1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 1998, 2000-2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 SINTEF ICT,
3  * Applied Mathematics, Norway.
4  *
5  * Contact information: E-mail: tor.dokken@sintef.no
6  * SINTEF ICT, Department of Applied Mathematics,
7  * P.O. Box 124 Blindern,
8  * 0314 Oslo, Norway.
9  *
10  * This file is part of SISL.
11  *
12  * SISL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
13  * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
14  * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
15  * License, or (at your option) any later version.
16  *
17  * SISL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20  * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
21  *
22  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
23  * License along with SISL. If not, see
24  * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25  *
26  * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public
27  * License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every data
28  * file that is created or manipulated using SISL.
29  *
30  * Other Usage
31  * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
32  * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
33  * develop commercial activities involving the SISL library without
34  * disclosing the source code of your own applications.
35  *
36  * This file may be used in accordance with the terms contained in a
37  * written agreement between you and SINTEF ICT.
38  */
40 #include "sisl-copyright.h"
42 /*
43  *
44  * $Id: s2510.c,v 1.4 2001-03-19 15:58:59 afr Exp $
45  *
46  */
49 #define S2510
51 #include "sislP.h"
54 void
s2510(SISLSurf * surf,int ider,int iside1,int iside2,double parvalue[],int * leftknot1,int * leftknot2,double * mehlum,int * jstat)55    s2510(SISLSurf *surf, int ider, int iside1, int iside2, double parvalue[],
56       int *leftknot1,int *leftknot2, double *mehlum, int *jstat)
57 #else
58  void s2510(surf, ider, iside1, iside2, parvalue, leftknot1, leftknot2, mehlum, jstat)
59       SISLSurf *surf;
60       int    ider;
61       int    iside1;
62       int    iside2;
63       double parvalue[];
64       int *leftknot1;
65       int *leftknot2;
66       double *mehlum;
67       int *jstat;
68 #endif
69 /*
70 ***************************************************************************
71 *
72 ***************************************************************************
73 *  PURPOSE      :  To compute the third order Mehlum curvature M(u,v) of a
74 *                  surface for given values (u,v) = (parvalue[0],parvalue[1]),
75 *                  where:
76 *
77 *                          et1[leftknot1] <= parvalue[0] < et1[leftknot1+1],
78 *                          et2[leftknot2] <= parvalue[1] < et2[leftknot2+1].
79 *
80 *  INPUT        :
81 *          surf     - Pointer to the surface to evaluate.
82 *          ider     - Number of derivatives to calculate.
83 *                     Only implemented for ider=0.
84 *                       < 0 : No derivative calculated.
85 *                       = 0 : Position calculated.
86 *                       = 1 : Position and first derivative calculated.
87 *                       etc.
88 *          iside1   - Indicator telling if the derivatives in the first
89 *                     parameter direction is to be calculated from the
90 *                     left or from the right:
91 *                        <  0 calculate derivative from the left hand side
92 *                        >= 0 calculate derivative from the right hand side.
93 *          iside2   - Indicator telling if the derivatives in the second
94 *                     parameter direction is to be calculated from the
95 *                     left or from the right:
96 *                        <  0 calculate derivative from the left hand side
97 *                        >= 0 calculate derivative from the right hand side.
98 *      parvalue     - Parameter-value at which to evaluate. Dimension of
99 *                     parvalue is 2.
100 *
102 *     leftknot1     - Pointer to the interval in the knot vector in the
103 *                     first parameter direction where parvalue[0] is found,
104 *                     that is:
105 *                          et1[leftknot1] <= parvalue[0] < et1[leftknot1+1].
106 *                     leftknot1 should be set equal to zero at the first call
107 *                     to the routine.
108 *
109 *     leftknot2     - Pointer to the interval in the knot vector in the
110 *                     second parameter direction where parvalue[1] is found,
111 *                     that is:
112 *                          et2[leftknot2] <= parvalue[1] < et2[leftknot2+1].
113 *                     leftknot2 should be set equal to zero at the first call
114 *                     to the routine.
115 *
116 *  OUTPUT       :
117 *     mehlum        - Third order Mehlum curvature of the surface in (u,v) =
118 *                     (parvalue[0],parvalue[1]).
119 *        jstat      - Status messages
120 *                         = 2 : Surface is degenerate at the point, that is,
121 *                               the surface is not regular at this point.
122 *                         = 1 : Surface is close to degenerate at the point.
123 *                               Angle between tangents is less than the angular
124 *                               tolerance.
125 *                         = 0 : Ok.
126 *                         < 0 : Error.
