2# Copyright (c), 2016-2020, SISSA (International School for Advanced Studies).
3# All rights reserved.
4# This file is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
5# See the file 'LICENSE' in the root directory of the present
6# distribution, or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
8# @author Davide Brunato <brunato@sissa.it>
11This module contains XMLSchema classes creator for xmlschema package.
13Two schema classes are created at the end of this module, XMLSchema10 for XSD 1.0 and
14XMLSchema11 for XSD 1.1. The latter class parses also XSD 1.0 schemas, as prescribed by
15the standard.
17import sys
18if sys.version_info < (3, 7):
19    from typing import GenericMeta as ABCMeta
21    from abc import ABCMeta
23import os
24import logging
25import threading
26import warnings
27import re
28import sys
29from copy import copy
30from itertools import chain
31from typing import cast, Callable, ItemsView, List, Optional, Dict, Any, \
32    Set, Union, Tuple, Type, Iterator, Counter
34from elementpath import XPathToken
36from ..exceptions import XMLSchemaTypeError, XMLSchemaKeyError, XMLSchemaRuntimeError, \
37    XMLSchemaValueError, XMLSchemaNamespaceError
46from ..etree import etree_element, ParseError
47from ..aliases import ElementType, XMLSourceType, NamespacesType, LocationsType, \
48    SchemaType, SchemaSourceType, ConverterType, ComponentClassType, DecodeType, \
49    EncodeType, BaseXsdType, AtomicValueType, ExtraValidatorType, SchemaGlobalType
50from ..helpers import prune_etree, get_namespace, get_qname
51from ..namespaces import NamespaceResourcesMap, NamespaceView
52from ..resources import is_local_url, is_remote_url, url_path_is_file, \
53    normalize_locations, fetch_resource, normalize_url, XMLResource
54from ..converters import XMLSchemaConverter
55from ..xpath import XMLSchemaProtocol, XMLSchemaProxy, ElementPathMixin
56from .. import dataobjects
58from .exceptions import XMLSchemaParseError, XMLSchemaValidationError, XMLSchemaEncodeError, \
59    XMLSchemaNotBuiltError, XMLSchemaIncludeWarning, XMLSchemaImportWarning
60from .helpers import get_xsd_derivation_attribute
61from .xsdbase import check_validation_mode, XsdValidator, XsdComponent, XsdAnnotation
62from .notations import XsdNotation
63from .identities import XsdIdentity, XsdKey, XsdKeyref, XsdUnique, \
64    Xsd11Key, Xsd11Unique, Xsd11Keyref, IdentityCounter, KeyrefCounter, IdentityMapType
65from .facets import XSD_10_FACETS, XSD_11_FACETS
66from .simple_types import XsdSimpleType, XsdList, XsdUnion, XsdAtomicRestriction, \
67    Xsd11AtomicRestriction, Xsd11Union
68from .attributes import XsdAttribute, XsdAttributeGroup, Xsd11Attribute
69from .complex_types import XsdComplexType, Xsd11ComplexType
70from .groups import XsdGroup, Xsd11Group
71from .elements import XsdElement, Xsd11Element
72from .wildcards import XsdAnyElement, XsdAnyAttribute, Xsd11AnyElement, \
73    Xsd11AnyAttribute, XsdDefaultOpenContent
74from .global_maps import XsdGlobals
76logger = logging.getLogger('xmlschema')
78XSD_VERSION_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^\d+\.\d+$')
79DRIVE_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z]:$')
81# Elements for building dummy groups
83ANY_ATTRIBUTE_ELEMENT = etree_element(
84    XSD_ANY_ATTRIBUTE, attrib={'namespace': '##any', 'processContents': 'lax'}
87ANY_ELEMENT = etree_element(
88    XSD_ANY,
89    attrib={
90        'namespace': '##any',
91        'processContents': 'lax',
92        'minOccurs': '0',
93        'maxOccurs': 'unbounded'
94    })
100class XMLSchemaMeta(ABCMeta):
101    XSD_VERSION: str
102    create_meta_schema: Callable[['XMLSchemaMeta', Optional[str]], SchemaType]
104    def __new__(mcs, name: str, bases: Tuple[Type[Any], ...], dict_: Dict[str, Any]) \
105            -> 'XMLSchemaMeta':
106        assert bases, "a base class is mandatory"
107        base_class = bases[0]
109        # For backward compatibility (will be removed in v2.0)
110        if 'BUILDERS' in dict_:
111            msg = "'BUILDERS' will be removed in v2.0, provide the appropriate " \
112                  "attributes instead (eg. xsd_element_class = Xsd11Element)"
113            warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=1)
115            for k, v in dict_['BUILDERS'].items():
116                if k == 'simple_type_factory':
117                    dict_['simple_type_factory'] = staticmethod(v)
118                    continue
120                attr_name = 'xsd_{}'.format(k)
121                if not hasattr(base_class, attr_name):
122                    continue
123                elif getattr(base_class, attr_name) is not v:
124                    dict_[attr_name] = v
126        if isinstance(dict_.get('meta_schema'), str):
127            # Build a new meta-schema class and register it into module's globals
128            meta_schema_file: str = dict_.pop('meta_schema')
129            meta_schema_class_name = 'Meta' + name
131            meta_schema: Optional[SchemaType]
132            meta_schema = getattr(base_class, 'meta_schema', None)
133            if meta_schema is None:
134                meta_bases = bases
135            else:
136                # Use base's meta_schema class as base for the new meta-schema
137                meta_bases = (meta_schema.__class__,)
138                if len(bases) > 1:
139                    meta_bases += bases[1:]
141            meta_schema_class = super(XMLSchemaMeta, mcs).__new__(
142                mcs, meta_schema_class_name, meta_bases, dict_
143            )
144            meta_schema_class.__qualname__ = meta_schema_class_name
145            module = sys.modules[dict_['__module__']]
146            setattr(module, meta_schema_class_name, meta_schema_class)
148            meta_schema = meta_schema_class.create_meta_schema(meta_schema_file)
149            dict_['meta_schema'] = meta_schema
151        # Create the class and check some basic attributes
152        cls = super(XMLSchemaMeta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, dict_)
153        if cls.XSD_VERSION not in ('1.0', '1.1'):
154            raise XMLSchemaValueError("XSD_VERSION must be '1.0' or '1.1'")
155        return cls
158class XMLSchemaBase(XsdValidator, ElementPathMixin[Union[SchemaType, XsdElement]],
159                    metaclass=XMLSchemaMeta):
160    """
161    Base class for an XML Schema instance.
163    :param source: an URI that reference to a resource or a file path or a file-like \
164    object or a string containing the schema or an Element or an ElementTree document \
165    or an :class:`XMLResource` instance. A multi source initialization is supported \
166    providing a not empty list of XSD sources.
167    :param namespace: is an optional argument that contains the URI of the namespace \
168    that has to used in case the schema has no namespace (chameleon schema). For other \
169    cases, when specified, it must be equal to the *targetNamespace* of the schema.
170    :param validation: the XSD validation mode to use for build the schema, \
171    that can be 'strict' (default), 'lax' or 'skip'.
172    :param global_maps: is an optional argument containing an :class:`XsdGlobals` \
173    instance, a mediator object for sharing declaration data between dependents \
174    schema instances.
175    :param converter: is an optional argument that can be an :class:`XMLSchemaConverter` \
176    subclass or instance, used for defining the default XML data converter for XML Schema instance.
177    :param locations: schema extra location hints, that can include custom resource locations \
178    (eg. local XSD file instead of remote resource) or additional namespaces to import after \
179    processing schema's import statements. Can be a dictionary or a sequence of couples \
180    (namespace URI, resource URL). Extra locations passed using a tuple container are not \
181    normalized.
182    :param base_url: is an optional base URL, used for the normalization of relative paths \
183    when the URL of the schema resource can't be obtained from the source argument.
184    :param allow: defines the security mode for accessing resource locations. Can be \
185    'all', 'remote', 'local' or 'sandbox'. Default is 'all' that means all types of \
186    URLs are allowed. With 'remote' only remote resource URLs are allowed. With 'local' \
187    only file paths and URLs are allowed. With 'sandbox' only file paths and URLs that \
188    are under the directory path identified by source or by the *base_url* argument \
189    are allowed.
190    :param defuse: defines when to defuse XML data using a `SafeXMLParser`. Can be \
191    'always', 'remote' or 'never'. For default defuses only remote XML data.
192    :param timeout: the timeout in seconds for fetching resources. Default is `300`.
193    :param build: defines whether build the schema maps. Default is `True`.
194    :param use_meta: if `True` the schema processor uses the validator meta-schema, \
195    otherwise a new meta-schema is added at the end. In the latter case the meta-schema \
196    is rebuilt if any base namespace has been overridden by an import. Ignored if the \
197    argument *global_maps* is provided.
198    :param use_fallback: if `True` the schema processor uses the validator fallback \
199    location hints to load well-known namespaces (eg. xhtml).
200    :param loglevel: for setting a different logging level for schema initialization \
201    and building. For default is WARNING (30). For INFO level set it with 20, for \
202    DEBUG level with 10. The default loglevel is restored after schema building, \
203    when exiting the initialization method.
205    :cvar XSD_VERSION: store the XSD version (1.0 or 1.1).
206    :cvar BASE_SCHEMAS: a dictionary from namespace to schema resource for meta-schema bases.
207    :cvar fallback_locations: fallback schema location hints for other standard namespaces.
208    :cvar meta_schema: the XSD meta-schema instance.
209    :cvar attribute_form_default: the schema's *attributeFormDefault* attribute. \
210    Default is 'unqualified'.
211    :cvar element_form_default: the schema's *elementFormDefault* attribute. \
212    Default is 'unqualified'.
213    :cvar block_default: the schema's *blockDefault* attribute. Default is ''.
214    :cvar final_default: the schema's *finalDefault* attribute. Default is ''.
215    :cvar default_attributes: the XSD 1.1 schema's *defaultAttributes* attribute. \
216    Default is ``None``.
217    :cvar xpath_tokens: symbol table for schema bound XPath 2.0 parsers. Initially set to \
218    ``None`` it's redefined at instance level with a dictionary at first use of the XPath \
219    selector. The parser symbol table is extended with schema types constructors.
221    :ivar target_namespace: is the *targetNamespace* of the schema, the namespace to which \
222    belong the declarations/definitions of the schema. If it's empty no namespace is associated \
223    with the schema. In this case the schema declarations can be reused from other namespaces as \
224    *chameleon* definitions.
225    :ivar validation: validation mode, can be 'strict', 'lax' or 'skip'.
226    :ivar maps: XSD global declarations/definitions maps. This is an instance of \
227    :class:`XsdGlobal`, that stores the *global_maps* argument or a new object \
228    when this argument is not provided.
229    :ivar converter: the default converter used for XML data decoding/encoding.
230    :ivar locations: schema location hints.
231    :ivar namespaces: a dictionary that maps from the prefixes used by the schema \
232    into namespace URI.
233    :ivar imports: a dictionary of namespace imports of the schema, that maps namespace \
234    URI to imported schema object, or `None` in case of unsuccessful import.
235    :ivar includes: a dictionary of included schemas, that maps a schema location to an \
236    included schema. It also comprehend schemas included by "xs:redefine" or \
237    "xs:override" statements.
238    :ivar warnings: warning messages about failure of import and include elements.
240    :ivar notations: `xsd:notation` declarations.
241    :vartype notations: NamespaceView
242    :ivar types: `xsd:simpleType` and `xsd:complexType` global declarations.
