3!  Copyright (C) 1997-2013 Krzysztof M. Gorski, Eric Hivon,
4!                          Benjamin D. Wandelt, Anthony J. Banday,
5!                          Matthias Bartelmann, Hans K. Eriksen,
6!                          Frode K. Hansen, Martin Reinecke
9!  This file is part of HEALPix.
11!  HEALPix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12!  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13!  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
14!  (at your option) any later version.
16!  HEALPix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17!  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19!  GNU General Public License for more details.
21!  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22!  along with HEALPix; if not, write to the Free Software
23!  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
25!  For more information about HEALPix see http://healpix.sourceforge.net
30! Sarah Smith (sjm84@mrao.cam.ac.uk)
31! and Graca Rocha (graca@mrao.cam.ac.uk)
32! June 2004
33! Module sub_ngpdf_sho based on code by Michael
34! Hobson and Graca Rocha
35! Module sub_ngpdf_powergauss based on code by
36! Anthony Challinor
37! Please include an appropriate acknowledgement
38! in any publications based on work that has
39! made use of this package - 'NGsims'
41Program sky_ng_sim
42  ! Makes a full-sky non-Gaussian simulation using
43  ! values drawn from pdf made from eigenstates of
44  ! a simple harmonic oscillator or powers of a Gaussian
45  ! Uses Healpix pixelisation and subroutines
46  ! Some of the program is based on the Healpix synfast program
48  USE healpix_types
49  USE alm_tools, ONLY : map2alm_iterative, alm2map, alm2map_der, pow2alm_units
50  USE fitstools, ONLY : read_asctab, write_bintab, dump_alms
51  USE pix_tools, ONLY : nside2npix
52  USE head_fits, ONLY : add_card, merge_headers, get_card, write_minimal_header, del_card
53!  USE utilities, ONLY : die_alloc
54  use misc_utils, only : wall_clock_time, assert_alloc, brag_openmp, fatal_error
55  USE extension, ONLY : getArgument, nArguments
56  USE paramfile_io, ONLY : paramfile_handle, parse_int, parse_init, &
57       & parse_string, parse_lgt, parse_double, parse_check_unused, &
58       & concatnl, scan_directories, parse_summarize, parse_finish, &
59       & get_healpix_data_dir, get_healpix_test_dir,get_healpix_pixel_window_file
