1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1993-2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  *
16  */
18 /** \file
19  * \brief Directive/pragma support modules
20  */
22 #include "direct.h"
23 #include "pragma.h"
24 #include "ilidir.h"
25 #include "miscutil.h"
27 #if DEBUG
28 static void dmp_dirset(DIRSET *);
29 static void dmp_lpprg(int);
30 #define TR0(s)         \
31   if (DBGBIT(1, 1024)) \
32     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, s);
33 #define TR1(s, a)      \
34   if (DBGBIT(1, 1024)) \
35     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, s, a);
36 #define TR2(s, a, b)   \
37   if (DBGBIT(1, 1024)) \
38     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, s, a, b);
39 #define TR3(s, a, b, c) \
40   if (DBGBIT(1, 1024))  \
41     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, s, a, b, c);
43 #else
44 #define TR0(s)
45 #define TR1(s, a)
46 #define TR2(s, a, b)
47 #define TR3(s, a, b, c)
49 #endif
50 #include "x86.h"
52 DIRECT direct;
54 #ifdef FE90
56 /* For saving the directives for the backends of the native compilers */
58 typedef struct {
59   int beg_line;  /* beginning line # of loop */
60   int end_line;  /* ending line # of loop */
61   DIRSET change; /* what's changed */
62   DIRSET newset; /* dirset state for the routine & loops */
63                  /* How an entry in newset is propagated depends on the
64                   * type (value vs bit vector) of the entry:
65                   * - if value:
66                   *      change == nonzero => propagate the value
67                   * - if a bit vector:
68                   *      change == nonzero => for each bit which is
69                   *      set, the new value of the corresponding bit
70                   *      position is propagated.  All other bits are
71                   *      left untouched.
72                   *      The change value is computed as
73                   *         change = new ^ old
74                   *      The new value of the bit vector is
75                   *      computed as
76                   *         val = (new & change) | (current & !change)
77                   */
78 } SVDIR;
80 static struct {
81   SVDIR *stgb; /* [0]   is reserved for the routine's directives.
82                 * [>=1] used for the loops' directives.
83                 */
84   int size;
85   int avail; /* avail is actually tracked as direct.lpg.avail;
86               * svdir.avail is needed for direct_export()
87               */
88 } svdir = {NULL, 0, 0};
90 static DIRSET inigbl;
92 static void update_rou_begin(void);
93 static void diff_dir(SVDIR *, DIRSET *, DIRSET *);
94 static void wr_dir(FILE *, SVDIR *);
95 #endif
97 /** \brief Initialize directive structure
98  *
99  * Initialize directive structure which is global for the
100  * source file and the structure which is used per routine.
101  * must be called just once for the compilation and after all of the
102  * command line options have been processed.
103  *
104  * The initial values of the global structure are extracted from
105  * the command line options.  The routine structure is initialized
106  * with values from the global structure.
