1 /* This file is part of KsirK.
2    Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Gael de Chalendar (aka Kleag) <kleag@free.fr>
4    KsirK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
6    License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2
7    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12    General Public License for more details.
14    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
17    02110-1301, USA
18 */
20 // application specific includes
21 #include "kgamewin.h"
22 #include "ksirksettings.h"
23 #include "newgamesetup.h"
24 #include "Sprites/backgnd.h"
25 #include "Sprites/arrowsprite.h"
26 #include "Dialogs/newGameSummaryWidget.h"
27 #include "GameLogic/newplayerdata.h"
29 #include <KAboutApplicationDialog>
30 #include <KToolBar>
32 #include "GameLogic/KMessageParts.h"
33 #include "GameLogic/gameautomaton.h"
34 #include "GameLogic/country.h"
35 #include "GameLogic/onu.h"
36 #include "GameLogic/goal.h"
37 #include "SaveLoad/ksirkgamexmlloader.h"
38 #include "Sprites/animspritesgroup.h"
39 #include "Dialogs/jabbergameui.h"
40 #include "Dialogs/kplayersetupwidget.h"
41 #include "Jabber/kmessagejabber.h"
44 #include <libkdegamesprivate/kgame/kmessageserver.h>
46 // STL include files
47 #include <fstream>
49 // include files for QT
50 #include <QCursor>
51 #include <QScrollBar>
52 #include <QUuid>
53 #include <QTextStream>
54 #include <QInputDialog>
55 #include <QFileDialog>
56 #include <QUrl>
58 // include files for KDE
59 #include <KLocalizedString>
60 #include <KConfig>
61 #include "ksirk_debug.h"
62 #include <KMessageBox>
63 #include <KGamePopupItem>
64 #include <KPasswordDialog>
65 #include <tcpconnectwidget.h>
67 namespace Ksirk
68 {
69 using namespace GameLogic;
71 // void KGameWindow::slotTimerEvent()
mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent * event)72 void KGameWindow::mouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent * event )
73 {
74 //   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG);
75   QString countryName;
76   QPoint mousePos;
77   QPoint mousePosGlobal;
78   QPointF mousePosition;
79   Country *mouseLocalisation;
81   if (m_frame == 0 || m_reinitializingGame)
82   {
83     return;
84   }
85   mousePosGlobal = event->globalPos();
86   mousePos = m_frame->mapFromGlobal(mousePosGlobal);
87   mousePosition = m_frame->mapToScene(mousePos);
88   mouseLocalisation = clickIn(mousePosition);
89   countryName = (mouseLocalisation) ? mouseLocalisation->name() : "";
90   if (mouseLocalisation)
91   {
92     if (m_mouseLocalisation && m_mouseLocalisation!=mouseLocalisation)
93     {
94       m_mouseLocalisation->clearHighlighting();
95       m_mouseLocalisation = mouseLocalisation;
96       mouseLocalisation->highlight(Qt::white, 0.5);
97     }
98     else if (m_mouseLocalisation == 0)
99     {
100       m_mouseLocalisation = mouseLocalisation;
101       mouseLocalisation->highlight(Qt::white, 0.5);
102     }
103     if (!countryName.isEmpty())
104     {
105       QString status1Text = "";
106       const Player* player = mouseLocalisation-> owner();
107       if (player)
108       {
109         status1Text = i18np("%2 belongs to %3. 1 army.","%2 belongs to %3. %1 armies.",mouseLocalisation->nbArmies(),i18n(countryName.toUtf8().data()),player->name());
110       }
112       //QT5 statusBar()-> changeItem(status1Text, ID_STATUS_MSG);
113     }
114   }
115   else
116   {
117     if (m_mouseLocalisation!=0)
118     {
119       m_mouseLocalisation->clearHighlighting();
120       m_mouseLocalisation = 0;
121     }
122     //QT5 statusBar()-> changeItem("", ID_STATUS_MSG); // Reset
123   }
124   int borderScrollSize = 50;
125   if ( (!m_timer.isActive())
126     && ( ((mousePos.x() < borderScrollSize) && (mousePos.x() >= 0)
127           && (mousePos.y() >= 0) && (mousePos.y() <= m_frame-> viewport()->height()))
128         || ((mousePos.x() > m_frame->viewport()->width() -borderScrollSize) &&
129           (mousePos.x() <= m_frame-> viewport()->width())
130           && (mousePos.y() >= 0) && (mousePos.y() <= m_frame-> viewport()->height()))
131         || ((mousePos.y() < borderScrollSize) && (mousePos.y() >= 0)
132           && (mousePos.x() >= 0) && (mousePos.x() <= m_frame-> viewport()->width()))
133         || ((mousePos.y() >  m_frame-> viewport()->height() -borderScrollSize) &&
134           (mousePos.y() <=  m_frame-> viewport()->height())
135           && (mousePos.x() >= 0) && (mousePos.x() <= m_frame-> viewport()->width()))
136     )
137   )
138   // safety check for NULL arrow pointers, can happen with Qt 4.5
139   if (m_uparrow == 0 || m_downarrow == 0 || m_leftarrow == 0 || m_rightarrow == 0)
140   {
141     return;
142   }
143   if (currentWidget() != 0)
144   {
145     m_timer.start(200);
146     if ((mousePos.y() < borderScrollSize) && (mousePos.y() >= 0)
147       && (mousePos.x() >= 0) && (mousePos.x() <= m_frame-> viewport()->width()))
148     {
149       QPointF pos = currentWidget()->mapToScene(QPoint(m_frame->viewport()->width()/2,0));
150       pos = pos + QPointF(-(m_uparrow->boundingRect().width()/2),m_uparrow->boundingRect().height());
151       m_uparrow->setPos(pos);
152       m_uparrow->setActive(true);
153     }
154     if ((mousePos.y() >  m_frame->viewport()->height() -borderScrollSize) &&
155       (mousePos.y() <=  m_frame->viewport()->height())
156       && (mousePos.x() >= 0) && (mousePos.x() <= m_frame-> viewport()->width()))
157     {
158       QPointF pos = currentWidget()->mapToScene(QPoint(m_frame->viewport()->width()/2,m_frame->viewport()->height()));
159       pos = pos - QPointF(m_downarrow->boundingRect().width()/2,m_downarrow->boundingRect().height());
160       m_downarrow->setPos(pos);
161       m_downarrow->setActive(true);
