           if ((this->cosine_check_minimum_iteration_factor < -1) ||
231               (this->cosine_check_minimum_iteration_factor > 1)) {
232             raise(
233                 "invalid value for the option "
234                 "`cosine_check_minimum_iteration_factor` (value must be in "
235                 "range [-1:1]");
236           }
237           if (this->cosine_check_maximum_iteration_factor <
238               this->cosine_check_minimum_iteration_factor) {
239             raise(
240                 "the value of the option "
241                 "`cosine_check_maximum_iteration_factor` must be greater than "
242                 "the vaue of `cosine_check_minmum_iteration_factor`");
243           }
244         } else if (e.first == "cosine_check_maximum_iteration_factor") {
245           if (d.count("cosine_threshold") == 0) {
246             raise(
247                 "option `cosine_check_maximum_iteration_factor` is only "
248                 "meaningful if the option `cosine_threshold` is also "
249                 "provided");
250           }
251           this->cosine_check_maximum_iteration_factor =
252               tfel::utilities::convert<double>(e.second);
253           if ((this->cosine_check_maximum_iteration_factor < -1) ||
254               (this->cosine_check_maximum_iteration_factor > 1)) {
255             raise(
256                 "invalid value for the option "
257                 "`cosine_check_maximum_iteration_factor` (value must be in "
258                 "range [-1:1]");
259           }
260           if (this->cosine_check_maximum_iteration_factor <
261               this->cosine_check_minimum_iteration_factor) {
262             raise(
263                 "the value of the option "
264                 "`cosine_check_maximum_iteration_factor` must be greater than "
265                 "the vaue of `cosine_check_minmum_iteration_factor`");
266           }
267         }  // other options must be treated in child classes
268       }
269       if (this->cosine_threshold < 1.5) {
270         addLocalVariable(bd, "Stensor", "np" + id);
271         CodeBlock init;
272         init.code = "this->np" + id +
273                     " = Stensor(real(0));\n";
274         bd.setCode(uh, BehaviourData::BeforeInitializeLocalVariables, init,
275                    BehaviourData::CREATEORAPPEND, BehaviourData::AT_BEGINNING);
276       }
277       if (this->sc == nullptr) {
278         raise("criterion has not been defined");
279       }
280       if (!this->ihrs.empty()) {
281         addLocalVariable(bd, "bool", "bpl" + id);
282         if (this->ihrs.size() != 1) {
283           const auto Rel = "Rel" + id;
284           const auto R = "R" + id;
285           const auto dR = "d" + R + "_ddp" + id;
286           bd.reserveName(uh, Rel);
287           bd.reserveName(uh, R);
288           bd.reserveName(uh, dR);
289         }
290       }
291       if (this->isCoupledWithPorosityEvolution()) {
292         if (this->fc != nullptr) {
293           if (this->fc->isNormalDeviatoric()) {
294             raise(
295                 "InelasticFlowBase::initialize: "
296                 "the flow is coupled with the porosity evolution, but "
297                 "the flow direction is deviatoric");
298           }
299         }
300         if (this->sc->isNormalDeviatoric()) {
301           raise(
302               "InelasticFlowBase::initialize: "
303               "the flow is coupled with the porosity evolution by "
304               "the flow direction is deviatoric");
305         }
306         if (!this->khrs.empty()) {
307           raise(
308               "InelasticFlowBase::initialize: "
309               "kinematic hardening rules are not supported "
310               "when coupled with a porosity evolution");
311         }
312       }
313       if (this->contributesToPorosityGrowth()) {
314         addLocalVariable(bd, "real", "trace_n" + id);
315         if (this->save_porosity_increase) {
316           addLocalVariable(bd, "real", "dfg" + id);