107  */
108 void
direct_init(void)109 direct_init(void)
110 {
112 /* Set/clear any xbits for which the command line processing has no
113  * effect
114  */
115   flg.x[8] |= 0x8; /* disable global reg assignment */
117   store_dirset(&direct.gbl);
119 #ifdef FE90
120   inigbl = direct.gbl;
121 #endif
122   direct.rou = direct.gbl;
123   direct.loop = direct.gbl;
124   direct.rou_begin = direct.gbl;
126   direct.loop_flag = false; /* seen pragma with loop scope */
127   direct.in_loop = false;   /* in loop with pragmas */
128   direct.carry_fwd = false;
130   direct.avail = 0;
131   NEW(direct.stgb, DIRSET, (direct.size = 16));
133   direct.lpg.avail = 1;
135   NEW(direct.lpg.stgb, LPPRG, (direct.lpg.size = 16));
136   BZERO(direct.lpg.stgb, LPPRG, 1);
137   direct.lpg_stk.top = 0;
138   NEW(direct.lpg_stk.stgb, LPG_STK, (direct.lpg_stk.size = 8));
140 #ifdef FE90
141   direct.dynlpg.avail = 1;
142   NEW(direct.dynlpg.stgb, LPPRG, (direct.dynlpg.size = 16));
143   if (flg.genilm) {
144     /* [0] is reserved for the 'routine' directives */
145     NEW(svdir.stgb, SVDIR, (svdir.size = 16));
146     BZERO(svdir.stgb, SVDIR, 1); /* init [0] to zero */
147   }
148   direct.indep = NULL;
149   direct.index_reuse_list = NULL;
150 #endif
152 }
154 void
direct_fini()155 direct_fini()
156 {
157   if (direct.stgb) {
158     FREE(direct.stgb);
159     direct.avail = direct.size = 0;
160   }
161   if (direct.lpg.stgb) {
162     FREE(direct.lpg.stgb);
163     direct.lpg.avail = direct.lpg.size = 0;
164   }
165   if (direct.lpg_stk.stgb) {
166     FREE(direct.lpg_stk.stgb);
167     direct.lpg_stk.top = direct.lpg_stk.size = 0;
168   }
169 #ifdef FE90
170   if (direct.dynlpg.stgb) {
171     FREE(direct.dynlpg.stgb);
172     direct.dynlpg.avail = direct.dynlpg.size = 0;
173   }
174   if (svdir.stgb) {
175     FREE(svdir.stgb);
176     svdir.avail = svdir.size = 0;
177   }
178 #endif
179 } /* direct_fini */
181 /** \brief Re-initialize the routine structure
182  *
183  * Must be called after the end of a function is processed by semant and
184  * before the next function is parsed. For C, this is when the END ilm is
185  * written for a function.  For Fortran, this is after a subprogram has been
186  * processed by all phases of the compiler.
187  *
188  * For C, process any symbol-/variable- related pragmas which may have
189  * occurred.  Also, save the index into the lpprg table which is the beginning
190  * of the function's lpprg segment; mark the end of the segment with an entry
191  * whose beg_line is -1.
192  */
193 void
direct_rou_end(void)194 direct_rou_end(void)
195 {
196 /* CPLUS also needs to save routine's structure: */
197 #ifdef FE90
198   if (flg.genilm) {
199     update_rou_begin();
200   }
201 #endif
202   direct.lpg.avail = 1;
204   direct.rou = direct.gbl;
205   direct.loop = direct.gbl;
206   direct.rou_begin = direct.gbl;
207   direct.carry_fwd = false;
208 #ifdef FE90
209   direct.dynlpg.avail = 1;
210 #endif
212 }
214 void
direct_loop_enter(void)215 direct_loop_enter(void)
216 {
217   if (direct.loop_flag || (direct.carry_fwd && !direct.in_loop)) {
218     push_lpprg(gbl.lineno);
219 #ifdef FE90
220     if (flg.genilm) {
221       NEEDB(direct.lpg.avail, svdir.stgb, SVDIR, svdir.size,
222             direct.lpg.avail + 8);
223       diff_dir(&svdir.stgb[direct.lpg.avail - 1],
224                &direct.lpg.stgb[direct.lpg.avail - 1].dirset, &direct.loop);
225     }
226 #endif
227   }
229 }
231 /** \brief Re-initialize the loop structure
232  *
233  * Must be called after the end of a loop is processed by semant for which
234  * loop-scoped pragmas/directives apply.
