2# This file is a part of DNSViz, a tool suite for DNS/DNSSEC monitoring,
3# analysis, and visualization.
4# Created by Casey Deccio (casey@deccio.net)
6# Copyright 2012-2014 Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
7# DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
8# certain rights in this software.
10# Copyright 2014-2016 VeriSign, Inc.
12# Copyright 2016-2021 Casey Deccio
14# DNSViz is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
15# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
16# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
17# (at your option) any later version.
19# DNSViz is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
20# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
22# GNU General Public License for more details.
24# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
25# with DNSViz.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
28from __future__ import unicode_literals
30import codecs
31import errno
32import io
33import json
34import os
35import re
36import sys
37import xml.dom.minidom
39# minimal support for python2.6
41    from collections import OrderedDict
42except ImportError:
43    from ordereddict import OrderedDict
45# python3/python2 dual compatibility
47    from html import escape
48except ImportError:
49    from cgi import escape
51import dns.name, dns.rdtypes, dns.rdatatype, dns.dnssec
53from pygraphviz import AGraph
55from dnsviz.analysis import status as Status
56from dnsviz.analysis import errors as Errors
57from dnsviz.analysis.online import ANALYSIS_TYPE_RECURSIVE
58from dnsviz.config import DNSVIZ_SHARE_PATH
59from dnsviz import crypto
60from dnsviz import format as fmt
61from dnsviz import query as Q
62from dnsviz import response as Response
63from dnsviz.util import tuple_to_dict
64lb2s = fmt.latin1_binary_to_string
66COLORS = { 'secure': '#0a879a', 'secure_non_existent': '#9dcfd6',
67        'bogus': '#be1515', 'bogus_non_existent': '#e5a1a1',
68        'insecure': '#000000', 'insecure_non_existent': '#d0d0d0',
69        'misconfigured': '#f4b800',
70        'indeterminate': '#f4b800',
71        'expired': '#6131a3',
72        'invalid': '#be1515' }
74INVIS_STYLE_RE = re.compile(r'(^|,)invis(,|$)')
75DASHED_STYLE_RE = re.compile(r'(^|,)dashed(,|$)')
76OPTOUT_STYLE_RE = re.compile(r'BGCOLOR="lightgray"')
78ICON_PATH=os.path.join(DNSVIZ_SHARE_PATH, 'icons')
79WARNING_ICON=os.path.join(ICON_PATH, 'warning.png')
80ERROR_ICON=os.path.join(ICON_PATH, 'error.png')
82# python3/python2.6 dual compatibility
83vers0, vers1, vers2 = sys.version_info[:3]
84if (vers0, vers1) == (2, 6):
85    execv_encode = lambda x: codecs.encode(x, sys.getfilesystemencoding())
87    execv_encode = lambda x: x
89class DNSKEYNonExistent(object):
90    def __init__(self, name, algorithm, key_tag):
91        self.name = name
92        self.algorithm = algorithm
93        self.key_tag = key_tag
95    def serialize(self):
96        d = OrderedDict()
97        d['flags'] = None
98        d['protocol'] = None
99        d['algorithm'] = self.algorithm
100        d['key'] = None
101        d['ttl'] = None
102        d['key_length'] = None
103        d['key_tag'] = self.key_tag
104        return d
106class RRsetNonExistent(object):
107    def __init__(self, name, rdtype, nxdomain, servers_clients):
108        self.name = name
109        self.rdtype = rdtype
110        self.nxdomain = nxdomain
111        self.servers_clients = servers_clients
113    def serialize(self, consolidate_clients, html_format=False, map_ip_to_ns_name=None):
114        d = OrderedDict()
116        if html_format:
117            formatter = lambda x: escape(x, True)
118        else:
119            formatter = lambda x: x
121        if self.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.NSEC3:
122            d['name'] = fmt.format_nsec3_name(self.name)
123        else:
124            d['name'] = formatter(lb2s(self.name.canonicalize().to_text()))
125        d['ttl'] = None
126        d['type'] = dns.rdatatype.to_text(self.rdtype)
127        if self.nxdomain:
128            d['rdata'] = ['NXDOMAIN']
129        else:
130            d['rdata'] = ['NODATA']
132        servers = tuple_to_dict(self.servers_clients)
133        if consolidate_clients:
134            servers = list(servers)
135            servers.sort()
136        d['servers'] = servers
138        if map_ip_to_ns_name is not None:
139            ns_names = list(set([lb2s(map_ip_to_ns_name(s)[0][0].canonicalize().to_text()) for s in servers]))
140            ns_names.sort()
141            d['ns_names'] = ns_names
143        tags = set()
144        nsids = []
145        for server,client in self.servers_clients:
146            for response in self.servers_clients[(server,client)]:
147                tags.add(response.effective_query_tag())
148                nsid = response.nsid_val()
149                if nsid is not None:
150                    nsids.append(nsid)
152        if nsids:
153            d['nsid_values'] = nsids
154            d['nsid_values'].sort()
156        d['query_options'] = list(tags)
157        d['query_options'].sort()
159        return d
161class DNSAuthGraph:
162    def __init__(self, dlv_domain=None):
163        self.dlv_domain = dlv_domain
165        self.G = AGraph(directed=True, strict=False, compound='true', rankdir='BT', ranksep='0.3')
167        self.G.node_attr['penwidth'] = '1.5'
168        self.G.edge_attr['penwidth'] = '1.5'
169        self.node_info = {}
170        self.node_mapping = {}
171        self.node_reverse_mapping = {}
172        self.nsec_rr_status = {}
173        self.secure_dnskey_rrsets = set()
174        self.subgraph_not_stub = set()
175        self.node_subgraph_name = {}
176        self.processed_rrsets = {}
178        self.dnskey_ids = {}
179        self.ds_ids = {}
180        self.nsec_ids = {}
181        self.rrset_ids = {}
182        self.next_dnskey_id = 0
183        self.next_ds_id = 0
184        self.next_nsec_id = 0
185        self.next_rrset_id = 10
187        self._edge_keys = set()
189    def _raphael_unit_mapping_expression(self, val, unit):
190        #XXX doesn't work properly
191        #if unit:
192        #    return '%s*to_pixel_mapping[\'%s\']' % (val, unit)
193        return val
195    def _raphael_transform_str(self, trans_value):
196        transform_re = re.compile(r'(scale|rotate|translate)\((-?[0-9\.]+(px|pt|cm|in)?((,\s*|\s+)-?[0-9\.]+(px|pt|cm|in)?)?)\)')
197        number_units_re = re.compile(r'(-?[0-9\.]+)(px|pt|cm|in)?')
199        t = ''
200        for m in transform_re.findall(trans_value):
201            if m[0] == 'scale':
202                coords = number_units_re.findall(m[1])
203                if (len(coords) > 1):
204                    t += 's%s,%s,0,0' % (self._raphael_unit_mapping_expression(coords[0][0], coords[0][1]), self._raphael_unit_mapping_expression(coords[1][0], coords[1][1]))
205                else:
206                    t += 's%s,0,0,0' % (coords[0])
207            if m[0] == 'translate':
208                coords = number_units_re.findall(m[1])
209                if (len(coords) > 1):
210                    t += 't%s,%s' % (self._raphael_unit_mapping_expression(coords[0][0], coords[0][1]), self._raphael_unit_mapping_expression(coords[1][0], coords[1][1]))
211                else:
212                    t += 't%s,0,' % (self._raphael_unit_mapping_expression(coords[0][0], coords[0][1]))
213        return t
215    def _write_raphael_node(self, node, node_id, transform):
216        required_attrs = { 'path': set(['d']), 'ellipse': set(['cx','cy','rx','ry']),
217            'polygon': set(['points']), 'polyline': set(['points']),
218            'text': set(['x','y']), 'image': set(['src','x','y','width','height']) }
220        number_units_re = re.compile(r'(-?[0-9\.]+)(px|pt|cm|in)?')
222        s = ''
223        if node.nodeType != xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
224            return s
225        if node.hasAttribute('id'):
226            node_id = node.getAttribute('id')
227        if node.nodeName == 'svg':
228            width, width_unit = number_units_re.match(node.getAttribute('width')).group(1, 2)
229            height, height_unit = number_units_re.match(node.getAttribute('height')).group(1, 2)
230            s += '''
231	var imageWidth = %s*this.imageScale;
232	var imageHeight = %s*this.imageScale;
233	if (this.maxPaperWidth > 0 && imageWidth > this.maxPaperWidth) {
234		paperScale = this.maxPaperWidth/imageWidth;
235	} else {
236		paperScale = 1.0;
237	}
238''' % (width, height)
239            s += '\tpaper = Raphael(this.anchorElement, parseInt(paperScale*imageWidth), parseInt(paperScale*imageHeight));\n'
240        else:
241            if node.nodeName == 'path':
242                s += '\tel = paper.path(\'%s\')' % node.getAttribute('d')
243            elif node.nodeName == 'ellipse':
244                s += '\tel = paper.ellipse(%s, %s, %s, %s)' % (node.getAttribute('cx'), node.getAttribute('cy'),
245                        node.getAttribute('rx'), node.getAttribute('ry'))
246            elif node.nodeName == 'text':
247                if node.childNodes:
248                    text = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue
249                else:
250                    text = ''
251                s += '\tel = paper.text(%s, %s, \'%s\')' % (node.getAttribute('x'), node.getAttribute('y'), text)
252            elif node.nodeName == 'image':
253                width, width_unit = number_units_re.match(node.getAttribute('width')).group(1, 2)
254                height, height_unit = number_units_re.match(node.getAttribute('height')).group(1, 2)
255                s += '\tel = paper.image(\'%s\', %s, %s, %s, %s)' % (node.getAttribute('xlink:href'), node.getAttribute('x'), node.getAttribute('y'), self._raphael_unit_mapping_expression(width, width_unit),self._raphael_unit_mapping_expression(height, height_unit))
256            elif node.nodeName == 'polygon' or node.nodeName == 'polyline':
257                pathstring = 'M';
258                coords = number_units_re.findall(node.getAttribute('points'))
259                for i in range(len(coords)):
260                    if i > 0:
261                        if i % 2 == 0:
262                            pathstring += 'L'
263                        else:
264                            pathstring += ','
265                    pathstring += coords[i][0]
266                if node.nodeName == 'polygon':
267                    pathstring += 'Z'
268                s += '\tel = paper.path(\'%s\')' % pathstring
269            attrs = []
270            for i in range(node.attributes.length):
271                attr = node.attributes.item(i)
272                if attr.name not in required_attrs.get(node.nodeName, set()):
273                    if attr.name == 'stroke-dasharray':
274                        #XXX hack
275                        val = '\'\\-\''
276                    elif attr.name == 'stroke-width':
277                        val = attr.value+'*this.imageScale'
278                    elif attr.name == 'transform':
279                        transform += self._raphael_transform_str(attr.value)
280                        continue
281                    else:
282                        val = '\'%s\'' % attr.value
283                    attrs.append('\'%s\': %s' % (attr.name, val))
284            if transform:
285                attrs.append('\'%s\': \'%s\'' % ('transform', transform))
286            if s:
287                if attrs:
288                    s += '.attr({%s})' % (','.join(attrs))
289                s += ';\n'
290                if node_id is not None and node_id in self.node_info:
291                    s += '\tthis.addNodeEvent(el, node_info[\'%s\']);\n' % node_id.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('--', '\\-\\-')