61  USE sub_ngpdf_sho
62  USE sub_ngpdf_powergauss
63  USE sky_sub
65  Implicit none
67  INTEGER(I4B) :: nsmax ! The value of N_{side} in the pixelisation scheme
68  INTEGER(I4B) :: nlmax, lmax ! The maximum l-value used
69  INTEGER(I4B) :: nmmax ! The maximum m-value used (set equal to nlmax)
71  COMPLEX(SPC), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: alm_T !The a_{lm} values
72  REAL(SP),     DIMENSION(:, :),  ALLOCATABLE :: map_T !The pixel values in real space
73  REAL(SP), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: cl_T !The Cl values
74  REAL(KIND=DP),     DIMENSION(:,:),   ALLOCATABLE :: w8ring_T
75  REAL(SP),     DIMENSION(:,:),     ALLOCATABLE :: tmp_2d
77!  INTEGER(I4B), DIMENSION(8,2) :: values_time
78!  REAL(SP) :: clock_time
79  real(SP) :: time0, time1, clock_time, ptime0, ptime1, ptime
80  INTEGER(I4B) :: status
82  INTEGER(I4B) npixtot !The total number of pixels
83  CHARACTER(LEN=filenamelen)          :: parafile = ''
84  CHARACTER(LEN=filenamelen)          :: infile
85  character(len=FILENAMELEN)          :: outfile_alms
86  CHARACTER(LEN=filenamelen)          :: outfile
87  CHARACTER(LEN=filenamelen)          :: windowfile
88  CHARACTER(LEN=filenamelen)          :: windowname
89  CHARACTER(LEN=filenamelen)          :: def_dir, def_file
90  CHARACTER(LEN=filenamelen)          :: usr_dir, usr_file
91  CHARACTER(LEN=filenamelen)          :: final_file
92  CHARACTER(LEN=filenamelen)          :: healpixtestdir
93  Character(LEN=filenamelen)          :: beam_file
94  character(len=filenamelen)          :: description
95  character(len=100)                  :: chline
96  LOGICAL(LGT) :: ok, fitscl, polarisation = .FALSE.
97  logical(LGT) :: do_map, output_alms
98  CHARACTER(LEN=80), DIMENSION(1:180) :: header, header_PS !, header_file
99  CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: code = "sky_ng_sim"
100  character(len=*), parameter :: VERSION = HEALPIX_VERSION
101  character(len=80), dimension(1:1) :: units_power, units_map
102  CHARACTER(LEN=20)                            ::  string_quad
103!  CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: temptype, com_tt
104!  REAL(SP) ::  quadrupole
105!  INTEGER(I4B) :: count_tt
106  INTEGER(I4B) nlheader
107  Integer :: i,m, n_pols, n_maps, simul_type, deriv
108  Real(DP) :: sigma0, factor
109  Real(DP),dimension(1:3) :: nu !Added to match with f90 version of shodev_driver
110  !nu(i) is the ith moment of the distribution.
111  !The size of nu is fixed to 3 to prevent problems with passing unallocated arrays
112  Real(DP) :: power, rms_alm, mean
113  Integer :: count, iter_order
114  Integer(I4B) :: pdf_choice !Used to chose type of pdf required
115  logical :: plot
116  !  External shodev_driver
117  Real(SP) :: Tmin, Tmax, convert
118  Integer, parameter :: npts = 1000
119  Real(SP) :: xline(npts), yline(npts), xstep, xval
120  type(paramfile_handle) :: handle
121  Real(DP) :: fwhm_arcmin
122  Real(SP) :: fwhm_deg
123  Character(len=30) :: xlabel
124  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
125  !                    get input parameters and create arrays
126  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
128  call wall_clock_time(time0)
129  call cpu_time(ptime0)
130  !     --- read parameters interactively if no command-line arguments
131  !     --- are given, otherwise interpret first command-line argument
132  !     --- as parameter file name and read parameters from it:
133  if (nArguments() == 0) then
134     parafile=''
135  else
136     if (nArguments() /= 1) then
137        print *, " Usage: "//code//" [parameter file name]"
138        call fatal_error()
139     end if
140     call getArgument(1,parafile)
141  end if
142  handle = parse_init(parafile)
144  PRINT *, " "
145  PRINT *,"                    "//code//" "//version
146  Write(*, '(a)')  "*** Simulation of a non-Gaussian full-sky temperature map ***"
148  !     --- choose temp. only or  temp. + deriv. ---
149  description = concatnl( &
150       & " Do you want to simulate", &
151       & " 1) Temperature only", &
152       !& " 2) Temperature + polarisation", &
153       & " 3) Temperature + 1st derivatives", &
154       & " 4) Temperature + 1st & 2nd derivatives")
155  simul_type = parse_int(handle, 'simul_type', default=1, valid=(/1,3,4/), descr=description)
156  deriv = 0 ! no derivatives
157  if (simul_type == 3) deriv = 1
158  if (simul_type == 4) deriv = 2
159  n_pols = 1
160  n_maps = max(1, 3*deriv)
162  !     --- gets the effective resolution of the sky map ---
1633 continue
164  description = concatnl( &
165       & "", &
166       & " Enter the resolution parameter (Nside) for the simulated skymap: ",&
167       & " (Npix = 12*Nside**2, where Nside HAS to be a power of 2, eg: 32, 512, ...)" )
168  nsmax = parse_int(handle, 'nsmax', default=32, descr=description)
169  if (nside2npix(nsmax) < 0) then
170     print *, " Error: nsmax is not a power of two."
