1 /*
2  * solv_xmlparser.c
3  *
4  * XML parser abstraction
5  *
6  * Copyright (c) 2017, Novell Inc.
7  *
8  * This program is licensed under the BSD license, read LICENSE.BSD
9  * for further information
10  */
12 #include <sys/types.h>
13 #include <stdio.h>
14 #include <stdlib.h>
15 #include <string.h>
17 #ifdef WITH_LIBXML2
18 #include <libxml/parser.h>
19 #else
20 #include <expat.h>
21 #endif
23 #include "util.h"
24 #include "queue.h"
25 #include "solv_xmlparser.h"
27 static inline void
add_contentspace(struct solv_xmlparser * xmlp,int l)28 add_contentspace(struct solv_xmlparser *xmlp, int l)
29 {
30   l += xmlp->lcontent + 1;	/* plus room for trailing zero */
31   if (l > xmlp->acontent)
32     {
33       xmlp->acontent = l + 256;
34       xmlp->content = solv_realloc(xmlp->content, xmlp->acontent);
35     }
36 }
39 #ifdef WITH_LIBXML2
40 static void
character_data(void * userData,const xmlChar * s,int len)41 character_data(void *userData, const xmlChar *s, int len)
42 #else
43 static void XMLCALL
44 character_data(void *userData, const XML_Char *s, int len)
45 #endif
46 {
47   struct solv_xmlparser *xmlp = userData;
49   if (!xmlp->docontent || !len)
50     return;
51   add_contentspace(xmlp, len);
52   memcpy(xmlp->content + xmlp->lcontent, s, len);
53   xmlp->lcontent += len;
54 }
56 #ifdef WITH_LIBXML2
57 static void
start_element(void * userData,const xmlChar * name,const xmlChar ** atts)58 start_element(void *userData, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **atts)
59 #else
60 static void XMLCALL
61 start_element(void *userData, const char *name, const char **atts)
62 #endif
63 {
64   struct solv_xmlparser *xmlp = userData;
65   struct solv_xmlparser_element *elements;
66   Id *elementhelper;
67   struct solv_xmlparser_element *el;
68   int i, oldstate;
70   if (xmlp->unknowncnt)
71     {
72       xmlp->unknowncnt++;
73       return;
74     }
75   elementhelper = xmlp->elementhelper;
76   elements = xmlp->elements;
77   oldstate = xmlp->state;
78   for (i = elementhelper[xmlp->nelements + oldstate]; i; i = elementhelper[i - 1])
79     if (!strcmp(elements[i - 1].element, (char *)name))
80       break;
81   if (!i)
82     {
83 #if 0
84       fprintf(stderr, "into unknown: %s\n", name);
85 #endif
86       xmlp->unknowncnt++;
87       return;
88     }
89   el = xmlp->elements + i - 1;
90   queue_push(&xmlp->elementq, xmlp->state);
91   xmlp->state = el->tostate;
92   xmlp->docontent = el->docontent;
93   xmlp->lcontent = 0;
94 #ifdef WITH_LIBXML2
95   if (!atts)
96     {
97       static const char *nullattr;
98       atts = (const xmlChar **)&nullattr;
99     }
100 #endif
101   if (xmlp->state != oldstate)
102     xmlp->startelement(xmlp, xmlp->state, el->element, (const char **)atts);
103 }
105 #ifdef WITH_LIBXML2
106 static void
end_element(void * userData,const xmlChar * name)107 end_element(void *userData, const xmlChar *name)
108 #else
109 static void XMLCALL
110 end_element(void *userData, const char *name)
111 #endif
112 {
113   struct solv_xmlparser *xmlp = userData;
115   if (xmlp->unknowncnt)
116     {
117       xmlp->unknowncnt--;
118       xmlp->lcontent = 0;
119       xmlp->docontent = 0;
120       return;
121     }
122   xmlp->content[xmlp->lcontent] = 0;
123   if (xmlp->elementq.count && xmlp->state != xmlp->elementq.elements[xmlp->elementq.count - 1])
124     xmlp->endelement(xmlp, xmlp->state, xmlp->content);