293        for i in range(node.childNodes.length):
294            s += self._write_raphael_node(node.childNodes[i], node_id, transform)
295        return s
297    def to_raphael(self):
298        svg = self.G.draw(format=execv_encode('svg'), prog=execv_encode('dot'))
299        dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(svg)
301        s = 'AuthGraph.prototype.draw = function () {\n'
302        s += '\tvar el, paperScale;\n'
303        s += '\tvar node_info = %s;\n' % json.dumps(self.node_info)
304        s += self._write_raphael_node(dom.documentElement, None, 's\'+this.imageScale+\',\'+this.imageScale+\',0,0')
305        s += '\tpaper.setViewBox(0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight);\n'
306        s += '}\n'
307        return codecs.encode(s, 'utf-8')
309    def draw(self, format, path=None):
310        if format == 'js':
311            img = self.to_raphael()
312            if path is None:
313                return img
314            else:
315                io.open(path, 'w', encoding='utf-8').write(img)
316        else:
317            if path is None:
318                return self.G.draw(format=execv_encode(format), prog=execv_encode('dot'))
319            else:
320                return self.G.draw(path=execv_encode(path), format=execv_encode(format), prog=execv_encode('dot'))
322    def id_for_dnskey(self, name, dnskey):
323        try:
324            return self.dnskey_ids[(name,dnskey)]
325        except KeyError:
326            self.dnskey_ids[(name,dnskey)] = self.next_dnskey_id
327            self.next_dnskey_id += 1
328            return self.dnskey_ids[(name,dnskey)]
330    def id_for_ds(self, name, ds):
331        try:
332            return self.ds_ids[(name,ds)]
333        except KeyError:
334            self.ds_ids[(name,ds)] = self.next_ds_id
335            self.next_ds_id += 1
336            return self.ds_ids[(name,ds)]
338    def id_for_multiple_ds(self, name, ds):
339        id_list = []
340        for d in ds:
341            id_list.append(self.id_for_ds(name, d))
342        id_list.sort()
343        return '_'.join(map(str, id_list))
345    def id_for_nsec(self, name, rdtype, cls, nsec_set_info):
346        try:
347            nsec_set_info_list = self.nsec_ids[(name,rdtype,cls)]
348        except KeyError:
349            self.nsec_ids[(name,rdtype,cls)] = []
350            nsec_set_info_list = self.nsec_ids[(name,rdtype,cls)]
352        for nsec_set_info1, id in nsec_set_info_list:
353            if nsec_set_info == nsec_set_info1:
354                return id
356        id = self.next_nsec_id
357        self.nsec_ids[(name,rdtype,cls)].append((nsec_set_info, id))
358        self.next_nsec_id += 1
359        return id
361    def dnskey_node_str(self, id, name, algorithm, key_tag):
362        return 'DNSKEY-%s|%s|%d|%d' % (id, fmt.humanize_name(name), algorithm, key_tag)
364    def has_dnskey(self, id, name, algorithm, key_tag):
365        return self.G.has_node(self.dnskey_node_str(id, name, algorithm, key_tag))
367    def get_dnskey(self, id, name, algorithm, key_tag):
368        return self.G.get_node(self.dnskey_node_str(id, name, algorithm, key_tag))
370    def add_dnskey(self, name_obj, dnskey):
371        zone_obj = name_obj.zone
372        node_str = self.dnskey_node_str(self.id_for_dnskey(name_obj.name, dnskey.rdata), name_obj.name, dnskey.rdata.algorithm, dnskey.key_tag)
374        if not self.G.has_node(node_str):
375            rrset_info_with_errors = [x for x in dnskey.rrset_info if name_obj.rrset_errors[x]]
376            rrset_info_with_warnings = [x for x in dnskey.rrset_info if name_obj.rrset_warnings[x]]
378            img_str = ''
379            if dnskey.errors or rrset_info_with_errors:
380                img_str = '<IMG SCALE="TRUE" SRC="%s"/>' % ERROR_ICON
381            elif dnskey.warnings or rrset_info_with_warnings:
382                img_str = '<IMG SCALE="TRUE" SRC="%s"/>' % WARNING_ICON
384            if img_str:
385                label_str = '<<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0"><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN="bottom"><FONT POINT-SIZE="%d" FACE="%s">DNSKEY</FONT></TD><TD VALIGN="bottom">%s</TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN="3" VALIGN="top"><FONT POINT-SIZE="%d">alg=%d, id=%d<BR/>%d bits</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>>' % \
386                        (12, 'Helvetica', img_str, 10, dnskey.rdata.algorithm, dnskey.key_tag, dnskey.key_len)
387            else:
388                label_str = '<<FONT POINT-SIZE="%d" FACE="%s">DNSKEY</FONT><BR/><FONT POINT-SIZE="%d">alg=%d, id=%d<BR/>%d bits</FONT>>' % \
389                        (12, 'Helvetica', 10, dnskey.rdata.algorithm, dnskey.key_tag, dnskey.key_len)
391            attr = {'style': 'filled', 'fillcolor': '#ffffff' }
392            if dnskey.rdata.flags & fmt.DNSKEY_FLAGS['SEP']:
393                attr['fillcolor'] = 'lightgray'
394            if dnskey.rdata.flags & fmt.DNSKEY_FLAGS['revoke']:
395                attr['penwidth'] = '4.0'
397            S, zone_node_str, zone_bottom_name, zone_top_name = self.get_zone(zone_obj.name)
398            S.add_node(node_str, id=node_str, shape='ellipse', label=label_str, **attr)
399            self.node_subgraph_name[node_str] = zone_top_name
401            consolidate_clients = name_obj.single_client()
402            dnskey_serialized = dnskey.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=True, map_ip_to_ns_name=name_obj.zone.get_ns_name_for_ip)
404            all_warnings = []
405            if rrset_info_with_warnings:
406                for rrset_info in rrset_info_with_warnings:
407                    for warning in name_obj.rrset_warnings[rrset_info]:
408                        servers_clients = warning.servers_clients
409                        warning = Errors.DomainNameAnalysisError.insert_into_list(warning.copy(), all_warnings, None, None, None)
410                        warning.servers_clients.update(servers_clients)
411                if 'warnings' not in dnskey_serialized:
412                    dnskey_serialized['warnings'] = []
413                dnskey_serialized['warnings'] += [w.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=True) for w in all_warnings]
415            all_errors = []
416            if rrset_info_with_errors:
417                for rrset_info in rrset_info_with_errors:
418                    for error in name_obj.rrset_errors[rrset_info]:
419                        servers_clients = error.servers_clients
420                        error = Errors.DomainNameAnalysisError.insert_into_list(error.copy(), all_errors, None, None, None)
421                        error.servers_clients.update(servers_clients)
422                if 'errors' not in dnskey_serialized:
423                    dnskey_serialized['errors'] = []
424                dnskey_serialized['errors'] += [e.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=True) for e in all_errors]
426            self.node_info[node_str] = [dnskey_serialized]
428        if node_str not in self.node_mapping:
429            self.node_mapping[node_str] = set()
430        self.node_mapping[node_str].add(dnskey)
431        self.node_reverse_mapping[dnskey] = node_str
433        return self.G.get_node(node_str)
435    def add_dnskey_non_existent(self, name, zone, algorithm, key_tag):
436        node_str = self.dnskey_node_str(0, name, algorithm, key_tag)
438        if not self.G.has_node(node_str):
439            label_str = '<<FONT POINT-SIZE="%d" FACE="%s">DNSKEY</FONT><BR/><FONT POINT-SIZE="%d">alg=%d, id=%d</FONT>>' % \
440                    (12, 'Helvetica', 10, algorithm, key_tag)
442            attr = {'style': 'filled,dashed', 'color': COLORS['insecure_non_existent'], 'fillcolor': '#ffffff' }
444            S, zone_node_str, zone_bottom_name, zone_top_name = self.get_zone(zone)
445            S.add_node(node_str, id=node_str, shape='ellipse', label=label_str, **attr)
446            self.node_subgraph_name[node_str] = zone_top_name
448            dnskey_meta = DNSKEYNonExistent(name, algorithm, key_tag)
450            self.node_info[node_str] = [dnskey_meta.serialize()]
451            self.node_mapping[node_str] = set()
453        return self.G.get_node(node_str)
455    def ds_node_str(self, id, name, ds, rdtype):
456        digest_types = [d.digest_type for d in ds]
457        digest_types.sort()
458        digest_str = '_'.join(map(str, digest_types))
459        return '%s-%s|%s|%d|%d|%s' % (dns.rdatatype.to_text(rdtype), id, fmt.humanize_name(name), ds[0].algorithm, ds[0].key_tag, digest_str)
461    def has_ds(self, id, name, ds, rdtype):
462        return self.G.has_node(self.ds_node_str(id, name, ds, rdtype))
464    def get_ds(self, id, name, ds, rdtype):
465        return self.G.get_node(self.ds_node_str(id, name, ds, rdtype))
467    def add_ds(self, name, ds_statuses, zone_obj, parent_obj):
468        ds_info = ds_statuses[0].ds_meta
469        ds = [d.ds for d in ds_statuses]
470        rdtype = ds_info.rrset.rdtype
471        node_str = self.ds_node_str(self.id_for_multiple_ds(name, ds), name, ds, rdtype)
473        if not self.G.has_node(node_str):
474            digest_types = [d.digest_type for d in ds]
475            digest_types.sort()
476            digest_str = ','.join(map(str, digest_types))
477            if len(digest_types) != 1:
478                plural = 's'
479            else:
480                plural = ''
482            img_str = ''
483            if [x for x in ds_statuses if [y for y in x.errors if isinstance(y, Errors.DSError)]] or zone_obj.rrset_errors[ds_info]:
484                img_str = '<IMG SCALE="TRUE" SRC="%s"/>' % ERROR_ICON
485            elif [x for x in ds_statuses if [y for y in x.warnings if isinstance(y, Errors.DSError)]] or zone_obj.rrset_warnings[ds_info]:
486                img_str = '<IMG SCALE="TRUE" SRC="%s"/>' % WARNING_ICON
488            attr = {'style': 'filled', 'fillcolor': '#ffffff' }
489            if img_str:
490                label_str = '<<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0"><TR><TD></TD><TD VALIGN="bottom"><FONT POINT-SIZE="%d" FACE="%s">%s</FONT></TD><TD VALIGN="bottom">%s</TD></TR><TR><TD COLSPAN="3" VALIGN="top"><FONT POINT-SIZE="%d">digest alg%s=%s</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>>' % \
491                        (12, 'Helvetica', dns.rdatatype.to_text(rdtype), img_str, 10, plural, digest_str)
492            else:
493                label_str = '<<FONT POINT-SIZE="%d" FACE="%s">%s</FONT><BR/><FONT POINT-SIZE="%d">digest alg%s=%s</FONT>>' % \
494                        (12, 'Helvetica', dns.rdatatype.to_text(rdtype), 10, plural, digest_str)
496            S, parent_node_str, parent_bottom_name, parent_top_name = self.get_zone(parent_obj.name)
497            S.add_node(node_str, id=node_str, shape='ellipse', label=label_str, **attr)
498            self.node_subgraph_name[node_str] = parent_top_name
500            consolidate_clients = zone_obj.single_client()
501            ds_serialized = [d.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=True, map_ip_to_ns_name=zone_obj.get_ns_name_for_ip) for d in ds_statuses]
503            digest_algs = []
504            digests = []
505            for d in ds_serialized:
506                digest_algs.append(d['digest_type'])
507                digests.append(d['digest'])
508            digest_algs.sort()
509            digests.sort()
510            consolidated_ds_serialized = ds_serialized[0]
511            consolidated_ds_serialized['digest_type'] = digest_algs
512            consolidated_ds_serialized['digest'] = digests
514            if zone_obj.rrset_warnings[ds_info]:
515                if 'warnings' not in consolidated_ds_serialized:
