2 /*
3     pitch.c:
5     Copyright (C) 1999 John ffitch, Istvan Varga, Peter Neubäcker,
6                        rasmus ekman, Phil Burk
8     This file is part of Csound.
10     The Csound Library is free software; you can redistribute it
11     and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
12     License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
13     version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15     Csound is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18     GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
20     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
21     License along with Csound; if not, write to the Free Software
22     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
23     02110-1301 USA
24 */
26 // #include "csdl.h"
27 #include "csoundCore.h"       /*                              PITCH.C         */
28 #include <math.h>
29 #include <limits.h>
30 #include "cwindow.h"
31 #include "spectra.h"
32 #include "pitch.h"
33 #include "uggab.h"
34 #include <inttypes.h>
36 #define STARTING  1
37 #define PLAYING   2
38 #define LOGTWO    (0.69314718055994530942)
MYFLOOR(MYFLT x)40 static inline int32 MYFLOOR(MYFLT x) {
41   if (x >= 0.0) {
42     return (int32) x;
43   } else {
44     return (int32) (x - FL(0.99999999));
45   }
46 }
48 static const MYFLT bicoefs[] = {
49     -FL(0.2674054), FL(0.7491305), FL(0.7160484), FL(0.0496285), FL(0.7160484),
50      FL(0.0505247), FL(0.3514850), FL(0.5257536), FL(0.3505025), FL(0.5257536),
51      FL(0.3661840), FL(0.0837990), FL(0.3867783), FL(0.6764264), FL(0.3867783)
52 };
54 #define rand_31(x) (x->Rand31(&(x->randSeed1)) - 1)
pitchset(CSOUND * csound,PITCH * p)56 int32_t pitchset(CSOUND *csound, PITCH *p)  /* pitch - uses spectra technology */
57 {
58     double  b;                          /* For RMS */
59     int32_t     n, nocts, nfreqs, ncoefs;
60     MYFLT   Q, *fltp;
61     OCTDAT  *octp;
62     DOWNDAT *dwnp = &p->downsig;
63     SPECDAT *specp = &p->wsig;
64     int32   npts, nptls, nn, lobin;
65     int32_t     *dstp, ptlmax;
66     MYFLT   fnfreqs, rolloff, *oct0p, *flop, *fhip, *fundp, *fendp, *fp;
67     MYFLT   weight, weightsum, dbthresh, ampthresh;
69                                 /* RMS of input signal */
70     b = 2.0 - cos(10.0*(double)csound->tpidsr);
71     p->c2 = b - sqrt(b * b - 1.0);
72     p->c1 = 1.0 - p->c2;
73     if (!*p->istor) p->prvq = 0.0;
74                                 /* End of rms */
75                                 /* Initialise spectrum */
76     /* for mac roundoff */
77     p->timcount = (int32_t)(CS_EKR * *p->iprd + FL(0.001));
78     nocts = (int32_t)*p->iocts; if (UNLIKELY(nocts<=0)) nocts = 6;
79     nfreqs = (int32_t)*p->ifrqs; if (UNLIKELY(nfreqs<=0)) nfreqs = 12;
80     ncoefs = nocts * nfreqs;
81     Q = *p->iq; if (UNLIKELY(Q<=FL(0.0))) Q = FL(15.0);
83     if (UNLIKELY(p->timcount <= 0))
84       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("illegal iprd"));
85     if (UNLIKELY(nocts > MAXOCTS))
86       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("illegal iocts"));
87     if (UNLIKELY(nfreqs > MAXFRQS))
88       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("illegal ifrqs"));
90     if (nocts != dwnp->nocts ||
91         nfreqs != p->nfreqs  || /* if anything has changed */
92         Q != p->curq ) {        /*     make new tables */
93       double      basfrq, curfrq, frqmlt, Qfactor;
94       double      theta, a, windamp, onedws, pidws;
95       MYFLT       *sinp, *cosp;
96       int32_t         k, sumk, windsiz, halfsiz, *wsizp, *woffp;
97       int32       auxsiz, bufsiz;
98       int32       majr, minr, totsamps;
99       double      hicps,locps,oct;      /*   must alloc anew */
101       p->nfreqs = nfreqs;
102       p->curq = Q;
103       p->ncoefs = ncoefs;
104       dwnp->srate = CS_ESR;
105       hicps = dwnp->srate * 0.375;            /* top freq is 3/4 pi/2 ...   */
106       oct = log(hicps / ONEPT) / LOGTWO;      /* octcps()  (see aops.c)     */
107       dwnp->looct = (MYFLT)(oct - nocts);     /* true oct val of lowest frq */
108       locps = hicps / (1L << nocts);
109       basfrq = hicps * 0.5;                   /* oct below retuned top */
110       frqmlt = pow(2.0,1.0/(double)nfreqs);   /* nfreq interval mult */
111       Qfactor = Q * dwnp->srate;
112       curfrq = basfrq;
113       for (sumk=0,wsizp=p->winlen,woffp=p->offset,n=nfreqs; n--; ) {
114         *wsizp++ = k = (int32_t)(Qfactor/curfrq) | 01;  /* calc odd wind sizes */
115         *woffp++ = (*(p->winlen) - k) / 2;          /* & symmetric offsets */
116         sumk += k;                                  /*    and find total   */
117         curfrq *= frqmlt;
118       }
119       windsiz = *(p->winlen);
120       auxsiz = (windsiz + 2*sumk) * sizeof(MYFLT);   /* calc lcl space rqd */
122       csound->AuxAlloc(csound, (size_t)auxsiz, &p->auxch1); /* & alloc auxspace  */
124       fltp = (MYFLT *) p->auxch1.auxp;
125       p->linbufp = fltp;      fltp += windsiz; /* linbuf must take nsamps */
126       p->sinp = sinp = fltp;  fltp += sumk;
127       p->cosp = cosp = fltp;                         /* cos gets rem sumk  */
128       wsizp = p->winlen;
129       curfrq = basfrq * TWOPI / dwnp->srate;
130       for (n = nfreqs; n--; ) {                      /* now fill tables */
131         windsiz = *wsizp++;                          /*  (odd win size) */
132         halfsiz = windsiz >> 1;
133         onedws = 1.0 / (windsiz-1);
134         pidws = PI / (windsiz-1);
135         for (k = -halfsiz; k<=halfsiz; k++) {        /*   with sines    */
136           a = cos(k * pidws);
137           windamp = 0.08 + 0.92 * a * a;             /*   times hamming */
138           windamp *= onedws;                         /*   scaled        */
139           theta = k * curfrq;
140           *sinp++ = (MYFLT)(windamp * sin(theta));
141           *cosp++ = (MYFLT)(windamp * cos(theta));
142         }
143         curfrq *= frqmlt;                        /*   step by log freq  */
144       }
145       dwnp->hifrq = (MYFLT)hicps;
146       dwnp->lofrq = (MYFLT)locps;
147       dwnp->nsamps = windsiz = *(p->winlen);
148       dwnp->nocts = nocts;
149       minr = windsiz >> 1;                  /* sep odd windsiz into maj, min */
150       majr = windsiz - minr;                /*      & calc totsamps reqd     */
151       totsamps = (majr*nocts) + (minr<<nocts) - minr;
152       DOWNset(csound, dwnp, totsamps);      /* auxalloc in DOWNDAT struct */
153       fltp = (MYFLT *) dwnp->auxch.auxp;    /*  & distrib to octdata */
154       for (n=nocts,octp=dwnp->octdata+(nocts-1); n--; octp--) {
155         bufsiz = majr + minr;
156         octp->begp = fltp;  fltp += bufsiz; /*        (lo oct first) */
157         octp->endp = fltp;  minr *= 2;
158       }
159       SPECset(csound, specp, (int32)ncoefs);/* prep the spec dspace */
160       specp->downsrcp = dwnp;               /*  & record its source */
161     }
162     for (octp=dwnp->octdata; nocts--; octp++) { /* reset all oct params, &  */
163       octp->curp = octp->begp;
164       memset(octp->feedback, '\0', 6*sizeof(MYFLT));
165       octp->scount = 0;
166     }
167     specp->nfreqs = p->nfreqs;               /* save the spec descriptors */
168     specp->dbout = 0;
169     specp->ktimstamp = 0;                    /* init specdata to not new  */
170     specp->ktimprd = p->timcount;
171     p->scountdown = p->timcount;             /* prime the spect countdown */
172                                              /* Start specptrk */
173     if ((npts = specp->npts) != p->winpts) {        /* if size has changed */
174       SPECset(csound, &p->wfund, (int32)npts);       /*   realloc for wfund */
175       p->wfund.downsrcp = specp->downsrcp;
176       p->fundp = (MYFLT *) p->wfund.auxch.auxp;
177       p->winpts = npts;
178     }
179     if (UNLIKELY(*p->inptls<=FL(0.0))) nptls = 4;
180     else nptls = (int32)*p->inptls;
181     if (UNLIKELY(nptls > MAXPTL)) {
182       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("illegal no of partials"));
183     }
184     if (UNLIKELY(*p->irolloff<=FL(0.0))) p->rolloff = FL(0.6);
185     else p->rolloff = *p->irolloff;
186     p->nptls = nptls;        /* number, whether all or odd */
187     ptlmax = nptls;
188     dstp = p->pdist;
189     fnfreqs = (MYFLT)specp->nfreqs;
190     for (nn = 1; nn <= ptlmax; nn++)
191       *dstp++ = (int32_t) ((LOG((MYFLT) nn) / (MYFLT)LOGTWO) * fnfreqs + FL(0.5));
192     if (UNLIKELY((rolloff = p->rolloff) == FL(0.0) ||
193                  rolloff == FL(1.0) || nptls == 1)) {
194       p->rolloff = FL(0.0);
195       weightsum = (MYFLT)nptls;
196     }
197     else {
198       MYFLT *fltp = p->pmult;
199       MYFLT octdrop = (FL(1.0) - rolloff) / fnfreqs;
200       weightsum = FL(0.0);
201       for (dstp = p->pdist, nn = nptls; nn--; ) {
202         weight     = FL(1.0) - octdrop * *dstp++; /* rolloff * octdistance */
203         weightsum += weight;
204         *fltp++    = weight;
205       }
206       if (UNLIKELY(*--fltp < FL(0.0))) {
207         return csound->InitError(csound, Str("per octave rolloff too steep"));
208       }
209       p->rolloff = 1;
210     }
211     lobin = (int32)(specp->downsrcp->looct * fnfreqs);
212     oct0p = p->fundp - lobin;           /* virtual loc of oct 0 */
214     flop = oct0p + (int32_t)(*p->ilo * fnfreqs);
215     fhip = oct0p + (int32_t)(*p->ihi * fnfreqs);
216     fundp = p->fundp;
217     fendp = fundp + specp->npts;
218     if (flop < fundp) flop = fundp;
219     if (UNLIKELY(fhip > fendp)) fhip = fendp;
220     if (UNLIKELY(flop >= fhip)) {                 /* chk hi-lo range valid */
221       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("illegal lo-hi values"));
222     }
223     for (fp = fundp; fp < flop; )
224       *fp++ = FL(0.0);                  /* clear unused lo and hi range */
225     for (fp = fhip; fp < fendp; )
226       *fp++ = FL(0.0);
228     dbthresh = *p->idbthresh;           /* thresholds: */
229     ampthresh = (MYFLT)exp((double)dbthresh * LOG10D20);
230     p->threshon = ampthresh;            /* mag */
231     p->threshoff = ampthresh * FL(0.5);
232     p->threshon *= weightsum;
233     p->threshoff *= weightsum;
234     p->oct0p = oct0p;                   /* virtual loc of oct 0 */
235     p->confact = *p->iconf;
236     p->flop = flop;
237     p->fhip = fhip;
238     p->playing = 0;
239     p->kvalsav = (*p->istrt>=FL(0.0) ? *p->istrt : (*p->ilo+*p->ihi)*FL(0.5));
240     p->kval = p->kinc = FL(0.0);
241     p->kavl = p->kanc = FL(0.0);
242     p->jmpcount =  0;
243     return OK;
244 }
pitch(CSOUND * csound,PITCH * p)246 int32_t pitch(CSOUND *csound, PITCH *p)
247 {
248     MYFLT       *asig;
249     double      q;
250     double      c1 = p->c1, c2 = p->c2;
252     MYFLT   a, b, *dftp, SIG, yt1, yt2;
253     uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
254     uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
255     uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
256     int32_t     nocts, winlen;
257     DOWNDAT *downp = &p->downsig;
258     OCTDAT  *octp;
259     SPECDAT *specp;
260     MYFLT  c;
261     MYFLT  kvar;
262                                 /* RMS */
263     q = p->prvq;
264     asig = p->asig;
265     if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(asig, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
266     if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
267       nsmps -= early;
268       memset(&asig[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
269     }
270     for (n=offset; n<nsmps; n++) {
271       MYFLT as = asig[n]*DFLT_DBFS/csound->e0dbfs; /* Normalise.... */
272       q = c1 * as * as + c2 * q;