317           VariableDescription fg("real", "fg" + id, 1u, 0u);
318           const auto& g =
319               tfel::glossary::Glossary::PorosityIncreaseDueToInelasticFlow;
320           if (id.empty()) {
321             fg.setGlossaryName(g);
322           } else {
323             fg.setEntryName(g.getKey() + id);
324           }
325           bd.addAuxiliaryStateVariable(uh, fg);
326         }
327       }
328     }  // end of InelasticFlowBase::initialize
setPorosityEvolutionHandled(const bool b)330     void InelasticFlowBase::setPorosityEvolutionHandled(const bool b) {
331       if ((!b) && (this->isCoupledWithPorosityEvolution())) {
332         tfel::raise(
333             "InelasticFlowBase::setPorosityEvolutionHandled: "
334             "internal error (consistent situation)");
335       }
336       this->porosity_evolution_explicitely_handled = b;
337     }  // end of InelasticFlowBase::setPorosityEvolutionHandled
contributesToPorosityGrowth() const339     bool InelasticFlowBase::contributesToPorosityGrowth() const {
340       if ((this->porosity_evolution_explicitely_handled == true) ||
341           (this->isCoupledWithPorosityEvolution())) {
342         if (this->sc == nullptr) {
343           tfel::raise(
344               "InelasticFlowBase::contributesToPorosityGrowth: "
345               "unitialised object");
346         }
347         const bool bn = [this] {
348           if (this->fc != nullptr) {
349             return !this->fc->isNormalDeviatoric();
350           }
351           return !this->sc->isNormalDeviatoric();
352         }();
353         return bn;
354       }
355       return false;
356     }  // end of InelasticFlowBase::contributesToPorosityGrowth
completeVariableDeclaration(BehaviourDescription &,const AbstractBehaviourDSL &,const std::string &) const358     void InelasticFlowBase::completeVariableDeclaration(
359         BehaviourDescription&,
360         const AbstractBehaviourDSL&,
361         const std::string&) const {
362     }  // end of InelasticFlowBase::completeVariableDeclaration
requiresActivationState() const364     bool InelasticFlowBase::requiresActivationState() const {
365       return !this->ihrs.empty();
366     }  // end of InelasticFlowBase::requiresActivationState
computeInitialActivationState(BehaviourDescription & bd,const StressPotential & sp,const std::string & id) const368     void InelasticFlowBase::computeInitialActivationState(
369         BehaviourDescription& bd,
370         const StressPotential& sp,
371         const std::string& id) const {
372       if (!this->ihrs.empty()) {
373         CodeBlock i;
374         if (this->khrs.empty()) {
375           i.code += "const auto& sel" + id + " = sigel;\n";
376         } else {
377           auto kid = decltype(khrs.size()){};
378           for (const auto& khr : khrs) {
379             i.code += khr->computeKinematicHardeningsInitialValues(
380                 id, std::to_string(kid));
381             ++kid;
382           }
383           // effective stress
384           i.code += "const auto sel" + id + " = eval(sigel";
385           kid = decltype(khrs.size()){};
386           for (const auto& khr : khrs) {
387             for (const auto& X : khr->getKinematicHardeningsVariables(
388                      id, std::to_string(kid))) {
389               i.code += "-" + X;
390               ++kid;
391             }
392           }
393           i.code += ");\n";
394         }
395         i.code += this->sc->computeElasticPrediction(id, bd, sp);
396         i.code += computeElasticLimitInitialValue(this->ihrs, id);
397         i.code += "this->bpl" + id + " = seqel" + id + " > Rel" + id + ";\n";
398         bd.setCode(ModellingHypothesis::UNDEFINEDHYPOTHESIS,
399                    BehaviourData::BeforeInitializeLocalVariables, i,
400                    BehaviourData::CREATEORAPPEND, BehaviourData::AT_BEGINNING);
401       }
402     }  // end of InelasticFlowBase::computeInitialActivationState
computeEffectiveStress(const std::string & id) const404     std::string InelasticFlowBase::computeEffectiveStress(