171     if (handle%interactive) goto 3
172     call fatal_error(code)
173  endif
175  !     --- gets the L range for the simulation ---
176  WRITE(chline,"(a,i5,a)") "We recommend: (0 <= l <= l_max <= ",3*nsmax-1,")"
177  description = concatnl(&
178       & "", &
179       & " Enter the maximum l range (l_max) for the simulation. ", &
180       & chline )
181  nlmax = parse_int(handle, 'nlmax', default=2*nsmax, descr=description)
184  !     --- get filename for input power spectrum ---
185  chline = ''
186  healpixtestdir = get_healpix_test_dir()
187  if (trim(healpixtestdir)/='') chline = trim(healpixtestdir)//'/cl.fits'
188  description = concatnl( "", &
189       & " Enter input Power Spectrum filename", &
190       & " Can be either in FITS format or in the .dat format produced by CAMB.")
191  infile = parse_string(handle, 'infile', default=chline, descr=description, filestatus='old')
192  ! Find out whether input cl file is a fits file
193  fitscl = (index(infile, '.fits') /= 0)
195  !     --- gets the output sky map filename ---
196  description = concatnl(&
197       & "", &
198       & " Enter Output map file name (eg, test.fits) :", &
199       & "  (or !test.fits to overwrite an existing file)" )
200  outfile = parse_string(handle, "outfile", &
201       default="!test.fits", descr=description, filestatus="new")
202  do_map = (trim(outfile) /= '')
204  !     --- gets the output alm-filename ---
205  description = concatnl(&
206       & "", &
207       & " Enter file name in which to write a_lm used to synthesize the map : ", &
208       & " (eg alm.fits or !alms.fits to overwrite an existing file): ", &
209       & " (If '', the alms are not written to a file) ")
210  outfile_alms = parse_string(handle, 'outfile_alms', &
211       & default="''", descr=description, filestatus='new')
212  output_alms = (trim(outfile_alms) /= '')
214  !     --- gets the fwhm of beam ---
215  description = concatnl(&
216       & "", &
217       & " Enter FWMH of beam in arcminutes (0 for no beam):")
218  fwhm_arcmin = parse_double(handle, "fwhm_arcmin", &
219       default=0d0, descr=description, vmin = 0d0)
221  description = concatnl(&
222       & "", &
223       & " Enter an external file name containing ", &
224       & " a symmetric beam Legendre transform (eg: mybeam.fits)", &
225       & " NB: if set to an existing file, it will override the FWHM chosen above", &
226       & "     if set to '', the gaussian FWHM will be used.")
227  beam_file = parse_string(handle, 'beam_file', default="''", &
228       &                 descr=description, filestatus='old')
229  if (beam_file /= '') then
230     fwhm_arcmin = 0.
231     print*,'fwhm_arcmin is now : 0.'
232     print*,'The beam file '//trim(beam_file)//' will be used instead.'
233  endif
235  ! including pixel window function, EH-2008-03-05
236 !     --- check for pixel-window-files ---
237  windowname = get_healpix_pixel_window_file(nsmax)
239  def_file = trim(windowname)
240  def_dir  = get_healpix_data_dir()
24222 continue
243  final_file = ''
244  ok = .false.
