1# Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Ben Escoto
3# This file is part of rdiff-backup.
5# rdiff-backup is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
7# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8# option) any later version.
10# rdiff-backup is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
11# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13# General Public License for more details.
15# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16# along with rdiff-backup; if not, write to the Free Software
17# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
18# 02110-1301, USA
19"""Start (and end) here - read arguments, set global settings, etc."""
21import getopt
22import sys
23import os
24import io
25import tempfile
26import time
27import errno
28import platform
29from .log import Log, LoggerError, ErrorLog
30from . import (
31    Globals, Time, SetConnections, robust, rpath,
32    manage, backup, connection, restore, FilenameMapping,
33    Security, C, statistics, compare
36action = None
37create_full_path = None
38remote_cmd, remote_schema = None, None
39force = None
40select_opts = []
41select_files = []
42user_mapping_filename, group_mapping_filename, preserve_numerical_ids = None, None, None
44# These are global because they are set while we are trying to figure
45# whether to restore or to backup
46restore_root, restore_index, restore_root_set = None, None, 0
47return_val = None  # Set to cause exit code to be specified value
50def parse_cmdlineoptions(arglist):  # noqa: C901
51    """Parse argument list and set global preferences"""
52    global args, action, create_full_path, force, restore_timestr, remote_cmd
53    global remote_schema, remove_older_than_string
54    global user_mapping_filename, group_mapping_filename, \
55        preserve_numerical_ids
57    def sel_fl(filename):
58        """Helper function for including/excluding filelists below"""
59        try:
60            return open(filename, "rb")  # files match paths hence bytes/bin
61        except IOError:
62            Log.FatalError("Error opening file %s" % filename)
64    def normalize_path(path):
65        """Used below to normalize the security paths before setting"""
66        return rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, path).normalize().path
68    try:
69        optlist, args = getopt.getopt(arglist, "blr:sv:V", [
70            "allow-duplicate-timestamps",
71            "backup-mode", "calculate-average", "carbonfile",
72            "check-destination-dir", "compare", "compare-at-time=",
73            "compare-hash", "compare-hash-at-time=", "compare-full",
74            "compare-full-at-time=", "create-full-path", "current-time=",
75            "exclude=", "exclude-device-files", "exclude-fifos",
76            "exclude-filelist=", "exclude-symbolic-links", "exclude-sockets",
77            "exclude-filelist-stdin", "exclude-globbing-filelist=",
78            "exclude-globbing-filelist-stdin", "exclude-mirror=",
79            "exclude-other-filesystems", "exclude-regexp=",
80            "exclude-if-present=", "exclude-special-files", "force",
81            "group-mapping-file=", "include=", "include-filelist=",
82            "include-filelist-stdin", "include-globbing-filelist=",
83            "include-globbing-filelist-stdin", "include-regexp=",
84            "include-special-files", "include-symbolic-links", "list-at-time=",
85            "list-changed-since=", "list-increments", "list-increment-sizes",
86            "never-drop-acls", "max-file-size=", "min-file-size=", "no-acls",
87            "no-carbonfile", "no-compare-inode", "no-compression",
88            "no-compression-regexp=", "no-eas", "no-file-statistics",
89            "no-hard-links", "null-separator", "override-chars-to-quote=",
90            "parsable-output", "preserve-numerical-ids", "print-statistics",
91            "remote-cmd=", "remote-schema=", "remote-tempdir=",
92            "remove-older-than=", "restore-as-of=", "restrict=",
93            "restrict-read-only=", "restrict-update-only=", "server",
94            "ssh-no-compression", "tempdir=", "terminal-verbosity=",
95            "test-server", "use-compatible-timestamps", "user-mapping-file=",
96            "verbosity=", "verify", "verify-at-time=", "version", "no-fsync"
97        ])
98    except getopt.error as e:
99        commandline_error("Bad commandline options: " + str(e))
101    for opt, arg in optlist:
102        if opt == "-b" or opt == "--backup-mode":
103            action = "backup"
104        elif opt == "--calculate-average":
105            action = "calculate-average"
106        elif opt == "--carbonfile":
107            Globals.set("carbonfile_active", 1)
108        elif opt == "--check-destination-dir":
109            action = "check-destination-dir"
110        elif opt in ("--compare", "--compare-at-time", "--compare-hash",
111                     "--compare-hash-at-time", "--compare-full",
112                     "--compare-full-at-time"):
113            if opt[-8:] == "-at-time":
114                restore_timestr, opt = arg, opt[:-8]
115            else:
116                restore_timestr = "now"
117            action = opt[2:]
118        elif opt == "--create-full-path":
119            create_full_path = 1
120        elif opt == "--current-time":
121            Globals.set_integer('current_time', arg)
122        elif (opt == "--exclude" or opt == "--exclude-device-files"
123              or opt == "--exclude-fifos"
124              or opt == "--exclude-other-filesystems"
125              or opt == "--exclude-regexp" or opt == "--exclude-if-present"
126              or opt == "--exclude-special-files" or opt == "--exclude-sockets"
127              or opt == "--exclude-symbolic-links"):
128            select_opts.append((opt, arg))
129        elif opt == "--exclude-filelist":
130            select_opts.append((opt, arg))
131            select_files.append(sel_fl(arg))
132        elif opt == "--exclude-filelist-stdin":
133            select_opts.append(("--exclude-filelist", "standard input"))
134            select_files.append(sys.stdin.buffer)
135        elif opt == "--exclude-globbing-filelist":
136            select_opts.append((opt, arg))
137            select_files.append(sel_fl(arg))
138        elif opt == "--exclude-globbing-filelist-stdin":
139            select_opts.append(("--exclude-globbing-filelist",
140                                "standard input"))
141            select_files.append(sys.stdin.buffer)
142        elif opt == "--force":
143            force = 1
144        elif opt == "--group-mapping-file":
145            group_mapping_filename = os.fsencode(arg)
146        elif (opt == "--include" or opt == "--include-special-files"
147              or opt == "--include-symbolic-links"):