127 *
128 *  METHOD       :  The third order Mehlum curvature is given by
129 *
130 *                      M(u,v) = (5G^3P^2
131 *                             + (EG + 4F^2)
132 *                             *(9GQ^2 + 9ES^2 + 6GPS + 6EQT)
133 *                             + 5E^3T^2
134 *                             - 2F(3EG + 2F^2)(PT + 9QS)
135 *                             - 30F(G^2PQ + E^2ST))
136 *                             /(16(EG - F^2)^3).
137 *
138 *                  The variables E,F,G,P,Q,S and T
139 *                  are the coefficients of the first and third fundamental form.
140 *                  They are given by:
141 *                  E = <Xu,Xu>, F = <Xu,Xv> and G = <Xv,Xv>.
142 *                  P = <N,Xuuu> + 3(a*alpha + b*beta),
143 *                  Q = <N,Xuuv> + c*alpha + d*beta + 2a*gamma + 2b*delta,
144 *                  S = <N,Xuvv> + 2c*gamma + 2d*delta + a*epsilon + b*mu,
145 *                  T = <N,Xvvv> + 3(c*epsilon + d*mu),
146 *                  where N is normalized, and
147 *                  a = Ff - Ge,
148 *                  b = Fe - Ef,
149 *                  c = Fg - Gf,
150 *                  d = Ff - Eg,
151 *                  e, f and g being the second fundamental form coefficients
152 *                  (e = <N,Xuu>, f = <N,Xuv> and g = <N,Xvv>), and
153 *                  alpha   = <Xuu,Xu>/||N||^2,
154 *                  beta    = <Xuu,Xv>/||N||^2,
155 *                  gamma   = <Xuv,Xu>/||N||^2,
156 *                  delta   = <Xuv,Xv>/||N||^2,
157 *                  epsilon = <Xvv,Xu>/||N||^2,
158 *                  mu      = <Xvv,Xv>/||N||^2.
159 *
160 *  REFERENCES   :  Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces,
161 *                    (Manfredo P. Do Carmo, Prentice Hall,
162 *                      ISBN: 0-13-212589-7).
163 *-
164 *  CALLS        :  s1422() and s2511().
165 *
167 *                (i) If the surface is degenerated (not regular) at the point
168 *                    (u,v), it makes no sense to speak about the Mehlum
169 *                    M(u,v). The routine returns jstat = 2.
170 *               (ii) If the surface is closed to degenerate, the Mehlum
171 *                    M(u,v) can be numerical instable. The routine returns
172 *                    jstat = 1.
173 *              (iii) The dimension of the space in which the surface lies must
174 *                    be 1,2 or 3.
175 *
176 *
177 * WRITTEN BY :    Johannes Kaasa, SINTEF, Oslo, Norway.            Date: 1995-9
178 ******************************************************************************
179 */
180 {
181   int kwarn = 0;         /* Local staus variable(warning).                  */
182   int kistat = 0;        /* Local staus variable.                           */
183   double derive[30];     /* Array containing the computed derivatives.      */
184   double normal[3];      /* Array containing the computed normalvektor.     */
187   if (ider != 0) goto err178;
190   if (surf == SISL_NULL)  goto err150;
191   else
192   {
193     /* Compute derivates and normal. */
195      s1422(surf,3,iside1,iside2,parvalue,leftknot1,leftknot2,derive,normal,
196 	  &kistat);
197     if (kistat > 0) kwarn=kistat;
199     if (kistat < 0) /* Error in lower level routine. */
200     {
201       goto error;
202     }
203     else if (kistat != 2) /* The surface is not degenerate */
204     {
205       s2511(surf, ider, derive, normal, mehlum, &kistat);
207       if (kistat < 0)
208 	goto error;
209     }
210     else if (kistat == 2) /* The surface is degenerated. */
211     {
212       *mehlum = 0.0;
213       goto war002;
214     }
216   }
219   /* Successful computations  */
221   *jstat = kwarn;
222   goto out;
225    /* The surface is degenerated at (u,v) */
226 war002:
227   *jstat = 2;
228   goto out;
230   /* Error. Input (surface) pointer is SISL_NULL. */
231 err150:
232   *jstat = -150;
233   s6err("s2510", *jstat, 0);
234   goto out;
236   /* Illegal derivative requested. */
237 err178:
238   *jstat = -178;
239   s6err("s2510",*jstat,0);
240   goto out;
241   /* Error in lower level routine.  */
243 error:
244   *jstat = kistat;
245   s6err("s2510",*jstat,0);
246   goto out;
249 out:
251   return;
253 }