162     }
163     if ((mousePos.x() < borderScrollSize) && (mousePos.x() >= 0)
164       && (mousePos.y() >= 0) && (mousePos.y() <= m_frame-> viewport()->height()))
165     {
166       QPointF pos = currentWidget()->mapToScene(QPoint(0,m_frame->viewport()->height()/2));
167       pos = pos + QPointF(m_leftarrow->boundingRect().width(),-(m_leftarrow->boundingRect().height()/2));
168       m_leftarrow->setPos(pos);
169       m_leftarrow->setActive(true);
170     }
171     if ((mousePos.x() > m_frame->viewport()->width() -borderScrollSize) &&
172       (mousePos.x() <= m_frame-> viewport()->width())
173       && (mousePos.y() >= 0) && (mousePos.y() <= m_frame-> viewport()->height()))
174     {
175       QPointF pos = currentWidget()->mapToScene(QPoint(m_frame->viewport()->width(),m_frame->viewport()->height()/2));
176       pos = pos - QPointF(m_rightarrow->boundingRect().width(),m_rightarrow->boundingRect().height()/2);
177       m_rightarrow->setPos(pos);
178       m_rightarrow->setActive(true);
179       m_rightarrow->update();
180     }
181   }
182   if (m_frame && m_frame->horizontalScrollBar()->value() == m_frame->horizontalScrollBar()->maximum())
183   {
184     m_rightarrow->hide();
185   }
186   else
187   {
188     m_rightarrow->show();
189   }
190   if (m_frame && m_frame->verticalScrollBar()->value() == m_frame->verticalScrollBar()->maximum())
191   {
192     m_downarrow->hide();
193   }
194   else
195   {
196     m_downarrow->show();
197   }
198   if (m_frame && m_frame->verticalScrollBar()->value() == m_frame->verticalScrollBar()->minimum())
199   {
200     m_uparrow->hide();
201   }
202   else
203   {
204     m_uparrow->show();
205   }
206 }
evenementTimer()208 void KGameWindow::evenementTimer()
209 {        //Appel du Timer toutes les 50 ms
210   QPoint mousePos;
211   QPointF mousePosition;
213 //   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "KGameWindow::evenementTimer";
214   mousePos = QCursor::pos();
215   mousePosition =  m_frame-> mapFromGlobal(mousePos);
216 //   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "mousePosition = ( " << mousePosition.x() << " , " << mousePosition.y() << " )";
217 //   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "m_frame = ( " << m_frame-> viewport()->width() << " , " << m_frame-> viewport()->height() << " )";
219   bool restart = false;
220   int borderScrollSize = 50;
221   int borderScrollSpeed = 40;
222   if ((mousePosition.x() < borderScrollSize) && (mousePosition.x() >= 0)
223       && (mousePosition.y() >= 0) && (mousePosition.y() <= m_frame-> viewport()->height()))
224   {
225 //     qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "scrollRight";
226     m_frame->horizontalScrollBar()->setValue(m_frame->horizontalScrollBar()->value() - borderScrollSpeed);
227     if (m_frame->horizontalScrollBar()->value() == m_frame->horizontalScrollBar()->minimum())
228     {
229       m_leftarrow->hide();
230     }
231     else
232     {
233       m_leftarrow->show();
234     }
235     m_leftarrow->setActive(true);
236     restart = true;
237   }
238   else
239   {
240     m_leftarrow->setActive(false);
241   }
242   QPointF pos = currentWidget()->mapToScene(QPoint(0,m_frame->viewport()->height()/2));
243   pos = pos + QPointF(m_leftarrow->boundingRect().width(),-(m_leftarrow->boundingRect().height()/2));
244   m_leftarrow->setPos(pos);
246   if ((mousePosition.x() > m_frame-> viewport()->width() -borderScrollSize) &&
247       (mousePosition.x() <= m_frame-> viewport()->width())
248       && (mousePosition.y() >= 0) && (mousePosition.y() <= m_frame-> viewport()->height()))
249   {
250 //     qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "scrollLeft";
251     m_frame-> horizontalScrollBar()->setValue ( m_frame-> horizontalScrollBar()->value() + borderScrollSpeed);
252     m_rightarrow->setActive(true);
253     m_rightarrow->update();
254    restart = true;
255   }
256   else
257   {
258     m_rightarrow->setActive(false);
259   }
260   pos = currentWidget()->mapToScene(QPoint(m_frame->viewport()->width(),m_frame->viewport()->height()/2));
261   pos = pos - QPointF(m_rightarrow->boundingRect().width(),m_rightarrow->boundingRect().height()/2);
262   m_rightarrow->setPos(pos);
264   if ((mousePosition.y() < borderScrollSize) && (mousePosition.y() >= 0)
265       && (mousePosition.x() >= 0) && (mousePosition.x() <= m_frame-> viewport()->width()))
266   {
267 //     qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "scrollDown";
268     m_frame-> verticalScrollBar()->setValue ( m_frame-> verticalScrollBar()->value() - borderScrollSpeed);
269     m_uparrow->setActive(true);
270     restart = true;
271   }
272   else
273   {
274     m_uparrow->setActive(false);
275   }
276   pos = currentWidget()->mapToScene(QPoint(m_frame->viewport()->width()/2,0));
277   pos = pos + QPointF(-(m_uparrow->boundingRect().width()/2),m_uparrow->boundingRect().height());
278   m_uparrow->setPos(pos);
280   if ((mousePosition.y() >  m_frame-> viewport()->height() -borderScrollSize) &&
281       (mousePosition.y() <=  m_frame-> viewport()->height())
282       && (mousePosition.x() >= 0) && (mousePosition.x() <= m_frame-> viewport()->width()))
283   {
284 //     qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "scrollUp " << m_frame-> verticalScrollBar()->value()
285 //       << "("<< m_frame-> verticalScrollBar()->minimum()
286 //       << ", " << m_frame-> verticalScrollBar()->maximum() << ")";
287     m_frame-> verticalScrollBar()->setValue ( m_frame-> verticalScrollBar()->value() + borderScrollSpeed);
288     m_downarrow->setActive(true);
289     restart = true;
290   }
291   else
292   {
293     m_downarrow->setActive(false);
294   }
