1 /*******************************************************************************
3 License:
4 This software was developed at the National Institute of Standards and
5 Technology (NIST) by employees of the Federal Government in the course
6 of their official duties. Pursuant to title 17 Section 105 of the
7 United States Code, this software is not subject to copyright protection
8 and is in the public domain. NIST assumes no responsibility  whatsoever for
9 its use by other parties, and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied,
10 about its quality, reliability, or any other characteristic.
12 Disclaimer:
13 This software was developed to promote biometric standards and biometric
14 technology testing for the Federal Government in accordance with the USA
15 PATRIOT Act and the Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act.
16 Specific hardware and software products identified in this software were used
17 in order to perform the software development.  In no case does such
18 identification imply recommendation or endorsement by the National Institute
19 of Standards and Technology, nor does it imply that the products and equipment
20 identified are necessarily the best available for the purpose.
22 *******************************************************************************/
24 /***********************************************************************
25       LIBRARY: LFS - NIST Latent Fingerprint System
27       FILE:    SHAPE.C
28       AUTHOR:  Michael D. Garris
29       DATE:    05/11/1999
30       UPDATED: 03/16/2005 by MDG
32       Contains routines responsible for creating and manipulating
33       shape stuctures as part of the NIST Latent Fingerprint System (LFS).
35 ***********************************************************************
36                ROUTINES:
37                         alloc_shape()
38                         free_shape()
39                         shape_from_contour()
40                         sort_row_on_x()
41 ***********************************************************************/
43 #include <stdio.h>
44 #include <stdlib.h>
45 #include <lfs.h>
47 /*************************************************************************
48 **************************************************************************
49 #cat: alloc_shape - Allocates and initializes a shape structure given the
50 #cat:              the X and Y limits of the shape.
52    Input:
53       xmin   - left-most x-coord in shape
54       ymin   - top-most y-coord in shape
55       xmax   - right-most x-coord in shape
56       ymax   - bottom-most y-coord in shape
57    Output:
58       oshape - pointer to the allocated & initialized shape structure
59    Return Code:
60       Zero     - Shape successfully allocated and initialized
61       Negative - System error
62 **************************************************************************/
alloc_shape(SHAPE ** oshape,const int xmin,const int ymin,const int xmax,const int ymax)63 static int alloc_shape(SHAPE **oshape, const int xmin, const int ymin,
64                   const int xmax, const int ymax)
65 {
66    SHAPE *shape;
67    int alloc_rows, alloc_pts;
68    int i, j, y;
70    /* Compute allocation parameters. */
71    /* First, compute the number of scanlines spanned by the shape. */
72    alloc_rows = ymax - ymin + 1;
73    /* Second, compute the "maximum" number of contour points possible    */
74    /* on a row.  Here we are allocating the maximum number of contiguous */
75    /* pixels on each row which will be sufficiently larger than the      */
76    /* number of actual contour points.                                   */
77    alloc_pts = xmax - xmin + 1;
79    /* Allocate the shape structure. */
80    shape = (SHAPE *)malloc(sizeof(SHAPE));
81    /* If there is an allocation error... */
82    if(shape == (SHAPE *)NULL){
83       fprintf(stderr, "ERROR : alloc_shape : malloc : shape\n");
84       return(-250);
85    }
87    /* Allocate the list of row pointers.  We now this number will fit */
88    /* the shape exactly.                                              */
89    shape->rows = (ROW **)malloc(alloc_rows * sizeof(ROW *));
90    /* If there is an allocation error... */
91    if(shape->rows == (ROW **)NULL){
92       /* Deallocate memory alloated by this routine to this point. */
93       free(shape);
94       fprintf(stderr, "ERROR : alloc_shape : malloc : shape->rows\n");
95       return(-251);
96    }
98    /* Initialize the shape structure's attributes. */
99    shape->ymin = ymin;
100    shape->ymax = ymax;
101    /* The number of allocated rows will be exactly the number of */
102    /* assigned rows for the shape.                               */
103    shape->alloc = alloc_rows;
104    shape->nrows = alloc_rows;
106    /* Foreach row in the shape... */
107    for(i = 0, y = ymin; i < alloc_rows; i++, y++){
108       /* Allocate a row structure and store it in its respective position */
109       /* in the shape structure's list of row pointers.                   */
110       shape->rows[i] = (ROW *)malloc(sizeof(ROW));
111       /* If there is an allocation error... */
112       if(shape->rows[i] == (ROW *)NULL){
113          /* Deallocate memory alloated by this routine to this point. */
114          for(j = 0; j < i; j++){
115             free(shape->rows[j]->xs);
116             free(shape->rows[j]);
117          }
118          free(shape->rows);
119          free(shape);
120          fprintf(stderr, "ERROR : alloc_shape : malloc : shape->rows[i]\n");
121          return(-252);
122       }
124       /* Allocate the current rows list of x-coords. */
125       shape->rows[i]->xs = (int *)malloc(alloc_pts * sizeof(int));
126       /* If there is an allocation error... */
127       if(shape->rows[i]->xs == (int *)NULL){
128          /* Deallocate memory alloated by this routine to this point. */
129          for(j = 0; j < i; j++){
130             free(shape->rows[j]->xs);
131             free(shape->rows[j]);
132          }
133          free(shape->rows[i]);
134          free(shape->rows);
135          free(shape);
136          fprintf(stderr,
137                  "ERROR : alloc_shape : malloc : shape->rows[i]->xs\n");
138          return(-253);
139       }
141       /* Initialize the current row structure's attributes. */
142       shape->rows[i]->y = y;
143       shape->rows[i]->alloc = alloc_pts;
144       /* There are initially ZERO points assigned to the row. */
145       shape->rows[i]->npts = 0;
146    }
148    /* Assign structure to output pointer. */
149    *oshape = shape;
151    /* Return normally. */
152    return(0);
153 }
155 /*************************************************************************
156 **************************************************************************
157 #cat: free_shape - Deallocates a shape structure and all its allocated
158 #cat:              attributes.
