1 // Copyright 2010-2021 Google LLC
2 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
5 //
6 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 //
8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12 // limitations under the License.
14 // An index based C++ API for building optimization problems.
15 //
16 // TODO(b/188550843): move/rename to core/model_storage.h
17 //
18 // Models problems of the form:
19 //   min sum_{j in J} c_j * x_j + d
20 //   s.t. lb^c_i <= sum_{j in J} A_ij * x_j <= ub^c_i        for all i in I,
21 //        lb^v_j <= x_j <= ub^v_j                            for all j in J,
22 //        x_j integer                                        for all j in Z,
23 // where above:
24 //  * I: the set of linear constraints,
25 //  * J: the set of variables,
26 //  * Z: a subset of J, the integer variables,
27 //  * x: the decision variables (indexed by J),
28 //  * c: the linear objective, one double per variable,
29 //  * d: the objective offset, a double scalar,
30 //  * lb^c: the constraint lower bounds, one double per linear constraint,
31 //  * ub^c: the constraint upper bounds, one double per linear constraint,
32 //  * lb^v: the variable lower bounds, one double per variable,
33 //  * ub^v: the variable upper bounds, one double per variable,
34 //  * A: the linear constraint matrix, a double per variable/constraint pair.
35 //
36 // The min in the objective can also be changed to a max.
37 //
38 // A simple example:
39 //
40 // Model the problem:
41 //   max 2.0 * x + y
42 //   s.t. x + y <= 1.5
43 //            x in {0.0, 1.0}
44 //       0 <= y <= 2.5
45 //
46 //   using ::operations_research::math_opt::IndexedModel;
47 //   using ::operations_research::math_opt::VariableId;
48 //   using ::operations_research::math_opt::LinearConstraintId;
49 //   using ::operations_research::math_opt::ModelProto;
50 //   using ::operations_research::math_opt::ModelProtoUpdate;
51 //
52 //   IndexedModel model("my_model");
53 //   const VariableId x = model.AddVariable(0.0, 1.0, true, "x");
54 //   const VariableId y = model.AddVariable(0.0, 2.5, false, "y");
55 //   const LinearConstraintId c = model.AddLinearConstraint(
56 //       -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity, 1.5, "c");
57 //   model.set_linear_constraint_coefficient(x, c, 1.0);
58 //   model.set_linear_constraint_coefficient(y, c, 1.0);
59 //   model.set_linear_objective_coefficient(x, 2.0);
60 //   model.set_linear_objective_coefficient(y, 1.0);
61 //   model.set_maximize();
62 //
63 // Now, export to a proto describing the model:
64 //
65 //   const ModelProto model_proto = model.ExportModel();
66 //
67 // Modify the problem and get a model update proto:
68 //
69 //   const std::unique_ptr<IndexedModel::UpdateTracker> update_tracker =
70 //     model.NewUpdateTracker();
71 //   c.set_upper_bound(2.0);
72 //   const absl::optional<ModelUpdateProto> update_proto =
73 //     update_tracker->ExportModelUpdate();
74 //   update_tracker->Checkpoint();
75 //
76 // Reading and writing model properties:
77 //
78 // Properties of the model (e.g. variable/constraint bounds) can be written
79 // and read in amortized O(1) time. Deleting a variable will take time
80 // O(#constraints containing the variable), and likewise deleting a constraint
81 // will take time O(#variables in the constraint). The constraint matrix is
82 // stored as hash map where the key is a {LinearConstraintId, VariableId}
83 // pair and the value is the coefficient. The nonzeros of the matrix are
84 // additionally stored by row and by column, but these indices generated lazily
85 // upon first use. Asking for the set of variables in a constraint, the
86 // constraints in a variable, deleting a variable or constraint, or requesting a
87 // ModelUpdate proto will all trigger these additional indices to be generated.
88 //
89 // Exporting the Model proto:
90 //
91 // The Model proto is an equivalent representation to IndexedModel. It has a
92 // smaller memory footprint and optimized for storage/transport, rather than
93 // efficient modification. It is also the format consumed by solvers in this
94 // library. The Model proto can be generated by calling
95 // IndexedModel::ExportModel().
96 //
97 // Incrementalism, the ModelUpdate proto, and Checkpoints:
98 //
99 // To update an existing model as specified by a Model proto, solvers consume a
100 // ModelUpdate proto, which describes the changes to a model (e.g. new variables
101 // or a change in a variable bound). IndexedModel::UpdateTracker tracks the
102 // changes made and produces a ModelUpdate proto describing these changes with
103 // the method UpdateTracker::ExportModelUpdate(). The changes returned will be
104 // the modifications since the previous call to
105 // UpdateTracker::Checkpoint(). Note that, for newly initialized models, before
106 // the first checkpoint, there is no additional memory overhead from tracking
107 // changes. See
108 // g3doc/ortools/math_opt/g3doc/model_building_complexity.md
109 // for details.
