1 /*
2 * SketchyLISP -- An interpreter for purely applicative Scheme
3 * Copyright (C) 2005,2006,2007 Nils M Holm <nmh@t3x.org>
4 * Derived from ArrowLISP, Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Nils M Holm.
5 * See the file LICENSE for conditions of use.
6 */
8 #include <stdlib.h>
9 #ifdef __TURBOC__
10 #include <io.h>
11 #include <alloc.h>
12 #else
13 #include <unistd.h>
14 #ifndef __MINGW32__
15 #ifndef __CYGWIN__
16 #define setmode(fd, mode)
17 #endif
18 #endif
19 #endif
20 #include <stdio.h>
21 #include <string.h>
22 #include <ctype.h>
23 #include <fcntl.h>
24 #include <time.h>
26 #define __SKETCHYLIB__
27 #include "sketchy.h"
32 #define NROOT 13 /* Number of GC roots */
34 /* Tag Masks */
35 #define AFLAG 0x01 /* Atom flag, Car = char, CDR = next */
36 #define MFLAG 0x02 /* Mark flag of garbage collector */
37 #define SFLAG 0x04 /* State flag of garbage collector */
38 #define XFLAG 0x08 /* Extended type flag */
40 #define EOT SK_EOT /* EOT indicator */
41 #define DOT -2 /* Internal: dot character */
42 #define RPAREN -3 /* Internal: right parenthesis */
44 /* Evaluator states */
45 #define MATOM '0' /* Processing Atom */
46 #define MLIST '1' /* Processing List */
47 #define MBETA '2' /* Beta-reducing */
48 #define MBIND '3' /* Processing bindings of LET */
49 #define MBINR '4' /* Processing bindings of LETREC */
50 #define MLETR '5' /* Finish LET or LETREC */
51 #define MCOND '6' /* Processing predicates of COND */
52 #define MCONJ '7' /* Processing arguments of AND */
53 #define MDISJ '8' /* Processing arguments of OR */
54 #define MIFPR '9' /* Processing predicate of IF */
55 #define MBEGN 'A' /* Processing BEGIN */
57 /* Short cut */
60 static int PoolSize, VPoolSize; /* Sizes of node and vector pool */
61 static int NIL; /* Not In List (or Pool) */
62 static int *Car, /* Vector holding CAR fields */
63 *Cdr; /* Vector holding CDR fields */
64 static char *Tag; /* Vector holding TAG fields */
65 static int *Vpool; /* Vector pool */
66 static int Vptr; /* Free space pointer of Vpool */
67 static char Infile[MAXPATHL]; /* Input file name */
68 static char DirName[MAXPATHL]; /* Source directory */
69 static char LocPath[MAXPATHL]; /* Buffer for findSource() */
70 static char ExpPath[MAXPATHL]; /* Expanded path of input file */
71 static char Path[MAXPATHL]; /* Path to input file */
72 static FILE *Input; /* Current input stream */
73 static int Rejected; /* Unread character */
74 static char *InputString; /* READ-FROM-STRING pointer */
75 static int Line; /* Input line number */
76 static FILE *Output; /* Current output stream */
77 static char *OutputString; /* WRITE-TO-STRING buffer */
78 static int OutStrSize; /* Chars left in OutputString */
79 static int Mstack, Lstack; /* Mode stack, List stack */
80 static int Bstack; /* Binding stack, used by LET/LETREC */
81 static int Estack; /* Env. stack, for fixing closures */
82 static int Free; /* Freelist */
83 static int Symbols; /* Symbol table */
84 static int Packages; /* Package list */
85 static int Transformers; /* Syntax transformers */
86 static int Digits[10]; /* Digit symbols */
87 static int SafeSymbols; /* Safe copy of symbols */
88 static int Stack, Stack0; /* Global stack, bottom of Stack */
89 static int Frame; /* Current call frame */
90 static int Tmp, Tmp2; /* Safe locations */
91 static int SafeCar, SafeCdr; /* Safe harbours during allocation */
92 static int *Root[NROOT]; /* GC Roots */
93 static int Level; /* Nesting level during input */
94 static int LoadLev; /* Nesting level of LOAD */
95 static int EvLev; /* Number of nested EVALs */
96 static int FatalFlag; /* Fatal error flag */
97 static int Function; /* Name of current lambda function */
98 static int Quoted; /* Quote flag of PRINT */
99 static int DisplayMode; /* Display Mode flag of PRINT */
100 static int SyntaxMode; /* Syntax Definition Mode flag */
101 static unsigned GensymCounter; /* Unique symbol id */
102 static int MaxAtoms, MaxCells; /* Memory use gauge */
103 static int Ntrace; /* Max fns to print in call trace */
104 static int LexEnv; /* Environment for creating closures */
105 static int Bound; /* Variables bound in a closure */
107 /* Builtin symbol pointers (for fast lookup) */
108 static int S_bottom, S_char, S_closure, S_core, S_defineSyntax,
109 S_else, S_eof, S_false, S_gensym, S_integer, S_lambda,
110 S_primitive, S_quote, S_special, S_special_cbv,
111 S_string, S_syntax, S_true, S_undefined, S_user_primitive,
112 S_vector, S_void, S_voidSym, S_last, S_0, S_1, S_2, S_3,
113 S_4, S_5, S_6, S_7, S_8, S_9;
115 /* Primitive function opcodes */
130 /* Primitive function pointers. */
131 static int (*Primitives[N_PRIMITIVES])(int);
133 /* Special form opcodes */
139 /* Special form handler pointers */
140 static int (*Specials[N_SPECIALS])(int, int *, int *, int *);
142 /* Pointers to functions handling user-supplied primitives. */
143 static int (*UsrPrimitives[SK_MAX_USER_PRIMITIVES])(int);
144 static int LastUsrPrimitive; /* # of user primitives */
146 /* LINT: unused args in special form handlers */
147 #define USE(arg) arg = 0
149 /*
150 * Prototypes
151 */
152 static int addPackage(int sym);
153 static int addPrim(char *name, int opcode);
154 static int addSpecial(char *name, int opcode, int cbv);
155 static int addSym(char *s, int v);
156 static int alloc3(int pcar, int pcdr, int ptag);
157 static int allocv(int type, int size);
158 static int badArgLst(int n);
159 static int bindArgs(int n, int name);
160 static void bindLet(int env);
161 static int bunsave(int k);
162 static void cacheDigits(void);
163 static int character(void);
164 static int charPred(int n, int pred, char *msg);
165 static void clearStats(void);
166 static int closure(int n);
167 static void collect(int n);
168 static int copyBindings(void);
169 static int digitToValue(int n);
170 static int doAnd(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn);
171 static int doApply(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn);
172 static int doBegin(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn);
173 static int doBottom(int n);
174 static int doCar(int n);
175 static int doCdr(int n);
176 static int doCharCiEqP(int n);
177 static int doCharCiGEP(int n);
178 static int doCharCiGtP(int n);
179 static int doCharCiLEP(int n);
180 static int doCharCiLtP(int n);
181 static int doCharEqP(int n);
182 static int doCharGtP(int n);
183 static int doCharGEP(int n);
184 static int doCharLtP(int n);
185 static int doCharLEP(int n);
186 static int doCharP(int n);
187 static int doCharToInteger(int n);
188 static int doCond(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn);
189 static int doCons(int n);
190 static int doDefine(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn);
191 static int doDefineSyntax(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn);
192 static int doDeleteFile(int n);
193 static int doDisplay(int n);
194 static int doEofObjectP(int n);
195 static int doEqP(int n);
196 static int doEval(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn);
197 static int doGensym(int n);
198 static int doIf(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn);
199 static int doIntegerToChar(int n);
200 static int doIntegerToList(int n);
201 static int doLambda(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn);
202 static int doLet(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn);
203 static int doLetrec(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn);
204 static int doListToInteger(int n);
205 static int doListToString(int n);
206 static int doNLess(int n);
207 static int doNMinus(int n);
208 static int doNPlus(int n);
209 static int doNullP(int n);
210 static int doNumberP(int n);
211 static int doOr(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn);
212 static int doPackage(int n);
213 static int doPairP(int n);
214 static int doPeekChar(int n);
215 static int doProcedureP(int n);
216 static int doQuote(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn);
217 static int doRead(int n);
218 static int doReadChar(int n);
219 static int doReadFromString(int n);
220 static int doRecursiveBind(int n);
221 static int doStringAppend(int n);
222 static int doStringLength(int n);
223 static int doStringP(int n);
224 static int doStringRef(int n);
225 static int doStringToList(int n);
226 static int doStringToSymbol(int n);
227 static int doSubstring(int n);
228 static int doSymbolP(int n);
229 static int doSymbolToString(int n);
230 static int doSyntaxToList(int n);
231 static int doVoid(int n);
232 static int doWithInputFromFile(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn);
233 static int doWithOutputToFile(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn);
234 static int doWrite(int n);
235 static int doWriteChar(int n);
236 static int doWriteToString(int n);
237 #ifdef DEBUG
238 static void dumpState(char *s, int m);
239 #endif
240 static int equals(int n, int m);
241 static int error(char *m, int n);
242 static int eval(int n);
243 static int evalClause(int n);
244 static int evalLet(void);
245 static char *expandPath(char *s);
246 static int explodeNum(char *s);
247 static int explodeStr(char *s);
248 static void fatal(char *m);
249 static int findPackage(int sym);
250 static int findPsym(char *s, int y);
251 static int findSym(char *s);
252 static int findTransformer(int y);
253 static int finishLet(int rec);
254 static void fixAllClosures(int b);
255 static void fixCachedClosures(void);
256 static void fixClosuresOf(int n, int bindings);
257 static void fixNIL(int *p, int nilval);
258 static int flatCopy(int n, int *lastp);
259 static int gc(void);
260 static void gcv(void);
261 static void getDirName(char *path, char *pfx);
262 static int getFactors(char *msg, int n, int *p1, int *p2);
263 static int getPred(void);
264 static char *implodeStr(int m, int k, char *s);
265 static void init1(void);
266 static void init2(void);
267 static void mark(int n);
268 static int isAlist(int n);
269 static int isBound(int n);
270 static int isSymList(int m);
271 static int length(int n);
272 static int list_to_vector(int m, char *msg);
273 static int localize(int n, int *exprp);
274 static char *locase(char *s);
275 static int lunsave(int k);
276 static void markVec(int n, int type);
277 static int mkLexEnv(int term, int locals);
278 static int munsave(void);
279 static int nestedComment(void);
280 static int newDefine(int n);
281 static int nextLet(int n);
282 static void nl(void);
283 static int nreverse(int n);
284 static int numericStr(char *s);
285 static void pr(char *s);
286 #ifdef DEBUG
287 static void prDepth(int n);
288 #endif
289 static int primitive(int *np);
290 static void _print(int n);
291 static int printChar(int n);
292 static int printClosure(int n);
293 static int printNum(int n);
294 static int printPrim(int n);
295 static int printQuote(int n);
296 static int printSpecial(int n);
297 static int printString(int n);
298 static void printTrace(int n);
299 static void prnum(int n, int w);
300 static void _prnum(int n, int w, char *spaces);
301 static void prznum(int n, int w);
302 static int quote(int n);
303 static int rdch(void); int c;
304 static int readList(void);
305 static int readVector(void);
306 static void registerTransformer(int y, int tr);
307 static void REL(void);
308 static void resetState(void);
309 static void restoreBindings(int values);
310 static int reverse(int n);
311 static int safe_eval(int n);
312 static void setErrArg(char *s);
313 static int setupCond(int n);
314 static int setupLet(int n);
315 static int setupLogOp(int n);
316 static int special(int *np, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn);
317 static int stringLiteral(void);
318 static void subst(int old, int new, int *p);
319 static int symOrNum(int c);
320 static int syntaxTransform(int n);
321 static int _syntaxTransform(int n);
322 static int tagged(int n);
323 static void tailCall(void);
324 static void unbindArgs(void);
325 static void unmarkVecs(void);
326 static int unreadable(void);
327 static int unsave(int k);
328 static void updatePackages(int old, int new);
329 static int valueOf(char *src, int n);
330 static int valueToDigit(int n);
331 static void verify(void);
332 static int wrongArgs(int n);
333 static int xread(void);
335 /* string node --> string text */
336 #define string(n) ((char *) &Vpool[Car[Cdr[n]]])
338 /* string node --> string length */
339 #define string_len(n) (Vpool[Car[Cdr[n]] - 1])
341 /* Size of vector in chars --> size in ints */
342 #define vector_size(k) (((k) + sizeof(int)-1) / sizeof(int) + 2)
344 /* vector node --> vector elements */
345 #define vector(n) (&Vpool[Car[Cdr[n]]])
347 /* Number of vector elements */
348 #define vector_len(n) (vector_size(string_len(n)) - 2)
350 /* Nested lists... */
351 #define caar(x) (Car[Car[x]])
352 #define cadr(x) (Car[Cdr[x]])
353 #define cdar(x) (Cdr[Car[x]])
354 #define cddr(x) (Cdr[Cdr[x]])
355 #define caaar(x) (Car[Car[Car[x]]])
356 #define caadr(x) (Car[Car[Cdr[x]]])
357 #define cadar(x) (Car[Cdr[Car[x]]])
358 #define caddr(x) (Car[Cdr[Cdr[x]]])
359 #define cddar(x) (Cdr[Cdr[Car[x]]])
360 #define cdddr(x) (Cdr[Cdr[Cdr[x]]])
361 #define caddar(x) (Car[Cdr[Cdr[Car[x]]]])
362 #define cadddr(x) (Car[Cdr[Cdr[Cdr[x]]]])
364 /*
365 * Print the string S through a buffered interface.
366 * If OutputString is not NULL, write to that string.
367 */
pr(char * s)368 static void pr(char *s) {
369 int k;
371 if (OutputString) {
372 k = strlen(s);
373 if (OutStrSize - k < 1)
374 fatal("doWriteToString(): out of vector space");
375 strcpy(OutputString, s);
376 OutputString += k;
377 OutStrSize -= k;
378 return;
379 }
380 fputs(s, Output);
381 }
383 /* pr() wrapper */
sk_pr(char * s)384 void sk_pr(char *s) {
385 pr(s);
386 }
388 /*
389 * Print a number with leading characters.
390 * w = total width;
391 * spaces must hold >=w padding characters.
392 */
_prnum(int n,int w,char * spaces)393 static void _prnum(int n, int w, char *spaces) {
394 char b[20];
395 int k;
397 sprintf(b, "%d", n);
398 k = strlen(b);
399 if (k < w) pr(&spaces[k]);
400 pr(b);
401 }
403 /* Print number with leading spaces. */
prnum(int n,int w)404 static void prnum(int n, int w) {
405 _prnum(n, w, " ");
406 }
408 /* prnum() wrapper */
sk_prnum(int n,int w)409 void sk_prnum(int n, int w) {
410 prnum(n, w);
411 }
413 /* Print number with leading zeroes. */
prznum(int n,int w)414 static void prznum(int n, int w) {
415 _prnum(n, w, "000");
416 }
418 /* Emit a newline sequence and flush the output buffer. */
nl(void)419 static void nl(void) {
420 putc('\n', Output);
421 if (Output == stdout) fflush(Output);
422 }
424 /* nl() wrapper */
sk_nl(void)425 void sk_nl(void) {
426 nl();
427 }
429 /* Convert string to lower case. */
locase(char * s)430 static char *locase(char *s) {
431 int k, i;
433 k = strlen(s);
434 for (i=0; i<k; i++)
435 if ('A' <= s[i] && s[i] <= 'Z')
436 s[i] = s[i] + ('a' - 'A');
437 return s;
438 }
440 /* Print function names on call stack */
sk_printCallTrace(int frame)441 void sk_printCallTrace(int frame) {
442 int s, n;
444 s = frame;
445 n = Ntrace;
446 while (s != NIL) {
447 if (!n || Cdr[s] == NIL || cadr(s) == NIL) break;
448 if (n == Ntrace) pr("* Trace:");
449 n = n-1;
450 pr(" ");
451 Quoted = 1;
452 _print(cadr(s));
453 s = Car[s];
454 }
455 if (n != Ntrace) nl();
456 }
458 /* Register error message M and set SK_errFlag. */
error(char * m,int n)459 static int error(char *m, int n) {
460 if (SK_errFlag) return NIL;
461 SK_errMsg = m;
462 SK_errExpr = n;
463 strcpy(SK_errFile, Infile);
464 SK_errLine = Line;
465 SK_errFun = Function;
466 SK_errFrame = Frame;
467 SK_errFlag = -1;
468 return NIL;
469 }
471 /* error() wrapper */
sk_error(char * m,int n)472 int sk_error(char *m, int n) {
473 return error(m, n);
474 }
476 /* Clear error condition */
sk_gotError(void)477 void sk_gotError(void) {
478 SK_errFlag = 0;
479 SK_errFun = NIL;
480 SK_errFrame = NIL;
481 SK_errExpr = NIL;
482 SK_errArg[0] = 0;
483 }
setErrArg(char * s)485 void setErrArg(char *s) {
486 memset(SK_errArg, 0, TEXTLEN);
487 strncpy(SK_errArg, s, TEXTLEN-1);
488 }
490 /* Print error message registered by error() */
sk_printError(void)491 void sk_printError(void) {
492 pr("* ");
493 if (SK_errFile[0]) {
494 pr(SK_errFile);
495 pr(": ");
496 }
497 prnum(SK_errLine, 0);
498 pr(": ");
499 if (SK_errFun != NIL) {
500 Quoted = 1;
501 _print(SK_errFun);
502 }
503 else {
504 pr("REPL");
505 }
506 pr(": ");
507 pr(SK_errMsg);
508 if (SK_errExpr != -1) {
509 if (SK_errMsg[0]) pr(": ");
510 Quoted = 1;
511 _print(SK_errExpr);
512 }
513 nl();
514 if (SK_errArg[0]) {
515 pr("* ");
516 pr(SK_errArg); nl();
517 }
518 if (!FatalFlag && SK_errFrame != NIL && SK_errFun != NIL)
519 sk_printCallTrace(SK_errFrame);
520 sk_gotError();
521 }
523 /* Print message M and halt the interpreter. */
fatal(char * m)524 static void fatal(char *m) {
525 OutputString = NULL;
526 InputString = NULL;
527 SK_errFlag = 0;
528 FatalFlag = -1;
529 error(m, NOEXPR);
530 sk_printError();
531 pr("* Fatal error, aborting");
532 nl();
533 exit(1);
534 }
536 /* Reset counter. */
sk_resetCounter(struct sk_counter * c)537 void sk_resetCounter(struct sk_counter *c) {
538 c->n = 0;
539 c->n1k = 0;
540 c->n1m = 0;
541 c->n1g = 0;
542 }
544 /* Increment counter by K. K must be <= 1000. */
sk_count(struct sk_counter * c,int k)545 void sk_count(struct sk_counter *c, int k) {
546 char *msg = "statistics counter overflow";
548 c->n = c->n+k;
549 if (c->n >= 1000) {
550 c->n = c->n - 1000;
551 c->n1k = c->n1k + 1;
552 if (c->n1k >= 1000) {
553 c->n1k = 0;
554 c->n1m = c->n1m+1;
555 if (c->n1m >= 1000) {
556 c->n1m = 0;
557 c->n1g = c->n1g+1;
558 if (c->n1g >= 1000) {
559 error(msg, NOEXPR);
560 }
561 }
562 }
563 }
564 }
566 /* Print counter value. */
sk_printCounter(struct sk_counter * c)567 void sk_printCounter(struct sk_counter *c) {
568 if (c->n1g) {
569 prznum(c->n1g, 0); pr(",");
570 }
571 if (c->n1m || c->n1g) {
572 prznum(c->n1m, c->n1g?3:0); pr(",");
573 }
574 if (c->n1k || c->n1m || c->n1g) {
575 prznum(c->n1k, (c->n1m||c->n1g)?3:0); pr(",");
576 }
577 prznum(c->n, (c->n1k||c->n1m||c->n1g)?3:0);
578 }
580 /* Mark object at offset N in the Vpool */
markVec(int n,int type)581 static void markVec(int n, int type) {
582 int *p, k;
584 p = &Vpool[cadr(n) - 2];
585 *p = n;
586 if (type == S_vector) {
587 k = vector_len(n);
588 p = vector(n);
589 while (k) {
590 mark(*p);
591 p++;
592 k--;
593 }
594 }
595 }
597 /*
598 * Mark nodes which can be accessed through N.
599 * This routine uses the Deutsch/Schorr/Waite algorithm
600 * (aka pointer reversal algorithm) which marks the
601 * nodes of a pool in constant space.
602 * It uses MFLAG and SFLAG of the tag field to keep track
603 * of the state of the current node.
