1 /**
2  *  JmolMultiTouchDriver.cpp Version 0.3
3  *  Author: Bob Hanson, hansonr@stolaf.edu
4  *  Date: 12/10/2009
5  *
6  *  based on HPTouchSmartDriver.cpp
7  *  by Andrew Koehring and Jay Roltgen (July 24th, 2009)
8  *
9  *  This file uses the NextWindow MultiTouch API to receive touch event
10  *  info from the HP TouchSmart computer and send via a socket connection
11  *  to the Sparsh-UI Gesture Server.
12  *
13  *  For use in association with jmol.sourceforge.net using -Msparshui startup option
14  *     (see http://jmol.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/jmol/trunk/Jmol/src/com/sparshui)
15  *
16  *  NOTE: This driver will not work with the standard Sparsh-UI gesture server, which
17  *        expects only a 17-byte message from the device. Here we send 29, which includes
18  *        4 bytes for the int message data length and 8 bytes for the ULONLONG event time.
19  *
20  *  Modifications:
21  *
22  *  Version 0.2
23  *
24  *  -- consolidates touchInfos, lastTimes, and touchAlive as "TouchPoint" structure
25  *  -- uses SystemTimeToFileTime to generate a "true" event time
26  *  -- delivers event time as a 64-bit unsigned integer (ULONGLONG)
27  *  -- ignores the NextWindow repetitions at a given location with slop (+/-1 pixel)
28  *  -- delivers true moves as fast as they can come (about every 20 ms)
29  *  -- times out only for "full death" events (all fingers lifted) after 75 ms
30  *  -- automatically bails out if started with a server and later loses service
31  *  --  (e.g. applet page closes)
32  *  -- operates with or without server for testing
33  *  -- not fully inspected for memory leaks or exceptions
34  *
35  * Version 0.3
36  *
37  *  -- can only deliver ID "0" or "1"
38  *  -- use of bitsets to deliver deaths, then births, then moves
39  *     and proper accounting for errors either due to premature deaths or,
40  *     in certain circumstances, the NextWindow driver sending a move
41  *     with no previous "down" message. This amounts to:
42  *        -- canceling all currently active points
43  *        -- creating a BIRTH for each of these points in addition to this "moved" point
44  *        -- canceling the "move" operation
45  *
46  *  -- comments in Jmol script format for replaying at any speed within Jmol
47  *  -- requires a script file data.spt that would, for example, include:
48  *
49       function setWidthAndHeight(w, h) {
50          screenWidth = w
51          screenHeight = h
52       }
53       function pt(id, index, state, time, x, y) {
54           var c = (id == 0 ? "blue", "red")
55           y = screenHeight - y
56           draw ID @{"p" + id} [@x, @y] color @c
57           delay 0.01
58       }
59  *
60  *     thus allowing for playback of the transcript of a session.
61  *
62  *
63  *  -- uses port 5947 due to nonstandard SparshUI:
64  *
65  *   4  (int) -1  (1 point; negative to indicate that per-point message length follows)
66  *   4  (int) 21  (21 bytes per point event will be sent)
67  *
68  *   4  (int) ID  (0 or 1)
69  *   4  (float) x (0.0-1.0)
70  *   4  (float) y (0.0-1.0)
71  *   1  (char) state: 0 (down/BIRTH), 1(up/DEATH), 2(move)
72  *   8  (long) time (ms since this driver started)
73  *
74  *   all ints, floats, and longs in network-endian order
75  *
76  */
78 #include "stdafx.h"
79 #include "math.h"
80 #include "NWMultiTouch.h"
81 #include "time.h"
82 #include <string>
85 #define VERSION "0.2/Jmol"
87 // The desired time to wait for more touch move events before sending the touch death.
88 #define TOUCH_WAIT_TIME_MS 75
89 #define TOUCH_SLOPXY 1
91 ULONGLONG startTime;
92 ULONGLONG timeLast;  // time of last report from NWMultiTouch.dll
93 ULONGLONG timeThis;  // time to match with timeLast for killing purposes.
94 // Flag to stop execution
95 bool running = true;
96 bool testing = false; // command line -test flag
97 bool exitOnDisconnect = true;
98 bool raw = false; // just report raw output
100 // bitsets to indicate active points
102 ULONGLONG bsAlive = 0;
104 // Socket for sending information to the gesture serve
105 SOCKET sockfd;
106 bool useSocket;
107 bool haveSocket;
108 // using 5947 because this is nonstandard
109 #define PORT 5947
111 // The height and width of the screen in pixels.