243    :vartype types: NamespaceView
244    :ivar attributes: `xsd:attribute` global declarations.
245    :vartype attributes: NamespaceView
246    :ivar attribute_groups: `xsd:attributeGroup` definitions.
247    :vartype attribute_groups: NamespaceView
248    :ivar groups: `xsd:group` global definitions.
249    :vartype groups: NamespaceView
250    :ivar elements: `xsd:element` global declarations.
251    :vartype elements: NamespaceView
252    """
253    # Instance attributes annotations
254    source: XMLResource
255    namespaces: NamespacesType
256    converter: Union[ConverterType]
257    locations: NamespaceResourcesMap
258    maps: XsdGlobals
259    imports: Dict[str, Optional[SchemaType]]
260    includes: Dict[str, SchemaType]
261    warnings: List[str]
263    notations: NamespaceView[XsdNotation]
264    types: NamespaceView[BaseXsdType]
265    attributes: NamespaceView[XsdAttribute]
266    attribute_groups: NamespaceView[XsdAttributeGroup]
267    groups: NamespaceView[XsdGroup]
268    elements: NamespaceView[XsdElement]
269    substitution_groups: NamespaceView[List[XsdElement]]
270    identities: NamespaceView[XsdIdentity]
272    XSD_VERSION: str = '1.0'
273    meta_schema: Optional['XMLSchemaBase'] = None
274    BASE_SCHEMAS: Dict[str, str] = {}
275    fallback_locations: Dict[str, str] = LOCATION_HINTS.copy()
276    _locations: Tuple[Tuple[str, str], ...] = ()
277    _annotations = None
279    # XSD components classes
280    xsd_notation_class = XsdNotation
281    xsd_complex_type_class = XsdComplexType
282    xsd_attribute_class = XsdAttribute
283    xsd_any_attribute_class = XsdAnyAttribute
284    xsd_attribute_group_class = XsdAttributeGroup
285    xsd_group_class = XsdGroup
286    xsd_element_class = XsdElement
287    xsd_any_class = XsdAnyElement
288    xsd_atomic_restriction_class = XsdAtomicRestriction
289    xsd_list_class = XsdList
290    xsd_union_class = XsdUnion
291    xsd_key_class = XsdKey
292    xsd_keyref_class = XsdKeyref
293    xsd_unique_class = XsdUnique
295    # Schema defaults
296    target_namespace = ''
297    attribute_form_default = 'unqualified'
298    element_form_default = 'unqualified'
299    block_default = ''
300    final_default = ''
301    redefine = None
303    # Additional defaults for XSD 1.1
304    default_attributes: Optional[Union[str, XsdAttributeGroup]] = None
305    default_open_content = None
306    override = None
308    # Store XPath constructors tokens (for schema and its assertions)
309    xpath_tokens: Optional[Dict[str, Type[XPathToken]]] = None
311    def __init__(self, source: Union[SchemaSourceType, List[SchemaSourceType]],
312                 namespace: Optional[str] = None,
313                 validation: str = 'strict',
314                 global_maps: Optional[XsdGlobals] = None,
315                 converter: Optional[ConverterType] = None,
316                 locations: Optional[LocationsType] = None,
317                 base_url: Optional[str] = None,
318                 allow: str = 'all',
319                 defuse: str = 'remote',
320                 timeout: int = 300,
321                 build: bool = True,
322                 use_meta: bool = True,
323                 use_fallback: bool = True,
324                 loglevel: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None) -> None:
326        super(XMLSchemaBase, self).__init__(validation)
327        self.lock = threading.Lock()  # Lock for build operations
329        if loglevel is not None:
330            if isinstance(loglevel, str):
331                level = loglevel.strip().upper()
332                if level not in {'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'}:
333                    raise XMLSchemaValueError("{!r} is not a valid loglevel".format(loglevel))
334                logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, level))
335            else:
336                logger.setLevel(loglevel)
337        elif build and global_maps is None:
338            logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
340        if allow == 'sandbox' and base_url is None and is_local_url(source):
341            # Allow sandbox mode without a base_url using the initial schema URL as base
342            assert isinstance(source, str)
343            base_url = os.path.dirname(normalize_url(source))
345        other_sources: List[SchemaSourceType]
346        if isinstance(source, list):
347            if not source:
348                raise XMLSchemaValueError("no XSD source provided!")
349            other_sources = source[1:]
350            source = source[0]
351        else:
352            other_sources = []
354        if isinstance(source, XMLResource):
355            self.source = source
356        else:
357            self.source = XMLResource(source, base_url, allow, defuse, timeout)
359        logger.debug("Read schema from %r", self.source.url or self.source.source)
361        self.imports = {}
362        self.includes = {}
363        self.warnings = []
364        self._root_elements = None  # type: Optional[Set[str]]
366        self.name = self.source.name
367        root = self.source.root
369        # Initialize schema's namespaces, the XML namespace is implicitly declared.
370        self.namespaces = self.source.get_namespaces({'xml': XML_NAMESPACE}, root_only=True)
372        if 'targetNamespace' in root.attrib:
373            self.target_namespace = root.attrib['targetNamespace'].strip()
374            if not self.target_namespace:
375                # https://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xmlschema-1-20041028/structures.html#element-schema
376                self.parse_error("the attribute 'targetNamespace' cannot be an empty string", root)
377            elif namespace is not None and self.target_namespace != namespace:
378                msg = "wrong namespace (%r instead of %r) for XSD resource %s"
379                self.parse_error(msg % (self.target_namespace, namespace, self.url), root)
381        if not self.target_namespace and namespace is not None:
382            # Chameleon schema case
383            self.target_namespace = namespace
384            if '' not in self.namespaces:
385                self.namespaces[''] = namespace
387        elif '' not in self.namespaces:
388            # If not declared map the default namespace to no namespace
389            self.namespaces[''] = ''
391        logger.debug("Schema targetNamespace is %r", self.target_namespace)
392        logger.debug("Declared namespaces: %r", self.namespaces)
394        # Parses the schema defaults
395        if 'attributeFormDefault' in root.attrib:
396            self.attribute_form_default = root.attrib['attributeFormDefault']
398        if 'elementFormDefault' in root.attrib:
399            self.element_form_default = root.attrib['elementFormDefault']
401        if 'blockDefault' in root.attrib:
402            if self.meta_schema is None:
403                pass  # Skip for XSD 1.0 meta-schema that has blockDefault="#all"
404            else:
405                try:
406                    self.block_default = get_xsd_derivation_attribute(
407                        root, 'blockDefault', {'extension', 'restriction', 'substitution'}
408                    )
409                except ValueError as err:
410                    self.parse_error(err, root)
412        if 'finalDefault' in root.attrib:
413            try:
414                self.final_default = get_xsd_derivation_attribute(root, 'finalDefault')
415            except ValueError as err:
416                self.parse_error(err, root)
418        if converter is None:
419            self.converter = XMLSchemaConverter
420        else:
421            self.converter = self.get_converter(converter)
423        if self.meta_schema is None:
424            self.locations = NamespaceResourcesMap()
426            # Meta-schema maps creation (MetaXMLSchema10/11 classes)
427            self.maps = global_maps or XsdGlobals(self)
428            for child in self.source.root:
429                if child.tag == XSD_OVERRIDE:
430                    self.include_schema(child.attrib['schemaLocation'], self.base_url)
431            return  # Meta-schemas don't need to be checked and don't process imports
433        # Completes the namespaces map with internal declarations, remapping same prefixes.
434        self.namespaces = self.source.get_namespaces(self.namespaces)
436        if locations:
437            if isinstance(locations, tuple):
438                self._locations = locations
439            else:
440                self._locations = tuple(normalize_locations(locations, self.base_url))
442        self.locations = NamespaceResourcesMap(self.source.get_locations(self._locations))
443        if not use_fallback:
444            self.fallback_locations = {}
446        with self.meta_schema.lock:
447            if not self.meta_schema.maps.types:
448                self.meta_schema.maps.build()
450        # Create or set the XSD global maps instance
451        if isinstance(global_maps, XsdGlobals):
452            self.maps = global_maps
453        elif global_maps is not None:
454            raise XMLSchemaTypeError("'global_maps' argument must be an %r instance" % XsdGlobals)
455        elif use_meta and self.target_namespace not in self.meta_schema.maps.namespaces:
456            self.maps = self.meta_schema.maps.copy(self, validation)
457        else:
458            self.maps = XsdGlobals(self, validation)
460        if any(ns == VC_NAMESPACE for ns in self.namespaces.values()):
461            # For XSD 1.1+ apply versioning filter to schema tree. See the paragraph
462            # 4.2.2 of XSD 1.1 (Part 1: Structures) definition for details.
463            # Ref: https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-1/#cip
464            if prune_etree(root, selector=lambda x: not self.version_check(x)):
465                for k in list(root.attrib):
466                    if k not in {'targetNamespace', VC_MIN_VERSION, VC_MAX_VERSION}:
467                        del root.attrib[k]
469        # Validate the schema document (transforming validation errors to parse errors)
470        if validation != 'skip':
471            for e in self.meta_schema.iter_errors(root, namespaces=self.namespaces):
472                self.parse_error(e.reason or e, elem=e.elem)
474        self._parse_inclusions()
475        self._parse_imports()
477        # Imports by argument (usually from xsi:schemaLocation attribute).
478        for ns in self.locations:
479            if ns not in self.maps.namespaces:
480                self._import_namespace(ns, self.locations[ns])
482        # XSD 1.1 default declarations (defaultAttributes, defaultOpenContent,
483        # xpathDefaultNamespace)
484        if self.XSD_VERSION > '1.0':
485            self.xpath_default_namespace = self._parse_xpath_default_namespace(root)
486            if 'defaultAttributes' in root.attrib:
487                try:
488                    self.default_attributes = self.resolve_qname(root.attrib['defaultAttributes'])
489                except (ValueError, KeyError, RuntimeError) as err:
490                    self.parse_error(err, root)
492            for child in root:
493                if child.tag == XSD_DEFAULT_OPEN_CONTENT:
494                    self.default_open_content = XsdDefaultOpenContent(child, self)
495                    break
497        _source: Union[SchemaSourceType, XMLResource]
498        for _source in other_sources:
499            if not isinstance(_source, XMLResource):
500                _source = XMLResource(_source, base_url, allow, defuse, timeout)
502            if not _source.root.get('targetNamespace') and self.target_namespace:
503                # Adding a chameleon schema: set the namespace with targetNamespace
504                self.add_schema(_source, namespace=self.target_namespace)
505            else:
506                self.add_schema(_source)
508        try:
509            if build:
510                self.maps.build()
511        finally:
512            if loglevel is not None:
513                logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING)  # Restore default logging
515    def __getstate__(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
516        state = self.__dict__.copy()
517        state.pop('lock', None)
518        state.pop('xpath_tokens', None)
519        return state
521    def __setstate__(self, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
522        self.__dict__.update(state)
523        self.lock = threading.Lock()
525    def __repr__(self) -> str:
526        if self.url:
527            return '%s(name=%r, namespace=%r)' % (
528                self.__class__.__name__, self.name, self.target_namespace
529            )
530        return '%s(namespace=%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.target_namespace)
532    def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None:
533        if name == 'maps':
534            if self.meta_schema is None and hasattr(self, 'maps'):
535                msg = "cannot change the global maps instance of a meta-schema"
536                raise XMLSchemaValueError(msg)
538            super(XMLSchemaBase, self).__setattr__(name, value)
539            self.notations = NamespaceView(value.notations, self.target_namespace)
540            self.types = NamespaceView(value.types, self.target_namespace)
541            self.attributes = NamespaceView(value.attributes, self.target_namespace)
542            self.attribute_groups = NamespaceView(value.attribute_groups,
543                                                  self.target_namespace)
544            self.groups = NamespaceView(value.groups, self.target_namespace)
545            self.elements = NamespaceView(value.elements, self.target_namespace)
546            self.substitution_groups = NamespaceView(value.substitution_groups,
547                                                     self.target_namespace)
548            self.identities = NamespaceView(value.identities, self.target_namespace)
549            value.register(self)
550        else:
551            if name == 'validation':
552                check_validation_mode(value)
553            super(XMLSchemaBase, self).__setattr__(name, value)
555    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[XsdElement]:
556        yield from sorted(self.elements.values(), key=lambda x: x.name)
558    def __reversed__(self) -> Iterator[XsdElement]:
559        yield from sorted(self.elements.values(), key=lambda x: x.name, reverse=True)
561    def __len__(self) -> int:
562        return len(self.elements)
564    @property
565    def xpath_proxy(self) -> XMLSchemaProxy:
566        return XMLSchemaProxy(cast(XMLSchemaProtocol, self))
568    @property
569    def xsd_version(self) -> str:
570        """Compatibility property that returns the class attribute XSD_VERSION."""