604 * Each visited node goes through these states:
605 * S0: M==0 S==0 unvisited, process CAR
606 * S1: M==1 S==1 CAR visited, process CDR
607 * S2: M==1 S==0 completely visited, return to parent
608 */
mark(int n)609 static void mark(int n) {
610 int p, x, t;
611 int parent;
613 parent = NIL; /* Initially, there is no parent node */
614 while (1) {
615 /* Reached a dead end? */
616 if (n == NIL || Tag[n] & MFLAG) {
617 if (parent == NIL) break;
618 if (Tag[parent] & SFLAG) { /* S1 */
619 /* Swap CAR and CDR pointers and */
620 /* proceed with CDR. Goto S2. */
621 p = Cdr[parent];
622 Cdr[parent] = Car[parent];
623 Car[parent] = n;
624 Tag[parent] &= ~SFLAG; /* S=0 */
625 Tag[parent] |= MFLAG; /* M=1 */
626 n = p;
627 }
628 else { /* S2 */
629 /* Return to the parent and */
630 /* restore parent of parent */
631 p = parent;
632 parent = Cdr[p];
633 Cdr[p] = n;
634 n = p;
635 }
636 }
637 else { /* S0 */
638 if (Tag[n] & AFLAG) {
639 /* If the node is an atom, go directly */
640 /* to state 3: Save the parent in CDR, */
641 /* make the current node the new parent */
642 /* and move to its CDR. */
643 p = Cdr[n];
644 Cdr[n] = parent;
645 /*Tag[n] &= ~SFLAG;*/ /* S=0 */
646 parent = n;
647 n = p;
648 Tag[parent] |= MFLAG; /* M=1 */
649 }
650 else {
651 t = (Tag[n] & XFLAG)? Car[n]: NIL;
652 x = n;
653 /* Go to state 2: like above, but save */
654 /* the parent in CAR and proceed to CAR. */
655 p = Car[n];
656 Car[n] = parent;
657 Tag[n] |= MFLAG; /* M=1 */
658 parent = n;
659 n = p;
660 Tag[parent] |= SFLAG; /* S=1 */
661 if (t != NIL) markVec(x, t);
662 }
663 }
664 }
665 }
667 /* Mark all vectors of the Vpool unused */
unmarkVecs(void)668 static void unmarkVecs(void) {
669 int p, k, link;
671 p = 0;
672 while (p < Vptr) {
673 link = p;
674 k = Vpool[p+1];
675 p += vector_size(k);
676 Vpool[link] = NIL;
677 }
678 }
680 /*
681 * Mark and Sweep Garbage Collection.
682 * First mark all nodes that can be accessed through
683 * Root registers (Root[]) and then reclaim unmarked
684 * nodes.
685 */
gc(void)686 static int gc(void) {
687 int i, k;
689 k = 0;
690 #ifdef DEBUG
691 pr("GC called");
692 nl();
693 #endif
694 for (i=0; i<NROOT; i++) mark(Root[i][0]);
695 if (SK_errFlag) {
696 mark(SK_errExpr);
697 mark(SK_errFun);
698 mark(SK_errFrame);
699 }
700 Free = NIL;
701 for (i=0; i<PoolSize; i++) {
702 if (!(Tag[i] & MFLAG)) {
703 Cdr[i] = Free;
704 Free = i;
705 k = k+1;
706 }
707 else {
708 Tag[i] &= ~MFLAG;
709 }
710 }
711 if (MaxAtoms < PoolSize-k) MaxAtoms = PoolSize-k;
712 #ifdef DEBUG
713 prnum(k, 0);
714 pr(" nodes reclaimed");
715 nl();
716 #endif
717 sk_count(&SK_collections, 1);
718 return k;
719 }
721 /* Allocate a fresh node and initialize with PCAR,PCDR,PTAG. */
alloc3(int pcar,int pcdr,int ptag)722 static int alloc3(int pcar, int pcdr, int ptag) {
723 int n;
725 if (SK_statFlag) sk_count(&SK_allocations, 1);
726 if (Free == NIL) {
727 if (ptag == 0) SafeCar = pcar;
728 SafeCdr = pcdr;
729 gc();
730 if (Free == NIL) fatal("alloc3(): out of nodes");
731 SafeCar = SafeCdr = NIL;
732 }
733 n = Free;
734 Free = Cdr[Free];
735 Car[n] = pcar;
736 Cdr[n] = pcdr;
737 Tag[n] = ptag;
738 return n;
739 }
741 /* Allocate a fresh node and initialize with PCAR,PCDR. */
742 #define alloc(pcar, pcdr) alloc3((pcar), (pcdr), 0)
744 /* In situ vector pool garbage collection and compaction */
gcv(void)745 static void gcv(void) {
746 int k, to, from;
748 unmarkVecs();
749 gc(); /* re-mark live vecs */
750 to = from = 0;
751 while (from < Vptr) {
752 k = Vpool[from+1];
753 k = vector_size(k);
754 if (Vpool[from] != NIL) {
755 if (to != from) {
756 memmove(&Vpool[to], &Vpool[from],
757 k * sizeof(int));
758 cadr(Vpool[to]) = to + 2;
759 }
760 to += k;
761 }
762 from += k;
763 }
764 Vptr = to;
765 if (Vptr > MaxCells) MaxCells = Vptr;
766 }
768 /* Allocate vector from vpool */
allocv(int type,int size)769 static int allocv(int type, int size) {
770 int v, n, wsize;
772 wsize = vector_size(size);
773 if (Vptr + wsize >= VPoolSize) {
774 gcv();
775 if (Vptr + wsize >= VPoolSize)
776 fatal("allocv(): out of vector space");
777 }
778 v = Vptr;
779 Vptr += wsize;
780 Tmp2 = alloc3(v+2, NIL, AFLAG);
781 n = alloc3(type, Tmp2, XFLAG);
782 Tmp2 = NIL;
783 Vpool[v] = n;
784 Vpool[v+1] = size;
785 return n;
786 }
788 /* Save node N on the Stack. */
789 #define save(n) (Stack = alloc((n), Stack))
791 /*
792 * Pop K nodes off the Stack and return
793 * the one most recently popped.
794 */
unsave(int k)795 static int unsave(int k) {
796 int n = NIL; /*LINT*/
798 while (k) {
799 if (Stack == NIL) fatal("unsave(): stack underflow");
800 n = Car[Stack];
801 Stack = Cdr[Stack];
802 k = k-1;
803 }
804 return n;
805 }
807 /*
808 * Save value V on the M-Stack.
809 * Since the Mstack holds integer values rather than
810 * nodes, the values are packaged in the character
811 * fields of atoms.
812 */
813 #define msave(v) (Car[Mstack] = alloc3((v), Car[Mstack], AFLAG))
815 /* Pop a value off the M-Stack and return it. */
munsave(void)816 static int munsave(void) {
817 int v;
819 if (Car[Mstack] == NIL) fatal("munsave(): m-stack underflow");
820 v = caar(Mstack); /* See msave() */
821 Car[Mstack] = cdar(Mstack);
822 return v;
823 }
825 /* Save node N on the L-Stack. */
826 #define lsave(n) (Lstack = alloc((n), Lstack))
828 /*
829 * Pop K nodes off the L-Stack and return
830 * the one most recently popped.
831 */
lunsave(int k)832 static int lunsave(int k) {
833 int n = NIL; /*LINT*/
835 while (k) {
836 if (Lstack == NIL) fatal("lunsave(): l-stack underflow");
837 n = Car[Lstack];
838 Lstack = Cdr[Lstack];
839 k = k-1;
840 }
841 return n;
842 }
844 /* Save node N on the B-Stack. */
845 #define bsave(n) (Bstack = alloc((n), Bstack))
847 /*
848 * Pop K nodes off the B-Stack and return
849 * the one most recently popped.
850 */
bunsave(int k)851 static int bunsave(int k) {
852 int n = NIL; /*LINT*/
854 while (k) {
855 if (Bstack == NIL) fatal("bunsave(): b-stack underflow");
856 n = Car[Bstack];
857 Bstack = Cdr[Bstack];
858 k = k-1;
859 }
860 return n;
861 }
863 /*
864 * Read a single character from the input stream
865 * and return it. Sk_rdch()==EOT indicates that
866 * the input is exhausted.
867 */
sk_rdch(void)868 int sk_rdch(void) {
869 int c;
871 if (Rejected != EOT) {
872 c = Rejected;
873 Rejected = EOT;
874 return c;
875 }
876 if (InputString) {
877 if (*InputString == 0) return EOT;
878 return *InputString++;
879 }
880 c = getc(Input);
881 if (feof(Input)) return EOT;
882 if (c == '\n') Line = Line+1;
883 return c;
884 }
886 /* Put char back to input stream */
sk_reject(int c)887 void sk_reject(int c) {
888 Rejected = c;
889 }
891 /* Read a character and convert it to lower case. */
rdch(void)892 static int rdch(void) {
893 return tolower(sk_rdch());
894 }
896 /*
897 * Find a symbol named S in the symbol table Y.
898 * Each symbol is represented by a (NAME . VALUE) pair
899 * where NAME is a list of character nodes and value
900 * may be any datum.
901 * The symbol table is a list containing symbol
902 * pairs ((N1 . V1) ...).
903 * When a symbol named S is found, return its
904 * pair (S . V) and otherwise return NIL.
905 */
findPsym(char * s,int y)906 static int findPsym(char *s, int y) {
907 int n, i;
909 while (y != NIL) {
910 n = caar(y);
911 i = 0;
912 while (n != NIL && s[i]) {
913 if (s[i] != (Car[n] & 255)) break;
914 n = Cdr[n];
915 i = i+1;
916 }
917 if (n == NIL && !s[i]) return Car[y];
918 y = Cdr[y];
919 }
920 return NIL;
921 }
923 /*
924 * Find the symbol S in the symbol table of any
925 * package in the package list.
926 * Search the current package first.
927 */
findSym(char * s)928 static int findSym(char *s) {
929 int p, y;
931 y = findPsym(s, Symbols);
932 if (y != NIL) return y;
933 p = Packages;
934 while (p != NIL) {
935 y = findPsym(s, cdar(p));
936 if (y != NIL) return y;
937 p = Cdr[p];
938 }
939 return NIL;
940 }
943 /* findSym() wrapper */
sk_findSym(char * s)944 int sk_findSym(char *s) {
945 return findSym(s);
946 }
948 /* Explode a string to a list of atoms. */
explodeStr(char * s)949 static int explodeStr(char *s) {
950 int i, n, m, a;
952 i = 0;
953 if (s[i] == 0) return NIL;
954 a = n = NIL;
955 while (s[i]) {
956 m = alloc3(s[i], NIL, AFLAG);
957 if (n == NIL) { /* Protect the first character */
958 n = m;
959 save(n);
960 }
961 else { /* Append the rest */
962 Cdr[a] = m;
963 }
964 a = m;
965 i = i+1;
966 }
967 unsave(1);
968 return n;
969 }
971 /*
972 * Implode a list of atoms to a string.
973 * K = size of S.
974 */
implodeStr(int n,int k,char * s)975 static char *implodeStr(int n, int k, char *s) {
976 int i;
978 i = 0;
979 while (n != NIL) {
980 if (i >= k-1) fatal("implodeStr(): string too long");
981 s[i++] = Car[n] & 255;
982 n = Cdr[n];
983 }
984 s[i] = 0;
985 return s;
986 }
988 /* Update symbol table pointer in package list. */
updatePackages(int old,int new)989 static void updatePackages(int old, int new) {
990 int p;
992 p = Packages;
993 while (p != NIL) {
994 if (cdar(p) == old) {
995 cdar(p) = new;
996 return;
997 }
998 p = Cdr[p];
999 }
1000 if (Packages != NIL)
1001 fatal("updatePackages(): symbol table not in package list?");
1002 }
1004 /*
1005 * Add the symbol S to the symbol table if it
1006 * does not already exist. If it does exist,
1007 * return the existing symbol.
1008 * When adding a new symbol, initialize the
1009 * VALUE field with V. If V==0, bind S to S.
1010 * Return the pair representing the symbol S.
1011 */
addSym(char * s,int v)1012 static int addSym(char *s, int v) {
1013 int n, m, osym;
1015 n = findSym(s);
1016 if (n != NIL) return n;
1017 n = explodeStr(s);
1018 m = alloc(n, v);
1019 if (!v) Cdr[m] = m;
1020 osym = Symbols;
1021 Symbols = alloc(m, Symbols);
1022 updatePackages(osym, Symbols);
1023 return m;
1024 }
1026 /* Add primitive procedure. */
addPrim(char * name,int opcode)1027 static int addPrim(char *name, int opcode) {
1028 int y;
1030 y = addSym(name, 0);
1031 Cdr[y] = alloc(S_primitive, NIL);
1032 cddr(y) = alloc3(opcode, NIL, AFLAG);
1033 cdddr(y) = y;
1034 return y;
1035 }
1037 /* Add special form handler. */
addSpecial(char * name,int opcode,int cbv)1038 static int addSpecial(char *name, int opcode, int cbv) {
1039 int y;
1041 y = addSym(name, 0);
1042 Cdr[y] = alloc(cbv? S_special_cbv: S_special, NIL);
1043 cddr(y) = alloc3(opcode, NIL, AFLAG);
1044 cdddr(y) = y;
1045 return y;
1046 }
1048 /* Add user primitive handler. */
sk_addUserPrim(char * name,int (* handler)(int n))1049 int sk_addUserPrim(char *name, int (*handler)(int n)) {
1050 int y;
1052 if (LastUsrPrimitive >= SK_MAX_USER_PRIMITIVES)
1053 return -1;
1054 y = addSym(name, 0);
1055 Cdr[y] = alloc(S_user_primitive, NIL);
1056 cddr(y) = alloc3(LastUsrPrimitive, NIL, AFLAG);
1057 cdddr(y) = y;
1058 UsrPrimitives[LastUsrPrimitive] = handler;
1059 LastUsrPrimitive += 1;
1060 return LastUsrPrimitive;
1061 }
1063 /* Find a package. */
findPackage(int sym)1064 static int findPackage(int sym) {
1065 int p;
1067 p = Packages;
1068 while (p != NIL) {
1069 if (caar(p) == sym) return Car[p];
1070 p = Cdr[p];
1071 }
1072 return NIL;
1073 }
1075 /* Add a package. */
addPackage(int sym)1076 static int addPackage(int sym) {
1077 int y, p;
1079 y = findPackage(sym);
1080 if (y != NIL) return Cdr[y];
1081 p = alloc(sym, NIL);
1082 Packages = alloc(p, Packages);
1083 return Cdr[p];
1084 }
1086 /*
1087 * Read a list (S0 ... SN) or pair (S0 . S1) and return it.
1088 * For empty lists return NIL.
1089 */
readList(void)1090 static int readList(void) {
1091 int n, /* Node read */
1092 m, /* List */
1093 a, /* Used to append nodes to m */
1094 c; /* Member counter */
1095 char *badpair;
1097 badpair = "bad pair";
1098 Level = Level+1;
1099 m = alloc(NIL, NIL); /* Root node */
1100 save(m);
1101 a = NIL;
1102 c = 0;
1103 while (1) {
1104 if (SK_errFlag) {
1105 unsave(1);
1106 return NIL;
1107 }
1108 n = xread();
1109 if (n == S_eof) {
1110 if (LoadLev) {
1111 unsave(1);
1112 return S_eof;
1113 }
1114 error("missing ')'", NOEXPR);
1115 }
1116 if (n == DOT) {
1117 if (c < 1) {
1118 error(badpair, NOEXPR);
1119 continue;
1120 }
1121 n = xread();
1122 Cdr[a] = n;
1123 if (n == RPAREN || xread() != RPAREN) {
1124 error(badpair, NOEXPR);
1125 continue;
1126 }
1127 unsave(1);
1128 Level = Level-1;
1129 return m;
1130 }
1131 if (n == RPAREN) break;
1132 if (a == NIL)
1133 a = m; /* First member: insert at root */
1134 else
1135 a = Cdr[a]; /* Following members: append */
1136 Car[a] = n;
1137 Cdr[a] = alloc(NIL, NIL); /* Alloc space for next member */
1138 c = c+1;
1139 }
1140 Level = Level-1;
1141 if (a != NIL) Cdr[a] = NIL; /* Remove trailing empty node */
1142 unsave(1);
1143 return c? m: NIL;
1144 }
1146 /* Read a vector literal */
readVector(void)1147 static int readVector(void) {
1148 int n;
1150 n = readList();
1151 save(n);
1152 n = list_to_vector(n, "bad vector syntax");
1153 unsave(1);
1154 return n;
1155 }
1157 /* Is N a 'real' (non-NIL) atom? */
1158 #define atomic(n) \
1159 ((n) != NIL && Car[n] != NIL && (Tag[Car[n]] & AFLAG))
1161 /* Is N a tagged list (an internal type)? */
tagged(int n)1162 static int tagged(int n) {
1163 if ( n == NIL || !atomic(Car[n]) ||
1164 Car[n] == S_true || Car[n] == S_false
1165 )
1166 return 0;
1167 n = caar(n);
1168 return (Tag[n] & AFLAG) && Car[n] == '#';
1169 }
1171 /* Is N a lazy atom (atomic or tagged list)? */
1172 #define lazyAtom(n) (atomic(n) || tagged(n))
1174 /* Quote an expression. */
quote(int n)1175 static int quote(int n) {
1176 int q;
1178 q = alloc(n, NIL);
1179 return alloc(S_quote, q);
1180 }
1182 /*
1183 * Check whether a string represents a number.
1184 * Numbers are defined as [+-]?[0-9]+.
1185 */
numericStr(char * s)1186 static int numericStr(char *s) {
1187 int i;
1189 i = 0;
1190 if (s[0] == '+' || s[0] == '-') i = 1;
1191 if (!s[i]) return 0;
1192 while (s[i]) {
1193 if (!isdigit(s[i])) return 0;
1194 i = i+1;
1195 }
1196 return 1;
1197 }
1199 /* Explode a numeric string into a bignum. */
explodeNum(char * s)1200 static int explodeNum(char *s) {
1201 int i, l, x, y;
1202 char name[3];
1204 i = 0;
1205 l = alloc(S_integer, NIL);
1206 x = l;
1207 save(l);
1208 strcpy(name, "0d");
1209 while (s[i]) {
1210 name[0] = s[i];
1211 name[1] = isdigit(s[i])? 'd': 0;
1212 y = addSym(name, NIL);
1213 Cdr[x] = alloc(y, NIL);
1214 x = Cdr[x];
1215 i = i+1;
1216 }
1217 unsave(1);
1218 return l;
1219 }
1221 /* Report unreadable object */
unreadable(void)1222 static int unreadable(void) {
1223 int c, i;
1224 char buf[TEXTLEN];
1226 error("unreadable object", NOEXPR);
1227 strcpy(buf, "#<");
1228 i = 2;
1229 while (1) {
1230 c = rdch();
1231 if (c == '>' || c == '\n') break;
1232 if (i < TEXTLEN-2) buf[i++] = c;
1233 }
1234 buf[i++] = '>';
1235 buf[i] = 0;
1236 setErrArg(buf);
1237 return NIL;
1238 }
1240 /* Create a character literal. */
sk_mkChar(int x)1241 int sk_mkChar(int x) {
1242 int n;
1244 n = alloc3(x, NIL, AFLAG);
1245 return alloc(S_char, n);
1246 }
1248 /* Read a character literal. */
character(void)1249 static int character(void) {
1250 char buf[10];
1251 int i, c;
1253 for (i=0; i<9; i++) {
1254 c = sk_rdch();
1255 if (i > 0 && !isalpha(c)) break;
1256 buf[i] = c;
1257 }
1258 Rejected = c;
1259 buf[i] = 0;
1260 if (i == 0) c = ' ';
1261 else if (i == 1) c = buf[0];
1262 else if (!strcmp(buf, "space")) c = ' ';
1263 else if (!strcmp(buf, "newline")) c = '\n';
1264 else if (!strcmp(buf, "linefeed")) c = '\n';
1265 else {
1266 error("bad # syntax", NOEXPR);
1267 c = 0;
1268 }
1269 return sk_mkChar(c);
1270 }
1272 /* Create a string; K = length */
sk_mkString(char * s,int k)1273 int sk_mkString(char *s, int k) {
1274 int n;
1276 n = allocv(S_string, k+1);
1277 strcpy(string(n), s);
1278 return n;
1279 }
1281 /* Read a string literal. */
stringLiteral(void)1282 static int stringLiteral(void) {
1283 char s[TEXTLEN+1];
1284 int c, i, n, q;
1285 int inv;
1287 i = 0;
1288 q = 0;
1289 c = sk_rdch();
1290 inv = 0;
1291 while (q || c != '"') {
1292 if (SK_errFlag) break;
1293 if (i >= TEXTLEN-2) {
1294 error("symbol too long", NOEXPR);
1295 i = i-1;
1296 }
1297 if (q && c != '"' && c != '\\') {
1298 s[i++] = '\\';
1299 inv = 1;
1300 }
1301 s[i] = c;
1302 q = !q && c == '\\';
1303 if (!q) i = i+1;
1304 c = sk_rdch();
1305 }
1306 s[i] = 0;
1307 n = sk_mkString(s, i);
1308 if (inv) error("invalid escape sequence in string", n);
1309 return n;
1310 }
1312 #define separator(c) \
1313 ((c) == ' ' || (c) == '\t' || (c) == '\n' || \
1314 (c) == '\r' || (c) == '(' || (c) == ')' || \
1315 (c) == ';' || (c) == '#' || (c) == '\'' || \
1316 (c) == '"' || (c) == EOT)
1318 /*
1319 * Read a symbol or a numeric literal. When reading a
1320 * symbol, add it to the global symbol table.
