1 // Aleth: Ethereum C++ client, tools and libraries.
2 // Copyright 2013-2019 Aleth Authors.
3 // Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 3.
6 #include <libdevcore/Guards.h>  // <boost/thread> conflicts with <thread>
7 #include "Common.h"
8 #include <secp256k1.h>
9 #include <secp256k1_ecdh.h>
10 #include <secp256k1_recovery.h>
11 #include <secp256k1_sha256.h>
12 #include <cryptopp/aes.h>
13 #include <cryptopp/pwdbased.h>
14 #include <cryptopp/sha.h>
15 #include <cryptopp/modes.h>
16 #include <libscrypt.h>
17 #include <libdevcore/SHA3.h>
18 #include <libdevcore/RLP.h>
19 #include "AES.h"
20 #include "CryptoPP.h"
21 #include "Exceptions.h"
22 using namespace std;
23 using namespace dev;
24 using namespace dev::crypto;
26 namespace
27 {
getCtx()29 secp256k1_context const* getCtx()
30 {
31     static std::unique_ptr<secp256k1_context, decltype(&secp256k1_context_destroy)> s_ctx{
32         secp256k1_context_create(SECP256K1_CONTEXT_SIGN | SECP256K1_CONTEXT_VERIFY),
33         &secp256k1_context_destroy
34     };
35     return s_ctx.get();
36 }
38 template <std::size_t KeySize>
toPublicKey(Secret const & _secret,unsigned _flags,array<byte,KeySize> & o_serializedPubkey)39 bool toPublicKey(Secret const& _secret, unsigned _flags, array<byte, KeySize>& o_serializedPubkey)
40 {
41     auto* ctx = getCtx();
42     secp256k1_pubkey rawPubkey;
43     // Creation will fail if the secret key is invalid.
44     if (!secp256k1_ec_pubkey_create(ctx, &rawPubkey, _secret.data()))
45         return false;
46     size_t serializedPubkeySize = o_serializedPubkey.size();
47     secp256k1_ec_pubkey_serialize(
48         ctx, o_serializedPubkey.data(), &serializedPubkeySize, &rawPubkey, _flags);
49     assert(serializedPubkeySize == o_serializedPubkey.size());
50     return true;
51 }
52 }
isValid() const54 bool dev::SignatureStruct::isValid() const noexcept
55 {
56     static const h256 s_max{"0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141"};
57     static const h256 s_zero;
59     return (v <= 1 && r > s_zero && s > s_zero && r < s_max && s < s_max);
60 }
toPublic(Secret const & _secret)62 Public dev::toPublic(Secret const& _secret)
63 {
64     std::array<byte, 65> serializedPubkey;
65     if (!toPublicKey(_secret, SECP256K1_EC_UNCOMPRESSED, serializedPubkey))
66         return {};
68     // Expect single byte header of value 0x04 -- uncompressed public key.
69     assert(serializedPubkey[0] == 0x04);
71     // Create the Public skipping the header.
72     return Public{&serializedPubkey[1], Public::ConstructFromPointer};
73 }
toPublic(PublicCompressed const & _publicCompressed)75 Public dev::toPublic(PublicCompressed const& _publicCompressed)
76 {
77     auto* ctx = getCtx();
79     secp256k1_pubkey rawPubkey;
80     if (!secp256k1_ec_pubkey_parse(
81             ctx, &rawPubkey, _publicCompressed.data(), PublicCompressed::size))
82         return {};
84     std::array<byte, 65> serializedPubkey;
85     auto serializedPubkeySize = serializedPubkey.size();
86     secp256k1_ec_pubkey_serialize(
87         ctx, serializedPubkey.data(), &serializedPubkeySize, &rawPubkey, SECP256K1_EC_UNCOMPRESSED);
88     assert(serializedPubkeySize == serializedPubkey.size());
89     // Expect single byte header of value 0x04 -- uncompressed public key.
