1 /* The functions of REXX/imc            This is a 132 column file            (C) Ian Collier 1992 */
3 #ifndef _functions_h
4 #define _functions_h
6 #ifdef __STDC__     /* define Args macro so that the arguments of each */
7 #define Args(a) a   /* function can be stated without confusing the */
8 #else               /* compiler */
9 #define Args(a) ()
10 #define volatile    /* Ignore "volatile" for traditional C compiler */
11 #endif
13 /* Protection against things not having been included... */
14 #ifndef putchar
15 #include<stdio.h>
16 #endif
17 #ifndef Einit
18 #include"const.h"
19 #endif
22 #ifdef DEBUG /* Debugging mtest routines */
23 int mtest_debug Args((char **memptr,unsigned *alloc,unsigned length,unsigned extend,long *diff));
24 #define mtest(memptr,alloc,length,extend) (mtest_debug(&memptr,&alloc,length,extend,(long *)0))
25 #define dtest(memptr,alloc,length,extend) (mtest_debug(&memptr,&alloc,length,extend,&mtest_diff))
26 #else /* not defined DEBUG */
27 /* Usually the mem test routines use inline code for greater efficiency.
28    mtest: reallocate an area only if it is too small
29    dtest: the same, but also return 1 if the area moved and set mtest_diff to
30           the difference
31    Recently fixed to save the old value when realloc fails
32 */
33 #define mtest(memptr,alloc,length,extend) {char *old;         \
34         (alloc<(length))&&(                                   \
35         old=memptr,                                           \
36         (memptr=realloc(memptr,(unsigned)(alloc+=(extend))))||(memptr=old,alloc-=(extend),die(Emem),1)  \
37         );}
38 #define dtest(memptr,alloc,length,extend) (                   \
39         (alloc<(length))&&(                                   \
40         mtest_old=memptr,                                     \
41         (memptr=realloc(memptr,(unsigned)(alloc+=(extend))))||(memptr=mtest_old,alloc-=(extend),die(Emem),1), \
42         mtest_diff=memptr-mtest_old ))
43 #endif /* DEBUG */
45 #define whattype(c)      (types[(unsigned char)(c)])
46 #define alphanum(c)      (alphs[(unsigned char)(c)])
47 #define rexxsymboldot(c) (whattype(c)>0)
48 #define rexxsymbol(c)    (symbs[(unsigned char)(c)])
50 #ifdef NO_LDL                                                                   /* Declare the dynamic load functions */
51 void *dlopen Args((char*,int));                                                 /* either in situ or from the system header file */
52 void *dlsym Args((void *,char*));
53 char *dlerror Args((void));
54 int dlclose Args((void*));
55 #else
56 #include<dlfcn.h>
57 #endif /* NO_LDL */
59 /* In ANSI C, you can take the address of any object and the result is of type pointer to that object.  In K&R C, this
60    fails when the object is an array.  The following kludge takes the address of a jmp_buf, which is likely to be an
61    array.  On systems where it isn't, this macro has to be changed... */
62 #ifdef __STDC__
63 #define addressof(x) (&(x))
64 #else
65 #define addressof(x) ((jmp_buf*)(x))
66 #endif
68 #ifdef __hpux /* HP-UX doesn't have srandom, random or siginterrupt */
69 #define srandom srand48
70 #define random lrand48
71 #define siginterrupt(arg1,arg2) (0)
72 #endif
74 #ifdef sgi /* IRIX doesn't have siginterrupt or vfork */
75 #define siginterrupt(arg1,arg2) (0)
76 #define vfork fork
77 #endif
79 #ifdef Solaris /* Solaris doesn't have siginterrupt */
80 #define siginterrupt(arg1,arg2) (0)
81 #endif
83 #if (defined(sun) || defined(__sun__)) && !defined(Solaris) /* SunOS4 does not provide strerror */
84   extern int errno;
85   extern int sys_nerr;
86   extern char *sys_errlist[];
87 # define strerror(x) ((x)>=0 && (x)<sys_nerr ? sys_errlist[x] : (char*)NULL)
88   /* SunOS 4 is the only system to recommend getwd above getcwd. */
89 # define getcwd(name,len) getwd(name)
90 #endif
92 #ifdef RENAME_UNDELETE /* FreeBSD has undelete() defined in unistd.h so REXX/imc's will be renamed */
93 # define undelete rx_undelete
94 #endif
96 /* in rexx.c */
97 int main Args((int argc, char *argv[]));
98 char *allocm Args((unsigned size));
99 void die Args((int rc));
100 char *interpreter Args((int *anslen,int start,                                  /* Interpret program lines */
101                         char *callname,long calltype,char *args[],int arglen[],int inherit,int delay));
102 static void doaddress Args((char **line,int env));                              /* Address a command to an environment */
103 static void parse Args((char *list[],int len[],int up,char *line,int *ptr));    /* PARSE strings with a template */
104 static char uc1 Args((int c,int up));                                           /* Uppercase c, if up */
105 static void pset1 Args((char *list,int listlen,char *val,int len,int up));      /* Tokenise a string into variables */
106 static void pset Args((char *varname,int namelen,char *val,int len,int up));    /* Assign a PARSE result to a variable */
107 static int findsigl Args((int *level));                                         /* Find most recent line number */
108 static void getcallargs Args((char *args[],int arglen[],int argc));             /* Unstack parameters in a CALL instruc */
109 int rxcall Args((int stmt,char *name,int argc,int lit,long calltype));          /* Call a procedure */
110 char *rxinterp Args((char *exp,int len,int *rlen,char *name,long calltype,      /* INTERPRET a string */
111                      char *args[],int arglen[]));
112 static void doconds Args((void));                                               /* Check for delayed conditions and trap them */
113 void settrace Args((char *));                                                   /* Set trace according to the given option */
114 int setoption Args((char *option,int len));                                     /* Set an option from the OPTIONS instruction */
115 static int gettrap Args((char **lineptr,int on,int *stmt));                     /* Get a trap name after "call/signal on" */
116 static void testvarname Args((char **line,char *var,int len));                  /* Test the symbol against a stored name */
