1 // SHE library
2 // Copyright (C) 2012-2018  David Capello
3 //
4 // This file is released under the terms of the MIT license.
5 // Read LICENSE.txt for more information.
9 #pragma once
11 #include "base/paths.h"
12 #include "gfx/point.h"
13 #include "gfx/size.h"
14 #include "she/keys.h"
15 #include "she/pointer_type.h"
17 #pragma push_macro("None")
18 #undef None // Undefine the X11 None macro
20 namespace she {
22   class Display;
24   class Event {
25   public:
26     enum Type {
27       None,
28       CloseDisplay,
29       ResizeDisplay,
30       DropFiles,
31       MouseEnter,
32       MouseLeave,
33       MouseMove,
34       MouseDown,
35       MouseUp,
36       MouseWheel,
37       MouseDoubleClick,
38       KeyDown,
39       KeyUp,
40       TouchMagnify,
41     };
43     enum MouseButton {
44       NoneButton,
45       LeftButton,
46       RightButton,
47       MiddleButton,
48       X1Button,
49       X2Button,
50     };
Event()52     Event() : m_type(None),
53               m_display(nullptr),
54               m_scancode(kKeyNil),
55               m_modifiers(kKeyUninitializedModifier),
56               m_unicodeChar(0),
57               m_isDead(false),
58               m_repeat(0),
59               m_preciseWheel(false),
60               m_pointerType(PointerType::Unknown),
61               m_button(NoneButton),
62               m_magnification(0.0),
63               m_pressure(0.0) {
64     }
type()66     Type type() const { return m_type; }
display()67     Display* display() const { return m_display; }
files()68     const base::paths& files() const { return m_files; }
69     // TODO Rename this to virtualKey(), which is the real
70     // meaning. Then we need another kind of "scan code" with the
71     // position in the keyboard, which might be useful to identify
72     // keys by its position (e.g. WASD keys in other keyboard
73     // layouts).
scancode()74     KeyScancode scancode() const { return m_scancode; }
modifiers()75     KeyModifiers modifiers() const { return m_modifiers; }
unicodeChar()76     int unicodeChar() const { return m_unicodeChar; }
isDeadKey()77     bool isDeadKey() const { return m_isDead; }
repeat()78     int repeat() const { return m_repeat; }
position()79     gfx::Point position() const { return m_position; }
wheelDelta()80     gfx::Point wheelDelta() const { return m_wheelDelta; }
82     // We suppose that if we are receiving precise scrolling deltas,
83     // it means that the user is using a touch-like surface (trackpad,
84     // magic mouse scrolling, touch wacom tablet, etc.)
preciseWheel()85     bool preciseWheel() const { return m_preciseWheel; }
pointerType()87     PointerType pointerType() const { return m_pointerType; }
button()88     MouseButton button() const { return m_button; }
magnification()89     double magnification() const { return m_magnification; }
pressure()90     double pressure() const { return m_pressure; }
setType(Type type)92     void setType(Type type) { m_type = type; }
setDisplay(Display * display)93     void setDisplay(Display* display) { m_display = display; }
setFiles(const base::paths & files)94     void setFiles(const base::paths& files) { m_files = files; }
setScancode(KeyScancode scancode)96     void setScancode(KeyScancode scancode) { m_scancode = scancode; }
setModifiers(KeyModifiers modifiers)97     void setModifiers(KeyModifiers modifiers) { m_modifiers = modifiers; }
setUnicodeChar(int unicodeChar)98     void setUnicodeChar(int unicodeChar) { m_unicodeChar = unicodeChar; }
setDeadKey(bool state)99     void setDeadKey(bool state) { m_isDead = state; }
setRepeat(int repeat)100     void setRepeat(int repeat) { m_repeat = repeat; }
setPosition(const gfx::Point & pos)101     void setPosition(const gfx::Point& pos) { m_position = pos; }
setWheelDelta(const gfx::Point & delta)102     void setWheelDelta(const gfx::Point& delta) { m_wheelDelta = delta; }
setPreciseWheel(bool precise)103     void setPreciseWheel(bool precise) { m_preciseWheel = precise; }
setPointerType(PointerType pointerType)104     void setPointerType(PointerType pointerType) { m_pointerType = pointerType; }
setButton(MouseButton button)105     void setButton(MouseButton button) { m_button = button; }
setMagnification(double magnification)106     void setMagnification(double magnification) { m_magnification = magnification; }
setPressure(double pressure)107     void setPressure(double pressure) { m_pressure = pressure; }
109   private:
110     Type m_type;
111     Display* m_display;
112     base::paths m_files;
113     KeyScancode m_scancode;
114     KeyModifiers m_modifiers;
115     int m_unicodeChar;
116     bool m_isDead;
117     int m_repeat; // repeat=0 means the first time the key is pressed
118     gfx::Point m_position;
119     gfx::Point m_wheelDelta;
120     bool m_preciseWheel;
121     PointerType m_pointerType;
122     MouseButton m_button;
124     // For TouchMagnify event
125     double m_magnification;
127     // Pressure of stylus used in mouse-like events
128     double m_pressure;
129   };
131 } // namespace she
133 #pragma pop_macro("None")
135 #endif