90     assert(serializedPubkey[0] == 0x04);
91     // Create the Public skipping the header.
92     return Public{&serializedPubkey[1], Public::ConstructFromPointer};
93 }
toPublicCompressed(Secret const & _secret)95 PublicCompressed dev::toPublicCompressed(Secret const& _secret)
96 {
97     PublicCompressed serializedPubkey;
98     if (!toPublicKey(_secret, SECP256K1_EC_COMPRESSED, serializedPubkey.asArray()))
99         return {};
101     // Expect single byte header of value 0x02 or 0x03 -- compressed public key.
102     assert(serializedPubkey[0] == 0x02 || serializedPubkey[0] == 0x03);
104     return serializedPubkey;
105 }
toAddress(Public const & _public)107 Address dev::toAddress(Public const& _public)
108 {
109     return right160(sha3(_public.ref()));
110 }
toAddress(Secret const & _secret)112 Address dev::toAddress(Secret const& _secret)
113 {
114     return toAddress(toPublic(_secret));
115 }
toAddress(Address const & _from,u256 const & _nonce)117 Address dev::toAddress(Address const& _from, u256 const& _nonce)
118 {
119     return right160(sha3(rlpList(_from, _nonce)));
120 }
encrypt(Public const & _k,bytesConstRef _plain,bytes & o_cipher)122 void dev::encrypt(Public const& _k, bytesConstRef _plain, bytes& o_cipher)
123 {
124     bytes io = _plain.toBytes();
125     Secp256k1PP::get()->encrypt(_k, io);
126     o_cipher = std::move(io);
127 }
decrypt(Secret const & _k,bytesConstRef _cipher,bytes & o_plaintext)129 bool dev::decrypt(Secret const& _k, bytesConstRef _cipher, bytes& o_plaintext)
130 {
131     bytes io = _cipher.toBytes();
132     Secp256k1PP::get()->decrypt(_k, io);
133     if (io.empty())
134         return false;
135     o_plaintext = std::move(io);
136     return true;
137 }
encryptECIES(Public const & _k,bytesConstRef _plain,bytes & o_cipher)139 void dev::encryptECIES(Public const& _k, bytesConstRef _plain, bytes& o_cipher)
140 {
141     encryptECIES(_k, bytesConstRef(), _plain, o_cipher);
142 }
encryptECIES(Public const & _k,bytesConstRef _sharedMacData,bytesConstRef _plain,bytes & o_cipher)144 void dev::encryptECIES(Public const& _k, bytesConstRef _sharedMacData, bytesConstRef _plain, bytes& o_cipher)
145 {
146     bytes io = _plain.toBytes();
147     Secp256k1PP::get()->encryptECIES(_k, _sharedMacData, io);
148     o_cipher = std::move(io);
149 }
decryptECIES(Secret const & _k,bytesConstRef _cipher,bytes & o_plaintext)151 bool dev::decryptECIES(Secret const& _k, bytesConstRef _cipher, bytes& o_plaintext)
152 {
153     return decryptECIES(_k, bytesConstRef(),  _cipher, o_plaintext);
154 }
decryptECIES(Secret const & _k,bytesConstRef _sharedMacData,bytesConstRef _cipher,bytes & o_plaintext)156 bool dev::decryptECIES(Secret const& _k, bytesConstRef _sharedMacData, bytesConstRef _cipher, bytes& o_plaintext)
157 {
158     bytes io = _cipher.toBytes();
159     if (!Secp256k1PP::get()->decryptECIES(_k, _sharedMacData, io))
160         return false;
161     o_plaintext = std::move(io);
162     return true;
163 }
encryptSym(Secret const & _k,bytesConstRef _plain,bytes & o_cipher)165 void dev::encryptSym(Secret const& _k, bytesConstRef _plain, bytes& o_cipher)
166 {
167     // TODO: @alex @subtly do this properly.