112 int displayWidth, displayHeight;
114 using namespace std;
117 // only the part being sent
118 #define TP_LENGTH 21
120 // Holds touch point information - this format is compatible with the Sparsh-UI
121 // gesture server format. (Expanded by Bob Hanson)
122 struct TouchPoint {
124  // for delivery (network endian):
126     int _id;
127     float _x;
128     float _y;
129     ULONGLONG _time;
130     char _state;
132  // for local use only
133     int _index;
134     point_t _touchPos;
135     ULONGLONG _timeReceived;
136     ULONGLONG _timeSent;
137 };
139 // Holds the last touch point received on each particular touch ID.
140 TouchPoint touchPoints[MAX_TOUCHES];
141 int nextID = 0;
142 int nActive = 0;
144 // includes number of points and point length
145 #define MSG_LENGTH 29
147 // The type of the touch received from the device.
148 typedef enum TouchDeviceDataType {
151    POINT_MOVE,
152 };
getTimeNow()154 ULONGLONG getTimeNow() {
156  // thank you: http://en.allexperts.com/q/C-1040/time-milliseconds-Windows.htm
158     SYSTEMTIME st;
159     GetSystemTime(&st);
160     FILETIME fileTime;
161     SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &fileTime);
162     ULARGE_INTEGER uli;
163     uli.LowPart = fileTime.dwLowDateTime;
164     uli.HighPart = fileTime.dwHighDateTime;
165     ULONGLONG systemTimeIn_ms(uli.QuadPart/10000);
166     return systemTimeIn_ms;
167 }
169 /**
170  * Initialize the touch points
171  */
initData()172 void initData() {
173     for (int tch = 0; tch < MAX_TOUCHES; tch++) {
174         (touchPoints + tch)->_index = tch;
175     }
176 }
isAlive(int tch)178 bool isAlive(int tch) {
179     return ((bsAlive & (1 << tch)) != 0);
180 }
isAlive(TouchPoint * tpp)182 bool isAlive(TouchPoint *tpp) {
183     return isAlive(tpp->_index);
184 }
dumpTouchPoint(TouchPoint * tpp)186 void dumpTouchPoint(TouchPoint *tpp) {
187     cout << "pt(" << tpp->_id << "," << tpp->_index << ","
188          << (int) tpp->_state << "," << (tpp->_time - startTime) << ","
189          << (int) tpp->_touchPos.x  << "," << (int) tpp->_touchPos.y << ","
190          << tpp->_x << "," << tpp->_y << ");"
191          << "// Active touchpoints [";
192     for (int tch = 0; tch < MAX_TOUCHES; tch++)
193         if (isAlive(tch))
194              cout << " " << tch;
195     cout << " ]" << endl;
196 }
198 /**
199  * Swaps float byte order.
200  */
swapBytes(float x)201 char *swapBytes(float x) {
202         union u {
203                 float f;
204                 char temp[4];
205         } un, vn;
207         un.f = x;
208         vn.temp[0] = un.temp[3];
209         vn.temp[1] = un.temp[2];
210         vn.temp[2] = un.temp[1];
211         vn.temp[3] = un.temp[0];
212         return vn.temp;
213 }
215 /**
216  * Swaps long byte order.
217  */
swapBytes(ULONGLONG x)218 char *swapBytes(ULONGLONG x) {
219         union u {
220                  ULONGLONG f;
221                 char temp[8];
222         } un, vn;
223         un.f = x;
224         vn.temp[0] = un.temp[7];
225         vn.temp[1] = un.temp[6];
226         vn.temp[2] = un.temp[5];
227         vn.temp[3] = un.temp[4];
228         vn.temp[4] = un.temp[3];
229         vn.temp[5] = un.temp[2];
230         vn.temp[6] = un.temp[1];
231         vn.temp[7] = un.temp[0];
232         return vn.temp;
233 }
235 /**
236  * Send touch point information to the gesture server
237  *
238  * @param touchpoint
239  *     The touch point we want to send to the Sparsh-UI Gesture Server.