125   xmlp->state = queue_pop(&xmlp->elementq);
126   xmlp->docontent = 0;
127   xmlp->lcontent = 0;
128 }
130 void
solv_xmlparser_init(struct solv_xmlparser * xmlp,struct solv_xmlparser_element * elements,void * userdata,void (* startelement)(struct solv_xmlparser *,int state,const char * name,const char ** atts),void (* endelement)(struct solv_xmlparser *,int state,char * content))131 solv_xmlparser_init(struct solv_xmlparser *xmlp,
132     struct solv_xmlparser_element *elements,
133     void *userdata,
134     void (*startelement)(struct solv_xmlparser *, int state, const char *name, const char **atts),
135     void (*endelement)(struct solv_xmlparser *, int state, char *content))
136 {
137   int i, nstates, nelements;
138   struct solv_xmlparser_element *el;
139   Id *elementhelper;
141   memset(xmlp, 0, sizeof(*xmlp));
142   nstates = 0;
143   nelements = 0;
144   for (el = elements; el->element; el++)
145     {
146       nelements++;
147       if (el->fromstate > nstates)
148 	nstates = el->fromstate;
149       if (el->tostate > nstates)
150 	nstates = el->tostate;
151     }
152   nstates++;
154   xmlp->elements = elements;
155   xmlp->nelements = nelements;
156   elementhelper = solv_calloc(nelements + nstates, sizeof(Id));
157   for (i = nelements - 1; i >= 0; i--)
158     {
159       int fromstate = elements[i].fromstate;
160       elementhelper[i] = elementhelper[nelements + fromstate];
161       elementhelper[nelements + fromstate] = i + 1;
162     }
163   xmlp->elementhelper = elementhelper;
164   queue_init(&xmlp->elementq);
165   xmlp->acontent = 256;
166   xmlp->content = solv_malloc(xmlp->acontent);
168   xmlp->userdata = userdata;
169   xmlp->startelement = startelement;
170   xmlp->endelement = endelement;
171 }
173 void
solv_xmlparser_free(struct solv_xmlparser * xmlp)174 solv_xmlparser_free(struct solv_xmlparser *xmlp)
175 {
176   xmlp->elementhelper = solv_free(xmlp->elementhelper);
177   queue_free(&xmlp->elementq);
178   xmlp->content = solv_free(xmlp->content);
179   xmlp->errstr = solv_free(xmlp->errstr);
180 }
182 static void
set_error(struct solv_xmlparser * xmlp,const char * errstr,unsigned int line,unsigned int column)183 set_error(struct solv_xmlparser *xmlp, const char *errstr, unsigned int line, unsigned int column)
184 {
185   solv_free(xmlp->errstr);
186   xmlp->errstr = solv_strdup(errstr);
187   xmlp->line = line;
188   xmlp->column = column;
189 }
191 #ifdef WITH_LIBXML2
193 static inline int
create_parser(struct solv_xmlparser * xmlp)194 create_parser(struct solv_xmlparser *xmlp)
195 {
196   /* delayed to parse_block so that we have the first bytes */
197   return 1;
198 }
200 static inline void
free_parser(struct solv_xmlparser * xmlp)201 free_parser(struct solv_xmlparser *xmlp)
202 {
203   if (xmlp->parser)
204     xmlFreeParserCtxt(xmlp->parser);
205   xmlp->parser = 0;
206 }
208 static xmlParserCtxtPtr
create_parser_ctx(struct solv_xmlparser * xmlp,char * buf,int l)209 create_parser_ctx(struct solv_xmlparser *xmlp, char *buf, int l)
210 {
211   xmlSAXHandler sax;
212   memset(&sax, 0, sizeof(sax));
213   sax.startElement = start_element;
214   sax.endElement = end_element;
215   sax.characters = character_data;
216   return xmlCreatePushParserCtxt(&sax, xmlp, buf, l, NULL);
217 }
219 static inline int
