1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 1998, 2000-2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 SINTEF ICT,
3  * Applied Mathematics, Norway.
4  *
5  * Contact information: E-mail: tor.dokken@sintef.no
6  * SINTEF ICT, Department of Applied Mathematics,
7  * P.O. Box 124 Blindern,
8  * 0314 Oslo, Norway.
9  *
10  * This file is part of SISL.
11  *
12  * SISL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
13  * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
14  * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
15  * License, or (at your option) any later version.
16  *
17  * SISL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20  * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
21  *
22  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
23  * License along with SISL. If not, see
24  * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25  *
26  * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public
27  * License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every data
28  * file that is created or manipulated using SISL.
29  *
30  * Other Usage
31  * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
32  * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
33  * develop commercial activities involving the SISL library without
34  * disclosing the source code of your own applications.
35  *
36  * This file may be used in accordance with the terms contained in a
37  * written agreement between you and SINTEF ICT.
38  */
40 #include "sisl-copyright.h"
42 /*
43  *
44  * $Id: s1018.c,v 1.3 2005-02-28 09:04:48 afr Exp $
45  *
46  */
49 #define S1018
51 #include "sislP.h"
s1018(SISLCurve * pc,double epar[],int inpar,SISLCurve ** rcnew,int * jstat)54 void s1018 (SISLCurve *pc, double epar[], int inpar,
55 		  SISLCurve **rcnew, int *jstat)
56 #else
57 void
58 s1018 (pc, epar, inpar, rcnew, jstat)
59      SISLCurve *pc;
60      double epar[];
61      int inpar;
62      SISLCurve **rcnew;
63      int *jstat;
64 #endif
65 /*
66 *********************************************************************
67 *
68 *********************************************************************
69 *
70 * PURPOSE    : Insert a given set of knots into the description of
71 *              a B-spline curve.
72 * NOTE       : When the curve is periodic, the input parameter values
73 *              must lie in the HALFOPEN [et[kk-1], et[kn), the function
74 *              will automatically update the extra knots and
75 *              coeffisients.
76 *              rcnew->in is still eq to pc->in + inpar !
77 *
78 * INPUT      : pc        - SISLCurve to be refined.
79 *              epar      - Parameter values of knots to be inserted.
80 *                          The values are stored in increasing order.
81 *              inpar     - Number of parameter values in epar.
82 *
83 *
84 *
85 * OUTPUT     : rcnew     - The new, refined curve .
86 *              jstat     - status messages
87 *                                         > 0      : warning
88 *                                         = 0      : ok
89 *                                         < 0      : error
90 *
91 *
92 * METHOD     :
93 *
94 *
96 *
97 *-
98 * CALLS      : newCurve  - Allocate space for a new curve-object.
99 *              freeCurve - Free space occupied by given curve-object.
100 *              S1701.C   - Making the knot-inserten-transformation matrix.
101 *
102 * WRITTEN BY : Arne Laksaa, SI, 88-11.
103 * CHANGED BY : Ulf J. Krystad, SI, 92-01
104 *              Treatment of periodic curves.