110 //
111 // On bad input:
112 //
113 // Using a bad variable id or constraint id (an id not in the current model,
114 // which includes ids that have been deleted) on any method will result in an
115 // immediate failure (either a CHECK failure or an exception, which is an
116 // implementation detail you should not rely on). We make no attempt to say if a
117 // model is invalid (e.g. a variable lower bound is infinite, exceeds an upper
118 // bound, or is NaN). The exported models are validated instead, see
119 // model_validator.h.
124 #include <cstdint>
125 #include <limits>
126 #include <memory>
127 #include <optional>
128 #include <string>
129 #include <utility>
130 #include <vector>
132 #include "ortools/base/integral_types.h"
133 #include "absl/base/thread_annotations.h"
134 #include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
135 #include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
136 #include "absl/meta/type_traits.h"
137 #include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
138 #include "absl/synchronization/mutex.h"
139 #include "absl/types/span.h"
140 #include "ortools/base/map_util.h"
141 #include "ortools/base/int_type.h"
142 #include "ortools/math_opt/model.pb.h"
143 #include "ortools/math_opt/model_update.pb.h"
144 #include "ortools/math_opt/result.pb.h"
145 #include "ortools/math_opt/solution.pb.h"
146 #include "ortools/math_opt/sparse_containers.pb.h"
148 namespace operations_research {
149 namespace math_opt {
151 DEFINE_INT_TYPE(VariableId, int64_t);
152 DEFINE_INT_TYPE(LinearConstraintId, int64_t);
154 // A mathematical optimization model.
155 //
156 // Supports the efficient creation and modification of an optimization model,
157 // and the export of Model and ModelUpdate protos.
158 //
159 // All methods run in amortized O(1) (as amortized over calls to that exact
160 // function) unless otherwise specified.
161 class IndexedModel {
162  public:
163   // Tracks the changes of the model.
164   //
165   // For each update tracker we define a checkpoint that is the starting point
166   // used to compute the ModelUpdateProto.
167   //
168   // Lifecycle: the IndexedModel must outlive all the UpdateTracker instances
169   // since they keep a reference to it. They use this reference in their
170   // destructor so it is not safe to destroy an UpdateTracker after the
171   // destruction of the IndexedModel.
172   //
173   // Thread-safety: UpdateTracker methods must not be used while modifying the
174   // IndexedModel. The user is expected to use proper synchronization primitives
175   // to serialize changes to the model and the use of the update trackers. The
176   // methods of different instances of UpdateTracker are safe to be called
177   // concurrently (i.e. multiple trackers can be called concurrently on
178   // ExportModelUpdate() or Checkpoint()).
179   //
180   // Example:
181   //   IndexedModel model;
182   //   ...
183   //   ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(const auto solver,
184   //                    Solver::New(solver_type, model.ExportModel(),
185   //                                /*initializer=*/{}));
186   //   const std::unique_ptr<IndexedModel::UpdateTracker> update_tracker =
187   //     model.NewUpdatesTracker();
188   //
189   //   ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(const auto result_1,
190   //                    solver->Solve(/*parameters=*/{});
191   //
192   //   model.AddVariable(0.0, 1.0, true, "y");
193   //   model.set_maximize(true);
194   //
195   //   const absl::optional<ModelUpdateProto> update_proto =
196   //     update_tracker.ExportModelUpdate();
197   //   update_tracker.Checkpoint();
198   //
199   //   if (update_proto) {
200   //     ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(const bool updated, solver->Update(*update_proto));
201   //     if (!updated) {
202   //       // The update is not supported by the solver, we create a new one.
203   //       ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(const auto new_model_proto, model.ExportModel());
204   //       ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(solver,
205   //                        Solver::New(solver_type, new_model_proto,
206   //                                    /*initializer=*/{}));
207   //     }
208   //   }
209   //   ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(const auto result_2,
210   //                    solver->Solve(/*parameters=*/{});
211   //
212   class UpdateTracker {
213    public:
214     ~UpdateTracker() ABSL_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(indexed_model_.update_trackers_lock_);
216     // Returns a proto representation of the changes to the model since the most
217     // recent checkpoint (i.e. last time Checkpoint() was called); nullopt if
218     // the update would have been empty.
219     absl::optional<ModelUpdateProto> ExportModelUpdate()
220         ABSL_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(indexed_model_.update_trackers_lock_);
222     // Uses the current model state as the starting point to calculate the
223     // ModelUpdateProto next time ExportModelUpdate() is called.
224     void Checkpoint() ABSL_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(indexed_model_.update_trackers_lock_);
226    private:
227     friend class IndexedModel;
229     // Registers in update_trackers_ and calls Checkpoint() to synchronize the
230     // checkpoint to the current state of the model.
231     explicit UpdateTracker(IndexedModel& indexed_model)
232         ABSL_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(indexed_model.update_trackers_lock_);
234     // Same as Checkpoint() but the caller must have acquired the
235     // update_trackers_lock_ mutex.
