2  "prelude": [
3    "import * as Types from '../constants/types/wallets'",
4    "import * as ChatTypes from '../constants/types/chat2'",
5    "import * as StellarRPCTypes from '../constants/types/rpc-stellar-gen'",
6    "import HiddenString from '../util/hidden-string'"
7  ],
8  "actions": {
9    "abandonPayment": {
10      "_description": "Signal that a payment being built is abandoned and reset the form fields to their initial states."
11    },
12    "acceptDisclaimer": {
13      "_description": "Accept the Stellar account disclaimer"
14    },
15    "acceptSEP7Path": {
16      "_description": "Accept the prepared SEP7 path payment",
17      "inputURI": "string"
18    },
19    "acceptSEP7Pay": {
20      "_description": "Accept the prepared SEP7 payment",
21      "amount": "string",
22      "inputURI": "string"
23    },
24    "acceptSEP7Tx": {
25      "_description": "Accept the prepared SEP7 tx",
26      "inputURI": "string"
27    },
28    "resetAcceptingDisclaimer": {
29      "_description": "Reset to the pre-accepting-disclaimer state."
30    },
31    "accountsReceived": {
32      "_description": "Update our store of account data",
33      "accounts": "Array<Types.Account>"
34    },
35    "accountUpdateReceived": {
36      "_description": "We received an updated account record",
37      "account": "Types.Account"
38    },
39    "assetDeposit": {
40      "_description": "Handle a SEP6 Deposit link",
41      "accountID": "Types.AccountID",
42      "code": "Types.CurrencyCode",
43      "issuerAccountID": "Types.AccountID"
44    },
45    "assetWithdraw": {
46      "_description": "Handle a SEP6 Withdraw link",
47      "accountID": "Types.AccountID",
48      "code": "Types.CurrencyCode",
49      "issuerAccountID": "Types.AccountID"
50    },
51    "assetsReceived": {
52      "_description": "Update our store of assets data",
53      "accountID": "Types.AccountID",
54      "assets": "Array<Types.Assets>"
55    },
56    "badgesUpdated": {
57      "_description": "Update badges in the nav",
58      "accounts": "Array<RPCTypes.WalletAccountInfo>"
59    },
60    "buildingPaymentIDReceived": {
61      "_description": "Update our store with an ID for a new building payment",
62      "bid": "string"
63    },
64    "builtPaymentReceived": {
65      "_description": "Update our store with a prepared payment",
66      "build": "Types.BuiltPayment",
67      "forBuildCounter": "number"
68    },
69    "builtRequestReceived": {
70      "_description": "Update our store with a prepared payment",
71      "build": "Types.BuiltRequest",
72      "forBuildCounter": "number"
73    },
74    "checkDisclaimer": {
75      "_description": "Discover whether the user has accepted the Stellar disclaimer",
76      "nextScreen": "Types.NextScreenAfterAcceptance"
77    },
78    "clearBuilding": {
79      "_description": "Clear a payment or request that was being prepared"
80    },
81    "clearBuiltPayment": {
82      "_description": "Clear a prepared payment once it has been sent or canceled"
83    },
84    "clearBuiltRequest": {
85      "_description": "Clear a prepared request once it has been sent or canceled"
86    },
87    "clearErrors": {
88      "_description": "Clear errors from the store at times like opening or closing a form dialog."
89    },
90    "cancelRequest": {
91      "_description": "Cancel a request. Optionally delete an associated message",
92      "conversationIDKey?": "ChatTypes.ConversationIDKey",
93      "ordinal?": "ChatTypes.Ordinal",
94      "requestID": "StellarRPCTypes.KeybaseRequestID"
95    },
96    "cancelPayment": {
97      "_description": [
98        "Cancel a payment. Valid for payments of status 'claimable'.",
99        "If showAccount is true, nav to the currently selected account when done."
100      ],
101      "showAccount?": "boolean",
102      "paymentID": "Types.PaymentID"
103    },
104    "createNewAccount": {
105      "_description": "Add a new wallet to your account",
106      "name": "string",
107      "showOnCreation?": "boolean",
108      "setBuildingTo?": "boolean"
109    },
110    "createdNewAccount": {
111      "_description": "The service responded with an error or that the create new account operation succeeded",
112      "accountID": "Types.AccountID",
113      "showOnCreation?": "boolean",
114      "setBuildingTo?": "boolean",
115      "name?": "string",
116      "error?": "string"
117    },
118    "externalPartnersReceived": {
119      "_description": "Update our list of external tools and partners",
120      "externalPartners": "Array<Types.PartnerUrl>"
121    },
122    "exitFailedPayment": {
123      "_description": "Close the send form and show the user their transactions so they can review."