516                    consolidated_ds_serialized['warnings'] = []
517                consolidated_ds_serialized['warnings'] += [w.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=True) for w in zone_obj.rrset_warnings[ds_info]]
519            if zone_obj.rrset_errors[ds_info]:
520                if 'errors' not in consolidated_ds_serialized:
521                    consolidated_ds_serialized['errors'] = []
522                consolidated_ds_serialized['errors'] += [e.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=True) for e in zone_obj.rrset_errors[ds_info]]
524            self.node_info[node_str] = [consolidated_ds_serialized]
526            T, zone_node_str, zone_bottom_name, zone_top_name = self.get_zone(zone_obj.name)
528            self.add_ds_map(name, node_str, ds_statuses, zone_obj, parent_obj)
530        if node_str not in self.node_mapping:
531            self.node_mapping[node_str] = set()
532        self.node_mapping[node_str].add(ds_info)
533        self.node_reverse_mapping[ds_info] = node_str
535        return self.G.get_node(node_str)
537    def add_ds_map(self, name, ds_node, ds_statuses, zone_obj, parent_obj):
538        rdtype = ds_statuses[0].ds_meta.rrset.rdtype
539        ds_status = ds_statuses[0]
541        if ds_status.validation_status == Status.DS_STATUS_VALID:
542            line_color = COLORS['secure']
543            line_style = 'solid'
545            line_color = COLORS['insecure_non_existent']
546            line_style = 'dashed'
547        elif ds_status.validation_status == Status.DS_STATUS_INDETERMINATE_UNKNOWN_ALGORITHM:
548            line_color = COLORS['indeterminate']
549            line_style = 'solid'
550        elif ds_status.validation_status == Status.DS_STATUS_INVALID_DIGEST:
551            line_color = COLORS['invalid']
552            line_style = 'solid'
553        elif ds_status.validation_status == Status.DS_STATUS_INVALID:
554            line_color = COLORS['invalid']
555            line_style = 'dashed'
557        if ds_status.dnskey is None:
558            dnskey_node = self.add_dnskey_non_existent(zone_obj.name, zone_obj.name, ds_status.ds.algorithm, ds_status.ds.key_tag)
559        else:
560            dnskey_node = self.get_dnskey(self.id_for_dnskey(zone_obj.name, ds_status.dnskey.rdata), zone_obj.name, ds_status.dnskey.rdata.algorithm, ds_status.dnskey.key_tag)
562        edge_id = 'digest-%s|%s|%s|%s' % (dnskey_node, ds_node, line_color.lstrip('#'), line_style)
563        self.G.add_edge(dnskey_node, ds_node, id=edge_id, color=line_color, style=line_style, dir='back')
565        self.node_info[edge_id] = [self.node_info[ds_node][0].copy()]
566        self.node_info[edge_id][0]['description'] = 'Digest for %s' % (self.node_info[edge_id][0]['description'])
568        self.node_mapping[edge_id] = set(ds_statuses)
569        for d in ds_statuses:
570            self.node_reverse_mapping[d] = edge_id
572    def zone_node_str(self, name):
573        return 'cluster_%s' % fmt.humanize_name(name)
575    def has_zone(self, name):
576        return self.G.get_subgraph(self.zone_node_str(name)) is not None
578    def get_zone(self, name):
579        node_str = self.zone_node_str(name)
580        top_name = node_str + '_top'
581        bottom_name = node_str + '_bottom'
583        S = self.G.get_subgraph(node_str)
585        return S, node_str, bottom_name, top_name
587    def add_zone(self, zone_obj):
588        node_str = self.zone_node_str(zone_obj.name)
589        top_name = node_str + '_top'
590        bottom_name = node_str + '_bottom'
592        S = self.G.get_subgraph(node_str)
593        if S is None:
594            img_str = ''
595            if zone_obj.zone_errors:
596                img_str = '<IMG SCALE="TRUE" SRC="%s"/>' % ERROR_ICON
597            elif zone_obj.zone_warnings:
598                img_str = '<IMG SCALE="TRUE" SRC="%s"/>' % WARNING_ICON
600            if zone_obj.analysis_end is not None:
601                label_str = '<<TABLE BORDER="0"><TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT POINT-SIZE="%d">%s</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT">%s</TD></TR><TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT" COLSPAN="2"><FONT POINT-SIZE="%d">(%s)</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>>' % \
602                        (12, zone_obj, img_str, 10, fmt.datetime_to_str(zone_obj.analysis_end))
603            else:
604                label_str = '<<TABLE BORDER="0"><TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT POINT-SIZE="%d">%s</FONT></TD><TD ALIGN="RIGHT">%s</TD></TR></TABLE>>' % \
605                        (12, zone_obj, img_str)
606            S = self.G.add_subgraph(name=node_str, label=label_str, labeljust='l', penwidth='0.5', id=top_name)
607            S.add_node(top_name, shape='point', style='invis')
608            S.add_node(bottom_name, shape='point', style='invis')
609            self.node_subgraph_name[top_name] = top_name
610            self.node_subgraph_name[bottom_name] = top_name
611            self.node_reverse_mapping[zone_obj] = top_name
613            consolidate_clients = zone_obj.single_client()
614            zone_serialized = OrderedDict()
615            zone_serialized['description'] = '%s zone' % (zone_obj)
616            if zone_obj.zone_errors:
617                zone_serialized['errors'] = [e.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=True) for e in zone_obj.zone_errors]
618            if zone_obj.zone_warnings:
619                zone_serialized['warnings'] = [e.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=True) for e in zone_obj.zone_warnings]
621            self.node_info[top_name] = [zone_serialized]
623        return S, node_str, bottom_name, top_name
625    def add_rrsig(self, rrsig_status, name_obj, signer_obj, signed_node, port=None):
626        if signer_obj is not None:
627            zone_name = signer_obj.zone.name
628        else:
629            zone_name = name_obj.zone.name
631        if rrsig_status.dnskey is None:
632            dnskey_node = self.add_dnskey_non_existent(rrsig_status.rrsig.signer, zone_name, rrsig_status.rrsig.algorithm, rrsig_status.rrsig.key_tag)
633        else:
634            dnskey_node = self.get_dnskey(self.id_for_dnskey(rrsig_status.rrsig.signer, rrsig_status.dnskey.rdata), rrsig_status.rrsig.signer, rrsig_status.dnskey.rdata.algorithm, rrsig_status.dnskey.key_tag)
636        #XXX consider not adding icons if errors are apparent from color of line
637        edge_label = ''
638        if rrsig_status.errors:
639            edge_label = '<<TABLE BORDER="0"><TR><TD><IMG SCALE="TRUE" SRC="%s"/></TD></TR></TABLE>>' % ERROR_ICON
640        elif rrsig_status.warnings:
641            edge_label = '<<TABLE BORDER="0"><TR><TD><IMG SCALE="TRUE" SRC="%s"/></TD></TR></TABLE>>' % WARNING_ICON
643        if rrsig_status.validation_status == Status.RRSIG_STATUS_VALID:
644            line_color = COLORS['secure']
645            line_style = 'solid'
647            line_color = COLORS['insecure_non_existent']
648            line_style = 'dashed'
649        elif rrsig_status.validation_status == Status.RRSIG_STATUS_INDETERMINATE_UNKNOWN_ALGORITHM:
650            line_color = COLORS['indeterminate']
651            line_style = 'solid'
652        elif rrsig_status.validation_status == Status.RRSIG_STATUS_EXPIRED:
653            line_color = COLORS['expired']
654            line_style = 'solid'
655        elif rrsig_status.validation_status == Status.RRSIG_STATUS_PREMATURE:
656            line_color = COLORS['expired']
657            line_style = 'solid'
658        elif rrsig_status.validation_status == Status.RRSIG_STATUS_INVALID_SIG:
659            line_color = COLORS['invalid']
660            line_style = 'solid'
661        elif rrsig_status.validation_status == Status.RRSIG_STATUS_INVALID:
662            line_color = COLORS['invalid']
663            line_style = 'dashed'
665        attrs = {}
666        edge_id = 'RRSIG-%s|%s|%s|%s' % (signed_node.replace('*', '_'), dnskey_node, line_color.lstrip('#'), line_style)
667        edge_key = '%s-%s' % (line_color, line_style)
668        if port is not None:
669            attrs['tailport'] = port
670            edge_id += '|%s' % port.replace('*', '_')
671            edge_key += '|%s' % port
673        # if this DNSKEY is signing data in a zone above itself (e.g., DS
674        # records), then remove constraint from the edge
675        signed_node_zone = self.node_subgraph_name[signed_node][8:-4]
676        dnskey_node_zone = self.node_subgraph_name[dnskey_node][8:-4]
677        if not signed_node_zone.endswith(dnskey_node_zone):
678            attrs['constraint'] = 'false'
680        if (signed_node, dnskey_node, edge_key) not in self._edge_keys:
681            self._edge_keys.add((signed_node, dnskey_node, edge_key))
682            self.G.add_edge(signed_node, dnskey_node, label=edge_label, id=edge_id, color=line_color, style=line_style, dir='back', **attrs)
684        consolidate_clients = name_obj.single_client()
685        rrsig_serialized = rrsig_status.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=True, map_ip_to_ns_name=name_obj.zone.get_ns_name_for_ip)
687        if edge_id not in self.node_info:
688            self.node_info[edge_id] = []
689            self.node_mapping[edge_id] = set()
690        self.node_info[edge_id].append(rrsig_serialized)
691        self.node_mapping[edge_id].add(rrsig_status)
692        self.node_reverse_mapping[rrsig_status] = edge_id
694    def id_for_rrset(self, rrset_info):
695        name, rdtype = rrset_info.rrset.name, rrset_info.rrset.rdtype
696        try:
697            rrset_info_list = self.rrset_ids[(name,rdtype)]
698        except KeyError:
699            self.rrset_ids[(name,rdtype)] = []
700            rrset_info_list = self.rrset_ids[(name,rdtype)]
702        for rrset_info1, id in rrset_info_list:
703            if rrset_info == rrset_info1:
704                return id
706        id = self.next_rrset_id
707        self.rrset_ids[(name,rdtype)].append((rrset_info, id))
708        self.next_rrset_id += 1
709        return id
711    def rrset_node_str(self, name, rdtype, id):
712        return 'RRset-%d|%s|%s' % (id, fmt.humanize_name(name), dns.rdatatype.to_text(rdtype))
714    def has_rrset(self, name, rdtype, id):
715        return self.G.has_node(self.rrset_node_str(name, rdtype, id))
717    def get_rrset(self, name, rdtype, id):
718        return self.G.get_node(self.rrset_node_str(name, rdtype, id))
720    def add_rrset(self, rrset_info, wildcard_name, name_obj, zone_obj):
721        name = wildcard_name or rrset_info.rrset.name
722        node_str = self.rrset_node_str(name, rrset_info.rrset.rdtype, self.id_for_rrset(rrset_info))
723        node_id = node_str.replace('*', '_')
725        if not self.G.has_node(node_str):
726            img_str = ''
727            if name_obj.rrset_errors[rrset_info]:
728                img_str = '<IMG SCALE="TRUE" SRC="%s"/>' % ERROR_ICON
729            elif name_obj.rrset_warnings[rrset_info]:
730                img_str = '<IMG SCALE="TRUE" SRC="%s"/>' % WARNING_ICON
732            if img_str:
733                node_label = '<<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0"><TR><TD><FONT POINT-SIZE="%d" FACE="%s">%s/%s</FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD>%s</TD></TR></TABLE>>' % \
734                        (12, 'Helvetica', fmt.humanize_name(name, True), dns.rdatatype.to_text(rrset_info.rrset.rdtype), img_str)
735            else:
736                node_label = '<<FONT POINT-SIZE="%d" FACE="%s">%s/%s</FONT>>' % \
737                        (12, 'Helvetica', fmt.humanize_name(name, True), dns.rdatatype.to_text(rrset_info.rrset.rdtype))
739            attr = {}
740            attr['shape'] = 'rectangle'
741            attr['style'] = 'rounded,filled'
