1 #ifndef lint
2 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)blockgen.c	3.1 (CWI) 85/07/30";
3 #endif lint
5 #include	<stdio.h>
6 #include	"pic.h"
7 #include	"y.tab.h"
9 #define	NBRACK	20	/* depth of [...] */
10 #define	NBRACE	20	/* depth of {...} */
12 struct pushstack stack[NBRACK];
13 int	nstack	= 0;
14 struct pushstack bracestack[NBRACE];
15 int	nbstack	= 0;
leftthing(c)17 obj *leftthing(c)	/* called for {... or [... */
18 			/* really ought to be separate functions */
19 	int c;
20 {
21 	obj *p;
23 	if (c == '[') {
24 		if (nstack >= NBRACK)
25 			fatal("[...] nested too deep");
26 		stack[nstack].p_x = curx;
27 		stack[nstack].p_y = cury;
28 		stack[nstack].p_hvmode = hvmode;
29 		curx = cury = 0;
30 		stack[nstack].p_xmin = xmin;
31 		stack[nstack].p_xmax = xmax;
32 		stack[nstack].p_ymin = ymin;
33 		stack[nstack].p_ymax = ymax;
34 		nstack++;
35 		xmin = ymin = 30000;
36 		xmax = ymax = -30000;
37 		p = makenode(BLOCK, 7);
38 		p->o_val[4] = nobj;	/* 1st item within [...] */
39 		if (p->o_nobj != nobj-1)
40 			fprintf(stderr, "nobjs wrong%d %d\n", p->o_nobj, nobj);
41 	} else {
42 		if (nbstack >= NBRACK)
43 			fatal("{...} nested too deep");
44 		bracestack[nbstack].p_x = curx;
45 		bracestack[nbstack].p_y = cury;
46 		bracestack[nbstack].p_hvmode = hvmode;
47 		nbstack++;
48 		p = NULL;
49 	}
50 	return(p);
51 }
rightthing(p,c)53 obj *rightthing(p, c)	/* called for ... ] or ... } */
54 	obj *p;
55 {
56 	obj *q;
58 	if (c == '}') {
59 		nbstack--;
60 		curx = bracestack[nbstack].p_x;
61 		cury = bracestack[nbstack].p_y;
62 		hvmode = bracestack[nbstack].p_hvmode;
63 		q = makenode(MOVE, 0);
64 		dprintf("M %g %g\n", curx, cury);
65 	} else {
66 		nstack--;
67 		curx = stack[nstack].p_x;
68 		cury = stack[nstack].p_y;
69 		hvmode = stack[nstack].p_hvmode;
70 		q = makenode(BLOCKEND, 7);
71 		q->o_val[4] = p->o_nobj + 1;	/* back pointer */
72 		p->o_val[5] = q->o_nobj - 1;	/* forward pointer */
73 		p->o_val[0] = xmin; p->o_val[1] = ymin;
74 		p->o_val[2] = xmax; p->o_val[3] = ymax;
75 		p->o_symtab = q->o_symtab = stack[nstack+1].p_symtab;
76 		xmin = stack[nstack].p_xmin;
77 		ymin = stack[nstack].p_ymin;
78 		xmax = stack[nstack].p_xmax;
79 		ymax = stack[nstack].p_ymax;
80 	}
81 	return(q);
82 }
blockgen(p,type,q)84 obj *blockgen(p, type, q)	/* handles [...] */
85 	obj *p, *q;
86 	int type;
87 {
88 	int i, invis, at, ddtype, with;
89 	float ddval, h, w, xwith, ywith;
90 	float x0, y0, x1, y1, cx, cy;
91 	obj *ppos;
92 	Attr *ap;
94 	invis = at = 0;
95 	with = xwith = ywith = 0;
96 	ddtype = ddval = 0;
97 	w = p->o_val[2] - p->o_val[0];
98 	h = p->o_val[3] - p->o_val[1];
99 	cx = (p->o_val[2] + p->o_val[0]) / 2;	/* geom ctr of [] wrt local orogin */
100 	cy = (p->o_val[3] + p->o_val[1]) / 2;
101 	dprintf("cx,cy=%g,%g\n", cx, cy);
102 	for (i = 0; i < nattr; i++) {
103 		ap = &attr[i];
104 		switch (ap->a_type) {
105 		case HEIGHT:
106 			h = ap->a_val.f;
107 			break;
108 		case WIDTH:
109 			w = ap->a_val.f;
110 			break;
111 		case WITH:
112 			with = ap->a_val.i;	/* corner */