236     void CheckpointLocked()
237         ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(indexed_model_.update_trackers_lock_);
239     IndexedModel& indexed_model_;
241     // All incremental updates that occurred since last checkpoint. It is
242     // filled-in each time Checkpoint() is called on any update tracker. When an
243     // ExportModelUpdate() is requested on a tracker, all these are merged along
244     // with the remaining updates.
245     std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const ModelUpdateProto>> updates_
246         ABSL_GUARDED_BY(indexed_model_.update_trackers_lock_);
247   };
249   // Creates an empty minimization problem.
name_(name)250   explicit IndexedModel(absl::string_view name = "") : name_(name) {}
252   // TODO(b/185892243): add `std::unique_ptr<IndexedModel> Clone()` method.
253   IndexedModel(const IndexedModel&) = delete;
254   IndexedModel& operator=(const IndexedModel&) = delete;
name()256   inline const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
258   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
259   // Variables
260   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
262   // Adds a continuous unbounded variable to the model and returns its id.
263   //
264   // See AddVariable(double, double, bool, absl::string_view) for details.
265   inline VariableId AddVariable(absl::string_view name = "");
267   // Adds a variable to the model and returns its id.
268   //
269   // The returned ids begin at zero and increase by one with each call to
270   // AddVariable. Deleted ids are NOT reused. If no variables are deleted,
271   // the ids in the model will be consecutive.
272   VariableId AddVariable(double lower_bound, double upper_bound,
273                          bool is_integer, absl::string_view name = "");
275   inline double variable_lower_bound(VariableId id) const;
276   inline double variable_upper_bound(VariableId id) const;
277   inline bool is_variable_integer(VariableId id) const;
278   inline const std::string& variable_name(VariableId id) const;
280   inline void set_variable_lower_bound(VariableId id, double lower_bound);
281   inline void set_variable_upper_bound(VariableId id, double upper_bound);
282   inline void set_variable_is_integer(VariableId id, bool is_integer);
283   inline void set_variable_as_integer(VariableId id);
284   inline void set_variable_as_continuous(VariableId id);
286   // Removes a variable from the model.
287   //
288   // It is an error to use a deleted variable id as input to any subsequent
289   // function calls on the model. Runs in O(#constraints containing the
290   // variable).
291   void DeleteVariable(VariableId id);
293   // The number of variables in the model.
294   //
295   // Equal to the number of variables created minus the number of variables
296   // deleted.
297   inline int num_variables() const;
299   // The returned id of the next call to AddVariable.
300   //
301   // Equal to the number of variables created.
302   inline VariableId next_variable_id() const;
304   // Returns true if this id has been created and not yet deleted.
305   inline bool has_variable(VariableId id) const;
307   // The VariableIds in use (not deleted), order not defined.
308   std::vector<VariableId> variables() const;
310   // Returns a sorted vector of all existing (not deleted) variables in the
311   // model.
312   //
313   // Runs in O(n log(n)), where n is the number of variables returned.
314   std::vector<VariableId> SortedVariables() const;
316   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
317   // Linear Constraints
318   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
320   // Adds a linear constraint to the model with a lower bound of -inf and an
321   // upper bound of +inf and returns its id.
322   //
323   // See AddLinearConstraint(double, double, absl::string_view) for details.
324   inline LinearConstraintId AddLinearConstraint(absl::string_view name = "");
326   // Adds a linear constraint to the model returns its id.
327   //
328   // The returned ids begin at zero and increase by one with each call to
329   // AddLinearConstraint. Deleted ids are NOT reused. If no linear
330   // constraints are deleted, the ids in the model will be consecutive.
331   LinearConstraintId AddLinearConstraint(double lower_bound, double upper_bound,
332                                          absl::string_view name = "");
334   inline double linear_constraint_lower_bound(LinearConstraintId id) const;
335   inline double linear_constraint_upper_bound(LinearConstraintId id) const;
336   inline const std::string& linear_constraint_name(LinearConstraintId id) const;
338   inline void set_linear_constraint_lower_bound(LinearConstraintId id,
339                                                 double lower_bound);
340   inline void set_linear_constraint_upper_bound(LinearConstraintId id,
341                                                 double upper_bound);
343   // Removes a linear constraint from the model.
344   //
345   // It is an error to use a deleted linear constraint id as input to any
346   // subsequent function calls on the model. Runs in O(#variables in the linear
347   // constraint).
348   void DeleteLinearConstraint(LinearConstraintId id);
350   // The number of linear constraints in the model.
351   //
352   // Equal to the number of linear constraints created minus the number of
353   // linear constraints deleted.
354   inline int num_linear_constraints() const;
356   // The returned id of the next call to AddLinearConstraint.
357   //
358   // Equal to the number of linear constraints created.
359   inline LinearConstraintId next_linear_constraint_id() const;
361   // Returns true if this id has been created and not yet deleted.