273       SIG = as;                              /* for each source sample: */
274       octp = downp->octdata;                /*   align onto top octave */
275       nocts = downp->nocts;
276       do {                                  /*   then for each oct:    */
277         const MYFLT *coefp;
278         MYFLT *ytp, *curp;
279         int32_t   nfilt;
280         curp = octp->curp;
281         *curp++ = SIG;                      /*  write samp to cur buf  */
282         if (UNLIKELY(curp >= octp->endp))
283           curp = octp->begp;                /*    & modulo the pointer */
284         octp->curp = curp;
285         if (UNLIKELY(!(--nocts)))  break;   /*  if lastoct, break      */
286         coefp = bicoefs;  ytp = octp->feedback;
287         for (nfilt = 3; nfilt--; ) {        /*  apply triple biquad:   */
288           yt2    = *ytp++; yt1 = *ytp--;          /* get prev feedback */
289           SIG   -= (*coefp++ * yt1);              /* apply recurs filt */
290           SIG   -= (*coefp++ * yt2);
291           *ytp++ = yt1; *ytp++ = SIG;             /* stor nxt feedback */
292           SIG   *= *coefp++;
293           SIG   += (*coefp++ * yt1);              /* apply forwrd filt */
294           SIG   += (*coefp++ * yt2);
295         }
296       } while (!(++octp->scount & 01) && octp++); /* send alt samps to nxtoct */
297     }
298     p->prvq = q;
299     kvar = SQRT((MYFLT)q);       /* End of spectrum part */
301     specp = &p->wsig;
302     if (LIKELY((--p->scountdown))) goto nxt;  /* if not yet time for new spec  */
303     p->scountdown = p->timcount;          /* else reset counter & proceed: */
304     downp = &p->downsig;
305     nocts = downp->nocts;
306     octp = downp->octdata + nocts;
307     dftp = (MYFLT *) specp->auxch.auxp;
308     winlen = *(p->winlen);
309     while (nocts--) {
310       MYFLT  *bufp, *sinp, *cosp;
311       int32_t    len, *lenp, *offp, nfreqs;
312       MYFLT  *begp, *curp, *endp, *linbufp;
313       int32_t    len2;
314       octp--;                                 /* for each oct (low to high) */
315       begp = octp->begp;
316       curp = octp->curp;
317       endp = octp->endp;
318       if (UNLIKELY((len = endp - curp) >= winlen)) /*   if no wrap          */
319         linbufp = curp;                       /*     use samples in circbuf */
320       else {
321         len2 = winlen - len;
322         linbufp = bufp = p->linbufp;          /*   else cp crcbuf to linbuf */
323         while (len--)
324           *bufp++ = *curp++;
325         curp = begp;
326         while (len2--)
327           *bufp++ = *curp++;
328       }
329       cosp = p->cosp;                         /*   get start windowed sines */
330       sinp = p->sinp;
331       lenp = p->winlen;
332       offp = p->offset;
333       for (nfreqs=p->nfreqs; nfreqs--; ) {    /*   now for ea. frq this oct */
334         a = FL(0.0);
335         b = FL(0.0);
336         bufp = linbufp + *offp++;
337         for (len = *lenp++; len--; bufp++) {  /* apply windowed sine seg */
338           a += *bufp * *cosp++;
339           b += *bufp * *sinp++;
340         }
341         c = HYPOT(a, b);                      /* get magnitude    */
342         *dftp++ = c;                          /* store in out spectrum   */
343       }
344     }
345     specp->ktimstamp = CS_KCNT;      /* time-stamp the output   */
347  nxt:
348                                 /* specptrk */
349     {
350       MYFLT *inp = (MYFLT *) specp->auxch.auxp;
351       MYFLT *endp = inp + specp->npts;
352       MYFLT *inp2, sum, *fp;
353       int32_t   nn, *pdist, confirms;
354       MYFLT kval, fmax, *fmaxp, absdiff, realbin;
355       MYFLT *flop, *fhip, *ilop, *ihip, a, b, c, denom, delta;
356       int32 lobin, hibin;
358       if (UNLIKELY(inp==NULL)) goto err1;            /* RWD fix */
359       kval = p->playing == PLAYING ? p->kval : p->kvalsav;
360       lobin = (int32)((kval - kvar) * specp->nfreqs);/* set lims of frq interest */
361       hibin = (int32)((kval + kvar) * specp->nfreqs);
362       if ((flop = p->oct0p + lobin) < p->flop)  /*       as fundp bin pntrs */
363         flop = p->flop;
364       if ((fhip = p->oct0p + hibin) > p->fhip)  /*       within hard limits */
365         fhip = p->fhip;
366       ilop = inp + (flop - p->fundp);           /* similar for input bins   */
367       ihip = inp + (fhip - p->fundp);
368       inp = ilop;
369       fp = flop;
370       if (p->rolloff) {
371         MYFLT *pmult;
372         do {
373           sum = *inp;
374           pdist = p->pdist + 1;
375           pmult = p->pmult + 1;
376           for (nn = p->nptls; --nn; ) {
377             if ((inp2 = inp + *pdist++) >= endp)
378               break;
379             sum += *inp2 * *pmult++;
380           }
381           *fp++ = sum;
382         } while (++inp < ihip);
383       }
384       else {
385         do {
386           sum = *inp;
387           pdist = p->pdist + 1;
388           for (nn = p->nptls; --nn; ) {
389             if ((inp2 = inp + *pdist++) >= endp)
390               break;
391             sum += *inp2;
392           }
393           *fp++ = sum;
394         } while (++inp < ihip);
395       }
396       fp = flop;                               /* now srch fbins for peak */
397       for (fmaxp = fp, fmax = *fp; ++fp<fhip; )
398         if (UNLIKELY(*fp > fmax)) {
399           fmax = *fp;
400           fmaxp = fp;
401         }
402       if (!p->playing) {
403         if (fmax > p->threshon)         /* not playing & threshon? */
404           p->playing = STARTING;        /*   prepare to turn on    */
405         else goto output;
406       }
407       else {
408         if (fmax < p->threshoff) {      /* playing & threshoff ? */
409           if (p->playing == PLAYING)
410             p->kvalsav = p->kval;       /*   save val & turn off */
411           p->kval = FL(0.0);
412           p->kavl = FL(0.0);
413           p->kinc = FL(0.0);
414           p->kanc = FL(0.0);
415           p->playing = 0;
416           goto output;
417         }
418       }
419       a = fmaxp>flop ? *(fmaxp-1) : FL(0.0);    /* calc a refined bin no */
420       b = fmax;
421       c = fmaxp<fhip-1 ? *(fmaxp+1) : FL(0.0);
422       if (b < FL(2.0) * (a + c))
423         denom = b + b - a - c;
424       else denom = a + b + c;
425       if (denom != FL(0.0))
426         delta = FL(0.5) * (c - a) / denom;
427       else delta = FL(0.0);
428       realbin = (fmaxp - p->oct0p) + delta;     /* get modified bin number  */
429       kval = realbin / specp->nfreqs;           /*     & cvt to true decoct */
431       if (p->playing == STARTING) {             /* STARTING mode:           */
432         absdiff = FABS(kval - p->kvalsav);// < FL(0.0)) absdiff = -absdiff;
433         confirms = (int32_t)(absdiff * p->confact); /* get interval dependency  */
434         if (UNLIKELY(p->jmpcount < confirms)) {
435           p->jmpcount += 1;               /* if not enough confirms,  */
436           goto output;                    /*    must wait some more   */
437         } else {
438           p->playing = PLAYING;           /* else switch on playing   */
439           p->jmpcount = 0;
440           p->kval = kval;                 /*    but suppress interp   */
441           p->kinc = FL(0.0);
442         }
443       } else {                                  /* PLAYING mode:            */
444         absdiff = FABS(kval - p->kval);
445         confirms = (int32_t)(absdiff * p->confact); /* get interval dependency  */
446         if (p->jmpcount < confirms) {
447           p->jmpcount += 1;               /* if not enough confirms,  */
448           p->kinc = FL(0.0);              /*    must wait some more   */
449         } else {
450           p->jmpcount = 0;                /* else OK to jump interval */
451           p->kval = kval;
452         }
453       }
454       fmax += delta * (c - a) * FL(0.25); /* get modified amp */
455       p->kavl = fmax;
456     }
457  output:
458     *p->koct = p->kval;                   /* output true decoct & amp */
459     *p->kamp = p->kavl * FL(4.0);
460     return OK;
461  err1:
462     return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h),
463                              Str("pitch: not initialised"));
464 }
466 /* Multiply and accumulate opcodes */
macset(CSOUND * csound,SUM * p)468 int32_t macset(CSOUND *csound, SUM *p)
469 {
470     if (UNLIKELY((((int32_t)p->INOCOUNT)&1)==1)) {
471       return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h),
472                                Str("Must have even number of arguments in mac\n"));
473     }
474     return OK;
475 }
maca(CSOUND * csound,SUM * p)477 int32_t maca(CSOUND *csound, SUM *p)
478 {
479     IGN(csound);
480     uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
481     uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
482     uint32_t k, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
483     int32_t count=(int32_t) p->INOCOUNT, j;
484     MYFLT *ar = p->ar, **args = p->argums;
486     if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(ar, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
487     if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
488       nsmps -= early;
489       memset(&ar[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
490     }
491     for (k=offset; k<nsmps; k++) {
492       MYFLT ans = FL(0.0);
493       for (j=0; j<count; j +=2)
494         ans += args[j][k] * args[j+1][k];
495       ar[k] = ans;
496     }
497     return OK;
498 }
mac(CSOUND * csound,SUM * p)500 int32_t mac(CSOUND *csound, SUM *p)
501 {
502     IGN(csound);
503     uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
504     uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
505     uint32_t k, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
506     int32_t count=(int32_t) p->INOCOUNT, j;
507     MYFLT *ar = p->ar, **args = p->argums;
508     if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(ar, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
509     if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
510       nsmps -= early;
511       memset(&ar[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
512     }
513     for (k=offset; k<nsmps; k++) {
514       MYFLT ans = FL(0.0);
515       for (j=0; j<count; j +=2)
516         ans += *args[j] * args[j+1][k];
517       ar[k] = ans;
518     }
519     return OK;
520 }
522 typedef struct {
523     RTCLOCK r;
524     double  counters[33];
525     int32_t     running[33];
526 } CPU_CLOCK;
initClockStruct(CSOUND * csound,void ** p)528 static void initClockStruct(CSOUND *csound, void **p)
529 {
530     *p = csound->QueryGlobalVariable(csound, "readClock::counters");
531     if (UNLIKELY(*p == NULL)) {
532       csound->CreateGlobalVariable(csound, "readClock::counters",
533                                            sizeof(CPU_CLOCK));
534       *p = csound->QueryGlobalVariable(csound, "readClock::counters");
535       csound->InitTimerStruct(&(((CPU_CLOCK*) (*p))->r));
536     }
537 }
getClockStruct(CSOUND * csound,void ** p)539 static inline CPU_CLOCK *getClockStruct(CSOUND *csound, void **p)
540 {
541     if (UNLIKELY(*p == NULL))
542       initClockStruct(csound, p);
543     return (CPU_CLOCK*) (*p);
544 }
clockset(CSOUND * csound,CLOCK * p)546 int32_t clockset(CSOUND *csound, CLOCK *p)
547 {
548    IGN(csound);
549     p->c = (int32_t)*p->cnt;
550     if (UNLIKELY(p->c < 0 || p->c > 31))
551       p->c = 32;
552     return OK;
553 }
clockon(CSOUND * csound,CLOCK * p)555 int32_t clockon(CSOUND *csound, CLOCK *p)
556 {
557     CPU_CLOCK *clk = getClockStruct(csound, &(p->clk));
558     if (LIKELY(!clk->running[p->c])) {
559       clk->running[p->c] = 1;
560       clk->counters[p->c] -= csound->GetCPUTime(&(clk->r));