1321 */
symOrNum(int c)1322 static int symOrNum(int c) {
1323 char s[TEXTLEN];
1324 int i;
1326 i = 0;
1327 while (!separator(c)) {
1328 if (i >= TEXTLEN-2) {
1329 error("symbol too long", NOEXPR);
1330 i = i-1;
1331 }
1332 s[i] = c;
1333 i = i+1;
1334 c = rdch();
1335 }
1336 s[i] = 0;
1337 Rejected = c;
1338 if (numericStr(s)) return explodeNum(s);
1339 return addSym(s, S_undefined);
1340 }
1342 /* (EQUAL N M)? */
equals(int n,int m)1343 static int equals(int n, int m) {
1344 if (n == m) return 1;
1345 if (n == NIL || m == NIL) return 0;
1346 if (tagged(n) && tagged(m)) {
1347 if ( Car[n] == S_integer &&
1348 Car[m] == S_integer &&
1349 equals(Cdr[n], Cdr[m])
1350 )
1351 return 1;
1352 if ( Car[n] == S_char &&
1353 Car[m] == S_char &&
1354 cadr(n) == cadr(m)
1355 )
1356 return 1;
1357 if ( Car[n] == S_string &&
1358 Car[m] == S_string &&
1359 !strcmp(string(n), string(m))
1360 )
1361 return 1;
1362 }
1363 if (Tag[n] & AFLAG || Tag[m] & AFLAG) return 0;
1364 return equals(Car[n], Car[m])
1365 && equals(Cdr[n], Cdr[m]);
1366 }
1368 /* Verify most recently evaluated expression */
verify(void)1369 static void verify(void) {
1370 int expected;
1372 expected = sk_read();
1373 if (!equals(expected, Cdr[S_last]))
1374 error("Verification failed; expected", expected);
1375 }
1377 /* Skip over nested #| ... |# */
nestedComment(void)1378 static int nestedComment(void) {
1379 int p, c, k;
1381 k = 1;
1382 p = 0;
1383 c = rdch();
1384 while (k) {
1385 if (c == EOT) fatal("end of input in nested comment");
1386 if (p == '#' && c == '|') { k++; c = 0; }
1387 if (p == '|' && c == '#') { k--; c = 0; }
1388 p = c;
1389 c = rdch();
1390 }
1391 return c;
1392 }
1394 /*
1395 * Read an expression from the current input stream
1396 * and return it.
1397 */
xread(void)1398 int xread(void) {
1399 int c, c2;
1401 c = rdch();
1402 while (1) { /* Skip spaces and comments */
1403 while (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r') {
1404 if (SK_errFlag) return NIL;
1405 c = rdch();
1406 }
1407 if (c == '#') {
1408 c = rdch();
1409 if (c == '|') {
1410 c = nestedComment();
1411 continue;
1412 }
1413 if (c == ';') {
1414 xread();
1415 c = rdch();
1416 continue;
1417 }
1418 if (c != '!') {
1419 Rejected = c;
1420 c = '#';
1421 break;
1422 }
1423 }
1424 else if (SK_arrowMode && c == '=') {
1425 c = rdch();
1426 if (c != '>') {
1427 Rejected = c;
1428 c = '=';
1429 break;
1430 }
1431 if (SK_arrowMode > 1) verify();
1432 }
1433 else if (c != ';')
1434 break;
1435 while (c != '\n' && c != EOT) c = rdch();
1436 }
1437 if (c == EOT) return S_eof;
1438 if (c == '(') {
1439 return readList();
1440 }
1441 else if (c == '\'') {
1442 return quote(xread());
1443 }
1444 else if (c == '#') {
1445 c = rdch();
1446 if (c == 'f') return S_false;
1447 if (c == 't') return S_true;
1448 if (c == '\\') return character();
1449 if (c == '(') return readVector();
1450 if (c == '<') return unreadable();
1451 return error("bad # syntax", NOEXPR);
1452 }
1453 else if (c == '"') {
1454 return stringLiteral();
1455 }
1456 else if (c == ')') {
1457 if (!Level) return error("unexpected ')'", NOEXPR);
1458 return RPAREN;
1459 }
1460 else if (c == '.') {
1461 c2 = rdch();
1462 sk_reject(c2);
1463 if (separator(c2)) {
1464 if (!Level) return error("unexpected '.'",
1465 NOEXPR);
1466 return DOT;
1467 }
1468 return symOrNum(c);
1469 }
1470 else {
1471 return symOrNum(c);
1472 }
1473 }
1475 /* Syntax transformer */
_syntaxTransform(int n)1476 int _syntaxTransform(int n) {
1477 int m;
1478 int tr, app;
1480 if (SK_errFlag) return NIL;
1481 if (n == NIL || lazyAtom(n)) return n;
1482 if (Car[n] == S_quote) return n;
1483 m = n;
1484 while (m != NIL && !lazyAtom(m)) {
1485 Car[m] = _syntaxTransform(Car[m]);
1486 if (SK_errFlag) return NIL;
1487 m = Cdr[m];
1488 }
1489 if (atomic(Car[n]) && cadar(n) == S_syntax) {
1490 /*
1491 * Doing this in C is simply too ugly.
1492 * Pass all the stuff to TRANSFORM-SYNTAX
1493 * and let it do the real work.
1494 * TRANSFORM-SYNTAX is in sketchy.scm.
1495 */
1496 tr = findPsym("transform-syntax", Cdr[S_core]);
1497 if (tr == NIL)
1498 fatal("image lacks 'transform-syntax' procedure");
1499 app = quote(n);
1500 app = alloc(app, NIL);
1501 app = alloc(tr, app);
1502 n = safe_eval(app);
1503 Function = NIL;
1504 }
1505 return n;
1506 }
1508 /* Syntax transformer, friendly version */
syntaxTransform(int n)1509 int syntaxTransform(int n) {
1510 if (!lazyAtom(n) && Car[n] != S_defineSyntax) {
1511 save(n);
1512 n = _syntaxTransform(n);
1513 unsave(1);
1514 }
1515 return n;
1516 }
1518 /* Friendly version of XREAD. */
sk_read(void)1519 int sk_read(void) {
1520 Level = 0;
1521 return xread();
1522 }
1524 /* Error reporting... */
wrongArgs(int n)1526 static int wrongArgs(int n) {
1527 return error("wrong argument count", n);
1528 }
badArgLst(int n)1530 static int badArgLst(int n) {
1531 return error("bad argument list", n);
1532 }
1534 /* Evaluate N=(CONS M M2) */
doCons(int n)1535 static int doCons(int n) {
1536 int m, m2;
1538 m = Cdr[n];
1539 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] == NIL || cddr(m) != NIL)
1540 return wrongArgs(n);
1541 m2 = cadr(m);
1542 return alloc(Car[m], m2);
1543 }
1545 /* Evaluate N=(CAR M) */
doCar(int n)1546 static int doCar(int n) {
1547 int m;
1549 m = Cdr[n];
1550 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
1551 if (atomic(Car[m]) || Car[m] == NIL || tagged(Car[m]))
1552 return error("non-pair in 'car'", Car[m]);
1553 return caar(m);
1554 }
1556 /* Evaluate N=(CDR M) */
doCdr(int n)1557 static int doCdr(int n) {
1558 int m;
1560 m = Cdr[n];
1561 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
1562 if (atomic(Car[m]) || Car[m] == NIL || tagged(Car[m])) {
1563 return error("non-pair in 'cdr'", Car[m]);
1564 }
1565 return cdar(m);
1566 }
1568 /* Evaluate N=(CHAR->INTEGER M) */
doCharToInteger(int n)1569 static int doCharToInteger(int n) {
1570 int m, i, c;
1571 char b[4];
1573 m = Cdr[n];
1574 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
1575 m = Car[m];
1576 if (atomic(m) || m == NIL || Car[m] != S_char)
1577 return error("non-character in 'char->integer'", m);
1578 c = cadr(m);
1579 i = 3;
1580 b[i] = 0;
1581 while (c || i == 4) {
1582 i = i-1;
1583 b[i] = c % 10 + '0';
1584 c = c / 10;
1585 }
1586 return explodeNum(&b[i]);
1587 }
1589 #define CHAR_CI_LT 0
1590 #define CHAR_CI_LE 1
1591 #define CHAR_CI_EQ 2
1592 #define CHAR_CI_GT 3
1593 #define CHAR_CI_GE 4
1594 #define CHAR_LT 5
1595 #define CHAR_LE 6
1596 #define CHAR_EQ 7
1597 #define CHAR_GT 8
1598 #define CHAR_GE 9
1600 /* Process CHAR... predicates. */
charPred(int n,int pred,char * msg)1601 static int charPred(int n, int pred, char *msg) {
1602 int m, c1, c2;
1604 m = Cdr[n];
1605 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] == NIL) {
1606 wrongArgs(n);
1607 return NIL;
1608 }
1609 while (Cdr[m] != NIL) {
1610 c1 = Car[m];
1611 c2 = cadr(m);
1612 if (atomic(c1) || Car[c1] != S_char)
1613 return error(msg, c1);
1614 if (atomic(c2) || Car[c2] != S_char)
1615 return error(msg, c2);
1616 c1 = cadr(c1);
1617 c2 = cadr(c2);
1618 switch (pred) {
1619 case CHAR_CI_LT:
1620 if (tolower(c1) >= tolower(c2)) return S_false;
1621 break;
1622 case CHAR_CI_LE:
1623 if (tolower(c1) > tolower(c2)) return S_false;
1624 break;
1625 case CHAR_CI_EQ:
1626 if (tolower(c1) != tolower(c2)) return S_false;
1627 break;
1628 case CHAR_CI_GT:
1629 if (tolower(c1) <= tolower(c2)) return S_false;
1630 break;
1631 case CHAR_CI_GE:
1632 if (tolower(c1) < tolower(c2)) return S_false;
1633 break;
1634 case CHAR_LT:
1635 if (c1 >= c2) return S_false;
1636 break;
1637 case CHAR_LE:
1638 if (c1 > c2) return S_false;
1639 break;
1640 case CHAR_EQ:
1641 if (c1 != c2) return S_false;
1642 break;
1643 case CHAR_GT:
1644 if (c1 <= c2) return S_false;
1645 break;
1646 case CHAR_GE:
1647 if (c1 < c2) return S_false;
1648 break;
1649 }
1650 m = Cdr[m];
1651 }
1652 return S_true;
1653 }
1655 /* Evaluate N=(CHAR-CI<? M1 M2 ...) */
doCharCiLtP(int n)1656 static int doCharCiLtP(int n) {
1657 return charPred(n, CHAR_CI_LT, "non-char in char-ci<?");
1658 }
1660 /* Evaluate N=(CHAR-CI<=? M1 M2 ...) */
doCharCiLEP(int n)1661 static int doCharCiLEP(int n) {
1662 return charPred(n, CHAR_CI_LE, "non-char in char-ci<=?");
1663 }
1665 /* Evaluate N=(CHAR-CI=? M1 M2 ...) */
doCharCiEqP(int n)1666 static int doCharCiEqP(int n) {
1667 return charPred(n, CHAR_CI_EQ, "non-char in char-ci=?");
1668 }
1670 /* Evaluate N=(CHAR-CI>? M1 M2 ...) */
doCharCiGtP(int n)1671 static int doCharCiGtP(int n) {
1672 return charPred(n, CHAR_CI_GT, "non-char in char-ci<?");
1673 }
1675 /* Evaluate N=(CHAR-CI>=? M1 M2 ...) */
doCharCiGEP(int n)1676 static int doCharCiGEP(int n) {
1677 return charPred(n, CHAR_CI_GE, "non-char in char-ci<=?");
1678 }
1680 /* Evaluate N=(CHAR<? M1 M2 ...) */
doCharLtP(int n)1681 static int doCharLtP(int n) {
1682 return charPred(n, CHAR_LT, "non-char in char<?");
1683 }
1685 /* Evaluate N=(CHAR<=? M1 M2 ...) */
doCharLEP(int n)1686 static int doCharLEP(int n) {
1687 return charPred(n, CHAR_LE, "non-char in char<?");
1688 }
1690 /* Evaluate N=(CHAR=? M1 M2 ...) */
doCharEqP(int n)1691 static int doCharEqP(int n) {
1692 return charPred(n, CHAR_EQ, "non-char in char=?");
1693 }
1695 /* Evaluate N=(CHAR>? M1 M2 ...) */
doCharGtP(int n)1696 static int doCharGtP(int n) {
1697 return charPred(n, CHAR_GT, "non-char in char<?");
1698 }
1700 /* Evaluate N=(CHAR>=? M1 M2 ...) */
doCharGEP(int n)1701 static int doCharGEP(int n) {
1702 return charPred(n, CHAR_GE, "non-char in char<?");
1703 }
1705 /* Evaluate N=(CHAR? M) */
doCharP(int n)1706 static int doCharP(int n) {
1707 int m;
1709 m = Cdr[n];
1710 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
1711 m = Car[m];
1712 return !atomic(m) && m != NIL && Car[m] == S_char ? S_true: S_false;
1713 }
1715 /* Return the value of a digit. */
digitToValue(int n)1716 static int digitToValue(int n) {
1717 int y;
1719 y = Car[n];
1720 if ( !isdigit(Car[y]) ||
1721 cadr(y) != 'd' ||
1722 cddr(y) != NIL
1723 ) {
1724 error("non-digit in natural arithmetic operation", n);
1725 return -1;
1726 }
1727 return Car[y] - '0';
1728 }
1730 /* Convert a value to a digit. */
valueToDigit(int n)1731 static int valueToDigit(int n) {
1732 return Digits[n];
1733 }
1735 /* Reverse a list */
reverse(int n)1736 static int reverse(int n) {
1737 int m;
1739 /* protect N? */
1740 m = NIL;
1741 while (n != NIL) {
1742 m = alloc(Car[n], m);
1743 n = Cdr[n];
1744 }
1745 return m;
1746 }
1748 /* Compute the length of a list */
length(int n)1749 static int length(int n) {
1750 int k;
1752 k = 0;
1753 while (n != NIL) {
1754 n = Cdr[n];
1755 k = k+1;
1756 }
1757 return k;
1758 }
1760 /* Retrieve factors of a numeric function */
getFactors(char * msg,int n,int * p1,int * p2)1761 static int getFactors(char *msg, int n, int *p1, int *p2) {
1762 int m, m2;
1764 m = Cdr[n];
1765 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] == NIL || cddr(m) != NIL)
1766 return wrongArgs(n);
1767 m = Car[m];
1768 if (atomic(m) || m == NIL || Car[m] != S_integer)
1769 return error(msg, m);
1770 m2 = caddr(n);
1771 if (atomic(m2) || m2 == NIL || Car[m2] != S_integer)
1772 return error(msg, m2);
1773 *p1 = Cdr[m];
1774 *p2 = Cdr[m2];
1775 return SK_errFlag;
1776 }
1778 /* Evaluate N=(N< M1 M2) */
doNLess(int n)1779 static int doNLess(int n) {
1780 int f1, f2;
1781 int k1, k2;
1782 int v1, v2;
1784 getFactors("non-natural in 'n<'", n, &f1, &f2);
1785 if (SK_errFlag) return NIL;
1786 save(f1);
1787 save(f2);
1788 k1 = length(f1);
1789 k2 = length(f2);
1790 if (caaar(f1) == '-' || caaar(f1) == '+')
1791 error("non-natural in 'n<'", cadr(n));
1792 if (caaar(f2) == '-' || caaar(f2) == '+')
1793 error("non-natural in 'n<'", caddr(n));
1794 if (k1 != k2) {
1795 unsave(2);
1796 if (k1 < k2) return S_true;
1797 return S_false;
1798 }
1799 while (f1 != NIL) {
1800 v1 = digitToValue(Car[f1]);
1801 v2 = digitToValue(Car[f2]);
1802 if (v1 != v2) {
1803 unsave(2);
1804 if (v1 < v2) return S_true;
1805 return S_false;
1806 }
1807 f1 = Cdr[f1];
1808 f2 = Cdr[f2];
1809 }
1810 unsave(2);
1811 return S_false;
1812 }
1814 /* Evaluate N=(N- M1 M2) */
doNMinus(int n)1815 static int doNMinus(int n) {
1816 int f1, f2, res;
1817 int r, borrow;
1819 getFactors("non-natural in 'n-'", n, &f1, &f2);
1820 if (SK_errFlag) return NIL;
1821 f1 = reverse(f1);
1822 save(f1);
1823 f2 = reverse(f2);
1824 save(f2);
1825 res = NIL;
1826 borrow = 0;
1827 while (f1 != NIL) {
1828 r = digitToValue(Car[f1])
1829 - (f2 == NIL? 0: digitToValue(Car[f2]))
1830 - borrow;
1831 if (r < 0) {
1832 r += 10;
1833 borrow = 1;
1834 }
1835 else {
1836 borrow = 0;
1837 }
1838 res = alloc(valueToDigit(r), res);
1839 if (f1 != NIL) f1 = Cdr[f1];
1840 if (f2 != NIL) f2 = Cdr[f2];
1841 }
1842 if (f2 != NIL || borrow)
1843 error("negative difference in 'n-'", n);
1844 while (Car[res] == S_0 && Cdr[res] != NIL)
1845 res = Cdr[res];
1846 res = alloc(S_integer, res);
1847 unsave(2);
1848 return res;
1849 }
1851 /* Evaluate N=(N+ M1 M2) */
doNPlus(int n)1852 static int doNPlus(int n) {
1853 int f1, f2, res;
1854 int r, carry;
1856 getFactors("non-natural in 'n+'", n, &f1, &f2);
1857 if (SK_errFlag) return NIL;
1858 f1 = reverse(f1);
1859 save(f1);
1860 f2 = reverse(f2);
1861 save(f2);
1862 res = NIL;
1863 carry = 0;
1864 while (f1 != NIL || f2 != NIL || carry) {
1865 r = (f1 == NIL? 0: digitToValue(Car[f1]))
1866 + (f2 == NIL? 0: digitToValue(Car[f2]))
1867 + carry;
1868 if (r > 9) {
1869 r -= 10;
1870 carry = 1;
1871 }
1872 else {
1873 carry = 0;
1874 }
1875 res = alloc(valueToDigit(r), res);
1876 if (f1 != NIL) f1 = Cdr[f1];
1877 if (f2 != NIL) f2 = Cdr[f2];
1878 }
1879 res = alloc(S_integer, res);
1880 unsave(2);
1881 return res;
1882 }
1884 /* Evaluate N=(GENSYM M) */
doGensym(int n)1885 static int doGensym(int n) {
1886 int m, k, i, d;
1887 char sym[TEXTLEN];
1889 m = Cdr[n];
1890 if (m != NIL && Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
1891 if (m == NIL)
1892 m = S_gensym;
1893 else if (!atomic(Car[m]))
1894 return error("non-symbol in 'gensym'", Car[m]);
1895 else
1896 m = Car[m];
1897 implodeStr(Car[m], TEXTLEN, sym);
1898 k = strlen(sym);
1899 while (1) {
1900 d = 1;
1901 for (i=GensymCounter; i; i /= 10)
1902 d++;
1903 if (k + d >= TEXTLEN)
1904 fatal("doGensym(): symbol too long");
1905 GensymCounter += 1;
1906 if (GensymCounter == 0)
1907 fatal("doGensym(): out of unique symbols");
1908 sprintf(&sym[k], "%d", GensymCounter);
1909 if (findSym(sym) == NIL) {
1910 m = explodeStr(sym);
1911 m = alloc(m, S_undefined);
1912 return m;
1913 }
1914 }
1915 return m;
1916 }
1918 /* Evaluate N=(INTEGER->CHAR M) */
doIntegerToChar(int n)1919 static int doIntegerToChar(int n) {
1920 int m, p;
1921 unsigned char c;
1923 m = Cdr[n];
1924 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
1925 m = Car[m];
1926 if (atomic(m) || m == NIL || Car[m] != S_integer)
1927 return error("non-integer in 'integer->char'", m);
1928 p = Cdr[m];
1929 c = 0;
1930 while (p != NIL) {
1931 c = c * 10 + caaar(p) - '0';
1932 p = Cdr[p];
1933 }
1934 if (c > 127)
1935 return error("value out of range in 'integer->char'", m);
1936 return sk_mkChar(c);
1937 }
1939 /* Evaluate N=(INTEGER->LIST M) */
doIntegerToList(int n)1940 static int doIntegerToList(int n) {
1941 int m;
1943 m = Cdr[n];
1944 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
1945 m = Car[m];
1946 if (atomic(m) || m == NIL || Car[m] != S_integer)
1947 return error("non-integer in 'integer->list'", m);
1948 return Cdr[m];
1949 }
1951 /* Evaluate N=(LIST->INTEGER M) */
doListToInteger(int n)1952 static int doListToInteger(int n) {
1953 int m, check, p, d, found_digit;
1955 m = Cdr[n];
1956 if (m == NIL || (Cdr[m] != NIL && cddr(m) != NIL))
1957 return wrongArgs(n);
1958 check = cddr(m) != NIL;
1959 m = Car[m];
1960 if (m == NIL || atomic(m) || tagged(m))
1961 return error("non-list or empty list in 'list->integer'", m);
1962 if (check) {
1963 p = m;
1964 d = Car[p];
1965 if ( atomic(d) &&
1966 (caar(d) == '+' ||
1967 caar(d) == '-') &&
1968 cdar(d) == NIL
1969 )
1970 p = Cdr[p];
1971 found_digit = 0;
1972 while (p != NIL) {
1973 d = Car[p];
1974 if ( d == S_0 || d == S_1 || d == S_2 ||
1975 d == S_3 || d == S_4 || d == S_5 ||
1976 d == S_6 || d == S_7 || d == S_8 ||
1977 d == S_9
1978 )
1979 found_digit = 1;
1980 else
1981 error(
1982 "non-digit in argument to 'list->integer'",
1983 d);
1984 p = Cdr[p];
1985 }
1986 if (!found_digit)
1987 return error("no digits in 'list->integer'", m);
1988 }
1989 return alloc(S_integer, m);
1990 }
1992 /* Evaluate N=(NULL? M) */
doNullP(int n)1993 static int doNullP(int n) {
1994 int m;
1996 m = Cdr[n];
1997 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
1998 return Car[m] == NIL? S_true: S_false;
1999 }
2001 /* Evaluate N=(EOF-OBJECT? M) */
doEofObjectP(int n)2002 static int doEofObjectP(int n) {
2003 int m;
2005 m = Cdr[n];
2006 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL)
2007 return wrongArgs(n);
2008 return Car[m] == S_eof? S_true: S_false;
2009 }
2011 /* Evaluate N=(EQ? M M2) */
doEqP(int n)2012 static int doEqP(int n) {
2013 int m;
2015 m = Cdr[n];
2016 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] == NIL || cddr(m) != NIL)
2017 return wrongArgs(n);
2018 return Car[m] == cadr(m)? S_true: S_false;
2019 }
2021 /* Evaluate N=(LIST->STRING M) */
doListToString(int n)2022 static int doListToString(int n) {