295   pos = currentWidget()->mapToScene(QPoint(m_frame->viewport()->width()/2,m_frame->viewport()->height()));
296   pos = pos - QPointF(m_downarrow->boundingRect().width()/2,m_downarrow->boundingRect().height());
297   m_downarrow->setPos(pos);
299   if ( m_animFighters->isEmpty() )
300   {
301     if ( m_secondCountry && !( m_secondCountry-> owner() ) )
302       qCCritical(KSIRK_LOG) << m_secondCountry-> name() << " does not belong to anybody !";
303     // handling of the AI player actions
304     /*if ( !( ( ( currentPlayer() && currentPlayer()-> isAI() )
305             || ( ( isMyState(GameLogic::GameAutomaton::WAITDEFENSE)  ) && ( m_secondCountry ) && (m_secondCountry->owner())
306                  && ( m_secondCountry->owner()->isAI() ) ) ) ) ) {
307       toolBar("gameActionsToolBar")-> show();
308     }*/
309   }
311   if (m_frame->horizontalScrollBar()->value() == m_frame->horizontalScrollBar()->minimum())
312   {
313     m_leftarrow->hide();
314   }
315   else
316   {
317     m_leftarrow->show();
318   }
319   if (m_frame->horizontalScrollBar()->value() == m_frame->horizontalScrollBar()->maximum())
320   {
321     m_rightarrow->hide();
322   }
323   else
324   {
325     m_rightarrow->show();
326   }
327   if (m_frame->verticalScrollBar()->value() == m_frame->verticalScrollBar()->maximum())
328   {
329     m_downarrow->hide();
330   }
331   else
332   {
333     m_downarrow->show();
334   }
335   if (m_frame->verticalScrollBar()->value() == m_frame->verticalScrollBar()->minimum())
336   {
337     m_uparrow->hide();
338   }
339   else
340   {
341     m_uparrow->show();
342   }
344   //    qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "OUT KGameWindow::evenementTimer";
345   if (restart)
346   {
347 //     qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "restarting timer";
348     m_timer.start(200);
349   }
350 }
slotLeftButtonDown(const QPointF & point)352 void KGameWindow::slotLeftButtonDown(const QPointF& point)
353 {
354 //   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "slotLeftButtonDown";
355 //   if (currentPlayer() && !(currentPlayer()-> isAI()) )
356     m_automaton->gameEvent("actionLButtonDown", point);
357 }
slotLeftButtonUp(const QPointF & point)359 void KGameWindow::slotLeftButtonUp(const QPointF& point)
360 {
361 //     qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "slotLeftButtonUp";
362 //     if (currentPlayer() && ! (currentPlayer()-> isAI()) )
363     m_automaton->gameEvent("actionLButtonUp", point);
364 }
slotRightButtonDown(const QPointF & point)366 void KGameWindow::slotRightButtonDown(const QPointF& point)
367 {
368   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG);
369 //   if (currentPlayer() && ! (currentPlayer()-> isAI()) )
370     m_automaton->gameEvent("actionRButtonDown", point);
371   return;
372 }
slotRightButtonUp(const QPointF & point)374 void KGameWindow::slotRightButtonUp(const QPointF& point)
375 {
376   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG);
377 //   if (currentPlayer() && ! (currentPlayer()-> isAI()) )
378     m_automaton->gameEvent("actionRButtonUp", point);
379   return;
380 }
slotArena(bool isCheck)382 void KGameWindow::slotArena(bool isCheck)
383 {
384   if (isCheck)
385   {
386     m_useArena = true;
387     qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "*******Arena On******" << m_useArena;
388   }
389   else
390   {
391     m_useArena = false;
392     qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "*******Arena Off******" << m_useArena;
393   }
394 }
slotJabberGame()396 void KGameWindow::slotJabberGame()
397 {
398   m_jabberGameWidget->init(m_automaton);
399   m_jabberGameWidget->setPreviousGuiIndex(m_centralWidget->currentIndex());
400   m_centralWidget->setCurrentIndex(JABBERGAME_INDEX);
401 }
slotNewGame()403 void KGameWindow::slotNewGame()
404 {
405   //   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "Slot new game: posting event actionNewGame";
406   actionNewGame(GameAutomaton::None);
407 }
slotNewJabberGame()409 void KGameWindow::slotNewJabberGame()
410 {
411   actionNewGame(GameAutomaton::Jabber);
412 }
slotNewSocketGame()414 void KGameWindow::slotNewSocketGame()
415 {
416   //   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "Slot new game: posting event actionNewGame";
417   //   QPoint point;
418   actionNewGame(GameAutomaton::Socket);
420   /// @TODO set the state to init when new game is started
421   /*  if (actionNewGame())
422   {
423     m_automaton->state(GameAutomaton::INIT);
424 }*/
425 //   m_automaton->gameEvent("actionNewGame", point);
426 }
slotOpenGame()428 void KGameWindow::slotOpenGame()
429 {
430   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "Slot open game: posting event actionOpenGame";
431   QPoint point;
432   m_automaton->gameEvent("actionOpenGame", point);
433 //   actionOpenGame();
434 }
slotSaveGame()436 void KGameWindow::slotSaveGame()
437 {
438   if (m_message == 0)
439   {
440     setupPopupMessage();
441   }
442   if (m_automaton->isAdmin())
443   {
444     if (isMyState(GameLogic::GameAutomaton::WAITDEFENSE))
445     {
446       m_message->setMessageTimeout(3000);
447       m_message->showMessage(i18n("Cannot save when waiting for a defense."),
448           KGamePopupItem::TopLeft,
449           KGamePopupItem::ReplacePrevious);
450       return;
451     }
452     if (m_fileName.isEmpty())
453     {
454       QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName (this, i18nc("@title:window", "KsirK - Save Game"), QString(), "*.xml");
455       if ( QFile::exists(fileName)
456           && (KMessageBox::questionYesNo (this,
457                 i18n("%1 exists.\nDo you really want to overwrite it?",fileName),
458                 i18n("Overwrite file?")) == KMessageBox::No) )