235  */
236 void
direct_loop_end(int beg_line,int end_line)237 direct_loop_end(int beg_line, int end_line)
238 {
239   int i;
240   LPPRG *lpprg;
242   if (!direct.in_loop)
243     return;
244   i = direct.lpg_stk.stgb[direct.lpg_stk.top].dirx;
245   lpprg = direct.lpg.stgb + i;
246   if (lpprg->beg_line != beg_line)
247     return;
249 /***** pop_lpprg *****/
251   TR1("---pop_lpprg: top %d,", direct.lpg_stk.top);
252   direct.lpg_stk.top--;
253   TR1(" lpprg %d,", i);
254   lpprg = direct.lpg.stgb + i;
256   lpprg->end_line = end_line;
257   TR2(" beg %d, end %d\n", lpprg->beg_line, lpprg->end_line);
259   direct.loop = direct.rou;
261 #ifdef FE90
262   if (flg.genilm) {
263     svdir.stgb[i].beg_line = lpprg->beg_line;
264     svdir.stgb[i].end_line = lpprg->end_line;
265   }
266 #endif
268   if (direct.lpg_stk.top == 0) {
269     direct.loop_flag = false;
270     direct.in_loop = false;
271   } else if (XBIT(59, 1)) {
272     direct.loop =
273         direct.lpg.stgb[direct.lpg_stk.stgb[direct.lpg_stk.top].dirx].dirset;
274   } else {
275     /*
276      * propagate selected directives/pragmas to all nested
277      */
278     i = direct.lpg_stk.stgb[direct.lpg_stk.top].dirx;
279     direct.loop.depchk = direct.lpg.stgb[i].dirset.depchk;
280   }
281 #if DEBUG
282   if (DBGBIT(1, 512))
283     dmp_lpprg(direct.lpg_stk.stgb[direct.lpg_stk.top + 1].dirx);
284 #endif
286 }
288 #ifdef FE90
289 /*
290  * for the IPA recompile, save the loop pragma directly
291  */
292 void
direct_loop_save()293 direct_loop_save()
294 {
295   int i;
296   for (i = 1; i < direct.lpg.avail; ++i) {
297     NEED(i + 1, svdir.stgb, SVDIR, svdir.size, i + 8);
298     diff_dir(&svdir.stgb[i], &direct.lpg.stgb[i].dirset, &direct.loop);
299     svdir.stgb[i].beg_line = direct.lpg.stgb[i].beg_line;
300     svdir.stgb[i].end_line = direct.lpg.stgb[i].end_line;
301   }
302 } /* direct_loop_save */
303 #endif
305 typedef struct xf_tag {
306   char *fn; /* name of function */
307   int x;    /* which xflag */
308   int v;    /* value of xflag */
309   struct xf_tag *next;
310 } XF;
312 static XF *xf_p = NULL; /* list of function -x ... */
313 static XF *yf_p = NULL; /* list of function -y ... */
315 void
direct_xf(char * fn,int x,int v)316 direct_xf(char *fn, int x, int v)
317 {
318   XF *xfp;
319   /*printf("-xf %s %d 0x%x\n", fn, x, v);*/
320   xfp = (XF *)getitem(8, sizeof(XF));
321   xfp->next = xf_p;
322   xf_p = xfp;
323   xfp->fn = fn;
324   xfp->x = x;
325   xfp->v = v;
326 }
328 void
direct_yf(char * fn,int x,int v)329 direct_yf(char *fn, int x, int v)
330 {
331   XF *xfp;
332   /*printf("-yf %s %d 0x%x\n", fn, x, v);*/
333   xfp = (XF *)getitem(8, sizeof(XF));
334   xfp->next = yf_p;
335   yf_p = xfp;
336   xfp->fn = fn;
337   xfp->x = x;
338   xfp->v = v;
339 }
341 /** \brief Load direct.rou for the current function
342  *
343  * Called after the parse phase is complete; called once per function.  For C
344  * this means the call occurs during expand when it sees the ENTRY ilm; for
345  * Fortran, this is at the beginning of expand (in main).
346  *
347  * DIRSET direct.rou_begin represents the state of the directives/pragmas at
348  * the beginning of the function.
