1#' @include globals.R
2#' @include map.R
5#' Make a random number generator repeatable
7#' Given a function that generates random data, returns a wrapped version of
8#' that function that always uses the same seed when called. The seed to use can
9#' be passed in explicitly if desired; otherwise, a random number is used.
11#' @param rngfunc The function that is affected by the R session's seed.
12#' @param seed The seed to set every time the resulting function is called.
13#' @return A repeatable version of the function that was passed in.
15#' @note When called, the returned function attempts to preserve the R session's
16#'   current seed by snapshotting and restoring
17#'   [base::.Random.seed()].
19#' @examples
20#' rnormA <- repeatable(rnorm)
21#' rnormB <- repeatable(rnorm)
22#' rnormA(3)  # [1]  1.8285879 -0.7468041 -0.4639111
23#' rnormA(3)  # [1]  1.8285879 -0.7468041 -0.4639111
24#' rnormA(5)  # [1]  1.8285879 -0.7468041 -0.4639111 -1.6510126 -1.4686924
25#' rnormB(5)  # [1] -0.7946034  0.2568374 -0.6567597  1.2451387 -0.8375699
26#' @export
27repeatable <- function(rngfunc, seed = stats::runif(1, 0, .Machine$integer.max)) {
28  force(seed)
30  function(...) {
31    # When we exit, restore the seed to its original state
32    if (exists('.Random.seed', where=globalenv())) {
33      currentSeed <- get('.Random.seed', pos=globalenv())
34      on.exit(assign('.Random.seed', currentSeed, pos=globalenv()))
35    }
36    else {
37      on.exit(rm('.Random.seed', pos=globalenv()))
38    }
40    set.seed(seed)
42    rngfunc(...)
43  }
46.globals$ownSeed <- NULL
47# Evaluate an expression using Shiny's own private stream of
48# randomness (not affected by set.seed).
49withPrivateSeed <- function(expr) {
50  # Save the old seed if present.
51  if (exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) {
52    hasOrigSeed <- TRUE
53    origSeed <- .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed
54  } else {
55    hasOrigSeed <- FALSE
56  }
58  # Swap in the private seed.
59  if (is.null(.globals$ownSeed)) {
60    if (hasOrigSeed) {
61      # Move old seed out of the way if present.
62      rm(.Random.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)
63    }
64  } else {
65    .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed <- .globals$ownSeed
66  }
68  # On exit, save the modified private seed, and put the old seed back.
69  on.exit({
70    .globals$ownSeed <- .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed
72    if (hasOrigSeed) {
73      .GlobalEnv$.Random.seed <- origSeed
74    } else {
75      rm(.Random.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)
76    }
77    # Need to call this to make sure that the value of .Random.seed gets put
78    # into R's internal RNG state. (Issue #1763)
79    httpuv::getRNGState()
80  })
82  expr
85# Version of runif that runs with private seed
86p_runif <- function(...) {
87  withPrivateSeed(stats::runif(...))
90# Version of sample that runs with private seed
91p_sample <- function(...) {
92  withPrivateSeed(sample(...))
95# Return a random integral value in the range [min, max).
96# If only one argument is passed, then min=0 and max=argument.
97randomInt <- function(min, max) {
98  if (missing(max)) {
99    max <- min
100    min <- 0
101  }
102  if (min < 0 || max <= min)
103    stop("Invalid min/max values")
105  min + sample(max-min, 1)-1
108p_randomInt <- function(...) {
109  withPrivateSeed(randomInt(...))
112isWholeNum <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
113  abs(x - round(x)) < tol
116# Given a vector or list, drop all the NULL items in it
117dropNulls <- function(x) {
118  x[!vapply(x, is.null, FUN.VALUE=logical(1))]
121nullOrEmpty <- function(x) {
122  is.null(x) || length(x) == 0
124# Given a vector or list, drop all the NULL items in it
125dropNullsOrEmpty <- function(x) {
126  x[!vapply(x, nullOrEmpty, FUN.VALUE=logical(1))]
129# Given a vector/list, return TRUE if any elements are named, FALSE otherwise.
130anyNamed <- function(x) {
131  # Zero-length vector
132  if (length(x) == 0) return(FALSE)
134  nms <- names(x)
136  # List with no name attribute
137  if (is.null(nms)) return(FALSE)
139  # List with name attribute; check for any ""
140  any(nzchar(nms))
143# Given a vector/list, return TRUE if any elements are unnamed, FALSE otherwise.
144anyUnnamed <- function(x) {
145  # Zero-length vector
146  if (length(x) == 0) return(FALSE)
148  nms <- names(x)
150  # List with no name attribute
151  if (is.null(nms)) return(TRUE)
153  # List with name attribute; check for any ""
154  any(!nzchar(nms))
158# Given a vector/list, returns a named vector/list (the labels will be blank).
159asNamed <- function(x) {
160  if (is.null(names(x))) {
161    names(x) <- character(length(x))
162  }
164  x
167empty_named_list <- function() {
168  list(a = 1)[0]
171# Given two named vectors, join them together, and keep only the last element
172# with a given name in the resulting vector. If b has any elements with the same
173# name as elements in a, the element in a is dropped. Also, if there are any
174# duplicated names in a or b, only the last one with that name is kept.
175mergeVectors <- function(a, b) {
176  if (anyUnnamed(a) || anyUnnamed(b)) {
177    stop("Vectors must be either NULL or have names for all elements")
178  }
180  x <- c(a, b)
181  drop_idx <- duplicated(names(x), fromLast = TRUE)
182  x[!drop_idx]
185# Sort a vector by the names of items. If there are multiple items with the
186# same name, preserve the original order of those items. For empty
187# vectors/lists/NULL, return the original value.
188sortByName <- function(x) {
189  if (anyUnnamed(x))
190    stop("All items must be named")
192  # Special case for empty vectors/lists, and NULL
193  if (length(x) == 0)
194    return(x)
196  x[order(names(x))]
199# Sort a vector. If a character vector, sort using C locale, which is consistent
200# across platforms. Note that radix sort uses C locale according to ?sort.
201sort_c <- function(x, ...) {
202  # Use UTF-8 encoding, because if encoding is "unknown" for non-ASCII
203  # characters, the sort() will throw an error.
204  if (is.character(x))
205    x <- enc2utf8(x)
206  sort(x, method = "radix", ...)
210# Wrapper around list2env with a NULL check. In R <3.2.0, if an empty unnamed
211# list is passed to list2env(), it errors. But an empty named list is OK. For
212# R >=3.2.0, this wrapper is not necessary.
213list2env2 <- function(x, ...) {
214  # Ensure that zero-length lists have a name attribute
215  if (length(x) == 0)
216    attr(x, "names") <- character(0)
218  list2env(x, ...)
221# Combine dir and (file)name into a file path. If a file already exists with a
222# name differing only by case, then use it instead.
223file.path.ci <- function(...) {
224  result <- find.file.ci(...)
225  if (!is.null(result))
226    return(result)
228  # If not found, return the file path that was given to us.
229  return(file.path(...))
232# Does a particular file exist? Case-insensitive for filename, case-sensitive
233# for path (on platforms with case-sensitive file system).
234file.exists.ci <- function(...) {
235  !is.null(find.file.ci(...))
238# Look for a file, case-insensitive for filename, case-sensitive for path (on
239# platforms with case-sensitive filesystem). If found, return the path to the
240# file, with the correct case. If not found, return NULL.
241find.file.ci <- function(...) {
242  default <- file.path(...)
243  if (length(default) > 1)
244    stop("find.file.ci can only check for one file at a time.")
