1 /* Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
2    Contributed by Oracle.
4    This file is part of GNU Binutils.
6    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8    the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
9    any later version.
11    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14    GNU General Public License for more details.
16    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18    Foundation, 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston,
19    MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
21 #include "config.h"
22 #include <new>
24 #include "util.h"
25 #include "CacheMap.h"
26 #include "CallStack.h"
27 #include "DbeSession.h"
28 #include "DbeView.h"
29 #include "DbeLinkList.h"
30 #include "Experiment.h"
31 #include "Exp_Layout.h"
32 #include "Function.h"
33 #include "LoadObject.h"
34 #include "Module.h"
Descendants()36 Descendants::Descendants ()
37 {
38   count = 0;
39   limit = sizeof (first_data) / sizeof (CallStackNode *);
40   data = first_data;
41 }
~Descendants()43 Descendants::~Descendants ()
44 {
45   if (data != first_data)
46     free (data);
47 }
49 CallStackNode *
find(Histable * hi,int * index)50 Descendants::find (Histable *hi, int *index)
51 {
52   int cnt = count;
53   int left = 0;
54   for (int right = cnt - 1; left <= right;)
55     {
56       int ind = (left + right) / 2;
57       CallStackNode *node = data[ind];
58       Histable *instr = node->get_instr ();
59       if (instr == hi)
60 	{
61 	  if (index)
62 	    *index = ind;
63 	  return node;
64 	}
65       if (instr->id < hi->id)
66 	right = ind - 1;
67       else
68 	left = ind + 1;
69     }
70   if (index)
71     *index = left;
72   return NULL;
73 }
75 void
append(CallStackNode * item)76 Descendants::append (CallStackNode* item)
77 {
78   if (count < limit)
79     data[count++] = item;
80   else
81     insert (count, item);
82 }
84 void
insert(int ind,CallStackNode * item)85 Descendants::insert (int ind, CallStackNode* item)
86 {
87   CallStackNode **old_data = data;
88   int old_cnt = count;
89   if (old_cnt + 1 >= limit)
90     {
91       int new_limit = (limit == 0) ? DELTA : limit * 2;
92       CallStackNode **new_data = (CallStackNode **) malloc (new_limit * sizeof (CallStackNode *));
93       for (int i = 0; i < ind; i++)
94 	new_data[i] = old_data[i];
95       new_data[ind] = item;
96       for (int i = ind; i < old_cnt; i++)
97 	new_data[i + 1] = old_data[i];
98       limit = new_limit;
99       data = new_data;
100       if (old_data != first_data)
101 	free (old_data);
102     }
103   else
104     {
105       for (int i = ind; i < old_cnt; i++)
106 	old_data[i + 1] = old_data[i];
107       old_data[ind] = item;
108     }
109   count++;
110 }
112 /*
113  *    Private implementation of CallStack interface
114  */
116 // When performing pipeline optimization on resolve_frame_info + add_stack
117 // cstk_ctx structure contains the state (or context) for one iteration to pass on
118 // from Phase 2 to Phase 3 (More details in Experiment.cc)
119 class CallStackP : public CallStack
120 {
121 public:
122   CallStackP (Experiment *exp);
124   virtual ~CallStackP ();
126   virtual void add_stack (DataDescriptor *dDscr, long idx, FramePacket *frp, cstk_ctx_chunk *cstCtxChunk);
127   virtual void *add_stack (Vector<Histable*> *objs);
128   virtual CallStackNode *get_node (int n);
129   virtual void print (FILE *);
131 private:
133   static const int CHUNKSZ = 16384;
135   Experiment *experiment;
136   CallStackNode *root;
137   CallStackNode *jvm_node;
138   int nodes;
139   int nchunks;
140   CallStackNode **chunks;
141   Map<uint64_t, CallStackNode *> *cstackMap;
142   DbeLock *cstackLock;
144   CallStackNode *add_stack (long start, long end, Vector<Histable*> *objs, CallStackNode *myRoot);
145   CallStackNode *new_Node (CallStackNode*, Histable*);
146   CallStackNode *find_preg_stack (uint64_t);
147   // objs are in the root..leaf order
148   void *add_stack_d (Vector<Histable*> *objs);
149   void add_stack_java (DataDescriptor *dDscr, long idx, FramePacket *frp, hrtime_t tstamp, uint32_t thrid, Vector<DbeInstr*>* natpcs, bool natpc_added, cstk_ctx_chunk *cstCtxChunk);
150   void add_stack_java_epilogue (DataDescriptor *dDscr, long idx, FramePacket *frp, hrtime_t tstamp, uint32_t thrid, Vector<DbeInstr*>* natpcs, Vector<Histable*>* jpcs, bool natpc_added);
152   // Adjust HW counter event to find better trigger PC, etc.
153   DbeInstr *adjustEvent (DbeInstr *leafPC, DbeInstr * candPC,
154 			 Vaddr &eventEA, int abst_type);
155   Vector<DbeInstr*> *natpcsP;
156   Vector<Histable*> *jpcsP;
157 };
CallStackP(Experiment * exp)159 CallStackP::CallStackP (Experiment *exp)
160 {
161   experiment = exp;
162   nchunks = 0;
163   chunks = NULL;
164   nodes = 0;
165   cstackMap = new CacheMap<uint64_t, CallStackNode *>;
166   cstackLock = new DbeLock ();
167   Function *total = dbeSession->get_Total_Function ();
168   root = new_Node (0, total->find_dbeinstr (0, 0));
169   jvm_node = NULL;
170   natpcsP = NULL;
171   jpcsP = NULL;
172 }
~CallStackP()174 CallStackP::~CallStackP ()
175 {
176   delete cstackLock;
177   if (chunks)
178     {
179       for (int i = 0; i < nodes; i++)
180 	{
181 	  CallStackNode *node = get_node (i);
182 	  node->~CallStackNode ();
183 	}
184       for (int i = 0; i < nchunks; i++)
185 	free (chunks[i]);
186       free (chunks);
187     }
188   delete natpcsP;
189   delete jpcsP;
190   destroy_map (CallStackNode *, cstackMap);
191 }
193 CallStackNode *
new_Node(CallStackNode * anc,Histable * pcval)194 CallStackP::new_Node (CallStackNode *anc, Histable *pcval)
195 {
196   // cstackLock->aquireLock(); // Caller already locked it
197   if (nodes >= nchunks * CHUNKSZ)
198     {
199       CallStackNode **old_chunks = chunks;
200       nchunks++;
202       // Reallocate Node chunk array
203       chunks = (CallStackNode **) malloc (nchunks * sizeof (CallStackNode *));
204       for (int i = 0; i < nchunks - 1; i++)
205 	chunks[i] = old_chunks[i];
206       free (old_chunks);
207       // Allocate new chunk for nodes.