349  *
350  * \param func - symbol of current function
351  */
352 void
direct_rou_load(int func)353 direct_rou_load(int func)
354 {
355   DIRSET *currdir;
356   XF *xfp;
357   char *fnp;
359   currdir = &direct.rou_begin;
361   load_dirset(currdir);
363   fnp = SYMNAME(gbl.currsub);
364   for (xfp = xf_p; xfp != NULL; xfp = xfp->next) {
365     if (strcmp(xfp->fn, fnp) == 0) {
366       /*printf("-xf %s %d 0x%x\n", xfp->fn, xfp->x, xfp->v);*/
367       set_xflag(xfp->x, xfp->v);
368       currdir->x[xfp->x] = flg.x[xfp->x];
369     }
370   }
371   for (xfp = yf_p; xfp != NULL; xfp = xfp->next) {
372     if (strcmp(xfp->fn, fnp) == 0) {
373       /*printf("-yf %s %d 0x%x\n", xfp->fn, xfp->x, xfp->v);*/
374       set_yflag(xfp->x, xfp->v);
375       currdir->x[xfp->x] = flg.x[xfp->x];
376     }
377   }
379 #ifndef FE90
380   /*
381    * the optimizer doesn't handle assigned goto's correctly.
382    * (Doesn't know where to put loop exit code if you assign
383    * goto out of loop)
384    */
385   if ((gbl.asgnlbls == -1) && (flg.opt >= 2)) {
386     error(I_0127_Optimization_level_for_OP1_changed_to_opt_1_OP2, ERR_Informational, 0, SYMNAME(gbl.currsub), "due to assigned goto");
387     currdir->opt = flg.opt = 1;
388     currdir->vect = flg.vect = 0;
389   }
390   if (gbl.vfrets) {
391     /*
392      * temporarily disable optimizations not correctly
393      * handle if variable functions occur.
394      */
395     if (flg.opt >= 2) {
396       error(I_0127_Optimization_level_for_OP1_changed_to_opt_1_OP2, ERR_Informational, 0, SYMNAME(gbl.currsub), "due to < > in FORMAT");
397       currdir->opt = flg.opt = 1;
398       currdir->vect = flg.vect = 0;
399     }
400     flg.x[8] |= 0x8; /* no globalregs at opt 1 */
401   }
402 #endif
404 #if DEBUG
405   if (DBGBIT(1, 256)) {
406     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "---dirset for func ");
407     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "%s\n", SYMNAME(func));
408     dmp_dirset(currdir);
409   }
410 #endif
412 #if (defined(TARGET_X86) || defined(TARGET_LLVM)) && !defined(FE90)
413     set_mach(&mach, direct.rou_begin.tpvalue[0]);
414 #endif
416 }
418 void
direct_rou_setopt(int func,int opt)419 direct_rou_setopt(int func, int opt)
420 {
421   DIRSET *currdir;
422   currdir = &direct.rou_begin;
423   flg.opt = opt;
424   currdir->opt = opt;
425 }
427 void
load_dirset(DIRSET * currdir)428 load_dirset(DIRSET *currdir)
429 {
430   flg.depchk = currdir->depchk;
431   flg.opt = currdir->opt;
432   flg.vect = currdir->vect;
433   BCOPY(flg.tpvalue, currdir->tpvalue, int, TPNVERSION);
434   BCOPY(flg.x, currdir->x, int, (INT)sizeof(flg.x) / sizeof(int));
435 #if DEBUG
436   if (DBGBIT(1, 2048))
437     dmp_dirset(currdir);
438 #endif
440 }
442 void
store_dirset(DIRSET * currdir)443 store_dirset(DIRSET *currdir)
444 {
445   currdir->depchk = flg.depchk;
446   currdir->opt = flg.opt;
447   currdir->vect = flg.vect;
448   BCOPY(currdir->tpvalue, flg.tpvalue, int, TPNVERSION);
449   BCOPY(currdir->x, flg.x, int, (INT)sizeof(flg.x) / sizeof(int));
451 }
453 /** \brief OPTIONS statement processed (by scan via semant)
454  *
455  * These only affect
456  * what happens in semant for the 'next' routine.  alter any dirset
457  * values which can be altered by OPTIONS.