148            select_opts.append((opt, arg))
149        elif opt == "--include-filelist":
150            select_opts.append((opt, arg))
151            select_files.append(sel_fl(arg))
152        elif opt == "--include-filelist-stdin":
153            select_opts.append(("--include-filelist", "standard input"))
154            select_files.append(sys.stdin.buffer)
155        elif opt == "--include-globbing-filelist":
156            select_opts.append((opt, arg))
157            select_files.append(sel_fl(arg))
158        elif opt == "--include-globbing-filelist-stdin":
159            select_opts.append(("--include-globbing-filelist",
160                                "standard input"))
161            select_files.append(sys.stdin.buffer)
162        elif opt == "--include-regexp":
163            select_opts.append((opt, arg))
164        elif opt == "--list-at-time":
165            restore_timestr, action = arg, "list-at-time"
166        elif opt == "--list-changed-since":
167            restore_timestr, action = arg, "list-changed-since"
168        elif opt == "-l" or opt == "--list-increments":
169            action = "list-increments"
170        elif opt == '--list-increment-sizes':
171            action = 'list-increment-sizes'
172        elif opt == "--max-file-size":
173            select_opts.append((opt, arg))
174        elif opt == "--min-file-size":
175            select_opts.append((opt, arg))
176        elif opt == "--never-drop-acls":
177            Globals.set("never_drop_acls", 1)
178        elif opt == "--no-acls":
179            Globals.set("acls_active", 0)
180            Globals.set("win_acls_active", 0)
181        elif opt == "--no-carbonfile":
182            Globals.set("carbonfile_active", 0)
183        elif opt == "--no-compare-inode":
184            Globals.set("compare_inode", 0)
185        elif opt == "--no-compression":
186            Globals.set("compression", None)
187        elif opt == "--no-compression-regexp":
188            Globals.set("no_compression_regexp_string", os.fsencode(arg))
189        elif opt == "--no-eas":
190            Globals.set("eas_active", 0)
191        elif opt == "--no-file-statistics":
192            Globals.set('file_statistics', 0)
193        elif opt == "--no-hard-links":
194            Globals.set('preserve_hardlinks', 0)
195        elif opt == "--null-separator":
196            Globals.set("null_separator", 1)
197        elif opt == "--override-chars-to-quote":
198            Globals.set('chars_to_quote', os.fsencode(arg))
199        elif opt == "--parsable-output":
200            Globals.set('parsable_output', 1)
201        elif opt == "--preserve-numerical-ids":
202            preserve_numerical_ids = 1
203        elif opt == "--print-statistics":
204            Globals.set('print_statistics', 1)
205        elif opt == "-r" or opt == "--restore-as-of":
206            restore_timestr, action = arg, "restore-as-of"
207        elif opt == "--remote-cmd":
208            remote_cmd = os.fsencode(arg)
209        elif opt == "--remote-schema":
210            remote_schema = os.fsencode(arg)
211        elif opt == "--remote-tempdir":
212            Globals.remote_tempdir = os.fsencode(arg)
213        elif opt == "--remove-older-than":
214            remove_older_than_string = arg
215            action = "remove-older-than"
216        elif opt == "--no-resource-forks":
217            Globals.set('resource_forks_active', 0)
218        elif opt == "--restrict":
219            Globals.restrict_path = normalize_path(arg)
220        elif opt == "--restrict-read-only":
221            Globals.security_level = "read-only"
222            Globals.restrict_path = normalize_path(arg)
223        elif opt == "--restrict-update-only":
224            Globals.security_level = "update-only"
225            Globals.restrict_path = normalize_path(arg)
226        elif opt == "-s" or opt == "--server":
227            action = "server"
228            Globals.server = 1
229        elif opt == "--ssh-no-compression":
230            Globals.set('ssh_compression', None)
231        elif opt == "--tempdir":
232            if (not os.path.isdir(arg)):
233                Log.FatalError("Temporary directory '%s' doesn't exist." % arg)
234            tempfile.tempdir = os.fsencode(arg)
235        elif opt == "--terminal-verbosity":
236            Log.setterm_verbosity(arg)
237        elif opt == "--test-server":
238            action = "test-server"
239        elif opt == "--use-compatible-timestamps":
240            Globals.set("use_compatible_timestamps", 1)
241        elif opt == "--allow-duplicate-timestamps":
242            Globals.set("allow_duplicate_timestamps", True)
243        elif opt == "--user-mapping-file":
244            user_mapping_filename = os.fsencode(arg)
245        elif opt == "-v" or opt == "--verbosity":
246            Log.setverbosity(arg)
247        elif opt == "--verify":
248            action, restore_timestr = "verify", "now"
249        elif opt == "--verify-at-time":
250            action, restore_timestr = "verify", arg
251        elif opt == "-V" or opt == "--version":
252            print("rdiff-backup " + Globals.version)
253            sys.exit(0)
254        elif opt == "--no-fsync":
255            Globals.do_fsync = False
256        else:
257            Log.FatalError("Unknown option %s" % opt)
258    Log("Using rdiff-backup version %s" % (Globals.version), 4)
259    Log("\twith %s %s version %s" % (
260        sys.implementation.name,
261        sys.executable,
262        platform.python_version()), 4)
263    Log("\ton %s, fs encoding %s" % (platform.platform(), sys.getfilesystemencoding()), 4)
266def check_action():
267    """Check to make sure action is compatible with args"""
268    global action
269    arg_action_dict = {
270        0: ['server'],
271        1: [
272            'list-increments', 'list-increment-sizes', 'remove-older-than',
273            'list-at-time', 'list-changed-since', 'check-destination-dir',
274            'verify'
275        ],
276        2: [
277            'backup', 'restore', 'restore-as-of', 'compare', 'compare-hash',
278            'compare-full'
279        ]
280    }
281    args_len = len(args)
282    if args_len == 0 and action not in arg_action_dict[args_len]:
283        commandline_error("No arguments given")
284    elif not action:
285        if args_len == 2:
286            pass  # Will determine restore or backup later
287        else:
288            commandline_error("Switches missing or wrong number of arguments")
289    elif action == 'test-server' or action == 'calculate-average':
290        pass  # these two take any number of args
291    elif args_len > 2 or action not in arg_action_dict[args_len]:
292        commandline_error("Wrong number of arguments given.")