2023 int m, p, i, k, ch;
2024 char *s;
2026 m = Cdr[n];
2027 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2028 m = Car[m];
2029 if (m == NIL) {
2030 p = allocv(S_string, 1);
2031 s = string(p);
2032 s[0] = 0;
2033 return p;
2034 }
2035 if (lazyAtom(m)) return error("non-list in 'list->string'", m);
2036 k = 0;
2037 for (p = m; p != NIL; p = Cdr[p]) {
2038 if (lazyAtom(p))
2039 return error("improper list in 'list->string'",
2040 cadr(n));
2041 k++;
2042 }
2043 p = allocv(S_string, k+1);
2044 i = 0;
2045 s = string(p);
2046 while (m != NIL) {
2047 ch = Car[m];
2048 if (atomic(ch) || Car[ch] != S_char)
2049 return error("non-char in argument to 'list->string'",
2050 ch);
2051 s[i++] = cadr(ch);
2052 m = Cdr[m];
2053 }
2054 s[i] = 0;
2055 return p;
2056 }
list_to_vector(int m,char * msg)2058 static int list_to_vector(int m, char *msg) {
2059 int n;
2060 int vec, k;
2061 int *p;
2063 k = 0;
2064 for (n = m; n != NIL; n = Cdr[n]) {
2065 if (lazyAtom(n))
2066 return error(msg, m);
2067 k++;
2068 }
2069 vec = allocv(S_vector, k*sizeof(int));
2070 p = vector(vec);
2071 for (n = m; n != NIL; n = Cdr[n]) {
2072 *p = Car[n];
2073 p++;
2074 }
2075 return vec;
2076 }
2078 /* Evaluate N=(LIST->VECTOR M) */
doListToVector(int n)2079 static int doListToVector(int n) {
2080 int m;
2082 m = Cdr[n];
2083 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2084 m = Car[m];
2085 if (lazyAtom(m))
2086 return error("non-list in 'list->vector'", m);
2087 return list_to_vector(m, "improper list in 'list->vector'");
2088 }
2090 /* Evaluate N=(LOAD M) */
doLoad(int n)2091 static int doLoad (int n) {
2092 int m, f;
2093 char *s;
2095 m = Cdr[n];
2096 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2097 f = Car[m];
2098 if (atomic(f) || f == NIL || Car[f] != S_string)
2099 return error("non-string in 'load'", f);
2100 s = string(f); /* file name */
2101 sk_load(s);
2102 return S_void;
2103 }
2105 /* Evaluate N=(NUMBER? M) */
doNumberP(int n)2106 static int doNumberP(int n) {
2107 int m;
2109 m = Cdr[n];
2110 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2111 m = Car[m];
2112 return atomic(m) || m == NIL? S_false:
2113 Car[m] == S_integer? S_true: S_false;
2114 }
2116 /* Evaluate N=(PACKAGE [N1]) */
doPackage(int n)2117 static int doPackage(int n) {
2118 int m;
2120 m = Cdr[n];
2121 if (m != NIL && Cdr[m] != NIL)
2122 return wrongArgs(n);
2123 m = m == NIL? NIL: Car[m];
2124 Symbols = addPackage(m);
2125 return m;
2126 }
2128 /* Evaluate N=(PAIR? M) */
doPairP(int n)2129 static int doPairP(int n) {
2130 int m;
2132 m = Cdr[n];
2133 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2134 m = Car[m];
2135 return atomic(m) || tagged(m) || m == NIL? S_false:
2136 S_true;
2137 }
2139 /* Evaluate N=(PEEK-CHAR M) */
doPeekChar(int n)2140 static int doPeekChar(int n) {
2141 int m, c;
2143 m = Cdr[n];
2144 if (m != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2145 c = sk_rdch();
2146 Rejected = c;
2147 return sk_mkChar(c);
2148 }
2150 /* Evaluate N=(PROCEDURE? M) */
doProcedureP(int n)2151 static int doProcedureP(int n) {
2152 int m;
2154 m = Cdr[n];
2155 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2156 m = Car[m];
2157 if (atomic(m) || m == NIL)
2158 return S_false;
2159 if ( Car[m] == S_closure ||
2160 Car[m] == S_primitive ||
2161 Car[m] == S_special_cbv ||
2162 Car[m] == S_user_primitive
2163 )
2164 return S_true;
2165 return S_false;
2166 }
2168 /* Evaluate N=(REQUIRE M) */
doRequire(int n)2169 static int doRequire(int n) {
2170 int m, f;
2171 char *file;
2173 m = Cdr[n];
2174 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2175 f = Car[m];
2176 if (atomic(f) || f == NIL || Car[f] != S_string)
2177 return error("non-string in 'require'", f);
2178 file = string(f);
2179 return sk_require(file)? S_true: S_false;
2180 }
2182 /* Evaluate N=(STRING->LIST M) */
doStringToList(int n)2183 static int doStringToList(int n) {
2184 int m, a, lst, k, i;
2185 char *s;
2187 m = Cdr[n];
2188 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2189 m = Car[m];
2190 if (atomic(m) || m == NIL || Car[m] != S_string)
2191 return error("non-string in 'string->list'", m);
2192 s = string(m);
2193 k = string_len(m) - 1;
2194 if (*s == 0) return NIL;
2195 lst = alloc(NIL, NIL);
2196 save(lst);
2197 a = lst;
2198 i = 0;
2199 while (i < k) {
2200 Car[a] = sk_mkChar(s[i++]);
2201 if (i < k) {
2202 Cdr[a] = alloc(NIL, NIL);
2203 a = Cdr[a];
2204 }
2205 }
2206 unsave(1);
2207 return lst;
2208 }
2210 /* Evaluate N=(STRING->SYMBOL M) */
doStringToSymbol(int n)2211 static int doStringToSymbol(int n) {
2212 int m;
2213 char *s;
2215 m = Cdr[n];
2216 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2217 m = Car[m];
2218 if (atomic(m) || m == NIL || Car[m] != S_string)
2219 return error("non-string in 'string->symbol'", m);
2220 s = string(m);
2221 if (s[0] == 0)
2222 return error("empty string in 'string->symbol'", m);
2223 return addSym(s, S_undefined);
2224 }
2226 /* Evaluate N=(STRING-APPEND M ...) */
doStringAppend(int n)2227 static int doStringAppend(int n) {
2228 int m, p;
2229 int k, len, o;
2230 int new;
2231 char *s, *q;
2233 m = Cdr[n];
2234 k = 0;
2235 while (m != NIL) {
2236 p = Car[m];
2237 if (atomic(p) || p == NIL || Car[p] != S_string)
2238 return error("non-string in 'string-append'", p);
2239 s = string(p);
2240 o = k;
2241 len = strlen(s);
2242 k = k + len;
2243 if (k < 0 || k - len != o)
2244 return error("string too long in 'string-append'",
2245 NOEXPR);
2246 m = Cdr[m];
2247 }
2248 new = allocv(S_string, k+1);
2249 q = string(new);
2250 q[0] = 0;
2251 m = Cdr[n];
2252 while (m != NIL) {
2253 p = Car[m];
2254 s = string(p);
2255 strcpy(q, s);
2256 q = &q[strlen(q)];
2257 m = Cdr[m];
2258 }
2259 return new;
2260 }
2262 /* Evaluate N=(STRING-LENGTH M) */
doStringLength(int n)2263 static int doStringLength(int n) {
2264 int m;
2265 char *s;
2266 char buf[20];
2268 m = Cdr[n];
2269 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2270 m = Car[m];
2271 if (atomic(m) || m == NIL || Car[m] != S_string)
2272 return error("non-string in 'string-length'", m);
2273 s = string(m);
2274 sprintf(buf, "%d", strlen(s));
2275 return explodeNum(buf);
2276 }
2278 /*
2279 * Convert bignum integer to long int and return it.
2280 * If the value of the bignum does not fit in a long int,
2281 * set EP[0] to a non-zero value. Otherwise, leave EP[0]
2282 * alone.
2283 */
sk_int(int n,int * ep)2284 long sk_int(int n, int *ep) {
2285 long v, o, d;
2286 int neg;
2288 if (atomic(n) || n == NIL || Car[n] != S_integer) {
2289 ep[0] = -1;
2290 return 0;
2291 }
2292 v = 0;
2293 n = Cdr[n];
2294 neg = 0;
2295 if (caaar(n) == '+') {
2296 n = Cdr[n];
2297 }
2298 else if (caaar(n) == '-') {
2299 n = Cdr[n];
2300 neg = 1;
2301 }
2302 while (n != NIL) {
2303 o = v;
2304 d = digitToValue(Car[n]);
2305 v = v * 10 + d;
2306 if (v < 0 || (v - d) / 10 != o) {
2307 ep[0] = -1;
2308 return 0;
2309 }
2310 n = Cdr[n];
2311 }
2312 return neg? -v: v;
2313 }
2315 /* Convert bignum integer to C integer */
valueOf(char * src,int n)2316 static int valueOf(char *src, int n) {
2317 int e, iv;
2318 long v;
2319 char buf[100];
2321 e = 0;
2322 v = sk_int(n, &e);
2323 iv = (int) v;
2324 if (e || v != iv) {
2325 sprintf(buf, "value too big in '%s'", src);
2326 error(buf, n);
2327 }
2328 return iv;
2329 }
2331 /* Evaluate N=(STRING-REF M1 M2) */
doStringRef(int n)2332 static int doStringRef(int n) {
2333 int m, m2, pos;
2334 char *s;
2336 m = Cdr[n];
2337 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] == NIL || cddr(m) != NIL)
2338 return wrongArgs(n);
2339 m2 = Cdr[m];
2340 m = Car[m];
2341 if (atomic(m) || m == NIL || Car[m] != S_string)
2342 return error("non-string in argument 1 of 'string-ref'", m);
2343 m2 = Car[m2];
2344 if (atomic(m2) || m2 == NIL || Car[m2] != S_integer)
2345 return error("non-number in argument 2 of 'string-ref'", m2);
2346 s = string(m);
2347 pos = valueOf("string-ref", m2);
2348 if (pos < 0 || pos >= strlen(s))
2349 return error("offset out of range in 'string-ref'", m2);
2350 return sk_mkChar(s[pos]);
2351 }
2353 /* Evaluate N=(STRING? M) */
doStringP(int n)2354 static int doStringP(int n) {
2355 int m;
2357 m = Cdr[n];
2358 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2359 m = Car[m];
2360 return !atomic(m) && m != NIL && Car[m] == S_string ? S_true: S_false;
2361 }
2363 /* Evaluate N=(SUBSTRING M1 M2 M3) */
doSubstring(int n)2364 static int doSubstring(int n) {
2365 int m, m2, m3, start, end, k;
2366 char *s, *q;
2367 int new;
2369 m = Cdr[n];
2370 if ( m == NIL || Cdr[m] == NIL || cddr(m) == NIL ||
2371 cdddr(m) != NIL
2372 )
2373 return wrongArgs(n);
2374 m2 = Cdr[m];
2375 m = Car[m];
2376 if (atomic(m) || m == NIL || Car[m] != S_string)
2377 return error("non-string in argument 1 of 'substring'", m);
2378 m3 = Cdr[m2];
2379 m2 = Car[m2];
2380 if (atomic(m2) || m2 == NIL || Car[m2] != S_integer)
2381 return error("non-number in argument 2 of 'substring'", m2);
2382 m3 = Car[m3];
2383 if (atomic(m3) || m3 == NIL || Car[m3] != S_integer)
2384 return error("non-number in argument 3 of 'substring'", m2);
2385 s = string(m);
2386 start = valueOf("substring", m2);
2387 end = valueOf("substring", m3);
2388 if (start < 0 || start > strlen(s))
2389 return error("offset out of range in 'substring'", m2);
2390 if (end < start || end > strlen(s))
2391 return error("bad range in 'substring'", NOEXPR);
2392 k = end - start;
2393 new = allocv(S_string, k+1);
2394 q = string(new);
2395 memcpy(q, &s[start], k);
2396 q[k] = 0;
2397 return new;
2398 }
2400 /* Evaluate N=(SYMBOL->STRING M) */
doSymbolToString(int n)2401 static int doSymbolToString(int n) {
2402 int m, p, k, q, i;
2403 char *s;
2405 m = Cdr[n];
2406 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2407 m = Car[m];
2408 if (!atomic(m))
2409 return error("non-symbol in 'symbol->string'", m);
2410 k = 1;
2411 for (p = Car[m]; p != NIL; p = Cdr[p])
2412 k++;
2413 q = allocv(S_string, k);
2414 s = string(q);
2415 p = Car[m];
2416 for (i = 0; i<k; i++) {
2417 s[i] = Car[p];
2418 p = Cdr[p];
2419 }
2420 s[i-1] = 0;
2421 return q;
2422 }
2425 /* Evaluate N=(SYMBOL? M) */
doSymbolP(int n)2426 static int doSymbolP(int n) {
2427 int m;
2429 m = Cdr[n];
2430 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2431 m = Car[m];
2432 return atomic(m) && m != S_true && m != S_false ?
2433 S_true: S_false;
2434 }
2436 /* Find syntax transformer bound to symbol Y. */
findTransformer(int y)2437 int findTransformer(int y) {
2438 int t;
2440 for (t = Transformers; t != NIL; t = Cdr[t]) {
2441 if (caar(t) == y) return Car[t];
2442 }
2443 return S_false;
2444 }
2446 /* Evaluate N=(SYNTAX->LIST M) */
doSyntaxToList(int n)2447 static int doSyntaxToList(int n) {
2448 int m, t;
2450 m = Cdr[n];
2451 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2452 m = Car[m];
2453 if (!atomic(m) && m != NIL && Car[m] == S_syntax)
2454 return Cdr[m];
2455 if (!atomic(m)) return S_false;
2456 t = findTransformer(m);
2457 if (t != S_false) return cddr(t);
2458 return S_false;
2459 }
2461 /* Evaluate N=(VECTOR->LIST M) */
doVectorToList(int n)2462 static int doVectorToList(int n) {
2463 int m, a, lst, k, i;
2464 int *p;
2466 m = Cdr[n];
2467 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2468 m = Car[m];
2469 if (atomic(m) || m == NIL || Car[m] != S_vector)
2470 return error("non-vector in 'vector->list'", m);
2471 p = vector(m);
2472 k = vector_len(m);
2473 if (k == 0) return NIL;
2474 lst = alloc(NIL, NIL);
2475 save(lst);
2476 a = lst;
2477 i = 0;
2478 while (i < k) {
2479 Car[a] = p[i++];
2480 if (i < k) {
2481 Cdr[a] = alloc(NIL, NIL);
2482 a = Cdr[a];
2483 }
2484 }
2485 unsave(1);
2486 return lst;
2487 }
2489 /* Evaluate N=(VECTOR-LENGTH M) */
doVectorLength(int n)2490 static int doVectorLength(int n) {
2491 int m;
2492 char buf[20];
2494 m = Cdr[n];
2495 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2496 m = Car[m];
2497 if (atomic(m) || m == NIL || Car[m] != S_vector)
2498 return error("non-vector in 'vector-length'", m);
2499 sprintf(buf, "%d", vector_len(m));
2500 return explodeNum(buf);
2501 }
2503 /* Evaluate N=(VECTOR-REF M1 M2) */
doVectorRef(int n)2504 static int doVectorRef(int n) {
2505 int m, v, i;
2506 int *p;
2508 m = Cdr[n];
2509 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] == NIL || cddr(m) != NIL)
2510 return wrongArgs(n);
2511 v = Car[m];
2512 if (atomic(v) || m == NIL || Car[v] != S_vector)
2513 return error("non-vector in 'vector-ref'", v);
2514 m = cadr(m);
2515 if (atomic(m) || m == NIL || Car[m] != S_integer)
2516 return error("non-integer in 'vector-ref'", m);
2517 i = valueOf("vector-ref", m);
2518 if (i >= vector_len(v))
2519 return error("reference out of range in 'vector-ref'", m);
2520 p = vector(v);
2521 return p[i];
2522 }
2524 /* Evaluate N=(VECTOR? M) */
doVectorP(int n)2525 static int doVectorP(int n) {
2526 int m;
2528 m = Cdr[n];
2529 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2530 m = Car[m];
2531 return !atomic(m) && m != NIL && Car[m] == S_vector? S_true: S_false;
2532 }
2534 /* Evaluate N=(BOTTOM ...) */
doBottom(int n)2535 static int doBottom(int n) {
2536 n = alloc(S_bottom, Cdr[n]);
2537 return error("", n);
2538 }
2540 /* Evaluate N=(VOID) */
doVoid(int n)2541 static int doVoid(int n) {
2542 if (Cdr[n] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2543 return S_void;
2544 }
2546 /* Evaluate N=(READ) */
doRead(int n)2547 static int doRead(int n) {
2548 if (Cdr[n] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2549 return sk_read();
2550 }
2552 /* Evaluate N=(READ-CHAR) */
doReadChar(int n)2553 static int doReadChar(int n) {
2554 int c;
2556 if (Cdr[n] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2557 c = sk_rdch();
2558 return c == EOT? S_eof: sk_mkChar(c);
2559 }
2561 /* Evaluate N=(READ-FROM-STRING) */
doReadFromString(int n)2562 static int doReadFromString(int n) {
2563 int m;
2564 int oline;
2565 char ofile[MAXPATHL];
2566 int orejct;
2568 m = Cdr[n];
2569 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2570 if (atomic(Car[m]) || caar(m) != S_string)
2571 error("non-string in 'read-from-string'", Car[m]);
2572 oline = Line;
2573 Line = 1;
2574 strcpy(ofile, Infile);
2575 strcpy(Infile, "READ-FROM-STRING");
2576 orejct = Rejected;
2577 Rejected = EOT;
2578 gcv(); /* Make sure InputString stays in place */
2579 InputString = string(Car[m]);
2580 n = xread();
2581 if (*InputString != 0 || Rejected != EOT) SK_errFlag = 1;
2582 if (n == S_eof) SK_errFlag = 1;
2583 InputString = NULL;
2584 Line = oline;
2585 strcpy(Infile, ofile);
2586 Rejected = orejct;
2587 if (SK_errFlag) {
2588 sk_gotError();
2589 return S_false;
2590 }
2591 return alloc(n, NIL);
2592 }
2594 /* Evaluate N=(WRITE M) */
doWrite(int n)2595 static int doWrite(int n) {
2596 int m;
2598 m = Cdr[n];
2599 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2600 Quoted = 1;
2601 _print(Car[m]);
2602 return S_void;
2603 }
2605 /* Evaluate N=(WRITE-CHAR M) */
doWriteChar(int n)2606 static int doWriteChar(int n) {
2607 int m;
2609 m = Cdr[n];
2610 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2611 if (atomic(Car[m]) || caar(m) != S_char)
2612 error("non-char in 'write-char'", Car[m]);
2613 fputc(cadar(m), Output);
2614 return S_void;
2615 }
2617 /* Evaluate N=(WRITE-TO-STRING M) */
doWriteToString(int n)2618 static int doWriteToString(int n) {
2619 int m, str, k;
2620 int vp;
2622 m = Cdr[n];
2623 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2624 /* Allocate all remaining vector space */
2625 gcv();
2626 vp = Vptr;
2627 str = allocv(S_string, (VPoolSize-Vptr-3) * sizeof(int));
2628 OutputString = string(str);
2629 OutStrSize = string_len(str);
2630 k = OutStrSize;
2631 sk_print(Car[m]);
2632 OutputString = NULL;
2633 /* Shrink string to actual size */
2634 Vptr = vp;
2635 return allocv(S_string, k - OutStrSize+1);
2636 }
2638 /* Evaluate N=(DISPLAY M) */
doDisplay(int n)2639 static int doDisplay(int n) {
2640 int m;
2642 m = Cdr[n];
2643 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2644 sk_display(Car[m]);
2645 return S_void;
2646 }
2648 /* Evaluate N=(DELETE-FILE M) */
doDeleteFile(int n)2649 static int doDeleteFile(int n) {
2650 int m, f;
2651 char *s;
2653 m = Cdr[n];
2654 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2655 f = Car[m];
2656 if (atomic(f) || f == NIL || Car[f] != S_string)
2657 return error("non-string in 'delete-file'", f);
2658 s = string(f); /* file name */
2659 return unlink(s)? S_false: S_true;
2660 }
2662 /*
2663 * Check whether (CAR NP[0]) is a builtin procedure.
2664 * If it is one, run the appropriate routine, save
2665 * its result in NP[0], and return -1.
2666 * If (CAR NP[0]) is not a builtin procedure, return 0.
2667 */
primitive(int * np)2668 static int primitive(int *np) {
2669 int n, y;
2670 int (*op)(int);
2672 n = np[0];
2673 y = Car[n];
2674 if (SK_errFlag) return 0;
2675 if (Car[y] == S_primitive) {
2676 op = Primitives[cadr(y)];
2677 }
2678 else if (Car[y] == S_user_primitive) {
2679 y = cadr(y);
2680 if (y > LastUsrPrimitive)
2681 fatal("primitive(): bad user primitive");
2682 op = UsrPrimitives[y];
2683 }
2684 else {
2685 return 0;
2686 }
2687 n = (*op)(n);
2688 np[0] = n;
2689 return -1;
2690 }
2692 /*
2693 * Create a flat copy of a list.
2694 * Store a reference to the last member
2695 * of the copy in lastp.