405         const std::string& id) const {
406       if (this->khrs.empty()) {
407         return "const auto& s" + id + " = this->sig;\n";
408       }
409       auto c = std::string{};
410       auto kid = decltype(khrs.size()){};
411       for (const auto& khr : khrs) {
412         c += khr->computeKinematicHardenings(id, std::to_string(kid));
413         ++kid;
414       }
415       // effective stress
416       c += "const auto s" + id + " = eval(this->sig";
417       kid = decltype(khrs.size()){};
418       for (const auto& khr : khrs) {
419         for (const auto& X :
420              khr->getKinematicHardeningsVariables(id, std::to_string(kid))) {
421           c += "-" + X + "_";
422         }
423         ++kid;
424       }
425       c += ");\n";
426       return c;
427     }  // end of InelasticFlowBase::computeEffectiveStress
endTreatment(BehaviourDescription & bd,const AbstractBehaviourDSL & dsl,const StressPotential & sp,const std::string & id) const429     void InelasticFlowBase::endTreatment(BehaviourDescription& bd,
430                                          const AbstractBehaviourDSL& dsl,
431                                          const StressPotential& sp,
432                                          const std::string& id) const {
433       constexpr const auto uh = ModellingHypothesis::UNDEFINEDHYPOTHESIS;
434       const auto& idsl = dynamic_cast<const ImplicitDSLBase&>(dsl);
435       if (this->fc != nullptr) {
436         this->sc->endTreatment(bd, dsl, id, StressCriterion::STRESSCRITERION);
437         this->fc->endTreatment(bd, dsl, id, StressCriterion::FLOWCRITERION);
438       } else {
439         this->sc->endTreatment(bd, dsl, id,
440                                StressCriterion::STRESSANDFLOWCRITERION);
441       }
442       const bool is_deviatoric = (this->fc != nullptr)
443                                      ? this->fc->isNormalDeviatoric()
444                                      : this->sc->isNormalDeviatoric();
445       auto iid = decltype(ihrs.size()){};
446       if (this->ihrs.size() == 1) {
447         ihrs[0]->endTreatment(bd, dsl, id, "");
448       } else {
449         for (const auto& ihr : this->ihrs) {
450           ihr->endTreatment(bd, dsl, id, std::to_string(iid));
451           ++iid;
452         }
453       }
454       auto kid = decltype(khrs.size()){};
455       for (const auto& khr : this->khrs) {
456         khr->endTreatment(bd, dsl, id, std::to_string(kid));
457         ++kid;
458       }
459       const auto requiresAnalyticalJacobian =
460           ((idsl.getSolver().usesJacobian()) &&
461            (!idsl.getSolver().requiresNumericalJacobian()));
462       // implicit equation associated with the elastic strain
463       CodeBlock ib;
464       if (!this->ihrs.empty()) {
465         ib.code += "if(this->bpl" + id + "){\n";
466       }
467       if (idsl.getSolver().usesJacobian()) {
468         ib.code += "if(!perturbatedSystemEvaluation){\n";
469       }
470       //       ib.code += "this->dp" + id + " = this->dp" + id + ",
471       //       strain(0));\n";
472       if (idsl.getSolver().usesJacobian()) {
473         ib.code += "}\n";
474       }
475       ib.code += this->computeEffectiveStress(id);
476       if (requiresAnalyticalJacobian) {
477         if (this->fc == nullptr) {
478           ib.code += this->sc->computeNormalDerivative(
479               id, bd, sp, StressCriterion::STRESSANDFLOWCRITERION);
480         } else {
481           ib.code += this->sc->computeNormal(id, bd, sp,
482                                              StressCriterion::STRESSCRITERION);
483           ib.code += this->fc->computeNormalDerivative(
484               id, bd, sp, StressCriterion::FLOWCRITERION);
485         }
486       } else {
487         if (this->fc == nullptr) {
488           ib.code += this->sc->computeNormal(
489               id, bd, sp, StressCriterion::STRESSANDFLOWCRITERION);
490         } else {
491           ib.code += this->sc->computeCriterion(id, bd, sp);