561     }
562     return OK;
563 }
clockoff(CSOUND * csound,CLOCK * p)565 int32_t clockoff(CSOUND *csound, CLOCK *p)
566 {
567     CPU_CLOCK *clk = getClockStruct(csound, &(p->clk));
568     if (LIKELY(clk->running[p->c])) {
569       clk->running[p->c] = 0;
570       clk->counters[p->c] += csound->GetCPUTime(&(clk->r));
571     }
572     return OK;
573 }
clockread(CSOUND * csound,CLKRD * p)575 int32_t clockread(CSOUND *csound, CLKRD *p)
576 {
577     CPU_CLOCK *clk = getClockStruct(csound, &(p->clk));
578     int32_t cnt = (int32_t) *p->a;
579     if (UNLIKELY(cnt < 0 || cnt > 32)) cnt = 32;
580     if (UNLIKELY(clk->running[cnt]))
581       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("clockread: clock still running, "
582                                            "call clockoff first"));
583     /* result in ms */
584     printf("readclock%d: %g\n", cnt, clk->counters[cnt]);
586     *p->r = (MYFLT) (clk->counters[cnt] * 1000.0);
587     return OK;
588 }
scratchread(CSOUND * csound,SCRATCHPAD * p)590 int32_t scratchread(CSOUND *csound, SCRATCHPAD *p)
591 {
592     int32_t index = MYFLT2LRND(*p->index);
593     if (index<0 || index>3)
594       return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h),
595                                Str("scratchpad index out of range"));
596     *p->val = p->h.insdshead->scratchpad[index];
597     return OK;
598 }
scratchwrite(CSOUND * csound,SCRATCHPAD * p)600 int32_t scratchwrite(CSOUND *csound, SCRATCHPAD *p)
601 {
602     int32_t index = MYFLT2LRND(*p->index);
603     if (index<0 || index>3)
604       return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h),
605                                Str("scratchpad index out of range"));
606     p->h.insdshead->scratchpad[index] = *p->val;
607     return OK;
608 }
611 /* ************************************************************ */
612 /* Opcodes from Peter Neubäcker                                 */
613 /* ************************************************************ */
adsyntset(CSOUND * csound,ADSYNT * p)615 int32_t adsyntset(CSOUND *csound, ADSYNT *p)
616 {
617     FUNC    *ftp;
618     uint32_t     count;
619     int32   *lphs;
621     p->inerr = 0;
623     if (LIKELY((ftp = csound->FTFind(csound, p->ifn)) != NULL)) {
624       p->ftp = ftp;
625     }
626     else {
627       p->inerr = 1;
628       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("adsynt: wavetable not found!"));
629     }
631     count = (uint32_t)*p->icnt;
632     if (UNLIKELY(count < 1))
633       count = 1;
634     p->count = count;
636     if (LIKELY((ftp = csound->FTnp2Find(csound, p->ifreqtbl)) != NULL)) {
637       p->freqtp = ftp;
638     }
639     else {
640       p->inerr = 1;
641       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("adsynt: freqtable not found!"));
642     }
643     if (UNLIKELY(ftp->flen < count)) {
644       p->inerr = 1;
645       return csound->InitError(csound, Str(
646                     "adsynt: partial count is greater than freqtable size!"));
647     }
649     if (LIKELY((ftp = csound->FTnp2Find(csound, p->iamptbl)) != NULL)) {
650       p->amptp = ftp;
651     }
652     else {
653       p->inerr = 1;
654       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("adsynt: amptable not found!"));
655     }
656     if (UNLIKELY(ftp->flen < count)) {
657       p->inerr = 1;
658       return csound->InitError(csound, Str(
659                     "adsynt: partial count is greater than amptable size!"));
660     }
662     if (p->lphs.auxp==NULL || p->lphs.size < (size_t)sizeof(int32)*count)
663       csound->AuxAlloc(csound, sizeof(int32)*count, &p->lphs);
665     lphs = (int32*)p->lphs.auxp;
666     if (*p->iphs > 1) {
667       do {
668         *lphs++ = ((int32) ((MYFLT) ((double) rand_31(csound) / 2147483645.0)
669                            * FMAXLEN)) & PHMASK;
670       } while (--count);
671     }
672     else if (*p->iphs >= 0) {
673       do {
674         *lphs++ = ((int32) (*p->iphs * FMAXLEN)) & PHMASK;
675       } while (--count);
676     }
678     return OK;
679 }
adsynt(CSOUND * csound,ADSYNT * p)681 int32_t adsynt(CSOUND *csound, ADSYNT *p)
682 {
683     FUNC    *ftp, *freqtp, *amptp;
684     MYFLT   *ar, *ftbl, *freqtbl, *amptbl;
685     MYFLT    amp0, amp, cps0, cps;
686     int32    phs, inc, lobits;
687     int32   *lphs;
688     uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
689     uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
690     uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
691     int32_t      c, count;
693     if (UNLIKELY(p->inerr)) {
694       return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h),
695                                Str("adsynt: not initialised"));
696     }
697     ftp = p->ftp;
698     ftbl = ftp->ftable;
699     lobits = ftp->lobits;
700     freqtp = p->freqtp;
701     freqtbl = freqtp->ftable;
702     amptp = p->amptp;
703     amptbl = amptp->ftable;
704     lphs = (int32*)p->lphs.auxp;
706     cps0 = *p->kcps;
707     amp0 = *p->kamp;
708     count = p->count;
710     ar = p->sr;
711     memset(ar, 0, nsmps*sizeof(MYFLT));
712     if (UNLIKELY(early)) nsmps -= early;
714     for (c=0; c<count; c++) {
715       amp = amptbl[c] * amp0;
716       cps = freqtbl[c] * cps0;
717       inc = (int32) (cps * csound->sicvt);
718       phs = lphs[c];
719       for (n=offset; n<nsmps; n++) {
720         ar[n] += *(ftbl + (phs >> lobits)) * amp;
721         phs += inc;
722         phs &= PHMASK;
723       }
724       lphs[c] = phs;
725     }
726     return OK;
727 }
hsboscset(CSOUND * csound,HSBOSC * p)729 int32_t hsboscset(CSOUND *csound, HSBOSC *p)
730 {
731     FUNC        *ftp;
732     int32_t         octcnt, i;
734     if (LIKELY((ftp = csound->FTnp2Finde(csound, p->ifn)) != NULL)) {
735       p->ftp = ftp;
736       if (UNLIKELY(*p->ioctcnt < 2))
737         octcnt = 3;
738       else
739         octcnt = (int32_t)*p->ioctcnt;
740       if (UNLIKELY(octcnt > 10))
741         octcnt = 10;
742       p->octcnt = octcnt;
743       if (*p->iphs >= 0) {
744         for (i=0; i<octcnt; i++)
745           p->lphs[i] = ((int32)(*p->iphs * FMAXLEN)) & PHMASK;
746       }
747     }
748     else p->ftp = NULL;
749     if (LIKELY((ftp = csound->FTnp2Finde(csound, p->imixtbl)) != NULL)) {
750       p->mixtp = ftp;
751     }
752     else p->mixtp = NULL;
753     return OK;
754 }
hsboscil(CSOUND * csound,HSBOSC * p)756 int32_t hsboscil(CSOUND *csound, HSBOSC   *p)
757 {
758     FUNC        *ftp, *mixtp;
759     MYFLT       fract, v1, amp0, amp, *ar, *ftab, *mtab;
760     int32       phs, inc, lobits;
761     int32       phases[10];
762     uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
763     uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
764     uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
765     MYFLT       tonal, bright, freq, ampscl;
766     int32_t         octcnt = p->octcnt;
767     MYFLT       octstart, octoffs, octbase;
768     int32_t         octshift, i, mtablen;
769     MYFLT       hesr = CS_ESR / FL(2.0);
771     ftp = p->ftp;
772     mixtp = p->mixtp;
773     if (UNLIKELY(ftp==NULL || mixtp==NULL)) {
774       return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h),
775                                Str("hsboscil: not initialised"));
776     }
778     tonal = *p->ktona;
779     tonal -= MYFLOOR(tonal);
780     bright = *p->kbrite - tonal;
781     octstart = bright - (MYFLT)octcnt * FL(0.5);
782     octbase = MYFLOOR(MYFLOOR(octstart) + FL(1.5));
783     octoffs = octbase - octstart;
785     mtab = mixtp->ftable;
786     mtablen = mixtp->flen;
787     freq = *p->ibasef * POWER(FL(2.0), tonal + octbase);
789     ampscl = mtab[(int32_t)((1.0 / (MYFLT)octcnt) * mtablen)];
790     amp = mtab[(int32_t)((octoffs / (MYFLT)octcnt) * mtablen)];
791     if ((amp - p->prevamp) > (ampscl * FL(0.5)))
792       octshift = 1;
793     else if ((amp - p->prevamp) < (-(ampscl * FL(0.5))))
794       octshift = -1;
795     else
796       octshift = 0;
797     p->prevamp = amp;
799     ampscl = FL(0.0);
800     for (i=0; i<octcnt; i++) {
801       phases[i] = p->lphs[(i+octshift+100*octcnt) % octcnt];
802       ampscl += mtab[(int32_t)(((MYFLT)i / (MYFLT)octcnt) * mtablen)];
803     }
805     amp0 = *p->kamp / ampscl;
806     lobits = ftp->lobits;
807     ar = p->sr;
808     memset(ar, 0, nsmps*sizeof(MYFLT));
809     if (UNLIKELY(early)) nsmps -= early;
811     for (i=0; i<octcnt; i++) {
812       phs = phases[i];
813       amp = mtab[(int32_t)((octoffs / (MYFLT)octcnt) * mtablen)] * amp0;
814       if (UNLIKELY(freq > hesr))
815         amp = FL(0.0);
816       inc = (int32)(freq * csound->sicvt);
817       for (n=offset; n<nsmps; n++) {
818         fract = PFRAC(phs);
819         ftab = ftp->ftable + (phs >> lobits);
820         v1 = *ftab++;
821         ar[n] += (v1 + (*ftab - v1) * fract) * amp;
822         phs += inc;
823         phs &= PHMASK;
824       }
825       p->lphs[i] = phs;
827       octoffs += FL(1.0);
828       freq *= FL(2.0);
829     }
830     return OK;
831 }
pitchamdfset(CSOUND * csound,PITCHAMDF * p)833 int32_t pitchamdfset(CSOUND *csound, PITCHAMDF *p)
834 {
835     MYFLT srate, downs;
836     int32  size, minperi, maxperi, downsamp, upsamp, msize, bufsize;
837     uint32_t interval;
838     uint32_t nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
840     p->inerr = 0;
842     downs = *p->idowns;
843     if (downs < (-FL(1.9))) {
844       upsamp = (int32_t)MYFLT2LONG((-downs));
845       downsamp = 0;
846       srate = CS_ESR * (MYFLT)upsamp;
847     }
848     else {
849       downsamp = (int32_t)MYFLT2LONG(downs);
850       if (UNLIKELY(downsamp < 1))
851         downsamp = 1;
852       srate = CS_ESR / (MYFLT)downsamp;
853       upsamp = 0;
854     }
856     minperi = (int32)(srate / *p->imaxcps);
857     maxperi = (int32)(FL(0.5)+srate / *p->imincps);
858     if (UNLIKELY(maxperi <= minperi)) {
859       p->inerr = 1;
860       return csound->InitError(csound,
861                                Str("pitchamdf: maxcps must be > mincps !"));
862     }
864     if (*p->iexcps < 1)
865         interval = maxperi;
866     else
867         interval = (uint32_t)(srate / *p->iexcps);
868     if (interval < nsmps) {
869       if (downsamp)
870         interval = nsmps / downsamp;
871       else
872         interval = nsmps * upsamp;
873     }
875     size = maxperi + interval;
876     bufsize = sizeof(MYFLT)*(size + maxperi + 2);
878     p->srate = srate;
879     p->downsamp = downsamp;
880     p->upsamp = upsamp;
881     p->minperi = minperi;
882     p->maxperi = maxperi;
883     p->size = size;
884     p->readp = 0;
885     p->index = 0;
886     p->lastval = FL(0.0);
887     if (*p->icps < 1)
888         p->peri = (minperi + maxperi) / 2;
889     else
890         p->peri = (int32_t)(srate / *p->icps);
892     if (*p->irmsmedi < 1)
893         p->rmsmedisize = 0;
894     else
895       p->rmsmedisize = ((int32_t)MYFLT2LONG(*p->irmsmedi))*2+1;
896     p->rmsmediptr = 0;
898     if (p->rmsmedisize) {
899       msize = p->rmsmedisize * 3 * sizeof(MYFLT);
900       if (p->rmsmedian.auxp==NULL || p->rmsmedian.size < (size_t)msize)
901         csound->AuxAlloc(csound, msize, &p->rmsmedian);
902       else {
903         memset(p->rmsmedian.auxp, 0, msize);
904       }
905     }
907     if (*p->imedi < 1)
908       p->medisize = 0;
909     else
910       p->medisize = (int32_t)MYFLT2LONG(*p->imedi)*2+1;
911     p->mediptr = 0;
913     if (p->medisize) {
914       msize = p->medisize * 3 * sizeof(MYFLT);
915       if (p->median.auxp==NULL || p->median.size < (size_t)msize)
916         csound->AuxAlloc(csound, (size_t)msize, &p->median);
917       else {
918         memset(p->median.auxp, 0, msize);
919       }
920     }