362   inline bool has_linear_constraint(LinearConstraintId id) const;
364   // The LinearConstraintsIds in use (not deleted), order not defined.
365   std::vector<LinearConstraintId> linear_constraints() const;
367   // Returns a sorted vector of all existing (not deleted) linear constraints in
368   // the model.
369   //
370   // Runs in O(n log(n)), where n is the number of linear constraints returned.
371   std::vector<LinearConstraintId> SortedLinearConstraints() const;
373   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
374   // Linear constraint matrix
375   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
377   // Returns 0.0 if the entry is not in matrix.
378   inline double linear_constraint_coefficient(LinearConstraintId constraint,
379                                               VariableId variable) const;
380   inline bool is_linear_constraint_coefficient_nonzero(
381       LinearConstraintId constraint, VariableId variable) const;
383   // Setting a value to 0.0 will delete the {constraint, variable} pair from the
384   // underlying sparse matrix representation (and has no effect if the pair is
385   // not present).
386   inline void set_linear_constraint_coefficient(LinearConstraintId constraint,
387                                                 VariableId variable,
388                                                 double value);
390   // The {linear constraint, variable} pairs with nonzero linear constraint
391   // matrix coefficients.
392   inline const absl::flat_hash_map<std::pair<LinearConstraintId, VariableId>,
393                                    double>&
394   linear_constraint_matrix() const;
396   // Returns the variables with nonzero coefficients in a linear constraint.
397   //
398   // Runs in O(1), but triggers allocations that are O(nnz) on first use through
399   // a lazy initialization.
400   inline const absl::flat_hash_set<VariableId>& variables_in_linear_constraint(
401       LinearConstraintId constraint);
403   // Returns the linear constraints with nonzero coefficients on a variable.
404   //
405   // Runs in O(1), but triggers allocations that are O(nnz) on first use through
406   // a lazy initialization.
407   inline const absl::flat_hash_set<LinearConstraintId>&
408   linear_constraints_with_variable(VariableId variable);
410   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
411   // Objective
412   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
414   inline bool is_maximize() const;
415   inline double objective_offset() const;
416   // Returns 0.0 if this variable has no linear objective coefficient.
417   inline double linear_objective_coefficient(VariableId variable) const;
418   inline bool is_linear_objective_coefficient_nonzero(
419       VariableId variable) const;
421   inline void set_is_maximize(bool is_maximize);
422   inline void set_maximize();
423   inline void set_minimize();
424   inline void set_objective_offset(double value);
426   // Setting a value to 0.0 will delete the variable from the underlying sparse
427   // representation (and has no effect if the variable is not present).
428   inline void set_linear_objective_coefficient(VariableId variable,
429                                                double value);
431   // Equivalent to calling set_linear_objective_coefficient(v, 0.0) for every
432   // variable with nonzero objective coefficient.
433   //
434   // Runs in O(#variables with nonzero objective coefficient).
435   inline void clear_objective();
437   // The variables with nonzero linear objective coefficients.
438   inline const absl::flat_hash_map<VariableId, double>& linear_objective()
439       const;
441   // Returns a sorted vector of all variables in the model with nonzero linear
442   // objective coefficients.
443   //
444   // Runs in O(n log(n)), where n is the number of variables returned.
445   std::vector<VariableId> SortedLinearObjectiveNonzeroVariables() const;
447   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
448   // Export
449   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
451   // Returns a proto representation of the optimization model.
452   ModelProto ExportModel() const;
454   // Returns a tracker that can be used to generate a ModelUpdateProto with the
455   // updates that happened since the last checkpoint. The tracker initial
456   // checkpoint corresponds to the current state of the model.
457   //
458   // The returned UpdateTracker keeps a reference to this IndexedModel. Thus the
459   // IndexedModel must not be destroyed before the destruction of all its
460   // UpdateTracker instances.
461   //
462   // Thread-safety: this method must not be used while modifying the
463   // IndexedModel. The user is expected to use proper synchronization primitive
464   // to serialize changes to the model and the use of this method.
465   std::unique_ptr<UpdateTracker> NewUpdateTracker();
467  private:
468   struct VariableData {
469     double lower_bound = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
470     double upper_bound = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
471     bool is_integer = false;
472     std::string name = "";
473   };
474   struct LinearConstraintData {
475     double lower_bound = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
476     double upper_bound = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
477     std::string name = "";
478   };
480   template <typename T>
481   void set_variable_property(VariableId id, T value, T VariableData::*field,
482                              absl::flat_hash_set<VariableId>& dirty_set);
484   inline void set_linear_constraint_property(
485       const LinearConstraintId id, double value,
486       double LinearConstraintData::*field,
487       absl::flat_hash_set<LinearConstraintId>& dirty_set);
489   // Initializes lazy_matrix_columns_ (column major storage of the linear
490   // constraint matrix) if it is still empty and there is at least one variable
491   // in the model.