168     encrypt(KeyPair(_k).pub(), _plain, o_cipher);
169 }
decryptSym(Secret const & _k,bytesConstRef _cipher,bytes & o_plain)171 bool dev::decryptSym(Secret const& _k, bytesConstRef _cipher, bytes& o_plain)
172 {
173     // TODO: @alex @subtly do this properly.
174     return decrypt(_k, _cipher, o_plain);
175 }
encryptSymNoAuth(SecureFixedHash<16> const & _k,bytesConstRef _plain)177 std::pair<bytes, h128> dev::encryptSymNoAuth(SecureFixedHash<16> const& _k, bytesConstRef _plain)
178 {
179     h128 iv(Nonce::get().makeInsecure());
180     return make_pair(encryptSymNoAuth(_k, iv, _plain), iv);
181 }
encryptAES128CTR(bytesConstRef _k,h128 const & _iv,bytesConstRef _plain)183 bytes dev::encryptAES128CTR(bytesConstRef _k, h128 const& _iv, bytesConstRef _plain)
184 {
185     if (_k.size() != 16 && _k.size() != 24 && _k.size() != 32)
186         return bytes();
187     CryptoPP::SecByteBlock key(_k.data(), _k.size());
188     try
189     {
190         CryptoPP::CTR_Mode<CryptoPP::AES>::Encryption e;
191         e.SetKeyWithIV(key, key.size(), _iv.data());
192         bytes ret(_plain.size());
193         e.ProcessData(ret.data(), _plain.data(), _plain.size());
194         return ret;
195     }
196     catch (CryptoPP::Exception& _e)
197     {
198         cerr << _e.what() << endl;
199         return bytes();
200     }
201 }
decryptAES128CTR(bytesConstRef _k,h128 const & _iv,bytesConstRef _cipher)203 bytesSec dev::decryptAES128CTR(bytesConstRef _k, h128 const& _iv, bytesConstRef _cipher)
204 {
205     if (_k.size() != 16 && _k.size() != 24 && _k.size() != 32)
206         return bytesSec();
207     CryptoPP::SecByteBlock key(_k.data(), _k.size());
208     try
209     {
210         CryptoPP::CTR_Mode<CryptoPP::AES>::Decryption d;
211         d.SetKeyWithIV(key, key.size(), _iv.data());
212         bytesSec ret(_cipher.size());
213         d.ProcessData(ret.writable().data(), _cipher.data(), _cipher.size());
214         return ret;
215     }
216     catch (CryptoPP::Exception& _e)
217     {
218         cerr << _e.what() << endl;
219         return bytesSec();
220     }
221 }
recover(Signature const & _sig,h256 const & _message)223 Public dev::recover(Signature const& _sig, h256 const& _message)
224 {
225     int v = _sig[64];
226     if (v > 3)
227         return {};
229     auto* ctx = getCtx();
230     secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature rawSig;
231     if (!secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature_parse_compact(ctx, &rawSig, _sig.data(), v))
232         return {};
234     secp256k1_pubkey rawPubkey;
235     if (!secp256k1_ecdsa_recover(ctx, &rawPubkey, &rawSig, _message.data()))
236         return {};
238     std::array<byte, 65> serializedPubkey;
239     size_t serializedPubkeySize = serializedPubkey.size();
240     secp256k1_ec_pubkey_serialize(
241             ctx, serializedPubkey.data(), &serializedPubkeySize,
242             &rawPubkey, SECP256K1_EC_UNCOMPRESSED
243     );
244     assert(serializedPubkeySize == serializedPubkey.size());
245     // Expect single byte header of value 0x04 -- uncompressed public key.
246     assert(serializedPubkey[0] == 0x04);
247     // Create the Public skipping the header.
