1 #pragma once
3 /// \file Rng.h
4 /// \brief Random number generators
5 /// \author Pavel Sevecek (sevecek at sirrah.troja.mff.cuni.cz)
6 /// \date 2016-2021
8 #include "objects/containers/Array.h"
9 #include "objects/geometry/Box.h"
10 #include "objects/wrappers/AutoPtr.h"
11 #include <random>
15 /// \brief Random number generator with uniform distribution.
16 class UniformRng : public Noncopyable {
17 private:
18     std::mt19937_64 mt;
20     /// \note While std::mt19937_64 will always generate the same sequence of numbers (given the same seed, of
21     /// cource), the std::uniform_real_distribution might produce different result for different compilers, or
22     /// even for different versions of the compiler.
23     std::uniform_real_distribution<Float> dist;
25 public:
26     explicit UniformRng(const int seed = 1234) {
27         mt = std::mt19937_64(seed);
28     }
UniformRng(UniformRng && other)30     UniformRng(UniformRng&& other)
31         : mt(other.mt)
32         , dist(other.dist) {}
operator()34     Float operator()(const int UNUSED(s) = 0) {
35         return dist(mt);
36     }
37 };
40 /// \brief Random number generator used in code SPH5 of Benz & Asphaug (1994).
41 ///
42 /// Reimplemented for reproducibility of results.
43 class BenzAsphaugRng : public Noncopyable {
44 private:
45     const int seed;
46     const int im1 = 2147483563;
47     const int im2 = 2147483399;
48     const Float am = 1._f / im1;
49     const int imm1 = im1 - 1;
50     const int ia1 = 40014;
51     const int ia2 = 40692;
52     const int iq1 = 53668;
53     const int iq2 = 52774;
54     const int ir1 = 12211;
55     const int ir2 = 3791;
56     const Float eps = 1.2e-7_f;
57     const Float rnmx = 1._f - eps;
59     static constexpr int ntab = 32;
60     StaticArray<int, ntab> iv;
61     int iy = 0;
62     int idum2 = 123456789;
63     int idum;
65 public:
66     explicit BenzAsphaugRng(const int seed);
68     BenzAsphaugRng(BenzAsphaugRng&& other);
70     Float operator()(const int s = 0);
71 };
73 /// \brief Quasi-random number generator.
74 class HaltonQrng : public Noncopyable {
75 private:
76     static const int dimension = 6;
77     StaticArray<int, dimension> primes; /// \todo extend in case more is necessary
78     StaticArray<int, dimension> c;
80 public:
81     HaltonQrng();
83     HaltonQrng(HaltonQrng&& other);
85     Float operator()(const int s);
86 };
89 /// \brief Polymorphic holder allowing to store any RNG (type erasure).
90 class IRng : public Polymorphic {
91 public:
92     /// Generates a random number.
93     virtual Float operator()(const int s = 0) = 0;
94 };
96 template <typename TRng>
97 class RngWrapper : public IRng {
98 private:
99     TRng rng;
101 public:
102     template <typename... TArgs>
RngWrapper(TArgs &&...args)103     explicit RngWrapper(TArgs&&... args)
104         : rng(std::forward<TArgs>(args)...) {}
operator()106     virtual Float operator()(const int s) override {
107         return rng(s);
108     }
109 };
111 template <typename TRng, typename... TArgs>
makeRng(TArgs &&...args)112 AutoPtr<RngWrapper<TRng>> makeRng(TArgs&&... args) {
113     return makeAuto<RngWrapper<TRng>>(std::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
114 }
116 /// \brief Generates a random number from normal distribution, using Box-Muller algorithm.
117 ///
118 /// Could be optimized (it discards the second independent value), but it's the algorith easiest to implement.
119 template <typename TRng>
sampleNormalDistribution(TRng & rng,const Float mu,const Float sigma)120 INLINE Float sampleNormalDistribution(TRng& rng, const Float mu, const Float sigma) {
121     static const Float epsilon = std::numeric_limits<Float>::min();
123     Float u1, u2;
124     do {
125         u1 = rng();
126         u2 = rng();
127     } while (u1 <= epsilon);
129     const Float z1 = sqrt(-2._f * log(u1)) * cos(2._f * PI * u2);
130     SPH_ASSERT(isReal(z1));
131     return z1 * sigma + mu;
132 }
134 /// \brief Generates a random number from exponential distribution.
135 ///
136 /// Uses inverse transform sampling.
137 template <typename TRng>
sampleExponentialDistribution(TRng & rng,const Float lambda)138 INLINE Float sampleExponentialDistribution(TRng& rng, const Float lambda) {
139     static const Float epsilon = std::numeric_limits<Float>::min();
141     Float u;
142     do {
143         u = rng();
144     } while (u <= epsilon);
145     return -log(rng()) / lambda;
146 }
148 /// \brief Generates a random integer from Poisson distribution.
149 ///
150 /// Uses the Knuth's algorithm.
151 template <typename TRng>
samplePoissonDistribution(TRng & rng,const Float lambda)152 INLINE Size samplePoissonDistribution(TRng& rng, const Float lambda) {
153     const Float l = exp(-lambda);
154     Size k = 0;
155     Float p = 1;
156     do {
157         k = k + 1;
158         const Float u = rng();
159         p = p * u;
160     } while (p > l);
161     return k - 1;
162 }
164 /// \brief Generates a random position on a unit sphere
165 template <typename TRng>
sampleUnitSphere(TRng & rng)166 INLINE Vector sampleUnitSphere(TRng& rng) {
167     const Float phi = rng() * 2._f * PI;
168     const Float z = rng() * 2._f - 1._f;
169     const Float u = sqrt(1._f - sqr(z));
171     return Vector(u * cos(phi), u * sin(phi), z);
172 }
175 /// \brief Generates a random number from a generic distribution, using rejection sampling.
176 ///
177 /// Note that this function may be very inefficient and should be used only if the distribution cannot be
178 /// sampled with an explicit method.
179 /// \param rng Random number generator
180 /// \param range Minimal and maximal generated value
181 /// \param upperBound Upper bound for the values returned by the functor
182 /// \param func Probability distribution function. Does not have to be normalized.
183 template <typename TRng, typename TFunc>
sampleDistribution(TRng & rng,const Interval & range,const Float upperBound,const TFunc & func)184 INLINE Float sampleDistribution(TRng& rng, const Interval& range, const Float upperBound, const TFunc& func) {
185     while (true) {
186         const Float x = range.lower() + rng() * range.size();
187         const Float y = rng() * upperBound;
188         const Float pdf = func(x);
189         SPH_ASSERT(pdf >= 0._f && pdf < upperBound, pdf);
190         if (y < pdf) {
191             return x;
192         }
193     }
194 }
196 /// \brief Generates a random vector from a generic distribution, using rejection sampling.
197 ///
198 /// \param rng Random number generator
199 /// \param box Extents of generated vectors
200 /// \param upperBound Upper bound for the values returned by the functor
201 /// \param func Probability distribution function. Does not have to be normalized.
202 template <typename TRng, typename TFunc>
sampleDistribution(TRng & rng,const Box & box,const Float upperBound,const TFunc & func)203 INLINE Vector sampleDistribution(TRng& rng, const Box& box, const Float upperBound, const TFunc& func) {
204     while (true) {
205         const Vector r = box.lower() + Vector(rng(), rng(), rng()) * box.size();
206         const Float y = rng() * upperBound;
207         const Float pdf = func(r);
208         SPH_ASSERT(pdf >= 0._f && pdf < upperBound, pdf);
209         if (y < pdf) {
210             return r;
211         }
212     }
213 }