2696 */
flatCopy(int n,int * lastp)2697 static int flatCopy(int n, int *lastp) {
2698 int a, m, last;
2700 if (n == NIL) {
2701 lastp[0] = NIL;
2702 return NIL;
2703 }
2704 m = alloc(NIL, NIL);
2705 save(m);
2706 a = m;
2707 last = m;
2708 while (n != NIL) {
2709 Car[a] = Car[n];
2710 last = a;
2711 n = Cdr[n];
2712 if (n != NIL) {
2713 Cdr[a] = alloc(NIL, NIL);
2714 a = Cdr[a];
2715 }
2716 }
2717 unsave(1);
2718 lastp[0] = last;
2719 return m;
2720 }
2722 /* Copy names and values of the symbol table into an alist. */
copyBindings(void)2723 static int copyBindings(void) {
2724 int y, p, ny, pk, q;
2726 pk = Packages;
2727 p = alloc(NIL, NIL);
2728 ny = p;
2729 q = NIL;
2730 save(p);
2731 while (pk != NIL) {
2732 y = cdar(pk);
2733 while (y != NIL) {
2734 Car[p] = alloc(Car[y], cdar(y));
2735 y = Cdr[y];
2736 Cdr[p] = alloc(NIL, NIL);
2737 q = p;
2738 p = Cdr[p];
2739 }
2740 pk = Cdr[pk];
2741 }
2742 if (q != NIL) Cdr[q] = NIL;
2743 unsave(1);
2744 return Car[ny] == NIL? NIL: ny;
2745 }
2747 /* Restore values of the symbol table. */
restoreBindings(int values)2748 static void restoreBindings(int values) {
2749 int b;
2751 while (values != NIL) {
2752 b = Car[values];
2753 cdar(b) = Cdr[b];
2754 values = Cdr[values];
2755 }
2756 }
2758 /*
2759 * Extract clause of COND.
2760 * Check the syntax of the clause
2761 * and return its predicate.
2762 */
getPred(void)2763 static int getPred(void) {
2764 int e;
2766 e = caar(Bstack);
2767 if ( atomic(e) || e == NIL ||
2768 Cdr[e] == NIL || cddr(e) != NIL
2769 )
2770 return error("bad clause in 'cond'", e);
2771 if (cdar(Bstack) == NIL && Car[e] == S_else)
2772 return S_true;
2773 return Car[e];
2774 }
2776 /*
2777 * Setup context for evaluation of (COND (P1 E1) ... (Pn En)).
2778 * The context consits of a list of clauses.
2779 * Return the predicate of the first clause.
2780 */
setupCond(int n)2781 static int setupCond(int n) {
2782 int m;
2784 m = Cdr[n];
2785 if (m == NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2786 bsave(m);
2787 return getPred();
2788 }
2790 /*
2791 * Evaluate next clause of COND.
2792 * N is the value of the current predicate.
2793 * If N=#T, return the expression of the predicate.
2794 * If N=#F, return the predicate of the next clause.
2795 * When returning the expression of a predicate (N=#T),
2796 * set the context on the Bstack to NIL to signal that
2797 * a true predicate was found.
2798 */
evalClause(int n)2799 static int evalClause(int n) {
2800 int e;
2802 e = Car[Bstack];
2803 if (n == S_false) {
2804 Car[Bstack] = Cdr[e];
2805 if (Car[Bstack] == NIL)
2806 return error("no default in 'cond'", NOEXPR);
2807 return getPred();
2808 }
2809 else {
2810 e = cadar(e);
2811 Car[Bstack] = NIL;
2812 return e;
2813 }
2814 }
2816 /*
2817 * Setup context for evaluation of (AND ...) and (OR ...)
2818 * Return the first expression of the form.
2819 */
setupLogOp(int n)2820 static int setupLogOp(int n) {
2821 int m;
2823 m = Cdr[n];
2824 if (m == NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
2825 bsave(m);
2826 return Car[m];
2827 }
2829 /*
2830 * Unbind the arguments of LAMBDA, LET and LETREC.
2831 * See also bindArgs().
2832 */
unbindArgs(void)2833 static void unbindArgs(void) {
2834 int v;
2836 Frame = unsave(1);
2837 Function = unsave(1);
2838 v = bunsave(1); /* Caller's namelist */
2839 while (v != NIL) {
2840 cdar(v) = unsave(1);
2841 v = Cdr[v];
2842 }
2843 }
2845 /*
2846 * Check whether the symbol N is bound in the current
2847 * lexical environment.
2848 */
isBound(int n)2849 static int isBound(int n) {
2850 int b;
2852 b = Bound;
2853 while (b != NIL) {
2854 if (atomic(b)) {
2855 if (n == b) return 1;
2856 break;
2857 }
2858 if (n == Car[b]) return 1;
2859 b = Cdr[b];
2860 }
2861 b = Car[LexEnv];
2862 while (b != NIL) {
2863 if (caar(b) == n) return 1;
2864 b = Cdr[b];
2865 }
2866 return 0;
2867 }
2869 /*
2870 * Recursively collect free variables and add their symbols
2871 * and values to the current lexical environment.
2872 */
collect(int n)2873 static void collect(int n) {
2874 int m;
2876 if (n == NIL || (Tag[n] & AFLAG) || tagged(n)) return;
2877 if (atomic(n)) {
2878 if (isBound(n)) return;
2879 Car[LexEnv] = alloc(NIL, Car[LexEnv]);
2880 caar(LexEnv) = alloc(n, Cdr[n]);
2881 return;
2882 }
2883 if (Car[n] == S_quote) {
2884 collect(Car[n]);
2885 return;
2886 }
2887 m = n;
2888 while (m != NIL && !atomic(m)) {
2889 collect(Car[m]);
2890 m = Cdr[m];
2891 }
2892 }
2894 /* Create lexical environment. */
mkLexEnv(int term,int locals)2895 static int mkLexEnv(int term, int locals) {
2896 LexEnv = alloc(NIL, NIL);
2897 save(LexEnv);
2898 Bound = locals;
2899 collect(term);
2900 unsave(1);
2901 return Car[LexEnv];
2902 }
2904 /* Create a closure from a lambda expression. */
closure(int n)2905 static int closure(int n) {
2906 int cl, env, args, term;
2908 if (SK_errFlag) return NIL;
2909 args = cadr(n);
2910 term = caddr(n);
2911 if (cdddr(n) == NIL) {
2912 env = mkLexEnv(term, args);
2913 if (Estack != NIL) Estack = alloc(env, Estack);
2914 }
2915 else if (cadddr(n) == S_void) {
2916 /* Use dynamic scoping */
2917 env = NIL;
2918 }
2919 else {
2920 env = cadddr(n);
2921 }
2922 cl = alloc(env, NIL);
2923 cl = alloc(term, cl);
2924 cl = alloc(args, cl);
2925 return alloc(S_closure, cl);
2926 }
2928 /* Fix cached recursive bindings in closures. */
fixCachedClosures(void)2929 static void fixCachedClosures(void) {
2930 int a, ee, e;
2932 if (SK_errFlag || Estack == NIL || Estack == S_true) return;
2933 a = Car[Bstack];
2934 while (a != NIL) {
2935 ee = Estack;
2936 while (ee != NIL && ee != S_true) {
2937 e = Car[ee];
2938 while (e != NIL) {
2939 if (Car[a] == caar(e)) {
2940 cdar(e) = cdar(a);
2941 break;
2942 }
2943 e = Cdr[e];
2944 }
2945 ee = Cdr[ee];
2946 }
2947 a = Cdr[a];
2948 }
2949 }
2951 /*
2952 * Fix references to symbols of BINDINGS
2953 * in all closures of N.
2954 */
fixClosuresOf(int n,int bindings)2955 static void fixClosuresOf(int n, int bindings) {
2956 int ee, e;
2957 int bb, b;
2959 if (n == NIL || atomic(n)) return;
2960 if (Car[n] == S_lambda) {
2961 fixClosuresOf(caddr(n), bindings);
2962 ee = cdddr(n);
2963 if (ee == NIL) return;
2964 ee = Car[ee];
2965 while (ee != NIL) {
2966 e = Car[ee];
2967 bb = bindings;
2968 while (bb != NIL) {
2969 b = Car[bb];
2970 if (Car[b] == Car[e])
2971 Cdr[e] = Cdr[b];
2972 bb = Cdr[bb];
2973 }
2974 ee = Cdr[ee];
2975 }
2976 return;
2977 }
2978 if (tagged(n)) return;
2979 fixClosuresOf(Car[n], bindings);
2980 fixClosuresOf(Cdr[n], bindings);
2981 }
2983 /* Fix recursive bindings of closures. */
fixAllClosures(int b)2984 static void fixAllClosures(int b) {
2985 int p;
2987 p = b;
2988 while (p != NIL) {
2989 fixClosuresOf(cdar(p), b);
2990 p = Cdr[p];
2991 }
2992 }
2994 /* Check whether N is an alist. */
isAlist(int n)2995 static int isAlist(int n) {
2996 if (atomic(n)) return 0;
2997 while (n != NIL) {
2998 if (lazyAtom(Car[n]) || !atomic(caar(n)))
2999 return 0;
3000 n = Cdr[n];
3001 }
3002 return -1;
3003 }
3005 /* Check whether M is a list of symbols. */
isSymList(int m)3006 static int isSymList(int m) {
3007 while (m != NIL) {
3008 if (!atomic(Car[m])) return 0;
3009 if (atomic(Cdr[m])) break;
3010 m = Cdr[m];
3011 }
3012 return 1;
3013 }
3015 /* Evaluate N=(RECURSIVE-BIND M) */
doRecursiveBind(int n)3016 static int doRecursiveBind(int n) {
3017 int m, env;
3019 m = Cdr[n];
3020 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
3021 env = Car[m];
3022 if (!isAlist(env))
3023 return error("non-alist in recursive-bind", env);
3024 fixAllClosures(env);
3025 return env;
3026 }
3028 /*
3029 * Set up a context for processing LET and LETREC.
3030 * Save
3031 * - the complete LET/LETREC expression on the Bstack
3032 * - the environment on the Bstack
3033 * - a list of new bindings on the Bstack (initially empty)
3034 * - a list of saved names on the Bstack (initially empty)
3035 * - a copy of the Estack on the Stack
3036 * Clear the Estack.
3037 */
setupLet(int n)3038 static int setupLet(int n) {
3039 int m; /* Argument pointer */
3041 m = Cdr[n];
3042 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] == NIL || cddr(m) != NIL)
3043 return wrongArgs(n);
3044 m = Car[m];
3045 if (atomic(m))
3046 return error("bad environment in 'let' or 'letrec'", m);
3047 bsave(n); /* save entire LET/LETREC */
3048 bsave(m); /* save environment */
3049 bsave(NIL); /* list of bindings */
3050 bsave(NIL); /* save empty name list */
3051 save(Estack);
3052 Estack = NIL;
3053 return m;
3054 }
3056 /*
3057 * Process one binding of LET/LETREC:
3058 * Bind value to name, advance to next binding.
3059 * Return:
3060 * non-NIL - more bindings in environment
3061 * NIL - last binding done
3062 */
nextLet(int n)3063 static int nextLet(int n) {
3064 int m, p;
3066 m = caddr(Bstack); /* rest of environment */
3067 if (m == NIL) return NIL;
3068 p = Car[m];
3069 Tmp2 = n;
3070 cadr(Bstack) = alloc(NIL, cadr(Bstack));
3071 caadr(Bstack) = alloc(Car[p], n);
3072 Tmp2 = NIL;
3073 caddr(Bstack) = Cdr[m];
3074 return Cdr[m];
3075 }
3077 /*
3078 * Evaluate value to bind inside of LET/LETREC:
3079 * - check syntax
3080 * - save name to bind to
3081 * - save original binding of name
3082 * - return (unevaluated) value
3083 */
evalLet(void)3084 static int evalLet(void) {
3085 int m, p, v;
3087 m = caddr(Bstack);
3088 p = Car[m];
3089 /* Each binding must have the form (atom expr) */
3090 if ( atomic(p) || Cdr[p] == NIL || atomic(Cdr[p]) ||
3091 cddr(p) != NIL || !atomic(Car[p])
3092 ) {
3093 /* In case of an error, get rid of the */
3094 /* partial environment. */
3095 v = bunsave(1);
3096 bunsave(3);
3097 bsave(v);
3098 Estack = unsave(1);
3099 save(Function);
3100 save(Frame);
3101 unbindArgs();
3102 return error("bad binding in 'let' or 'letrec'", p);
3103 }
3104 Car[Bstack] = alloc(Car[p], Car[Bstack]); /* Save name */
3105 /* Evaluate the new value of the current symbol */
3106 return cadr(p);
3107 }
3109 /* Reverse a list in situ. */
nreverse(int n)3110 static int nreverse(int n) {
3111 int this, next, x;
3113 if (n == NIL) return NIL;
3114 this = n;
3115 next = Cdr[n];
3116 Cdr[this] = NIL;
3117 while (next != NIL) {
3118 x = Cdr[next];
3119 Cdr[next] = this;
3120 this = next;
3121 next = x;
3122 }
3123 return this;
3124 }
3126 /* Establish the bindings of LET/LETREC. */
bindLet(int env)3127 static void bindLet(int env) {
3128 int b;
3130 while (env != NIL) {
3131 b = Car[env];
3132 save(cdar(b)); /* Save old value */
3133 cdar(b) = Cdr[b]; /* Bind new value */
3134 env = Cdr[env];
3135 }
3136 }
3138 /*
3139 * Finish processing bindings of LET/LETREC:
3140 * finish context and return body.
3141 */
finishLet(int rec)3142 static int finishLet(int rec) {
3143 int m, v, b, e;
3145 Tmp2 = alloc(NIL, NIL); /* Create safe storage */
3146 Tmp2 = alloc(NIL, Tmp2);
3147 Tmp2 = alloc(NIL, Tmp2);
3148 Tmp2 = alloc(NIL, Tmp2);
3149 v = bunsave(1);
3150 b = bunsave(1); /* get bindings */
3151 m = bunsave(2); /* drop environment, get full LET/LETREC */
3152 b = nreverse(b); /* needed for unbindArgs() */
3153 e = unsave(1); /* outer Estack */
3154 Car[Tmp2] = b; /* protect b, m, v */
3155 cadr(Tmp2) = m;
3156 caddr(Tmp2) = v;
3157 cdddr(Tmp2) = e;
3158 bindLet(b);
3159 bsave(v);
3160 if (rec) fixCachedClosures();
3161 Estack = e;
3162 save(Function); /* required by unbindArgs() */
3163 save(Frame);
3164 Tmp2 = NIL;
3165 return caddr(m); /* return body */
3166 }
3168 /* Substitute each OLD in *P with NEW. */
subst(int old,int new,int * p)3169 static void subst(int old, int new, int *p) {
3170 if (*p == NIL) return;
3171 if (lazyAtom(*p)) {
3172 if (*p == old) *p = new;
3173 return;
3174 }
3175 subst(old, new, &Car[*p]);
3176 subst(old, new, &Cdr[*p]);
3177 }
3179 /*
3180 * Make symbol N local to the current package.
3181 * Also fix recursive references to N in EXPR.
3182 */
localize(int n,int * exprp)3183 int localize(int n, int *exprp) {
3184 int y, osym;
3186 y = Symbols;
3187 while (y != NIL) {
3188 if (n == Car[y]) return n;
3189 y = Cdr[y];
3190 }
3191 osym = Symbols;
3192 Symbols = alloc(NIL, Symbols);
3193 Car[Symbols] = alloc(Car[n], S_undefined);
3194 updatePackages(osym, Symbols);
3195 subst(n, Car[Symbols], exprp);
3196 return Car[Symbols];
3197 }
3199 /* Evaluate N=(AND ...) */
doAnd(int n,int * pcf,int * pmode,int * pcbn)3200 static int doAnd(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn) {
3201 USE(pcbn);
3202 if (Cdr[n] == NIL) {
3203 return S_true;
3204 }
3205 else if (cddr(n) == NIL) {
3206 *pcf = 1;
3207 return cadr(n);
3208 }
3209 else {
3210 *pcf = 2;
3211 *pmode = MCONJ;
3212 return setupLogOp(n);
3213 }
3214 }
3216 /* Evaluate N=(APPLY M) */
doApply(int n,int * pcf,int * pmode,int * pcbn)3217 static int doApply(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn) {
3218 int m, p, q, last;
3220 *pcf = 1;
3221 USE(pmode);
3222 *pcbn = 1;
3223 m = Cdr[n];
3224 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] == NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
3225 if (Car[m] == NIL || atomic(Car[m]))
3226 return error("non-procedure in 'apply'", Car[m]);
3227 p = caar(m);
3228 if (!SK_strictApply && p == S_special)
3229 ; /* OK */
3230 else if (p != S_primitive &&
3231 p != S_special_cbv &&
3232 p != S_closure &&
3233 p != S_user_primitive
3234 )
3235 return error("non-procedure in 'apply'", Car[m]);
3236 p = m;
3237 last = p;
3238 while (p != NIL) {
3239 if (lazyAtom(p))
3240 return error("improper list in application", n);
3241 last = p;
3242 p = Cdr[p];
3243 }
3244 p = Car[last];
3245 while (p != NIL) {
3246 if (atomic(p) || tagged(p)) return
3247 error("improper list in 'apply'", Car[last]);
3248 p = Cdr[p];
3249 }
3250 if (cddr(m) == NIL)
3251 return alloc(Car[m], cadr(m));
3252 p = flatCopy(Cdr[m], &q);
3253 q = p;
3254 while (cddr(q) != NIL) q = Cdr[q];
3255 Cdr[q] = Car[last];
3256 return alloc(Car[m], p);
3257 }
3259 /* Evaluate N=(BEGIN ...) */
doBegin(int n,int * pcf,int * pmode,int * pcbn)3260 static int doBegin(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn) {
3261 USE(pcbn);
3262 if (Cdr[n] == NIL) {
3263 return S_void;
3264 }
3265 else if (cddr(n) == NIL) {
3266 *pcf = 1;
3267 return cadr(n);
3268 }
3269 else {
3270 *pcf = 2;
3271 *pmode = MBEGN;
3272 return setupLogOp(n);
3273 }
3274 }
3276 /* Evaluate N=(COND M1 ...) */
doCond(int n,int * pcf,int * pmode,int * pcbn)3277 static int doCond(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn) {
3278 *pcf = 2;
3279 *pmode = MCOND;
3280 USE(pcbn);
3281 return setupCond(n);
3282 }
3284 /* Evaluate N=(DEFINE (M ...) MN) */
newDefine(int n)3285 static int newDefine(int n) {
3286 int m, y;
3288 m = Cdr[n];
3289 if (Car[m] == NIL)
3290 return error("missing function name in 'define'",
3291 Car[m]);
3292 if (!isSymList(Car[m])) return badArgLst(Car[m]);
3293 y = caar(m);
3294 save(cadr(m));
3295 Tmp2 = alloc(S_void, NIL);
3296 Tmp2 = alloc(cadr(m), Tmp2);
3297 Tmp2 = alloc(cdar(m), Tmp2);
