1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2# Copyright (C) 2011-2012  Patrick Totzke <patricktotzke@gmail.com>
3# Copyright © 2017-2018 Dylan Baker
4# This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision.
5# For further details see the COPYING file
6from datetime import timedelta
7from datetime import datetime
8from collections import deque
9import logging
10import mimetypes
11import os
12import re
13import shlex
14import subprocess
15import email
16from email.mime.audio import MIMEAudio
17from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
18from email.mime.image import MIMEImage
19from email.mime.text import MIMEText
20import asyncio
22import urwid
23import magic
26def split_commandline(s, comments=False, posix=True):
27    """
28    splits semi-colon separated commandlines
29    """
30    # shlex seems to remove unescaped quotes and backslashes
31    s = s.replace('\\', '\\\\')
32    s = s.replace('\'', '\\\'')
33    s = s.replace('\"', '\\\"')
34    lex = shlex.shlex(s, posix=posix)
35    lex.whitespace_split = True
36    lex.whitespace = ';'
37    if not comments:
38        lex.commenters = ''
39    return list(lex)
42def split_commandstring(cmdstring):
43    """
44    split command string into a list of strings to pass on to subprocess.Popen
45    and the like. This simply calls shlex.split but works also with unicode
46    bytestrings.
47    """
48    assert isinstance(cmdstring, str)
49    return shlex.split(cmdstring)
52def string_sanitize(string, tab_width=8):
53    r"""
54    strips, and replaces non-printable characters
56    :param tab_width: number of spaces to replace tabs with. Read from
57                      `globals.tabwidth` setting if `None`
58    :type tab_width: int or `None`
60    >>> string_sanitize(' foo\rbar ', 8)
61    ' foobar '
62    >>> string_sanitize('foo\tbar', 8)
63    'foo     bar'
64    >>> string_sanitize('foo\t\tbar', 8)
65    'foo             bar'
66    """
68    string = string.replace('\r', '')
70    lines = list()
71    for line in string.split('\n'):
72        tab_count = line.count('\t')
74        if tab_count > 0:
75            line_length = 0
76            new_line = list()
77            for i, chunk in enumerate(line.split('\t')):
78                line_length += len(chunk)
79                new_line.append(chunk)
81                if i < tab_count:
82                    next_tab_stop_in = tab_width - (line_length % tab_width)
83                    new_line.append(' ' * next_tab_stop_in)
84                    line_length += next_tab_stop_in
85            lines.append(''.join(new_line))
86        else:
87            lines.append(line)
89    return '\n'.join(lines)
92def string_decode(string, enc='ascii'):
93    """
94    safely decodes string to unicode bytestring, respecting `enc` as a hint.
96    :param string: the string to decode
97    :type string: str or unicode
98    :param enc: a hint what encoding is used in string ('ascii', 'utf-8', ...)
99    :type enc: str
100    :returns: the unicode decoded input string
101    :rtype: unicode
103    """
105    if enc is None:
106        enc = 'ascii'
107    try:
108        string = str(string, enc, errors='replace')
109    except LookupError:  # malformed enc string
110        string = string.decode('ascii', errors='replace')
111    except TypeError:  # already str
112        pass
113    return string
116def shorten(string, maxlen):
117    """shortens string if longer than maxlen, appending ellipsis"""
118    if 1 < maxlen < len(string):
119        string = string[:maxlen - 1] + '…'
120    return string[:maxlen]
123def shorten_author_string(authors_string, maxlength):
124    """
125    Parse a list of authors concatenated as a text string (comma
126    separated) and smartly adjust them to maxlength.
128    1) If the complete list of sender names does not fit in maxlength, it
129    tries to shorten names by using only the first part of each.
131    2) If the list is still too long, hide authors according to the
132    following priority:
134      - First author is always shown (if too long is shorten with ellipsis)
136      - If possible, last author is also shown (if too long, uses ellipsis)
138      - If there are more than 2 authors in the thread, show the
139        maximum of them. More recent senders have higher priority.