922     if (p->buffer.auxp==NULL || p->buffer.size < (size_t)bufsize) {
923       csound->AuxAlloc(csound, bufsize, &p->buffer);
924     }
925     else
926       memset(p->buffer.auxp, 0, bufsize);
927     return OK;
928 }
930 #define SWAP(a,b) temp=(a);(a)=(b);(b)=temp
medianvalue(uint32 n,MYFLT * vals)932 MYFLT medianvalue(uint32 n, MYFLT *vals)
933 {   /* vals must point to 1 below relevant data! */
934     uint32 i, ir, j, l, mid;
935     uint32 k = (n + 1) / 2;
936     MYFLT a, temp;
938     l = 1;
939     ir = n;
940     while (1) {
941       if (ir <= l+1) {
942         if (ir == l+1 && vals[ir] < vals[l]) {
943           SWAP(vals[l], vals[ir]);
944         }
945         return vals[k];
946       }
947       else {
948         mid = (l+ir) >> 1;
949         SWAP(vals[mid], vals[l+1]);
950         if (vals[l+1] > vals[ir]) {
951           SWAP(vals[l+1], vals[ir]);
952         }
953         if (vals[l] > vals[ir]) {
954           SWAP(vals[l], vals[ir]);
955         }
956         if (vals[l+1] > vals[l]) {
957           SWAP(vals[l+1], vals[l]);
958         }
959         i = l + 1;
960         j = ir;
961         a = vals[l];
962         while (1) {
963           do i++; while (vals[i] < a);
964           do j--; while (vals[j] > a);
965           if (UNLIKELY(j < i)) break;
966           SWAP(vals[i], vals[j]);
967         }
968         vals[l] = vals[j];
969         vals[j] = a;
970         if (j >= k) ir = j-1;
971         if (j <= k) l = i;
972       }
973     }
974 }
975 #undef SWAP
pitchamdf(CSOUND * csound,PITCHAMDF * p)977 int32_t pitchamdf(CSOUND *csound, PITCHAMDF *p)
978 {
979     MYFLT *buffer = (MYFLT*)p->buffer.auxp;
980     MYFLT *rmsmedian = (MYFLT*)p->rmsmedian.auxp;
981     int32  rmsmedisize = p->rmsmedisize;
982     int32  rmsmediptr = p->rmsmediptr;
983     MYFLT *median = (MYFLT*)p->median.auxp;
984     int32  medisize = p->medisize;
985     int32  mediptr = p->mediptr;
986     int32  size = p->size;
987     int32  index = p->index;
988     int32  minperi = p->minperi;
989     int32  maxperi = p->maxperi;
990     MYFLT *asig = p->asig;
991     MYFLT  srate = p->srate;
992     int32  peri = p->peri;
993     int32  upsamp = p->upsamp;
994     MYFLT  upsmp = (MYFLT)upsamp;
995     MYFLT  lastval = p->lastval;
996     MYFLT  newval, delta;
997     int32  readp = p->readp;
998     int32  interval = size - maxperi;
999     int32_t    nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
1000     int32_t    i;
1001     int32  i1, i2;
1002     MYFLT  val, rms;
1003     double sum;
1004     MYFLT  acc, accmin, diff;
1006     if (UNLIKELY(p->inerr)) {
1007       return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h),
1008                                Str("pitchamdf: not initialised"));
1009     }
1011     if (upsamp) {
1012       while (1) {
1013         newval = asig[readp++];
1014         delta = (newval-lastval) / upsmp;
1015         lastval = newval;
1017         for (i=0; i<upsamp; i++) {
1018           newval += delta;
1019           buffer[index++] = newval;
1021           if (index == size) {
1022             peri = minperi;
1023             accmin = FL(0.0);
1024             for (i2 = 0; i2 < size; ++i2) {
1025               diff = buffer[i2+minperi] - buffer[i2];
1026               if (diff > 0) accmin += diff;
1027               else          accmin -= diff;
1028             }
1029             for (i1 = minperi + 1; i1 <= maxperi; ++i1) {
1030               acc = FL(0.0);
1031               for (i2 = 0; i2 < size; ++i2) {
1032                 diff = buffer[i1+i2] - buffer[i2];
1033                 if (diff > 0) acc += diff;
1034                 else          acc -= diff;
1035               }
1036               if (acc < accmin) {
1037                 accmin = acc;
1038                 peri = i1;
1039               }
1040             }
1042             for (i1 = 0; i1 < interval; i1++)
1043               buffer[i1] = buffer[i1+interval];
1044             index = maxperi;
1046             if (medisize) {
1047               median[mediptr] = (MYFLT)peri;
1048               for (i1 = 0; i1 < medisize; i1++)
1049                 median[medisize+i1] = median[i1];
1051               median[medisize*2+mediptr] =
1052                 medianvalue(medisize, &median[medisize-1]);
1053               peri = (int32)median[medisize*2 +
1054                                  ((mediptr+medisize/2+1) % medisize)];
1056               mediptr = (mediptr + 1) % medisize;
1057               p->mediptr = mediptr;
1058             }
1059           }
1060         }
1061         if (readp >= nsmps) break;
1062       }
1063       readp = readp % nsmps;
1064       p->lastval = lastval;
1065     }
1066     else {
1067       int32  downsamp = p->downsamp;
1068       while (1) {
1069         buffer[index++] = asig[readp];
1070         readp += downsamp;
1072         if (index == size) {
1073           peri = minperi;
1074           accmin = FL(0.0);
1075           for (i2 = 0; i2 < size; ++i2) {
1076             diff = buffer[i2+minperi] - buffer[i2];
1077             if (diff > FL(0.0)) accmin += diff;
1078             else                accmin -= diff;
1079           }
1080           for (i1 = minperi + 1; i1 <= maxperi; ++i1) {
1081             acc = FL(0.0);
1082             for (i2 = 0; i2 < size; ++i2) {
1083               diff = buffer[i1+i2] - buffer[i2];
1084               if (diff > FL(0.0)) acc += diff;
1085               else                acc -= diff;
1086             }
1087             if (acc < accmin) {
1088               accmin = acc;
1089               peri = i1;
1090             }
1091           }
1093           for (i1 = 0; i1 < interval; i1++)
1094             buffer[i1] = buffer[i1+interval];
1095           index = maxperi;
1097           if (medisize) {
1098             median[mediptr] = (MYFLT)peri;
1099             for (i1 = 0; i1 < medisize; i1++)
1100               median[medisize+i1] = median[i1];
1102             median[medisize*2+mediptr] =
1103               medianvalue(medisize, &median[medisize-1]);
1104             peri = (int32)median[medisize*2 +
1105                                ((mediptr+medisize/2+1) % medisize)];
1107             mediptr = (mediptr + 1) % medisize;
1108             p->mediptr = mediptr;
1109           }
1110         }
1112         if (readp >= nsmps) break;
1113       }
1114       readp = readp % nsmps;
1115     }
1116     buffer = &buffer[(index + size - peri) % size];
1117     sum = 0.0;
1118     for (i1=0; i1<peri; i1++) {
1119       val = buffer[i1];
1120       sum += (double)(val * val);
1121     }
1122     if (UNLIKELY(peri==0))      /* How xould thus happen??? */
1123       rms = FL(0.0);
1124     else
1125       rms = (MYFLT)sqrt(sum / (double)peri);
1126     if (rmsmedisize) {
1127       rmsmedian[rmsmediptr] = rms;
1128       for (i1 = 0; i1 < rmsmedisize; i1++)
1129         rmsmedian[rmsmedisize+i1] = rmsmedian[i1];
1131       rmsmedian[rmsmedisize*2+rmsmediptr] =
1132         medianvalue(rmsmedisize, &rmsmedian[rmsmedisize-1]);
1133       rms = rmsmedian[rmsmedisize*2 +
1134                      ((rmsmediptr+rmsmedisize/2+1) % rmsmedisize)];
1136       rmsmediptr = (rmsmediptr + 1) % rmsmedisize;
1137       p->rmsmediptr = rmsmediptr;
1138     }
1140     if (UNLIKELY(peri==0)) {
1141       *p->kcps = FL(0.0);
1142     }
1143     else
1144       *p->kcps = srate / (MYFLT)peri;
1145     *p->krms = rms;
1146     p->index = index;
1147     p->peri = peri;
1148     p->readp = readp;
1149     return OK;
1150 }
1152 /*==================================================================*/
1153 /* phasorbnk                                                        */
1154 /*==================================================================*/
phsbnkset(CSOUND * csound,PHSORBNK * p)1156 int32_t phsbnkset(CSOUND *csound, PHSORBNK *p)
1157 {
1158     double  phs;
1159     int32_t    n, count;
1160     double  *curphs;
1162     count = (int32_t)MYFLT2LONG(*p->icnt);
1163     if (UNLIKELY(count < 2))
1164       count = 2;
1166     if (p->curphs.auxp==NULL || p->curphs.size < (size_t)sizeof(double)*count)
1167       csound->AuxAlloc(csound, (size_t)sizeof(double)*count, &p->curphs);
1169     curphs = (double*)p->curphs.auxp;
1170     if (*p->iphs > 1) {
1171       for (n=0; n<count;n++)
1172         curphs[n] = (double) rand_31(csound) / 2147483645.0;
1173     }
1174     else if ((phs = *p->iphs) >= 0) {
1175       for (n=0; n<count;n++) curphs[n] = phs;
1176     }
1177     return OK;
1178 }
kphsorbnk(CSOUND * csound,PHSORBNK * p)1180 int32_t kphsorbnk(CSOUND *csound, PHSORBNK *p)
1181 {
1182     double  phs;
1183     double  *curphs = (double*)p->curphs.auxp;
1184     int32_t     size = p->curphs.size / sizeof(double);
1185     int32_t     index = (int32_t)(*p->kindx);
1187     if (UNLIKELY(curphs == NULL)) {
1188       return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h),
1189                                Str("phasorbnk: not initialised"));
1190     }
1192     if (UNLIKELY(index<0 || index>=size)) {
1193       *p->sr = FL(0.0);
1194       return NOTOK;
1195     }
1197     *p->sr = (MYFLT)(phs = curphs[index]);
1198     if (UNLIKELY((phs += *p->xcps * csound->onedkr) >= 1.0))
1199       phs -= 1.0;
1200     else if (UNLIKELY(phs < 0.0)) /* patch from Matthew Scala */
1201       phs += 1.0;
1202     curphs[index] = phs;
1203     return OK;
1204 }
phsorbnk(CSOUND * csound,PHSORBNK * p)1206 int32_t phsorbnk(CSOUND *csound, PHSORBNK *p)
1207 {
1208     uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
1209     uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
1210     uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
1211     MYFLT   *rs;
1212     double  phase, incr;
1213     double  *curphs = (double*)p->curphs.auxp;
1214     int32_t     size = p->curphs.size / sizeof(double);
1215     int32_t     index = (int32_t)(*p->kindx);
1217     if (UNLIKELY(curphs == NULL)) {
1218       return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h),
1219                                Str("phasorbnk: not initialised"));
1220     }
1222     if (UNLIKELY(index<0 || index>=size)) {
1223       *p->sr = FL(0.0);
1224       return NOTOK;
1225     }
1227     rs = p->sr;
1228     phase = curphs[index];
1229     if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(rs, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
1230     if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
1231       nsmps -= early;
1232       memset(&rs[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
1233     }
1234     if (IS_ASIG_ARG(p->xcps)) {
1235       MYFLT *cps = p->xcps;
1236       for (n=offset; n<nsmps; n++) {
1237         incr = (double)(cps[n] * csound->onedsr);
1238         rs[n] = (MYFLT)phase;
1239         phase += incr;
1240         if (UNLIKELY(phase >= 1.0))
1241           phase -= 1.0;
1242         else if (UNLIKELY(phase < 0.0))
1243           phase += 1.0;
1244       }
1245     }
1246     else {
1247       incr = (double)(*p->xcps * csound->onedsr);
1248       for (n=offset; n<nsmps; n++) {
1249         rs[n] = (MYFLT)phase;
1250         phase += incr;
1251         if (UNLIKELY(phase >= 1.0))
1252           phase -= 1.0;
1253         else if (UNLIKELY(phase < 0.0))
1254           phase += 1.0;
1255       }
1256     }
1257     curphs[index] = phase;
1258     return OK;
1259 }
1261 /* Opcodes from rasmus ekman */
1263 /* pinkish: Two methods for pink-type noise generation
1264    The Moore/Gardner method, coded by Phil Burke, optimised by James McCartney;
1265    Paul Kellet's  -3dB/octave white->pink filter bank, "refined" version;
1266    Paul Kellet's  -3dB/octave white->pink filter bank, "economy" version
1268    The Moore/Gardner method output seems to have bumps in the low-mid and
1269    mid-high ranges.