3298 Tmp2 = alloc(S_lambda, Tmp2);
3299 y = localize(y, &cadr(m));
3300 Cdr[y] = eval(Tmp2);
3301 Tmp2 = NIL;
3302 unsave(1);
3303 return S_void;
3304 }
3306 /* Evaluate N=(DEFINE M eval[M2]) */
doDefine(int n,int * pcf,int * pmode,int * pcbn)3307 static int doDefine(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn) {
3308 int m, v, y;
3310 if (EvLev > 1) {
3311 error("'define' is limited to the top level", NOEXPR);
3312 return NIL;
3313 }
3314 m = Cdr[n];
3315 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] == NIL || cddr(m) != NIL)
3316 return wrongArgs(n);
3317 y = Car[m];
3318 if (!atomic(y)) return newDefine(n);
3319 /* Protect the unevaluated expression */
3320 v = cadr(m);
3321 save(v); /* really? */
3322 /* If we are binding to a lambda expression, */
3323 /* add a null environment */
3324 if (!lazyAtom(v) && Car[v] == S_lambda) {
3325 if ( Cdr[v] != NIL && cddr(v) != NIL &&
3326 cdddr(v) == NIL
3327 ) {
3328 cdddr(v) = alloc(S_void, NIL);
3329 }
3330 }
3331 y = localize(y, &cadr(m));
3332 /* Evaluate and bind second argument */
3333 Cdr[y] = eval(cadr(m));
3334 unsave(1);
3335 return S_void;
3336 }
3338 /* Register a syntax transformer */
registerTransformer(int y,int tr)3339 void registerTransformer(int y, int tr) {
3340 int t;
3342 t = findTransformer(y);
3343 if (t != S_false) {
3344 Cdr[t] = tr;
3345 }
3346 else {
3347 Transformers = alloc(NIL, Transformers);
3348 Car[Transformers] = alloc(y, tr);
3349 }
3350 }
3352 /* Evaluate N=(DEFINE-SYNTAX M1 M2) */
doDefineSyntax(int n,int * pcf,int * pmode,int * pcbn)3353 static int doDefineSyntax(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn) {
3354 int m, tr, y;
3356 USE(pcf);
3357 USE(pmode);
3358 USE(pcbn);
3359 if (EvLev > 1) {
3360 error("'define-syntax' is limited to the top level", NOEXPR);
3361 return NIL;
3362 }
3363 m = Cdr[n];
3364 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] == NIL || cddr(m) != NIL)
3365 return wrongArgs(n);
3366 if (!atomic(Car[m]))
3367 return error("name expected in 'define-syntax'", Car[m]);
3368 y = Car[m];
3369 save(cadr(m)); /* really? */
3370 SyntaxMode = 1;
3371 tr = eval(cadr(m));
3372 SyntaxMode = 0;
3373 unsave(1);
3374 if (atomic(tr) || tr == NIL || Car[tr] != S_syntax)
3375 return error("transformer expected in 'define-syntax'",
3376 cadr(m));
3377 Cdr[y] = tr;
3378 cadr(tr) = y;
3379 registerTransformer(y, tr);
3380 return S_void;
3381 }
3383 /* Evaluate N=(SYNTAX-RULES (M1 ...) (P1 E1) ...) */
doSyntaxRules(int n,int * pcf,int * pmode,int * pcbn)3384 static int doSyntaxRules(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn) {
3385 int m, cl, tr;
3387 USE(pcf);
3388 USE(pmode);
3389 USE(pcbn);
3390 m = Cdr[n];
3391 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] == NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
3392 if (!SyntaxMode)
3393 return error("'syntax-rules' not in 'define-syntax'",
3394 NOEXPR);
3395 if (lazyAtom(Car[m]) || !isSymList(Car[m]))
3396 return error("list of symbols expected in 'syntax-rules'",
3397 Car[m]);
3398 cl = Cdr[m];
3399 while (cl != NIL) {
3400 if (lazyAtom(cl))
3401 return error("improper list in 'syntax-rules'",
3402 Cdr[m]);
3403 if ( Car[cl] == NIL ||
3404 lazyAtom(Car[cl]) ||
3405 cdar(cl) == NIL ||
3406 lazyAtom(cdar(cl))
3407 )
3408 return error("bad clause in 'syntax-rules'",
3409 Car[cl]);
3410 cl = Cdr[cl];
3411 }
3412 tr = alloc(Cdr[m], NIL);
3413 tr = alloc(Car[m], tr);
3414 tr = alloc(NIL, tr);
3415 tr = alloc(S_syntax, tr);
3416 return tr;
3417 }
3419 /* Evaluate N=(EVAL M) */
doEval(int n,int * pcf,int * pmode,int * pcbn)3420 static int doEval(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn) {
3421 int m;
3423 *pcf = 1;
3424 USE(pmode);
3425 USE(pcbn);
3426 m = Cdr[n];
3427 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
3428 n = eval(Car[m]);
3429 return syntaxTransform(n);
3430 }
3432 /* Evaluate N=(IF P C A) */
doIf(int n,int * pcf,int * pmode,int * pcbn)3433 static int doIf(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn) {
3434 int m;
3436 *pcf = 2;
3437 *pmode = MIFPR;
3438 USE(pcbn);
3439 m = Cdr[n];
3440 if ( m == NIL || Cdr[m] == NIL || cddr(m) == NIL ||
3441 cdddr(m) != NIL
3442 )
3443 return wrongArgs(n);
3444 bsave(m);
3445 return Car[m];
3446 }
3448 /* Evaluate N=(LAMBDA ARGS BODY) */
doLambda(int n,int * pcf,int * pmode,int * pcbn)3449 static int doLambda(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn) {
3450 int m;
3452 m = Cdr[n];
3453 if ( m == NIL || Cdr[m] == NIL ||
3454 (cddr(m) != NIL && cdddr(m) != NIL)
3455 )
3456 return wrongArgs(n);
3457 if (cddr(m) != NIL && caddr(m) != S_void)
3458 return wrongArgs(n);
3459 if (!atomic(Car[m])) {
3460 if (tagged(Car[m])) return badArgLst(Car[m]);
3461 if (!isSymList(Car[m])) return badArgLst(Car[m]);
3462 }
3463 return closure(n);
3464 }
3466 /* Evaluate N=(LET ENV EXPR) */
doLet(int n,int * pcf,int * pmode,int * pcbn)3467 static int doLet(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn) {
3468 *pcf = 2;
3469 *pmode = MBIND;
3470 USE(pcbn);
3471 if (setupLet(n) != NIL)
3472 return evalLet();
3473 else
3474 return NIL;
3475 }
3477 /* Evaluate N=(LETREC ENV EXPR) */
doLetrec(int n,int * pcf,int * pmode,int * pcbn)3478 static int doLetrec(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn) {
3479 int m;
3481 *pcf = 2;
3482 *pmode = MBINR;
3483 USE(pcbn);
3484 if (setupLet(n) != NIL)
3485 m = evalLet();
3486 else
3487 m = NIL;
3488 Estack = S_true;
3489 return m;
3490 }
3492 /* Evaluate N=(OR ...) */
doOr(int n,int * pcf,int * pmode,int * pcbn)3493 static int doOr(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn) {
3494 USE(pcbn);
3495 if (Cdr[n] == NIL) {
3496 return S_false;
3497 }
3498 else if (cddr(n) == NIL) {
3499 *pcf = 1;
3500 return cadr(n);
3501 }
3502 else {
3503 *pcf = 2;
3504 *pmode = MDISJ;
3505 return setupLogOp(n);
3506 }
3507 }
3509 /* Evaluate N=(QUOTE M) */
doQuote(int n,int * pcf,int * pmode,int * pcbn)3510 static int doQuote(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn) {
3511 int m;
3513 USE(pcf);
3514 USE(pmode);
3515 USE(pcbn);
3516 m = Cdr[n];
3517 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] != NIL) return wrongArgs(n);
3518 return (Car[m]);
3519 }
3521 /* Evaluate N=(WITH-INPUT-FROM-FILE M1 M2) */
doWithInputFromFile(int n,int * pcf,int * pmode,int * pcbn)3522 static int doWithInputFromFile(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn) {
3523 int m, f;
3524 int r, p;
3525 FILE *ofile, *nfile;
3526 char *s;
3528 USE(pcf);
3529 USE(pmode);
3530 USE(pcbn);
3531 m = Cdr[n];
3532 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] == NIL || cddr(m) != NIL)
3533 return wrongArgs(n);
3534 f = Car[m];
3535 if (atomic(f) || f == NIL || Car[f] != S_string)
3536 return error("non-string in 'string->symbol'", f);
3537 s = string(f); /* file name */
3538 if ((nfile = fopen(s, "r")) == NULL)
3539 return error("cannot open input file", f);
3540 /* Save old input state, create new */
3541 ofile = Input;
3542 Input = nfile;
3543 r = Rejected;
3544 Rejected = EOT;
3545 p = alloc(cadr(m), NIL); /* thunk => (thunk) */
3546 n = eval(p);
3547 /* Restore input state */
3548 Input = ofile;
3549 Rejected = r;
3550 fclose(nfile);
3551 return n;
3552 }
3554 /* Evaluate N=(WITH-OUTPUT-TO-FILE M1 M2) */
doWithOutputToFile(int n,int * pcf,int * pmode,int * pcbn)3555 static int doWithOutputToFile(int n, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn) {
3556 int m, f;
3557 int p;
3558 FILE *ofile, *nfile;
3559 char *s;
3561 USE(pcf);
3562 USE(pmode);
3563 USE(pcbn);
3564 m = Cdr[n];
3565 if (m == NIL || Cdr[m] == NIL || cddr(m) != NIL)
3566 return wrongArgs(n);
3567 f = Car[m];
3568 if (atomic(f) || f == NIL || Car[f] != S_string)
3569 return error("non-string in 'string->symbol'", f);
3570 s = string(f); /* file name */
3571 if ((nfile = fopen(s, "w")) == NULL)
3572 return error("cannot create output file", f);
3573 /* Save old output state, create new */
3574 fflush(Output);
3575 ofile = Output;
3576 Output = nfile;
3577 p = alloc(cadr(m), NIL); /* thunk => (thunk) */
3578 n = eval(p);
3579 /* Restore output state */
3580 Output = ofile;
3581 fclose(nfile);
3582 return n;
3583 }
3585 /*
3586 * Check whether (CAR NP[0]) is a special form handler.
3587 * If it is one, run the appropriate routine, save
3588 * its result in NP[0], and return -1.
3589 * If (CAR NP[0]) is not a SF handler, return 0.
3590 */
special(int * np,int * pcf,int * pmode,int * pcbn)3591 static int special(int *np, int *pcf, int *pmode, int *pcbn) {
3592 int n, y;
3593 int (*op)(int, int *, int *, int *);
3595 n = np[0];
3596 y = Car[n];
3597 if (SK_errFlag) return 0;
3598 if (Car[y] == S_special || Car[y] == S_special_cbv)
3599 op = Specials[cadr(y)];
3600 else if (atomic(y) &&
3601 (cadr(y) == S_special ||
3602 cadr(y) == S_special_cbv)
3603 )
3604 op = Specials[caddr(y)];
3605 else
3606 return 0;
3607 np[0] = (*op)(n, pcf, pmode, pcbn);
3608 return -1;
3609 }
3611 /*
3612 * Bind the arguments of a LAMBDA function.
3613 * For a lambda application N=((LAMBDA (X1 ... Xn) EXPR) Y1 ... Yn)
3614 * this includes the following steps for j in {1,...,n}:
3615 * 1) save Xj
3616 * 2) save the value of Xj
3617 * 3) bind Xj to Yj
3618 */
bindArgs(int n,int name)3619 static int bindArgs(int n, int name) {
3620 int fa, /* Formal arg list */
3621 aa, /* Actual arg list */
3622 e; /* Expression */
3623 int env; /* Optional lexical environment */
3624 int p;
3625 int at; /* Atomic argument list flag */
3627 if (SK_errFlag) return NIL;
3628 fa = cadar(n);
3629 at = atomic(fa);
3630 aa = Cdr[n];
3631 p = cddar(n);
3632 e = Car[p];
3633 env = Cdr[p] != NIL ? cadr(p): NIL;
3634 bsave(NIL);
3635 while ((fa != NIL && aa != NIL) || at) {
3636 if (!at) {
3637 /* Save name */
3638 Car[Bstack] = alloc(Car[fa], Car[Bstack]);
3639 save(cdar(fa)); /* Save value */
3640 cdar(fa) = Car[aa]; /* Bind arg */
3641 fa = Cdr[fa];
3642 aa = Cdr[aa];
3643 }
3644 if (atomic(fa)) { /* improper argument list */
3645 Car[Bstack] = alloc(fa, Car[Bstack]); /* Save name */
3646 save(Cdr[fa]); /* Save value */
3647 Cdr[fa] = aa; /* Bind remaining arg list */
3648 fa = NIL;
3649 aa = NIL;
3650 break;
3651 }
3652 }
3653 while (env != NIL) {
3654 p = Car[env];
3655 Car[Bstack] = alloc(Car[p], Car[Bstack]);/* Save name */
3656 save(cdar(p)); /* Save value */
3657 cdar(p) = Cdr[p]; /* Bind lex val */
3658 env = Cdr[env];
3659 }
3660 if (fa != NIL || aa != NIL) {
3661 wrongArgs(n);
3662 n = NIL;
3663 }
3664 else {
3665 n = e;
3666 }
3667 save(Function);
3668 Function = name;
3669 save(Frame);
3670 Frame = Stack;
3671 return n;
3672 }
3674 /*
3675 * Print application of traced function N:
3676 * * (NAME A1 ... An)
3677 * PRINT() cannot be used because it would print NAME in
3678 * its expanded (LAMBDA...) form which is not desirable.
3679 */
printTrace(int n)3680 static void printTrace(int n) {
3681 if (SK_traceHandler) {
3682 (*SK_traceHandler)(n);
3683 return;
3684 }
3685 pr("+ ");
3686 pr("(");
3687 Quoted = 1;
3688 _print(SK_trace);
3689 while (1) {
3690 n = Cdr[n];
3691 if (n == NIL) break;
3692 pr(" ");
3693 _print(Car[n]);
3694 }
3695 pr(")"); nl();
3696 }
3698 #ifdef DEBUG
3699 /* Print depth of stack N. */
prDepth(int n)3700 static void prDepth(int n) {
3701 int k;
3703 k = 0;
3704 while (n != NIL) {
3705 n = Cdr[n];
3706 k = k+1;
3707 }
3708 prnum(k, 7); pr(" ");
3709 }
3711 /* Debugging: dump interpreter state */
dumpState(char * s,int m)3712 static void dumpState(char *s, int m) {
3713 pr(s); nl();
3714 pr(" ");
3715 pr("Mode = "); prnum(m-'0',0); nl();
3716 prDepth(Lstack);
3717 pr("Lstack = "); sk_print(Lstack); nl();
3718 pr(" ");
3719 pr("Mstack = "); sk_print(Mstack); nl();
3720 prDepth(Stack); pr("Car[Stack] == ");
3721 sk_print(Car[Stack]); nl();
3722 pr(" ");
3723 pr("Stack0 = "); prnum(Stack0,0); nl();
3724 prDepth(Bstack);
3725 pr("Bstack = "); sk_print(Bstack); nl();
3726 }
3727 #endif /*DEBUG*/
3729 /* Do tail call optimization. */
tailCall(void)3730 static void tailCall(void) {
3731 int m, y;
3733 m = Car[Mstack];
3734 /* Skip over callee's LET/LETREC frames, if any */
3735 while (m != NIL && Car[m] == MLETR) {
3736 m = Cdr[m];
3737 }
3738 /* Parent not beta-reducing? Give up. */
3739 if (m == NIL || Car[m] != MBETA)
3740 return;
3741 /* Yes, this is a tail call: */
3742 /* - remove callee's LET/LETREC frames. */
3743 /* - remove caller's call frame. */
3744 while (1) {
3745 Tmp2 = unsave(1); /* M */
3746 unbindArgs();
3747 unsave(1);
3748 y = munsave();
3749 save(Tmp2);
3750 Tmp2 = NIL;
3751 if (y == MBETA) break;
3752 }
3753 }
3755 /*
3756 * Evaluate the term N and return its normal form.
3757 * This is the heart of the interpreter:
3758 * A constant space EVAL function with tail-call optimization.
3759 */
eval(int n)3760 static int eval(int n) {
3761 int m, /* Result node */
3762 m2, /* Root of result list */
3763 a, /* Used to append to result */
3764 cbn; /* Use call-by-name in next iteration */
3765 int mode, /* Current state */
3766 cf; /* Continue flag */
3767 int nm; /* name of function to apply */
3769 EvLev = EvLev + 1;
3770 save(n);
3771 save(Lstack);
3772 save(Bstack);
3773 save(Car[Mstack]);
3774 save(Stack0);
3775 Stack0 = Stack;
3776 mode = MATOM;
3777 cf = 0;
3778 cbn = 0;
3779 while (!SK_errFlag) {
3780 if (SK_statFlag) sk_count(&SK_reductions, 1);
3781 if (n == NIL) { /* () -> () */
3782 m = NIL;
3783 }
3784 else if (atomic(n)) { /* Symbol -> Value */
3785 if (cbn) {
3786 m = n;
3787 cbn = 0;
3788 }
3789 else {
3790 m = Cdr[n];
3791 if (m == S_undefined) {
3792 error("symbol not bound", n);
3793 break;
3794 }
3795 }
3796 }
3797 else if (lazyAtom(n) || /* Auto-quoting atoms */
3798 cbn == 2
3799 ) {
3800 m = n;
3801 cbn = 0;
3802 }
3803 else { /* List (...) and Pair (X.Y) */
3804 /*
3805 * This block is used to DESCEND into lists.
3806 * The following nodes/variables will be saved:
3807 * 1) the original list (on Stack)
3808 * 2) the current state (on Mstack)
3809 * 3) the root of the result list (on Lstack)
3810 * 4) a ptr to the next free node
3811 * in the result list (on Lstack)
3812 * 5) a ptr to the next member of
3813 * the original list (on Lstack)
3814 */
3815 m = Car[n];
3816 if (lazyAtom(Cdr[n])) {
3817 error("improper list in application", n);
3818 n = NIL;
3819 }
3820 save(n); /* Save original list */
3821 msave(mode);
3822 /* Check call-by-name built-ins and flag */
3823 if ((atomic(m) && cadr(m) == S_special) || cbn) {
3824 cbn = 0;
3825 lsave(NIL);
3826 lsave(NIL);
3827 lsave(n); /* Root of result list */
3828 n = NIL;
3829 }
3830 else {
3831 a = alloc(NIL, NIL);
3832 lsave(a);
3833 lsave(Cdr[n]);
3834 lsave(a); /* Root of result list */
3835 n = Car[n];
3836 }
3837 mode = MLIST;
3838 continue;
3839 }
3840 /*
3841 * The following loop is used to ASCEND back to the
3842 * root of a list, thereby performing BETA reduction
3843 * and creating result lists.
