1 /*
3     This file is part of the Maude 2 interpreter.
5     Copyright 1997-2003 SRI International, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA.
7     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10     (at your option) any later version.
12     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15     GNU General Public License for more details.
17     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19     Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
21 */
23 //
24 //      Implementation for class BinarySymbol.
25 //
27 //	utility stuff
28 #include "macros.hh"
29 #include "vector.hh"
30 #include "pointerSet.hh"
32 //      forward declarations
33 #include "interface.hh"
34 #include "core.hh"
35 #include "variable.hh"
37 //      interface class definitions
38 #include "binarySymbol.hh"
39 #include "dagNode.hh"
40 #include "term.hh"
42 //      core class definitions
43 #include "sortConstraint.hh"
44 #include "argumentIterator.hh"
46 //	variable class definitions
47 #include "variableSymbol.hh"
BinarySymbol(int id,bool memoFlag,Term * identity)49 BinarySymbol::BinarySymbol(int id, bool memoFlag, Term* identity)
50   : Symbol(id, 2, memoFlag),
51     identityTerm(identity)
52 {
53   cyclicIdentity = (identity == 0) ? 0 : UNDECIDED;
54 }
56 bool
interSymbolPass()57 BinarySymbol::interSymbolPass()
58 {
59   return identityTerm.getTerm() == 0 ? false : identityTerm.normalize();
60 }
62 void
reset()63 BinarySymbol::reset()
64 {
65   identityTerm.reset();  // so identity dag can be garbage collected
66   Symbol::reset();  // default reset() tasks
67 }
69 void
setPermuteStrategy(const Vector<int> & userStrategy)70 BinarySymbol::setPermuteStrategy(const Vector<int>& userStrategy)
71 {
72   int stratLen = userStrategy.length();
73   if (stratLen == 0)
74     {
75       permuteStrategy = EAGER;
76       setStrategy(userStrategy, 2, isMemoized());
77       return;
78     }
79   permuteStrategy = LAZY;
80   Vector<int> modifiedStrategy;
81   bool seenZero = false;
82   for (int i = 0; i < stratLen; i++)
83     {
84       int a = userStrategy[i];
85       if (a == 0)
86         seenZero = true;
87       else
88         {
89           if (seenZero)
90             {
91               permuteStrategy = SEMI_EAGER;
92               modifiedStrategy.append(0);
93             }
94           else
95             permuteStrategy = EAGER;
96           modifiedStrategy.append(1);
97           modifiedStrategy.append(2);
98           break;
99         }
100     }
101   modifiedStrategy.append(0);
102   setStrategy(modifiedStrategy, 2, isMemoized());
103 }
105 void
setPermuteFrozen(const NatSet & frozen)106 BinarySymbol::setPermuteFrozen(const NatSet& frozen)
107 {
108   //
109   //	Must freeze both arguments or neither for permutative operator.
110   //
111   if (frozen.contains(0) == frozen.contains(1))
112     Symbol::setFrozen(frozen);
113   else
114     {
115       NatSet newFrozen;
116       newFrozen.insert(0);
117       newFrozen.insert(1);
118       Symbol::setFrozen(newFrozen);
119     }
120 }
122 bool
isStable() const123 BinarySymbol::isStable() const
124 {
125   return identityTerm.getTerm() == 0;
126 }
128 void
commutativeSortCompletion()129 BinarySymbol::commutativeSortCompletion()
130 {
131   Assert(domainComponent(0) == domainComponent(1),
132 	 "Commutative operator " << this <<
133 	 " has its arguments in different sort components");
134   Vector<Sort*> newDecl(3);
135   const Vector<OpDeclaration>& opDecls = getOpDeclarations();
136   int nrOpDecls = opDecls.length();
137   for (int i = 0; i < nrOpDecls; i++)
138     {
139       const Vector<Sort*>& iDecl = opDecls[i].getDomainAndRange();
140       bool iCtor = opDecls[i].isConstructor();
141       for (int j = opDecls.length() - 1; j >= 0; j--)
142 	{
143 	  const Vector<Sort*>& jDecl = opDecls[j].getDomainAndRange();
144 	  if (iDecl[0] == jDecl[1] &&
145 	      iDecl[1] == jDecl[0] &&
146 	      iDecl[2] == jDecl[2] &&
147 	      (!iCtor || opDecls[j].isConstructor()))
148 	    goto nextOpDecl;
149 	}
150       newDecl[0] = iDecl[1];
151       newDecl[1] = iDecl[0];
152       newDecl[2] = iDecl[2];
153       addOpDeclaration(newDecl, iCtor);
154     nextOpDecl:
155       ;
156     }
157 }
159 void
processIdentity()160 BinarySymbol::processIdentity()
161 {
162   Term* id = identityTerm.getTerm();
163   if (id == 0)
164     return;
166   VariableInfo vi;
167   id->indexVariables(vi);
168   WarningCheck(id->occursBelow().empty(),
169 	       *id << ": identity element " << QUOTE(id) <<
170 	       " for operator " << QUOTE(this) << " contains variables.");
171   id->symbol()->fillInSortInfo(id);
172   int index = id->getSortIndex();  // is this valid?
173   Assert(index != Sort::SORT_UNKNOWN, "unknown sort for identity element");
174   WarningCheck(index != Sort::ERROR_SORT,
175 	       *id << ": identity element " << QUOTE(id) <<
176 	       " for operator " << QUOTE(this) << " has error sort.");
177   identityTerm.prepare();
178 }
180 bool
mightMatchOurIdentity(const Term * subterm) const181 BinarySymbol::mightMatchOurIdentity(const Term* subterm) const
182 {
183   Term* id = identityTerm.getTerm();
184   if (id == 0)
185     return false;
186   if (id->equal(subterm))
187     return true;  // this can happen if we only have left (right) identity
188   Symbol* idTopSymbol = id->symbol();
189   //
190   //    First examine subterm.