124    },
125    "exportSecretKey": {
126      "_description": "Export a Stellar account's secret key",
127      "accountID": "Types.AccountID"
128    },
129    "loadAssets": {
130      "_description": "Refresh our list of assets for a given account",
131      "accountID": "Types.AccountID"
132    },
133    "loadAccounts": {
134      "_description": "Refresh our list of accounts",
135      "reason": "'initial-load' | 'open-send-req-form'"
136    },
137    "loadExternalPartners": {
138      "_description": "Refresh our list of external tools and partner links"
139    },
140    "loadMorePayments": {
141      "_description": "Scrolled down the list of payments for a given account",
142      "accountID": "Types.AccountID"
143    },
144    "loadPayments": {
145      "_description": "Refresh our list of payments for a given account",
146      "accountID": "Types.AccountID"
147    },
148    "loadPaymentDetail": {
149      "_description": "Load extra detail for one given payment",
150      "accountID": "Types.AccountID",
151      "paymentID": "Types.PaymentID"
152    },
153    "loadWalletDisclaimer": {
154      "_description": "Load wallet disclaimer"
155    },
156    "walletDisclaimerReceived": {
157      "_description": "Received wallet disclaimer",
158      "accepted": "boolean"
159    },
160    "loadDisplayCurrencies": {
161      "_description": "Load valid display currencies to choose from"
162    },
163    "markAsRead": {
164      "_description": "Mark the given payment ID and anything older as read.",
165      "accountID": "Types.AccountID",
166      "mostRecentID": "Types.PaymentID"
167    },
168    "displayCurrenciesReceived": {
169      "_description": "Update valid display currencies to choose from",
170      "currencies": "Array<Types.Currency>"
171    },
172    "loadSendAssetChoices": {
173      "_description": "Load valid assets for sending to user",
174      "from": "Types.AccountID",
175      "to": "string"
176    },
177    "sendAssetChoicesReceived": {
178      "_description": "Update valid send assets to choose from",
179      "sendAssetChoices": "Array<StellarRPCTypes.SendAssetChoiceLocal>"
180    },
181    "changeAccountName": {
182      "_description": "Change the name of an account",
183      "accountID": "Types.AccountID",
184      "name": "string"
185    },
186    "changedAccountName": {
187      "_description": "A response from the service after an account's name is changed",
188      "name?": "string",
189      "account?": "Types.Account",
190      "error?": "string"
191    },
192    "setAccountAsDefault": {
193      "_description": "Change the default account",
194      "accountID": "Types.AccountID"
195    },
196    "didSetAccountAsDefault": {
197      "_description": "A response from the service after an account is set as the default",
198      "accounts": "Array<Types.Account>"
199    },
200    "deleteAccount": {
201      "_description": "Delete an account",
202      "accountID": "Types.AccountID"
203    },
204    "deletedAccount": {
205      "_description": "A response from the service after an account is deleted."
206    },
207    "loadDisplayCurrency": {
208      "_description": "Load display currency for an account",
209      "accountID": "Types.AccountID | null",
210      "setBuildingCurrency?": "boolean"
211    },
212    "displayCurrencyReceived": {
213      "_description": "Update display currency for a certain account",
214      "accountID": "Types.AccountID | null",
215      "currency": "Types.Currency",
216      "setBuildingCurrency?": "boolean"
217    },
218    "changeDisplayCurrency": {
219      "_description": "Change display currency for an account",
220      "accountID": "Types.AccountID",
221      "code": "Types.CurrencyCode"
222    },
223    "requestPayment": {
224      "_description": "Request payment"
225    },
226    "requestedPayment": {
227      "_description": "Successfully request payment",
228      "kbRqID": "HiddenString",
229      "lastSentXLM": "boolean",
230      "requestee": "string"
231    },
232    "paymentDetailReceived": {
233      "_description": "Update a payment with additional detail",
234      "accountID": "Types.AccountID",
235      "payment": "Types.PaymentDetail"
236    },
237    "paymentsReceived": {
238      "_description": "Update our store of payments data",
239      "accountID": "Types.AccountID",
240      "error": "string",
241      "allowClearOldestUnread": "boolean",
242      "paymentCursor": "StellarRPCTypes.PageCursor | null",
243      "oldestUnread": "Types.PaymentID",
244      "payments": "Array<Types.PaymentResult>",
245      "pending": "Array<Types.PaymentResult>"
246    },
247    "pendingPaymentsReceived": {
248      "_description": "Received a new set of pending payments; replace existing ones with these",
249      "accountID": "Types.AccountID",