3844 */
3845 while (1) if (mode == MBETA || mode == MLETR) {
3846 /* Finish BETA reduction */
3847 unbindArgs();
3848 unsave(1); /* Original list */
3849 mode = munsave();
3850 }
3851 else if (mode == MLIST) { /* Append to list, reduce */
3852 n = cadr(Lstack); /* Next member */
3853 a = caddr(Lstack); /* Place to append to */
3854 m2 = lunsave(1); /* Root of result list */
3855 if (a != NIL) /* Append new member */
3856 Car[a] = m;
3857 if (n == NIL) { /* End of list */
3858 m = m2;
3859 lunsave(2); /* Drop N,A */
3860 /* Drop original list, remember first element */
3861 nm = Car[unsave(1)];
3862 save(m); /* Save result */
3863 if (SK_trace == nm) printTrace(m);
3864 if (primitive(&m))
3865 ;
3866 else if (special(&m, &cf, &mode, &cbn))
3867 n = m;
3868 else if (!atomic(Car[m]) &&
3869 Car[m] != NIL &&
3870 caar(m) == S_closure
3871 ) {
3872 /* ((LAMBDA...)...) */
3873 nm = atomic(nm)? nm: NIL;
3874 tailCall();
3875 bindArgs(m, nm);
3876 /* N=S of ((LAMBDA (...) S) ...) */
3877 n = caddar(m);
3878 cf = 2;
3879 mode = MBETA;
3880 }
3881 else {
3882 error("application of non-procedure",
3883 nm);
3884 n = NIL;
3885 }
3886 if (cf != 2) {
3887 unsave(1); /* Drop result */
3888 mode = munsave();
3889 }
3890 /* Continue this evaluation. */
3891 /* Leave the ASCENDING loop and descend */
3892 /* once more into N. */
3893 if (cf) break;
3894 }
3895 else { /* N =/= NIL: Append to list */
3896 lsave(m2);
3897 /* Create space for next argument */
3898 Cdr[a] = alloc(NIL, NIL);
3899 caddr(Lstack) = Cdr[a];
3900 cadr(Lstack) = Cdr[n];
3901 n = Car[n]; /* Evaluate next member */
3902 break;
3903 }
3904 }
3905 else if (mode == MCOND) {
3906 n = evalClause(m);
3907 if (Car[Bstack] == NIL) {
3908 unsave(1); /* Original list */
3909 bunsave(1);
3910 mode = munsave();
3911 }
3912 cf = 1;
3913 break;
3914 }
3915 else if (mode == MCONJ || mode == MDISJ) {
3916 Car[Bstack] = cdar(Bstack);
3917 if ( (m == S_false && mode == MCONJ) ||
3918 (m != S_false && mode == MDISJ) ||
3919 Car[Bstack] == NIL
3920 ) {
3921 unsave(1); /* Original list */
3922 bunsave(1);
3923 mode = munsave();
3924 n = m;
3925 cbn = 1;
3926 }
3927 else if (cdar(Bstack) == NIL) {
3928 n = caar(Bstack);
3929 unsave(1); /* Original list */
3930 bunsave(1);
3931 mode = munsave();
3932 }
3933 else {
3934 n = caar(Bstack);
3935 }
3936 cf = 1;
3937 break;
3938 }
3939 else if (mode == MIFPR) {
3940 unsave(1); /* Original list */
3941 n = bunsave(1);
3942 mode = munsave();
3943 if (m != S_false)
3944 n = cadr(n);
3945 else
3946 n = caddr(n);
3947 cf = 1;
3948 break;
3949 }
3950 else if (mode == MBEGN) {
3951 Car[Bstack] = cdar(Bstack);
3952 if (cdar(Bstack) == NIL) {
3953 n = caar(Bstack);
3954 unsave(1); /* Original list */
3955 bunsave(1);
3956 mode = munsave();
3957 }
3958 else {
3959 n = caar(Bstack);
3960 }
3961 cf = 1;
3962 break;
3963 }
3964 else if (mode == MBIND || mode == MBINR) {
3965 if (nextLet(m) == NIL) {
3966 n = finishLet(mode == MBINR);
3967 mode = MLETR;
3968 }
3969 else {
3970 n = evalLet();
3971 }
3972 cf = 1;
3973 break;
3974 }
3975 else { /* Atom */
3976 break;
3977 }
3978 if (cf) { /* Continue evaluation if requested */
3979 cf = 0;
3980 continue;
3981 }
3982 if (Stack == Stack0) break;
3983 }
3984 while (Stack != Stack0) unsave(1);
3985 Stack0 = unsave(1);
3986 Car[Mstack] = unsave(1);
3987 Bstack = unsave(1);
3988 Lstack = unsave(1);
3989 unsave(1);
3990 EvLev = EvLev - 1;
3991 return m; /* Return the evaluated expr */
3992 }
3994 /* Print lists of digits in condensed format. */
printNum(int n)3995 static int printNum(int n) {
3996 char s[2];
3998 if (Car[n] != S_integer) return 0;
3999 s[1] = 0;
4000 n = Cdr[n];
4001 while (1) {
4002 if (n == NIL) break;
4003 s[0] = caaar(n) & 255;
4004 pr(s);
4005 n = Cdr[n];
4006 }
4007 return -1;
4008 }
4010 /* Print expressions of the form (QUOTE X) as 'X. */
printQuote(int n)4011 static int printQuote(int n) {
4012 if ( Car[n] == S_quote &&
4013 Cdr[n] != NIL &&
4014 cddr(n) == NIL
4015 ) {
4016 n = cadr(n);
4017 if (n != S_true && n != S_false) pr("'");
4018 _print(n);
4019 return 1;
4020 }
4021 return 0;
4022 }
4024 /* Print a closure. */
printClosure(int n)4025 static int printClosure(int n) {
4026 if ( Car[n] == S_closure &&
4027 Cdr[n] != NIL && !atomic(Cdr[n]) &&
4028 cddr(n) != NIL && !atomic(cddr(n))
4029 ) {
4030 Quoted = 1;
4031 pr("#<procedure ");
4032 _print(cadr(n));
4033 if (SK_closureForm > 0) {
4034 pr(" ");
4035 _print(caddr(n));
4036 if (SK_closureForm > 1 && cdddr(n) != NIL) {
4037 pr(" ");
4038 _print(cadddr(n));
4039 }
4040 }
4041 pr(">");
4042 return -1;
4043 }
4044 return 0;
4045 }
4047 /* Print a character. */
printChar(int n)4048 static int printChar(int n) {
4049 char b[2];
4050 int c;
4052 if (Car[n] != S_char) return 0;
4053 if (!DisplayMode) pr("#\\");
4054 c = cadr(n);
4055 if (!DisplayMode && c == ' ') {
4056 pr("space");
4057 }
4058 else if (!DisplayMode && c == '\n') {
4059 pr("newline");
4060 }
4061 else {
4062 b[1] = 0;
4063 b[0] = c;
4064 pr(b);
4065 }
4066 return -1;
4067 }
4069 /* Print a string. */
printString(int n)4070 static int printString(int n) {
4071 char b[2];
4072 int k;
4073 char *s;
4075 if (Car[n] != S_string) return 0;
4076 if (!DisplayMode) pr("\"");
4077 s = string(n);
4078 k = string_len(n);
4079 b[1] = 0;
4080 while (k) {
4081 b[0] = *s++;
4082 if (!DisplayMode)
4083 if (b[0] == '"' || b[0] == '\\')
4084 pr("\\");
4085 pr(b);
4086 k = k-1;
4087 }
4088 if (!DisplayMode) pr("\"");
4089 return -1;
4090 }
4092 /* Print a primitive function. */
printPrim(int n)4093 static int printPrim(int n) {
4094 if (Car[n] != S_primitive && Car[n] != S_user_primitive)
4095 return 0;
4096 pr(Car[n] == S_primitive? "#<primitive ": "<#user-primitive ");
4097 Quoted = 1;
4098 _print(cddr(n));
4099 pr(">");
4100 return -1;
4101 }
4103 /* Print a special form handler. */
printSpecial(int n)4104 static int printSpecial(int n) {
4105 if (Car[n] != S_special && Car[n] != S_special_cbv)
4106 return 0;
4107 pr(Car[n] == S_special? "#<syntax ": "#<primitive ");
4108 Quoted = 1;
4109 _print(cddr(n));
4110 pr(">");
4111 return -1;
4112 }
4114 /* Print a syntax transformer. */
printSyntax(int n)4115 static int printSyntax(int n) {
4116 if (Car[n] != S_syntax) return 0;
4117 pr("#<syntax ");
4118 Quoted = 1;
4119 _print(cadr(n));
4120 pr(">");
4121 return -1;
4122 }
4124 /* Print a vector. */
printVector(int n)4125 static int printVector(int n) {
4126 int *p;
4127 int k;
4129 if (Car[n] != S_vector) return 0;
4130 pr("#(");
4131 Quoted = 1;
4132 p = vector(n);
4133 k = vector_len(n);
4134 while (k--) {
4135 _print(*p++);
4136 if (k) pr(" ");
4137 }
4138 pr(")");
4139 return -1;
4140 }
4142 /* Print #<void>. */
printVoid(int n)4143 static int printVoid(int n) {
4144 if (Car[n] != S_voidSym) return 0;
4145 pr("#<void>");
4146 return -1;
4147 }
4149 /* Recursively print the term N. */
_print(int n)4150 static void _print(int n) {
4151 char s[TEXTLEN+1];
4152 int i;
4154 if (n == NIL) {
4155 if (!Quoted) {
4156 pr("'");
4157 Quoted = 1;
4158 }
4159 pr("()");
4160 }
4161 else if (Tag[n] & AFLAG) {
4162 /* Characters are limited to the symbol table */
4163 pr("#<unprintable object>");
4164 }
4165 else if (atomic(n)) {
4166 if (!Quoted) {
4167 if ( n != S_true &&
4168 n != S_false &&
4169 n != S_integer &&
4170 n != S_eof &&
4171 n != S_void &&
4172 n != S_undefined
4173 )
4174 pr("'");
4175 Quoted = 1;
4176 }
4177 i = 0; /* Symbol */
4178 n = Car[n];
4179 while (n != NIL) {
4180 s[i] = Car[n];
4181 if (i < TEXTLEN-2) i = i+1;
4182 n = Cdr[n];
4183 }
4184 s[i] = 0;
4185 pr(s);
4186 }
4187 else { /* List */
4188 if (printNum(n)) return;
4189 if (printChar(n)) return;
4190 if (printString(n)) return;
4191 if (printClosure(n)) return;
4192 if (printPrim(n)) return;
4193 if (printSpecial(n)) return;
4194 if (printSyntax(n)) return;
4195 if (printVector(n)) return;
4196 if (printVoid(n)) return;
4197 if (!Quoted) {
4198 pr("'");
4199 Quoted = 1;
4200 }
4201 if (printQuote(n)) return;
4202 pr("(");
4203 while (n != NIL) {
4204 _print(Car[n]);
4205 n = Cdr[n];
4206 if ( n != NIL &&
4207 (atomic(n) || tagged(n))
4208 ) {
4209 pr(" . ");
4210 _print(n);
4211 n = NIL;
4212 }
4213 if (n != NIL) pr(" ");
4214 }
4215 pr(")");
4216 }
4217 }
4219 /* Print external representation of an expression. */
sk_print(int n)4220 void sk_print(int n) {
4221 Quoted = 1;
4222 DisplayMode = 0;
4223 _print(n);
4224 }
4226 /* Pretty-Print expression. */
sk_display(int n)4227 void sk_display(int n) {
4228 Quoted = 1;
4229 DisplayMode = 1;
4230 _print(n);
4231 DisplayMode = 0;
4232 }
4234 /* Reset interpreter state. */
resetState(void)4235 static void resetState(void) {
4236 Stack = NIL;
4237 Lstack = NIL;
4238 Bstack = NIL;
4239 Estack = NIL;
4240 Frame = NIL;
4241 Function = NIL;
4242 EvLev = 0;
4243 Level = 0;
4244 SyntaxMode = 0;
4245 }
4247 /* Stop the interpreter */
sk_stop(void)4248 void sk_stop(void) {
4249 error("interrupted", NOEXPR);
4250 }
4252 /* Initialize interpreter variables. */
init1()4253 static void init1() {
4254 /* Misc. variables */
4255 NIL = PoolSize;
4256 Level = 0;
4257 resetState();
4258 Mstack = NIL;
4259 SK_errFlag = 0;
4260 setErrArg("");
4261 FatalFlag = 0;
4262 Symbols = NIL;
4263 Packages = NIL;
4264 Transformers = NIL;
4265 SafeSymbols = NIL;
4266 Tmp = NIL;
4267 Tmp2 = NIL;
4268 SafeCar = NIL;
4269 SafeCdr = NIL;
4270 LoadLev = 0;
4271 GensymCounter = 0;
4272 SK_trace = NIL;
4273 SK_traceHandler = NULL;
4274 MaxAtoms = 0;
4275 MaxCells = 0;
4276 Ntrace = 10;
4277 SK_statFlag = 0;
4278 SK_closureForm = 0;
4279 SK_arrowMode = 0;
4280 SK_strictApply = 1;
4281 SK_metaChar = ':';
4282 Line = 1;
4283 /* Initialize Freelist */
4284 Free = NIL;
4285 Vptr = 0;
4286 /* Clear input buffer */
4287 Infile[0] = 0;
4288 DirName[0] = 0;
4289 Input = stdin;
4290 Output = stdout;
4291 Rejected = EOT;
4292 InputString = NULL;
4293 OutputString = NULL;
4294 }
4296 /* For fast lookup */
cacheDigits(void)4297 void cacheDigits(void) {
4298 Digits[0] = S_0;
4299 Digits[1] = S_1;
4300 Digits[2] = S_2;
4301 Digits[3] = S_3;
4302 Digits[4] = S_4;
4303 Digits[5] = S_5;
4304 Digits[6] = S_6;
4305 Digits[7] = S_7;
4306 Digits[8] = S_8;
4307 Digits[9] = S_9;
4308 }
4310 /*
4311 * Second stage of initialization:
4312 * protect registers from GC,
4313 * build the free list,
4314 * create builtin symbols.
4315 */
init2(void)4316 static void init2(void) {
4317 int core;
4319 /* Protect base registers */
4320 Root[0] = &Symbols;
4321 Root[1] = &SafeCar;
4322 Root[2] = &SafeCdr;
4323 Root[3] = &Stack;
4324 Root[4] = &Mstack;
4325 Root[5] = &Lstack;
4326 Root[6] = &Bstack;
4327 Root[7] = &Estack;
4328 Root[8] = &Tmp;
4329 Root[9] = &Tmp2;
4330 Root[10] = &SafeSymbols;
4331 Root[11] = &Packages;
4332 Root[12] = &Transformers;
4333 /* Create builtin symbols */
4334 S_0 = addSym("0d", 0); /* First GC will be triggered HERE */
4335 S_1 = addSym("1d", 0);
4336 S_2 = addSym("2d", 0);
4337 S_3 = addSym("3d", 0);
4338 S_4 = addSym("4d", 0);
4339 S_5 = addSym("5d", 0);
4340 S_6 = addSym("6d", 0);
4341 S_7 = addSym("7d", 0);
4342 S_8 = addSym("8d", 0);
4343 S_9 = addSym("9d", 0);
4344 cacheDigits();
4345 /*
4346 * Tags (especially #<primitive> and #<special*>)
4347 * must be defined before the first primitive.
4348 */
4349 S_special = addSym("#<special>", 0);
4350 S_special_cbv = addSym("#<special/cbv>", 0);
4351 S_primitive = addSym("#<primitive>", 0);
4352 S_user_primitive = addSym("#<user-primitive>", 0);
4353 S_char = addSym("#<char>", 0);
4354 S_closure = addSym("#<closure>", 0);
4355 S_eof = addSym("#<eof>", 0);
4356 S_integer = addSym("#<integer>", 0);
4357 S_string = addSym("#<string>", 0);
4358 S_syntax = addSym("#<syntax>", 0);
4359 S_undefined = addSym("#<undefined>", 0);
4360 S_vector = addSym("#<vector>", 0);
4361 S_voidSym = addSym("#<void>", 0);
4362 S_void = alloc(S_voidSym, NIL);
4363 S_void = addSym("#<void>", S_void);
4364 addSym("_", S_undefined);
4365 addSym("...", S_undefined);
4366 addSpecial("and", SF_AND, 0);
4367 addSpecial("apply", SF_APPLY, 1);
4368 addSpecial("begin", SF_BEGIN, 0);
4369 S_bottom = addPrim("bottom", P_BOTTOM);
4370 addPrim("car", P_CAR);
4371 addPrim("cdr", P_CDR);
4372 addPrim("char->integer", P_CHAR_TO_INTEGER);
4373 addPrim("char-ci<?", P_CHAR_CI_LTP);
4374 addPrim("char-ci<=?", P_CHAR_CI_LEP);
4375 addPrim("char-ci=?", P_CHAR_CI_EQP);
4376 addPrim("char-ci>?", P_CHAR_CI_GTP);
4377 addPrim("char-ci>=?", P_CHAR_CI_GEP);
4378 addPrim("char<?", P_CHAR_LTP);
4379 addPrim("char<=?", P_CHAR_LEP);
4380 addPrim("char=?", P_CHAR_EQP);
4381 addPrim("char>?", P_CHAR_GTP);
4382 addPrim("char>=?", P_CHAR_GEP);
4383 addPrim("char?", P_CHARP);
4384 addSpecial("cond", SF_COND, 0);
4385 addPrim("cons", P_CONS);
4386 addSpecial("define", SF_DEFINE, 0);
4387 S_defineSyntax = addSpecial("define-syntax", SF_DEFINE_SYNTAX, 0);
4388 addPrim("delete-file", P_DELETE_FILE);
4389 addPrim("display", P_DISPLAY);
4390 S_else = addSym("else", S_undefined);
4391 addPrim("eof-object?", P_EOF_OBJECTP);
4392 addSpecial("eval", SF_EVAL, 0);
4393 addPrim("eq?", P_EQP);
4394 S_false = addSym("#f", 0);
4395 S_gensym = addPrim("gensym", P_GENSYM);
4396 addSpecial("if", SF_IF, 0);
4397 addPrim("integer->char", P_INTEGER_TO_CHAR);
4398 addPrim("integer->list", P_INTEGER_TO_LIST);
4399 S_lambda = addSpecial("lambda", SF_LAMBDA, 0);
4400 addSpecial("let", SF_LET, 0);
4401 addSpecial("letrec", SF_LETREC, 0);
4402 addPrim("list->integer", P_LIST_TO_INTEGER);
4403 addPrim("list->string", P_LIST_TO_STRING);
4404 addPrim("list->vector", P_LIST_TO_VECTOR);
4405 addPrim("load", P_LOAD);
4406 addPrim("n+", P_NPLUS);
4407 addPrim("n-", P_NMINUS);
4408 addPrim("n<", P_NLESS);
4409 addPrim("null?", P_NULLP);
4410 addPrim("number?", P_NUMBERP);
4411 addSpecial("or", SF_OR, 0);
4412 addPrim("package", P_PACKAGE);
4413 addPrim("pair?", P_PAIRP);
4414 addPrim("peek-char", P_PEEK_CHAR);
4415 addPrim("procedure?", P_PROCEDUREP);
4416 S_quote = addSpecial("quote", SF_QUOTE, 0);
4417 addPrim("require", P_REQUIRE);
4418 addPrim("read", P_READ);
4419 addPrim("read-char", P_READ_CHAR);
4420 addPrim("read-from-string", P_READ_FROM_STRING);
4421 addPrim("recursive-bind", P_RECURSIVE_BIND);
4422 addPrim("string->symbol", P_STRING_TO_SYMBOL);
4423 addPrim("string->list", P_STRING_TO_LIST);
4424 addPrim("string-append", P_STRING_APPEND);
4425 addPrim("string-length", P_STRING_LENGTH);
4426 addPrim("string-ref", P_STRING_REF);
4427 addPrim("string?", P_STRINGP);
4428 addPrim("substring", P_SUBSTRING);
4429 addPrim("symbol->string", P_SYMBOL_TO_STRING);
4430 addPrim("symbol?", P_SYMBOLP);
4431 addPrim("syntax->list", P_SYNTAX_OF);
4432 addSpecial("syntax-rules", SF_SYNTAX_RULES, 0);
4433 addPrim("vector->list", P_VECTOR_TO_LIST);
4434 addPrim("vector-length", P_VECTOR_LENGTH);
4435 addPrim("vector-ref", P_VECTOR_REF);
4436 addPrim("vector?", P_VECTORP);
4437 addPrim("void", P_VOID);
4438 addSpecial("with-input-from-file", SF_WITH_INPUT_FROM_FILE, 1);
4439 addSpecial("with-output-to-file", SF_WITH_OUTPUT_TO_FILE, 1);
4440 addPrim("write", P_WRITE);
4441 addPrim("write-char", P_WRITE_CHAR);
4442 addPrim("write-to-string", P_WRITE_TO_STRING);
4443 S_true = addSym("#t", 0);
4444 S_last = addSym("**", S_void);
4445 Mstack = alloc(NIL, NIL);
4446 Primitives[P_BOTTOM] = &doBottom;
4447 Primitives[P_CAR] = &doCar;
4448 Primitives[P_CDR] = &doCdr;
4449 Primitives[P_CHAR_TO_INTEGER] = &doCharToInteger;
4450 Primitives[P_CHAR_CI_LTP] = &doCharCiLtP;
4451 Primitives[P_CHAR_CI_LEP] = &doCharCiLEP;
4452 Primitives[P_CHAR_CI_EQP] = &doCharCiEqP;
4453 Primitives[P_CHAR_CI_GTP] = &doCharCiGtP;
4454 Primitives[P_CHAR_CI_GEP] = &doCharCiGEP;
4455 Primitives[P_CHAR_LTP] = &doCharLtP;
4456 Primitives[P_CHAR_LEP] = &doCharLEP;
4457 Primitives[P_CHAR_EQP] = &doCharEqP;
4458 Primitives[P_CHAR_GTP] = &doCharGtP;
4459 Primitives[P_CHAR_GEP] = &doCharGEP;
4460 Primitives[P_CHARP] = &doCharP;
4461 Primitives[P_CONS] = &doCons;
4462 Primitives[P_DELETE_FILE] = &doDeleteFile;
4463 Primitives[P_DISPLAY] = &doDisplay;
4464 Primitives[P_EOF_OBJECTP] = &doEofObjectP;
4465 Primitives[P_EQP] = &doEqP;
4466 Primitives[P_GENSYM] = &doGensym;
4467 Primitives[P_INTEGER_TO_CHAR] = &doIntegerToChar;
4468 Primitives[P_INTEGER_TO_LIST] = &doIntegerToList;
4469 Primitives[P_LIST_TO_INTEGER] = &doListToInteger;
4470 Primitives[P_LIST_TO_STRING] = &doListToString;
4471 Primitives[P_LIST_TO_VECTOR] = &doListToVector;
4472 Primitives[P_LOAD] = &doLoad;
4473 Primitives[P_NPLUS] = &doNPlus;
4474 Primitives[P_NMINUS] = &doNMinus;
4475 Primitives[P_NLESS] = &doNLess;
4476 Primitives[P_NULLP] = &doNullP;
4477 Primitives[P_NUMBERP] = &doNumberP;
4478 Primitives[P_PACKAGE] = &doPackage;
4479 Primitives[P_PAIRP] = &doPairP;
4480 Primitives[P_PEEK_CHAR] = &doPeekChar;
4481 Primitives[P_PROCEDUREP] = &doProcedureP;
4482 Primitives[P_READ] = &doRead;
4483 Primitives[P_READ_CHAR] = &doReadChar;
4484 Primitives[P_READ_FROM_STRING] = &doReadFromString;
4485 Primitives[P_RECURSIVE_BIND] = &doRecursiveBind;
4486 Primitives[P_REQUIRE] = &doRequire;
4487 Primitives[P_STRING_TO_LIST] = &doStringToList;
4488 Primitives[P_STRING_TO_SYMBOL] = &doStringToSymbol;
4489 Primitives[P_STRING_APPEND] = &doStringAppend;
4490 Primitives[P_STRING_LENGTH] = &doStringLength;
4491 Primitives[P_STRING_REF] = &doStringRef;
4492 Primitives[P_STRINGP] = &doStringP;
4493 Primitives[P_SUBSTRING] = &doSubstring;
4494 Primitives[P_SYMBOL_TO_STRING] = &doSymbolToString;
4495 Primitives[P_SYMBOLP] = &doSymbolP;
4496 Primitives[P_SYNTAX_OF] = &doSyntaxToList;
4497 Primitives[P_VECTOR_TO_LIST] = &doVectorToList;
4498 Primitives[P_VECTOR_LENGTH] = &doVectorLength;
4499 Primitives[P_VECTOR_REF] = &doVectorRef;
4500 Primitives[P_VECTORP] = &doVectorP;
4501 Primitives[P_VOID] = &doVoid;
4502 Primitives[P_WRITE] = &doWrite;
4503 Primitives[P_WRITE_CHAR] = &doWriteChar;
4504 Primitives[P_WRITE_TO_STRING] = &doWriteToString;
4505 Specials[SF_AND] = &doAnd;
4506 Specials[SF_APPLY] = &doApply;
4507 Specials[SF_BEGIN] = &doBegin;
4508 Specials[SF_COND] = &doCond;
4509 Specials[SF_DEFINE] = &doDefine;
4510 Specials[SF_DEFINE_SYNTAX] = &doDefineSyntax;
4511 Specials[SF_EVAL] = &doEval;
4512 Specials[SF_IF] = &doIf;
4513 Specials[SF_LAMBDA] = &doLambda;
4514 Specials[SF_LET] = &doLet;
4515 Specials[SF_LETREC] = &doLetrec;
4516 Specials[SF_OR] = &doOr;
4517 Specials[SF_QUOTE] = &doQuote;
4518 Specials[SF_SYNTAX_RULES] = &doSyntaxRules;
4519 Specials[SF_WITH_INPUT_FROM_FILE] = &doWithInputFromFile;
4520 Specials[SF_WITH_OUTPUT_TO_FILE] = &doWithOutputToFile;
4521 core = addSym("core", S_undefined);
4522 Packages = alloc(core, Symbols);
4523 S_core = Packages;
4524 Packages = alloc(Packages, NIL);
4525 Symbols = addPackage(NIL);
4526 LastUsrPrimitive = 0;
4527 }
4529 /*
4530 * Initialize the interpreter and allocate pools of
4531 * the given sizes.
