1 /* -*- c -*- */
4 /*
5     Copyright (C) 1996-2008 by Jan Eric Kyprianidis <www.kyprianidis.com>
6     All rights reserved.
8     This program is free  software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9     it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
10     by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
11     (at your option) any later version.
13     Thisprogram  is  distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16     GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
18     You should  have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
19     along with  this program; If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20  */
22 #include <stddef.h>
23 #include <string.h>
25 #ifndef LIB3DSAPI
26     #if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(LIB3DS_STATIC)
27         #ifdef LIB3DS_EXPORTS
28             #define LIB3DSAPI __declspec(dllexport)
29         #else
30             #define LIB3DSAPI __declspec(dllimport)
31         #endif
32     #else
33         #define LIB3DSAPI
34     #endif
35 #endif
37 #ifdef __cplusplus
38 extern "C" {
39 #endif
41 /** @defgroup api API */
42 /** @{ */
44 extern void stringcopy(char* dest, const char* src, size_t length);
46 #define stringcopyfixedsize(DEST, SRC) stringcopy(DEST, SRC, sizeof(DEST));
49 typedef enum Lib3dsIoSeek {
50     LIB3DS_SEEK_SET     = 0,
51     LIB3DS_SEEK_CUR     = 1,
52     LIB3DS_SEEK_END     = 2
53 } Lib3dsIoSeek;
55 typedef enum Lib3dsLogLevel {
56     LIB3DS_LOG_ERROR    = 0,
57     LIB3DS_LOG_WARN     = 1,
58     LIB3DS_LOG_INFO     = 2,
59     LIB3DS_LOG_DEBUG    = 3
60 } Lib3dsLogLevel;
62 typedef struct Lib3dsIo {
63     void*   impl;
64     void*   self;
65     long    (*seek_func) (void *self, long offset, Lib3dsIoSeek origin);
66     long    (*tell_func) (void *self);
67     size_t  (*read_func) (void *self, void *buffer, size_t size);
68     size_t  (*write_func)(void *self, const void *buffer, size_t size);
69     void    (*log_func)  (void *self, Lib3dsLogLevel level, int indent, const char *msg);
70 } Lib3dsIo;
72 /* Atmosphere settings */
73 typedef struct Lib3dsAtmosphere {
74     int         use_fog;
75     float       fog_color[3];
76     int         fog_background;
77     float       fog_near_plane;
78     float       fog_near_density;
79     float       fog_far_plane;
80     float       fog_far_density;
81     int         use_layer_fog;
82     unsigned    layer_fog_flags;
83     float       layer_fog_color[3];
84     float       layer_fog_near_y;
85     float       layer_fog_far_y;
86     float       layer_fog_density;
87     int         use_dist_cue;
88     int         dist_cue_background;     /* bool */
89     float       dist_cue_near_plane;
90     float       dist_cue_near_dimming;
91     float       dist_cue_far_plane;
92     float       dist_cue_far_dimming;
93 } Lib3dsAtmosphere;
95 /* Background settings */
96 typedef struct Lib3dsBackground {
97     int         use_bitmap;
98     char        bitmap_name[64];
99     int         use_solid;
100     float       solid_color[3];
101     int         use_gradient;
102     float       gradient_percent;
103     float       gradient_top[3];
104     float       gradient_middle[3];
105     float       gradient_bottom[3];
106 } Lib3dsBackground;
108 /* Shadow settings */
109 typedef struct Lib3dsShadow {
110     short       map_size;           /* Global shadow map size that ranges from 10 to 4096 */
111     float       low_bias;           /* Global shadow low bias */
112     float       hi_bias;            /* Global shadow hi bias */
113     float       filter;             /* Global shadow filter that ranges from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) */
114     float       ray_bias;           /* Global raytraced shadow bias */
115 } Lib3dsShadow;
117 /* Layout view types */
118 typedef enum Lib3dsViewType {
119     LIB3DS_VIEW_NOT_USED   = 0,
120     LIB3DS_VIEW_TOP        = 1,
121     LIB3DS_VIEW_BOTTOM     = 2,