742            attr['fillcolor'] = '#ffffff'
744            S, zone_node_str, zone_bottom_name, zone_top_name = self.get_zone(zone_obj.name)
745            S.add_node(node_str, id=node_id, label=node_label, fontsize='10', **attr)
746            self.node_subgraph_name[node_str] = zone_top_name
748            consolidate_clients = name_obj.single_client()
749            rrset_serialized = rrset_info.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=True, map_ip_to_ns_name=name_obj.zone.get_ns_name_for_ip)
751            if name_obj.rrset_warnings[rrset_info]:
752                if 'warnings' not in rrset_serialized:
753                    rrset_serialized['warnings'] = []
754                rrset_serialized['warnings'] += [w.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=True) for w in name_obj.rrset_warnings[rrset_info]]
756            if name_obj.rrset_errors[rrset_info]:
757                if 'errors' not in rrset_serialized:
758                    rrset_serialized['errors'] = []
759                rrset_serialized['errors'] += [w.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=True) for w in name_obj.rrset_errors[rrset_info]]
761            self.node_info[node_id] = [rrset_serialized]
762            self.G.add_edge(zone_bottom_name, node_str, style='invis')
764        if node_str not in self.node_mapping:
765            self.node_mapping[node_str] = set()
766        self.node_mapping[node_str].add(rrset_info)
767        self.node_reverse_mapping[rrset_info] = node_str
769        return self.G.get_node(node_str)
771    def add_rrset_non_existent(self, name_obj, zone_obj, neg_response_info, nxdomain, wildcard):
772        if nxdomain:
773            node_str = self.rrset_node_str(neg_response_info.qname, neg_response_info.rdtype, 0)
774        else:
775            node_str = self.rrset_node_str(neg_response_info.qname, neg_response_info.rdtype, 1)
776        node_id = node_str.replace('*', '_')
778        if not self.G.has_node(node_str):
779            if wildcard:
780                warnings_list = errors_list = []
781            else:
782                if nxdomain:
783                    warnings_list = name_obj.nxdomain_warnings[neg_response_info]
784                    errors_list = name_obj.nxdomain_errors[neg_response_info]
785                else:
786                    warnings_list = name_obj.nodata_warnings[neg_response_info]
787                    errors_list = name_obj.nodata_errors[neg_response_info]
789            if nxdomain:
790                rdtype_str = ''
791            else:
792                rdtype_str = '/%s' % dns.rdatatype.to_text(neg_response_info.rdtype)
794            img_str = ''
795            if errors_list:
796                img_str = '<IMG SCALE="TRUE" SRC="%s"/>' % ERROR_ICON
797            elif warnings_list:
798                img_str = '<IMG SCALE="TRUE" SRC="%s"/>' % WARNING_ICON
800            if img_str:
801                node_label = '<<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0"><TR><TD><FONT POINT-SIZE="%d" FACE="%s">%s%s</FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD>%s</TD></TR></TABLE>>' % \
802                        (12, 'Helvetica', fmt.humanize_name(neg_response_info.qname, True), rdtype_str, img_str)
803            else:
804                node_label = '<<FONT POINT-SIZE="%d" FACE="%s">%s%s</FONT>>' % \
805                        (12, 'Helvetica', fmt.humanize_name(neg_response_info.qname, True), rdtype_str)
807            attr = {}
808            attr['shape'] = 'rectangle'
809            attr['style'] = 'rounded,filled,dashed'
810            if nxdomain:
811                attr['style'] += ',diagonals'
812            attr['fillcolor'] = '#ffffff'
814            S, zone_node_str, zone_bottom_name, zone_top_name = self.get_zone(zone_obj.name)
815            S.add_node(node_str, id=node_id, label=node_label, fontsize='10', **attr)
816            self.node_subgraph_name[node_str] = zone_top_name
818            rrset_info = RRsetNonExistent(neg_response_info.qname, neg_response_info.rdtype, nxdomain, neg_response_info.servers_clients)
820            consolidate_clients = name_obj.single_client()
821            rrset_serialized = rrset_info.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=True, map_ip_to_ns_name=name_obj.zone.get_ns_name_for_ip)
823            if warnings_list:
824                if 'warnings' not in rrset_serialized:
825                    rrset_serialized['warnings'] = []
826                rrset_serialized['warnings'] += [w.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=True) for w in warnings_list]
828            if errors_list:
829                if 'errors' not in rrset_serialized:
830                    rrset_serialized['errors'] = []
831                rrset_serialized['errors'] += [w.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=True) for w in errors_list]
833            self.node_info[node_id] = [rrset_serialized]
835            self.G.add_edge(zone_bottom_name, node_str, style='invis')
837        if node_str not in self.node_mapping:
838            self.node_mapping[node_str] = set()
839        self.node_mapping[node_str].add(neg_response_info)
840        self.node_reverse_mapping[neg_response_info] = node_str
842        return self.G.get_node(node_str)
844    def _add_errors(self, name_obj, zone_obj, name, rdtype, errors_list, code, icon, category, status, description):
845        if not errors_list:
846            return None
848        node_str = self.rrset_node_str(name, rdtype, code)
850        img_str = '<IMG SCALE="TRUE" SRC="%s"/>' % icon
852        node_label = '<<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0"><TR><TD>%s</TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT POINT-SIZE="%d" FACE="%s" COLOR="%s"><I>%s/%s</I></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>>' % \
853                (img_str, 10, 'Helvetica', '#b0b0b0', fmt.humanize_name(name, True), dns.rdatatype.to_text(rdtype), )
855        attr = {}
856        attr['shape'] = 'none'
857        attr['margin'] = '0'
859        node_id = node_str.replace('*', '_')
860        S, zone_node_str, zone_bottom_name, zone_top_name = self.get_zone(zone_obj.name)
861        S.add_node(node_str, id=node_id, label=node_label, fontsize='10', **attr)
862        self.node_subgraph_name[node_str] = zone_top_name
864        consolidate_clients = name_obj.single_client()
866        errors_serialized = OrderedDict()
868        errors_serialized['description'] = '%s %s/%s' % (description, fmt.humanize_name(name), dns.rdatatype.to_text(rdtype))
869        errors_serialized[category] = [e.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=True) for e in errors_list]
870        errors_serialized['status'] = status
872        self.node_info[node_id] = [errors_serialized]
873        self.G.add_edge(zone_bottom_name, node_str, style='invis')
875        # no need to map errors
876        self.node_mapping[node_str] = set()
878        return self.G.get_node(node_str)
880    def add_errors(self, name_obj, zone_obj, name, rdtype, errors_list):
881        return self._add_errors(name_obj, zone_obj, name, rdtype, errors_list, 2, ERROR_ICON, 'errors', 'ERROR', 'Response errors for')
883    def add_warnings(self, name_obj, zone_obj, name, rdtype, warnings_list):
884        return self._add_errors(name_obj, zone_obj, name, rdtype, warnings_list, 3, WARNING_ICON, 'warnings', 'WARNING', 'Response warnings for')
886    def add_dname(self, dname_status, name_obj, zone_obj):
887        dname_rrset_info = dname_status.synthesized_cname.dname_info
888        dname_node = self.add_rrset(dname_rrset_info, None, name_obj, zone_obj)
890        if dname_status.validation_status == Status.DNAME_STATUS_VALID:
891            line_color = COLORS['secure']
892            line_style = 'solid'
893        elif dname_status.validation_status == Status.DNAME_STATUS_INDETERMINATE:
894            line_color = COLORS['indeterminate']
895            line_style = 'solid'
896        elif dname_status.validation_status == Status.DNAME_STATUS_INVALID:
897            line_color = COLORS['invalid']
898            line_style = 'solid'
900        if dname_status.included_cname is None:
901            cname_node = self.add_rrset_non_existent(name_obj, zone_obj, Response.NegativeResponseInfo(dname_status.synthesized_cname.rrset.name, dns.rdatatype.CNAME, False), False, False)
902        else:
903            cname_node = self.add_rrset(dname_status.included_cname, None, name_obj, zone_obj)
905        edge_id = 'dname-%s|%s|%s|%s' % (cname_node, dname_node, line_color.lstrip('#'), line_style)
906        edge_key = '%s-%s' % (line_color, line_style)
907        if (cname_node, dname_node, edge_key) not in self._edge_keys:
908            self._edge_keys.add((cname_node, dname_node, edge_key))
910            edge_label = ''
911            if dname_status.errors:
912                edge_label = '<<TABLE BORDER="0"><TR><TD><IMG SCALE="TRUE" SRC="%s"/></TD></TR></TABLE>>' % ERROR_ICON
913            elif dname_status.warnings:
914                edge_label = '<<TABLE BORDER="0"><TR><TD><IMG SCALE="TRUE" SRC="%s"/></TD></TR></TABLE>>' % WARNING_ICON
916            self.G.add_edge(cname_node, dname_node, label=edge_label, id=edge_id, color=line_color, style=line_style, dir='back')
917            self.node_info[edge_id] = [dname_status.serialize(html_format=True, map_ip_to_ns_name=name_obj.zone.get_ns_name_for_ip)]
919        if edge_id not in self.node_mapping:
920            self.node_mapping[edge_id] = set()
921        self.node_mapping[edge_id].add(dname_status)
922        self.node_reverse_mapping[dname_status] = edge_id
924        self.add_rrsigs(name_obj, zone_obj, dname_rrset_info, dname_node)
926        return cname_node
928    def nsec_node_str(self, nsec_rdtype, id, name, rdtype):
929        return '%s-%d|%s|%s' % (dns.rdatatype.to_text(nsec_rdtype), id, fmt.humanize_name(name), dns.rdatatype.to_text(rdtype))
931    def has_nsec(self, nsec_rdtype, id, name, rdtype):
932        return self.G.has_node(self.nsec_node_str(nsec_rdtype, id, name, rdtype))
934    def get_nsec(self, nsec_rdtype, id, name, rdtype):
935        return self.G.get_node(self.nsec_node_str(nsec_rdtype, id, name, rdtype))
937    def add_nsec(self, nsec_status, name, rdtype, name_obj, zone_obj, covered_node):
938        if nsec_status.nsec_set_info.use_nsec3:
939            nsec_rdtype = dns.rdatatype.NSEC3
940        else:
941            nsec_rdtype = dns.rdatatype.NSEC
942        node_str = self.nsec_node_str(nsec_rdtype, self.id_for_nsec(name, rdtype, nsec_status.__class__, nsec_status.nsec_set_info), name, rdtype)
943        node_id = node_str.replace('*', '_')
944        edge_id = '%sC-%s|%s' % (dns.rdatatype.to_text(nsec_rdtype), covered_node.replace('*', '_'), node_str)
946        if not self.G.has_node(node_str):
947            rrset_info_with_errors = [x for x in nsec_status.nsec_set_info.rrsets.values() if name_obj.rrset_errors[x]]
948            rrset_info_with_warnings = [x for x in nsec_status.nsec_set_info.rrsets.values() if name_obj.rrset_warnings[x]]
950            img_str = ''
951            if rrset_info_with_errors:
952                img_str = '<IMG SCALE="TRUE" SRC="%s"/>' % ERROR_ICON
953            elif rrset_info_with_warnings:
954                img_str = '<IMG SCALE="TRUE" SRC="%s"/>' % WARNING_ICON
956            # if it is NXDOMAIN, not type DS
957            if isinstance(nsec_status, (Status.NSEC3StatusNXDOMAIN, Status.NSEC3StatusNODATA)) and nsec_status.opt_out:
958                bgcolor = 'lightgray'
959            else:
960                bgcolor = '#ffffff'
962            #XXX it looks better when cellspacing is 0, but we can't do that
963            # when there is an icon in use because of the way the graphviz
964            # library draws it.