245  if (file.exists(default))
246    return(default)
248  dir <- dirname(default)
249  name <- basename(default)
251  # If we got here, then we'll check for a directory with the exact case, and a
252  # name with any case.
253  all_files <- list.files(dir, all.files=TRUE, full.names=TRUE,
254                          include.dirs=TRUE)
255  match_idx <- tolower(name) == tolower(basename(all_files))
256  matches <- all_files[match_idx]
257  if (length(matches) == 0)
258    return(NULL)
260  return(matches[1])
263# The function base::dir.exists was added in R 3.2.0, but for backward
264# compatibility we need to add this function
265dirExists <- function(paths) {
266  file.exists(paths) & file.info(paths)$isdir
269# Removes empty directory (vectorized). This is needed because file.remove()
270# on Unix will remove empty directories, but on Windows, it will not. On
271# Windows, you would need to use unlink(recursive=TRUE), which is not very
272# safe. This function does it safely on Unix and Windows.
273dirRemove <- function(path) {
274  for (p in path) {
275    if (!dirExists(p)) {
276      stop("Cannot remove non-existent directory ", p, ".")
277    }
278    if (length(dir(p, all.files = TRUE, no.. = TRUE)) != 0) {
279      stop("Cannot remove non-empty directory ", p, ".")
280    }
281    result <- unlink(p, recursive = TRUE)
282    if (result == 1) {
283      stop("Error removing directory ", p, ".")
284    }
285  }
288# Attempt to join a path and relative path, and turn the result into a
289# (normalized) absolute path. The result will only be returned if it is an
290# existing file/directory and is a descendant of dir.
292# Example:
293# resolve("/Users/jcheng", "shiny")  # "/Users/jcheng/shiny"
294# resolve("/Users/jcheng", "./shiny")  # "/Users/jcheng/shiny"
295# resolve("/Users/jcheng", "shiny/../shiny/")  # "/Users/jcheng/shiny"
296# resolve("/Users/jcheng", ".")  # NULL
297# resolve("/Users/jcheng", "..")  # NULL
298# resolve("/Users/jcheng", "shiny/..")  # NULL
299resolve <- function(dir, relpath) {
300  abs.path <- file.path(dir, relpath)
301  if (!file.exists(abs.path))
302    return(NULL)
303  abs.path <- normalizePath(abs.path, winslash='/', mustWork=TRUE)
304  dir <- normalizePath(dir, winslash='/', mustWork=TRUE)
305  # trim the possible trailing slash under Windows (#306)
306  if (isWindows()) dir <- sub('/$', '', dir)
307  if (nchar(abs.path) <= nchar(dir) + 1)
308    return(NULL)
309  if (substr(abs.path, 1, nchar(dir)) != dir ||
310      substr(abs.path, nchar(dir)+1, nchar(dir)+1) != '/') {
311    return(NULL)
312  }
313  return(abs.path)
316# Given a string, make sure it has a trailing slash.
317ensure_trailing_slash <- function(path) {
318  if (!grepl("/$", path)) {
319    path <- paste0(path, "/")
320  }
321  path
325isWindows <- function() .Platform$OS.type == 'windows'
327# This is a wrapper for download.file and has the same interface.
328# The only difference is that, if the protocol is https, it changes the
329# download settings, depending on platform.
330download <- function(url, ...) {
331  # First, check protocol. If http or https, check platform:
332  if (grepl('^https?://', url)) {
334    # Check whether we are running R 3.2
335    isR32 <- getRversion() >= "3.2"
337    # Windows
338    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
340      if (isR32) {
341        method <- "wininet"
342      } else {
344        # If we directly use setInternet2, R CMD CHECK gives a Note on Mac/Linux
345        seti2 <- `::`(utils, 'setInternet2')
347        # Check whether we are already using internet2 for internal
348        internet2_start <- seti2(NA)
350        # If not then temporarily set it
351        if (!internet2_start) {
352          # Store initial settings, and restore on exit
353          on.exit(suppressWarnings(seti2(internet2_start)))
355          # Needed for https. Will get warning if setInternet2(FALSE) already run
356          # and internet routines are used. But the warnings don't seem to matter.
357          suppressWarnings(seti2(TRUE))
358        }
360        method <- "internal"
361      }
363      # download.file will complain about file size with something like:
364      #       Warning message:
365      #         In download.file(url, ...) : downloaded length 19457 != reported length 200
366      # because apparently it compares the length with the status code returned (?)
367      # so we supress that
368      suppressWarnings(utils::download.file(url, method = method, ...))
370    } else {
371      # If non-Windows, check for libcurl/curl/wget/lynx, then call download.file with
372      # appropriate method.
374      if (isR32 && capabilities("libcurl")) {
375        method <- "libcurl"
376      } else if (nzchar(Sys.which("wget")[1])) {
377        method <- "wget"
378      } else if (nzchar(Sys.which("curl")[1])) {
379        method <- "curl"
381        # curl needs to add a -L option to follow redirects.
382        # Save the original options and restore when we exit.
383        orig_extra_options <- getOption("download.file.extra")
384        on.exit(options(download.file.extra = orig_extra_options))
386        options(download.file.extra = paste("-L", orig_extra_options))
388      } else if (nzchar(Sys.which("lynx")[1])) {
389        method <- "lynx"
390      } else {
391        stop("no download method found")
392      }
394      utils::download.file(url, method = method, ...)
395    }
397  } else {
398    utils::download.file(url, ...)
399  }
402getContentType <- function(file, defaultType = 'application/octet-stream') {
403  subtype <- ifelse(grepl('[.]html?$', file), 'charset=UTF-8', '')
404  mime::guess_type(file, unknown = defaultType, subtype = subtype)
407#' Parse a GET query string from a URL
409#' Returns a named list of key-value pairs.
411#' @noMd
412#' @param str The query string. It can have a leading \code{"?"} or not.
413#' @param nested Whether to parse the query string of as a nested list when it
414#'   contains pairs of square brackets \code{[]}. For example, the query
415#'   \samp{a[i1][j1]=x&b[i1][j1]=y&b[i2][j1]=z} will be parsed as \code{list(a =
416#'   list(i1 = list(j1 = 'x')), b = list(i1 = list(j1 = 'y'), i2 = list(j1 =
417#'   'z')))} when \code{nested = TRUE}, and \code{list(`a[i1][j1]` = 'x',
418#'   `b[i1][j1]` = 'y', `b[i2][j1]` = 'z')} when \code{nested = FALSE}.
419#' @export
420#' @examples
421#' parseQueryString("?foo=1&bar=b%20a%20r")
423#' \dontrun{
424#' # Example of usage within a Shiny app
425#' function(input, output, session) {
427#'   output$queryText <- renderText({
428#'     query <- parseQueryString(session$clientData$url_search)
430#'     # Ways of accessing the values
431#'     if (as.numeric(query$foo) == 1) {
432#'       # Do something
433#'     }
434#'     if (query[["bar"]] == "targetstring") {
435#'       # Do something else
436#'     }
438#'     # Return a string with key-value pairs
439#'     paste(names(query), query, sep = "=", collapse=", ")
440#'   })
441#' }
442#' }
444parseQueryString <- function(str, nested = FALSE) {
445  if (is.null(str) || nchar(str) == 0)
446    return(list())
448  # Remove leading ?
449  if (substr(str, 1, 1) == '?')