571        return self.XSD_VERSION
573    # XML resource attributes access
574    @property
575    def root(self) -> ElementType:
576        """Root element of the schema."""
577        return self.source.root
579    def get_text(self) -> str:
580        """Returns the source text of the XSD schema."""
581        return self.source.get_text()
583    @property
584    def url(self) -> Optional[str]:
585        """Schema resource URL, is `None` if the schema is built from an Element or a string."""
586        return self.source.url
588    @property
589    def base_url(self) -> Optional[str]:
590        """The base URL of the source of the schema."""
591        return self.source.base_url
593    @property
594    def filepath(self) -> Optional[str]:
595        """The filepath if the schema is loaded from a local XSD file, `None` otherwise."""
596        return self.source.filepath
598    @property
599    def allow(self) -> str:
600        """Defines the resource access security mode, can be 'all', 'local' or 'sandbox'."""
601        return self.source.allow
603    @property
604    def defuse(self) -> str:
605        """Defines when to defuse XML data, can be 'always', 'remote' or 'never'."""
606        return self.source.defuse
608    @property
609    def timeout(self) -> int:
610        """Timeout in seconds for fetching resources."""
611        return self.source.timeout
613    @property
614    def use_meta(self) -> bool:
615        """Returns `True` if the class meta-schema is used."""
616        return self.meta_schema is self.__class__.meta_schema
618    # Schema root attributes
619    @property
620    def tag(self) -> str:
621        """Schema root tag. For compatibility with the ElementTree API."""
622        return self.source.root.tag
624    @property
625    def id(self) -> Optional[str]:
626        """The schema's *id* attribute, defaults to ``None``."""
627        return self.source.root.get('id')
629    @property
630    def version(self) -> Optional[str]:
631        """The schema's *version* attribute, defaults to ``None``."""
632        return self.source.root.get('version')
634    @property
635    def schema_location(self) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
636        """
637        A list of location hints extracted from the *xsi:schemaLocation* attribute of the schema.
638        """
639        return [(k, v) for k, v in self.source.iter_location_hints() if k]
641    @property
642    def no_namespace_schema_location(self) -> Optional[str]:
643        """
644        A location hint extracted from the *xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation* attribute of the schema.
645        """
646        for k, v in self.source.iter_location_hints():
647            if not k:
648                return v
649        return None
651    @property
652    def default_namespace(self) -> Optional[str]:
653        """The namespace associated to the empty prefix ''."""
654        return self.namespaces.get('')
656    @property
657    def target_prefix(self) -> str:
658        """The prefix associated to the *targetNamespace*."""
659        for prefix, namespace in self.namespaces.items():
660            if namespace == self.target_namespace:
661                return prefix
662        return ''
664    @classmethod
665    def builtin_types(cls) -> NamespaceView[BaseXsdType]:
666        """Returns the XSD built-in types of the meta-schema."""
667        if cls.meta_schema is None:
668            raise XMLSchemaRuntimeError("meta-schema unavailable for %r" % cls)
670        try:
671            meta_schema: SchemaType = cls.meta_schema.maps.namespaces[XSD_NAMESPACE][0]
672            builtin_types = meta_schema.types
673        except KeyError:
674            raise XMLSchemaNotBuiltError(cls.meta_schema, "missing XSD namespace in meta-schema")
675        else:
676            if not builtin_types:
677                cls.meta_schema.build()
678            return builtin_types
680    @property
681    def annotations(self) -> List[XsdAnnotation]:
682        if self._annotations is None:
683            self._annotations = [
684                XsdAnnotation(child, self) for child in self.source.root
685                if child.tag == XSD_ANNOTATION
686            ]
687        return self._annotations
689    @property
690    def root_elements(self) -> List[XsdElement]:
691        """
692        The list of global elements that are not used by reference in any model of the schema.
693        This is implemented as lazy property because it's computationally expensive to build
694        when the schema model is complex.
695        """
696        if not self.elements:
697            return []
698        elif len(self.elements) == 1:
699            return list(self.elements.values())
700        elif self._root_elements is None:
701            names = set(e.name for e in self.elements.values())
702            for xsd_element in self.elements.values():
703                for e in xsd_element.iter():
704                    if e is xsd_element or isinstance(e, XsdAnyElement):
705                        continue
706                    elif e.ref or e.parent is None:
707                        if e.name in names:
708                            names.discard(e.name)
709                            if not names:
710                                break
711            self._root_elements = set(names)
713        assert self._root_elements is not None
714        return [e for e in self.elements.values() if e.name in self._root_elements]
716    @property
717    def simple_types(self) -> List[XsdSimpleType]:
718        """Returns a list containing the global simple types."""
719        return [x for x in self.types.values() if isinstance(x, XsdSimpleType)]
721    @property
722    def complex_types(self) -> List[XsdComplexType]:
723        """Returns a list containing the global complex types."""
724        return [x for x in self.types.values() if isinstance(x, XsdComplexType)]
726    @classmethod
727    def create_meta_schema(cls, source: Optional[str] = None,
728                           base_schemas: Union[None, Dict[str, str],
729                                               List[Tuple[str, str]]] = None,
730                           global_maps: Optional[XsdGlobals] = None) -> SchemaType:
731        """
732        Creates a new meta-schema instance.
734        :param source: an optional argument referencing to or containing the XSD meta-schema \
735        resource. Required if the schema class doesn't already have a meta-schema.
736        :param base_schemas: an optional dictionary that contains namespace URIs and \
737        schema locations. If provided is used as substitute for class BASE_SCHEMAS. \
738        Also a sequence of (namespace, location) items can be provided if there are more \
739        schema documents for one or more namespaces.
740        :param global_maps: is an optional argument containing an :class:`XsdGlobals` \
741        instance for the new meta schema. If not provided a new map is created.
742        """
743        if source is None:
744            if cls.meta_schema is None or cls.meta_schema.url:
745                raise XMLSchemaValueError("Missing meta-schema source URL")
746            source = cast(str, cls.meta_schema.url)
748        _base_schemas: Union[ItemsView[str, str], List[Tuple[str, str]]]
749        if base_schemas is None:
750            _base_schemas = cls.BASE_SCHEMAS.items()
751        elif isinstance(base_schemas, dict):
752            _base_schemas = base_schemas.items()
753        else:
754            try:
755                _base_schemas = [(n, l) for n, l in base_schemas]
756            except ValueError:
757                raise ValueError(
758                    "The argument 'base_schemas' is not a dictionary nor a sequence of items"
759                )
761        meta_schema: SchemaType
762        meta_schema_class = cls if cls.meta_schema is None else cls.meta_schema.__class__
763        meta_schema = meta_schema_class(source, XSD_NAMESPACE, global_maps=global_maps,
764                                        defuse='never', build=False)
765        for ns, location in _base_schemas:
766            if ns == XSD_NAMESPACE:
767                meta_schema.include_schema(location=location)
768            else:
769                meta_schema.import_schema(namespace=ns, location=location)
770        return meta_schema
772    def simple_type_factory(self, elem: ElementType,
773                            schema: Optional[SchemaType] = None,
774                            parent: Optional[XsdComponent] = None) -> XsdSimpleType:
775        """
776        Factory function for XSD simple types. Parses the xs:simpleType element and its
777        child component, that can be a restriction, a list or an union. Annotations are
778        linked to simple type instance, omitting the inner annotation if both are given.
779        """
780        if schema is None:
781            schema = self
783        annotation = None
784        try:
785            child = elem[0]
786        except IndexError:
787            return cast(XsdSimpleType, self.maps.types[XSD_ANY_SIMPLE_TYPE])
788        else:
789            if child.tag == XSD_ANNOTATION:
790                annotation = XsdAnnotation(child, schema, parent)
791                try:
792                    child = elem[1]
793                except IndexError:
794                    self.parse_error("(restriction | list | union) expected", elem)
795                    return cast(XsdSimpleType, self.maps.types[XSD_ANY_SIMPLE_TYPE])
797        xsd_type: XsdSimpleType
798        if child.tag == XSD_RESTRICTION:
799            xsd_type = self.xsd_atomic_restriction_class(child, schema, parent)
800        elif child.tag == XSD_LIST:
801            xsd_type = self.xsd_list_class(child, schema, parent)
802        elif child.tag == XSD_UNION:
803            xsd_type = self.xsd_union_class(child, schema, parent)
804        else:
805            self.parse_error("(restriction | list | union) expected", elem)
806            return cast(XsdSimpleType, self.maps.types[XSD_ANY_SIMPLE_TYPE])
808        if annotation is not None:
809            xsd_type._annotation = annotation
811        try:
812            xsd_type.name = get_qname(self.target_namespace, elem.attrib['name'])
813        except KeyError:
814            if parent is None:
815                self.parse_error("missing attribute 'name' in a global simpleType", elem)
816                xsd_type.name = 'nameless_%s' % str(id(xsd_type))
817        else:
818            if parent is not None:
819                self.parse_error("attribute 'name' not allowed for a local simpleType", elem)
820                xsd_type.name = None
822        if 'final' in elem.attrib:
823            try:
824                xsd_type._final = get_xsd_derivation_attribute(elem, 'final')
825            except ValueError as err:
826                xsd_type.parse_error(err, elem)
828        return xsd_type
830    def create_any_content_group(self, parent: Union[XsdComplexType, XsdGroup],
831                                 any_element: Optional[XsdAnyElement] = None) -> XsdGroup:
832        """
833        Creates a model group related to schema instance that accepts any content.
835        :param parent: the parent component to set for the any content group.
836        :param any_element: an optional any element to use for the content group. \
837        When provided it's copied, linked to the group and the minOccurs/maxOccurs \
838        are set to 0 and 'unbounded'.