965            if img_str:
966                cellspacing = 0
967            else:
968                cellspacing = -2
970            self.nsec_rr_status[node_str] = {}
971            label_str = '<<TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="%d" CELLPADDING="0" BGCOLOR="%s"><TR>' % (cellspacing, bgcolor)
972            for nsec_name in nsec_status.nsec_set_info.rrsets:
973                nsec_name = lb2s(nsec_name.canonicalize().to_text()).replace(r'"', r'\"')
974                self.nsec_rr_status[node_str][nsec_name] = ''
975                label_str += '<TD PORT="%s" BORDER="2"><FONT POINT-SIZE="%d"> </FONT></TD>' % (nsec_name, 6)
976            label_str += '</TR><TR><TD COLSPAN="%d" BORDER="2" CELLPADDING="3">' % len(nsec_status.nsec_set_info.rrsets)
977            if img_str:
978                label_str += '<TABLE BORDER="0"><TR><TD><FONT POINT-SIZE="%d" FACE="%s">%s</FONT></TD><TD>%s</TD></TR></TABLE>' % \
979                        (12, 'Helvetica', dns.rdatatype.to_text(nsec_rdtype), img_str)
980            else:
981                label_str += '<FONT POINT-SIZE="%d" FACE="%s">%s</FONT>' % \
982                        (12, 'Helvetica', dns.rdatatype.to_text(nsec_rdtype))
983            label_str += '</TD></TR></TABLE>>'
985            S, zone_node_str, zone_bottom_name, zone_top_name = self.get_zone(zone_obj.name)
986            S.add_node(node_str, id=node_id, label=label_str, shape='none')
987            self.node_subgraph_name[node_str] = zone_top_name
989            consolidate_clients = name_obj.single_client()
991            nsec_serialized = nsec_status.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=True, map_ip_to_ns_name=name_obj.zone.get_ns_name_for_ip)
993            nsec_serialized_edge = nsec_serialized.copy()
994            nsec_serialized_edge['description'] = 'Non-existence proof provided by %s' % (nsec_serialized['description'])
996            all_warnings = []
997            if rrset_info_with_warnings:
998                for rrset_info in rrset_info_with_warnings:
999                    for warning in name_obj.rrset_warnings[rrset_info]:
1000                        servers_clients = warning.servers_clients
1001                        warning = Errors.DomainNameAnalysisError.insert_into_list(warning.copy(), all_warnings, None, None, None)
1002                        warning.servers_clients.update(servers_clients)
1003                if 'warnings' not in nsec_serialized:
1004                    nsec_serialized['warnings'] = []
1005                nsec_serialized['warnings'] += [w.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=True) for w in all_warnings]
1007            all_errors = []
1008            if rrset_info_with_errors:
1009                for rrset_info in rrset_info_with_errors:
1010                    for error in name_obj.rrset_errors[rrset_info]:
1011                        servers_clients = error.servers_clients
1012                        error = Errors.DomainNameAnalysisError.insert_into_list(error.copy(), all_errors, None, None, None)
1013                        error.servers_clients.update(servers_clients)
1014                if 'errors' not in nsec_serialized:
1015                    nsec_serialized['errors'] = []
1016                nsec_serialized['errors'] += [e.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=True) for e in all_errors]
1018            self.node_info[node_id] = [nsec_serialized]
1020            nsec_node = self.G.get_node(node_str)
1022            if nsec_status.validation_status == Status.NSEC_STATUS_VALID:
1023                line_color = COLORS['secure']
1024                line_style = 'solid'
1025            elif nsec_status.validation_status == Status.NSEC_STATUS_INDETERMINATE:
1026                line_color = COLORS['indeterminate']
1027                line_style = 'solid'
1028            elif nsec_status.validation_status == Status.NSEC_STATUS_INVALID:
1029                line_color = COLORS['bogus']
1030                line_style = 'solid'
1032            edge_label = ''
1033            self.G.add_edge(covered_node, nsec_node, label=edge_label, id=edge_id, color=line_color, style=line_style, dir='back')
1035            self.node_info[edge_id] = [nsec_serialized_edge]
1037        else:
1038            nsec_node = self.G.get_node(node_str)
1040        if node_str not in self.node_mapping:
1041            self.node_mapping[node_str] = set()
1042        self.node_mapping[node_str].add(nsec_status.nsec_set_info)
1043        self.node_reverse_mapping[nsec_status.nsec_set_info] = node_str
1045        if edge_id not in self.node_mapping:
1046            self.node_mapping[edge_id] = set()
1047        self.node_mapping[edge_id].add(nsec_status)
1048        self.node_reverse_mapping[nsec_status] = edge_id
1050        return nsec_node
1052    def add_wildcard(self, name_obj, zone_obj, rrset_info, nsec_status, wildcard_name):
1053        wildcard_node = self.add_rrset(rrset_info, wildcard_name, name_obj, zone_obj)
1054        self.add_rrsigs(name_obj, zone_obj, rrset_info, wildcard_node)
1055        nxdomain_node = self.add_rrset_non_existent(name_obj, zone_obj, rrset_info.wildcard_info[wildcard_name], True, True)
1057        if nsec_status is not None:
1058            nsec_node = self.add_nsec(nsec_status, rrset_info.rrset.name, rrset_info.rrset.rdtype, name_obj, zone_obj, nxdomain_node)
1059            for nsec_name, rrset_info in nsec_status.nsec_set_info.rrsets.items():
1060                nsec_cell = lb2s(nsec_name.canonicalize().to_text())
1061                self.add_rrsigs(name_obj, zone_obj, rrset_info, nsec_node, port=nsec_cell)
1063        return wildcard_node
1065        #XXX consider adding this node (using, e.g., clustering)
1066        #rrset_node = self.add_rrset(rrset_info, None, zone_obj, zone_obj)
1067        #self.G.add_edge(rrset_node, nxdomain_node, color=COLORS['secure'], style='invis', dir='back')
1068        #self.G.add_edge(rrset_node, wildcard_node, color=COLORS['secure'], style='invis', dir='back')
1069        #return rrset_node
1071    def add_alias(self, alias, target):
1072        if not [x for x in self.G.out_edges(target) if x[1] == alias and x.attr['color'] == 'black']:
1073            alias_zone = self.node_subgraph_name[alias][8:-4]
1074            target_zone = self.node_subgraph_name[target][8:-4]
1075            if alias_zone.endswith(target_zone) and alias_zone != target_zone:
1076                self.G.add_edge(target, alias, color='black', dir='back', constraint='false')
1077            else:
1078                self.G.add_edge(target, alias, color='black', dir='back')
1080    def add_rrsigs(self, name_obj, zone_obj, rrset_info, signed_node, port=None):
1081        for rrsig in name_obj.rrsig_status[rrset_info]:
1082            signer_obj = name_obj.get_name(rrsig.signer)
1083            if rrsig.signer != zone_obj.name and signer_obj is not None:
1084                self.graph_zone_auth(signer_obj, False)
1085            for dnskey in name_obj.rrsig_status[rrset_info][rrsig]:
1086                rrsig_status = name_obj.rrsig_status[rrset_info][rrsig][dnskey]
1087                self.add_rrsig(rrsig_status, name_obj, signer_obj, signed_node, port=port)
1089    def graph_rrset_auth(self, name_obj, name, rdtype, trace=None):
1090        if (name, rdtype) not in self.processed_rrsets:
1091            self.processed_rrsets[(name, rdtype)] = []
1093        #XXX there are reasons for this (e.g., NXDOMAIN, after which no further
1094        # queries are made), but it would be good to have a sanity check, so
1095        # we don't simply produce an incomplete graph.  (In the case above, perhaps
1096        # point to the NXDOMAIN produced by another query.)
1097        if (name, rdtype) not in name_obj.queries:
1098            return []
1100        zone_obj = name_obj.zone
1101        if zone_obj is not None:
1102            self.graph_zone_auth(zone_obj, False)
1103        else:
1104            # in recursive analysis, if we don't contact any servers that are
1105            # valid and responsive, then we get a zone_obj that is None
1106            # (because we couldn't detect any NS records in the ancestry)
1107            zone_obj = name_obj
1108            self.add_zone(zone_obj)
1110        if name_obj.nxdomain_ancestor is not None:
1111            self.graph_rrset_auth(name_obj.nxdomain_ancestor, name_obj.nxdomain_ancestor.name, name_obj.nxdomain_ancestor.referral_rdtype)
1113        # if this is for DNSKEY or DS of a zone, then return, as we have
1114        # already take care of these types in graph_zone_auth()
1115        if name_obj.is_zone() and rdtype in (dns.rdatatype.DNSKEY, dns.rdatatype.DS):
1116            return []
1118        # trace is used just for CNAME chains
1119        if trace is None:
1120            trace = [name]
1122        cname_nodes = []
1123        # if this name is an alias, then graph its target, i.e., the canonical
1124        # name, unless this is a recursive analysis.
1125        if name_obj.analysis_type != ANALYSIS_TYPE_RECURSIVE:
1126            if name in name_obj.cname_targets:
1127                for target, cname_obj in name_obj.cname_targets[name].items():
1128                    if cname_obj is not None:
1129                        if target not in trace:
1130                            cname_nodes.extend(self.graph_rrset_auth(cname_obj, target, rdtype, trace + [target]))
1132        query = name_obj.queries[(name, rdtype)]
1133        node_to_cname_mapping = set()
1134        for rrset_info in query.answer_info:
1136            # only do qname, unless analysis type is recursive
1137            if not (rrset_info.rrset.name == name or name_obj.analysis_type == ANALYSIS_TYPE_RECURSIVE):
1138                continue
1140            my_name = rrset_info.rrset.name
1141            my_nodes = []
1142            if (my_name, rdtype) not in self.processed_rrsets:
1143                self.processed_rrsets[(my_name, rdtype)] = []
1145            my_name_obj = name_obj.get_name(my_name)
1146            my_zone_obj = my_name_obj.zone
1147            if my_zone_obj is not None:
1148                self.graph_zone_auth(my_zone_obj, False)
1149            else:
1150                my_zone_obj = my_name_obj
1151                self.add_zone(my_zone_obj)
1153            #XXX can we combine multiple DNAMEs into one?
1154            #XXX can we combine multiple NSEC(3) into a cluster?
1155            #XXX can we combine wildcard components into a cluster?
1156            if rrset_info in name_obj.dname_status:
1157                for dname_status in name_obj.dname_status[rrset_info]:
1158                    my_nodes.append(self.add_dname(dname_status, name_obj, my_zone_obj))
1159            elif rrset_info.wildcard_info:
1160                for wildcard_name in rrset_info.wildcard_info:
1161                    if name_obj.wildcard_status[rrset_info.wildcard_info[wildcard_name]]:
1162                        for nsec_status in name_obj.wildcard_status[rrset_info.wildcard_info[wildcard_name]]:
1163                            my_nodes.append(self.add_wildcard(name_obj, my_zone_obj, rrset_info, nsec_status, wildcard_name))
1164                    else:
1165                        my_nodes.append(self.add_wildcard(name_obj, my_zone_obj, rrset_info, None, wildcard_name))
1166            else:
1167                rrset_node = self.add_rrset(rrset_info, None, name_obj, my_zone_obj)
1168                self.add_rrsigs(name_obj, my_zone_obj, rrset_info, rrset_node)
1169                my_nodes.append(rrset_node)
1171            # if this is a CNAME record, create a node-to-target mapping
1172            if rrset_info.rrset.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.CNAME:
1173                for my_node in my_nodes:
1174                    node_to_cname_mapping.add((my_node, rrset_info.rrset[0].target))
1176            self.processed_rrsets[(my_name, rdtype)] += my_nodes
1178        for neg_response_info in query.nxdomain_info:
1179            # make sure this query was made to a server designated as
1180            # authoritative
1181            if not set([s for (s,c) in neg_response_info.servers_clients]).intersection(name_obj.zone.get_auth_or_designated_servers()):
1182                continue
1184            # only do qname, unless analysis type is recursive
1185            if not (neg_response_info.qname == name or name_obj.analysis_type == ANALYSIS_TYPE_RECURSIVE):
1186                continue
1188            if (neg_response_info.qname, neg_response_info.rdtype) not in self.processed_rrsets:
1189                self.processed_rrsets[(neg_response_info.qname, neg_response_info.rdtype)] = []
1191            my_name_obj = name_obj.get_name(neg_response_info.qname)
1192            my_zone_obj = my_name_obj.zone
1193            if my_zone_obj is not None:
1194                self.graph_zone_auth(my_zone_obj, False)
1195            else:
1196                my_zone_obj = my_name_obj
1197                self.add_zone(my_zone_obj)
1199            nxdomain_node = self.add_rrset_non_existent(name_obj, my_zone_obj, neg_response_info, True, False)
1200            self.processed_rrsets[(neg_response_info.qname, neg_response_info.rdtype)].append(nxdomain_node)
1201            for nsec_status in name_obj.nxdomain_status[neg_response_info]:
1202                nsec_node = self.add_nsec(nsec_status, name, rdtype, name_obj, my_zone_obj, nxdomain_node)
1203                for nsec_name, rrset_info in nsec_status.nsec_set_info.rrsets.items():
1204                    nsec_cell = lb2s(nsec_name.canonicalize().to_text())
1205                    self.add_rrsigs(name_obj, my_zone_obj, rrset_info, nsec_node, port=nsec_cell)
1207            for soa_rrset_info in neg_response_info.soa_rrset_info:
1208                # If no servers match the authoritative servers, then put this in the parent zone
1209                if not set([s for (s,c) in soa_rrset_info.servers_clients]).intersection(my_zone_obj.get_auth_or_designated_servers()) and my_zone_obj.parent is not None:
1210                    z_obj = my_zone_obj.parent
1211                else:
1212                    z_obj = my_zone_obj
1213                soa_rrset_node = self.add_rrset(soa_rrset_info, None, name_obj, z_obj)
1214                self.add_rrsigs(name_obj, my_zone_obj, soa_rrset_info, soa_rrset_node)
1216        for neg_response_info in query.nodata_info:
1217            # only do qname, unless analysis type is recursive
1218            if not (neg_response_info.qname == name or name_obj.analysis_type == ANALYSIS_TYPE_RECURSIVE):
1219                continue
1221            if (neg_response_info.qname, neg_response_info.rdtype) not in self.processed_rrsets:
1222                self.processed_rrsets[(neg_response_info.qname, neg_response_info.rdtype)] = []
1224            my_name_obj = name_obj.get_name(neg_response_info.qname)
1225            my_zone_obj = my_name_obj.zone
1226            if my_zone_obj is not None:
