2 /*
3     xskat - a card game for 1 to 3 players.
4     Copyright (C) 2004  Gunter Gerhardt
6     This program is free software; you can redistribute it freely.
7     Use it at your own risk; there is NO WARRANTY.
9     Redistribution of modified versions is permitted
10     provided that the following conditions are met:
11     1. All copyright & permission notices are preserved.
12     2.a) Only changes required for packaging or porting are made.
13       or
14     2.b) It is clearly stated who last changed the program.
15          The program is renamed or
16          the version number is of the form x.y.z,
17          where x.y is the version of the original program
18          and z is an arbitrary suffix.
19 */
21 #ifndef XIO_H
22 #define XIO_H
24 #include <X11/Xlib.h>
25 #include <X11/Xutil.h>
26 #include "text.h"
28 #undef EXTERN
29 #ifdef XIO_C
30 #define EXTERN
31 #else
32 #define EXTERN extern
33 #endif
35 EXTERN tx_typ tspnames[3][2];
36 EXTERN int charw[3],charh[3];
37 EXTERN int lost[3];
38 EXTERN Display *dpy[3];
39 EXTERN Colormap cmap[3];
40 EXTERN Window win[3];
41 EXTERN unsigned long bpix[3],wpix[3],fgpix[3],bgpix[3],btpix[3];
42 EXTERN unsigned long b3dpix[3],w3dpix[3],mkpix[3];
43 EXTERN int gfx3d[3];
44 EXTERN GC gc[3],gcbck[3],gcxor[3];
45 EXTERN XFontStruct *dfont[3];
46 EXTERN int ggcards;
47 EXTERN Pixmap bck[3];
48 EXTERN Pixmap symbs[3];
49 EXTERN Pixmap cardpx[3][33];
50 EXTERN Cursor cursor[3][2];
51 EXTERN int actbtn[3];
52 EXTERN int skatopen,stichopen,spitzeopen,backopen[3];
53 EXTERN int ktrply,sptzmrk,schenkply;
54 EXTERN int revolsort,tauschcard,tauschdone,tauschply;
55 EXTERN long ticker;
56 EXTERN char *prog_name;
57 EXTERN char *disp_name[3];
58 EXTERN char *font_name;
59 EXTERN char *title[3];
60 EXTERN char *fg_col;
61 EXTERN char *bg_col;
62 EXTERN char *b3d_col;
63 EXTERN char *w3d_col;
64 EXTERN char *mk_col;
65 EXTERN char *bt_col;
66 EXTERN char *ccol[4];
67 EXTERN int nopre;
68 EXTERN int bwcol;
69 EXTERN int downup;
70 EXTERN int altseq;
71 EXTERN int geom_f[3],geom_x[3],geom_y[3];
72 EXTERN int colerr;
73 EXTERN XSizeHints szhints[3];
74 EXTERN XWMHints wmhints;
75 EXTERN struct
76 {
77   int num,act;
78   struct {
79     int x1,y1,x2,y2,f;
80   } p[21];
81 } selpos[3];
82 EXTERN struct
83 {
84   int large;
85   int x,y,w,h;
86   int col,plan;
87   int com1x,com2x,com1y,com2y;
88   int playx,playy;
89   int skatx,skaty;
90   int stichx,stichy;
91   int cbox1x,cbox2x,cboxy;
92   int pboxx,pboxy;
93   int cardx,cardw,cardh;
94   int f,q;
95 } desk[3];
96 EXTERN XColor color[3][256]
97 #ifdef XIO_C
98 =
99 {{
100   {0,0xffff,0x0000,0x0000},
101   {0,0xffff,0x0000,0x0000},
102   {0,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000},
103   {0,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000},
104   {0,0xff00,0xb400,0x0000},
105   {0,0x0000,0xb400,0x0000}
106 }}
107 #endif
108 ;
110 EXTERN int cnts[]
111 #ifdef XIO_C
112 =
113 {
114   0,2,22,26,30,34,52,68,82
115 }
116 #endif
117 ;
119 EXTERN int bigs[]
120 #ifdef XIO_C
121 =
122 {
123   33,60,
124   15,6, 51,6, 33,24, 15,43, 51,43, 15,77, 51,77, 33,93, 15,111, 51,111,
125   7,9, 60,107,
126   7,9, 60,107,
127   7,9, 60,107,
128   15,6, 51,6, 15,43, 51,43, 33,60, 15,77, 51,77, 15,111, 51,111,
129   15,6, 51,6, 33,33, 15,60, 51,60, 33,87, 15,111, 51,111,
130   15,6, 51,6, 33,33, 15,60, 51,60, 15,111, 51,111
131 }
132 #endif
133 ;
135 EXTERN int smls[]
136 #ifdef XIO_C
137 =
138 {
139   2,23, 77,23, 2,105, 77,105
140 }
141 #endif
142 ;
144 EXTERN int smlz[]
145 #ifdef XIO_C
146 =
147 {
148   4,16, 75,16, 4,112, 75,112
149 }
150 #endif
151 ;
153 EXTERN int smlc[]
154 #ifdef XIO_C
155 =
156 {
157   6,5, 78,5, 6,126, 78,126
158 }
159 #endif
160 ;
162 EXTERN int frm[2][9][2]
163 #ifdef XIO_C
164 =
165 {
166   {
167     {1,4},{1,3},{2,2},
168     {3,1},{4,1},{0,0},
169     {0,0},{0,0},{0,0}
170   },
171   {
172     {1,7},{1,6},{1,5},
173     {2,4},{3,3},{4,2},
174     {5,1},{6,1},{7,1}
175   }
176 }
177 #endif
178 ;
180 EXTERN int ramp[4][6]
181 #ifdef XIO_C
182 =
183 {
184   {0, 70,100,150,180,255},
185   {0, 70,150,180,255,255},
186   {0, 70,180,255,255,255},
187   {0,180,255,255,255,255}
188 }
189 #endif
190 ;
192 #endif /* XIO_H */