492   void EnsureLazyMatrixColumns();
494   // Initializes lazy_matrix_rows_ (row major storage of the linear constraint
495   // matrix) if it is still empty and there is at least one linear constraint in
496   // the model.
497   void EnsureLazyMatrixRows();
499   // Export a single variable to proto.
500   void AppendVariable(VariableId id, VariablesProto& variables_proto) const;
502   // Export a single linear constraint to proto.
503   void AppendLinearConstraint(
504       LinearConstraintId id,
505       LinearConstraintsProto& linear_constraints_proto) const;
507   // If an element in entries is not found in linear_constraint_matrix_, it is
508   // set to 0.0 in matrix. Entries should be sorted by constraint then by
509   // variable.
510   void ExportLinearConstraintMatrix(
511       absl::Span<const std::pair<LinearConstraintId, VariableId>> entries,
512       SparseDoubleMatrixProto& matrix) const;
514   // Returns a proto representation of the changes to the model since the most
515   // recent call to SharedCheckpoint() or nullopt if no changes happened.
516   //
517   // Thread-safety: this method must not be called concurrently (due to
518   // EnsureLazyMatrixXxx() functions).
519   absl::optional<ModelUpdateProto> ExportSharedModelUpdate()
520       ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(update_trackers_lock_);
522   // Use the current model state as the starting point to calculate the
523   // ModelUpdateProto next time ExportSharedModelUpdate() is called.
524   void SharedCheckpoint() ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(update_trackers_lock_);
526   std::string name_;
527   VariableId next_variable_id_ = VariableId(0);
528   LinearConstraintId next_linear_constraint_id_ = LinearConstraintId(0);
530   bool is_maximize_ = false;
531   double objective_offset_ = 0.0;
533   absl::flat_hash_map<VariableId, VariableData> variables_;
534   absl::flat_hash_map<LinearConstraintId, LinearConstraintData>
535       linear_constraints_;
536   // The values of the map must never include zero.
537   absl::flat_hash_map<VariableId, double> linear_objective_;
538   // The values of the map must never include zero.
539   absl::flat_hash_map<std::pair<LinearConstraintId, VariableId>, double>
540       linear_constraint_matrix_;
541   absl::flat_hash_map<VariableId, absl::flat_hash_set<LinearConstraintId>>
542       lazy_matrix_columns_;
543   absl::flat_hash_map<LinearConstraintId, absl::flat_hash_set<VariableId>>
544       lazy_matrix_rows_;
546   // Update information
547   //
548   // Implicitly, all data for variables and constraints added after the last
549   // checkpoint are considered "new" and will NOT be stored in the "dirty" data
550   // structures below.
551   VariableId variables_checkpoint_ = VariableId(0);
552   LinearConstraintId linear_constraints_checkpoint_ = LinearConstraintId(0);
553   bool dirty_objective_direction_ = false;
554   bool dirty_objective_offset_ = false;
556   absl::flat_hash_set<VariableId> dirty_variable_deletes_;
557   absl::flat_hash_set<VariableId> dirty_variable_lower_bounds_;
558   absl::flat_hash_set<VariableId> dirty_variable_upper_bounds_;
559   absl::flat_hash_set<VariableId> dirty_variable_is_integer_;
561   absl::flat_hash_set<VariableId> dirty_linear_objective_coefficients_;
563   absl::flat_hash_set<LinearConstraintId> dirty_linear_constraint_deletes_;
564   absl::flat_hash_set<LinearConstraintId> dirty_linear_constraint_lower_bounds_;
565   absl::flat_hash_set<LinearConstraintId> dirty_linear_constraint_upper_bounds_;
567   // Only for pairs where both the variable and constraint are before the
568   // checkpoint, i.e.
569   //   var_id < variables_checkpoint_  &&
570   //   lin_con_id < linear_constraints_checkpoint_
571   absl::flat_hash_set<std::pair<LinearConstraintId, VariableId>>
572       dirty_linear_constraint_matrix_keys_;
574   // Lock used to serialize access to update_trackers_ and to the all fields of
575   // UpdateTracker. We use only one lock since trackers are modified in group
576   // (they share a chain of ModelUpdateProto and the update of one tracker
577   // usually requires the update of some of the others).
578   absl::Mutex update_trackers_lock_;
580   // The UpdateTracker instances tracking the changes of to this model. This
581   // collection is updated by UpdateTracker constructor and destructor. It is
582   // used internally by UpdateTracker instances to know about other instances.
583   absl::flat_hash_set<UpdateTracker*> update_trackers_
584       ABSL_GUARDED_BY(update_trackers_lock_);
585 };
587 // A solution to the problem modeled in IndexedModel.
588 //
589 // IndexedPrimalSolution will satisfy (see top of file notation):
590 //   objective_value = c * variable_values + d
591 // In addition, if feasible (as is typical), it should additionally satisfy:
592 //   vlb <= variable_values <= vub
593 //   clb <= A * variable_values <= cub
594 //   variable_values_i integer for i in I.
