1{-# LANGUAGE GADTs              #-}
3{-| This module defines the notion of a scope and operations on scopes.
5module Agda.Syntax.Scope.Base where
7import Prelude hiding ( null, length )
9import Control.Arrow (first, second, (&&&))
10import Control.DeepSeq
11import Control.Monad
13import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
14import Data.Foldable ( length, toList )
15import Data.Function
16import qualified Data.List as List
17import Data.Map (Map)
18import qualified Data.Map as Map
19import Data.Set (Set)
20import qualified Data.Set as Set
21import Data.Maybe
22import Data.Semigroup ( Semigroup(..) )
24import Data.Data (Data)
26import GHC.Generics (Generic)
28import Agda.Benchmarking
30import Agda.Syntax.Position
31import Agda.Syntax.Common
32import Agda.Syntax.Fixity
33import Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Name as A
34import Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Name as C
35import qualified Agda.Syntax.Concrete as C
36import Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Fixity as C
38import Agda.Utils.AssocList (AssocList)
39import qualified Agda.Utils.AssocList as AssocList
40import Agda.Utils.Functor
41import Agda.Utils.Lens
42import Agda.Utils.List
43import Agda.Utils.List1 ( List1, pattern (:|) )
44import qualified Agda.Utils.List1 as List1
45import Agda.Utils.Maybe (filterMaybe)
46import Agda.Utils.Null
47import Agda.Utils.Pretty hiding ((<>))
48import qualified Agda.Utils.Pretty as P
49import Agda.Utils.Singleton
50import qualified Agda.Utils.Map as Map
52import Agda.Utils.Impossible
54-- * Scope representation
56-- | A scope is a named collection of names partitioned into public and private
57--   names.
58data Scope = Scope
59      { scopeName           :: A.ModuleName
60      , scopeParents        :: [A.ModuleName]
61      , scopeNameSpaces     :: ScopeNameSpaces
62      , scopeImports        :: Map C.QName A.ModuleName
63      , scopeDatatypeModule :: Maybe DataOrRecordModule
64      }
65  deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Generic)
67data DataOrRecordModule
68  = IsDataModule
69  | IsRecordModule
70  deriving (Data, Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded, Generic)
72-- | See 'Agda.Syntax.Common.Access'.
73data NameSpaceId
74  = PrivateNS        -- ^ Things not exported by this module.
75  | PublicNS         -- ^ Things defined and exported by this module.
76  | ImportedNS       -- ^ Things from open public, exported by this module.
77  deriving (Data, Eq, Bounded, Enum, Show, Generic)
79allNameSpaces :: [NameSpaceId]
80allNameSpaces = [minBound..maxBound]
82type ScopeNameSpaces = [(NameSpaceId, NameSpace)]
84localNameSpace :: Access -> NameSpaceId
85localNameSpace PublicAccess    = PublicNS
86localNameSpace PrivateAccess{} = PrivateNS
88nameSpaceAccess :: NameSpaceId -> Access
89nameSpaceAccess PrivateNS = PrivateAccess Inserted
90nameSpaceAccess _         = PublicAccess
92-- | Get a 'NameSpace' from 'Scope'.
93scopeNameSpace :: NameSpaceId -> Scope -> NameSpace
94scopeNameSpace ns = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ . lookup ns . scopeNameSpaces
96-- | A lens for 'scopeNameSpaces'
97updateScopeNameSpaces :: (ScopeNameSpaces -> ScopeNameSpaces) -> Scope -> Scope
98updateScopeNameSpaces f s = s { scopeNameSpaces = f (scopeNameSpaces s) }
100-- | ``Monadic'' lens (Functor sufficient).
101updateScopeNameSpacesM ::
102  (Functor m) => (ScopeNameSpaces -> m ScopeNameSpaces) -> Scope -> m Scope
103updateScopeNameSpacesM f s = for (f $ scopeNameSpaces s) $ \ x ->
104  s { scopeNameSpaces = x }
106-- | The complete information about the scope at a particular program point
107--   includes the scope stack, the local variables, and the context precedence.
108data ScopeInfo = ScopeInfo
109      { _scopeCurrent       :: A.ModuleName
110      , _scopeModules       :: Map A.ModuleName Scope
111      , _scopeVarsToBind    :: LocalVars     -- ^ The variables that will be bound at the end
112                                             --   of the current block of variables (i.e. clause).
113                                             --   We collect them here instead of binding them
114                                             --   immediately so we can avoid shadowing between
115                                             --   variables in the same variable block.
116      , _scopeLocals        :: LocalVars
117      , _scopePrecedence    :: !PrecedenceStack
118      , _scopeInverseName   :: NameMap
119      , _scopeInverseModule :: ModuleMap
120      , _scopeInScope       :: InScopeSet
121      , _scopeFixities      :: C.Fixities    -- ^ Maps concrete names C.Name to fixities
122      , _scopePolarities    :: C.Polarities  -- ^ Maps concrete names C.Name to polarities
123      }
124  deriving (Data, Show, Generic)
126-- | For the sake of highlighting, the '_scopeInverseName' map also stores
127--   the 'KindOfName' of an @A.QName@.
128data NameMapEntry = NameMapEntry
129  { qnameKind     :: KindOfName     -- ^ The 'anameKind'.
130  , qnameConcrete :: List1 C.QName  -- ^ Possible renderings of the abstract name.
131  }
132  deriving (Data, Show, Generic)
134-- | Invariant: the 'KindOfName' components should be equal
135--   whenever we have to concrete renderings of an abstract name.
136instance Semigroup NameMapEntry where
137  NameMapEntry k xs <> NameMapEntry _ ys = NameMapEntry k (xs <> ys)
139type NameMap   = Map A.QName      NameMapEntry
140type ModuleMap = Map A.ModuleName [C.QName]
141-- type ModuleMap = Map A.ModuleName (List1 C.QName)
143instance Eq ScopeInfo where
144  ScopeInfo c1 m1 v1 l1 p1 _ _ _ _ _ == ScopeInfo c2 m2 v2 l2 p2 _ _ _ _ _ =
145    c1 == c2 && m1 == m2 && v1 == v2 && l1 == l2 && p1 == p2
147-- | Local variables.
148type LocalVars = AssocList C.Name LocalVar
150-- | For each bound variable, we want to know whether it was bound by a
151--   λ, Π, module telescope, pattern, or @let@.
152data BindingSource
153  = LambdaBound  -- ^ @λ@ (currently also used for @Π@ and module parameters)
154  | PatternBound -- ^ @f ... =@
155  | LetBound     -- ^ @let ... in@
156  | WithBound    -- ^ @| ... in q@
157  deriving (Data, Show, Eq, Generic)
159instance Pretty BindingSource where
160  pretty = \case
161    LambdaBound  -> "local"
162    PatternBound -> "pattern"
163    LetBound     -> "let-bound"
164    WithBound    -> "with-bound"
166-- | A local variable can be shadowed by an import.
167--   In case of reference to a shadowed variable, we want to report
168--   a scope error.
169data LocalVar = LocalVar
170  { localVar           :: A.Name
171    -- ^ Unique ID of local variable.
172  , localBindingSource :: BindingSource
173    -- ^ Kind of binder used to introduce the variable (@λ@, @let@, ...).
174  , localShadowedBy    :: [AbstractName]
175     -- ^ If this list is not empty, the local variable is
176     --   shadowed by one or more imports.
177  }
178  deriving (Data, Show, Generic)
180instance Eq LocalVar where
181  (==) = (==) `on` localVar
183instance Ord LocalVar where
184  compare = compare `on` localVar
186-- | We show shadowed variables as prefixed by a ".", as not in scope.
187instance Pretty LocalVar where
188  pretty (LocalVar x _ []) = pretty x
189  pretty (LocalVar x _ xs) = "." P.<> pretty x
191-- | Shadow a local name by a non-empty list of imports.