1227                self.graph_zone_auth(my_zone_obj, False)
1228            else:
1229                my_zone_obj = my_name_obj
1230                self.add_zone(my_zone_obj)
1232            nodata_node = self.add_rrset_non_existent(name_obj, my_zone_obj, neg_response_info, False, False)
1233            self.processed_rrsets[(neg_response_info.qname, neg_response_info.rdtype)].append(nodata_node)
1234            for nsec_status in name_obj.nodata_status[neg_response_info]:
1235                nsec_node = self.add_nsec(nsec_status, name, rdtype, name_obj, my_zone_obj, nodata_node)
1236                for nsec_name, rrset_info in nsec_status.nsec_set_info.rrsets.items():
1237                    nsec_cell = lb2s(nsec_name.canonicalize().to_text())
1238                    self.add_rrsigs(name_obj, my_zone_obj, rrset_info, nsec_node, port=nsec_cell)
1240            for soa_rrset_info in neg_response_info.soa_rrset_info:
1241                soa_rrset_node = self.add_rrset(soa_rrset_info, None, name_obj, my_zone_obj)
1242                self.add_rrsigs(name_obj, my_zone_obj, soa_rrset_info, soa_rrset_node)
1244        error_node = self.add_errors(name_obj, zone_obj, name, rdtype, name_obj.response_errors[query])
1245        if error_node is not None:
1246            if (name, rdtype) not in self.processed_rrsets:
1247                self.processed_rrsets[(name, rdtype)] = []
1248            self.processed_rrsets[(name, rdtype)].append(error_node)
1250        warning_node = self.add_warnings(name_obj, zone_obj, name, rdtype, name_obj.response_warnings[query])
1251        if warning_node is not None:
1252            if (name, rdtype) not in self.processed_rrsets:
1253                self.processed_rrsets[(name, rdtype)] = []
1254            self.processed_rrsets[(name, rdtype)].append(warning_node)
1256        for alias_node, target in node_to_cname_mapping:
1257            # if this is a recursive analysis, then we've already graphed the
1258            # node, above, so we graph its hierarchy and then retrieve it from
1259            # self.processed_rrsets
1260            if name_obj.analysis_type == ANALYSIS_TYPE_RECURSIVE:
1261                # if we didn't get the cname RRset in same response, then
1262                # processed_rrsets won't be populated
1263                try:
1264                    cname_nodes = self.processed_rrsets[(target, rdtype)]
1265                except KeyError:
1266                    cname_nodes = []
1268            for cname_node in cname_nodes:
1269                self.add_alias(alias_node, cname_node)
1271        return self.processed_rrsets[(name, rdtype)]
1273    def graph_zone_auth(self, name_obj, is_dlv):
1274        if (name_obj.name, -1) in self.processed_rrsets:
1275            return
1276        self.processed_rrsets[(name_obj.name, -1)] = True
1278        zone_obj = name_obj.zone
1279        S, zone_graph_name, zone_bottom, zone_top = self.add_zone(zone_obj)
1281        if zone_obj.stub:
1282            return
1284        # indicate that this zone is not a stub
1285        self.subgraph_not_stub.add(zone_top)
1287        #######################################
1288        # DNSKEY roles, based on what they sign
1289        #######################################
1290        all_dnskeys = name_obj.get_dnskeys()
1292        # Add DNSKEY nodes to graph
1293        for dnskey in name_obj.get_dnskeys():
1294            self.add_dnskey(name_obj, dnskey)
1296        for signed_keys, rrset_info in name_obj.get_dnskey_sets():
1297            for rrsig in name_obj.rrsig_status[rrset_info]:
1298                signer_obj = name_obj.get_name(rrsig.signer)
1299                if rrsig.signer != name_obj.name and not is_dlv:
1300                    self.graph_zone_auth(signer_obj, False)
1301                for dnskey in name_obj.rrsig_status[rrset_info][rrsig]:
1302                    rrsig_status = name_obj.rrsig_status[rrset_info][rrsig][dnskey]
1303                    if dnskey is None:
1304                        dnskey_node = None
1305                    else:
1306                        dnskey_node = self.get_dnskey(self.id_for_dnskey(signer_obj.name, dnskey.rdata), signer_obj.name, dnskey.rdata.algorithm, dnskey.key_tag)
1308                    for signed_key in signed_keys:
1309                        signed_key_node = self.get_dnskey(self.id_for_dnskey(name_obj.name, signed_key.rdata), name_obj.name, signed_key.rdata.algorithm, signed_key.key_tag)
1310                        self.add_rrsig(rrsig_status, name_obj, signer_obj, signed_key_node)
1312        # map negative responses for DNSKEY queries to top name of the zone
1313        try:
1314            dnskey_nodata_info = [x for x in name_obj.nodata_status if x.qname == name_obj.name and x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.DNSKEY][0]
1315        except IndexError:
1316            pass
1317        else:
1318            self.node_reverse_mapping[dnskey_nodata_info] = zone_top
1319        try:
1320            dnskey_nxdomain_info = [x for x in name_obj.nxdomain_status if x.qname == name_obj.name and x.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.DNSKEY][0]
1321        except IndexError:
1322            pass
1323        else:
1324            self.node_reverse_mapping[dnskey_nxdomain_info] = zone_top
1326        # handle other responses to DNSKEY/DS queries
1327        for rdtype in (dns.rdatatype.DS, dns.rdatatype.DNSKEY):
1328            if (name_obj.name, rdtype) in name_obj.queries:
1330                # Handle errors and warnings for DNSKEY/DS queries
1331                if rdtype == dns.rdatatype.DS and zone_obj.parent is not None and not is_dlv:
1332                    z_obj = zone_obj.parent
1333                    self.graph_zone_auth(z_obj, False)
1334                else:
1335                    z_obj = zone_obj
1336                self.add_errors(name_obj, z_obj, name_obj.name, rdtype, name_obj.response_errors[name_obj.queries[(name_obj.name, rdtype)]])
1337                self.add_warnings(name_obj, z_obj, name_obj.name, rdtype, name_obj.response_warnings[name_obj.queries[(name_obj.name, rdtype)]])
1339                # Map CNAME responses to DNSKEY/DS queries to appropriate node
1340                for rrset_info in name_obj.queries[(name_obj.name, rdtype)].answer_info:
1341                    if rrset_info.rrset.rdtype == dns.rdatatype.CNAME:
1342                        rrset_node = self.add_rrset(rrset_info, None, name_obj, name_obj.zone)
1343                        if rrset_node not in self.node_mapping:
1344                            self.node_mapping[rrset_node] = []
1345                        self.node_mapping[rrset_node].add(rrset_info)
1346                        self.node_reverse_mapping[rrset_info] = rrset_node
1348        if not name_obj.is_zone():
1349            return
1351        if name_obj.parent is None or is_dlv:
1352            return
1354        for dlv in False, True:
1355            if dlv:
1356                parent_obj = name_obj.dlv_parent
1357                ds_name = name_obj.dlv_name
1358                rdtype = dns.rdatatype.DLV
1359            else:
1360                parent_obj = name_obj.parent
1361                ds_name = name_obj.name
1362                rdtype = dns.rdatatype.DS
1364            if parent_obj is None or ds_name is None:
1365                continue
1367            # if this is a DLV parent, and either we're not showing
1368            # DLV, or there is no DLV information for this zone, move along
1369            if dlv and (ds_name, rdtype) not in name_obj.queries:
1370                continue
1372            self.graph_zone_auth(parent_obj, dlv)
1374            P, parent_graph_name, parent_bottom, parent_top = self.add_zone(parent_obj)
1376            for dnskey in name_obj.ds_status_by_dnskey[rdtype]:
1377                ds_statuses = list(name_obj.ds_status_by_dnskey[rdtype][dnskey].values())
1379                # identify all validation_status/RRset/algorithm/key_tag
1380                # combinations, so we can cluster like DSs
1381                validation_statuses = set([(d.validation_status, d.ds_meta, d.ds.algorithm, d.ds.key_tag) for d in ds_statuses])
1383                for validation_status, rrset_info, algorithm, key_tag in validation_statuses:
1384                    ds_status_subset = [x for x in ds_statuses if x.validation_status == validation_status and x.ds_meta is rrset_info and x.ds.algorithm == algorithm and x.ds.key_tag == key_tag]
1386                    # create the DS node and edge
1387                    ds_node = self.add_ds(ds_name, ds_status_subset, name_obj, parent_obj)
1389                    self.add_rrsigs(name_obj, parent_obj, rrset_info, ds_node)
1391            edge_id = 0
1393            nsec_statuses = []
1394            soa_rrsets = []
1395            try:
1396                ds_nodata_info = [x for x in name_obj.nodata_status if x.qname == ds_name and x.rdtype == rdtype][0]
1397                nsec_statuses.extend(name_obj.nodata_status[ds_nodata_info])
1398                soa_rrsets.extend(ds_nodata_info.soa_rrset_info)
1399            except IndexError:
1400                ds_nodata_info = None
1401            try:
1402                ds_nxdomain_info = [x for x in name_obj.nxdomain_status if x.qname == ds_name and x.rdtype == rdtype][0]
1403                nsec_statuses.extend(name_obj.nxdomain_status[ds_nxdomain_info])
1404                soa_rrsets.extend(ds_nxdomain_info.soa_rrset_info)
1405            except IndexError:
1406                ds_nxdomain_info = None
1408            for nsec_status in nsec_statuses:
1410                nsec_node = self.add_nsec(nsec_status, ds_name, rdtype, name_obj, parent_obj, zone_top)
1411                # add a tail to the cluster
1412                self.G.get_edge(zone_top, nsec_node).attr['ltail'] = zone_graph_name
1413                # anchor NSEC node to bottom
1414                self.G.add_edge(parent_bottom, nsec_node, style='invis')
1416                for nsec_name, rrset_info in nsec_status.nsec_set_info.rrsets.items():
1417                    nsec_cell = lb2s(nsec_name.canonicalize().to_text())
1418                    self.add_rrsigs(name_obj, parent_obj, rrset_info, nsec_node, port=nsec_cell)
1420                edge_id += 1
1422            # add SOA
1423            for soa_rrset_info in soa_rrsets:
1424                soa_rrset_node = self.add_rrset(soa_rrset_info, None, name_obj, parent_obj)
1425                self.add_rrsigs(name_obj, parent_obj, soa_rrset_info, soa_rrset_node)
1427            # add mappings for negative responses
1428            self.node_mapping[zone_top] = set()
1429            if ds_nodata_info is not None:
1430                self.node_mapping[zone_top].add(ds_nodata_info)
1431                self.node_reverse_mapping[ds_nodata_info] = zone_top
1432            if ds_nxdomain_info is not None:
1433                self.node_mapping[zone_top].add(ds_nxdomain_info)
1434                self.node_reverse_mapping[ds_nxdomain_info] = zone_top
1436            has_warnings = name_obj.delegation_warnings[rdtype] or (ds_nxdomain_info is not None and name_obj.nxdomain_warnings[ds_nxdomain_info]) or (ds_nodata_info is not None and name_obj.nodata_warnings[ds_nodata_info])
1437            has_errors = name_obj.delegation_errors[rdtype] or (ds_nxdomain_info is not None and name_obj.nxdomain_errors[ds_nxdomain_info]) or (ds_nodata_info is not None and name_obj.nodata_errors[ds_nodata_info])
1439            edge_label = ''
1440            if has_errors:
1441                edge_label = '<<TABLE BORDER="0"><TR><TD><IMG SCALE="TRUE" SRC="%s"/></TD></TR></TABLE>>' % ERROR_ICON
1442            elif has_warnings:
1443                edge_label = '<<TABLE BORDER="0"><TR><TD><IMG SCALE="TRUE" SRC="%s"/></TD></TR></TABLE>>' % WARNING_ICON
1445            if name_obj.delegation_status[rdtype] == Status.DELEGATION_STATUS_SECURE:
1446                line_color = COLORS['secure']
1447                line_style = 'solid'
1448            elif name_obj.delegation_status[rdtype] == Status.DELEGATION_STATUS_INSECURE:
1449                line_color = COLORS['insecure']
1450                line_style = 'solid'
1451            elif name_obj.delegation_status[rdtype] in (Status.DELEGATION_STATUS_INCOMPLETE, Status.DELEGATION_STATUS_LAME):
1452                line_color = COLORS['misconfigured']
1453                line_style = 'dashed'
1454            elif name_obj.delegation_status[rdtype] == Status.DELEGATION_STATUS_BOGUS:
1455                line_color = COLORS['bogus']
1456                line_style = 'dashed'
1458            consolidate_clients = name_obj.single_client()
1459            del_serialized = OrderedDict()
1460            del_serialized['description'] = 'Delegation from %s to %s' % (lb2s(name_obj.parent.name.to_text()), lb2s(name_obj.name.to_text()))
1461            del_serialized['status'] = Status.delegation_status_mapping[name_obj.delegation_status[rdtype]]
1463            if has_warnings:
1464                del_serialized['warnings'] = []
1465                del_serialized['warnings'] += [w.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=True) for w in name_obj.delegation_warnings[rdtype]]
1466                del_serialized['warnings'] += [w.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=True) for w in name_obj.nxdomain_warnings.get(ds_nxdomain_info, [])]
1467                del_serialized['warnings'] += [w.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=True) for w in name_obj.nodata_warnings.get(ds_nodata_info, [])]
1469            if has_errors:
1470                del_serialized['errors'] = []
1471                del_serialized['errors'] += [e.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=True) for e in name_obj.delegation_errors[rdtype]]
1472                del_serialized['errors'] += [e.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=True) for e in name_obj.nxdomain_errors.get(ds_nxdomain_info, [])]
1473                del_serialized['errors'] += [e.serialize(consolidate_clients=consolidate_clients, html_format=True) for e in name_obj.nodata_errors.get(ds_nodata_info, [])]
1475            edge_id = 'del-%s|%s' % (fmt.humanize_name(zone_obj.name), fmt.humanize_name(parent_obj.name))
1476            self.node_info[edge_id] = [del_serialized]
1477            self.G.add_edge(zone_top, parent_bottom, label=edge_label, id=edge_id, color=line_color, penwidth='5.0', ltail=zone_graph_name, lhead=parent_graph_name, style=line_style, minlen='2', dir='back')
1479    def _set_non_existent_color(self, n):
1480        if DASHED_STYLE_RE.search(n.attr['style']) is None:
1481            return
1483        if n.attr['color'] == COLORS['secure']:
1484            n.attr['color'] = COLORS['secure_non_existent']
1486            # if this is an authenticated negative response, and the NSEC3
1487            # RR used opt out, then the node is actually insecure, rather
1488            # than secure.