245  ! if interactive, try default name in default directories first
246  if (handle%interactive) ok = scan_directories(def_dir, def_file, final_file)
247  if (.not. ok) then
248     ! not found, ask the user
249     description = concatnl("",&
250          &        " Could not find window file", &
251          &        " Enter the directory where this file can be found:")
252     usr_dir = parse_string(handle,'winfiledir',default='',descr=description)
253     if (trim(usr_dir) == '') usr_dir = trim(def_dir)
254     description = concatnl("",&
255          &        " Enter the name of the window file:")
256     usr_file = parse_string(handle,'windowfile',default=def_file,descr=description)
257     ! look for new name in user provided or default directories
258     ok   = scan_directories(usr_dir, usr_file, final_file)
259     ! if still fails, crash or ask again if interactive
260     if (.not. ok) then
261        print*,' File not found'
262        if (handle%interactive) goto 22
263        call fatal_error(code)
264     endif
265  endif
266  windowfile = final_file
268  PRINT *," "
270  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
272  nmmax   = nlmax
273  npixtot = nside2npix(nsmax)
275  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
276  !                  allocates space for arrays
277  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
279  !  ALLOCATE(units_alm(1:1),units_map(1:1+2*polar),stat = status)
280  !  call assert_alloc(status, code,"units_alm & units_map")
282  ALLOCATE(alm_T(1:1,0:nlmax, 0:nmmax),stat = status)
283  call assert_alloc(status, code,"alm_T")
285  ALLOCATE(map_T(0:npixtot-1, 1:n_maps),stat = status)
286  call assert_alloc(status, code,"map_T")
288  ALLOCATE(w8ring_T(1:2*nsmax,1:1),stat = status)
289  call assert_alloc(status, code,"w8ring_T")
291  ! For now, not using ring weights for quadrature correction
292  w8ring_T = 1.d0
294  ! single analysis
295  iter_order = 0
297  ALLOCATE(cl_T(0:nlmax,1:1),stat = status)
298  call assert_alloc(status, code,"cl_T")
300  !------------------------------------------------------------------------
301  ! Read in the input power spectrum
302  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
304  cl_T = 0.0
305  !New lines added 8th June 2004
306  lmax = nlmax
307  call read_powerspec(infile, nsmax, lmax, cl_T, header_PS, fwhm_arcmin, units_power, beam_file = beam_file, winfile = windowfile)
308  call pow2alm_units(units_power, units_map)
309  call del_card(header_PS, (/ "TUNIT#","TTYPE#"/)) ! remove TUNIT* and TTYPE* from header to avoid confusion later on
311  !------------------------------------------------------------------------
312  ! Draw pixel values in real space from non-Gaussian distribution
313  !------------------------------------------------------------------------
315  Write (*,*) "Creating non-Gaussian map with flat power spectrum"
317  !     --- Chose the type of pdf to use ---
318  description = concatnl(&
319       & "", &
320       & " Select non-Gaussian pdf to use: Simple harmonic oscillator (1)", &
321       & "or powers of a Gaussian (2)" )
322  pdf_choice = parse_int(handle, 'pdf_choice', default=1, vmin = 1, vmax = 2, descr=description)
324  !Write (*,*) "Use SHO pdf (0) or powers of a Gaussian pdf (1) ?"
325  !Read (*,*) m
326  If (pdf_choice .eq. 1) Then
327     call shodev_driver(handle, npixtot, sigma0, map_T(:,1), nu)
328  Else
329     !     call powergauss_driver(npixtot, npixtot, sigma0, map_T, nu)
330     call powergauss_driver(handle, npixtot, sigma0, map_T(:,1), nu)
331  End If
332  print*,'NG map MIN and MAX:',minval(map_T(:,1)),maxval(map_T(:,1))
333  !Normalise the map
334  If (nu(1) .ge. 0) Then !nu (1) is set to -1 if highest non-zero alpha > 3