248     return Public{&serializedPubkey[1], Public::ConstructFromPointer};
249 }
251 static const u256 c_secp256k1n("115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494337");
sign(Secret const & _k,h256 const & _hash)253 Signature dev::sign(Secret const& _k, h256 const& _hash)
254 {
255     auto* ctx = getCtx();
256     secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature rawSig;
257     if (!secp256k1_ecdsa_sign_recoverable(ctx, &rawSig, _hash.data(), _k.data(), nullptr, nullptr))
258         return {};
260     Signature s;
261     int v = 0;
262     secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature_serialize_compact(ctx, s.data(), &v, &rawSig);
264     SignatureStruct& ss = *reinterpret_cast<SignatureStruct*>(&s);
265     ss.v = static_cast<byte>(v);
266     if (ss.s > c_secp256k1n / 2)
267     {
268         ss.v = static_cast<byte>(ss.v ^ 1);
269         ss.s = h256(c_secp256k1n - u256(ss.s));
270     }
271     assert(ss.s <= c_secp256k1n / 2);
272     return s;
273 }
verify(Public const & _p,Signature const & _s,h256 const & _hash)275 bool dev::verify(Public const& _p, Signature const& _s, h256 const& _hash)
276 {
277     // TODO: Verify w/o recovery (if faster).
278     if (!_p)
279         return false;
280     return _p == recover(_s, _hash);
281 }
verify(PublicCompressed const & _key,h512 const & _signature,h256 const & _hash)283 bool dev::verify(PublicCompressed const& _key, h512 const& _signature, h256 const& _hash)
284 {
285     auto* ctx = getCtx();
287     secp256k1_ecdsa_signature rawSig;
288     if (!secp256k1_ecdsa_signature_parse_compact(ctx, &rawSig, _signature.data()))
289         return false;
291     secp256k1_pubkey rawPubkey;
292     if (!secp256k1_ec_pubkey_parse(ctx, &rawPubkey, _key.data(), PublicCompressed::size))
293         return false;  // Invalid public key.
295     return secp256k1_ecdsa_verify(ctx, &rawSig, _hash.data(), &rawPubkey);
296 }
pbkdf2(string const & _pass,bytes const & _salt,unsigned _iterations,unsigned _dkLen)298 bytesSec dev::pbkdf2(string const& _pass, bytes const& _salt, unsigned _iterations, unsigned _dkLen)
299 {
300     bytesSec ret(_dkLen);
301     if (CryptoPP::PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC<CryptoPP::SHA256>().DeriveKey(
302         ret.writable().data(),
303         _dkLen,
304         0,
305         reinterpret_cast<byte const*>(_pass.data()),
306         _pass.size(),
307         _salt.data(),
308         _salt.size(),
309         _iterations
310     ) != _iterations)
311         BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(CryptoException() << errinfo_comment("Key derivation failed."));
312     return ret;
313 }
scrypt(std::string const & _pass,bytes const & _salt,uint64_t _n,uint32_t _r,uint32_t _p,unsigned _dkLen)315 bytesSec dev::scrypt(std::string const& _pass, bytes const& _salt, uint64_t _n, uint32_t _r, uint32_t _p, unsigned _dkLen)
316 {
317     bytesSec ret(_dkLen);
318     if (libscrypt_scrypt(
319         reinterpret_cast<uint8_t const*>(_pass.data()),
320         _pass.size(),
321         _salt.data(),
322         _salt.size(),
323         _n,
324         _r,
325         _p,
326         ret.writable().data(),
327         _dkLen
328     ) != 0)
329         BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(CryptoException() << errinfo_comment("Key derivation failed."));
330     return ret;
331 }
KeyPair(Secret const & _sec)333 KeyPair::KeyPair(Secret const& _sec):
334     m_secret(_sec),
335     m_public(toPublic(_sec))
336 {
337     // Assign address only if the secret key is valid.