595 //
596 // For details, see go/mathopt-solutions#primal-solution.
597 struct IndexedPrimalSolution {
598   absl::flat_hash_map<VariableId, double> variable_values;
599   double objective_value;
600 };
602 // A direction of improving objective value that maintains feasibility.
603 //
604 // Indexed primal ray will satisfy (see top of file notation):
605 //   * c * x < 0 for minimization problems, c * x > 0 for maximization problems.
606 //   * A_j * x <= 0 for finite cub_j
607 //   * A_j * x >= 0 for finite clb_j
608 //   * x_i <= 0 for finite vub_i
609 //   * x_i >= 0 for finite vlb_i
610 // where A_j are the row of matrix coefficients for the jth linear constraint.
611 //
612 //
613 // Note that this alone does not prove unboundedness, you also need a feasible
614 // point. This is a certificate of dual infeasibility for LPs, see
615 // go/mathopt-dual#dual-inf-cert.
616 //
617 // For details, see go/mathopt-solutions#primal-ray.
618 struct IndexedPrimalRay {
619   absl::flat_hash_map<VariableId, double> variable_values;
620 };
622 // A solution to the dual of the problem modeled in IndexedModel. Applies only
623 // when the problem has a dual (e.g. LP).
624 //
625 // For details, see go/mathopt-dual#dual-solution.
626 // For an primal interpretation as objective-value/optimality certificates see:
627 // go/mathopt-solutions#opt-certificate
628 struct IndexedDualSolution {
629   absl::flat_hash_map<LinearConstraintId, double> dual_values;
630   absl::flat_hash_map<VariableId, double> reduced_costs;
631   double objective_value;
632 };
634 // A direction of improving objective value that maintains feasibility for the
635 // dual problem. Applies only when the problem has a dual (e.g. LP).
636 //
637 // Note that this alone does not prove dual unboundedness, you also need a dual
638 // feasible point.
639 //
640 // Also, a certificate of primal infeasibility.
641 //
642 // For details, see
643 // go/mathopt-dual#dual-ray
644 // go/mathopt-solutions#primal-inf-cert
645 struct IndexedDualRay {
646   absl::flat_hash_map<LinearConstraintId, double> dual_values;
647   absl::flat_hash_map<VariableId, double> reduced_costs;
648 };
650 // A basis for a solution of the problem modeled in IndexedModel. Applies only
651 // when the problem is an LP.
652 //
653 // For details, see go/mathopt-basis#basis.
654 // TODO(b/171883688): consider improving consistency for matchers in
655 // solver_matchers.h/cc (e.g. removing PrimalDualPair from that file)
656 struct IndexedBasis {
657   absl::flat_hash_map<LinearConstraintId, BasisStatus> constraint_status;
658   absl::flat_hash_map<VariableId, BasisStatus> variable_status;
659 };
661 // The solution (or potentially multiple solutions) to an LP or MIP. For LP,
662 // if the problem is solved to completion (i.e. we don't have an error or hit a
663 // limit), then at least one of these should be populated.
664 struct IndexedSolutions {
665   std::vector<IndexedPrimalSolution> primal_solutions;
666   std::vector<IndexedPrimalRay> primal_rays;
667   std::vector<IndexedDualSolution> dual_solutions;
668   std::vector<IndexedDualRay> dual_rays;
669   std::vector<IndexedBasis> basis;
670 };
672 IndexedSolutions IndexedSolutionsFromProto(
673     const SolveResultProto& solve_result);
675 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
676 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
677 // Inlined function implementations
678 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
679 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
681 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
682 // Variables
683 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
AddVariable(absl::string_view name)685 VariableId IndexedModel::AddVariable(absl::string_view name) {
686   return AddVariable(-std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(),
687                      std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), false, name);
688 }
variable_lower_bound(const VariableId id)690 double IndexedModel::variable_lower_bound(const VariableId id) const {
691   return variables_.at(id).lower_bound;
692 }
variable_upper_bound(const VariableId id)694 double IndexedModel::variable_upper_bound(const VariableId id) const {
695   return variables_.at(id).upper_bound;
696 }
is_variable_integer(VariableId id)698 bool IndexedModel::is_variable_integer(VariableId id) const {
699   return variables_.at(id).is_integer;
700 }
variable_name(const VariableId id)702 const std::string& IndexedModel::variable_name(const VariableId id) const {
703   return variables_.at(id).name;
704 }
706 template <typename T>
set_variable_property(const VariableId id,const T value,T VariableData::* const field,absl::flat_hash_set<VariableId> & dirty_set)707 void IndexedModel::set_variable_property(
708     const VariableId id, const T value, T VariableData::*const field,
709     absl::flat_hash_set<VariableId>& dirty_set) {
710   VariableData& var_data = variables_.at(id);
711   if (var_data.*field != value) {
712     var_data.*field = value;
713     if (id < variables_checkpoint_) {
714       dirty_set.insert(id);
715     }
716   }