208       chunks[nchunks - 1] = (CallStackNode *) malloc (CHUNKSZ * sizeof (CallStackNode));
209     }
210   nodes++;
211   CallStackNode *node = get_node (nodes - 1);
212   new (node) CallStackNode (anc, pcval);
213   // cstackLock->releaseLock();
214   return node;
215 }
217 CallStackNode *
find_preg_stack(uint64_t prid)218 CallStackP::find_preg_stack (uint64_t prid)
219 {
220   DataView *dview = experiment->getOpenMPdata ();
221   dview->sort (PROP_CPRID);
222   Datum tval;
223   tval.setUINT64 (prid);
224   long idx = dview->getIdxByVals (&tval, DataView::REL_EQ);
225   if (idx < 0)
226     return root;
227   CallStackNode *node = (CallStackNode*) dview->getObjValue (PROP_USTACK, idx);
228   if (node != NULL)
229     return node;
230   uint64_t pprid = dview->getLongValue (PROP_PPRID, idx);
231   if (pprid == prid)
232     return root;
233   void *nat_stack = dview->getObjValue (PROP_MSTACK, idx);
234   Vector<Histable*> *pcs = getStackPCs (nat_stack);
236   // Find the bottom frame
237   int btm;
238   bool inOMP = false;
239   DbeInstr *instr;
240   Histable *hist;
241   for (btm = 0; btm < pcs->size (); btm++)
242     {
243       hist = pcs->fetch (btm);
244       if (hist->get_type () == Histable::INSTR)
245 	instr = (DbeInstr *) hist;
246       else    // DBELINE
247 	instr = (DbeInstr *) hist->convertto (Histable::INSTR);
248       LoadObject *lo = instr->func->module->loadobject;
249       if (!inOMP)
250 	{
251 	  if (lo->flags & SEG_FLAG_OMP)
252 	    inOMP = true;
253 	}
254       else if (!(lo->flags & SEG_FLAG_OMP))
255 	break;
256     }
258   // Find the top frame
259   dview->sort (PROP_CPRID);
260   int top;
261   tval.setUINT64 (pprid);
262   long pidx = dview->getIdxByVals (&tval, DataView::REL_EQ);
263   if (pidx < 0)     // No parent. Process the entire nat_stack
264     top = pcs->size () - 1;
265   else
266     {
267       uint32_t thrid = (uint32_t) dview->getIntValue (PROP_THRID, idx);
268       uint32_t pthrid = (uint32_t) dview->getIntValue (PROP_THRID, pidx);
269       if (thrid != pthrid)
270 	{
271 	  // Parent is on a different stack.
272 	  // Process the entire nat_stack. Skip libthread.
273 	  for (top = pcs->size () - 1; top >= 0; top--)
274 	    {
275 	      hist = pcs->fetch (top);
276 	      if (hist->get_type () == Histable::INSTR)
277 		instr = (DbeInstr *) hist;
278 	      else // DBELINE
279 		instr = (DbeInstr *) hist->convertto (Histable::INSTR);
280 	      if (instr->func->module->loadobject->flags & SEG_FLAG_OMP)
281 		break;
282 	    }
283 	  if (top < 0)  // None found. May be incomplete call stack (x86)
284 	    top = pcs->size () - 1;
285 	}
286       else
287 	{
288 	  // Parent is on the same stack. Find match.
289 	  top = pcs->size () - 1;
290 	  void *pnat_stack = dview->getObjValue (PROP_MSTACK, pidx);
291 	  Vector<Histable*> *ppcs = getStackPCs (pnat_stack);
292 	  for (int ptop = ppcs->size () - 1; top >= 0 && ptop >= 0;
293 		  top--, ptop--)
294 	    {
295 	      if (pcs->fetch (top) != ppcs->fetch (ptop))
296 		break;
297 	    }
298 	  delete ppcs;
299 	}
300     }
302   // Process the found range
303   Vector<Histable*> *upcs = new Vector<Histable*>(128);
304   for (int i = btm; i <= top; ++i)
305     {
306       hist = (DbeInstr*) pcs->fetch (i);
307       if (hist->get_type () == Histable::INSTR)
308 	instr = (DbeInstr *) hist;
309       else // DBELINE
310 	instr = (DbeInstr *) hist->convertto (Histable::INSTR);
312       if (instr->func->module->loadobject->flags & SEG_FLAG_OMP)
313 	// Skip all frames from libmtsk
314 	continue;
315       upcs->append (instr);
316     }
317   delete pcs;
318   node = find_preg_stack (pprid);
319   while (node != root)
320     {
321       upcs->append (node->instr);
322       node = node->ancestor;
323     }
324   node = (CallStackNode *) add_stack (upcs);
325   dview->setObjValue (PROP_USTACK, idx, node);
326   delete upcs;
327   return node;
328 }
330 #define JNI_MARKER -3
332 // This is one iteration if the third stage of
333 // resolve_frame_info + add_stack pipeline. Works on building the java
334 // stacks
335 void
add_stack_java(DataDescriptor * dDscr,long idx,FramePacket * frp,hrtime_t tstamp,uint32_t thrid,Vector<DbeInstr * > * natpcs,bool natpc_added,cstk_ctx_chunk * cstCtxChunk)336 CallStackP::add_stack_java (DataDescriptor *dDscr, long idx, FramePacket *frp,
337 			    hrtime_t tstamp, uint32_t thrid,
338 			    Vector<DbeInstr*>* natpcs, bool natpc_added,
339 			    cstk_ctx_chunk *cstCtxChunk)
340 {
341   Vector<Histable*> *jpcs = NULL;
342   cstk_ctx *cstctx = NULL;
343   if (cstCtxChunk != NULL)
344     {
345       cstctx = cstCtxChunk->cstCtxAr[idx % CSTCTX_CHUNK_SZ];
346       jpcs = cstctx->jpcs;
347       jpcs->reset ();
348     }
349   if (jpcs == NULL)
350     {
351       // this is when we are not doing the pipeline optimization
352       // Temporary array for resolved addresses
353       // [leaf_pc .. root_pc] == [0..stack_size-1]
354       // Leave room for a possible "truncated" frame
355       if (jpcsP == NULL)
356 	jpcsP = new Vector<Histable*>;
357       jpcs = jpcsP;
358       jpcs->reset ();
359     }
361   //
362   // Construct the user stack
363   //
364   // Construct Java user stack
365   int jstack_size = frp->stackSize (true);
366   if (jstack_size)
367     {
368       // jpcs = new Vector<Histable*>( jstack_size );
369       if (frp->isTruncatedStack (true))
370 	{
371 	  Function *truncf = dbeSession->getSpecialFunction (DbeSession::TruncatedStackFunc);
372 	  jpcs->append (truncf->find_dbeinstr (0, 0));
373 	}
375       int nind = natpcs->size () - 1; // first native frame
376       for (int jind = jstack_size - 1; jind >= 0; jind--)
377 	{
378 	  bool jleaf = (jind == 0); // is current java frame a leaf?
