3!  Copyright (C) 1997-2013 Krzysztof M. Gorski, Eric Hivon,
4!                          Benjamin D. Wandelt, Anthony J. Banday,
5!                          Matthias Bartelmann, Hans K. Eriksen,
6!                          Frode K. Hansen, Martin Reinecke
9!  This file is part of HEALPix.
11!  HEALPix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12!  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13!  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
14!  (at your option) any later version.
16!  HEALPix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17!  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19!  GNU General Public License for more details.
21!  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22!  along with HEALPix; if not, write to the Free Software
23!  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
25!  For more information about HEALPix see http://healpix.sourceforge.net
28module alm_tools
29  !   Scalar+Open_MP implementation
30  !
31  !   function do_opemp
32  !   subroutine init_rescale
33  !   subroutine get_pixel_layout
34  !   subroutine select_rings
35  !   subroutine gen_recfac
36  !   subroutine gen_recfac_spin
37  !   subroutine gen_lamfac
38  !   subroutine gen_lamfac_der
39  !   subroutine gen_mfac
40  !   subroutine gen_mfac_spin
41  !   subroutine compute_lam_mm
42  !   subroutine do_lam_lm
43  !   subroutine do_lam_lm_spin
44  !   subroutine do_lam_lm_pol
45  !   subroutine gen_normpol
46  !   function l_min_ylm
47  !   subroutine warning_oldbounds
48  !
49  !   subroutine ring_synthesis
50  !   subroutine ring_analysis
51  !
52  !   -------------------- in include files (see alm_map_template.f90) ---------
53  !   subroutine alm2map_sc
54  !   subroutine alm2map_spin
55  !   subroutine alm2map_sc_pre
56  !   subroutine alm2map_pol
57  !   subroutine alm2map_pol_pre1
58  !   subroutine alm2map_pol_pre2
59  !   subroutine alm2map_sc_der
60  !   subroutine alm2map_pol_der
61  !
62  !   subroutine map2alm_sc
63  !   subroutine map2alm_spin
64  !   subroutine map2alm_sc_pre
65  !   subroutine map2alm_pol
66  !   subroutine map2alm_pol_pre1
67  !   subroutine map2alm_pol_pre2
68  !
69  !   subroutine map2alm_iterative
70  !
71  !   subroutine alter_alm
72  !   subroutine create_alm
73  !   subroutine alm2cl
74  !
75  !   subroutine rotate_alm
76  !   ------------------------------------------------------------------
77  !
78  !   subroutine plm_gen
79  !
80  !   subroutine pow2alm_units
81  !   subroutine generate_beam
82  !   subroutine gaussbeam
83  !   subroutine pixel_window
84  !
85  use misc_utils, only: assert_alloc, assert_present, assert, fatal_error, string, strupcase !, wall_clock_time
86  use healpix_types
87  use healpix_fft, only: real_fft2, planck_fft2_plan, make_fft2_plan, destroy_fft2_plan, &
88       &                 fft2_forward, fft2_backward
89  IMPLICIT none
91  ! keep everything private unless stated otherwise
92  private
93  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
94  ! define large and small numbers used to renormalise the recursion on the Legendre Polynomials
95  integer(I4B),      private, parameter :: LOG2LG   = 100
96  real(KIND=DP),     private, parameter :: FL_LARGE = 2.0_dp **   LOG2LG
97  real(KIND=DP),     private, parameter :: FL_SMALL = 2.0_dp ** (-LOG2LG)
98  ! declare array for dynamic rescaling of the Ylm
99  integer(kind=i4b), private, parameter :: RSMAX = 20, RSMIN = -20
100  real(dp),          private, dimension(RSMIN:RSMAX) :: rescale_tab
101  real(DP),          private, parameter :: ALN2_INV = 1.4426950408889634073599246810_dp ! 1/log(2)
102  ! misc
103  integer(i4b),      private, parameter :: SMAXCHK = 50 ! maximum size of chunk (in number of ring pairs)
104  ! parameters of Ylm short-cut
105  integer(kind=i4b), private, parameter :: HPX_MXL0 = 40 ! minimum used, choose <=0 to do full loop
106  real   (kind=dp),  private, parameter :: HPX_MXL1 = 1.35_dp
107  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
109  ! make (front end) routines public
110  public :: alm2map, map2alm, alm2map_der, alm2map_spin, map2alm_spin
111  public :: map2alm_iterative
112  public :: map2alm_iterative_old
113  public :: alter_alm, create_alm, alm2cl, rotate_alm
114  public :: create_alm_old ! for tests only
115  public :: plm_gen
116  public :: ring_synthesis, ring_analysis
117  public :: generate_beam, gaussbeam, pixel_window, pow2alm_units
119  interface alm2cl
120     module procedure alm2cl2_s, alm2cl2_d, alm2cl1_s, alm2cl1_d
121  end interface
123  interface sub_alm2cl
124     module procedure sub_alm2cl_s, sub_alm2cl_d
125  end interface
127  interface rotate_alm
128     module procedure rotate_alm_s, rotate_alm_d
129  end interface
131  interface alter_alm
132     module procedure alter_alm_s, alter_alm_d
133  end interface
135  interface create_alm
136     module procedure create_alm_s, create_alm_d, create_alm_v12_s, create_alm_v12_d
137  end interface
139  interface create_alm_old ! for tests only
140     module procedure create_alm_old_s, create_alm_old_d
141  end interface
143  interface alm2map_der
144     module procedure alm2map_sc_der_s, alm2map_sc_der_d, alm2map_pol_der_s, alm2map_pol_der_d
145  end interface
147  interface alm2map_spin
148     module procedure alm2map_spin_s, alm2map_spin_d
149  end interface
151  interface map2alm_spin
152     module procedure map2alm_spin_s, map2alm_spin_d
153  end interface
155  interface alm2map
156     ! Call the correct alm2map routine, depending on whether polarisation is included
157     ! (determined from the rank of the map_TQU array) or precomputed plms
158     ! (scalar or tensor, determined from the rank of the plm array) are included,
159     ! or whether the map and alm are single or double precision
160     module procedure alm2map_sc_wrapper_s, &
161          &           alm2map_pol_wrapper_s, alm2map_pol_pre2_s, &
162          &           alm2map_sc_wrapper_d, &
163          &           alm2map_pol_wrapper_d,  alm2map_pol_pre2_d
164!!!     module procedure alm2map_sc_s, alm2map_sc_pre_s, &
165!!!          &           alm2map_pol_s, alm2map_pol_pre1_s, alm2map_pol_pre2_s, &
166!!!          &           alm2map_sc_d, alm2map_sc_pre_d, &
167!!!          &           alm2map_pol_d, alm2map_pol_pre1_d, alm2map_pol_pre2_d
168  end interface
170  interface map2alm
171     ! Call the correct map2alm routine, depending on whether polarisation is included
172     ! (determined from the rank of the map_TQU array) or precomputed plms
173     ! (scalar or tensor, determined from the rank of the plm array) are included,
174     ! or whether the map and alm are single or double precision
175     module procedure map2alm_old_sc_s,  map2alm_old_pol_s,  map2alm_old_pol2_s, &
176          &           map2alm_sc_s, map2alm_sc_pre_s, &
177          &           map2alm_pol_s, map2alm_pol_pre1_s, map2alm_pol_pre2_s, &
178          &           map2alm_old_sc_d,  map2alm_old_pol_d,  map2alm_old_pol2_d, &
179          &           map2alm_sc_d, map2alm_sc_pre_d, &
180          &           map2alm_pol_d, map2alm_pol_pre1_d, map2alm_pol_pre2_d
181  end interface
183  interface map2alm_iterative
184     module procedure map2alm_iterative_s, map2alm_iterative_d
185  end interface
186  interface map2alm_iterative_old
187     module procedure map2alm_iterative_old_s, map2alm_iterative_old_d
188  end interface
190  interface sub_map2ring
191     module procedure sub_map2ring_1d_s, sub_map2ring_1d_d, sub_map2ring_nd_s, sub_map2ring_nd_d
192  end interface
193  interface sub_ring2map
194     module procedure sub_ring2map_1d_s, sub_ring2map_1d_d, sub_ring2map_nd_s, sub_ring2map_nd_d
195  end interface
196  ! make routines public as most of them are called by mpi_alm* routines
197  public :: do_openmp
198  public :: init_rescale
199  public :: do_lam_lm, do_lam_lm_pol
200  ! needed by mpi_alm*
201  public :: l_min_ylm
202  public :: get_pixel_layout
203  public :: gen_recfac, gen_lamfac, gen_lamfac_der, gen_mfac, compute_lam_mm, gen_normpol
204  public :: select_rings ! added Feb 2006
205  !
206  public :: gen_recfac_spin, gen_mfac_spin, do_lam_lm_spin ! July 2007
208  !=========================================================
210  !
211  ! Aug 14, 2000, EH, Caltech, switch to CMBFAST normalisation of polarisation power spectra
212  !  (see Zaldarriaga, astro-ph/9709271; ApJ, 503, 1 (1998))
213  !   the factor normal_l (used for synthesis and analysis) is reduced by sqrt(2)
214  !
215  ! Oct 17, 2001
216  !   polarised alm expression is larger by a factor 2
217  !   introduced FL_LARGE and FL_SMALL parameters
218  !
219  ! Sept 2001, EH, Caltech: map2alm* : skip calculations for cut out pixels
220  !                                  : use explicit loops for multiplication of alm by omega_pix
221  !
222  ! Nov 2001, EH, Caltech : added KIND=DP in all CMPLX commands that missed it
223  !                         turned 1.d0 in 1.0_dp and so on
224  !                         moved 'use healpix_types' and 'implicit none' to module top level
225  !