492           ib.code += this->fc->computeNormal(id, bd, sp,
493                                              StressCriterion::FLOWCRITERION);
494         }
495       }
496       // check on the flow direction
497       if (this->cosine_threshold < 1.5) {
498         const auto imin =
499             std::to_string(this->cosine_check_minimum_iteration_factor) +
500             " * this->iterMax";
501         const auto imax =
502             std::to_string(this->cosine_check_maximum_iteration_factor) +
503             " * this->iterMax";
504         const auto seps = sp.getEquivalentStressLowerBound(bd);
505         if (this->fc == nullptr) {
506           ib.code += "if((seq" + id + ">" + seps + ")&&";
507         } else {
508           ib.code += "if((seqf" + id + ">" + seps + ")&&";
509         }
510         ib.code += "(this->iter > " + imin + ")&&";
511         ib.code += "(this->iter < " + imax + ")){\n";
512         ib.code += "if (std::abs(n" + id + " | this->np" + id + ") < ";
513         ib.code += "std::sqrt((n" + id + ") | (n" + id + ")) * ";
514         ib.code += "std::sqrt((this->np" + id + ") | (this->np" + id + ")) * " +
515                    std::to_string(this->cosine_threshold) + ") {\n";
516         ib.code += "return false;\n";
517         ib.code += "}\n";
518         ib.code += "}\n";
519         ib.code += "this->np" + id + " = n" + id + ";\n";
520       }
521       if (this->isCoupledWithPorosityEvolution()) {
522         ib.code += "this->trace_n" + id + " = trace(n" + id + ");\n";
523       }
524       // elasticity
525       if (this->getPorosityEffectOnEquivalentPlasticStrain() ==
527         const auto& f =
528             bd.getBehaviourData(uh).getStateVariableDescriptionByExternalName(
529                 tfel::glossary::Glossary::Porosity);
530         const auto f_ = f.name + "_";
531         ib.code +=
532             "feel += (1 - " + f_ + ") * this->dp" + id + "* n" + id + ";\n";
533         if (requiresAnalyticalJacobian) {
534           // jacobian terms
535           ib.code += "dfeel_ddp" + id + " = (1 - " + f_ + ") * n" + id + ";\n";
536           ib.code += sp.generateImplicitEquationDerivatives(
537               bd, "StrainStensor", "eel",
538               "(1 - " + f_ + ") * (this->dp" + id + ") * dn" + id + "_ds" + id,
539               is_deviatoric);
540           kid = decltype(khrs.size()){};
541           for (const auto& khr : khrs) {
542             ib.code += khr->generateImplicitEquationDerivatives(
543                 "eel", "- (1 - " + f_ + ") * (this->dp" + id + ") * dn" + id +
544                            "_ds" + id,
545                 id, std::to_string(kid));
546             ++kid;
547           }
548           ib.code += "dfeel_dd" + f.name + " += ";
549           ib.code += "- theta * this->dp" + id + "* n" + id;
550           ib.code += "+ theta * (1 - " + f_ + ") * this->dp" + id + "* dn" +
551                      id + "_d" + f.name + ";\n";
552         }
553       } else {
554         ib.code += "feel += this->dp" + id + "* n" + id + ";\n";
555         if (requiresAnalyticalJacobian) {
556           // jacobian terms
557           ib.code += "dfeel_ddp" + id + " = n" + id + ";\n";
558           ib.code += sp.generateImplicitEquationDerivatives(
559               bd, "StrainStensor", "eel",
560               "(this->dp" + id + ") * dn" + id + "_ds" + id, is_deviatoric);
561           kid = decltype(khrs.size()){};
562           for (const auto& khr : khrs) {
563             ib.code += khr->generateImplicitEquationDerivatives(
564                 "eel", "-(this->dp" + id + ") * dn" + id + "_ds" + id, id,
565                 std::to_string(kid));
566             ++kid;
567           }
568           if (this->isCoupledWithPorosityEvolution()) {
569             const auto& f = bd.getBehaviourData(uh)
570                                 .getStateVariableDescriptionByExternalName(
571                                     tfel::glossary::Glossary::Porosity);
572             ib.code += "dfeel_dd" + f.name + " += ";
573             ib.code +=