192shadowLocal :: [AbstractName] -> LocalVar -> LocalVar
193shadowLocal [] _ = __IMPOSSIBLE__
194shadowLocal ys (LocalVar x b zs) = LocalVar x b (ys ++ zs)
196-- | Treat patternBound variable as a module parameter
197patternToModuleBound :: LocalVar -> LocalVar
198patternToModuleBound x
199 | localBindingSource x == PatternBound =
200   x { localBindingSource = LambdaBound }
201 | otherwise                     = x
203-- | Project name of unshadowed local variable.
204notShadowedLocal :: LocalVar -> Maybe A.Name
205notShadowedLocal (LocalVar x _ []) = Just x
206notShadowedLocal _ = Nothing
208-- | Get all locals that are not shadowed __by imports__.
209notShadowedLocals :: LocalVars -> AssocList C.Name A.Name
210notShadowedLocals = mapMaybe $ \ (c,x) -> (c,) <$> notShadowedLocal x
212-- | Lenses for ScopeInfo components
213scopeCurrent :: Lens' A.ModuleName ScopeInfo
214scopeCurrent f s =
215  f (_scopeCurrent s) <&>
216  \x -> s { _scopeCurrent = x }
218scopeModules :: Lens' (Map A.ModuleName Scope) ScopeInfo
219scopeModules f s =
220  f (_scopeModules s) <&>
221  \x -> s { _scopeModules = x }
223scopeVarsToBind :: Lens' LocalVars ScopeInfo
224scopeVarsToBind f s =
225  f (_scopeVarsToBind s) <&>
226  \x -> s { _scopeVarsToBind = x }
228scopeLocals :: Lens' LocalVars ScopeInfo
229scopeLocals f s =
230  f (_scopeLocals s) <&>
231  \x -> s { _scopeLocals = x }
233scopePrecedence :: Lens' PrecedenceStack ScopeInfo
234scopePrecedence f s =
235  f (_scopePrecedence s) <&>
236  \x -> s { _scopePrecedence = x }
238scopeInverseName :: Lens' NameMap ScopeInfo
239scopeInverseName f s =
240  f (_scopeInverseName s) <&>
241  \x -> s { _scopeInverseName = x }
243scopeInverseModule :: Lens' ModuleMap ScopeInfo
244scopeInverseModule f s =
245  f (_scopeInverseModule s) <&>
246  \x -> s { _scopeInverseModule = x }
248scopeInScope :: Lens' InScopeSet ScopeInfo
249scopeInScope f s =
250  f (_scopeInScope s) <&>
251  \x -> s { _scopeInScope = x }
253scopeFixities :: Lens' C.Fixities ScopeInfo
254scopeFixities f s =
255  f (_scopeFixities s) <&>
256  \x -> s { _scopeFixities = x }
258scopePolarities :: Lens' C.Polarities ScopeInfo
259scopePolarities f s =
260  f (_scopePolarities s) <&>
261  \x -> s { _scopePolarities = x }
263scopeFixitiesAndPolarities :: Lens' (C.Fixities, C.Polarities) ScopeInfo
264scopeFixitiesAndPolarities f s =
265  f' (_scopeFixities s) (_scopePolarities s) <&>
266  \ (fixs, pols) -> s { _scopeFixities = fixs, _scopePolarities = pols }
267  where
268  -- Andreas, 2019-08-18: strict matching avoids space leak, see #1829.
269  f' !fixs !pols = f (fixs, pols)
270  -- Andrea comments on https://github.com/agda/agda/issues/1829#issuecomment-522312084
271  -- on a naive version without the bang patterns:
272  --
273  -- useScope (because of useR) forces the result of projecting the
274  -- lens, this usually prevents retaining the whole structure when we
275  -- only need a field.  However your combined lens adds an extra layer
276  -- of laziness with the pairs, so the actual projections remain
277  -- unforced.
278  --
279  -- I guess scopeFixitiesAndPolarities could add some strictness when building the pair?
281-- | Lens for 'scopeVarsToBind'.
282updateVarsToBind :: (LocalVars -> LocalVars) -> ScopeInfo -> ScopeInfo
283updateVarsToBind = over scopeVarsToBind
285setVarsToBind :: LocalVars -> ScopeInfo -> ScopeInfo
286setVarsToBind = set scopeVarsToBind
288-- | Lens for 'scopeLocals'.
289updateScopeLocals :: (LocalVars -> LocalVars) -> ScopeInfo -> ScopeInfo
290updateScopeLocals = over scopeLocals
292setScopeLocals :: LocalVars -> ScopeInfo -> ScopeInfo
293setScopeLocals = set scopeLocals
296-- * Name spaces
298-- Map concrete names to lists of abstract names.
301-- | A @NameSpace@ contains the mappings from concrete names that the user can
302--   write to the abstract fully qualified names that the type checker wants to
303--   read.
304data NameSpace = NameSpace
305      { nsNames   :: NamesInScope
306        -- ^ Maps concrete names to a list of abstract names.
307      , nsModules :: ModulesInScope
308        -- ^ Maps concrete module names to a list of abstract module names.
309      , nsInScope :: InScopeSet
310        -- ^ All abstract names targeted by a concrete name in scope.
311        --   Computed by 'recomputeInScopeSets'.
312      }
313  deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Generic)
315type ThingsInScope a = Map C.Name [a]
316type NamesInScope    = ThingsInScope AbstractName
317type ModulesInScope  = ThingsInScope AbstractModule
318type InScopeSet      = Set A.QName
320-- | Set of types consisting of exactly 'AbstractName' and 'AbstractModule'.
322--   A GADT just for some dependent-types trickery.
323data InScopeTag a where
324  NameTag   :: InScopeTag AbstractName
325  ModuleTag :: InScopeTag AbstractModule
327-- | Type class for some dependent-types trickery.
328class Ord a => InScope a where
329  inScopeTag :: InScopeTag a
331instance InScope AbstractName where
332  inScopeTag = NameTag
334instance InScope AbstractModule where
335  inScopeTag = ModuleTag
337-- | @inNameSpace@ selects either the name map or the module name map from
338--   a 'NameSpace'.  What is selected is determined by result type
339--   (using the dependent-type trickery).
340inNameSpace :: forall a. InScope a => NameSpace -> ThingsInScope a
341inNameSpace = case inScopeTag :: InScopeTag a of
342  NameTag   -> nsNames
343  ModuleTag -> nsModules
345-- | Non-dependent tag for name or module.
346data NameOrModule = NameNotModule | ModuleNotName
347  deriving (Data, Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded, Generic)
350-- * Decorated names
352-- - What kind of name? (defined, constructor...)
353-- - Where does the name come from? (to explain to user)
356-- | For the sake of parsing left-hand sides, we distinguish
357--   constructor and record field names from defined names.
359-- Note: order does matter in this enumeration, see 'isDefName'.
360data KindOfName
361  = ConName                  -- ^ Constructor name ('Inductive' or don't know).
362  | CoConName                -- ^ Constructor name (definitely 'CoInductive').
363  | FldName                  -- ^ Record field name.
364  | PatternSynName           -- ^ Name of a pattern synonym.
365  | GeneralizeName           -- ^ Name to be generalized
366  | DisallowedGeneralizeName -- ^ Generalizable variable from a let open
367  | MacroName                -- ^ Name of a macro
368  | QuotableName             -- ^ A name that can only be quoted.
369  -- Previous category @DefName@:
370  -- (Refined in a flat manner as Enum and Bounded are not hereditary.)
371  | DataName                 -- ^ Name of a @data@.
372  | RecName                  -- ^ Name of a @record@.
373  | FunName                  -- ^ Name of a defined function.
374  | AxiomName                -- ^ Name of a @postulate@.
375  | PrimName                 -- ^ Name of a @primitive@.
376  | OtherDefName             -- ^ A @DefName@, but either other kind or don't know which kind.
377  -- End @DefName@.  Keep these together in sequence, for sake of @isDefName@!