1489            for n1 in self.G.out_neighbors(n):
1490                if n1.startswith('NSEC3') and OPTOUT_STYLE_RE.search(n1.attr['label']):
1491                    n.attr['color'] = COLORS['insecure_non_existent']
1493        elif n.attr['color'] == COLORS['bogus']:
1494            n.attr['color'] = COLORS['bogus_non_existent']
1496        else:
1497            n.attr['color'] = COLORS['insecure_non_existent']
1499    def _set_nsec_color(self, n):
1500        if not n.startswith('NSEC'):
1501            return
1503        #XXX we have to assign l to n.attr['label'], perform any update
1504        # operations on l, then assign n.attr['label'] to l's new value,
1505        # wrapping it in "<...>".  This is because the "<" and ">" at the start
1506        # and end somehow get lost when the assignment is made directly.
1507        l = n.attr['label']
1508        l = re.sub(r'^(<<TABLE)', r'\1 COLOR="%s"' % n.attr['color'], l, 1)
1509        if n.attr['color'] == COLORS['bogus']:
1510            #XXX it looks better when cellspacing is 0, but we can't do that
1511            # when there are cells that are colored with different colors.  In
1512            # this case, we need to change the cell spacing back to 0
1513            l = re.sub(r'(<TABLE[^>]+CELLSPACING=")-\d+"', r'\g<1>0"', l, 1)
1514            for nsec_name in self.nsec_rr_status[n]:
1515                if not self.nsec_rr_status[n][nsec_name]:
1516                    self.nsec_rr_status[n][nsec_name] = COLORS['bogus']
1517                l = re.sub(r'(<TD[^>]+PORT="%s")' % nsec_name, r'\1 COLOR="%s"' % self.nsec_rr_status[n][nsec_name], l, 1)
1518        n.attr['label'] = '<%s>' % l
1520    def _set_node_status(self, n):
1521        status = self.status_for_node(n)
1523        node_id = n.replace('*', '_')
1524        for serialized in self.node_info[node_id]:
1525            serialized['status'] = Status.rrset_status_mapping[status]
1527    def add_trust(self, trusted_keys, supported_algs=None):
1528        trusted_keys = tuple_to_dict(trusted_keys)
1529        if supported_algs is not None:
1530            supported_algs.intersection_update(crypto._supported_algs)
1531        else:
1532            supported_algs = crypto._supported_algs
1534        dlv_nodes = []
1535        trusted_zone_top_names = set([self.get_zone(z)[3] for z in trusted_keys])
1536        for zone in trusted_keys:
1537            zone_top_name = self.get_zone(zone)[3]
1538            if not self.G.has_node(zone_top_name) or zone_top_name not in self.subgraph_not_stub:
1539                continue
1541            # if at least one algorithm in trusted keys for the zone is
1542            # supported, then give zone no initial marking; otherwise mark it
1543            # as insecure
1544            algs = set([d.algorithm for d in trusted_keys[zone]])
1545            if algs.intersection(supported_algs):
1546                self.G.get_node(zone_top_name).attr['color'] = ''
1547            else:
1548                self.G.get_node(zone_top_name).attr['color'] = COLORS['insecure']
1550            for dnskey in trusted_keys[zone]:
1551                try:
1552                    dnskey_node = self.get_dnskey(self.id_for_dnskey(zone, dnskey), zone, dnskey.algorithm, Response.DNSKEYMeta.calc_key_tag(dnskey))
1553                    dnskey_node.attr['peripheries'] = 2
1554                    if self.G.get_node(zone_top_name).attr['color'] == '':
1555                        self._add_trust_to_nodes_in_chain(dnskey_node, trusted_zone_top_names, dlv_nodes, False, [])
1556                except KeyError:
1557                    dnskey_node = self.add_dnskey_non_existent(zone, zone, dnskey.algorithm, Response.DNSKEYMeta.calc_key_tag(dnskey))
1558                    dnskey_node.attr['peripheries'] = 2
1560        # determine DLV zones based on DLV nodes
1561        dlv_trusted_zone_top_names = []
1562        for dlv_node in dlv_nodes:
1563            dlv_trusted_zone_top_names.append(self.node_subgraph_name[dlv_node])
1565        # now traverse clusters and mark insecure nodes in secure delegations as bad
1566        for zone in trusted_keys:
1567            S, zone_node_str, zone_bottom_name, zone_top_name = self.get_zone(zone)
1568            if not self.G.has_node(zone_top_name) or zone_top_name not in self.subgraph_not_stub:
1569                continue
1571            # don't yet mark subdomains of DLV zones, as we have yet
1572            # to add trust to them
1573            if zone_top_name not in dlv_trusted_zone_top_names:
1574                self._add_trust_to_orphaned_nodes(zone_node_str, [])
1576        # now that we can show which zones are provably insecure, we
1577        # can apply trust from the DLV zones
1578        for dlv_node in dlv_nodes:
1579            self._add_trust_to_nodes_in_chain(dlv_node, trusted_zone_top_names, [], True, [])
1581        # now mark the orphaned nodes
1582        for dlv_node in dlv_nodes:
1583            zone_node_str = self.node_subgraph_name[dlv_node][:-4]
1584            self._add_trust_to_orphaned_nodes(zone_node_str, [])
1586        for n in self.G.nodes():
1587            # set the status of (only) the cluster top node as well
1588            if n.attr['shape'] == 'point' and n.endswith('_top'):
1589                pass
1590            elif n.attr['shape'] not in ('ellipse', 'rectangle') and not n.startswith('NSEC'):
1591                continue
1592            self._set_non_existent_color(n)
1593            self._set_nsec_color(n)
1594            self._set_node_status(n)
1596    def status_for_node(self, n, port=None):
1597        n = self.G.get_node(n)
1599        if n.attr['color'] in (COLORS['secure'], COLORS['secure_non_existent']):
1600            status = Status.RRSET_STATUS_SECURE
1601        elif n.attr['color'] in (COLORS['bogus'], COLORS['bogus_non_existent']):
1602            if port is not None and self.nsec_rr_status[n][port] == COLORS['secure']:
1603                status = Status.RRSET_STATUS_SECURE
1604            else:
1605                status = Status.RRSET_STATUS_BOGUS
1606        else:
1607            if n.startswith('DNSKEY') and \
1608                    DASHED_STYLE_RE.search(n.attr['style']):
1609                status = Status.RRSET_STATUS_NON_EXISTENT
1610            else:
1611                status = Status.RRSET_STATUS_INSECURE
1612        return status
1614    def secure_nsec3_optout_nodes_covering_node(self, n):
1615        return [x for x in self.G.out_neighbors(n) if x.startswith('NSEC') and \
1616                OPTOUT_STYLE_RE.search(x.attr['label']) is not None and \
1617                x.attr['color'] == COLORS['secure']]
1619    def secure_nsec_nodes_covering_node(self, n):
1620        return [x for x in self.G.out_neighbors(n) if x.startswith('NSEC') and \
1621                x.attr['color'] == COLORS['secure']]
1623    def is_invis(self, n):
1624        return INVIS_STYLE_RE.search(self.G.get_node(n).attr['style']) is not None
1626    def _add_trust_to_nodes_in_chain(self, n, trusted_zones, dlv_nodes, force, trace):
1627        if n in trace:
1628            return
1630        is_ds = n.startswith('DS-') or n.startswith('DLV-')
1631        is_dlv = n.startswith('DLV-')
1632        is_dnskey = n.startswith('DNSKEY-')
1633        is_nsec = n.startswith('NSEC')
1634        is_dname = n.endswith('|DNAME')
1636        if is_dlv and not force:
1637            dlv_nodes.append(n)
1638            return
1640        # if n isn't a DNSKEY, DS/DLV, or NSEC record,
1641        # then don't follow back edges
1642        if not (is_ds or is_dnskey or is_nsec or is_dname):
1643            return
1645        is_revoked = n.attr['penwidth'] == '4.0'
1646        is_trust_anchor = n.attr['peripheries'] == '2'
1648        top_name = self.G.get_node(self.node_subgraph_name[n])
1650        # trust anchor and revoked DNSKEY must be self-signed
1651        if is_revoked or is_trust_anchor:
1652            valid_self_loop = False
1653            if self.G.has_edge(n,n):
1654                for e1 in self.G.out_edges(n) + self.G.in_edges(n):
1655                    if (n,n) == e1 and \
1656                            e1.attr['color'] == COLORS['secure']:
1657                        valid_self_loop = True
1659                        # mark all the DNSKEY RRsets as valid
1660                        for rrsig in self.node_mapping[e1.attr['id']]:
1661                            self.secure_dnskey_rrsets.add(rrsig.rrset)
1663                        break
1665            #XXX revisit if we want to do this here
1666            if is_revoked and n.attr['color'] == COLORS['secure'] and not valid_self_loop:
1667                n.attr['color'] = COLORS['bogus']
1669            # mark the zone as "secure" as there is a secure entry point;
1670            # descendants will be so marked by following the delegation edges
1671            if is_trust_anchor and valid_self_loop:
1672                n.attr['color'] = COLORS['secure']
1673                top_name.attr['color'] = COLORS['secure']
1675        node_trusted = n.attr['color'] == COLORS['secure']
1677        if is_dnskey and not node_trusted:
1678            # Here we are shortcutting the traversal because we are no longer
1679            # propagating trust.  But we still need to learn of any DLV nodes.
1680            if not force:
1681                S = self.G.get_subgraph(top_name[:-4])
1682                for n in S.nodes():
1683                    if n.startswith('DLV-'):
1684                        dlv_nodes.append(n)
1685            return
1687        # iterate through each edge and propagate trust from this node
1688        for e in self.G.in_edges(n):
1689            p = e[0]
1691            # if this is an edge used for formatting node (invis), then don't
1692            # follow it
1693            if INVIS_STYLE_RE.search(e.attr['style']) is not None:
1694                continue
1696            prev_top_name = self.G.get_node(self.node_subgraph_name[p])
1698            # don't derive trust from parent if there is a trust anchor at the
1699            # child
1700            if is_ds and prev_top_name in trusted_zones:
1701                continue
1703            # if the previous node is already secure, then no need to follow it
1704            if p.attr['color'] == COLORS['secure']:
1705                continue
1707            # if this is a DLV node, then the zone it covers must be marked
1708            # as insecure through previous trust traversal (not because of
1709            # a local trust anchor, which case is handled above)
1710            if is_dlv:
1711                if prev_top_name.attr['color'] not in ('', COLORS['insecure']):
1712                    continue
1714                # reset the security of this top_name
1715                prev_top_name.attr['color'] = ''
1717            # if this is a non-matching edge (dashed) then don't follow it
1718            if DASHED_STYLE_RE.search(e.attr['style']) is not None:
1719                continue
1721            # derive trust for the previous node using the current node and the
1722            # color of the edge in between
1723            prev_node_trusted = node_trusted and e.attr['color'] == COLORS['secure']
1725            if is_ds:
1726                # if this is an edge between DS and DNSKEY, then the DNSKEY is
1727                # not considered secure unless it has a valid self-loop (in
1728                # addition to the connecting edge being valid)
1729                valid_self_loop = False
1730                if self.G.has_edge(p,p):
1731                    for e1 in self.G.out_edges(p) + self.G.in_edges(p):
1732                        if (p,p) == e1 and \
1733                                e1.attr['color'] == COLORS['secure']:
1734                            valid_self_loop = True
1736                            # mark all the DNSKEY RRsets as valid
1737                            for rrsig in self.node_mapping[e1.attr['id']]:
1738                                self.secure_dnskey_rrsets.add(rrsig.rrset)
1740                            break
1742                prev_node_trusted = prev_node_trusted and valid_self_loop
1744            # if p is an NSEC (set) node, then we need to check that all the
1745            # NSEC RRs have been authenticated before we mark this one as
1746            # authenticated.