450    str <- substr(str, 2, nchar(str))
452  pairs <- strsplit(str, '&', fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
453  # Drop any empty items (if there's leading/trailing/consecutive '&' chars)
454  pairs <- pairs[pairs != ""]
455  pairs <- strsplit(pairs, '=', fixed = TRUE)
457  keys   <- vapply(pairs, function(x) x[1], FUN.VALUE = character(1))
458  values <- vapply(pairs, function(x) x[2], FUN.VALUE = character(1))
459  # Replace NA with '', so they don't get converted to 'NA' by URLdecode
460  values[is.na(values)] <- ''
462  # Convert "+" to " ", since URLdecode doesn't do it
463  keys   <- gsub('+', ' ', keys,   fixed = TRUE)
464  values <- gsub('+', ' ', values, fixed = TRUE)
466  keys   <- URLdecode(keys)
467  values <- URLdecode(values)
469  res <- stats::setNames(as.list(values), keys)
470  if (!nested) return(res)
472  # Make a nested list from a query of the form ?a[1][1]=x11&a[1][2]=x12&...
473  for (i in grep('\\[.+\\]', keys)) {
474    k <- strsplit(keys[i], '[][]')[[1L]]  # split by [ or ]
475    res <- assignNestedList(res, k[k != ''], values[i])
476    res[[keys[i]]] <- NULL    # remove res[['a[1][1]']]
477  }
478  res
481# Assign value to the bottom element of the list x using recursive indices idx
482assignNestedList <- function(x = list(), idx, value) {
483  for (i in seq_along(idx)) {
484    sub <- idx[seq_len(i)]
485    if (is.null(x[[sub]])) x[[sub]] <- list()
486  }
487  x[[idx]] <- value
488  x
491# decide what to do in case of errors; it is customizable using the shiny.error
492# option (e.g. we can set options(shiny.error = recover))
493#' @include conditions.R
494shinyCallingHandlers <- function(expr) {
495  withCallingHandlers(captureStackTraces(expr),
496    error = function(e) {
497      # Don't intercept shiny.silent.error (i.e. validation errors)
498      if (inherits(e, "shiny.silent.error"))
499        return()
501      handle <- getOption('shiny.error')
502      if (is.function(handle)) handle()
503    }
504  )
508#' Register a function with the debugger (if one is active).
510#' Call this function after exprToFunction to give any active debugger a hook
511#' to set and clear breakpoints in the function. A debugger may implement
512#' registerShinyDebugHook to receive callbacks when Shiny functions are
513#' instantiated at runtime.
515#' @param name Name of the field or object containing the function.
516#' @param where The reference object or environment containing the function.
517#' @param label A label to display on the function in the debugger.
518#' @noRd
519registerDebugHook <- function(name, where, label) {
520  if (exists("registerShinyDebugHook", mode = "function")) {
521    registerShinyDebugHook <- get("registerShinyDebugHook", mode = "function")
522    params <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
523    params$name <- name
524    params$where <- where
525    params$label <- label
526    registerShinyDebugHook(params)
527  }
530Callbacks <- R6Class(
531  'Callbacks',
532  portable = FALSE,
533  class = FALSE,
534  public = list(
535    .nextId = integer(0),
536    .callbacks = 'Map',
538    initialize = function() {
539      # NOTE: we avoid using '.Machine$integer.max' directly
540      # as R 3.3.0's 'radixsort' could segfault when sorting
541      # an integer vector containing this value
542      .nextId <<- as.integer(.Machine$integer.max - 1L)
543      .callbacks <<- Map$new()
544    },
545    register = function(callback) {
546      if (!is.function(callback)) {
547        stop("callback must be a function")
548      }
549      id <- as.character(.nextId)
550      .nextId <<- .nextId - 1L
551      .callbacks$set(id, callback)
552      return(function() {
553        .callbacks$remove(id)
554      })
555    },
556    invoke = function(..., onError=NULL, ..stacktraceon = FALSE) {
557      # Ensure that calls are invoked in the order that they were registered
558      keys <- as.character(sort(as.integer(.callbacks$keys()), decreasing = TRUE))
559      callbacks <- .callbacks$mget(keys)
561      for (callback in callbacks) {
562        if (is.null(onError)) {
563          if (..stacktraceon) {
564            ..stacktraceon..(callback(...))
565          } else {
566            callback(...)
567          }
568        } else {
569          tryCatch(
570            captureStackTraces(
571              if (..stacktraceon)
572                ..stacktraceon..(callback(...))
573              else
574                callback(...)
575            ),
576            error = onError
577          )
578        }
579      }
580    },
581    count = function() {
582      .callbacks$size()
583    }
584  )
587# convert a data frame to JSON as required by DataTables request
588dataTablesJSON <- function(data, req) {
589  n <- nrow(data)
590  # DataTables requests were sent via POST
591  params <- URLdecode(rawToChar(req$rook.input$read()))
592  q <- parseQueryString(params, nested = TRUE)
593  ci <- q$search[['caseInsensitive']] == 'true'
595  # data may have been replaced/updated in the new table while the Ajax request
596  # from the previous table is still on its way, so it is possible that the old
597  # request asks for more columns than the current data, in which case we should
598  # discard this request and return empty data; the next Ajax request from the
599  # new table will retrieve the correct number of columns of data
600  if (length(q$columns) != ncol(data)) {
601    res <- toJSON(list(
602      draw = as.integer(q$draw),
603      recordsTotal = n,
604      recordsFiltered = 0,
605      data = NULL
606    ))
607    return(httpResponse(200, 'application/json', enc2utf8(res)))
608  }
610  # global searching
611  i <- seq_len(n)
612  if (length(q$search[['value']]) && q$search[['value']] != '') {
613    i0 <- apply(data, 2, function(x) {
614      grep2(q$search[['value']], as.character(x),
615            fixed = q$search[['regex']] == 'false', ignore.case = ci)
616    })
617    i <- intersect(i, unique(unlist(i0)))
618  }
620  # search by columns
621  if (length(i)) for (j in names(q$columns)) {
622    col <- q$columns[[j]]
623    # if the j-th column is not searchable or the search string is "", skip it
624    if (col[['searchable']] != 'true') next
625    if ((k <- col[['search']][['value']]) == '') next
626    j <- as.integer(j)
627    dj <- data[, j + 1]
628    r  <- commaToRange(k)
629    ij <- if (length(r) == 2 && is.numeric(dj)) {
630      which(dj >= r[1] & dj <= r[2])
631    } else {
632      grep2(k, as.character(dj), fixed = col[['search']][['regex']] == 'false',
633            ignore.case = ci)
634    }
635    i <- intersect(ij, i)
636    if (length(i) == 0) break
637  }
638  if (length(i) != n) data <- data[i, , drop = FALSE]
640  # sorting
641  oList <- list()
642  for (ord in q$order) {
643    k <- ord[['column']]  # which column to sort
644    d <- ord[['dir']]     # direction asc/desc
645    if (q$columns[[k]][['orderable']] != 'true') next
646    col <- data[, as.integer(k) + 1]
647    oList[[length(oList) + 1]] <- (if (d == 'asc') identity else `-`)(
648      if (is.numeric(col)) col else xtfrm(col)
649    )
650  }
651  if (length(oList)) {
652    i <- do.call(order, oList)
653    data <- data[i, , drop = FALSE]
654  }
655  # paging
656  if (q$length != '-1') {
657    i <- seq(as.integer(q$start) + 1L, length.out = as.integer(q$length))
658    i <- i[i <= nrow(data)]
659    fdata <- data[i, , drop = FALSE]  # filtered data
660  } else fdata <- data
662  fdata <- unname(as.matrix(fdata))
663  if (is.character(fdata) && q$escape != 'false') {
664    if (q$escape == 'true') {
665      # fdata must be a matrix at this point, and we need to preserve
666      # dimensions. Note that it could be a 1xn matrix.