459       {
460         m_message->setMessageTimeout(3000);
461         m_message->showMessage(i18n("Saving canceled"), KGamePopupItem::TopLeft,
462             KGamePopupItem::ReplacePrevious);
463         return;
464       }
465       m_fileName = fileName;
466     }
467     if (!m_fileName.isEmpty())
468     {
469       QFile file(m_fileName);
470       file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly);
471       QTextStream ofs(&file);
472       ofs.setCodec("UTF-8");
473       saveXml(ofs);
474       m_message->setMessageTimeout(3000);
475       m_message->showMessage(i18n("Game saved to %1",m_fileName),
476           KGamePopupItem::TopLeft, KGamePopupItem::ReplacePrevious);
477     }
478   }
479   else
480   {
481     m_message->setMessageTimeout(3000);
482     m_message->showMessage(
483         i18n("Only game master can save the game in network playing."),
484         KGamePopupItem::TopLeft, KGamePopupItem::ReplacePrevious);
485   }
486 }
slotRecycling()488 void KGameWindow::slotRecycling()
489 {
490   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG);
491   QPoint point;
492   m_automaton->gameEvent("actionRecycling", point);
493 }
slotRecyclingFinished()495 void KGameWindow::slotRecyclingFinished()
496 {
497   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG);
498   QPoint point;
499   m_rightDock->hide();
500   m_automaton->gameEvent("actionRecyclingFinished", point);
501 }
slotNextPlayer()503 void KGameWindow::slotNextPlayer()
504 {
505   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG);
506   QPoint point;
507   m_automaton->gameEvent("actionNextPlayer", point);
508 }
slotAttack1()510 void KGameWindow::slotAttack1()
511 {
512   QPoint point;
513   m_automaton->gameEvent("actionAttack1", point);
514 }
slotAttack2()516 void KGameWindow::slotAttack2()
517 {
518   QPoint point;
519   m_automaton->gameEvent("actionAttack2", point);
520 }
slotAttack3()522 void KGameWindow::slotAttack3()
523 {
524   QPoint point;
525   m_automaton->gameEvent("actionAttack3", point);
526 }
slotDefense1()528 void KGameWindow::slotDefense1()
529 {
530   QPoint point;
531   m_automaton->gameEvent("actionDefense1", point);
532 }
slotDefense2()534 void KGameWindow::slotDefense2()
535 {
536   QPoint point;
537   m_automaton->gameEvent("actionDefense2", point);
538 }
slotInvade1()540 void KGameWindow::slotInvade1()
541 {
542   QPoint point;
543   m_automaton->gameEvent("actionInvade1", point);
544 }
slotInvade5()546 void KGameWindow::slotInvade5()
547 {
548   QPoint point;
549   m_automaton->gameEvent("actionInvade5", point);
550 }
slotInvade10()552 void KGameWindow::slotInvade10()
553 {
554   QPoint point;
555   m_automaton->gameEvent("actionInvade10", point);
556 }
slotInvasionFinished()558 void KGameWindow::slotInvasionFinished()
559 {
560   QPoint point;
561   m_automaton->gameEvent("actionInvasionFinished", point);
562 }
slotRetreat1()564 void KGameWindow::slotRetreat1()
565 {
566   QPoint point;
567   m_automaton->gameEvent("actionRetreat1", point);
568 }
slotRetreat5()570 void KGameWindow::slotRetreat5()
571 {
572   QPoint point;
573   m_automaton->gameEvent("actionRetreat5", point);
574 }
slotRetreat10()576 void KGameWindow::slotRetreat10()
577 {
578   QPoint point;
579   m_automaton->gameEvent("actionRetreat10", point);
580 }
slotMove()582 void KGameWindow::slotMove()
583 {
584   QPoint point;
585   m_automaton->gameEvent("actionMove", point);
586 }
slotCancel()588 void KGameWindow::slotCancel()
589 {
590   QPoint point;
591   m_automaton->gameEvent("actionCancel", point);
592 }
slotDumpGameInformations()594 void KGameWindow::slotDumpGameInformations()
595 {
596 //   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "Game information : ";
597 //    qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "  state : " << GameStateNames[getState()];
598 //   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "  current player : "
599 //       << ((currentPlayer()) ? currentPlayer()-> name() : "nobody");
600 }
slotFinishMoves()602 void KGameWindow::slotFinishMoves()
603 {
604   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG);
605   QByteArray buffer;
606   QDataStream stream(&buffer, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
607   m_automaton->sendMessage(buffer,FinishMoves);
608 }
slotShowAboutApplication()610 void KGameWindow::slotShowAboutApplication()
611 {
612     //qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "Dans mon About !";
614 /*  KAboutApplication kAA;
615   kAA.exec();*/
616 #if 0 //QT5
617   KAboutApplicationDialog dialog(KGlobal::mainComponent().aboutData(), this);
618   dialog.exec();
619 #endif
620 }
slotJoinNetworkGame()622 void KGameWindow::slotJoinNetworkGame()
623 {
624   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG);
625   QPoint point;
626   m_automaton->gameEvent("actionJoinNetworkGame", point);
627 }
slotConnectToServer()629 void KGameWindow::slotConnectToServer()
630 {
631   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG);
632   m_newGameSetup->setHost(m_tcpConnectWidget->hostEdit->text());
633   m_newGameSetup->setTcpPort(m_tcpConnectWidget->portEdit->value());
634   m_automaton->setGameStatus(KGame::End);
635   m_reinitializingGame = true;
637   if (!(m_automaton->playerList()->isEmpty()))
638   {
639     m_automaton->playerList()->clear();
640     m_automaton->currentPlayer(0);
641     qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "  playerList size = " << m_automaton->playerList()->count();
642   }
643   theWorld()->reset();
645   m_automaton->connectToServ();
646 }
slotShowGoal()648 void KGameWindow::slotShowGoal()
649 {
650   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG);
651   if (currentPlayer() && !currentPlayer()->isVirtual()