295def final_set_action(rps):
296    """If no action set, decide between backup and restore at this point"""
297    global action
298    if action:
299        return
300    assert len(rps) == 2, rps
301    if restore_set_root(rps[0]):
302        action = "restore"
303    else:
304        action = "backup"
307def commandline_error(message):
308    Log.FatalError(
309        "%s\nSee the rdiff-backup manual page for more information." % message)
312def misc_setup(rps):
313    """Set default change ownership flag, umask, relay regexps"""
314    os.umask(0o77)
315    Time.setcurtime(Globals.current_time)
316    SetConnections.UpdateGlobal("client_conn", Globals.local_connection)
317    Globals.postset_regexp('no_compression_regexp',
318                           Globals.no_compression_regexp_string)
319    for conn in Globals.connections:
320        conn.robust.install_signal_handlers()
321        conn.Hardlink.initialize_dictionaries()
324def init_user_group_mapping(destination_conn):
325    """Initialize user and group mapping on destination connection"""
326    global user_mapping_filename, group_mapping_filename, \
327        preserve_numerical_ids
329    def get_string_from_file(filename):
330        if not filename:
331            return None
332        rp = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, filename)
333        try:
334            return rp.get_string()
335        except OSError as e:
336            Log.FatalError(
337                "Error '%s' reading mapping file '%s'" % (str(e), filename))
339    user_mapping_string = get_string_from_file(user_mapping_filename)
340    destination_conn.user_group.init_user_mapping(user_mapping_string,
341                                                  preserve_numerical_ids)
342    group_mapping_string = get_string_from_file(group_mapping_filename)
343    destination_conn.user_group.init_group_mapping(group_mapping_string,
344                                                   preserve_numerical_ids)
347def take_action(rps):
348    """Do whatever action says"""
349    if action == "server":
350        connection.PipeConnection(sys.stdin.buffer, sys.stdout.buffer).Server()
351        sys.exit(0)
352    elif action == "backup":
353        Backup(rps[0], rps[1])
354    elif action == "calculate-average":
355        CalculateAverage(rps)
356    elif action == "check-destination-dir":
357        CheckDest(rps[0])
358    elif action.startswith("compare"):
359        Compare(action, rps[0], rps[1])
360    elif action == "list-at-time":
361        ListAtTime(rps[0])
362    elif action == "list-changed-since":
363        ListChangedSince(rps[0])
364    elif action == "list-increments":
365        ListIncrements(rps[0])
366    elif action == 'list-increment-sizes':
367        ListIncrementSizes(rps[0])
368    elif action == "remove-older-than":
369        RemoveOlderThan(rps[0])
370    elif action == "restore":
371        Restore(*rps)
372    elif action == "restore-as-of":
373        Restore(rps[0], rps[1], 1)
374    elif action == "test-server":
375        SetConnections.TestConnections(rps)
376    elif action == "verify":
377        Verify(rps[0])
378    else:
379        raise AssertionError("Unknown action " + action)
382def cleanup():
383    """Do any last minute cleaning before exiting"""
384    Log("Cleaning up", 6)
385    if ErrorLog.isopen():
386        ErrorLog.close()
387    Log.close_logfile()
388    if not Globals.server:
389        SetConnections.CloseConnections()
392def error_check_Main(arglist):
393    """Run Main on arglist, suppressing stack trace for routine errors"""
394    try:
395        Main(arglist)
396    except SystemExit:
397        raise
398    except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as exc:
399        errmsg = robust.is_routine_fatal(exc)
400        if errmsg:
401            Log.exception(2, 6)
402            Log.FatalError(errmsg)
403        else:
404            Log.exception(2, 2)
405            raise
408def Main(arglist):
409    """Start everything up!"""
410    parse_cmdlineoptions(arglist)
411    check_action()
412    cmdpairs = SetConnections.get_cmd_pairs(args, remote_schema, remote_cmd)
413    Security.initialize(action or "mirror", cmdpairs)
414    rps = list(map(SetConnections.cmdpair2rp, cmdpairs))
415    final_set_action(rps)
416    misc_setup(rps)
417    take_action(rps)
418    cleanup()
419    if return_val is not None:
420        sys.exit(return_val)
423def Backup(rpin, rpout):
424    """Backup, possibly incrementally, src_path to dest_path."""