226  ! Dec 2001, EH, Caltech : corrected error on inner loop upper bound of lam_fact initialisation
227  !   in alm2map_pol_pre1, alm2map_pol, map2alm_pol_pre1, map2alm_pol
228  !   pointed out by M. Ashdown to Level S
229  !
230  !   added pow2alm_units, gaussbeam, generate_beam and alter_alm (moved for smoothing/alter_alm.f90)
231  !
232  !
233  ! Nov 2002, EH, reordered routines to simplify maintenance of scalar vs parallel routines
234  ! ------post 1.21
235  ! Dec 2003-Jan 2004, EH, remove 'trig' array from ring_analysis and ring_synthesis
236  ! 2004-05-28, EH, edition of pixel_window
237  ! Aug 2004 : put ring in DP in ring_synthesis
238  !            add alm2map_sc_der for calculation of derivatives
239  !            moved plm_gen here from plmgen main code
240  ! Oct 2004: reduced size of recfac and lam_fact
241  !         : introduced m_max_syn and m_max_ana
242  ! Nov 2004: streamlining of *alm* routines to gain CPU time
243  ! Dec 2004: editions to alter_alm (new argument), pixel_window
244  ! April 2005: separate Lambda_lm calculation (with do_lam_lm[_pol]) from scalar
245  !  product in alm2map_sc and alm2map_pol for speed up.
246  !  does not improve the speed of map2alm though, so stick to former code for those
247  ! May 2005: pixel window returns 1. if nside = 0 (interpreted as infinitely small pixel)
248  ! Aug 2005: added alm2map_pol_der
249  ! ------post 2.00
250  ! Sep-Oct 2005: made internal subroutines public so they can be called by mpi_alm,
251  !              corrected OpenMP+SGI bug in alm2map_pol_der
252  ! Feb 2006: added select_rings to public routines (for MPI use)
253  ! Sep 2006: corrected resetting of lam_fact in gen_lamfac
254  ! July, Sep-Oct 2007: added alm2map_spin, map2alm_spin
255  ! Oct 2007: zbounds and w8rings optional in map2alm (without plm)
256  ! Nov 2008: correction of a crash bug in map2alm_iterative
257  ! Jan 2009: correction of a PGF90 specific bug in create_alm
258  ! Jan 2010: correction of a bug in alm2map_pol_der affecting Q and U derivatives
259  ! Jan 2011: use get_healpix_pixel_window_file in pixel_window()
260  ! =====================================================
261  ! about the F90 compilers 'features'
262  ! - Intel compiler (ifc) (and maybe the other compilers as well)
263  !  is apparently very slow at allocating arrays
264  ! therefore as much as possible the 'allocate' should be done outside the loops.
265  ! This what is done below, expect when OpenMP require thread safe arrays that much
266  ! be created each time we enter the loop.
267  !
268  ! - NagF95 (f95) is very slow at creating vectors with the operator (/ ... /)
269  ! therefore, in a loop, the operation
270  ! x(0:4) = x(0:4) + (/ a, b, c, d /) should be replaced by the equivalent
271  ! but MUCH faster, explicit form
272  ! x(0) = x(0) + a
273  ! x(1) = x(1) + b
274  ! ...
275  ! unless (/ a,b,c,d /) can be constructed before entering the loop
276  !
279  !**************************************************************************
280  !
281  !             ALM2MAP/MAP2ALM    SIDEKICKS
282  !
283  !**************************************************************************
284  !================================================
285  function do_openmp()
286    !================================================
287    ! returns .true. if code was compiled with OpenMP
288    !================================================
289    logical(LGT) :: do_openmp
290    !------------------------------------------------
292    do_openmp = .false.
294!$    do_openmp = .true.  ! Intel f90
295!IBMP do_openmp = .true.  ! IBM xlf90
296! -----------------------------
298    return
299  end function do_openmp
301  !================================================
302  subroutine init_rescale()
303    !================================================
304    ! local variables
305    integer(i4b) :: s, smax
306    real(dp) :: logOVFLOW
307    character(len=*), parameter :: code = 'gen_rescale'
308    !------------------------------------------------
309    logOVFLOW=log(FL_LARGE)
310    smax = INT( log(MAX_DP) / logOVFLOW )
312    if (smax > (RSMAX-1)) then
313       print*,'Array rescale_tab too small in '//code
314       print*,smax ,'>', RSMAX
315       stop
316    endif
318    rescale_tab(RSMIN:RSMAX) = 0.0_dp
319    do s = -smax, smax
320       rescale_tab(s) = FL_LARGE ** s
321    enddo
322    rescale_tab(0) = 1.0_dp
324    return
325  end subroutine init_rescale
327  !=======================================================================
328  subroutine get_pixel_layout(nside, ith, cth, sth, nphi, startpix, kphi0)
329    !=======================================================================
330    ! output Healpix pixel layout for the ring ith in [0,2*nside]
331    !=======================================================================
332    integer(I4B), intent(IN)  :: nside, ith
333    real(DP)    , intent(OUT) :: cth, sth
334    integer(I4B), intent(OUT) :: nphi, kphi0
335    integer(I8B), intent(OUT) :: startpix
336    !
337    integer(I4B) :: nrings
338    real(DP)     :: dth1, dth2, dst1
339    !=======================================================================
341    nrings = 2*nside
342    if (ith < 1 .or. ith> nrings) then
343       print*,'ith out of bounds ',ith,1,nrings
344       call fatal_error
345    endif
347    dth1 = 1.0_dp / (3.0_dp*DBLE(nside)**2)
348    dth2 = 2.0_dp / (3.0_dp*DBLE(nside))
349    dst1 = 1.0_dp / (SQRT(6.0_dp) * DBLE(nside) )
351    if (ith < nside) then  ! polar cap (north)
352       cth = 1.0_dp  - DBLE(ith)**2 * dth1
353       nphi = 4*ith
354       kphi0 = 1
355       sth = SIN( 2.0_dp * ASIN( ith * dst1 ) ) ! sin(theta)
356       startpix = 2*ith*(ith-1_I8B)
357    else                   ! tropical band (north) + equator
358       cth = DBLE(2*nside-ith) * dth2
359       nphi = 4*nside
360       kphi0 = MOD(ith+1-nside,2)
361       sth = DSQRT((1.0_dp-cth)*(1.0_dp+cth)) ! sin(theta)
362       startpix = 2*nside*(nside-1_I8B) + (ith-nside)*int(nphi,kind=I8B)
363    endif
365    return
366  end subroutine get_pixel_layout
367  !=======================================================================
368  subroutine select_rings_old(z, zbounds, keep_north, keep_south, keep_either)
369    !=======================================================================
370    ! select rings laying within zbounds
371    ! if zbounds(1) < zbounds(2) : keep  zbounds(1) < z < zbounds(2)
372    ! if zbounds(2) < zbounds(1) : keep z < zbounds(2) Union  zbounds(1) < z
373    ! if zbounds(1)=zbounds(2) : keep everything
374    ! input z should be >= 0
375    !=======================================================================
376    real(DP)    , intent(in)  :: z
377    real(DP)    , intent(in), dimension(1:2)  :: zbounds
378    logical(LGT), intent(OUT) :: keep_north, keep_south, keep_either
379    !
380    real(DP) :: zn, zs
381    !=======================================================================
383    ! if (zbounds(1) = zbounds(2)) keep everything
384    if (abs(zbounds(1)-zbounds(2)) < 1.e-6) then
385       keep_north    = .true.
386       keep_south    = .true.
387       keep_either   = .true.
388       return
389    endif
391    zn = abs(z)
392    zs = -zn
394    if (zbounds(1) < zbounds(2)) then
395       ! inner ring
396       keep_north = (zn >= zbounds(1) .and. zn <= zbounds(2))
397       keep_south = (zs >= zbounds(1) .and. zs <= zbounds(2))
399    else
400       ! outter ring
401       keep_north = (zn > zbounds(1) .or. zn < zbounds(2))
402       keep_south = (zs > zbounds(1) .or. zs < zbounds(2))
403    endif
404    keep_either   = keep_north .or. keep_south
407    return
408  end subroutine select_rings_old
410  !=======================================================================
411  subroutine select_rings(z, zbounds, keep_north, keep_south, keep_either)
412    !=======================================================================
413    ! select rings laying within zbounds
414    ! if zbounds(1) <  zbounds(2) : keep  zbounds(1) < z < zbounds(2)
415    ! if zbounds(2) <= zbounds(1) : keep z < zbounds(2) Union  zbounds(1) < z
416    ! input z should be >= 0
417    ! edited 2018-11-09 to be identical to remove_dipole, apply_mask
418!             and libsharp's hpsharp_make_healpix_geom_info_2
419    !=======================================================================
420    real(DP)    , intent(in)  :: z
421    real(DP)    , intent(in), dimension(1:2)  :: zbounds
422    logical(LGT), intent(OUT) :: keep_north, keep_south, keep_either
423    !
424    real(DP) :: zn, zs
425    !=======================================================================
428    zn = abs(z)
429    zs = -zn
431    if (zbounds(1) < zbounds(2)) then
432       ! inner ring
433       keep_north = (zn > zbounds(1) .and. zn < zbounds(2))
434       keep_south = (zs > zbounds(1) .and. zs < zbounds(2))
436    else
437       ! outter ring
438       keep_north = (zn > zbounds(1) .or. zn < zbounds(2))
439       keep_south = (zs > zbounds(1) .or. zs < zbounds(2))
440    endif
441    keep_either   = keep_north .or. keep_south
444    return
445  end subroutine select_rings
447  !=======================================================================
448  subroutine gen_recfac( l_max, m, recfac)
449  !=======================================================================
450    ! generates recursion factors used to computes the Ylm of degree m
451    ! for all l in m<=l<=l_max
452    !=======================================================================
453    integer(I4B), intent(IN)                            :: l_max, m
454    real(DP),     intent(OUT), dimension(0:1, 0:l_max)  :: recfac
455    !