667      dims <- dim(fdata)
668      fdata <- htmlEscape(fdata)
669      dim(fdata) <- dims
671    } else {
672      k <- as.integer(strsplit(q$escape, ',')[[1]])
673      # use seq_len() in case escape = negative indices, e.g. c(-1, -5)
674      for (j in seq_len(ncol(fdata))[k]) fdata[, j] <- htmlEscape(fdata[, j])
675    }
676  }
678  res <- toJSON(list(
679    draw = as.integer(q$draw),
680    recordsTotal = n,
681    recordsFiltered = nrow(data),
682    data = fdata
683  ))
684  httpResponse(200, 'application/json', enc2utf8(res))
687# when both ignore.case and fixed are TRUE, we use grep(ignore.case = FALSE,
688# fixed = TRUE) to do lower-case matching of pattern on x
689grep2 <- function(pattern, x, ignore.case = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, ...) {
690  if (fixed && ignore.case) {
691    pattern <- tolower(pattern)
692    x <- tolower(x)
693    ignore.case <- FALSE
694  }
695  # when the user types in the search box, the regular expression may not be
696  # complete before it is sent to the server, in which case we do not search
697  if (!fixed && inherits(try(grep(pattern, ''), silent = TRUE), 'try-error'))
698    return(seq_along(x))
699  grep(pattern, x, ignore.case = ignore.case, fixed = fixed, ...)
702getExists <- function(x, mode, envir = parent.frame()) {
703  if (exists(x, envir = envir, mode = mode, inherits = FALSE))
704    get(x, envir = envir, mode = mode, inherits = FALSE)
707# convert a string of the form "lower,upper" to c(lower, upper)
708commaToRange <- function(string) {
709  if (!grepl(',', string)) return()
710  r <- strsplit(string, ',')[[1]]
711  if (length(r) > 2) return()
712  if (length(r) == 1) r <- c(r, '')  # lower,
713  r <- as.numeric(r)
714  if (is.na(r[1])) r[1] <- -Inf
715  if (is.na(r[2])) r[2] <- Inf
716  r
719# for options passed to DataTables/Selectize/..., the options of the class AsIs
720# will be evaluated as literal JavaScript code
721checkAsIs <- function(options) {
722  evalOptions <- if (length(options)) {
723    nms <- names(options)
724    if (length(nms) == 0L || any(nms == '')) stop("'options' must be a named list")
725    i <- unlist(lapply(options, function(x) {
726      is.character(x) && inherits(x, 'AsIs')
727    }))
728    if (any(i)) {
729      # must convert to character, otherwise toJSON() turns it to an array []
730      options[i] <- lapply(options[i], paste, collapse = '\n')
731      nms[i]  # options of these names will be evaluated in JS
732    }
733  }
734  list(options = options, eval = evalOptions)
737srcrefFromShinyCall <- function(expr) {
738  srcrefs <- attr(expr, "srcref")
739  num_exprs <- length(srcrefs)
740  if (num_exprs < 1)
741    return(NULL)
742  c(srcrefs[[1]][1], srcrefs[[1]][2],
743    srcrefs[[num_exprs]][3], srcrefs[[num_exprs]][4],
744    srcrefs[[1]][5], srcrefs[[num_exprs]][6])
747# Indicates whether the given querystring should cause the associated request
748# to be handled in showcase mode. Returns the showcase mode if set, or NULL
749# if no showcase mode is set.
750showcaseModeOfQuerystring <- function(querystring) {
751  if (nchar(querystring) > 0) {
752    qs <- parseQueryString(querystring)
753    if (exists("showcase", where = qs)) {
754      return(as.numeric(qs$showcase))
755    }
756  }
757  return(NULL)
760showcaseModeOfReq <- function(req) {
761  showcaseModeOfQuerystring(req$QUERY_STRING)
764# Returns (just) the filename containing the given source reference, or an
765# empty string if the source reference doesn't include file information.
766srcFileOfRef <- function(srcref) {
767  fileEnv <- attr(srcref, "srcfile")
768  # The 'srcfile' attribute should be a non-null environment containing the
769  # variable 'filename', which gives the full path to the source file.
770  if (!is.null(fileEnv) &&
771      is.environment(fileEnv) &&
772      exists("filename", where = fileEnv))
773    basename(fileEnv[["filename"]])
774  else
775    ""
778# Format a number without sci notation, and keep as many digits as possible (do
779# we really need to go beyond 15 digits?)
780formatNoSci <- function(x) {
781  if (is.null(x)) return(NULL)
782  format(x, scientific = FALSE, digits = 15)
785# Returns a function that calls the given func and caches the result for
786# subsequent calls, unless the given file's mtime changes.
787cachedFuncWithFile <- function(dir, file, func, case.sensitive = FALSE) {
788  dir <- normalizePath(dir, mustWork=TRUE)
789  mtime <- NA
790  value <- NULL
791  function(...) {
792    fname <- if (case.sensitive)
793      file.path(dir, file)
794    else
795      file.path.ci(dir, file)
797    now <- file.info(fname)$mtime
798    if (!identical(mtime, now)) {
799      value <<- func(fname, ...)
800      mtime <<- now
801    }
802    value
803  }
806# turn column-based data to row-based data (mainly for JSON), e.g. data.frame(x
807# = 1:10, y = 10:1) ==> list(list(x = 1, y = 10), list(x = 2, y = 9), ...)
808columnToRowData <- function(data) {
809  do.call(
810    mapply, c(
811      list(FUN = function(...) list(...), SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE),
812      as.list(data)
813    )
814  )
817#' Declare an error safe for the user to see
819#' This should be used when you want to let the user see an error
820#' message even if the default is to sanitize all errors. If you have an
821#' error `e` and call `stop(safeError(e))`, then Shiny will
822#' ignore the value of `getOption("shiny.sanitize.errors")` and always
823#' display the error in the app itself.
825#' @param error Either an "error" object or a "character" object (string).
826#' In the latter case, the string will become the message of the error
827#' returned by `safeError`.
829#' @return An "error" object
831#' @details An error generated by `safeError` has priority over all
832#' other Shiny errors. This can be dangerous. For example, if you have set
833#' `options(shiny.sanitize.errors = TRUE)`, then by default all error
834#' messages are omitted in the app, and replaced by a generic error message.
835#' However, this does not apply to `safeError`: whatever you pass
836#' through `error` will be displayed to the user. So, this should only
837#' be used when you are sure that your error message does not contain any
838#' sensitive information. In those situations, `safeError` can make
839#' your users' lives much easier by giving them a hint as to where the
840#' error occurred.
842#' @seealso [shiny-options()]
844#' @examples
845#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
846#' if (interactive()) {
848#' # uncomment the desired line to experiment with shiny.sanitize.errors
849#' # options(shiny.sanitize.errors = TRUE)
850#' # options(shiny.sanitize.errors = FALSE)
852#' # Define UI
853#' ui <- fluidPage(
854#'   textInput('number', 'Enter your favorite number from 1 to 10', '5'),
855#'   textOutput('normalError'),
856#'   textOutput('safeError')
857#' )
859#' # Server logic
860#' server <- function(input, output) {
861#'   output$normalError <- renderText({
862#'     number <- input$number
863#'     if (number %in% 1:10) {
864#'       return(paste('You chose', number, '!'))
865#'     } else {
866#'       stop(
867#'         paste(number, 'is not a number between 1 and 10')
868#'       )
869#'     }
870#'   })
871#'   output$safeError <- renderText({
872#'     number <- input$number
873#'     if (number %in% 1:10) {
874#'       return(paste('You chose', number, '!'))