717 }
set_variable_lower_bound(const VariableId id,const double lower_bound)719 void IndexedModel::set_variable_lower_bound(const VariableId id,
720                                             const double lower_bound) {
721   set_variable_property(id, lower_bound, &VariableData::lower_bound,
722                         dirty_variable_lower_bounds_);
723 }
set_variable_upper_bound(const VariableId id,const double upper_bound)725 void IndexedModel::set_variable_upper_bound(const VariableId id,
726                                             const double upper_bound) {
727   set_variable_property(id, upper_bound, &VariableData::upper_bound,
728                         dirty_variable_upper_bounds_);
729 }
set_variable_is_integer(const VariableId id,const bool is_integer)731 void IndexedModel::set_variable_is_integer(const VariableId id,
732                                            const bool is_integer) {
733   set_variable_property(id, is_integer, &VariableData::is_integer,
734                         dirty_variable_is_integer_);
735 }
set_variable_as_integer(VariableId id)737 void IndexedModel::set_variable_as_integer(VariableId id) {
738   set_variable_is_integer(id, true);
739 }
set_variable_as_continuous(VariableId id)741 void IndexedModel::set_variable_as_continuous(VariableId id) {
742   set_variable_is_integer(id, false);
743 }
num_variables()745 int IndexedModel::num_variables() const { return variables_.size(); }
next_variable_id()747 VariableId IndexedModel::next_variable_id() const { return next_variable_id_; }
has_variable(const VariableId id)749 bool IndexedModel::has_variable(const VariableId id) const {
750   return variables_.contains(id);
751 }
753 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
754 // Linear Constraints
755 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
AddLinearConstraint(absl::string_view name)757 LinearConstraintId IndexedModel::AddLinearConstraint(absl::string_view name) {
758   return AddLinearConstraint(-std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(),
759                              std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), name);
760 }
linear_constraint_lower_bound(const LinearConstraintId id)762 double IndexedModel::linear_constraint_lower_bound(
763     const LinearConstraintId id) const {
764   return linear_constraints_.at(id).lower_bound;
765 }
linear_constraint_upper_bound(const LinearConstraintId id)767 double IndexedModel::linear_constraint_upper_bound(
768     const LinearConstraintId id) const {
769   return linear_constraints_.at(id).upper_bound;
770 }
linear_constraint_name(const LinearConstraintId id)772 const std::string& IndexedModel::linear_constraint_name(
773     const LinearConstraintId id) const {
774   return linear_constraints_.at(id).name;
775 }
set_linear_constraint_property(const LinearConstraintId id,const double value,double LinearConstraintData::* const field,absl::flat_hash_set<LinearConstraintId> & dirty_set)777 void IndexedModel::set_linear_constraint_property(
778     const LinearConstraintId id, const double value,
779     double LinearConstraintData::*const field,
780     absl::flat_hash_set<LinearConstraintId>& dirty_set) {
781   LinearConstraintData& lin_con_data = linear_constraints_.at(id);
782   if (lin_con_data.*field != value) {
783     lin_con_data.*field = value;
784     if (id < linear_constraints_checkpoint_) {
785       dirty_set.insert(id);
786     }
787   }
788 }
set_linear_constraint_lower_bound(const LinearConstraintId id,const double lower_bound)790 void IndexedModel::set_linear_constraint_lower_bound(
791     const LinearConstraintId id, const double lower_bound) {
792   set_linear_constraint_property(id, lower_bound,
793                                  &LinearConstraintData::lower_bound,
794                                  dirty_linear_constraint_lower_bounds_);
795 }
set_linear_constraint_upper_bound(const LinearConstraintId id,const double upper_bound)797 void IndexedModel::set_linear_constraint_upper_bound(
798     const LinearConstraintId id, const double upper_bound) {
799   set_linear_constraint_property(id, upper_bound,
800                                  &LinearConstraintData::upper_bound,
801                                  dirty_linear_constraint_upper_bounds_);
802 }
num_linear_constraints()804 int IndexedModel::num_linear_constraints() const {
805   return linear_constraints_.size();
806 }
next_linear_constraint_id()808 LinearConstraintId IndexedModel::next_linear_constraint_id() const {
809   return next_linear_constraint_id_;
810 }
has_linear_constraint(const LinearConstraintId id)812 bool IndexedModel::has_linear_constraint(const LinearConstraintId id) const {
813   return linear_constraints_.contains(id);
814 }
816 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
817 // Linear Constraint Matrix
818 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
linear_constraint_coefficient(LinearConstraintId constraint,VariableId variable)820 double IndexedModel::linear_constraint_coefficient(
821     LinearConstraintId constraint, VariableId variable) const {
822   return gtl::FindWithDefault(linear_constraint_matrix_,