379 	  Vaddr mid = frp->getMthdFromStack (jind);
380 	  int bci = frp->getBciFromStack (jind);
381 	  DbeInstr *cur_instr = experiment->map_jmid_to_PC (mid, bci, tstamp);
382 	  jpcs->append (cur_instr);
383 	  if (bci == JNI_MARKER)
384 	    {
385 	      JMethod *j_method = (JMethod*) cur_instr->func;
386 	      // Find matching native function on the native stack
387 	      bool found = false;
388 	      for (; nind >= 0; nind--)
389 		{
390 		  DbeInstr *nat_addr = natpcs->fetch (nind);
391 		  if (0 == nat_addr)
392 		    continue;
393 		  Function *nat_func = nat_addr->func;
394 		  if (!found && j_method->jni_match (nat_func))
395 		    found = true;
396 		  if (found)
397 		    {
398 		      // XXX omazur: the following will skip JNI native method
399 		      // implemented in JVM itself.
400 		      // If we are back in JVM switch to processing Java
401 		      // frames if there are any.
402 		      if ((nat_func->module->loadobject->flags & SEG_FLAG_JVM) && !jleaf)
403 			break;
404 		      jpcs->append (nat_addr);
405 		    }
406 		}
407 	    }
408 	}
409     }
410   add_stack_java_epilogue (dDscr, idx, frp, tstamp, thrid, natpcs, jpcs, natpc_added);
411 }
413 // This is one iteration if the fourth stage of
414 // resolve_frame_info + add_stack pipeline.
415 // It adds the native and java stacks to the stackmap
417 void
add_stack_java_epilogue(DataDescriptor * dDscr,long idx,FramePacket * frp,hrtime_t tstamp,uint32_t thrid,Vector<DbeInstr * > * natpcs,Vector<Histable * > * jpcs,bool natpc_added)418 CallStackP::add_stack_java_epilogue (DataDescriptor *dDscr, long idx, FramePacket *frp, hrtime_t tstamp, uint32_t thrid, Vector<DbeInstr*>* natpcs, Vector<Histable*> *jpcs, bool natpc_added)
419 {
420   CallStackNode *node = NULL;
421   if (!natpc_added)
422     {
423       node = (CallStackNode *) add_stack ((Vector<Histable*>*)natpcs);
424       dDscr->setObjValue (PROP_MSTACK, idx, node);
425       dDscr->setObjValue (PROP_XSTACK, idx, node);
426       dDscr->setObjValue (PROP_USTACK, idx, node);
427     }
429   int jstack_size = frp->stackSize (true);
430   if (jstack_size)
431     {
432       if (jpcs != NULL)
433 	node = (CallStackNode *) add_stack_d (jpcs);
434       if (node == NULL)
435 	node = (CallStackNode*) dDscr->getObjValue (PROP_USTACK, idx);
436       dDscr->setObjValue (PROP_USTACK, idx, node);
437       Function *func = (Function*) node->instr->convertto (Histable::FUNCTION);
438       if (func != dbeSession->get_JUnknown_Function ())
439 	dDscr->setObjValue (PROP_XSTACK, idx, node);
440     }
442   JThread *jthread = experiment->map_pckt_to_Jthread (thrid, tstamp);
443   if (jthread == JTHREAD_NONE && jstack_size != 0 && node != NULL)
444     {
445       Function *func = (Function*) node->instr->convertto (Histable::FUNCTION);
446       if (func != dbeSession->get_JUnknown_Function ())
447 	jthread = JTHREAD_DEFAULT;
448     }
449   dDscr->setObjValue (PROP_JTHREAD, idx, jthread);
450   if (jthread == JTHREAD_NONE || (jthread != JTHREAD_DEFAULT && jthread->is_system ()))
451     {
452       if (jvm_node == NULL)
453 	{
454 	  Function *jvm = dbeSession->get_jvm_Function ();
455 	  if (jvm)
456 	    {
457 	      jvm_node = new_Node (root, jvm->find_dbeinstr (0, 0));
458 	      CommonPacket::jvm_overhead = jvm_node;
459 	    }
460 	}
461       dDscr->setObjValue (PROP_USTACK, idx, jvm_node);
462     }
463 }
465 // This is one iteration of the 2nd stage of
466 // resolve_frame_info + add_stack() pipeline. Builds the stack for a given framepacket.