250      "pending": "Array<Types.PaymentResult>"
251    },
252    "recentPaymentsReceived": {
253      "_description": "Received a fresh first page of recent payments",
254      "accountID": "Types.AccountID",
255      "paymentCursor": "StellarRPCTypes.PageCursor | null",
256      "oldestUnread": "Types.PaymentID",
257      "payments": "Array<Types.PaymentResult>"
258    },
259    "reviewedPaymentReceived": {
260      "_description": "Update our store with the results of reviewing a built payment",
261      "bid": "string",
262      "reviewID": "number",
263      "seqno": "number",
264      "nextButton": "string",
265      "banners?": "Array<StellarRPCTypes.SendBannerLocal> | null"
266    },
267    "secretKeyReceived": {
268      "_description": "Update our store with an exported secret key",
269      "accountID": "Types.AccountID",
270      "secretKey": "HiddenString"
271    },
272    "secretKeySeen": {
273      "_description": "Clear exported secret keys from our store once they've been seen",
274      "accountID": "Types.AccountID"
275    },
276    "selectAccount": {
277      "_description": "Select an account. Optionally navigate to the account page.",
278      "accountID": "Types.AccountID",
279      "reason": "'user-selected' | 'auto-selected' | 'from-chat' | 'show-transaction'",
280      "show?": "boolean"
281    },
282    "setSEP7Tx": {
283      "_description": "Prepare a SEP7 tx to be shown to the user for confirmation",
284      "confirmURI": "string",
285      "fromQR": "boolean",
286      "tx": "Types.SEP7ConfirmInfo"
287    },
288    "showTransaction": {
289      "_description": "Navigate to the details page for the given transaction.",
290      "accountID": "Types.AccountID",
291      "paymentID": "Types.PaymentID"
292    },
293    "buildPayment": {
294      "_description": "Send a potential payment to the service for validation"
295    },
296    "sendPayment": {
297      "_description": "Perform sending a payment"
298    },
299    "sentPayment": {
300      "_description": "Successfully sent a payment",
301      "kbTxID": "HiddenString",
302      "lastSentXLM": "boolean",
303      "jumpToChat": "string"
304    },
305    "sentPaymentError": {
306      "_description": "Failed to send a payment",
307      "error": "string"
308    },
310    "setBuildingAmount": {
311      "_description": "Set building amount",
312      "amount": "string"
313    },
314    "setBuildingCurrency": {
315      "_description": "Set building currency",
316      "currency": "string"
317    },
318    "setBuildingFrom": {
319      "_description": "Set building from",
320      "from": "Types.AccountID"
321    },
322    "setBuildingIsRequest": {
323      "_description": "Set building isRequest",
324      "isRequest": "boolean"
325    },
326    "setBuildingPublicMemo": {
327      "_description": "Set building public memo",
328      "publicMemo": "HiddenString"
329    },
330    "setBuildingRecipientType": {
331      "_description": "Set building recipient type",
332      "recipientType": "Types.CounterpartyType"
333    },
334    "setBuildingSecretNote": {
335      "_description": "Set building secret note",
336      "secretNote": "HiddenString"
337    },
338    "setBuildingTo": {
339      "_description": "Set building to -- depends on recipientType",
340      "to": "string"
341    },
342    "clearBuildingAdvanced": {
343      "_description": "replace the current buildingAdvanced builtPaymentAdvanced data with an empty ones"
344    },
345    "setBuildingAdvancedRecipient": {"recipient": "string"},
346    "setBuildingAdvancedRecipientAmount": {"recipientAmount": "string"},
347    "setBuildingAdvancedRecipientAsset": {"recipientAsset": "Types.AssetDescriptionOrNative"},
348    "setBuildingAdvancedRecipientType": {"recipientType": "Types.CounterpartyType"},
349    "setBuildingAdvancedPublicMemo": {"publicMemo": "HiddenString"},
350    "setBuildingAdvancedSenderAccountID": {"senderAccountID": "Types.AccountID"},
351    "setBuildingAdvancedSenderAsset": {"senderAsset": "Types.AssetDescriptionOrNative"},
352    "setBuildingAdvancedSecretNote": {"secretNote": "HiddenString"},
353    "calculateBuildingAdvanced": {"forSEP7": "boolean"},
354    "setBuiltPaymentAdvanced": {
355      "builtPaymentAdvanced": "Types.BuiltPaymentAdvanced",
356      "forSEP7": "boolean"
357    },
358    "sendPaymentAdvanced": {"_description": "tell service to send this path payment"},
359    "setLastSentXLM": {
360      "_description": "Set whether last currency used to send was XLM",
361      "lastSentXLM": "boolean",
362      "writeFile": "boolean"
363    },
364    "setReadyToReview": {
365      "_description": "Set whether the payment is ready to review",
366      "readyToReview": "boolean"
367    },
368    "reviewPayment": {
369      "_description": "Move to the confirm screen on a built payment."