652     && !currentPlayer()->isAI())
653   {
654     currentPlayer()->goal().show(GameLogic::Goal::GoalDesc|GameLogic::Goal::GoalAdvance);
655   }
656 }
slotChatMessage()658 void KGameWindow::slotChatMessage()
659 {
660   setFocus();
661 }
slotChatFloatButtonPressed()663 void KGameWindow::slotChatFloatButtonPressed()
664 {
665   // change the floating state
666   m_bottomDock->setFloating(!m_bottomDock->isFloating());
667 }
slotChatFloatChanged(bool)669 void KGameWindow::slotChatFloatChanged(bool /*value*/)
670 {
671   // change the float button image
672   if (!m_bottomDock->isFloating())
673   {
674     m_floatChatButton->setIcon(m_upChatFloatPix);
675   }
676   else
677   {
678     m_floatChatButton->setIcon(m_downChatFloatPix);
679   }
680 }
slotChatReduceButton()682 void KGameWindow::slotChatReduceButton()
683 {
684   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG);
686   // change the reduce button image, hide or show the chat and the short last message
687   if (!m_chatIsReduced)
688   {
689     reduceChat();
690   }
691   else
692   {
693     unreduceChat();
694   }
695 }
slotMovingFightersArrived(AnimSpritesGroup * sprites)697 void KGameWindow::slotMovingFightersArrived(AnimSpritesGroup* sprites)
698 {
699 Q_UNUSED(sprites)
700   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG);
701   m_automaton->movingFigthersArrived();
702 }
slotMovingArmiesArrived(AnimSpritesGroup * sprites)704 void KGameWindow::slotMovingArmiesArrived(AnimSpritesGroup* sprites)
705 {
706   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG);
707   AnimSpritesGroup::iterator it, it_end;
708   it = sprites->begin(); it_end = sprites->end();
709   for (; it != it_end; it++)
710   {
711     (*it)->hide();
712     (*it)->deleteLater();
713   }
714   sprites->clear();
715   int index = m_animSpritesGroups.indexOf(sprites);
716   if (index != -1)
717   {
718     m_animSpritesGroups.removeAt(index);
719   }
720   sprites->deleteLater();
721   KMessageParts messageParts;
722   broadcastChangeItem(messageParts, ID_STATUS_MSG2, false);
723 }
slotBring(AnimSprite *)725 void KGameWindow::slotBring(AnimSprite* /*sprite*/)
726 {
727 	m_automaton->game()->stopExplosion();
728 }
slotMovingArmyArrived(AnimSprite * sprite)730 void KGameWindow::slotMovingArmyArrived(AnimSprite* sprite)
731 {
732   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG);
733   sprite->setStatic();
734   sprite->hide();
735   m_automaton->movingArmyArrived(sprite->getDestination(),
736     ((ArmySprite*)sprite)->nbArmies());
737 }
slotFiringFinished(AnimSpritesGroup * sprites)739 void KGameWindow::slotFiringFinished(AnimSpritesGroup* sprites)
740 {
741 Q_UNUSED(sprites)
742   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG);
743   m_automaton->firingFinished();
744 }
slotExplosionFinished(AnimSpritesGroup * sprites)746 void KGameWindow::slotExplosionFinished(AnimSpritesGroup* sprites)
747 {
748   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG);
749   while (!sprites->empty())
750   {
751     AnimSprite* sprite = sprites->front();
752     sprites->pop_front();
753     sprite->setStatic();
754     sprite->deleteLater();
755   }
757   if (backGnd()->bgIsArena())
758   {
759     m_automaton->game()->initCombatBringBackForArena(m_automaton->game()->firstCountry(), m_automaton->game()->secondCountry());
760   }
762   m_automaton->explosionFinished();
763   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG)<<"DONE";
764 }
slotZoomIn()766 void KGameWindow::slotZoomIn()
767 {
768   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG);
769   m_theWorld->applyZoomFactorFast(1.1);					//Call to the fast method (benj)
770   m_frame->setMaximumSize(m_theWorld->width(),m_theWorld->height());
771   m_scene_world->setSceneRect ( QRectF() );
772   m_frame->updateGeometry();
773   m_backGnd_world->setPixmap(m_theWorld->map());
775 }
slotZoomOut()777 void KGameWindow::slotZoomOut()
778 {
779   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG);
780   m_theWorld->applyZoomFactorFast(1.0/1.1);				//call to the fast method
781   m_frame->setMaximumSize(m_theWorld->width(),m_theWorld->height());
782   m_scene_world->setSceneRect ( QRectF() );
783   m_frame->updateGeometry();
784   m_backGnd_world->setPixmap(m_theWorld->map());
785 }
slotRemoveMessage()787 void KGameWindow::slotRemoveMessage()
788 {
789   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG);
790   if (m_message != 0)
791   {
792     qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "hiding and deleting";
793     m_message->hide();
794     delete m_message;
795     m_message = 0;
796   }
797 }
slotContextualHelp()799 void KGameWindow::slotContextualHelp()
800 {
801   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG);
802   if (currentPlayer() == 0 || currentPlayer()->isAI())
803   {
804     return;
805   }
806   switch (m_automaton->state())
807   {
808     case GameLogic::GameAutomaton::WAIT:
809       showMessage(i18n("Attack by drag & drop between countries<br>Move armies the same way (last action of a turn)."), 5);
810       break;
811     case GameLogic::GameAutomaton::NEWARMIES:
812     case GameLogic::GameAutomaton::INTERLUDE:
813       showMessage(i18n("Now, place your armies in your countries<br>by clicking in the target countries."));
814       break;
815     default:;
816   }
817 }
slotDisableHelp(const QString & link)819 void KGameWindow::slotDisableHelp(const QString & link)
820 {
821   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << link;
822   KsirkSettings::setHelpEnabled(false);
823 }
slotArmiesNumberChanged(int checked)825 void KGameWindow::slotArmiesNumberChanged(int checked)
826 {
827   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << checked;