378  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Enum, Bounded, Generic)
380isDefName :: KindOfName -> Bool
381isDefName = (>= DataName)
383isConName :: KindOfName -> Maybe Induction
384isConName = \case
385  ConName   -> Just Inductive
386  CoConName -> Just CoInductive
387  _ -> Nothing
389conKindOfName :: Induction -> KindOfName
390conKindOfName = \case
391  Inductive   -> ConName
392  CoInductive -> CoConName
394-- | For ambiguous constructors, we might have both alternatives of 'Induction'.
395--   In this case, we default to 'ConName'.
396conKindOfName' :: Foldable t => t Induction -> KindOfName
397conKindOfName' = conKindOfName . approxConInduction
399-- | For ambiguous constructors, we might have both alternatives of 'Induction'.
400--   In this case, we default to 'Inductive'.
401approxConInduction :: Foldable t => t Induction -> Induction
402approxConInduction = fromMaybe Inductive . exactConInduction
404exactConInduction :: Foldable t => t Induction -> Maybe Induction
405exactConInduction is = case toList is of
406  [CoInductive] -> Just CoInductive
407  [Inductive]   -> Just Inductive
408  _ -> Nothing
410-- | Only return @[Co]ConName@ if no ambiguity.
411exactConName :: Foldable t => t Induction -> Maybe KindOfName
412exactConName = fmap conKindOfName . exactConInduction
414-- | A set of 'KindOfName', for the sake of 'elemKindsOfNames'.
415data KindsOfNames
416  = AllKindsOfNames
417  | SomeKindsOfNames   (Set KindOfName)  -- ^ Only these kinds.
418  | ExceptKindsOfNames (Set KindOfName)  -- ^ All but these Kinds.
420elemKindsOfNames :: KindOfName -> KindsOfNames -> Bool
421elemKindsOfNames k = \case
422  AllKindsOfNames       -> True
423  SomeKindsOfNames   ks -> k `Set.member` ks
424  ExceptKindsOfNames ks -> k `Set.notMember` ks
426allKindsOfNames :: KindsOfNames
427allKindsOfNames = AllKindsOfNames
429someKindsOfNames :: [KindOfName] -> KindsOfNames
430someKindsOfNames = SomeKindsOfNames . Set.fromList
432exceptKindsOfNames :: [KindOfName] -> KindsOfNames
433exceptKindsOfNames = ExceptKindsOfNames . Set.fromList
435-- | Decorate something with 'KindOfName'
437data WithKind a = WithKind
438  { theKind     :: KindOfName
439  , kindedThing :: a
440  } deriving (Data, Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
442-- | Where does a name come from?
444--   This information is solely for reporting to the user,
445--   see 'Agda.Interaction.InteractionTop.whyInScope'.
446data WhyInScope
447  = Defined
448    -- ^ Defined in this module.
449  | Opened C.QName WhyInScope
450    -- ^ Imported from another module.
451  | Applied C.QName WhyInScope
452    -- ^ Imported by a module application.
453  deriving (Data, Show, Generic)
455-- | A decoration of 'Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Name.QName'.
456data AbstractName = AbsName
457  { anameName    :: A.QName
458    -- ^ The resolved qualified name.
459  , anameKind    :: KindOfName
460    -- ^ The kind (definition, constructor, record field etc.).
461  , anameLineage :: WhyInScope
462    -- ^ Explanation where this name came from.
463  , anameMetadata :: NameMetadata
464    -- ^ Additional information needed during scope checking. Currently used
465    --   for generalized data/record params.
466  }
467  deriving (Data, Show, Generic)
469data NameMetadata = NoMetadata
470                  | GeneralizedVarsMetadata (Map A.QName A.Name)
471  deriving (Data, Show, Generic)
473-- | A decoration of abstract syntax module names.
474data AbstractModule = AbsModule
475  { amodName    :: A.ModuleName
476    -- ^ The resolved module name.
477  , amodLineage :: WhyInScope
478    -- ^ Explanation where this name came from.
479  }
480  deriving (Data, Show, Generic)
482instance Eq AbstractName where
483  (==) = (==) `on` anameName
485instance Ord AbstractName where
486  compare = compare `on` anameName
488instance LensFixity AbstractName where
489  lensFixity = lensAnameName . lensFixity
491-- | Van Laarhoven lens on 'anameName'.
492lensAnameName :: Lens' A.QName AbstractName
493lensAnameName f am = f (anameName am) <&> \ m -> am { anameName = m }
495instance Eq AbstractModule where
496  (==) = (==) `on` amodName
498instance Ord AbstractModule where
499  compare = compare `on` amodName
501-- | Van Laarhoven lens on 'amodName'.
502lensAmodName :: Lens' A.ModuleName AbstractModule
503lensAmodName f am = f (amodName am) <&> \ m -> am { amodName = m }
506data ResolvedName
507  = -- | Local variable bound by λ, Π, module telescope, pattern, @let@.
508    VarName
509    { resolvedVar           :: A.Name
510    , resolvedBindingSource :: BindingSource    -- ^ What kind of binder?
511    }
513  | -- | Function, data/record type, postulate.
514    DefinedName Access AbstractName A.Suffix -- ^ 'anameKind' can be 'DefName', 'MacroName', 'QuotableName'.
516  | -- | Record field name.  Needs to be distinguished to parse copatterns.
517    FieldName (List1 AbstractName)       -- ^ @('FldName' ==) . 'anameKind'@ for all names.
519  | -- | Data or record constructor name.
520    ConstructorName (Set Induction) (List1 AbstractName) -- ^ @isJust . 'isConName' . 'anameKind'@ for all names.
522  | -- | Name of pattern synonym.
523    PatternSynResName (List1 AbstractName) -- ^ @('PatternSynName' ==) . 'anameKind'@ for all names.
525  | -- | Unbound name.
526    UnknownName
527  deriving (Data, Show, Eq, Generic)
529instance Pretty ResolvedName where
530  pretty = \case
531    VarName x b          -> pretty b <+> "variable" <+> pretty x
532    DefinedName a x s    -> pretty a      <+> (pretty x <> pretty s)
533    FieldName xs         -> "field"       <+> pretty xs
534    ConstructorName _ xs -> "constructor" <+> pretty xs
535    PatternSynResName x  -> "pattern"     <+> pretty x
536    UnknownName          -> "<unknown name>"
538instance Pretty A.Suffix where
539  pretty NoSuffix   = mempty
540  pretty (Suffix i) = text (show i)
542-- * Operations on name and module maps.
544mergeNames :: Eq a => ThingsInScope a -> ThingsInScope a -> ThingsInScope a
545mergeNames = Map.unionWith List.union
547mergeNamesMany :: Eq a => [ThingsInScope a] -> ThingsInScope a
548mergeNamesMany = Map.unionsWith List.union
551-- * Operations on name spaces
554-- | The empty name space.
555emptyNameSpace :: NameSpace
556emptyNameSpace = NameSpace Map.empty Map.empty Set.empty
559-- | Map functions over the names and modules in a name space.
560mapNameSpace :: (NamesInScope   -> NamesInScope  ) ->
561                (ModulesInScope -> ModulesInScope) ->
562                (InScopeSet     -> InScopeSet    ) ->
563                NameSpace -> NameSpace
564mapNameSpace fd fm fs ns =
565  ns { nsNames   = fd $ nsNames   ns
566     , nsModules = fm $ nsModules ns
567     , nsInScope = fs $ nsInScope ns
568     }
570-- | Zip together two name spaces.
571zipNameSpace :: (NamesInScope   -> NamesInScope   -> NamesInScope  ) ->
572                (ModulesInScope -> ModulesInScope -> ModulesInScope) ->
573                (InScopeSet     -> InScopeSet     -> InScopeSet    ) ->
574                NameSpace -> NameSpace -> NameSpace
575zipNameSpace fd fm fs ns1 ns2 =
576  ns1 { nsNames   = nsNames   ns1 `fd` nsNames   ns2
577      , nsModules = nsModules ns1 `fm` nsModules ns2
578      , nsInScope = nsInScope ns1 `fs` nsInScope ns2
579      }
581-- | Map monadic function over a namespace.