141      - If it is finally necessary to hide any author, an ellipsis
142        between first and next authors is added.
143    """
145    # I will create a list of authors by parsing author_string. I use
146    # deque to do popleft without performance penalties
147    authors = deque()
149    # If author list is too long, it uses only the first part of each
150    # name (gmail style)
151    short_names = len(authors_string) > maxlength
152    for au in authors_string.split(", "):
153        if short_names:
154            author_as_list = au.split()
155            if len(author_as_list) > 0:
156                authors.append(author_as_list[0])
157        else:
158            authors.append(au)
160    # Author chain will contain the list of author strings to be
161    # concatenated using commas for the final formatted author_string.
162    authors_chain = deque()
164    if len(authors) == 0:
165        return ''
167    # reserve space for first author
168    first_au = shorten(authors.popleft(), maxlength)
169    remaining_length = maxlength - len(first_au)
171    # Tries to add an ellipsis if no space to show more than 1 author
172    if authors and maxlength > 3 and remaining_length < 3:
173        first_au = shorten(first_au, maxlength - 3)
174        remaining_length += 3
176    # Tries to add as more authors as possible. It takes into account
177    # that if any author will be hidden, and ellipsis should be added
178    while authors and remaining_length >= 3:
179        au = authors.pop()
180        if len(au) > 1 and (remaining_length == 3 or (authors and
181                                                      remaining_length < 7)):
182            authors_chain.appendleft('…')
183            break
184        else:
185            if authors:
186                # 5= ellipsis + 2 x comma and space used as separators
187                au_string = shorten(au, remaining_length - 5)
188            else:
189                # 2 = comma and space used as separator
190                au_string = shorten(au, remaining_length - 2)
191            remaining_length -= len(au_string) + 2
192            authors_chain.appendleft(au_string)
194    # Add the first author to the list and concatenate list
195    authors_chain.appendleft(first_au)
196    authorsstring = ', '.join(authors_chain)
197    return authorsstring
200def pretty_datetime(d):
201    """
202    translates :class:`datetime` `d` to a "sup-style" human readable string.
204    >>> now = datetime.now()
205    >>> now.strftime('%c')
206    'Sat 31 Mar 2012 14:47:26 '
207    >>> pretty_datetime(now)
208    'just now'
209    >>> pretty_datetime(now - timedelta(minutes=1))
210    '1min ago'
211    >>> pretty_datetime(now - timedelta(hours=5))
212    '5h ago'
213    >>> pretty_datetime(now - timedelta(hours=12))
214    '02:54am'
215    >>> pretty_datetime(now - timedelta(days=1))
216    'yest 02pm'
217    >>> pretty_datetime(now - timedelta(days=2))
218    'Thu 02pm'
219    >>> pretty_datetime(now - timedelta(days=7))
220    'Mar 24'
221    >>> pretty_datetime(now - timedelta(days=356))
222    'Apr 2011'
223    """
224    ampm = d.strftime('%p').lower()
225    if len(ampm):
226        hourfmt = '%I' + ampm
227        hourminfmt = '%I:%M' + ampm
228    else:
229        hourfmt = '%Hh'
230        hourminfmt = '%H:%M'
232    now = datetime.now()
233    today = now.date()
234    if d.date() == today or d > now - timedelta(hours=6):
235        delta = datetime.now() - d
236        if delta.seconds < 60:
237            string = 'just now'
238        elif delta.seconds < 3600:
239            string = '%dmin ago' % (delta.seconds // 60)
240        elif delta.seconds < 6 * 3600:
241            string = '%dh ago' % (delta.seconds // 3600)
242        else:
243            string = d.strftime(hourminfmt)
244    elif d.date() == today - timedelta(1):
245        string = d.strftime('yest ' + hourfmt)
246    elif d.date() > today - timedelta(7):
247        string = d.strftime('%a ' + hourfmt)
248    elif d.year != today.year:
249        string = d.strftime('%b %Y')
250    else:
251        string = d.strftime('%b %d')
252    return string_decode(string, 'UTF-8')
255def call_cmd(cmdlist, stdin=None):
256    """
257    get a shell commands output, error message and return value and immediately
258    return.