839        """
840        group: XsdGroup = self.xsd_group_class(SEQUENCE_ELEMENT, self, parent)
842        if isinstance(any_element, XsdAnyElement):
843            particle = any_element.copy()
844            particle.min_occurs = 0
845            particle.max_occurs = None
846            particle.parent = group
847            group.append(particle)
848        else:
849            group.append(self.xsd_any_class(ANY_ELEMENT, self, group))
851        return group
853    def create_empty_content_group(self, parent: Union[XsdComplexType, XsdGroup],
854                                   model: str = 'sequence', **attrib: Any) -> XsdGroup:
855        if model == 'sequence':
856            group_elem = etree_element(XSD_SEQUENCE, **attrib)
857        elif model == 'choice':
858            group_elem = etree_element(XSD_CHOICE, **attrib)
859        elif model == 'all':
860            group_elem = etree_element(XSD_ALL, **attrib)
861        else:
862            raise XMLSchemaValueError("'model' argument must be (sequence | choice | all)")
864        group_elem.text = '\n    '
865        return self.xsd_group_class(group_elem, self, parent)
867    def create_any_attribute_group(self, parent: Union[XsdComplexType, XsdElement]) \
868            -> XsdAttributeGroup:
869        """
870        Creates an attribute group related to schema instance that accepts any attribute.
872        :param parent: the parent component to set for the any attribute group.
873        """
874        attribute_group = self.xsd_attribute_group_class(
875            ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_ELEMENT, self, parent
876        )
877        attribute_group[None] = self.xsd_any_attribute_class(
878            ANY_ATTRIBUTE_ELEMENT, self, attribute_group
879        )
880        return attribute_group
882    def create_empty_attribute_group(self, parent: Union[XsdComplexType, XsdElement]) \
883            -> XsdAttributeGroup:
884        """
885        Creates an empty attribute group related to schema instance.
887        :param parent: the parent component to set for the any attribute group.
888        """
889        return self.xsd_attribute_group_class(ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_ELEMENT, self, parent)
891    def create_any_type(self) -> XsdComplexType:
892        """
893        Creates an xs:anyType equivalent type related with the wildcards
894        connected to global maps of the schema instance in order to do a
895        correct namespace lookup during wildcards validation.
896        """
897        schema = self.meta_schema or self
898        any_type = self.xsd_complex_type_class(
899            elem=etree_element(XSD_COMPLEX_TYPE, name=XSD_ANY_TYPE),
900            schema=schema, parent=None, mixed=True, block='', final=''
901        )
902        assert isinstance(any_type.content, XsdGroup)
903        any_type.content.append(self.xsd_any_class(
904            ANY_ELEMENT, schema, any_type.content
905        ))
906        any_type.attributes[None] = self.xsd_any_attribute_class(
907            ANY_ATTRIBUTE_ELEMENT, schema, any_type.attributes
908        )
909        any_type.maps = any_type.content.maps = any_type.content[0].maps = \
910            any_type.attributes[None].maps = self.maps
911        return any_type
913    def create_element(self, name: str, parent: Optional[XsdComponent] = None,
914                       text: Optional[str] = None, **attrib: Any) -> XsdElement:
915        """
916        Creates an xs:element instance related to schema component.
917        Used as dummy element for validation/decoding/encoding
918        operations of wildcards and complex types.
919        """
920        elem = etree_element(XSD_ELEMENT, name=name, **attrib)
921        if text is not None:
922            elem.text = text
923        return self.xsd_element_class(elem=elem, schema=self, parent=parent)
925    def copy(self) -> SchemaType:
926        """
927        Makes a copy of the schema instance. The new instance has independent maps
928        of shared XSD components.
929        """
930        schema: SchemaType = object.__new__(self.__class__)
931        schema.__dict__.update(self.__dict__)
932        schema.source = copy(self.source)
933        schema.errors = self.errors[:]
934        schema.warnings = self.warnings[:]
935        schema.namespaces = dict(self.namespaces)
936        schema.locations = NamespaceResourcesMap(self.locations)
937        schema.imports = self.imports.copy()
938        schema.includes = self.includes.copy()
939        schema.maps = self.maps.copy(validator=schema)
940        return schema
942    __copy__ = copy
944    @classmethod
945    def check_schema(cls, schema: SchemaType,
946                     namespaces: Optional[NamespacesType] = None) -> None:
947        """
948        Validates the given schema against the XSD meta-schema (:attr:`meta_schema`).
950        :param schema: the schema instance that has to be validated.
951        :param namespaces: is an optional mapping from namespace prefix to URI.
953        :raises: :exc:`XMLSchemaValidationError` if the schema is invalid.
954        """
955        if cls.meta_schema is None:
956            raise XMLSchemaRuntimeError("meta-schema unavailable for %r" % cls)
957        elif not cls.meta_schema.maps.types:
958            cls.meta_schema.maps.build()
960        for error in cls.meta_schema.iter_errors(schema.source, namespaces=namespaces):
961            raise error
963    def check_validator(self, validation: str = 'strict') -> None:
964        """Checks the status of a schema validator against a validation mode."""
965        check_validation_mode(validation)
967        if self.built:
968            pass
969        elif self.meta_schema is None:
970            self.build()  # Meta-schema lazy build
971        elif validation == 'skip' and self.validation == 'skip' and \
972                any(isinstance(comp, tuple) or comp.validation_attempted == 'partial'
973                    for comp in self.iter_globals()):
974            pass
975        else:
976            raise XMLSchemaNotBuiltError(self, "schema %r is not built" % self)
978    def build(self) -> None:
979        """Builds the schema's XSD global maps."""
980        self.maps.build()
982    def clear(self) -> None:
983        """Clears the schema's XSD global maps."""
984        self.maps.clear()
986    @property
987    def built(self) -> bool:
988        if any(not isinstance(g, XsdComponent) or not g.built for g in self.iter_globals()):
989            return False
990        for _ in self.iter_globals():
991            return True
992        if self.meta_schema is None:
993            return False
995        # No XSD globals: check with a lookup of schema child elements.
996        prefix = '{%s}' % self.target_namespace if self.target_namespace else ''
997        for child in self.source.root:
998            if child.tag in {XSD_REDEFINE, XSD_OVERRIDE}:
999                for e in filter(lambda x: x.tag in GLOBAL_TAGS, child):
1000                    name = e.get('name')
1001                    if name is not None:
1002                        try:
1003                            if not self.maps.lookup(e.tag, prefix + name if prefix else name).built:
1004                                return False
1005                        except KeyError:
1006                            return False
1007            elif child.tag in GLOBAL_TAGS:
1008                name = child.get('name')
1009                if name is not None:
1010                    try:
1011                        if not self.maps.lookup(child.tag, prefix + name if prefix else name).built:
1012                            return False
1013                    except KeyError:
1014                        return False
1015        return True
1017    @property
1018    def validation_attempted(self) -> str:
1019        if self.built:
1020            return 'full'
1021        elif any(isinstance(comp, tuple) or comp.validation_attempted == 'partial'
1022                 for comp in self.iter_globals()):
1023            return 'partial'
1024        else:
1025            return 'none'
1027    def iter_globals(self, schema: Optional[SchemaType] = None) \
1028            -> Iterator[Union[SchemaGlobalType, Tuple[Any, ...]]]:
1029        """
1030        Creates an iterator for XSD global definitions/declarations related to schema namespace.
1032        :param schema: Optional argument for filtering only globals related to a schema instance.
1033        """
1034        if schema is None:
1035            yield from self.notations.values()
1036            yield from self.types.values()
1037            yield from self.attributes.values()
1038            yield from self.attribute_groups.values()
1039            yield from self.groups.values()
1040            yield from self.elements.values()
1041        else:
1042            def schema_filter(x: Union[XsdComponent, Tuple[ElementType, SchemaType]]) -> bool:
1043                if isinstance(x, tuple):
1044                    return x[1] is schema
1045                return x.schema is schema
1047            yield from filter(schema_filter, self.notations.values())
1048            yield from filter(schema_filter, self.types.values())
1049            yield from filter(schema_filter, self.attributes.values())
1050            yield from filter(schema_filter, self.attribute_groups.values())
1051            yield from filter(schema_filter, self.groups.values())
1052            yield from filter(schema_filter, self.elements.values())
1054    def iter_components(self, xsd_classes: ComponentClassType = None) \
1055            -> Iterator[Union[XsdComponent, SchemaType]]:
1056        """
1057        Iterates yielding the schema and its components. For default
1058        includes all the relevant components of the schema, excluding
1059        only facets and empty attribute groups. The first returned
1060        component is the schema itself.
1062        :param xsd_classes: provide a class or a tuple of classes to \
1063        restrict the range of component types yielded.
1064        """
1065        if xsd_classes is None or isinstance(self, xsd_classes):
1066            yield self
1067        for xsd_global in self.iter_globals(self):
1068            if not isinstance(xsd_global, tuple):
1069                yield from xsd_global.iter_components(xsd_classes)
1071    def get_schema(self, namespace: str) -> SchemaType:
1072        """
1073        Returns the first schema loaded for a namespace. Raises a
1074        `KeyError` if the requested namespace is not loaded.
1075        """
1076        try:
1077            return cast(SchemaType, self.maps.namespaces[namespace][0])
1078        except KeyError:
1079            if not namespace:
1080                return self
1081            raise XMLSchemaKeyError('the namespace {!r} is not loaded'.format(namespace)) from None
1083    def get_converter(self, converter: Optional[ConverterType] = None,
1084                      **kwargs: Any) -> XMLSchemaConverter:
1085        """
1086        Returns a new converter instance.
1088        :param converter: can be a converter class or instance. If it's an instance \
1089        the new instance is copied from it and configured with the provided arguments.
1090        :param kwargs: optional arguments for initialize the converter instance.
1091        :return: a converter instance.
1092        """
1093        if converter is None:
1094            converter = self.converter
1096        if isinstance(converter, XMLSchemaConverter):
1097            return converter.copy(**kwargs)
1098        elif issubclass(converter, XMLSchemaConverter):
1099            # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable
1100            return converter(**kwargs)
1101        else:
1102            msg = "'converter' argument must be a %r subclass or instance: %r"
1103            raise XMLSchemaTypeError(msg % (XMLSchemaConverter, converter))
1105    def get_locations(self, namespace: str) -> List[str]:
1106        """Get a list of location hints for a namespace."""
1107        try:
1108            return list(self.locations[namespace])
1109        except KeyError:
1110            return []
1112    def get_element(self, tag: str, path: Optional[str] = None,
1113                    namespaces: Optional[NamespacesType] = None) -> Optional[XsdElement]:
1114        if not path:
1115            xsd_element = self.find(tag)
1116            return xsd_element if isinstance(xsd_element, XsdElement) else None
1117        elif path[-1] == '*':
1118            xsd_element = self.find(path[:-1] + tag, namespaces)
1119            if isinstance(xsd_element, XsdElement):
1120                return xsd_element
1122            obj = self.maps.elements.get(tag)
1123            return obj if isinstance(obj, XsdElement) else None
1124        else:
1125            xsd_element = self.find(path, namespaces)
1126            return xsd_element if isinstance(xsd_element, XsdElement) else None
1128    def create_bindings(self, *bases: type, **attrs: Any) -> None:
1129        """
1130        Creates data object bindings for XSD elements of the schema.
1132        :param bases: base classes to use for creating the binding classes.
1133        :param attrs: attribute and method definitions for the binding classes body.
1134        """
1135        for xsd_component in self.iter_components():
1136            if isinstance(xsd_component, XsdElement):
1137                xsd_component.get_binding(*bases, replace_existing=True, **attrs)
1139    def _parse_inclusions(self) -> None:
1140        """Processes schema document inclusions and redefinitions/overrides."""