582mapNameSpaceM :: Applicative m =>
583  (NamesInScope   -> m NamesInScope  ) ->
584  (ModulesInScope -> m ModulesInScope) ->
585  (InScopeSet     -> m InScopeSet    ) ->
586  NameSpace -> m NameSpace
587mapNameSpaceM fd fm fs ns = update ns <$> fd (nsNames ns) <*> fm (nsModules ns) <*> fs (nsInScope ns)
588  where
589    update ns ds ms is = ns { nsNames = ds, nsModules = ms, nsInScope = is }
592-- * General operations on scopes
595instance Null Scope where
596  empty = emptyScope
597  null  = __IMPOSSIBLE__
598    -- TODO: define when needed, careful about scopeNameSpaces!
600instance Null ScopeInfo where
601  empty = emptyScopeInfo
602  null  = __IMPOSSIBLE__
603    -- TODO: define when needed, careful about _scopeModules!
605-- | The empty scope.
606emptyScope :: Scope
607emptyScope = Scope
608  { scopeName           = noModuleName
609  , scopeParents        = []
610  , scopeNameSpaces     = [ (nsid, emptyNameSpace) | nsid <- allNameSpaces ]
611      -- Note (Andreas, 2019-08-19):  Cannot have [] here because
612      -- zipScope assumes all NameSpaces to be present and in the same order.
613  , scopeImports        = Map.empty
614  , scopeDatatypeModule = Nothing
615  }
617-- | The empty scope info.
618emptyScopeInfo :: ScopeInfo
619emptyScopeInfo = ScopeInfo
620  { _scopeCurrent       = noModuleName
621  , _scopeModules       = Map.singleton noModuleName emptyScope
622  , _scopeVarsToBind    = []
623  , _scopeLocals        = []
624  , _scopePrecedence    = []
625  , _scopeInverseName   = Map.empty
626  , _scopeInverseModule = Map.empty
627  , _scopeInScope       = Set.empty
628  , _scopeFixities      = Map.empty
629  , _scopePolarities    = Map.empty
630  }
632-- | Map functions over the names and modules in a scope.
633mapScope :: (NameSpaceId -> NamesInScope   -> NamesInScope  ) ->
634            (NameSpaceId -> ModulesInScope -> ModulesInScope) ->
635            (NameSpaceId -> InScopeSet    -> InScopeSet     ) ->
636            Scope -> Scope
637mapScope fd fm fs = updateScopeNameSpaces $ AssocList.mapWithKey mapNS
638  where
639    mapNS acc = mapNameSpace (fd acc) (fm acc) (fs acc)
641-- | Same as 'mapScope' but applies the same function to all name spaces.
642mapScope_ :: (NamesInScope   -> NamesInScope  ) ->
643             (ModulesInScope -> ModulesInScope) ->
644             (InScopeSet     -> InScopeSet    ) ->
645             Scope -> Scope
646mapScope_ fd fm fs = mapScope (const fd) (const fm) (const fs)
648-- | Same as 'mapScope' but applies the function only on the given name space.
649mapScopeNS :: NameSpaceId
650           -> (NamesInScope   -> NamesInScope  )
651           -> (ModulesInScope -> ModulesInScope)
652           -> (InScopeSet    -> InScopeSet     )
653           -> Scope -> Scope
654mapScopeNS nsid fd fm fs = modifyNameSpace nsid $ mapNameSpace fd fm fs
656-- | Map monadic functions over the names and modules in a scope.
657mapScopeM :: Applicative m =>
658  (NameSpaceId -> NamesInScope   -> m NamesInScope  ) ->
659  (NameSpaceId -> ModulesInScope -> m ModulesInScope) ->
660  (NameSpaceId -> InScopeSet     -> m InScopeSet    ) ->
661  Scope -> m Scope
662mapScopeM fd fm fs = updateScopeNameSpacesM $ AssocList.mapWithKeyM mapNS
663  where
664    mapNS acc = mapNameSpaceM (fd acc) (fm acc) (fs acc)
666-- | Same as 'mapScopeM' but applies the same function to both the public and
667--   private name spaces.
668mapScopeM_ :: Applicative m =>
669  (NamesInScope   -> m NamesInScope  ) ->
670  (ModulesInScope -> m ModulesInScope) ->
671  (InScopeSet     -> m InScopeSet    ) ->
672  Scope -> m Scope
673mapScopeM_ fd fm fs = mapScopeM (const fd) (const fm) (const fs)
675-- | Zip together two scopes. The resulting scope has the same name as the
676--   first scope.
677zipScope :: (NameSpaceId -> NamesInScope   -> NamesInScope   -> NamesInScope  ) ->
678            (NameSpaceId -> ModulesInScope -> ModulesInScope -> ModulesInScope) ->
679            (NameSpaceId -> InScopeSet     -> InScopeSet     -> InScopeSet    ) ->
680            Scope -> Scope -> Scope
681zipScope fd fm fs s1 s2 =
682  s1 { scopeNameSpaces =
683         [ (nsid, zipNS nsid ns1 ns2)
684         | ((nsid, ns1), (nsid', ns2)) <-
685             fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $
686               zipWith' (,) (scopeNameSpaces s1) (scopeNameSpaces s2)
687         , assert (nsid == nsid')
688         ]
689     , scopeImports  = (Map.union `on` scopeImports)  s1 s2
690     }
691  where
692    assert True  = True
693    assert False = __IMPOSSIBLE__
694    zipNS acc = zipNameSpace (fd acc) (fm acc) (fs acc)
696-- | Same as 'zipScope' but applies the same function to both the public and
697--   private name spaces.
698zipScope_ :: (NamesInScope   -> NamesInScope   -> NamesInScope  ) ->
699             (ModulesInScope -> ModulesInScope -> ModulesInScope) ->
700             (InScopeSet     -> InScopeSet     -> InScopeSet    ) ->
701             Scope -> Scope -> Scope
702zipScope_ fd fm fs = zipScope (const fd) (const fm) (const fs)
704-- | Recompute the inScope sets of a scope.
705recomputeInScopeSets :: Scope -> Scope
706recomputeInScopeSets = updateScopeNameSpaces (map $ second recomputeInScope)
707  where
708    recomputeInScope ns = ns { nsInScope = allANames $ nsNames ns }
709    allANames :: NamesInScope -> InScopeSet
710    allANames = Set.fromList . map anameName . concat . Map.elems
712-- | Filter a scope keeping only concrete names matching the predicates.
713--   The first predicate is applied to the names and the second to the modules.
714filterScope :: (C.Name -> Bool) -> (C.Name -> Bool) -> Scope -> Scope
715filterScope pd pm = recomputeInScopeSets .  mapScope_ (Map.filterKeys pd) (Map.filterKeys pm) id
716  -- We don't have enough information in the in scope set to do an
717  -- incremental update here, so just recompute it from the name map.
719-- | Return all names in a scope.
720allNamesInScope :: InScope a => Scope -> ThingsInScope a
721allNamesInScope = mergeNamesMany . map (inNameSpace . snd) . scopeNameSpaces
723allNamesInScope' :: InScope a => Scope -> ThingsInScope (a, Access)
724allNamesInScope' s =
725  mergeNamesMany [ map (, nameSpaceAccess nsId) <$> inNameSpace ns
726                 | (nsId, ns) <- scopeNameSpaces s ]
728-- | Returns the scope's non-private names.