122     LIB3DS_VIEW_LEFT       = 3,
123     LIB3DS_VIEW_RIGHT      = 4,
124     LIB3DS_VIEW_FRONT      = 5,
125     LIB3DS_VIEW_BACK       = 6,
126     LIB3DS_VIEW_USER       = 7,
127     LIB3DS_VIEW_SPOTLIGHT  = 18,
128     LIB3DS_VIEW_CAMERA     = 65535
129 } Lib3dsViewType;
131 /* Layout styles */
132 typedef enum Lib3dsLayoutStyle {
133     LIB3DS_LAYOUT_SINGLE                    = 0,
136     LIB3DS_LAYOUT_FOUR_PANE                 = 3,
145 } Lib3dsLayoutStyle;
147 /* Layout view settings */
148 typedef struct Lib3dsView {
149     int         type;
150     unsigned    axis_lock;
151     short       position[2];
152     short       size[2];
153     float       zoom;
154     float       center[3];
155     float       horiz_angle;
156     float       vert_angle;
157     char        camera[11];
158 } Lib3dsView;
160 #define LIB3DS_LAYOUT_MAX_VIEWS 32
162 /* Viewport and default view settings */
163 typedef struct Lib3dsViewport {
164     int             layout_style;
165     int             layout_active;
166     int             layout_swap;
167     int             layout_swap_prior;
168     int             layout_swap_view;
169     unsigned short  layout_position[2];
170     unsigned short  layout_size[2];
171     int             layout_nviews;
172     Lib3dsView      layout_views[LIB3DS_LAYOUT_MAX_VIEWS];
173     int             default_type;
174     float           default_position[3];
175     float           default_width;
176     float           default_horiz_angle;
177     float           default_vert_angle;
178     float           default_roll_angle;
179     char            default_camera[64];
180 } Lib3dsViewport;
182 /* Material texture map flags */
183 typedef enum Lib3dsTextureMapFlags {
184     LIB3DS_TEXTURE_DECALE       = 0x0001,
185     LIB3DS_TEXTURE_MIRROR       = 0x0002,
186     LIB3DS_TEXTURE_NEGATE       = 0x0008,
187     LIB3DS_TEXTURE_NO_TILE      = 0x0010,
188     LIB3DS_TEXTURE_SUMMED_AREA  = 0x0020,
190     LIB3DS_TEXTURE_TINT         = 0x0080,
192     LIB3DS_TEXTURE_RGB_TINT     = 0x0200
193 } Lib3dsTextureMapFlags;
195 /* Material texture map */
196 typedef struct Lib3dsTextureMap {
197     unsigned    user_id;
198     void*       user_ptr;
199     char        name[64];
200     unsigned    flags;
201     float       percent;
202     float       blur;
203     float       scale[2];
204     float       offset[2];
205     float       rotation;
206     float       tint_1[3];
207     float       tint_2[3];
208     float       tint_r[3];
209     float       tint_g[3];
210     float       tint_b[3];
211 } Lib3dsTextureMap;
213 /* Auto reflection texture map flags */
214 typedef enum Lib3dsAutoReflMapFlags {
215     LIB3DS_AUTOREFL_USE                     = 0x0001,
217     LIB3DS_AUTOREFL_FLAT_MIRROR             = 0x0008
218 } Lib3dsAutoReflMapFlags;
220 /* Material shading type */
221 typedef enum Lib3dsShading {
223     LIB3DS_SHADING_FLAT       = 1,
224     LIB3DS_SHADING_GOURAUD    = 2,
225     LIB3DS_SHADING_PHONG      = 3,
226     LIB3DS_SHADING_METAL      = 4
227 } Lib3dsShading;
229 /** Material */
230 typedef struct Lib3dsMaterial {
231     unsigned            user_id;
232     void*               user_ptr;
233     char                name[64];           /* Material name */
234     float               ambient[3];         /* Material ambient reflectivity */
235     float               diffuse[3];         /* Material diffuse reflectivity */
236     float               specular[3];        /* Material specular reflectivity */
237     float               shininess;          /* Material specular exponent */
238     float               shin_strength;
239     int                 use_blur;
240     float               blur;
241     float               transparency;
242     float               falloff;
243     int                 is_additive;
244     int                 self_illum_flag; /* bool */
245     float               self_illum;
246     int                 use_falloff;
247     int                 shading;