335     ! ie if we can't calculate moments analytically
336     map_T = map_T / sqrt(nu(2))
338     !Compute the rms value of the pixels
339     power = 0
340     Do i = 0, npixtot-1
341        power = power + map_T(i,1)**2
342     End Do
343     power = Sqrt(power/npixtot)
344     Write (*,*) "rms value of the pixels is ", power
345  Else
346     Write (*,*) "Can't calculate theoretical value of nu(2) to normalise"
347     Write (*,*) "Normalising using rms pixel value instead"
348     Write (*,*) "note - this method may change the statistical properties of the map"
349     !Compute the mean value of the pixels
350     mean = SUM(map_T(:,1)*1.d0)/npixtot
351     Write (*,*) 'Mean pixel value is ',mean,' - adjusting to zero'
352     map_T(:,1) = map_T(:,1) - mean
353     !Compute the rms value of the pixels
354     power = 0
355     Do i = 0, npixtot-1
356        power = power + map_T(i,1)**2
357     End Do
358     power = Sqrt(power/npixtot)
359     Write (*,*) "rms value of the pixels is ", power ," - setting to 1.0"
360     map_T(:,1) = map_T(:,1) / power
361     !Check
362     power = 0
363     Do i = 0, npixtot-1
364        power = power + map_T(i,1)**2
365     End Do
366     power = Sqrt(power/npixtot)
367     Write (*,*) "Now rms value of the pixels is ", power
368  End If
369  !------------------------------------------------------------------------
370  ! Now compute the a_{lm} values from this distribution
371  !------------------------------------------------------------------------
373  Write (*,*) "Computing the values of the a_{lm}"
374!  call map2alm(nsmax, nlmax, nmmax, map_T, alm_T, -1000.d0, w8ring_T)
375!  call map2alm(nsmax, nlmax, nmmax, map_T, alm_T, (/ 0.d0, 0.d0 /), w8ring_T)
376  call map2alm_iterative(nsmax, nlmax, nmmax, iter_order, map_T(:,1:1), alm_T, w8ring=w8ring_T)
379  !Compute the rms value of the a_{lm}
380  power = 0.0
381  count = 0
382  Do i = 1, nlmax
383     power = power + abs(alm_T(1,i,0))**2.
384     count = count + 1
385     Do m = 1, i
386        power = power + 2.0*abs(alm_T(1,i,m))**2.
387        count = count + 2
388     End Do
389  End Do
390  rms_alm = sqrt(power/count)
391  Write (*,*) "rms value of the a_{lm} is ",rms_alm
392  factor = sqrt(FOURPI/npixtot)
393  Write (*,*) "Expected rms value is ", factor
395  !------------------------------------------------------------------------
396  ! Multiply the a_{lm} by the correct power spectrum
397  !------------------------------------------------------------------------
399  Do i = 1, nlmax
400     !Write (*,*) 'cl(',i,') is ', cl_T(i,1)
401     alm_T(1,i,0:i) = alm_T(1,i,0:i)*sqrt(cl_T(i,1))/factor
402  End Do
404  !------------------------------------------------------------------------
405  ! Now transform back to a real space map
406  !------------------------------------------------------------------------
408  select case (deriv)
409  case(0) ! temperature only
410     call alm2map(    nsmax,nlmax,nmmax,alm_T,map_T(:,1))
411  case(1)
412     call alm2map_der(nsmax,nlmax,nmmax,alm_T,map_T(:,1),map_T(:,2:3))
413  case(2)
414     call alm2map_der(nsmax,nlmax,nmmax,alm_T,map_T(:,1),map_T(:,2:3),map_T(:,4:6))
415  case default
416     print*,'Not valid case'
417     print*,'Derivatives: ', deriv
418     call fatal_error(code)
419  end select
421  !------------------------------------------------------------------------
422  ! Plot histogram of pixel distribution (if required)
423  !------------------------------------------------------------------------
425#ifdef PGPLOT
426  description = concatnl( "", &
427       & " Plot histogram of pixel values? (True or False)")
428  plot = parse_lgt(handle, 'plot', default=.false., descr=description)
429!  Write (*,*) 'Plot histrogram of pixel values (0) or not (1)?'