828   KsirkSettings::setShowArmiesNumbers(checked);
830   foreach (Country* country, m_theWorld->getCountries())
831   {
832     country->createArmiesSprites();
833   }
834 }
slotDefAuto()836 void KGameWindow::slotDefAuto()
837 {
838   QPoint point;
839   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG)<<"Recept signal defense auto";
840   m_automaton->setDefenseAuto(true);
841   if (this->firstCountry()->owner()->getNbAttack() == 1)
842     m_automaton->gameEvent("actionDefense1", point);
843   else
844     m_automaton->gameEvent("actionDefense2", point);
845   m_defenseDialog->close();
846 }
slotWindowDef1()848 void KGameWindow::slotWindowDef1()
849 {
850   QPoint point;
851   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG)<<"Recept signal defense with one army";
852   m_automaton->gameEvent("actionDefense1", point);
853   m_defenseDialog->close();
854 }
slotWindowDef2()856 void KGameWindow::slotWindowDef2()
857 {
858   QPoint point;
859   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG)<<"Recept signal defense with two army";
860   m_automaton->gameEvent("actionDefense2", point);
861   m_defenseDialog->close();
862 }
slotNewGameNext()864 void KGameWindow::slotNewGameNext()
865 {
866   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG);
867   m_automaton->newGameNext();
868   m_reinitializingGame = false;
870   if (m_automaton->networkGameType()==GameAutomaton::Jabber && m_jabberClient && m_jabberClient->isConnected())
871   {
872     sendGameInfoToJabber();
873   }
874 }
876 // void KGameWindow::slotNewGameOK(unsigned int nbPlayers, const QString& skin, unsigned int nbNetworkPlayers, bool useGoals)
877 // {
878 //   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << nbPlayers << skin << nbNetworkPlayers << useGoals;
879 //   m_automaton->setGameStatus(KGame::End);
880 //   m_reinitializingGame = true;
881 //   m_automaton->removeAllPlayers();
882 //
883 //   showMap();
884 //   m_newPlayersNumber = nbPlayers;
885 //   m_automaton->setUseGoals(useGoals);
886 //   m_automaton->state(GameLogic::GameAutomaton::INIT);
887 //   m_automaton->savedState(GameLogic::GameAutomaton::INVALID);
888 //   m_automaton->setNetworkPlayersNumber(m_automaton->networkGameType()==GameAutomaton::None?0:nbNetworkPlayers);
889 //   m_automaton->finishSetupPlayersNumberAndSkin(skin, nbPlayers);
890 //   m_reinitializingGame = false;
891 //
892 //   if (m_automaton->networkGameType()==GameAutomaton::Jabber && m_jabberClient && m_jabberClient->isConnected())
893 //   {
894 //     sendGameInfoToJabber();
895 //   }
896 // }
slotNewGameKO()898 void KGameWindow::slotNewGameKO()
899 {
900   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << m_stateBeforeNewGame << m_stackWidgetBeforeNewGame;
901   m_automaton->state(m_stateBeforeNewGame);
902   m_centralWidget->setCurrentIndex(m_stackWidgetBeforeNewGame);
903   m_automaton->setGameStatus(KGame::Run);
904 }
slotConnected()906 void KGameWindow::slotConnected()
907 {
908   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "Connected to Jabber server.";
910   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "Requesting roster...";
911   m_jabberClient->requestRoster ();
912 }
slotRosterRequestFinished(bool success)914 void KGameWindow::slotRosterRequestFinished ( bool success )
915 {
916   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << success;
918   /* Since we are online now, set initial presence. Don't do this
919   * before the roster request or we will receive presence
920   * information before we have updated our roster with actual
921   * contacts from the server! (Iris won't forward presence
922   * information in that case either). */
923   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "Setting initial presence...";
924   setPresence ( m_initialPresence );
925 }
slotCSDisconnected()927 void KGameWindow::slotCSDisconnected ()
928 {
929   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "Disconnected from Jabber server.";
931   /*
932   * We should delete the JabberClient instance here,
933   * but timers etc prevent us from doing so. Iris does
934   * not like to be deleted from a slot.
935   */
937   /* It seems that we don't get offline notifications when going offline
938   * with the protocol, so clear all resources manually. */
939 //   resourcePool()->clear();
941 }
slotReceivedMessage(const XMPP::Message & message)943 void KGameWindow::slotReceivedMessage (const XMPP::Message & message)
944 {
945   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "New " << message.type() << " message from " << message.from().full () << ": " << message.body();
947   QString body = message.body();
948   QString nick = message.from().full();
950   if ( message.type() == "groupchat" )
951   {
952     qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "my jid:" << m_groupchatRoom+'@'+m_groupchatHost+'/'+m_groupchatNick;
953     XMPP::Jid jid ( message.from().domain() );
954     if (body.startsWith(QLatin1String("I'm starting a game with skin"))
955       && m_presents.contains(message.from().full ())
956       && message.from().full() != m_groupchatRoom+'@'+m_groupchatHost+'/'+m_groupchatNick)
957     {
958       qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "start game message";
959       QRegExp rxlen("I'm starting a game with skin '([^']*)' and '(\\d+)' players");
960 //       int pos = rxlen.indexIn(body);
961       QString skin = rxlen.cap(1); // "189"
962       int nbPlayers = rxlen.cap(2).toInt();  // "cm"
963       qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "emiting newJabberGame" << nick << nbPlayers << skin;
964       emit newJabberGame(nick, nbPlayers, skin);
965     }
966     else if (body.startsWith(QLatin1String("Who propose online KsirK games here?")))