729exportedNamesInScope :: InScope a => Scope -> ThingsInScope a
730exportedNamesInScope = namesInScope [PublicNS, ImportedNS]
732namesInScope :: InScope a => [NameSpaceId] -> Scope -> ThingsInScope a
733namesInScope ids s =
734  mergeNamesMany [ inNameSpace (scopeNameSpace nsid s) | nsid <- ids ]
736allThingsInScope :: Scope -> NameSpace
737allThingsInScope s =
738  NameSpace { nsNames   = allNamesInScope s
739            , nsModules = allNamesInScope s
740            , nsInScope = Set.unions $ map (nsInScope . snd) $ scopeNameSpaces s
741            }
743thingsInScope :: [NameSpaceId] -> Scope -> NameSpace
744thingsInScope fs s =
745  NameSpace { nsNames   = namesInScope fs s
746            , nsModules = namesInScope fs s
747            , nsInScope = Set.unions [ nsInScope $ scopeNameSpace nsid s | nsid <- fs ]
748            }
750-- | Merge two scopes. The result has the name of the first scope.
751mergeScope :: Scope -> Scope -> Scope
752mergeScope = zipScope_ mergeNames mergeNames Set.union
754-- | Merge a non-empty list of scopes. The result has the name of the first
755--   scope in the list.
756mergeScopes :: [Scope] -> Scope
757mergeScopes [] = __IMPOSSIBLE__
758mergeScopes ss = foldr1 mergeScope ss
760-- * Specific operations on scopes
762-- | Move all names in a scope to the given name space (except never move from
763--   Imported to Public).
764setScopeAccess :: NameSpaceId -> Scope -> Scope
765setScopeAccess a s = (`updateScopeNameSpaces` s) $ AssocList.mapWithKey $ const . ns
766  where
767    zero  = emptyNameSpace
768    one   = allThingsInScope s
769    imp   = thingsInScope [ImportedNS] s
770    noimp = thingsInScope [PublicNS, PrivateNS] s
772    ns b = case (a, b) of
773      (PublicNS, PublicNS)   -> noimp
774      (PublicNS, ImportedNS) -> imp
775      _ | a == b             -> one
776        | otherwise          -> zero
778-- | Update a particular name space.
779setNameSpace :: NameSpaceId -> NameSpace -> Scope -> Scope
780setNameSpace nsid ns = modifyNameSpace nsid $ const ns
782-- | Modify a particular name space.
783modifyNameSpace :: NameSpaceId -> (NameSpace -> NameSpace) -> Scope -> Scope
784modifyNameSpace nsid f = updateScopeNameSpaces $ AssocList.updateAt nsid f
786-- | Add a name to a scope.
787addNameToScope :: NameSpaceId -> C.Name -> AbstractName -> Scope -> Scope
788addNameToScope nsid x y =
789  mapScopeNS nsid
790    (Map.insertWith (flip List.union) x [y])  -- bind name x ↦ y
791    id                                        -- no change to modules
792    (Set.insert $ anameName y)                -- y is in scope now
794-- | Remove a name from a scope. Caution: does not update the nsInScope set.
795--   This is only used by rebindName and in that case we add the name right
796--   back (but with a different kind).
797removeNameFromScope :: NameSpaceId -> C.Name -> Scope -> Scope
798removeNameFromScope nsid x = mapScopeNS nsid (Map.delete x) id id
800-- | Add a module to a scope.
801addModuleToScope :: NameSpaceId -> C.Name -> AbstractModule -> Scope -> Scope
802addModuleToScope nsid x m = mapScopeNS nsid id addM id
803  where addM = Map.insertWith (flip List.union) x [m]
805-- | When we get here we cannot have both @using@ and @hiding@.
806data UsingOrHiding
807  = UsingOnly  [C.ImportedName]
808  | HidingOnly [C.ImportedName]
810usingOrHiding :: C.ImportDirective -> UsingOrHiding
811usingOrHiding i =
812  case (using i, hiding i) of
813    (UseEverything, ys) -> HidingOnly ys
814    (Using xs     , []) -> UsingOnly  xs
815    _                   -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
817-- | Apply an 'ImportDirective' to a scope:
819--   1. rename keys (C.Name) according to @renaming@;
821--   2. for untouched keys, either of
823--      a) remove keys according to @hiding@, or
824--      b) filter keys according to @using@.
826--   Both steps could be done in one pass, by first preparing key-filtering
827--   functions @C.Name -> Maybe C.Name@ for defined names and module names.
828--   However, the penalty of doing it in two passes should not be too high.
829--   (Doubling the run time.)
830applyImportDirective :: C.ImportDirective -> Scope -> Scope
831applyImportDirective dir = fst . applyImportDirective_ dir
833-- | Version of 'applyImportDirective' that also returns sets of name
834--   and module name clashes introduced by @renaming@ to identifiers
835--   that are already imported by @using@ or lack of @hiding@.
837  :: C.ImportDirective
838  -> Scope
839  -> (Scope, (Set C.Name, Set C.Name)) -- ^ Merged scope, clashing names, clashing module names.
840applyImportDirective_ dir@(ImportDirective{ impRenaming }) s
841  | null dir  = (s, (empty, empty))
842      -- Since each run of applyImportDirective rebuilds the scope
843      -- with cost O(n log n) time, it makes sense to test for the identity.
844  | otherwise = (recomputeInScopeSets $ mergeScope sUse sRen, (nameClashes, moduleClashes))
845  where
846    -- Names kept via using/hiding.
847    sUse :: Scope
848    sUse = useOrHide (usingOrHiding dir) s
850    -- Things kept (under a different name) via renaming.
851    sRen :: Scope
852    sRen = rename impRenaming s
854    -- Which names are considered to be defined by a module?
855    -- The ones actually defined there publicly ('publicNS')
856    -- and the ones imported publicly ('ImportedNS')?
857    exportedNSs = [PublicNS, ImportedNS]
859    -- Name clashes introduced by the @renaming@ clause.
860    nameClashes :: Set C.Name
861    nameClashes = Map.keysSet rNames `Set.intersection` Map.keysSet uNames
862      -- NB: `intersection` returns a subset of the first argument.
863      -- To get the correct error location, i.e., in the @renaming@ clause
864      -- rather than at the definition location, we neet to return
865      -- names from the @renaming@ clause.  (Issue #4154.)
866      where
867      uNames, rNames :: NamesInScope
868      uNames = namesInScope exportedNSs sUse
869      rNames = namesInScope exportedNSs sRen
871    -- Module name clashes introduced by the @renaming@ clause.
873    -- Note: need to cut and paste because of 'InScope' dependent types trickery.
874    moduleClashes :: Set C.Name
875    moduleClashes = Map.keysSet uModules `Set.intersection` Map.keysSet rModules
876      where
877      uModules, rModules :: ModulesInScope
878      uModules = namesInScope exportedNSs sUse
879      rModules = namesInScope exportedNSs sRen
882    -- Restrict scope by directive.
883    useOrHide :: UsingOrHiding -> Scope -> Scope
884    useOrHide (UsingOnly  xs) = filterNames Set.member xs
885       -- Filter scope, keeping only xs.
886    useOrHide (HidingOnly xs) = filterNames Set.notMember $ map renFrom impRenaming ++ xs
887       -- Filter out xs and the to be renamed names from scope.
889    -- Filter scope by (`rel` xs).
890    -- O(n * log (length xs)).
891    filterNames :: (C.Name -> Set C.Name -> Bool) -> [C.ImportedName] ->
892                   Scope -> Scope
893    filterNames rel xs = filterScope (`rel` Set.fromList ds) (`rel` Set.fromList ms)
894      where
895        (ds, ms) = partitionEithers $ for xs $ \case
896          ImportedName   x -> Left x
897          ImportedModule m -> Right m
899    -- Apply a renaming to a scope.
900    -- O(n * (log n + log (length rho))).
901    rename :: [C.Renaming] -> Scope -> Scope
902    rename rho = mapScope_ (updateFxs .
903                            updateThingsInScope (AssocList.apply drho))
904                           (updateThingsInScope (AssocList.apply mrho))
905                           id
906      where
907        (drho, mrho) = partitionEithers $ for rho $ \case
908          Renaming (ImportedName   x) (ImportedName   y) _fx _ -> Left  (x, y)
909          Renaming (ImportedModule x) (ImportedModule y) _fx _ -> Right (x, y)
910          _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
912        fixities :: AssocList C.Name Fixity
913        fixities = (`mapMaybe` rho) $ \case
914          Renaming _ (ImportedName y) (Just fx)  _ -> Just (y, fx)
915          _ -> Nothing
917        -- Update fixities of abstract names targeted by renamed imported identifies.