338     if (m_public)
339         m_address = toAddress(m_public);
340 }
create()342 KeyPair KeyPair::create()
343 {
344     while (true)
345     {
346         KeyPair keyPair(Secret::random());
347         if (keyPair.address())
348             return keyPair;
349     }
350 }
fromEncryptedSeed(bytesConstRef _seed,std::string const & _password)352 KeyPair KeyPair::fromEncryptedSeed(bytesConstRef _seed, std::string const& _password)
353 {
354     return KeyPair(Secret(sha3(aesDecrypt(_seed, _password))));
355 }
kdf(Secret const & _priv,h256 const & _hash)357 h256 crypto::kdf(Secret const& _priv, h256 const& _hash)
358 {
359     // H(H(r||k)^h)
360     h256 s;
361     sha3mac(Secret::random().ref(), _priv.ref(), s.ref());
362     s ^= _hash;
363     sha3(s.ref(), s.ref());
365     if (!s || !_hash || !_priv)
366         BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidState());
367     return s;
368 }
next()370 Secret Nonce::next()
371 {
372     Guard l(x_value);
373     if (!m_value)
374     {
375         m_value = Secret::random();
376         if (!m_value)
377             BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InvalidState());
378     }
379     m_value = sha3Secure(m_value.ref());
380     return sha3(~m_value);
381 }
agree(Secret const & _s,Public const & _r,Secret & o_s)383 bool ecdh::agree(Secret const& _s, Public const& _r, Secret& o_s) noexcept
384 {
385     auto* ctx = getCtx();
386     static_assert(sizeof(Secret) == 32, "Invalid Secret type size");
387     secp256k1_pubkey rawPubkey;
388     std::array<byte, 65> serializedPubKey{{0x04}};
389     std::copy(_r.asArray().begin(), _r.asArray().end(), serializedPubKey.begin() + 1);
390     if (!secp256k1_ec_pubkey_parse(ctx, &rawPubkey, serializedPubKey.data(), serializedPubKey.size()))
391         return false;  // Invalid public key.
392     // FIXME: We should verify the public key when constructed, maybe even keep
393     //        secp256k1_pubkey as the internal data of Public.
394     std::array<byte, 33> compressedPoint;
395 #ifdef QTUM_BUILD
396     if (!secp256k1_ecdh(ctx, compressedPoint.data(), &rawPubkey, _s.data(), nullptr, nullptr))
397 #else
398     if (!secp256k1_ecdh_raw(ctx, compressedPoint.data(), &rawPubkey, _s.data()))
399 #endif
400         return false;  // Invalid secret key.
401     std::copy(compressedPoint.begin() + 1, compressedPoint.end(), o_s.writable().data());
402     return true;
403 }
kdf(Secret const & _z,bytes const & _s1,unsigned kdByteLen)405 bytes ecies::kdf(Secret const& _z, bytes const& _s1, unsigned kdByteLen)
406 {
407     auto reps = ((kdByteLen + 7) * 8) / 512;
408     // SEC/ISO/Shoup specify counter size SHOULD be equivalent
409     // to size of hash output, however, it also notes that
410     // the 4 bytes is okay. NIST specifies 4 bytes.
411     std::array<byte, 4> ctr{{0, 0, 0, 1}};
412     bytes k;
413     secp256k1_sha256_t ctx;
414     for (unsigned i = 0; i <= reps; i++)
415     {
416         secp256k1_sha256_initialize(&ctx);
417         secp256k1_sha256_write(&ctx, ctr.data(), ctr.size());
418         secp256k1_sha256_write(&ctx, _z.data(), Secret::size);
419         secp256k1_sha256_write(&ctx, _s1.data(), _s1.size());
420         // append hash to k
421         std::array<byte, 32> digest;
422         secp256k1_sha256_finalize(&ctx, digest.data());
424         k.reserve(k.size() + h256::size);
425         move(digest.begin(), digest.end(), back_inserter(k));
427         if (++ctr[3] || ++ctr[2] || ++ctr[1] || ++ctr[0])
428             continue;
429     }
431     k.resize(kdByteLen);
432     return k;
433 }