458  *
459  * \param restore true if called when restoring effects of OPTIONS
460  */
461 void
dirset_options(bool restore)462 dirset_options(bool restore)
463 {
464   if (restore)
465     direct.rou_begin.x[70] = direct.gbl.x[70];
466   else
467     direct.rou_begin.x[70] = flg.x[70];
469 }
471 #if DEBUG
472 static void
dmp_dirset(DIRSET * currdir)473 dmp_dirset(DIRSET *currdir)
474 {
475 #define _FNO(s) ((s) ? "" : "no")
476 #define _TNO(s) ((s) ? "no" : "")
477   fprintf(gbl.dbgfil,
478           "   opt=%d,%sdepchk,%sassoc,%stransform,%srecog,%sswpipe,%sstream\n",
479           currdir->opt, _FNO(currdir->depchk), _TNO(currdir->vect & 0x4),
480           _TNO(currdir->x[19] & 0x8), _TNO(currdir->x[19] & 0x10),
481           _TNO(currdir->x[19] & 0x20), _TNO(currdir->x[19] & 0x40));
482   fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "   shortloop:%d", currdir->x[35]);
483   fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, " %seqvchk", _TNO(currdir->x[19] & 0x1));
484   fprintf(gbl.dbgfil,
485           "   %slstval,%ssplit,%svintr,%spipei,%sdualopi,%sbounds,%ssse\n",
486           _TNO(currdir->x[19] & 0x2), _FNO(currdir->x[19] & 0x4),
487           _TNO(currdir->x[34] & 0x8), _FNO(currdir->x[4] & 0x1),
488           _FNO(currdir->x[4] & 0x2), _FNO(currdir->x[70] & 0x2),
489           _TNO(currdir->x[19] & 0x400));
490   fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "   altcode: vector=%d,swpipe=%d,unroll=%d\n",
491           currdir->x[16], currdir->x[17], currdir->x[18]);
492   fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "   %sfunc32, %sframe", _FNO(currdir->x[119] & 0x4),
493           _TNO(currdir->x[121] & 0x1));
494   fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, " info=%0x", currdir->x[0]);
495   fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "   stripsize:%d", currdir->x[38]);
496   if (currdir->x[34] & 0x100000)
497     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "   nolastdim");
498   if (currdir->x[34] & 0x800)
499     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "   safe_last_val");
500   fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "\n");
501   fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "   %sconcur,%sinvarif,%sunroll=c,%sunroll=n,",
502           _TNO(currdir->x[34] & (0x20 | 0x10)), _TNO(currdir->x[19] & 0x80),
503           _TNO(currdir->x[11] & 0x1), _TNO(currdir->x[11] & 0x2));
504   fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "unroll=c:%d,unroll=n:%d", currdir->x[9], currdir->x[10]);
505 #ifdef FE90
506   fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, ",%sindependent", _FNO(currdir->x[19] & 0x100));
507 #endif
508   fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "\n");
509 }
511 static void
dmp_lpprg(int i)512 dmp_lpprg(int i)
513 {
514   LPPRG *p;
515 #ifdef FE90
516   NEWVAR *nv;
517 #endif
519   p = direct.lpg.stgb + i;
520   fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "---dirset (%4d) for loop, lines %d, %d\n", i,
521           p->beg_line, p->end_line);
522   dmp_dirset(&p->dirset);
523 #ifdef FE90
524   if (p->indep) {
525     REDUCVAR *redp;
526     REDUC_JA *redjap;
527     REDUC_JA_SPEC *specp;
529     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "   onhome ast %d\n", p->indep->onhome);
531     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "   new variables:");
532     for (nv = p->indep->new_list; nv != NULL; nv = nv->next)
533       fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, " %d(%s)", nv->var, SYMNAME(nv->var));
534     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "\n");
536     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "   reduction variables:");
537     for (redp = p->indep->reduction_list; redp; redp = redp->next)