574                 "theta * this->dp" + id + " * dn" + id + "_d" + f.name + ";\n";
575           }
576         }
577       }
578       // inelastic flow
579       ib.code += this->buildFlowImplicitEquations(bd, sp, id,
580                                                   requiresAnalyticalJacobian);
581       // hardening rules
582       kid = decltype(khrs.size()){};
583       for (const auto& khr : khrs) {
584         if (this->fc != nullptr) {
585           ib.code += khr->buildBackStrainImplicitEquations(
586               bd, sp, *(this->fc), this->khrs, id, std::to_string(kid),
587               requiresAnalyticalJacobian);
588         } else {
589           ib.code += khr->buildBackStrainImplicitEquations(
590               bd, sp, *(this->sc), this->khrs, id, std::to_string(kid),
591               requiresAnalyticalJacobian);
592         }
593         ++kid;
594       }
595       // porosity evolution
596       if (this->contributesToPorosityGrowth()) {
597         if (this->porosity_evolution_algorithm ==
598             PorosityEvolutionAlgorithm::STAGGERED_SCHEME) {
599           ib.code += "if(";
600           ib.code += StandardElastoViscoPlasticityBrick::
601               computeStandardSystemOfImplicitEquations;
602           ib.code += "){\n";
603           this->addFlowContributionToTheImplicitEquationAssociatedWithPorosityEvolution(
604               ib, bd, dsl, sp, id);
605           ib.code += "}\n";
606         } else if (this->porosity_evolution_algorithm ==
607                    PorosityEvolutionAlgorithm::STANDARD_IMPLICIT_SCHEME) {
608           this->addFlowContributionToTheImplicitEquationAssociatedWithPorosityEvolution(
609               ib, bd, dsl, sp, id);
610         } else {
611           tfel::raise(
612               "InelasticFlowBase::endTreatment: internal error "
613               "(unsupported porosity evolution algorithm)");
614         }
615       }
616       if (!this->ihrs.empty()) {
617         ib.code += "} // end if(this->bpl" + id + ")\n";
618       }
619       bd.setCode(uh, BehaviourData::Integrator, ib,
620                  BehaviourData::CREATEORAPPEND, BehaviourData::AT_BEGINNING);
621       // additional checks
622       if (!this->ihrs.empty()) {
623         CodeBlock acc;
624         acc.code += "if (converged) {\n";
625         acc.code += "// checking status consistency\n";
626         acc.code += "if (this->bpl" + id + ") {\n";
627         acc.code += "if (this->dp" + id + " < -2*this->epsilon) {\n";
628         acc.code += "// desactivating this system\n";
629         acc.code += "converged = this->bpl" + id + " = false;\n";
630         acc.code += "}\n";
631         acc.code += "} else {\n";
632         if (this->isCoupledWithPorosityEvolution()) {
633           const auto& f =
634               bd.getBehaviourData(uh).getStateVariableDescriptionByExternalName(
635                   tfel::glossary::Glossary::Porosity);
636           acc.code += "const auto " + f.name + "_ = ";
637           acc.code += "this->" + f.name + " + (" + bd.getClassName() +
638                       "::theta) * (this->d" + f.name + ");\n";
639         }
640         acc.code += this->computeEffectiveStress(id);
641         acc.code += this->sc->computeCriterion(id, bd, sp);
642         acc.code += computeElasticLimit(this->ihrs, id);
643         acc.code += "if(seq" + id + " > R" + id + ") {\n";
644         acc.code += "converged = false;\n";
645         acc.code += "this->bpl" + id + " = true;\n";
646         acc.code += "}\n";
647         acc.code += "}\n";
648         acc.code += "} // end of if(converged)\n";
649         bd.setCode(uh, BehaviourData::AdditionalConvergenceChecks, acc,
650                    BehaviourData::CREATEORAPPEND, BehaviourData::AT_BEGINNING);
651       }
652       // update auxiliary state variables
653       if ((this->contributesToPorosityGrowth()) &&
654           (this->save_porosity_increase)) {
655         CodeBlock uav;
656         uav.code += "fg" + id + " += this->dfg" + id + ";\n";