370    },
371    "openSendRequestForm": {
372      "_description": [
373        "Initialize and navigate to the send or request form.",
374        "",
375        "See docs for `setBuilding*` for param semantics."
376      ],
377      "amount?": "string",
378      "currency?": "string",
379      "from?": "Types.AccountID",
380      "isRequest?": "boolean",
381      "publicMemo?": "HiddenString",
382      "recipientType?": "Types.CounterpartyType",
383      "secretNote?": "HiddenString",
384      "to?": "string"
385    },
386    "linkExistingAccount": {
387      "_description": "Link an existing Stellar account with this Keybase user.",
388      "name": "string",
389      "secretKey": "HiddenString",
390      "showOnCreation?": "boolean",
391      "setBuildingTo?": "boolean"
392    },
393    "linkedExistingAccount": {
394      "_description": "The service responded with an error or that the link existing operation succeeded",
395      "accountID": "Types.AccountID",
396      "showOnCreation?": "boolean",
397      "setBuildingTo?": "boolean",
398      "name?": "string",
399      "secretKey?": "HiddenString",
400      "error?": "string"
401    },
402    "rejectDisclaimer": {
403      "_description": "Reject (temporarily) the Stellar account disclaimer"
404    },
405    "validateAccountName": {
406      "_description": "Ask the service to validate an account name.",
407      "name": "string"
408    },
409    "validatedAccountName": {
410      "_description": "The service responded with an error or that the account name is valid.",
411      "name": "string",
412      "error?": "string"
413    },
414    "validateSecretKey": {
415      "_description": "Ask the service to validate an account secret key.",
416      "secretKey": "HiddenString"
417    },
418    "validatedSecretKey": {
419      "_description": "The service responded with an error or that the secret key is valid.",
420      "secretKey": "HiddenString",
421      "error?": "string"
422    },
423    "validateSEP7Link": {
424      "_description": "Validate and handle a SEP7 Stellar URL link sent to the app.",
425      "fromQR": "boolean",
426      "link": "string"
427    },
428    "validateSEP7LinkError": {
429      "_description": "Set the error field for a SEP7 validation.",
430      "error": "string"
431    },
432    "setSEP7SendError": {
433      "_description": "Set the error field for SEP7 accepted tx attempt",
434      "error": "string"
435    },
436    "loadMobileOnlyMode": {
437      "_description": "Ask the service for current mobile only mode for Stellar account.",
438      "accountID": "Types.AccountID"
439    },
440    "loadedMobileOnlyMode": {
441      "_description": "The service has responded with mobile only mode for Stellar account.",
442      "accountID": "Types.AccountID",
443      "enabled": "boolean"
444    },
445    "changeMobileOnlyMode": {
446      "_description": "Change mobile only mode for Stellar account.",
447      "accountID": "Types.AccountID",
448      "enabled": "boolean"
449    },
450    "refreshTrustlineAcceptedAssets": {
451      "accountID": "Types.AccountID"
452    },
453    "refreshTrustlineAcceptedAssetsByUsername": {
454      "username": "string"
455    },
456    "refreshTrustlinePopularAssets": {},
457    "addTrustline": {
458      "accountID": "Types.AccountID",
459      "assetID": "Types.AssetID"
460    },
461    "deleteTrustline": {
462      "accountID": "Types.AccountID",
463      "assetID": "Types.AssetID"
464    },
465    "changedTrustline": {
466      "error?": "string"
467    },
468    "setTrustlineAcceptedAssets": {
469      "accountID": "Types.AccountID",
470      "assets": "Array<Types.AssetDescription>",
471      "limits": "Map<Types.AssetID, number>"
472    },
473    "setTrustlineAcceptedAssetsByUsername": {
474      "username": "string",
475      "assets": "Array<Types.AssetDescription>",
476      "limits": "Map<Types.AssetID, number>"
477    },
478    "setTrustlinePopularAssets": {
479      "assets": "Array<Types.AssetDescription>",
480      "totalCount": "number"
481    },
482    "setTrustlineSearchText": {
483      "text": "string"
484    },
485    "setTrustlineSearchResults": {
486      "assets": "Array<Types.AssetDescription>"
487    },
488    "clearTrustlineSearchResults": {},
489    "setTrustlineExpanded": {
490      "expanded": "boolean",
491      "assetID": "Types.AssetID"
492    },
493    "staticConfigLoaded": {
494      "_description": "Static configuration info was loaded from the service.",
495      "staticConfig": "Types.StaticConfig"
496    },
497    "setSEP6Message": {
498      "_description": "Show the user an external message from a SEP6 action",
499      "error": "boolean",
500      "message": "string"
501    }
502  }