456    real(DP) :: fm2, fl2
457    integer(I4B) :: l
459    recfac(0:1,0:m) = 0.0_dp
460    fm2 = DBLE(m) **2
461    do l = m, l_max
462       fl2 = DBLE(l+1) **2
463       recfac(0,l) = DSQRT( (4.0_dp * fl2 - 1.0_dp) / (fl2-fm2) )
464    enddo
465    ! put outside the loop because of problem on some compilers
466    recfac(1,m:l_max) = 1.0_dp / recfac(0,m:l_max)
469    return
470  end subroutine gen_recfac
472  !=======================================================================
473  subroutine gen_recfac_spin( l_max, m, spin, recfac_spin)
474  !=======================================================================
475    ! generates recursion factors used to computes the Ylms of degree m and spin s
476    ! for all l in max(m,s)<=l<=l_max
477    !=======================================================================
478    integer(I4B), intent(IN)                            :: l_max, m, spin
479    real(DP),     intent(OUT), dimension(0:2, 0:l_max)  :: recfac_spin
480    !
481    real(DP) :: fm2, fl2, fs2
482    integer(I4B) :: l, l_low, aspin
485    aspin = abs(spin)
486    l_low = max(m, aspin)
488    recfac_spin(0:2, 0:l_max) = 0.0_dp
489    fm2 = DBLE(m) **2
490    fs2 = DBLE(spin) **2
491    do l = l_low, l_max
492       fl2 = DBLE(l+1) **2
493       recfac_spin(0,l) = DSQRT( (4.0_dp * fl2 - 1.0_dp) / (fl2-fm2) /(1.0_dp-fs2/fl2) )
494    enddo
495    do l = max(l_low, 1), l_max
496       recfac_spin(2,l) = aspin * m / dble( l * (l+1) )
497    enddo
498    ! put outside the loop because of problem on some compilers
499    recfac_spin(1,l_low:l_max) = 1.0_dp / recfac_spin(0,l_low:l_max)
502    return
503  end subroutine gen_recfac_spin
505  !=======================================================================
506  subroutine gen_lamfac( l_max, m, lam_fact)
507  !=======================================================================
508    ! generates factor relating scalar Ylm to polar Ylm
509    ! for all l in m<=l<=l_max
510    !=======================================================================
511    integer(I4B), intent(IN)                       :: l_max, m
512    real(DP),     intent(OUT), dimension(0:l_max)  :: lam_fact
513    !
514    real(DP) :: fm2, fl, fl2
515    integer(I4B) :: l
517!    lam_fact(0:m) = 0.
518    lam_fact(0:max(1,m)) = 0.0_dp
519    fm2 = real(m * m, kind=DP)
520    do l = max(2,m+1), l_max
521       fl  = real(l, kind=dp)
522       fl2 = fl * fl
523       lam_fact(l) = 2.0_dp * SQRT( (2.0_dp * fl + 1.0_dp) / (2.0_dp * fl - 1.0_dp) * (fl2-fm2) )
524    enddo
526    return
527  end subroutine gen_lamfac
529  !=======================================================================
530  subroutine gen_lamfac_der(l_max, m, lam_fact)
531    !=======================================================================
532    ! generates factor relating scalar Ylm to its derivatives
533    ! for all l in m<=l<=l_max
534    !=======================================================================
535    integer(I4B), intent(IN)                       :: l_max, m
536    real(DP),     intent(OUT), dimension(0:l_max)  :: lam_fact
537    !
538    real(DP) :: fm2, fl, fl2
539    integer(I4B) :: l
541    lam_fact(0:m) = 0.
542    fm2 = real(m * m, kind=DP)
543    do l = max(1,m+1), l_max ! different lower bound than pol. factor
544       fl  = real(l, kind=dp)
545       fl2 = fl * fl
546       lam_fact(l) = SQRT( (2.0_dp * fl + 1.0_dp) / (2.0_dp * fl - 1.0_dp) * (fl2-fm2) )
547       ! different normalization than polarization factor
548    enddo
550    return
551  end subroutine gen_lamfac_der
553  !=======================================================================
554  subroutine gen_mfac( m_max, m_fact)
555  !=======================================================================
556    ! generates factor used in lam_mm calculation
557    ! for all m in 0<=m<=m_max
558    !=======================================================================
559    integer(I4B), intent(IN)                       :: m_max
560    real(DP),     intent(OUT), dimension(0:m_max)  :: m_fact
561    !
562    integer(I4B) :: m
564    ! fact(m) = fact(m-1) * sqrt( (2m+1) / (2m) )
565    m_fact(0) = 1.0_dp
566    do m=1,m_max
567      m_fact(m) = m_fact(m-1)*sqrt(dble(2*m+1)/dble(2*m))
568    end do
570    ! Log_2 ( fact(m) / sqrt(4 Pi) )
571    do m=0,m_max
572       m_fact(m) = log(SQ4PI_INV * m_fact(m)) * ALN2_INV
573    enddo
575    return
576  end subroutine gen_mfac
577  !=======================================================================
578  subroutine gen_mfac_spin( m_max, spin, m_fact)
579  !=======================================================================
580    ! generates factor used in lam_mm,s calculation
581    ! for all m in 0<=m<=m_max
582    !=======================================================================
583    integer(I4B), intent(IN)                       :: m_max, spin
584    real(DP),     intent(OUT), dimension(0:m_max)  :: m_fact
585    !
586    integer(I4B) :: m, aspin
587    real(DP) :: tmp
589    aspin = abs(spin)
590    m_fact(:) = -1.e30
591    if (aspin <= m_max) m_fact(aspin) = 1.0_dp
592    ! fact(m) = fact(m+1) * sqrt((s+m+1)/(s-m) )
593    if (aspin > 0) then
594       tmp = 1.d0
595       do m = aspin-1, 0, -1
596          tmp = tmp * sqrt( dble(aspin+m+1)/dble(aspin-m) )
597          if (m <= m_max) m_fact(m) = tmp
598       enddo
599    endif
600    ! fact(m) = fact(m-1) * sqrt(m*(2m+1)/(m-s)/(m+s)/2 )
601    do m = aspin+1, m_max
602      m_fact(m) = m_fact(m-1)*sqrt( m*dble(2*m+1)/dble(2*(m-aspin)*(m+aspin)) )
603    end do
605    ! Log_2 ( fact(m)  / sqrt(4 Pi))
606    do m=0,m_max
607       m_fact(m) = log(SQ4PI_INV * m_fact(m)) * ALN2_INV
608    enddo
610    return
611  end subroutine gen_mfac_spin
612  !=======================================================================
613  subroutine compute_lam_mm(mfac, m, sth, lam_mm, corfac, scalem)
614    !=======================================================================
615    ! computes lam_mm
616    ! the true lam_mm is     lam_mm * corfac
617    !=======================================================================
618    integer(I4B),            intent(in)  :: m
619    real(DP),                intent(in)  :: sth, mfac
620    real(DP),                intent(out) :: lam_mm, corfac
621    integer(I4B),            intent(out) :: scalem
622    !
623    real(DP) :: log2val, dlog2lg
625    dlog2lg = real(LOG2LG, kind=DP)
627    log2val = mfac + m*log(sth) * ALN2_INV ! log_2(lam_mm)
628    scalem = int (log2val / dlog2lg)
629    corfac = rescale_tab(max(scalem,RSMIN))
630    lam_mm = 2.0_dp **(log2val - scalem * dlog2lg) ! rescaled lam_mm
631    if (IAND(m,1)>0) lam_mm = -lam_mm ! negative for odd m
633    return
634  end subroutine compute_lam_mm
636  !=======================================================================
637  subroutine do_lam_lm(lmax, m, cth, sth, mfac, recfac, lam_lm)
638    !=======================================================================
639    ! computes scalar lambda_lm(theta) for all l in [m,lmax] for a given m, and given theta
640    ! input: lmax, m, cos(theta), sin(theta)
641    !        mfac: precomputed (by gen_mfac) quantity useful for lambda_mm calculation
642    !        recfac: precomputed (by gen_recfac) quantities useful for
643    !            lambda_lm recursion for a given m
644    ! output: lam_lm
645    ! the routine also needs the array rescale_tac initialized by init_rescale
646    !=======================================================================
647    integer(I4B),                    intent(in)  :: lmax,  m
648    real(DP),                        intent(in)  :: cth, sth, mfac
649    real(DP), dimension(0:1,0:lmax), intent(in)  :: recfac
650    real(DP), dimension(    0:lmax), intent(out) :: lam_lm
651    !