467 // When pipeline optimization is turnd off, cstctxchunk passed is NULL
468 void
add_stack(DataDescriptor * dDscr,long idx,FramePacket * frp,cstk_ctx_chunk * cstCtxChunk)469 CallStackP::add_stack (DataDescriptor *dDscr, long idx, FramePacket *frp,
470 		       cstk_ctx_chunk* cstCtxChunk)
471 {
472   Vector<DbeInstr*> *natpcs = NULL;
473   cstk_ctx *cstctx = NULL;
474   int stack_size = frp->stackSize ();
475   if (cstCtxChunk != NULL)
476     {
477       cstctx = cstCtxChunk->cstCtxAr[idx % CSTCTX_CHUNK_SZ];
478       natpcs = cstctx->natpcs;
479       natpcs->reset ();
480     }
481   if (natpcs == NULL)
482     {
483       // this is when we are not doing the pipeline optimization
484       // Temporary array for resolved addresses
485       // [leaf_pc .. root_pc] == [0..stack_size-1]
486       // Leave room for a possible "truncated" frame
487       if (natpcsP == NULL)
488 	natpcsP = new Vector<DbeInstr*>;
489       natpcs = natpcsP;
490       natpcs->reset ();
491     }
493   bool leaf = true;
494   hrtime_t tstamp = (hrtime_t) dDscr->getLongValue (PROP_TSTAMP, idx);
495   uint32_t thrid = (uint32_t) dDscr->getIntValue (PROP_THRID, idx);
497   enum
498   {
499     NONE,
500     CHECK_O7,
501     USE_O7,
502     SKIP_O7
503   } state = NONE;
505   Vaddr o7_to_skip = 0;
506   for (int index = 0; index < stack_size; index++)
507     {
508       if (frp->isLeafMark (index))
509 	{
510 	  state = CHECK_O7;
511 	  continue;
512 	}
514       if (state == SKIP_O7)
515 	{
516 	  // remember this bad o7 value since OMP might not recognize it
517 	  o7_to_skip = frp->getFromStack (index);
518 	  state = NONE;
519 	  continue;
520 	}
522       Vaddr va = frp->getFromStack (index);
523       DbeInstr *cur_instr = experiment->map_Vaddr_to_PC (va, tstamp);
524 #if ARCH(Intel)// TBR? FIXUP_XXX_SPARC_LINUX: switch should be on experiment ARCH, not dbe ARCH
525       // We need to adjust return addresses on intel
526       // in order to attribute inclusive metrics to
527       // proper call instructions.
528       if (experiment->exp_maj_version <= 9)
529 	if (!leaf && cur_instr->addr != 0)
530 	  cur_instr = cur_instr->func->find_dbeinstr (0, cur_instr->addr - 1);
531 #endif
533       // Skip PC's from PLT, update leaf and state accordingly
534       if ((cur_instr->func->flags & FUNC_FLAG_PLT)
535 	   && (leaf || state == CHECK_O7))
536 	{
537 	  if (state == CHECK_O7)
538 	    state = USE_O7;
539 	  leaf = false;
540 	  continue;
541 	}
542       if (state == CHECK_O7)
543 	{
544 	  state = USE_O7;
545 	  uint64_t saddr = cur_instr->func->save_addr;
546 	  if (cur_instr->func->isOutlineFunction)
547 	    // outline functions assume 'save' instruction
548 	    // Note: they accidentally have saddr == FUNC_ROOT
549 	    state = SKIP_O7;
550 	  else if (saddr == FUNC_ROOT)
551 	    {
552 	      // If a function is statically determined as a root
553 	      // but dynamically appears not, don't discard o7.
554 	      // One such case is __misalign_trap_handler on sparcv9.
555 	      if (stack_size == 3)
556 		state = SKIP_O7;
557 	    }
558 	  else if (saddr != FUNC_NO_SAVE && cur_instr->addr > saddr)
559 	    state = SKIP_O7;
560 	}
561       else if (state == USE_O7)
562 	{
563 	  state = NONE;
564 	  if (cur_instr->flags & PCInvlFlag)
565 	    continue;
566 	}
567       if (leaf)
568 	{
569 	  Vaddr evpc = (Vaddr) dDscr->getLongValue (PROP_VIRTPC, idx);
570 	  if (evpc != 0
571 	      && !(index > 0 && frp->isLeafMark (index - 1)
572 		   && evpc == (Vaddr) (-1)))
573 	    {
574 	      /* contains hwcprof info */
575 	      cur_instr->func->module->read_hwcprof_info ();
577 	      // complete ABS validation of candidate eventPC/eventEA
578 	      // and correction/adjustment of collected callstack leaf PC
579 	      DbeInstr *candPC = experiment->map_Vaddr_to_PC (evpc, tstamp);
580 	      Vaddr vaddr = (Vaddr) dDscr->getLongValue (PROP_VADDR, idx);
581 	      Vaddr tmp_vaddr = vaddr;
582 	      int abst_type;
583 	      uint32_t tag = dDscr->getIntValue (PROP_HWCTAG, idx);
584 	      if (tag < 0 || tag >= MAX_HWCOUNT)
585 		abst_type = ABST_NOPC;
586 	      else
587 		abst_type = experiment->coll_params.hw_tpc[tag];
589 	      // We need to adjust addresses for ABST_EXACT_PEBS_PLUS1
590 	      // (Nehalem/SandyBridge PEBS identifies PC+1, not PC)
591 	      if (abst_type == ABST_EXACT_PEBS_PLUS1 && candPC->addr != 0)
592 		candPC = candPC->func->find_dbeinstr (0, candPC->func->find_previous_addr (candPC->addr));
594 	      cur_instr = adjustEvent (cur_instr, candPC, tmp_vaddr, abst_type);
595 	      if (vaddr != tmp_vaddr)
596 		{
597 		  if (tmp_vaddr < ABS_CODE_RANGE)
598 		    {
599 		      /* post processing backtrack failed */
600 		      dDscr->setValue (PROP_VADDR, idx, tmp_vaddr);
601 		      dDscr->setValue (PROP_PADDR, idx, ABS_NULL);
602 		      /* hwcp->eventVPC =  xxxxx leave eventPC alone,
603 		       *   or can we set it to leafpc? */
604 		      dDscr->setValue (PROP_PHYSPC, idx, ABS_NULL);
605 		    }
606 		  else
607 		    {
608 		      /* internal error: why would post-processing modify vaddr? */
609 		      dDscr->setValue (PROP_PADDR, idx, (Vaddr) (-1));