425    global incdir
426    SetConnections.BackupInitConnections(rpin.conn, rpout.conn)
427    backup_check_dirs(rpin, rpout)
428    backup_set_rbdir(rpin, rpout)
429    rpout.conn.fs_abilities.backup_set_globals(rpin, force)
430    if Globals.chars_to_quote:
431        rpout = backup_quoted_rpaths(rpout)
432    init_user_group_mapping(rpout.conn)
433    backup_final_init(rpout)
434    backup_set_select(rpin)
435    backup_warn_if_infinite_regress(rpin, rpout)
436    if prevtime:
437        Time.setprevtime(prevtime)
438        rpout.conn.Main.backup_touch_curmirror_local(rpin, rpout)
439        backup.Mirror_and_increment(rpin, rpout, incdir)
440        rpout.conn.Main.backup_remove_curmirror_local()
441    else:
442        backup.Mirror(rpin, rpout)
443        rpout.conn.Main.backup_touch_curmirror_local(rpin, rpout)
444    rpout.conn.Main.backup_close_statistics(time.time())
447def backup_quoted_rpaths(rpout):
448    """Get QuotedRPath versions of important RPaths.  Return rpout"""
449    global incdir
450    SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('rbdir',
451                                FilenameMapping.get_quotedrpath(Globals.rbdir))
452    incdir = FilenameMapping.get_quotedrpath(incdir)
453    return FilenameMapping.get_quotedrpath(rpout)
456def backup_set_select(rpin):
457    """Create Select objects on source connection"""
458    if rpin.conn.os.name == 'nt':
459        Log("Symbolic links excluded by default on Windows", 4)
460        select_opts.append(("--exclude-symbolic-links", None))
461    rpin.conn.backup.SourceStruct.set_source_select(rpin, select_opts,
462                                                    *select_files)
465def backup_check_dirs(rpin, rpout):
466    """Make sure in and out dirs exist and are directories"""
467    if rpout.lstat() and not rpout.isdir():
468        if not force:
469            Log.FatalError("Destination %s exists and is not a "
470                           "directory" % rpout.get_safepath())
471        else:
472            Log("Deleting %s" % rpout.get_safepath(), 3)
473            rpout.delete()
474    if not rpout.lstat():
475        try:
476            if create_full_path:
477                rpout.makedirs()
478            else:
479                rpout.mkdir()
480        except os.error:
481            Log.FatalError(
482                "Unable to create directory %s" % rpout.get_safepath())
484    if not rpin.lstat():
485        Log.FatalError(
486            "Source directory %s does not exist" % rpin.get_safepath())
487    elif not rpin.isdir():
488        Log.FatalError("Source %s is not a directory" % rpin.get_safepath())
489    Globals.rbdir = rpout.append_path(b"rdiff-backup-data")
492def check_failed_initial_backup():
493    """Returns true if it looks like initial backup failed."""
494    if Globals.rbdir.lstat():
495        rbdir_files = Globals.rbdir.listdir()
496        mirror_markers = [
497            x for x in rbdir_files if x.startswith(b"current_mirror")
498        ]
499        error_logs = [x for x in rbdir_files if x.startswith(b"error_log")]
500        metadata_mirrors = [
501            x for x in rbdir_files if x.startswith(b"mirror_metadata")
502        ]
503        # If we have no current_mirror marker, and the increments directory
504        # is empty, we most likely have a failed backup.
505        return not mirror_markers and len(error_logs) <= 1 and \
506            len(metadata_mirrors) <= 1
507    return False
510def fix_failed_initial_backup():
511    """Clear Globals.rbdir after a failed initial backup"""
512    Log("Found interrupted initial backup. Removing...", 2)
513    rbdir_files = Globals.rbdir.listdir()
514    # Try to delete the increments dir first
515    if b'increments' in rbdir_files:
516        rbdir_files.remove(b'increments')
517        rp = Globals.rbdir.append(b'increments')
518        try:
519            rp.conn.rpath.delete_dir_no_files(rp)
520        except rpath.RPathException:
521            Log("Increments dir contains files.", 4)
522            return
523        except Security.Violation:
524            Log("Server doesn't support resuming.", 2)
525            return
527    for file_name in rbdir_files:
528        rp = Globals.rbdir.append_path(file_name)
529        if not rp.isdir():  # Only remove files, not folders
530            rp.delete()
533def backup_set_rbdir(rpin, rpout):
534    """Initialize data dir and logging"""
535    global incdir
536    try:
537        incdir = Globals.rbdir.append_path(b"increments")
538    except IOError as exc:
539        if exc.errno == errno.EACCES:
540            print("\n")
541            Log.FatalError("Could not begin backup due to\n%s" % exc)
542        else:
543            raise
545    assert rpout.lstat(), (rpout.get_safepath(), rpout.lstat())
546    if rpout.isdir() and not rpout.listdir():  # rpout is empty dir
547        try:
548            rpout.chmod(0o700)  # just make sure permissions aren't too lax
549        except OSError:
550            Log("Cannot change permissions on target directory.", 2)
551    elif not Globals.rbdir.lstat() and not force:
552        Log.FatalError("""Destination directory
556exists, but does not look like a rdiff-backup directory.  Running
557rdiff-backup like this could mess up what is currently in it.  If you
558want to update or overwrite it, run rdiff-backup with the --force
559option.""" % rpout.get_safepath())
560    elif check_failed_initial_backup():
561        fix_failed_initial_backup()
563    if not Globals.rbdir.lstat():
564        try:
565            Globals.rbdir.mkdir()
566        except (OSError, IOError) as exc:
567            Log.FatalError("""Could not create rdiff-backup directory
571due to
575Please check that the rdiff-backup user can create files and directories in the
576destination directory: %s""" % (Globals.rbdir.get_safepath(), exc,
577                                rpout.get_safepath()))
578    SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('rbdir', Globals.rbdir)
581def backup_warn_if_infinite_regress(rpin, rpout):
582    """Warn user if destination area contained in source area"""
583    # Just a few heuristics, we don't have to get every case
584    if rpout.conn is not rpin.conn:
585        return
586    if len(rpout.path) <= len(rpin.path) + 1:
587        return
588    if rpout.path[:len(rpin.path) + 1] != rpin.path + b'/':
589        return
591    relative_rpout_comps = tuple(rpout.path[len(rpin.path) + 1:].split(b'/'))
592    relative_rpout = rpin.new_index(relative_rpout_comps)  # noqa: F841
593    # FIXME: this fails currently because the selection object isn't stored
594    #        but an iterable, the object not being pickable.