652    real(DP) :: log2val, dlog2lg
653    real(DP) :: ovflow, unflow, corfac
654    real(DP) :: lam_mm, lam_0, lam_1, lam_2
655    integer(I4B) :: scalel, l, l_min
656    !---------------------------------------------------------------
658    ! define constants
659    ovflow = rescale_tab(1)
660    unflow = rescale_tab(-1)
661    l_min = l_min_ylm(m, sth)
662    dlog2lg = real(LOG2LG, kind=DP)
664    ! computes lamba_mm
665    log2val = mfac + m*log(sth) * ALN2_INV ! log_2(lam_mm)
666    scalel = int (log2val / dlog2lg)
667    corfac = rescale_tab(max(scalel,RSMIN))
668    lam_mm = 2.0_dp **(log2val - scalel * dlog2lg) ! rescaled lam_mm
669    if (IAND(m,1)>0) lam_mm = -lam_mm ! negative for odd m
671    lam_lm(0:lmax) = 0.0_dp
672    ! --- l = m ---
673    lam_lm(m) = lam_mm * corfac
675    ! --- l > m ---
676    lam_0 = 0.0_dp
677    lam_1 = 1.0_dp
678    lam_2 = cth * lam_1 * recfac(0,m)
679    do l = m+1, lmax
680       ! do recursion
681       if (l >= l_min) then
682          lam_lm(l) = lam_2 * corfac * lam_mm
683       endif
684       lam_0 = lam_1 * recfac(1,l-1)
685       lam_1 = lam_2
686       lam_2 = (cth * lam_1 - lam_0) * recfac(0,l)
688       ! do dynamic rescaling
689       if (abs(lam_2) > ovflow) then
690          lam_1 = lam_1*unflow
691          lam_2 = lam_2*unflow
692          scalel= scalel + 1
693          corfac = rescale_tab(max(scalel,RSMIN))
694       elseif (abs(lam_2) < unflow .and. abs(lam_2) /= 0.0_dp) then
695          lam_1 = lam_1*ovflow
696          lam_2 = lam_2*ovflow
697          scalel= scalel - 1
698          corfac = rescale_tab(max(scalel,RSMIN))
699       endif
701    enddo ! loop on l
702  end subroutine do_lam_lm
703  !=======================================================================
704  subroutine do_lam_lm_spin(lmax, m, spin, cth, sth, mfac, mfac_spin, recfac_spin, lam_lm_spin)
705    !=======================================================================
706    ! computes spin lambda_lm(theta) for all l in [m,lmax] for a given m, spin, and theta
707    ! input: lmax, m, spin, cos(theta), sin(theta)
708    !        mfac: precomputed (by gen_mfac) quantity useful for lambda_mm calculation
709    !        mfac_spin: precomputed (by gen_mfac_spin) quantity useful for lambda_mm calculation
710    !        recfac_spin: precomputed (by gen_recfac_spin) quantities useful for
711    !            lambda_lm recursion for a given m
712    ! output: lam_lm
713    ! the routine also needs the array rescale_tab initialized by init_rescale
714    !=======================================================================
715    integer(I4B),                    intent(in)  :: lmax,  m, spin
716    real(DP),                        intent(in)  :: cth, sth, mfac, mfac_spin
717    real(DP), dimension(0:2,0:lmax), intent(in)  :: recfac_spin
718    real(DP), dimension(1:2,0:lmax), intent(out) :: lam_lm_spin
719    !
720    real(DP) :: dlog2lg
721    real(DP) :: ovflow, unflow
722    real(DP) :: lam_0, lam_1, lam_2
723    real(DP) :: thetao2, ttho2, stho2, ctho2, kss, tmp1, tmp2
724    real(DP), dimension(1:2) :: log10sss, corfac, log2val, lam_mm
725    integer(I4B) :: l, l_min, l_low, aspin, iss
726    integer(I4B), dimension(1:2) :: scalel
727    !---------------------------------------------------------------
729    lam_lm_spin(1:2,0:lmax) = 0.0_dp
730    aspin = abs(spin)
731    l_low = max(m, aspin)
732    if (l_low > lmax) return
734    ! define constants
735    ovflow = rescale_tab(1)
736    unflow = rescale_tab(-1)
737    l_min = l_min_ylm(m, sth)
738    dlog2lg = real(LOG2LG, kind=DP)
740    thetao2 = atan2(sth, cth)/2.d0
741    ttho2 = tan(thetao2)
742    stho2 = sin(thetao2) ! sqrt(1-cth)/sqrt(2)
743    ctho2 = cos(thetao2) ! sqrt(1+cth)/sqrt(2)
744    ! lambda(s,s, s) = (-)^s * sqrt(2s+1/4Pi) sin(theta/2)^(2s)
745    ! lambda(s,s,-s) = (-)^s * sqrt(2s+1/4Pi) cos(theta/2)^(2s)
746    log10sss(1) = (2*aspin *log(stho2) + 0.5d0*log(2*aspin+1.0_dp)) ! log_10(abs(lam_sss)*sqrt(4Pi))
747    log10sss(2) = (2*aspin *log(ctho2) + 0.5d0*log(2*aspin+1.0_dp)) ! log_10(abs(lam_ss-s)*sqrt(4Pi))
748    !
749    if (m >= aspin) then
750       ! computes directly lambda(m,m,s)
751       ! lambda(m,m,s) = - lambda(m-1,m-1,s) * sin(theta) * sqrt(m(2m+1)/2/(m^2-s^2))
752       log2val(1:2) = mfac_spin + ((m-aspin)*log(sth) + log10sss(1:2)) * ALN2_INV ! log_2(lam_mms)
753       scalel(1:2) = int (log2val(1:2) / dlog2lg)
754       corfac(1) = rescale_tab(max(scalel(1),RSMIN))
755       corfac(2) = rescale_tab(max(scalel(2),RSMIN))
756       lam_mm(1:2) = 2.0_dp **(log2val(1:2) - scalel(1:2) * dlog2lg) ! rescaled lam_mm
757       if (IAND(m,1)>0) lam_mm(1:2) = -lam_mm(1:2) ! negative for odd m
758    else
759       ! computes lambda(s,m,s)
760       ! lambda(s,m,s)  = - lambda(s,m+1, s) / tan(theta/2) * sqrt((s+m+1)/(s-m))
761       ! lambda(s,m,-s) = + lambda(s,m+1,-s) * tan(theta/2) * sqrt((s+m+1)/(s-m))
762       log2val(1) = mfac_spin + ( (m-aspin)*log(ttho2) + log10sss(1)) * ALN2_INV ! log_2(lam_mms)
763       log2val(2) = mfac_spin + (-(m-aspin)*log(ttho2) + log10sss(2)) * ALN2_INV ! log_2(lam_mms)
764       scalel(1:2) = int (log2val(1:2) / dlog2lg)
765       corfac(1) = rescale_tab(max(scalel(1),RSMIN))
766       corfac(2) = rescale_tab(max(scalel(2),RSMIN))
767       lam_mm(1:2) = 2.0_dp **(log2val(1:2) - scalel(1:2) * dlog2lg) ! rescaled lam_mm
768       if (IAND(m,1)>0)     lam_mm(1) = -lam_mm(1) ! negative for odd m, and s>0
769       if (IAND(aspin,1)>0) lam_mm(2) = -lam_mm(2) ! negative for odd s, and s<0
770    endif
772    ! --- l = m ---
773    lam_lm_spin(1:2,l_low) = lam_mm(1:2) * corfac(1:2)
775    do iss=1,2 ! +spin and then -spin
776       kss = 1.0_dp
777       if (iss == 2) kss = -1.0_dp
778       ! --- l > m ---
779       lam_0 = 0.0_dp
780       lam_1 = 1.0_dp
781       lam_2 = (cth + kss*recfac_spin(2,l_low)) * lam_1 * recfac_spin(0,l_low)
782       do l = l_low+1, lmax
783          ! do recursion
784          if (l >= l_min) then
785             lam_lm_spin(iss,l) = lam_2 * corfac(iss) * lam_mm(iss)
786          endif
787          lam_0 = lam_1 * recfac_spin(1,l-1)
788          lam_1 = lam_2
789          lam_2 = ((cth + kss*recfac_spin(2,l)) * lam_1 - lam_0) * recfac_spin(0,l)
791          ! do dynamic rescaling
792          if (abs(lam_2) > ovflow) then
793             lam_1 = lam_1*unflow
794             lam_2 = lam_2*unflow
795             scalel(iss)= scalel(iss) + 1
796             corfac(iss) = rescale_tab(max(scalel(iss),RSMIN))
797          elseif (abs(lam_2) < unflow .and. abs(lam_2) /= 0.0_dp) then
798             lam_1 = lam_1*ovflow
799             lam_2 = lam_2*ovflow
800             scalel(iss)= scalel(iss) - 1
801             corfac(iss) = rescale_tab(max(scalel(iss),RSMIN))
802          endif
803       enddo ! loop on l
804    enddo ! loop on spin sign (iss)
806    ! compute functions with fixed parity
807    ! beware: the first one is always the half sum
808    !         the second one is always the half difference, independently of spin
809    do l=0, lmax
810       tmp1 = lam_lm_spin(1,l) * 0.5_dp
811       tmp2 = lam_lm_spin(2,l) * 0.5_dp
812       lam_lm_spin(1,l) = tmp1 + tmp2
813       lam_lm_spin(2,l) = tmp1 - tmp2
814    enddo
816  end subroutine do_lam_lm_spin
817  !=======================================================================
818  subroutine do_lam_lm_pol(lmax, m, cth, sth, mfac, recfac, lam_fact, lam_lm)
819    !=======================================================================
820    ! computes temperature&polar lambda_lm(p,theta) for all l in [m,lmax] for a given m, and given theta
821    ! input: lmax, m, cos(theta), sin(theta)
822    !        mfac: precomputed (by gen_mfac) quantity useful for lambda_mm calculation
823    !        recfac: precomputed (by gen_recfac) quantities useful for
824    !            lambda_lm recursion for a given m
825    !        lam_fact: precomputed (by gen_lamfac) factor useful for polarised lambda recursion
826    ! output: lam_lm for T and P
827    ! the routine also needs the array rescale_tac initialized by init_rescale
828    !=======================================================================
829    integer(I4B),                    intent(in)  :: lmax,  m
830    real(DP),                        intent(in)  :: cth, sth, mfac
831    real(DP), dimension(0:1,0:lmax), intent(in)  :: recfac
832    real(DP), dimension(    0:lmax), intent(in)  :: lam_fact
833    real(DP), dimension(1:3,0:lmax), intent(out) :: lam_lm
834    !