610 		      dDscr->setValue (PROP_PHYSPC, idx, (Vaddr) (-1));
611 		    }
612 		}
613 	    }
614 	}
615       natpcs->append (cur_instr);
616       leaf = false;
618       // A hack to deceive the user into believing that outlined code
619       // is called from the base function
620       DbeInstr *drvd = cur_instr->func->derivedNode;
621       if (drvd != NULL)
622 	natpcs->append (drvd);
623     }
624   if (frp->isTruncatedStack ())
625     {
626       Function *truncf = dbeSession->getSpecialFunction (DbeSession::TruncatedStackFunc);
627       natpcs->append (truncf->find_dbeinstr (0, 0));
628     }
629   else if (frp->isFailedUnwindStack ())
630     {
631       Function *funwf = dbeSession->getSpecialFunction (DbeSession::FailedUnwindFunc);
632       natpcs->append (funwf->find_dbeinstr (0, 0));
633     }
635   CallStackNode *node = (CallStackNode*) add_stack ((Vector<Histable*>*)natpcs);
636   dDscr->setObjValue (PROP_MSTACK, idx, node);
637   dDscr->setObjValue (PROP_XSTACK, idx, node);
638   dDscr->setObjValue (PROP_USTACK, idx, node);
640   // OpenMP 3.0 stacks
641   stack_size = frp->ompstack->size ();
642   if (stack_size > 0 || frp->omp_state == OMP_IDLE_STATE)
643     {
644       Function *func;
645       Vector<Histable*> *omppcs = new Vector<Histable*>(stack_size);
646       Vector<Histable*> *ompxpcs = new Vector<Histable*>(stack_size);
647       switch (frp->omp_state)
648 	{
649 	case OMP_IDLE_STATE:
650 	case OMP_RDUC_STATE:
651 	case OMP_IBAR_STATE:
652 	case OMP_EBAR_STATE:
653 	case OMP_LKWT_STATE:
654 	case OMP_CTWT_STATE:
655 	case OMP_ODWT_STATE:
656 	case OMP_ATWT_STATE:
657 	  {
658 	    func = dbeSession->get_OMP_Function (frp->omp_state);
659 	    DbeInstr *instr = func->find_dbeinstr (0, 0);
660 	    omppcs->append (instr);
661 	    ompxpcs->append (instr);
662 	    break;
663 	  }
664 	}
665       Vector<Vaddr> *stck = frp->ompstack;
666       leaf = true;
667       for (int index = 0; index < stack_size; index++)
668 	{
669 	  if (stck->fetch (index) == SP_LEAF_CHECK_MARKER)
670 	    {
671 	      state = CHECK_O7;
672 	      continue;
673 	    }
674 	  if (state == SKIP_O7)
675 	    {
676 	      state = NONE;
677 	      continue;
678 	    }
680 	  // The OMP stack might not have enough information to know to discard a bad o7.
681 	  // So just remember what the native stack skipped.
682 	  if (o7_to_skip == stck->fetch (index))
683 	    {
684 	      state = NONE;
685 	      continue;
686 	    }
687 	  Vaddr va = stck->fetch (index);
688 	  DbeInstr *cur_instr = experiment->map_Vaddr_to_PC (va, tstamp);
690 	  // Skip PC's from PLT, update leaf and state accordingly
691 	  if ((cur_instr->func->flags & FUNC_FLAG_PLT) &&
692 	      (leaf || state == CHECK_O7))
693 	    {
694 	      if (state == CHECK_O7)
695 		state = USE_O7;
696 	      leaf = false;
697 	      continue;
698 	    }
699 	  if (state == CHECK_O7)
700 	    {
701 	      state = USE_O7;
702 	      uint64_t saddr = cur_instr->func->save_addr;
703 	      if (cur_instr->func->isOutlineFunction)
704 		// outline functions assume 'save' instruction
705 		// Note: they accidentally have saddr == FUNC_ROOT
706 		state = SKIP_O7;
707 	      else if (saddr == FUNC_ROOT)
708 		{
709 		  // If a function is statically determined as a root
710 		  // but dynamically appears not, don't discard o7.
711 		  // One such case is __misalign_trap_handler on sparcv9.
712 		  if (stack_size == 3)
713 		    state = SKIP_O7;
714 		}
715 	      else if (saddr != FUNC_NO_SAVE && cur_instr->addr > saddr)
716 		state = SKIP_O7;
717 	    }
718 	  else if (state == USE_O7)
719 	    {
720 	      state = NONE;
721 	      if (cur_instr->flags & PCInvlFlag)
722 		continue;
723 	    }
725 	  DbeLine *dbeline = (DbeLine*) cur_instr->convertto (Histable::LINE);
726 	  if (cur_instr->func->usrfunc)
727 	    {
728 	      dbeline = dbeline->sourceFile->find_dbeline (cur_instr->func->usrfunc, dbeline->lineno);
729 	      omppcs->append (dbeline);
730 	    }
731 	  else if (dbeline->lineno > 0)
732 	    omppcs->append (dbeline);
733 	  else
734 	    omppcs->append (cur_instr);
735 	  if (dbeline->is_set (DbeLine::OMPPRAGMA) &&
736 	      frp->omp_state == OMP_WORK_STATE)
737 	    dDscr->setValue (PROP_OMPSTATE, idx, OMP_OVHD_STATE);
738 	  ompxpcs->append (cur_instr);
739 	  leaf = false;
740 	}
741       if (frp->omptruncated == SP_TRUNC_STACK_MARKER)
742 	{
743 	  func = dbeSession->getSpecialFunction (DbeSession::TruncatedStackFunc);
744 	  DbeInstr *instr = func->find_dbeinstr (0, 0);
745 	  omppcs->append (instr);
746 	  ompxpcs->append (instr);
747 	}
748       else if (frp->omptruncated == SP_FAILED_UNWIND_MARKER)
749 	{
750 	  func = dbeSession->getSpecialFunction (DbeSession::FailedUnwindFunc);
751 	  DbeInstr *instr = func->find_dbeinstr (0, 0);
752 	  omppcs->append (instr);
753 	  ompxpcs->append (instr);
754 	}
756       // User model call stack
757       node = (CallStackNode*) add_stack (omppcs);
758       dDscr->setObjValue (PROP_USTACK, idx, node);
759       delete omppcs;
761       // Expert call stack
762       node = (CallStackNode*) add_stack (ompxpcs);
763       dDscr->setObjValue (PROP_XSTACK, idx, node);
764       delete ompxpcs;