1141        for child in self.source.root:
1142            if child.tag == XSD_INCLUDE:
1143                try:
1144                    location = child.attrib['schemaLocation'].strip()
1145                    logger.info("Include schema from %r", location)
1146                    self.include_schema(location, self.base_url)
1147                except KeyError:
1148                    # Attribute missing error already found by validation against meta-schema
1149                    pass
1150                except (OSError, IOError) as err:
1151                    # It is not an error if the location fail to resolve:
1152                    #   https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/REC-xmlschema11-1-20120405/#compound-schema
1153                    #   https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/REC-xmlschema11-1-20120405/#src-include
1154                    self.warnings.append("Include schema failed: %s." % str(err))
1155                    warnings.warn(self.warnings[-1], XMLSchemaIncludeWarning, stacklevel=3)
1156                except (XMLSchemaParseError, XMLSchemaTypeError, ParseError) as err:
1157                    msg = 'cannot include schema %r: %s' % (child.attrib['schemaLocation'], err)
1158                    if isinstance(err, (XMLSchemaParseError, ParseError)):
1159                        self.parse_error(msg)
1160                    else:
1161                        raise type(err)(msg)
1163            elif child.tag == XSD_REDEFINE:
1164                try:
1165                    location = child.attrib['schemaLocation'].strip()
1166                    logger.info("Redefine schema %r", location)
1167                    schema = self.include_schema(location, self.base_url)
1168                except KeyError:
1169                    # Attribute missing error already found by validation against meta-schema
1170                    pass
1171                except (OSError, IOError) as err:
1172                    # If the redefine doesn't contain components (annotation excluded)
1173                    # the statement is equivalent to an include, so no error is generated.
1174                    # Otherwise fails.
1175                    self.warnings.append("Redefine schema failed: %s." % str(err))
1176                    warnings.warn(self.warnings[-1], XMLSchemaIncludeWarning, stacklevel=3)
1177                    if any(e.tag != XSD_ANNOTATION and not callable(e.tag) for e in child):
1178                        self.parse_error(err, child)
1179                except (XMLSchemaParseError, XMLSchemaTypeError, ParseError) as err:
1180                    msg = 'cannot redefine schema %r: %s' % (child.attrib['schemaLocation'], err)
1181                    if isinstance(err, (XMLSchemaParseError, ParseError)):
1182                        self.parse_error(msg, child)
1183                    else:
1184                        raise type(err)(msg)
1185                else:
1186                    schema.redefine = self
1188            elif child.tag == XSD_OVERRIDE and self.XSD_VERSION != '1.0':
1189                try:
1190                    location = child.attrib['schemaLocation'].strip()
1191                    logger.info("Override schema %r", location)
1192                    schema = self.include_schema(location, self.base_url)
1193                except KeyError:
1194                    # Attribute missing error already found by validation against meta-schema
1195                    pass
1196                except (OSError, IOError) as err:
1197                    # If the override doesn't contain components (annotation excluded)
1198                    # the statement is equivalent to an include, so no error is generated.
1199                    # Otherwise fails.
1200                    self.warnings.append("Override schema failed: %s." % str(err))
1201                    warnings.warn(self.warnings[-1], XMLSchemaIncludeWarning, stacklevel=3)
1202                    if any(e.tag != XSD_ANNOTATION and not callable(e.tag) for e in child):
1203                        self.parse_error(str(err), child)
1204                else:
1205                    schema.override = self
1207    def include_schema(self, location: str, base_url: Optional[str] = None,
1208                       build: bool = False) -> SchemaType:
1209        """
1210        Includes a schema for the same namespace, from a specific URL.
1212        :param location: is the URL of the schema.
1213        :param base_url: is an optional base URL for fetching the schema resource.
1214        :param build: defines when to build the imported schema, the default is to not build.
1215        :return: the included :class:`XMLSchema` instance.
1216        """
1217        schema: SchemaType
1218        schema_url = fetch_resource(location, base_url)
1219        for schema in self.maps.namespaces[self.target_namespace]:
1220            if schema_url == schema.url:
1221                logger.info("Resource %r is already loaded", location)
1222                break
1223        else:
1224            schema = type(self)(
1225                source=schema_url,
1226                namespace=self.target_namespace,
1227                validation=self.validation,
1228                global_maps=self.maps,
1229                converter=self.converter,
1230                locations=self._locations,
1231                base_url=self.base_url,
1232                allow=self.allow,
1233                defuse=self.defuse,
1234                timeout=self.timeout,
1235                build=build,
1236            )
1238        if schema is self:
1239            return self
1240        elif location not in self.includes:
1241            self.includes[location] = schema
1242        elif self.includes[location] is not schema:
1243            self.includes[schema_url] = schema
1244        return schema
1246    def _parse_imports(self) -> None:
1247        """
1248        Parse namespace import elements. Imports are done on namespace basis, not on
1249        single resource. A warning is generated for a failure of a namespace import.
1250        """
1251        namespace_imports = NamespaceResourcesMap(map(
1252            lambda x: (x.get('namespace'), x.get('schemaLocation')),
1253            filter(lambda x: x.tag == XSD_IMPORT, self.source.root)
1254        ))
1256        for namespace, locations in namespace_imports.items():
1258            # Checks the namespace against the targetNamespace of the schema
1259            if namespace is None:
1260                namespace = ''
1261                if namespace == self.target_namespace:
1262                    self.parse_error("if the 'namespace' attribute is not present on "
1263                                     "the import statement then the importing schema "
1264                                     "must have a 'targetNamespace'")
1265                    continue
1266            elif namespace == self.target_namespace:
1267                self.parse_error("the attribute 'namespace' must be different from "
1268                                 "schema's 'targetNamespace'")
1269                continue
1271            # Skip import of already imported namespaces
1272            if self.imports.get(namespace) is not None:
1273                continue
1274            elif namespace in self.maps.namespaces:
1275                self.imports[namespace] = self.maps.namespaces[namespace][0]
1276                continue
1278            locations = [url for url in locations if url]
1279            if not namespace:
1280                pass
1281            elif not locations:
1282                locations = self.get_locations(namespace)
1283            elif all(is_remote_url(url) for url in locations):
1284                # If all import schema locations are remote URLs and there are local hints
1285                # that match a local file path, try the local hints before schema locations.
1286                # This is not the standard processing for XSD imports, but resolve the problem
1287                # of local processing of schemas tested to work from a http server, providing
1288                # explicit local hints.
1289                local_hints = [url for url in self.get_locations(namespace)
1290                               if url and url_path_is_file(url)]
1291                if local_hints:
1292                    locations = local_hints + locations
1294            if namespace in self.fallback_locations:
1295                locations.append(self.fallback_locations[namespace])
1297            self._import_namespace(namespace, locations)
1299    def _import_namespace(self, namespace: str, locations: List[str]) -> None:
1300        import_error = None
1301        for url in locations:
1302            try:
1303                logger.debug("Import namespace %r from %r", namespace, url)
1304                self.import_schema(namespace, url, self.base_url)
1305            except (OSError, IOError) as err:
1306                # It's not an error if the location access fails (ref. section
1307                #   https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/REC-xmlschema11-1-20120405/#composition-schemaImport
1308                logger.debug('%s', err)
1309                if import_error is None:
1310                    import_error = err
1311            except (XMLSchemaParseError, XMLSchemaTypeError, ParseError) as err:
1312                if namespace:
1313                    msg = "cannot import namespace %r: %s." % (namespace, err)
1314                else:
1315                    msg = "cannot import chameleon schema: %s." % err
1316                if isinstance(err, (XMLSchemaParseError, ParseError)):
1317                    self.parse_error(msg)
1318                else:
1319                    raise type(err)(msg)
1320            except XMLSchemaValueError as err:
1321                self.parse_error(err)
1322            else:
1323                logger.info("Namespace %r imported from %r", namespace, url)
1324                break
1325        else:
1326            if import_error is not None:
1327                msg = "Import of namespace {!r} from {!r} failed: {}."
1328                self.warnings.append(msg.format(namespace, locations, str(import_error)))
1329                warnings.warn(self.warnings[-1], XMLSchemaImportWarning, stacklevel=4)
1330            self.imports[namespace] = None
1332    def import_schema(self, namespace: str, location: str, base_url: Optional[str] = None,
1333                      force: bool = False, build: bool = False) -> Optional[SchemaType]:
1334        """
1335        Imports a schema for an external namespace, from a specific URL.
1337        :param namespace: is the URI of the external namespace.
1338        :param location: is the URL of the schema.
1339        :param base_url: is an optional base URL for fetching the schema resource.
1340        :param force: if set to `True` imports the schema also if the namespace is already imported.
1341        :param build: defines when to build the imported schema, the default is to not build.
1342        :return: the imported :class:`XMLSchema` instance.
1343        """
1344        if location == self.url:
1345            return self
1347        if not force:
1348            if self.imports.get(namespace) is not None:
1349                return self.imports[namespace]
1350            elif namespace in self.maps.namespaces:
1351                self.imports[namespace] = self.maps.namespaces[namespace][0]
1352                return self.imports[namespace]
1354        schema: SchemaType
1355        schema_url = fetch_resource(location, base_url)
1356        imported_ns = self.imports.get(namespace)
1357        if imported_ns is not None and imported_ns.url == schema_url:
1358            return imported_ns
1359        elif namespace in self.maps.namespaces:
1360            for schema in self.maps.namespaces[namespace]:
1361                if schema_url == schema.url:
1362                    self.imports[namespace] = schema
1363                    return schema
1365        schema = type(self)(
1366            source=schema_url,
1367            validation=self.validation,
1368            global_maps=self.maps,
1369            converter=self.converter,
1370            locations=self._locations,
1371            base_url=self.base_url,
1372            allow=self.allow,
1373            defuse=self.defuse,
1374            timeout=self.timeout,
1375            build=build,
1376        )
1377        if schema.target_namespace != namespace:
1378            raise XMLSchemaValueError(
1379                'imported schema %r has an unmatched namespace %r' % (location, namespace)
1380            )
1381        self.imports[namespace] = schema
1382        return schema
1384    def add_schema(self, source: SchemaSourceType,
1385                   namespace: Optional[str] = None, build: bool = False) -> SchemaType:
1386        """
1387        Add another schema source to the maps of the instance.
1389        :param source: an URI that reference to a resource or a file path or a file-like \
1390        object or a string containing the schema or an Element or an ElementTree document.
1391        :param namespace: is an optional argument that contains the URI of the namespace \
1392        that has to used in case the schema has no namespace (chameleon schema). For other \
1393        cases, when specified, it must be equal to the *targetNamespace* of the schema.
1394        :param build: defines when to build the imported schema, the default is to not build.
1395        :return: the added :class:`XMLSchema` instance.
1396        """
1397        return type(self)(
1398            source=source,
1399            namespace=namespace,
1400            validation=self.validation,
1401            global_maps=self.maps,
1402            converter=self.converter,
1403            locations=self._locations,
1404            base_url=self.base_url,
1405            allow=self.allow,
1406            defuse=self.defuse,
1407            timeout=self.timeout,
1408            build=build,
1409        )
1411    def export(self, target: str, save_remote: bool = False) -> None:
1412        """
1413        Exports a schema instance. The schema instance is exported to a
1414        directory with also the hierarchy of imported/included schemas.
1416        :param target: a path to a local empty directory.
1417        :param save_remote: if `True` is provided saves also remote schemas.