835    real(DP) :: log2val, dlog2lg
836    real(DP) :: ovflow, unflow, corfac
837    real(DP) :: lam_mm, lam_0, lam_1, lam_2, lam_lm1m
838    integer(I4B) :: scalel, l, l_min
839    real(DP) :: normal_m, fm2, fl, flm1
840    real(DP) :: two_cth, one_on_s2, fm_on_s2, two_on_s2, c_on_s2
841    real(DP) :: a_w, a_x, b_w
842    !---------------------------------------------------------------
844    ! define constants
845    ovflow = rescale_tab(1)
846    unflow = rescale_tab(-1)
847    l_min = l_min_ylm(m, sth)
848    dlog2lg = real(LOG2LG, kind=DP)
850    fm2       = real(m * m, kind = DP)
851    normal_m  = (2.0_dp * m) * (1 - m)
852    two_cth   = 2.0_dp * cth
853    one_on_s2 = 1.0_dp / (sth * sth)
854    fm_on_s2  =      m * one_on_s2
855    two_on_s2 = 2.0_dp * one_on_s2
856    c_on_s2   = cth    * one_on_s2
857    b_w       =  c_on_s2
860    ! computes lamba_mm
861    log2val = mfac + m*log(sth) * ALN2_INV ! log_2(lam_mm)
862    scalel = int (log2val / dlog2lg)
863    corfac = rescale_tab(max(scalel,RSMIN))
864    lam_mm = 2.0_dp **(log2val - scalel * dlog2lg) ! rescaled lam_mm
865    if (IAND(m,1)>0) lam_mm = -lam_mm ! negative for odd m
867    lam_lm(1:3,m:lmax) = 0.0_dp
868    ! --- l = m ---
869    lam_lm(1,m) = corfac * lam_mm !Actual lam_mm
871    if (m >= l_min) then ! skip Ymm if too small
872       lam_lm(2,m) =  (normal_m * lam_lm(1,m))  * ( 0.5_dp - one_on_s2 )
873       lam_lm(3,m) =  (normal_m * lam_lm(1,m))  *            c_on_s2
874    endif
876    ! --- l > m ---
877    lam_0 = 0.0_dp
878    lam_1 = 1.0_dp
879    lam_2 = cth * lam_1 * recfac(0,m)
881    do l = m+1, lmax
882       ! do recursion
883       lam_lm1m = lam_lm(1,l-1) * lam_fact(l) ! must be incremented even if not used
884       lam_lm(1,l) = lam_2 * corfac * lam_mm
885       if (l >= l_min) then
886          fl = real(l, kind = DP)
887          flm1 = fl - 1.0_dp
888          a_w =  two_on_s2 * (fl - fm2)  + flm1 * fl
889          a_x =  two_cth * flm1
890          lam_lm(2,l) =                b_w * lam_lm1m - a_w * lam_lm(1,l)
891          lam_lm(3,l) = fm_on_s2 * (         lam_lm1m - a_x * lam_lm(1,l))
892       endif
893       lam_0 = lam_1 * recfac(1,l-1)
894       lam_1 = lam_2
895       lam_2 = (cth * lam_1 - lam_0) * recfac(0,l)
897       ! do dynamic rescaling
898       if (abs(lam_2) > ovflow) then
899          lam_1 = lam_1*unflow
900          lam_2 = lam_2*unflow
901          scalel= scalel + 1
902          corfac = rescale_tab(max(scalel,RSMIN))
903       elseif (abs(lam_2) < unflow .and. abs(lam_2) /= 0.0_dp) then
904          lam_1 = lam_1*ovflow
905          lam_2 = lam_2*ovflow
906          scalel= scalel - 1
907          corfac = rescale_tab(max(scalel,RSMIN))
908       endif
910    enddo ! loop on l
911  end subroutine do_lam_lm_pol
912  !=======================================================================
913  subroutine gen_normpol(l_max, normal_l)
914    !=======================================================================
915    ! generates normalisaton factors for polarisation basis functions
916    ! for all l
917    !=======================================================================
918    integer(I4B), intent(IN)                       :: l_max
919    real(DP),     intent(OUT), dimension(0:l_max)  :: normal_l
920    !
921    integer(I4B) :: l
922    real(DP)     :: fl, xx
924    normal_l(0:1) = 0.0_dp
925    do l = 2, l_max
926       fl = DBLE(l)
927       xx = (fl+2.0_dp) * (fl+1.0_dp) * fl * (fl-1.0_dp)
928       normal_l(l) = SQRT ( KvS / xx)
929       ! either CMBFAST (KvS=1) or Kamionkowski et al. (KvS=2) definition
930    enddo
932    return
933  end subroutine gen_normpol
935  !================================================================
936  function l_min_ylm(m, sth) result(lmin)
937  !================================================================
938    ! returns minimal order l at which to keep Ylm
939    ! |Ylm| < eps * Y00 ==>
940    ! m_cut(theta, l) = theta * l * e / 2 + | ln(eps)| + ln(l)/2
941    ! if eps = 1.e-15 and l < 1.e4
942    ! m_cut(theta, l) = theta * l * 1.35 + 40
943    ! the choice of 1.35 (or larger)
944    ! also insures that the equatorial rings will have all their Ylm's computed
945    ! default parameters are HPX_MXL0 = 40 and HPX_MXL1 = 1.35_DP
946    !======================================================
947    ! parameters of short-cut: defined in module header
948    ! dummy variables
949    integer(I4B)             :: lmin
950    integer(I4B), intent(IN) :: m
951    real(DP),     intent(IN) :: sth
953    lmin = m ! default
954    if (HPX_MXL0 > 0) lmin = max(lmin, int((m - HPX_MXL0)/(HPX_MXL1 * sth)))
956    return
957  end function l_min_ylm
958  !=========================================================
959  subroutine warning_oldbounds(cos_theta_cut, zbounds)
960    !=========================================================
961    real(DP), intent(in)                  :: cos_theta_cut
962    real(DP), intent(out), dimension(1:2) :: zbounds
964    if (cos_theta_cut <= 0.0_dp) then ! no cut
965       zbounds(1:2) = 0.0_dp
966    else
967       zbounds(1) =   cos_theta_cut
968       zbounds(2) = - cos_theta_cut
969    endif
970    print*,' -------------------------------------'
971    print*,'WARNING: obsolete interface to MAP2ALM: '
972    print*,'    cos_theta_cut (6th argument) currently a DP scalar with value'
973    write(*,9000) '    ',cos_theta_cut
974    print*,'    should now be replaced with a 2-element vector with values:'
975    write(*,9001) '    ',zbounds(1),zbounds(2)
976    print*,'    See documentation for details.'
977    print*,' -------------------------------------'
9789000 format (a,g13.6)
9799001 format (a,g13.6,g13.6)
981    return
982  end subroutine warning_oldbounds
984  !**************************************************************************
985  !
987  !
988  !**************************************************************************
989  !=======================================================================
990  subroutine ring_synthesis(nsmax,nlmax,nmmax,datain,nph,dataout,kphi0)
991    !=======================================================================
992    !     RING_SYNTHESIS
993    !       called by alm2map
994    !       calls     real_fft
995    !
996    !     dataout(j) = sum_m datain(m) * exp(i*m*phi(j))
997    !     with phi(j) = j*2pi/nph + kphi0*pi/nph and kphi0 =0 or 1
998    !
999    !     as the set of frequencies {m} is larger than nph,
1000    !     we wrap frequencies within {0..nph-1}
1001    !     ie  m = k*nph + m' with m' in {0..nph-1}
1002    !     then
1003    !     noting bw(m') = exp(i*m'*phi0)
1004    !                   * sum_k (datain(k*nph+m') exp(i*k*pi*kphi0))
1005    !        with bw(nph-m') = CONJ(bw(m')) (if datain(-m) = CONJ(datain(m)))
1006    !     dataout(j) = sum_m' [ bw(m') exp (i*j*m'*2pi/nph) ]
1007    !                = Fourier Transform of bw
1008    !        is real
1009    !
1010    !         NB nph is not necessarily a power of 2
1011    !
1012    !=======================================================================
1015    INTEGER(I4B), INTENT(IN) :: nsmax, nlmax, nmmax
1016    INTEGER(I4B), INTENT(IN) :: nph, kphi0
1017    COMPLEX(DPC), DIMENSION(0:nmmax), INTENT(IN)  :: datain
1018    REAL(DP),     DIMENSION(0:nph-1), INTENT(OUT) :: dataout
1020    INTEGER(I4B) :: iw,ksign,m,k,kshift
1021    COMPLEX(DPC), DIMENSION(0:nph-1) :: bw
1022    type(planck_fft2_plan) :: plan
1023    COMPLEX(DPC) :: dat
1024    real(DP)     :: arg
1025    !=======================================================================
1027    ksign = + 1
1028    kshift = (-1)**kphi0  ! either 1 or -1
1029    bw(0:nph-1) = CMPLX(0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, KIND=DP)
1031    !     all frequencies [-m,m] are wrapped in [0,nph-1]
1032    bw(0)=datain(0)
1033    do m  = 1, nmmax                        ! in -nmmax, nmmax
1034       iw = MODULO(m, nph)  ! between 0 and nph-1  = m', F90 intrisic
1035       k  = (m - iw) / nph                ! number of 'turns'
1036       bw(iw) = bw(iw) + datain(m)*(kshift**k)  ! complex number
1037       iw = MODULO(-m, nph)  ! between 0 and nph-1  = m', F90 intrisic
1038       k  = (-m - iw) / nph                ! number of 'turns'
1039       bw(iw) = bw(iw) + CONJG(datain(m))*(kshift**k)  ! complex number
1040    enddo
1042    !     kshift**k = 1       for even turn numbers
1043    !               = 1 or -1 for odd  turn numbers : results from the shift in space
1045    !     applies the shift in position <-> phase factor in Fourier space
1046    dataout(0)=REAL(bw(0), kind=DP)
1047    do iw = 1, nph/2-1
1048       m = ksign*(iw)
1049       if(kphi0==1) then
1050          arg = m * PI / dble(nph)
1051          dat =bw(iw) * CMPLX( DCOS(arg), DSIN(arg), kind=DP)
1052       else
1053          dat =bw(iw)
1054       endif
1055       dataout(iw*2-1) = REAL(dat, kind=DP)
1056       dataout(iw*2  ) = AIMAG(dat)
1057    enddo
1058    iw=nph/2
1059    m = ksign*(iw)
1060    if(kphi0==1) then
1061       arg = m * PI / dble(nph)
1062       dat =bw(iw) * CMPLX( DCOS(arg), DSIN(arg), kind=DP)
1063    else
1064       dat =bw(iw)
1065    endif
1066    dataout(iw*2-1) = REAL(dat, kind=DP)
1068    call make_fft2_plan(plan,length=nph,direction=fft2_backward)
1069    call real_fft2 (plan, dataout)
1070    !     ^^^^^^^^^^^^
1071    call destroy_fft2_plan (plan)
1072    RETURN
1073  END subroutine ring_synthesis
1075  !=======================================================================
1076  subroutine ring_analysis(nsmax,nlmax,nmmax,datain,nph,dataout,kphi0)
1077    !=======================================================================
1078    !     ring_analysis
1079    !       called by map2alm
1080    !       calls     real_fft
1081    !