105 **********************************************************************/
106 {
107   register int ki, ki2;  	/* Control variable in loop.                */
108   register int kj, kj1, kj2;	/* Control variable in loop.                */
109   register double *s1;		/* Pointers used in loop.                     */
110   int kstat;			/* Local status variable.                     */
111   int k1, k2, k3;		/* Index to array of parameter values.        */
112   int kmy;			/* An index to the knot-vector.               */
113   int kpl, kfi, kla;		/* To posisjon elements in trans.-matrix.     */
114   int kk = pc->ik;		/* Order of the input curve.                  */
115   int kn = pc->in;		/* Number of the vertices in input curves.    */
116   int kdim = pc->idim;		/* Dimensjon of the space in whice curve lies.*/
117   int kn1;			/* Number of vertices in the new curve .      */
118   double tstart, tend;		/* Endparameters of curve.                    */
119   double tpar;			/* Parameter value of knot to insert.         */
120   double *st = SISL_NULL;		/* The new knot-vector.                       */
121   double *sp = SISL_NULL;		/* To use in s1701.c                          */
122   double *salfa = SISL_NULL;		/* A line of the trans.-matrix.               */
123   double *scoef = SISL_NULL;		/* The new vertices.                          */
124   double *coef = SISL_NULL;		/* The old vertices.                          */
125   SISLCurve *q1 = SISL_NULL;		/* Pointer to new curve-object.               */
126   /* Periodicity treatment --------------------------                         */
127   double *st2 = SISL_NULL;		/* The new knot-vector.                    */
128   double *scoef2 = SISL_NULL;	/* The new vertices.                       */
129   double t1;			/* Start of knot vector                    */
130   double t2;			/* Start of full basis part of knot vector */
131   double t3;			/* End  of full basis part of knot vector  */
132   double t4;			/* End of knot vector                      */
133   double tmod;			/* t3 - t2, period size                    */
134   double mod_neg;		/* parametervalue shifted tmod left        */
135   double mod_pos;		/* parametervalue shifted tmod right       */
136   int no_neg, no_pos;		/* Nmb of Xtra parval. to insert (lft,rght)*/
137   double *negpar = SISL_NULL;	/* Array of parameter values shift lft  */
138   double *pospar = SISL_NULL;	/* Array of parameter values shift rght */
139   double *pararr = SISL_NULL;	/* Pointer to parameter array treated   */
140   double *periodarr = SISL_NULL;	/* Total parameter array, periodic case*/
141   /* --------------------------------------------------------- */
143   /* Check that we have a curve to treat. */
145   if (!pc)
146     goto err150;
147   if (pc->ikind == 2 || pc->ikind == 4)
148     {
149       kdim++;
150       coef = pc->rcoef;
151     }
152   else
153     {
154       coef = pc->ecoef;
155     }
158   /* Periodicity treatment -------------------------- */
159   if (pc->cuopen == SISL_CRV_PERIODIC)
160     {
161        /* Get values in knotvector for start, start of full basis,
162 	  end of full basis, end. */
163       t1 = *(pc->et);
164       t2 = *(pc->et + kk - 1);
165       t3 = *(pc->et + kn);
166       t4 = *(pc->et + kn + kk - 1);
167       tmod = t3 - t2;
169       /* Check that the input parameter values lie in the legal parameter
170 	 interval of the curve, ie in the HALFOPEN [et[kk-1], et[kn) */
171       for (k1 = 0; k1 < inpar; k1++)
172 	if (epar[k1] < t2 ||epar[k1] >= t3)
173 	   goto err158;
175       no_neg = 0;
176       no_pos = 0;
177       if ((negpar = newarray (inpar, double)) == SISL_NULL)
178 	goto err101;
179       if ((pospar = newarray (inpar, double)) == SISL_NULL)
180 	goto err101;
183       for (k1 = 0; k1 < inpar; k1++)
184 	{
185 	  mod_neg = epar[k1] - tmod;
186 	  mod_pos = epar[k1] + tmod;
187 	  if (mod_neg <= t2 &&
188 	      mod_neg > t1)
189 	    {
190 	      negpar[no_neg] = mod_neg;
191 	      no_neg++;
192 	    }
193 	    if (mod_pos >= t3 &&
194 		mod_pos <t4)
195 	    {
196 	       pospar[no_pos] = mod_pos;
197 	       no_pos++;
198 	    }
199 	}
201       if ((periodarr = newarray (inpar + no_neg + no_pos, double)) == SISL_NULL)