240  */
sendPoint(TouchPoint * tpp)241 bool sendPoint(TouchPoint *tpp) {
243     tpp->_timeSent = tpp->_timeReceived;
244     if (testing)
245         dumpTouchPoint(tpp);
247     if (!haveSocket)
248         return true;
250     char* buffer = (char*) malloc(MSG_LENGTH);
251     char* bufferptr = buffer;
253     // Negative of number of touch points in this packet
254     // indicates that we will be sending length of single-touch data as well.
255     int temp = htonl(-1);
256     memcpy(bufferptr, &temp, 4);
257     bufferptr += 4;
259     // Length of a single touchpoint data
260     temp = htonl(TP_LENGTH);
261     memcpy(bufferptr, &temp, 4);
262     bufferptr += 4;
264     // TouchPoint id
265     temp = htonl(tpp->_id);
266     memcpy(bufferptr, &temp, 4);
267     bufferptr += 4;
269     // TouchPoint x
270     memcpy(bufferptr, swapBytes(tpp->_x), 4);
271     bufferptr += 4;
273     // TouchPoint y
274     memcpy(bufferptr, swapBytes(tpp->_y), 4);
275     bufferptr += 4;
277     // TouchPoint state
278     memcpy(bufferptr, &(tpp->_state), 1);
279     bufferptr++;
281     // TouchPoint time
282     memcpy(bufferptr, swapBytes(tpp->_time - startTime), 8);
284     // Send the touchpoint.
285     int nSent = send(sockfd, buffer, MSG_LENGTH, 0);
286     free(buffer);
287     if (nSent < 0) {
288         // Jmol should automatically restart this.
289         cout << "// send failed" << endl;
290         if (exitOnDisconnect)
291             running = false;
292         else
293             haveSocket = false;
294         return true;
295     }
296     return (nSent > 0);
297 }
299 /**
300  * Initialize the socket connection to the gesture server.
301  */
initSocket()303 bool initSocket() {
304             //Set up socket information
305         WSADATA wsaData;
306         if(WSAStartup(0x101,&wsaData) != 0) {
307                 cout << "// Error initializing socket library." << endl;
308                 return false;
309         }
310         sockaddr_in inetAddress;
311         sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
313         if(sockfd == INVALID_SOCKET) {
314             cout << "// invalid socket" << endl;
315             return false;
316         }
318         // Set up the socket information
319         inetAddress.sin_family = AF_INET;
320         inetAddress.sin_port = htons((u_short) (PORT));
322         unsigned long addr = inet_addr("");
323         hostent* host =  gethostbyaddr((char*) &addr, sizeof(addr), AF_INET);
324         inetAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = *((unsigned long*)host->h_addr);
326         // Connect to the gesture server.
327         if(connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*) &inetAddress, sizeof(sockaddr)) != 0) {
328                 cout << "// Connect error -- press ESC to exit or start Jmol with the -Msparshui option" << endl;
329                 return false;
330         }
332         // Send the device type.
333         const char one = 1;
334         int nBytes = send(sockfd, &one, sizeof(char), 0);
335         if (nBytes < 1) {
336             cout << "// Connection refused" << endl;
337             return false;
338         }
339         cout << "// Connection succeeded" << endl;
340         return true;
341 }
344 /**
345  * adds the NextWindow information to the Converts the point information from the device information to the desired
346  * Sparsh-UI information.
347  */
setTouchData(NWTouchPoint * nwtpp,TouchPoint * tpp,ULONGLONG time,char state)348 void setTouchData(NWTouchPoint* nwtpp, TouchPoint* tpp, ULONGLONG time, char state) {
349         tpp->_x = nwtpp->touchPos.x / displayWidth;
350         tpp->_y = nwtpp->touchPos.y / displayHeight;
351         tpp->_time = time;
352         tpp->_state = state;
353         tpp->_touchPos.x = nwtpp->touchPos.x;
354         tpp->_touchPos.y = nwtpp->touchPos.y;
355 }
357 /**
358  * Process a touch birth that was received from the device.