248     int                 soften;         /* bool */
249     int                 face_map;       /* bool */
250     int                 two_sided;      /* Material visible from back */
251     int                 transparency_falloff; /* Transparency falloff in/out */
252     int                 map_decal;      /* bool */
253     int                 use_wire;
254     int                 use_wire_abs;
255     float               wire_size;
256     Lib3dsTextureMap    texture1_map;
257     Lib3dsTextureMap    texture1_mask;
258     Lib3dsTextureMap    texture2_map;
259     Lib3dsTextureMap    texture2_mask;
260     Lib3dsTextureMap    opacity_map;
261     Lib3dsTextureMap    opacity_mask;
262     Lib3dsTextureMap    bump_map;
263     Lib3dsTextureMap    bump_mask;
264     Lib3dsTextureMap    specular_map;
265     Lib3dsTextureMap    specular_mask;
266     Lib3dsTextureMap    shininess_map;
267     Lib3dsTextureMap    shininess_mask;
268     Lib3dsTextureMap    self_illum_map;
269     Lib3dsTextureMap    self_illum_mask;
270     Lib3dsTextureMap    reflection_map;
271     Lib3dsTextureMap    reflection_mask;
272     unsigned            autorefl_map_flags;
273     int                 autorefl_map_anti_alias;  /* 0=None, 1=Low, 2=Medium, 3=High */
274     int                 autorefl_map_size;
275     int                 autorefl_map_frame_step;
276 } Lib3dsMaterial;
278 /** Object flags for cameras, lights and meshes */
279 typedef enum Lib3dsObjectFlags {
280     LIB3DS_OBJECT_HIDDEN          = 0x01,
281     LIB3DS_OBJECT_VIS_LOFTER      = 0x02,
282     LIB3DS_OBJECT_DOESNT_CAST     = 0x04,
283     LIB3DS_OBJECT_MATTE           = 0x08,
285     LIB3DS_OBJECT_FAST            = 0x20,
286     LIB3DS_OBJECT_FROZEN          = 0x40
287 } Lib3dsObjectFlags;
289 /** Camera object */
290 typedef struct Lib3dsCamera {
291     unsigned    user_id;
292     void*       user_ptr;
293     char        name[64];
294     unsigned    object_flags; /*< @see Lib3dsObjectFlags */
295     float       position[3];
296     float       target[3];
297     float       roll;
298     float       fov;
299     int         see_cone;
300     float       near_range;
301     float       far_range;
302 } Lib3dsCamera;
304 /** Light object */
305 typedef struct Lib3dsLight {
306     unsigned    user_id;
307     void*       user_ptr;
308     char        name[64];
309     unsigned    object_flags;
310     int         spot_light;     /* bool */
311     int         see_cone;
312     float       color[3];
313     float       position[3];
314     float       target[3];
315     float       roll;
316     int         off;              /* bool */
317     float       outer_range;
318     float       inner_range;
319     float       multiplier;
320     /*const char**  excludes;*/
321     float       attenuation;
322     int         rectangular_spot;   /* bool */
323     int         shadowed;           /* bool */
324     float       shadow_bias;
325     float       shadow_filter;
326     int         shadow_size;
327     float       spot_aspect;
328     int         use_projector;
329     char        projector[64];
330     int         spot_overshoot;      /* bool */
331     int         ray_shadows;         /* bool */
332     float       ray_bias;
333     float       hotspot;
334     float       falloff;
335 } Lib3dsLight;
337 /* Texture map projection */
338 typedef enum {
339   LIB3DS_MAP_NONE           = -1,
340   LIB3DS_MAP_PLANAR         = 0,
342   LIB3DS_MAP_SPHERICAL      = 2
343 } Lib3dsMapType;
345 /**  Meaning of Lib3dsFace::flags. ABC are points of the current face
346     (A: is 1st vertex, B is 2nd vertex, C is 3rd vertex) */
347 typedef enum Lib3dsFaceFlags {
348   LIB3DS_FACE_VIS_AC    = 0x01,       /**< Bit 0: Edge visibility AC */
349   LIB3DS_FACE_VIS_BC    = 0x02,       /**< Bit 1: Edge visibility BC */
350   LIB3DS_FACE_VIS_AB    = 0x04,       /**< Bit 2: Edge visibility AB */
351   LIB3DS_FACE_WRAP_U    = 0x08,       /**< Bit 3: Face is at tex U wrap seam */