1418        """
1419        import pathlib
1420        from urllib.parse import urlsplit
1422        target_path = pathlib.Path(target)
1423        if target_path.is_dir():
1424            if list(target_path.iterdir()):
1425                raise XMLSchemaValueError("target directory {!r} is not empty".format(target))
1426        elif target_path.exists():
1427            msg = "target {} is not a directory"
1428            raise XMLSchemaValueError(msg.format(target_path.parent))
1429        elif not target_path.parent.exists():
1430            msg = "target parent directory {} does not exist"
1431            raise XMLSchemaValueError(msg.format(target_path.parent))
1432        elif not target_path.parent.is_dir():
1433            msg = "target parent {} is not a directory"
1434            raise XMLSchemaValueError(msg.format(target_path.parent))
1436        url = self.url or 'schema.xsd'
1437        basename = pathlib.Path(urlsplit(url).path).name
1438        exports: Any = {self: [target_path.joinpath(basename), self.get_text()]}
1439        path: Any
1441        while True:
1442            current_length = len(exports)
1444            for schema in list(exports):
1445                dir_path = exports[schema][0].parent
1446                imports_items = [(x.url, x) for x in schema.imports.values() if x is not None]
1448                for location, ref_schema in chain(schema.includes.items(), imports_items):
1449                    if ref_schema in exports:
1450                        continue
1452                    if is_remote_url(location):
1453                        if not save_remote:
1454                            continue
1455                        url_parts = urlsplit(location)
1456                        netloc, path = url_parts.netloc, url_parts.path
1457                        path = pathlib.Path().joinpath(netloc).joinpath(path.lstrip('/'))
1458                    else:
1459                        if location.startswith('file:/'):
1460                            location = urlsplit(location).path
1462                        path = pathlib.Path(location)
1463                        if path.is_absolute():
1464                            location = '/'.join(path.parts[-2:])
1465                            try:
1466                                schema_path = pathlib.Path(schema.filepath)
1467                            except TypeError:
1468                                pass
1469                            else:
1470                                try:
1471                                    path = path.relative_to(schema_path.parent)
1472                                except ValueError:
1473                                    parts = path.parts
1474                                    if parts[:-2] == schema_path.parts[:-2]:
1475                                        path = pathlib.Path(location)
1476                                else:
1477                                    path = dir_path.joinpath(path)
1478                                    exports[ref_schema] = [path, ref_schema.get_text()]
1479                                    continue
1481                        elif not str(path).startswith('..'):
1482                            path = dir_path.joinpath(path)
1483                            exports[ref_schema] = [path, ref_schema.get_text()]
1484                            continue
1486                        if DRIVE_PATTERN.match(path.parts[0]):
1487                            path = pathlib.Path().joinpath(path.parts[1:])
1489                        for strip_path in ('/', '\\', '..'):
1490                            while True:
1491                                try:
1492                                    path = path.relative_to(strip_path)
1493                                except ValueError:
1494                                    break
1496                    path = target_path.joinpath(path)
1497                    repl = 'schemaLocation="{}"'.format(path.as_posix())
1498                    schema_text = exports[schema][1]
1499                    pattern = r'\bschemaLocation\s*=\s*[\'\"].*%s.*[\'"]' % re.escape(location)
1500                    exports[schema][1] = re.sub(pattern, repl, schema_text)
1501                    exports[ref_schema] = [path, ref_schema.get_text()]
1503            if current_length == len(exports):
1504                break
1506        for schema, (path, text) in exports.items():
1507            if not path.parent.exists():
1508                path.parent.mkdir(parents=True)
1510            with path.open(mode='w') as fp:
1511                fp.write(text)
1513    def version_check(self, elem: ElementType) -> bool:
1514        """
1515        Checks if the element is compatible with the version of the validator and XSD
1516        types/facets availability. Invalid vc attributes are not detected in XSD 1.0.
1518        :param elem: an Element of the schema.
1519        :return: `True` if the schema element is compatible with the validator, \
1520        `False` otherwise.
1521        """
1522        if VC_MIN_VERSION in elem.attrib:
1523            vc_min_version = elem.attrib[VC_MIN_VERSION]
1524            if not XSD_VERSION_PATTERN.match(vc_min_version):
1525                if self.XSD_VERSION > '1.0':
1526                    self.parse_error("invalid attribute vc:minVersion value", elem)
1527            elif vc_min_version > self.XSD_VERSION:
1528                return False
1530        if VC_MAX_VERSION in elem.attrib:
1531            vc_max_version = elem.attrib[VC_MAX_VERSION]
1532            if not XSD_VERSION_PATTERN.match(vc_max_version):
1533                if self.XSD_VERSION > '1.0':
1534                    self.parse_error("invalid attribute vc:maxVersion value", elem)
1535            elif vc_max_version <= self.XSD_VERSION:
1536                return False
1538        if VC_TYPE_AVAILABLE in elem.attrib:
1539            for qname in elem.attrib[VC_TYPE_AVAILABLE].split():
1540                try:
1541                    if self.resolve_qname(qname) not in self.maps.types:
1542                        return False
1543                except XMLSchemaNamespaceError:
1544                    return False
1545                except (KeyError, ValueError) as err:
1546                    self.parse_error(str(err), elem)
1548        if VC_TYPE_UNAVAILABLE in elem.attrib:
1549            for qname in elem.attrib[VC_TYPE_UNAVAILABLE].split():
1550                try:
1551                    if self.resolve_qname(qname) not in self.maps.types:
1552                        break
1553                except XMLSchemaNamespaceError:
1554                    break
1555                except (KeyError, ValueError) as err:
1556                    self.parse_error(err, elem)
1557            else:
1558                return False
1560        if VC_FACET_AVAILABLE in elem.attrib:
1561            for qname in elem.attrib[VC_FACET_AVAILABLE].split():
1562                try:
1563                    facet_name = self.resolve_qname(qname)
1564                except XMLSchemaNamespaceError:
1565                    pass
1566                except (KeyError, ValueError) as err:
1567                    self.parse_error(str(err), elem)
1568                else:
1569                    if self.XSD_VERSION == '1.0':
1570                        if facet_name not in XSD_10_FACETS:
1571                            return False
1572                    elif facet_name not in XSD_11_FACETS:
1573                        return False
1575        if VC_FACET_UNAVAILABLE in elem.attrib:
1576            for qname in elem.attrib[VC_FACET_UNAVAILABLE].split():
1577                try:
1578                    facet_name = self.resolve_qname(qname)
1579                except XMLSchemaNamespaceError:
1580                    break
1581                except (KeyError, ValueError) as err:
1582                    self.parse_error(err, elem)
1583                else:
1584                    if self.XSD_VERSION == '1.0':
1585                        if facet_name not in XSD_10_FACETS:
1586                            break
1587                    elif facet_name not in XSD_11_FACETS:
1588                        break
1589            else:
1590                return False
1592        return True
1594    def resolve_qname(self, qname: str, namespace_imported: bool = True) -> str:
1595        """
1596        QName resolution for a schema instance.
1598        :param qname: a string in xs:QName format.
1599        :param namespace_imported: if this argument is `True` raises an \
1600        `XMLSchemaNamespaceError` if the namespace of the QName is not the \
1601        *targetNamespace* and the namespace is not imported by the schema.
1602        :returns: an expanded QName in the format "{*namespace-URI*}*local-name*".
1603        :raises: `XMLSchemaValueError` for an invalid xs:QName is found, \
1604        `XMLSchemaKeyError` if the namespace prefix is not declared in the \
1605        schema instance.
1606        """
1607        qname = qname.strip()
1608        if not qname or ' ' in qname or '\t' in qname or '\n' in qname:
1609            raise XMLSchemaValueError("{!r} is not a valid value for xs:QName".format(qname))
1611        if qname[0] == '{':
1612            try:
1613                namespace, local_name = qname[1:].split('}')
1614            except ValueError:
1615                raise XMLSchemaValueError("{!r} is not a valid value for xs:QName".format(qname))
1616        elif ':' in qname:
1617            try:
1618                prefix, local_name = qname.split(':')
1619            except ValueError:
1620                raise XMLSchemaValueError("{!r} is not a valid value for xs:QName".format(qname))
1621            else:
1622                try:
1623                    namespace = self.namespaces[prefix]
1624                except KeyError:
1625                    raise XMLSchemaKeyError("prefix %r not found in namespace map" % prefix)
1626        else:
1627            namespace, local_name = self.namespaces.get('', ''), qname
1629        if not namespace:
1630            if namespace_imported and self.target_namespace and '' not in self.imports:
1631                raise XMLSchemaNamespaceError(
1632                    "the QName {!r} is mapped to no namespace, but this requires "
1633                    "that there is an xs:import statement in the schema without "
1634                    "the 'namespace' attribute.".format(qname)
1635                )
1636            return local_name
1637        elif namespace_imported and self.meta_schema is not None and \
1638                namespace != self.target_namespace and \
1639                namespace not in {XSD_NAMESPACE, XSI_NAMESPACE} and \
1640                namespace not in self.imports:
1641            raise XMLSchemaNamespaceError(
1642                "the QName {!r} is mapped to the namespace {!r}, but this namespace has "
1643                "not an xs:import statement in the schema.".format(qname, namespace)
1644            )
1645        return '{%s}%s' % (namespace, local_name)
1647    def validate(self, source: Union[XMLSourceType, XMLResource],
1648                 path: Optional[str] = None,
1649                 schema_path: Optional[str] = None,
1650                 use_defaults: bool = True,
1651                 namespaces: Optional[NamespacesType] = None,
1652                 max_depth: Optional[int] = None,
1653                 extra_validator: Optional[ExtraValidatorType] = None) -> None:
1654        """
1655        Validates an XML data against the XSD schema/component instance.
1657        :param source: the source of XML data. Can be an :class:`XMLResource` instance, a \
1658        path to a file or an URI of a resource or an opened file-like object or an Element \
1659        instance or an ElementTree instance or a string containing the XML data.
1660        :param path: is an optional XPath expression that matches the elements of the XML \
1661        data that have to be decoded. If not provided the XML root element is selected.
1662        :param schema_path: an alternative XPath expression to select the XSD element \
1663        to use for decoding. Useful if the root of the XML data doesn't match an XSD \
1664        global element of the schema.
1665        :param use_defaults: Use schema's default values for filling missing data.
1666        :param namespaces: is an optional mapping from namespace prefix to URI.
1667        :param max_depth: maximum level of validation, for default there is no limit. \
1668        With lazy resources is set to `source.lazy_depth` for managing lazy validation.
1669        :param extra_validator: an optional function for performing non-standard \
1670        validations on XML data. The provided function is called for each traversed \
1671        element, with the XML element as 1st argument and the corresponding XSD \
1672        element as 2nd argument. It can be also a generator function and has to \
1673        raise/yield :exc:`XMLSchemaValidationError` exceptions.
1674        :raises: :exc:`XMLSchemaValidationError` if the XML data instance is invalid.
1675        """
1676        for error in self.iter_errors(source, path, schema_path, use_defaults,
1677                                      namespaces, max_depth, extra_validator):
1678            raise error
1680    def is_valid(self, source: Union[XMLSourceType, XMLResource],
1681                 path: Optional[str] = None,
1682                 schema_path: Optional[str] = None,
1683                 use_defaults: bool = True,
1684                 namespaces: Optional[NamespacesType] = None,
1685                 max_depth: Optional[int] = None,
1686                 extra_validator: Optional[ExtraValidatorType] = None) -> bool:
1687        """
1688        Like :meth:`validate` except that does not raise an exception but returns
1689        ``True`` if the XML data instance is valid, ``False`` if it is invalid.
