1 /* -*- mode: c++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
3 /*
4  Copyright (C) 2006 Ferdinando Ametrano
5  Copyright (C) 2006 Mario Pucci
6  Copyright (C) 2006 StatPro Italia srl
7  Copyright (C) 2015 Peter Caspers
8  Copyright (C) 2019 Klaus Spanderen
10  This file is part of QuantLib, a free-software/open-source library
11  for financial quantitative analysts and developers - http://quantlib.org/
13  QuantLib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
14  under the terms of the QuantLib license.  You should have received a
15  copy of the license along with this program; if not, please email
16  <quantlib-dev@lists.sf.net>. The license is also available online at
17  <http://quantlib.org/license.shtml>.
19  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
20  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
21  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the license for more details.
22 */
24 #include <ql/termstructures/volatility/sabr.hpp>
25 #include <ql/utilities/dataformatters.hpp>
26 #include <ql/math/comparison.hpp>
27 #include <ql/math/functional.hpp>
28 #include <ql/errors.hpp>
30 namespace QuantLib {
unsafeSabrVolatility(Rate strike,Rate forward,Time expiryTime,Real alpha,Real beta,Real nu,Real rho)32     Real unsafeSabrVolatility(Rate strike,
33                               Rate forward,
34                               Time expiryTime,
35                               Real alpha,
36                               Real beta,
37                               Real nu,
38                               Real rho) {
39         const Real oneMinusBeta = 1.0-beta;
40         const Real A = std::pow(forward*strike, oneMinusBeta);
41         const Real sqrtA= std::sqrt(A);
42         Real logM;
43         if (!close(forward, strike))
44             logM = std::log(forward/strike);
45         else {
46             const Real epsilon = (forward-strike)/strike;
47             logM = epsilon - .5 * epsilon * epsilon ;
48         }
49         const Real z = (nu/alpha)*sqrtA*logM;
50         const Real B = 1.0-2.0*rho*z+z*z;
51         const Real C = oneMinusBeta*oneMinusBeta*logM*logM;
52         const Real tmp = (std::sqrt(B)+z-rho)/(1.0-rho);
53         const Real xx = std::log(tmp);
54         const Real D = sqrtA*(1.0+C/24.0+C*C/1920.0);
55         const Real d = 1.0 + expiryTime *
56             (oneMinusBeta*oneMinusBeta*alpha*alpha/(24.0*A)
57                                 + 0.25*rho*beta*nu*alpha/sqrtA
58                                     +(2.0-3.0*rho*rho)*(nu*nu/24.0));
60         Real multiplier;
61         // computations become precise enough if the square of z worth
62         // slightly more than the precision machine (hence the m)
63         static const Real m = 10;
64         if (std::fabs(z*z)>QL_EPSILON * m)
65             multiplier = z/xx;
66         else {
67             multiplier = 1.0 - 0.5*rho*z - (3.0*rho*rho-2.0)*z*z/12.0;
68         }
69         return (alpha/D)*multiplier*d;
70     }
unsafeShiftedSabrVolatility(Rate strike,Rate forward,Time expiryTime,Real alpha,Real beta,Real nu,Real rho,Real shift)72     Real unsafeShiftedSabrVolatility(Rate strike,
73                               Rate forward,
74                               Time expiryTime,
75                               Real alpha,
76                               Real beta,
77                               Real nu,
78                               Real rho,
79                               Real shift) {
81         return unsafeSabrVolatility(strike+shift,forward+shift,expiryTime,
82                                     alpha,beta,nu,rho);
84     }
validateSabrParameters(Real alpha,Real beta,Real nu,Real rho)86     void validateSabrParameters(Real alpha,
87                                 Real beta,
88                                 Real nu,
89                                 Real rho) {
90         QL_REQUIRE(alpha>0.0, "alpha must be positive: "
91                               << alpha << " not allowed");
92         QL_REQUIRE(beta>=0.0 && beta<=1.0, "beta must be in (0.0, 1.0): "
93                                          << beta << " not allowed");
94         QL_REQUIRE(nu>=0.0, "nu must be non negative: "
95                             << nu << " not allowed");
96         QL_REQUIRE(rho*rho<1.0, "rho square must be less than one: "
97                                 << rho << " not allowed");
98     }
sabrVolatility(Rate strike,Rate forward,Time expiryTime,Real alpha,Real beta,Real nu,Real rho)100     Real sabrVolatility(Rate strike,
101                         Rate forward,
102                         Time expiryTime,
103                         Real alpha,
104                         Real beta,
105                         Real nu,
106                         Real rho) {
107         QL_REQUIRE(strike>0.0, "strike must be positive: "
108                                << io::rate(strike) << " not allowed");
109         QL_REQUIRE(forward>0.0, "at the money forward rate must be "
110                    "positive: " << io::rate(forward) << " not allowed");
111         QL_REQUIRE(expiryTime>=0.0, "expiry time must be non-negative: "
112                                    << expiryTime << " not allowed");