1082    !     integrates (data * phi-dependence-of-Ylm) over phi
1083    !     --> function of m can be computed by FFT
1084    !     with  0<= m <= npoints/2 (: Nyquist)
1085    !     because the data is real the negative m are the conjugate of the
1086    !     positive ones
1087    !=======================================================================
1089    INTEGER(I4B), INTENT(IN) :: nsmax, nlmax, nmmax
1090    INTEGER(I4B), INTENT(IN) :: nph, kphi0
1091    REAL(DP),     DIMENSION(0:nph-1), INTENT(IN)  :: datain
1092    COMPLEX(DPC), DIMENSION(0:nmmax), INTENT(OUT) :: dataout
1094    INTEGER(I4B) :: i,m,im_max,ksign
1095!    REAL(DP) :: phi0
1096    REAL(DP), DIMENSION(0:nph-1) :: data
1097    type(planck_fft2_plan) :: plan
1098    real(DP)  :: arg
1100    !=======================================================================
1102    ksign = - 1
1103    data=0.
1104    data(0:nph-1)=datain(0:nph-1)
1106    call make_fft2_plan(plan,length=nph,direction=fft2_forward)
1107    call real_fft2(plan,data)
1108    call destroy_fft2_plan(plan)
1110    im_max = MIN(nph/2,nmmax)
1112    ! m = 0,  i=0
1113    dataout(0)=CMPLX(data(0),0.0_dp,kind=DP)
1115    ! 1 <= m <= im_max, --> i=1,2,3,..., im_max
1116    do i = 1, im_max*2-3, 2
1117       dataout((i+1)/2) = CMPLX( data(i), data(i+1),kind= DP)
1118    enddo
1120    if(im_max==nph/2) then
1121       dataout(im_max)= CMPLX( data(nph-1),0.0_dp,kind=DP) ! m = Nyquist
1122    else
1123       dataout(im_max)= CMPLX( data(2*im_max-1),data(2*im_max),kind=DP)
1124    endif
1126    if(im_max==nmmax) goto 1000 ! m_max <= Nyquist
1128    ! if (m > Nyquist)
1129    do i =  im_max+1,min(nph,nmmax)
1130       dataout(i) = conjg(dataout(2*im_max-i) )
1131    end do
1133    if(min(nph,nmmax)==nmmax) goto 1000 ! nph > nmmax
1135    do i =  2*im_max+1,nmmax
1136       dataout(i) = dataout(mod(i,2*im_max))
1137    end do
11391000 continue
1141    if(kphi0==1)then
1142       do i =  0,nmmax
1143          m = ksign*i
1144!           dataout(i)=dataout(i)* CONJG(trig(-m,nph/4))
1145          arg = m * PI / dble(nph)
1146          dataout(i)=dataout(i)* CMPLX( DCOS(arg), DSIN(arg), kind=DP)
1147       enddo
1148    end if
1150    RETURN
1151  END subroutine ring_analysis
1153  !**************************************************************************
1154  !   ALM2MAP
1155  !   MAP2ALM
1156  !   ALM creation and alteration
1157  !   import overloaded routines
1158  !**************************************************************************
1160  ! single precision routines
1161#include "alm_map_ss_inc.F90"
1163  ! double precision routines
1164#include "alm_map_dd_inc.F90"
1167  !**************************************************************************
1168  !
1169  !             PLM GENERATION
1170  !
1171  !**************************************************************************
1172  !========================================================
1173  subroutine plm_gen(nsmax, nlmax, nmmax, plm)
1174    !========================================================
1175    use long_intrinsic, only: long_size
1177    integer(i4b),             intent(IN) :: nsmax, nlmax, nmmax
1178    real(dp), dimension(0:,1:), intent(OUT):: plm
1180    INTEGER(I4B) :: l, m, ith, scalem, scalel, nd2, nrings
1181    integer(I8B) :: nd1, n_lm, n_plm, i_mm, i_up
1182    real(DP)            :: lam_mm, lam_lm, lam_0, lam_1, lam_2, corfac, cth_ring
1183!!    real(DP)                 :: lambda_w, lambda_x
1184    real(DP)                 :: normal_m, lam_lm1m
1185    real(DP)                 :: fm2, fl, flm1, fpol
1186    real(DP)                 :: a_w, b_w, a_x, fm_on_s2, two_on_s2, two_cth_ring
1187    real(DP)                 :: ovflow, unflow
1188    real(DP),     dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: plm_sub
1189    real(DP),     dimension(:,:), allocatable :: recfac
1190    real(DP),     dimension(:),   allocatable :: lam_fact
1191    real(DP),     dimension(:), allocatable :: mfac
1193    real(DP),     dimension(:),     allocatable :: normal_l
1194    integer(i4b)        :: nchunks, chunksize, ichunk, lchk, uchk, ithl
1195    integer(i4b)        :: nph, kphi0, i
1196    integer(i8b)        :: startpix
1197    real(DP),     dimension(0:SMAXCHK) :: cth, sth
1198    real(DP),     dimension(0:SMAXCHK) :: one_on_s2, c_on_s2
1200    INTEGER(I4B) :: status
1201    LOGICAL(LGT) :: polarisation
1202    character(len=*), parameter :: code = 'PLM_GEN'
1204    !=================================================================
1206    ! Healpix definitions
1207    nrings = 2*nsmax           ! number of isolatitude rings on N. hemisphere + equat
1209    n_lm  = ((nmmax+1)*(2*nlmax-nmmax+2))/2 !number of (l,m) with m in[0,M] and l in [m,L]
1210    n_plm = n_lm * nrings
1211    nd1 = long_size(plm, 1)
1212    nd2 = long_size(plm, 2)
1214    if (nd1 < n_plm) then
1215       print*,code//' > Plm array too small:', nd1, n_plm
1216       stop
1217    endif
1218    if (nd2 /= 1 .and. nd2 /= 3) then
1219       print*,code//' > Plm array should have dimension 1 or 3:',nd2
1220       stop
1221    endif
1222    polarisation = (nd2 == 3)
1224    !     --- allocates space for arrays ---
1225    nchunks   = nrings/SMAXCHK + 1  ! number of chunks
1226    chunksize = (nrings+nchunks-1)/nchunks ! <= SMAXCHK
1228    allocate(mfac(0:nmmax),stat = status)
1229    call assert_alloc(status,code,'mfac')
1230    if (polarisation) then
1231       allocate(normal_l(0:nlmax),stat = status)
1232       call assert_alloc(status,code,'normal_l')
1233    endif
1235    if (.not. do_openmp()) then
1236       allocate(recfac(0:1,0:nlmax), plm_sub(1:nd2,0:nlmax,0:chunksize-1), stat = status)
1237       call assert_alloc(status,code,'recfac & plm_sub')
1238       if (polarisation) then
1239          allocate(lam_fact(0:nlmax),stat = status)
1240          call assert_alloc(status,code,'lam_fact')
1241       endif
1242    endif
1244    !     ------------ initiate variables and arrays ----------------
1246    call gen_mfac(nmmax, mfac)
1247    ! generate Polarization normalisation
1248    if (polarisation) call gen_normpol(nlmax, normal_l)
1249    call init_rescale()
1250    ovflow = rescale_tab(1)
1251    unflow = rescale_tab(-1)
1252    plm = 0.0_dp
1254    do ichunk = 0, nchunks-1
1255       lchk = ichunk * chunksize + 1
1256       uchk = min(lchk+chunksize - 1, nrings)
1258       do ith = lchk, uchk
1259          ithl = ith - lchk !local index
1260          ! get pixel location information
1261          call get_pixel_layout(nsmax, ith, cth(ithl), sth(ithl), nph, startpix, kphi0)
1262          one_on_s2(ithl) =    1.0_dp / sth(ithl)**2
1263            c_on_s2(ithl) = cth(ithl) / sth(ithl)**2
1264       enddo
1266!$OMP parallel default(none) &
1267!$OMP shared(nlmax, nmmax, lchk, uchk, nd2, chunksize, n_lm, &
1268!$OMP    rescale_tab, ovflow, unflow, polarisation, &
1269!$OMP    plm, cth, sth, mfac, normal_l, one_on_s2, c_on_s2) &
1270!$OMP private(plm_sub, recfac, lam_fact, status, &
1271!$OMP   m, fm2, normal_m, ithl, ith, i_mm, i_up, &
1272!$OMP   scalem, scalel, corfac, fpol, &
1273!$OMP   lam_mm, lam_lm, lam_lm1m, lam_0, lam_1, lam_2, &
1274!$OMP   cth_ring, fm_on_s2, two_on_s2, two_cth_ring, a_w, a_x, b_w,  &
1275!$OMP   l, fl, flm1, i)
1277       if (do_openmp()) then
1278          ! allocate thread safe arrays
1279          allocate(recfac(0:1,0:nlmax), plm_sub(1:nd2,0:nlmax,0:chunksize-1), stat = status)
1280          call assert_alloc(status,code,'recfac & plm_sub')
1281          if (polarisation) then
1282             allocate(lam_fact(0:nlmax),stat = status)
1283             call assert_alloc(status,code,'lam_fact')
1284          endif
1285       endif
1287!$OMP do schedule(dynamic,1)
1288       do m = 0, nmmax
1289          ! generate recursion factors (recfac) for Ylm of degree m
1290          call gen_recfac(nlmax, m, recfac)
1291          if (polarisation) then
1292             ! generate Ylm relation factor for degree m
1293             call gen_lamfac(nlmax, m, lam_fact)
1294             fm2 = real(m * m, kind = DP)
1295             normal_m = (2.0_dp * m) * (1 - m)
1296          endif
1298          do ithl = 0, uchk - lchk
1299             ! determine lam_mm
1300             call compute_lam_mm(mfac(m), m, sth(ithl), lam_mm, corfac, scalem)
1301             ! ---------- l = m ----------
1302             !           temperature
1303             lam_lm = corfac * lam_mm !Actual lam_mm
1304             plm_sub(1, m, ithl) = lam_lm
1306             lam_0 = 0.0_dp
1307             lam_1 = 1.0_dp
1308             scalel=0
1309             cth_ring = cth(ithl)
1310             lam_2 = cth_ring * lam_1 * recfac(0,m)
1312             if (polarisation) then
1313                fpol = normal_m * normal_l(m) * lam_lm
1314                plm_sub(2, m, ithl) =  fpol * ( 0.5_dp - one_on_s2(ithl) )
1315                plm_sub(3, m, ithl) =  fpol *              c_on_s2(ithl)
1316                !