1270    The Kellet method (refined) has smooth spectrum, but goes up slightly
1271    at the far high end.
1272  */
1274 #define GARDNER_PINK        FL(0.0)
1275 #define KELLET_PINK         FL(1.0)
1276 #define KELLET_CHEAP_PINK   FL(2.0)
1278 int32_t GardnerPink_init(CSOUND *csound, PINKISH *p);
1279 int32_t GardnerPink_perf(CSOUND *csound, PINKISH *p);
pinkset(CSOUND * csound,PINKISH * p)1281 int32_t pinkset(CSOUND *csound, PINKISH *p)
1282 {
1283         /* Check valid method */
1284     if (UNLIKELY(*p->imethod != GARDNER_PINK && *p->imethod != KELLET_PINK
1285                  && *p->imethod != KELLET_CHEAP_PINK)) {
1286       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("pinkish: Invalid method code"));
1287     }
1288     /* User range scaling can be a- or k-rate for Gardner, a-rate only
1289        for filter */
1290     if (IS_ASIG_ARG(p->xin)) {
1291       p->ampinc = 1;
1292     }
1293     else {
1294       /* Cannot accept k-rate input with filter method */
1295       if (UNLIKELY(*p->imethod != FL(0.0))) {
1296         return csound->InitError(csound, Str(
1297                       "pinkish: Filter method requires a-rate (noise) input"));
1298       }
1299       p->ampinc = 0;
1300     }
1301     /* Unless we're reinitializing a tied note, zero coefs */
1302     if (*p->iskip != FL(1.0)) {
1303       if (*p->imethod == GARDNER_PINK)
1304         GardnerPink_init(csound,p);
1305       else                                      /* Filter method */
1306         p->b0 = p->b1 = p->b2 = p->b3 = p->b4 = p->b5 = p->b6 = FL(0.0);
1307     }
1308     return OK;
1309 }
pinkish(CSOUND * csound,PINKISH * p)1311 int32_t pinkish(CSOUND *csound, PINKISH *p)
1312 {
1313     MYFLT       *aout, *ain;
1314     double      c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, nxtin, nxtout;
1315     uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
1316     uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
1317     uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
1318     aout = p->aout;
1319     ain = p->xin;
1320     if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(aout, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
1321     if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
1322       nsmps -= early;
1323       memset(&aout[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
1324     }
1325     if (*p->imethod == GARDNER_PINK) {  /* Gardner method (default) */
1326       GardnerPink_perf(csound,p);
1327     }
1328     else if (*p->imethod == KELLET_PINK) {
1329       /* Paul Kellet's "refined" pink filter */
1330       /* Get filter states */
1331       c0 = p->b0; c1 = p->b1; c2 = p->b2;
1332       c3 = p->b3; c4 = p->b4; c5 = p->b5; c6 = p->b6;
1333       for (n=offset;n<nsmps;n++) {
1334         nxtin = (double)ain[n];
1335         c0 = c0 * 0.99886 + nxtin * 0.0555179;
1336         c1 = c1 * 0.99332 + nxtin * 0.0750759;
1337         c2 = c2 * 0.96900 + nxtin * 0.1538520;
1338         c3 = c3 * 0.86650 + nxtin * 0.3104856;
1339         c4 = c4 * 0.55000 + nxtin * 0.5329522;
1340         c5 = c5 * -0.7616 - nxtin * 0.0168980;
1341         nxtout = c0 + c1 + c2 + c3 + c4 + c5 + c6 + nxtin * 0.5362;
1342         aout[n] = (MYFLT)(nxtout * 0.11);       /* (roughly) compensate for gain */
1343         c6 = nxtin * 0.115926;
1344       }
1345       /* Store back filter coef states */
1346       p->b0 = c0; p->b1 = c1; p->b2 = c2;
1347       p->b3 = c3; p->b4 = c4; p->b5 = c5; p->b6 = c6;
1348     }
1349     else if (*p->imethod == KELLET_CHEAP_PINK) {
1350       /* Get filter states */
1351       c0 = p->b0; c1 = p->b1; c2 = p->b2;
1353       for (n=offset;n<nsmps;n++) {      /* Paul Kellet's "economy" pink filter */
1354         nxtin = (double)ain[n];
1355         c0 = c0 * 0.99765 + nxtin * 0.0990460;
1356         c1 = c1 * 0.96300 + nxtin * 0.2965164;
1357         c2 = c2 * 0.57000 + nxtin * 1.0526913;
1358         nxtout = c0 + c1 + c2 + nxtin * 0.1848;
1359         aout[n] = (MYFLT)(nxtout * 0.11);       /* (roughly) compensate for gain */
1360       }
1362       /* Store back filter coef states */
1363       p->b0 = c0; p->b1 = c1; p->b2 = c2;
1364     }
1365     return OK;
1366 }
1368 /************************************************************/
1369 /*
1370         GardnerPink_init() and GardnerPink_perf()
1372         Generate Pink Noise using Gardner method.
1373         Optimization suggested by James McCartney uses a tree
1374         to select which random value to replace.
1376     x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
1377      x   x   x   x   x   x   x   x
1378        x       x       x       x
1379            x               x
1380                    x
1382     Tree is generated by counting trailing zeros in an increasing index.
1383         When the index is zero, no random number is selected.
1385     Author: Phil Burk, http://www.softsynth.com
1387         Revision History:
1388                 Csound version by rasmus ekman May 2000
1389                 Several changes, some marked "(re)"
1391     Copyright 1999 Phil Burk - No rights reserved.
1392 */
1394 /************************************************************/
1396 /* Yet another pseudo-random generator. Could probably be changed
1397    for any of the other available ones in Csound */
1399 #define PINK_RANDOM_BITS       (24)
1400 /* Left-shift one bit less 24 to allow negative values (re) */
1401 #define PINK_RANDOM_SHIFT      (7)
1403 /* Calculate pseudo-random 32 bit number based on linear congruential method. */
GenerateRandomNumber(uint32 randSeed)1404 static int32 GenerateRandomNumber(uint32 randSeed)
1405 {
1406     randSeed = ((uint32_t) randSeed * 196314165U) + 907633515UL;
1407     return (int32) ((int32_t) ((uint32_t) randSeed));
1408 }
1410 /************************************************************/
1412 /* Set up for user-selected number of bands of noise generators. */
GardnerPink_init(CSOUND * csound,PINKISH * p)1413 int32_t GardnerPink_init(CSOUND *csound, PINKISH *p)
1414 {
1415     int32_t i;
1416     MYFLT pmax;
1417     int32 numRows;
1419     /* Set number of rows to use (default to 20) */
1420     if (*p->iparam1 >= 4 && *p->iparam1 <= GRD_MAX_RANDOM_ROWS)
1421       p->grd_NumRows = (int32)*p->iparam1;
1422     else {
1423       p->grd_NumRows = 20;
1424       /* Warn if user tried but failed to give sensible number */
1425       if (UNLIKELY(*p->iparam1 != FL(0.0)))
1426         csound->Warning(csound, Str("pinkish: Gardner method requires 4-%d bands. "
1427                                     "Default %"PRIi32" substituted for %d.\n"),
1428                         GRD_MAX_RANDOM_ROWS, p->grd_NumRows,
1429                         (int32_t) *p->iparam1);
1430     }
1432     /* Seed random generator by user value or by time (default) */
1433     if (*p->iseed != FL(0.0)) {
1434       if (*p->iseed > -1.0 && *p->iseed < 1.0)
1435         p->randSeed = (uint32) (*p->iseed * (MYFLT)0x80000000);
1436       else p->randSeed = (uint32) *p->iseed;
1437     }
1438     else p->randSeed = (uint32) csound->GetRandomSeedFromTime();
1440     numRows = p->grd_NumRows;
1441     p->grd_Index = 0;
1442     if (numRows == 32) p->grd_IndexMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
1443     else p->grd_IndexMask = (1<<numRows) - 1;
1445     /* Calculate reasonable maximum signed random value. */
1446     /* Tweaked to get sameish peak value over all numRows values (re) */
1447     pmax = (MYFLT)((numRows + 30) * (1<<(PINK_RANDOM_BITS-2)));
1448     p->grd_Scalar = FL(1.0) / pmax;
1450 /* Warm up by filling all rows (re) (original zeroed all rows, and runningSum) */
1451     {
1452       int32 randSeed, newRandom, runningSum = 0;
1453       randSeed = p->randSeed;
1454       for (i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
1455         randSeed = GenerateRandomNumber(randSeed);
1456         newRandom = randSeed >> PINK_RANDOM_SHIFT;
1457         runningSum += newRandom;
1458         p->grd_Rows[i] = newRandom;
1459       }
1460       p->grd_RunningSum = runningSum;
1461       p->randSeed = randSeed;
1462     }
1463     return OK;
1464 }
1466 /* Generate numRows octave-spaced white bands and sum to pink noise. */
GardnerPink_perf(CSOUND * csound,PINKISH * p)1467 int32_t GardnerPink_perf(CSOUND *csound, PINKISH *p)
1468 {
1469     IGN(csound);
1470     MYFLT *aout, *amp, scalar;
1471     int32 *rows, rowIndex, indexMask, randSeed, newRandom;
1472     int32 runningSum, sum, ampinc;
1473     uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
1474     uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS - p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
1476     aout        = p->aout;
1477     amp         = p->xin;
1478     ampinc      = p->ampinc;    /* Used to increment user amp if a-rate */
1479     scalar      = p->grd_Scalar;
1480     rowIndex    = p->grd_Index;
1481     indexMask   = p->grd_IndexMask;
1482     runningSum  = p->grd_RunningSum;
1483     rows        = &(p->grd_Rows[0]);
1484     randSeed    = p->randSeed;
1486     for (n=offset; n<nsmps;n++) {
1487       /* Increment and mask index. */
1488       rowIndex = (rowIndex + 1) & indexMask;
1490       /* If index is zero, do not update any random values. */
1491       if ( rowIndex != 0 ) {
1492         /* Determine how many trailing zeros in PinkIndex. */
1493         /* This algorithm will hang if n==0 so test first. */
1494         int32_t numZeros = 0;
1495         int32_t n = rowIndex;
1496         while( (n & 1) == 0 ) {
1497           n = n >> 1;
1498           numZeros++;
1499         }
1501         /* Replace the indexed ROWS random value.
1502          * Subtract and add back to RunningSum instead of adding all
1503          * the random values together. Only one changes each time.