113         validateSabrParameters(alpha, beta, nu, rho);
114         return unsafeSabrVolatility(strike, forward, expiryTime,
115                                     alpha, beta, nu, rho);
116     }
shiftedSabrVolatility(Rate strike,Rate forward,Time expiryTime,Real alpha,Real beta,Real nu,Real rho,Real shift)118     Real shiftedSabrVolatility(Rate strike,
119                                Rate forward,
120                                Time expiryTime,
121                                Real alpha,
122                                Real beta,
123                                Real nu,
124                                Real rho,
125                                Real shift) {
126         QL_REQUIRE(strike + shift > 0.0, "strike+shift must be positive: "
127                    << io::rate(strike) << "+" << io::rate(shift) << " not allowed");
128         QL_REQUIRE(forward + shift > 0.0, "at the money forward rate + shift must be "
129                    "positive: " << io::rate(forward) << " " << io::rate(shift) << " not allowed");
130         QL_REQUIRE(expiryTime>=0.0, "expiry time must be non-negative: "
131                                    << expiryTime << " not allowed");
132         validateSabrParameters(alpha, beta, nu, rho);
133         return unsafeShiftedSabrVolatility(strike, forward, expiryTime,
134                                              alpha, beta, nu, rho,shift);
135     }
137     namespace {
138         struct SabrFlochKennedyVolatility {
139             Real F, alpha, beta, nu, rho, t;
yQuantLib::__anon85a9cde90111::SabrFlochKennedyVolatility141             Real y(Real k) const {
142                 return -1.0/(1.0-beta)*(std::pow(F,1-beta)-std::pow(k,1-beta));
143             }
DintQuantLib::__anon85a9cde90111::SabrFlochKennedyVolatility145             Real Dint(Real k) const {
146                 return 1/nu*std::log( ( std::sqrt(1+2*rho*nu/alpha*y(k)
147                     + square<Real>()(nu/alpha*y(k)) )
148                     - rho - nu/alpha*y(k) ) / (1-rho) );
149             }
DQuantLib::__anon85a9cde90111::SabrFlochKennedyVolatility151             Real D(Real k) const {
152                 return std::sqrt(alpha*alpha+2*alpha*rho*nu*y(k)
153                     + square<Real>()(nu*y(k)))*std::pow(k,beta);
154             }
omega0QuantLib::__anon85a9cde90111::SabrFlochKennedyVolatility156             Real omega0(Real k) const {
157                 return std::log(F/k)/Dint(k);
158             }
operator ()QuantLib::__anon85a9cde90111::SabrFlochKennedyVolatility160             Real operator()(Real k) const {
161                 const Real m = F/k;
162                 if (m > 1.0025 || m < 0.9975) {
163                     return omega0(k)*(1+0.25*rho*nu*alpha*
164                        (std::pow(k,beta)-std::pow(F,beta))/(k-F)*t)
165                        -omega0(k)/square<Real>()(Dint(k))*(std::log(
166                            omega0(k)) + 0.5*std::log((F*k/(D(F)*D(k))) ))*t;
167                 }
168                 else {
169                     return taylorExpansion(k);
170                 }
171             }
taylorExpansionQuantLib::__anon85a9cde90111::SabrFlochKennedyVolatility173             Real taylorExpansion(Real k) const {
174                 const Real F2 = F*F;
175                 const Real alpha2 = alpha*alpha;
176                 const Real rho2 = rho*rho;
177                 return
178                     (alpha*std::pow(F,-3 + beta)*(alpha2*square<Real>()(-1 + beta)*std::pow(F,2*beta)*t + 6*alpha*beta*nu*std::pow(F,1 + beta)*rho*t +
179                         F2*(24 + nu*nu*(2 - 3*rho2)*t)))/24.0 +
180                      (3*alpha2*alpha*std::pow(-1 + beta,3)*std::pow(F,3*beta)*t +
181                         3*alpha2*(-1 + beta)*(-1 + 5*beta)*nu*std::pow(F,1 + 2*beta)*rho*t + nu*F2*F*rho*(24 + nu*nu*(-4 + 3*rho2)*t) +
182                         alpha*std::pow(F,2 + beta)*(24*(-1 + beta) + nu*nu*(2*(-1 + beta) + 3*(1 + beta)*rho2)*t))/(48.*F2*F2) * (k-F) +
183                     (std::pow(F,-5 - beta)*(alpha2*alpha2*std::pow(-1 + beta,3)*(-209 + 119*beta)*std::pow(F,4*beta)*t + 30*alpha2*alpha*(-1 + beta)*(9 + beta*(-37 + 18*beta))*nu*std::pow(F,1 + 3*beta)*rho*t -
184                         30*alpha*nu*std::pow(F,3 + beta)*rho*(24 + nu*nu*(-4*(1 + beta) + 3*(1 + 2*beta)*rho2)*t) +
185                         10*alpha2*std::pow(F,2 + 2*beta)*(24*(-4 + beta)*(-1 + beta) + nu*nu*(2*(-1 + beta)*(-7 + 4*beta) + 3*(-4 + beta*(-7 + 5*beta))*rho2)*t) +
186                         nu*nu*F2*F2*(480 - 720*rho2 + nu*nu*(-64 + 75*rho2*(4 - 3*rho2))*t)))/(2880*alpha) * (k-F)*(k-F);
187             }
188         };
189     }
sabrFlochKennedyVolatility(Rate strike,Rate forward,Time expiryTime,Real alpha,Real beta,Real nu,Real rho)191     Real sabrFlochKennedyVolatility(Rate strike,
192                                 Rate forward,
193                                 Time expiryTime,
194                                 Real alpha,
195                                 Real beta,
196                                 Real nu,
197                                 Real rho) {
198         const SabrFlochKennedyVolatility v =
199             {forward, alpha, beta, nu, rho, expiryTime};
201         return v(strike);
202     }
204 }