430!  Read (*,*) m
431  If (plot) Then
432     Tmin = 0.0
433     Tmax = 0.0
434     do i=1,npixtot
435        if (map_T(i,1) .lt. Tmin) Tmin=map_T(i,1)
436        if (map_T(i,1) .gt. Tmax) Tmax=map_T(i,1)
437     end do
438     call pgbegin(0,'?',1,1)
439     if (.not. fitscl) then
440        ! If reading in from .dat file Cls are already converted to uK
441        convert = 1.0
442        xlabel = 'Temperature / \gmK'
443     else if (ABS(cl_T(2,1) - 1.0) .lt. 0.05) then
444        ! If values in fits file are normalised to Cl(2) = 1.0
445        ! convert to uK for plot, assuming COBE normalisation
446        ! of Qrms = 18uK
447        convert = sqrt(4.0*PI/5.0)*18.0
448        xlabel = 'Temperature / \gmK'
449     else
450        ! Otherwise, units unknown
451        convert = 1.0
452        xlabel = 'Pixel value'
453     end if
454     Tmin = Tmin * convert
455     Tmax = Tmax * convert
456     call pghist(npixtot,map_T*convert,Tmin,Tmax,200,0)
457     !Pixel values scaled to convert to uK if input fits file of cl values
458     !which are normalised to C_2 = 1.0
459     call pglab(xlabel,'Number of pixels','')
460     !Calculate 2*mean square value of T (ie 2 sigma^2)
461     power = 0
462     Do i = 1, npixtot
463        power = power + map_T(i,1)**2
464     End Do
465     power = 2 * power*(convert**2) / npixtot
466     xstep=(Tmax-Tmin)/real(npts-1)
467     do i=1,npts
468        xval=Tmin+real(i)*xstep
469        xline(i)=xval
470        yline(i)=exp(-xval**2/power)/sqrt(PI*power)
471        yline(i)=yline(i)*real(npixtot)*(Tmax-Tmin)/200.
472     end do
473     call pgsci(13)
474     call pgline(npts, xline, yline)
475     call pgend
476  End If
479  call parse_check_unused(handle, code=code)
480  call parse_summarize(handle, code=code)
481  call parse_finish(handle)
482  call brag_openmp()
484  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
485  !                      write the alm to FITS file
486  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
487  if (output_alms) then
489     PRINT *,"      "//code//"> outputting alms "
491     do i = 1, n_pols
492        header = ""
493        ! put inherited information immediatly, so that keyword values can be updated later on
494        ! by current code values
495        call add_card(header,"COMMENT","****************************************************************")
496        call merge_headers(header_PS, header) ! insert header_PS in header at this point
497        call add_card(header,"COMMENT","****************************************************************")
499        ! start putting information relative to this code and run
500        call write_minimal_header(header, 'alm', append=.true., &
501             creator = CODE, version = VERSION, &
502             nlmax = nlmax, nmmax = nmmax, &
503             !randseed = ioriginseed, &
504             units = units_map(i), polar = polarisation)
505        if (i == 1) then
506           call add_card(header,"EXTNAME","'SIMULATED a_lms (TEMPERATURE)'", update = .true.)
507        elseif (i == 2) then
508           call add_card(header,"EXTNAME","'SIMULATED a_lms (GRAD / ELECTRIC component)'", update = .true.)
509        elseif (i == 3) then
510           call add_card(header,"EXTNAME","'SIMULATED a_lms (CURL / MAGNETIC component)'", update = .true.)
511        endif
512        !if (input_cl) then
513           call add_card(header,"HISTORY","File with input C(l):")
514           call add_card(header,"HISTORY",trim(infile))
515           call add_card(header,"HISTORY","These alms are multiplied by pixel and beam window functions")
516           call add_card(header,"NSIDE"   ,nsmax,   "Resolution parameter for HEALPIX")
517           if (trim(beam_file) == '') then
518              call add_card(header,"FWHM"    ,fwhm_deg   ," [deg] FWHM of gaussian symmetric beam")
519           else
520              call add_card(header,"BEAM_LEG",trim(beam_file), &
521                   & "File containing Legendre transform of symmetric beam")
522           endif
523           call add_card(header,"PDF_TYPE",pdf_choice,"1: Harmon. Oscill. ;2: Power of Gauss.")