260    .. warning::
262        This returns with the first screen content for interactive commands.
264    :param cmdlist: shellcommand to call, already splitted into a list accepted
265                    by :meth:`subprocess.Popen`
266    :type cmdlist: list of str
267    :param stdin: string to pipe to the process
268    :type stdin: str, bytes, or None
269    :return: triple of stdout, stderr, return value of the shell command
270    :rtype: str, str, int
271    """
272    termenc = urwid.util.detected_encoding
273    if isinstance(stdin, str):
274        stdin = stdin.encode(termenc)
275    try:
277        logging.debug("Calling %s" % cmdlist)
278        proc = subprocess.Popen(
279            cmdlist,
280            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
281            stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
282            stdin=subprocess.PIPE if stdin is not None else None)
283    except OSError as e:
284        out = b''
285        err = e.strerror
286        ret = e.errno
287    else:
288        out, err = proc.communicate(stdin)
289        ret = proc.returncode
291    out = string_decode(out, termenc)
292    err = string_decode(err, termenc)
293    return out, err, ret
296async def call_cmd_async(cmdlist, stdin=None, env=None):
297    """Given a command, call that command asynchronously and return the output.
299    This function only handles `OSError` when creating the subprocess, any
300    other exceptions raised either durring subprocess creation or while
301    exchanging data with the subprocess are the caller's responsibility to
302    handle.
304    If such an `OSError` is caught, then returncode will be set to 1, and the
305    error value will be set to the str() value of the exception.
307    :type cmdlist: list of str
308    :param stdin: string to pipe to the process
309    :type stdin: str
310    :return: Tuple of stdout, stderr, returncode
311    :rtype: tuple[str, str, int]
312    """
313    termenc = urwid.util.detected_encoding
314    cmdlist = [s.encode(termenc) for s in cmdlist]
316    environment = os.environ.copy()
317    if env is not None:
318        environment.update(env)
319    logging.debug('ENV = %s', environment)
320    logging.debug('CMD = %s', cmdlist)
321    try:
322        proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(
323            *cmdlist,
324            env=environment,
325            stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE,
326            stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE,
327            stdin=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE if stdin else None)
328    except OSError as e:
329        return ('', str(e), 1)
330    out, err = await proc.communicate(stdin.encode(termenc) if stdin else None)
331    return (out.decode(termenc), err.decode(termenc), proc.returncode)
334def guess_mimetype(blob):
335    """
336    uses file magic to determine the mime-type of the given data blob.
338    :param blob: file content as read by file.read()
339    :type blob: data
340    :returns: mime-type, falls back to 'application/octet-stream'
341    :rtype: str
342    """
343    mimetype = 'application/octet-stream'
344    # this is a bit of a hack to support different versions of python magic.
345    # Hopefully at some point this will no longer be necessary
346    #
347    # the version with open() is the bindings shipped with the file source from
348    # http://darwinsys.com/file/ - this is what is used by the python-magic
349    # package on Debian/Ubuntu. However, it is not available on pypi/via pip.
350    #
351    # the version with from_buffer() is available at
352    # https://github.com/ahupp/python-magic and directly installable via pip.
353    #
354    # for more detail see https://github.com/pazz/alot/pull/588
355    if hasattr(magic, 'open'):
356        m = magic.open(magic.MAGIC_MIME_TYPE)
357        m.load()
358        magictype = m.buffer(blob)
359    elif hasattr(magic, 'from_buffer'):
360        # cf. issue #841
361        magictype = magic.from_buffer(blob, mime=True) or magictype
362    else:
363        raise Exception('Unknown magic API')
365    # libmagic does not always return proper mimetype strings, cf. issue #459
366    if re.match(r'\w+\/\w+', magictype):
367        mimetype = magictype
368    return mimetype
371def guess_encoding(blob):
372    """
373    uses file magic to determine the encoding of the given data blob.