1504          */
1505         runningSum -= rows[numZeros];
1506         randSeed = GenerateRandomNumber(randSeed);
1507         newRandom = randSeed >> PINK_RANDOM_SHIFT;
1508         runningSum += newRandom;
1509         rows[numZeros] = newRandom;
1510       }
1512       /* Add extra white noise value. */
1513       randSeed = GenerateRandomNumber(randSeed);
1514       newRandom = randSeed >> PINK_RANDOM_SHIFT;
1515       sum = runningSum + newRandom;
1517       /* Scale to range of +/-p->xin (user-selected amp) */
1518       aout[n] = *amp * sum * scalar;
1519       amp += ampinc;            /* Increment if amp is a-rate */
1520     }
1522     p->grd_RunningSum = runningSum;
1523     p->grd_Index = rowIndex;
1524     p->randSeed = randSeed;
1525     return OK;
1526 }
1528 /* ************************************************************ */
1529 /* A collection of clipping techniques    -- JPff               */
1530 /* Method 0: Bram de Jong <Bram.DeJong@rug.ac.be>               */
1531 /* x > a:  f(x) = a + (x-a)/(1+((x-a)/(1-a))^2)                 */
1532 /* x > 1:  f(x) = (a+1)/2                                       */
1533 /* JPff scaled this to a limit and a fraction                   */
1534 /* Method 1:                                                    */
1535 /* |x|<limit f(x) = limit * sin(pi x/(2*limit)                  */
1536 /*           f(x) = limit * sign(x)                             */
1537 /* Method 2:                                                    */
1538 /* |x|<limit f(x) = limit * tanh(x/limit)/tanh(1)               */
1539 /*           f(x) = limit * sign(x)                             */
1540 /* ************************************************************ */
1542 /* Methods 0 and 2 OK, method1 broken */
1544 double tanh(double);
clip_set(CSOUND * csound,CLIP * p)1545 int32_t clip_set(CSOUND *csound, CLIP *p)
1546 {
1547     IGN(csound);
1548     int32_t meth = (int32_t)MYFLT2LONG(*p->imethod);
1549     p->meth = meth;
1550     p->arg = FABS(*p->iarg);
1551     p->lim = *p->limit;
1552     switch (meth) {
1553     case 0:                     /* Bram de Jong method */
1554       if (p->arg > FL(1.0) || p->arg < FL(0.0)) p->arg = FL(0.999);
1555       p->arg = p->lim * p->arg;
1556       p->k1 = FL(1.0)/(p->lim - p->arg);
1557       p->k1 = p->k1 * p->k1;
1558       p->k2 = (p->lim + p->arg)*FL(0.5);
1559       break;
1560     case 1:
1561       p->k1 = PI_F/(FL(2.0) * p->lim);
1562       break;
1563     case 2:
1564       p->k1 = FL(1.0)/TANH(FL(1.0));
1565       break;
1566     default:
1567       p->meth = 0;
1568     }
1569     return OK;
1570 }
clip(CSOUND * csound,CLIP * p)1572 int32_t clip(CSOUND *csound, CLIP *p)
1573 {
1574     IGN(csound);
1575     MYFLT *aout = p->aout, *ain = p->ain;
1576     uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
1577     uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
1578     uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
1579     MYFLT a = p->arg, k1 = p->k1, k2 = p->k2;
1580     MYFLT limit = p->lim;
1581     MYFLT rlim = FL(1.0)/limit;
1583     if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(aout, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
1584     if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
1585       nsmps -= early;
1586       memset(&aout[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
1587     }
1588     switch (p->meth) {
1589     case 0:                     /* Soft clip with division */
1590       for (n=offset;n<nsmps;n++) {
1591         MYFLT x = ain[n];
1592         if (x>=FL(0.0)) {
1593           if (UNLIKELY(x>limit)) x = k2;
1594           else if (x>a)
1595             x = a + (x-a)/(FL(1.0)+(x-a)*(x-a)*k1);
1596         }
1597         else {
1598           if (UNLIKELY(x<-limit))
1599             x = -k2;
1600           else if (-x>a)
1601             x = -a + (x+a)/(FL(1.0)+(x+a)*(x+a)*k1);
1602         }
1603         aout[n] = x;
1604       }
1605       return OK;
1606     case 1:
1607       for (n=offset;n<nsmps;n++) {
1608         MYFLT x = ain[n];
1609         if (UNLIKELY(x>=limit))
1610             x = limit;
1611         else if (UNLIKELY(x<= -limit))
1612           x = -limit;
1613         else
1614             x = limit*SIN(k1*x);
1615         aout[n] = x;
1616       }
1617       return OK;
1618     case 2:
1619       for (n=offset;n<nsmps;n++) {
1620         MYFLT x = ain[n];
1621         if (UNLIKELY(x>=limit))
1622           x = limit;
1623         else if (UNLIKELY(x<= -limit))
1624           x = -limit;
1625         else
1626           x = limit*k1*TANH(x*rlim);
1627         aout[n] = x;
1628       }
1629       return OK;
1630     }
1631     return OK;
1632 }
1634 /* ********************************************************************** */
1635 /* *************** IMPULSE ********************************************** */
1636 /* ********************************************************************** */
impulse_set(CSOUND * csound,IMPULSE * p)1638 int32_t impulse_set(CSOUND *csound, IMPULSE *p)
1639 {
1640     p->next = (uint32_t)MYFLT2LONG(*p->offset * CS_ESR);
1641     return OK;
1642 }
impulse(CSOUND * csound,IMPULSE * p)1644 int32_t impulse(CSOUND *csound, IMPULSE *p)
1645 {
1646     uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
1647     uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
1648     uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
1649     int32_t next = p->next;
1650     MYFLT *ar = p->ar;
1651     if (next<0) next = -next;
1652     if (UNLIKELY(next < (int32)nsmps)) { /* Impulse in this frame */
1653       MYFLT frq = *p->freq;     /* Freq at k-rate */
1654       int32_t sfreq;                /* Converted to samples */
1655       if (frq == FL(0.0)) sfreq = INT_MAX; /* Zero means infinite */
1656       else if (frq < FL(0.0)) sfreq = -(int32_t)frq; /* Negative cnts in sample */
1657       else sfreq = (int32_t)(frq*CS_ESR); /* Normal case */
1658       if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(ar, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
1659       if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
1660         nsmps -= early;
1661         memset(&ar[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
1662       }
1663       for (n=offset;n<nsmps;n++) {
1664         if (UNLIKELY(next-- == 0)) {
1665           ar[n] = *p->amp;
1666           next = sfreq - 1;     /* Note can be less than k-rate */
1667         }
1668         else ar[n] = FL(0.0);
1669       }
1670     }
1671     else {                      /* Nothing this time so just fill */
1672       memset(ar, 0, nsmps*sizeof(MYFLT));
1673       next -= nsmps;
1674     }
1675     p->next = next;
1676     return OK;
1677 }
1679 /* ********************************************************************** */
1680 /* Version of CMUSIC trans opcode                                         */
1681 /* creates y0 + (y1 - y0) * (1 - exp( t*alpha )) / (1 - exp(alpha))       */
1682 /* or                                                                     */
1683 /*         y0 + (y1 - y0) * t if alpha is zero                            */
1684 /* ********************************************************************** */
trnset(CSOUND * csound,TRANSEG * p)1685 int32_t trnset(CSOUND *csound, TRANSEG *p)
1686 {
1687     NSEG        *segp;
1688     int32_t         nsegs;
1689     MYFLT       **argp, val;
1691     if (UNLIKELY(p->INOCOUNT%3!=1))
1692       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("Incorrect argument count in transeg"));
1693     nsegs = p->INOCOUNT / 3;            /* count segs & alloc if nec */
1694     if ((segp = (NSEG *) p->auxch.auxp) == NULL ||
1695         (uint32_t)p->auxch.size < nsegs*sizeof(NSEG)) {
1696       csound->AuxAlloc(csound, (int32)nsegs*sizeof(NSEG), &p->auxch);
1697       p->cursegp = segp = (NSEG *) p->auxch.auxp;
1698     }
1699     segp[nsegs-1].cnt = MAXPOS;       /* set endcount for safety */
1700     segp[nsegs-1].acnt = MAXPOS;       /* set endcount for safety */
1701     argp = p->argums;
1702     val = **argp++;
1703     if (**argp <= FL(0.0)) return OK; /* if idur1 <= 0, skip init  */
1704     p->curval = val;
1705     p->curcnt = 0;
1706     p->cursegp = segp - 1;            /* else setup null seg0 */
1707     p->segsrem = nsegs + 1;
1708     p->curx = FL(0.0);
1709     do {                              /* init each seg ..  */
1710       MYFLT dur = **argp++;
1711       MYFLT alpha = **argp++;
1712       MYFLT nxtval = **argp++;
1713       MYFLT d = dur * CS_ESR;
1714       if ((segp->acnt = segp->cnt = (int32)MYFLT2LONG(d)) < 0)
1715         segp->cnt = 0;
1716       else
1717         segp->cnt = (int32)(dur * CS_EKR);
1718       segp->nxtpt = nxtval;
1719       segp->val = val;
1720       if (alpha == FL(0.0)) {
1721         segp->c1 = (nxtval-val)/d;
1722       }
1723       else {
1724         segp->c1 = (nxtval - val)/(FL(1.0) - EXP(alpha));
1725       }
1726       segp->alpha = alpha/d;
1727       val = nxtval;
1728       segp++;
1729     } while (--nsegs);
1730     p->xtra = -1;
1731     p->alpha = ((NSEG*)p->auxch.auxp)[0].alpha;
1732     p->curinc = ((NSEG*)p->auxch.auxp)[0].c1;
1733     return OK;
1734 }
trnset_bkpt(CSOUND * csound,TRANSEG * p)1736 int32_t trnset_bkpt(CSOUND *csound, TRANSEG *p)
1737 {
1738     NSEG        *segp;
1739     int32_t         nsegs;
1740     MYFLT       **argp, val;
1741     MYFLT       totdur = FL(0.0);
1743     if (UNLIKELY(p->INOCOUNT%3!=1))
1744       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("Incorrect argument count in transegb"));
1745     nsegs = p->INOCOUNT / 3;            /* count segs & alloc if nec */
1746     if ((segp = (NSEG *) p->auxch.auxp) == NULL ||
1747         (uint32_t)p->auxch.size < nsegs*sizeof(NSEG)) {
1748       csound->AuxAlloc(csound, (int32)nsegs*sizeof(NSEG), &p->auxch);
1749       p->cursegp = segp = (NSEG *) p->auxch.auxp;
1750     }
1751     segp[nsegs-1].cnt = MAXPOS;       /* set endcount for safety */
1752     argp = p->argums;
1753     val = **argp++;
1754     if (**argp <= FL(0.0)) return OK; /* if idur1 <= 0, skip init  */
1755     p->curval = val;
1756     p->curcnt = 0;
1757     p->cursegp = segp - 1;            /* else setup null seg0 */
1758     p->segsrem = nsegs + 1;
1759     p->curx = FL(0.0);
1760     do {                              /* init each seg ..  */
1761       MYFLT dur = **argp++;
1762       MYFLT alpha = **argp++;
1763       MYFLT nxtval = **argp++;
1764       MYFLT d;
1765       dur -= totdur;
1766       totdur += dur;
1767       d = dur * CS_ESR;
1768       if ((segp->cnt = (int32)MYFLT2LONG(d)) < 0)
1769         segp->cnt = 0;
1770       else
1771         segp->cnt = (int32)(dur * CS_EKR);
1772       segp->nxtpt = nxtval;
1773       segp->val = val;
1774       if (alpha == FL(0.0)) {
1775         segp->c1 = (nxtval-val)/d;
1776       }
1777       else {
1778         segp->c1 = (nxtval - val)/(FL(1.0) - EXP(alpha));
1779       }
1780       segp->alpha = alpha/d;
1781       val = nxtval;
1782       segp++;
1783     } while (--nsegs);
1784     p->xtra = -1;
1785     p->alpha = ((NSEG*)p->auxch.auxp)[0].alpha;
1786     p->curinc = ((NSEG*)p->auxch.auxp)[0].c1;
1787     return OK;
1788 }
ktrnseg(CSOUND * csound,TRANSEG * p)1790 int32_t ktrnseg(CSOUND *csound, TRANSEG *p)
1791 {
1792     *p->rslt = p->curval;               /* put the cur value    */
1793     if (UNLIKELY(p->auxch.auxp==NULL)) { /* RWD fix */
1794       csound->PerfError(csound,&(p->h),
1795                         Str("Error: transeg not initialised (krate)\n"));
1796     }
1797     if (p->segsrem) {                   /* done if no more segs */
1798       if (--p->curcnt <= 0) {           /* if done cur segment  */
1799         NSEG *segp = p->cursegp;
1800       chk1:
1801         if (!(--p->segsrem))  {
1802           p->curval = segp->nxtpt;      /* advance the cur val  */
1803           return OK;
1804         }
1805         p->cursegp = ++segp;            /*   find the next      */
1806         if (!(p->curcnt = segp->cnt)) { /*   nonlen = discontin */