823                               {constraint, variable});
824 }
is_linear_constraint_coefficient_nonzero(LinearConstraintId constraint,VariableId variable)826 bool IndexedModel::is_linear_constraint_coefficient_nonzero(
827     LinearConstraintId constraint, VariableId variable) const {
828   return linear_constraint_matrix_.contains({constraint, variable});
829 }
set_linear_constraint_coefficient(LinearConstraintId constraint,VariableId variable,double value)831 void IndexedModel::set_linear_constraint_coefficient(
832     LinearConstraintId constraint, VariableId variable, double value) {
833   bool was_updated = false;
834   if (value == 0.0) {
835     if (linear_constraint_matrix_.erase({constraint, variable}) > 0) {
836       was_updated = true;
837       if (!lazy_matrix_columns_.empty()) {
838         lazy_matrix_columns_.at(variable).erase(constraint);
839       }
840       if (!lazy_matrix_rows_.empty()) {
841         lazy_matrix_rows_.at(constraint).erase(variable);
842       }
843     }
844   } else {
845     const auto [iterator, inserted] =
846         linear_constraint_matrix_.try_emplace({constraint, variable}, value);
847     if (inserted) {
848       was_updated = true;
849     } else if (iterator->second != value) {
850       iterator->second = value;
851       was_updated = true;
852     }
853     if (!lazy_matrix_columns_.empty()) {
854       lazy_matrix_columns_.at(variable).insert(constraint);
855     }
856     if (!lazy_matrix_rows_.empty()) {
857       lazy_matrix_rows_.at(constraint).insert(variable);
858     }
859   }
860   if (was_updated && constraint < linear_constraints_checkpoint_ &&
861       variable < variables_checkpoint_) {
862     dirty_linear_constraint_matrix_keys_.emplace(constraint, variable);
863   }
864 }
866 const absl::flat_hash_map<std::pair<LinearConstraintId, VariableId>, double>&
linear_constraint_matrix()867 IndexedModel::linear_constraint_matrix() const {
868   return linear_constraint_matrix_;
869 }
871 const absl::flat_hash_set<VariableId>&
variables_in_linear_constraint(LinearConstraintId constraint)872 IndexedModel::variables_in_linear_constraint(LinearConstraintId constraint) {
873   EnsureLazyMatrixRows();
874   return lazy_matrix_rows_.at(constraint);
875 }
877 const absl::flat_hash_set<LinearConstraintId>&
linear_constraints_with_variable(VariableId variable)878 IndexedModel::linear_constraints_with_variable(VariableId variable) {
879   EnsureLazyMatrixColumns();
880   return lazy_matrix_columns_.at(variable);
881 }
883 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
884 // Objective
885 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
is_maximize()887 bool IndexedModel::is_maximize() const { return is_maximize_; }
objective_offset()889 double IndexedModel::objective_offset() const { return objective_offset_; }
linear_objective_coefficient(VariableId variable)891 double IndexedModel::linear_objective_coefficient(VariableId variable) const {
892   return gtl::FindWithDefault(linear_objective_, variable);
893 }
is_linear_objective_coefficient_nonzero(VariableId variable)895 bool IndexedModel::is_linear_objective_coefficient_nonzero(
896     VariableId variable) const {
897   return linear_objective_.contains(variable);
898 }
set_is_maximize(bool is_maximize)900 void IndexedModel::set_is_maximize(bool is_maximize) {
901   if (is_maximize_ != is_maximize) {
902     dirty_objective_direction_ = true;
903     is_maximize_ = is_maximize;
904   }
905 }
set_maximize()907 void IndexedModel::set_maximize() { set_is_maximize(true); }
set_minimize()909 void IndexedModel::set_minimize() { set_is_maximize(false); }
set_objective_offset(double value)911 void IndexedModel::set_objective_offset(double value) {
912   if (value != objective_offset_) {
913     dirty_objective_offset_ = true;
914     objective_offset_ = value;
915   }
916 }
set_linear_objective_coefficient(VariableId variable,double value)918 void IndexedModel::set_linear_objective_coefficient(VariableId variable,
919                                                     double value) {
920   bool was_updated = false;
921   if (value == 0.0) {
922     if (linear_objective_.erase(variable) > 0) {
923       was_updated = true;
924     }
925   } else {
926     const auto [iterator, inserted] =
927         linear_objective_.try_emplace(variable, value);
928     if (inserted) {
929       was_updated = true;
930     } else if (iterator->second != value) {
931       iterator->second = value;
932       was_updated = true;
933     }
934   }
935   if (was_updated && variable < variables_checkpoint_) {
936     dirty_linear_objective_coefficients_.insert(variable);
937   }
938 }
clear_objective()940 void IndexedModel::clear_objective() {
941   set_objective_offset(0.0);
942   while (!linear_objective_.empty()) {
943     set_linear_objective_coefficient(linear_objective_.begin()->first, 0.0);
944   }
945 }
linear_objective()947 const absl::flat_hash_map<VariableId, double>& IndexedModel::linear_objective()
948     const {
949   return linear_objective_;
950 }
952 }  // namespace math_opt
953 }  // namespace operations_research