1317                fm_on_s2     =      m * one_on_s2(ithl)
1318                two_on_s2    = 2.0_dp * one_on_s2(ithl)
1319                two_cth_ring = 2.0_dp * cth_ring
1320                b_w          =  c_on_s2(ithl)
1321             endif
1322             ! ---------- l > m ----------
1323             do l = m+1, nlmax
1324                if (polarisation) lam_lm1m = lam_lm * lam_fact(l)
1325                lam_lm = lam_2 * corfac * lam_mm
1326                plm_sub(1, l, ithl) = lam_lm
1328                if (polarisation) then
1329                   fl = real(l, kind = DP)
1330                   flm1 = fl - 1.0_dp
1331                   a_w =  two_on_s2 * (fl - fm2)  + flm1 * fl
1332                   a_x =  two_cth_ring * flm1
1333                   plm_sub(2, l, ithl) =            (   b_w * lam_lm1m - a_w * lam_lm) * normal_l(l)
1334                   plm_sub(3, l, ithl) = fm_on_s2 * (         lam_lm1m - a_x * lam_lm) * normal_l(l)
1335                endif
1337                lam_0 = lam_1 * recfac(1,l-1)
1338                lam_1 = lam_2
1339                lam_2 = (cth_ring * lam_1 - lam_0) * recfac(0,l)
1340                if (abs(lam_2) > OVFLOW) then
1341                   lam_1 = lam_1*UNFLOW
1342                   lam_2 = lam_2*UNFLOW
1343                   scalel= scalel + 1
1344                   corfac = rescale_tab(max(scalel+scalem,RSMIN))
1345                elseif (abs(lam_2) < UNFLOW) then
1346                   lam_1 = lam_1*OVFLOW
1347                   lam_2 = lam_2*OVFLOW
1348                   scalel= scalel - 1
1349                   corfac = rescale_tab(max(scalel+scalem,RSMIN))
1350                endif
1351             enddo ! loop on l
1352          enddo ! loop on rings (ithl)
1354          ! do memory skipping operations outside inner loops
1355          do ith = lchk, uchk
1356             i_mm = n_lm * (ith-1) + ((2*nlmax+3-m)*m)/2 ! location of Ym,m for ring ith
1357             i_up = i_mm + nlmax - m ! location of Ynlmax,m for ring ith
1358             ithl = ith - lchk
1359             do i=1, nd2
1360                plm(i_mm:i_up, i) = plm_sub(i, m:nlmax, ithl)
1361             enddo
1362          enddo
1364!           i_mm = n_lm*chunksize*ichunk + ((2*nlmax+3-m)*m)/2
1365!           do ithl = 0, uchk-lchk
1366!              i_up = i_mm+(nlmax-m+1)*ithl
1367!           do i=1,nd2
1368!              plm(i_up:i_up+nlmax-m,i) = plm_sub(i, m:nlmax, ithl)
1369!           enddo
1370!           enddo
1371          !------------------------------------------------
1372       enddo ! loop on m
1373!$OMP end do
1374       if (do_openmp()) then
1375          deallocate (recfac, plm_sub)
1376          if (polarisation) deallocate(lam_fact)
1377       endif
1378!$OMP end parallel
1381    enddo    ! loop on chunks
1383    !     --------------------
1384    !     free memory and exit
1385    !     --------------------
1386    if (.not. do_openmp()) then
1387       deallocate (recfac, plm_sub)
1388       if (polarisation) deallocate(lam_fact)
1389    endif
1390    deallocate(mfac)
1391    if (polarisation) deallocate(normal_l)
1393    return
1394  end subroutine plm_gen
1395  !**************************************************************************
1396  !
1397  !             M I S C
1398  !
1399  !**************************************************************************
1400  !=======================================================================
1401  subroutine pow2alm_units(units_pow, units_alm)
1402    !=======================================================================
1403    ! does the unit conversion between power and alm (and map)
1404    !=======================================================================
1405    character(len=*), dimension(1:), intent(in)  :: units_pow
1406    character(len=*), dimension(1:), intent(out) :: units_alm
1408    integer(kind=i4b) :: i, nu, j, ntemplate, idx
1409    character(len=80) :: uu, ui, uo
1410    character(len=5),dimension(1:7) :: template = &
1411         & (/ "_SQUA","-SQUA","SQUA ","^2   ","^ 2  ","**2  ","** 2 " /)
1412    !=======================================================================
1413    nu = min( size(units_pow), size(units_alm))
1414    ntemplate = size(template)
1416    units_alm = ""
1417    do i = 1, nu
1418       ui = adjustl(units_pow(i))
1419       uu = trim(strupcase(ui))
1420       uo = "unknown" ! default
1421       do j = 1, ntemplate
1422          idx = index(uu, template(j))
1423          if (idx > 0) then
1424             uo = ui(1:idx-1)
1425             exit
1426          endif
1427       enddo
1428       units_alm(i) = uo
1429       !         print*,i,trim(units_pow(i))," -> ",trim(units_alm(i))
1430    enddo
1432    return
1433  end subroutine pow2alm_units
1434  !****************************************************************************
1435  subroutine generate_beam(fwhm_arcmin, lmax, gb, beam_file)
1436    !==========================================================================
1437    !
1438    ! generate_beam(fwhm_arcmin, lmax, gb [, beam_file])
1439    ! generate the beam window function gb up to lmax
1440    !  either a gaussian of FHWM : fwhm_arcmin (in arcmin)
1441    !  or the function read from beam_file
1442    !
1443    ! July 2003, EH : replicate temperature beam for polarization when reading
1444    !  standard ASCII file
1445    ! Sep 2014, EH: accept ASCII files with 1,2 or 3 columns (on top of multipoles)
1446    !    read all requested columns from FITS file
1447    !  FITSIO extended file syntax (eg file.fits[col 1]) must be used to select row(s)
1448    ! missing columns will be copied from existing ones
1449    !==========================================================================
1450    use fitstools, only : getsize_fits, fits2cl
1451    real(kind=DP),                   intent(in)  :: fwhm_arcmin
1452    real(kind=DP), dimension(0:,1:), intent(out) :: gb
1453    integer(kind=I4B),               intent(in)  :: lmax
1454    character(len=*),      optional, intent(in)  :: beam_file
1456    character(len=FILENAMELEN) :: new_beam_file
1457    logical(kind=lgt) :: extfile, found_unix
1458    integer(kind=i4b) :: type, nl, nd, lunit, il, i, l100, iline, junk, nc
1459    character(len=80), dimension(1:180) :: header
1460    character(len=1600) :: str
1461    character(len=80) :: card
1462    real(dp) :: bref
1463    real(dp), dimension(1:3) :: buffer
1464    character(len=*), parameter :: code = 'generate_beam'
1465    !==========================================================================
1466    ! test if name of external is given and valid
1467    extfile = .false.
1468    if (present(beam_file)) then
1469       extfile = (trim(beam_file) /= "")
1470    endif
1472    lunit = 15
1473    nl = size(gb, 1)
1474    nd = size(gb, 2)
1475    gb = 0.0_dp
1477    if (nl <= lmax) then
1478       print 9000,' Generate_beam: beam array only available up to ',nl
1479    endif
1480    nl = min(nl, lmax+1)
1482    if (extfile) then
1483       call assert_present(beam_file)
1484       new_beam_file = beam_file
1485       print 9000,' Reading beam information from '//trim(new_beam_file)
1487       ! find out file nature
1488       type = 1 ! FITS by default
1489       inquire(file=new_beam_file, exist=found_unix)
1490       if (found_unix) then
1491          open(unit=lunit,file=new_beam_file,status='old', &
1492               &          form='formatted',action='read')
1493          read(lunit,'(a)') card
1494          close(lunit)
1495          card = adjustl(card)
1496          if (card(1:8) /= 'SIMPLE  ' .AND. card(1:8) /= 'XTENSION') type = -1
1497       endif
1499       ! read file according to its type
1500       if (type < 0) then
1501          ! ordinary ascii file ?