359  */
processBirth(NWTouchPoint * nwtpp,TouchPoint * tpp,ULONGLONG time)360 void processBirth(NWTouchPoint *nwtpp, TouchPoint *tpp, ULONGLONG time) {
361         tpp->_id = nextID;
362         nextID = (nextID ? 0 : 1);
363         setTouchData(nwtpp, tpp, time, POINT_BIRTH);
364         bsAlive |= (1<<tpp->_index);
365         sendPoint(tpp);
366 }
checkMove(NWTouchPoint * nwtpp,TouchPoint * tpp)369 bool checkMove(NWTouchPoint *nwtpp, TouchPoint *tpp) {
370         return isAlive(tpp) && (tpp->_state == POINT_BIRTH
371             || abs(tpp->_touchPos.x - nwtpp->touchPos.x) > TOUCH_SLOPXY
372             || abs(tpp->_touchPos.y - nwtpp->touchPos.y) > TOUCH_SLOPXY);
373 }
375 /**
376  * Process a touch move that was received from the device.
377  */
processMove(NWTouchPoint * nwtpp,TouchPoint * tpp,ULONGLONG time)378 void processMove(NWTouchPoint *nwtpp, TouchPoint *tpp, ULONGLONG time) {
379     if (!checkMove(nwtpp, tpp))
380         return;
381     setTouchData(nwtpp, tpp, time, POINT_MOVE);
382     sendPoint(tpp);
383 }
385 /**
386  * Process a touch death that was received from the device.
387  */
processDeath(TouchPoint * tpp)388 void processDeath(TouchPoint *tpp) {
389     if (!isAlive(tpp))
390             return;
391     tpp->_state = POINT_DEATH;
392     nextID = tpp->_id;
393     bsAlive &= ~(1<<tpp->_index);
394     sendPoint(tpp);
395 }
clearPoints(int bs)397 void clearPoints(int bs) {
398     bs &= bsAlive;
399     for(int tch = 0; tch < MAX_TOUCHES; tch++)
400         if (bs & (1<<tch))
401             processDeath(touchPoints + tch);
402 }
404 NWTouchPoint nwtps[MAX_TOUCHES];
406 /**
407  * Receive the multi-touch information from the device
408  */
ReceiveMultiTouchData(DWORD deviceID,DWORD deviceStatus,DWORD packetID,DWORD touches,DWORD ghostTouches)409 void __stdcall ReceiveMultiTouchData(DWORD deviceID, DWORD deviceStatus,
410                                                                          DWORD packetID, DWORD touches,
411                                                                          DWORD ghostTouches) {
413         timeThis = getTimeNow();
414         if (deviceStatus != DS_TOUCH_INFO) {
415             if (testing)
416                 cout << "// NWMultiTouch.dll reports device status " << deviceStatus << endl;
417         } else if(touches) {
418                 ULONGLONG bsBirths = 0;
419                 ULONGLONG bsDeaths = 0;
420                 ULONGLONG bsMoves = 0;
421                 int nBirths = 0;
422                 int tchMax = 0;
423                 int tchMin = -1;
424                 for(int tch = 0; touches && tch < MAX_TOUCHES; tch++) {
425                         // "touches" contains a bitmask for present touch ids.
426                         // If the bit is set, then a touch with this ID exists.
427                         int bit = 1 << tch;
428                         if(touches & bit){
429                                 touches &= ~bit;
430                                 tchMax = tch;
431                                 if (tchMin == -1)
432                                     tchMin = tch;
433                                 //Get the touch information.
434                                 DWORD retCode = GetTouch(deviceID, packetID, nwtps + tch, bit, 0);
435                                 if(retCode == SUCCESS){
436                                         TouchPoint *tpp = touchPoints + tch;
437                                         tpp->_timeReceived = timeThis;
438                                         int state = (nwtps + tch)->touchEventType;
439                                         if (raw) {
440                                                 cout << "received: " << timeThis << " id=" << tch << " " << state
441                                                   << " " << (nwtps + tch)->touchPos.x << " " << (nwtps + tch)->touchPos.y << endl;
442                                                 continue;
443                                         }
444                                         switch(state){
445                                         case TE_TOUCH_DOWN:
446                                                 bsBirths |= bit;
447                                                 nBirths++;
448                                                 break;
449                                         case TE_TOUCHING:
450                                                 if (isAlive(tch)) {
451                                                     bsMoves |= bit;
452                                                 } else {
453                                                     // we improperly canceled this one
454                                                     // "reboot"
455                                                     bsDeaths = -1;
456                                                     bsBirths = bsAlive | bsBirths | bsMoves | bit;
457                                                 }
458                                                 break;
459                                         case TE_TOUCH_UP:
460                                                 // When there is a full release, we have a problem, because
461                                                 // these come only upon the next touch down or move.