595    #        Related to issue #296
596    #if not Globals.select_mirror.Select(relative_rpout):  # noqa: E265
597    #    return
599    Log(
600        """Warning: The destination directory '%s' may be contained in the
601source directory '%s'.  This could cause an infinite regress.  You
602may need to use the --exclude option (which you might already have done)."""
603        % (rpout.get_safepath(), rpin.get_safepath()), 2)
606def backup_get_mirrortime():
607    """Return time in seconds of previous mirror, or None if cannot"""
608    incbase = Globals.rbdir.append_path(b"current_mirror")
609    mirror_rps = restore.get_inclist(incbase)
610    assert len(mirror_rps) <= 1, \
611        "Found %s current_mirror rps, expected <=1" % (len(mirror_rps),)
612    if mirror_rps:
613        return mirror_rps[0].getinctime()
614    else:
615        return 0  # is always in the past
618def backup_final_init(rpout):
619    """Open the backup log and the error log, create increments dir"""
620    global prevtime, incdir
621    if Log.verbosity > 0:
622        Log.open_logfile(Globals.rbdir.append("backup.log"))
623    checkdest_if_necessary(rpout)
624    prevtime = backup_get_mirrortime()
625    if prevtime >= Time.curtime:
626        Log.FatalError(
627            """Time of Last backup is not in the past.  This is probably caused
628by running two backups in less than a second.  Wait a second and try again.""")
629    ErrorLog.open(Time.curtimestr, compress=Globals.compression)
630    if not incdir.lstat():
631        incdir.mkdir()
634def backup_touch_curmirror_local(rpin, rpout):
635    """Make a file like current_mirror.time.data to record time
637    When doing an incremental backup, this should happen before any
638    other writes, and the file should be removed after all writes.
639    That way we can tell whether the previous session aborted if there
640    are two current_mirror files.
642    When doing the initial full backup, the file can be created after
643    everything else is in place.
645    """
646    mirrorrp = Globals.rbdir.append(b'.'.join(
647        map(os.fsencode, (b"current_mirror", Time.curtimestr, "data"))))
648    Log("Writing mirror marker %s" % mirrorrp.get_safepath(), 6)
649    try:
650        pid = os.getpid()
651    except BaseException:
652        pid = "NA"
653    mirrorrp.write_string("PID %s\n" % (pid, ))
654    mirrorrp.fsync_with_dir()
657def backup_remove_curmirror_local():
658    """Remove the older of the current_mirror files.  Use at end of session"""
659    assert Globals.rbdir.conn is Globals.local_connection
660    curmir_incs = restore.get_inclist(Globals.rbdir.append(b"current_mirror"))
661    assert len(curmir_incs) == 2
662    if curmir_incs[0].getinctime() < curmir_incs[1].getinctime():
663        older_inc = curmir_incs[0]
664    else:
665        older_inc = curmir_incs[1]
666    if Globals.do_fsync:
667        C.sync()  # Make sure everything is written before curmirror is removed
668    older_inc.delete()
671def backup_close_statistics(end_time):
672    """Close out the tracking of the backup statistics.
674    Moved to run at this point so that only the clock of the system on which
675    rdiff-backup is run is used (set by passing in time.time() from that
676    system). Use at end of session.
678    """
679    assert Globals.rbdir.conn is Globals.local_connection
680    if Globals.print_statistics:
681        statistics.print_active_stats(end_time)
682    if Globals.file_statistics:
683        statistics.FileStats.close()
684    statistics.write_active_statfileobj(end_time)
687def Restore(src_rp, dest_rp, restore_as_of=None):
688    """Main restoring function
690    Here src_rp should be the source file (either an increment or
691    mirror file), dest_rp should be the target rp to be written.