352   LIB3DS_FACE_WRAP_V    = 0x10,       /**< Bit 4: Face is at tex V wrap seam */
353   LIB3DS_FACE_SELECT_3  = (1<<13),    /**< Bit 13: Selection of the face in selection 3*/
354   LIB3DS_FACE_SELECT_2  = (1<<14),    /**< Bit 14: Selection of the face in selection 2*/
355   LIB3DS_FACE_SELECT_1  = (1<<15)    /**< Bit 15: Selection of the face in selection 1*/
356 } Lib3dsFaceFlags;
358 typedef struct Lib3dsFace {
359     unsigned short  index[3];
360     unsigned short  flags;
361     int             material;
362     unsigned        smoothing_group;
363 } Lib3dsFace;
365 /* Triangular mesh object */
366 typedef struct Lib3dsMesh {
367     unsigned        user_id;
368     void*           user_ptr;
369     char            name[64];            /**< Mesh name. Don't use more than 8 characters  */
370     unsigned        object_flags;        /**< @see Lib3dsObjectFlags */
371     int             color;               /**< Index to editor palette [0..255] */
372     float           matrix[4][4];        /**< Transformation matrix for mesh data */
373     unsigned short  nvertices;           /**< Number of vertices in vertex array (max. 65535) */
374     float           (*vertices)[3];
375     float           (*texcos)[2];
376     unsigned short* vflags;
377     unsigned short  nfaces;              /**< Number of faces in face array (max. 65535) */
378     Lib3dsFace*     faces;
379     char            box_front[64];
380     char            box_back[64];
381     char            box_left[64];
382     char            box_right[64];
383     char            box_top[64];
384     char            box_bottom[64];
385     int             map_type;
386     float           map_pos[3];
387     float           map_matrix[4][4];
388     float           map_scale;
389     float           map_tile[2];
390     float           map_planar_size[2];
391     float           map_cylinder_height;
392 } Lib3dsMesh;
394 typedef enum Lib3dsNodeType {
397     LIB3DS_NODE_CAMERA          = 2,
399     LIB3DS_NODE_OMNILIGHT       = 4,
400     LIB3DS_NODE_SPOTLIGHT       = 5,
402 } Lib3dsNodeType;
404 typedef enum Lib3dsNodeFlags{
405     LIB3DS_NODE_HIDDEN           = 0x000800,
406     LIB3DS_NODE_SHOW_PATH        = 0x010000,
407     LIB3DS_NODE_SMOOTHING        = 0x020000,
408     LIB3DS_NODE_MOTION_BLUR      = 0x100000,
409     LIB3DS_NODE_MORPH_MATERIALS  = 0x400000
410 } Lib3dsNodeFlags;
412 typedef struct Lib3dsNode {
413     unsigned            user_id;
414     void*               user_ptr;
415     struct Lib3dsNode*  next;
416     struct Lib3dsNode*  childs;
417     struct Lib3dsNode*  parent;
418     Lib3dsNodeType      type;
419     unsigned short      node_id;            /**< 0..65535 */
420     char                name[64];
421     unsigned            flags;
422     float               matrix[4][4];
423 } Lib3dsNode;
425 typedef enum Lib3dsKeyFlags {
426     LIB3DS_KEY_USE_TENS         = 0x01,
427     LIB3DS_KEY_USE_CONT         = 0x02,
428     LIB3DS_KEY_USE_BIAS         = 0x04,
429     LIB3DS_KEY_USE_EASE_TO      = 0x08,
430     LIB3DS_KEY_USE_EASE_FROM    = 0x10
431 } Lib3dsKeyFlags;
433 typedef struct Lib3dsKey {
434     int         frame;
435     unsigned    flags;
436     float       tens;
437     float       cont;
438     float       bias;
439     float       ease_to;
440     float       ease_from;
441     float       value[4];
442 } Lib3dsKey;
444 typedef enum Lib3dsTrackType {
445     LIB3DS_TRACK_BOOL   = 0,
446     LIB3DS_TRACK_FLOAT  = 1,
447     LIB3DS_TRACK_VECTOR = 3,
448     LIB3DS_TRACK_QUAT   = 4
449 } Lib3dsTrackType;
451 typedef enum {
452     LIB3DS_TRACK_REPEAT   = 0x0001,
453     LIB3DS_TRACK_SMOOTH   = 0x0002,
454     LIB3DS_TRACK_LOCK_X   = 0x0008,
455     LIB3DS_TRACK_LOCK_Y   = 0x0010,
456     LIB3DS_TRACK_LOCK_Z   = 0x0020,
457     LIB3DS_TRACK_UNLINK_X = 0x0100,
458     LIB3DS_TRACK_UNLINK_Y = 0x0200,
459     LIB3DS_TRACK_UNLINK_Z = 0x0400
460 } Lib3dsTrackFlags;
462 typedef struct Lib3dsTrack {
463     unsigned        flags;