1807           p->curval = segp->nxtpt;      /*   poslen = new slope */
1808           goto chk1;
1809         }
1810         p->curinc = segp->c1;
1811         p->alpha = segp->alpha;
1812         p->curx = FL(0.0);
1813       }
1814       p->curx += (MYFLT)CS_KSMPS*p->alpha;
1815       if (p->alpha == FL(0.0))
1816         p->curval += p->curinc*CS_KSMPS;   /* advance the cur val  */
1817       else
1818         p->curval = p->cursegp->val + p->curinc *
1819           (FL(1.0) - EXP(p->curx));
1820     }
1821     return OK;
1822 }
trnseg(CSOUND * csound,TRANSEG * p)1824 int32_t trnseg(CSOUND *csound, TRANSEG *p)
1825 {
1826     MYFLT  val, *rs = p->rslt;
1827     uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
1828     uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
1829     uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
1830     NSEG        *segp = p->cursegp;
1831     if (UNLIKELY(p->auxch.auxp==NULL)) {
1832       return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h),
1833                                Str("transeg: not initialised (arate)\n"));
1834     }
1835     if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(rs, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
1836     if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
1837       nsmps -= early;
1838       memset(&rs[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
1839     }
1840    val = p->curval;                      /* sav the cur value    */
1841    for (n=offset; n<nsmps; n++) {
1842     if (p->segsrem) {                     /* if no more segs putk */
1843       if (--p->curcnt <= 0) {             /*  if done cur segment */
1844         segp = p->cursegp;
1845       chk1:
1846         if (UNLIKELY(!--p->segsrem)) {    /*   if none left       */
1847           val = p->curval = segp->nxtpt;
1848           goto putk;                      /*      put endval      */
1849         }
1850         p->cursegp = ++segp;              /*   else find the next */
1851         if (!(p->curcnt = segp->acnt)) {
1852           val = p->curval = segp->nxtpt;  /*   nonlen = discontin */
1853           goto chk1;
1854         }                                 /*   poslen = new slope */
1855         p->curinc = segp->c1;
1856         p->alpha = segp->alpha;
1857         p->curx = FL(0.0);
1858         p->curval = val;
1859       }
1860       if (p->alpha == FL(0.0)) {
1861           rs[n] = val;
1862           val += p->curinc;
1863         }
1864       else {
1865           rs[n] = val;
1866           p->curx += p->alpha;
1867           val = segp->val + p->curinc *
1868             (FL(1.0) - EXP(p->curx));
1869        }
1870     }
1871     else{
1872     putk:
1873         rs[n] = val;
1874     }
1875    }
1876     p->curval = val;
1877     return OK;
1878 }
1880 /* MIDI aware version of transeg */
trnsetr(CSOUND * csound,TRANSEG * p)1881 int32_t trnsetr(CSOUND *csound, TRANSEG *p)
1882 {
1883     int32_t         relestim;
1884     NSEG        *segp;
1885     int32_t         nsegs;
1886     MYFLT       **argp;
1887     double      val;
1889     if (UNLIKELY(p->INOCOUNT%3!=1))
1890       return csound->InitError(csound, Str("Incorrect argument count in transegr"));
1891     nsegs = p->INOCOUNT / 3;            /* count segs & alloc if nec */
1892     if ((segp = (NSEG *) p->auxch.auxp) == NULL ||
1893         (uint32_t)p->auxch.size < nsegs*sizeof(NSEG)) {
1894       csound->AuxAlloc(csound, (int32)nsegs*sizeof(NSEG), &p->auxch);
1895       p->cursegp = segp = (NSEG *) p->auxch.auxp;
1896     }
1897     segp[nsegs-1].cnt = MAXPOS;       /* set endcount for safety */
1898     segp[nsegs-1].acnt = MAXPOS;       /* set endcount for safety */
1899     argp = p->argums;
1900     val = (double)**argp++;
1901     if (UNLIKELY(**argp <= FL(0.0))) return OK; /* if idur1 <= 0, skip init  */
1902     p->curval = val;
1903     p->curcnt = 0;
1904     p->cursegp = segp - 1;            /* else setup null seg0 */
1905     p->segsrem = nsegs + 1;
1906     p->curx = FL(0.0);
1907     do {                              /* init each seg ..  */
1908       double dur = (double)**argp++;
1909       MYFLT alpha = **argp++;
1910       MYFLT nxtval = **argp++;
1911       MYFLT d = dur * CS_ESR;
1912       if ((segp->acnt = segp->cnt = (int32)(d + FL(0.5))) < 0)
1913         segp->cnt = 0;
1914       else
1915         segp->cnt = (int32)(dur * CS_EKR);
1916       segp->nxtpt = nxtval;
1917       segp->val = val;
1918       if (alpha == FL(0.0)) {
1919         segp->c1 = (nxtval-val)/d;
1920         //printf("alpha zero val=%f c1=%f\n", segp->val, segp->c1);
1921       }
1922       else {
1923         p->lastalpha = alpha;
1924         segp->c1 = (nxtval - val)/(FL(1.0) - EXP(alpha));
1925       }
1926       segp->alpha = alpha/d;
1927       val = nxtval;
1928       segp++;
1929       p->finalval = nxtval;
1930     } while (--nsegs);
1931     //p->xtra = -1;
1932     p->alpha = ((NSEG*)p->auxch.auxp)[0].alpha;
1933     p->curinc = ((NSEG*)p->auxch.auxp)[0].c1;
1934     relestim = (int32_t)(p->cursegp + p->segsrem - 1)->cnt;
1935     p->xtra = relestim;
1936     if (relestim > p->h.insdshead->xtratim)
1937       p->h.insdshead->xtratim = (int32_t)relestim;
1938     /* {  */
1939     /*   int32_t i; */
1940     /*   int32_t nseg = p->INOCOUNT / 3; */
1941     /*   NSEG *segp = p->cursegp; */
1942     /*   for (i=0; i<nseg; i++) */
1943     /*     printf("cnt=%d alpha=%f val=%f nxtpt=%f c1=%f\n", */
1944     /*      segp[i].cnt, segp[i].alpha, segp[i].val, segp[i].nxtpt, segp[i].c1); */
1945     /* } */
1946     return OK;
1947 }
ktrnsegr(CSOUND * csound,TRANSEG * p)1949 int32_t ktrnsegr(CSOUND *csound, TRANSEG *p)
1950 {
1951     *p->rslt = p->curval;               /* put the cur value    */
1952     if (UNLIKELY(p->auxch.auxp==NULL)) { /* RWD fix */
1953       csound->PerfError(csound,&(p->h),
1954                         Str("Error: transeg not initialised (krate)\n"));
1955     }
1956     if (p->segsrem) {                   /* done if no more segs */
1957       NSEG        *segp;
1958       if (p->h.insdshead->relesing && p->segsrem > 1) {
1959         //printf("releasing\n");
1960         while (p->segsrem > 1) {        /* reles flag new:      */
1961           segp = ++p->cursegp;          /*   go to last segment */
1962           p->segsrem--;
1963         }                               /*   get univ relestim  */
1964         segp->cnt = p->xtra>=0 ? p->xtra : p->h.insdshead->xtratim;
1965         if (segp->alpha == FL(0.0)) {
1966           segp->c1 = (p->finalval-p->curval)/(segp->cnt*CS_KSMPS);
1967           //printf("finalval = %f curval = %f, cnt = %d c1 = %f\n",
1968           //       p->finalval, p->curval, segp->cnt, segp->c1);
1969         }
1970         else {
1971           segp->c1 = (p->finalval - p->curval)/(FL(1.0) - EXP(p->lastalpha));
1972           segp->alpha = p->lastalpha/(segp->cnt*CS_KSMPS);
1973           segp->val = p->curval;
1974         }
1975         goto newm;                      /*   and set new curmlt */
1976       }
1977       if (--p->curcnt <= 0) {           /* if done cur segment  */
1978       chk1:
1979           if (p->segsrem == 2) return OK;    /*   seg Y rpts lastval */
1980           if (!(--p->segsrem)) return OK;    /*   seg Z now done all */
1981         segp = ++p->cursegp;            /*   find the next      */
1982       newm:
1983         //printf("curcnt = %d seg/cnt = %d\n", p->curcnt, segp->cnt);
1984         if (!(p->curcnt = segp->cnt)) { /*   nonlen = discontin */
1985           p->curval = segp->nxtpt;      /*   poslen = new slope */
1986           //printf("curval = %f\n", p->curval);
1987           goto chk1;
1988         }
1989         p->curinc = segp->c1;
1990         p->alpha = segp->alpha;
1991         p->curx = FL(0.0);
1992       }
1993       if (p->alpha == FL(0.0)) {
1994         p->curval += p->curinc *CS_KSMPS;   /* advance the cur val  */
1995         //printf("curval = %f\n", p->curval);
1996       }
1997       else
1998         p->curval = p->cursegp->val + (p->curinc) *
1999           (FL(1.0) - EXP(p->curx));
2000       p->curx +=  (MYFLT)CS_KSMPS* p->alpha;
2001     }
2002     return OK;
2003 }
trnsegr(CSOUND * csound,TRANSEG * p)2005 int32_t trnsegr(CSOUND *csound, TRANSEG *p)
2006 {
2007     MYFLT  val, *rs = p->rslt;
2008     uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
2009     uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
2010     uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
2011     if (UNLIKELY(p->auxch.auxp==NULL)) {
2012       return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h),
2013                                Str("transeg: not initialised (arate)\n"));
2014     }
2015     if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(rs, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
2016     if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
2017       nsmps -= early;
2018       memset(&rs[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
2019     }
2020     val = p->curval;                      /* sav the cur value    */
2021    for (n=offset; n<nsmps; n++) {
2022     if (LIKELY(p->segsrem)) {             /* if no more segs putk */
2023       NSEG  *segp;
2024       if (p->h.insdshead->relesing && p->segsrem > 1) {
2025         while (p->segsrem > 1) {          /* if release flag new  */
2026           segp = ++p->cursegp;            /*   go to last segment */
2027           p->segsrem--;
2028         }                                 /*   get univ relestim  */
2029         segp->cnt = p->xtra>=0 ? p->xtra : p->h.insdshead->xtratim;
2030         if (segp->alpha == FL(0.0)) {
2031           segp->c1 = (p->finalval-val)/segp->acnt;
2032         }
2033         else {
2034           /* this is very wrong */
2035           segp->c1 = (p->finalval - val)/(FL(1.0) - EXP(p->lastalpha));
2036           segp->alpha = p->lastalpha/segp->acnt;
2037           segp->val = val;
2038         }
2039         goto newm;                        /*   and set new curmlt */
2040       }
2041       if (--p->curcnt <= 0) {             /*  if done cur segment */
2042         //segp = p->cursegp;              /* overwritten later -- coverity */
2043       chk1:
2044         if (p->segsrem == 2) goto putk;     /*   seg Y rpts lastval */
2045         if (UNLIKELY(!--p->segsrem)) {    /*   if none left       */
2046           //val = p->curval = segp->nxtpt;
2047           goto putk;                      /*      put endval      */
2048         }
2049         segp = ++p->cursegp;              /*   else find the next */
2050       newm:
2051        if (!(p->curcnt = segp->acnt)) {
2052           val = p->curval = segp->nxtpt;  /*   nonlen = discontin */
2053           goto chk1;
2054         }                                 /*   poslen = new slope */
2055         p->curinc = segp->c1;
2056         p->alpha = segp->alpha;
2057         p->curx = FL(0.0);
2058         p->curval = val;
2059       }
2060       if (p->alpha == FL(0.0)) {
2061           rs[n] = val;
2062           val += p->curinc;
2063       }
2064       else {
2065         segp = p->cursegp;
2066           rs[n] = val;
2067           p->curx += p->alpha;
2068           val = segp->val + p->curinc * (FL(1.0) - EXP(p->curx));
2069       }
2070     }
2071     else {
2072     putk:
2073         rs[n] = val;
2074     }
2075    }
2076    p->curval = val;
2078     return OK;
2079 }
2081 extern int32 randint31(int32);
varicolset(CSOUND * csound,VARI * p)2083 int32_t varicolset(CSOUND *csound, VARI *p)
2084 {
2085    IGN(csound);
2086     p->last = FL(0.0);
2087     p->lastbeta = *p->beta;
2088     p->sq1mb2 = SQRT(FL(1.0)-p->lastbeta * p->lastbeta);
2089     p->ampmod = FL(0.785)/(FL(1.0)+p->lastbeta);
2090     p->ampinc = IS_ASIG_ARG(p->kamp) ? 1 : 0;
2091     return OK;
2092 }
varicol(CSOUND * csound,VARI * p)2094 int32_t varicol(CSOUND *csound, VARI *p)
2095 {
2096     uint32_t    offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
2097     uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