967     {
968       qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "online games question" << m_automaton->stateName();
969       if (m_automaton->startingGame())
970       {
971         sendGameInfoToJabber();
972       }
973     }
974   }
975   else if ( message.type() == "ksirkgame" )
976   {
977     XMPP::Jid jid ( message.from() );
978     if (body == "connect")
979     {
980       qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "received connect from" << jid.full();
981       KMessageJabber* messageIO = new KMessageJabber(jid.full(), m_jabberClient, this);
982       if (m_automaton->messageServer())
983       {
984         m_automaton->messageServer()->addClient(messageIO);
985       }
986     }
987     else
988     {
989       qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "non connect ksirkgame message";
990     }
991   }
992 }
slotHandleTLSWarning(QCA::TLS::IdentityResult identityResult,QCA::Validity validityResult)993 void KGameWindow::slotHandleTLSWarning (QCA::TLS::IdentityResult identityResult, QCA::Validity validityResult )
994 {
995   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "Handling TLS warning..." << identityResult << validityResult;
996 }
slotClientError(JabberClient::ErrorCode errorCode)998 void KGameWindow::slotClientError ( JabberClient::ErrorCode errorCode )
999 {
1000   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "Handling client error...";
1002   switch ( errorCode )
1003   {
1004     case JabberClient::NoTLS:
1005     default:
1006 #if 0 //QT5
1007       KMessageBox::queuedMessageBox ( 0, KMessageBox::Error,
1008                                                                                 i18n ("An encrypted connection with the Jabber server could not be established."),
1009                                                                                 i18n ("Jabber Connection Error"));
1010 //                                                                                 disconnect ( 0/*Kopete::Account::Manual*/ );
1011 #endif
1012                                                                                 break;
1013                                             }
1014 }
slotCSError(int error)1016 void KGameWindow::slotCSError ( int error )
1017 {
1018   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "Error in stream signalled.";
1020   if ( ( error == XMPP::ClientStream::ErrAuth )
1021     && ( m_jabberClient->clientStream()->errorCondition () == XMPP::ClientStream::NotAuthorized ) )
1022   {
1023     qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "Incorrect password, retrying.";
1024 //     disconnect(/*Kopete::Account::BadPassword*/0);
1025   }
1026   else
1027   {
1028 //     int errorClass =  0;
1030     qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "Disconnecting.";
1032     // display message to user
1033 //     if(!m_removing) //when removing the account, connection errors are normal.
1034 //       handleStreamError (error, m_jabberClient->clientStream()->errorCondition (), m_jabberClient->clientConnector()->errorCode (), server (), errorClass, m_jabberClient->clientStream()->errorText());
1035 //
1036 //     disconnect ( errorClass );
1038     /*  slotCSDisconnected  will not be called*/
1039 //     resourcePool()->clear();
1040   }
1042 }
slotClientDebugMessage(const QString & msg)1044 void KGameWindow::slotClientDebugMessage ( const QString &msg )
1045 {
1046   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << msg;
1047 }
slotGroupChatJoined(const XMPP::Jid & jid)1049 void KGameWindow::slotGroupChatJoined (const XMPP::Jid & jid)
1050 {
1051   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "Joined groupchat " << jid.full ();
1053   /*    <message type="chat" to="kleag@localhost" id="aabca" >
1054   <body>hello</body>
1055   </message>*/
1056   XMPP::Message message(QString(m_groupchatRoom+'@'+m_groupchatHost));
1057   message.setType("groupchat");
1058   message.setId(QUuid::createUuid().toString().remove('{').remove('}').remove('-'));
1059   message.setBody("Hello, I'm a KsirK Game");
1060   m_jabberClient->sendMessage(message);
1062   askForJabberGames();
1063 }
slotGroupChatLeft(const XMPP::Jid & jid)1065 void KGameWindow::slotGroupChatLeft (const XMPP::Jid & jid)
1066 {
1067   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "Left groupchat " << jid.full ();
1068 }
slotGroupChatPresence(const XMPP::Jid & jid,const XMPP::Status & status)1070 void KGameWindow::slotGroupChatPresence (const XMPP::Jid & jid, const XMPP::Status & status)
1071 {
1072   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "Received groupchat presence for room " << jid.full() << status.isAvailable();
1074   if (status.isAvailable())
1075   {
1076     XMPP::Message message(jid);
1077     message.setType("ksirkgame");
1078     message.setId(QUuid::createUuid().toString().remove('{').remove('}').remove('-'));
1079     message.setBody(QString("Hello, ")+jid.full());
1080     m_jabberClient->sendMessage(message);
1081     m_presents.insert(jid.full());
1082   }
1083   else
1084   {
1085     m_presents.remove(jid.full());
1086   }
1087 }
slotGroupChatError(const XMPP::Jid & jid,int error,const QString & reason)1089 void KGameWindow::slotGroupChatError (const XMPP::Jid &jid, int error, const QString &reason)
1090 {
1091   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "Group chat error - room " << jid.full () << " had error " << error << " (" << reason << ")";
1093   switch (error)
1094   {
1095     case JabberClient::InvalidPasswordForMUC:
1096     {
1097       KPasswordDialog dlg(0);
1098       dlg.setPrompt(i18n("A password is required to join the room %1.", jid.node()));
1099       if (dlg.exec() == KPasswordDialog::Accepted)