464     Lib3dsTrackType type;
465     int             nkeys;
466     Lib3dsKey*      keys;
467 } Lib3dsTrack;
469 typedef struct Lib3dsAmbientColorNode {
470     Lib3dsNode      base;
471     float           color[3];
472     Lib3dsTrack     color_track;
473 } Lib3dsAmbientColorNode;
475 typedef struct Lib3dsMeshInstanceNode {
476     Lib3dsNode      base;
477     float           pivot[3];
478     char            instance_name[64];
479     float           bbox_min[3];
480     float           bbox_max[3];
481     int             hide;
482     float           pos[3];
483     float           rot[4];
484     float           scl[3];
485     float           morph_smooth;
486     char            morph[64];
487     Lib3dsTrack     pos_track;
488     Lib3dsTrack     rot_track;
489     Lib3dsTrack     scl_track;
490     Lib3dsTrack     hide_track;
491 } Lib3dsMeshInstanceNode;
493 typedef struct Lib3dsCameraNode {
494     Lib3dsNode      base;
495     float           pos[3];
496     float           fov;
497     float           roll;
498     Lib3dsTrack     pos_track;
499     Lib3dsTrack     fov_track;
500     Lib3dsTrack     roll_track;
501 } Lib3dsCameraNode;
503 typedef struct Lib3dsTargetNode {
504     Lib3dsNode      base;
505     float           pos[3];
506     Lib3dsTrack     pos_track;
507 } Lib3dsTargetNode;
509 typedef struct Lib3dsOmnilightNode {
510     Lib3dsNode      base;
511     float           pos[3];
512     float           color[3];
513     Lib3dsTrack     pos_track;
514     Lib3dsTrack     color_track;
515 } Lib3dsOmnilightNode;
517 typedef struct Lib3dsSpotlightNode {
518     Lib3dsNode      base;
519     float           pos[3];
520     float           color[3];
521     float           hotspot;
522     float           falloff;
523     float           roll;
524     Lib3dsTrack     pos_track;
525     Lib3dsTrack     color_track;
526     Lib3dsTrack     hotspot_track;
527     Lib3dsTrack     falloff_track;
528     Lib3dsTrack     roll_track;
529 } Lib3dsSpotlightNode;
531 typedef struct Lib3dsFile {
532     unsigned            user_id;
533     void*               user_ptr;
534     unsigned            mesh_version;
535     unsigned            keyf_revision;
536     char                name[12+1];
537     float               master_scale;
538     float               construction_plane[3];
539     float               ambient[3];
540     Lib3dsShadow        shadow;
541     Lib3dsBackground    background;
542     Lib3dsAtmosphere    atmosphere;
543     Lib3dsViewport      viewport;
544     Lib3dsViewport      viewport_keyf;
545     int                 frames;
546     int                 segment_from;
547     int                 segment_to;
548     int                 current_frame;
549     int                 materials_size;
550     int                 nmaterials;
551     Lib3dsMaterial**    materials;
552     int                 cameras_size;
553     int                 ncameras;
554     Lib3dsCamera**      cameras;
555     int                 lights_size;
556     int                 nlights;
557     Lib3dsLight**       lights;
558     int                 meshes_size;
559     int                 nmeshes;
560     Lib3dsMesh**        meshes;
561     Lib3dsNode*         nodes;
562 } Lib3dsFile;
564 extern LIB3DSAPI Lib3dsFile* lib3ds_file_open(const char *filename);
565 extern LIB3DSAPI int lib3ds_file_save(Lib3dsFile *file, const char *filename);
566 extern LIB3DSAPI Lib3dsFile* lib3ds_file_new();
567 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_file_free(Lib3dsFile *file);
568 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_file_eval(Lib3dsFile *file, float t);
569 extern LIB3DSAPI int lib3ds_file_read(Lib3dsFile *file, Lib3dsIo *io);
570 extern LIB3DSAPI int lib3ds_file_write(Lib3dsFile *file, Lib3dsIo *io);
571 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_file_reserve_materials(Lib3dsFile *file, int size, int force);
572 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_file_insert_material(Lib3dsFile *file, Lib3dsMaterial *material, int index);