1690        """
1691        error = next(self.iter_errors(source, path, schema_path, use_defaults,
1692                                      namespaces, max_depth, extra_validator), None)
1693        return error is None
1695    def iter_errors(self, source: Union[XMLSourceType, XMLResource],
1696                    path: Optional[str] = None,
1697                    schema_path: Optional[str] = None,
1698                    use_defaults: bool = True,
1699                    namespaces: Optional[NamespacesType] = None,
1700                    max_depth: Optional[int] = None,
1701                    extra_validator: Optional[ExtraValidatorType] = None) \
1702            -> Iterator[XMLSchemaValidationError]:
1703        """
1704        Creates an iterator for the errors generated by the validation of an XML data against
1705        the XSD schema/component instance. Accepts the same arguments of :meth:`validate`.
1706        """
1707        self.check_validator(validation='lax')
1708        if isinstance(source, XMLResource):
1709            resource: XMLResource = source
1710        else:
1711            resource = XMLResource(source, defuse=self.defuse, timeout=self.timeout)
1713        if not schema_path:
1714            schema_path = resource.get_absolute_path(path)
1716        namespaces = resource.get_namespaces(namespaces, root_only=True)
1717        namespace = resource.namespace or namespaces.get('', '')
1719        try:
1720            schema = self.get_schema(namespace)
1721        except KeyError:
1722            schema = self
1724        identities: Dict[XsdIdentity, IdentityCounter] = {}
1725        locations: List[Any] = []
1726        ancestors: List[ElementType] = []
1727        prev_ancestors: List[ElementType] = []
1728        kwargs: Dict[Any, Any] = {
1729            'level': resource.lazy_depth or bool(path),
1730            'source': resource,
1731            'namespaces': namespaces,
1732            'converter': None,
1733            'use_defaults': use_defaults,
1734            'id_map': Counter[str](),
1735            'identities': identities,
1736            'inherited': {},
1737            'locations': locations,  # TODO: lazy schemas load
1738        }
1739        if max_depth is not None:
1740            kwargs['max_depth'] = max_depth
1741        if extra_validator is not None:
1742            kwargs['extra_validator'] = extra_validator
1744        if path:
1745            selector = resource.iterfind(path, namespaces, nsmap=namespaces, ancestors=ancestors)
1746        else:
1747            selector = resource.iter_depth(mode=3, nsmap=namespaces, ancestors=ancestors)
1749        for elem in selector:
1750            if elem is resource.root:
1751                xsd_element = schema.get_element(elem.tag, namespaces=namespaces)
1752                if resource.lazy_depth:
1753                    kwargs['level'] = 0
1754                    kwargs['identities'] = {}
1755                    kwargs['max_depth'] = resource.lazy_depth
1756            else:
1757                if prev_ancestors != ancestors:
1758                    k = 0
1759                    for k in range(min(len(ancestors), len(prev_ancestors))):
1760                        if ancestors[k] is not prev_ancestors[k]:
1761                            break
1763                    path_ = '/'.join(e.tag for e in ancestors) + '/ancestor-or-self::node()'
1764                    xsd_ancestors = cast(List[XsdElement], schema.findall(path_, namespaces)[1:])
1766                    for e in xsd_ancestors[k:]:
1767                        e.stop_identities(identities)
1769                    for e in xsd_ancestors[k:]:
1770                        e.start_identities(identities)
1772                    prev_ancestors = ancestors[:]
1774                xsd_element = schema.get_element(elem.tag, schema_path, namespaces)
1776            if xsd_element is None:
1777                if XSI_TYPE in elem.attrib:
1778                    xsd_element = self.create_element(name=elem.tag)
1779                elif elem is not resource.root and ancestors:
1780                    continue
1781                else:
1782                    reason = "{!r} is not an element of the schema".format(elem)
1783                    yield schema.validation_error('lax', reason, elem, resource, namespaces)
1784                    return
1786            for result in xsd_element.iter_decode(elem, **kwargs):
1787                if isinstance(result, XMLSchemaValidationError):
1788                    yield result
1789                else:
1790                    del result
1792        if kwargs['identities'] is not identities:
1793            identity: XsdIdentity
1794            counter: IdentityCounter
1795            for identity, counter in kwargs['identities'].items():
1796                identities[identity].counter.update(counter.counter)
1797            kwargs['identities'] = identities
1799        yield from self._validate_references(validation='lax', **kwargs)
1801    def _validate_references(self, source: XMLResource,
1802                             validation: str = 'lax',
1803                             id_map: Optional[Counter[str]] = None,
1804                             identities: Optional[IdentityMapType] = None,
1805                             **kwargs: Any) -> Iterator[XMLSchemaValidationError]:
1806        # Check unresolved IDREF values
1807        if id_map is not None:
1808            for k, v in id_map.items():
1809                if v == 0:
1810                    msg = "IDREF %r not found in XML document" % k
1811                    yield self.validation_error(validation, msg, source.root)
1813        # Check still enabled key references (lazy validation cases)
1814        if identities is not None:
1815            for constraint, counter in identities.items():
1816                if counter.enabled and isinstance(constraint, XsdKeyref):
1817                    for error in cast(KeyrefCounter, counter).iter_errors(identities):
1818                        yield self.validation_error(validation, error, source.root, **kwargs)
1820    def raw_decoder(self, source: XMLResource, path: Optional[str] = None,
1821                    schema_path: Optional[str] = None, validation: str = 'lax',
1822                    namespaces: Optional[NamespacesType] = None, **kwargs: Any) \
1823            -> Iterator[Union[Any, XMLSchemaValidationError]]:
1824        """Returns a generator for decoding a resource."""
1825        if path:
1826            selector = source.iterfind(path, namespaces, nsmap=namespaces)
1827        else:
1828            selector = source.iter_depth(nsmap=namespaces)
1830        for elem in selector:
1831            xsd_element = self.get_element(elem.tag, schema_path, namespaces)
1832            if xsd_element is None:
1833                if XSI_TYPE in elem.attrib:
1834                    xsd_element = self.create_element(name=elem.tag)
1835                else:
1836                    reason = "{!r} is not an element of the schema".format(elem)
1837                    yield self.validation_error(validation, reason, elem, source, namespaces)
1838                    continue
1840            yield from xsd_element.iter_decode(elem, validation, **kwargs)
1842        if 'max_depth' not in kwargs:
1843            yield from self._validate_references(source, validation=validation, **kwargs)
1845    def iter_decode(self, source: Union[XMLSourceType, XMLResource],
1846                    path: Optional[str] = None,
1847                    schema_path: Optional[str] = None,
1848                    validation: str = 'lax',
1849                    process_namespaces: bool = True,
1850                    namespaces: Optional[NamespacesType] = None,
1851                    use_defaults: bool = True,
1852                    decimal_type: Optional[Type[Any]] = None,
1853                    datetime_types: bool = False,
1854                    binary_types: bool = False,
1855                    converter: Optional[ConverterType] = None,
1856                    filler: Optional[Callable[[Union[XsdElement, XsdAttribute]], Any]] = None,
1857                    fill_missing: bool = False,
1858                    keep_unknown: bool = False,
1859                    max_depth: Optional[int] = None,
1860                    depth_filler: Optional[Callable[[XsdElement], Any]] = None,
1861                    value_hook: Optional[Callable[[AtomicValueType, BaseXsdType], Any]] = None,
1862                    **kwargs: Any) -> Iterator[Union[Any, XMLSchemaValidationError]]:
1863        """
1864        Creates an iterator for decoding an XML source to a data structure.
1866        :param source: the source of XML data. Can be an :class:`XMLResource` instance, a \
1867        path to a file or an URI of a resource or an opened file-like object or an Element \
1868        instance or an ElementTree instance or a string containing the XML data.
1869        :param path: is an optional XPath expression that matches the elements of the XML \
1870        data that have to be decoded. If not provided the XML root element is selected.
1871        :param schema_path: an alternative XPath expression to select the XSD element \
1872        to use for decoding. Useful if the root of the XML data doesn't match an XSD \
1873        global element of the schema.
1874        :param validation: defines the XSD validation mode to use for decode, can be \
1875        'strict', 'lax' or 'skip'.
1876        :param process_namespaces: whether to use namespace information in the \
1877        decoding process, using the map provided with the argument *namespaces* \
1878        and the map extracted from the XML document.
1879        :param namespaces: is an optional mapping from namespace prefix to URI.
1880        :param use_defaults: whether to use default values for filling missing data.
1881        :param decimal_type: conversion type for `Decimal` objects (generated by \
1882        `xs:decimal` built-in and derived types), useful if you want to generate a \
1883        JSON-compatible data structure.
1884        :param datetime_types: if set to `True` the datetime and duration XSD types \
1885        are kept decoded, otherwise their origin XML string is returned.
1886        :param binary_types: if set to `True` xs:hexBinary and xs:base64Binary types \
1887        are kept decoded, otherwise their origin XML string is returned.
1888        :param converter: an :class:`XMLSchemaConverter` subclass or instance to use \
1889        for decoding.
1890        :param filler: an optional callback function to fill undecodable data with a \
1891        typed value. The callback function must accept one positional argument, that \
1892        can be an XSD Element or an attribute declaration. If not provided undecodable \
1893        data is replaced by `None`.
1894        :param fill_missing: if set to `True` the decoder fills also missing attributes. \
1895        The filling value is `None` or a typed value if the *filler* callback is provided.
1896        :param keep_unknown: if set to `True` unknown tags are kept and are decoded with \
1897        *xs:anyType*. For default unknown tags not decoded by a wildcard are discarded.
1898        :param max_depth: maximum level of decoding, for default there is no limit. \
1899        With lazy resources is set to `source.lazy_depth` for managing lazy decoding.
1900        :param depth_filler: an optional callback function to replace data over the \
1901        *max_depth* level. The callback function must accept one positional argument, that \
1902        can be an XSD Element. If not provided deeper data are replaced with `None` values.
1903        :param value_hook: an optional function that will be called with any decoded \
1904        atomic value and the XSD type used for decoding. The return value will be used \
1905        instead of the original value.
1906        :param kwargs: keyword arguments with other options for converter and decoder.
1907        :return: yields a decoded data object, eventually preceded by a sequence of \
1908        validation or decoding errors.