375    :param blob: file content as read by file.read()
376    :type blob: data
377    :returns: encoding
378    :rtype: str
379    """
380    # this is a bit of a hack to support different versions of python magic.
381    # Hopefully at some point this will no longer be necessary
382    #
383    # the version with open() is the bindings shipped with the file source from
384    # http://darwinsys.com/file/ - this is what is used by the python-magic
385    # package on Debian/Ubuntu.  However it is not available on pypi/via pip.
386    #
387    # the version with from_buffer() is available at
388    # https://github.com/ahupp/python-magic and directly installable via pip.
389    #
390    # for more detail see https://github.com/pazz/alot/pull/588
391    if hasattr(magic, 'open'):
392        m = magic.open(magic.MAGIC_MIME_ENCODING)
393        m.load()
394        return m.buffer(blob)
395    elif hasattr(magic, 'from_buffer'):
396        m = magic.Magic(mime_encoding=True)
397        return m.from_buffer(blob)
398    else:
399        raise Exception('Unknown magic API')
402def try_decode(blob):
403    """Guess the encoding of blob and try to decode it into a str.
405    :param bytes blob: The bytes to decode
406    :returns: the decoded blob
407    :rtype: str
408    """
409    assert isinstance(blob, bytes), 'cannot decode a str or non-bytes object'
410    return blob.decode(guess_encoding(blob))
413def libmagic_version_at_least(version):
414    """
415    checks if the libmagic library installed is more recent than a given
416    version.
418    :param version: minimum version expected in the form XYY (i.e. 5.14 -> 514)
419                    with XYY >= 513
420    """
421    if hasattr(magic, 'open'):
422        magic_wrapper = magic._libraries['magic']
423    elif hasattr(magic, 'from_buffer'):
424        magic_wrapper = magic.libmagic
425    else:
426        raise Exception('Unknown magic API')
428    if not hasattr(magic_wrapper, 'magic_version'):
429        # The magic_version function has been introduced in libmagic 5.13,
430        # if it's not present, we can't guess right, so let's assume False
431        return False
433    # Depending on the libmagic/ctypes version, magic_version is a function or
434    # a callable:
435    if callable(magic_wrapper.magic_version):
436        return magic_wrapper.magic_version() >= version
438    return magic_wrapper.magic_version >= version
441# TODO: make this work on blobs, not paths
442def mimewrap(path, filename=None, ctype=None):
443    """Take the contents of the given path and wrap them into an email MIME
444    part according to the content type.  The content type is auto detected from
445    the actual file contents and the file name if it is not given.
447    :param path: the path to the file contents
448    :type path: str
449    :param filename: the file name to use in the generated MIME part
450    :type filename: str or None
451    :param ctype: the content type of the file contents in path
452    :type ctype: str or None
453    :returns: the message MIME part storing the data from path
454    :rtype: subclasses of email.mime.base.MIMEBase
455    """
457    with open(path, 'rb') as f:
458        content = f.read()
459    if not ctype:
460        ctype = guess_mimetype(content)
461        # libmagic < 5.12 incorrectly detects excel/powerpoint files as
462        # 'application/msword' (see #179 and #186 in libmagic bugtracker)
463        # This is a workaround, based on file extension, useful as long
464        # as distributions still ship libmagic 5.11.
465        if (ctype == 'application/msword' and
466                not libmagic_version_at_least(513)):
467            mimetype, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(path)
468            if mimetype:
469                ctype = mimetype
471    maintype, subtype = ctype.split('/', 1)
472    if maintype == 'text':
473        part = MIMEText(content.decode(guess_encoding(content), 'replace'),
474                        _subtype=subtype,
475                        _charset='utf-8')
476    elif maintype == 'image':
477        part = MIMEImage(content, _subtype=subtype)
478    elif maintype == 'audio':
479        part = MIMEAudio(content, _subtype=subtype)
480    else:
481        part = MIMEBase(maintype, subtype)
482        part.set_payload(content)
483        # Encode the payload using Base64
484        email.encoders.encode_base64(part)
485    # Set the filename parameter
486    if not filename:
487        filename = os.path.basename(path)
488    part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment',
489                    filename=filename)
490    return part
493def shell_quote(text):
494    """Escape the given text for passing it to the shell for interpretation.