657         bd.setCode(uh, BehaviourData::UpdateAuxiliaryStateVariables, uav,
658                    BehaviourData::CREATEORAPPEND, BehaviourData::AT_BEGINNING);
659       }
660     }  // end of InelasticFlowBase::endTreatment
updateNextEstimateOfThePorosityIncrement(const BehaviourDescription & bd,const std::string & id) const662     std::string InelasticFlowBase::updateNextEstimateOfThePorosityIncrement(
663         const BehaviourDescription& bd, const std::string& id) const {
664       if (!this->contributesToPorosityGrowth()) {
665         return "";
666       }
667       const auto df = [this, &bd, &id] {
668         constexpr const auto uh = ModellingHypothesis::UNDEFINEDHYPOTHESIS;
669         const auto& f =
670             bd.getBehaviourData(uh).getStateVariableDescriptionByExternalName(
671                 tfel::glossary::Glossary::Porosity);
672         const auto theta = bd.getClassName() + "::theta";
673         const auto f_ = "((this->" + f.name + ") + (" + theta + ") * (this->" +
674                         std::string(StandardElastoViscoPlasticityBrick::
675                                         currentEstimateOfThePorosityIncrement) +
676                         "))";
677         if (this->getPorosityEffectOnEquivalentPlasticStrain() ==
679           return "power<2>(1 - " + f_ + ") * " +  //
680                  "(this->dp" + id + ") * (this->trace_n" + id + ")";
681         }
682         return "(1 - " + f_ + ") * " +  //
683                "(this->dp" + id + ") * (this->trace_n" + id + ")";
684       }();
685       auto c = std::string{};
686       c = "if (this->bpl" + id + "){\n";
687       if (this->save_porosity_increase) {
688         c += "this->dfg" + id + " = " + df + ";\n";
689         c += StandardElastoViscoPlasticityBrick::
690             nextEstimateOfThePorosityIncrement;
691         c += " += this->dfg" + id + ";\n";
692       } else {
693         c += StandardElastoViscoPlasticityBrick::
694             nextEstimateOfThePorosityIncrement;
695         c += " += " + df + ";\n";
696       }
697       if (this->save_porosity_increase) {
698         c += "} else {\n";
699         c += "this->dfg" + id + " = real{};\n";
700       }
701       c += "}\n";
702       return c;
703     }  // end of updateNextEstimateOfThePorosityIncrement
705     void InelasticFlowBase::
addFlowContributionToTheImplicitEquationAssociatedWithPorosityEvolution(CodeBlock & ib,const BehaviourDescription & bd,const AbstractBehaviourDSL & dsl,const StressPotential & sp,const std::string & id) const706         addFlowContributionToTheImplicitEquationAssociatedWithPorosityEvolution(
707             CodeBlock& ib,
708             const BehaviourDescription& bd,
709             const AbstractBehaviourDSL& dsl,
710             const StressPotential& sp,
711             const std::string& id) const {
712       if (!this->contributesToPorosityGrowth()) {
713         return;
714       }
715       constexpr const auto uh = ModellingHypothesis::UNDEFINEDHYPOTHESIS;
716       const auto& idsl = dynamic_cast<const ImplicitDSLBase&>(dsl);
717       const auto requiresAnalyticalJacobian =
718           ((idsl.getSolver().usesJacobian()) &&
719            (!idsl.getSolver().requiresNumericalJacobian()));
720       const auto& f =
721           bd.getBehaviourData(uh).getStateVariableDescriptionByExternalName(
722               tfel::glossary::Glossary::Porosity);
723       const auto& broken =
724           bd.getBehaviourData(uh)
725               .getAuxiliaryStateVariableDescriptionByExternalName(
726                   tfel::glossary::Glossary::Broken);
727       const auto f_ = f.name + "_";
728       ib.code += "if(2 * (this->" + broken.name + ") > 1){\n";
729       if (this->save_porosity_increase) {
730         ib.code += "this->dfg" + id + " = real{};\n";
731         ib.code += "f" + f.name + " -= this->dfg" + id + ";\n";
732       } else {
733         ib.code += "f" + f.name + " -= real{};\n";
734       }
735       ib.code += "} else {\n";
736       if (this->getPorosityEffectOnEquivalentPlasticStrain() ==