191   //
192   Symbol* s = subterm->symbol();
193   if (s == idTopSymbol && !(subterm->ground()))
194     return true;
195   VariableSymbol* vs = dynamic_cast<VariableSymbol*>(s);
196   if (vs != 0 && id->leq(vs->getSort()))
197     return true;
198   //
199   //    Second examine what it might collapse to.
200   //
201   const PointerSet& cs = subterm->collapseSymbols();
202   int nrSymbols = cs.cardinality();
203   for (int i = 0; i < nrSymbols; i++)
204     {
205       Symbol* s2 = static_cast<Symbol*>(cs.index2Pointer(i));
206       if (s2 == idTopSymbol)
207         return true;
208       VariableSymbol* vs2 = dynamic_cast<VariableSymbol*>(s2);
209       if (vs2 != 0 && id->leq(vs2->getSort()))
210         return true;
211     }
212   return false;
213 }
215 void
leftIdentitySortCheck()216 BinarySymbol::leftIdentitySortCheck()
217 {
218   Term* id = identityTerm.getTerm();
219   const ConnectedComponent* component = rangeComponent();
220   Assert(component == domainComponent(1),
221 	 "operator with left identity " << this <<
222 	 " has right argument and range in different sort components");
223   Assert(id->getComponent() == domainComponent(0),
224 	 "operator " << this <<
225 	 " has left identity and left argument is different sort components");
226   int nrSorts = component->nrSorts();
227   //
228   //	Check that all collapses are to less or equal sorts.
229   //
230   int step = traverse(0, id->getSortIndex());
231   for (int i = 1; i < nrSorts; i++)
232     {
233       const Sort* resultSort = component->sort(traverse(step, i));
234       unequalLeftIdCollapse = (resultSort->index() != i);
235       WarningCheck(leq(i, resultSort),
236 		   "sort declarations for operator " << QUOTE(this) <<
237 		   " with left identity " << QUOTE(id) <<
238 		   " can cause collapse from sort " << QUOTE(resultSort) <<
239 		   " to " << QUOTE(component->sort(i)) <<
240 		   " (collapsing to a larger or incomparable sort is illegal).");
241     }
242 }
244 void
rightIdentitySortCheck()245 BinarySymbol::rightIdentitySortCheck()
246 {
247   Term* id = identityTerm.getTerm();
248   const ConnectedComponent* component = rangeComponent();
249   Assert(component == domainComponent(0),
250 	 "operator with right identity " << this <<
251 	 " has left argument and range in different sort components");
252   Assert(id->getComponent() == domainComponent(1),
253 	 "operator " << this <<
254 	 " has right identity and right argument is different sort components");
255   int nrSorts = component->nrSorts();
256   //
257   //	Check all collapses are to less or equal sorts.
258   //
259   int idIndex = id->getSortIndex();
260   for (int i = 1; i < nrSorts; i++)
261     {
262       const Sort* resultSort = component->sort(traverse(traverse(0, i), idIndex));
263       unequalRightIdCollapse = (resultSort->index() != i);
264       WarningCheck(leq(i, resultSort),
265 		   "sort declarations for operator " << QUOTE(this) <<
266 		   " with right identity " << QUOTE(id) <<
267 		   " can cause collapse from sort " << QUOTE(resultSort) <<
268 		   " to sort " << QUOTE(component->sort(i)) <<
269 		   " (collapsing to a larger or incomparable sort is illegal).");
270     }
271 }
273 void
idempotentSortCheck()274 BinarySymbol::idempotentSortCheck()
275 {
276   const ConnectedComponent* component = rangeComponent();
277   Assert(domainComponent(0) == component && domainComponent(1) == component,
278 	 "Idempotent operator " << this <<
279 	 " has a domain sort in a different connected component from its range sort");
280   int nrSorts = component->nrSorts();
281   for (int i = 1; i < nrSorts; i++)
282     {
283       const Sort* resultSort = component->sort(traverse(traverse(0, i), i));
284       WarningCheck(leq(i, resultSort),
285 		   "sort declarations for idempotent operator " << QUOTE(this) <<
286 		   " can cause collapse from sort " << QUOTE(resultSort) <<
287 		   " to sort " << QUOTE(component->sort(i)) <<
288 		   " (collapsing to a larger or incomparable sort is illegal).");
289     }
290 }
292 bool
lookForCycle(Term * term,NatSet & examinedIds) const293 BinarySymbol::lookForCycle(Term* term, NatSet& examinedIds) const
294 {
295   DebugAdvisory("BinarySymbol::lookForCycle() looking at " << term);
296   //
297   //	Check if we've cycled back.
298   //
299   Symbol* s = term->symbol();
300   if (s == this)
301     return true;
303   //
304   //	If we've reached symbol which has an identity we haven't explored, see
305   //	if we can reach a cycle through it.
306   //
307   if (BinarySymbol* bs = dynamic_cast<BinarySymbol*>(s))
308     {
309       if (Term* id = bs->getIdentity())
310 	{
311 	  int index = bs->getIndexWithinModule();
312 	  if (!examinedIds.contains(index))
313 	    {
314 	      examinedIds.insert(index);
315 	      if (lookForCycle(id, examinedIds))
316 		return true;
317 	    }
318 	}
319     }
320   //
321   //	Finally explore the arguments.
322   //
323   for (ArgumentIterator a(*term); a.valid(); a.next())
324     {
325       if (lookForCycle(a.argument(), examinedIds))
326 	return true;
327     }
328   return false;
329 }