462                                                 // This could be SECONDS or MINUTES later.
463                                                 // This, I would argue, is a bug in NWMultiTouch.dll.
464                                                 bsDeaths |= bit;
465                                                 break;
466                                         }
467                                 }
468                         }
469                 }
471                 // BH: In my first version it was possible for this driver to have three active
472                 // touches being reported. Obviously that is not acceptable. This is a 2-touch screen.
473                 // The problem derives from the fact that the screen can fail to report a kill for
474                 // reasons unkown to me.
476                 // now deliver the events in proper order, clearing IDs, assigning IDs, and moving
478                 if (bsDeaths != 0)
479                     clearPoints(bsDeaths);
481                 int nAlive = 0;
482                 for(int tch = 0; tch < MAX_TOUCHES; tch++)
483                     if (isAlive(tch))
484                         nAlive++;
485                 if (nAlive + nBirths > 2) {
486                     if (testing)
487                         cout << "// Too many touches!" << endl;
488                     clearPoints(bsAlive);
489                 }
490                 if (bsBirths != 0) {
491                     for(int tch = tchMin; tch <= tchMax; tch++)
492                         if (bsBirths & (1 << tch)) {
493                             processBirth(nwtps + tch, touchPoints + tch, timeThis);
494                             processMove(nwtps + tch, touchPoints + tch, timeThis);
495                         }
496                 }
497                 if (bsMoves != 0) {
498                     for(int tch = tchMin; tch <= tchMax; tch++)
499                         if (bsMoves & (1 << tch)) {
500                             processMove(nwtps + tch, touchPoints + tch, timeThis);
501                         }
502                 }
503             }
504         timeLast = timeThis;
505 }
507 /**
508  * Thread responsible for killing touch points promptly after no moves are
509  * received for that touch point.
510  *
511  * Modified for Jmol to only trigger on both fingers away.
512  * and onl
513  */
TouchKiller(LPVOID lpParam)514 DWORD WINAPI TouchKiller(LPVOID lpParam) {
515         Sleep(TOUCH_WAIT_TIME_MS);
516         while(running) {
517                 if (timeLast != timeThis) {
518                     // free-wheel if NWMultiTouch.dll is reporting
519                     Sleep(5);
520                 } else {
521                     ULONGLONG timeNow = getTimeNow();
522                     for (int tch = 0; tch < MAX_TOUCHES; tch++) {
523                         if (!isAlive(tch))
524                             continue;
525                         TouchPoint *tpp = touchPoints + tch;
526                         ULONGLONG dt = timeNow - timeLast;//tpp->_timeReceived;
527                         if (timeLast != timeThis) {
528                             break;
529                         } else if (dt > TOUCH_WAIT_TIME_MS) {
530                              // Declare dead after about 75 ms.
531                              if (timeNow - tpp->_timeSent > (TOUCH_WAIT_TIME_MS<<1)) {
532                                  // and update time if not just within 150 ms.
533                                  tpp->_time = tpp->_timeReceived;
534                              }
535                              if (testing)
536                                  cout << "// Killing point " << tch << " after " << dt << " ms" << endl;
537                              processDeath(tpp);
538                         }
539                     }
540                     Sleep(TOUCH_WAIT_TIME_MS);
541                 }
542         }
543         return 0;
544 }
main(int argc,char ** argv)546 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
548         startTime = getTimeNow();
550         cout << "// JmolMultiTouchDriver for the HP TouchSmart Computer Version " << VERSION << endl
551              << "// Adapted by Bob Hanson, hansonr@stolaf.edu " << endl
552              << "// from HPTouchSmartSparshDriver.cpp, by Andrew Koehring and Jay Roltgen, " << endl
553              << "// Ssee http://code.google.com/p/sparsh-ui/" << endl << endl
554              << "// Command line options include -test -nosocket -exitondisconnect" << endl << endl
555              << "// Jmol script follows. Simply load this data into Jmol using SCRIPT foo.txt" << endl
556              << "script data.spt" << endl;
558         //Get the number of connected devices.