738         if (this->save_porosity_increase) {
739           ib.code += "this->dfg" + id + " = power<2>(1 - " + f_ +
740                      ") * (this->dp" + id + ") * (this->trace_n" + id + ");\n";
741           ib.code += "f" + f.name + " -= this->dfg" + id + ";\n";
742         } else {
743           ib.code += "f" + f.name;
744           ib.code += " -= power<2>(1 - " + f_ + ") * (this->dp" + id +
745                      ") * (this->trace_n" + id + ");\n";
746         }
747       } else {
748         if (this->save_porosity_increase) {
749           ib.code += "this->dfg" + id + " = (1 - " + f_ + ") * (this->dp" + id +
750                      ") * (this->trace_n" + id + ");\n";
751           ib.code += "f" + f.name + " -= this->dfg" + id + ";\n";
752         } else {
753           ib.code += "f" + f.name;
754           ib.code += " -= (1 - " + f_ + ") * (this->dp" + id +
755                      ") * (this->trace_n" + id + ");\n";
756         }
757       }
758       if (requiresAnalyticalJacobian) {
759         if (this->getPorosityEffectOnEquivalentPlasticStrain() ==
761           ib.code += "df" + f.name + "_dd" + f.name;
762           ib.code += " += 2 * theta * (1 - " + f_ + ") * (this->dp" + id +
763                      ") * (this->trace_n" + id + ")";
764           ib.code += "  -     theta * power<2>(1 - " + f_ + ")* (this->dp" +
765                      id + ") * (Stensor::Id() | dn_d" + f.name + ");\n";
766           // derivatives with respect to stress
767           for (const auto& dsig : sp.getStressDerivatives(bd)) {
768             const auto& dsig_ddv = std::get<0>(dsig);
769             const auto& v = std::get<1>(dsig);
770             const auto& t = std::get<2>(dsig);
771             if ((t != SupportedTypes::SCALAR) &&
772                 (t != SupportedTypes::STENSOR)) {
773               tfel::raise(
774                   "InelasticFlowBase::endTreatment: "
775                   "stress dependency on variable '" +
776                   v + "' is not unsupported ");
777             }
778             ib.code += "df" + f.name + "_dd" + v + " -= ";
779             ib.code += "power<2>(1 - " + f_ + ") * (this->dp" + id + ") * ";
780             ib.code += "(Stensor::Id() | (dn" + id + "_ds" + id + " * (" +
781                        dsig_ddv + ")));\n";
782           }
783           auto kid = decltype(khrs.size()){};
784           for (const auto& khr : this->khrs) {
785             const auto an = khr->getBackStrainVariable(id, std::to_string(kid));
786             const auto dX =
787                 khr->getBackStressDerivative(id, std::to_string(kid));
788             ib.code += "df" + f.name + "_dd" + an + " += ";
789             ib.code += "power<2>(1 - " + f_ + ") * (this->dp" + id + ") * ";
790             ib.code += "(Stensor::Id() | " + dX + ");\n";
791             ++kid;
792           }
793           ib.code += "df" + f.name + "_ddp" + id;
794           ib.code +=
795               " = - power<2>(1 - " + f_ + ") * (this->trace_n" + id + ");\n";
796         } else {
797           ib.code += "df" + f.name + "_dd" + f.name;
798           ib.code +=
799               " += theta *(this->dp" + id + ") * (this->trace_n" + id + ")";
800           ib.code += "  - theta * (1 - " + f_ + ")* (this->dp" + id +
801                      ") * (Stensor::Id() | dn_d" + f.name + ");\n";
802           // derivatives with respect to stress
803           for (const auto& dsig : sp.getStressDerivatives(bd)) {
804             const auto& dsig_ddv = std::get<0>(dsig);
805             const auto& v = std::get<1>(dsig);
806             const auto& t = std::get<2>(dsig);
807             if ((t != SupportedTypes::SCALAR) &&
808                 (t != SupportedTypes::STENSOR)) {
809               tfel::raise(
810                   "InelasticFlowBase::endTreatment: "
811                   "stress dependency on variable '" +
812                   v + "' is not unsupported ");
813             }
814             ib.code += "df" + f.name + "_dd" + v + " -= ";