918        updateFxs :: NamesInScope -> NamesInScope
919        updateFxs m = foldl upd m fixities
920          where
921          -- Update fixity of all abstract names targeted by concrete name y.
922          upd m (y, fx) = Map.adjust (map $ set lensFixity fx) y m
924        updateThingsInScope
925          :: forall a. SetBindingSite a
926          => (C.Name -> Maybe C.Name)
927          -> ThingsInScope a -> ThingsInScope a
928        updateThingsInScope f = Map.fromList . mapMaybe upd . Map.toAscList
929          where
930          upd :: (C.Name, [a]) -> Maybe (C.Name, [a])
931          upd (x, ys) = f x <&> \ x' -> (x', setBindingSite (getRange x') ys)
933-- | Rename the abstract names in a scope.
934renameCanonicalNames :: Map A.QName A.QName -> Map A.ModuleName A.ModuleName ->
935                        Scope -> Scope
936renameCanonicalNames renD renM = mapScope_ renameD renameM (Set.map newName)
937  where
938    newName x = Map.findWithDefault x x renD
939    newMod  x = Map.findWithDefault x x renM
941    renameD = Map.map $ map $ over lensAnameName newName
942    renameM = Map.map $ map $ over lensAmodName  newMod
944-- | Remove private name space of a scope.
946--   Should be a right identity for 'exportedNamesInScope'.
947--   @exportedNamesInScope . restrictPrivate == exportedNamesInScope@.
948restrictPrivate :: Scope -> Scope
949restrictPrivate s = setNameSpace PrivateNS emptyNameSpace
950                  $ s { scopeImports = Map.empty }
952-- | Remove private things from the given module from a scope.
953restrictLocalPrivate :: ModuleName -> Scope -> Scope
954restrictLocalPrivate m =
955  mapScopeNS PrivateNS
956    (Map.mapMaybe rName)
957    (Map.mapMaybe rMod)
958    (Set.filter (not . (`isInModule` m)))
959  where
960    rName as = filterMaybe (not . null) $ filter (not . (`isInModule`        m) . anameName) as
961    rMod  as = filterMaybe (not . null) $ filter (not . (`isLtChildModuleOf` m) . amodName)  as
963-- | Filter privates out of a `ScopeInfo`
964withoutPrivates :: ScopeInfo -> ScopeInfo
965withoutPrivates scope = over scopeModules (fmap $ restrictLocalPrivate m) scope
966  where
967  m = scope ^. scopeCurrent
969-- | Disallow using generalized variables from the scope
970disallowGeneralizedVars :: Scope -> Scope
971disallowGeneralizedVars = mapScope_ ((fmap . map) disallow) id id
972  where
973    disallow a = a { anameKind = disallowGen (anameKind a) }
974    disallowGen GeneralizeName = DisallowedGeneralizeName
975    disallowGen k              = k
977-- | Add an explanation to why things are in scope.
978inScopeBecause :: (WhyInScope -> WhyInScope) -> Scope -> Scope
979inScopeBecause f = mapScope_ mapName mapMod id
980  where
981    mapName = fmap . map $ \a -> a { anameLineage = f $ anameLineage a }
982    mapMod  = fmap . map $ \a -> a { amodLineage  = f $ amodLineage a  }
984-- | Get the public parts of the public modules of a scope
985publicModules :: ScopeInfo -> Map A.ModuleName Scope
986publicModules scope = Map.filterWithKey (\ m _ -> reachable m) allMods
987  where
988    -- Get all modules in the ScopeInfo.
989    allMods   = Map.map restrictPrivate $ scope ^. scopeModules
990    root      = scope ^. scopeCurrent
992    modules s = map amodName $ concat $ Map.elems $ allNamesInScope s
994    chase m = m : concatMap chase ms
995      where ms = maybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ modules $ Map.lookup m allMods
997    reachable = (`elem` chase root)
999publicNames :: ScopeInfo -> Set AbstractName
1000publicNames scope =
1001  Set.fromList $ concat $ Map.elems $
1002  exportedNamesInScope $ mergeScopes $ Map.elems $ publicModules scope
1004everythingInScope :: ScopeInfo -> NameSpace
1005everythingInScope scope = allThingsInScope $ mergeScopes $
1006    (s0 :) $ map look $ scopeParents s0
1007  where
1008    look m = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ Map.lookup m $ scope ^. scopeModules
1009    s0     = look $ scope ^. scopeCurrent
1011everythingInScopeQualified :: ScopeInfo -> NameSpace
1012everythingInScopeQualified scope =
1013  allThingsInScope $ mergeScopes $
1014    chase Set.empty scopes
1015  where
1016    s0      = look $ scope ^. scopeCurrent
1017    scopes  = s0 : map look (scopeParents s0)
1018    look m  = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ Map.lookup m $ scope ^. scopeModules
1019    lookP   = restrictPrivate . look
1021    -- We start with the current module and all its parents and look through
1022    -- all their imports and submodules.
1023    chase seen [] = []
1024    chase seen (s : ss)
1025      | Set.member name seen = chase seen ss
1026      | otherwise = s : chase (Set.insert name seen) (imports ++ submods ++ ss)
1027      where
1028        -- #4166: only include things that are actually in scope here
1029        inscope x _ = isInScope x == InScope
1030        name    = scopeName s
1031        imports = map lookP $ Map.elems $ scopeImports s
1032        submods = map (lookP . amodName) $ concat $ Map.elems $ Map.filterWithKey inscope $ allNamesInScope s
1034-- | Compute a flattened scope. Only include unqualified names or names
1035-- qualified by modules in the first argument.
1036flattenScope :: [[C.Name]] -> ScopeInfo -> Map C.QName [AbstractName]
1037flattenScope ms scope =
1038  Map.unionWith (++)
1039    (build ms allNamesInScope root)
1040    imported
1041  where
1042    current = moduleScope $ scope ^. scopeCurrent
1043    root    = mergeScopes $ current : map moduleScope (scopeParents current)
1045    imported = Map.unionsWith (++)
1046               [ qual c (build ms' exportedNamesInScope $ moduleScope a)
1047               | (c, a) <- Map.toList $ scopeImports root
1048               , let -- get the suffixes of c in ms
1049                     ms' = mapMaybe (List.stripPrefix $ List1.toList $ C.qnameParts c) ms
1050               , not $ null ms' ]
1051    qual c = Map.mapKeys (q c)
1052      where
1053        q (C.QName x)  = C.Qual x
1054        q (C.Qual m x) = C.Qual m . q x
1056    build :: [[C.Name]] -> (forall a. InScope a => Scope -> ThingsInScope a) -> Scope -> Map C.QName [AbstractName]
1057    build ms getNames s = Map.unionsWith (++) $
1058        Map.mapKeysMonotonic C.QName (getNames s) :
1059          [ Map.mapKeysMonotonic (\ y -> C.Qual x y) $
1060              build ms' exportedNamesInScope $ moduleScope m
1061          | (x, mods) <- Map.toList (getNames s)
1062          , let ms' = [ tl | hd:tl <- ms, hd == x ]
1063          , not $ null ms'
1064          , AbsModule m _ <- mods ]
1066    moduleScope :: A.ModuleName -> Scope
1067    moduleScope m = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ Map.lookup m $ scope ^. scopeModules
1069-- | Get all concrete names in scope. Includes bound variables.