765       dDscr->setObjValue (PROP_JTHREAD, idx, JTHREAD_DEFAULT);
766       return;
767     }
769   // OpenMP 2.5 stacks
770   if (frp->omp_cprid || frp->omp_state)
771     {
772       DataView *dview = experiment->getOpenMPdata ();
773       if (dview == NULL)
774 	{
775 	  // It appears we may get OMP_SERL_STATE from a passive libmtsk
776 	  dDscr->setObjValue (PROP_JTHREAD, idx, JTHREAD_DEFAULT);
777 	  return;
778 	}
779       if (dview->getDataDescriptor () == dDscr)
780 	{
781 	  // Don't process the user stack for OpenMP fork events yet
782 	  dDscr->setObjValue (PROP_USTACK, idx, (void*) NULL);
783 	  dDscr->setObjValue (PROP_JTHREAD, idx, JTHREAD_DEFAULT);
784 	  return;
785 	}
786       Vector<Histable*> *omppcs = new Vector<Histable*>(stack_size);
788       // Construct OMP user stack
789       // Find the bottom frame
790       int btm = 0;
791       switch (frp->omp_state)
792 	{
793 	case OMP_IDLE_STATE:
794 	  {
795 	    Function *func = dbeSession->get_OMP_Function (frp->omp_state);
796 	    omppcs->append (func->find_dbeinstr (0, 0));
797 	    // XXX: workaround for inconsistency between OMP_IDLE_STATE
798 	    // and omp_cprid != 0
799 	    frp->omp_cprid = 0;
800 	    btm = natpcs->size ();
801 	    break;
802 	  }
803 	case OMP_RDUC_STATE:
804 	case OMP_IBAR_STATE:
805 	case OMP_EBAR_STATE:
806 	case OMP_LKWT_STATE:
807 	case OMP_CTWT_STATE:
808 	case OMP_ODWT_STATE:
809 	case OMP_ATWT_STATE:
810 	  {
811 	    Function *func = dbeSession->get_OMP_Function (frp->omp_state);
812 	    omppcs->append (func->find_dbeinstr (0, 0));
813 	    bool inOMP = false;
814 	    for (btm = 0; btm < natpcs->size (); btm++)
815 	      {
816 		LoadObject *lo = natpcs->fetch (btm)->func->module->loadobject;
817 		if (!inOMP)
818 		  {
819 		    if (lo->flags & SEG_FLAG_OMP)
820 		      inOMP = true;
821 		  }
822 		else if (!(lo->flags & SEG_FLAG_OMP))
823 		  break;
824 	      }
825 	    break;
826 	  }
827 	case OMP_NO_STATE:
828 	case OMP_WORK_STATE:
829 	case OMP_SERL_STATE:
830 	default:
831 	  break;
832 	}
834       // Find the top frame
835       int top = -1;
836       switch (frp->omp_state)
837 	{
838 	case OMP_IDLE_STATE:
839 	  break;
840 	default:
841 	  {
842 	    dview->sort (PROP_CPRID);
843 	    Datum tval;
844 	    tval.setUINT64 (frp->omp_cprid);
845 	    long pidx = dview->getIdxByVals (&tval, DataView::REL_EQ);
846 	    if (pidx < 0)   // No parent. Process the entire nat_stack
847 	      top = natpcs->size () - 1;
848 	    else
849 	      {
850 		uint32_t pthrid = (uint32_t) dview->getIntValue (PROP_THRID, pidx);
851 		if (thrid != pthrid)
852 		  {
853 		    // Parent is on a different stack.
854 		    // Process the entire nat_stack. Skip libthread.
855 		    for (top = natpcs->size () - 1; top >= 0; top--)
856 		      {
857 			DbeInstr *instr = natpcs->fetch (top);
858 			if (instr->func->module->loadobject->flags & SEG_FLAG_OMP)
859 			  break;
860 		      }
861 		    if (top < 0) // None found. May be incomplete call stack
862 		      top = natpcs->size () - 1;
863 		  }
864 		else
865 		  {
866 		    // Parent is on the same stack. Find match.
867 		    top = natpcs->size () - 1;
868 		    void *pnat_stack = dview->getObjValue (PROP_MSTACK, pidx);
869 		    Vector<Histable*> *ppcs = getStackPCs (pnat_stack);
870 		    for (int ptop = ppcs->size () - 1; top >= 0 && ptop >= 0;
871 			    top--, ptop--)
872 		      {
873 			if (natpcs->fetch (top) != ppcs->fetch (ptop))
874 			  break;
875 		      }
876 		    delete ppcs;
877 		  }
878 	      }
879 	    // If no frames are found for Barrier/Reduction save at least one
880 	    if ((frp->omp_state == OMP_RDUC_STATE
881 		 || frp->omp_state == OMP_IBAR_STATE
882 		 || frp->omp_state == OMP_EBAR_STATE)
883 		&& top < btm && btm < natpcs->size ())
884 	      top = btm;
885 	  }
886 	}
887       for (int i = btm; i <= top; ++i)
888 	{
889 	  DbeInstr *instr = natpcs->fetch (i);
890 	  if (instr->func->module->loadobject->flags & SEG_FLAG_OMP)
891 	    continue; // Skip all frames from libmtsk
892 	  omppcs->append (instr);
893 	}
894       node = find_preg_stack (frp->omp_cprid);
895       while (node != root)
896 	{
897 	  omppcs->append (node->instr);
898 	  node = node->ancestor;
899 	}
900       node = (CallStackNode *) add_stack (omppcs);
901       dDscr->setObjValue (PROP_USTACK, idx, node);
902       delete omppcs;
903       dDscr->setObjValue (PROP_JTHREAD, idx, JTHREAD_DEFAULT);
904       return;
905     }
907   // Construct Java user stack
908   add_stack_java (dDscr, idx, frp, tstamp, thrid, natpcs, true, NULL);
909 }
911 // adjustment of leafPC/eventVA for XHWC packets with candidate eventPC
912 //  Called from CallStack during initial processing of the events
913 DbeInstr *
adjustEvent(DbeInstr * leafPC,DbeInstr * candPC,Vaddr & eventVA,int abst_type)914 CallStackP::adjustEvent (DbeInstr *leafPC, DbeInstr *candPC, Vaddr &eventVA,
915 			 int abst_type)
916 {
917   // increment counter of dataspace events
918   experiment->dsevents++;
919   bool isPrecise;
920   if (abst_type == ABST_EXACT_PEBS_PLUS1)
921     isPrecise = true;
922   else if (abst_type == ABST_EXACT)
923     isPrecise = true;
924   else
925     isPrecise = false;
927   if (isPrecise)