875#'     } else {
876#'       stop(safeError(
877#'         paste(number, 'is not a number between 1 and 10')
878#'       ))
879#'     }
880#'   })
881#' }
883#' # Complete app with UI and server components
884#' shinyApp(ui, server)
885#' }
886#' @export
887safeError <- function(error) {
888  if (inherits(error, "character")) {
889    error <- simpleError(error)
890  }
891  if (!inherits(error, "error")) {
892    stop("The class of the `error` parameter must be either 'error' or 'character'")
893  }
894  class(error) <- c("shiny.custom.error", class(error))
895  error
899#**** Keep this function internal for now, may chnage in the future ****#
901# #' Propagate an error through Shiny, but catch it before it throws
902# #'
903# #' Throws a type of exception that is caught by observers. When such an
904# #' exception is triggered, all reactive links are broken. So, essentially,
905# #' \code{reactiveStop()} behaves just like \code{stop()}, except that
906# #' instead of ending the session, it is silently swalowed by Shiny.
907# #'
908# #' This function should be used when you want to disrupt the reactive
909# #' links in a reactive chain, but do not want to end the session. For
910# #' example, this enables you to disallow certain inputs, but get back
911# #' to business as usual when valid inputs are re-entered.
912# #' \code{reactiveStop} is also called internally by Shiny to create
913# #' special errors, such as the ones generated by \code{\link{validate}()},
914# #' \code{\link{req}()} and \code{\link{cancelOutput}()}.
915# #'
916# #' @param message An optional error message.
917# #' @param class An optional class to add to the error.
918# #' @export
919# #' @examples
920# #' ## Note: the breaking of the reactive chain that happens in the app
921# #' ## below (when input$txt = 'bad' and input$allowBad = 'FALSE') is
922# #' ## easily visualized with `reactlogShow()`
923# #'
924# #' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
925# #' if (interactive()) {
926# #'
927# #' ui <- fluidPage(
928# #'   textInput('txt', 'Enter some text...'),
929# #'   selectInput('allowBad', 'Allow the string \'bad\'?',
930# #'               c('TRUE', 'FALSE'), selected = 'FALSE')
931# #' )
932# #'
933# #' server <- function(input, output) {
934# #'   val <- reactive({
935# #'     if (!(as.logical(input$allowBad))) {
936# #'       if (identical(input$txt, "bad")) {
937# #'         reactiveStop()
938# #'       }
939# #'     }
940## '   })
941# #'
942# #'   observe({
943# #'     val()
944# #'   })
945# #' }
946# #'
947# #' shinyApp(ui, server)
948# #' }
949# #' @export
950reactiveStop <- function(message = "", class = NULL) {
951  stopWithCondition(c("shiny.silent.error", class), message)
954#' Validate input values and other conditions
956#' @description
957#' `validate()` provides convenient mechanism for validating that an output
958#' has all the inputs necessary for successful rendering. It takes any number
959#' of (unnamed) arguments, each representing a condition to test. If any
960#' of condition fails (i.e. is not ["truthy"][isTruthy]), a special type of
961#' error is signaled to stop execution. If this error is not handled by
962#' application-specific code, it is displayed to the user by Shiny.
964#' If you use `validate()` in a [reactive()] validation failures will
965#' automatically propagate to outputs that use the reactive.
967#' @section `need()`:
968#' An easy way to provide arguments to `validate()` is to use `need()`, which
969#' takes an expression and a string. If the expression is not
970#' ["truthy"][isTruthy] then the string will be used as the error message.
972#' If "truthiness" is flexible for your use case, you'll need to explicitly
973#' generate a logical values. For example, if you want allow `NA` but not
974#' `NULL`, you can `!is.null(input$foo)`.
976#' If you need validation logic that differs significantly from `need()`, you
977#' can create your own validation test functions. A passing test should return
978#' `NULL`. A failing test should return either a string providing the error
979#' to display to the user, or if the failure should happen silently, `FALSE`.
981#' Alternatively you can use `validate()` within an `if` statement, which is
982#' particularly useful for more complex conditions:
984#' ```
985#' if (input$x < 0 && input$choice == "positive") {
986#'   validate("If choice is positive then x must be greater than 0")
987#' }
988#' ```
990#' @param ... A list of tests. Each test should equal `NULL` for success,
991#'   `FALSE` for silent failure, or a string for failure with an error
992#'   message.
993#' @param errorClass A CSS class to apply. The actual CSS string will have
994#'   `shiny-output-error-` prepended to this value.
995#' @export
996#' @examples
997#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
998#' if (interactive()) {
999#' options(device.ask.default = FALSE)
1001#' ui <- fluidPage(
1002#'   checkboxGroupInput('in1', 'Check some letters', choices = head(LETTERS)),
1003#'   selectizeInput('in2', 'Select a state', choices = c("", state.name)),
1004#'   plotOutput('plot')
1005#' )
1007#' server <- function(input, output) {
1008#'   output$plot <- renderPlot({
1009#'     validate(
1010#'       need(input$in1, 'Check at least one letter!'),
1011#'       need(input$in2 != '', 'Please choose a state.')
1012#'     )
1013#'     plot(1:10, main = paste(c(input$in1, input$in2), collapse = ', '))
1014#'   })
1015#' }
1017#' shinyApp(ui, server)
1019#' }
1020validate <- function(..., errorClass = character(0)) {
1021  results <- sapply(list2(...), function(x) {
1022    # Detect NULL or NA
1023    if (is.null(x))
1024      return(NA_character_)
1025    else if (identical(x, FALSE))
1026      return("")
1027    else if (is.character(x))
1028      return(paste(as.character(x), collapse = "\n"))
1029    else
1030      stop("Unexpected validation result: ", as.character(x))
1031  })
1033  results <- stats::na.omit(results)
1034  if (length(results) == 0)
1035    return(invisible())
1037  # There may be empty strings remaining; these are message-less failures that
1038  # started as FALSE
1039  results <- results[nzchar(results)]
1040  reactiveStop(paste(results, collapse="\n"), c(errorClass, "validation"))
1043#' @param expr An expression to test. The condition will pass if the expression
1044#'   meets the conditions spelled out in Details.
1045#' @param message A message to convey to the user if the validation condition is
1046#'   not met. If no message is provided, one will be created using `label`.
1047#'   To fail with no message, use `FALSE` for the message.
1048#' @param label A human-readable name for the field that may be missing. This
1049#'   parameter is not needed if `message` is provided, but must be provided
1050#'   otherwise.
1051#' @export
1052#' @rdname validate
1053need <- function(expr, message = paste(label, "must be provided"), label) {
1055  force(message) # Fail fast on message/label both being missing
1057  if (!isTruthy(expr))
1058    return(message)
1059  else
1060    return(invisible(NULL))
1063#' Check for required values
1065#' Ensure that values are available (["truthy"][isTruthy]) before proceeding
1066#' with a calculation or action. If any of the given values is not truthy, the
1067#' operation is stopped by raising a "silent" exception (not logged by Shiny,
1068#' nor displayed in the Shiny app's UI).
1070#' The `req` function was designed to be used in one of two ways. The first
1071#' is to call it like a statement (ignoring its return value) before attempting
1072#' operations using the required values:
1074#' ```
1075#' rv <- reactiveValues(state = FALSE)
1076#' r <- reactive({
1077#'   req(input$a, input$b, rv$state)
1078#'   # Code that uses input$a, input$b, and/or rv$state...
1079#' })
1080#' ```
1082#' In this example, if `r()` is called and any of `input$a`,
1083#' `input$b`, and `rv$state` are `NULL`, `FALSE`, `""`,
1084#' etc., then the `req` call will trigger an error that propagates all the
1085#' way up to whatever render block or observer is executing.