1100         m_jabberClient->joinGroupChat(jid.domain(), jid.node(), jid.resource(), dlg.password());
1101     }
1102     break;
1104     case JabberClient::NicknameConflict:
1105     {
1106       bool ok;
1107       QString nickname = QInputDialog::getText(this, i18n("Error trying to join %1: nickname %2 is already in use", jid.node(), jid.resource()), i18n("Provide your nickname"), QLineEdit::Normal, QString(), &ok);
1108       if (ok)
1109       {
1110         m_jabberClient->joinGroupChat(jid.domain(), jid.node(), nickname);
1111       }
1112     }
1113     break;
1115     case JabberClient::BannedFromThisMUC:
1116       //QT5 KMessageBox::queuedMessageBox ( 0, KMessageBox::Error, i18n ("You cannot join the room %1 because you have been banned", jid.node()), i18n ("Jabber Group Chat") );
1117       break;
1119     case JabberClient::MaxUsersReachedForThisMuc:
1120       //QT5 KMessageBox::queuedMessageBox ( 0, KMessageBox::Error, i18n ("You cannot join the room %1 because the maximum number of users has been reached", jid.node()), i18n ("Jabber Group Chat") );
1121       break;
1123     default:
1124     {
1125       QString detailedReason = reason.isEmpty () ? i18n ( "No reason given by the server" ) : reason;
1127       //QT5 KMessageBox::queuedMessageBox ( 0, KMessageBox::Error, i18n ("There was an error processing your request for groupchat %1. (Reason: %2, Code %3)", jid.full (), detailedReason, error ), i18n ("Jabber Group Chat") );
1128     }
1129   }
1130 }
slotJabberGameCanceled(int previousIndex)1132 void KGameWindow::slotJabberGameCanceled(int previousIndex)
1133 {
1134   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << previousIndex;
1135   m_centralWidget->setCurrentIndex(previousIndex);
1136 }
slotExit()1138 void KGameWindow::slotExit()
1139 {
1140 //   hide();
1141 //   delete m_automaton;
1142   close();
1143 }
slotNewPlayerNext()1145 void KGameWindow::slotNewPlayerNext()
1146 {
1147   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << m_newGameSetup->nbLocalPlayers() << m_newGameSetup->nbPlayers() << m_newGameSetup->nbNetworkPlayers();
1148   if (m_automaton->isAdmin() && m_newGameSetup->nbLocalPlayers() >= m_newGameSetup->nbPlayers()-m_newGameSetup->nbNetworkPlayers())
1149   {
1150     m_newGameSummaryWidget->show(this);
1151     m_centralWidget->setCurrentIndex(NEWGAMESUMMARY_INDEX);
1152   }
1153   else if (!m_automaton->isAdmin())
1154   {
1155     NewPlayerData* pd = m_newGameSetup->players().back();
1156     addPlayer(pd->name(), 0, 0, pd->nation(), pd->computer());
1157   }
1158 }
slotNewPlayerPrevious()1160 void KGameWindow::slotNewPlayerPrevious()
1161 {
1162   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG);
1163   if (m_newGameSetup->players().empty())
1164   {
1165     m_centralWidget->setCurrentIndex(NEWGAME_INDEX);
1166   }
1167   else
1168   {
1169     NewPlayerData* player = m_newGameSetup->players().back();
1170     m_newGameSetup->players().pop_back();
1171     m_newPlayerWidget->init(player);
1172     delete player;
1173     m_centralWidget->setCurrentIndex(NEWPLAYER_INDEX);
1174   }
1175 }
slotNewPlayerCancel()1177 void KGameWindow::slotNewPlayerCancel()
1178 {
1179   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG);
1180   /// @TODO other uninits to do
1181   qDeleteAll(m_newGameSetup->players());
1182   m_newGameSetup->players().clear();
1183   m_centralWidget->setCurrentIndex(m_stackWidgetBeforeNewGame);
1184 }
slotStartNewGame()1186 void KGameWindow::slotStartNewGame()
1187 {
1188   qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << m_newGameSetup->nbPlayers() << m_newGameSetup->nbPlayers() << m_newGameSetup->players().size();
1189   m_automaton->setGameStatus(KGame::End);
1190   m_reinitializingGame = true;
1192   // delete remainings animations from previous game
1193   m_animFighters->clear();
1194   foreach(AnimSpritesGroup* sprites, m_animSpritesGroups)
1195   {
1196     sprites->clear();
1197     delete sprites;
1198   }
1199   m_animSpritesGroups.clear();
1201   // for network games, remote players are already created, should not remove them
1202   // TODO the players will not be in the orderd showed in the interface.
1203   if (!(m_automaton->playerList()->isEmpty()) && m_automaton->networkGameType() == GameAutomaton::None)
1204   {
1205     qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "There was " << m_automaton->playerList()->count() << "players";
1206     m_automaton->playerList()->clear();
1207     m_automaton->currentPlayer(0);
1208     qCDebug(KSIRK_LOG) << "  playerList size = " << m_automaton->playerList()->count();
1209   }
1210   theWorld()->reset();
1212   m_automaton->finishSetupPlayersNumberAndSkin();
1213   m_reinitializingGame = false;
1215   unsigned int nbAvailArmies = (unsigned int)(m_theWorld->getNbCountries() * 2.5 / m_newGameSetup->players().size());
1216   foreach (const NewPlayerData* player, m_newGameSetup->players())
1217   {
1218     if (!player->network())
1219     {
1220       // this has to be done locally
1221       addPlayer(player->name(), nbAvailArmies, 0, player->nation(), player->computer());
1222     }
1223   }
1225   if (m_newGameSetup->players().size() == m_newGameSetup->nbPlayers())
1226   {
1227     showMap();
1228     m_frame->setFocus();
1229     m_newGameSummaryWidget->finishButton->setEnabled(true);
1230   }
1231   else
1232   {
1233     m_newGameSummaryWidget->finishButton->setDisabled(true);
1234     m_newGameSummaryWidget->previousButton->setDisabled(true);
1235   }
1236 }
slotTcpConnectCancel()1238 void KGameWindow::slotTcpConnectCancel()
1239 {
1240   showMainMenu();
1241 }
slotTcpConnectPrevious()1243 void KGameWindow::slotTcpConnectPrevious()
1244 {
1245   showMainMenu();
1246 }
1249 } // closing namespace Ksirk