573 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_file_remove_material(Lib3dsFile *file, int index);
574 extern LIB3DSAPI int lib3ds_file_material_by_name(Lib3dsFile *file, const char *name);
575 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_file_reserve_cameras(Lib3dsFile *file, int size, int force);
576 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_file_insert_camera(Lib3dsFile *file, Lib3dsCamera *camera, int index);
577 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_file_remove_camera(Lib3dsFile *file, int index);
578 extern LIB3DSAPI int lib3ds_file_camera_by_name(Lib3dsFile *file, const char *name);
579 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_file_reserve_lights(Lib3dsFile *file, int size, int force);
580 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_file_insert_light(Lib3dsFile *file, Lib3dsLight *light, int index);
581 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_file_remove_light(Lib3dsFile *file, int index);
582 extern LIB3DSAPI int lib3ds_file_light_by_name(Lib3dsFile *file, const char *name);
583 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_file_reserve_meshes(Lib3dsFile *file, int size, int force);
584 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_file_insert_mesh(Lib3dsFile *file, Lib3dsMesh *mesh, int index);
585 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_file_remove_mesh(Lib3dsFile *file, int index);
586 extern LIB3DSAPI int lib3ds_file_mesh_by_name(Lib3dsFile *file, const char *name);
587 extern LIB3DSAPI Lib3dsMesh* lib3ds_file_mesh_for_node(Lib3dsFile *file, Lib3dsNode *node);
588 extern LIB3DSAPI Lib3dsNode* lib3ds_file_node_by_name(Lib3dsFile *file, const char* name, Lib3dsNodeType type);
589 extern LIB3DSAPI Lib3dsNode* lib3ds_file_node_by_id(Lib3dsFile *file, unsigned short node_id);
590 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_file_append_node(Lib3dsFile *file, Lib3dsNode *node, Lib3dsNode *parent);
591 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_file_insert_node(Lib3dsFile *file, Lib3dsNode *node, Lib3dsNode *at);
592 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_file_remove_node(Lib3dsFile *file, Lib3dsNode *node);
593 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_file_minmax_node_id(Lib3dsFile *file, unsigned short *min_id, unsigned short *max_id);
594 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_file_create_nodes_for_meshes(Lib3dsFile *file);
597 /**
598     This function computes the bounding box of meshes, cameras
599     and lights defined in the 3D editor.
601     \param file             The Lib3dsFile object to be examined.
602     \param include_meshes   Include meshes in bounding box calculation.
603     \param include_cameras  Include cameras in bounding box calculation.
604     \param include_lights   Include lights in bounding box calculation.
605     \param bmin             Returned minimum x,y,z values.
606     \param bmax             Returned maximum x,y,z values.
607  */
608 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_file_bounding_box_of_objects(
609     Lib3dsFile *file,
610     int include_meshes,
611     int include_cameras,
612     int include_lights,
613     float bmin[3],
614     float bmax[3]);
616 /**
617     This function computes the bounding box of mesh, camera
618     and light instances defined in the Keyframer.
620     \param file             The Lib3dsFile object to be examined.
621     \param include_meshes   Include meshes in bounding box calculation.
622     \param include_cameras  Include cameras in bounding box calculation.
623     \param include_lights   Include lights in bounding box calculation.
624     \param bmin             Returned minimum x,y,z values.
625     \param bmax             Returned maximum x,y,z values.
626     \param matrix           A matrix describing the coordinate system to
627                             calculate the bounding box in.