928     /* precise backtracking */
929     /* assume within 1 instruction of leaf (this could be checked here) */
930     // no change to eventVA or candPC
931     return candPC;
933   Function *func = leafPC->func;
934   unsigned int bt_entries = func->module->bTargets.size ();
935   DbeInstr *bestPC = NULL;
937   // bt == branch target (potential destination of a branch
938   if (bt_entries == 0)
939     { // no XHWCprof info for this module
940       // increment counter
941       experiment->dsnoxhwcevents++;
943       // see if event is to be processed anyway
944       if (!dbeSession->check_ignore_no_xhwcprof ())
945 	{
946 	  // Don't ignore error
947 	  // XXX -- set error code in event VA -- replace with other mechanism
948 	  if (eventVA > ABS_CODE_RANGE)
949 	    eventVA = ABS_NULL;
950 	  eventVA |= ABS_NO_CTI_INFO; // => effective address can't be validated
951 	  bestPC = leafPC; // => no PC correction possible
952 	}
953       else
954 	bestPC = candPC; // assume the event valid
955     }
956   else
957     {
958       // we have the info to verify the backtracking
959       target_info_t *bt;
960       int bt_entry = bt_entries;
961       uint64_t leafPC_offset = func->img_offset + leafPC->addr;
962       uint64_t candPC_offset = candPC->func->img_offset + candPC->addr;
963       do
964 	{
965 	  bt_entry--;
966 	  bt = func->module->bTargets.fetch (bt_entry);
967 	  /* bts seem to be sorted by offset, smallest to largest */
968 	}
969       while (bt_entry > 0 && bt->offset > leafPC_offset);
970       /* if bt_entry == 0, all items have been checked */
972       if (bt->offset > leafPC_offset)
973 	{ /* XXXX isn't is possible that all bt's are after leafPC_offset? */
974 	  bestPC = leafPC; // actual event PC can't be determined
975 	  if (eventVA > ABS_CODE_RANGE)
976 	    eventVA = ABS_NULL;
977 	  eventVA |= ABS_INFO_FAILED; // effective address can't be validated
978 	}
979       else if (bt->offset > candPC_offset)
980 	{
981 	  // use synthetic PC corresponding to bTarget
982 	  bestPC = func->find_dbeinstr (PCTrgtFlag, bt->offset - func->img_offset);
983 	  if (eventVA > ABS_CODE_RANGE)
984 	    eventVA = ABS_NULL;
985 	  eventVA |= ABS_CTI_TARGET; // effective  address can't be validated
986 	}
987       else
988 	bestPC = candPC;    // accept provided virtual address as valid
989     }
990   return bestPC;
991 }
993 void *
add_stack_d(Vector<Histable * > * objs)994 CallStackP::add_stack_d (Vector<Histable*> *objs)
995 {
996   // objs: root..leaf
997   // Reverse objs
998   for (int i = 0, j = objs->size () - 1; i < j; ++i, --j)
999     objs->swap (i, j);
1000   return add_stack (objs);
1001 }
CallStackNode(CallStackNode * _ancestor,Histable * _instr)1003 CallStackNode::CallStackNode (CallStackNode *_ancestor, Histable *_instr)
1004 {
1005   ancestor = _ancestor;
1006   instr = _instr;
1007   alt_node = NULL;
1008 }
~CallStackNode()1010 CallStackNode::~CallStackNode () { }
1012 bool
compare(long start,long end,Vector<Histable * > * objs,CallStackNode * mRoot)1013 CallStackNode::compare (long start, long end, Vector<Histable*> *objs, CallStackNode *mRoot)
1014 {
1015   CallStackNode *p = this;
1016   for (long i = start; i < end; i++, p = p->get_ancestor ())
1017     if (p == NULL || p->get_instr () != objs->get (i))
1018       return false;
1019   return p == mRoot;
1020 }
1022 void
dump()1023 CallStackNode::dump ()
1024 {
1025   const char *s = "";
1026   int sz = 0;
1027   for (CallStackNode *p = this; p; p = p->get_ancestor ())
1028     {
1029       fprintf (stderr, NTXT ("%.*s 0x%08llx id=0x%08llx %s\n"), sz, s,
1030 	       (long long) p, (long long) p->get_instr ()->id,
1031 	       STR (p->get_instr ()->get_name ()));
1032       s = "-";
1033       sz += 1;
1034     }
1035 }
1037 long total_calls_add_stack, total_stacks, total_nodes, call_stack_size[201];
1039 void *
add_stack(Vector<Histable * > * objs)1040 CallStackP::add_stack (Vector<Histable*> *objs)
1041 {
1042   // objs: leaf..root
1043   uint64_t hash = objs->size ();
1044   for (long i = objs->size () - 1; i >= 0; --i)
1045     hash ^= (unsigned long long) objs->get (i);
1047   uint64_t key = hash ? hash : 1;
1048   CallStackNode *node = cstackMap->get (key);
1049 #ifdef DEBUG
1050   if (DUMP_CALL_STACK)
1051     {
1052       total_calls_add_stack++;
1053       call_stack_size[objs->size () > 200 ? 200 : objs->size ()]++;
1054       Dprintf (DUMP_CALL_STACK,
1055 	       "add_stack: %lld size=%lld  key=0x%08llx cashNode=0x%08llx\n",
1056 	       (long long) total_calls_add_stack, (long long) objs->size (),
1057 	       (long long) key, (long long) node);
1058       for (long i = 0, sz = VecSize (objs); i < sz; i++)
1059 	Dprintf (DUMP_CALL_STACK, "  add_stack: %.*s 0x%08llx id=0x%08llx %s\n",
1060 		 (int) i, NTXT (" "), (long long) objs->get (i),
1061 		 (long long) objs->get (i)->id, STR (objs->get (i)->get_name ()));
1062     }
1063 #endif
1064   if (node && node->compare (0, objs->size (), objs, root))
1065     {
1066       Dprintf (DUMP_CALL_STACK, NTXT ("STACK FOUND: key=0x%08llx 0x%08llx id=0x%08llx %s\n"),
1067 	       (long long) key, (long long) node,
1068 	       (long long) node->get_instr ()->id,