117 static void skipstmt Args((void));                                              /* Skip the current instruction */
118 static void stepdo Args((void));                                                /* Step past the current DO */
119 static void stepselect Args((void));                                            /* Step past the current SELECT */
120 static void stepif Args((void));                                                /* Step past the current IF */
121 static void stepwhen Args((void));                                              /* Step past the current WHEN */
122 static void findend Args((void));                                               /* Find the next END */
123 void on_halt Args((void));                                                      /* Find the line number at which halt occurred */
125 /* in calc.c */
127 char *scanning Args((char *line,int *ptr,int *len));                            /* Evaluate an expression */
128 void tracelast Args((char *type));                                              /* Trace the last value on the stack */
129 void traceline Args((char *type,char *exp,int len));                            /* Trace any string */
130 void stack Args((char *exp,int len));                                           /* Stack a string literally */
131 void stackq Args((char *exp,int len,int quote));                                /* Stack a string, collapsing quotes */
132 void stackx Args((char *exp,int len));                                          /* Stack a hex constant */
133 void stackb Args((char *exp,int len));                                          /* Stack a binary constant */
134 void stackint Args((int i));                                                    /* Stack an integer */
135 void stacknull Args((void));                                                    /* Stack a null parameter */
136 void binplus Args((int op));                                                    /* Add the last two values */
137 void binmin Args((int op));                                                     /* Subtract the last value from the previous */
138 void binmul Args((int op));                                                     /* Multiply the last two values */
139 void bindiv Args((int op));                                                     /* Divide the previous value by the last */
140 void binexp Args((int op));                                                     /* Raise the previous value to the last-th power */
141 void rxdup Args((void));                                                        /* Duplicate the last value */
142 void binrel Args((int op));                                                     /* Compare the last two values */
143 void binbool Args((int op));                                                    /* Combine the last two logical values */
144 void bincat Args((int op));                                                     /* Concatenate the last two values */
145 void unnot Args((int op));                                                      /* Negate logically the last value */
146 void unmin Args((int op));                                                      /* Negate arithmetically the last value */
147 void unplus Args((int op));                                                     /* Reformat the last numeric value */
148 void strip Args((void));                                                        /* Strip surrounding space from the last value */
149 int num Args((int *minus,int *exp,int *zero,int *len));                         /* Get the last value as a number */
150 int getint Args((int flg));                                                     /* Get the last value as an integer */
151 int isint Args((int num,int len,int exp));                                      /* Is the last value an integer? */
152 char *delete Args((int *len));                                                  /* Delete and return the last value */
153 int isnull Args((void));                                                        /* Is the last value null? */
154 void stacknum Args((char *num,int len,int exp,int minus));                      /* Stack a number */
155 void getvarname Args((char *line,int *ptr,char *varname,int *namelen,int maxlen)); /* Get a symbol from a program line */
156 void skipvarname Args((char *line,int *ptr));                                   /* Skip a symbol in a program line */
157 int gettoken Args((char *line,int *ptr,char *varname,int maxlen,int ex));       /* Get a token from a program line */
159 /* in util.c */
160 char *message Args((int rc));                                                       /* Return an error message string */
161 void rcset Args((int i,int type,char *desc));                                       /* Set the variable rc to the given value */
162 void rcstringset Args((int rc,char *rcval, int rclen,int type,char *desc));         /* Set the variable rc to the given string */
163 void printrc Args((int i));                                                         /* Print a return code */
164 int exitcall (/*(long main, long sub, PEXIT parm)*/);                               /* call an exit */
165 char *varsearch Args((char *name,int len,int *level,int *exist));                   /* Search for a simple symbol or stem */
166 char *tailsearch Args((char *stem,char *name,int len,int *exist));                  /* Search for a tail within a stem */
167 char *valuesearch Args((char *name,int namelen,int *level,int *exist,char **stem)); /* Search for any variable */
168 void printtree Args((int lev));                                                     /* Print the entire variable table */
169 void update Args((int value,int amount,int level));                                 /* Update the pointers for a variable level */
170 void varcreate Args((char *varptr,char *name,char *value,int namelen,int len,int lev));/* Create a simple symbol */
171 void stemcreate Args((char *varptr,char *name,char *value,int namelen,int len,int lev));/* Create a stem */
172 void tailcreate Args((char *stem,char *tailptr,char *name,char *value,int namelen,int len,int level));/* Create a tail in a stem */