113 			break;
114 		case PLACE:	/* actually with position ... */
115 			ppos = ap->a_val.o;
116 			xwith = cx - ppos->o_x;
117 			ywith = cy - ppos->o_y;
118 			with = PLACE;
119 			break;
120 		case AT:
121 		case FROM:
122 			ppos = ap->a_val.o;
123 			curx = ppos->o_x;
124 			cury = ppos->o_y;
125 			at++;
126 			break;
127 		case INVIS:
128 			invis = INVIS;
129 			break;
130 		case TEXTATTR:
131 			savetext(ap->a_sub, ap->a_val.p);
132 			break;
133 		}
134 	}
135 	if (with) {
136 		switch (with) {
137 		case NORTH:	ywith = -h / 2; break;
138 		case SOUTH:	ywith = h / 2; break;
139 		case EAST:	xwith = -w / 2; break;
140 		case WEST:	xwith = w / 2; break;
141 		case NE:	xwith = -w / 2; ywith = -h / 2; break;
142 		case SE:	xwith = -w / 2; ywith = h / 2; break;
143 		case NW:	xwith = w / 2; ywith = -h / 2; break;
144 		case SW:	xwith = w / 2; ywith = h / 2; break;
145 		}
146 		curx += xwith;
147 		cury += ywith;
148 	}
149 	if (!at) {
150 		if (isright(hvmode))
151 			curx += w / 2;
152 		else if (isleft(hvmode))
153 			curx -= w / 2;
154 		else if (isup(hvmode))
155 			cury += h / 2;
156 		else
157 			cury -= h / 2;
158 	}
159 	x0 = curx - w / 2;
160 	y0 = cury - h / 2;
161 	x1 = curx + w / 2;
162 	y1 = cury + h / 2;
163 	extreme(x0, y0);
164 	extreme(x1, y1);
165 	p->o_x = curx;
166 	p->o_y = cury;
167 	p->o_nt1 = ntext1;
168 	p->o_nt2 = ntext;
169 	ntext1 = ntext;
170 	p->o_val[0] = w;
171 	p->o_val[1] = h;
172 	p->o_val[2] = cx;
173 	p->o_val[3] = cy;
174 	p->o_val[5] = q->o_nobj - 1;		/* last item in [...] */
175 	p->o_ddval = ddval;
176 	p->o_attr = invis;
177 	dprintf("[] %g %g %g %g at %g %g, h=%g, w=%g\n", x0, y0, x1, y1, curx, cury, h, w);
178 	if (isright(hvmode))
179 		curx = x1;
180 	else if (isleft(hvmode))
181 		curx = x0;
182 	else if (isup(hvmode))
183 		cury = y1;
184 	else
185 		cury = y0;
186 	for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
187 		q->o_val[i] = p->o_val[i];
188 	stack[nstack+1].p_symtab = NULL;	/* so won't be found again */
189 	blockadj(p);	/* fix up coords for enclosed blocks */
190 	return(p);
191 }
blockadj(p)193 blockadj(p)	/* adjust coords in block starting at p */
194 	obj *p;
195 {
196 	obj *q;
197 	float dx, dy;
198 	int n, lev;
200 	dx = p->o_x - p->o_val[2];
201 	dy = p->o_y - p->o_val[3];
202 	n = p->o_nobj + 1;
203 	q = objlist[n];
204 	dprintf("into blockadj: dx,dy=%g,%g\n", dx, dy);
205 	for (lev = 1; lev > 0; n++) {
206 		p = objlist[n];
207 		if (p->o_type == BLOCK)
208 			lev++;
209 		else if (p->o_type == BLOCKEND)
210 			lev--;
211 		dprintf("blockadj: type=%d o_x,y=%g,%g;", p->o_type, p->o_x, p->o_y);
212 		p->o_x += dx;
213 		p->o_y += dy;
214 		dprintf(" becomes %g,%g\n", p->o_x, p->o_y);
215 		switch (p->o_type) {	/* other absolute coords */
216 		case LINE:
217 		case ARROW:
218 		case SPLINE:
219 			p->o_val[0] += dx;
220 			p->o_val[1] += dy;
221 			break;
222 		case ARC:
223 			p->o_val[0] += dx;
224 			p->o_val[1] += dy;
225 			p->o_val[2] += dx;
226 			p->o_val[3] += dy;
227 			break;
228 		}
229 	}
230 }