693    """
694    if not restore_root_set and not restore_set_root(src_rp):
695        Log.FatalError("Could not find rdiff-backup repository at %s" %
696                       src_rp.get_safepath())
697    restore_check_paths(src_rp, dest_rp, restore_as_of)
698    try:
699        dest_rp.conn.fs_abilities.restore_set_globals(dest_rp)
700    except IOError as exc:
701        if exc.errno == errno.EACCES:
702            print("\n")
703            Log.FatalError("Could not begin restore due to\n%s" % exc)
704        else:
705            raise
706    init_user_group_mapping(dest_rp.conn)
707    src_rp = restore_init_quoting(src_rp)
708    restore_check_backup_dir(restore_root, src_rp, restore_as_of)
709    inc_rpath = Globals.rbdir.append_path(b'increments', restore_index)
710    if restore_as_of:
711        try:
712            time = Time.genstrtotime(restore_timestr, rp=inc_rpath)
713        except Time.TimeException as exc:
714            Log.FatalError(str(exc))
715    else:
716        time = src_rp.getinctime()
717    restore_set_select(restore_root, dest_rp)
718    restore_start_log(src_rp, dest_rp, time)
719    try:
720        restore.Restore(
721            restore_root.new_index(restore_index), inc_rpath, dest_rp, time)
722    except IOError as exc:
723        if exc.errno == errno.EACCES:
724            print("\n")
725            Log.FatalError("Could not complete restore due to\n%s" % exc)
726        else:
727            raise
728    else:
729        Log("Restore finished", 4)
732def restore_init_quoting(src_rp):
733    """Change rpaths into quoted versions of themselves if necessary"""
734    global restore_root
735    if not Globals.chars_to_quote:
736        return src_rp
737    for conn in Globals.connections:
738        conn.FilenameMapping.set_init_quote_vals()
739    restore_root = FilenameMapping.get_quotedrpath(restore_root)
740    SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('rbdir',
741                                FilenameMapping.get_quotedrpath(Globals.rbdir))
742    return FilenameMapping.get_quotedrpath(src_rp)
745def restore_set_select(mirror_rp, target):
746    """Set the selection iterator on both side from command line args
748    We must set both sides because restore filtering is different from
749    select filtering.  For instance, if a file is excluded it should
750    not be deleted from the target directory.
752    The BytesIO stuff is because filelists need to be read and then
753    duplicated, because we need two copies of them now.
755    """
757    def fp2string(fp):
758        buf = fp.read()
759        assert not fp.close()
760        return buf
762    select_data = list(map(fp2string, select_files))
763    if select_opts:
764        mirror_rp.conn.restore.MirrorStruct.set_mirror_select(
765            target, select_opts, *list(map(io.BytesIO, select_data)))
766        target.conn.restore.TargetStruct.set_target_select(
767            target, select_opts, *list(map(io.BytesIO, select_data)))
770def restore_start_log(rpin, target, time):
771    """Open restore log file, log initial message"""
772    try:
773        Log.open_logfile(Globals.rbdir.append("restore.log"))
774    except (LoggerError, Security.Violation) as e:
775        Log("Warning - Unable to open logfile: %s" % str(e), 2)
777    # Log following message at file verbosity 3, but term verbosity 4
778    log_message = ("Starting restore of %s to %s as it was as of %s." % (
779        rpin.get_safepath(), target.get_safepath(), Time.timetopretty(time)))
780    if Log.term_verbosity >= 4:
781        Log.log_to_term(log_message, 4)
782    if Log.verbosity >= 3:
783        Log.log_to_file(log_message)
786def restore_check_paths(rpin, rpout, restoreasof=None):
787    """Make sure source and destination exist, and have appropriate type"""
788    if not restoreasof:
789        if not rpin.lstat():
790            Log.FatalError(
791                "Source file %s does not exist" % rpin.get_safepath())
792    if not force and rpout.lstat() and (not rpout.isdir() or rpout.listdir()):
793        Log.FatalError("Restore target %s already exists, "
794                       "specify --force to overwrite." % rpout.get_safepath())
795    if force and rpout.lstat() and not rpout.isdir():
796        rpout.delete()
799def restore_check_backup_dir(mirror_root, src_rp=None, restore_as_of=1):
800    """Make sure backup dir root rpin is in consistent state"""
801    if not restore_as_of and not src_rp.isincfile():
802        Log.FatalError("""File %s does not look like an increment file.
804Try restoring from an increment file (the filenames look like
805"foobar.2001-09-01T04:49:04-07:00.diff").""" % src_rp.get_safepath())
807    result = checkdest_need_check(mirror_root)
808    if result is None:
809        Log.FatalError("%s does not appear to be an rdiff-backup directory." %
810                       Globals.rbdir.get_safepath())
811    elif result == 1:
812        Log.FatalError(
813            "Previous backup to %s seems to have failed.\nRerun rdiff-backup "
814            "with --check-destination-dir option to revert directory "
815            "to state before unsuccessful session." %
816            mirror_root.get_safepath())
819def restore_set_root(rpin):
820    """Set data dir, restore_root and index, or return None if fail
822    The idea here is to keep backing up on the path until we find
823    a directory that contains "rdiff-backup-data".  That is the
824    mirror root.  If the path from there starts
825    "rdiff-backup-data/increments*", then the index is the
826    remainder minus that.  Otherwise the index is just the path
827    minus the root.
829    All this could fail if the increment file is pointed to in a
830    funny way, using symlinks or somesuch.