538       fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, " %d(%s)", redp->var, SYMNAME(redp->var));
539     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "\n");
541     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "   JAHPF reduction variables:");
542     for (redjap = p->indep->reduction_ja_list; redjap; redjap = redjap->next) {
543       for (specp = redjap->speclist; specp; specp = specp->next)
544         fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, " %d(%s)", specp->var, SYMNAME(specp->var));
545     }
546     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "\n");
548     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "   index variables:");
549     for (nv = p->indep->index_list; nv != NULL; nv = nv->next)
550       fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, " %d(%s)", nv->var, SYMNAME(nv->var));
551     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "\n");
552   }
553   if (p->index_reuse_list) {
554     INDEX_REUSE *irp;
556     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "   JAHPF INDEX_REUSE variables:");
557     for (irp = p->index_reuse_list; irp; irp = irp->next) {
558       for (nv = irp->reuse_list; nv; nv = nv->next)
559         fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, " %d(%s)", nv->var, SYMNAME(nv->var));
560     }
561     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "\n");
562   }
563 #endif
564 }
565 #endif
567 #ifdef FE90
569 void
direct_export(FILE * ff)570 direct_export(FILE *ff)
571 {
572   int i;
573   SVDIR *p;
575   fprintf(ff, "A:%d\n", svdir.avail);
576   fprintf(ff, "rou: --------------------\n");
577   wr_dir(ff, &svdir.stgb[0]);
578   for (i = 1; i < svdir.avail; i++) {
579     p = svdir.stgb + i;
580     fprintf(ff, "%d: --------------------\n", i);
581     fprintf(ff, "b:%d e:%d\n", p->beg_line, p->end_line);
582     wr_dir(ff, p);
583   }
584 }
586 static void
update_rou_begin(void)587 update_rou_begin(void)
588 {
589   SVDIR *df;
590   DIRSET *new, *old, *older;
591   int i;
593   df = &svdir.stgb[0];
594   new = &direct.rou_begin;
595   old = &direct.gbl;
596   older = &inigbl;
598   diff_dir(df, new, old);
600   if (old->opt != older->opt)
601     df->change.opt = 1;
602   if (old->vect ^ older->vect)
603     df->change.vect = 1;
604   if (old->depchk != older->depchk)
605     df->change.depchk = 1;
606   for (i = 0; i < sizeof(flg.x) / sizeof(int); i++) {
607     if (is_xflag_bit(i)) {
608       if (old->x[i] ^ older->x[i])
609         df->change.x[i] = 1;
610     } else {
611       if (old->x[i] != older->x[i])
612         df->change.x[i] = 1;
613     }
614   }
615   svdir.avail = direct.lpg.avail;
616 }
618 static void
diff_dir(SVDIR * df,DIRSET * new,DIRSET * old)619 diff_dir(SVDIR *df, DIRSET *new, DIRSET *old)
620 {
621   int i;
623   df->newset = *new;
625   df->change.opt = new->opt != old->opt;
626   df->change.vect = new->vect ^ old->vect;
627   df->change.depchk = new->depchk != old->depchk;
628   for (i = 0; i < sizeof(flg.x) / sizeof(int); i++) {
629     if (is_xflag_bit(i))
630       df->change.x[i] = new->x[i] ^ old->x[i];
631     else
632       df->change.x[i] = new->x[i] != old->x[i];
633   }
634 }
636 static void
wr_dir(FILE * ff,SVDIR * dd)637 wr_dir(FILE *ff, SVDIR *dd)
638 {
639   int i;
641   if (dd->change.opt)
642     fprintf(ff, "o:%x %x\n", dd->change.opt, dd->newset.opt);
643   if (dd->change.vect)
644     fprintf(ff, "v:%x %x\n", dd->change.vect, dd->newset.vect);
645   if (dd->change.depchk)
646     fprintf(ff, "d:%x %x\n", dd->change.depchk, dd->newset.depchk);
647   for (i = 0; i < sizeof(flg.x) / sizeof(int); i++)
648     if (dd->change.x[i])
649       fprintf(ff, "x%d:%x %x\n", i, dd->change.x[i], dd->newset.x[i]);