1502          lunit = 32
1503          iline = 0 ! line index
1504          open(unit=lunit,file=new_beam_file,status='old', &
1505               &          form='formatted',action='read')
1506          do
1507             iline = iline+1
1508             read(lunit,'(a)', end=100, err=100) str
1509             if (len_trim(str)>0 .and. str(1:1) /= '#') then
1510                buffer = 0_dp
1512                ! try 3 columns
15133               continue
1514                read(str,*, err=2, end=2) il, buffer(1:3)
1515                nc = 3
1516                goto 99
1518                ! try 2 columns
15192               continue
1520                read(str,*, err=1, end=1) il, buffer(1:2)
1521                nc = 2
1522                goto 99
1524                ! try 1 column
15251               continue
1526                read(str,*, err=666, end=666) il, buffer(1)
1527                nc = 1
1528                goto 99
1530                ! failure
1531666             continue
1532                print 9000, 'ERROR in '//code
1533                print 9000, 'Unable to parse ASCII file '//trim(new_beam_file)
1534                print 9000, 'at line '//trim(adjustl(string(iline)))//' containing'
1535                print 9000, trim(str)
1536                print 9000, 'Expected format :'
1537                print 9000, ' Multipole,  column_1 [, column_2, column_3]'
1538                print 9000, ' with OPTIONAL colum_2 and column_3'
1539                call fatal_error
1541                ! record data, keep going until end of file
154299              continue
1543                gb(il, 1:nd) = buffer(1:nd)
1544                if (il == nl-1) exit
1545             endif
1546          enddo
1547100       continue
1548          close(lunit)
1549          if (il < (nl-1)) then
1550             print 9001,' WARNING: Beam transfer function only available up to l= ',il !
1551             print 9000,'          The larger multipoles will be set to 0'
1552          endif
1555       else if (type == 1) then
1556          ! FITS file with ascii or binary table
1557          call fits2cl(new_beam_file, gb, nl-1_i4b, nd, header, fmissval=0.0_dp)
1558          junk = getsize_fits(new_beam_file, nmaps=nc)
1559       else
1560          print 9000,' the file '//trim(new_beam_file) &
1561               &            //' is of unknown type.'
1562          call fatal_error
1563       endif
1565       ! if Grad absent, replicate Temperature; if Curl absent, replicate Grad
1566       if (nc < nd) then
1567          print 9000,'Not enough columns found in '//trim(new_beam_file)
1568          print 9000,'Expected '//trim(adjustl(string(nd)))&
1569               //', found '//trim(adjustl(string(nc)))
1570          do i=nc+1, nd
1571             print 9000,' column #'//trim(adjustl(string(i))) &
1572                  &                //' empty, fill in with column #' &
1573                  &                //trim(adjustl(string(i-1)))
1574             gb(:,i) = gb(:,i-1)
1575          enddo
1576       else
1577          print 9000,'Read '//trim(adjustl(string(nd)))&
1578               //' columns from '//trim(new_beam_file)
1579          print 9000,'(out of '//trim(adjustl(string(nc)))//')'
1580       endif
1582!        ! if Grad absent, replicate Temperature; if Curl absent, replicate Grad
1583!        l100 = min(100, nl-1)
1584!        bref = 1.e-4*sum(abs(gb(0:l100,1)))
1585!        do i=2,nd
1586!           if ( sum(abs(gb(0:l100,i))) <  bref ) then
1587!              print 9002,' column #',i,' empty, fill in with column #',i-1
1588!              gb(:,i) = gb(:,i-1)
1589!           endif
1590!        enddo
1592    else
1593       ! gaussian beam
1594       print*,'Generating gaussian beam of FHWM [arcmin] = ',fwhm_arcmin
1595       call gaussbeam(fwhm_arcmin, nl-1, gb)
1596    endif
15989000 format(a)
15999001 format(a,i6)
16009002 format(a,i3,a,i3)
1602    return
1603  end subroutine generate_beam
1604  !*************************************************************
1605  subroutine gaussbeam(fwhm_arcmin, lmax, gb)
1606    !===========================================================
1607    ! gaussbeam(fwhm_arcmin, gb)
1608    !   returns in gb the window function on [0,lmax] corresponding
1609    !   to the gaussian beam of FWHM = fwhm_arcmin
1610    ! The returned beam function has up to 3 components,
1611    ! gb(*,1) = bt                  : temperature
1612    ! gb(*,2) = bt * exp(2*sigma^2) : grad
1613    ! gb(*,3) = bt * exp(2*sigma^2) : curl
1614    ! with sigma = gaussian rms in radian
1615    ! and bt = exp( l(l+1) * sigma^2 / 2)
1616    !===========================================================
1617    real(kind=DP),                   intent(in)  :: fwhm_arcmin
1618    real(kind=DP), dimension(0:,1:), intent(out) :: gb
1619    integer(kind=I4B),               intent(in)  :: lmax
1621    integer(kind=I4B) :: l, nd
1622    real(kind=DP)     :: sigma, arcmin2rad, sigma2fwhm, fact_pol
1623    !===========================================================
1625    call assert (fwhm_arcmin>=0.0_dp,'fwhm of gaussian beam should be positive')
1627    nd   = size(gb,2)
1629    arcmin2rad = PI / (180.0_dp * 60.0_dp)
1630    sigma2fwhm = sqrt(8.0_dp * log(2.0_dp))
1632    sigma    = fwhm_arcmin * arcmin2rad / sigma2fwhm ! in radians
1634    fact_pol = exp(2.0_dp*sigma**2) ! correction for polarised fields
1636    ! temperature
1637    do l=0,lmax
1638       gb(l,1) = exp(-.5_dp * l*(l+1.0_dp) * sigma**2)
1639    enddo
1640    ! electric or gradient
1641    if (nd > 1) gb(0:lmax,2) = gb(0:lmax,1) * fact_pol
1642    ! magnetic or curl
1643    if (nd > 2) gb(0:lmax,3) = gb(0:lmax,1) * fact_pol
1645    return
1646  end subroutine gaussbeam
1648  !=======================================================================
1649  subroutine pixel_window(pixlw, nside, windowfile)
1650    !=======================================================================
1651    !=======================================================================
1653    use fitstools, only : getsize_fits, read_bintab
1654    use extension, only : getEnvironment
1655    use pix_tools, only : nside2npix
1656    use paramfile_io, only: get_healpix_data_dir, scan_directories, &
1657         & get_healpix_pixel_window_file
1659    real(DP),     dimension(0:,1:), intent(OUT)          :: pixlw
1660    character(len=*),             intent(IN), optional :: windowfile
1661    integer(i4b),                 intent(IN), optional :: nside
1663    character(len=filenamelen) :: wfile, wfile_def, healpixdatadir
1664    character(len=4) :: sstr
1665    integer(I4B) :: npw_file, ncolw_file
1666    integer(I8B) :: npix
1667    integer(I4B) :: npw, ncolw, i
1668    logical(LGT) :: good, bad
1669    REAL(DP) ::  nullval
1670    character(len=*), parameter :: code = 'Pixel_Window > '
1671    real(DP),     dimension(:,:), allocatable :: pixtmp
1672    !=======================================================================
1674    call assert (present(nside) .or. present(windowfile), &
1675      code//'Nside or windowfile have to be present')
1677    npw   = size(pixlw, dim=1)
1678    ncolw = size(pixlw, dim=2)
1680    if (present(windowfile)) then
1681       wfile = trim(windowfile)
1682       inquire(file=wfile, exist = good)
1683    else
1684       if (nside == 0) then
1685          pixlw = 1.0_dp
1686          return
1687       endif
1688       npix = nside2npix(nside)
1689       if (npix < 0) then
1690          print*,code//'invalid Nside = ',nside
1691          call fatal_error
1692       endif
1693       healpixdatadir = get_healpix_data_dir()
1694       wfile_def = get_healpix_pixel_window_file(nside)
1695       good = scan_directories(healpixdatadir, wfile_def, wfile)
1696    endif
1697    if (.not.good) then
1698       print*,code//trim(wfile)//' not found'
1699       call fatal_error
1700    endif
170110  continue
1703    npw_file = getsize_fits(wfile, nmaps = ncolw_file)
1704    if (ncolw_file > 3) then
1705       print*,code//' Too many columns in '//trim(wfile)
1706       call fatal_error
1707    endif
1708    ! allocate tmp array large enough to read the whole file
1709    allocate(pixtmp(0:npw_file-1, 1:ncolw_file))
1711    if (npw_file < npw) then
1712       print*,'Only ',npw_file,' multipoles available in '//trim(wfile)//', expected ',npw
1713    endif
1715!     call read_dbintab(windowfile, pixlw, npw, ncolw_file, nullval, bad)
1716!     edited 2004-05-28
1717!     call read_dbintab(wfile, pixlw, npw, ncolw_file, nullval, bad)
1719!    call read_dbintab(wfile, pixtmp, npw_file, ncolw_file, nullval, bad)
1720    call read_bintab(wfile, pixtmp, npw_file, ncolw_file, nullval, bad)
1722    npw = min(npw_file, npw)
1723    ncolw_file = min(ncolw_file, ncolw)
1725    do i=1, ncolw_file
1726       pixlw(0:npw-1, i) = pixtmp(0:npw-1, i)
1727    enddo
1728    if (ncolw_file == 1) then       ! T only in file
1729       if (ncolw > 1) pixlw(:,2)  = pixlw(:,1) ! w_G = w_T
1730       if (ncolw > 2) pixlw(:,3)  = pixlw(:,1) ! w_C = w_T
1731    else if (ncolw_file == 2) then  ! T and G in file
1732       if (ncolw > 2) pixlw(:,3)  = pixlw(:,2) ! w_C = w_G
1733    endif
1735    deallocate(pixtmp)
1737    return
1738  end subroutine pixel_window
1743end module alm_tools