832    """
833    global restore_root, restore_index, restore_root_set
834    if rpin.isincfile():
835        relpath = rpin.getincbase().path
836    else:
837        relpath = rpin.path
838    if rpin.conn is not Globals.local_connection:
839        # For security checking consistency, don't get absolute path
840        pathcomps = relpath.split(b'/')
841    else:
842        pathcomps = rpath.RORPath.path_join(rpath.RORPath.getcwdb(),
843                                            relpath).split(b'/')
844    if not pathcomps[0]:
845        min_len_pathcomps = 2  # treat abs paths differently
846    else:
847        min_len_pathcomps = 1
849    i = len(pathcomps)
850    while i >= min_len_pathcomps:
851        parent_dir = rpath.RPath(rpin.conn, b'/'.join(pathcomps[:i]))
852        if (parent_dir.isdir() and parent_dir.readable()
853                and b"rdiff-backup-data" in parent_dir.listdir()):
854            break
855        if parent_dir.path == rpin.conn.Globals.get('restrict_path'):
856            return None
857        i = i - 1
858    else:
859        return None
861    restore_root = parent_dir
862    Log("Using mirror root directory %s" % restore_root.get_safepath(), 6)
863    if restore_root.conn is Globals.local_connection:
864        Security.reset_restrict_path(restore_root)
865    SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('rbdir',
866                                restore_root.append_path(b"rdiff-backup-data"))
867    if not Globals.rbdir.isdir():
868        Log.FatalError("Unable to read rdiff-backup-data directory %s" %
869                       Globals.rbdir.get_safepath())
871    from_datadir = tuple(pathcomps[i:])
872    if not from_datadir or from_datadir[0] != b"rdiff-backup-data":
873        restore_index = from_datadir  # in mirror, not increments
874    else:
875        assert (from_datadir[1] == b"increments"
876                or (len(from_datadir) == 2
877                    and from_datadir[1].startswith(b'increments'))), from_datadir
878        restore_index = from_datadir[2:]
879    restore_root_set = 1
880    return 1
883def ListIncrements(rp):
884    """Print out a summary of the increments and their times"""
885    rp = require_root_set(rp, 1)
886    restore_check_backup_dir(restore_root)
887    mirror_rp = restore_root.new_index(restore_index)
888    inc_rpath = Globals.rbdir.append_path(b'increments', restore_index)
889    incs = restore.get_inclist(inc_rpath)
890    mirror_time = restore.MirrorStruct.get_mirror_time()
891    if Globals.parsable_output:
892        print(manage.describe_incs_parsable(incs, mirror_time, mirror_rp))
893    else:
894        print(manage.describe_incs_human(incs, mirror_time, mirror_rp))
897def require_root_set(rp, read_only):
898    """Make sure rp is or is in a valid rdiff-backup dest directory.
900    Also initializes fs_abilities (read or read/write) and quoting and
901    return quoted rp if necessary.
903    """
904    if not restore_set_root(rp):
905        Log.FatalError(
906            "Bad directory %s.\n"
907            "It doesn't appear to be an rdiff-backup destination dir." %
908            rp.get_safepath())
909    try:
910        Globals.rbdir.conn.fs_abilities.single_set_globals(
911            Globals.rbdir, read_only)
912    except (OSError, IOError) as exc:
913        print("\n")
914        Log.FatalError("Could not open rdiff-backup directory\n\n%s\n\n"
915                       "due to\n\n%s" % (Globals.rbdir.get_safepath(), exc))
916    if Globals.chars_to_quote:
917        return restore_init_quoting(rp)
918    else:
919        return rp
922def ListIncrementSizes(rp):
923    """Print out a summary of the increments """
924    rp = require_root_set(rp, 1)
925    print(manage.ListIncrementSizes(restore_root, restore_index))
928def CalculateAverage(rps):
929    """Print out the average of the given statistics files"""
930    statobjs = [statistics.StatsObj().read_stats_from_rp(rp) for rp in rps]
931    average_stats = statistics.StatsObj().set_to_average(statobjs)
932    print(average_stats.get_stats_logstring(
933        "Average of %d stat files" % len(rps)))
936def RemoveOlderThan(rootrp):
937    """Remove all increment files older than a certain time"""
938    rootrp = require_root_set(rootrp, 0)
939    rot_require_rbdir_base(rootrp)
941    time = rot_check_time(remove_older_than_string)
942    if time is None:
943        return
944    Log("Actual remove older than time: %s" % (time, ), 6)
945    manage.delete_earlier_than(Globals.rbdir, time)
948def rot_check_time(time_string):
949    """Check remove older than time_string, return time in seconds"""
950    try:
951        time = Time.genstrtotime(time_string)
952    except Time.TimeException as exc:
953        Log.FatalError(str(exc))
955    times_in_secs = [
956        inc.getinctime() for inc in restore.get_inclist(
957            Globals.rbdir.append_path(b"increments"))
958    ]
959    times_in_secs = [t for t in times_in_secs if t < time]
960    if not times_in_secs:
961        Log(
962            "No increments older than %s found, exiting." %
963            (Time.timetopretty(time), ), 3)
964        return None
966    times_in_secs.sort()
967    inc_pretty_time = "\n".join(map(Time.timetopretty, times_in_secs))
968    if len(times_in_secs) > 1 and not force:
969        Log.FatalError(
970            "Found %d relevant increments, dated:\n%s"
971            "\nIf you want to delete multiple increments in this way, "
972            "use the --force." % (len(times_in_secs), inc_pretty_time))
973    if len(times_in_secs) == 1:
974        Log("Deleting increment at time:\n%s" % inc_pretty_time, 3)
975    else:
976        Log("Deleting increments at times:\n%s" % inc_pretty_time, 3)
977    return times_in_secs[-1] + 1  # make sure we don't delete current increment
980def rot_require_rbdir_base(rootrp):
981    """Make sure pointing to base of rdiff-backup dir"""
982    if restore_index != ():
983        Log.FatalError("Increments for directory %s cannot be removed "
984                       "separately.\nInstead run on entire directory %s." %
985                       (rootrp.get_safepath(), restore_root.get_safepath()))
988def ListChangedSince(rp):
989    """List all the files under rp that have changed since restoretime"""
990    rp = require_root_set(rp, 1)
991    try:
992        rest_time = Time.genstrtotime(restore_timestr)
993    except Time.TimeException as exc:
994        Log.FatalError(str(exc))
995    mirror_rp = restore_root.new_index(restore_index)
996    inc_rp = mirror_rp.append_path(b"increments", restore_index)
997    for rorp in rp.conn.restore.ListChangedSince(mirror_rp, inc_rp, rest_time):
998        # This is a hack, see restore.ListChangedSince for rationale
999        print(rorp.get_safeindexpath())
1002def ListAtTime(rp):
1003    """List files in archive under rp that are present at restoretime"""
1004    rp = require_root_set(rp, 1)
1005    try:
1006        rest_time = Time.genstrtotime(restore_timestr)
1007    except Time.TimeException as exc:
1008        Log.FatalError(str(exc))
1009    mirror_rp = restore_root.new_index(restore_index)
1010    inc_rp = mirror_rp.append_path(b"increments", restore_index)
1011    for rorp in rp.conn.restore.ListAtTime(mirror_rp, inc_rp, rest_time):
1012        print(rorp.get_safeindexpath())
1015def Compare(compare_type, src_rp, dest_rp, compare_time=None):
1016    """Compare metadata in src_rp with metadata of backup session
1018    Prints to stdout whenever a file in the src_rp directory has
1019    different metadata than what is recorded in the metadata for the
1020    appropriate session.