160    Input:
161       shape     - pointer to the shape structure to be deallocated
162 **************************************************************************/
free_shape(SHAPE * shape)163 void free_shape(SHAPE *shape)
164 {
165    int i;
167    /* Foreach allocated row in the shape ... */
168    for(i = 0; i < shape->alloc; i++){
169       /* Deallocate the current row's list of x-coords. */
170       free(shape->rows[i]->xs);
171       /* Deallocate the current row structure. */
172       free(shape->rows[i]);
173    }
175    /* Deallocate the list of row pointers. */
176    free(shape->rows);
177    /* Deallocate the shape structure. */
178    free(shape);
179 }
181 /*************************************************************************
182 **************************************************************************
183 #cat: sort_row_on_x - Takes a row structure and sorts its points left-to-
184 #cat:            right on X.
186    Input:
187       row       - row structure to be sorted
188    Output:
189       row       - row structure with points in sorted order
190 **************************************************************************/
sort_row_on_x(ROW * row)191 static void sort_row_on_x(ROW *row)
192 {
193    /* Conduct a simple increasing bubble sort on the x-coords */
194    /* in the given row.  A bubble sort is satisfactory as the */
195    /* number of points will be relatively small.              */
196    bubble_sort_int_inc(row->xs, row->npts);
197 }
199 /*************************************************************************
200 **************************************************************************
201 #cat: shape_from_contour - Converts a contour list that has been determined
202 #cat:            to form a complete loop into a shape representation where
203 #cat:            the contour points on each contiguous scanline of the shape
204 #cat:            are stored in left-to-right order.
206    Input:
207       contour_x  - x-coord list for loop's contour points
208       contour_y  - y-coord list for loop's contour points
209       ncontour   - number of points in contour
210    Output:
211       oshape     - points to the resulting shape structure
212    Return Code:
213       Zero      - shape successfully derived
214       Negative  - system error
215 **************************************************************************/
shape_from_contour(SHAPE ** oshape,const int * contour_x,const int * contour_y,const int ncontour)216 int shape_from_contour(SHAPE **oshape, const int *contour_x,
217                         const int *contour_y, const int ncontour)
218 {
219    SHAPE *shape;
220    ROW *row;
221    int ret, i, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
223    /* Find xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax on contour. */
224    contour_limits(&xmin, &ymin, &xmax, &ymax,
225                   contour_x, contour_y, ncontour);
227    /* Allocate and initialize a shape structure. */
228    if((ret = alloc_shape(&shape, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)))
229       /* If system error, then return error code. */
230       return(ret);
232    /* Foreach point on contour ... */
233    for(i = 0; i < ncontour; i++){
234       /* Add point to corresponding row. */
235       /* First set a pointer to the current row.  We need to subtract */
236       /* ymin because the rows are indexed relative to the top-most   */
237       /* scanline in the shape.                                       */
238       row = shape->rows[contour_y[i]-ymin];
240       /* It is possible with complex shapes to reencounter points        */
241       /* already visited on a contour, especially at "pinching" points   */
242       /* along the contour.  So we need to test to see if a point has    */
243       /* already been stored in the row.  If not in row list already ... */
244       if(in_int_list(contour_x[i], row->xs, row->npts) < 0){
245          /* If row is full ... */
246          if(row->npts >= row->alloc){
247             /* This should never happen becuase we have allocated */
248             /* based on shape bounding limits.                    */
249             fprintf(stderr,
250                     "ERROR : shape_from_contour : row overflow\n");
251             return(-260);
252          }
253          /* Assign the x-coord of the current contour point to the row */
254          /* and bump the row's point counter.  All the contour points  */
255          /* on the same row share the same y-coord.                    */
256          row->xs[row->npts++] = contour_x[i];
257       }
258       /* Otherwise, point is already stored in row, so ignore. */
259    }
261    /* Foreach row in the shape. */
262    for(i = 0; i < shape->nrows; i++)
263       /* Sort row points increasing on their x-coord. */
264       sort_row_on_x(shape->rows[i]);
266    /* Assign shape structure to output pointer. */
267    *oshape = shape;
269    /* Return normally. */
270    return(0);
271 }