650   fprintf(ff, "z\n");
651 }
652 #endif
654 static FILE *dirfil;
655 static int ilmlinenum = 0;
656 #define MAXLINELEN 4096
657 static char line[MAXLINELEN];
658 static int read_line(void);
659 static int rd_dir(DIRSET *);
661 int
direct_import(FILE * ff)662 direct_import(FILE *ff)
663 {
664   int ret;
665   int i;
666   int idx;
667   LPPRG *lpprg;
669   ilmlinenum = 0;
670   dirfil = ff;
672   /* read size of the lpg table */
673   if (read_line())
674     goto err;
675   ret = sscanf(line, "A:%d", &direct.lpg.avail);
676   if (ret != 1)
677     goto err;
678   NEEDB(direct.lpg.avail, direct.lpg.stgb, LPPRG, direct.lpg.size,
679         direct.lpg.avail + 8);
681   /* read routine directives */
682   if (read_line())
683     goto err; /* rou: line */
684   if (line[0] != 'r')
685     goto err;
686   direct.rou_begin = direct.gbl;
687   if (rd_dir(&direct.rou_begin))
688     goto err;
690   /* read the loop directives */
691   for (i = 1; i < direct.lpg.avail; i++) {
692     lpprg = direct.lpg.stgb + i;
694     if (read_line())
695       goto err; /* idx: line */
696     ret = sscanf(line, "%d: ", &idx);
697     if (ret != 1)
698       goto err;
699     if (i != idx)
700       goto err;
702     if (read_line())
703       goto err; /* b:lineno e:lineno */
704     ret = sscanf(line, "b:%d e:%d", &lpprg->beg_line, &lpprg->end_line);
705     if (ret != 2)
706       goto err;
708     lpprg->dirset = direct.rou_begin;
709     if (rd_dir(&lpprg->dirset))
710       goto err;
711 #if DEBUG
712     if (DBGBIT(1, 512))
713       dmp_lpprg(i);
714 #endif
715   }
717   return ilmlinenum;
718 err:
719   printf("DIRECTIVES error\n");
720   return ilmlinenum;
721 }
723 static int
read_line(void)724 read_line(void)
725 {
726   char *ret;
727   ret = fgets(line, MAXLINELEN - 1, dirfil);
728   ++ilmlinenum;
729   if (ret == NULL)
730     return 1;
731   return 0;
732 } /* read_line */
734 static int
rd_dir(DIRSET * dd)735 rd_dir(DIRSET *dd)
736 {
737   int ret;
738   int v;
739   int change;
740   int idx;
742 #undef ST_VAL
743 #undef ST_BV
744 #undef UADDR
745 #define ST_VAL(m) \
746   if (change)     \
747   dd->m = v
748 #define ST_BV(m) \
749   if (change)    \
750   dd->m = (v & change) | (dd->m & ~change)
751 #define UADDR(x) (unsigned int *) & x
753   while (true) {
754     /* read input line */
755     if (read_line())
756       return 1;
757     switch (line[0]) {
758     case 'z':
759       return 0;
760     case 'o': /* read opt line */
761       ret = sscanf(line, "o:%x %x", UADDR(change), UADDR(v));
762       if (ret != 2)
763         return 1;
764       {
765         ST_VAL(opt);
766       }
767       break;
768     case 'v': /* read vect line */
769       ret = sscanf(line, "v:%x %x", UADDR(change), UADDR(v));
770       if (ret != 2)
771         return 1;
772       if (dd != &direct.rou_begin) {
773         ST_BV(vect);
774       } else {
775         ST_VAL(vect);
776       }
777       break;
778     case 'd': /* read depchk line */
779       ret = sscanf(line, "d:%x %x", UADDR(change), UADDR(v));
780       if (ret != 2)
781         return 1;
782       {
783         ST_VAL(depchk);
784       }
785       break;
786     case 'x':
787       /* read x flag.  The line is of the form:
788        *   x<n>:change new [idx:change new ]...
789        * <n> is in decimal; change & new are in hex.
790        */
791       ret = sscanf(line, "x%d:%x %x", &idx, UADDR(change), UADDR(v));
792       if (ret != 3)
793         return 1;
794       if (dd == &direct.rou_begin) {
795         ST_VAL(x[idx]);
796       } else if (is_xflag_bit(idx)) {
797         ST_BV(x[idx]);
798       } else {
799         ST_VAL(x[idx]);
800       }
801       break;
802     default:
803       return 1;
804     }
805   }
806   return 0;
807 }