202 	goto err101;
203       memcopy (periodarr, negpar, no_neg, double);
204       memcopy (periodarr + no_neg, epar, inpar, double);
205       memcopy (periodarr + no_neg + inpar, pospar, no_pos, double);
206       inpar += no_neg + no_pos;
208       pararr = periodarr;
209     }
210   else
211     pararr = epar;
215   /* Check that the input parameter values lie in the parameter
216      interval of the curve.  */
218   tstart = *(pc->et);
219   tend = *(pc->et + kn + kk - 1);
220   for (k1 = 0; k1 < inpar; k1++)
221     if (pararr[k1] < tstart || pararr[k1] > tend)
222       goto err158;
224   /* Allocate space for the kk elements which may not be zero in eache
225      line of the basic transformation matrix, and space for new knots
226      to use in s1701.c */
228   if ((salfa = newarray (kk, double)) == SISL_NULL)
229     goto err101;
230   if ((sp = newarray (kk, double)) == SISL_NULL)
231     goto err101;
233   /* Find the number of vertices in the new curve. */
235   kn1 = kn + inpar;
237   /* Allocating the new arrays to the new curve. */
239   if ((st = newarray (kn1 + kk, double)) == SISL_NULL)
240     goto err101;
241   if ((scoef = new0array (kn1 * kdim, double)) == SISL_NULL)
242     goto err101;
244   /* Making the new knotvectors. */
246   for (k2 = 0, k3 = 0, k1 = 0; k1 < inpar; k1++)
247     {
248       tpar = pararr[k1];
249       for (; k2 < kn + kk; k2++)
250 	{
251 	  if (pc->et[k2] <= tpar)
252 	    st[k3++] = pc->et[k2];
253 	  else
254 	    break;
255 	}
256       st[k3++] = tpar;
257     }
258   for (; k2 < kn + kk; k2++)
259     st[k3++] = pc->et[k2];
261   /* Updating the coefisientvector to the new curve.*/
263   for (s1 = scoef, ki = 0, kmy = 0; ki < kn1; ki++)
264     {
265       /* Here we compute a new line with line number ki of
266 	 the knot inserten matrix. */
268       while (pc->et[kmy + 1] <= st[ki])
269 	kmy++;
270       s1701 (ki, kmy, kk, kn, &kpl, &kfi, &kla, st, pc->et, sp, salfa, &kstat);
271       if (kstat)
272 	goto err153;
274       /* Compute the kdim vertices with the same "index". */
276       for (kj = 0; kj < kdim; kj++, s1++)
277 	for (*s1 = 0, kj1 = kfi, kj2 = kfi + kpl; kj1 <= kla; kj1++, kj2++)
278 	  {
279 	    ki2 = kj1 * kdim + kj;
280 	    *s1 += salfa[kj2] * coef[ki2];
281 	  }
282     }
284   /* Periodicity treatment -------------------------- */
286   if (pc->cuopen == SISL_CRV_PERIODIC)
287     {
288       kn1 -= no_pos + no_neg;
289       /* Allocating the new arrays to the new curve. */
291       if ((st2 = newarray (kn1 + kk, double)) == SISL_NULL)
292 	goto err101;
293       if ((scoef2 = new0array (kn1 * kdim, double)) == SISL_NULL)
294 	goto err101;
295       memcopy (st2, st + no_neg, kn1 + kk, double);
296       memcopy (scoef2, scoef + no_neg * kdim, kn1 * kdim, double);
298       if (st)
299 	freearray (st);
300       if (scoef)
301 	freearray (scoef);
303       /* Allocating new curve-objects.*/
305       if ((q1 = newCurve(kn1,kk,st2,scoef2,pc->ikind,pc->idim,2)) == SISL_NULL)
306 	goto err101;
307     }
308   else
309     {
310       /* Allocating new curve-objects.*/
311       if ((q1 = newCurve (kn1, kk, st, scoef, pc->ikind, pc->idim, 2)) == SISL_NULL)
312 	goto err101;
313     }
315   q1->cuopen = pc->cuopen;
317   /* Updating output. */
319   *rcnew = q1;
320   *jstat = 0;
321   goto out;
324   /* Error. Subrutine error. */
326 err153:*jstat = kstat;
327   goto outfree;
330   /* Error. No curve to treat.  */
332 err150:*jstat = -150;
333   goto out;
335   /* Error. Parameter value to insert is outside the curve. */
337 err158:*jstat = -158;
338   goto out;
340   /* Error. Allocation error, not enough memory.  */
342 err101:*jstat = -101;
343   goto outfree;
346 outfree:
347   if (q1)
348     freeCurve (q1);
349   else
350     {
351       if (st)
352 	freearray (st);
353       if (scoef)
354 	freearray (scoef);
355       if (st2)
356 	freearray (st2);
357       if (scoef2)
358 	freearray (scoef2);
359     }
362   /* Free local used memory. */
364 out:if (salfa)
365     freearray (salfa);
366   if (sp)
367     freearray (sp);
368   if (periodarr)
369     freearray (periodarr);
370   if (pospar)
371     freearray (pospar);
372   if (negpar)
373     freearray (negpar);
375 }