1022    Session time is read from restore_timestr if compare_time is None.
1024    """
1025    global return_val
1026    dest_rp = require_root_set(dest_rp, 1)
1027    if not compare_time:
1028        try:
1029            compare_time = Time.genstrtotime(restore_timestr)
1030        except Time.TimeException as exc:
1031            Log.FatalError(str(exc))
1033    mirror_rp = restore_root.new_index(restore_index)
1034    inc_rp = Globals.rbdir.append_path(b"increments", restore_index)
1035    backup_set_select(src_rp)  # Sets source rorp iterator
1036    if compare_type == "compare":
1037        compare_func = compare.Compare
1038    elif compare_type == "compare-hash":
1039        compare_func = compare.Compare_hash
1040    else:
1041        assert compare_type == "compare-full", compare_type
1042        compare_func = compare.Compare_full
1043    return_val = compare_func(src_rp, mirror_rp, inc_rp, compare_time)
1046def Verify(dest_rp, verify_time=None):
1047    """Check the hashes of the regular files against mirror_metadata"""
1048    global return_val
1049    dest_rp = require_root_set(dest_rp, 1)
1050    if not verify_time:
1051        try:
1052            verify_time = Time.genstrtotime(restore_timestr)
1053        except Time.TimeException as exc:
1054            Log.FatalError(str(exc))
1056    mirror_rp = restore_root.new_index(restore_index)
1057    inc_rp = Globals.rbdir.append_path(b"increments", restore_index)
1058    return_val = dest_rp.conn.compare.Verify(mirror_rp, inc_rp, verify_time)
1061def CheckDest(dest_rp):
1062    """Check the destination directory, """
1063    dest_rp = require_root_set(dest_rp, 0)
1064    need_check = checkdest_need_check(dest_rp)
1065    if need_check is None:
1066        Log.FatalError(
1067            "No destination dir found at %s" % dest_rp.get_safepath())
1068    elif need_check == 0:
1069        Log.FatalError(
1070            "Destination dir %s does not need checking" %
1071            dest_rp.get_safepath(),
1072            no_fatal_message=1,
1073            errlevel=0)
1074    init_user_group_mapping(dest_rp.conn)
1075    dest_rp.conn.regress.Regress(dest_rp)
1078def checkdest_need_check(dest_rp):
1079    """Return None if no dest dir found, 1 if dest dir needs check, 0 o/w"""
1080    if not dest_rp.isdir() or not Globals.rbdir.isdir():
1081        return None
1082    for filename in Globals.rbdir.listdir():
1083        if filename not in [
1084                b'chars_to_quote', b'special_escapes', b'backup.log'
1085        ]:
1086            break
1087    else:  # This may happen the first backup just after we test for quoting
1088        return None
1089    curmirroot = Globals.rbdir.append(b"current_mirror")
1090    curmir_incs = restore.get_inclist(curmirroot)
1091    if not curmir_incs:
1092        Log.FatalError("""Bad rdiff-backup-data dir on destination side
1094The rdiff-backup data directory
1096exists, but we cannot find a valid current_mirror marker.  You can
1097avoid this message by removing the rdiff-backup-data directory;
1098however any data in it will be lost.
1100Probably this error was caused because the first rdiff-backup session
1101into a new directory failed.  If this is the case it is safe to delete
1102the rdiff-backup-data directory because there is no important
1103information in it.
1105""" % (Globals.rbdir.get_safepath(), ))
1106    elif len(curmir_incs) == 1:
1107        return 0
1108    else:
1109        if not force:
1110            try:
1111                curmir_incs[0].conn.regress.check_pids(curmir_incs)
1112            except (OSError, IOError) as exc:
1113                Log.FatalError("Could not check if rdiff-backup is currently"
1114                               "running due to\n%s" % exc)
1115        assert len(curmir_incs) == 2, \
1116            "Found too many current_mirror incs in %s!" % Globals.rbdir.get_safepath()
1117        return 1
1120def checkdest_if_necessary(dest_rp):
1121    """Check the destination dir if necessary.
1123    This can/should be run before an incremental backup.
1125    """
1126    need_check = checkdest_need_check(dest_rp)
1127    if need_check == 1:
1128        Log(
1129            "Previous backup seems to have failed, regressing "
1130            "destination now.", 2)
1131        try:
1132            dest_rp.conn.regress.Regress(dest_rp)
1133        except Security.Violation:
1134            Log.FatalError("Security violation while attempting to regress "
1135                           "destination, perhaps due to --restrict-read-only "
1136                           "or --restrict-update-only.")