495    The resulting string will be parsed into one "word" (in the sense used in
496    the shell documentation, see sh(1)) by the shell.
498    :param text: the text to quote
499    :type text: str
500    :returns: the quoted text
501    :rtype: str
502    """
503    return "'%s'" % text.replace("'", """'"'"'""")
506def humanize_size(size):
507    """Create a nice human readable representation of the given number
508    (understood as bytes) using the "KiB" and "MiB" suffixes to indicate
509    kibibytes and mebibytes. A kibibyte is defined as 1024 bytes (as opposed to
510    a kilobyte which is 1000 bytes) and a mibibyte is 1024**2 bytes (as opposed
511    to a megabyte which is 1000**2 bytes).
513    :param size: the number to convert
514    :type size: int
515    :returns: the human readable representation of size
516    :rtype: str
517    """
518    for factor, format_string in ((1, '%i'),
519                                  (1024, '%iKiB'),
520                                  (1024 * 1024, '%.1fMiB')):
521        if size / factor < 1024:
522            return format_string % (size / factor)
523    return format_string % (size / factor)
526def parse_mailcap_nametemplate(tmplate='%s'):
527    """this returns a prefix and suffix to be used
528    in the tempfile module for a given mailcap nametemplate string"""
529    nt_list = tmplate.split('%s')
530    template_prefix = ''
531    template_suffix = ''
532    if len(nt_list) == 2:
533        template_suffix = nt_list[1]
534        template_prefix = nt_list[0]
535    else:
536        template_suffix = tmplate
537    return (template_prefix, template_suffix)
540def parse_mailto(mailto_str):
541    """
542    Interpret mailto-string
544    :param mailto_str: the string to interpret. Must conform to :rfc:2368.
545    :type mailto_str: str
546    :return: the header fields and the body found in the mailto link as a tuple
547        of length two
548    :rtype: tuple(dict(str->list(str)), str)
549    """
550    if mailto_str.startswith('mailto:'):
551        import urllib.parse
552        to_str, parms_str = mailto_str[7:].partition('?')[::2]
553        headers = {}
554        body = ''
556        to = urllib.parse.unquote(to_str)
557        if to:
558            headers['To'] = [to]
560        for s in parms_str.split('&'):
561            key, value = s.partition('=')[::2]
562            key = key.capitalize()
563            if key == 'Body':
564                body = urllib.parse.unquote(value)
565            elif value:
566                headers[key] = [urllib.parse.unquote(value)]
567        return (headers, body)
568    else:
569        return (None, None)
572def mailto_to_envelope(mailto_str):
573    """
574    Interpret mailto-string into a :class:`alot.db.envelope.Envelope`
575    """
576    from alot.db.envelope import Envelope
577    headers, body = parse_mailto(mailto_str)
578    return Envelope(bodytext=body, headers=headers)
581def RFC3156_canonicalize(text):
582    """
583    Canonicalizes plain text (MIME-encoded usually) according to RFC3156.
585    This function works as follows (in that order):
587    1. Convert all line endings to \\\\r\\\\n (DOS line endings).
588    2. Encode all occurrences of "From " at the beginning of a line
589       to "From=20" in order to prevent other mail programs to replace
590       this with "> From" (to avoid MBox conflicts) and thus invalidate
591       the signature.
593    :param text: text to canonicalize (already encoded as quoted-printable)
594    :rtype: str
595    """
596    text = re.sub("\r?\n", "\r\n", text)
597    text = re.sub("^From ", "From=20", text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
598    return text
601def get_xdg_env(env_name, fallback):
602    """ Used for XDG_* env variables to return fallback if unset *or* empty """
603    env = os.environ.get(env_name)
604    return env if env else fallback