559         DWORD numDevices = GetConnectedDeviceCount();
560         DWORD serialNum = 0;
561         DWORD deviceID = 0;
562         initData();
563         //testComm();return 0;
564         testing = false;
565         haveSocket = false;
566         useSocket = true;
567         exitOnDisconnect = false;
568         raw = false;
569         for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
570             if ((string) argv[i] == "-test") {
571                 testing = true;
572             } else if ((string) argv[i] == "-nosocket") {
573                 useSocket = false;
574             } else if ((string) argv[i] == "-exitondisconnect") {
575                 exitOnDisconnect = true;
576             } else if ((string) argv[i] == "-raw") {
577                 raw = true;
578             }
579         }
580         cout << "// testing=" << testing << " useSocket=" << useSocket << " exitOnDisconnect=" << exitOnDisconnect << endl;
582         bool isOK = false;
583         if(numDevices > 0) {
584                 // If we have at least one connected device then try to connect to it.
585                 // Get the serial number of the device which uniquely identifies the device.
586                 cout << "// Getting device ID..." << endl;
587                 serialNum = GetConnectedDeviceID(0);
589                 // Initialize the device, passing in the serial number that uniquely
590                 // identifies it and the event handler for processing touch packets.
591                 cout << "// Opening device and registering callback function..." << endl;
592                 deviceID = OpenDevice(serialNum, &ReceiveMultiTouchData);
593                 if(deviceID == 1)
594                     isOK = true;
595                 else
596                     cout << "// Failed to connect to device, ID:  " << serialNum << endl;
597                 //SetKalmanFilterStatus(serialNum, true);
598         } else {
599                 cout << "// No valid devices are connected." << endl;
600         }
602         if (!isOK)
603             return 0;
605         // Set up the kill thread
606         CreateThread(NULL, 0, TouchKiller, NULL, 0, NULL);
608         // Obtain the display info and the resolution.
609         NWDisplayInfo displayInfo;
610         DWORD retcode = GetConnectedDisplayInfo(0, &displayInfo);
611         displayWidth = (int) displayInfo.displayRect.right;
612         displayHeight = (int) displayInfo.displayRect.bottom;
613         cout << "setWidthHeight(" << displayWidth << "," << displayHeight << ");" << endl;
615         DWORD displayMode = RM_MULTITOUCH; // same as RM_SLOPESMODE ?
616         SetReportMode(deviceID, displayMode);
618         if (useSocket)
619             haveSocket = initSocket();
620         if (useSocket && !haveSocket && exitOnDisconnect) {
621             cout << "// No socket - exiting. Use -nosocket to avoid exiting" << endl;
622             return 1;
623         }
625         cout << "// Press ESC to Quit or I to re-initialize socket" << endl;
626         while(running) {
628             if (useSocket && !haveSocket) {
629                 cout << "// No socket and no -nosocket or -testnosocket -- waiting for server -- press ESC to exit" << endl;
630                 while(!haveSocket && running) {
631                     if (_kbhit()) {
632                         if (_getch()==0x1B)
633                             running = false;
634                     }
635                     if (running) {
636                         WSACleanup();
637                         haveSocket = initSocket();
638                         Sleep(1000);
639                     }
640                 }
641             }
642             if (_kbhit()) {
643                 if (_getch()==0x1B)
644                     running = false;
645                 else if (_getch()==0x49) {
646                     WSACleanup();
647                     haveSocket = initSocket();
648                 }
649             }
650             if (running)
651                 Sleep(200);
652         }
654         cout << "// Closing connection to device..." << endl;
656         // Close any open devices.
657         CloseDevice(serialNum);
659         //Reset the device connect/disconnect event handlers.
660         SetConnectEventHandler(NULL);
661         SetDisconnectEventHandler(NULL);
663         return 0;
664 }