1087#' The second is to use it to wrap an expression that must be truthy:
1089#' ```
1090#' output$plot <- renderPlot({
1091#'   if (req(input$plotType) == "histogram") {
1092#'     hist(dataset())
1093#'   } else if (input$plotType == "scatter") {
1094#'     qplot(dataset(), aes(x = x, y = y))
1095#'   }
1096#' })
1097#' ```
1099#' In this example, `req(input$plotType)` first checks that
1100#' `input$plotType` is truthy, and if so, returns it. This is a convenient
1101#' way to check for a value "inline" with its first use.
1103#' @section Using `req(FALSE)`:
1105#' You can use `req(FALSE)` (i.e. no condition) if you've already performed
1106#' all the checks you needed to by that point and just want to stop the reactive
1107#' chain now. There is no advantange to this, except perhaps ease of readibility
1108#' if you have a complicated condition to check for (or perhaps if you'd like to
1109#' divide your condition into nested `if` statements).
1111#' @section Using `cancelOutput = TRUE`:
1113#' When `req(..., cancelOutput = TRUE)` is used, the "silent" exception is
1114#' also raised, but it is treated slightly differently if one or more outputs are
1115#' currently being evaluated. In those cases, the reactive chain does not proceed
1116#' or update, but the output(s) are left is whatever state they happen to be in
1117#' (whatever was their last valid state).
1119#' Note that this is always going to be the case if
1120#' this is used inside an output context (e.g. `output$txt <- ...`). It may
1121#' or may not be the case if it is used inside a non-output context (e.g.
1122#' [reactive()], [observe()] or [observeEvent()])
1123#' --- depending on whether or not there is an `output$...` that is triggered
1124#' as a result of those calls. See the examples below for concrete scenarios.
1126#' @param ... Values to check for truthiness.
1127#' @param cancelOutput If `TRUE` and an output is being evaluated, stop
1128#'   processing as usual but instead of clearing the output, leave it in
1129#'   whatever state it happens to be in.
1130#' @return The first value that was passed in.
1131#' @export
1132#' @examples
1133#' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
1134#' if (interactive()) {
1135#'   ui <- fluidPage(
1136#'     textInput('data', 'Enter a dataset from the "datasets" package', 'cars'),
1137#'     p('(E.g. "cars", "mtcars", "pressure", "faithful")'), hr(),
1138#'     tableOutput('tbl')
1139#'   )
1141#'   server <- function(input, output) {
1142#'     output$tbl <- renderTable({
1144#'       ## to require that the user types something, use: `req(input$data)`
1145#'       ## but better: require that input$data is valid and leave the last
1146#'       ## valid table up
1147#'       req(exists(input$data, "package:datasets", inherits = FALSE),
1148#'           cancelOutput = TRUE)
1150#'       head(get(input$data, "package:datasets", inherits = FALSE))
1151#'     })
1152#'   }
1154#'   shinyApp(ui, server)
1155#' }
1156req <- function(..., cancelOutput = FALSE) {
1157  dotloop(function(item) {
1158    if (!isTruthy(item)) {
1159      if (isTRUE(cancelOutput)) {
1160        cancelOutput()
1161      } else {
1162        reactiveStop(class = "validation")
1163      }
1164    }
1165  }, ...)
1167  if (!missing(..1))
1168    ..1
1169  else
1170    invisible()
1174#**** Keep this function internal for now, may chnage in the future ****#
1176# #' Cancel processing of the current output
1177# #'
1178# #' Signals an error that Shiny treats specially if an output is currently being
1179# #' evaluated. Execution will stop, but rather than clearing the output (as
1180# #' \code{\link{req}} does) or showing an error message (as \code{\link{stop}}
1181# #' does), the output simply remains unchanged.
1182# #'
1183# #' If \code{cancelOutput} is called in any non-output context (like in an
1184# #' \code{\link{observe}} or \code{\link{observeEvent}}), the effect is the same
1185# #' as \code{\link{req}(FALSE)}.
1186# #' @export
1187# #' @examples
1188# #' ## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
1189# #' if (interactive()) {
1190# #'
1191# #' # uncomment the desired line to experiment with cancelOutput() vs. req()
1192# #'
1193# #' ui <- fluidPage(
1194# #'   textInput('txt', 'Enter text'),
1195# #'   textOutput('check')
1196# #' )
1197# #'
1198# #' server <- function(input, output) {
1199# #'   output$check <- renderText({
1200# #'     # req(input$txt)
1201# #'     if (input$txt == 'hi') return('hi')
1202# #'     else if (input$txt == 'bye') return('bye')
1203# #'     # else cancelOutput()
1204# #'   })
1205# #' }
1206# #'
1207# #' shinyApp(ui, server)
1208# #' }
1209cancelOutput <- function() {
1210  reactiveStop(class = "shiny.output.cancel")
1213# Execute a function against each element of ..., but only evaluate each element
1214# after the previous element has been passed to fun_. The return value of fun_
1215# is discarded, and only invisible() is returned from dotloop.
1217# Can be used to facilitate short-circuit eval on dots.
1218dotloop <- function(fun_, ...) {
1219  for (i in seq_len(nargs() - 1)) {
1220    fun_(eval(as.symbol(paste0("..", i))))
1221  }
1222  invisible()
1225#' Truthy and falsy values
1227#' The terms "truthy" and "falsy" generally indicate whether a value, when
1228#' coerced to a [base::logical()], is `TRUE` or `FALSE`. We use
1229#' the term a little loosely here; our usage tries to match the intuitive
1230#' notions of "Is this value missing or available?", or "Has the user provided
1231#' an answer?", or in the case of action buttons, "Has the button been
1232#' clicked?".
1234#' For example, a `textInput` that has not been filled out by the user has
1235#' a value of `""`, so that is considered a falsy value.
1237#' To be precise, a value is truthy *unless* it is one of:
1239#' * `FALSE`
1240#' * `NULL`
1241#' * `""`
1242#' * An empty atomic vector
1243#' * An atomic vector that contains only missing values
1244#' * A logical vector that contains all `FALSE` or missing values
1245#' * An object of class `"try-error"`
1246#' * A value that represents an unclicked [actionButton()]
1248#' Note in particular that the value `0` is considered truthy, even though
1249#' `as.logical(0)` is `FALSE`.
1251#' @param x An expression whose truthiness value we want to determine
1252#' @export
1253isTruthy <- function(x) {
1254  if (inherits(x, 'try-error'))
1255    return(FALSE)
1257  if (!is.atomic(x))
1258    return(TRUE)
1260  if (is.null(x))
1261    return(FALSE)
1262  if (length(x) == 0)
1263    return(FALSE)
1264  if (all(is.na(x)))
1265    return(FALSE)
1266  if (is.character(x) && !any(nzchar(stats::na.omit(x))))
1267    return(FALSE)
1268  if (inherits(x, 'shinyActionButtonValue') && x == 0)
1269    return(FALSE)
1270  if (is.logical(x) && !any(stats::na.omit(x)))
1271    return(FALSE)
1273  return(TRUE)
1276# add class(es) to the error condition, which will be used as names of CSS
1277# classes, e.g. shiny-output-error shiny-output-error-validation
1278stopWithCondition <- function(class, message) {
1279  cond <- structure(
1280    list(message = message),
1281    class = c(class, 'error', 'condition')
1282  )
1283  stop(cond)
1286#' Collect information about the Shiny Server environment
1288#' This function returns the information about the current Shiny Server, such as
1289#' its version, and whether it is the open source edition or professional
1290#' edition. If the app is not served through the Shiny Server, this function
1291#' just returns `list(shinyServer = FALSE)`.
1293#' This function will only return meaningful data when using Shiny Server
1294#' version 1.2.2 or later.
1295#' @export
1296#' @return A list of the Shiny Server information.