628  */
629 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_file_bounding_box_of_nodes(
630     Lib3dsFile *file,
631     int include_meshes,
632     int include_cameras,
633     int include_lights,
634     float bmin[3],
635     float bmax[3],
636     float matrix[4][4]);
638 extern LIB3DSAPI Lib3dsMaterial* lib3ds_material_new(const char *name);
639 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_material_free(Lib3dsMaterial *material);
640 extern LIB3DSAPI Lib3dsCamera* lib3ds_camera_new(const char *name);
641 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_camera_free(Lib3dsCamera *mesh);
642 extern LIB3DSAPI Lib3dsLight* lib3ds_light_new(const char *name);
643 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_light_free(Lib3dsLight *mesh);
644 extern LIB3DSAPI Lib3dsMesh* lib3ds_mesh_new(const char *name);
645 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_mesh_free(Lib3dsMesh *mesh);
646 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_mesh_resize_vertices(Lib3dsMesh *mesh, int nvertices, int use_texcos, int use_flags);
647 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_mesh_resize_faces(Lib3dsMesh *mesh, int nfaces);
648 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_mesh_bounding_box(Lib3dsMesh *mesh, float bmin[3], float bmax[3]);
649 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_mesh_calculate_face_normals(Lib3dsMesh *mesh, float (*face_normals)[3]);
650 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_mesh_calculate_vertex_normals(Lib3dsMesh *mesh, float (*normals)[3]);
652 extern LIB3DSAPI Lib3dsNode* lib3ds_node_new(Lib3dsNodeType type);
653 extern LIB3DSAPI Lib3dsAmbientColorNode* lib3ds_node_new_ambient_color(float color0[3]);
654 extern LIB3DSAPI Lib3dsMeshInstanceNode* lib3ds_node_new_mesh_instance(Lib3dsMesh *mesh, const char* instance_name, float pos0[3], float scl0[3], float rot0[4]);
655 extern LIB3DSAPI Lib3dsCameraNode* lib3ds_node_new_camera(Lib3dsCamera *camera);
656 extern LIB3DSAPI Lib3dsTargetNode* lib3ds_node_new_camera_target(Lib3dsCamera *camera);
657 extern LIB3DSAPI Lib3dsOmnilightNode* lib3ds_node_new_omnilight(Lib3dsLight *light);
658 extern LIB3DSAPI Lib3dsSpotlightNode* lib3ds_node_new_spotlight(Lib3dsLight *light);
659 extern LIB3DSAPI Lib3dsTargetNode* lib3ds_node_new_spotlight_target(Lib3dsLight *light);
660 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_node_free(Lib3dsNode *node);
661 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_node_eval(Lib3dsNode *node, float t);
662 extern LIB3DSAPI Lib3dsNode* lib3ds_node_by_name(Lib3dsNode *node, const char* name, Lib3dsNodeType type);
663 extern LIB3DSAPI Lib3dsNode* lib3ds_node_by_id(Lib3dsNode *node, unsigned short node_id);
665 extern LIB3DSAPI Lib3dsTrack* lib3ds_track_new(Lib3dsTrackType type, int nkeys);
666 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_track_free(Lib3dsTrack *track);
667 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_track_resize(Lib3dsTrack *track, int nkeys);
668 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_track_eval_bool(Lib3dsTrack *track, int *b, float t);
669 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_track_eval_float(Lib3dsTrack *track, float *f, float t);
670 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_track_eval_vector(Lib3dsTrack *track, float v[3], float t);
671 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_track_eval_quat(Lib3dsTrack *track, float q[4], float t);
673 /**
674     Calculates the ease in/out function. See Lib3dsKey for details.
676     \param fp           Previous frame number.
677     \param fc           Current frame number.
678     \param fn           Next frame number.
679     \param ease_from    Ease in value [0, 1.0]
680     \param ease_to      Ease out value [0, 1.0]
681 */
682 extern LIB3DSAPI float lib3ds_math_ease(
683     float fp,
684     float fc,
685     float fn,
686     float ease_from,
687     float ease_to);
689 /**
690     Computes a point on a n-dimensional cubic hermite spline.
691     \param v
692         [out] Result
693     \param a
694         [in] First point of the spline.
695     \param p
696         [in] Tangent at the first point of the spline.
697     \param q
698         [in] Tangent at the second point of the spline.
699     \param b
700         [in] Second point of the spline.