4532 */
sk_init(int nodes,int vcells)4533 int sk_init(int nodes, int vcells) {
4534 PoolSize = nodes? nodes: SK_DFL_NODES;
4535 VPoolSize = vcells? vcells: SK_DFL_VCELLS;
4536 if (PoolSize < SK_MIN_SIZE || VPoolSize < SK_MIN_SIZE)
4537 return -1;
4538 if ( (Car = (int *) malloc(PoolSize * sizeof(int))) == NULL ||
4539 (Cdr = (int *) malloc(PoolSize * sizeof(int))) == NULL ||
4540 (Tag = (char *) malloc(PoolSize)) == NULL ||
4541 (Vpool = (int *) malloc(VPoolSize * sizeof(int))) == NULL
4542 ) {
4543 if (Car) free(Car);
4544 if (Cdr) free(Cdr);
4545 if (Tag) free(Tag);
4546 Car = Cdr = NULL;
4547 Tag = NULL;
4548 return -1;
4549 }
4550 memset(Tag, 0, PoolSize);
4551 init1();
4552 init2();
4553 return 0;
4554 }
4556 /* Shut down the interpreter */
sk_fini()4557 void sk_fini() {
4558 if (Car) free(Car);
4559 if (Cdr) free(Cdr);
4560 if (Tag) free(Tag);
4561 if (Vpool) free(Vpool);
4562 Car = Cdr = Vpool = NULL;
4563 Tag = NULL;
4564 }
4566 /* Reset the reduction counter */
clearStats(void)4567 static void clearStats(void) {
4568 sk_resetCounter(&SK_reductions);
4569 sk_resetCounter(&SK_allocations);
4570 sk_resetCounter(&SK_collections);
4571 }
4573 /* Print the number of reductions done in last EVAL */
sk_printStats(void)4574 void sk_printStats(void) {
4575 sk_printCounter(&SK_reductions);
4576 pr(" reduction steps"); nl();
4577 sk_printCounter(&SK_allocations);
4578 pr(" nodes allocated"); nl();
4579 sk_printCounter(&SK_collections);
4580 pr(" garbage collections"); nl();
4581 }
4583 /* Evaluate an expression and returns its normal form. */
safe_eval(int n)4584 int safe_eval(int n) {
4585 save(n);
4586 SafeSymbols = copyBindings();
4587 n = eval(Car[Stack]);
4588 unsave(1);
4589 if (SK_errFlag) restoreBindings(SafeSymbols);
4590 return n;
4591 }
4593 /* Evaluate an expression and returns its normal form. */
sk_eval(int n)4594 int sk_eval(int n) {
4595 int m;
4597 if (SK_errFlag) return NIL;
4598 n = syntaxTransform(n);
4599 if (SK_statFlag) clearStats();
4600 m = safe_eval(n);
4601 if (Stack != NIL)
4602 fatal("sk_eval(): unbalanced stack");
4603 if (!SK_errFlag) Cdr[S_last] = m;
4604 resetState();
4605 while (Car[Mstack] != NIL) munsave();
4606 return m;
4607 }
4609 /* Variables to dump to image file */
4610 int *ImageVars[] = {
4611 &SK_statFlag, &SK_closureForm, &SK_arrowMode, &SK_strictApply,
4612 &SK_metaChar, &Symbols, &Packages, &Transformers, &Free, &Vptr,
4613 &S_bottom, &S_char, &S_closure, &S_core, &S_defineSyntax,
4614 &S_else, &S_eof, &S_false, &S_gensym, &S_integer, &S_lambda,
4615 &S_primitive, &S_quote, &S_special, &S_special_cbv, &S_string,
4616 &S_syntax, &S_true, &S_undefined, &S_user_primitive, &S_vector,
4617 &S_void, &S_voidSym, &S_last, &S_0, &S_1, &S_2, &S_3, &S_4, &S_5,
4618 &S_6, &S_7, &S_8, &S_9,
4619 NULL };
4621 /* Dump node pool image to path P. */
sk_dumpImage(char * p)4622 void sk_dumpImage(char *p) {
4623 int fd, n, i;
4624 int **v;
4625 char magic[17];
4627 if (LastUsrPrimitive != 0) {
4628 error("cannot dump image with user extensions", NOEXPR);
4629 return;
4630 }
4631 fd = open(p, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0644);
4632 setmode(fd, O_BINARY);
4633 if (fd < 0) {
4634 error("cannot create file", NOEXPR);
4635 setErrArg(p);
4636 return;
4637 }
4638 strcpy(magic, "SKETCHY_________");
4639 magic[7] = sizeof(int);
4640 magic[8] = SK_MAJOR;
4641 n = 0x12345678;
4642 memcpy(&magic[10], &n, sizeof(int));
4643 write(fd, magic, 16);
4644 n = PoolSize;
4645 write(fd, &n, sizeof(int));
4646 n = VPoolSize;
4647 write(fd, &n, sizeof(int));
4648 v = ImageVars;
4649 i = 0;
4650 while (v[i]) {
4651 write(fd, v[i], sizeof(int));
4652 i = i+1;
4653 }
4654 if ( write(fd, Car, PoolSize*sizeof(int)) != PoolSize*sizeof(int) ||
4655 write(fd, Cdr, PoolSize*sizeof(int)) != PoolSize*sizeof(int) ||
4656 write(fd, Tag, PoolSize) != PoolSize ||
4657 write(fd, Vpool, VPoolSize*sizeof(int)) !=
4658 VPoolSize*sizeof(int)
4659 ) {
4660 close(fd);
4661 error("image dump failed", NOEXPR);
4662 return;
4663 }
4664 close(fd);
4665 }
4667 /*
4668 * Fix NIL nodes of a pool. This is necessary when
4669 * loading an image that is smaller than the current
4670 * pool. (NIL is represented by an integer that cannot
4671 * be a valid offset into a pool. It might be a valid
4672 * offset in a larger pool, though.)
4673 */
fixNIL(int * p,int oldnil)4674 void fixNIL(int *p, int oldnil) {
4675 int i;
4677 for (i=0; i<PoolSize; i++)
4678 if (p[i] == oldnil)
4679 p[i] = NIL;
4680 }
4682 /* Load initial image */
sk_loadImage(char * p)4683 int sk_loadImage(char *p) {
4684 int fd, n, i;
4685 char buf[17];
4686 int **v;
4687 int bad = 0;
4688 int inodes, ivcells;
4690 fd = open(p, O_RDONLY);
4691 setmode(fd, O_BINARY);
4692 if (fd < 0) {
4693 error("cannot open image", NOEXPR);
4694 setErrArg(p);
4695 return -1;
4696 }
4697 memset(Tag, 0, PoolSize);
4698 read(fd, buf, 16);
4699 if (memcmp(buf, "SKETCHY", 7)) {
4700 error("bad image (magic match failed)", NOEXPR);
4701 bad = 1;
4702 }
4703 if (buf[7] != sizeof(int)) {
4704 error("bad image (wrong cell size)", NOEXPR);
4705 bad = 1;
4706 }
4707 if (buf[8] != SK_MAJOR) {
4708 error("bad image (wrong version)", NOEXPR);
4709 bad = 1;
4710 }
4711 memcpy(&n, &buf[10], sizeof(int));
4712 if (n != 0x12345678) {
4713 error("bad image (wrong architecture)", NOEXPR);
4714 bad = 1;
4715 }
4716 read(fd, &inodes, sizeof(int));
4717 if (inodes > PoolSize) {
4718 error("bad image (too many nodes)", NOEXPR);
4719 bad = 1;
4720 }
4721 read(fd, &ivcells, sizeof(int));
4722 if (ivcells > VPoolSize) {
4723 error("bad image (too many vcells)", NOEXPR);
4724 bad = 1;
4725 }
4726 v = ImageVars;
4727 i = 0;
4728 while (v[i]) {
4729 read(fd, v[i], sizeof(int));
4730 i = i+1;
4731 }
4732 if ( !bad &&
4733 (read(fd, Car, inodes*sizeof(int)) != inodes*sizeof(int) ||
4734 read(fd, Cdr, inodes*sizeof(int)) != inodes*sizeof(int) ||
4735 read(fd, Tag, inodes) != inodes ||
4736 read(fd, Vpool, ivcells*sizeof(int)) != ivcells*sizeof(int))
4737 ) {
4738 error("bad image (bad file size)", NOEXPR);
4739 bad = 1;
4740 }
4741 if (inodes != PoolSize) {
4742 fixNIL(Car, inodes);
4743 fixNIL(Cdr, inodes);
4744 }
4745 close(fd);
4746 cacheDigits();
4747 if (bad) setErrArg(p);
4748 return SK_errFlag;
4749 }
4751 /* Return a node representing NIL */
sk_nil(void)4752 const int sk_nil(void) {
4753 return NIL;
4754 }
4756 /* Return a node representing the undefined value */
sk_undefined(void)4757 const int sk_undefined(void) {
4758 return S_undefined;
4759 }
4761 /* Return a node representing (VOID) */
sk_void(void)4762 const int sk_void(void) {
4763 return S_void;
4764 }
4766 /* Return a node representing #T */
sk_true(void)4767 const int sk_true(void) {
4768 return S_true;
4769 }
4771 /* Return a node representing #F */
sk_false(void)4772 const int sk_false(void) {
4773 return S_false;
4774 }
4776 /* Return a node representing #<EOF> */
sk_eof()4777 int sk_eof() {
4778 return S_eof;
4779 }
4781 /* Return the CAR part of N */
sk_car(int n)4782 int sk_car(int n) {
4783 return Car[n];
4784 }
4786 /* Return the CDR part of N */
sk_cdr(int n)4787 int sk_cdr(int n) {
4788 return Cdr[n];
4789 }
4791 /* Return the Nth argument of a function application N */
sk_nthArg(int n,int i)4792 int sk_nthArg(int n, int i) {
4793 i++;
4794 while (i--) {
4795 if (lazyAtom(n)) return NIL;
4796 n = Cdr[n];
4797 }
4798 return Car[n];
4799 }
4801 /* Return the number of arguments in a function application N */
sk_args(int n)4802 int sk_args(int n) {
4803 return length(n)-1;
4804 }
4806 /* Return the value of a CHAR */
sk_char(int n)4807 int sk_char(int n) {
4808 return cadr(n);
4809 }
4811 /* Return the value of a STRING */
sk_string(int n)4812 const char *sk_string(int n) {
4813 if (atomic(n) || n == NIL || Car[n] != S_string) {
4814 return NULL;
4815 }
4816 return string(n);
4817 }
4819 /* Return the elements of a VECTOR */
sk_vector(int n)4820 const int *sk_vector(int n) {
4821 if (atomic(n) || n == NIL || Car[n] != S_vector) {
4822 return NULL;
4823 }
4824 return vector(n);
4825 }
4827 /* Return length of a VECTOR */
sk_vector_len(int n)4828 int sk_vector_len(int n) {
4829 if (atomic(n) || n == NIL || Car[n] != S_vector) {
4830 return NULL;
4831 }
4832 return vector_len(n);
4833 }
4835 /* Write N to a string and return the string. */
sk_writeToString(int n)4836 int sk_writeToString(int n) {
4837 n = alloc(n, NIL);
4838 n = alloc(NIL, n);
4839 save(n);
4840 n = doWriteToString(n);
4841 unsave(1);
4842 return n;
4843 }
4845 /* Read an expression from the string S and return it. */
sk_readFromString(char * s)4846 int sk_readFromString(char *s) {
4847 int n;
4849 n = sk_mkString(s, strlen(s));
4850 n = alloc(n, NIL);
4851 n = alloc(NIL, n);
4852 save(n);
4853 n = doReadFromString(n);
4854 unsave(1);
4855 return n;
4856 }
4858 /* Return the type of an object */
sk_typeof(int n)4859 int sk_typeof(int n) {
4860 if (atomic(n)) return SK_TYPE_SYMBOL;
4861 if (n == S_true || n == S_false) return SK_TYPE_BOOLEAN;
4862 if (n == S_eof) return SK_TYPE_EOF;
4863 if (n == S_undefined) return SK_TYPE_UNDEFINED;
4864 if (n == S_void) return SK_TYPE_VOID;
4865 if (Car[n] == S_integer) return SK_TYPE_INTEGER;
4866 if (Car[n] == S_char) return SK_TYPE_CHAR;
4867 if (Car[n] == S_string) return SK_TYPE_STRING;
4868 if ( Car[n] == S_closure ||
4869 Car[n] == S_primitive ||
4870 Car[n] == S_user_primitive ||
4871 Car[n] == S_special_cbv
4872 )
4873 return SK_TYPE_PROCEDURE;
4874 if (Car[n] == S_special || Car[n] == S_syntax)
4875 return SK_TYPE_SYNTAX;
4876 return SK_TYPE_PAIR;
4877 }
4879 /* Say goodbye to the world */
sk_bye(void)4880 void sk_bye(void) {
4881 sk_fini();
4882 exit(0);
4883 }
4885 /* Create a pair */
sk_cons(int car,int cdr)4886 int sk_cons(int car, int cdr) {
4887 return alloc(car, cdr);
4888 }
4890 /* Create a bignum integer */
sk_mkInteger(long v)4891 int sk_mkInteger(long v) {
4892 char buf[100];
4894 sprintf(buf, "%ld", v);
4895 return explodeNum(buf);
4896 }
4898 /* Convert list to vector */
sk_listToVector(int n)4899 int sk_listToVector(int n) {
4900 return list_to_vector(n, "sk_listToVector()");
4901 }
4903 /* Protect a node */
sk_protect(int n)4904 void sk_protect(int n) {
4905 save(n);
4906 }
4908 /* Unprotect a number of nodes */
sk_unprotect(int k)4909 void sk_unprotect(int k) {
4910 unsave(k);
4911 }
4913 /* Modify CAR part of pair */
sk_setCar(int n,int new)4914 void sk_setCar(int n, int new) {
4915 Car[n] = new;
4916 }
4918 /* Modify CDR part of pair */
sk_setCdr(int n,int new)4919 void sk_setCdr(int n, int new) {
4920 Cdr[n] = new;
4921 }
4923 /* Extract directory name of PATH into PFX. */
getDirName(char * path,char * pfx)4924 static void getDirName(char *path, char *pfx) {
4925 char *p;
4927 if (strlen(path) > 256) {
4928 error("path too long in :load or 'require'", NOEXPR);
4929 return;
4930 }
4931 strcpy(pfx, path);
4932 p = strrchr(pfx, '/');
4933 if (p == NULL)
4934 strcpy(pfx, ".");
4935 else
4936 *p = 0;
4937 }
4939 /* Expand leading '~/' path name */
expandPath(char * s)4940 static char *expandPath(char *s) {
4941 char *var, *r, *v;
4943 if (!strncmp(s, "~/", 2)) {
4944 var = "HOME";
4945 r = &s[2];
4946 }
4947 else {
4948 return s;
4949 }
4950 if ((v = getenv(var)) == NULL) return s;
4951 if (strlen(v) + strlen(r) + 2 >= MAXPATHL) {
4952 error("path too long in 'load' or 'require'", NOEXPR);
4953 return s;
4954 }
4955 sprintf(ExpPath, "%s/%s", v, r);
4956 return ExpPath;
4957 }
4959 /* Internal Read-Eval-Loop for loading source files. */
REL(void)4960 static void REL(void) {
4961 int n, evl;
4963 SK_errFlag = 0;
4964 evl = EvLev;
4965 EvLev = 0;
4966 while(!SK_errFlag) {
4967 n = sk_read();
4968 n = syntaxTransform(n);
4969 if (n == S_eof) return;
4970 n = safe_eval(n);
4971 }
4972 EvLev = evl;
4973 }
4975 /*
4976 * Locate source file.
4977 * Try: ./file
4978 * ./file.scm (if no .scm suffix is present)
4979 * P/file
4980 * P/file.scm (where P is a path from $SKETCHYSRC).
4981 * SKETCHYSRC is a colon-separated list of paths.
4982 */
sk_findSource(char * p,char * buf)4983 char *sk_findSource(char *p, char *buf) {
4984 char *sksrc, *q;
4985 char *toolong;
4986 FILE *f;
4987 int k;
4989 toolong = "path too long in 'require'";
4990 if (strlen(p) >= SK_MAXPATHL-1) {
4991 error(toolong, NOEXPR);
4992 return NULL;
4993 }
4994 strcpy(buf, p);
4995 if (*p == '.' || *p == '/' || *p == '~') {
4996 return p;
4997 }
4998 sksrc = getenv("SKETCHYSRC");
4999 if ((f = fopen(p, "r")) != NULL) {
5000 fclose(f);
5001 return p;
5002 }
5003 k = strlen(p);
5004 if (k < 4 || strcmp(&p[k-4], ".scm")) {
5005 if (strlen(p) + 4 >= SK_MAXPATHL-1) {
5006 error(toolong, NOEXPR);
5007 return NULL;
5008 }
5009 strcpy(buf, p);
5010 strcat(buf, ".scm");
5011 f = fopen(buf, "r");
5012 if (f) return buf;
5013 }
5014 q = strrchr(p, '/');
5015 if (q) p = q;
5016 k = strlen(p);
5017 while (sksrc && *sksrc) {
5018 q = strchr(sksrc, ':');
5019 if (q) *q = 0;
5020 if (strlen(sksrc) + strlen(p) >= SK_MAXPATHL-2) {
5021 error(toolong, NOEXPR);
5022 return NULL;
5023 }
5024 sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", sksrc, p);
5025 if (q) *q = ':';
5026 f = fopen(buf, "r");
5027 if (f) return buf;
5028 k = strlen(buf);
5029 if (k < 4 || strcmp(&buf[k-4], ".scm")) {
5030 if (strlen(buf) + 4 >= SK_MAXPATHL-1) {
5031 error(toolong, NOEXPR);
5032 return NULL;
5033 }
5034 strcat(buf, ".scm");
5035 f = fopen(buf, "r");
5036 if (f) return buf;
5037 }
5038 sksrc = q? &q[1]: "";
5039 }
5040 return NULL;
5041 }
5043 /* Load expressions from the file P. Return error flag. */
sk_load(char * p)5044 int sk_load(char *p) {
5045 FILE *ofile, *nfile;
5046 int r;
5047 char oname[MAXPATHL];
5048 int oline;
5049 char *q;
5051 if (LoadLev > 0) {
5052 if (strlen(p) + strlen(DirName) >= MAXPATHL) {
5053 error("path too long in :load or 'require'", NOEXPR);
5054 return -1;
5055 }
5056 if (*p != '.' && *p != '/')
5057 sprintf(Path, "%s/%s", DirName, p);
5058 else
5059 strcpy(Path, p);
5060 q = p = Path;
5061 }
5062 else if (p[0] == '/' || p[0] == '.' || p[0] == '~') {
5063 q = p;
5064 p = expandPath(p);
5065 getDirName(p, DirName);
5066 }
5067 else {
5068 q = p;
5069 p = sk_findSource(p, ExpPath);
5070 getDirName(p, DirName);
5071 }
5072 nfile = fopen(p, "r");
5073 if (nfile == NULL) {
5074 p = sk_findSource(p, LocPath);
5075 if (p == NULL) {
5076 error("could not locate input file", NOEXPR);
5077 setErrArg(q);
5078 return -1;
5079 }
5080 nfile = fopen(p, "r");
5081 if (nfile == NULL) {
5082 error("cannot open source file", NOEXPR);
5083 setErrArg(p);
5084 return -1;
5085 }
5086 }
5087 LoadLev = LoadLev + 1;
5088 /* Save old I/O state */
5089 r = Rejected;
5090 /* Run the toplevel loop with redirected I/O */
5091 ofile = Input;
5092 Input = nfile;
5093 oline = Line;
5094 Line = 1;
5095 strcpy(oname, Infile);
5096 strcpy(Infile, p);
5097 REL();
5098 strcpy(Infile, oname);
5099 Line = oline;
5100 /* Restore previous I/O state */
5101 Rejected = r;
5102 Input = ofile;
5103 LoadLev = LoadLev - 1;
5104 fclose(nfile);
5105 if (Level) error("unbalanced parentheses in loaded file", NOEXPR);
5106 return 0;
5107 }
5109 /* Load conditionally */
sk_require(char * p)5110 int sk_require(char *p) {
5111 char *q1, *q2;
5112 char s[TEXTLEN];
5113 int y;
5115 memset(s, 0, TEXTLEN);
5116 strncpy(s, p, TEXTLEN-1);
5117 if (p[0] == '=') p = &p[1];
5118 q1 = strchr(p, '/');
5119 q2 = strchr(q1? q1: p, '.');
5120 if (q2 != NULL) *q2 = 0;
5121 y = findSym(locase(q1? &q1[1]: p));
5122 if (q2 != NULL) *q2 = '.';
5123 if (y == NIL || Cdr[y] == S_undefined) {
5124 sk_load(s);
5125 return 1;
5126 }
5127 return 0;
5128 }
5130 /* Return conditions of use */
sk_license()5131 char **sk_license() {
5132 static char *license_text[] = {
5133 "SketchyLISP -- An Interpreter for Purely Applicative Scheme",
5134 "Copyright (C) 2005,2006,2007 Nils M Holm. All rights reserved.",
5135 "",
5136 "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without",
5137 "modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions",
5138 "are met:",
5139 "1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright",
5140 " notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.",
5141 "2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright",
5142 " notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the",
5143 " documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.",
5144 "",
5155 "SUCH DAMAGE.",
5156 NULL};
5157 return license_text;
5158 }
5160 /* Run GC and return statistics. */
sk_gc(struct sk_gcStats * stats)5161 void sk_gc(struct sk_gcStats *stats) {
5162 stats->nodes_used = PoolSize - gc();
5163 gcv();
5164 stats->vcells_used = Vptr;
5165 stats->nodes_max = MaxAtoms;
5166 stats->vcells_max = MaxCells;
5167 MaxAtoms = 0;
5168 MaxCells = 0;
5169 }
5171 /* Dump symbol table */
sk_dumpSymbols(char * p)5172 void sk_dumpSymbols(char *p) {
5173 int pk, y;
5175 y = findSym(p);
5176 Quoted = 1;
5177 pk = Packages;
5178 pr("Packages:");
5179 while (pk != sk_nil()) {
5180 pr(" ");
5181 _print(caar(pk));
5182 if (cdar(pk) == Symbols) pr("[open]");
5183 pk = Cdr[pk];
5184 }
5185 nl();
5186 y = findPackage(y);
5187 _print(Car[y]);
5188 pr(": ");
5189 _print(Cdr[y]);
5190 nl();
5191 }