1297serverInfo <- function() {
1298  .globals$serverInfo
1300.globals$serverInfo <- list(shinyServer = FALSE)
1302setServerInfo <- function(...) {
1303  infoOld <- serverInfo()
1304  infoNew <- list(...)
1305  infoOld[names(infoNew)] <- infoNew
1306  .globals$serverInfo <- infoOld
1309# assume file is encoded in UTF-8, but warn against BOM
1310checkEncoding <- function(file) {
1311  # skip *nix because its locale is normally UTF-8 based (e.g. en_US.UTF-8), and
1312  # *nix users have to make a conscious effort to save a file with an encoding
1313  # that is not UTF-8; if they choose to do so, we cannot do much about it
1314  # except sitting back and seeing them punished after they choose to escape a
1315  # world of consistency (falling back to getOption('encoding') will not help
1316  # because native.enc is also normally UTF-8 based on *nix)
1317  if (!isWindows()) return('UTF-8')
1318  size <- file.info(file)[, 'size']
1319  if (is.na(size)) stop('Cannot access the file ', file)
1320  # BOM is 3 bytes, so if the file contains BOM, it must be at least 3 bytes
1321  if (size < 3L) return('UTF-8')
1323  # check if there is a BOM character: this is also skipped on *nix, because R
1324  # on *nix simply ignores this meaningless character if present, but it hurts
1325  # on Windows
1326  if (identical(charToRaw(readChar(file, 3L, TRUE)), charToRaw('\UFEFF'))) {
1327    warning('You should not include the Byte Order Mark (BOM) in ', file, '. ',
1328            'Please re-save it in UTF-8 without BOM. See ',
1329            'https://shiny.rstudio.com/articles/unicode.html for more info.')
1330    return('UTF-8-BOM')
1331  }
1332  x <- readChar(file, size, useBytes = TRUE)
1333  if (is.na(iconv(x, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-8'))) {
1334    warning('The input file ', file, ' does not seem to be encoded in UTF8')
1335  }
1336  'UTF-8'
1339# read a file using UTF-8 and (on Windows) convert to native encoding if possible
1340readUTF8 <- function(file) {
1341  enc <- checkEncoding(file)
1342  file <- base::file(file, encoding = enc)
1343  on.exit(close(file), add = TRUE)
1344  x <- enc2utf8(readLines(file, warn = FALSE))
1345  tryNativeEncoding(x)
1348# if the UTF-8 string can be represented in the native encoding, use native encoding
1349tryNativeEncoding <- function(string) {
1350  if (!isWindows()) return(string)
1351  string2 <- enc2native(string)
1352  if (identical(enc2utf8(string2), string)) string2 else string
1355# similarly, try to source() a file with UTF-8
1356sourceUTF8 <- function(file, envir = globalenv()) {
1357  lines <- readUTF8(file)
1358  enc <- if (any(Encoding(lines) == 'UTF-8')) 'UTF-8' else 'unknown'
1359  src <- srcfilecopy(file, lines, isFile = TRUE)  # source reference info
1360  # oddly, parse(file) does not work when file contains multibyte chars that
1361  # **can** be encoded natively on Windows (might be a bug in base R); we
1362  # rewrite the source code in a natively encoded temp file and parse it in this
1363  # case (the source reference is still pointed to the original file, though)
1364  if (isWindows() && enc == 'unknown') {
1365    file <- tempfile(); on.exit(unlink(file), add = TRUE)
1366    writeLines(lines, file)
1367  }
1368  exprs <- try(parse(file, keep.source = FALSE, srcfile = src, encoding = enc))
1369  if (inherits(exprs, "try-error")) {
1370    diagnoseCode(file)
1371    stop("Error sourcing ", file)
1372  }
1374  # Wrap the exprs in first `{`, then ..stacktraceon..(). It's only really the
1375  # ..stacktraceon..() that we care about, but the `{` is needed to make that
1376  # possible.
1377  exprs <- makeCall(`{`, exprs)
1378  # Need to wrap exprs in a list because we want it treated as a single argument
1379  exprs <- makeCall(..stacktraceon.., list(exprs))
1381  eval(exprs, envir)
1384# @param func Name of function, in unquoted form
1385# @param args An evaluated list of unevaluated argument expressions
1386makeCall <- function(func, args) {
1387  as.call(c(list(substitute(func)), args))
1390# a workaround for https://bugs.r-project.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=16264
1391srcfilecopy <- function(filename, lines, ...) {
1392  if (getRversion() > '3.2.2') return(base::srcfilecopy(filename, lines, ...))
1393  src <- base::srcfilecopy(filename, lines = '', ...)
1394  src$lines <- lines
1395  src
1398# write text as UTF-8
1399writeUTF8 <- function(text, ...) {
1400  text <- enc2utf8(text)
1401  writeLines(text, ..., useBytes = TRUE)
1404URLdecode <- function(value) {
1405  decodeURIComponent(value)
1408URLencode <- function(value, reserved = FALSE) {
1409  value <- enc2utf8(value)
1410  if (reserved) encodeURIComponent(value) else encodeURI(value)
1413# Make sure user-supplied dates are either NULL or can be coerced to a
1414# yyyy-mm-dd formatted string. If a date is specified, this function returns a
1415# string for consistency across locales. Also, `as.Date()` is used to coerce
1416# strings to date objects so that strings like "2016-08-9" are expanded to
1417# "2016-08-09". If any of the values result in error or NA, then the input
1418# `date` is returned unchanged.
1419dateYMD <- function(date = NULL, argName = "value") {
1420  if (!length(date)) return(NULL)
1421  tryCatch({
1422      res <- format(as.Date(date), "%Y-%m-%d")
1423      if (any(is.na(res))) stop()
1424      date <- res
1425    },
1426    error = function(e) {
1427      warning(
1428        "Couldn't coerce the `", argName,
1429        "` argument to a date string with format yyyy-mm-dd",
1430        call. = FALSE
1431      )
1432    }
1433  )
1434  date
1437# This function takes a name and function, and it wraps that function in a new
1438# function which calls the original function using the specified name. This can
1439# be helpful for profiling, because the specified name will show up on the stack
1440# trace.
1441wrapFunctionLabel <- function(func, name, ..stacktraceon = FALSE, dots = TRUE) {
1442  if (name == "name" || name == "func" || name == "relabelWrapper") {
1443    stop("Invalid name for wrapFunctionLabel: ", name)
1444  }
1445  assign(name, func, environment())
1446  registerDebugHook(name, environment(), name)
1448  if (isTRUE(dots)) {
1449    if (..stacktraceon) {
1450      # We need to wrap the `...` in `!!quote(...)` so that R CMD check won't
1451      # complain about "... may be used in an incorrect context"
1452      body <- expr({ ..stacktraceon..((!!name)(!!quote(...))) })
1453    } else {
1454      body <- expr({ (!!name)(!!quote(...)) })
1455    }
1456    relabelWrapper <- new_function(pairlist2(... =), body, environment())
1457  } else {
1458    # Same logic as when `dots = TRUE`, but without the `...`
1459    if (..stacktraceon) {
1460      body <- expr({ ..stacktraceon..((!!name)()) })
1461    } else {
1462      body <- expr({ (!!name)() })
1463    }
1464    relabelWrapper <- new_function(list(), body, environment())
1465  }
1467  # Preserve the original function that was passed in; is used for caching.
1468  attr(relabelWrapper, "wrappedFunc") <- func
1469  relabelWrapper
1473# This is a very simple mutable object which only stores one value
1474# (which we can set and get). Using this class is sometimes useful
1475# when communicating persistent changes across functions.