1747            elif p.startswith('NSEC'):
1748                rrsig_status = list(self.node_mapping[e.attr['id']])[0]
1749                nsec_name = lb2s(rrsig_status.rrset.rrset.name.canonicalize().to_text()).replace(r'"', r'\"')
1750                if prev_node_trusted:
1751                    self.nsec_rr_status[p][nsec_name] = COLORS['secure']
1752                    for nsec_name in self.nsec_rr_status[p]:
1753                        if self.nsec_rr_status[p][nsec_name] != COLORS['secure']:
1754                            prev_node_trusted = False
1756            if is_nsec:
1757                # if this is an NSEC, then only propagate trust if the previous
1758                # node (i.e., the node it covers) is an RRset
1759                if prev_node_trusted and p.attr['shape'] == 'rectangle':
1760                    p.attr['color'] = COLORS['secure']
1762            elif prev_node_trusted:
1763                p.attr['color'] = COLORS['secure']
1765            self._add_trust_to_nodes_in_chain(p, trusted_zones, dlv_nodes, force, trace+[n])
1767    def _add_trust_to_orphaned_nodes(self, subgraph_name, trace):
1768        if subgraph_name in trace:
1769            return
1771        top_name = self.G.get_node(subgraph_name + '_top')
1772        bottom_name = self.G.get_node(subgraph_name + '_bottom')
1775        # if this subgraph (zone) is provably insecure, then don't process
1776        # further
1777        if top_name.attr['color'] == COLORS['insecure']:
1778            return
1780        # iterate through each node in the subgraph (zone) and mark as bogus
1781        # all nodes that are not already marked as secure
1782        S = self.G.get_subgraph(subgraph_name)
1783        for n in S.nodes():
1784            # don't mark invisible nodes (zone marking as secure/insecure is handled in the
1785            # traversal at the delegation point below).
1786            if INVIS_STYLE_RE.search(n.attr['style']) is not None:
1787                continue
1789            # if node is non-existent, then don't mark it, unless we are talking about an RRset
1790            # or a non-existent trust anchor; it doesn't make sense to mark other nodes
1791            # as bogus
1792            if DASHED_STYLE_RE.search(n.attr['style']) is not None and not (n.attr['shape'] == 'rectangle' or \
1793                    n.attr['peripheries'] == 2):
1794                continue
1796            # if the name is already marked as secure
1797            if n.attr['color'] == COLORS['secure']:
1798                # don't mark it as bogus
1799                continue
1801            n.attr['color'] = COLORS['bogus']
1803        # propagate trust through each descendant node
1804        for p in self.G.predecessors(bottom_name):
1805            e = self.G.get_edge(p, bottom_name)
1807            child_subgraph_name = p[:-4]
1809            if top_name.attr['color'] == COLORS['secure']:
1810                # if this subgraph (zone) is secure, and the delegation is also
1811                # secure, then mark the delegated subgraph (zone) as secure.
1812                if e.attr['color'] == COLORS['secure']:
1813                    p.attr['color'] = COLORS['secure']
1814                # if this subgraph (zone) is secure, and the delegation is not
1815                # bogus (DNSSEC broken), then mark it as provably insecure.
1816                elif e.attr['color'] != COLORS['bogus']:
1817                    # in this case, it's possible that the proven insecurity is
1818                    # dependent on NSEC/NSEC3 records that need to be
1819                    # authenticated.  Before marking this as insecure, reach
1820                    # back up for NSEC records.  If any are found, make sure at
1821                    # least one has been authenticated (i.e., has secure
1822                    # color).
1823                    nsec_found = False
1824                    nsec_authenticated = False
1825                    for n in self.G.out_neighbors(p):
1826                        if not n.startswith('NSEC'):
1827                            continue
1828                        # check that this node is in the zone we're coming from
1829                        if self.node_subgraph_name[n] != top_name:
1830                            continue
1831                        nsec_found = True
1832                        if n.attr['color'] == COLORS['secure']:
1833                            nsec_authenticated = True
1834                            break
1836                    # or if there are DS, then there are algorithms that are
1837                    # not understood (otherwise it would not be insecure).
1838                    # Check that at least one of the DS nodes was marked as
1839                    # secure.
1840                    ds_found = False
1841                    ds_authenticated = False
1842                    S = self.G.get_subgraph(child_subgraph_name)
1843                    for n in S.nodes():
1844                        # we're only concerned with DNSKEYs
1845                        if not n.startswith('DNSKEY-'):
1846                            continue
1847                        # we're looking for DS records
1848                        for d in self.G.out_neighbors(n):
1849                            if not (d.startswith('DS-') or d.startswith('DLV-')):
1850                                continue
1851                            # check that this node is in the zone we're coming from
1852                            if self.node_subgraph_name[d] != top_name:
1853                                continue
1854                            ds_found = True
1855                            if d.attr['color'] == COLORS['secure']:
1856                                ds_authenticated = True
1857                                break
1859                    if nsec_found and not nsec_authenticated:
1860                        pass
1861                    elif ds_found and not ds_authenticated:
1862                        pass
1863                    else:
1864                        p.attr['color'] = COLORS['insecure']
1866            # if the child was not otherwise marked, then mark it as bogus
1867            if p.attr['color'] == '':
1868                p.attr['color'] = COLORS['bogus']
1870            self._add_trust_to_orphaned_nodes(child_subgraph_name, trace+[subgraph_name])
1872    def remove_extra_edges(self, show_redundant=False):
1873        #XXX this assumes DNSKEYs with same name as apex
1874        for S in self.G.subgraphs():
1875            non_dnskey = set()
1876            all_dnskeys = set()
1877            ds_dnskeys = set()
1878            ta_dnskeys = set()
1879            ksks = set()
1880            zsks = set()
1881            sep_bit = set()
1882            revoked_dnskeys = set()
1883            non_existent_dnskeys = set()
1884            existing_dnskeys = set()
1886            for n in S.nodes():
1887                if not n.startswith('DNSKEY-'):
1888                    if n.attr['shape'] != 'point':
1889                        non_dnskey.add(n)
1890                    continue
1892                all_dnskeys.add(n)
1894                in_edges = self.G.in_edges(n)
1895                out_edges = self.G.out_edges(n)
1896                ds_edges = [x for x in out_edges if x[1].startswith('DS-') or x[1].startswith('DLV-')]
1898                is_ksk = bool([x for x in in_edges if x[0].startswith('DNSKEY-')])
1899                is_zsk = bool([x for x in in_edges if not x[0].startswith('DNSKEY-')])
1900                non_existent = DASHED_STYLE_RE.search(n.attr['style']) is not None
1901                has_sep_bit = n.attr['fillcolor'] == 'lightgray'
1903                if is_ksk:
1904                    ksks.add(n)
1905                if is_zsk:
1906                    zsks.add(n)
1907                if has_sep_bit:
1908                    sep_bit.add(n)
1909                if n.attr['peripheries'] == '2':
1910                    ta_dnskeys.add(n)
1911                if ds_edges:
1912                    ds_dnskeys.add(n)
1913                if n.attr['penwidth'] == '4.0':
1914                    revoked_dnskeys.add(n)
1915                if non_existent:
1916                    non_existent_dnskeys.add(n)
1917                else:
1918                    existing_dnskeys.add(n)
1920            seps = ds_dnskeys.union(ta_dnskeys).intersection(ksks).difference(revoked_dnskeys)
1921            ksk_only = ksks.difference(zsks).difference(revoked_dnskeys)
1922            zsk_only = zsks.difference(ksks).difference(revoked_dnskeys)
1924            # if all keys have only KSK roles (i.e., none are signing the zone
1925            # data), then try to distinguish using SEP bit
1926            if ksk_only and not zsks and sep_bit:
1927                ksk_only.intersection_update(sep_bit)
1929            if seps:
1930                top_level_keys = seps
1931            else:
1932                if ksk_only:
1933                    top_level_keys = ksk_only
1934                elif ksks:
1935                    top_level_keys = ksks
1936                elif sep_bit:
1937                    top_level_keys = sep_bit
1938                else:
1939                    top_level_keys = all_dnskeys
1941            if top_level_keys:
1943                # If there aren't any KSKs or ZSKs, then signing roles are
1944                # unknown, and the top-level keys are organized by SEP bit.
1945                # Because there are no roles, every key is an "island" (i.e.,
1946                # not signed by any top-level keys), so only look for "islands"
1947                # if there are ZSKs or KSKs.
1948                if zsks or ksks:
1949                    for n in all_dnskeys.difference(top_level_keys):
1950                        if set(self.G.out_neighbors(n)).intersection(top_level_keys):
1951                            # If this key is already signed by a top-level, then
1952                            # it's not in an island.
1953                            pass
1954                        else:
1955                            # Otherwise, find out what keys are connected to this one
1956                            neighbors = set(self.G.neighbors(n))
1958                            # If this key is ksk only, then it is always a top-level key.
1959                            if n in ksk_only:
1960                                top_level_keys.add(n)
1962                            # If this key is not a ksk, and there are ksks, then
1963                            # it's not a top-level key.
1964                            elif n not in ksks and neighbors.intersection(ksks):
1965                                pass
1967                            # If this key does not have its sep bit set, and there
1968                            # are others that do, then it's not a top-level key.
1969                            elif n not in sep_bit and neighbors.intersection(sep_bit):
1970                                pass
1972                            # Otherwise, it's on the same rank as all the others,
1973                            # so it is a top-level key.
1974                            else:
1975                                top_level_keys.add(n)
1977                # In the case where a top-level key is signing zone data, and
1978                # there are other top-level keys that are not signing zone data,
1979                # remove it from the top-level keys list, and don't add an edge
1980                # to the top.  This will make the other top-level keys appear
1981                # "higher".
1982                for n in list(top_level_keys):
1983                    if n in zsks and set(self.G.neighbors(n)).intersection(top_level_keys).intersection(ksk_only):
1984                        top_level_keys.remove(n)
1985                    else:
1986                        self.G.add_edge(n, self.node_subgraph_name[n], style='invis')
1988                # Now handle all the keys not at the top level
1989                non_top_level_keys = all_dnskeys.difference(top_level_keys)
1990                if non_top_level_keys:
1991                    # If there are any keys that are not at the top level, then
1992                    # determine whether they should be connected to the
1993                    # top-level keys, to the top, or left alone.
1994                    for n in non_top_level_keys:
1996                        # Non-existent DNSKEYs corresponding to DS and trust
1997                        # anchors should be connected to the top.
1998                        if n in non_existent_dnskeys:
1999                            if n in ds_dnskeys or n in ta_dnskeys:
2000                                self.G.add_edge(n, self.node_subgraph_name[n], style='invis')
2002                        # If not linked to any other DNSKEYs, then link to
2003                        # top-level keys.
2004                        elif not [x for x in self.G.out_neighbors(n) if x.startswith('DNSKEY')]:
2005                            for m in top_level_keys:
2006                                if not self.G.has_edge(n, m):
2007                                    self.G.add_edge(n, m, style='invis')
2009                    intermediate_keys = non_top_level_keys
2010                else:
2011                    intermediate_keys = top_level_keys
2013                # If there are ZSKs (and possible ZSKs only signing zone data),
2014                # then make those the intermediate keys, instead of using all
2015                # the top-level (or non-top-level) keys.
2016                if zsk_only:
2017                    intermediate_keys = zsk_only
2018                elif zsks:
2019                    intermediate_keys = zsks
2021                # Link non-keys to intermediate DNSKEYs
2022                for n in non_dnskey:
2023                    if [x for x in self.G.out_neighbors(n) if x.startswith('DNSKEY') or x.startswith('NSEC')]:
2024                        continue
2025                    for m in intermediate_keys:
2026                        # we only link to non-existent DNSKEYs corresponding to
2027                        # DS records if there aren't any existing DNSKEYs.
2028                        if m in ds_dnskeys and m in non_existent_dnskeys:
2029                            if existing_dnskeys:
2030                                continue
2031                        self.G.add_edge(n, m, style='invis')
2033            else:
2034                # For all non-existent non-DNSKEYs, add an edge to the top
2035                for n in non_dnskey:
2036                    if [x for x in self.G.out_neighbors(n) if x.startswith('DNSKEY') or x.startswith('NSEC')]:
2037                        continue
2038                    self.G.add_edge(n, self.node_subgraph_name[n], style='invis')
2040            for n in ksks:
2041                retain_edge_default = n in top_level_keys
2042                for e in self.G.in_edges(n):
2043                    m = e[0]
2044                    if not m.startswith('DNSKEY-'):
2045                        continue
2046                    if n == m:
2047                        continue
2049                    if retain_edge_default and m in top_level_keys:
2050                        retain_edge = False
2051                    else:
2052                        retain_edge = retain_edge_default
2054                    if not retain_edge:
2055                        if show_redundant:
2056                            self.G.get_edge(m, n).attr['constraint'] = 'false'
2057                        else:
2058                            try:
2059                                del self.node_info[e.attr.get('id', None)]
2060                            except KeyError:
2061                                pass
2062                            self.G.remove_edge(m, n)