524        !endif
525        call add_card(header,"HISTORY")
526        nlheader = SIZE(header)
527        call dump_alms (outfile_alms,alm_T(i,0:nlmax,0:nmmax),nlmax,header,nlheader,i-1_i4b)
528     enddo
529  endif
530  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
531  !                      write the map to FITS file
532  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
534  nlheader = SIZE(header)
535  header = ""
536  PRINT *,"      "//code//"> Writing sky map to FITS file "
537  ! put inherited information immediatly, so that keyword values can be updated later on
538  ! by current code values
539  call add_card(header,"COMMENT","****************************************************************")
540  call merge_headers(header_PS, header) ! insert header_PS in header at this point
541  call add_card(header,"COMMENT","****************************************************************")
542  ! start putting information relative to this code and run
543  call write_minimal_header(header, 'map', append=.true., &
544       nside = nsmax, ordering = 'RING', &   !, coordsys = coordsys, &
545       fwhm_degree = fwhm_arcmin / 60.d0, &
546       beam_leg = trim(beam_file), &
547       polar = polarisation, &
548       deriv = deriv, &
549       creator = CODE, version = VERSION, &
550       nlmax = lmax, &
551       !randseed = ioriginseed, &
552       units = units_map(1) )
553  !Note using lmax rather than nlmax - lmax will be smaller than nlmax if not enough values
554  ! in input power spectrum file
556  call add_card(header,"PDF_TYPE",pdf_choice,"1: Harmon. Oscill. ;2: Power of Gauss.")
557  call add_card(header,"EXTNAME","'SIMULATED MAP'", update=.true.)
558  call add_card(header,"COMMENT","*************************************")
560!   allocate(tmp_2d(0:npixtot-1,1:1))
561!   tmp_2d(:,1) = map_T
562!   call write_bintab(tmp_2d, npixtot, 1, header, nlheader, outfile)
563!   deallocate(tmp_2d)
564  call write_bintab(map_T, npixtot, n_maps, header, nlheader, outfile)
565!!$  endif
567  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
568  !                      deallocate memory for arrays
569  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
571  DEALLOCATE( map_T )
572  DEALLOCATE( alm_T )
573  !  DEALLOCATE( units_alm, units_map )
575  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
576  !                      output and report card
577  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
578  call wall_clock_time(time1)
579  call cpu_time(ptime1)
580  clock_time = time1 - time0
581  ptime      = ptime1 - ptime0
583  WRITE(*,9000) " "
584  WRITE(*,9000) " Report Card for "//code//" simulation run"
585  WRITE(*,9000) "----------------------------------------"
586  WRITE(*,9000) " "
587  WRITE(*,9000) " Input power spectrum : "//TRIM(infile)
588  WRITE(*,9010) " Multipole range      : 0 < l <= ", nlmax
589  WRITE(*,9010) " Number of pixels     : ", npixtot
590  !  WRITE(*,9020) " Pixel size in arcmin : ", pix_size_arcmin
591  !  WRITE(*,9010) " Initial random # seed: ", ioriginseed
592  if (trim(beam_file) == '') then
593     write(*,9020) " Gauss. FWHM in arcmin: ", fwhm_arcmin
594  else
595     write(*,9000) " Beam file: "//trim(beam_file)
596  endif
597  WRITE(*,9000) " Output map           : "//TRIM(outfile)
598  write(*,9030) " Clock and CPU time [s] : ", clock_time, ptime
600  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
601  !                       end of routine
602  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
604  WRITE(*,9000) " "
605  WRITE(*,9000) " "//code//"> normal completion"
6079000 format(a)
6089010 format(a,i16)
6099020 format(a,g20.5)
6109030 format(a,f11.2,f11.2)
613  Stop
615End Program sky_ng_sim