1476Mutable <- R6Class("Mutable",
1477  private = list(
1478    value = NULL
1479  ),
1480  public = list(
1481    set = function(value) { private$value <- value },
1482    get = function() { private$value }
1483  )
1486# More convenient way of chaining together promises than then/catch/finally,
1487# without the performance impact of %...>%.
1488promise_chain <- function(promise, ..., catch = NULL, finally = NULL,
1489  domain = NULL, replace = FALSE) {
1491  do <- function() {
1492    p <- Reduce(function(memo, func) {
1493      promises::then(memo, func)
1494    }, list(...), promise)
1496    if (!is.null(catch)) {
1497      p <- promises::catch(p, catch)
1498    }
1500    if (!is.null(finally)) {
1501      p <- promises::finally(p, finally)
1502    }
1504    p
1505  }
1507  if (!is.null(domain)) {
1508    promises::with_promise_domain(domain, do(), replace = replace)
1509  } else {
1510    do()
1511  }
1514# Like promise_chain, but if `expr` returns a non-promise, then `...`, `catch`,
1515# and `finally` are all executed synchronously
1516hybrid_chain <- function(expr, ..., catch = NULL, finally = NULL,
1517  domain = NULL, replace = FALSE) {
1519  do <- function() {
1520    runFinally <- TRUE
1521    tryCatch(
1522      {
1523        captureStackTraces({
1524          result <- withVisible(force(expr))
1525          if (promises::is.promising(result$value)) {
1526            # Purposefully NOT including domain (nor replace), as we're already in
1527            # the domain at this point
1528            p <- promise_chain(valueWithVisible(result), ..., catch = catch, finally = finally)
1529            runFinally <- FALSE
1530            p
1531          } else {
1532            result <- Reduce(
1533              function(v, func) {
1534                if (v$visible) {
1535                  withVisible(func(v$value))
1536                } else {
1537                  withVisible(func(invisible(v$value)))
1538                }
1539              },
1540              list(...),
1541              result
1542            )
1544            valueWithVisible(result)
1545          }
1546        })
1547      },
1548      error = function(e) {
1549        if (!is.null(catch))
1550          catch(e)
1551        else
1552          stop(e)
1553      },
1554      finally = if (runFinally && !is.null(finally)) finally()
1555    )
1556  }
1558  if (!is.null(domain)) {
1559    promises::with_promise_domain(domain, do(), replace = replace)
1560  } else {
1561    do()
1562  }
1565# Given a list with items named `value` and `visible`, return `x$value` either
1566# visibly, or invisibly, depending on the value of `x$visible`.
1567valueWithVisible <- function(x) {
1568  if (x$visible) x$value else invisible(x$value)
1572createVarPromiseDomain <- function(env, name, value) {
1573  force(env)
1574  force(name)
1575  force(value)
1577  promises::new_promise_domain(
1578    wrapOnFulfilled = function(onFulfilled) {
1579      function(...) {
1580        orig <- env[[name]]
1581        env[[name]] <- value
1582        on.exit(env[[name]] <- orig)
1584        onFulfilled(...)
1585      }
1586    },
1587    wrapOnRejected = function(onRejected) {
1588      function(...) {
1589        orig <- env[[name]]
1590        env[[name]] <- value
1591        on.exit(env[[name]] <- orig)
1593        onRejected(...)
1594      }
1595    },
1596    wrapSync = function(expr) {
1597      orig <- env[[name]]
1598      env[[name]] <- value
1599      on.exit(env[[name]] <- orig)
1601      force(expr)
1602    }
1603  )
1606getSliderType <- function(min, max, value) {
1607  vals <- dropNulls(list(value, min, max))
1608  if (length(vals) == 0) return("")
1609  type <- unique(lapply(vals, function(x) {
1610    if      (inherits(x, "Date"))   "date"
1611    else if (inherits(x, "POSIXt")) "datetime"
1612    else                            "number"
1613  }))
1614  if (length(type) > 1) {
1615    rlang::abort(c(
1616      "Type mismatch for `min`, `max`, and `value`.",
1617      "All values must either be numeric, Date, or POSIXt."
1618    ))
1619  }
1620  type[[1]]
1623# Reads the `shiny.sharedSecret` global option, and returns a function that can
1624# be used to test header values for a match.
1625loadSharedSecret <- function() {
1626  normalizeToRaw <- function(value, label = "value") {
1627    if (is.null(value)) {
1628      raw()
1629    } else if (is.character(value)) {
1630      charToRaw(paste(value, collapse = "\n"))
1631    } else if (is.raw(value)) {
1632      value
1633    } else {
1634      stop("Wrong type for ", label, "; character or raw expected")
1635    }
1636  }
1638  sharedSecret <- normalizeToRaw(getOption("shiny.sharedSecret"))
1639  if (is.null(sharedSecret)) {
1640    function(x) TRUE
1641  } else {
1642    # We compare the digest of the two values so that their lengths are equalized
1643    function(x) {
1644      x <- normalizeToRaw(x)
1645      # Constant time comparison to avoid timing attacks
1646      constantTimeEquals(sharedSecret, x)
1647    }
1648  }
1651# Compares two raw vectors of equal length for equality, in constant time
1652constantTimeEquals <- function(raw1, raw2) {
1653  stopifnot(is.raw(raw1))
1654  stopifnot(is.raw(raw2))
1655  if (length(raw1) != length(raw2)) {
1656    return(FALSE)
1657  }
1659  sum(as.integer(xor(raw1, raw2))) == 0
1662cat_line <- function(...) {
1663  cat(paste(..., "\n", collapse = ""))
1666select_menu <- function(choices, title = NULL, msg = "Enter one or more numbers (with spaces), or an empty line to exit: \n")
1668  if (!is.null(title)) {
1669    cat(title, "\n", sep = "")
1670  }
1671  nc <- length(choices)
1672  op <- paste0(format(seq_len(nc)), ": ", choices)
1673  fop <- format(op)
1674  cat("", fop, "", sep = "\n")
1675  repeat {
1676    answer <- readline(msg)
1677    answer <- strsplit(answer, "[ ,]+")[[1]]
1678    if (all(answer %in% seq_along(choices))) {
1679      return(choices[as.integer(answer)])
1680    }
1681  }
1684#' @noRd
1685isAppDir <- function(path) {
1687  if (file.exists(file.path.ci(path, "app.R")))
1688    return(TRUE)
1690  if (file.exists(file.path.ci(path, "server.R"))
1691      && file.exists(file.path.ci(path, "ui.R")))
1692    return(TRUE)
1694  FALSE
1697# Borrowed from rprojroot which borrowed from devtools
1698#' @noRd
1699is_root <- function(path) {
1700  identical(
1701    normalizePath(path, winslash = "/"),
1702    normalizePath(dirname(path), winslash = "/")
1703  )
1706#' @noRd
1707findEnclosingApp <- function(path = ".") {
1708  orig_path <- path
1709  path <- normalizePath(path, winslash = "/", mustWork = TRUE)
1710  repeat {
1711    if (isAppDir(path))
1712      return(path)
1713    if (is_root(path))
1714      stop("Shiny app not found at ", orig_path, " or in any parent directory.")
1715    path <- dirname(path)
1716  }
1719# Check if a package is installed, and if version is specified,
1720# that we have at least that version
1721is_available <- function(package, version = NULL) {
1722  installed <- nzchar(system.file(package = package))
1723  if (is.null(version)) {
1724    return(installed)
1725  }
1726  installed && isTRUE(utils::packageVersion(package) >= version)
1730# cached version of utils::packageVersion("shiny")
1731shinyPackageVersion <- local({
1732  version <- NULL
1733  function() {
1734    if (is.null(version)) {
1735      version <<- utils::packageVersion("shiny")
1736    }
1737    version
1738  }