1909        """
1910        self.check_validator(validation)
1911        if isinstance(source, XMLResource):
1912            resource: XMLResource = source
1913        else:
1914            resource = XMLResource(source, defuse=self.defuse, timeout=self.timeout)
1916        if not schema_path and path:
1917            schema_path = resource.get_absolute_path(path)
1919        if process_namespaces:
1920            namespaces = resource.get_namespaces(namespaces, root_only=True)
1921            namespace = resource.namespace or namespaces.get('', '')
1922        else:
1923            namespace = resource.namespace
1925        schema = self.get_schema(namespace)
1926        converter = self.get_converter(converter, namespaces=namespaces, **kwargs)
1927        kwargs.update(
1928            converter=converter,
1929            namespaces=namespaces,
1930            source=resource,
1931            use_defaults=use_defaults,
1932            id_map=Counter[str](),
1933            identities={},
1934            inherited={},
1935        )
1937        if decimal_type is not None:
1938            kwargs['decimal_type'] = decimal_type
1939        if datetime_types:
1940            kwargs['datetime_types'] = datetime_types
1941        if binary_types:
1942            kwargs['binary_types'] = binary_types
1943        if filler is not None:
1944            kwargs['filler'] = filler
1945        if fill_missing:
1946            kwargs['fill_missing'] = fill_missing
1947        if keep_unknown:
1948            kwargs['keep_unknown'] = keep_unknown
1949        if max_depth is not None:
1950            kwargs['max_depth'] = max_depth
1951        if depth_filler is not None:
1952            kwargs['depth_filler'] = depth_filler
1953        if value_hook is not None:
1954            kwargs['value_hook'] = value_hook
1956        if path:
1957            selector = resource.iterfind(path, namespaces, nsmap=namespaces)
1958        elif not resource.is_lazy():
1959            selector = resource.iter_depth(nsmap=namespaces)
1960        else:
1961            decoder = self.raw_decoder(
1962                schema_path=resource.get_absolute_path(),
1963                validation=validation,
1964                **kwargs
1965            )
1966            kwargs['depth_filler'] = lambda x: decoder
1967            kwargs['max_depth'] = resource.lazy_depth
1968            selector = resource.iter_depth(mode=2, nsmap=namespaces)
1970        for elem in selector:
1971            xsd_element = schema.get_element(elem.tag, schema_path, namespaces)
1972            if xsd_element is None:
1973                if XSI_TYPE in elem.attrib:
1974                    xsd_element = self.create_element(name=elem.tag)
1975                else:
1976                    reason = "{!r} is not an element of the schema".format(elem)
1977                    yield schema.validation_error(validation, reason, elem, resource, namespaces)
1978                    return
1980            yield from xsd_element.iter_decode(elem, validation, **kwargs)
1982        if 'max_depth' not in kwargs:
1983            yield from self._validate_references(validation=validation, **kwargs)
1985    def decode(self, source: Union[XMLSourceType, XMLResource],
1986               path: Optional[str] = None,
1987               schema_path: Optional[str] = None,
1988               validation: str = 'strict',
1989               *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> DecodeType[Any]:
1990        """
1991        Decodes XML data. Takes the same arguments of the method :func:`XMLSchema.iter_decode`.
1992        """
1993        data, errors = [], []
1994        for result in self.iter_decode(source, path, schema_path, validation, *args, **kwargs):
1995            if not isinstance(result, XMLSchemaValidationError):
1996                data.append(result)
1997            elif validation == 'lax':
1998                errors.append(result)
1999            elif validation == 'strict':
2000                raise result
2002        if not data:
2003            return (None, errors) if validation == 'lax' else None
2004        elif len(data) == 1:
2005            return (data[0], errors) if validation == 'lax' else data[0]
2006        else:
2007            return (data, errors) if validation == 'lax' else data
2009    to_dict = decode
2011    def to_objects(self, source: Union[XMLSourceType, XMLResource], with_bindings: bool = False,
2012                   **kwargs: Any) -> DecodeType['dataobjects.DataElement']:
2013        """
2014        Decodes XML data to Python data objects.
2016        :param source: the XML data. Can be a string for an attribute or for a simple \
2017        type components or a dictionary for an attribute group or an ElementTree's \
2018        Element for other components.
2019        :param with_bindings: if `True` is provided the decoding is done using \
2020        :class:`DataBindingConverter` that used XML data binding classes. For \
2021        default the objects are instances of :class:`DataElement` and uses the \
2022        :class:`DataElementConverter`.
2023        :param kwargs: other optional keyword arguments for the method \
2024        :func:`iter_decode`, except the argument *converter*.
2025        """
2026        if with_bindings:
2027            return self.decode(source, converter=dataobjects.DataBindingConverter, **kwargs)
2028        return self.decode(source, converter=dataobjects.DataElementConverter, **kwargs)
2030    def iter_encode(self, obj: Any, path: Optional[str] = None, validation: str = 'lax',
2031                    namespaces: Optional[NamespacesType] = None, use_defaults: bool = True,
2032                    converter: Optional[ConverterType] = None, unordered: bool = False,
2033                    **kwargs: Any) -> Iterator[Union[ElementType, XMLSchemaValidationError]]:
2034        """
2035        Creates an iterator for encoding a data structure to an ElementTree's Element.
2037        :param obj: the data that has to be encoded to XML data.
2038        :param path: is an optional XPath expression for selecting the element of \
2039        the schema that matches the data that has to be encoded. For default the first \
2040        global element of the schema is used.
2041        :param validation: the XSD validation mode. Can be 'strict', 'lax' or 'skip'.
2042        :param namespaces: is an optional mapping from namespace prefix to URI.
2043        :param use_defaults: whether to use default values for filling missing data.
2044        :param converter: an :class:`XMLSchemaConverter` subclass or instance to use for \
2045        the encoding.
2046        :param unordered: a flag for explicitly activating unordered encoding mode for \
2047        content model data. This mode uses content models for a reordered-by-model \
2048        iteration of the child elements.
2049        :param kwargs: keyword arguments containing options for converter.
2050        :return: yields an Element instance/s or validation/encoding errors.
2051        """
2052        self.check_validator(validation)
2053        if not self.elements:
2054            raise XMLSchemaValueError("encoding needs at least one XSD element declaration!")
2056        if namespaces is None:
2057            namespaces = {}
2058        else:
2059            namespaces = {k: v for k, v in namespaces.items()}
2061        converter = self.get_converter(converter, namespaces=namespaces, **kwargs)
2063        xsd_element = None
2064        if path is not None:
2065            match = re.search(r'[{\w]', path)
2066            if match:
2067                namespace = get_namespace(path[match.start():], namespaces)
2068                schema = self.get_schema(namespace)
2069                xsd_element = schema.find(path, namespaces)
2071        elif len(self.elements) == 1:
2072            xsd_element = list(self.elements.values())[0]
2073        else:
2074            root_elements = self.root_elements
2075            if len(root_elements) == 1:
2076                xsd_element = root_elements[0]
2077            elif isinstance(obj, (converter.dict, dict)) and len(obj) == 1:
2078                for key in obj:
2079                    match = re.search(r'[{\w]', key)
2080                    if match:
2081                        namespace = get_namespace(key[match.start():], namespaces)
2082                        schema = self.get_schema(namespace)
2083                        xsd_element = schema.find(key, namespaces)
2085        if not isinstance(xsd_element, XsdElement):
2086            if path is not None:
2087                reason = "the path %r doesn't match any element of the schema!" % path
2088            else:
2089                reason = "unable to select an element for decoding data, " \
2090                         "provide a valid 'path' argument."
2091            raise XMLSchemaEncodeError(self, obj, self.elements, reason, namespaces=namespaces)
2092        else:
2093            yield from xsd_element.iter_encode(obj, validation, use_defaults=use_defaults,
2094                                               converter=converter, unordered=unordered, **kwargs)
2096    def encode(self, obj: Any, path: Optional[str] = None, validation: str = 'strict',
2097               *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> EncodeType[Any]:
2098        """
2099        Encodes to XML data. Takes the same arguments of the method :func:`XMLSchema.iter_encode`.
2101        :return: An ElementTree's Element or a list containing a sequence of ElementTree's \
2102        elements if the argument *path* matches multiple XML data chunks. If *validation* \
2103        argument is 'lax' a 2-items tuple is returned, where the first item is the encoded \
2104        object and the second item is a list containing the errors.
2105        """
2106        data, errors = [], []
2107        result: Union[ElementType, XMLSchemaValidationError]
2108        for result in self.iter_encode(obj, path, validation, *args, **kwargs):
2109            if not isinstance(result, XMLSchemaValidationError):
2110                data.append(result)
2111            elif validation == 'lax':
2112                errors.append(result)
2113            elif validation == 'strict':
2114                raise result
2116        if not data:
2117            return (None, errors) if validation == 'lax' else None
2118        elif len(data) == 1:
2119            return (data[0], errors) if validation == 'lax' else data[0]
2120        else:
2121            return (data, errors) if validation == 'lax' else data
2123    to_etree = encode
2126class XMLSchema10(XMLSchemaBase):
2127    """
2128    XSD 1.0 schema class.
2130    <schema
2131      attributeFormDefault = (qualified | unqualified) : unqualified
2132      blockDefault = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | substitution))  : ''
2133      elementFormDefault = (qualified | unqualified) : unqualified
2134      finalDefault = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | list | union))  : ''
2135      id = ID
2136      targetNamespace = anyURI
2137      version = token
2138      xml:lang = language
2139      {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
2140      Content: ((include | import | redefine | annotation)*, (((simpleType | complexType | group |
2141      attributeGroup) | element | attribute | notation), annotation*)*)
2142    </schema>
2143    """
2144    meta_schema = os.path.join(SCHEMAS_DIR, 'XSD_1.0/XMLSchema.xsd')  # type: ignore
2145    BASE_SCHEMAS = {
2146        XML_NAMESPACE: os.path.join(SCHEMAS_DIR, 'XML/xml_minimal.xsd'),
2147        XSI_NAMESPACE: os.path.join(SCHEMAS_DIR, 'XSI/XMLSchema-instance_minimal.xsd'),
2148    }
2151class XMLSchema11(XMLSchemaBase):
2152    """
2153    XSD 1.1 schema class.
2155    <schema
2156      attributeFormDefault = (qualified | unqualified) : unqualified
2157      blockDefault = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | substitution)) : ''
2158      defaultAttributes = QName
2159      xpathDefaultNamespace = (anyURI | (##defaultNamespace | ##targetNamespace| ##local)) : ##local
2160      elementFormDefault = (qualified | unqualified) : unqualified
2161      finalDefault = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | list | union))  : ''
2162      id = ID
2163      targetNamespace = anyURI
2164      version = token
2165      xml:lang = language
2166      {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
2167      Content: ((include | import | redefine | override | annotation)*,
2168      (defaultOpenContent, annotation*)?, ((simpleType | complexType |
2169      group | attributeGroup | element | attribute | notation), annotation*)*)
2170    </schema>
2172    <schema
2173      attributeFormDefault = (qualified | unqualified) : unqualified
2174      blockDefault = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | substitution))  : ''
2175      elementFormDefault = (qualified | unqualified) : unqualified
2176      finalDefault = (#all | List of (extension | restriction | list | union))  : ''
2177      id = ID
2178      targetNamespace = anyURI
2179      version = token
2180      xml:lang = language
2181      {any attributes with non-schema namespace . . .}>
2182      Content: ((include | import | redefine | annotation)*, (((simpleType | complexType | group |
2183      attributeGroup) | element | attribute | notation), annotation*)*)
2184    </schema>
2185    """
2186    meta_schema = os.path.join(SCHEMAS_DIR, 'XSD_1.1/XMLSchema.xsd')  # type: ignore
2187    XSD_VERSION = '1.1'
2189    BASE_SCHEMAS = {
2190        XML_NAMESPACE: os.path.join(SCHEMAS_DIR, 'XML/xml_minimal.xsd'),
2191        XSI_NAMESPACE: os.path.join(SCHEMAS_DIR, 'XSI/XMLSchema-instance_minimal.xsd'),
2192        XSD_NAMESPACE: os.path.join(SCHEMAS_DIR, 'XSD_1.1/xsd11-extra.xsd'),
2193        VC_NAMESPACE: os.path.join(SCHEMAS_DIR, 'VC/XMLSchema-versioning.xsd'),
2194    }
2196    xsd_complex_type_class = Xsd11ComplexType
2197    xsd_attribute_class = Xsd11Attribute
2198    xsd_any_attribute_class = Xsd11AnyAttribute
2199    xsd_group_class = Xsd11Group
2200    xsd_element_class = Xsd11Element
2201    xsd_any_class = Xsd11AnyElement
2202    xsd_atomic_restriction_class = Xsd11AtomicRestriction
2203    xsd_union_class = Xsd11Union
2204    xsd_key_class = Xsd11Key
2205    xsd_keyref_class = Xsd11Keyref
2206    xsd_unique_class = Xsd11Unique
2209XMLSchema = XMLSchema10
2210"""The default class for schema instances."""