1069 	       STR (node->get_instr ()->get_name ()));
1070       return node;
1071     }
1072   node = root;
1073   for (long i = objs->size () - 1; i >= 0; i--)
1074     {
1075       Histable *instr = objs->get (i);
1076       int old_count = node->count;
1077       int left;
1078       CallStackNode *nd = node->find (instr, &left);
1079       if (nd)
1080 	{
1081 	  node = nd;
1082 	  continue;
1083 	}
1084       cstackLock->aquireLock (); // Use one lock for all nodes
1085       // node->aquireLock();
1086       if (old_count != node->count)
1087 	{
1088 	  nd = node->find (instr, &left);
1089 	  if (nd)
1090 	    { // the other thread has created this node
1091 	      cstackLock->releaseLock ();
1092 	      // node->releaseLock();
1093 	      node = nd;
1094 	      continue;
1095 	    }
1096 	}
1097       // New Call Stack
1098       total_stacks++;
1099       nd = node;
1100       CallStackNode *first = NULL;
1101       do
1102 	{
1103 	  CallStackNode *anc = node;
1104 	  total_nodes++;
1105 	  node = new_Node (anc, objs->get (i));
1106 	  if (first)
1107 	    anc->append (node);
1108 	  else
1109 	    first = node;
1110 	}
1111       while (i-- > 0);
1112       nd->insert (left, first);
1113       cstackLock->releaseLock ();
1114       // nd->releaseLock();
1115       break;
1116     }
1117   cstackMap->put (key, node);
1118   if (DUMP_CALL_STACK)
1119     node->dump ();
1120   return node;
1121 }
1123 CallStackNode *
get_node(int n)1124 CallStackP::get_node (int n)
1125 {
1126   if (n < nodes)
1127     return &chunks[n / CHUNKSZ][n % CHUNKSZ];
1128   return NULL;
1129 }
1131 /*
1132  *  Debugging methods
1133  */
1134 void
print(FILE * fd)1135 CallStackP::print (FILE *fd)
1136 {
1137   FILE *f = (fd == NULL ? stderr : fd);
1138   fprintf (f, GTXT ("CallStack: nodes = %d\n\n"), nodes);
1139   int maxdepth = 0;
1140   int maxwidth = 0;
1141   const char *t;
1142   char *n;
1143   for (int i = 0; i < nodes; i++)
1144     {
1145       CallStackNode *node = &chunks[i / CHUNKSZ][i % CHUNKSZ];
1146       Histable *instr = node->instr;
1147       if (instr->get_type () == Histable::LINE)
1148 	{
1149 	  t = "L";
1150 	  n = ((DbeLine *) instr)->func->get_name ();
1151 	}
1152       else if (instr->get_type () == Histable::INSTR)
1153 	{
1154 	  t = "I";
1155 	  n = ((DbeInstr *) instr)->func->get_name ();
1156 	}
1157       else
1158 	{
1159 	  t = "O";
1160 	  n = instr->get_name ();
1161 	}
1162       long long addr = (long long) instr->get_addr ();
1163       fprintf (f, GTXT ("node: 0x%016llx anc: 0x%016llx -- 0x%016llX:  %s %s\n"),
1164 	       (unsigned long long) node, (unsigned long long) node->ancestor,
1165 	       addr, t, n);
1166     }
1167   fprintf (f, GTXT ("md = %d, mw = %d\n"), maxdepth, maxwidth);
1168 }
1170 /*
1171  *  Static CallStack methods
1172  */
1173 CallStack *
getInstance(Experiment * exp)1174 CallStack::getInstance (Experiment *exp)
1175 {
1176   return new CallStackP (exp);
1177 }
1179 int
stackSize(void * stack)1180 CallStack::stackSize (void *stack)
1181 {
1182   CallStackNode *node = (CallStackNode *) stack;
1183   int sz = 0;
1184   for (; node; node = node->ancestor)
1185     sz++;
1186   return sz - 1; // don't count the root node
1187 }
1189 Histable *
getStackPC(void * stack,int n)1190 CallStack::getStackPC (void *stack, int n)
1191 {
1192   CallStackNode *node = (CallStackNode *) stack;
1193   while (n-- && node)
1194     node = node->ancestor;
1195   if (node == NULL)
1196     return dbeSession->get_Unknown_Function ()->find_dbeinstr (PCInvlFlag, 0);
1197   return node->instr;
1198 }
1200 Vector<Histable*> *
getStackPCs(void * stack,bool get_hide_stack)1201 CallStack::getStackPCs (void *stack, bool get_hide_stack)
1202 {
1203   Vector<Histable*> *res = new Vector<Histable*>;
1204   CallStackNode *node = (CallStackNode *) stack;
1205   if (get_hide_stack && node->alt_node != NULL)
1206     node = node->alt_node;
1207   while (node && node->ancestor)
1208     { // skip the root node
1209       res->append (node->instr);
1210       node = node->ancestor;
1211     }
1212   return res;
1213 }
1215 int
compare(void * stack1,void * stack2)1216 CallStack::compare (void *stack1, void *stack2)
1217 {
1218   // Quick comparision
1219   if (stack1 == stack2)
1220     return 0;
1222   CallStackNode *node1 = (CallStackNode *) stack1;
1223   CallStackNode *node2 = (CallStackNode *) stack2;
1224   while (node1 != NULL && node2 != NULL)
1225     {
1226       //to keep the result const on different platforms
1227       //we use instr->id instead of instr
1228       if (node1->instr->id < node2->instr->id)
1229 	return -1;
1230       else if (node1->instr->id > node2->instr->id)
1231 	return 1;
1232       node1 = node1->ancestor;
1233       node2 = node2->ancestor;
1234     }
1235   if (node1 == NULL && node2 != NULL)
1236     return -1;
1237   else if (node1 != NULL && node2 == NULL)
1238     return 1;
1239   else
1240     return 0;
1241 }
1245 void
setHideStack(void * stack,void * hideStack)1246 CallStack::setHideStack (void *stack, void *hideStack)
1247 {
1248   CallStackNode *hNode = (CallStackNode *) stack;
1249   hNode->alt_node = (CallStackNode *) hideStack;
1250 }