173 void varset Args((char *name,int varlen,char *value,int len));                      /* Assign any value to any variable */
174 char *varget Args((char *name,int varlen,int *len));                                /* Get any variable's value */
175 void newlevel Args((void));                                                         /* Make a new level in the variable table */
176 void varcopy Args((char *name,int varlen));                                         /* Expose a variable from the previous level */
177 void vardup Args((void));                                                           /* Duplicate the entire variables level */
178 void vardel Args((char *name,int len));                                             /* Remove one of the duplicate variables */
179 char uc Args((int c));                                                              /* Uppercase a character */
180 void *pstack Args((int type,int len));                                              /* Make a new program stack entry */
181 int unpstack Args((void));                                                          /* Examine the top program stack entry */
182 void *delpstack Args((void));                                                       /* Delete and return the top p-stack entry */
183 int strcmpi Args((char *s1,char *s2));                                              /* Is s1 an initial substring of s2? */
184 void printstmt Args((int stmt,int after,int error));                                /* Print a source statement */
185 void freestack Args((void *ptr,int i));                                             /* Clean up after deleting a p-stack entry */
186 void traceput Args((char *str,int len));                                            /* Print a counted string of trace output */
187 void tracestr Args((char *str));                                                    /* Print a string of trace output */
188 void tracechar Args((int ch));                                                      /* Print a character of trace output */
189 void tracenum Args((int num,int len));                                              /* Print a number to trace output */
190 void traceprefix Args((int num, char*prefix));                                      /* Print a number and 3-character prefix */
191 void interactive Args((void));                                                      /* Pause execution, if in interactive trace */
192 void tokenise Args((char *input,int ilen,int dolabels,int line1));                  /* Preprocess source code */
193 char *load Args((char *name,int *sourcelen));                                       /* Load a program from disk */
194 void process Args((int c));                                                         /* Tokenise characters */
195 void expand Args((int c));                                                          /* Expand a token */
196 void display Args((int line,int ptr));                                              /* Display a program line */
197 char *rexxext Args((void));                                                         /* Return the default filetype */
198 int which Args((char *gn,int opt,char *fn));                                        /* Search for a program or subroutine */
199 char *hashsearch Args((int hash,char *name,int *exist));                            /* Search for a hash table entry */
200 void *hashget Args((int hash,char *name,int *exist));                               /* Return the value associated with a key */
201 void **hashfind Args((int hash,char *name,int *exist));                             /* Return a pointer to a key's value element */
202 struct fileinfo *fileinit Args((char *name,char *filename,FILE *fp));               /* Store an open file's details */
203 void funcinit Args((char *name,void *handle,int (*address)(),int saa));             /* Store an external function's details */
204 void libsearch Args((void));                                                        /* Ssearch for *.rxlib files */
205 int fileclose Args((char *name));                                                   /* Free a file's hash table entry */
207 /* in rxfn.c */
208 int rxfn Args((char *name,int argc));                                               /* Try to call a builtin function */
209 int rxseterr Args((struct fileinfo *f));                                 /* Set rc to indicate a file's status */
210 char *undelete Args((int *l));                                                      /* Get last value without deleting it */
212 /* in shell.c */
213 int shell Args((char *command));                                                    /* Interpret a shell command */
214 void hashclear Args((void));                                                        /* Clear the shell's hashed path table */
216 /* in interface.c */
217 void envinit Args((void));                                                          /* Initialise the environment table */
218 int envsearch Args((char *name));                                                   /* Search for an environment name */
219 int envcall Args((int num,char *cmd, int len, char **ans, int *anslen));            /* call an environment */
220 int funccall Args((unsigned long (*func)(),char *name,int argc));                   /* call a function by SAA calling sequence */
221 int unixcall Args((char *name,char *callname,int argc));                            /* call a function by Unix calling sequence */
222 void hashfree Args((void));                                                         /* Free all memory used by hash tables */
223 static void halt_handler();                                                         /* handle halt signals */
224 static void pipe_handler();                                                         /* handle broken pipe signals */
225 static void error_handler();                                                        /* handle error signals */
226 static void sigtrace();                                                             /* Go into trace mode, or exit */
228 #undef Args
230 #endif /* !_functions_h */