2098     uint32_t    n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
2099     MYFLT       beta = *p->beta;
2100     MYFLT       sq1mb2 = p->sq1mb2;
2101     MYFLT       lastx = p->last;
2102     MYFLT       ampmod = p->ampmod;
2103     MYFLT       *kamp = p->kamp;
2104     int32_t         ampinc = p->ampinc;
2105     MYFLT       *rslt = p->rslt;
2107     if (beta != p->lastbeta) {
2108        beta = p->lastbeta = *p->beta;
2109        sq1mb2 = p->sq1mb2 =  SQRT(FL(1.0)-p->lastbeta * p->lastbeta);
2110        ampmod = p->ampmod = FL(0.785)/(FL(1.0)+p->lastbeta);
2111     }
2113     if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(rslt, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
2114     if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
2115       nsmps -= early;
2116       memset(&rslt[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
2117     }
2118     for (n=offset; n<nsmps; n++) {
2119       MYFLT rnd = FL(2.0) * (MYFLT) rand_31(csound) / FL(2147483645) - FL(1.0);
2120       lastx = lastx * beta + sq1mb2 * rnd;
2121       rslt[n] = lastx * *kamp * ampmod;
2122       kamp += ampinc;
2123     }
2124     p->last = lastx;
2125     return OK;
2126 }
2128 /* ************************************************************************ */
2129 /* ***** Josep Comajuncosas' 18dB/oct resonant 3-pole LPF with tanh dist ** */
2130 /* ***** Coded in C by John ffitch, 2000 Dec 17 *************************** */
2131 /* ************************************************************************ */
2132 #include <math.h>
2134 /* This code is transcribed from a Csound macro, so no real comments */
lpf18set(CSOUND * csound,LPF18 * p)2136 int32_t lpf18set(CSOUND *csound, LPF18 *p)
2137 {
2138     IGN(csound);
2139     /* Initialise delay lines */
2140     if (*p->istor==FL(0.0)) {
2141         p->ay1 = FL(0.0);
2142         p->ay2 = FL(0.0);
2143         p->aout = FL(0.0);
2144         p->lastin = FL(0.0);
2145     }
2146     return OK;
2147 }
lpf18db(CSOUND * csound,LPF18 * p)2149 int32_t lpf18db(CSOUND *csound, LPF18 *p)
2150 {
2151     uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
2152     uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
2153     uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
2154     MYFLT ay1 = p->ay1;
2155     MYFLT ay2 = p->ay2;
2156     MYFLT aout = p->aout;
2157     MYFLT *ain = p->ain;
2158     MYFLT *ar = p->ar;
2159     MYFLT lastin = p->lastin;
2160     double value = 0.0;
2161     int32_t   flag = 1;
2162     MYFLT lfc=0, lrs=0, kres=0, kfcn=0, kp=0, kp1=0,  kp1h=0;
2163     double lds = 0.0;
2164     MYFLT zerodb = csound->e0dbfs;
2165     int32_t   asgf = IS_ASIG_ARG(p->fco), asgr = IS_ASIG_ARG(p->res),
2166           asgd = IS_ASIG_ARG(p->dist);
2168     if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(ar, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
2169     if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
2170       nsmps -= early;
2171       memset(&ar[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
2172     }
2173     for (n=offset;n<nsmps;n++) {
2174       MYFLT fco, res, dist;
2175       MYFLT ax1  = lastin;
2176       MYFLT ay11 = ay1;
2177       MYFLT ay31 = ay2;
2178       fco        = (asgf ? p->fco[n] : *p->fco);
2179       res        = (asgr ? p->res[n] : *p->res);
2180       dist       = (double)(asgd ? p->dist[n] : *p->dist);
2181       if (fco != lfc || flag) {
2182         lfc = fco;
2183         kfcn = FL(2.0) * fco * csound->onedsr;
2184         kp   = ((-FL(2.7528)*kfcn + FL(3.0429))*kfcn +
2185                 FL(1.718))*kfcn - FL(0.9984);
2186         kp1 = kp+FL(1.0);
2187         kp1h = FL(0.5)*kp1;
2188         flag = 1;
2189       }
2190       if (res != lrs || flag) {
2191         lrs = res;
2192         kres = res * (((-FL(2.7079)*kp1 + FL(10.963))*kp1
2193                            - FL(14.934))*kp1 + FL(8.4974));
2194         flag = 1;
2195       }
2196       if (dist != lds || flag) {
2197         lds = dist;
2198         value = 1.0+(dist*(1.5+2.0*(double)kres*(1.0-(double)kfcn)));
2199       }
2200       flag = 0;
2201       lastin     = ain[n]/zerodb - TANH(kres*aout);
2202       ay1        = kp1h * (lastin + ax1) - kp*ay1;
2203       ay2        = kp1h * (ay1 + ay11) - kp*ay2;
2204       aout       = kp1h * (ay2 + ay31) - kp*aout;
2206       ar[n] = TANH(aout*value)*zerodb;
2207     }
2208     p->ay1 = ay1;
2209     p->ay2 = ay2;
2210     p->aout = aout;
2211     p->lastin = lastin;
2212     return OK;
2213 }
2215 /* ************************************************** */
2216 /* **** Wishart wavesets     ************************ */
2217 /* **** from Trevor and CDP  ************************ */
2218 /* **** John ffitch Jan 2001 ************************ */
2219 /* ************************************************** */
wavesetset(CSOUND * csound,BARRI * p)2221 int32_t wavesetset(CSOUND *csound, BARRI *p)
2222 {
2223     if (*p->len == FL(0.0))
2224       p->length = 1 + (int32_t)(p->h.insdshead->p3.value * CS_ESR * FL(0.5));
2225     else
2226       p->length = 1 + (int32_t)*p->len;
2227     if (UNLIKELY(p->length <= 1)) p->length = (int32_t)CS_ESR;
2228     csound->AuxAlloc(csound, (int32)p->length*sizeof(MYFLT), &p->auxch);
2229     p->cnt = 1;
2230     p->start = 0;
2231     p->current = 0;
2232     p->end = 0;
2233     p->direction = 1;
2234     p->lastsamp = FL(1.0);
2235     p->noinsert = 0;
2236     return OK;
2237 }
waveset(CSOUND * csound,BARRI * p)2239 int32_t waveset(CSOUND *csound, BARRI *p)
2240 {
2241     IGN(csound);
2242     MYFLT *in = p->ain;
2243     MYFLT *out = p->ar;
2244     int32_t   index = p->end;
2245     MYFLT *insert = (MYFLT*)(p->auxch.auxp) + index;
2246     uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
2247     uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
2248     uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
2249     if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(out, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
2250     if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
2251       nsmps -= early;
2252       memset(&out[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
2253     }
2254     if (p->noinsert) goto output;
2255     for (n=offset;n<nsmps;n++) {                        /* Deal with inputs */
2256       *insert++ = in[n];
2257       if (++index ==  p->start) {
2258         p->noinsert = 1;
2259         break;
2260       }
2261       if (index==p->length) {   /* Input wrapping */
2262         index = 0;
2263         insert = (MYFLT*)(p->auxch.auxp);
2264       }
2265     }
2266  output:
2267     p->end = index;
2268     index = p->current;
2269     insert = (MYFLT*)(p->auxch.auxp) + index;
2270     for (n=offset;n<nsmps;n++) {
2271       MYFLT samp = *insert++;
2272       index ++;
2273       if (index==p->length) {
2274         index = 0;
2275         insert = (MYFLT*)(p->auxch.auxp);
2276       }
2277       if (samp != FL(0.0) && p->lastsamp*samp < FL(0.0)) {
2278         if (p->direction == 1)
2279           p->direction = -1;    /* First cross */
2280         else {                  /* Second cross */
2281           p->direction = 1;
2282           if (++p->cnt > *p->rep) {
2283             p->cnt = 1;
2284             p->start = index;
2285             p->noinsert = 0;
2286           }
2287           else {
2288             index = p->start;
2289             insert = (MYFLT*)(p->auxch.auxp) + index;
2290           }
2291         }
2292       }
2293       if (samp != FL(0.0)) p->lastsamp = samp;
2294       out[n] = samp;
2295     }
2296     p->current = index;
2297     return OK;
2298 }
medfiltset(CSOUND * csound,MEDFILT * p)2300 int32_t medfiltset(CSOUND *csound, MEDFILT *p)
2301 {
2302     int32_t maxwind = (int32_t)MYFLT2LONG(*p->imaxsize);
2303     int32_t auxsize = 2*sizeof(MYFLT)*maxwind;
2304     p->ind = 0;
2305     p->maxwind = maxwind;
2307     if (p->b.auxp==NULL || p->b.size < (size_t)auxsize)
2308       csound->AuxAlloc(csound, (size_t)auxsize, &p->b);
2309     else
2310       if (*p->iskip!=FL(0.0)) memset(p->b.auxp, 0, auxsize);
2311     p->buff = (MYFLT*)p->b.auxp;
2312     p->med = &(p->buff[maxwind]);
2313     return OK;
2314 }
medfilt(CSOUND * csound,MEDFILT * p)2316 int32_t medfilt(CSOUND *csound, MEDFILT *p)
2317 {
2318     MYFLT *aout = p->ans;
2319     MYFLT *asig = p->asig;
2320     MYFLT *buffer = p->buff;
2321     MYFLT *med = p->med;
2322     int32_t maxwind = p->maxwind;
2323     int32_t kwind = MYFLT2LONG(*p->kwind);
2324     int32_t index = p->ind;
2325     uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
2326     uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
2327     uint32_t n, nsmps = CS_KSMPS;
2328     if (UNLIKELY(p->b.auxp==NULL)) {
2329       return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h),
2330                                Str("median: not initialised (arate)\n"));
2331     }
2332     if (UNLIKELY(kwind > maxwind)) {
2333       csound->Warning(csound,
2334                       Str("median: window (%d)larger than maximum(%d); truncated"),
2335                       kwind, maxwind);
2336       kwind = maxwind;
2337     }
2338     if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(aout, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
2339     if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
2340       nsmps -= early;
2341       memset(&aout[nsmps], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
2342     }
2343     for (n=offset; n<nsmps; n++) {
2344       MYFLT x = asig[n];
2345       buffer[index++] = x;
2347       if (kwind<=index) {        /* all in centre */
2348         memcpy(&med[0], &buffer[index-kwind], kwind*sizeof(MYFLT));
2349         /* printf("memcpy: 0 <- %d (%d)\n", index-kwind, kwind); */
2350       }
2351       else {                    /* or in two parts */
2352         memcpy(&med[0], &buffer[0], index*sizeof(MYFLT));
2353         /* printf("memcpy: 0 <- 0 (%d)\n", index); */
2354         memcpy(&med[index], &buffer[maxwind+index-kwind],
2355                (kwind-index)*sizeof(MYFLT));
2356         /* printf("memcpy: %d <- %d (%d)\n",
2357            index, maxwind+index-kwind, kwind-index); */
2358       }
2359       /* { int32_t i; */
2360       /*   for (i=0; i<8; i++) printf(" %f", buffer[i]); */
2361       /*   printf("\n\t:"); */
2362       /*   for (i=0; i<5; i++) printf(" %f", med[i]); */
2363       /*   printf("\n"); */
2364       /* } */
2365       aout[n] = medianvalue(kwind, med-1); /* -1 as should point below data */
2366       /* printf("%d/$%d: %f -> %f\n", n, index-1, x, aout[n]); */
2367       if (index>=maxwind) index = 0;
2368     }
2369     p->ind = index;
2370     return OK;
2371 }
kmedfilt(CSOUND * csound,MEDFILT * p)2373 int32_t kmedfilt(CSOUND *csound, MEDFILT *p)
2374 {
2375     MYFLT *buffer = p->buff;
2376     MYFLT *med = p->med;
2377     MYFLT x = *p->asig;
2378     int32_t maxwind = p->maxwind;
2379     int32_t kwind = MYFLT2LONG(*p->kwind);
2380     int32_t index = p->ind;
2381     if (UNLIKELY(p->b.auxp==NULL)) {
2382       return csound->PerfError(csound, &(p->h),
2383                                Str("median: not initialised (krate)\n"));
2384     }
2385     if (UNLIKELY(kwind > maxwind)) {
2386       csound->Warning(csound,
2387                       Str("median: window (%d)larger than maximum(%d); truncated"),
2388                       kwind, maxwind);
2389       kwind = maxwind;
2390     }
2391     buffer[index++] = x;
2392     if (kwind<=index) {        /* all in centre */
2393       memcpy(&med[0], &buffer[index-kwind], kwind*sizeof(MYFLT));
2394     }
2395     else {                    /* or in two parts */
2396       memcpy(&med[0], &buffer[0], index*sizeof(MYFLT));
2397       memcpy(&med[index], &buffer[maxwind+index-kwind],
2398              (kwind-index)*sizeof(MYFLT));
2399     }
2400     *p->ans = medianvalue(kwind, med-1); /* -1 as should point below data */
2401     if (index>=maxwind) index = 0;
2402     p->ind = index;
2403     return OK;
2404 }