1070concreteNamesInScope :: ScopeInfo -> Set C.QName
1071concreteNamesInScope scope =
1072  Set.unions [ build allNamesInScope root, imported, locals ]
1073  where
1074    current = moduleScope $ scope ^. scopeCurrent
1075    root    = mergeScopes $ current : map moduleScope (scopeParents current)
1077    locals  = Set.fromList [ C.QName x | (x, _) <- scope ^. scopeLocals ]
1079    imported = Set.unions
1080               [ qual c (build exportedNamesInScope $ moduleScope a)
1081               | (c, a) <- Map.toList $ scopeImports root ]
1082    qual c = Set.map (q c)
1083      where
1084        q (C.QName x)  = C.Qual x
1085        q (C.Qual m x) = C.Qual m . q x
1087    build :: (forall a. InScope a => Scope -> ThingsInScope a) -> Scope -> Set C.QName
1088    build getNames s = Set.unions $
1089        Set.fromList (map C.QName $ Map.keys (getNames s :: ThingsInScope AbstractName)) :
1090          [ Set.mapMonotonic (\ y -> C.Qual x y) $
1091              build exportedNamesInScope $ moduleScope m
1092          | (x, mods) <- Map.toList (getNames s)
1093          , prettyShow x /= "_"
1094          , AbsModule m _ <- mods ]
1096    moduleScope :: A.ModuleName -> Scope
1097    moduleScope m = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ Map.lookup m $ scope ^. scopeModules
1099-- | Look up a name in the scope
1100scopeLookup :: InScope a => C.QName -> ScopeInfo -> [a]
1101scopeLookup q scope = map fst $ scopeLookup' q scope
1103scopeLookup' :: forall a. InScope a => C.QName -> ScopeInfo -> [(a, Access)]
1104scopeLookup' q scope =
1105  nubOn fst $
1106    findName q root ++ maybeToList topImports ++ imports
1107  where
1109    -- 1. Finding a name in the current scope and its parents.
1111    moduleScope :: A.ModuleName -> Scope
1112    moduleScope m = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ Map.lookup m $ scope ^. scopeModules
1114    current :: Scope
1115    current = moduleScope $ scope ^. scopeCurrent
1117    root    :: Scope
1118    root    = mergeScopes $ current : map moduleScope (scopeParents current)
1120    -- Find a concrete, possibly qualified name in scope @s@.
1121    findName :: forall a. InScope a => C.QName -> Scope -> [(a, Access)]
1122    findName q0 s = case q0 of
1123      C.QName x  -> lookupName x s
1124      C.Qual x q -> do
1125        let -- Get the modules named @x@ in scope @s@.
1126            mods :: [A.ModuleName]
1127            mods = amodName . fst <$> lookupName x s
1128            -- Get the definitions named @x@ in scope @s@ and interpret them as modules.
1129            -- Andreas, 2013-05-01: Issue 836 debates this feature:
1130            -- Qualified constructors are qualified by their datatype rather than a module
1131            defs :: [A.ModuleName] -- NB:: Defined but not used
1132            defs = qnameToMName . anameName . fst <$> lookupName x s
1133        -- Andreas, 2013-05-01:  Issue 836 complains about the feature
1134        -- that constructors can also be qualified by their datatype
1135        -- and projections by their record type.  This feature is off
1136        -- if we just consider the modules:
1137        m <- mods
1138        -- The feature is on if we consider also the data and record types:
1139        -- trace ("mods ++ defs = " ++ show (mods ++ defs)) $ do
1140        -- m <- nub $ mods ++ defs -- record types will appear both as a mod and a def
1141        -- Get the scope of module m, if any, and remove its private definitions.
1142        let ss  = Map.lookup m $ scope ^. scopeModules
1143            ss' = restrictPrivate <$> ss
1144        -- trace ("ss  = " ++ show ss ) $ do
1145        -- trace ("ss' = " ++ show ss') $ do
1146        s' <- maybeToList ss'
1147        findName q s'
1148      where
1149        lookupName :: forall a. InScope a => C.Name -> Scope -> [(a, Access)]
1150        lookupName x s = fromMaybe [] $ Map.lookup x $ allNamesInScope' s
1152    -- 2. Finding a name in the top imports.
1154    topImports :: Maybe (a, Access)
1155    topImports = case (inScopeTag :: InScopeTag a) of
1156      NameTag   -> Nothing
1157      ModuleTag -> first (`AbsModule` Defined) <$> imported q
1159    imported :: C.QName -> Maybe (A.ModuleName, Access)
1160    imported q = fmap (,PublicAccess) $ Map.lookup q $ scopeImports root
1162    -- 3. Finding a name in the imports belonging to an initial part of the qualifier.
1164    imports :: [(a, Access)]
1165    imports = do
1166      (m, x) <- splitName q
1167      m <- maybeToList $ fst <$> imported m
1168      findName x $ restrictPrivate $ moduleScope m
1170    -- return all possible splittings, e.g.
1171    -- splitName X.Y.Z = [(X, Y.Z), (X.Y, Z)]
1172    splitName :: C.QName -> [(C.QName, C.QName)]
1173    splitName (C.QName x)  = []
1174    splitName (C.Qual x q) =
1175      (C.QName x, q) : [ (C.Qual x m, r) | (m, r) <- splitName q ]
1178-- * Inverse look-up
1180data AllowAmbiguousNames
1181  = AmbiguousAnything
1182      -- ^ Used for instance arguments to check whether a name is in scope,
1183      --   but we do not care whether is is ambiguous
1184  | AmbiguousConProjs
1185      -- ^ Ambiguous constructors, projections, or pattern synonyms.
1186  | AmbiguousNothing
1187  deriving (Eq)
1189isNameInScope :: A.QName -> ScopeInfo -> Bool
1190isNameInScope q scope =
1191  billToPure [ Scoping, InverseScopeLookup ] $
1192  Set.member q (scope ^. scopeInScope)
1194isNameInScopeUnqualified :: A.QName -> ScopeInfo -> Bool
1195isNameInScopeUnqualified q scope =
1196  case inverseScopeLookupName' AmbiguousNothing q scope of
1197    C.QName{} : _ -> True -- NOTE: inverseScopeLookupName' puts unqualified names first
1198    _             -> False
1200-- | Find the concrete names that map (uniquely) to a given abstract qualified name.
1201--   Sort by number of modules in the qualified name, unqualified names first.
1202inverseScopeLookupName :: A.QName -> ScopeInfo -> [C.QName]
1203inverseScopeLookupName = inverseScopeLookupName' AmbiguousConProjs
1205inverseScopeLookupName' :: AllowAmbiguousNames -> A.QName -> ScopeInfo -> [C.QName]
1206inverseScopeLookupName' amb q scope =
1207  maybe [] (List1.toList . qnameConcrete) $ inverseScopeLookupName'' amb q scope
1209-- | A version of 'inverseScopeLookupName' that also delivers the 'KindOfName'.
1210--   Used in highlighting.
1211inverseScopeLookupName'' :: AllowAmbiguousNames -> A.QName -> ScopeInfo -> Maybe NameMapEntry
1212inverseScopeLookupName'' amb q scope = billToPure [ Scoping , InverseScopeLookup ] $ do
1213  NameMapEntry k xs <- Map.lookup q (scope ^. scopeInverseName)
1214  NameMapEntry k <$> do List1.nonEmpty $ best $ List1.filter unambiguousName xs
1215  where
1216    best :: [C.QName] -> [C.QName]
1217    best = List.sortOn $ length . C.qnameParts
1219    unique :: forall a . [a] -> Bool
1220    unique []      = __IMPOSSIBLE__
1221    unique [_]     = True
1222    unique (_:_:_) = False
1224    unambiguousName :: C.QName -> Bool
1225    unambiguousName q = or
1226      [ amb == AmbiguousAnything
1227      , unique xs
1228      , amb == AmbiguousConProjs && or
1229          [ all (isJust . isConName) (k:ks)
1230          , k `elem` [ FldName, PatternSynName ] && all (k ==) ks
1231          ]
1232      ]
1233      where
1234      xs   = scopeLookup q scope
1235      k:ks = map anameKind xs
1237-- | Find the concrete names that map (uniquely) to a given abstract module name.
1238--   Sort by length, shortest first.