parse_block(struct solv_xmlparser * xmlp,char * buf,int l)220 parse_block(struct solv_xmlparser *xmlp, char *buf, int l)
221 {
222   if (!xmlp->parser)
223     {
224       int l2 = l > 4 ? 4 : 0;
225       xmlp->parser = create_parser_ctx(xmlp, buf, l2);
226       if (!xmlp->parser)
227 	{
228 	  set_error(xmlp, "could not create parser", 0, 0);
229 	  return 0;
230 	}
231       buf += l2;
232       l -= l2;
233       if (l2 && !l)
234 	return 1;
235     }
236   if (xmlParseChunk(xmlp->parser, buf, l, l == 0 ? 1 : 0))
237     {
238       xmlErrorPtr err = xmlCtxtGetLastError(xmlp->parser);
239       set_error(xmlp, err->message, err->line, err->int2);
240       return 0;
241     }
242   return 1;
243 }
245 unsigned int
solv_xmlparser_lineno(struct solv_xmlparser * xmlp)246 solv_xmlparser_lineno(struct solv_xmlparser *xmlp)
247 {
248   return (unsigned int)xmlSAX2GetLineNumber(xmlp->parser);
249 }
251 #else
253 static inline int
create_parser(struct solv_xmlparser * xmlp)254 create_parser(struct solv_xmlparser *xmlp)
255 {
256   xmlp->parser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL);
257   if (!xmlp->parser)
258     return 0;
259   XML_SetUserData(xmlp->parser, xmlp);
260   XML_SetElementHandler(xmlp->parser, start_element, end_element);
261   XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(xmlp->parser, character_data);
262   return 1;
263 }
265 static inline void
free_parser(struct solv_xmlparser * xmlp)266 free_parser(struct solv_xmlparser *xmlp)
267 {
268   XML_ParserFree(xmlp->parser);
269   xmlp->parser = 0;
270 }
272 static inline int
parse_block(struct solv_xmlparser * xmlp,char * buf,int l)273 parse_block(struct solv_xmlparser *xmlp, char *buf, int l)
274 {
275   if (XML_Parse(xmlp->parser, buf, l, l == 0) == XML_STATUS_ERROR)
276     {
277       set_error(xmlp, XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(xmlp->parser)), XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(xmlp->parser), XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(xmlp->parser));
278       return 0;
279     }
280   return 1;
281 }
283 unsigned int
solv_xmlparser_lineno(struct solv_xmlparser * xmlp)284 solv_xmlparser_lineno(struct solv_xmlparser *xmlp)
285 {
286   return (unsigned int)XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(xmlp->parser);
287 }
289 #endif
291 int
solv_xmlparser_parse(struct solv_xmlparser * xmlp,FILE * fp)292 solv_xmlparser_parse(struct solv_xmlparser *xmlp, FILE *fp)
293 {
294   char buf[8192];
295   int l, ret = SOLV_XMLPARSER_OK;
297   xmlp->state = 0;
298   xmlp->unknowncnt = 0;
299   xmlp->docontent = 0;
300   xmlp->lcontent = 0;
301   queue_empty(&xmlp->elementq);
303   if (!create_parser(xmlp))
304     {
305       set_error(xmlp, "could not create parser", 0, 0);
306       return SOLV_XMLPARSER_ERROR;
307     }
308   for (;;)
309     {
310       l = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp);
311       if (!parse_block(xmlp, buf, l))
312 	{
314 	  break;
315 	}
316       if (!l)
317 	break;
318     }
319   free_parser(xmlp);
320   return ret;
321 }
323 char *
solv_xmlparser_contentspace(struct solv_xmlparser * xmlp,int l)324 solv_xmlparser_contentspace(struct solv_xmlparser *xmlp, int l)
325 {
326   xmlp->lcontent = 0;
327   if (l > xmlp->acontent)
328     {
329       xmlp->acontent = l + 256;
330       xmlp->content = solv_realloc(xmlp->content, xmlp->acontent);
331     }
332   return xmlp->content;
333 }