815             ib.code += "(1 - " + f_ + ") * (this->dp" + id + ") * ";
816             ib.code += "(Stensor::Id() | (dn" + id + "_ds" + id + " * (" +
817                        dsig_ddv + ")));\n";
818           }
819           auto kid = decltype(khrs.size()){};
820           for (const auto& khr : this->khrs) {
821             const auto an = khr->getBackStrainVariable(id, std::to_string(kid));
822             const auto dX =
823                 khr->getBackStressDerivative(id, std::to_string(kid));
824             ib.code += "df" + f.name + "_dd" + an + " += ";
825             ib.code += "(1 - " + f_ + ") * (this->dp" + id + ") * ";
826             ib.code += "(Stensor::Id() | " + dX + ");\n";
827             ++kid;
828           }
829           ib.code += "df" + f.name + "_ddp" + id;
830           ib.code += " = - (1 - " + f_ + ") * (this->trace_n" + id + ");\n";
831         }
832       }
833       ib.code += "}\n";
834     }  // end of
835        // InelasticFlowBase::addFlowContributionToTheImplicitEquationAssociatedWithPorosityEvolution
isCoupledWithPorosityEvolution() const837     bool InelasticFlowBase::isCoupledWithPorosityEvolution() const {
838       if (this->sc == nullptr) {
839         tfel::raise(
840             "InelasticFlowBase::isCoupledWithPorosityEvolution: "
841             "uninitialized flow");
842       }
843       if (this->sc->isCoupledWithPorosityEvolution()) {
844         return true;
845       }
846       if (this->fc != nullptr) {
847         return this->fc->isCoupledWithPorosityEvolution();
848       }
849       return false;
850     }  // end of InelasticFlowBase::isCoupledWithPorosityEvolution
852     InelasticFlowBase::PorosityEffectOnFlowRule
getPorosityEffectOnEquivalentPlasticStrain() const853     InelasticFlowBase::getPorosityEffectOnEquivalentPlasticStrain() const {
854       if (this->porosity_effect_on_equivalent_plastic_strain ==
856         if (this->sc == nullptr) {
857           tfel::raise(
858               "InelasticFlowBase::getPorosityEffectOnEquivalentPlasticStrain:"
859               "uninitialised flow");
860         }
861         const auto scpe = this->sc->getPorosityEffectOnEquivalentPlasticStrain();
862         if ((scpe != StressCriterion::NO_POROSITY_EFFECT_ON_EQUIVALENT_PLASTIC_STRAIN) &&
863             (scpe !=
865           tfel::raise(
866               "InelasticFlowBase::getPorosityEffectOnEquivalentPlasticStrain:"
867               "unsupported porosity effect defined by the stress criterion");
868         }
869         if (this->fc != nullptr) {
870           const auto fcpe = this->fc->getPorosityEffectOnEquivalentPlasticStrain();
871           if ((fcpe != StressCriterion::NO_POROSITY_EFFECT_ON_EQUIVALENT_PLASTIC_STRAIN) &&
872               (fcpe !=
874             tfel::raise(
875                 "InelasticFlowBase::getPorosityEffectOnEquivalentPlasticStrain:"
876                 "unsupported porosity effect defined by the flow criterion");
877           }
878           if ((scpe ==
880               (fcpe ==
883           }
885         } else {
886           if (scpe == StressCriterion::NO_POROSITY_EFFECT_ON_EQUIVALENT_PLASTIC_STRAIN) {
888           }
890         }
891       }
892       return this->porosity_effect_on_equivalent_plastic_strain;
893     }  // end of InelasticFlowBase::getPorosityEffectOnEquivalentPlasticStrain
updatePorosityUpperBound(const BehaviourDescription & bd,const std::string & id) const895     std::string InelasticFlowBase::updatePorosityUpperBound(
896         const BehaviourDescription& bd, const std::string& id) const {
897       if (this->sc == nullptr) {
898         tfel::raise(
899             "InelasticFlowBase::updatePorosityUpperBound: "
900             "uninitialized flow");
901       }
902       return this->sc->updatePorosityUpperBound(
903           bd, id, StressCriterion::STRESSCRITERION);
904     }  // end of InelasticFlowBase::updatePorosityUpperBound
906     InelasticFlowBase::~InelasticFlowBase() = default;
908   }  // end of namespace bbrick
910 }  // end of namespace mfront