1239inverseScopeLookupModule :: A.ModuleName -> ScopeInfo -> [C.QName]
1240inverseScopeLookupModule = inverseScopeLookupModule' AmbiguousNothing
1242inverseScopeLookupModule' :: AllowAmbiguousNames -> A.ModuleName -> ScopeInfo -> [C.QName]
1243inverseScopeLookupModule' amb m scope = billToPure [ Scoping , InverseScopeLookup ] $
1244  best $ filter unambiguousModule $ findModule m
1245  where
1246    findModule m = fromMaybe [] $ Map.lookup m (scope ^. scopeInverseModule)
1248    best :: [C.QName] -> [C.QName]
1249    best = List.sortOn $ length . C.qnameParts
1251    unique :: forall a . [a] -> Bool
1252    unique []      = __IMPOSSIBLE__
1253    unique [_]     = True
1254    unique (_:_:_) = False
1256    unambiguousModule q = amb == AmbiguousAnything || unique (scopeLookup q scope :: [AbstractModule])
1258recomputeInverseScopeMaps :: ScopeInfo -> ScopeInfo
1259recomputeInverseScopeMaps scope = billToPure [ Scoping , InverseScopeLookup ] $
1260  scope { _scopeInverseName   = nameMap
1261        , _scopeInverseModule = Map.fromList [ (x, findModule x) | x <- Map.keys moduleMap ++ Map.keys importMap ]
1262        , _scopeInScope       = nsInScope $ everythingInScopeQualified scope
1263        }
1264  where
1265    this = scope ^. scopeCurrent
1266    current = this : scopeParents (moduleScope this)
1267    scopes  = [ (m, restrict m s) | (m, s) <- Map.toList (scope ^. scopeModules) ]
1269    moduleScope :: A.ModuleName -> Scope
1270    moduleScope m = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ Map.lookup m $ scope ^. scopeModules
1272    restrict m s | m `elem` current = s
1273                 | otherwise = restrictPrivate s
1275    internalName :: C.QName -> Bool
1276    internalName C.QName{} = False
1277    internalName (C.Qual m n) = intern m || internalName n
1278      where
1279      -- Recognize fresh names created Parser.y
1280      intern (C.Name _ _ (C.Id ('.' : '#' : _) :| [])) = True
1281      intern _ = False
1283    findName :: Ord a => Map a [(A.ModuleName, C.Name)] -> a -> [C.QName]
1284    findName table q = do
1285      (m, x) <- fromMaybe [] $ Map.lookup q table
1286      if m `elem` current
1287        then return (C.QName x)
1288        else do
1289          y <- findModule m
1290          let z = C.qualify y x
1291          guard $ not $ internalName z
1292          return z
1294    findModule :: A.ModuleName -> [C.QName]
1295    findModule q = findName moduleMap q ++
1296                   fromMaybe [] (Map.lookup q importMap)
1298    importMap = Map.fromListWith (++) $ do
1299      (m, s) <- scopes
1300      (x, y) <- Map.toList $ scopeImports s
1301      return (y, singleton x)
1303    moduleMap = Map.fromListWith (++) $ do
1304      (m, s)  <- scopes
1305      (x, ms) <- Map.toList (allNamesInScope s)
1306      q       <- amodName <$> ms
1307      return (q, singleton (m, x))
1309    nameMap :: NameMap
1310    nameMap = Map.fromListWith (<>) $ do
1311      (m, s)  <- scopes
1312      (x, ms) <- Map.toList (allNamesInScope s)
1313      (q, k)  <- (anameName &&& anameKind) <$> ms
1314      let ret z = return (q, NameMapEntry k $ singleton z)
1315      if m `elem` current
1316        then ret $ C.QName x
1317        else do
1318          y <- findModule m
1319          let z = C.qualify y x
1320          guard $ not $ internalName z
1321          ret z
1324-- * Update binding site
1327-- | Set the 'nameBindingSite' in an abstract name.
1328class SetBindingSite a where
1329  setBindingSite :: Range -> a -> a
1331  default setBindingSite
1332    :: (SetBindingSite b, Functor t, t b ~ a)
1333    => Range -> a -> a
1334  setBindingSite = fmap . setBindingSite
1336instance SetBindingSite a => SetBindingSite [a]
1338instance SetBindingSite A.Name where
1339  setBindingSite r x = x { nameBindingSite = r }
1341instance SetBindingSite A.QName where
1342  setBindingSite r x = x { qnameName = setBindingSite r $ qnameName x }
1344-- | Sets the binding site of all names in the path.
1345instance SetBindingSite A.ModuleName where
1346  setBindingSite r (MName x) = MName $ setBindingSite r x
1348instance SetBindingSite AbstractName where
1349  setBindingSite r x = x { anameName = setBindingSite r $ anameName x }
1351instance SetBindingSite AbstractModule where
1352  setBindingSite r x = x { amodName = setBindingSite r $ amodName x }
1356-- * (Debug) printing
1359instance Pretty AbstractName where
1360  pretty = pretty . anameName
1362instance Pretty AbstractModule where
1363  pretty = pretty . amodName
1365instance Pretty NameSpaceId where
1366  pretty = text . \case
1367    PublicNS        -> "public"
1368    PrivateNS       -> "private"
1369    ImportedNS      -> "imported"
1371instance Pretty NameSpace where
1372  pretty = vcat . prettyNameSpace
1374prettyNameSpace :: NameSpace -> [Doc]
1375prettyNameSpace (NameSpace names mods _) =
1376    blockOfLines "names"   (map pr $ Map.toList names) ++
1377    blockOfLines "modules" (map pr $ Map.toList mods)
1378  where
1379    pr :: (Pretty a, Pretty b) => (a,b) -> Doc
1380    pr (x, y) = pretty x <+> "-->" <+> pretty y
1382instance Pretty Scope where
1383  pretty scope@Scope{ scopeName = name, scopeParents = parents, scopeImports = imps } =
1384    vcat $ concat
1385      [ [ "scope" <+> pretty name ]
1386      , scopeNameSpaces scope >>= \ (nsid, ns) -> do
1387          block (pretty nsid) $ prettyNameSpace ns
1388      , ifNull (Map.keys imps) [] {-else-} $ \ ks ->
1389          block "imports" [ prettyList ks ]
1390      ]
1391    where
1392    block :: Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
1393    block hd = map (nest 2) . blockOfLines hd
1395-- | Add first string only if list is non-empty.
1396blockOfLines :: Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
1397blockOfLines _  [] = []
1398blockOfLines hd ss = hd : map (nest 2) ss
1400instance Pretty ScopeInfo where
1401  pretty (ScopeInfo this mods toBind locals ctx _ _ _ _ _) = vcat $ concat
1402    [ [ "ScopeInfo"
1403      , nest 2 $ "current =" <+> pretty this
1404      ]
1405    , [ nest 2 $ "toBind  =" <+> pretty locals | not (null toBind) ]
1406    , [ nest 2 $ "locals  =" <+> pretty locals | not (null locals) ]
1407    , [ nest 2 $ "context =" <+> pretty ctx
1408      , nest 2 $ "modules"
1409      ]
1410    , map (nest 4 . pretty) $ Map.elems mods
1411    ]
1414-- * Boring instances
1417instance KillRange ScopeInfo where
1418  killRange m = m
1420instance HasRange AbstractName where
1421  getRange = getRange . anameName
1423instance SetRange AbstractName where
1424  setRange r x = x { anameName = setRange r $ anameName x }
1426instance NFData Scope
1427instance NFData DataOrRecordModule
1428instance NFData NameSpaceId
1429instance NFData ScopeInfo
1430instance NFData KindOfName
1431instance NFData NameMapEntry
1432instance NFData BindingSource
1433instance NFData LocalVar
1434instance NFData NameSpace
1435instance NFData NameOrModule
1436instance NFData WhyInScope
1437instance NFData AbstractName
1438instance NFData NameMetadata
1439instance NFData AbstractModule
1440instance NFData ResolvedName