701     \param n
702         [in] Dimension
703     \param t
704         [in] Parameter value [0...1]
705 */
706 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_math_cubic_interp(
707     float *v,
708     float *a,
709     float *p,
710     float *q,
711     float *b,
712     int n,
713     float t);
715 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_vector_make(
716     float c[3],
717     float x,
718     float y,
719     float z);
721 /**
722     Sets all components of a vector to zero.
723     \param c
724         The Pointer to the vector.
725 */
726 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_vector_zero(
727     float c[3]);
729 /**
730     Copies all components of a vector to another vector.
731     \param dst
732         [out] The destination vector.
733     \param src
734         [in] The source vector.
735 */
736 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_vector_copy(
737     float dst[3],
738     float src[3]);
740 /**
741     Negates all components of a vector.
742     \param c
743         The Pointer to the vector.
744 */
745 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_vector_neg(
746     float c[3]);
748 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_vector_make(float c[3], float x, float y, float z);
749 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_vector_zero(float c[3]);
750 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_vector_add(float c[3], float a[3], float b[3]);
751 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_vector_sub(float c[3], float a[3], float b[3]);
752 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_vector_scalar_mul(float c[3], float a[3], float k);
753 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_vector_cross(float c[3], float a[3], float b[3]);
754 extern LIB3DSAPI float lib3ds_vector_dot(float a[3], float b[3]);
755 extern LIB3DSAPI float lib3ds_vector_length(float c[3]);
756 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_vector_normalize(float c[3]);
757 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_vector_normal(float n[3], float a[3], float b[3], float c[3]);
758 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_vector_min(float c[3], float a[3]);
759 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_vector_max(float c[3], float a[3]);
760 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_vector_transform(float c[3], float m[4][4], float a[3]);
762 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_quat_identity(float c[4]);
763 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_quat_copy(float dest[4], float src[4]);
764 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_quat_axis_angle(float c[4], float axis[3], float angle);
765 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_quat_neg(float c[4]);
766 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_quat_cnj(float c[4]);
767 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_quat_mul(float c[4], float a[4], float b[4]);
768 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_quat_scalar(float c[4], float k);
769 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_quat_normalize(float c[4]);
770 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_quat_inv(float c[4]);
771 extern LIB3DSAPI float lib3ds_quat_dot(float a[4], float b[4]);
772 extern LIB3DSAPI float lib3ds_quat_norm(float c[4]);
773 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_quat_ln(float c[4]);
774 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_quat_ln_dif(float c[4], float a[4], float b[4]);
775 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_quat_exp(float c[4]);
776 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_quat_slerp(float c[4], float a[4], float b[4], float t);
777 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_quat_squad(float c[4], float a[4], float p[4], float q[4], float b[4], float t);
778 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_quat_tangent(float c[4], float p[4], float q[4], float n[4]);
780 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_matrix_zero(float m[4][4]);
781 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_matrix_identity(float  m[4][4]);
782 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_matrix_copy(float dest[4][4], float src[4][4]);
783 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_matrix_neg(float m[4][4]);
784 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_matrix_transpose(float m[4][4]);
785 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_matrix_add(float m[4][4], float a[4][4], float b[4][4]);
786 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_matrix_sub(float m[4][4], float a[4][4], float b[4][4]);
787 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_matrix_mult(float m[4][4], float a[4][4], float b[4][4]);
788 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_matrix_scalar(float m[4][4], float k);
789 extern LIB3DSAPI float lib3ds_matrix_det(float m[4][4]);
790 extern LIB3DSAPI int lib3ds_matrix_inv(float m[4][4]);
791 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_matrix_translate(float m[4][4], float x, float y, float z);
792 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_matrix_scale(float m[4][4], float x, float y, float z);
793 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_matrix_rotate_quat(float m[4][4], float q[4]);
794 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_matrix_rotate(float m[4][4], float angle, float ax, float ay, float az);
795 extern LIB3DSAPI void lib3ds_matrix_camera(float m[4][4], float pos[3], float tgt[3], float roll);
797 /* --- Code for OpenSceneGraph --- */
798 /* Definitions for compatibility with previous lib3DS used: */
799 typedef float Lib3dsMatrix[4][4];
800 typedef float Lib3dsVector[3];
801 typedef void Lib3dsUserData;
802 /* --- (end) Code for OpenSceneGraph --- */
805 /** @} */
806 #ifdef __cplusplus
807 }
808 #endif
809 #endif